
Appendix: search strategy

Embase (Embase en Medline) (('Inflammatory Bowel Disease'/exp OR ''/de OR ''/de OR ''/de OR ''/de OR 'Colon Crohn disease'/de OR 'Crohn disease'/de OR ''/de OR 'Pancolitis'/de OR ''/de OR 'Proctocolitis'/de OR ''/de OR (enteritis OR colitis OR duodenitis OR ileitis OR ((colon* OR bowel*) NEAR/4 inflamm*) OR enterocolit* OR mucositis OR pancolitis OR proctitis OR proctocolitis OR (IBD AND (intestin* OR bowel*)) OR Crohn*):ab,ti) AND ('Child'/exp OR 'Adolescent'/exp OR 'Adolescence'/exp OR 'pediatrics'/exp OR 'childhood'/exp OR 'child development'/de OR 'child growth'/de OR 'child health'/de OR 'child health care'/exp OR 'child care'/exp OR 'childhood disease'/exp OR 'pediatric ward'/de OR 'pediatric hospital'/de OR 'Pregnant woman'/de OR 'Pregnancy'/exp OR 'Breast Milk'/de OR 'Breast feeding'/de OR (mother* OR (breast NEXT/1 (feed* OR fed)) OR breastfeed* OR ((breast OR maternal) NEAR/3 milk) OR (nursing NEAR/3 patient*) OR adolescen* OR infan* OR child* OR kid OR kids OR toddler* OR teen* OR boy* OR girl* OR minors OR underag* OR (under NEXT/1 age*) OR juvenil* OR youth* OR kindergar* OR puber* OR pubescen* OR prepubescen* OR prepubert* OR pediatric* OR paediatric* OR school* OR preschool* OR highschool* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR baby OR babies OR newborn* OR neonat*):ab,ti)) AND ('Drug monitoring'/de OR 'Blood sampling'/de OR (((drug* OR agent* OR blood OR serum OR sera OR plasma OR milk OR TNF* OR '' OR infliximab OR IFX OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR etanacerpt OR embrel OR enbrel OR tnr* OR adalimumab OR ADA OR mab OR monoclonal OR humira OR trudexa OR certolizumab OR CZP OR cpd* OR cimzia OR pha*) NEAR/6 (measur* OR surveillanc* OR level* OR sampl* OR concentr* OR determin* OR assess*)) OR monitor* OR (trough NEAR/3 level*) OR (TDM AND (monitor* OR drug*)) ):ab,ti) AND ('Tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody'/de OR 'Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor'/de OR 'Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor'/de OR 'Tumor necrosis factor receptor'/de OR 'Monoclonal Antibody'/de OR 'Infliximab'/de OR 'Etanercept'/de OR 'Adalimumab'/de OR 'Certolizumab pegol'/de OR (((TNF OR 'tumor necrosis factor') NEAR/4 (inhibit* OR antibod* OR agent* OR receptor*)) OR infliximab OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR Etanercept OR embrel OR enbrel OR tnr001 OR (tnr NEXT/1 001) OR Adalimumab OR ((monoclonal OR mab) NEAR/3 D2E7) OR humira OR trudexa OR Certolizumab OR cdp870 OR (cpd NEXT/1 870) OR cimzia OR (pha NEXT/1 738144) OR pha738144):ab,ti)

