Glebe Report 1995 09 15 V23
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, . * te0:::At glebe 1995 Septemberreport 15, Tony the elephant comes to the Glebe BY FAITH SCHNEIDER seeming "terribly fat" Tony looked An elephant goes like this and that just right for his age of 24 years. He's ten-ibly big and he's terribly fat He eats 450 pounds of grain and He has no fingers, he has no toes, hay a day, consumed in two meals, But goodness gracious what a nose! plus a snack. He ages like a human and will live as long, his trainer That children's rhyme didn't half told us. Tony was loaned for 10 say it as the Glebe was graced for days on contract from the Bow- the duration of the Central Canada manville Zoo near Toronto for an Exhibition with Tony, all 12,000 exhibit on transportation over the pounds of him, making his trek ages. along the canal from the Ex to the I visited this amazing "elephant welcoming waters of Dow's Lake. show" three times, the last on the When I first heard that Tony would Sunday the Ex ended. By the final be performing his ablutions every morning the crowd had increased morning at Dow's Lake my curiosity considerably, but still there was a was aroused. On the second morn- quality about witnessing this par- ing a small group of adults and ticular elephant in the setting of children watched this amazing water and trees which was magical. creature serenely loping along the People smiled at each other, there curved bike path, tusks, ears, pil- was a sense of something sacred lar legs and all. We were trans- happening here as we watched Tony fixed as Tony moved down the boat bathe, watched his trainer gently ramp into the deeper water. There call to him, gently climb on his Tony rises to the occasion, a post-dip shower by trainer Michael was laughter and a sense of joy back and lead him ashore and then Hackenburger. (Photo: Faith Schneider) watching this creature lunge and scrub him and shower him down. tip and spray and on occasion We even clapped on occasion. Life rhythms, and it was about a deep of witnessing this graceful creature trumpet his bliss. in the fast lane was not what this sense of wonder and respect. I sus- will "walk more gently on the I was impressed that far from was about, it was about life's pect all of us who had the privilege earth." "Adelaide St. len h isn't everything" Preview Glebe Centre's plan for new addition on October 3rd The Glebe Centre Inc is holding a needs of these individuals and Community Consultation Oppor- their caregivers. As well, it will tunity for community residents and recognize and serve the needs of members of the general public in- seniors whose language of comfort terested in learning about the is neither French nor English. planned development of a 70 bed For more information on this multicultural long-term-care fa- Community Consultation Oppor- cility adjacent to Abbotsford Se- tunity, please call 238-2727 ext. niors' Centre and the Glebe Centre 323. Residence. The Community Consultation Op- portunity will be held on Tuesday INS IDE October 3, from 5 pm to 7 pm in the Letters 5 Multi-Purpose Room on the main floor of Abbotsford Senior Centre, GNAG 6 954 Bank Street. GCA 8 Preliminary drawings and Photo: Lee Blue Adelaide St. residents enjoyed their first annual street Skate 10 party August 12th. sketches of the two story addition will be on display and the Project Capital Column 14 representatives BY LEE BLUE A big thanks to all residents and Manager, key staff and members of the Board of the Glebe Questions 17 Residents of Adelaide Street en- especially Mario Pontiroli for or- joyed an evening of fine food, funky ganizing the flrst annual Adelaide Glebe Centre will be available to Business News... 18,19 music and provide additional details and to fantastic company Au- Street Party. Mario sends his Arts 25 gust 12th. Neighbours brought ta- thanks to Dan Hotte and Loeb Glebe answer questions. bles, barbecues and pot luck food for their generous discount on gro- With this project, the Glebe Cen- Books 28 onto the decorated street which was ceries and supplies for the party. tre, continues a century old tradi- closed for the event. Activities Also thanks to Dave O'Malley for tion of providing high quality care included a water balloon toss, face creating street t-shirts with the and services to older persons in Quote of the month painting and chalk art displays. logo "Adelaide Street - Length isn't Ottawa-Carleton. The 70 bed addi- The evening was topped off by live Everything." Watch for these col- tion includes a 33 bed special care You may be disappointed if you music performed by Debi Lambolen, lectors items on a Glebe Street near unit for persons with Alzheimer fail, but you are doomed if you Dan Dunlop, Jack Courville and Ken you. disease and related dementias don't try. Lauzon. which will address the urgent Beverly Sills NEWS Prof. Hilary Horan receives OCUFA