7 ttJr,',I1 iii: '<, 1 'rr I " '_Ne~rIYI1OOo/~ ~,E':"" '~(L';D' PAGES 3fll:Reminiscenl II HI' I '~aD~7 R' . 14 Section One C6al Strike in Neb State Hit Sdc HIt ,qf 191 It Likelihood of Interrup1.e'y - ,1_- Pages 1 to 8

SeJ!vic'l Here'-Goat Fa!"- ;~~;~~~:;~~;~=='::='4:"'=±o"=~=:==+:=t------f~~~t;~~*~~~~;~~;;,~~~~;.;;~::.:::::~::==~:::~:::::::::::::::==~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;;;;:;;;;~."., ~~o~::red - Proposed ~IXTY-FOURT YE WAY E, NE RA -.---.-- NUMBER ONE

The Herald has recC'i~'ed a com­ Chica~o. munication from the St. Merlineadd ckT~I~iififi:i~tN 5iouxCity r-anl o~~i~PJsi~;unit~D;an-I~-Chosen--I-L'i1;'ltR-S>iJE~~~TJN'IFreez;Damages .1 It*uI. Minneapolis and Omaha rail· . w~~y headquarlcrs €'xplaimng pas­ - L· t d d W YNE'THIS WEEK T n· 5 'Mr and M s Edwin L, Roches· At W '5t t AND SPREADS LOSS C 0 A sengtT tram reductlon.<; due to the IS e as ea 0 ulve rmoe terofSiouxCty, and Mr,.nd Mrs, ayne a e, rops ver rea 'coal jstrike and dimini.s:hing fuel WAeYro Elllc~~ng..ltrYa'·dsu~:g'~dthamg~add'l· _. _-- Robert F. Cl rke of Cambridge, I I }'ROST descended Friday nigllt sUppllCs. The order which went et B 1 ~ t S. II have recently moved into trallers D V' -M S d I to the overthrow of much Crops and Gardens Suffer iJl~o effect Fnda)·. discontinues Officer~ ~Had, B~en due car mome~ next Salurdaj-'. acca au.lea e er lees r w¢st of Way e college. Work on r. letor orey uccee Stender vegetatlOn and the dls- t~''0 trains and reduce'S the number Since-Action Year A lar~e numbelr of rural young Be Conducted ere n the housing its to be placed on ~ Dr. Ray Bryan Who Goes apPointment of many ambItious From Low Temperatures o trips of ten others. Additional Again$t Japan. persorjs Will proudly accf'pt dl- College Sun ay. t]; S. E. ,Sa ueison lots is '!pro- To Ames" Iowa. gardeners. Exposed beans, to- Last of Week. r ductions are threatened If no lploma~ at that tlmc The fIr!'t g cssmg nIael . Dean C. H. 'Lin- mato and strawberry plants rE'hef from thp :-;trike comes (No L1 ('mdr. T\lf'rlin Pando k. agf'd ~~.g.:hl"~'l',li'lradl(e,"',n"llf",ulr,nl"i~"h (.),~ lah~ll(- d hI, Prof. Ra ond Schremer and were nIpped. Potatoes suffered, Slight damage \Vas done to mo~t trains on the line throli;;h Wa)ne ~H, ~on of RC\, and MIS J, A f-\Id- ,.Y" <11 ,,0 ! Dr. M. H. H nawalt ha\(' charge FrUit blossoms were thmned out ' crops that \\('re up and heavy Ifound'~lon, lh~' lcnt~~h arc JIl\'olvcd. dock of Wakelu.'4Q, fOln,erly of ambltlollS slu- Iof Units,' more than an f'xpert orchardist 1 damagc to carly gardens In this '1:. * +:. \,va) ne, N'ported mlssm :;Hlce dl'nt)v 11 budd a :-t ruct ure of would ad\ lse Numf'rous gar- I arC'<1 as ,1 rc,llll of low temp€ra- As to the loe,d SIIUdllOn, the fnct Apnl Hi. 19..J;), Jfl (lll1t'l" drt' On the WilY· I!la<.; been l'lt('d on til{' offl I,ll n('~ not 11l'!!i.I. kct mbdcrn I ',Winnet in Baseball extra promlsmg by recent rame;. 'cord fo'"'"..' 1"\ - ",. ":;- .;\. ords (II tIll' nC\\y rlepartme It In tbl' oPPOl,tilinltll''i grdders Sunda Afternoon. , \\'hJle \ve deplore the neces"lt) I Tips of m~"t s\\f'ptclO\er plants ,. Tb!e condItion 111 \\'a:n(' tlO\\ ISlstatus 01 n)lssmg JJ1 actl(l!ll a" (Jf ha\(' iadC' a bJg dt1;JlnPc1 I 1 of surrendenng \aluahle gar- 1,~~:('oa~~~~:ls'·f"rlo",.cn,'n""h-eUrlt'Sheo~(>l_o.fl ! (]Ultl' cIJff"l'l'nt 11'0i11 \\11<11 It \\dS Api'll Hi, lQlS The p\;.ml.:~ n \\hl1h an 1m )Ol'tant tht'YI' the first J ion('cr lpagup home dl'ns In an unc;eor\your SOgf' hi'" 1)(11 po"d tlw Dd)'ls (J\c1 U) Barnh lnd ~:;~~~:C~'flf ~ 0 0 0 0 degrC'e from Kan<.;ae; State college mercp promotlOns commlttee::\lon- had to hE' replanted. sa e d(eOl'dlT1~ ~ y ~ t~t I coal shIpments hrought relief ,md offiCial [)J llmonflrnWd rCPols poned 1 deflnltG:l) to 'lJ1l' LDrd" Fn:l\l'r [{.\ r J C B(' qUIckl) f('-I\I\ed becau,",e hIS ndmf'lhdsl n1' calIOn \\I1lel1 mcl tit Chddrot1 .Mont Dr VleJol \\('st senp ure readng lh'\np cf 1 0 0 0 the LnJ\erslt) of :'\lllnJ"kCl HIS been tentatlvely set for JUIIe 26 ,crop of stra\\beITI('s, but, since ::;umed, and thl' tlad(' center mo\ -I appeared on an} Itsh or nports f1f del\ t and He \ () B ['1'0('1 t Wnf'dle tlon DIckens 0 0 0 0 IeducatIOnal cxpefle'ncI l!1( lude's ru~ The Chamber .... III promote >.chool: many are everbearing, he thought (.'d 11JnhamperC'd to t hc Chrlstmas personnc I llberdled from l~dPane c ThC' I .... w;nH.tJOn of P.r;of A C~ Ill' [luno b JlclstolfOf tIle Firs! ' p 0 0 0 1 ral school tcal.hmg clf'mentar) opcnmg August 15·11, and every Ithf'y \\ auld come out later. chmax. IPfle;oncI of \\al camp<';"1 Clnd n \\Illlam Hho (C1u;;hl lI1dU"t1li \lfthoctlq of SIOUX CI\:I- Dl),\id(lt~ ab l' h po e1sehool pnnclpalshlp, hIgh school school child \\lll reCC1\e a small I l\lany flowers were sC'\erely ** * I\ lew of thl It'ngth llmt'lth It h~s aIls Ile ( Inlmt dldtl h IHle( dm ~l>r\lng "mC'(' () toll( 1 ]9')(; IOknna ss-C'f 1 1 3 0 Ipnnclpalship supc'nntl'ndent of gIft from Wayne firms. These gifts damaged or completely fFozen. John L Lc\\ IS present coal I (C< II! (nt! d on '1 .... 0) I the "'t a~~ pI y Carroll here Sunday T--ue'Sday Morning. The need for a new engme at the tOg ~ ---~----- goat fln1ll\ lhe goat defcndel poscotthf organlzatlon 1 \(' Off'1~ A r~ I til d ~ H er~ I g \~. ProaramArranged~ powl.'fplant,hlghermsuranceand nol oni) uphlaldf'd McGee but dl_\ab7lJlCulturc In thps. ltount rs m(]lre rs ns a e \:<1\ne h1'dll(h of Ithe AA Idol D Semor honors convocatIOn was work on the park have increased d e 111 ~he 1: f('ctcd lltOdd"Ic!