ORIGINS Genesis 1:1-19 Session 4: Earth

James River Community Church David Curfman

February – May 2013

Genesis Chapter 1

 Earth really is “good”, “beautiful” and “perfect”!  O4fQTau0  “By doing science, we find ” – Lee Strobel


1. Genesis 1-11 (Introduction) 2. Genesis 1:1-31 (Universe Part 1) – Big Bang Model 3. Genesis 1:1-31 (Universe Part 2) – Old and Young Earth Models 4. Genesis 1: 1-19 (Earth) – Days 1 to 4 5. Genesis 1: 1-19 (Earth) 6. Genesis 1:13-25 (Plants and Animals) – Evolution 7. Genesis 1:26-2:4a (Man – male and female, Rest) 8. Genesis 2:4b-2:24 (Man and Woman, Garden of Eden & Marriage) 9. Genesis 3-5:1a (Sin & Curse) 10. Genesis 5:1b-6:9a (Decay) 11. Genesis 6:9b – 10:1a (Flood & Justice) 12. Genesis 10:1b -12:4 (Nations and Languages) Earth: Objectives  Understand the Hebrew words used in Genesis  Understand Genesis 1:1-19 (Days 1-4)

Quick Review  Don’t let changing science drive your understanding of the unchanging Word of God  You must be consistent in your interpretation of the Word of God  God created the universe and earth  The universe had a beginning  Big Bang requires 95% of matter and energy in the universe to be dark matter and dark energy  Big Bang is an explanation for the perceived expansion of the universe  Maximum reliable distance measurements are about 500 light years  Moses wrote Genesis as 11 separate “accounts”  Hebrews 11:3 – “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

Young Earth Interpretation Progressive Creation Gap Theory References  Old earth ◦ Reasons to Believe – ◦ Old Earth Ministries – ◦ – ◦ American Scientific Affiliation – ◦ –  Young earth ◦ Institute for Creation Research – ◦ Answers in Genesis – ◦ Creation Research Society – ◦ Center for Scientific Creation –  Intelligent Design ◦ Discovery Institute –

Earth: Hebrew words for “day”

Hebrew Word Meaning References

Yamim (from ) Period of time, e.g. 40 years Gen 4:3; 1 Kings 11:42; 2 Chr 21:19

Yowm(from yom) Period of time, daylight, day, 2303 times – Gen 2:4, 17, 5:1-2, year, first, “when” 30:14: Josh 24:7; Ps 90:4; Is 11:10-11 Yowm(from yom) Period of time Most of the prophets – e.g. Ez 30: 3; Zeph 1:14-16 Zec 14:1; Mal 3:2 & 4:5 (period of time) Yowm(from yom) Day (24-hr). Forms of “yom” 239 times – Gen 1:5, 1:8, 1:13, occur 2303 times meaning age, 1:19, 1:23, 1:31, 2:3 (7 x “day”); day, each, time year etc. No Gen 7:4,11, 12, 17, 24, Gen 8:3-14 hours existed in time of Moses, (24-hr days), Gen 50:3; Ex 12:18; only night watches. God Ex 16:1-5; Ex 20:8-11 called the light “DAY” * “Yowm” always means 24 hr. day when accompanied by a number. Earth: Hebrew words for “create”

The Creation Verbs of Genesis – Some say words are interchangeable (young earth) while others see specific meanings (old earth) Hebrew Word Meaning Location Bârâʾ to create (always with God as subject); to 55 times - Gen. 1:1 ( and earth) shape, to fashion; possibly to create out of 1:21 (first life: sea creatures and animals nothing(ex nihilo) which fly) 1:27 (human life: man) 2:3-4 (heavens and earth) 5:1-2 (man) 6:7 (man); Deut 4:32; Ps 51:10, Ps 148:5; Is 45:18 Wayyaas - ʿâsâh to make [produce], possibly to make out Gen. 1:7 (atmosphere) 1:16 ( and of existing material; to do, to work; to act, to ) 1:25 (land animals) 1:26 (man) 1:31 effect; to prepare; to make (an offering) (all) 2:2-4 (all, heavens and earth) 2:18 (woman specifically); Is 45:18

