July 19-July 29, 2001 73rd Summer North American Bridge Championships

Toronto,Ontario Vol. 73, No. 4 Monday, July 23, 2001 Editors: Brent Manley and Henry Francis

Courageous Cowan rejects self-pity, continues bridge For 13 months, New York attorney Phil Cowan has battled inoperable brain cancer. He has undergone a variety of medical treatments and is struggling to make it against long odds. Given those circumstances, one might ask what the 57-year-old is doing at the NABC. Cowan’s answer: “Dealing with it as best I can.” One of the best ways for him to cope, he says, is to play bridge. Although he is not nearly as sharp as he was before he was stricken, Cowan still plays with the dedication that led him to about 20 Summer NABCs in a row, playing mostly with regular partner Steve Becker. The two have played together and won numerous events since they started in the Seventies. They played the first two qualifying sessions of the Life Master Pairs earlier in the tournament and, despite Cowan’s condition, were only slightly below average in each session. “The doctors seem to think bridge is good for me,” Cowan says. The sentiment is echoed by his wife, Edna. “It exercises his memory,” she says, Phil Cowan, center, his wife, Edna, and longtime friend Steve Becker Continued on page 4 CEO Silber to leave ACBL Levin-Weinstein break string David O. Silber, chief executive officer of the ACBL since 1998, announced at Sunday’s meeting of the of Governors that he will leave the organi- of seconds with LM Pairs win zation at the end of the month. After a string of what seemed like “a million” sec- The two have been friends for a long time but part- At the meeting, Jim Kirkham, ACBL President, ond place finishes in major events, Robert Levin and ners for only about three years. Practically from the thanked Silber for his many contributions to the ACBL Steve Weinstein finally made it through to the top, tak- beginning, their extraordinary chemistry has produced and the United States Bridge Federation and indicated ing the lead after the first final session of the Life a succession of high finishes in major events, includ- that the Board of Directors will appoint a CEO search Master Pairs to win the event by nearly a full board. ing a victory in the Pairs in Las committee to identify a successor. Second place went to Ralph Katz and Gary Cohler. Vegas a couple of years ago. Kirkham announced that the search committee will Levin and Weinstein thought that was their break- be chaired by Wayne Hascall, who represents District through, but the string of seconds resumed after that. 12 on the Board. Even more frustrating was the fact that on several of In the interim, Jack Zdancewicz, ACBL’s chief finan- the occasions -- including the Cap Gemini in Europe cial officer, will serve as acting chief operating officer. and last year’s Vanderbilt Knockout Teams -- they were winning until the last board. Of course, second in several major events is noth- ing to sneeze at. “It’s been good,” said Weinstein, “but It's Goodwill Day! it feels a little better now.” Today is Goodwill Day and my co-chairs and I The partnership came together when Levin and invite all Goodwill Committee members to join us from Weinstein, both in longtime partnerships, were ready 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for the Goodwill Meeting in the Im- for a change. “We have worked really hard,” said Levin. perial Room at the Royal York Hotel. Weinstein had to make an adjustment from the We look forward to seeing each of you. Precision system he had played for many years, but , Chairman the two settled on a 2/1, . “It’s an National Goodwill Committee Robert Levin, left, and Steve Weinstein won LM Pairs Continued on page 6 Just ask Martha: no hanky panky with computer deals

In some circles, computer-generated At one time, the ACBL did business with deals have a decidedly bad reputation. Many an East Coast company which supplied the players believe the deals are manipulated to: computer deals for tournaments. Now, all (1) Be more difficult. deals are generated at ACBL Headquarters (2) Assure that all fail. in Memphis. (3) Have wilder distributions. Here is the process by which the com- In fact, computer-generated deals are puter-generated deals are created: truly random deals – no more, no less. If you Once a month, Martha Walls, who works prefer the less-exotic deals you sometimes in the Publishing Department, unlocks the find in your regular club game, it may be room near her office where the deals are cre- because the deals have been inadequately ated. The office stays locked at all times. shuffled, which tends to produce more even To start up a new set, Walls boots up the distributions. computer and opens the random-deal gen- Then again, some of the truly outland- erator created by ACBL systems analyst Jim ish deals reported in various publications Lopushinsky. were dealt by humans. Continued on page 4 Martha Walls, a non-bridge player, works on preparing computer deals Page 2 Daily Bulletin

SPECIAL EVENTS Zero tolerance three years later Monday, July 23, 2001 The ACBL Board of Directors -- citing a com- 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Easybridge! Accreditation with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and the Easybridge! mitment to “improving acceptable player behavior staff. Manitoba Room, Royal York Hotel. (Stage A in the morning, lunch break, Stage B in at all times” -- adopted Zero Tolerance as ACBL the afternoon). Accreditation is free. $20 covers course materials. policy, effective with the 1998 Spring NABC in 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon Competition and Conventions Committee at the Royal York Hotel, York Room Reno. 10:00 & 11:30 a.m. ACBL Online Seminar. Join Canadian expert Drew Cannell in Room 801 at the Metro Unacceptable behavior has decreased – our goal, Toronto Convention Centre to learn about this new ACBL service. however, is to eliminate unacceptable behavior as much 10:00 a.m. – Noon Accredited Teachers Update Meeting with Audrey Grant and the ACBL Education Department staff. Library Room, Royal York Hotel. as possible. 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Audrey Grant, Improving Your Judgment. Room Please report conduct that is unacceptable while 801, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Grant, Toronto, is the author of the ACBL teaching keeping in mind that we must be tolerant of other series: the Club, Diamond, Heart and Spade Series and the new Commonly Used Conventions. people in general -- and bridge players in particular. 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Goodwill Reception. Ballroom, Convnetion Level Royal York Hotel. (For Goodwill Also report conduct that is outstanding or refreshing. Committee members only. Commendable behavior includes (but is not lim- 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Curtis Cheek, Staying Low: How to Avoid Bad ited to): Slams and Dangerous Heights. Room 801, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Cheek, • Being a good “host” or “guest” at the table. Huntsville AL, is a bridge professional who has won numerous regional events. • Greeting others in a friendly manner. • Praising the bidding and/or play of the oppo- After evening session ITT Conditions of Contest subcommittee, Boardroom, Royal York. nents. • Having two clearly completed convention cards Tuesday, July 24, 2001 readily available to the opponents. This is also a regu- 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Easybridge! Accreditation with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and the Easybridge! lation. staff. Manitoba Room, Royal York Hotel. (Stage B only). Accreditation is free. $20 covers Unacceptable behavior includes (but is not lim- course materials. ited to): 9:00 a.m. – Noon Education Liaison Workshop. Library Room, Royal York Hotel. Seminar with • Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, Sandra of Great Britain. Landy introduces the teaching method that is causing a profanity, threats or violence. sensation in English schools. • Negative comments concerning opponents’ or 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon Competition and Conventions Committee at the Royal York Hotel, Boardroom. partner’s play or bidding. 10:00 & 11:30 a.m. ACBL Online Seminar. Join Canadian expert Drew Cannell in Room 801 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to learn about this new ACBL service. • Gloating over good results. 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Larry Cohen, The Real Deal. Room 801, • Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Cohen, Boca Raton FL, is the author of To Bid or Not to the table. Bid: The . He is an ACBL Grand Life Master and a regular columnist • Loud and disruptive arguing with a director’s for The Bridge Bulletin. ruling. 6:30 p.m. and will sign copies of “Win the with Me” at If you experience someone exhibiting discourte- the Royal York Hotel book stand on the Convention level. ous behavior or being other than civil, please call a 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Kathie Wei-Sender, Championship Bridge. tournament director immediately. If you feel that there Room 801, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Wei-Sender, Nashville, if a three-time world was a very serious breech of discipline, in addition to champion. She was named ACBL Honorary Member in 1987 and inducted into the Bridge the resolution by the tournament director at the table, Hall of Fame in 1999. please discuss the problem directly with the Director- in-Charge of the tournament. Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Should it become necessary to call a tournament 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Club Directors’ Continuing Education Course. Manitoba Room, Royal York Hotel. $25 director, you may simply state: “This player is inter- fee for this three-part course. Part One: the five most common laws plus laws fering with my enjoyment of the game.” governing the auction and the play. (Continues Thursday and Friday.) The director will then attempt to determine the facts. 10:00 a.m. – Noon Education Liaison Workshop. Library Room, Royal York Hotel. Betty Starzec If he establishes there was unacceptable behavior, an im- discusses the Unit Growth Program. mediate 1/4-board disciplinary penalty (3 IMPs in team 10:00 & 11:30 a.m. ACBL Online Seminar. Join Canadian expert Drew Cannell in Room 801 at the Metro games) shall be assigned to all offenders. Toronto Convention Centre to learn about this new ACBL service. This may involve any one or all four players at the 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: , Defense -- the Most Exciting Part of the Game. Room 801, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Seagram, table, regardless of who initiated the unacceptable be- Toronto, is the owner/manager of Kate Buckman Bridge Studio, one of North havior. If both members of a partnership are guilty, the America’s largest. She is the co-author of 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know penalties are cumulative (1/4 board each = 1/2 board and 25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding. or 3 IMPs each = 6 IMPs). 6:30 p.m. Bob McKinnon will sign copies of “Samurai Bridge” at the Royal York Hotel book If it is determined that a second offense has oc- stand on the Convention level. curred in the same event, the offender(s) shall be ejected 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Michael Huston, Thinking Like a Bridge from future competition in that event. Player. Room 801, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Huston, Joplin MO, is a former An offender removed from an event shall be English professor and labor relations consultant. He is now a bridge teacher and deemed not to have played in the event, no professional player. will be awarded and no refunds will be made. In the case of a serious offense and in the case of multiple offenses (three) during a tournament, a disci- USBF meeting A stopper? Not quite! plinary committee may determine whether the The United States Bridge Federation conditions Some years ago we published a hand played in offender(s) should be allowed to play in other events of contest committee will meet Monday everning af- 3NT by Bobby Gookin. He felt that his 10-small at the tournament and/or whether additional sanctions ter the Knockout Teams Monday session con- constituted a stopper even though the dummy was may be appropriate. cludes. The meeting will be in the Boardroom on the in the suit. While the director may issue a warning, directors mezzanine level at the Royal York Hotel. One of the players here had a slightly better stop- are strongly encouraged to give penalties and a warn- per, but he too now sees the follies of his ways. The ing should be given only when there is no clear viola- auction went like this: tion, where the facts cannot be clearly determined or Lost and Found West North East South there are mitigating circumstances. Offenders should If you lose something while at the Convention 1NT (1) Dbl 3 3NT receive an immediate penalty. Regardless of who may Centre, get in touch with Convention Centre Security. 4 4NT All Pass have initiated unacceptable behavior, all offenses are At the Royal York inquire at the Concierge Desk, which The 3NT bidder had only a doubleton 10 in spades, punishable. Retaliatory behavior is a punishable of- is in constant contact with Hotel Security. and his partner raised to 4NT on a singleton. It didn’t fense. Frivolous accusations will also be considered work – the opponents led spades. as offenses under this policy. Daily Bulletin Page 3 Juniors are a force A question of degree to be reckoned with for College winners The Junior team that will represent Canada in The players on the University of California at the World Junior Championships in Brazil later this San Diego bridge team thoroughly enjoyed this deal year will be a force to be reckoned with. Watch en route to their victory in the College Knockout Vincent Demuy of on this deal from the Teams here. No question about it – they earned a first semifinal of the Life Master Pairs. summa cum laude degree in defense. Board 25 J Board 27 9 8 5 Dlr: North A Q J 10 6 4 3 Dlr: South A Q 5 2 Vul: E-W A Q 8 2 Vul: None 5 3 K 8 6 5 8 Brian Power, Peter Louis and Henry Lee became Life A J 10 2 Q 7 4 8 7 5 4 K Q 3 Masters together yesterday in the Knockout Teams. K 7 8 5 2 K 10 9 6 3 10 9 3 K J 6 5 8 2 K J 10 9 7 6 4 K 9 6 2 A 5 3 3 teammates become 9 4 3 Q 7 A 10 9 6 3 2 K 5 3 9 Life Masters together J 8 7 4 74 A Q Yesterday was a big day for the team captained Q J 10 7 4 A J 10 2 by Debbie Robertson of Toronto – all three of her West North East South Table 1 teammates became Life Masters at the same mo- Czyzowicz Demuy Wolpert Heller West North East South 1 Dbl 1 ment – the second when they discovered they had Sirnam Parker Pass 3 All Pass won their semifinal match in Bracket 12 of the 1NT Darren Wolpert, East, led the K to dummy’s ace, Bluejays Knockout Teams. The men with their new Pass 2 2 2 and Demuy led a diamond. When Jurek Czyzowicz gold cards are Brian Power of Thornhill ON and Pass 4 All Pass put in the 10, Demuy let it hold. Czyzowicz switched Henry Lee and Peter Louis of Toronto. Sirnam Ramabhadran led the 8 to the king and to a heart away from his doubleton king, but Demuy What about Robertson? “I still have a long way to ace, and declarer took a successful to the Q. let it ride to dummy’s 9. He led another diamond and go,” she said. But I’m the pillar for this team – they He got the bad news about the suit when he then played the 8 from hand, losing to the jack. Wolpert wouldn’t be Life Masters if it weren’t for me.” cashed the A. He took a club finesse to the danger- played his Q and Demuy ruffed. He cashed his trump SUSAN GOON of Scarsdale NY became a Life ous hand and lost to the queen. Cameron Parker ace, dropping the king, and then drew the last trump. Master Friday by winning Bracket 8 of the Welcome switched to the Q and the defenders quickly gath- This was the position at this point: to Toronto Knockout Teams. Her partner was her hus- ered three spade tricks. Declarer still had to lose two -- band Gil, and their teammates were Lee Ohliger of trumps, so he went down three tricks. Table 2 10 Ridgewood NJ and Sandy Johnson of Ho-Ho-Kus NJ. West North East South A Q LAURIAN HASSELWANDER of Rochester Hills Hung Hazel 8 MI made the grade in Bracket 9 of the Toronto Knock- 8 -- 1NT out Teams. -- -- 2 (1) Pass 2 All Pass JOHN McGOVERN of Oakville ON also earned 10 K 6 Graham Hazel found the most devastating opening his gold card in the Welcome to Toronto Knockout K 9 A 5 lead – a trump. Declarer won with the queen and went 10 9 Teams. His wife Sue was on the team, but she was after hearts, putting up the king from dummy and losing -- partnered by Val Tabler of Mississauga ON. McGovern to the ace. Eugene Hung continued the attack on trumps, -- was playing with Gisella Gassman of Mississauga. and declarer tried a diamond to the jack, losing to the Q J queen. Hazel led his last trump, and declarer was in deep, He led the 10, completely fixing the defenders. dark trouble. He led another diamond, losing to the ace, Wolpert could see that he would be endplayed if dis- Restaurant guide and Hazel found the perfect return – the 8, which forced carded his small club, and a diamond discard would declarer to cover with the 9. Hung took his queen and have been equally disastrous. So he took his only corrections accurately switched to the Q. After winning three tricks chance – he ditched the A. Demuy pitched a spade #7 – Remo’s: out of business. in that suit, Hazel led a fourth club, forcing declarer to from dummy and now the noose tightened on West. #2, 3, 4 & 5 – Armadillo Texas Grill, East Side . But declarer had to lead away from dummy’s 10- He sluffed his spade, postponing the inevitable. Demuy Marios, The Fish House and Joe Badali’s are located 6, and the defense took two more heart tricks for down cashed the A, taking away West’s last out card, and on Front Street WEST of the Royal York, not east. four and an 8-IMP gain. then led the club. Demuy won his 10th trick with the The correct phone number for Joe Notice that hearts was the key suit. The Califor- J for an excellent result. Badali’s is 416-977-3064. nians won two tricks in the suit when they defended #23 The Acme Grill is now The Duke 4 and then took four heart tricks against 2 . of Argyle. Page 4 Daily Bulletin

Montreal Championship Quiz To heighten awareness of Champi- onships in Montreal, Quebec, next year (Aug. 16-31), the organizers will offer a daily bridge problem with prizes for the winners during the 2001 Summer NABC. There will be a drawing from among the names of those who answer correctly – and five will win copies of the World Championship Book from 1995 or 1996 (your choice while supplies last). Turn in your answers to the Daily Bulletin office – Algonquin Room on the Mezzanine Level at the Royal York Hotel. Check the Daily Bulletin for the list of winners. Quiz #3 Q J 9 8 A 4 Q 8 6 5 A Q 3

A K 10 3 2 K Q 5 J 7 4 5 4 You, South are in 4. : 2. West is a player who loves to underlead kings. How should you play this contract with the club lead? Thanks again to Eddie Kantar for the problem. Solution to Quiz #2 A J 7 6 Betty Starzec, third from right at the bottom, poses in the Royal York Hotel with most members of the largest Teacher 3 2 Accreditation Program ever – 48 teachers-to-be. The TAPs have been going on since 1986 and are conducted at every A Q 7 6 NABC. The next TAP is set for the 2001 Fall NABC in Las Vegas. TAPs for regionals are available on request. Starzec K 9 4 directed the TAP in Toronto. 2 4 3 A Q 9 8 10 7 6 5 4 J 10 9 8 5 4 3 2 Martha Continued from page 1 Cowan Continued from page 1 Q 10 8 A J 7 K Q 10 9 8 5 Walls, looking at a with blank spaces for “which is important because his short-term memory K J 52 cards, takes out a deck, shuffles it at least seven was affected.” K times and deals out four hands. She then enters the The grim diagnosis last June was the culmination 6 5 3 2 cards in each of the corresponding compass directions of a series of physical problems for Cowan. For months Here is what Kantar, who provided yesterday’s on the screen. She then fills in the number of sets of before that, he knew something was wrong because he problem, had to say about this deal. deals she needs, and starts the process. Last year, Walls kept “bonking into people” and losing his balance. Bad The only two to go down on this deal is to have a used the computer to generate 10,825 sets of deals for became worse one day when he collapsed in his of- mental lapse or a complete collapse. There are 10 tricks tournaments, including NABCs. fice. there for the taking, and even though a well-known The deals come out in sets on a laser printer hooked “He hadn’t been right for about six months,” re- expert did go down, you shouldn’t. to the computer. After the printing is completed, the calls Becker. “He kept breaking bridge dates with me, Simply win the K, draw as many trumps as nec- deals are packaged and sealed immediately, along with saying he didn’t feel well.” essary, ending on the table, discard two hearts on the a sheet containing all the deals in the set. That sheet is Becker remembers visiting Cowan in the hospital two high diamonds and eventually lead up to your K. photocopied at the tournament so that players can have after the collapse. He and Cowan had been planning to If West has the ace you make an overtrick. If East has the hand records after each session. play at the 2000 Summer NABC in Anaheim. Cowan the A, you make your contract. No one sees the deals until a tournament director apologized for having to cancel the trip to Anaheim, The only way to mangle this one is to discard clubs opens a package at a tournament for duplication by “but we’re going to Toronto.” on the diamonds and then try to hold your club and players. Says Becker: “I thought there was no way.” heart losers to three tricks. That won’t always work, Walls, who has worked at the ACBL for 21 years – Phil and Edna had become engaged the week he but the recommended play will. mostly in the now-defunct print shop – has never played was diagnosed with cancer. They went ahead with the Quiz #2 winners: Jacques Sormany, Jacob Morgan, bridge. If she was so inclined, she wouldn’t know how wedding plans despite the bad news. They were mar- Bernard Gench, P. Mallela and Gene Kazlow. Please pick to “manipulate” a bridge deal. “I wouldn’t know a ried at the New York University Medical Center. up your prize in the Daily Bulletin office, Algonquin bridge hand from Adam,” she says. Since the diagnosis, Cowan had undergone radia- Room, mezzanine level at the Royal York Hotel. Lopushinsky says the program he wrote to gener- tion treatments, chemotherapy and a procedure known ate the deals is capable of creating all deals possible, as a “gamma knife” – like a laser, according to Edna. but no one reading this piece could ever see them. The Cowan says the illness and what he has gone Newest Certified Club Directors number of possible deals is a mind-boggling through have been “tougher on Edna than on me.” The following students took the Club and Cruise 53,644,737,765,488,792,839,237,440,000. It has also been hard on Becker, who admires his Directors Course and have passed their tests to become If you could examine one bridge deal per second friend’s courage. “He just wants to play,” Becker says. the newest Certified Club Directors: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the Despite his problems, Cowan soldiers on. No way Mel Barlow, Niagara-on-the-Lake ON number of years it would take to see all the deals pos- will he be, as he puts it, “lying there going, ‘Oy, vey’.” Dick Brown, The Netherlands Bill Campbell, ON sible would be a 29-digit number. Consider that even In fact, he is hoping to attend the 2001 Fall NABC in Joan Clow, Brockville ON with 1 billion deals – a tiny fraction of the number Las Vegas. Charles Dalmas, Sarnia ON possible – it would take 178 years to view that number “There’s nothing better,” Cowan says, “than being Ed Danziger, Willowdale ON even at one per second all day every day year round. at a craps table at midnight with bridge players all Geoffrey Edwards, Deep River ON ❑ Brenda Geden, North Bay ON Lopushinsky said the deal generator operates with around you.” June Harris, Kincardine ON a seed number and a 20-digit number that combines Ram Hira, North Vancouver BC with the clock in the computer to assure that no deal is Janis Holle, St. Ignace MI ever duplicated. The chances of having a duplicate deal, Club director refresher course Marlene Kilgore,Wichita KS he says, would be the same as your chances of getting Mike Kilgore, Wichita KS Bring your Laws books and plan on a three-day the same deal on consecutive nights after a thorough Betty Kubetz, Midland ON club director course on the Laws and Ruling the Game, Carol Leroux, North Bay ON shuffle the second time around. scheduled for July 25, 26 and 27 in the Manitoba Room Gene Mark, North York ON After he first wrote the deal generator, Lopushinsky on the mezzanine level in the Royal York Hotel. Nori Mark, North York ON says, he checked it once a week for about a year to Cathy Miller, Burnaby BC The course, starting at 9 a.m. each day and lasting assure that the deals being created conformed to math- Gordon Mori, Unionville ON about three hours, will be taught by tournament direc- John O’Brien, Peterborough ON ematical expectations. It was right on target every time, tors Roger Putnam and Guillermo Poplawsky. The cost Jeannie Ryan, Moorestown NJ he says. is $25 (U.S.). Elizabeth Schwartz, Ottawa ON If you are one who objects to the use of computer Patricia Scott, Fredericksburg VA The schedule: deals, consider how long it would take to start a game Paul Simon, Arlington MA Wednesday : the five most commonly used laws, June Smith, Parry Sound ON with several different sections if hand records were not and laws governing the auction and play. Ann Szarka, Parry Sound ON available for duplication in all sections at the same time. Thursday: continuance of laws governing the play, Doug Tucker, Plano TX The alternative would be to have players in each sec- Lia-Mai Ulpman, Toronto ON plus other laws dealing with irregularities. tion play their own deals without duplication, not a Bill Wheeler, Merrickville ON Friday: an exam offering certificates to those who desirable choice in events where there is an overall Adrienne Young, Toronto ON successfully complete the program. winner. ❑ Daily Bulletin Page 5