( a1 all pf'IsOnS rcpr s('nL.1Jun In l(gISl.l(ll( tffallts At Breakfast Meeting IllUI<.;(JclY elt tert Wo ns estiny held at Wa)ne co!lpge Tuesday the cost. 0 or liS F RIG m thl halilt of treating goat!'; f1Jp~ nvt only III :\jL!JldSkd uu 111 H1l \Friday Morning. (I,~:l:, 'n',HllIl dhnut 1 Q In all b mg , mornmg Dr R3y Bryan ple~cnted or ura rOllp The councJ! raised salanes of pantl) C'llliC of thl' ladlo pClfor- natlun 1 I I I 'tI •• h Y h graduation honors to M)la June employes at the hght plant and on - j (o)"',l 1)"1,o" 1"'1)" t I\11"" ~\'hlel JUllf' l' om,lS 1<'; tIl(' leS It out Thomas and Munel McKay gradu- N' d k' th"".t,·l'l't department '15 a mODth" mer no doubt hdrl In 1nlJ1( Ill'II Ut LIll ( I.;;rnltl1 11:1"1 \ C{ P:lISI I) I 1, (l I orris Schroe er Spea s In c:" .... I bUICdU !IO\\lr~(UltUI( ({)II('~( contrJbutC'cl b) a gOclt He notpdldpnt of the Am(IHan ff:l lIll :"I11XI(O City ,.lntl S(nlor \\ho \l,;a<.; prcse ted /\ atlng\\lthdlsimcllon and toRose- ('ach. -,- other good pOJnts ()f ('OU!Sl a l fedeldlJOn spoke' 10 IdrrhcIs t( th( UJ {('I (hl\!' \\{"r(' sh()\\n b} \\llh 1 (nsl)rf'Cl.k~ "t JrlrllnL: n b\ I Baccala reate Sermon Cleo Kell), KathleE'n PE'rc;on, Paul and Pearl. " ,. aSSOCH1tJ'Jn \\ lth othl'1 so-called by s('u'rcl! Jdrmcrs of thl" , r{ d I 18<.;t c~f t hl clUb rnom Ahout 3{) i),f,~~(r~, Ram,,\, pre sldcnt of I For C ass Sunday. I~~~:;cn, BUr;:a~gH1ThZI~~\h :I~~~, w~;~~u:~~~~y ;t;r~~~:rs f~~ll ~~ The two Wayne banks were domest:c., cd ~n'::'d~ \al,elle, or~ar~"~::'dml~'~~:" I~~';' t~~ ~~e ~,; "' ~~~lc ~ A LU'g' n ,"'tall,od"r, ,n~";:~:' ,~;,lhlC ~~n'~'lfJ~~~'~~,~n' ~~. The dr,t," of the "orld he> ~~n~j~~:~~t~J~~:~raA:~~,l\~~~;,~~ ~ue~ ~~t~~::;eM':'~~I~.'~~12ao~i~~~ 1~~d'5~ated depositories lor cIty ({)unt) (nllsoHdahons. I I ;'\11'. and Mrs John RonnE Idt \\ t h f[('f'r" ii Jallow:;; Mr" ~ \\ (n~~ (l[IIC( r" dln'ot'r<.; \' !l() w wlthm the po 'C'r of young folks of CreJlm Jacqueline HeJlebC'fg, E1I- whE'n Korns F. Schroeder o~ Hos- The Norfolk Dally :;'\iL'\\S makif's, the follO\qng 011 ICeI'" l'lC'cl '(~ Jo m ppr, rm sl(jpnt 1\11''' F~, :'\lorgdI~. 111 tll(' 1'('('''1, Jl1' Im(' lt~e MIS I err today They '111 dctermmc Whcth- nor Sodf'rberg and Dorolh ... Rode~ km~. WIll delJ\'er the address. Sister of Wisner ,,, apprO\lnr:; I!1cntJ()J1 oj the mnvf.-'-I H..onnfl'ldl. presl~enl. 11. J. Echt n- f...lrst \ I'P ]ltf'i'l:ldf'nt. '1rlrs R Jl )lr'; ~\1 gl! lJ~1 :1\\' i s ~lIll~ er good dr e Jl shall predom1l1atc, kohr, graduatmg With handrs. Thc program wIll Include num- lJlan Is Kl"lled ment 10 wIpe out Frallklm county kamp, \Ice plcslde'nl, Itudol h Slandl(,', ~('('{Jnd \ :CC' prf'sldcntl. ,1 t. ~ lSS stated Rev. Oliver B. Proett In I - " Ib b 1 h h b d f dlstr1ct by COmbll1llli; 11 wlt h Rpd \Vlllow Roeher, s('crc:tary . M.l'. JO,1I1 I:\Trs L ,F Good, ~('(:rct ary: Mr~ :\11'0, C W !\1:~~rt ,f'1 t '~<; Sq~OI t,' ,spcakmg to Wayne hIgh school IedMt~~ ~~~;'~nP~\~aar~::;(io pr~~enn1't; ~~~SSO~rg, that thIS IS he first c:ass to be Dona Rac Johnson H'ad semor a~ e ap 1st cure a er e brUised. Roy Sultzer was accom- before ad\C'nt of automolJJ!es. IMrs. Luther Bard south f Wa:~('- RPpolt<.; of tb{' dl~trJ('t coo\('nl- nf'\~l) cl('~·t0d pu'sleitt'nt, preSided graduated m he atomIC age, Stu- honors. clremony. pamed to SturgIs Tuesday by WlI~ * * * fleldThursddye\'cnmg,M y~J .f\l- 110n at Co!umhus \\('rf'''gl\'en b) af,lllt> t{':1. 1:1b,IC' .,. i[jents have tle chOice of makmg l Duane Schulz pla)C'd a saxo------.--- lard Wiltse of\Va)'1le, and the men ~Ios('(l \Ve arc remmded that some 'I ready enrvlled are famlllO of Cfj.!fl Mrs S1andlC'y, Mrs GJlksplC ;m(l fhf' tf'a_ hra?ch actiVitIes Ithis new pow l' work for or against Iphone solo, "Fhght 01 the Bumble Coacll Is Elected returned to Wisner WIth the body Plq~ northeast Nebraska countws ate L. Anderson, A W. Carl. on. Vdrn !VII'S F S BPlTY 1\lrs C. L for the ceCi<.;on. i tanklnd. T e destructIveness of IBee." MISS Mart:ha Crellm sang . V,'ednesday too small to answer the demands of IL. Carlson, Joe Johm , R A., kC'll r ad the duh's history fair :l. ~ --- , I he power 'as pro\ed. Atthur "Friend 0' Mine l' 1\11"5 Vlrglllla Officer in State ------wise (-'("onom). Wayne count:).' IS Nimrod and Hoy Sund¢ 1, all (d the yea Rnd nrflC( r!'; report('(1. Fllers Come ompton IS ne of those who be- Harms, Junior, ga!ve "To the Scn- __ _ College Students coun~ ere one of them A slice of Dixon \Vakefl€'ld Thf' luh gave $:!O to lh(' canedI' St d i .1 le\'e that th force can be used to lUrs," and Jacq\jl{"hne lIelleberg A "C d ty adddod to Wayne county, andl Others \\ho have JOin¢~ mclude fund, ,in ay Orlltng ,beat homes, lun cars, supply cner- ga\e the respon:.l' In behalf uf the New Organization Formed ppear tn ,orne y "~('" Ca~- i:~)Out h~d Fast~mO\ Dakota h' cOllnty diVIded between Wayne GJliJ1and, RalpH Bcckf'll- Host \\'Pf(' '."'11'<'; R \V WI) p('opJr. flew 10 vVqyne [gy for manuf clunng land perhaps !';enlOrs Prof. CH LlIldahl To Promote Athletics lng lines with plenty of Dixon a d Thurston countles would haupr, Wm Von Seggerh and AJ- pC's, 11,1 S L F Good. l\lrs F S In 31 plant'!'; SundclY On1l1lg tfat. IPro\lde medl ina} help. devotIOns, MISS Ruth£' and MISS For Nebraska. laughs and nOISy episodes mark De a d('!lrabIC starflm rearrangmglbert Watson, all of Wayh' BC'rry, Mr", \V S. Bres.<;!er, Mr~ tl'nd the 11rst :1J1' ureakfas at Educated oung folks are inter- Eleanore Wiberg played the pro- the comedy to be presented at the bounda les and ep1argmg county County ol'ficers wlll I~ elcc!ed R 1\1 (Arh'lrt. T\fr<.; RA Schreltl- wh:C'h Wa.vT'17 ~f'n f'd as ho,1. uc!l ,e!'ted mIen mg theIr ability and cesslonal, "Pomp and C1rcum~ ~ebraska high school coaches, ~ollegc audItorium Thursday, May umts. Perhaps Dakota county after sc\,erH! ('ommumty arm ru- (:r, Mr!'l JT GIlll'''plC' and Mrs. If fll.ghts a~;-', held ..f'\PfY two w ek~ Imfluence to ake the world one stance," ~nd the rc>q'.sslOnal. MISS meetmg in Lmcoln the last of the 16, at 8 o'clock. "Ring Around would 1(' vdllJli.g to be absorbed m, leau groups are formed I I S. Mflr an , b..... t~e .~ebrasLI ~ranch of the of !lfe and go d r.~ther than one of LoUIse \VE'ndt an~ Prof. Raymohd wef'1< when attendmg the state Ellzabeth" appeared on Broadw-ay ~- VIeW of the decreaied cost, • --- _._..-- - -, Arne Ican 11001(' program fs Cl\ Jl .