HP Openvms Cluster Software SPD 29.78.27
Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: HP OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD 29.78.27 This Software Product Description describes Versions a mix of AlphaServer and VAX or AlphaServer and In- 6.2–1H3, 7.1–1H1, 7.1–1H2, 7.1–2, 7.2, 7.2–1, 7.2– tegrity server systems. In this SPD, this environment is 1H1, 7.2-2, 7.3, 7.3–1, 7.3–2, 8.2, 8.2–1 and 8.3 of the referred to as an OpenVMS Cluster system. following products: Systems in an OpenVMS Cluster system can share pro- • HP VMScluster Software for OpenVMS for Integrity cessing, mass storage (including system disks), and Servers other resources under a single OpenVMS security and management domain. Within this highly integrated en- • HP VMScluster Software for OpenVMS AlphaServers vironment, systems retain their independence because (through V8.3) they use local, memory-resident copies of the OpenVMS operating system. Thus, OpenVMS Cluster systems • HP VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS VAX (through can boot and shut down independently while benefiting V7.3) from common resources. • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for Integrity Servers Applications running on one or more systems in an OpenVMS Cluster system can access shared resources • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for Al- in a coordinated manner. OpenVMS Cluster soft- phaServers (part of NAS150) ware components synchronize access to shared re- sources, allowing multiple processes on any system in • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for VAX the OpenVMS Cluster to perform coordinated, shared (through V7.3) (part of NAS150) data updates. Except where noted, the features described in this Because resources are shared, OpenVMS Cluster sys- SPD apply equally to Integrity server, AlphaServers and tems offer higher availability than standalone systems.
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