Superconducting Super Collider

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Superconducting Super Collider FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER VOLUME 1: MAIN REPORT December 1990 U.S. Department of Energy FILE EH·25 DOEJEIS-0138S FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER VOLUME 1: MAIN REPORT December 1990 U.S. Department of Energy December 1990 COVER SHEET, VOLUME 1 LEAD AGENCY U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) TITLE Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Superconducting Super Collider CONTACT For further information, contact: 1. Joseph R. Cipriano, Manager SSC Project Office U.S. Department of Energy 1801 North Hampton Avenue DeSoto, TX 75115 2. Carol Borgstrom, Director Office of NEPA Oversight -Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health U.S. Department of Energy (EH-25) 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-4600 3. William Dennison Acting Assistant General Counsel for Environment U.S. Department of Energy (GC-11) 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-6947 ABSTRACT The proposed action evaluated in the SEIS is the construction and operation of the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC), the largest scientific instrument ever built, in Ellis County, Texas. The SSC would be a laboratory facility designed to investigate the basic structure of matter. It would be a particle accelerator capable of accelerating each of two counter-rotating beams of protons to an energy of 20 trillion electron volts. The two iii proton beams would then be made to collide, and the results of these collisions (at energies up to 40 trillion electron volts) would be studied by scientists. On November 10, 1988, the Secretary of Energy identified the Texas site as the preferred alternative for the location of the SSC. The DOE published a final EIS in December 1988, and a Record of Decision was signed that documented DOE's decision to proceed with the SSC and to formally select the site in Ellis County. In the EIS and the Record of Decision, the DOE committed to prepare a supplemental EIS prior to construction in order to analyze more fully impacts based on a site-specific design and to assess alternative measures to mitigate potentially adverse impacts. Public hearings were held in the vicinity of the site during September 1990. This final SEIS reflects comments received during those hearings and in written letters. iv CONTENTS, VOLUME 1 1 SUMMARY 1-1 ..•......•......................................•...•..•... 1.1 Overview 1-1 1.2 Proposed Action and Modification of Original Proposed Action and Alternatives 1-2 ••.•.••••...•••. 1.3 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action 1-3 1.4 Environmental Consequences 1-4 .••••.•••.. 1.5 Federal Permits, Licenses, and Other Entitlements 1-4 1.6 Changes in the Supplemental EIS from the EIS . 1-4 1.7 Summary of Public Involvement in the EIS 1-16 • 1.8 References for Section 1 1-17 ••••.••••.••..•• 2 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES 2-1 •..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.1 Proposed Action 2-1 2.1.1 Description of the Proposed SSC 2-2 2.1.2 Construction 2-14 2.1.3 Operations 2-14 ••. 2.1.4 Future Expansion 2-15 .••••••••• 2.1.5 Decom missioning 2-15 .••••••••• 2.2 Description and Location of Ancillary Facilities 2-15 2.2.1 Service Areas 2-15 •.. 2.2.2 Roads 2-26 •••.••••• 2.2.3 Water 2-26 •••••••.• 2.2.4 Sewage Disposal 2-36 2.2.5 Natural Gas 2-36 •... 2.2.6 Electrical Power 2-37 .••••••••. 2.3 No-Action Alternative . 2-40 2.4 References for Section 2 2-40 •••• 3 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ........................................... 3-1 . 3.1 Earth Resources 3-1 ••••••.•••.•••••. 3.1.1 Physiography and Topography 3-1 3.1.2 Stratigraphy 3-1 ••••.•• 3.1.3 Geologic Structure 3-1 3.1.4 Geologic Hazards 3-11 ••••.• 3.1.5 Economic Geologic Resources 3-11 •.• 3.1.6 Earthen Construction Materials 3-11 3.1. 7 Energy Resources 3-11 • 3.1.8 Metallic Resources 3-12 3.1.9 Other Resources 3-12 3.2 Water Resources 3-12 ..••.. 3.2.1 Surface Water Hydrology and Quality 3-12 3.2.2 Groundwater Hydrology and Quality 3-32 3.2.3 Water Use 3-46 3.3 Biotic Resources 3-5 0 3.3.1 Terrestrial Ecosystems 3-50 3.3.2 Aquatic Ecosystems .. 3-51 3.3.3 Commercially and Recreationally Important Species 3-52 v CONTENTS (Cont'd) 3.3.4 Sensitive and Unique Terrestrial!Aquatic Communities ........................... 3-53 3.3.5 Federal Government and State Protected Species 3-54 •• 3.4 Land Resources 3-54 •••••.•....••.• 3.4.1 Historic Land Uses 3-54 .•••• 3.4.2 Land Ownership Patterns 3-58 3.4.3 Land Use Patterns 3-58 •. •••• 3.4.4 Agricultural Land Uses 3-58 .• 3.4.5 Land Use Planning 3-59 •..•.• 3.4.6 Facility-Specific Land Use Descriptions 3-60 3.5 Climate and Meteorology 3-62 ••••• 3.6 Air Resources 3-66 •••••••••••••. 3.6.1 Ambient Air Quality 3-66 •••••.. 