() <111('1 111, ,mel I hlllDebus served deneed In alI lilles of busmess and AprIl gasoline tax 1::, SJ.103.62, Nell GalJant of Kearney, secretary~ beth Gad Nlce:;wanger, of Chmb· , -~--- ~ • Ropert Burnham and' Fran lin YI I Ch Ih;', hreflkfa"t. SOCIal relatlO shIps. Lack of faith Iwhich Includes $2,282.49 for county treasurer, and Roscoe Tolley of mg HIll. Ia" seen rpcpntly as the t4t "Baseball BeIng ConSidered Itressler, Wayne; Melvi MIl er, (J.ll 1 S ~ OS61l.. I h~' group flles t,o Lmculn for brought a tr m('ndous breakdown Iroads, $652,14 for county bridges Falls City, vice preSident. ,The 01'- Scottish soldlcr lJ1 "The Old Lady .B L.ocal ChaPt~r at INorfolk; Leonard Rober s, Wa\ke- F r VOice Audition t~: next l~~~kfa~~l\~26. I (C'ontlllu d on Page Two) and $168.99 for rbad dlstr~s.:.. _ gamzatlOn Wlll promote athletIcs Shows lin Medals;' plays Ute part Tuesday Meeting. fHHd, Henry Bohm, Will rd C~P- JIm Ie Canon ll-y(ar~old sqn I and Improve standards of the pro- of Ralph. \vho cao't understand J ,man and Ben Volalkcr Hosk ns, of Mr and Mrs Leland Carson ~f WAYNE HlIGH SCHOOL fession. why hIS '''dfe has an attack of II ~pl catlc,m for a Ladles AUXII- Robert Benthack, Omah , £1 er Norfol , and grandson of Mr arid Mr Speece is chairman of Third amneSIa. p~ IaI1Y of rI-\iV has Just bccn reCPJ\ cd 1 homscn PendE 1', .Jason Pres on. Mrs }- 1 ] cal chapter meets, again. Boul\~ies Are id~ 1 I Leflt to rIght ow 1, r Campbell, sponsor; Pa t Fmn, Bob Shultheis, Jessie Plle, ~hirley Franzen, tors for the district, Fred Wrobel property at 414 Wal~ May 1 Since the county deci e~ to pay I .~ Media Oare Delores Lutt, Don Gilde 1 ve, Margaret Nelson, .,Jeanne Srnolski. Lila Branur..er, Cl&:tne Heme. Dick nut for $3 250 The deal was made i . j- 1$1 bounty on coyoteIn d f xes, H.I . M~ lU1f is I a loc~l h s- camp!l, Norrna~ Ell,s, etha Pflueger, Darlene Roeber, Delores Tietsort, Leo Kililul, Duahe Otte. A district conference of horne t!,l.;gugh Ule ~i. L. Ringer agency. I ulndergoes Operation. , A. Bard, ,clerk, has iv n b un- IP tal ' ecelv~ g medl al care. A Ro 2: ElSie enthac, Jean Nuss, Delores Heithold, Jane Bridgman, Neva Wlela~d, Patty FIckle, demonstration clubs will be held at _-. ' I :Herburt Perry underwent an es on ten foxes. perso s appl 'ng tl:aU~h erl s'l Don, WilliafDs of MargIe Splittgerb , 'lola ier, Dtck Boyce, Dorothy Sievers, Paul Powers, Dick SUlld, Charles Car- Columbus, June 14 and 15. Mrs'j' ,Joe Scoliard of EI?erson, bought I I opera,twn for appendICItIs MOn~YJ.t r ,bounties. peed Jbri lonly the II~trer r!llll., ~ived Mpnda,y e e- ha~t, N alOlson, tfried elter, Marvin Pospishil. Don CaauwE'. Lowell Mann, John Parke. A. G. Sydow and Mrs. F. L Moses ~. Anna WeilaI}ds cafe at Ly..l JU~rn:i~ hOSPI~al. ~ imal mg h (I at a local II alp of the ar ,'I 1 lJe wr her ftther. : Me bers not 'i p'ctu ; Ailee Bierman, DOD P lppitt, LeRoy Spahr, !" ai offlcla1 delegates. , 1':=, ". I)

l,d'",1},i~ltll~'li"III:,i"1 ,',II., I "-. i 1 l 1 ,ill, I ,I (l.i 3,; II It rJ I .~ I' ,I '" I I', I' I '. , I

JVedilintrService' -WORI:;'~-D);j1:TI~!Y-~-I t ~ childr r ~sked il it we.re a!,lve Music I u -Marry:;;;::~::AY 16, 11:::. w'ere Mrs Bess Glilert a~dl~;-c~~nceITO:' S ~~~-;-lc:o~e Ann ~pent~~;:~e~:: j . H' ,.d· 'w:',' I (CoutlllUl'll tr6m Ifn eO e) 0 I ead. the professor replIed As ' "K' IW Ch h famIly of EmerS-on, Mr and Mrs Fowler spent last week 1n the Hil- Hilton's Mrs Fowler fC'}urned ',.,,;8 e." ,In, .ayne. --; ~ .Will,",lmeaning that fat lies For, ~ n ayne lire R. E Fowler and Emmett and ton home here and Mr. Fowler and home wJth the other South Dakot Jbseph·'Franklin BOO.. ts of c.....amM in. political, relat~l~n.S~ip~ :iri recentl 111., heir l1".l8hdS. .. Ins~rumeJ')tal ~d vocal soloIst Miss Geraldme Beckner, daugh- Mrs C A. Fowler and Carole Ann Emmelt and Mrs C A Fowler and folks Sunday a Ql'tdge' Cily,' Ind., son of Mr, ;an 'years. "Discover.y of ~tpmiC pow~r; I accalrH.j~ate serVIce, mc uded from Wayne Pre, under t e dIre ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beck- .' Mrs.. A. P. Boots, an~ Miss A.Jice ,forces us to tru~t 0J~ ianO~her ini ~~4 pro.ccs,~lOnal by th: arch stra, tlOn of Prof S "gene B ley An ner of Wayne, and Raymond Kling, ••••••••••••••••••••••& 11 . Marie Alexander of 'Allen, daugh~ more :,riendly relat~ ns~ip t~5 I~V ~atJOnl.?y .D~, ~lctor. est, Prof. tRussel A erson, p esente son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kling I . tex:'of .'Mri and Mrs. A. L. Alexan~ before.. The A~erl ~n~Ca ad1811j SI 109 of' A":lerlca by .th a.s~ mUSIC for Kiwa IS club anday. of near Norfolk, were married I del',' were"married .by Rev. Wm' boundary, W~ifh jis u nrot~ ted• .is s bly a~,? scrIpture re~dm . Janne e Grlfflt1;l played, a fI~te Sunday morning at 9 at the Bap- There's a Glidden ::: Kearns at $t Mary's rectorY'Wed more safR E"ER" \, III dell\cr the commencemen selves (on,,! t \\ till ThQ 1\'1<1.n a IIon;\' 1- (. ran irk", hy Relativc's gave a showpr fnr' 1h(' add10ss, entitled "Budges mlo th' nUfllstel Cjuotl'd the woprn\ "The O·Hara. Prof. Apc!erson I resented nride Thursday l'vening at the I' tltUI('" for \Vayne college an Look AIlC'dd, 'vVhlChl M Irkhcun tJ1(' vocalists. I i Gordon Beckner home, ubout 20 at- 'y,,\'np college hIgh school gradu wrolc aftl'l lit' \\clS 8tl TJ1( poet Kiwanis group. led hy Jlj-Iln Boyd tending. rtI·EED .ltmg cltlsscs at exercJses to be hel still h.