CYPRUS RECORDING SCHEME (CBRS) PHENOGRAM YTD 2010 GREEN: CBRS Records for current year © Eddie John - email: [email protected] ORANGE: Aggregated CBRS Flight Periods reported from 2000 GREY: Rare migrant or extinct species (Makris 2003 1) MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE J F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Swallowtail ( Papilio machaon ) √

Eastern Festoon ( Zerynthia cerisyi ) √

Large White ( Pieris brassicae ) √

Small White ( Pieris rapae ) √

Black-veined White ( Aporia crataegi ) √

Eastern Bath White ( Pontia daplidice ) √

Small Bath White ( Pontia chloridice ) √

Eastern Dappled White ( Euchloe ausonia ) √

Orange Tip ( Anthocharis cardamines ) √ 2 Clouded Yellow ( Colias crocea) √

African Migrant ( Catopsilia florella )

Cleopatra ( Gonepteryx cleopatra ) √

Plain Tiger ( Danaus chrysippus ) √

Nettle-tree Butterfly ( Libythea celtis )

Two-tailed Pasha ( Charaxes jasius ) √

Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta ) √

Large Tortoiseshell ( Nymphalis polychloros )

Painted Lady ( Vanessa cardui ) √

Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta ) √

Cardinal ( Argynnis pandora) √

Cyprus ( Hipparchia cypriensis ) √

Eastern Rock Grayling ( Hipparchia syriaca ) √

The Hermit ( briseis ) √ 3 √ Great Steppe Grayling ( ) ? ? ?

White-banded Grayling ( Pseudochazara anthelea ) √

Cyprus Meadow Brown ( Maniola cypricola ) √

Oriental Meadow Brown ( Hyponephele lupina ) √

Speckled Wood ( Pararge aegeria ) √

Large Wall Brown ( Lasiommata maera ) √

Wall Brown ( Lasiommata megera ) √

African Ringlet ( Ypthima asterope ) √

Lattice Brown ( Kirinia roxelana ) √

Levantine Leopard ( Apharitis acamas )

Purple Hairstreak ( Favonia quercus ) √

Pomegranate Hairstreak ( Deudorix livia )

Small Copper ( Lycaena phlaeas ) √

Lesser Fiery Copper ( Lycaena thersamon ) √

Long-tailed Blue ( Lampides boeticus ) √

Lang’s Short-tailed Blue ( Leptotes pirithous ) √

Little Tiger Blue ( Tarucus balkanicus ) √

African Babul Blue ( Azanus jesous )

African Grass Blue ( Zizeeria karsandra ) √

Holly Blue ( Celastrina argiolus ) √

Paphos Blue ( Glaucopsyche paphos ) √

Eastern Baton Blue ( Pseudophilotes vicrama ) √

Small Desert Blue ( Chilades galba ) √

Grass Jewel ( Chilades trochylus ) √

Brown Argus ( Aricia agestis ) √

Common Blue ( Polyommatus icarus ) √

Mallow Skipper ( Carcharodus alceae ) √

Lulworth Skipper ( Thymelicus acteon ) √

Pigmy Skipper ( Gegenes pumilio ) √

Millet Skipper ( Pelopidas thrax ) √ MONTH LY AND YEAR TO DATE TOTALS : 1 2 15 2 5 3 6 3 6 3 5 2 8 2 4 30 19 18 10 47 POTENTIAL SPECIES’ SIGHTINGS IN EACH MONTH / YEAR : 17 22 34 44 49 48 43 38 41 39 32 20 53 % ACTUAL v POTENTIAL SIGHTINGS: 71 68 74 82 71 73 65 63 73 49 56 50 89

1 Makris, C. 2003. of Cyprus . Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 2 Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow ( Colias erate ) removed from Cyprus list. Ref: John, E., Coutsis, J.G. & Makris, C. 2006. A review of records for Colias erate Esper, [1805]) (Lep.: Papilionoidea Pieridae) in Cyprus: were they all yellow forms of Colias croceus (Geoffroy, 1785)? Entomologist’s Gaz . 57 : 3-12. 3 Great Steppe Grayling (Chazara persephone ) added to the Cyprus list. Ref: John, E., Haines, D. H. & Haines, H. M., xxxx. Chazara persephone (Hübner, 1803) (: , ) - has the species retained a secretive presence in Cyprus for one hundred years? Entomologist's Gazette In press.