RANKING MEMBER JOE BARTON COMMITTEE ON +yJpg^'q,i SIXTH DISTRICT, TEXAS ENERGY AND COMMERCE TELEPHONE: (202) 225-3641 2109 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-4306 http:/lrepublicans.energycommerce.house.gov TELEPHONE: (202) 225-2002 FAX: (202) 225-3052 www.JoeBarton.house.gov Cottgreo of the Uniteb ,tateg4 ^.^oua of Rpregerttatibes Wagbtngton, 3D(C 20515-4306 June 12, 2009 The Honorable C.L. Brown City of Corsicanna 200 N. 12th St. Corsicana, TX 75110-4616 Dear Mayor Brown: This is to acknowledge your request for assistance concerning the Army Corps of Engineers. ? appreciate your r contacting me. On your behalf, I have written to the appropriate officials in regard to this matter. As soon as I receive a response to my inquiry I will be back in touch with you. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact my Constituent Liaison, Deborah Rollins, in my Arlington district office at 817-543-1000, or toll free at 1-877-263-2833. I look forward to this opportunity to be of assistance to you. 1 Sincerel e Barton Member of Congress M: 4- ENNIS OFFICE: ARLINGTON OFFICE. CROCKETT OFFICE: 2106A WEST ENNIS AVENUE 6001 INTERSTATE 20 WEST, SUITE 200 P.O. Box 958 ENNIS, TX 75119 RONALD REAGAN MEMORIAL HIGHWAY CROCKETT, TX 75835 ( 972) 875-8488 ARLINGTON, TX 76017 (936) 544-8488 (817) 543-1000 1 (877) 263-2833 (6TH DISTRICT ONLY) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 0012 From: Warren Brewer [BrewerW@trinityra. Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:23 PM To: Standridge, Connie; sgh01 @ennis-t( .com;
[email protected];
[email protected]; thart@g )rg; don.