-Id fdll h 10 IIw fUlun,~ and Prof. Ander .con,. snng~Kiw.aniS ------FllddY, MdY 24, at 10 o'clocl{ In th A need ot faIth In Cnd 10 build a Lives." "Drink 9JO Me 0 Iy w1th GROWTH NOTABLE outdoor theatre ~ better world IS also Imp rdtlve. Thine Eyes" and'"Levee ong.''' IN ·LUTHERAN HOUR The dramatIcs class play thl' Rev Proet t dcsct'1bed a st ttue ,It ,In attendance wrre 42 emhers Dr. WaIter A. Mail'r, speaker on Thursn"y and phySIcal educatlO Ponca Ctty, OkJu. \\h<,re a other and guests, LL Arthur Gulliv('f the Lutheran Hour which is spon-r p,lgP Ult I'~lJday mornmg at 101 holds a son by one hahct andicarriC'$ with Prof. And rson. R v. S. K. fo;ored by the Lutheran Laymen's After wearing the same coat all winter, your m(' -aU"('r commencement events a Bible in the otlH'r. 1'h(' bo~' signi'!' de Freese with StpI.. Stua t Baller, league, recently stated that con- thI:'; w('ck ties the Iwginning of liff' <~nd the Dr. Roy Matson! wilh T. S. Hook,. tracts have been signed which \Vnync college band, undrr tf Bible 1'('I11'('S0nl;;. the kc')' to faith Miss Adah Frum~pror. Ba ley, Miss place the total number of stations spring clothes arc a welcome change, You'll dirc'ction of Prof. S. Eugene Raile', in God. "If \\'(' will ha 'C 'one Soderberg and jss Crel in. at more thaJ.l- 800 in 28 countries. Will -l'll'C'>:C'nt a concert in Uw co - world,' the only to begjn is by -~-__.~_ --~--_____ and terri¥5ri~[ outside of the I. wel~ome the changc a ncw coat of paint will i~;~· ~_~I,d::tO~u(~~~l~~~sday e\'('nin , ;~~~gc7~~:~t~,Oilo~~~. impos.~ib1t' t~:l~~~~ :Will Be Marrie i ~~~~do~~ ~esb~~:d~~'i~a~a~o~~t~~: bring to your house. It's a weathc'r protcctor ..._... --~ I lievc that God \vouJd mukp h \"'orl(l In wa~ne C .utch extension of t~ broadcast in Is JI~pttal' Pa-tlf'nt. that WOUld come to a bad ~nd. r't r. W. K. Begg;s i Mr. and Mrs. oc Pink Iman an~ Europe a d the ar East as well Mrs, A. 1. Hoskinson entered b is meant that the world ~hall be raduation exercises f9!y. the nounce 1he cn, agcment amI; ap~ as the ut' ization f television fre- as wetl as a beautificr. local hosp al Monday for medicil good and that it. shall grow.:' People dh ss of 410 finishing WaynV high proaching marri gC' of th ir daugh.~ tJ,uency iOdulatio and' int~rna· e~cning ~~~~~~~~~~3!~~care. Who look to better thingsrJ()w('~.Ilook to SC 001 will br- held Friday tel', Miss MadeliK~th('rinee, to Ja es }¢.clly, tlonal ort-wave.~"'- _ IGod for strength and When at 8:15 'at the municipal a4dHor- son of MI:s. Kelly, of i GLIDDEN PAINTS OF HIGHEST QUALITY : much doubt was exprcsscfl about 'U . The: school orchestra: opens Peoria, Ill. Thej date ha" twetJ set I Plan ~;'aJI Meet·, J{. day~ demoeracy in the ea1l'ly of this th program with the procf>bsional for Monday, M y 27, at 1. Mhry's Royal Neighbors distr]('t mC'eting SERVE EVERY NEED country, BenJamm F'ral1klfn saId, d th l' I th R. R Catholic church in Wayn . planned for May 23, has been pOst- I "I have hved a lon~ tIme nct the J-. BUI~I:; I~~V~S a~he eT~Vo!c~\ion: ! paned until fall. Gay Theatr ~~~~~rI ~e\~V~f \~~sn:~l:~hc~ ~~n~~~~ a dthe Igirls' glee ~lubi sings Weddinu;erVi e I I-RaV~J~~~~i~--- I '" ord',<; :prayer." Dr, W. K.! Beggs - C· 1 WAYNf I erns in the affai,'S qf men.! A!nd if (')!tthl, stbl1l' unive.rSiI Y, gi\f.,.'('S the Is eld l lty Mrs. George Harder, who hI)( ;11 a ~parro~v cc:mno.l fan t.o l,hc: g~l'(iund ac drE'ss iOn "Malicl' in Wond('r- rrceiv"d nlf'pical C'ilr0 in a local: ~~~~o~~ l-~~;i(;~l('~~~t ~~s~n1~~;~~11~)~~ la d." The glec club sings: "Calm da~~~C'r ~~~J' aJn(~~r ~~~~;~~~ ~~~~~~n~cturnC'd hon1l' MOnd~Y: Carhart Luanber C9. Wednesday, Ma.y 15 II' His aid." " a the Night." Prin. F. Aj. Lan~ Rockwell of W yn0, an Jack A..l~ • Early Show at 6 Re\'. Proet:t conduQed JY ~g8.ln p: eth awards Ihe honolJs; ~upt. S. fr('d Peterson on of Mr andl Mr$ For Anniversary. • Phone 147 Wayne, N'ebraska reminding young folJ.!:.s 1 at they T Ballpr presents the IclMls: and Arthur P~t~r~ ·.n of Om ha, IW('~~ G)Jesls of Mr. and Mrs. MC'rton : h ld the key to t llde i~ they P uJ Mines gives thel di lomaR. married Frida" May 1 , Atl 3:30 Hillon Sunday to help thf'm ob.• ~er ~.H#~ W~ll but t l~rn '\71~ r nA~~;tY a~d R v. S. K. deFrE'cse pro ot(nces p. m. in OmaHa. Thcy caJ1le to serve thcir ;')1 h w('dding ;mnivcr- • ... '~ influence in the right d:irection.·benl'dic"on, and 1he or he'.s·!ra '"vVRyn.e 'h'fl c\'(t"nmg an,I s)(''f n' 'hp_-:.--=---=---=- --=- -=II::II::II::II::-::-::-::'Tr.--:.:II:.:II:.:II:.:II:.:-:.:II:.:-:.:-::II::II::II:.:.m •••m.lJ.u•••l!lI."•• B••••••••••••••••••••II•••••••••••••• The iOl.j,mmed,/ He illustltatf'd by tj'lling jf a pro~ pI ys the recE:.'sRionlll. 1 wcck1end in' til Stephc Rodk\vcll tune·and·temposen· fessor qUC':-tioning stune ts who, --~---".~-~.---r------...j. homC', salionoftaday'steen-I held a bird in lheirt hand.. When ERLIN PADDOcK-..i Mr. and MrsJ n--'lf't'so relul'I1rd -.~--+_.,"- agers'onthefun.bea_~~ ------.. ---- : (('"nl inupu from I'ag'p. n&w) Sunday 10 Omaha, wh('r both, arC' ¢' ~-k/& ..I pJ!aps{'d sinct' 11(' \Va!'; 1"cpOl-!C'd t~ C'mploycd. Mr. Pl'Iersonl work~ fol' ~ 1 Sund~y, Monday, Tu~sday, lJ~' lYllSsl.ng in ,]c!ion, I am l'eluc· i~::;e~:c:~·a~~.;aiJ~\I~·~rr~~t(';n~flV;~~~ I May 19~20~21 ~~~:l~~e \(~r~i~,~l't'a\~'d.~~H': C'Ol!clusJOn Parkn Fllt'na~l' ,1I1d SI~f'('1 Meli-1.1 IMrs. Mf'rlin Paddock and: daugh- \\·ork!'. lat weSl'nt '1TS. J\Jarjo.l'll\ Elizabeth, ~>~, and al ·n:IO ~ I I [) E iljje June, 10 nlOnlhs, llve In M. n:. PC'.li'rS(.n is a grar lll'.l!(' 0 1- on01u]u W'Ith Mrs. Paddoc!k'~ par- Wayne high sc 001 and )v.!as n th(' ('nts, Mr. and Mrs. Paul L., Carter. office of Dr. L. B. Youn~ here two Merlin Paddock was born March and a half years Lcfo~e golng to 5, ]917, in Bangor, Wis. Be lived O~~~~pet.erson reccntl~ recc-ived a i o~~~~s~~~:~;k~. ~~~l~~~~r~~~~ discharge aftC'r four y aI'S in the I. ted frQ-m Osmond high 1JChOOl in np~~riic~ome f 1he ti e ln~h~ 934. He . 11" 'las then " '. "- . ./ Soup ~~~,~Il'~l_I~(:J~!~J~~ •.... . ~l?;l~ f 2c (U~~~~~I.C;.J~.I',;".·.~L~~I~ m ~~a dU~y on a crui>:Pl· in the ••.•~ ••• 1'5-:0" ~r'Y G D?U B If Green Beans "e Y r SOUp t~~~E\;~~.I~~/ . .., .~o;l: ~ Ic Peas s~:~~~~~i~eu:al!ty l';(j~I7 • Ic urnedaelllc tountt!.Melbourne,OC.'tObf'r'.ll' la.,pn.4.1 •.. HeMay,rc- .":.:...... • ljo"0 Dut-'tI .. HIS .• EAR .. l·tb. 943, to instruct in flghtc~ planell. " • ·9 ,;;y~:.r;;_;N~~~~~I~en ~~'t;: f SOUp Mix .. 8e Ctn. Veg-AII ~~~~~n·~·~gelableB ._ ..~~~; 15c n June, 1944. hc was ass,gned to •• I 17C ~~~·k:J:·~~~);


THE WAY E, ~EBR.ASKA, :I'H'lJIiSDAY, MAY 16, ~946.