ACBL Online Deal: May I show you my winkle? World Computer Championship By Marc Smith The ACBL’s fifth annual World Vince Oddy is probably best known in the bridge club to dummy’s 10. Championship starts today and continues through Satur- world as the man behind Canada’s biggest online sup- Now Arbour set about cashing some winners – first day, when the final will take place. Six programs from plier of bridge books, so it is a fair assumption that he the two minor-suit kings and then three spade tricks. six different countries are scheduled to compete. has seen his share of neat plays and clever hands. West had to pitch his long diamonds to retain the club The format will be a double round-robin coming down When he approached me at the end of Sunday’s guard, so these cards now remained: to two finalists. Matches will be played in the first session of the Life Master Pairs final with the -- Saskatchewan Room on the mezzanine level at the Royal question, “Can I show you my partner’s winkle?” I J 10 York Hotel. figured this would be a deal worth seeing. Judge for -- This year’s sponsor, FunBridge.com, is a French and yourself. 3 Canadian software company specializing in innovative Board 24 J 4 2 -- -- and entertaining online bridge activities. They can be Dlr: West J 10 4 3 Q A 9 8 found online at www.funbridge.com and www.goto.co.uk. Vul: None K J 10 -- -- Last year’s championship was played in Maastricht, K 10 3 Q 8 -- the Netherlands, in conjunction with the World Bridge Q 7 10 9 6 3 -- Federation’s World Bridge Team Championships. For a Q 2 A 9 8 6 5 7 history of this event event see www.members.aol.com/ 7 6 5 3 2 Q 8 -- allevy/Maastricht. Q 8 6 2 9 5 A J Last year’s champion, Meadowlark, has withdrawn A K 8 5 Arbour could have cashed the club ace for 10 tricks from this year’s competition, citing programming diffi- K 7 and a fair matchpoint result. He spotted a much better culties. The contestants are Blue Chip Bridge from the A 9 4 option, though -- he exited with the 7. West played UK, Bridge Baron from the U.S., Micro Bridge from Ja- A J 7 4 the queen perforce, and what could East do? pan, Q-Plus Bridge from Germany, WBridge5 from West North East South If he overtook, he would then have to surrender a France and Jack from the Netherlands. Oddy Arbour trick to dummy’s J. He therefore allowed his partner’s An exhibition pitting three top human teams against 1 Q to win, and thus West was left to lead away from computer opponents will take place later in the week. Pass 1 Pass 2NT his Q at Trick 12. Eleven tricks for declarer: plus Times and participants will be announced later, but Zia Pass 3NT All Pass 660 and a very good matchpoint result for the Canadi- has said he wants in. West opened with a diamond covered by the 10, ans. queen and ace. How would you have played? Baron Barclay times Declarer at the table in question was Mark Arbour The Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies store will be from nearby Scarborough ON. Today’s snacks open at the following hours: His first move was a low spade toward dummy. At the Metro Toronto Convention Centre: Gour- Royal York (Convention floor), 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. and Good news – West hopped in with the queen and played met wraps. Choices are smoked salmon, roast beef and 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. a second diamond. More good news came when de- asparagus, smoked turkey and grilled vegetables. Convention Centre (800 level) , 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., clarer then led a heart to the king and followed with a At the Royal York Hotel: Back bacon on a bun. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., 11 p.m. - midnight. Come to the World Bridge Championships August 2002 – Montreal Visit the web site at wbf.bridge.gr/

Friday 16 Par Contest Opening Ceremony Saturday 17 Mixed Pairs - qualifying 1 & 2 Sunday 18 Mixed 3 - 1st Final Zonal Monday 19 Mixed 2 & 3 - Final Mixed Pairs Tuesday 20 Rosenblum/McConnell Junior Teams Wednesday 21 Rosenblum/McConnell Junior Teams Thursday 22 Rosenblum/McConnell Junior Pairs Friday 23 Rosenblum (64)/McConnell (32) Zonal Teams Junior Pairs Senior Teams Saturday 24 Rosenblum (32)/McConnell (16) Zonal Teams Junior Individual Senior Teams Sunday 25 Rosenblum (16)/McConnell (8) Pairs Qualifying Senior Teams Monday 26 Rosenblum (8)/McConnell (4) Pairs Qualifying Senior Teams Tuesday 27 Rosenblum (4)/McConnell (2) Pairs Seminfinal Senior Pairs Wednesday 28 Rosenblum (2) Pairs Semifinal IMP Pairs Senior Pairs Thursday 29 Pairs final IMP Pairs Senior Pairs Friday 30 Pairs Final IMP Pairs Senior Pairs Saturday 31 Pairs Final Closing Ceremony

An ACBL regional tournament will be conducted in conjunction with the world championships. It will begin Aug. 16 and conclude Sept. 2, 2002. fees for the 2002 World Bridge Championships in Montreal. All prices U.S.

Event Price Length of event Rosenblum & McConnell Teams $800 11 days - all teams guaranteed to play at least five days. Open & Women’s Pairs $480 Six and a half days - Pairs eliminated may continue to play in the Senior Pairs or IMP Pairs free of charge. Senior Teams $640 Four days. IMP Pairs $160 Two days. Regional events $10 Per player, per session. Junior events Free of charge Six days. Page 6 Daily Bulletin

TOP 32 SEEDS IN SPINGOLD KO TEAMS TOP 16 SEEDS IN WAGAR WOMEN’S KO TEAMS 1 Rose Meltzer - , Newbury VT; George Mittelman, 1 Kathie Wei-Sender, Nashville 9 Marcia Masterson, Pasadena Los Gatos CA; Kyle Larsen, San Fran- Toronto ON; Sheila Ekeblad, Providence TN; Betty Ann Kennedy, Shreveport LA; CA; Beverly Rosenberg, Sherman Oaks cisco CA; Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg RI Janice Seamon-Molson, Miami FL; Tobi CA; Sharon Colson, Kirkland WA; Janet MD; Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA; 17 - - Sokolow, Austin TX; , Bronx Daling, Seattle WA; Joan Stein, Milwau- Chip Martel, Davis CA Bjorn Fallenius, New York NY; Fred NY; Juanita Chambers, Boca Raton FL kee WI; Eunice Rosen, Highland Park 2 Nick Nickell, New York NY; Gitelman, Toronto ON; Steve Garner, 2 Pam Wittes, Venice CA; Renee IL Jeff Meckstroth, Tampa FL; Eric Northfield IL; Howard Weinstein, St Mancuso, Los Angeles CA; Sue 10 Jo Morse, Palm Beach Gardens Rodwell, Clearwater FL; , Charles IL Weinstein, Las Vegas NV; Cheri FL; Susan Miller, Boca Raton FL; Joan Dallas TX; Paul Soloway, Mill Creek 18 Walter Schafer Jr, Naperville Bjerkan, Elmhurst IL Eaton, Willowdale ON; Suzy Burger, WA; Richard Freeman, Atlanta GA IL; John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT; Dick 3 Petra Hamman - Joan Jackson, West Bloomfield MI; Candace Fowler 3 George Jacobs, Burr Ridge IL; Melson, Chicago IL; David Lehman, Dallas TX; Mildred Breed, College Sta- Griffey, Daytona Beach FL Ralph Katz, Hinsdale IL; Lorenzo Lauria Glenview IL tion TX; Shawn Quinn, Katy TX; Judi 11 June Deutsch - Florence - Alfredo Versace, Rome, Italy; Norberto 19 Lou Ann O’Rourke, Portola Radin, New York; Sylvia Moss, Kings Rotman, Aventura FL; Dorothy Truscott, Bocchi, Milan, Italy; Giorgio Duboin, Valley CA; Marc Jacobus - Billy Miller, Point NY Bronx NY; Edith Freilich, Miami Beach Turin, Italy Las Vegas NV; , San Fran- 4 Jill Meyers, Santa Monica CA; FL; Sharon Hait, Livingston NJ; Barbara 4 James Cayne, New York NY; cisco CA; Billy Cohen, Calabasas CA; Randi Montin, Napa CA; , Sartorius, Lake Hiawatha NJ Mike Passell, Plano TX; Michael Curtis Cheek, Huntsville AL Stony Point NY; Irina Levitina, Fair 12 Judy Pede, Cerritos CA; Seamon, Miami Beach FL; Grant Baze, 20 George Steiner, Seattle WA; Lawn NJ; Beth Palmer, Silver Spring Carreen Hinds, Bakersfield CA; Carol La Jolla CA; Robert Levin, Bronx NY; Steve Beatty, Destrehan LA; Gaylor MD; Lynn Deas, Schenectady NY Pincus, Las Vegas NV; Cathy Strauch, Steve Weinstein, Glen Ridge NJ Kasle - Drew Casen - Lee Rautenberg, 5 Laurie Vogel - Gail Greenberg San Diego CA 5 , Pebble Beach Boca Raton FL; Joseph Silver, - Susan Wexler - G. Margie 13 Nadine Wood, Silver Spring CA; , Carmel CA; Tony Hampstead PQ Gwozdzinsky, New York; Nell Cahn, MD; Barbara Heller, Decatur GA; Forrester, Herrefordshire, England; Paul 21 Uday Ivatury - Christal Henner- Shreveport LA; Ellasue Chaitt, Palm Corinne Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Chemla, France Welland - James Rosenbloom, New York Beach Gardens FL Irene Hyatt, Arvada CO 6 Steve Robinson, Arlington VA; NY; Magnus Lindkuist, Hoor, Sweden; 6 Hjordis Eythorsdottir, Hunts- 14 Jan Assini, Aurora OH; Laurie Peter Boyd, Silver Spring MD; Kit Peter Fredin, Malmo, Sweden ville AL; , New York Kranyak, Bay Village OH; Roni Gitchel, Woolsey, Kensington CA; , 22 Paul Lewis - Linda Lewis, NY; Shannon Cappelletti, Red Bank TN; Pittsburgh PA; Jan George, Las Vegas Kingston NY; Sidney Lazard, Dallas TX; Vashon WA; Harry Tudor, Miami FL; , Nashville TN; Rozanne NV Bart Bramley, Chicago IL Daniel Rotman, Aventura FL; Mark Pollack, Warren NJ; Libby Fernandez, 15 Lynne Schaefer, Rochester Hills 7 Richard Schwartz, East Itabashi, Murrieta CA Northport AL MI; Martha Katz, Hinsdale IL; Elmhurst NY; Michael Becker - Larry 23 Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ; 7 Lynn Baker, Austin TX; Karen Georgiana Gates, Houston TX; Abby Cohen, Boca Raton FL; Zia Mahmood, John Onstott, New Orleans LA; Jim McCallum, Exeter NH; - Heitner, Wheaton MD; Sheri Winestock, New York NY; Michael Rosenberg, Robison, Las Vegas NV; Gene Freed, Marijke Van Der Pas, the Netherlands Toronto ON; Pamela Nisbet, Long Sault Wykagyl NY; David Berkowitz, Old Los Angeles CA; Allan Falk, Okemos 8 Jan Martel, Davis CA; Sally ON Tappan NJ MI; David Siebert, Little Rock AR Woolsey, Kensington CA; Carlyn 16 Lynne Feldman, Champaign IL; 8 George Rosenkranz, Menlo 24 Norb Kremer - Neil Chambers, Steiner, Seattle WA; Marinesa Letizia, Roberta Epstein, Las Vegas NV; Elaine Park CA; John Mohan, Christiansted VI; Schenectady NY; Pratap Rajadhyaksha, Kingston NY; Lisa Berkowitz, Old Said, Nashville TN; Daisy Goecker, , New York NY; Geir Helgemo, Powell OH; Stephen Landen, Rochester Tappan NJ; Joann Glasson, Pennington Yardley PA; Mary Paul - Gloria Trondheim, Norway; Piotr Gawrys - Hills MI; Dennis Clerkin, Bloomington NJ Silverman, Toronto ON Jacek Pszczola, Poland IN; Jerry Clerkin, North Vernon IN 9 Jack Coleman, San Francisco 25 Jim Zimmerman, Shaker CA; Chris Compton, Dallas TX; Ceary Heights OH; , Balicki - Adam Zmudzinski, Poland; An- Morgantown WV; Phillip Becker, drew Gromov - Aleksander Petrunin, Beachwood OH; Kumar Bhatia, Cleve- Russia land OH 10 Malcolm Brachman, Dallas 26 Mel Colchamiro - Janet TX; Chuck Burger, West Bloomfield MI; Colchamiro, Merrick NY; Steve Bloom Eric Greco, Philadelphia PA; Geoff - Betty Bloom, Duanesburg NY Hampson, Los Angeles CA; , 27 Bill Eisenberg, Perris CA; Ri- Houston TX; Mark Lair, Canyon TX chard Coren, Fort Lauderdale FL; Peter 11 Gerald Sosler - , Stromberg - Fredrik Nystrom, Purchase NY; Massimo Lanzarotti - Stockholm, Sweden; Bryan Maksymetz, Andrea Buratti - Antonio Smenta - Coquitlam BC; Lars Andersson, Sweden Fulvio Fantoni, Italy 28 Mark Gordon, Purchase NY; 12 , Jackson Richard Zucker, Dobbs Ferry NY; Jim Heights NY; Ivar Stakgold, Wilmington Krekorian - Winthrop Allegaert, New DE; Bobby Wolff, Fort Worth TX; Dan York NY; Mark Molson, Miami FL; Morse, Houston TX; Richard Pavlicek, Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ Fort Lauderdale FL; Hugh Ross, Oak- 29 Michael Moss, New York NY; land CA Fred Chang, Fresh Meadows NY; Jeff 13 Steve Levinson - Barnet Schuett, Riverwoods IL; Kerry Smith, To draw attention to the 2002 Summer NABC in Washington DC, bridge officials Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Jassem Milwaukee WI from the area got together at the Royal York Hotel wearing T-shirts promoting Krzysztof - Piotr Tuszynski, Poland 30 Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank the tournament. They posed with an Uncle Sam replica. They are, from left, 14 Ron Rubin, Miami FL; Matt TN; , Los Angeles CA; Nadine Wood, who represents District 6 on the ACBL Board of Directors; Ron Granovetter, Kennesaw GA; Russell Walt Walvick, Mc Lean VA; Steve Spieker, finance chairman for the Summer NABC; Margot Hennings, tournament chairman; Charity Sack, marketing chairman; Bruce Culmer, president of the Ekeblad, Providence RI; Robert Lipsitz, Lapides, Lutherville MD; Haig Northern Virginia Bridge Association, and Barbara Doran, president of the Palm Harbor FL; Roger Bates, Mesa AZ; Tchamitch, Peoria AZ Washington Bridge League. T-shirts are available from Hennings, who urges , New York NY 31 Betty Rossmann - Ed Ulman, all those who have purchased them to wear them this coming Thursday at the 15 Ron Gerard, White Plains NY; Portland OR; George Whitworth, Toronto NABC. , Dallas TX; Ross Grabel, Coarsegold CA; Brenda Keller - Bruce Huntington Beach CA; Jon Wittes, Ferguson, Boise ID LM Pairs Continued from page 1 Thanks, Unit 249 Claremont CA; Mark Feldman, New 32 Brigitte Mavromichalis, Swit- Members of the Intermediate/New- York NY; William Pollack, Warren NJ zerland Terje Aa - Glen Grotheim, Nor- average-aggressive style,” Weinstein comer group for the Summer NABC, ex- 16 Marcin Lesniewski - Christof way; Justin Hackett - Jason Hackett - said, “with a lot of treatments.” press thanks to Unit 249 in London ON Martens, Poland; , West Paul Hackett, Manchester, England Levin, who had been in Florida for for supporting the newcomer reception this several years, returned to New York a past Saturday and the coming Saturday. year ago last May to trade on the Ameri- can Stock Exchange. Weinstein is also Bridge Calendar giveaway involved in the stock market. Addition During the evening session today, Bridge Calendars for 2002 will be given Levin is now a three-time winner of Chris Lubesnik is a member of the away to those players who will be chosen by lot according to their seat position. the LM Pairs. He won with Richard Katz U.S. Junior team that will play in Brazil These calendars are the gift of Ashlar House, producers of the calendar. Ashlar in 1989 and with Jeff Wolfson in 1994. next month. His name was omitted in House also makes a major annual donation to the ACBL Educational Foundation. Weinstein won 20 years ago with Fred the report on the Stewart. ! Flight B in Sunday’s Daily Bulletin. Daily Bulletin Page 7