3.6.2 Regional Air Pollutant Sources 3-70 •••.•••• ••..•••..••••• 3.6.3 Global-Scale Conditions 3-72 •.•• 3.7 Baseline Noise and Vibration 3-73 •..•••.. 3.7.1 Baseline Data Requirements 3-73 3.7.2 Baseline Noise Levels 3-76 ..•... 3.7.3 Baseline Ground-Surface Vibration Levels 3-82 •••••••. 3.8 Environmental Hazards and Hazardous Wastes 3-82 ••• 3.8.1 Radiological Environmental Hazards 3-82 •••. 3.8.2 Nonradiological Environmental Hazards 3-83 3.8.3 Hazardous Wastes 3-85 .......•••••••••••• 3.9 Socioeconomics and Infrastructure 3-85 •.••••• 3.9.1 Economic Activity 3-86 •........ 3.9.2 Demographics and Housing 3-86 3.9.3 Public Services 3-89 3.9.4 Public Finance 3-92 •. 3.9.5 Quality of Life 3-94 •...•••.•....•••• 3.9.6 Transportation Systems .. 3-95 3.9.7 Utilities 3-96 ••.•.••......•. 3.10 Cultural and Paleontological Resources 3-96 3.10.1 Regional Prehistory and History 3-97 •. 3.10.2 Archaeological Sites 3-97 ........•.•. 3.10.3 Historical Structures 3-98 .•.....••• 3.10.4 Native American Religious Sites 3-98 3.10.5 Paleontological Resources 3-100 ..••••. 3.11 Visual Resources ..................... 3-100 3.11.1 Visual Character and Sensitivity 3-100 •• 3.11.2 Visual Setting of SSC Facility Locations 3-101 3.12 References for Section 3 3-102 ••.......•••.•.••••••••• 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 4-1 4.1 Earth Resources . .. 4-1 ... ....... ...... ... · ...... 4.1.1 Technical Approach and Methodology . 4-1 ....... .... 4.1.2 Topography 4-1 .•................ · ...... 4.1.3 Rock and Earthen Materials 4-4 · ......... 4.1.4 Economic Geological Resources . .. 4-4 . .. .. 4.1.5 Cumulative Impacts . .. .. 4-5 .. 4.1.6 Mitigative Measures .. 4-5 .•....•.•••. .. .. V1 CONTENTS (Cont'd) 4.2 Wa ter Resources ....................................... 4-5 . 4.2.1 Technical Approach and Methodology 4-5 ••••••••••••••••••••.•••.. 4.2.2 Impacts on Surface Water Hydrology and Quality 4-6 ••••••••.•••.••• 4.2.3 Groundwater Hydrology and Quality 4-19 ••••••••••••••••• 4.2.4 Water Use 4-27 ........•..........••••••.....•..••.............•. 4.2.5 Cumulative Impacts . 4-28 ...................... .................. 4.2.6 Mitigative Measures 4-29 •••••••••••••••••• 4.3 Biotic Resources .......................................... 4-30 . 4.3.1 Technical Approach and Methodology 4-30 ••••.••••••••••• 4.3.2 Terrestrial Biotic Resources 4-31 •.••••••••••.••••••••••• 4.3.3 Aquatic Resources .. 4-36 .................. ...................... 4.3.4 Commercially, Recreationally, and Culturally Important Species ...................... 4-38 . 4.3.5 Sensitive and Unique Terrestrial and Aquatic Communities .............................. 4-39 . 4.3.6 Federal Government and State Protected Species 4-40 4.3.7 Cumulative Impacts 4-41 4.3.8 Mitigative Measures .............................. 4-41 . 4.4 Land Resources 4-43 •..............•................•..............•... 4.4.1 Technical Approach and Methodology 4-43 •.••••••••••••• 4.4.2 Land Ownership Pattern Impacts 4-44 •••••..•••••••••••••••• 4.4.3 Land Use Pattern Impacts 4-44 ••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 4.4.4 Agricultural Land Use Impacts 4-44 ••.••••.••••••.••••••• 4.4.5 Land Use Planning Impacts .................................. 4-45 . 4.4.6 Facility-Specific Land Use Impacts 4-46 •••.•. 4.4.7 Cumulative Impacts ........................................ 4-48 . 4.4.8 Mitigative Measures .............................. 4-49 . 4.4.9 Environmental Consequences of the No-Action Alternative ...................................... 4-49 . 4.5 Air Resources 4-5 0 .................................... 4.5 .1 General Technical Approach and Methodology . 4-5 0 4.5.2 Emission Inventory Development 4-5 1 •••••.••.•••.•••••••••• 4.5 .3 Air Quality Impact Assessment 4-5 2 .••••••••••••••••••••• 4.5 .4 Cumulative Impacts ........................................ 4-5 6 . 4.5 .5 Mitigative Measures ........................................ 4-5 9 . 4.6 Noise and Vibration Impacts ....................................... 4-60 . 4.6.1 Technical Approach and Methodology 4-62 •.••.••••••••••••••••••••• 4.6.2 Source Terms and Assumptions 4-64 ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••. 4.6.3 Construction Noise Impacts 4-64 •.•.•.•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 4.6.4 Operation Noise Impacts 4-71 •••..•••.•••••.••••••••••••••. 4.6.5 Mitigative Measures . 4-77 4.7 Human Health Effects .................................. 4-78 . 4.7.1 Radiation Effects ........................................ 4-78 . 4.7.2 Nonradioactive Environmental Hazards 4-90 ••.•••••••.•••••••••.•. 4.7.3 Solid and Industrial Wastes from SSC Operation 4-96 ••••.••••••••••.. 4.7.4 Impacts from Accidents Involving Radioactive and Nonradioactive Materials 4-97 .. ••.. 4.7.5 Cumulative Impacts 4-101 •••.•••..•. •.• 4.7.6 Mit iga tive Measures 4-102 •••••••..••..•.... .••.•••.. V1
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