~~r7~d:~.Laurel for the ;rijJleln' THE WAYNE HERALD I ." , 1 f~~i~ft~ds~~~kicki;:'1:~el~a~~e~~io~ertn~ ~:~~:~~~;£:r~~:Y,~~~r.~tiifl~~LoJanValley ~t~~;!~:;£rf.i~~::L:e;::::: . W.' Huse, Editor and Proprietor . I I .. Sunday evening a picnic sUPP(T vd}veq a,lot of petil. T~lrnin'g a,swltch nd valley. While ~he outlook is tempo- , (By Mrs. J. E. Bergerson) and Mrs. Leonard 01~on spent Sat. held at the Will Test Imoll' w;\~ ;\1_ 'ldes~, ~stab1ished Paper 'in Wayne coun~Y tended by the families of ~§:t~~5sff~i~gYst~~Si~nt~~~~~~~f~ni~o:~ ~: ~~~~ re~::~O~I:~intghe ~~~~Sth r:;~~ III''------!1~;~~:d ~ f~~~~rfO;~~~~r t~::h:~~ Nichols of Wayne, Kennl:lh PUBmSHED EVERY TIlURSDAY f~~~ ,and l conjveni~nce.o I insure that heavy production . Joryn H~ck('ns spent Sunday tt Ralph T.I!Wenstrand. Herbert Barelman, Clarcncl' -----l------which own country and our his home In Emerson for Mothe s The Ke,-meth Baker family spent er, Bud Lutt, LllUip Hanson, ~I Ii one 180' J10 Moll' St. ~ IG ' J' b T' D aroused the re own orld so sorely needs at this day. . Frl'day evening at Harvey Hen- Suhr and M¥rtle of Wayne, ,Inri s~dt~~n~ ao~ co~g.re:svef~ ep~rt th~hlrt~~;~/~~~;~~~ld:;r:V~~ Miss Harriet Lempke. Lel ~i t~r:~s ~atne~r:t~~rof;liif'8:6~ J~~K~~lC~arMska, a3~ the r. hat time. ningsen's,' as did Melvin Larsons t~;j~'- ~nowu office of publlcat'on. "rayn , Nebraska. he 1 :r:efetrred to the bo y as a "grou of ning. Sunday afternoon. Monday eve- --,-. cowards!'. The remark which ;th~ of 'cer Mr. and Mrs. Emil Muller and ning the, Edgar Kastrup', f Alfred NORTHEAST WAYNE s. !\\',s' was garbled". is Hal~d to hav.. e follo ed . daughters spent Sunday evening Cook anli Lars Nlsson amlles Sunday dinner gUf':;I" In till' Lfl'>,-i d '>1 d t' th d ft It h t held Monday, May 20, in the He.nr.y Weiting home. spent the1evening there. Giese home tb honor YL(' and :\-lrs II: aye ac IOn on e la. ~PPErs a co enclng at 1 o'clock p. m., f I J h E 'l B k d am officer caJ.H}iotl direct conte pt ous at Laurel Sales Pa\'illon, Laurcl. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Muller and The families 0 van 0 nson, rYl uc an son \\'1'1'1' :\1)'. iind . d' . tf I ••, d '·t ongress wit out Neb. This offerin.... wlll consist family were Sunday dinner guests Walter - N. Johnson, Lawrence Mrs. August KallhofL !>unna .\1;((' at· ~srespec. u \'Vor g.u- C, .. '- , -- in the Herman Muller home. Johnson, Robert Johnson;~:A.lvtn and Duane of Tilden, .\11', ;jflr! i\-'1rs the )·isk, of being: courttmartial,ed. ThE( re.:. of about 30 head of heavy qlring- Mr. and Mrs. George Borg and Johnson, Albert Steube and Perry Ray Agler, jr., of Wakl"flf Id. ;JI1d" nlar~ ~xpands to' dreadful 'prolport$ons Ing Shorthorn and Holstein cows sons were Sunday dinner guests at Johnson were Sunday spP:per Mr. and Mrs. Ah·in Oll.',~l' iind when uttered by! an liI.fficer, .and. II 1;0n- and heifers. All TB and Bang's the Charles'. Dye home at Pl'nder. P"lIests in the John N. Johnson Bryan. I · t· t· '1" t, t d tested and gua.ranteed as repro- ~- gression,a Illves I~a IOn may 'IJ'€ e1{pe e . senwd. Be sure to a~nd this Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schultz _ TO' the IjeRt of th~ publiic congress is n t so sale if in need of a good mUch and baby were Sunday evening ••••• ~.: sacred. If membNs escape wi~th no rj10re cow. K. L. Paap, ow,ner. J. E. callers in tHe Clarence Holm· home. _ m!J'V~'R violent words fro COn.fltituents. than t~ose Hornbuckl€l, auctioneer, mI6t1 Mr: and :Mrs. Jerome Pearson : imputed to the enerulI, they Iwould ton- ~~~_ were SundafY nfternoon and supper III ~ Hider themselves extremely fOl1:Unate. LOCAL NEWS ~~~"~~ in! the Reuben Johnson : ~ 1946 i tio~sC ~~~~il~~·~iri~f\~a~~if~~{.i~~~.i~~i,~~ fro~a:\~alG:~s~it~f\:;:~~y ~~~~ :~;Ii~~ti~~i~[~~~~~~~~I;a~; I d b recovering from an operation. in Was ington is larglD1Y ov~r o, sona e a or UnIon ru e. ,IS some rllg chmpaign, and c:an I ntcs w 0 aVCi op- or cruisers and many s~aller boats A. D. Lewis home" Mr. Lewis will home at Wayne. SHAVING SETS them~elveH' i~ ~' union radicals have invited. The masges po.SitiOIl, will rl'lanimate .for re.J..arded~ as eonce sion. And Mr. and Mr',·.,~ Fred Mull"r, Mr, # • '1 . f return to his teaching position at '- are driycn to defend thE'mselves agamst tl!Ie fin~d::;. "va~n1'~. co~lnty's maJor ?f Ices Italy is receivin 450 fillion dol- Tilden next fall. .and, Mrs. Fred Lundin, Mr. and LEATHER GOODS unbearable imposition. are conceded to fIrst-t~rmers, and IIlcum- lars fpr food and rehabi itation this Mrs. Alhert Anderson and family Hit is my belief, and I think mORt Ne- bent:-; escape the effort and cost involved year. Peacc nC\lcr has bcen long an~~a~~l~n ~r'po~~~ae~~, ~~g.~e~~J and Mr. amd Mrs. Paul Bengston RAZOR SETS braskans feel the same, that every man in reelection. S~nator Butler is a first- contirucd in a world alrmament Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Bolton of Wis- nd famil~ wpre Sunday dinner I TRAVEL KITS "I should have a right to work and earn a termer whose rig~t to a sectond term is race. _ I ncr, spent last Thursday in the T. guests in the John Bengston home. living for his family without his employer cOlltested, ,and h€ IS one of the grass-foots I c. Bathke home. Sunday dinner guC'-sts in the ' hI t f' h' f ... . d . Only a fair start hasJheen rna.de L M h me at S 'hner HALLMARK GRADUATION CARDS b iemg a e 0 Ire 1m, or Jommg a unIOn candidates whosl: sound recor IS rea.son- f ~ h' I Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorndike awrence eyer 0 cn and WI·thout a umon. b''emg abl et 0 0bt'aln ably certain to c, piure the de$erve d -'i.avorof onw·ays.UtC' Thebig f"d"~1programgo"e'rn0 ewonl Igl-h,'I.'- and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorndike, \vC're Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grosc, h'is' dismissaIif he re f uses to jom,. .. M.r. of the rural porlulatiol1. Val:p.etersoh, In ~et ~p a fund~- '-a threev.~millions of jr., of Omaha, were Sunday.guests Mr. and Mrs. James Gustafson and Over 4-0 Years uf Reliable Prescription Senke . 