LIFE MASTER PAIRS 156 Pairs 190.00 1 Steve Weinstein, Glen Ridge NJ; Robert Levin, Bronx NY 2579.23 Showing goodwill 142.50 2 Gary Cohler, Highland Park IL; Ralph Katz, Hinsdale IL 2504.02 Today is Goodwill Day, so it is appro- 106.88 3 Robert Gookin, Falls Church VA; Earl Glickstein, Gaithersburg MD 2472.63 priate to report two events illustrating how 87.69 4 Fred Stewart, Kingston NY; Kit Woolsey, Kensington CA 2413.19 it’s done. 81.43 5 Vernon Evans - Monte Evans, Redfield SD 2409.77 76.00 6 Phillip Becker, Beachwood OH; Kumar Bhatia, Cleveland OH 2403.06 Evan and Jared Markowitz were impressed 71.25 7 Jim Robison, Las Vegas NV; Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 2396.50 with the calm demeanor of their opponents af- 67.06 8 Samuel Cohen, Lisle IL; James Griffin, Austin TX 2386.62 ter a disaster during their knockout match. 63.33 9 Eric Greco, Philadelphia PA; Mike Passell, Plano TX 2386.57 Gary Robertson and Lee Easterbrook had a 60.00 10 Sam Lev, New York NY; Jacek Pszczola, Poland 2369.96 bidding accident and ended up in 2 re- 57.00 11 Ross Grabel, Huntington Bh CA; Jon Wittes, Claremont CA 2367.71 doubled, down 1600, when they were cold for 54.29 12 Dan Morse, Houston TX; Bobby Wolff, Fort Worth TX 2356.02 a slam in clubs. 51.82 13 Mark Caplan, Toronto ON; David Caplan, North York ON 2344.30 In another knockout match, the Educa- 49.57 14 Jim Barrow, Lake Charles LA; Michael Polowan, New York NY 2338.29 tional Foundation KO, the team captained by 47.50 15 Stephen Brown, Nepean ON; Pierre Daigneault, Montreal PQ 2338.00 45.60 16 , San Antonio TX; Hemant Lall, Plano TX 2334.45 John Moschella made it to the final but could 43.85 17 Ata Aydin - Gokhan Yilmaz, Turkey 2324.28 not complete the morning session if the start- 42.22 18 Wayne Ohlrich - Henry Lortz, Seattle WA 2319.61 ing time was the usual 9 a.m. Their opponents 40.71 19 Allen Hawkins Jr - Jim Foster, Birmingham AL 2318.57 – Burrell and Joy Humphreys, Eli and Cynthia 39.31 20 Jeff Meckstroth, Tampa FL; Perry Johnson, Bloomfield MI 2312.11 Schneider and Ryan Humphreys – could have 38.00 21 Zia Mahmood, New York NY; Michael Rosenberg, Wykagyl NY 2304.10 won the event by forfeit, but they graciously 36.77 22 Ira Ewen, New York NY; David Gurvich, Brooklyn NY 2297.38 agreed to start the match at 7:30 a.m. The 35.63 23 Kent Massie, Lexington VA; Geoffrey Mallette, Christiansburg VA 2288.89 Moschella team won but the Humphreys squad 34.55 24 Alexander Ladyzhensky - Irina Ladyzhensky, Bradenton FL 2282.18 earned the admiration of the directing staff. 33.53 25 Eric Balkam, Halifax NS; Michael Betts, Toronto ON 2280.85 32.57 26 Kenji Miyakuni - Yasuhiro Shimizu, Tokyo, Japan 2279.87 31.67 27 Sangarapil Mohan, Oak Brook IL; Claude Vogel, Chicago IL 2275.83 30.81 28 Michael Becker, Boca Raton FL; Richard Schwartz, East Elmhurst NY 2274.26 30.00 29 Richard Pavlicek, Fort Lauderdale FL; , Toronto ON 2269.68 Educational Foundation 29.23 30 Paul Lewis, Vashon WA; John Gowdy, Toronto ON 2266.23 28.50 31 , Buffalo NY; John Hurd, Charleston SC 2261.41 OKs seed money plan 34.60 32 David Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Larry Cohen, Boca Raton FL 2251.10 The Educational Foundation has given many 27.14 33 , Little Rock AR; Randall Pettit, Marietta GA 2244.96 grants over the years for very diverse and impor- 26.51 34 Peter Stromberg - Fredrik Nystrom, Stockholm, Sweden 2241.47 25.91 35 Jurek Czyzowicz, Aylmer PQ; Darren Wolpert, Thornhill ON 2239.64 tant projects. At its meeting on Saturday, the Board 25.33 36 Laurie Kranyak - Kenneth Kranyak, Bay Village OH 2238.69 approved a grant for what it believes represents the 24.78 37 - Jim Green, Toronto ON 2231.40 future of bridge. The Foundation is providing the 24.26 38 Mark Arbour, Scarborough ON; Vince Oddy, Aurora ON 2225.69 seed money for an ambitious after-school program 23.75 39 Douglas Doub, W Hartford CT; Debbie Rosenberg, New Rochelle NY 2224.81 that its members envision will have young people 23.27 40 Ron Feldman, Torrance CA; George Whitworth, Coarsegold CA 2224.71 everywhere playing bridge in the very near future. 22.80 41 Curtis Cheek, Huntsville AL; Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 2224.18 The Foundation, which has always strongly sup- 22.35 42 Dale Johannesen - Lynn Johannesen, Sunnyvale CA 2221.62 ported Junior programs, continued this effort. The 21.92 43 K Jassem - P Tuszynski, Poznan, Poland 2203.68 Board approved grants for the 2002 National College 21.51 44 Mark Bartusek, Santa Barbara CA; John Jones, Lakewood CA 2199.80 21.11 45 Sean Ganness, Miami FL; Michael White, Atlanta GA 2196.48 Team Championship and will subsidize all Zone 2 20.73 46 William Muir - Victoria Muir, Kansas City MO 2196.02 (North America) ACBL members who attend the Jun- 20.36 47 Paul Munafo - Larry Sealy, Huntsville AL 2194.59 ior Camp in Washington DC next summer. The cost of 20.00 48 Paul Soloway, Mill Creek WA; Steve Catlett, Richmond VA 2183.19 the camp is anticipated to be $425 per camper. Each 19.66 49 Farid Assemi, Fresno CA; Leszek Rabiega, Salt Lake City UT 2182.15 Junior member who attends will get a $200 subsidy. 19.32 50 Kamel Fergani, Longueuil PQ; Nicolas L’Ecuyer, Montreal PQ 2174.42 The Foundation will continue to support worth- 19.00 51 Martin Fleisher, New York NY; JoAnna Stansby, Castro Valley CA 2165.51 while education projects for all levels and needs. The 18.69 52 Larry Mori, Clearwater FL; Stephen Landen, Rochester Hills MI 2160.86 continued financial by the ACBL membership via the 18.39 53 Richard Coren, Fort Lauderdale FL; John Sutherlin, Dallas TX 2159.27 $2 checkoff on the membership dues form is a major 18.10 54 Stephen Earl - Allan Rothenberg, W Hartford CT 2156.64 source of funds. The Foundation hopes all members 17.81 55 Sidney Lazard, Dallas TX; Bart Bramley, Chicago IL 2152.19 17.54 56 Randolph Johnson, Billerica MA; Henry Wong, Medford MA 2149.65 will continue to participate in this way and in every 24.42 57 Alan Watson, Lexington MA; David Becher, Swampscott MA 2145.45 other way possible. 17.02 58 Marc Culberson - Andrea Culberson, Weston FL 2140.27 16.76 59 Carl Chadwick, Hamilton ON; Abe Paul, Roswell GA 2134.32

FRIDAY-SUNDAY SIDE GAME Shuttle schedule 500 Players The ACBL Shuttle Service will be available 17.99 1/2 Richard Kaye, Bingham Farms MI 126.92% 17.99 1/2 Edward White, Grand Blanc MI 126.92% throughout this tournament. The daily schedule: 11.53 3/4 Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 125.64% Beginning at 8:35 a.m., the shuttle departs the 11.53 3/4 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA 125.64% Royal York Hotel (York Street entrance) at :05 and :35 7.61 5 Barbara Smallwood, Atlanta GA 119.50% past the hour. 9.00 6/7 Anita Goldman, Syosset NY 118.75% Beginning at 8:45 a.m., the shuttle departs the 9.00 6/7 Shelley Fishman, Merrick NY 118.75% Holiday Inn on King (Widmer Street side) at :15 and 6.12 8 Charles Bradford Jr, Columbus GA 117.63% :45 past the hour. 4.67 9/10 Jerry Clerkin, North Vernon IN 116.99% The shuttle arrives at the South (Bremner Boule- 4.67 9/10 Virginia Lifton, Marco Island FL 116.99% vard) entrance of the Metro Toronto Convention Cen- FRIDAY-SUNDAY SIDE SERIES tre at :25 and :55 past the hour. 72 Pairs The shuttle departs from the MTCC at the hour A B C and half-hour until 1 a.m. 6.98 1 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA; Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 204.50 An additional stop has been added to take care of 5.61 2 1 Marvin Suchman, Walnut Creek CA; J Robert Powers, Alexandria VA 199.00 those players who are staying at the Renaissance. The 3.93 3 Phyllis Reed, Palm Beach FL; Laurence Dusty, Lake Worth FL 195.00 bus cannot pull into the driveway, but throughout the 3.27 4 Barry Gorski, Reading PA; Kathleen Del Corso, Sinking Spring PA 193.00 4.21 5 2 Charles Bradford Jr, Columbus GA; E Stephen Purdom, Midland GA 190.50 rest of the tournament the shuttle will stop on the 1.66 6 Harvey Gushner, Boca Raton FL; Louis Lessinger, Plainview NY 187.50 Widmer St. side of the hotel at :20 and :50 past the 3.16 3 Jean Warner, Aventura FL; Bob Woods, Toronto ON 186.00 hour. The first stop is at 8:50 3.79 4 1 Elaine Misner - James Misner, Wilton CT 177.50 a.m. 2.84 5 2 William Johnson, Columbus MT; Felice Schrager, Highland Park NJ 176.00 Remember, the shuttle runs 2.13 6 3 Gita Keller - Gerald Keller, Thornhill ON 174.50 every 15 minutes between 11 1.60 4 Ruth Nussdorf, Old Westbury NY; Judith Gushner, Boca Raton FL 173.50 a.m. and 1 p.m. 1.69 5 Andrew Straus, San Francisco CA; Nancy Ferguson, Greenbrae CA 172.50 1.62 6 Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY; Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY 167.00 STRATIFIED IMP PAIRS 178 Pairs Correction A B C Susan Kramer and Nancy Molesworth, who fin- 12.26 1 1 Stephen Wood - William Erwin, Austin TX 88.00 ished fifth overall in the Flight A/X Pairs on Saturday, 9.20 2 Kathy Schenk - Marvin Schenk, Phoenix AZ 78.00 are from White Plains NY and Croton-on-Hudson NY 6.90 3 John McDaniel, Lees Summit MO; Lee Magee, Prairie Village KS 65.00 respectively, not as reported in yesterday’s Daily Bul- Continued on page 8 letin. Page 8 Daily Bulletin

EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION KNOCKOUTS 5.17 4 Colin Revill, Burlington ON; Dick Benson, Le Roy IL 64.00 Bracket 1 14 Teams 3.88 5 Paul Kopelman, Cranford NJ; Walter Fontaine, North Providence RI 58.00 35.27 1 Joe Grue, Minneapolis MN; Tadashi 2.91 6 Denis Lesage, Longueuil PQ; Richard Lesage, Fredericton NB 56.00 Teramoto, Yokohama, Japan; John Hurd, Charleston SC; John 8.08 7 2 Gary DeWitt, Penfield NY; John D’Errico, Alton NY 53.00 Kranyak, Bay Village OH; Brad Campbell, Smyrna GA; Joel 1.64 8 Jean Barkas, Laguna Hills CA; Alice Mitchell, Laguna Niguel CA 49.00 Wooldridge, Buffalo NY 6.06 9 3 1 Michael Miron - Helene Miron, Tucson AZ 48.00 26.45 2 Joe Monro - Rhonda Monro, Beverly Hills MI; 4.54 4 2 James McLoughlin, North Brunswick NJ; George Shamy, New Martin Hirschman, Southfield MI; Larry Mori, Clearwater FL; Brunswick NJ 46.00 Stephen Landen, Rochester Hills MI 3.41 5 Corinne Edelbaum, Hartsdale NY; Myra Flaum, Yonkers NY 40.00 17.64 3/4 Malcolm Brachman, Dallas TX; Mike Passell, 2.90 6/7 3 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Bill Blackburn, Matlacha FL 37.00 Plano TX; Chuck Burger, West Bloomfield MI; , 2.24 6/7 Marcia Aspinall, Naperville IL; Yo Buehler, Williamsburg VA 37.00 Miami Beach FL; Eddie Wold, Houston TX; Mark Lair, Canyon 2.18 4 Gene Marks, Utica NY; Stephen Cooper, Villanova PA 34.00 TX 17.64 3/4 Jack Coleman, San Francisco CA; Mark 1.63 5 David Lesieur, Manchester CT; Alan Tuvin, South Windsor CT 28.00 Molson, Miami FL; Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; Alex Petrunin 1.22 6 Asami Matsuo, Tokyo 189-0002 JP; Yoko Barnett, Kirkland WA 22.00 - Andy Gromov, , Russia SUNDAY EVENING 299ER SWISS Bracket 2 14 Teams 10 Teams 28.29 1 John Moschella, Winter Springs FL; Charles A B C Miner, Orlando FL; Steven Barcus, Sorrento FL; Robert Dennard, 2.80 1 Dan Becker, Wirtz VA; Kenneth Koehler, Spring TX; Roy Marsh - Lake Mary FL; John Brady, Jacksonville FL; Patricia Dovell, June Marsh, The Woodlands TX 108.00 Gainesville FL 2.10 2 Brian Greenway, Elliot Lake ON; Orton Wocker, Toronto ON; 21.22 2 Burrell Humphreys - Joy Humphreys, Wayne Patricia Shuler, Mansfield TX; Gloria Allen, Arlington TX 82.00 NJ; Eli Schneider - Cynthia Schneider, East Brunswick NJ; Ryan 2.31 3 1 Shiree Shafrir, Wayland MA; Adela Wilkeson, Medford MA; Barbara Humphreys, Oakland NJ Leventhal, Brighton MA; Henry Lai, Scarborough ON 71.00 14.15 3/4 Bernard Gench, Flushing NY; Jerry Spitz, 1.73 4 2 Robert Caswell - Doug Young, Barrie ON; Stanley Marshall, Oakland Gardens NY; Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY; Cynthia Winchester ON; Maggie Sparrow, Hillsdale ON 67.00 Hinckley, Guayanabo PR; Diana Schuld, Glen Head NY 1.33 3/4 1/2 Shawn Mahood - Frank Pataky - Margaret Anderson - Cedric 14.15 3/4 Walter Sobol, Sylvania OH; Loren Hodson - Anderson, Toronto ON 56.00 Robert Harlow, Toledo OH; Mona Kaelber, Maumee OH 1.33 3/4 1/2 Betty Compton - Prudence Cain, Tucson AZ; Michael Hebbert - Janice Hebbert, Pickering ON 56.00 Bracket 3 14 Teams 22.98 1 Cetin Okcuoglu, Moorestown NJ; Ross Spiro, SUNDAY EVENING 0-20 PAIRS Cherry Hill NJ; Jack Chao, Oceanside CA; Wonjoo Goldstein, 12 Pairs Elkins Park PA 17.24 2 Bill Wittmann - Denis Murphy - Dennis E F Goldston, Colorado Spgs CO; Bill Hugenberg, Grand Junction 1.49 1 1 Sally Stevens, Flint MI; Erma Hermann, Grand Blanc MI 54.00 CO 1.12 2 2 P Kathryn Vaughan, Walnut Creek CA; Marilyn Teakle, Lafayette CA 51.00 11.49 3/4 Terry Currie - Elton Lipnick, Houston TX; 0.84 3 3 Dana Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Jim Wright, Nepean ON 46.50 Mark Edeburn, Woburn MA; Darrell Gibson, Billerica MA 0.63 4 Arlene Dick, Toronto ON; Norma Grindal, Green Valley AZ 41.00 11.49 3/4 Chassan Menachi, Fabreville PQ; Karol Mon- roe, Newport OR; Michael Ranis, Bedford NY; David Rubinstein, SUNDAY EVENING 99ER PAIRS Cote Saint-Luc PQ 24 Pairs C D Bracket 4 14 Teams 2.57 1 Virginia Samaras, Little Silver NJ; Pat Shippee, Ocean Grove NJ 105.64 18.40 1 Jon Downing, England; Deanna Goh, 1.93 2 1 Louise Best - Michelle Murphy, London ON 104.00 Peterborough ON; Liam Johnstone, Birmingham, England; Ian 1.45 3 Mark Kuntz - Jack Keith, Seattle WA 99.50 Kidger, England 1.08 4 Lia-Mai Ulpman - Ain Jarve, Toronto ON 98.29 13.80 2 Helen Kobernusz, Madison CT; Scott Loring 0.81 5 Alexina Robertson, Gambrills MD; Virginia Wynne, Nixon TX 93.50 - Elaine Haut, Branford CT; Arthur Haut, Guilford CT 1.26 6 2 Sandra Zions, Naples FL; Stephanie Furtsch, Rye NY 92.64 9.20 3/4 Gail Moon, Bloomington IL; Joanne 0.95 3 Sheila Miltchin - Milt Otter, Toronto ON 88.50 Glazebrook, Washington IL; Darlene Dopp, Brooklyn Park MN; 0.71 4 Amaia Barrena, - Jabi Peralta, Spain 81.64 Adele Boettner, Saint Paul MN 9.20 3/4 David Moss - Kevin Casey - Andrew SUNDAY EVENING 200/300 PAIRS Rosenthal, New York NY; Bob Fogle, Boston MA; Uday Maitra, 36 Pairs Mississauga ON A B 3.92 1 Michael Jasenko - Rosette Zabaneh, Toronto ON 112.00 Bracket 5 12 Teams 12.96 1 Matthew Mason, Kingston ON; Daniel 2.94 2 James Hacker - Carol Hacker, Mount Clemens MI 100.50 Korbel, Toronto ON; Susan Harbour, West Hill ON; Tim Crank, 2.95 3 1 Randall Durgee, Fort Ogden FL; Margaret Peterson, Grand Forks ND 100.00 Wheaton MD 1.65 4 Mary Hurst, Guelph ON; James Bleaney, Belwood ON 94.50 9.72 2 George Bleich, Davenport IA; Peter Davis, 2.21 5 2 Gary Martin, Spring Hill FL; Dennis Martin, Omaha NE 94.00 Bettendorf IA; June Mitchell, Palm Springs CA; Laurian 1.66 6/8 3 Diana Becker - Leonard Becker, New York NY 93.00 Hasselwander, Rochester Hills MI 0.93 6/8 Gwendolyn Eckman, Manchester NH; Townsend Brown II, Sagaponack NY 93.00 6.48 3/4 Janet Wickersham, Sierra Madre CA; Teri 0.93 6/8 Lyn Shapiro, Maitland FL; Judi Holler, Winter Park FL 93.00 Atkinson, Bakersfield CA; Daniel Denison - Mary Lou Denison, 1.24 4 Joan Renzoni - Ann Brisbois, Toronto ON 91.00 Solana Beach CA 0.93 5 Lesley Thomson, ; Judy Mayerovitch, Toronto ON 90.00 6.48 3/4 Bruce Brown - Elizabeth Brown, Denton TX; 0.70 6 Janet Sanborn - Geraldine Amundson, Chatfield MN 88.00 Albert Postar - Marsha Postar, Lubbock TX 1ST SUNDAY STRAT OPEN PAIRS Bracket 6 12 Teams 280 Pairs 10.12 1 Lilli Gober - J. Norman Gober, Cedar Hill TX; A B C Orton Wocker, Toronto ON; Paul Low-Beer, Monroe Twp NJ 34.20 1 Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Bill Jessup, Brentwood TN 411.00 7.59 2 Harold Dietrich, Toronto ON; John Sero, 25.65 2 Richard Budd, Portland ME; Robert Ryder, Caldwell NJ 410.00 Etobicoke ON; Stanley Goldstein - Barbara Goldstein, Harrison 19.24 3 Martin Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL; Ellasue Chaitt, Palm Beach NY Gardens FL 404.00 5.06 3/4 Diane Van Brocklin, Ashland OR; Alayne 14.43 4 David Wachsman - Janis Wachsman, East Meadow NY 398.50 McFetridge, Vanderhoof BC; Audrey Jukes, Courtice ON; Helen 24.42 5 1 Patrick Thompson - Robert Macneal, Aurora ON 396.42 Malcolm, Richmond Hill ON 8.12 6 Karin Griffin - John Griffin III, Albuquerque NM 392.29 5.06 3/4 Dan Becker, Wirtz VA; Kenneth Koehler, 6.09 7 Frank Cymerman - Warren Oberfield, Pittsburgh PA 387.38 Spring TX; Roy Marsh - June Marsh, The Woodlands TX 4.76 8 Cathy Nathan - Marc Nathan, Thousand Oaks CA 386.83 SATURDAY-TUESDAY MORNING KNOCKOUTS 3.80 9 Dorothy Kelleher, Portland ME; Melvin Marcus, Framingham MA 381.00 Bracket 1 16 Teams 3.42 10 Joseph Byrnes, Mastic NY; Charles Sharf, North Baldwin NY 380.50 Heather Peckett - Ronald Weissberger - Zwi Henry Glanz - Mike 4.20 11/12 Ann Schwartz - Alan Schwartz, Fairfax VA 380.00 Petras, Nepean ON 18.32 11/12 2 Robert Dykes, Lakewood OH; James Breckel, Medina OH 380.00 vs 3.36 13 Barry Silverman, Mineola NY; Edythe Crinnian, Wantagh NY 378.50 John Malley, Pascoag RI; Daniel Colatosti, Waltham MA; Sheila 4.76 14 Barry Piafsky, New York NY; Don Piafsky, Toronto ON 378.00 Gabay, Newton MA; Paul Kinney, Jamaica Plain MA; Harold 5.60 15 Beth Stuart - Dottie Ann Goodloe, Houston TX 377.21 Feldheim, Hamden CT; James Murphy, Chesapeake VA 13.74 16 3 Ian Harvey, Devonshire BE; Alan Douglas, Pembroke BE 375.00 4.20 17 Wendy Krause - Arnold Krause, Toronto ON 373.17 Jay Mann, Fort Lauderdale FL; Ken Gee, Regina SK; Jan 10.30 4 Jim Pestaner - Lucy Pestaner, Potomac MD 368.00 Moszcwski - Jarosean Cieslak - Piotr Jueck, Lodz, Poland; 7.73 5 Douglas Wilson - Murray Hallatt, Keswick ON 359.71 Waldemar Frukacz, Gloucester ON 5.80 6 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, Cottonwood CA 357.50 vs 4.35 7 Diane Mongeau, ; Bernard Mongeau, St-Jn-Richelieu PQ 355.50 John Russell, North Barringto IL; Shome Mukherjee, Randolph 11.52 8 1 Alfred Kreindler - Sharron Kreindler, Bloomfield MI 355.00 MA; William Hunter, Reading MA; Chuck Said, Nashville TN 3.76 9/10 Brenda Geden - Joseph Sauro, North Bay ON 354.00 2.84 9/10 Faigie Kopelman - Tytus Zablocki, Toronto ON 354.00 Bracket 2 12 Teams 8.64 2 Michael Cuttle, Oakville ON; Richard Cuttle, Etobicoke ON 346.67 Scott Merritt - Robert Sievers - Jenni Hartsman - Lisa Sievers, 6.48 3 Uday Maitra - Manju Law, Mississauga ON 341.50 Champaign IL; Peter Petillo, Urbana IL 4.86 4 Moti Thadani - Sarla Thadani, Santa Clara CA 341.00 vs 3.65 5 Aleksandar Vujic, Toronto ON; Charlotte Urbanc, Etobicoke ON 337.79 Continued on page 9 2.80 6 Charles Halasi, Toronto ON; Jessica Piafsky, New York NY 337.50 Daily Bulletin Page 9

