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PROCEEDING-ICEAC-2018.Pdf i THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGLISH ACROSS CULTURES 19-20 October 2018 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Editors: Made Hery Santosa I Made Suta Paramarta Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani I.G.A. Lokita Purnamika Utami Published by: Undiksha Press Jalan Udayana No. 11 Telp. +62 362 26609 Fax. +62 362 25735 Email: Singaraja-Bali ISBN: 978-602-6428-40-0 i THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGLISH ACROSS CULTURES Committee Putu Kerti Nitiasih I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra Ni Nyoman Karina Wedhanti Ni Made Rai Wisudriani Kadek Sonia Piscayanti Reviewers Ni Nyoman Padmadewi A.A.I.N Marhaeni L.P. Artini Ni Made Ratminingsih D.P. Ramendra Putu Suarcaya ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Ganesha University of Education) or Undiksha is the leading institution that specifically trains and educates teachers and prospective teachers for all subjects and levels of schools in Bali. The university accommodates over 700 of whom are majoring in English Education in the last five years. The discourse to host the International Conference on English across Cultures (ICEAC) has been conducted since 2011 and this year, 2018 becomes the fourth event. The 4th International Conference on English across Cultures committee would like to extend its gratitude and high appreciation to the following individuals and institutes whose assistance and contributions have made the conference possible: 1. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd.,Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 2. Prof. Dr Putu Kerti Nitiasih, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Language and Art of Undiksha 3. Prof. Jayakaran Mukundan, Claire Bradin Siskin, Dr. Gumawang Jati, M.A, Dang Tan Tin, Ph.D, and David Bradbury as the keynote speakers 4. UPT Gedong Kertya as a contributor 5. Ibu Tuti Kusuma wardani-member of commission 11 House of Representative of Republic of Indonesia as one of the sponsors of the ICEAC event 6. All staff and lecturers of Faculty Language and Arts, Undiksha International Conference on English across Culture (ICEAC) is a biennial International Conference on English across Culture for researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to share ideas and experiences on English language teaching and linguistic challenges in a cross-cultural context and to discuss some direction to embrace the challenges. This 4th ICEAC will focus on, but not limited to, the following themes: 1) English in Education (Teaching English for Young Learners, TESOL, Teaching English and Technology, Character Education, Special Needs Education, Assessment, Media Development, Professional Development, Material Development, and Teaching Methods), 2) English for Specific Purposes, 3) Applied Linguistics, 5) Cross Cultural Understanding, and other relevant topics in English Education It is expected that this conference becomes an innovative and exciting opportunity for scholars who are interested in English language and pedagogy as well as culture to address the importance of the issues and its strong correlation with political and democratic development, educational system reforms and improvement of quality of human resources across the globe. The committee wishes that all presenters and participants of the 4th ICEAC have a memorable experience at the conference. The Committee iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv-viii THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD TEACHING WHICH EVENTUALLY LEADS TO GOOD RESEARCH. Jayakaran Mukundan, 1 DIGITAL LITERACY: WHAT‟S IT ALL ABOUT? Claire Bradin Siskin, 2 ICT IN LANGUAGE LEARNING: RESOURCES, AUTHORING TOOLS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT. Gumawang Jati, 3 ONLINE REFLECTIVE DISCUSSION ENGAGEMENT FOR LEARNER AUTONOMY DEVELOPMENT. Tin T. Dang, Ph.D., 4 TEACHING CULTURE? David Bradbury, 5 EXAMINING TEACHERS‟ VIEW ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH AS LOCAL CONTENT SUBJECT (ELCS) POLICY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL: A CASE STUDY IN INDONESIA. Eddy Haryanto, Makmur, Rd. M. Ali, 6-13 WOMEN‟S CHARACTERIZATION IN MARY SHELLEY‟S FRANKENSTEIN. Luh Putu Sari Anggawati, Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti, 14-23 STUDENTS‟ NEED ANALYSIS IN THE CONTENT OF ENGLISH FOR HOTEL ACCOMMODATION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. K. L. Kurniawatia, I. G. Budasia, and D. P. Ramendra, 24-34 BIG BOOK IN BIG CLASSES: HOW SIGNIFICANT IS IT FOR FIRST GRADE STUDENTS? Putu Kerti Nitiasiha, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayantia, I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, 35- 46 THE POPULAR AND THE ACADEMIC: PERFORMING ANALYSIS ON DISNEY‟S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2017). Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, Ida Ayu Istri Utami, Elisabeth Wania Galla, 47-57 SCHOOL PRINCIPALS‟ PERCEPTIONS OF IN-HOUSETRAINING PROGRAMS TO DEVELOP ENGLISH TEACHERS‟ PEDAGOCICAL AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE. Urip Sulistiyo, 58-67 BLENDED LEARNING IN EFL CLASSROOMS WITH SLOW INTERNET: INSIGHTS FROM TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. Af‘idatul Husniyah, S.Pd., M.Sc. 68-79 iv CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED BY INDONESIAN PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS IN THAILAND. K. Suparma, N. M. Ratminingsih, L. D. S. Adnyani, 80-92 ENHANCING CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING THROUGH LITERATURE. KURNIA NINGSIH, 93-100 EXPLORING EFL STUDENTS' EPISTEMIC BELIEFS, METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS, CLASSROOM ANXIETY IN RELATION TO ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT. Ive Emaliana, Agus Gozali, Devinta Puspita Ratri, 101-107 ARE THE WOMEN REALLY STRONG? AN ANALYSIS ON THE CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE FEMALE MAIN CHARACTER IN MURTI BUNANTA'S "SERI WANITA PERKASA". Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, G.A.P. Suprianti, Ni Kadek Fitrianti, 108-119 AN ANALYSIS OF JARGON USED BY RECEPTIONISTS IN FRONT OFFICE AT VILLA SEMANA RESORT AND SPA UBUD. I.G.N.B. Aryana, G.B.S. Putra, A.Y. Pranata, 120-129 THE EMERGENCE OF CODE-MIXING IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING. Ike Anisa, Sukasih Ratna Widayanti, 130-137 INVESTIGATING INDONESIAN LEARNERS‟ MOTIVES IN GROUP PEER- ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE EFL WRITING CLASSROOM. Andri Suherman, 138-143 “SPEECH ACTS: UNCOVER THE MEANING OF DIRECTIVE ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE”. Ni Putu Widi Susantia, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, 144-150 GENDER CONTRIBUTION ON STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT OF NURSING PROGRAM IN STIKES BULELENG. Ni Nyoman Ari Ratnadi1, Putu Windi Ridayanti, 151- 156 THE SYMBOLIC RELATION OF ALA AYUNING DEWASA BASED ON PAWUKON. I Wayan Swandana, I Gede Mahendrayana, 157-167 PREPARING 21ST CENTURY STUDENTS BY USING DRAMA TEACHING METHOD (DTM) IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. Putu Indah Partami Putri, 168-177 CHARACTER-BASED EXTENSIVE ENGLISH READING MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IN BALI: NEEDS ANALYSIS. Damayanti, L.S., Nitiasih, P.K., Santosa, M.H. 178-186 v MOBILE LEARNING IN TESOL CLASSES IN INDONESIAN HIGH SCHOOLS CONTEXTS: TEACHERS AND STUDENTS‟ PERSPECTIVES. Ni Made Christina Wijaya, S.Pd, 187-201 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TALKING CHIPS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS‟ SPEAKING SKILL AT ILMU AL-QUR‟AN AND TAFSIR (IAT). Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, 202-207 A CLASS MAGAZINE PUBLISHING: LESSONS FROM EFL WRITING ACTIVITIES. Putu Eka Dambayana Suputra, 208-219 THE FUN METHOD OF TEACHING ENGLISH: HAPPY LEARNING. Muhammad ‗Abduh Al Karim, 220-228 PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A REVIEW OF DIMENSIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN UNIVERSITY-LEVEL TEACHING AND LEARNING. Le Thi Kim Thu, 229-240 CRITICAL REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN‟S FASHION BY COLONIALIST IN STUDENTS‟ LITERARY READING. I Nyoman Yasa, 241-249 GAMIFICATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING: TABOO AND TIMELINE. Safitry Wahyuni, M.Pd, Edmundo Gomes Junior, M.A, 250-260 AN ANALYSIS OF PICTIONARY GAME EFFECT TOWARDS LANGUAGE CREATIVITY AND VOCABULARY MASTERY IN TEYL: A LIBRARY RESEARCH. Aditya Ridho Fatmawan, 261-271 THE USE OF REINFORCEMENT IN WRITING AND SPEAKING SKILL FOR ADULT LEARNERS IN MAHASARASWATI UNIVERSITY. Ni Wayan Ita Sari, Ni Luh Putu Tini Paradina, 272-285 AN ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES USED IN ENGLISH CLASSES OF SMK NEGERI BALI MANDARA (BALI ACADEMY). P.D. Pratiwi, I.N.A.J. Putra, P.E.D. Suputra, 286-294 THE EFFECT OF MODIFIED COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING (MCSR) AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE READING ANXIETY (FLRA) ON READING COMPREHENSION. Ni Putu Ayu Pujiyani, Ni Made Ratminingsih, I Gede Budasi 295-306 THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE FOR WORKING PEOPLE. Putu Desi Anggerina Hikmaharyanti, 307-316 vi NATURALNESS TRANSLATION USING BACK-TRANSLATION METHOD (CASE STUDY OF TRANSLATING SPOOF STORY BY STIBA SARASWATI STUDENTS). Ni Putu Ayu Kartika Sari Dewi, 317-325 AVIATION SCHOOL STUDENTS‟ RESPONSES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. Nurul Jumiati, 326-331 AN ANALYSIS OF INTERLANGUAGE ERROR ON WRITING FUNCTIONAL TEXT APPLICATION LETTER BY MEDITTERANEAN STUDENTS. Kadek Heni Oktarina Wisudayanti, 332-340 INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF ORAI SMARTPHONE-BASED APPLICATION ON SPEAKING COMPETENCY FOR ADULT LEARNERS. Made Agus Mandala Putra, Ni Kadek Ranny Susanti, Made Hery Santosa, 341-348 THE USE OF DIGITAL GAMES IN PRIVATE SCHOOL IN SINGARAJA: STUDENTS‟ AND TEACHER‟S PERCEPTION. Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti, Ida Ayu Made Istri Utami, G.A.P. Suprianti, 349-359 THEMATIC STRUCTURE AND THEMATIC PROGRESSION IN FEATURES TEXTS OF THE TEACH MAGAZINE. Rani Rakasiwi, S.Pd., M.Hum. 360-369 THE APPLICATION OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS : CONTEXT OF SITUATION IN MEDICAL ENGLISH TEACHING AT KASIH IBU HOSPITAL DENPASAR. I Ketut Suardana, 370-377 THE USE OF FLASHCARDS AS A TEACHING MEDIA AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: STUDENTS‟ AND TEACHERS‟ PERCEPTION. G. A. P. Suprianti, 378-391 USING CASES IN POLITICAL UTTERANCES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS‟ LEARNING OUTCOME IN PRAGMATIC COURSES, Ni Made Rai Wisudariani, I Made Darmana, 392-396 A DIGITAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION IN TEACHING FUNCTIONAL TEXT; CANVA, Widia
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