Medline (OVID-SP) (Pediatric Crohn's Disease.mp. OR ((exp "Inflammatory Bowel Diseases"/ OR exp "Enteritis"/ OR "Colitis"/ OR "Crohn disease"/ OR exp "Enterocolitis"/ OR exp "Proctitis"/ OR "Colitis, Ulcerative"/ OR (enteriti* OR colitis OR duodenitis OR ileitis OR pouchitis OR ((colon* OR bowel*) ADJ4 inflamm*) OR enterocolit* OR mucositis OR pancolitis OR proctitis OR proctocolitis OR (IBD AND (intestin* OR bowel*)) OR Crohn*).ab,ti.) AND (exp "Child"/ OR exp "Infant"/ OR "Adolescent"/ OR exp "Pediatrics"/ OR "Child Development"/ OR exp "Child Care"/ OR "Hospitals, Pediatric"/ OR exp "Pregnant women"/ OR exp "Pregnancy"/ OR "Milk, Human"/ OR "Breast Feeding"/ OR (mother* OR (breast ADJ (feed* OR fed)) OR breastfeed* OR ((breast OR maternal) ADJ3 milk) OR (nursing ADJ3 patient*) OR adolescen* OR infan* OR child* OR kid OR kids OR toddler* OR teen* OR boy* OR girl* OR minors OR underag* OR (under ADJ age*) OR juvenil* OR youth* OR kindergar* OR puber* OR pubescen* OR prepubescen* OR prepubert* OR pediatric* OR paediatric* OR school* OR preschool* OR highschool* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR baby OR babies OR newborn* OR neonat*).ab,ti.))) AND ("Drug monitoring"/ OR "Blood Specimen Collection"/ OR (((drug* OR agent* OR blood OR serum OR sera OR plasma OR milk OR TNF* OR tumor necrosis factor OR infliximab OR IFX OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR etanacerpt OR embrel OR enbrel OR tnr* OR adalimumab OR ADA OR mab OR monoclonal OR humira OR trudexa OR certolizumab OR CZP OR cpd* OR cimzia OR pha*) ADJ6 (measur* OR surveillanc* OR level* OR sampl* OR concentr* OR determin* OR assess*)) OR monitor* OR (trough ADJ3 level*) OR (TDM AND (monitor* OR drug*))).ab,ti.) AND ("Receptor, Tumor Necrosis Factor"/ OR exp "Antibodies, Monoclonal"/ OR "Infliximab"/ OR "Adalimumab"/ OR "Certolizumab pegol"/ OR (((TNF OR tumor necrosis factor) ADJ4 (inhibit* OR antibod* OR agent* OR receptor*)) OR infliximab OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR Etanercept OR embrel OR Enbrel OR tnr001 OR (tnr ADJ 001) OR Adalimumab OR ((monoclonal OR mab OR antibod*) ADJ3 (D2E7 OR cA2)) OR humira OR trudexa OR Certolizumab OR cdp870 OR (cpd ADJ 870) OR cimzia OR (pha ADJ 738144) OR pha738144).ab,ti.)

Cochrane Central (trials) (enteriti* OR colitis OR duodenitis OR ileitis OR pouchitis OR ((colon* OR bowel*) NEAR/4 inflamm*) OR enterocolit* OR mucositis OR pancolitis OR proctitis OR proctocolitis OR (IBD AND (intestin* OR bowel*)) OR Crohn*):ab,ti AND (mother* OR (breast NEXT/1 (feed* OR fed)) OR breastfeed* OR ((breast OR maternal) NEAR/3 milk) OR (nursing NEAR/3 patient*) OR adolescen* OR infan* OR child* OR kid OR kids OR toddler* OR teen* OR boy* OR girl* OR minors OR underag* OR (under NEXT/1 age*) OR juvenil* OR youth* OR kindergar* OR puber* OR pubescen* OR prepubescen* OR prepubert* OR pediatric* OR paediatric* OR school* OR preschool* OR highschool* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR baby OR babies OR newborn* OR neonat*):ab,ti AND (((drug* OR agent* OR blood OR serum OR sera OR plasma OR milk OR TNF* OR "tumor necrosis factor" OR infliximab OR IFX OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR etanacerpt OR embrel OR enbrel OR tnr* OR adalimumab OR ADA OR mab OR monoclonal OR humira OR trudexa OR certolizumab OR CZP OR cpd* OR cimzia OR pha*) NEAR/6 (measur* OR surveillanc* OR level* OR sampl* OR concentr* OR determin* OR assess*)) OR monitor* OR (trough NEAR/3 level*) OR (TDM AND (monitor* OR drug*))):ab,ti AND (((TNF OR "tumor necrosis factor") NEAR/4 (inhibit* OR antibod* OR agent* OR receptor*)) OR infliximab* OR avakine* OR inflectra* OR remicade* OR remsima* OR revellex* OR Etanercept* OR embrel* OR Enbrel* OR tnr001 OR (tnr NEXT/1 001) OR Adalimumab* OR ((monoclonal OR mab) NEAR/3 (D2E7 OR cA2)) OR humira* OR trudexa* OR Certolizumab* OR cdp870 OR (cpd NEXT/1 870) OR cimzia* OR (pha NEXT/1 738144) OR pha738144):ab,ti