1i J h Ah 'M Th d I Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Grose. They askeu said, in accepting the ch mrman- the fiel~ for the. gov(~tnorship, is anqther dolla s to be sent in federal aId at 0 n ern s. r. orn j {e, also called In the Adolph Grosc and sip. "The right to w6i'kl amendment will c,andidnte who has risen from the il!-rass for l1Iew highwa s all ferleral con- sr., is a brother of Mrs. Ahern. Bernard Meyer homes. ~ '1 B. ·ve workers t h·IS freedd m if the peopIt!e roots and reflects "all tlne quali ieH reqI;lired tribution to bt'timatehed'' by stale andTheWifburF. BrittonsDeckersof ofSiouxLincoln,Cil\], l\lr. and'Mrs. Kenneth Raker of Nebraska vote favorably on it next falL to make a sllcce:..:;gful stnte executive. funds. The' pia. will COW'I" thn-'p .J ~-~-o---'---~~ 7 -~ ~ a y sUch cartel", arel In t e baek- tion and c using idespread J~ther presen~ reduce lmport dutIes. No- Our own country has h d protec- 1 round of negptiat ons will body knowS how and- to what ex- .ilVe tariffs of va led h Ights for ot be Ui.scovere9 until 10 g after ~~;'';::..s~e':[~·hif93ZI~ c:U~t,;~:~ Special Suit Group All Spr;ng Coa'ts Braken Size Suit Group o~r eompletc~. tent the further cut will affect 135 years. By clpr a1 tirade he treaties are strikes, and it nee s to be ~ Late arrivals in latest styles. ~ agricultuie find mdt'istry. If an;d treatIeS inl the pat 15 ears, the I 1 I ~~~n~d~n;h a;:~:~ ~~I~US~cs~ when the' reductions WIlt come, rates fIxed by la s of pqn~ress The UNO at it~ meetingl in New J{egular $,29.95, $24.95, Here's a real value. they will be put into force and et- have been lowere to th Iilre.scntl ork city is no~ findling he road p~wers over Ihe peo e, this, is Regular $18.40 and $29.95 R '. $2995 and $18.40 fect by an order of the preSIdent, mmimum. Now t at all prbtected 0 peac& any s"~ther to ay than who has power to reduce all duties conun6dities have~a:tes educ~d to, twas alt the San,' Francisc confer­ ~h e~ce ~lt~:r~~:I~~r:i1~~~r~~t~ $18.40 and $11.60 le~_u.a r,' '.' to 25 per cent of the rates fixed by a minimum by s ,ne 6!iations. a 1 year ag. Then he war Jf ' Jf' w~s- b,.. , congress. the next step pra lcally III be to shll on but! conflicti g interM may be a ard one, but it is w dfsperately eeded t save he I throw open, to _ rld c tnpetitiQl1 ests ofl the big Inations ,ere ob- ff 4 p~ople I 3 . At the meeting of foreign minis- nearly all our abg icultu 1 and in~ stac~es to a programl ,.to ~stabliSh from the effe ts Of ir- 0 - 0 ~~ p per~. wor~ pe~fe'- respo.nsible . ower. Si ce tho iS~.is _ . . ' ;r~~ps".wete;teor."",..... o.w .in ,s.es.s.i.on... in,tli~.pa..ris,.. m~t~.. n.·.ff..~jded. u...S•. tri.. al. .r.. OdU.C. ti.o . Wit a wo.rld- an' ntt~e w~i~h h.e .out­ partly the p oduct of Jaws, n w 4 /1 arno.ng first . shortage f nea Iy every come w s U 0 inds the ill force, co gress en at.Ie st .• ·~.·er~.·¢ons!d.. eted. m co~.,no e.¢tl.o.n .. w.. .'.t~...p.r... oou.c•. t, al1d.our .wn c lil.nt'1'.. ul\- s.ame nfhet 0 big, mt rests in ':ihe n~w' !teatyof'P!'~C'" The abl. to 'supply ev l\ the ~emandll, foreign trade, he bll ields of revise these to take way t e toe~(ilil\~lIjs,taiift.fates e ~al\' S~ain, I centtve to a tike firs and t k G~' .' ecomlnehdation of .. .!\f ot. fi Mng very t e Balka s. and Ar. a terward. T at duty as plain . i . I

~ ~:es i~~~. bI~f~~1~ : ~~l~~~ - , "_ ,) ,"',1 : ' :'.r.~;.~!t.':.~~sf."~gr.~~n.a.f.::{ ~.i.:.a.n.':~~~.;.i~.!.~.~ ~.a.:.· :.~ ~ ~~.h.'i.~:.~ ~O I~.g.n. ~.:a~.~.e~b.O.~~~.t ~:;~r q:~1E.fi.~££.~c;1~.1.~n~ m t import~ t prob e s before .. Th& FriEmdly 'S~OrA . I .. :: '.p•. .. .. n•.. •.• .. ..':.·•.n.. ;.,....•... .• I'. '.~'~ ?C otibie! -on- -that' contiJ;uiltit.,.. ,If ~.ta~fJ,ratest;.!.'. .. ;.. ()n',' ~I.e ~':' '~~r: t~ers at Paris ijt, will ha e 'added ~~~r~hald)~' ~,~.Q~ :~vhich' evelop~ egress andl tpere· 0 excusej ---+-----+----.----~-::::-:~---.::----""'!'--I"-~:- ,;;,:i_:,';;,,~' __....""'"~ ".' aceomPJ:ish-ecl:tljrough relief and,,reha" I! ,iCh IS ; he oon rariness is "'f_o+-n:-e.:gl..J~_et_in_t~i-,it-!_'--++_~_f l l ,I...... ,;,' H:~,:W~~;l~iR*~r1i!-:),:;i: ':;'11 "1':"f( 'i'-"]:;1\" ,''L'/') . :,t,)!;:" :i",::;-:':: I I. II r i ,I ,- '~*, I ,'..

I TFiJi 'AYNE·HEJALD. WA 16. 1948. (. f ~-- -~-~--- --PD-~o~n' wthllgSh~~a~'nrSsd~~-e~;-~ ~ith "~i; ·_· I__ .. •• ttlwuOthe"rl'aeenkdS,lWith ,Mrs. "table which wa tered with term May 17 26 children. onl a't Dan Dolph's Tuesday Mri Dan Dblph were at M;s. flowers and taper aeh guest this day it will go 0 an outing in arid at Albert Killion's Sunday eve~ Allgust Kai'~, Rural H me soc cty meets tillS * * rec,eived a nosegay 'lies of the the Wayne park., M y 19 we vvill ning. Mrs. C. WI. McGuIT~ sold her Thursday 'Jth Mrr Joe Beckcn~ BW M~p.tsl l 'valley. have closing exerCise in the sch?Ol Mr. and Mrs. AlvJn Johnson at- house in Wakpfjeld th'at was occu- hauer, I BPW had pJCn c su per I /* * *. bas~ment ar0l;lnd 7:31' p, m. G. H. tcnded cooperative supp~r at the pied by Mr. land Mrs. ;Geo. Wfiip- t th~ GQC mefS next) Tuesday "Ith t e Women'g club oom. Tues Mrs. 'Lutt, Hosteia. Hofms i.S mstruc .. or. Everyone IJOhn. N. JO.hnson home m. La.urel pe.rman to Henry Barelmans, who ~.1~:h~nJ. 1 ageCr.h 1~t~ M~.~a.1 ;~I;:.~ s a;er:~es~\~~ o~::r~rO. ~e. :~~ La~~;i:e ~l~~ I~~t~e~~t~;~~nees~ is welcome to att~nd i SU~~~Y~nd Mrs. Harry- Stolle tlnd ~~~~.so~1~. ~~'eM~~~~L~~OTo~:~i~ Mann s bl ·tl1day wIll be ob~ cr I, da,. when all mem\)ers were pre~ St Papl's E,,·a.nJ;"eUcfLl Luthera.n famIly enjoyed birthday dinner wII! also md\'e there and Mr. and sened.: ,** *1 \. sent. Guests were Mrs. Anna (Rev. T. J. C.•chu~dt, Pastor) Sunday for Mrs.. Carl SIeVers at Mrs. Eldon IBarelman wlll take P. E. O. mects", May :n with Fbr J. H. B~ugger. Burmf'ister, Mrs. Lester Lutt Sunday ~chool, 10 ;a. m. VotTinside. over the far~. Mrs. R._ \. ~asPl~·,'Mrs . .l.J. A. ! In honor J. H. gger'Iand Mrs. Wm. Blecke. Roll call The Service, 11 a. m. Special Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Buskirk, Mr. :;\lr. and Mrs. HarliY Longe of Jf I¢ Ray as:;l:it~. MISS II' aye BnttalO ijirthdHY, ~ajul'd