teaching award the nominating students cite Hi- THE GLEBE lary's very high approval ratings on student evaluations across a wide range of courses. The criteria con- sidered for the award are many, BOOKSHOP including course instruction, con- sultation and advising, course de- sign, curriculum development and development of innovative teaching New Books materials. Hilary's students have consistently evaluated his perfor- General lnterest Books mance as superior in all these ar- eas. They often mention his en- Special Orders thusiasm for teaching, his innova- tive approach, creative use of re- sources and his ability to inspire Telephone: (613) 233-0021 779 Bank St. students to grow both intellectually Professor Hilary Horan and personally. His accessibility Fax: (613) 233-9959 Ottawa K1 S 3V5 BY JAN FRASER and dedication to his students were Hilary Horan, a longtime resident cause for Hilary to be regarded as a of the Glebe and an assistant pro- "mentor" to many. Twice he has fessor of Communications at the been voted "top teacher" by stu- University of Ottawa was recently dents in the Department of Com- r`L. selected to receive a teaching award munication. fl).111k from the Ontario Confederation of "I was honoured to receive that University Faculty Associations sort of recognition from my stu- (OCUFA). The OCUFA awards hon- dents," he said, "but to receive the our faculty members who have made OCUFA award as well is just won- significant contributions in the ar- derful." T. Zarkechvari NI.S. eas of instruction, teaching and As one former colleague writes, course development. Recipients "In addition to teaching and re- LANSDOWI\ E were honoured at a ceremony in _searching Professor loran plays Toronto on June 16. the absolutely crucial role in the ANIMAL HOSPITAL In its presentation of the award University of being an approach- CORNER OF BANK AÏ SUNNYSIDE OCUFA stated that "The fact that able, available and empathic guide. 281 SUNNYSIDE AVENUE Professor Horan was nominated by In the years 1 have known Professor PARKING AND EASY ACCESS his undergraduate students is more Horan I have observed countless 730-2460 than telling. He is the kind of students visit him in his office to Also available: House calls & Prescription Pet Food Mon.. Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m teacher who changes the lives of discuss their worries and problems Sat 9 a.m. .4 p.m Sun. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m those around him - students, col- - students who look to him as a leagues and staff." counselor and friend." OCUFA spokesperson Glen Brown It is clear that this is a teacher says the organization received who cares about his students and is "reams" of letters from Dr. Horan's willing to work tirelessly to en- current and former students in courage academic and personal ex- support of his nomination for the cellence. As OCUFA states "a truly PAEDIATRIC award. Submissions included by exceptional teacher." Transportation survey for SPORTS CARE National Capital Region A sports medicine clinic for Regional transportation agencies collecting trip information for each are working together on a survey household member (i.e. origin, today's active youth designed to obtain local travel data destination, time of departure, rea- that will help plan future trans- son for travel, mode of transporta- Talh to someone ivho understands the needs portation facilities and services for tion), interviewers will also collect of competitive athletes, and specializes in the pedestrians, cyclists, transit users related demographic data (i.e. age, injuries commonly associated with youth and motorists. gender, number of vehicles) that and children in sport. play a role in defining a house- The 1995 Origin Destination Sur- LORRAINE HENDRY, physiotherapist vey will examine travel choices, hold's transportation needs. ADI Limited, a local transporta- DR. PEGGY BAXTER, orthopaedic surgeon patterns and habits of residents. DR. KATHY KEELY, paediatrician Similar surveys were most recently tion consulting firm, has been hired to develop and implement the CATHERINE O'HALLORAN, undertaken in 1977 and 1986. The sport nutritionist/dietitian updated information gathered will survey and gather results on behalf be used to guide the development of of transportation agencies on both Overuse problems transportation policies and pro- sides of the Ottawa River. Used for Knee pain & joint problems grams in the National Capital Re- statistical purposes only, all in- Underlying medical conditions: gion. formation will be kept strictly asthma, diabetes, eating disorders, menstrual problems Over the next four months, tele- confidential. Only the combined phone interviewers will complete results from an area will be exam- 562-5970 to 21,000 surveys of randomly se- ined determine travel patterns University of Ottawa 100 Marie Curie, Suite 200, lected households.