,to build, rebuild; to build a house (i.e., Gen. 2:22 (the woman being built בָּנָּה( ]) Bânâh establish a family); to make, fashioned made of ’s rib); Gen 4:17 (city); Gen 8:20 (ark) 10:11 (Nineveh); 12:7 (altars numerous times) Yâtsar to form, fashion [by God or man]; to form Gen. 2:7-8 (man being formed of the [by God in creation, in original creation]; of dust of the ground); Is 29:16 ( potter and individuals at conception; of Israel as a clay); Is 45:18 people Earth: Other key Hebrew words

Hebrew Word Meaning References Beresit “In beginning” (one word), 5 times - Gen 1:1; Jer 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, Beginning of time 49:34 (indicates the beginning of the Kingdom) Hassamayim 1) Sky, atmosphere Gen 1:26, 1:28, 1:30, 2:19, 2:20; Gen 7:3-23; 8:2 (Noah’s ark)

Hassamayim 2) Heavens, abode of the 236 times – Gen 1:1, 1:8, 1:9, 1:14, 1:15, , visible universe 1:17,1:20, 2:1, 2:4; Gen 22:17; Gen 24:7, Ex 3) Originally meant home of 20:11 & 31:17; Ex 32:13; Deut 1:10; Deut God 4:26

Erets Earth, land. Idea of “” 934 times – Gen 1:1; 1:11, 1:12, 1:15, 1:17, did not enter language until 1:20, 1:24, 1:25, 1:26, 1:28, 1:29, 1:30; 2:5, 2:6, 1400 AD 2:12; Gen 7 & 8 (Flood); Ex 20:11 & 31:17; Is 45:18 To -hu Formlessness, confusion, 10 times – Gen 1:2; Job 26:7; Is 40:17 unreality, emptiness, , Is 45:18,19; Jer 4:23 (may support gap waste or “no land” theory) Wabohu Emptiness, void or “unfilled” 3 times – Gen 1:2; Is 34:11; Jer 4:23 i.e. “no inhabitants” *Always used with to-hu Earth: Other key Hebrew words

Hebrew Word Meaning References

Mayim Waters 96 times – Gen 1:2, 1:6, 1:7, 1:9, 1:10, 1:20, 1:21,1:22; 7:17-24 & 8:1-13: Ex 14:21-28

Yammim Seas 21 times – Gen 1:10; Job 6:3; Ps 65:7; Ps 78:27; Jer 15:8: Ez 27:25-27

Tehowm The Deep, the sea, the 21 times – Gen 1:2; 7:11; 8:2; Jonah abyss, “water in 2:5; Ps 135:6 commotion”

Yehi (from Hayah) Let there be, cause to 3561 times - hayah. become, arise, come into 50 times – Gen 1:3(light), 1:6 being (expanse), 1:14 (lights) *most other times “become” Central Lending Library, Edinburgh, Scotland Earth: Other key Hebrew words

Hebrew Word Meaning References

Chosek Darkness, obscurity 80 times – Gen 1:2; 1:4; 1:5; (absence of light) 1:18; Ex 10:21-22; Ex 14:20 (23 times in Job; PS 18:28)Is 45:7 Layelah (from layil) Night (named by God) 233 times – Gen 1:5; Gen 1:14, 1:16, 1:18; 7:4, 7;12; Ex 13:21-22; Ex 24:18, Num 14:14 Owr (from Or) Light 52 times – Gen 1:3; Job 31:26(sun); Ez 32:8 (stars); 2 Sam 23:4 (Yahweh) Maor (also from Or) The Light 19 times – Gen 1:14; 1:15; 1:16; Ps 74:16; Ex 32:8 ereb Evening, sunset 18 times – Gen 1:5, 1:8, 1:13, 1:19, 1:23, 1:31 (6 x “day”) Ps 55:17; Ps 65:8; Dan 8:14 boqer Morning, sunrise, dawn 9 times - Gen 1:5, 1:8, 1:13, 1:19, 1:23, 1:31 (6 x “day”) Ps 65:8 Earth: Other key Hebrew words