hO.stl'.C,S <:h!lIrJ1ldn. ~ I:;uest~ of ~1r!'. Oscar 1 Liedtke ' ~<..lPtl.st mot.her-daughter han- Meeting 'of SunQayl sch001 tf'Rch- farfuly. V'/alter \Vl'!f'sf'man and Iyn (Jdegaard. Mrs..H. B. Stawllt'y.and 1\lr~. FT'idav whf'n Mrs. Frf'df,llis and I Q~l,t ,I~ the church parlors TU~s~ ers and officers,' T~ursday, May Mr. Swohoda attendf'd the 4-B ----~ _ l~ , W S 1 II BIt 1 • de:} c\enmg was. attended by IS: 168 '. mf'f'tlng at \\'111 Longe'" Tuc"'da.'r, LOCAL 'NEWS . :. '.'- \A.<.ns.. ~ln C'1"jl ('I'. a~.n. ,.. all IS.' ,MiS., .Clara \VISChh. of .E'ld. high, Dll1nej' was ~e~\ed ~y ":len and ,p. m.. ' c\"('ning. They meet next \\'Ith th\-" MlssJOnar' suelL'ly thIs fhurs· Iscorf's. Mrs, Mari(' Bn tam en-I boys. Arc] LeWIS paid tnbute to First Baptist (;hun'h. Swoboda boys. ! JarrH's Rob~on of Sioux Cily, . ~'~);l(~~ ~~ ~t ~~rI~~r~~,\~~:~;s,~~~ :tertains thi~ :r~da.i" '! I molhC'Ts and Mrs. Burr Standley (Rev. R. J. Bulklay, Pastor) Mrs. RollI(' McQuistan and MI"S Icamr' ]\'1onday to \'isH his sist.er, MIS. Ci' retle.f' MeGmn. has With Mrs. 'Tietgen. I. I. ~\C'tc.the r~spons~ l~rsJ ~arlos Officers will be in!'talled for B£'rtha Bresskr left "'C'dnr'sda) :'vlrs. A. W. Ross ch'lrg I nst'ill:1tlOn f off1 , ar man. I\'a e e 0 nson the v"omen's Mi5sionary society' at of last week for San JO~l': Ca!" b.'r lJr. r. E, Ru'h. denti!'t phone '. e a 1._, < 0 - Contract inlC'mbers 4nd Mrs'l spoke on gIrls of yesterday and plane to attend gradual Ion excr- 4:24. Wayne ~('br. tf ~l'Z~.giOn IAu,,-i11c1,ry m('r't.~ n('x~. !~~;i~t;~~~~;n\\. '~~~l;s~~t.Fe~'~'~~~·'1 ~~Uy." "My Hours of Me~ory ~n !p;u~~: ~~ ~;~3~. B~r:s, s~~;g~~~ cises for;'VIr. and :Vln. I)ougTas l\Ic- !VIr, and ~Irs. Raynwnd FloTine ru('sday (1\ ('n. mg 1m the \Vc>mf.'n ::, ',' Mrs. \V. G. G:('hulz and ~1rs. Paul . g Sl(' d was a p:ograbm ~h s~~al ~ will be installation officf'r. Mrs. QUlstan at San JoSf' Bihle ('ollf'i='(' clnd children ~pcnt Sunday cvening Frar~k I b th M\LS_r~., "'I' In ,an ~1rs.songs gIven y e ~rs.Ir s Martin will lead the devotional. Mr. and Mrs_ Hl'rman H;':ln_<::('n ()f in the Larsen home. c;popp~u I'00ll"'1cll'!ll:m~>n"'1n1 ch~rg~',of.. \\3n. !Anders('n won priz('s !n cards.1 GUI.lcL A. C. Norton, Thp pastor closes the sf't'ies on South SiouxgUC'Sl~City. w('n' ;\'11'. and Mrs_ Tim Collins, Miss program. Sp{Lldll musIc JS plan-the :in.!J\lrs.twoW,wPck::;.R. Bressler 1ntC'rtaihS SMrs, dJ\\ BC. Swanson.P MarJiyn "Bapt,'.ot.~.~'D,'.ot,'nct,"'es" th,'.O.~ Sunday_ overnIght a1 Art ,Irenf' and Harry Denesia, Pat'y_ 1-Iaa~, J ned. Mrsl Julia 1\11'::;. \Ym. , * **' tan {'yo ('tty Hearn, att ' and u· th b' ct "Th Tth- and \\,pre Sunday dinner of! and Bobhy spent Sunday in the Flnll, Mrk Lillifln Miller. Mr.s. PNG in M{:tin. . ~Obdh};1 B~I~ley, N~nCy t~c~n~, p~li~~iplc.;' su J7 e I JOg Mrs. Henry RUhf'C~ 10 Wm_ and ::'11s", \Vjnifrcd Collins o I 'II ~:lhn BUjo;h and ;:\Irs. Rulll'rt i Pi\'G mC'.l U(,Sd~ \" for 1 o'clock I \"~ \1(' ·h I n~on. es o~ y\\, uS~ Rp\·. Bulkley lcaves Sunday to The Longes also \ l."iitf'd a1 }-J('rmcin ihome .at Laurel. Mr. and Mrs. ·orlh sl'l!w'. !'em'ered cbs lunch~on WJth Mrs. ;n:o;~lC'~·Tlt~Ok al)~rt' M~~' ~has' attend the I";"orthern Baptist ("on· LoMng("s. d 1\1 Aj- L'1 ht d,C'h,a'",· Collins and family of Nor~ . - ,. .' ... \'entlon' at Grand lftapids, Mich. r. an irs. !.II' PC an Ifo k . and ~rs, Lillian Metzger of i SO(~1iETY ,!MInnif' PH"son. Mrsj B('rtha Rabenh('rg of Vvakefleld. was Pulpit supplies for Hie two follow~ famlly. :\1f and .!\lrs. Horry Wo.::;('- SIOUX City, \\'er~ Sunday supper .... ~ ,Crawford' lVII,S. eraw- gue<;1 speaker. Mrs. Clarence. S d '11 b' M 26 man were Sunday dmner guest:-; of i:lnd ('\Tning fl"uests in the Tim Col 1 ford was pn'sldlrnl. Mh. lVIcCJnn sang "That \Vonderful mg . un ays WI ~; ay ,a Mr~. Emma L'tE:cht and Hcrbf'r1. Ilinf' home the"'re. - Regular Sessioh. Ann Lcrn('T, virC' prcsi(lC'nt and Mother of lVIJnC'." Flowers were Baptist ..layman sp~aks. Robert Mr, and ::VII'S. JOE' CordonItT and I' ;\11', anr! 1\il's_ R. C. Pollard and 1 ~Wis ~enned) 2 r SCf'c~ Ea;:;t('r SIal' Ill'lel l'l'b'uiar ;\11' B <';5 1 sC'C'!'('t'lry treas I pres('n1('d to honored guests. S June T , 'p . of iMrs. l\Iattie Flsch('r of \Vdkdield., Lt Vir<::mia Davis of N£'kawka me('tjn1~t'1on~il: * ~lr~<;~ ('.~ ~ *.~. * °'1 - -I * * * ~t~:n ,;.~~erSda:aCJ~er~:3~Op.e~:lwerC'_aft{'rnc~m nsltor:." f' 'Isp~'nt the' \'\"('ek-~nd ,h"ere with Circles Convene. as the pastor speak.$ o\'cr \VJAG l\llss MaT). Hell'n .Dn.s<;:_ r a. nd their dAughter and slst.er, Mrs. CCC in eeting. With Miss IPotras. Me1hodist circles met Wednes~ Norfolk> ,:a1 Donahue of O":~lha. nnd IRotv'rt Bemon. and family. Lt. CCC ~l1('t \\:r'dncsday 11liS l\liss Mar~'I){'J1e SChnritl. I\idss day last week. Alpha women . __ f.ugene D~bbs of Emf'lson. "C'reIDa\~s. tht' former Virgmia Pol- "'cck wiJh Mlsi' Irene Collms. DolOl'f's.MCN~ltt., l\IiSs.jean Lqr- were with,Mrs. H. A. Preston, Mpthodist ('hureh. Sunday, dmner g~ests ~t L.~. lard who was employed Wi~the 'I * '* .* sen, MISS lvll'gmla qark ahd with Mrs. W. E. LindsC!.y, Mrs. E. (Dr. Victor West, pas,tor) I Bressler s: l\Ionda~,' ~1~'ri ~\jld !\-I,rs ~t'rald hpre some year~ ago, left With Mt-s. Thq:.mas. l\1rs Ruth IIdS1) \\l'T~t to]C T. Lmdsay and Mrs. A. G. Wert Mrs J T Bressler organIst I Bres.sler and thr~{ ChI :f'n \\(ff' ;-:,un~ay fOIT .Philadelphla where ~'()nlrab clublnwl Wt'dm'::.di-ly hornp 01 l'.llf;s Coda Fotras af er as.:;tslmg. M. I"S. Jason Webster Mis~ S~si~ So~ders' director 1 10 SklOUX C~ty. ha\ln.g :;lCKK o.n the she I.' pr('parmg a history of the thiS \\l',)k W1IO .:'Ill's. \\'. 1'. schoo! Thur.sda\ l'lkmg f d wa" leader and Mrs. A. P. Gos~ Sundav, M~y 19: ., mar ct. , n3\'al base. f~r h~d t~he ~1r ~r.lck ~lr Thomas. \\ f wh th( \ pnpar.... d a d n- saI'd devotions. Nil?mi group "For word of the Cross is to 'I ..and Mrs._ Alb::_" took ..and .l\1rs. J.ame.s Fegley of .)