3.62 7 Deanna Goh, Peterborough ON; Liam Johnstone, Birmingham EN 335.63 Gary Donner, Hilton Head SC; Deborah Murphy, San Francisco CA; Mike Sloan, Jeffersonville IN; Christopher Overpeck, Lou- SUNDAY B/C/D SWISS isville KY; Sara Parks M D, Owensboro KY 112 Teams B C D Carl Michelet - R Mocker, Goleta CA; Genecia Adler - Vincent 26.14 1 Naoko Orihara - Ryohei Orihara - Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Zuccarelli, Staten Island NY Yao Jiang, Tokyo, Japan 184.00 vs 19.61 2 Brigitte James - Marlene Smith, Sarnia ON; Evelyn Wall, Midland James Murphy, Nixa MO; Yonsey Karasek, Hayward WI; Edward MI; Carol Duren, Savannah GA 180.00 Moy - Jim Levin, Ossining NY 18.75 3 1 David Gibbs, Ottawa ON; Susan Quinn, Gloucester ON; Harjinder Bracket 3 12 Teams Ajmani, Kula HI; Joseph Gedan, Honolulu HI 176.00 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Bill Blackburn, Matlacha FL; John 11.03 4 Kelley Hwang, New York NY; Mike Hutchinson, Crystal Lake IL; Shufelt - Jean Shufelt, Farmington MI Lawrence Diamond, Sparks NV; Charles Sheaff, Oak Park IL 173.00 vs 8.27 5 Ann Woolf, Fremont OH; Deborah Kirby - William Kirby, Bowling Thomas Rubin - Jared Markowitz - Evan Markowitz, New York Green OH; Dotty Warrick, Port Clinton OH 167.00 NY; Paul Winston, NY 6.20 6 R Kazmierowski - Richard Robinson, Cheboygan MI; Sidney Kanter, Clifton NJ; Geoffrey Cross, Fernandina FL 166.00 Michael Purcell, Loveland OH; Jerry Sainsbury, King of Prussia 4.07 7/8 Lee Daugharty - Doug Barnes, Brampton ON; Marion Baird, Naples PA; Joan Gaaskjolen - Merle Gaaskjolen, Centerville OH FL; Douglas Morrison, Caledon East ON 163.00 vs 4.07 7/8 Deborah Hoveland - William Young Jr, Honeoye Falls NY; B Gayle Diane Hibbard - Paul Hibbard, Arlington Hts IL; Jack Forstadt - Phillips, Rochester NY; William Foster, Liverpool NY 163.00 David Hudson, Evanston IL 14.06 9 2 Diane Hibbard - Paul Hibbard, Arlington Hts IL; David Hudson - Jack Forstadt, Evanston IL 160.00 Bracket 4 12 Teams 2.30 10/13 Robert Feasley, Eden NY; Mary Jo Crone, East Aurora NY; Richard Kiyoshi Asai - Hiromitsu Takeuchi - Tiang Yao - Katsumi Tokiwa, Dunn - Diane Ayukawa, Delta BC 157.00 Japan 9.23 10/13 3/4 1 James Bartow, Holmdel NJ; Carole Banks, Silver Spring MD; vs Charity Sack, Chevy Chase MD; Ellyn Metzgar, Stroudsburg PA 157.00 Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL; Alexina Robertson, Gambrills MD; 9.23 10/13 3/4 Judy McNeilly - Margo Meyer - Manmohan Bhavra, Mississauga ON; Virginia Wynne, Nixon TX; Donna Anglin, Hamilton TX Barbara Rees, Up-Musquodbt NS 157.00 2.30 10/13 Susan Schnelwar - Andrew Rosenthal - Philip Tilearcio, New York Gerald Viedrah, West Bloomfield MI; Richard Menczer, NY; Roberta Magnus, Brooklyn NY; Lucas Seiler, Ottawa ON 157.00 Bloomfield MI; Rod Dallaire - Dale Dallaire, Livonia MI 5.93 5 Ian McArthur, Oshawa ON; Barry Boyd - Conner Causey, Wheeling vs Jo Anne Nenni, Raleigh NC; Paul Vilmos, Scarsdale NY; Maureen WV; Joseph Ogulin, Sterling VA 156.00 Gurevitch, Kirkland PQ; Annabelle Gurevitch, AB 4.45 6 Saad Dahdouh - Diana Dahdouh - Tina Blaauw, Whitby ON; David Hamer, Brooklin ON 155.00 MID ZIP KNOCKOUTS 3.34 7 James Gullo, Silver Creek NY; Donna Steffan, East Amherst NY; Bracket 1 13 Teams Eugene Harvey, Lackawanna NY; Patricia Young, Erie PA 149.00 3.49 1 James Weider, San Ramon CA; Lawrence 2.50 8 Carol Rynders, Saint Paul MN; Clay Dahl, Etobicoke ON; Rick Swanson - Stanislaw Sliwak, Walnut Creek CA; Neal Smith, Jenkins - Susan Halasi, Toronto ON 146.00 Danville CA 6.14 2 Elizabeth Gallagher, Oakville ON; Sheldon Pearlman, Toronto ON; 2.62 2 Thomas Dale - Elizabeth Dale, St. John’s NF; John Aitken, Oshawa ON; Jacqueline Mollaret, Ajax ON 135.00 Carole Banks, Silver Spring MD; Kal Kaleem, Etobicoke ON 4.61 3 Wanda Badura - Barbara Panczakiewicz - George Tusiewicz - Adam 1.75 3/4 Neil Petrie - Kim Stevens, Fort Collins CO; Zachara, Toronto ON 133.00 Steven Turner - Billie Turner, Greeley CO 3.46 4 Lloyd Graven, Minneapolis MN; Jeffrey Brauchle, Orono MN; Ralph 1.75 3/4 Nicola Bird - Seth Weisberg, Los Angeles CA; Chiodo, Cumberland WI; Paul Klaverkamp, Nisswa MN 129.00 Andy Muenz, Glen Rock NJ; Sanford Johnson, Ho Ho Kus NJ 2.59 5 Susan Grossman - Laurence Grossman, New York NY; Patricia Huiras - Larry Huiras, Morton Grove IL 119.00 Bracket 2 13 Teams 1.94 6 Thomas James - Chris James, Scarborough ON; Gloria Tam, New 3.49 1 Michael Veve - Kristene Miller, Reston VA; York NY; Ka Lun Tam, Toronto ON 118.00 Douglas Bullock, Boise ID; Ken Bullock, Independence MO 2.62 2 Alan Powell, West Orange NJ; Samuel 1ST SUNDAY FLIGHT A SWISS Ehrlichman, Forest Hills NY; Ranald Davidson, Toronto ON; 157 Teams Marie-France Benoit, St Sauveur PQ A X 1.75 3/4 Charles Richards, Dallas TX; Phyllis Kaplan, 39.38 1 Norberto Bocchi - Antonio Mortarotto, Milan, Italy; Lea Dupont - Benito Port Charlotte FL; Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA; Barbara Benson, Santa Ana CA Garozzo, Rockland DE 200.00 1.75 3/4 Kelley Hwang, New York NY; David Cohen, 29.54 2 , Grayslake IL; Jean Carney, Scottsdale AZ; Cecily Kohler, Thornhill ON; Andrew Skolnick, Bedford Hills NY; Daniel Washington DC; Ellen Melson, Chicago IL; Thomas Gardner - Beverly Braucher, Denver CO Gardner, Southfield MI 196.00 22.15 3 Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA; Kerry BLUEJAYS KNOCKOUTS Smith, Milwaukee WI; Michael Edwards, Rock Island IL 192.00 Bracket 1 16 Teams 16.61 4 Jim Backstrom, La Mesago CA; Edward Molloy, El Cajon CA; Evan Bailey, 56.89 1 Thomas Peters - Carolyn Peters, Grapeland San Diego CA; Bob Etter, Sacramento CA 182.00 TX; Nell Cahn, Shreveport LA; Bill Cook Jr, Madison MS 12.46 5 David Sokolow, Austin TX; Donald Hennings - Margot Hennings, Falls 42.67 2 Kevin O’Donnell, Lynnfield MA; Eric Lee Church VA; Alan Myerson, Sherman Oaks CA; Howard Einberg, Los Angeles Shukan, Somerville MA; Paul Kinney, Jamaica Plain MA; Sheila CA; David Milton, Herndon VA 177.00 Gabay, Newton MA 27.45 6 1 Vincent Demuy, Laval PQ; David Grainger, Etobicoke ON; Josh Heller, 28.45 3/4 Betty Bloom - Steve Bloom, Duanesburg NY; Toronto ON; , Thornhill ON 175.00 Janet Colchamiro - Mel Colchamiro, Merrick NY; Paul Kiefer, 6.14 7/8 George Steiner - Carlyn Steiner, Seattle WA; Marinesa Letizia, Winston Salem NC; Jim Krekorian, New York NY Kingston NY; Mark Lair, Canyon TX 173.00 28.45 3/4 Cathy Strauch, San Diego CA; Carreen Hinds, 6.14 7/8 - , Germantown TN; Paul Linxwiler, Memphis Bakersfield CA; Judy Pede, Cerritos CA; Carol Pincus, Las Ve- gas NV TN; Harley Bress, Cordova TN 173.00 4.38 9 Jan Assini - Peter Grover, Aurora OH; Ellen Gabriel - Richard Bracket 2 16 Teams Gabriel, Chicago IL 170.00 53.20 1 Samuel Lowell, Talent OR; Cameron Doner, 3.94 10 Gary Westfall, Brampton ON; Paul Janicki, Markham ON; Kevin Conway, Richmond BC; Barry Harper, Regina SK; Jackie Boisseau, Kirkland Lake ON; William Koski, King City ON 169.00 Etobicoke ON; P Schwartz, Cote Saint-Luc PQ 3.58 11 Rena Lieberman, North Easton MA; Carolyn Sessler, Brookline MA; Chris 39.90 2 Frederick Alger III - - Susan Picus Benson, Le Roy IL; Ginny Schuett, Riverwoods IL 166.00 - John Rengstorff - Aaron Silverstein, New York NY 3.28 12 Bernard Miller - Steve Levinson - Barnet Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; 26.60 3/4 Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB; Hendrik Lewis Finkel, Jupiter FL 165.00 Sharples, Portland OR; Gary Kessler, Springfield IL; Paul Gallizzi, 3.03 13 John Minton, White Bear Lake MN; T Grue, Minneapolis MN; Tony Ames - Tampa FL Judy Nassar, Minnetonka MN 162.00 26.60 3/4 James Priebe - Joan Priebe, Mississauga ON; 20.59 14 2 Naveed Ather - Andrew Firko, Oakville ON; Nikolay Demirev, Palatine Heather Peckett - Mike Petras, Nepean ON IL; Edward Hung, Chicago IL 159.00 2.55 15/16 Giorgio Duboin, Turin, Italy; Don Lussky, Elmhurst IL; Linda Lewis, Bracket 3 16 Teams Foster City CA; Peggy Kaplan, Minnetonka MN 157.00 49.57 1 Gloria Silverman, Toronto ON; Marcia 2.55 15/16 Jon Brissman - Jim Kirkham - Corinne Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Alan Masterson, Pasadena CA; Joseph Machotka, Glenview IL; Ralph Le Bendig, Los Angeles CA 157.00 Hoffman, Lake Forest IL 2.32 17 Trevor Dundas - Nancy Dundas, Oshawa ON; Harvey Fogel, Willowdale ON; 37.18 2 Jerry Goldberg, Yonkers NY; Jane Dillenberg Brian Johnston, Toronto ON 156.00 - Melanie Tucker, New York NY; Kent Mignocchi, Glendale CA 2.19 18 Alexander Allen, Metuchen NJ; David Standig, Slingerlands NY; Abraham 24.79 3/4 Kenneth Meistad - Andy Fritsch, Joplin MO; Pineles, Yardley PA; Kurt Gandenberger, Pendleton SC 155.00 Patrick McCammon - Richard Bender, Springfield MO 2.16 19 Judy Dubay, Albany NY; Harry Kaufmann, Bennington VT; Jerry Horn, 24.79 3/4 Lapt Chan, Forest Hills NY; Elizabeth Reich, New York NY; Jeanne Fisher, Clementon NJ; Marc Labovitz, Margate City NJ; Jay Costello, Williston VT 154.00 Philadelphia PA 15.44 20 3 John Elliott Jr - Judith Elliott, Clinton NY; Dorothy Coakley, Naples FL; Alvin Lendh, Bonita Spgs FL 153.00 Bracket 4 16 Teams 11.58 21/22 4 Philip Lentz - Eric Mock - Robert Beinfield - Thomas Rozinski, New 46.15 1 Joe Fisher - Amy Fisher - Diane Travis, Cin- York NY 152.00 cinnati OH; Judy Cohn, Wilder KY 1.84 21/22 Diana Holt, Palm Beach FL; Ed Schulte, Tampa FL; Markland Molson, Continued on page 10 Continued on page 10 Page 10 Daily Bulletin

34.61 2 Jacques Fradette - Louise Zicat, Gatineau PQ; Miami FL; Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC; Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ 152.00 Lee Secrist, Powell OH; Roy Baldwin, Dublin OH 1.98 23 Daniel Marcus, Bloomfield MI; Lynne Schaeffer - Suzy Burger, West 23.08 3/4 Jim Bachelder - Jeanne Martin - Joyce Penn, Bloomfield MI; Barbara Sion, Las Vegas NV 151.00 Columbus OH; Edith Korda, Dublin OH 1.80 24/25 Sherwin Moscow - Connie Coquillette, West Linn OR; Jeffrey Taylor, 23.08 3/4 Daniel Lavee, Thornhill ON; Eiji Kujirai, Eugene OR; D Sackett, Florence OR 150.00 North York ON; Martin Hunter, Mississauga ON; Charles Arthur, 1.80 24/25 , Cambridge MA; Geir Helgemo, Trondheim Ca NW; Ron Weston ON Garber, Temecula CA; Jayendu Patel, Medford MA 150.00 10.38 5/8 Mac Busby - Anita Burgis, San Diego CA; 1.80 26 Ralph Cohen - Joan Cohen, Memphis TN; Jordan Cohen, Thornhill ON; L Grant Peacock, Irvine CA; Bob Luebkeman, Walnut Creek CA Takefman, Toronto ON 149.00 1.80 27/28 Kenneth Kadis - Elayne Kadis, Brookline MA; Shome Mukherjee, Randolph Bracket 5 16 Teams MA; William Hunter, Reading MA 148.00 40.99 1 Ava Grubman - Elliott Grubman - Steven 2.16 27/28 Kenneth Titow, Scottsdale AZ; Vivian Kilstrup, Vail CO; Jack Chao, Zlotnick, Brooklyn NY; Walter Schenker, Pine Brook NJ 30.74 2 Jean Castonguay, Lery PQ; Roger Dunn, Oceanside CA; , Peoria AZ 148.00 Brossard PQ; Henri Barki, Westmount PQ; Hayk Bosnakyan, 1.80 29/30 Mark Bumgardner, Carrollton TX; Jerry Premo, San Francisco CA; Bill Montreal PQ Staats, Southlake TX; Kay Beck, Fishers IN 146.00 20.50 3/4 Carole Weinstein, Acton MA; Bob Gorsey, Vlg 1.80 29/30 Edith Rosenkranz - George Rosenkranz, Menlo Park CA; Piotr Gawrys, Nagog Wds MA; Barry Margolin, Arlington MA; John Poland CA; Eddie Wold, Houston TX; Robert Morris, Las Vegas NV 146.00 McLaughlin, Melrose MA 8.69 5 James Rasmussen - Pamela Miller, Cambridge MA; Ann Raymond, Jackson 20.50 3/4 Robert McPhee, Belleville ON; Robert Hol- Heights NY; Jeffrey David, Westborough MA 142.00 low, Madoc ON; Alice Odenwald, Shawnee KS; Edward O’Reilly, 6.51 6 Robin Gillett, Union NJ; Bharat Rao, Robbinsville NJ; Harvinder Kingston ON; Joan McKeon, Windsor Queensl AN Sidhu, Basking Ridge NJ; Steve Albin, Princeton NJ 140.00 9.22 5/8 Alan Resser - Gerald Gitles, Chicago IL; Jo- 4.89 7 Allan Lebovitz - Stuart Goodgold, San Jose CA; D. Lionel O’Young, seph Shull, New Haven IN; James Pelletier, Fort Wayne IN Redwood City CA; Anand Ayyagari, Santa Clara CA 134.00 3.66 8 Walter Sobol, Sylvania OH; Robert Harlow - Loren Hodson, Toledo OH; Bracket 6 16 Teams Mona Kaelber, Maumee OH 131.00 39.12 1 Peter Stein, Belle Mead NJ; Andy Sloan, East 2.90 9/10 William Watson, San Mateo CA; Daniel Friedman - Linda Friedman, Hanover NJ; Jeff Liss, Piscataway NJ; Stephen Arshan, North Orinda CA; Sigitas Keras, Toronto ON 129.00 Brunswick NJ 2.90 9/10 Arline Fulton, Freehold NJ; Rusty Rapport, Englishtown NJ; Leslie 29.34 2 Jay Cohodes, Sunrise FL; Maris Zilant - Amoils, Toronto ON; Mike Nadler, Richmond Hill ON; David Levy, Myriam Milgrom, Miami FL; Paul Kubiak, Fort Lauderdale FL Thornhill ON 129.00 19.56 3/4 Henry Caspar - Tom Buttle - Adrienne Braithwaite, Toronto ON; Shirley Scott, Colorado Spgs CO; Judi GRAND NATIONAL TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT Trenton, Hartland MI 24 Teams 19.56 3/4 Dennis Goldston - Denis Murphy - Bonnie Bagley, Colorado Spgs CO; Bill Hugenberg, Grand Junction CO 100.00 1 Jill Meyers, Santa Monica CA; Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA; Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; John Mohan, Christiansted VI; Ed Davis, Seal Beach CA Bracket 7 16 Teams 75.00 2 Rose Meltzer - Peter Weichsel, Los Gatos CA; Hugh Ross, Oakland CA; Chip Martel, Davis CA; 34.50 1 Robert Van Ekeren - E Gail Van Ekeren, Kyle Larsen, San Francisco CA; Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA Plainsboro NJ; John Ellis, Don Mills ON; Murray Johnston, 50.00 3/4 Ethan Stein, Irvington NY; Michael Kamil, Holmdel NJ; Rozanne Pollack - William Pollack, War- Kitchener ON; Stephen Goldin, Concord ON ren NJ; Joel Friedberg, Ardsley NY; Ilya Levitin, Emerson NJ 25.88 2 Jean Molnar - Dan Molnar, Chula Vista CA; 50.00 3/4 Lou Ann O’Rourke, Portola Valley CA; Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ; Marc Jacobus - Billy Miller, Las Joseph Rubin, La Mesa CA; George Bessinger, Spring Valley CA Vegas NV; Roger Bates, Mesa AZ 17.25 3/4 John Jessop - Morrie Kleinplatz, Windsor ON; 22.50 5/8 Robert Lebi - Eric Murray - John Carruthers - Roy Hughes, Toronto ON; Nader Hanna, Willowdale Larry Murray, Leamington ON; F Winston Samuel, Dartmouth ON; Darren Wolpert, Thornhill ON NS 22.50 5/8 Steve Robinson, Arlington VA; Ron Sukoneck, Annandale VA; Peter Boyd - William Cole - Beth 17.25 3/4 Carl Bartone - Karen Bartone, Bethesda MD; Palmer - William Pettis, Silver Spring MD Deepak Khanna - Susan Shively, Kutztown PA 22.50 5/8 Gary Kessler, Springfield IL; Richard Blumenthal, Normal IL; Dick Benson, Le Roy IL; Tom Kniest, Saint Louis MO; Karen Walker, Champaign IL; Colby Vernay, Lacon IL Bracket 8 16 Teams 22.50 5/8 Evan Bailey - John Strauch, San Diego CA; John Swanson Jr, Mission Viejo CA; Ron Garber, 29.52 1 Marc Glickman - James Glickman, Wood- Temecula CA land Hills CA; Erin Anderson, Regina SK; Ian Boyd, Calgary AB; Danny Miles, MB; Jason Feldman, Champaign GRAND NATIONAL TEAMS FLIGHT A IL 24 Teams 22.14 2 Bill Valliant, Kanata ON; Eric Lewis, Toronto 75.00 1 Merlin Vilhauer, Beaverton OR; Pam Stratton - Robert Johnson, Portland OR; Bruce Cuthbertson, ON; Carl Bolhuis, Ottawa ON; Thomas Deri, Nepean ON Vancouver WA; Mark Litterman, Tigard OR 14.76 3/4 Alan Steggles, Ravenna OH; Amal Dasgupta, 56.25 2 Lyle Poe Jr, Columbia MD; Howard Krauss II, Vienna VA; David Butler, Keswick VA; Raphael Wilmington DE; Mie Thiemmedh, San Bruno CA; Fred Maher, Clifton Heights PA Kahn, Washington DC; Barry Falgout, Rockville MD; Mark Dahl, Richmond VA 14.76 3/4 Robyn Hedly - Per Hedly, Denver CO; Den- 37.50 3/4 Ray Jotcham, Scarborough ON; Paul Janicki, Markham ON; Lewis Richardson, Toronto ON; Gary nis Horwitz - Marcia Horwitz, Lone Tree CO Westfall, Brampton ON 37.50 3/4 Jerry Premo, San Francisco CA; Sathya Bettadapura, Campbell CA; Charles James, Vancouver WA; Bracket 9 16 Teams William Watson, San Mateo CA 26.83 1 Claude Tremblay - Muriel Tremblay, Kanata 16.88 5/8 Gay Miller - Tom Miller, Centerville OH; Harold McConnell - Dallas Moore, Dayton OH; Craig ON; Paul Hardy, Nepean ON; Elizabeth Scott - Marie-Simone Satersmoen, Huber Heights OH Sioufi, Ottawa ON; David Sabourin, Dunrobin ON 16.88 5/8 Nancy Kornegay - Stephen Kornegay, N Richlnd Hls TX; Mark Bumgardner, Carrollton TX; Phillip 20.12 2 Annette Levine, Wellston OH; Dana Mullen, Grothus, San Antonio TX; Bill Staats, Southlake TX; James Thurtell, Dallas TX Chillicothe OH; Alvin Bluthman, Brooklyn NY; Robert Wiley, 16.88 5/8 Steven Turner, Greeley CO; Adis Dombu - Si Dombu, Las Vegas NV; Kim Stevens - Neil Petrie - Jon Waverly OH Gustafson, Fort Collins CO 13.42 3/4 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Bill Blackburn, 16.88 5/8 John Jones, Lakewood CA; Jeffrey Goldsmith - Sylvia Summers, Pasadena CA; Mark Bartusek, Matlacha FL; John Shufelt - Jean Shufelt, Farmington MI Santa Barbara CA 13.42 3/4 Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA; Robert Lawrence, Bronx NY; Richard Douglas, Kemblesville PA; Neil GRAND NATIONAL TEAMS FLIGHT B Dever, Breezy Point NY 25 Teams 60.00 1 Gary Moore, Beverly Hills CA; Chris Lubesnik, Glendale CA; Kevin Bathurst, Thousand Oaks CA; Bracket 10 16 Teams Lisa Liberati - Randolph Hammock, Los Angeles CA; Ari Greenberg, Malibu CA 21.93 1 David Magee - Sally Bean, Cumberlnd Ctr 45.00 2 Michael D Alioto, Bloomfield MI; Robert Cappelli, Southfield MI; Frank Sensoli, Clinton Twp MI; ME; Sharon Tyler - Paul Pierce, Readfield ME Deborah De Witt, Ann Arbor MI 16.45 2 Matthew Mason, Kingston ON; Daniel 30.00 3/4 Richard Soderstrom, Ottawa ON; Ron Zambonini - Ovidiu Stanica, Nepean ON; Michael Baggott, Korbel, Toronto ON; Susan Harbour, West Hill ON; Tim Crank, North Gower ON Wheaton MD 10.97 3/4 Douglas Bullock, Boise ID; Asami Matsuo, 30.00 3/4 Lawrence Dubrofsky - Paul Erikson - Susan Culham - Andrew Speers, Edmonton AB Tokyo 189-0002 JP; Yoko Barnett, Kirkland WA; Ken Bullock, 13.50 5/8 Kefu Xu, Gaithersburg MD; Jian-Jian Wang, Clarksville MD; Hailong Ao, Laurel MD; Weizhong Independence MO Bao, Herndon VA; Yi Zhong, Fairfax VA 10.97 3/4 Gudrun Zieler, D-61476 Kronber G; Loni 13.50 5/8 Robert Sievers - Lisa Sievers - Scott Merritt, Champaign IL; Georgia Heth, Morton IL Christensen - Bettie Reed, Dallas TX; Sylvia Whelan, D-65779 13.50 5/8 David Hemmer - Edward Hung - A. Kirk Twiss - Bill Drewett - Michael Steigmann, Chicago IL Kelkhei M, 13.50 5/8 Mark Robichek - Franz Lanzinger, Sunnyvale CA; Floyd McWilliams, Woodside CA; Len Vishnevsky, San Francisco CA Bracket 11 16 Teams 17.48 1 John Hinphey, Pickering ON; Larry Graham, GRAND NATIONAL TEAMS FLIGHT C Geneseo NY; Anne Lockwood, Castile NY; Allan Monteiro, 24 Teams Scarborough ON 40.00 1 Mark Mackenzie - Ron Sloan - Deen Hergott - David Gordon, Ottawa ON 13.11 2 F. Marion Fletcher, Statesboro GA; David 30.00 2 David Ruppert, Baltimore MD; Michael Pearlman, Reisterstown MD; Dan Moore, Burtonsville MD; Cockcroft - Burla Sims, Little Rock AR; Deb Phillips, N Little Walter Mitnick, Owings Mills MD Rock AR 20.00 3/4 Bob Wilkin - Eric Ho, Irving TX; Joe Clark, Dallas TX; Jessica Roberts, Richland Hills TX 8.74 3/4 Masaharv Wakasa, Kawasaki JP; Ikuko 20.00 3/4 Rohan Coelho - Todd Zimnoch, Portland OR; Ralph Henderson, Lake Oswego OR; Maurice Kinkyo, Musashino Tokyo JP; Eriko Iwamoto, Mitaka-Shi Toky Henderson, West Linn OR; Todd Anderson, Beaverton OR O; Nobuko Wakasa, Kawasaki-Shi 44 08 9.00 5/8 Stephen Young - Lynn Young - Steve Priebe - Ioana Ciura - Alexander Ciura, Mississauga ON 8.74 3/4 Michael Purcell, Loveland OH; Jerry 9.00 5/8 Nikolay Demirev - Darina Demirev, Palatine IL; Linda Saltzman - Michael Saltzman, Naperville IL Sainsbury, King of Prussia PA; Joan Gaaskjolen - Merle 9.00 5/8 Rod Halvorson, Saint Paul MN; Kathryn Callahan, Clive IA; Dixie Dill, Urbandale IA; Dee Wilson, Gaaskjolen, Centerville OH Des Moines IA 9.00 5/8 Randy Potter, Northridge CA; Jennifer Chalfan - Chris Moore, South Pasadena CA; Stefano Merlo, Continued on page 11 Pasadena CA Daily Bulletin Page 11