Phrase Meaning References

Wayyabdel Divide or separate, set apart 42 times – Gen 1:4, 18 (light/dark); 1:6- (from badal) 7 (waters under/waters above); Gen 1:14 (day/night); Ex 14:21; Lev 20:24-26 (Israelites/others); 1Chr 25:1 Raqia Expanse, firmament (the result of 17 times – Gen 1:6; 1:7; 1:8, 1:14, 1:15, expanding a metal by hammering 1:17, 1:20, Ez 1:22-26; Dan 12:3. See it into thin sheets) God named also Job 37:18 and Ps 136:6; Is 42:5, Is it “Sky or ” 44:24

Towb Good, pleasant 563 times – Gen 1:4, 1:10, 1:12, 1:18, 1:21, 1:25, 1:31 (very!) (7 x good) * Note “good” not mentioned on Day 2

Towb Good as opposed to evil Gen 2:9 & 2:17 & 3:5; 3:22

Towb Beautiful (root meaning) Gen 6:2 (daughters of men), Gen 24:16 & 26:7 (Rebekah), 2 Sam 11:2 (Bathsheeba) Est 1:11 (Queen Vashti) Earth: Key Hebrew phrases

Phrase Translation Meaning

Hassamayim “the heavens, the Merism: 2 opposites create an all-encompassing haares earth” the entire whole (see Gen 14:19, 22; II Kings 19:15, Ps creation. No word 121:2 = heaven and earth (singl.) into an for “universe” orderly world. In other places heaven means “sky” Wahi Ereb Wahi “the evening, the 1) Always 24 hour day. (Ps 55:17; Ps 65:8; Dan boqer yowm morning, day #” 8:14) 2) Merism: 2 opposites creating an all- encompassing whole, but number following is inconsistent (e.g. Ex 18:13-14; 27:21) 3) Jewish notation of 24 hour day (sunset to sunrise comes with “evening” and “morning”, Tohu-wabohu 1)Formless and void 1) French, "tohu-bohu" means "confusion" or 2)Uninhabitable "commotion". German, "Tohuwabohu" means and wilderness "great confusion“ 3) Desert and 2) Chaos part of creation – Young earth empty 3) Chaos after creation – Gap Theory 3) Confusion and 4) Chaos before creation – Progressive creation disorder Genesis 1:1-5 (Day 1) Genesis Text Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Gap Progressive Theory (Scoffield) Creation 1:1 “In Absolute beginning of Universe (stars) and Absolute beginning of beginning” time and creation of matter pre-existed time and creation of all all material things. “When God began things. Spiritual beings to” i.e. an ongoing existed process, using material as a sculptor. “God created Summary of rest of God began creating Actually created all the Heavens and the week all celestial bodies celestial bodies as the earth” over long periods of perfect, then the Gap time 1:2 “Earth was Earth created before Earth existed in a “The earth became formless and all other celestial state that was not formless and void” due to void and bodies and is lightless, able to support life. the fall of Satan & God’s darkness over shapeless, and God began with an judgment on creation. the face of the landless (deep water), existing chaos. God Evil, death, suffering & deep. Spirit of but perfect (i.e. no begins to shape dinosaurs enter world (i.e. God hovering land and no people). matter into an judgmental destruction over the waters” Darkness not created orderly planet (Jer 4:23-26). Genesis 1:1-5 (Day 1)

