Fostering New Development Pathways in Ethiopia: Harnessing Rural-Urban Linkages (RUL) to Reduce Poverty and Improve Environment in the Highlands of Ethiopia”

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Fostering New Development Pathways in Ethiopia: Harnessing Rural-Urban Linkages (RUL) to Reduce Poverty and Improve Environment in the Highlands of Ethiopia” Fostering New Development Pathways: Harnessing Rural-Urban Linkages (RUL) to Reduce Poverty and Improve Environment in the Highlands of Ethiopia A Thematic Research Area of the Global Mountain Programme (GMP) PROCEEDINGS Fostering New Development Pathways: Harnessing Rural-urban Linkages (RUL) to Reduce Poverty and Improve Environment in the Highlands of Ethiopia Proceedings of a planning workshop on Thematic Research Area of the Global Mountain Program (GMP) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 29-30, 2006 Edited by: Gete Zeleke, Peter Trutmann, Aster Denekew The Global Mountain Program (GMP) is a system wide programme of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system aimed at achieving sustainable mountain/highland ecosystem development and MDGs. © 2007. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed in this publications are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GMP or contributory organizations. GMP encourages fair use of this material and proper citation is requested. Cover design by Aster Denekew Authors: Gete Zeleke, Coordinator of the rural-urban-linkage, Global Mountain Programme, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Peter Trutmann, Program Leader, Global Mountain Programme, Lima, Peru; Aster Denekew, International Water Management Institute, Regional Office for Nile Basin and Eastern Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Citation: Gete, Z., P. Trutmann, and Aster, D. (eds.), 2007. Fostering New Development Pathways: Harnessing Rural-urban Linkages (RUL) to Reduce Poverty and Improve Environment in the Highlands of Ethiopia. Proceedings of a planning workshop on Thematic Research Area of the Global Mountain Program (GMP) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 29-30, 2006. Global Mountain Programme. pp 235. Table of Content Preface ________________________________________________________________v Acknowledgement _____________________________________________________ vii Acronyms _____________________________________________________________ ix Executive Summary _____________________________________________________ xi Part I: Workshop Opening and Keynote Address______________________________ 1 Introduction and Welcome by Dr. Gete Zeleke, Coordinator RUL Thematic Research Area of GMP for Africa_______________________________________ 3 Welcome Remarks by Dr. Peter Trutmann, Programme Leader, GMP _________ 7 Welcome Remarks by Dr. Tsedeke Abate, Director General, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research ________________________________________________ 9 Opening Speech by His Excellency Dr. Abera Deressa, State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD) ___________________________ 11 Keynote Address by Dr. Tewolde Berhan G/Egziabeher, Director General, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) _____________________ 15 Part II: Reviewing Concepts and Background Papers on RUL _________________ 19 The Global Mountain Program and Harnessing Rural-Urban Linkages_______ 21 Peter Trutmann Draft conceptual framework of RUL thematic research area of GMP _________ 27 Gete Zeleke Rural-urban linkages research and initiatives: lessons and key issues from international experiences_____________________________________________ 45 Cecilia Tacoli RUL in Ethiopia: status, challenge and opportunities and future research directions _________________________________________________________ 57 Tegegne G/Egziabiher Rural-Urban Linkage and the Role of Small Urban Centers in Enhancing Economic Development in Ethiopia ____________________________________ 79 Demese Chanyalew Experiences of MERET in natural resource management and enhancement of productivity in Ethiopia - an opportunity for RUL_________________________ 99 Volli Carucci and Yihenew Zewdie An integrated Approach to Enabling Urban Agriculture: Experience from Uganda and Kenya________________________________________________________ 103 Nancy Karanja and Mary Njenga The role of Urban Agriculture in ensuring food security: The case of Addis Ababa 115 Azeb Girmai Managing Nutrients on the Move within the Rural-Urban Context __________ 123 Tilahun Amede iii Rural Urban Linkage in Ethiopia: Implications on Water _________________ 133 Seleshi Bekele Product Flows and Growth Linkages In Ethiopia ________________________ 141 Alemayehu Seyoum Rural Urban Linkage in Market-oriented Dairy Development in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Ada’a Dairy Cooperative ____________________________________ 157 Azage Tegegne, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Dirk Hoekstra and Nigatu Alemayehu A short note on migration and sustainable