SUNDAY MORNING 100/200/300 PAIRS Bracket 12 15 Teams 21 Pairs 13.34 1 Brian A. Power, Thornhill ON; Debbie A B C Robertson, Willowdale ON; Peter Louie - Henry Lee, Scarborough 2.94 1 1 1 Bill Filip, Stuart FL; Warren Williams, Wilton CT 113.73 ON 2.21 2 2 2 Arlene Karel - Burt Schmarak, Highland Park IL 111.51 10.01 2 Maud Greer, Lafayette CO; Sandra Straus - 1.65 3 3 3 Jack Durbin - Dale Durbin, Stow OH 98.93 Anne Vincent - Vincent Bates, Boulder CO 1.24 4 Henry Sokol, Milwaukee WI; David Secondino, Rochester WI 97.15 6.67 3/4 Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA; Paula Abend, Jamaica Plain MA; Rhoda Klayman, Newton MA; Carmela Eyal, 0.93 5 David Alderman - Aileen Alderman, Don Mills ON 95.44 Waltham MA 1.03 6 4 Michael Mihevc, Little Falls NY; Sue Holden, Wellington, England 91.71 6.67 3/4 Richard Bryant - Allan Orebaugh, Battle Creek 0.81 5 4 Frank Shostack, Willowdale ON; Steve Foster, Toronto ON 87.77 MI; Maureen Gurevitch, Kirkland PQ; Annabelle Gurevitch, Calgary AB SUNDAY MORNING 299ER SWISS TEAMS 6 Teams Bracket 13 12 Teams 2.24 1 Mark Hanneman, Plainfield IL; William Fleming - Steven Zeliadt, Seattle 9.28 1 David Douglas - Sandra Douglas - Hollis WA; Mira Rowe, Valencia CA 85.00 Barry - Gery Barry, Toronto ON 1.68 2 Dan Becker, Wirtz VA; Kenneth Koehler, Spring TX; Roy Marsh - June Marsh, 6.96 2 Malcolm Coutts - Jim Rife, Guelph ON; The Woodlands TX 82.00 Brendon Doherty, Ariss ON; Adrian Record, Fergus ON 4.64 3/4 Clarence Dieter, St Augustine FL; Linda 1ST SUNDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS Smith, Redmond WA; Alix Dieter, Saint Augustine FL; Beverly 50 Pairs Higgins, Bellevue WA A B C 4.64 3/4 Dan Becker, Wirtz VA; Kenneth Koehler, 5.31 1 Al French - Peter Morse, North Vancouver BC 99.50 Spring TX; Roy Marsh - June Marsh, The Woodlands TX 4.40 2 1 Joseph Gedan, Honolulu HI; Harjinder Ajmani, Kula HI 99.00 Bracket 14 12 Teams 3.49 3 2 1 Carol Netchvolodoff, Washington DC; Linda Logan, Thornhill ON 98.50 8.43 1 Rajan Datta - Ivan Popivanov - Vassilios 2.48 4 3 Walter Tauber, Longmeadow MA; Donald Sondergeld, Hubbardton VT 97.50 Tzerpos - Angeliki Magklara, Toronto ON 2.68 5/7 4/5 2/3 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 96.00 6.32 2 William Bidermann, Los Gatos CA; Jeff 2.68 5/7 4/5 2/3 Leo Zelevinsky, Quincy MA; Juan Castillo, Providence RI 96.00 Pickholtz, Marlboro MA; John Clouser, Pepperell MA; Mike 1.30 5/7 Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Nels Erickson, Meadview AZ 96.00 Kagen, Sutton MA 1.88 6 4 Bette Meers-O’Hara, San Francisco CA; Mie Thiemmedh, 4.22 3/4 Lawrence Jones, Ballwin MO; Carolyn Koch, San Bruno CA 95.50 Edwardsville IL; Jane Ettelson - Charles Ettelson, Saint Louis 1.34 5 Adele Boettner, Saint Paul MN; Darlene Dopp, Brooklyn Park MN 94.00 MO 0.96 6 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA; Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA 91.50 4.22 3/4 Donald Moyer - Katy Moyer, Silver Lake OH; Dale Durbin - Jack Durbin, Stow OH FIRST SUNDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME 60 Pairs MAPLE LEAFS KNOCKOUTS A B C Bracket 1 16 Teams 6.07 1 Robert Cofer III - Stanley Perlo, Ithaca NY 190.50 Ruth Stober, Great Neck NY; Keith Garber, Pelham NY; Diane 4.55 2 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA; Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 187.50 Lazarus - Ed Lazarus, Baltimore MD vs 5.16 3 1 1 Ranjan Bhaduri, Dundas ON; Raymond Jung, Hamilton ON 185.50 James Murphy, Chesapeake VA; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT; 3.87 4/5 2 Mildred Goldberg, New York NY; Ernest Napier, Brooklyn NY 185.00 Ulker Mutlu, Columbus OH; Sandra Hampton, Glenview IL 2.24 4/5 Edward White, Grand Blanc MI; Richard Kaye, Bingham Farms MI 185.00 1.52 6 Noe Mallari, San Diego CA; Helen Worsham, Dallas TX 183.00 Stephen Lucas - Lesley Decker Lucas, Woodbury NY; Jesse 2.90 3 2 Elizabeth Carson, Westmount PQ; Bassam Hashem, Nepean ON 181.50 Reisman, Montville NJ; Cheryl Angel, Livingston NJ 2.18 4 3 David Stagg, Warrensburg MO; Arthur Butler, Independence MO 180.00 vs 2.21 5 Carol Gruss, Willowdale ON; Gary Zlot, Toronto ON 178.50 Michele Foran, Oconomowoc WI; William Malesevich, Mayville 1.52 6 Bernice Gee, Regina SK; Carol Mann, Fort Lauderdale FL 176.50 WI; Suzanne Dunn, Crystal Lake IL; Joshua Stark, Grayslake IL 1.40 4/5 Andras Budinszky, Burlington MA; Endre Ortel, Budapest HU 168.00 1.62 4/5 Marjorie Bonoff, New York NY; Jane Sykes, Palm Beach FL 168.00 Bracket 2 16 Teams 1.55 6/7 Joyce Ruttan - Wayne Ruttan, Scarborough ON 164.50 LaToss Carpenter - Brandon Carpenter, Whitehouse TX; Thomas 0.82 6/7 Kai-Wang Yu, Scarborough ON; Kai-Chiu Chan, Chino Hills CA 164.50 Anable - Byron Taylor, Fort Worth TX vs SUNDAY AFTERNOON 299ER SWISS Lynn Yokel, Campbell CA; Annette Powers, Los Gatos CA; Neal 4 Teams Webb - Raymond Yuenger, San Jose CA A B Gene Kazlow, Moretown VT; David Shaw, Shelburne VT; Jed 1.96 1 1 Debra Suller, Cape Vincent NY; Joan Peterson, Three Mile Bay NY; Judy Wang, ; Mary Olson, Randolph NJ Vespa - Shirley Warren, Watertown NY 67.00 vs Jerry Geiger, Hamburg NY; James Reineck, Buffalo NY; Sara Parks SUNDAY AFTERNOON 0-20 PAIRS M D, Owensboro KY; Mike Sloan, Jeffersonville IN; Christopher 24 Pairs Overpeck, Louisville KY E F 2.05 1 Paul Vaillancourt - Raye Vaillancourt, Priceville ON 80.50 Bracket 3 16 Teams 1.54 2 Mia Burton - John Burton, Austin TX 80.00 Nancy Turner - Jo Johnson - Judy Lewis - Susan Jackowitz, New 1.15 3 Paul Stringer, Etobicoke ON; Mike Hopley, Auror ON 78.00 York NY 0.86 4 Arlene Dick, Toronto ON; Norma Grindal, Green Valley AZ 75.00 vs 0.50 5/7 George Pike - Barbara Pike, Blackstock ON 72.50 John Mc Connell - Carol McConnell, Desoto TX; Beach Aten - 0.99 5/7 1 Valerie Rhead - Peter Rhead, Utterson ON 72.50 Kathleen Aten, Plano TX 0.52 5/7 Patricia Varey, Carrying Place ON; Corinne Babbitt, Belleville ON 72.50 0.65 2/3 Nicholas Ogan - Alex Ogan, Moreland Hills OH 71.00 Sylvia Zeltzer - Nina Zimmer, Montreal PQ; Janice Winslow, 0.65 2/3 Jack Sutton, Don Mills ON; Sven Nielsen, Toronto ON 71.00 Hampstead PQ; Peter Neufeld, Pierrefonds PQ vs 0.42 4 Wanda Pearce - Theresa Monette, Toronto ON 70.00 Peter Samson, Bathurst NB; James Collins, Sarasota FL; Wayne 0.31 5 Illona Rappaport - Shai Rappaport, Richmond Hill ON 69.00 Syms, Olds AB; John Parker, St. John’s NF

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 99ER PAIRS Bracket 4 12 Teams 38 Pairs Joyce Elaine Klein - Benjamin Klein, Houston TX; Jo Ann Hazel, C D Tampa FL; Larry Chegwidden, Largo FL 3.38 1 1 Harriet Wagman - Judy Bromley, Toronto ON 112.36 vs 2.54 2 Lia-Mai Ulpman - Ain Jarve, Toronto ON 109.50 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA; Robena O’Malley, Brookline 1.90 3 2 William Bradshaw - Pamela Bradshaw, Toronto ON 104.87 MA; Gemma Min, La Jolla CA; Shih-Ming Shih, San Jose CA 1.43 4 Tom Keating - Ian Scott, Toronto ON 102.93 1.07 5 Hazel Holub, Scarsdale NY; Robert Friedman, Hartsdale NY 100.93 Stephen Young - Lynn Young - Steve Priebe, Mississauga ON; 1.17 6 Sheila Miltchin, Toronto ON; Stephen Zierak, Philadelphia PA 97.36 Debbie Feldman, Oakville ON 1.30 3 Amaia Barrena - Jabi Peralta, Spain 91.14 vs 0.97 4 Gary Strieter - Joan Zakor, Pittsburgh PA 90.00 Morton Pearl - Ethel Schipper, Hampstead PQ; Eva Katznelson - 0.84 5 Gigi Durcan, Pt Jefferson St NY; Joo-Hee Janicki, Markham ON 89.36 Alan Katznelson, Cote Saint-Luc PQ 0.55 6 Rita Kirzel, Langhorne PA; Patsy Lord, San Diego CA 86.64 Bracket 5 12 Teams Leslie Bushfield - Roman Dubinski, London ON; Dolores Rogers SUNDAY AFTERNOON 200/300 PAIRS - Ray Freeman, Kingston ON 40 Pairs vs A B Susan Cooke - E.Joan Colman - Beth Henderson, Oakville ON; 4.20 1 Joseph Huang, Willowdale ON; Paul Low-Beer, Monroe Twp NJ 108.50 Marilyn Macdiarmid, Moncton NB 3.15 2 Eugene Fisher - Adrienne Fisher, Potomac MD 103.50 2.36 3 Herman Scheiblich, Elgin SC; Linda York, Lugoff SC 101.50 Todd Wachsman, East Meadow NY; Paddy Gouthro, Halifax NS; 1.77 4 Mary Hurst, Guelph ON; James Bleaney, Belwood ON 97.50 Timothy Luker, Green Bay WI; William Zimmerman, de Forest 2.47 5/6 1/2 Henry Lai, Scarborough ON; Shiree Shafrir, Wayland MA 95.00 WI 2.47 5/6 1/2 Frank Shostack, Willowdale ON; Steve Foster, Toronto ON 95.00 vs 1.59 3 Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL; Alexina Robertson, Gambrills MD 93.00 Ken McConnell, Palestine TX; Robert Pagliarulo, Roslindale MA; Continued on page 11 Continued on page 11 Page 12 Daily Bulletin

Jocelyne Boily - Normand Nantel, Hull PQ 1.19 4 Maggie Sparrow, Hillsdale ON; Stanley Marshall, Winchester ON 92.50 0.89 5 Gary Martin, Spring Hill FL; Dennis Martin, Omaha NE 91.50 Bracket 6 12 Teams 0.90 6 Sandra Torano, Annapolis MD; Patricia Colon, Guaynabo PR 91.00 John F. W. Glynn, Paget BE; Bill Pare, Smith’s BE; James McCartney - Louise McCartney, Ottawa ON 1ST SUNDAY FAST PAIRS vs 60 Pairs David Harbour - Annie Harbour, Scarborough ON; Juanita Girand, A B C Palo Alto CA; Sherry Waki, Santa Clara CA 24.85 1 Arnold Fisher, Clementon NJ; Maureen Sullivan, Cinnaminson NJ 211.07 Christopher Gorton - Cynthia Gorton, Roxbury MA; Brad Bozick, 18.64 2 Mary Poplawski - Harry Nuckols, Vestal NY 203.14 Medford MA; Jack Vecchione, Boston MA 13.98 3 Janice Seamon-Molson, Miami FL; Barton Buffington, North vs Kingstown RI 203.00 Theodore Poritz - Carol Poritz, Endwell NY; Stanley Goldstein - 10.48 4 1 Loring Fenton, ; Bruce Toder, Fairport NY 200.71 Barbara Goldstein, Harrison NY 7.86 5 2 Jerry Curtright - Judy Hummel, Colorado Spgs CO 198.63 5.90 6 Fred Theurkauf, Pasadena CA; Mike Spero, Burbank CA 195.50 4.42 7 Gary Soules - Jan Soules, Campbell CA 191.85 3.96 8 Robert Lavin, East Longmeadow MA; Janie Moser, Pinehurst NC 191.79 Try ACBL Online 4.06 3 John Molt Jr - Joanne Molt, Grand Rapids MI 190.79 3.46 4 1 Mark Lombard - Edward Brickman, Philadelphia PA 187.36 Free for 7 days! 3.02 5 Benjamin Akkerboom, Apeldoorn; Nelda Avent, Tyler TX 180.85 2.35 6 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 180.00 After the free trial, the rate is $99.00 for a 2.57 2 Perla Minond, Forest Hills NY; Peggy Yannas, New York NY 176.00 whole year or $12.00 monthly. Special for 1.93 3 Rosalie Campeau, Libertyville IL; Mary Kever, Grayslake IL 147.50 NABC in Toronto: Free ACBL Online Polo shirts with annual membership. SUNDAY SENIOR SWISS All these rates include unlimited play in 92 Teams our social room, unlimited access to the du- A B C plicate tournaments and full access to all the 22.88 1 Stephen Shane, White Plains NY; Eugene Davidson, Washington DC; Sharon Jabbour - Zeke Jabbour, Boca Raton FL 198.00 great features on the web site. 17.16 2 Max Hardy, Las Vegas NV; Dixie Hsu, San Luis Obispo CA; John For more information, comments or ques- Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 178.00 tions on this exciting new service, visit http:// 12.87 3 Genevieve Hewitt - Richard Hewitt, New York NY; Natalie Hertz - www.acbl.com Or send an e-mail to Dan Hertz, Harrison NY 177.00 [email protected] 9.65 4 Jean Troyer - Bryce Troyer, Joliet IL; Pat Levy - Lew Levy, Houston TX 173.00 15.89 5 1 Alfred Lee, Rncho Pls Vrd CA; Freda Thornbrough, Downey CA; Name______Olavi Vare, Sumter SC; Samuel Wang, Monterey Park CA 171.00 11.92 6 2 Sylvia Doryland, Nipomo CA; Marilyn Christy, Fountain Valley Address ______CA; Marguerite Calicchio, Costa Mesa CA; Marlene Smith, W Springfield MA 167.00 4.07 7 Frank Hacker, Barre VT; Philip Sharpsteen, Jericho VT; June City ______Dorion, Fair Haven VT; Wayne Hersey, Montpelier VT 166.00 3.05 8 Seymour Goldan - Linda Goldan, Mission Viejo CA; Kim Smith, State/Province______Bethesda MD; Joe Currie, Halifax NS 162.00 8.94 9 3 Neil Morgan - Betty Morgan, Saint Augustine FL; Selma Caldwell, Indianapolis IN; Shirley Judy, Urbana IL 161.00 Zip/Postal Code ______2.29 10 Barbara Belardi - Judi Sonon, Pittsburgh PA; Sarah Soster, Murrysville PA; Cecilia Powell, Monroeville PA 159.00 Telephone # ______5.87 4/5 Kathy Logue, Fort Lauderdale FL; Douglas Coutts, Toronto ON; James Williams - B Jeanne Williams, Indian Wells CA 151.00 5.87 4/5 Isadore Sharp - Rosalie Sharp - Robert Scolnick - Doreen User Name ______Scolnick, Toronto ON 151.00 3.77 6 Prentiss Glazier, Toronto ON; Edward Becker Jr, Midland MI; Al Password (8 characters) ______Raudenbush, Bellevue WA; Charlotte Anderson, Madison WI 145.00 2.83 7 Dirk Enthoven, Bernardsville NJ; Claire Michalowski, Spring Lake NJ; Myrna Smith, Frenchtown NJ; Jacqueline Kimball, John’s E-mail ______Island SC 138.00 1.95 8/9 Joyce Froot - Nathan Froot, Somers NY; Toby Feiges - Dale ACBL Player # ______Feiges, Minneapolis MN 137.00 1.95 8/9 Philip Lam, Marblehead MA; Siu Lam Lee, Chelmsford MA; Rose Kester - Herbert Kester, West Palm Beach FL 137.00 Credit Card: __American Express __Discover 6.47 1 David Balinsky - Adele Balinsky - Stephen Sanders - Maxine __MasterCard __Visa Sanders, Cote Saint-Luc PQ 122.00 4.85 2 Barbara Phillips, Rushville NY; Christine Karn, Huntsville ON; Joan Rotenberg, Aurora ON; Corky Miller, Toronto ON 113.00 Credit Card # ______3.64 3 Virginia Ray - Shirley Naumann, Marble Falls TX; Sandra Davis - Rita Shackelford, Horseshoe Bay TX 112.00 Expiration Date ______2.73 4 Thambu Nadarajah, Mississauga ON; Nageshwar Sinha - Velumylum Thanga, Don Mills ON; Virendar Puri, Thornhill ON 110.00 Bring the completed form to the Algonquin 2.05 5 Tony Dare - Irma Ashley, San Diego CA; Alayne McFetridge, Vanderhoof BC; Audrey Jukes, Courtice ON 107.00 Room on the mezzanine level at the Royal York 1.18 6/8 Susan Haydu - Esther Hussman - Mona Rosenberg - Gordon or call the ACBL Sales Department at 1-800- Rosenberg, Toronto ON 104.00 264-2743 (from Canada 1-800-264-8486) or 1.18 6/8 David Gale - Marion Cogdon - Gregory Fraser, Toronto ON; Sylvia FAX (901) 398-7754. Marksfield, Don Mills ON 104.00 1.18 6/8 William Pate, Etobicoke ON; Ray Zucchiatti, Toronto ON; Garry Gardiner, Don Mills ON; Donald Marquis, Willowdale ON 104.00