Genesis Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Gap Text Progressive Theory Creation 1:3 “Let there Special light of Light from the sun God begins a new creation be light” God “spoken” broke through the after a very long period (e.g. into existence by atmosphere. God is 4.5 Billion yrs in vv1-2). God, (not the sun, light, thus not created. Light from the sun broke which came on Must be on visibility through the atmosphere, day 4) “was made to appear” 1:4 “Divided A result of this Light from the sun 24 hour days continue, but light from special light. broke through the this is a special week darkness” atmosphere 1:5 “Evening, 24 hour day Each day was a “rapid burst” of micro-evolution that morning, day (sunset to lasted millions of years/epochs. The First Creation Day one”. The sunrise comes occurred sometime after the Beginning (Gen. 1:1-2). light was with “evening” God summoned the light to shine out of the darkness Beautiful, and “morning” on His vantage point on earth (Gen. 1:2-3). God saw perfect, modified by a that the light was useful in its purpose and thus ended complete, number. the indefinite period of time He called Day One for good. our purposes. Genesis 1:6-8 (Day 2) Genesis Text Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Progressive Gap Theory Creation 1:6 “Let there God “spoke” a sky into God caused the Sky God caused the be” a firmament existence to “appear” over a Sky to “appear” long time suddenly 1:7 God made the God created the atmosphere God is separating God separated firmament and and separated the waters the watery clouds the watery divided the above (the clouds, of heaven from the clouds of heaven waters atmosphere) from the waters waters of the earth. from the waters below (the sea). There was of the earth. a canopy over the earth that prevented rain creating a greenhouse 1:8 “God called Or sky Or sky Or sky the firmament heaven” 1:8 “Evening, See Day 1 See Day 1 See Day 1, but morning, day skies not fullly two” (good not formed mentioned) Genesis 1:9-13 (Day 3) Genesis Text Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Gap Progressive Theory Creation 1:9 "Let the water God “spoke” the Cooling of the earth and The seas gather under the sky be oceans and land water forms, i.t “bring together exposing gathered to one masses into forth land” The seas the land place, and let dry existence gather together ground appear." exposing the land And it was so.

1:10 “God called the After a period of cooling, the earth was dry ground "land," relatively flat, without mountains and canyons, and the gathered and covered by water. Half-way through the waters he called earth's 4.6 billion year history there arose "seas." Land and seas through this watery surface a single are “beautiful.” continent or land mass. Over time, the dynamics of plate tectonics, and other natural processes, resulted in the single continent separating into the multiple continents we see today, along with mountains, valleys, etc. Genesis 1:9-13 (Day 3) Genesis Text Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Gap Progressive Theory Creation 1:11 "Let the land Full grown mature plants God allowed God allowed plants produce vegetation: and trees are spoken plants to appear to appear via some seed -bearing plants into existence on the via some process and trees earth by God with their process seed. No pollination 1:12 “The Species and phylum will be discussed in a few weeks land produced plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.”

1:13 “Evening, See Day 1 See Day 1 See Day 1 morning, day three”. Vegetation is beautiful Genesis 1:14-19 (Day 4) Genesis Text Young Earth Old Earth – Old Earth – Gap Progressive Theory Creation Gen 1:14 And God said, The sun, moon The sun and stars finally became "Let there be : lights in and stars were visible on the 4th "day" when the the expanse of the sky to created in an atmosphere became translucent enough separate the day from the instant by God on to permit "the lights" that God had night, and let them serve the fourth day for created to be clearly seen. This, then, as signs to mark seasons a purpose. allowed them to fulfill their intended and days and years, purpose of government Gen 1:16 God made two Sun, moon and Or, "He had made two great lights..", great lights--the greater stars created and "He also had made the stars" The light to govern the day and focus in day four is to make clear the the lesser light to govern purpose of the celestial bodies - not their the night. He origin. They are their to separate light also made the stars. from darkness, to govern the day and night, and to mark seasons, days and years. 1:13 “Evening, morning, See Day 1 See Day 1 See Day 1 day four”. Stars, moon, and sun are beautiful Introduction: Why is Genesis 1 important?  The Bible claims to be truth.

 If the Bible does not represent truth, or if those opposed to the teachings of Christianity can show that the Bible includes errors, the claims of Christianity are impaired.

 If a group interprets the Bible in a manner different than that which the Hebrew text says, the truth claim of the Bible is impaired.

 For evangelism, the issue is clear. Non-believers who decide to explore the Bible and the claims of Christ will typically start with the first page of the Bible. If the opponents of Christianity can impugn the truthfulness of the Bible on the first page, the claims of Christ may never be seriously considered.

 See Psalm 104 – “The Creation Psalm”

 Next week – the earth