livelihoods ____________________ 173 Cecilia Tacoli Development Policies and their implications to Rural Urban Linkages in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Challenges ________________________________________ 181 Assefa Admassie Implications of Rural-Urban Linkage for Livelihood Diversification in Kafa Zone ____ 197 Bezabih Emana Part III: Conclusions and Recommendations on the Way forward______________ 211 Results of group works and plenary discussions _________________________ 213 Conclusion and Recommendations_______________________________________ 223 Workshop schedule ___________________________________________________ 229 List of participants with group pictures ___________________________________ 233 iv Preface One of the tasks of the GMP as a system-wide program is to bring together the research resources of the CGIAR in an alliance with others in development to support the MDGs in mountains. However, to do so one needs a conceptual framework that will focus and add value to the activities. The existing problem is that activities add to a mosaic of activities which often are not integrated into a broader vision to bring all the parts together. The Rural Urban Linkage (RUL) thematic area we believe provides this conceptual framework through which connections can be made and value can be added. For this reason we have placed emphasis on RUL as a vehicle to bring both research and development actors to work together towards agricultural transformation and better environmental stewardship in the highlands/mountain regions of the world. From the reaction we have had across the board, from government, donors, research and civil society and NGOs, the concept is timely. There are numerous key knowledge gaps in understanding and improving the effectiveness of planning & policies that affect urban & rural livelihood and agro-environmental issues and there is a need for targeted livelihood options for groups with different access to markets that need concerted investigation for which the CGIAR as a whole has capacity. The issues need a focused, integrated research approach and a territorial rather than sector based planning, policies and support strategies for sustainable mountain development. Thus, the Rural Urban Linkage conceptual framework is a tool to bring together the research and development resources for impact in a complex development objective (sustained rural and urban development) where in the past we have failed. The Rural Urban linkage approach would provide the basis for actions using cities as engines for rural development through better incentives for environmental stewardship, such as Payment for Environmental Services (PES). In addition, the approach contains non-research components of development of a platform for stakeholders in each of the benchmark sites. The activities of the platform would be supported by research with information and tools about priority action areas and options. This model provides for a clear supportive role of research for development in defined benchmark sites where MDG impact can be measured. The GMP is being developing an operational framework for its different themes where research connects to development priorities and key groups. This workshop is part of the methodology development process for the RUL theme using Ethiopia as a benchmark case. It aimed to revise and enrich the existing draft conceptual framework and define research intervention areas with strong initial focus on collecting baseline data on actual livelihood and land-use issues and options of rural and urban mountain populations. More precise v baseline information is needed on the inflows and outflows of goods from and to rural & urban areas and on the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies to optimize the benefits of RULs to attain national goals. Research would contribute to quantification of identified problems such as water availability and quality, forest degradation for fuel, migration and health and contribute to better targeting of support to mountain people and feed into national planning and policy development through the RUL platform from which new lines of research and development actions would emerge. We are launching this initiative in Ethiopia in collaboration with other Ethiopian and international institutions, including the CGIAR System wide Urban Harvest Program (SWIUPA) and the Eco-regional Program the African Highlands Initiative (AHI) to add strength to the initiative as a whole. A CGIAR group for the initiative has already been formed to support and undertake coordinated action. Above all, I hope this will contribute towards harnessing RUL for better livelihoods and environmental stewardship here in the Ethiopian highlands and set an example that can be extrapolated to the rest of Africa and other continents. Peter Trutmann, Programme Leader, GMP. vi Acknowledgement This planning workshop would have not been possible without the financial support from CIDA, GTZ and WFP.
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