FRIDAY-SUNDAY SIDE SERIES 6TH OF 6 SESSIONS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION II EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Virginia Lifton, Marco Island FL; Jerry Clerkin, North Vernon IN 187.00 1 Barry Gorski, Reading PA; Kathleen Del Corso, Sinking Spring PA 193.00 2 1 Jean Warner, Aventura FL; Bob Woods, Toronto ON 186.00 2 1 1 Elaine Misner - James Misner, Wilton CT 177.50 3 2 1 Gita Keller - Gerald Keller, Thornhill ON 174.50 3 2 2 Andrew Straus, San Francisco CA; Nancy Ferguson, Greenbrae CA 172.50 4 Adriana Yanez - Miriam Rosenberg, Mexico DF 174.00 4 Noe Mallari, San Diego CA; Helen Worsham, Dallas TX 168.50 5 3 2 Ruth Nussdorf, Old Westbury NY; Judith Gushner, Boca Raton FL 173.50 5 3 Bernard Scott - Mary Scott, Erie PA 167.00 6 George Friedell, Syosset NY; Eileen Becher, Swampscott MA 172.00 6 4 3 Susan Santisi, Denver CO; Judy Soley, Scarsdale NY 166.00 7 4 Marilyn Griffith, Toronto ON; Julia Rowlands, Ottawa ON 169.50 7 5 Alan Steggles, Ravenna OH; Mie Thiemmedh, San Bruno CA 165.00 5 David Kaplan, Brooklyn NY; Gladys Larson, New York NY 160.50 6 Gary Zlot, Toronto ON; Carol Gruss, Willowdale ON 164.00 6 Mary Lawand - Rene Lawand, Etobicoke ON 157.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Phyllis Reed, Palm Beach FL; Laurence Dusty, Lake Worth FL 195.00 1 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA; Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 204.50 2 1 Charles Bradford Jr, Columbus GA; E Stephen Purdom, Midland GA 190.50 2 1 Marvin Suchman, Walnut Creek CA; J Robert Powers, Alexandria VA 199.00 3 James Kingsdale, Crested Butte CO; Arnold Silversmith, Brooklyn NY 177.00 3 Harvey Gushner, Boca Raton FL; Louis Lessinger, Plainview NY 187.50 4 Kenneth Meistad - Andy Fritsch, Joplin MO 174.00 4 Lisa Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Marilyn Loesberg, New York NY 181.00 5 2 1 Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY; Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY 167.00 5 2 1 William Johnson, Columbus MT; Felice Schrager, Highland Park NJ 176.00 6 3 2 Bassam Hashem, Nepean ON; Elizabeth Carson, Westmount PQ 162.00 6 3 Mary Santini-Ritt, Newton MA; K Scott Kimball, Brighton MA 172.00 7 Gladys Collier, East Hampton NY; Adele Dusenbury, Stony Brook NY 158.00 7 4 Jim Wakefield, Fairfax Station VA; Brendan Doyle, Narberth PA 165.50 4 3 Diane Winiger - Helen Moskowitz, New York NY 157.00 5 2 Judith Siegel - Myron Siegel, Delray Beach FL 158.00 5 Mac Busby, San Diego CA; Grant Peacock, Irvine CA 156.00 3 Phyllis Rosenstock - Jan Barsel, Boca Raton FL 150.00

STRATIFIED IMP PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Denis Lesage, Longueuil PQ; Richard Lesage, Fredericton NB 56.00 1 Maggie Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Ora Lourie, Hypoluxo FL 20.00 2 1 1 James McLoughlin, North Brunswick NJ; George Shamy, New Brunswick NJ 46.00 2 1 Ross Spiro, Cherry Hill NJ; Sarah Imig, Sioux City IA 16.00 3 2 Helen De Wild, Willowdale ON; Jim Barney, Toronto ON 35.00 3 Terry Currie - Bobby Maynard, Houston TX 15.00 Daily Bulletin Page 13

4 3 Jane Rivell, New Smyrna FL; John Ashe, Fairfax VA 30.00 4 2 Charles Richards, Dallas TX; Phyllis Kaplan, Port Charlotte FL 13.00 5 Julian Klukowski, ; Victor Markowicz, Boca Raton FL 28.00 5 3 Masaharv Wakasa, Kawasaki JP; Nobuko Wakasa, Kawasaki-Shi 44 08 5.00 6 4 Chris McNaughton - Judy McNaughton, Scottsdale AZ 26.00 6 4 Stephen Sahlein - Nancy Sahlein, Larchmont NY 4.00 7 5 Evan Markowitz, New York NY; Jennifer Heymont, Medford MA 25.00 7 5 1 Peter Lombardo - Grace Lombardo, Stoneham MA 3.00 2 Michael Saltzman, Naperville IL; Mark Lombard, Philadelphia PA 19.00 2 Helen Pawloski, Westfield MA; Louise Sunter, Wellsville NY -15.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Paul Kopelman, Cranford NJ; Walter Fontaine, North Providenc RI 58.00 1 Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB; Hendrik Sharples, Portland OR 32.00 2 A Jezioro - K Mykietyn, Poland 45.00 2 1 Chandru Jay Kriplani, Thornhill ON; Ram Hira, North Vancouver BC 29.00 3 Gale Senter - Jim Senter, Laguna Niguel CA 42.00 3 Kathrine Bertheau, Haninge SE; Lars Andersson, S-74632 Balsta SE 16.00 4 Carole Weinsteingorsey, Acton MA; Bob Gorsey, Vlg Nagog Wds MA 38.00 4 Julie Rowe, Metuchen NJ; Jim Strachan, Princeton NJ 10.00 5 1 Robyn Hedly - Per Hedly, Denver CO 36.00 5 Jennifer Gianera, San Diego CA; Rick Roeder, Encinitas CA 8.00 6 2 1 David Lesieur, Manchester CT; Alan Tuvin, South Windsor CT 28.00 6 2 1 Theodore Hwa - Qixiang Sun, Stanford CA 4.00 7 William Nelson - Sandra Nelson, Scotia NY 21.00 7 3 2 Alexis Ciconte - Thomas Ciconte, Wilmington DE 3.00 3 Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY; Herbert Klein, Stuart FL 17.00 4 Charles Liebler, Virginia Beach VA; Kay Portman, Fairfield Bay AR -1.00 4 Ringo P Chung, Mississauga ON; Vinay Sarin, Thornhill ON 14.00 5 Hameed Syed, Camrose AB; Robert Larson, Sherwood Park AB -3.00 2 F Winston Samuel, Dartmouth NS; Larry Murray, Leamington ON 8.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Stephen Wood - William Erwin, Austin TX 88.00 1 Colin Revill, Burlington ON; Dick Benson, Le Roy IL 64.00 2 Jean Barkas, Laguna Hills CA; Alice Mitchell, Laguna Niguel CA 49.00 2/3 1 Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA; Robert Lawrence, Bronx NY 26.00 3 Edith Korda, Dublin OH; Jim Bachelder, Columbus OH 29.00 2/3 Peter Fredin, Malmo SE; Grace Jeklin, Surrey BC 26.00 4 2 Janie Moser, Pinehurst NC; Kal Kaleem, Etobicoke ON 18.00 4 Gay Miller - Tom Miller, Centerville OH 23.00 5 3 1 Elmer Johansen - J Morris Swiger, Ann Arbor MI 14.00 5/6 2/3 Edward Nield, Westchester IL; William Mannschreck, Virginia Beach VA 22.00 6 Muriel Altus, Tampa FL; Bud Dean, Belleair FL 11.00 5/6 2/3 1 Asami Matsuo, Tokyo 189-0002 JP; Yoko Barnett, Kirkland WA 22.00 7 4 Mary Ann Boardman - James Boardman, Cedar Rapids IA 3.00 7 Cecilia Powell, Monroeville PA; Judi Sonon, Pittsburgh PA 20.00 2 Nancy Shannon - Ann Hinchcliff, Pinehurst NC -33.00 4 2 Betty Price, Mahwah NJ; Martha Troxell, Allendale NJ 15.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Michael Miron - Helene Miron, Tucson AZ 48.00 1 Kathy Schenk - Marvin Schenk, Phoenix AZ 78.00 2 2 Corinne Edelbaum, Hartsdale NY; Myra Flaum, Yonkers NY 40.00 2 John McDaniel, Lees Summit MO; Lee Magee, Prairie Village KS 65.00 3 Charles James - Andrea James, Vancouver WA 18.00 3 1 Gary DeWitt, Penfield NY; John D’Errico, Alton NY 53.00 4 3 Joshua Fendel - Barbara Fendel, Huntington NY 10.00 4 Margaret Macneish - Patrick Horton, Tallahassee FL 36.00 5 Scott Loring, Branford CT; Helen Kobernusz, Madison CT 8.00 5 2 1 Gene Marks, Utica NY; Stephen Cooper, Villanova PA 34.00 6 4 2 Inger Lise Kilcoyne, Worcester MA; Jean Wittman, Northborough MA 3.00 6 3 Kimberly Fanady - Steven Kipperman, San Francisco CA 19.00 7 Lynda Rosenblatt, Passaic NJ; Marvin Rosenblatt, Hartford CT -4.00 7 4 Leroy Abinanti, Kent WA; Mac Kowalczyk, Westminster CO 18.00 5 Patricia Charpentier, Camlachie ON; Paul Charpentier, Londonhie ON -7.00 5 Jon Downing, Solihill B; Susan Pflederer, W Hartford CT 14.00 2 Stanley Margolis, Naples FL; John Paxton, Bozeman MT 1.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION PP EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Peter Filandro - Marie Filandro, Smyrna DE 29.00 1/2 1/2 1 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Bill Blackburn, Matlacha FL 37.00 2 1 Adrienne Braithwaite, Toronto ON; Shirley Scott, Colorado Spgs CO 28.00 1/2 1/2 Marcia Aspinall, Naperville IL; Yo Buehler, Williamsburg VA 37.00 3 2 Shelley Fishman, Merrick NY; Anita Goldman, Syosset NY 24.00 3 Henry Caspar - Tom Buttle, Toronto ON 32.00 4 Anita Hargrove - Rosalind Murray, Nepean ON 21.00 4 3 Gloria Tamlyn, Larchmont NY; Amy Nellissen, Ramsey NJ 28.00 5 3 Ellen Glynn - John Glynn, Annandale VA 16.00 5 4 David Langer - Mark Ginsburg, Buffalo Grove IL 22.00 6 4 Susan Shively - Deepak Khanna, Kutztown PA 15.00 6 Martin Hunter, Mississauga ON; Eiji Kujirai, North York ON 19.00 7 5 Thomas Corlett - Ethel Buzze, Waco TX 10.00 7 5 Monica Verma, Natick MA; Ann Baum, Newton MA 11.00 6/7 1 Vee Minard, Rochester NY; Annette Rock, Clayton NY 8.00 6 Judy Weisman - Carl Weisman, Herndon VA 8.00 6/7 Joyce Neville, White Marsh VA; Cathy Hunsberger, Gloucester VA 8.00

SUNDAY EVENING 0-20 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQQ EAST-WEST E F E F 1 1 Sally Stevens, Flint MI; Erma Hermann, Grand Blanc MI 54.00 1 1 Dana Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Jim Wright, Nepean ON 46.50 2 2 P Kathryn Vaughan, Walnut Creek CA; Marilyn Teakle, Lafayette CA 51.00 2/3 Corinne Babbitt, Belleville ON; Patricia Varey, Carrying Place ON 40.00 2/3 Patricia Whyte, Waterdown ON; Glenis Lawrence, Oakville ON 40.00

SUNDAY EVENING 99ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RRR EAST-WEST C D C D 1 1 Louise Best - Michelle Murphy, London ON 104.00 1 Virginia Samaras, Little Silver NJ; Pat Shippee, Ocean Grove NJ 105.64 2 Lia-Mai Ulpman - Ain Jarve, Toronto ON 98.29 2 Mark Kuntz - Jack Keith, Seattle WA 99.50 3 2 Sheila Miltchin - Milt Otter, Toronto ON 88.50 3 Alexina Robertson, Gambrills MD; Virginia Wynne, Nixon TX 93.50 4 Chuck Vodvarka, Milford PA; William Lambert, Newton NJ 88.00 4 1 Sandra Zions, Naples FL; Stephanie Furtsch, Rye NY 92.64 5 Josephine Kevane - Donald Kevane, Rio Piedras PR 85.43 5 2 Amaia Barrena, Beasain SP; Jabi Peralta, Ordizia Ss E- 20 81.64

SUNDAY EVENING 200/300 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SSS EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Mary Hurst, Guelph ON; James Bleaney, Belwood ON 94.50 1 James Hacker - Carol Hacker, Mount Clemens MI 100.50 2 1 Diana Becker - Leonard Becker, New York NY 93.00 2 Gwendolyn Eckman, Manchester NH; Townsend Brown II, Sagaponack NY 93.00 3 Suzanne Siklos - Cataline Nador, Toronto ON 92.00 3 Mark Hanneman, Plainfield IL; Sue Stokes, Southlake TX 92.50 4 2 Lesley Thomson, ; Judy Mayerovitch, Toronto ON 90.00 4 1 Patricia Colon, Guaynabo PR; Sandra Torano, Annapolis MD 87.50 2 David Dow, Kingston ON; Judi Trenton, Hartland MI 85.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TTT EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Michael Jasenko - Rosette Zabaneh, Toronto ON 112.00 1 1 Randall Durgee, Fort Ogden FL; Margaret Peterson, Grand Forks ND 100.00 2 Lyn Shapiro, Maitland FL; Judi Holler, Winter Park FL 93.00 2 2 Gary Martin, Spring Hill FL; Dennis Martin, Omaha NE 94.00 3 1 Joan Renzoni - Ann Brisbois, Toronto ON 91.00 3 3 Roz Hertzog, Scarsdale NY; Sondra Eichel, Mamaroneck NY 85.00 4 2 Jerry Stimpfle, Dansville MI; Robert Victor, East Lansing MI 86.00 4 Mike Ludkorski, ; Paul Stringer, Etobicoke ON 84.50 3 Bill Filip, Stuart FL; Warren Williams, Wilton CT 82.50