Web of Science TS=((enteriti* OR colitis OR duodenitis OR ileitis OR pouchitis OR ((colon* OR bowel*) NEAR/4 inflamm*) OR enterocolit* OR mucositis OR pancolitis OR proctitis OR proctocolitis OR (IBD AND (intestin* OR bowel*)) OR Crohn*) AND (mother* OR (breast NEXT/1 (feed* OR fed)) OR breastfeed* OR ((breast OR maternal) NEAR/3 milk) OR (nursing NEAR/3 patient*) OR adolescen* OR infan* OR child* OR kid OR kids OR toddler* OR teen* OR boy* OR girl* OR minors OR underag* OR (under NEXT/1 age*) OR juvenil* OR youth* OR kindergar* OR puber* OR pubescen* OR prepubescen* OR prepubert* OR pediatric* OR paediatric* OR school* OR preschool* OR highschool* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR baby OR babies OR newborn* OR neonat*) AND (((drug* OR agent* OR blood OR serum OR sera OR plasma OR milk OR TNF* OR "tumor necrosis factor" OR infliximab OR IFX OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR etanacerpt OR embrel OR enbrel OR tnr* OR adalimumab OR ADA OR mab OR monoclonal OR humira OR trudexa OR certolizumab OR CZP OR cpd* OR cimzia OR pha*) NEAR/6 (measur* OR surveillanc* OR level* OR sampl* OR concentr* OR determin* OR assess*)) OR monitor* OR (trough NEAR/3 level*) OR (TDM AND (monitor* OR drug*))) AND (((TNF OR "tumor necrosis factor") NEAR/4 (inhibit* OR antibod* OR agent* OR receptor*)) OR infliximab OR avakine OR inflectra OR remicade OR remsima OR revellex OR Etanercept OR embrel OR Enbrel OR tnr001 OR (tnr NEXT/1 001) OR Adalimumab OR ((monoclonal OR mab) NEAR/3 (D2E7 OR cA2)) OR humira OR trudexa OR Certolizumab OR cdp870 OR (cpd NEXT/1 870) OR cimzia OR (pha NEXT/1 738144) OR pha738144))

PubMed recent (enteriti*[tiab] OR colitis[tiab] OR duodenitis[tiab] OR ileitis[tiab] OR pouchitis[tiab] OR ((colon*[tiab] OR bowel*[tiab]) AND inflamm*[tiab]) OR enterocolit*[tiab] OR mucositis[tiab] OR pancolitis[tiab] OR proctitis[tiab] OR proctocolitis[tiab] OR (IBD[tiab] AND (intestin*[tiab] OR bowel*[tiab])) OR Crohn*[tiab]) AND (mother*[tiab] OR breast feed*[tiab] OR breast fed*[tiab] OR breastfeed*[tiab] OR breast milk*[tiab] OR maternal milk*[tiab] OR nursing patient*[tiab] OR adolescen*[tiab] OR infan*[tiab] OR child*[tiab] OR kid[tiab] OR kids[tiab] OR toddler*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR boy*[tiab] OR girl*[tiab] OR minors[tiab] OR underag*[tiab] OR under age*[tiab] OR juvenil*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR kindergar*[tiab] OR puber*[tiab] OR pubescen*[tiab] OR prepubescen*[tiab] OR prepubert*[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR paediatric*[tiab] OR school*[tiab] OR preschool*[tiab] OR highschool*[tiab] OR pregnan*[tiab] OR gestation*[tiab] OR child bear*[tiab] OR baby[tiab] OR babies[tiab] OR newborn*[tiab] OR neonat*[tiab]) AND (((drug*[tiab] OR agent*[tiab] OR blood[tiab] OR serum[tiab] OR sera[tiab] OR plasma[tiab] OR milk[tiab] OR TNF*[tiab] OR tumor necrosis factor*[tiab] OR infliximab[tiab] OR IFX[tiab] OR avakine[tiab] OR inflectra[tiab] OR remicade[tiab] OR remsima[tiab] OR revellex[tiab] OR etanacerpt[tiab] OR embrel[tiab] OR enbrel[tiab] OR tnr*[tiab] OR adalimumab[tiab] OR ADA[tiab] OR mab[tiab] OR monoclonal[tiab] OR humira[tiab] OR trudexa[tiab] OR certolizumab[tiab] OR CZP[tiab] OR cpd*[tiab] OR cimzia[tiab] OR pha[tiab]) AND (measur*[tiab] OR surveillanc*[tiab] OR level*[tiab] OR sampl*[tiab] OR concentr*[tiab] OR determin*[tiab] OR assess*[tiab])) OR monitor*[tiab] OR trough level*[tiab] OR (TDM[tiab] AND (monitor*[tiab] OR drug*[tiab]))) AND (((TNF[tiab] OR tumor necrosis factor*[tiab]) AND (inhibit*[tiab] OR antibod*[tiab] OR agent*[tiab] OR receptor*[tiab])) OR infliximab*[tiab] OR inflectra*[tiab] OR remicade*[tiab] OR remsima*[tiab] OR Etanercept*[tiab] OR embrel*[tiab] OR Enbrel*[tiab] OR Adalimumab*[tiab] OR ((monoclonal[tiab] OR mab[tiab]) AND (D2E7[tiab] OR cA2[tiab])) OR humira*[tiab] OR Certolizumab*[tiab] OR cdp870[tiab] OR cpd 870*[tiab] OR cimzia*[tiab]) AND publisher[sb]

Google Scholar Enteritis|colitis|duodenitis|ileitis|enterocolitis|proctitis|proctocolitis|IBD|"inflammatory bowel disease"|crohn adolescent|child|infant|neonate|newborn|pregnant| "drug monitoring"|TDM|"blood sampling" "TNF inhibitor"|"tumor necrosis factor inhibitor"|