1ST SUNDAY STRAT OPEN PAIRS SECOND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION EE EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Jim Pestaner - Lucy Pestaner, Potomac MD 211.50 1/3 1/2 J Princz, Montreal PQ; Joseph Major, Westmount PQ 179.50 2 Richard Budd, Portland ME; Robert Ryder, Caldwell NJ 201.00 1/3 John Pataki, Mesquite TX; Mike Aliotta, Oklahoma City OK 179.50 3 Joseph Byrnes, Mastic NY; Charles Sharf, North Baldwin NY 196.50 1/3 1/2 Anna Carlson, Loudon NH; John Cook, Bow NH 179.50 4 2 Nathan Glasser, Somerville MA; Bob Wilkin, Irving TX 176.00 4 Ed Howard, Wichita KS; Donald Florida, Palestine IL 177.00 5 3 1 Libby McWilliams, Richmond Hill ON; Linda Lord, Schomberg ON 163.50 5 Richard Weissman - Robert Whitehead, New York NY 170.00 6 4 Carolyn Sullivan - James Sullivan, Richfield OH 157.00 6 3 1 Gail Kahan - John Kahan, Santa Barbara CA 158.00 4 2 Uday Maitra - Manju Law, Mississauga ON 154.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION FF EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Ann Schwartz - Alan Schwartz, Fairfax VA 202.50 1 Barry Piafsky, New York NY; Don Piafsky, Toronto ON 185.00 2 Stephen Maltzman, Bridgewater NJ; Arnold Kohn, Somerset NJ 183.50 2 1 Lisa Evans, Danville CA; Jack Fulcher, San Francisco CA 172.50 3 Minah Ho - Sun-O Ho, Brookfield WI 177.00 3 2 Ken Lounsberry, Etobicoke ON; Ronald Koshoshek, Bloomer WI 169.00 4 1 1 Russell Cowgill - Jackie Cowgill, Orinda CA 168.50 4 3 Art Pezzutto, Sault Ste Marie ON; Anne Marie Crabbe, London ON 162.50 5 2 2 Norm Smith - Karen Smith, Willowdale ON 161.50 5 Nicholas Hartung, Astoria NY; Stephen Schneer, Croton Hdsn NY 161.00 6 3 Rita Merl, White Plains NY; Irene Silver, Scarsdale NY 160.50 6 4 1 John Balanowski, St Catharines ON; Patrick Barry, Niagara-Lk ON 159.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Beth Stuart - Dottie Ann Goodloe, Houston TX 188.21 1 Wendy Krause - Arnold Krause, Toronto ON 193.67 2 Cathy Nathan - Marc Nathan, Thousand Oaks CA 178.83 2 R Beery, Lincoln NE; Mike Albert, Omaha NE 180.50 3 1 1 Robert Lurie, Wayland MA; Donald Lurie, Yonkers NY 164.16 3 Jean Hume, Livermore CA; Frank Allison, West Hempstead NY 175.88 4 Ed Groner, Duncan OK; David Horner, Carrollton TX 162.88 4 1 1 Deanna Goh, Peterborough ON; Liam Johnstone, Birmingham EN 172.63 5 2 2 Rebecca Dills, Belmont MI; Helen Langridge, Rockford MI 161.88 5 Mark Tolliver - Marc Zwerling, Portland OR 164.46 6 3 Jeanne Gray, Boulder CO; Frank Ayer, Calagry AB 161.38 6 2 Phyllis Prager, Sarasota FL; Saundra Gotch, Framingham MA 161.38 4 Shopon Roy-Choudhury, Mississauga ON; Motaz Farag, Belleville ON 160.04 3 Annette Clark, Indianapolis IN; Barbara Subak, Northbrook IL 160.13 2 Nicola Bird - Seth Weisberg, Los Angeles CA 151.67 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Ian Harvey, Devonshire BE; Alan Douglas, Pembroke BE 201.50 1 1 Jerry Manioci, Honeoye Falls NY; Christy Kellogg, Buffalo NY 187.00 2 William Finkelstein, Buffalo NY; Ann Hoylman, Pittsford NY 196.00 2 Janet Daling, Seattle WA; Sharon Colson, Kirkland WA 174.50 3 2 B Blackhouse - Sally Rewbotham, Mississauga ON 170.00 3 2 Joanne Antoniou, Shaker Heights OH; Jack Weingold, Chagrin Falls OH 173.00 4 Elbert Hargesheimer, Hamburg NY; Roger Tiktin, Lakewood OH 168.50 4 3 Joan Benesch - William Benesch, Washington DC 172.00 5 Linda Mamula - Donald Mamula, Mill Creek WA 160.00 5 4 Roger Vieira, Maraval Trinida D; Hugh Williams, West Indies TT 170.00 6 3 Barbara Ranville, North York ON; Chad Krause, Pittsburgh PA 159.00 6/7 Marilou Powell, Round Rock TX; Lois Goodman, Austin TX 158.00 1 Catherine Williams, Pickering ON; Ellen Meyer, Austin TX 143.50 6/7 Steven Gugick, San Diego CA; Mike Bovarnick, Mercer Island WA 158.00 1 W. Barry Budge - J David Robertson, Rothesay NB 157.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION VVV EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Martin Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL; Ellasue Chaitt, Palm Bch Gdns FL 198.50 1 1 Robert Dykes, Lakewood OH; James Breckel, Medina OH 219.00 2 Jess Stuart - Lois Stuart, West Chester PA 188.00 2 Carlos Munoz, White Plains NY; Mark Itabashi, Murrieta CA 182.50 3 1 1 Michael Nisen, Rolling Meadows IL; Henrietta Morris, Arlington TX 166.50 3 Fred Chasalow, San Carlos CA; George Groves, Armonk NY 179.00 4 Rob Crawford, Las Vegas NV; Richard Sternlieb, Milwaukee WI 162.00 4 2 Jean Ludwig - Michael Kallman, New York NY 174.00 5 2 2 Mohammed Nulla, Toronto ON; Gunter Ballweg, Thunder Bay ON 159.50 5 George Drake - Helene Drake, Longboat Key FL 163.50 6 3 Mary Cafarelli, Mount Morris MI; Mary Ann Vaydik, Burton MI 159.00 6 3 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, Cottonwood CA 160.00 4 1 Bill Moore - Honey Moore, Toronto ON 156.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION AA EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Nancy Pickering, Penllyn PA; Phil Brady, Philadelphia PA 189.50 1 Barry Silverman, Mineola NY; Edythe Crinnian, Wantagh NY 204.00 2 Barbara Siegrist - J Mark Siegrist, Gloucester ON 183.00 2 Barbara Seagram - Alex Kornel, Toronto ON 189.00 3 Caroline Warner, Davie FL; Gail Nye, Palm City FL 180.50 3 Mike Graham, Ann Arbor MI; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 179.00 4 1 Milton Kalikman, Azusa CA; William Martzloff, East Rochester NY 172.00 4 1 Marlene Weny - Yvonne Conroy, Grand Rapids MI 171.50 5 2 1 Margaret Alan, White Plains NY; Rosemarie Priore, Mount Vernon NY 168.00 5 2 1 Kathy Redelaar, Toronto ON; Mike Redelaar, Newmarket ON 163.50 6 3 2 Joan Cherry - Gwyn Morgan, Toronto ON 165.00 6 Jeri Baraf, Roslyn NY; Alan Goldman, Queens Vlg NY 160.00 4 Helen Miller, Miller Place NY; Paul Ross, Fair Grove MO 153.00 3 Brenda Geden - Joseph Sauro, North Bay ON 148.50 4 Kassie Ohtaka, White Plains NY; Joel Bieber, Armonk NY 147.00 2 Darleen Doucette, Apex NC; Brenda Woodman, Mount Pearl NF 144.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION BB EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Frank Cymerman - Warren Oberfield, Pittsburgh PA 191.88 1 1 1 Michael Cuttle, Oakville ON; Richard Cuttle, Etobicoke ON 193.17 2 1 Larry Rosen, Albany NY; Steven Shaye, Slingerlands NY 182.71 2 Karin Griffin - John Griffin III, Albuquerque NM 191.79 3 Helen Shanbrom, Tamarac FL; Woodruff Crouse, Grosse Pointe MI 180.54 3 Edwin Malmuth, Cardiff CA; Stephen Paskin, Slingerlands NY 186.46 4 2 John Bacsa, Wood Dale IL; Robert Oslin, Chicago IL 173.71 4 2 2 Aleksandar Vujic, Toronto ON; Charlotte Urbanc, Etobicoke ON 181.79 5 3 Joyce Hart - Richard Hart, Piedmont CA 167.83 5 3 Vicky Smith, Victoria BC; Ann Weinstein, Yonkers NY 172.67 6 John Russell, North Barringto IL; Chuck Said, Nashville TN 161.46 6 Dallas Moore - Harold McConnell, Dayton OH 164.67 4 1 Joseph Panepinto, Boca Raton FL; H McQuire, Miami FL 161.33 4 David Shuster, Fresno CA; Nicholas Gregorio Sr, Stoneham MA 142.67 2 Morton Rubin - Paula Rubin, Pittsburgh PA 150.83 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION CC EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Patrick Thompson - Robert Macneal, Aurora ON 193.50 1 Annette Lee McHann, Gulf Breeze FL; Pamela Wild, Daytona Beach FL 195.00 2 A Brooks Harris, Berwyn PA; Shou-Ling Wang, Bethesda MD 180.50 2 1 1 Joyce Watt, Willowdale ON; Betty Mc Dougall, Toronto ON 186.00 3 2 Douglas Wilson - Murray Hallatt, Keswick ON 177.50 3 Michael Cafferata, Scarborough ON; David Colbert, Etobicoke ON 184.50 Page 14 Daily Bulletin

4 3 Deborah Hart, E Falmouth MA; Philip Lewis, Washington NC 164.00 4 2 Francis Foresta - Linda Foresta, Monarch Beach CA 182.00 5 Paul Swanson, Morgantown WV; Jim Zimmerman, Shaker Heights OH 161.00 5 3 Nick Straguzzi, Mullica Hill NJ; Randy Okubo, Saint Paul MN 178.50 6 4 Toby Sternheimer, Aurora OH; Susan Craney, Brecksville OH 158.50 6 Dorothy Kelleher, Portland ME; Melvin Marcus, Framingham MA 175.00 1 Maud Simard, Chicoutimi PQ; James Bridges, Penfield NY 145.50 4 Phyllis Felser, Pikesville MD; Ronnie Pumpian, Miami FL 169.50 2 Shirley McGuire, Bloomington IL; Michael Evans, Oakville ON 132.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION DD EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Wayne Hascall, Grandville MI; Frederick Hamilton, Las Vegas NV 191.00 1 Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Bill Jessup, Brentwood TN 218.50 2 David Wachsman - Janis Wachsman, East Meadow NY 185.50 2 1 Malcolm Barker, Bucks Uk H P8 4; Marlene Solender, Tamarac FL 184.00 3 1 1 Ariadne Winquist, Cadillac MI; Trish Bishop, Grand Rapids MI 179.50 3 2 Bonnie Bachmann, Fairport NY; Gladys Pfaff, Philadelphia PA 181.00 4 2 Dorothy Marcus, Westmount PQ; Marilyn Godel, Hampstead PQ 178.50 4 3 Gary Neisler, N Richlnd Hls TX; Nancy Peterson, Euless TX 170.00 5 3 Faigie Kopelman - Tytus Zablocki, Toronto ON 175.50 5 4 Margaret Brennan, West Des Moines IA; Charles McCarthy, San Jacinto CA 161.50 6 William Braucher, North Billerica MA; Daniel Braucher, Denver CO 169.50 6 1 Tina Naykki, Raleigh NC; Marjeta Heald, Moline IL 156.00 4 2 Ian Totman, Toronto ON; Gary Youngs, Pickering ON 156.00 2 Harriet Gilbert, Chicago IL; Carole Drew, Glen Ellyn IL 147.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Saleh Fetouh, Buffalo NY; Suraj Jain, Lewiston NY 186.00 1 1 Diane Mongeau, ; Bernard Mongeau, St-Jn-Richelieu PQ 186.50 2/3 Louise Freed, Los Angeles CA; Derrell Childs, Garland TX 172.00 2 Bill Harker, Santa Fe NM; Stephen Kemic, Los Alamos NM 184.50 2/3 2 Janis Halbert - George Knight, Barrie ON 172.00 3 Kevin Bolan, Eugene OR; Balusu Rao, Redmond WA 181.50 4 Carol Emme - Harold Emme, Carbondale IL 171.50 4 2 Leigh A A Ives, Barrie ON; Peter Phelan, Orillia ON 169.50 5 3 1 Alfred Kreindler - Sharron Kreindler, Bloomfield MI 171.00 5 3 1 Ahmed Sorathia, Chino CA; Loris Blevins, Hurst TX 167.50 6 4 R Brumbelow Jr - Mary Louise Williams, Crozet VA 162.50 6 4 2 Simon Van Den Ende - Annette Kraft Van Ermel, Curacao 162.00

1ST SUNDAY FIRST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION EE EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Arnold Fisher, Clementon NJ; Maureen Sullivan, Cinnaminson NJ 103.14 1 Robert Lavin, East Longmeadow MA; Janie Moser, Pinehurst NC 99.29 2 Jerry Clerkin, North Vernon IN; Virginia Lifton, Marco Island FL 99.57 2 Gary Soules - Jan Soules, Campbell CA 93.35 3 Edward Schwartz, Alexandria VA; Richard Zerilli, Springfield VA 94.07 3 1 Benjamin Akkerboom, Apeldoorn 7312 CP; Nelda Avent, Tyler TX 93.21 4 Philip Altus - Muriel Altus, Tampa FL 92.36 4 2 Carol Wiles, Port Chester NY; Joyce Blumenthal, Harrison NY 89.50 1 Marie Killoran, Wilmington NC; David Gottfried, North Potomac MD 79.29 1 Helen Rosen, Willowdale ON; Belle Kaufman, Toronto ON 67.79 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION FF EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 John Molt Jr - Joanne Molt, Grand Rapids MI 108.50 1 Peter Filandro - Marie Filandro, Smyrna DE 95.50 2 2 Loring Fenton, ; Bruce Toder, Fairport NY 103.50 2 1 Eleanor Gimon, Greenwich CT; Susan Rodricks, Milford CT 94.00 3 Fred Theurkauf, Pasadena CA; Mike Spero, Burbank CA 101.50 3 Ellen Oelsner - Judi Radin, New York NY 89.00 4 Edward Scolnick, Wynnewood PA; Bobbie Gomer, Willow Grove PA 95.00 4 Maryann Ripley, Winter Park FL; Paul Collier, Orlando FL 86.00 1 Rosalie Campeau, Libertyville IL; Mary Kever, Grayslake IL 65.00 2 Mark Lombard - Edward Brickman, Philadelphia PA 84.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Jill Bromstead - Barry Bromstead, Alamo CA 102.00 1 1 Jerry Curtright - Judy Hummel, Colorado Spgs CO 108.00 2/3 Michael Farebrother, Waterloo ON; Eric Landau, Silver Spring MD 91.50 2 2 Nancy Heusted, Clearwater FL; Adrienne Muslin, Tampa FL 95.50 2/3 Diana Tenery - Larry Ascher, Nutley NJ 91.50 3 Becky Simkins - Bob Simkins, Dothan AL 91.50 4 2 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 88.00 4 Lynne Radcliffe, Toronto ON; Jon Coffee, Bloomfield MI 89.50

SUNDAY MORNING 100/200/300 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Jack Durbin - Dale Durbin, Stow OH 98.93 1 1 1 Bill Filip, Stuart FL; Warren Williams, Wilton CT 113.73 2 Henry Sokol, Milwaukee WI; David Secondino, Rochester WI 97.15 2 2 2 Arlene Karel - Burt Schmarak, Highland Park IL 111.51 3 David Alderman - Aileen Alderman, Don Mills ON 95.44 3 3 Michael Mihevc, Little Falls NY; Sue Holden, Wellington EN 91.71 4 2 Frank Shostack, Willowdale ON; Steve Foster, Toronto ON 87.77 4 4 Arnold Schwartz, Palm Desert CA; Kai-Wang Yu, Scarborough ON 86.91 3 Andre La Traverse, Pointe-Claire PQ; Jean La Traverse, Toronto ON 86.99

1ST SUNDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 96.00 1 1 1 Leo Zelevinsky, Quincy MA; Juan Castillo, Providence RI 96.00 2 2 Albert Chik, Toronto ON; Donna Rice, Traverse City MI 94.50 2 2 2 Bette Meers-O’Hara, San Francisco CA; Mie Thiemmedh, San Bruno CA 95.50 3 George Knight, Barrie ON; Danny Schamehorn, Washago ON 91.50 3 Jesus Arias - Susan Schnelwar, New York NY 94.00 4 3 Douglas Wilson - Murray Hallatt, Keswick ON 89.50 4 Deborah Drury, Vero Beach FL; Charles McCarthy, San Jacinto CA 93.00 5 Charles Sheaff, Oak Park IL; Vincent Carcello, Knoxville TN 89.00 5 Richard Kaye, Bingham Farms MI; Edward White, Grand Blanc MI 91.50 4 2 Rod Halvorson, Saint Paul MN; Kathryn Callahan, Clive IA 88.00 3 3 John MacDonnell, Kemble ON; Hang Zhang, Toronto ON 84.00 3 Darleen Doucette, Apex NC; James Bates, Durham NC 82.50 4 Milton Kalikman, Azusa CA; William Martzloff, East Rochester NY 80.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Carol Netchvolodoff, Washington DC; Linda Logan, Thornhill ON 98.50 1 Al French - Peter Morse, North Vancouver BC 99.50 2 2 Walter Tauber, Longmeadow MA; Donald Sondergeld, Hubbardton VT 97.50 2 1 Joseph Gedan, Honolulu HI; Harjinder Ajmani, Kula HI 99.00 3 Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Nels Erickson, Meadview AZ 96.00 3 2 1 Adele Boettner, Saint Paul MN; Darlene Dopp, Brooklyn Park MN 94.00 4 Mike Albert - Elaine Martin, Omaha NE 94.00 4/5 Robert Miller, Princeton NJ; Joseph Dragoun, Steubenville OH 90.00 5 3 2 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA; Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA 91.50 4/5 3 2 Sandra Skiffington, St. John’s NF; Brenda Woodman, Mount Pearl NF 90.00 4 Bud Biswas, Lexington MA; Brij Mohan Banda, Fremont CA 88.00 4 Louis Sucheston, Clearwater FL; Carol Szazynski, Glenshaw PA 88.00

FIRST SUNDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME FIFTH OF SIX SESSIONS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA; Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 187.50 1 Robert Cofer III - Stanley Perlo, Ithaca NY 190.50 2 1 1 Elizabeth Carson, Westmount PQ; Bassam Hashem, Nepean ON 181.50 2 1 Carol Gruss, Willowdale ON; Gary Zlot, Toronto ON 178.50 3 Susan Mastrola - Frank Mastrola, Swansea MA 178.50 3 William Vinson, Delray Beach FL; Anne Marie Hinds, Pikesville MD 173.50 4 2 Zelig Rubenstein, Toronto ON; Daphne Bell, Don Mills ON 168.50 4 2 1 Joyce Ruttan - Wayne Ruttan, Scarborough ON 164.50 5/6 3/4 Glenda Chaison - John Chaison Jr, San Diego CA 168.00 5 3 Virginia Adams, Bloomington MN; Eleanor Sachs, St Louis Park MN 162.50 5/6 3/4 2 Andras Budinszky, Burlington MA; Endre Ortel, Budapest HU 168.00 6 4 2 Katsumi Tokiwa, Tsukuba 305 JP; Kiyoshi Asai, Toride 302 JP 161.00 3 Phyllis Merritt, Waynesboro VA; Wanna Ernst, Charlottesville VA 159.50 5 Doris Beisner - Duane Beisner, Las Vegas NV 159.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION XXX EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Mildred Goldberg, New York NY; Ernest Napier, Brooklyn NY 185.00 1 1 1 Ranjan Bhaduri, Dundas ON; Raymond Jung, Hamilton ON 185.50 2 2 1 David Stagg, Warrensburg MO; Arthur Butler, Independence MO 180.00 2 Edward White, Grand Blanc MI; Richard Kaye, Bingham Farms MI 185.00 3 3 Bernice Gee, Regina SK; Carol Mann, Fort Lauderdale FL 176.50 3 Noe Mallari, San Diego CA; Helen Worsham, Dallas TX 183.00 4 Jay Mann, Fort Lauderdale FL; Ken Gee, Regina SK 174.50 4 2 2 Marjorie Bonoff, New York NY; Jane Sykes, Palm Beach FL 168.00 5 4 Roy Vernon - Doneen Vernon, Etobicoke ON 167.50 5 3 Duncan Bedford, Ottawa ON; Robert Baker, Nashville TN 167.50 6 Lisa Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Marilyn Loesberg, New York NY 161.00 6 4 Shelley Fishman, Merrick NY; Anita Goldman, Syosset NY 165.00 5 John Verthelyi, Blacksburg VA; Roberto Verthelyi, New York NY 157.50 5 3 Kai-Wang Yu, Scarborough ON; Kai-Chiu Chan, Chino Hills CA 164.50 2 Stephen Pickett, Vancover BC CN; Rhonda Monro, Beverly Hills MI 157.00 4 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 158.50 3 John Plunkett, Morgantown WV; Marylou McCarthy, Longport NJ 146.00

SUNDAY OPEN PAIRS AFTERNOON SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION CC EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Dorothy Kelleher, Portland ME; Melvin Marcus, Framingham MA 206.00 1 David Wachsman - Janis Wachsman, East Meadow NY 213.00 2/3 Annette Lee McHann, Gulf Breeze FL; Pamela Wild, Daytona Beach FL 171.00 2 1 Faigie Kopelman - Tytus Zablocki, Toronto ON 178.50 2/3 Michael Cafferata, Scarborough ON; David Colbert, Etobicoke ON 171.00 3 Wayne Hascall, Grandville MI; Frederick Hamilton, Las Vegas NV 175.50 4 David Callahan - Rose Bolson, Lake Forest Par WA 165.00 4 Frances Cohen - Marilyn Hirschhorn, Wayne NJ 171.00 5 1 Judy Friedman, Jerusalem IS; John Wiggins, Toronto ON 163.50 5 William Braucher, North Billerica MA; Daniel Braucher, Denver CO 160.50 2 Gail Model, Aurora ON; Susan Kroning, Seaside OR 161.00 2 1 Ian Totman, Toronto ON; Gary Youngs, Pickering ON 155.00 3 1 Shirley McGuire, Bloomington IL; Michael Evans, Oakville ON 155.00 3/4 Nick Straguzzi, Mullica Hill NJ; Randy Okubo, Saint Paul MN 153.50 4 2 Arlene Bushell, Old Westbury NY; Linda Gross, Manhasset NY 154.00 3/4 Francis Foresta - Linda Foresta, Monarch Beach CA 153.50 2 Ariadne Winquist, Cadillac MI; Trish Bishop, Grand Rapids MI 141.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION DD EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Bill Jessup, Brentwood TN 192.50 1 1 Patrick Thompson - Robert Macneal, Aurora ON 202.92 2 Sharon Miller, Issaquah WA; Paul Schwaighart, Normandy Park WA 180.00 2 2 Jack Connell, Kingston ON; Elaine Johannsson, Picton ON 191.67 3 Larry Sunser - Joseph Fortino, Syracuse NY 174.00 3 3 Douglas Wilson - Murray Hallatt, Keswick ON 182.21 4 1 1 Ethel Kassirer, Yonkers NY; Carol Braten, White Plains NY 172.00 4 4 Toby Sternheimer, Aurora OH; Susan Craney, Brecksville OH 178.00 5 2 2 Harriet Gilbert, Chicago IL; Carole Drew, Glen Ellyn IL 168.50 5 Paul Swanson, Morgantown WV; Jim Zimmerman, Shaker Heights OH 170.79 6 3 Noble Shore, Derwood MD; James Krot, Winter Springs FL 164.00 6 A Brooks Harris, Berwyn PA; Shou-Ling Wang, Bethesda MD 163.17 4 Gary Neisler, N Richlnd Hls TX; Nancy Peterson, Euless TX 160.00 1 Matthew Bone - Carolyn Sieber, Dayton OH 146.21 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Charles Halasi, Toronto ON; Jessica Piafsky, New York NY 197.00 1 Richard Budd, Portland ME; Robert Ryder, Caldwell NJ 209.00 2 2 Jack Bonney - Dianne Bonney, Yorktown Hts NY 194.50 2 Joseph Byrnes, Mastic NY; Charles Sharf, North Baldwin NY 184.00 3 Kevin Bolan, Eugene OR; Balusu Rao, Redmond WA 173.00 3 Bob Carter, Billings MT; Tim Spencer, Great Falls MT 178.00 4 3 Diane Mongeau, ; Bernard Mongeau, St-Jn-Richelieu PQ 169.00 4 Mildred Di Falco, Babylon NY; Nofrio Florio, East Islip NY 171.50 5 4 2 Simon Van Den Ende - Annette Kraft Van Ermel, Curacao 164.00 5 1 Carolyn Sullivan - James Sullivan, Richfield OH 169.50 6 Melody Gann, Arlington TX; J’Neane Huey, Fort Worth TX 161.00 6 2 Leendert Byl - Lena Byl, Niagara-Lk ON 162.50 3/4 Jim Pestaner - Lucy Pestaner, Potomac MD 156.50 3/4 Eve Berk, Southfield MI; Adele Gudes, West Bloomfield MI 156.50 1 E Jamie Schloss, Lexington KY; Karen Wood, Houston TX 133.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Beth Stuart - Dottie Ann Goodloe, Houston TX 189.00 1 Cathy Nathan - Marc Nathan, Thousand Oaks CA 208.00 2 Nicholas Hartung, Astoria NY; Stephen Schneer, Croton Hudson NY 172.50 2 Barry Piafsky, New York NY; Don Piafsky, Toronto ON 193.00 3 1 Lisa Evans, Danville CA; Jack Fulcher, San Francisco CA 168.50 3 1 Harvey Katz, Marina del Rey CA; Joanne McConnell, San Mateo CA 169.00 Daily Bulletin Page 15

4 Sharon Benz, Buffalo NY; Don Heisler, West Seneca NY 166.50 4 2 1 Rebecca Dills, Belmont MI; Helen Langridge, Rockford MI 166.50 5 2 1 John Balanowski, St Catharines ON; Patrick Barry, Niagara-Lk ON 162.00 5 3 Margaret Davis - Suanne Blair, Morehead KY 159.50 6 3 Gordon Walker, Naples FL; Barbara Jur, Warren MI 161.50 6 4 Robert Lurie, Wayland MA; Donald Lurie, Yonkers NY 156.00 4 Ken Lounsberry, Etobicoke ON; Ronald Koshoshek, Bloomer WI 159.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Mark Tolliver - Marc Zwerling, Portland OR 199.00 1 1 Gloria Orr - Hindupuram Sriharsha, Orillia ON 179.50 2 Jean Hume, Livermore CA; Frank Allison, West Hempstead NY 192.50 2 Danny Schamehorn, Washago ON; Craig Barkhouse, Barrie ON 178.50 3 Wendy Krause - Arnold Krause, Toronto ON 179.50 3 Ann Schwartz - Alan Schwartz, Fairfax VA 177.50 4 David Buckthal, Harrisburg PA; Ed Bissell, State College PA 171.50 4 2 Cordelia Menges, New York NY; Patricia Katz, N Versailles PA 167.00 5 1 1 Deanna Goh, Peterborough ON; Liam Johnstone, Birmingham EN 163.00 5 3 Rita Merl, White Plains NY; Irene Silver, Scarsdale NY 166.00 6 2 George Krizel, Fstrvl Trvose PA; Kaye Bryant, Corunna MI 158.00 6 Ian Kidger, United Kingdom GB; Herve Chatagnier, St-Aug-Desmau PQ 164.00 3 Phyllis Prager, Sarasota FL; Saundra Gotch, Framingham MA 155.00 1 Russell Cowgill - Jackie Cowgill, Orinda CA 154.00 2 Nicola Bird - Seth Weisberg, Los Angeles CA 144.50 2 Norm Smith - Karen Smith, Willowdale ON 147.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION AA EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 David Frank, Bloomfield MI; Arnold Rodin, West Bloomfield MI 187.00 1 1 Brenda Geden - Joseph Sauro, North Bay ON 205.50 2 2 Kassie Ohtaka, White Plains NY; Joel Bieber, Armonk NY 185.50 2 Frank Cymerman - Warren Oberfield, Pittsburgh PA 195.50 3 Dudley Camacho, Toronto ON; Behnaz Fathollahzadeh, Oakville ON 181.50 3 Helen Shanbrom, Tamarac FL; Woodruff Crouse, Grosse Pointe MI 188.00 4 Barbara Seagram - Alex Kornel, Toronto ON 176.50 4 2 Larry Rosen, Albany NY; Steven Shaye, Slingerlands NY 169.50 5 Barry Silverman, Mineola NY; Edythe Crinnian, Wantagh NY 174.50 5 3 1 Andrea Missias - Howard Kahlenberg, Philadelphia PA 160.50 6 Jeri Baraf, Roslyn NY; Alan Goldman, Queens Vlg NY 168.00 6 Mike Graham, Ann Arbor MI; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 159.50 3 Marlene Weny - Yvonne Conroy, Grand Rapids MI 159.00 4 John Bacsa, Wood Dale IL; Robert Oslin, Chicago IL 158.00 4 2 Darleen Doucette, Apex NC; Brenda Woodman, Mount Pearl NF 149.50 2 Ken Brantferger - Rajesh Seth, Houston TX 149.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION BB EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Karin Griffin - John Griffin III, Albuquerque NM 200.50 1 1 Brian Macartney, Hamilton ON; David Neff, London ON 189.00 2 Phyllis Burstein, Springfield NJ; Vincent Carcello, Knoxville TN 184.50 2 Barbara Siegrist - J Mark Siegrist, Gloucester ON 185.50 3 Edwin Malmuth, Cardiff CA; Stephen Paskin, Slingerlands NY 183.00 3 Dallas Moore - Harold McConnell, Dayton OH 181.50 4 1 David Shuster, Fresno CA; Nicholas Gregorio Sr, Stoneham MA 175.00 4 Caroline Warner, Davie FL; Gail Nye, Palm City FL 176.50 5 2 1 Thomas Greene, Nashville TN; Carey Brown, Brentwood TN 166.00 5 Diane Jonas, Boca Raton FL; Antoinette Lutz, Wilmington DE 171.50 6 3 Paul McGough, Langley WA; William Jenkins, Amarillo TX 163.00 6 2 Thomas Dawson, Toronto ON; Jane Burns, Greenwich CT 168.50 4 2 Aleksandar Vujic, Toronto ON; Charlotte Urbanc, Etobicoke ON 156.00 3 Helen Miller, Miller Place NY; Paul Ross, Fair Grove MO 162.50 4 Milton Kalikman, Azusa CA; William Martzloff, East Rochester NY 148.50 1 Joan Cherry - Gwyn Morgan, Toronto ON 148.00 2 Richard Soderstrom, Ottawa ON; Ron Zambonini, Nepean ON 146.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HH EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Woody Kaiser - Roslyn Kaiser, Sherman Oaks CA 189.50 1 Martin Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL; Ellasue Chaitt, Palm Bch Gdns FL 205.50 2 Janet Daling, Seattle WA; Sharon Colson, Kirkland WA 181.00 2 Rob Crawford, Las Vegas NV; Richard Sternlieb, Milwaukee WI 192.50 3 1 Roger Vieira, Maraval Trinida D; Hugh Williams, West Indies TT 180.00 3 Donald Gladman - John Lang, Calgary AB 178.00 4 Carolyn Holcomb, Englewood FL; Dianne Vander Sommen, Tampa FL 172.00 4 Arnie Frankel, Laurel MD; Molly Tinsley, Ashland OR 176.50 5 2 Joanne Antoniou, Shaker Heights OH; Jack Weingold, Chagrin Falls OH 165.50 5 1 1 W. Barry Budge - J David Robertson, Rothesay NB 170.00 6 3 Jerry Manioci, Honeoye Falls NY; Christy Kellogg, Buffalo NY 163.00 6 Barbara Shnier - Mark Dunsiger, Toronto ON 162.50 4 Steven Gugick, San Diego CA; Mike Bovarnick, Mercer Island WA 162.50 2 William White, Toronto ON; Tom Beardsley, Richmond KY 154.00 1 Andrew Smullen, Plano TX; Elaine Wood, Southlake TX 149.00 3 Joan Benesch - William Benesch, Washington DC 153.00 2 Mohammed Nulla, Toronto ON; Gunter Ballweg, Thunder Bay ON 137.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION II EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, Cottonwood CA 197.50 1 Barbara Klein - James Klein, Pittsburgh PA 199.00 2 2 Louis Stuckey, Timonium MD; Suellen Poland, Pikesville MD 178.00 2 Howard Epley - Karen Epley, Kent WA 185.00 3 Carlos Munoz, White Plains NY; Mark Itabashi, Murrieta CA 175.00 3/4 Linda Mamula - Donald Mamula, Mill Creek WA 173.50 4 Fred Chasalow, San Carlos CA; George Groves, Armonk NY 174.00 3/4 1 Ian Harvey, Devonshire BE; Alan Douglas, Pembroke BE 173.50 5 3 Steven Ashe, Tampa FL; William Rauld, Lauderhill FL 172.00 5 2 1 June Jorgensen, Jackson CA; Larry Mock, Dartmouth NS 165.00 6 4 Robert Dykes, Lakewood OH; James Breckel, Medina OH 161.00 6 3 Catherine Williams, Pickering ON; Ellen Meyer, Austin TX 158.00 1 Laurel Scheinman, Baltimore MD; Andrew Hegedus, Burlington ON 139.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Uday Maitra - Manju Law, Mississauga ON 187.00 1 1 1 Moti Thadani - Sarla Thadani, Santa Clara CA 193.00 2 2 2 Stephen Kwan, Markham ON; Shelley Kuan, Toronto ON 186.50 2 2 William Lea Jr, Columbus OH; Allen Selling, Erie PA 187.00 3 Harriet Eaton, Miami FL; John Morris, Atlanta GA 185.50 3 3 Alfred Kreindler - Sharron Kreindler, Bloomfield MI 184.00 4 Ed Howard, Wichita KS; Donald Florida, Palestine IL 183.00 4 4 Janis Halbert - George Knight, Barrie ON 168.00 5 John Pataki, Mesquite TX; Mike Aliotta, Oklahoma City OK 174.50 5 Louise Freed, Los Angeles CA; Derrell Childs, Garland TX 163.50 6 Adam Weisz-Margules, Thornhill ON; Andrew Tylman, Toronto ON 169.50 6 Dorothy Marcus, Westmount PQ; Marilyn Godel, Hampstead PQ 163.00 3 Mark Burkhammer, Paw Paw MI; James Pfromm, Corunna MI 158.50 4 John Ielmini - Joyce Ielmini, Patterson CA 148.50

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 0-20 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RRR EAST-WEST E F E F 1 Paul Vaillancourt - Raye Vaillancourt, Priceville ON 80.50 1 Paul Stringer, Etobicoke ON; Mike Hopley, Auror ON 78.00 2 Mia Burton - John Burton, Austin TX 80.00 2 Arlene Dick, Toronto ON; Norma Grindal, Green Valley AZ 75.00 3/4 George Pike - Barbara Pike, Blackstock ON 72.50 3 Patricia Varey, Carrying Place ON; Corinne Babbitt, Belleville ON 72.50 3/4 1 Valerie Rhead - Peter Rhead, Utterson ON 72.50 4 1 Jack Sutton, Don Mills ON; Sven Nielsen, Toronto ON 71.00 5 2 Nicholas Ogan - Alex Ogan, Moreland Hills OH 71.00 5 2 Else Kovacs - Anders Kovacs, Mississauga ON 64.50 3 Wanda Pearce - Theresa Monette, Toronto ON 70.00 3/4 Ghada Dorowish - Edwin Nahmias, Toronto ON 61.00 3/4 Sandra Smee, St Catharines ON; Marilyn Maloney, Breezy Point NY 61.00

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 99ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SSS EAST-WEST C D C D 1 1 Harriet Wagman - Judy Bromley, Toronto ON 112.36 1 Tom Keating - Ian Scott, Toronto ON 102.93 2 Lia-Mai Ulpman - Ain Jarve, Toronto ON 109.50 2 Patsy Pierce, Hardin TX; Darla Petersen, Ajax ON 97.14 3 2 Milt Otter, Toronto ON; Donald McPhee, Scarborough ON 85.36 3 1 Gary Strieter - Joan Zakor, Pittsburgh PA 90.00 4 Frank La Master - Nancy La Master, Munster IN 82.86 4 Marzi Niramwalla, Willowdale ON; Mehdi Sadeghi, Scarborough ON 89.29 2 Michael McGrath - Linda McGrath, Hockessin DE 77.36 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TTT EAST-WEST C D C D 1 Sheila Miltchin, Toronto ON; Stephen Zierak, Philadelphia PA 97.36 1 1 William Bradshaw - Pamela Bradshaw, Toronto ON 104.87 2 Noellie Walton - Protima Johnston, Markham ON 95.07 2 Hazel Holub, Scarsdale NY; Robert Friedman, Hartsdale NY 100.93 3 George Brandt, Palatine IL; Elizabeth Sibbach, Hoffman Estates IL 94.64 3 2 Amaia Barrena, Beasain SP; Jabi Peralta, Ordizia Ss E- 20 91.14 4 Virginia Samaras, Little Silver NJ; Pat Shippee, Ocean Grove NJ 93.50 4 Josephine Kevane - Donald Kevane, Rio Piedras PR 88.86 1 Gigi Durcan, Pt Jefferson St NY; Joo-Hee Janicki, Markham ON 89.36 3 Rita Kirzel, Langhorne PA; Patsy Lord, San Diego CA 86.64 2 Patricia Whyte, Waterdown ON; Glenis Lawrence, Oakville ON 79.30

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 200/300 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Herman Scheiblich, Elgin SC; Linda York, Lugoff SC 101.50 1 Iren Szokoll, Etobicoke ON; Jean Granat, Toronto ON 92.00 2 Mary Hurst, Guelph ON; James Bleaney, Belwood ON 97.50 2 Anna Dosseva - Ilko Dossev, Pickering ON 91.50 3 1 Henry Lai, Scarborough ON; Shiree Shafrir, Wayland MA 95.00 3 1 Sandra Torano, Annapolis MD; Patricia Colon, Guaynabo PR 91.00 4 Mary Walker, Mount Albert ON; Barbara Hardy, Toronto ON 89.00 4 George Connell - Sheila Connell, Toronto ON 90.00 2 Sheila Kaye - Bob Sommerhalder, New York NY 82.00 2 Darlene Blachar, West Hill ON; Marlene Merkel, Scarborough ON 87.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION VVV EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Frank Shostack, Willowdale ON; Steve Foster, Toronto ON 95.00 1 Joseph Huang, Willowdale ON; Paul Low-Beer, Monroe Twp NJ 108.50 2 2 Maggie Sparrow, Hillsdale ON; Stanley Marshall, Winchester ON 92.50 2 Eugene Fisher - Adrienne Fisher, Potomac MD 103.50 3 Alexis Ciconte - Thomas Ciconte, Wilmington DE 89.50 3 1 Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL; Alexina Robertson, Gambrills MD 93.00 4 3 Jerry Campeau, Libertyville IL; Jerome Kever, Grayslake IL 88.00 4 2 Gary Martin, Spring Hill FL; Dennis Martin, Omaha NE 91.50 3 Phyllis Wolford, Lyme NH; Ruth Horner, Sunapee NH 84.00

1ST SUNDAY FAST PAIRS SECOND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION EE EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Mary Poplawski - Harry Nuckols, Vestal NY 114.64 1 Arnold Fisher, Clementon NJ; Maureen Sullivan, Cinnaminson NJ 107.93 2 Andrea James - Charles James, Vancouver WA 97.07 2 Warren Viegas, Toronto ON; Claire Tornay, New York NY 96.00 3 1 Jerry Curtright - Judy Hummel, Colorado Spgs CO 90.63 3 Philip Altus - Muriel Altus, Tampa FL 92.79 4 Audrey Weikle, Saint Paul MN; Carol Mullins, Lake Mary FL 86.00 4 Joanna Hebermehl, Paris IL; Milt Van Reed, Terre Haute IN 86.07 2 Mary Anne Conway, Erieau ON; Amy Bronstein, Sarasota FL 79.00 1 Marie Killoran, Wilmington NC; David Gottfried, North Potomac MD 82.85 1 Belinda Ledgerwood, Walnut Creek CA; Laura Johnson, Suisun CA 72.70 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION FF EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Gary Soules - Jan Soules, Campbell CA 98.50 1 1 1 Mark Lombard - Edward Brickman, Philadelphia PA 103.36 2 Robert Lavin, East Longmeadow MA; Janie Moser, Pinehurst NC 92.50 2 Christine Urbanek, Tonawanda NY; Randolph Seidenberg Jr, Buffalo NY 99.50 3 Pat Morris, Philadelphia PA; Gail Rust, Daytona Beach FL 90.78 3 2 Loring Fenton, ; Bruce Toder, Fairport NY 97.21 4 1 Benjamin Akkerboom, Apeldoorn 7312 CP; Nelda Avent, Tyler TX 87.64 4 Sumner Steinfeldt, Washington DC; Kent Hartman, San Diego CA 87.43 2 1 Alan Cooper, Setauket NY; Martha Marsh, New York NY 79.57 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Janice Seamon-Molson, Miami FL; Barton Buffington, North Kingstown RI 109.00 1 Kim Poythress, Clearwater FL; Bud Dean, Belleair FL 101.00 2 1 Lynne Beisswenger - Sandra Lovering, Toronto ON 103.50 2 Diana Tenery - Larry Ascher, Nutley NJ 94.00 3 Fred Theurkauf, Pasadena CA; Mike Spero, Burbank CA 94.00 3 Michael Farebrother, Waterloo ON; Eric Landau, Silver Spring MD 93.00 4 2 Anne Scharmach, Manlius NY; Jean Margolin, Old Westbury NY 93.00 4/5 1/2 Perla Minond, Forest Hills NY; Peggy Yannas, New York NY 92.00 4/5 1/2 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 92.00 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Ashlar House Inc. (Bridge Calendars) Day Goodwill Day *Unless otherwise indicated, Strati-Flighted Open and Strati-Flighted Senior events are divided: A/X (3000+, 0-3000) and play separate from B/C/D (1000-2000, 500-1000, 0-500). Strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (2000+), B (750-2000), C (0-750). **Members whose payment of dues is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. All entry fees are shown in Canadian funds.

Note locations: MTCC = 800 Level, Metro Toronto Convention Centre; RYH = Royal York Hotel

Monday, July 23, 2001, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members** Others Morning Bracketed KO Teams I 3rd Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Morning Bracketed KO Teams II 1st Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Morning Side Game Series I* 4th single session Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Stratified 299er Pairs single Hall G, MTCC $16.50 $18.00

Monday, July 23, 2001, 9:00 a.m., 1:00 & 7:30 p.m. Stratified Senior “Choice” Pairs* Mezzanine Level, RYH $18.50 $20.00 Play in any two of the three sessions of this event today.

Monday, July 23, 2001, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Daylight Open Pairs* 1-2 Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00

Monday, July 23, 2001, 1:00 & 7:30 p.m. SPINGOLD KNOCKOUT TEAMS Round 1 Canadian Room, RYH $22.00 $23.50 WAGAR WOMEN’S KNOCKOUT TEAMS Round 1 Canadian Room, RYH $22.00 $23.50 Registration for each closed at 8:00 p.m. yesterday. Mini-Spingold 0-5000 Knockout Teams Round 1 Concert Hall, RYH $19.50 $21.00 Mini-Spingold 0-1500 Knockout Teams Round 1 Concert Hall, RYH $19.50 $21.00 Pre-registration for each required by Noon, today, Monday, July 23. Strati-Flighted Open Pairs* Flight A/X 1-2 Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Flight B/C/D 1-2 Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Bracketed KO Teams III 3-4 Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Bracketed KO Teams IV 1-2 Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 (Continues Tuesday) Side Game Series II* 1st single session Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 0-20 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $16.50 0-5 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC free free

Monday, July 23, 2001, 7:30 p.m. Side Game Series II* 2nd single session Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Stratified Swiss Teams* single Hall F, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 0-20 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $16.50 0-5 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC free free

Monday, July 23, 2001, 11:30 p.m. Zip KO Teams single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00

TOMORROW’S SCHEDULE Day *Unless otherwise indicated, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (2000+), B (750-2000), C (0-750). **Members whose payment of dues is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. All entry fees are shown in Canadian funds.

Note locations: MTCC = 800 level, Metro Toronto Convention Centre; RYH = Royal York Hotel

Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members** Others Morning Bracketed KO Teams I 4th Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Morning Bracketed KO Teams II 2nd Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Morning Side Game Series I* 5th single session Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Stratified 299er Pairs single Hall G, MTCC $16.50 $18.00

Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 RYH $18.50 $20.00 Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 1:00 & 4:00 p.m. Stratified Fast Open Pairs* 1-2 TBA $18.50 $20.00

Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 1:00 & 7:30 p.m. SPINGOLD KNOCKOUT TEAMS Round 2 RYH $22.00 $23.50 WAGAR WOMEN’S KNOCKOUT TEAMS Round 2 RYH $22.00 $23.50 Evening starting time for the Wagar KO only is 8:00 p.m. 0-5000 Knockout Teams Round 2 RYH $19.50 $21.00 0-1500 Knockout Teams Round 2 RYH $19.50 $21.00 Red Ribbon Pairs 1-2Q Hall G, MTCC $19.50 $21.00 2 qualifying, 2 final sessions; pre-qualification required. SENIOR SWISS TEAMS 1-2Q RYH $22.00 $23.50 2 qualifying, 2 final sessions Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Bracketed KO Teams IV 3-4 Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Bracketed KO Teams V 1-2 Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 (Continues Wednesday) Side Game Series II* 3rd Hall G, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $16.50

Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 7:30 p.m. Stratified Board-a-Match Teams* single Hall F, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 Side Game Series II* 4th Hall F, MTCC $18.50 $20.00 Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $16.50

Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 11:30 p.m. Zip KO Teams single Room 801, MTCC $16.50 $18.00