(- t * ncr A sOCl~I~tr:e ~olloved I mel wnh :'VII's. J. G. Miller. Mrs. them that are penshing foolish- Mrs. Herby Hansf'n and Jl.anr:?tte Lander, Ryo... and Mrs. Henry Entertain. DAR. I s. A. Lutgen. Mrs. \V D. Hall, ness; But unto us who are beIng to t.helr home In PJ('rson. la .. ;--,un~ of Lusk, VIsIted I III the C. It I ;\lr". C, E, C~lrhar! and Mr<.; Club Has luncheonJ Mrs. A. Bruce, Miss Claudia saved it is the power of God." Iday. They had _been call~'d hf'rp home from Wednesday to' II Jr. J, FJ.'llJN cntcrlain(:d DAR i Coll'ric, q]uh mom[)ers cllnd B.".UC'C. a.nd Mr.s. M. H. H.anawa.lt Grade church school, 10:00. The T.ue.sdaY bY. th.C' !lInes.,. of E.. IRJ.ne . last week.I TPe wom~n Saturda\! at lh('lformcrs hume. gUr'sts, ;,11'1'. E. R. Love and asslsll'rl Mrs. C. L. Plckett had- Bible lesson, '"Learning Good Will Hansen, a Sf'nlOr In thf',,\\I:-nr'r .51",ters of Mrs. Cdt;bi:t- The VIS- >; *** ::'I-lrs: J. T.' Rrr'sslcr, .ir.. who d('\'(ltlOns. Mrs. S. B. ShIvely the from JE'sus." hIgh school. She IS nco\enng ltors. abo th£' C. K. Co~bltsandJoe Have D~nner Monday. cntr'rtalll('o Mondav at the home l('sson 6n Indian musIc and MISS Morning worship, 11 :()o. The sen-I sat.Jsfact.only. Corblts were dinner guests of ~ts. Ci1y ;;l':lO[)1 sitaff haq dinner of Mrs, J. !F. Aht'~n. Losers I in Martha Crellin sang Indian ior choir wiII sing. There will be Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dolph ami II. S. Scaee at Hotel. MorrISOn togr'tlH'!'jl\Tunday e\'('nin~ at the bridge for the entcrtairif'd numhers. The June meE'ting will spccial organ numbers. Hear the family, and Mr. and I\lr.". Au;;u"t Thursday. _The ~yomlOg folks c;cout ('H11111 ;tnd wcnt to the Gay \\-I,',in,~,','n"'t'r"c~tt :ftl'_"ard,I~~rCs,h.ep,~., he \l'dth Mr.s. Willard \Vilbe. W. organ chimes. Kal and Judy w('re Sunrby g.uC'<;!s "'cnt to WPS!. POlOt Saturday to thealn' 'jfIPrwatd. U~ u 1 '" .~ I\n P. D. CIrcle met with Mrs. G. L. Junior Youth Fellowship. 6:30. of Mrs..Lena Habrock ne~r~ Lmer- se~ .:;-'~r. Feglr_y s mothe-I'. The Feg- ('001 TropkaJ doth mak('" ilil"al .);- * * C. Shullhl'l~ had high .':-l'orc. the Roger.'i, Mrs. Mma Mutz, Mrs. Mrs. Good, sponsor. Miss :McNatt, son. Frtday, 1\11'5, Habroek "nd her Ik·Js arc rnO\lng froon Lander to tiN'...... fo, all '.;uUlnwr. SiZI·... n tn I YI jC Iud d I n1l'L'tlng cloz;cd the cluiJ ycar. qorothy Kabisch and Mrs. Glenn din'ctor. l,g~u;;;e;;;st;;;s;;;;;f;;ro;;;m;;;;;;;;c;;;o;;;un;;;C;;;I';;;B;;;I;;;U;;;fr;;;,;;;;;a;;;n;;;d;;;1s;;;c;;'a;;;t1.;Ic;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 17. e~~WI~llrlo~~h e. th!' \'Par I I lIoud('rsheldt aSslstmg. Mrs. Ka- Senior youth Fellowship, 7:0n. . * * * l I'ri!'(' \\-i( h H. ri'Je{'t ing .('\ c- Grace Aid Meets. , hisch It'd de\'otions and Mrs. Mrs. West, sponsor. Kl'nt Hail. !\-11", F S. Ber.ry IS sponsor Grace Alb met las1 wCf'k \\'td~ :ii'le Kpsseler had the lesson. president. of otganl7,Cltlon :~S,d"UMY r;~tl';~~B~~tU,~~ha~~arl~~~~ 't rs_ R. M. Carhart entertains in V,Te shall be glad to have you $6.80 * '* * G Ml • c. worship \vith us. Swan's Duplica e Meets. G(j'O. Berrcf' .i r ". hoste~ses. Mrs. I

Dupll ale m0mhcrs ~lncl :0tr_"i. E, C Bute of Lincoln, Hnd !\-1n. fllY.tilES, Grace Lutheran Church. ,Tm.1 A.III n. :tn.d. !\Ir~, Adon ']f'ff.-. Melvin Schnoor werr' a::-uc"-ts ~nd ThE' Church ot' the Lutheran Hour The Mode n'v \VeT' r·II""t<.; of .:\1r, the' liltl('!' jOInr'rl. Tile' wO!1wh (Re\'. Walter Bra.ckensick, pa.stor) I \V'lliard 1,.,111:--;(', ;\:11':,. r1a\']'; tu thi' ,anerT dd\"(~. \\'ednesday. this w('ek. JunIOr ;lnr! :vIr,.;!Allr'n 11('Cl high Brac-keflsick had \\Talther League Bible hour and

~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~iiiii~~'i"(,~"~t'{'~i,c~!,~riouil~l~"~'j.~"_~rinil'f'~t~in ~~~'n~~(:~~;. onMt;~(.' ri~:~tr'~.~il I ;;~:~rt'~i::('~~~~<;St~rj sO~~~:'s~~l' ~hJldren's conflrma- l lInd Mt·~. ,\dIlJph ClaW';'{'n entl'll- P,il)lr' school, 10 a. m. Commun- tion ciass meets at 7 o·clock. triJn If1 Jur~c. ron, 1J a. m. Friday. adult membershIp class * or, or. Y0u arc mulL'd 10 our ser\'ice. mef'ts at R p. m. Saturday. chuach ~chnrJ! at '1 ::10 n}t'nl~hjlw; E\'ang-plkaJ Church. p. m. Thi~ will he the final meet­ I ftc\·. Ll_ Hueller. Pastor) ing this spring, Chilr!rcn's confIr­ Sunday .c,ch"o!. 10:UO a, m. mation class meets at 3:.30. DI\'Il1f' S{'r\'J('e. 11 :()O a. m. Sunday: Sunday schoo) at 10 TIl\' Lar!ir's' Aid will mect on a. m. Divine worship at 10:30 a. m. :\I3Y ~:~. :2:00 p. m. Hostcss: Mrs. (Please not£' time change). In this I !llh('l'l TvlcClan servicf'. a class of '1:') chIldren will CO:l1C and wo-r~hip with us. be examined and cOhfirmcd. I Monday. adult membership class I Immal1l.1f"1 Luth. ('huT('h. at 8 o·cl~ck. I (He\-. Rohert Kru.<;e, Tuesday. choir rehear"al at R:OO. \':Jeaney pastor) \Vednf'sday, SenIOr \Valther I S0r\ ICC's Sund<:lY at 9:30. Sunday ~~~g-~~ BIble hour and SOCIal at I Wl'rl' "chool after the .~('r\"icr'. Laolf's' Aiel m('r'1s Thursday at Hear Dr. \\'al1cr Maier, the I ORANGES Sun~ LlV R SAUSAGE Minerva Club. :.! p. m, In the church parlors. Lutheran Hour speaker, f'ach ~i/.e. 12c Monrj;.i~· LaqEl' l't.'r ilL I\l :11('; \-a club Ilw1 Church school Saturday at 9:30 day over WJAG, Norfolk. at 4:3U wilh .:\1rs. FrE'd naif'. Mrs. \\l. R. a m. pm I GRAPEfI<.UIT, Texas c~Tl~~:~~EESE EIli". who had of thf' PI'(~- Lal'J.~·l· .. pn'<.;enI ('r! R. ;.;iZt,. i)l')' Ill, 8c It. Sf. :\lan"s ('atlwlk (,hun'b. BIRTH RECORD i who rr'\-it'wL'd thi.' boo*" I Rl'\'. V~;m. hearns, pastor) A son weighing 10 pounds was: ·I~.YY. NEW POTATOES "IJR.\·id the E.ing," Glad}I.' born Sunday. Alay 12. at a local I~LlC~~ BACO~ ~;~S SchmHl1. 1\lrs. C. H. !Bngh1, an May HI, fourth Sunday after .1 pound...; 25c Eastr:r: t\.Jass In Wayne at 9 o'clock. ho~pjtal to Mr. and Mrs. Lconard early memhC'r. was prfsent.' Thle Miller of Hartington. group mr'('L'i l\1onday~ May 27, BenedIction and catechism after LETTUCE A son weighing 7 pounds. 6 ---13~ PU:KiD PIGS fiiT - co\'(~r('d dt~h ~t mass. for a luncheon nunces, was born Saturday. May 'Large crisp Mrs._ R R. Smith's 1n ilonaI' MrS.. Conft'ssions Saturday at 7:30. 11. in a lbcal hospital to Mr, and -.------i (lld\h)'s AH-l\leatl Elnwr Gailey, Mrs. J. Hunt~~ V/ednesday, th~, oCt3\'C of S1. E.I Mrs. Darrell Boughn of Randolph. RADISHES CUCUMBERS Lar.e mpr and Mrs, John R. K~ith, for­ Jos('ph. Monday, thc feast of St. Berna­ A son, weighing 5 pounds. was GREEN PEPPERS CELERY ml']' club members. Mrs. S'eeck l pr?gra"p~ dint'. born May 8 to Dr. and Mrs. R. H. will ha\:f' 01(' on "Bet­ Fishbach of \Vinlock, Wash. He fRESH TOMATOES ologna ter Rl'l.dw Listenmg.' The collection so far for the has been named John David. Mrs. ;::;~nd *** starving people of Europe amounts r------<--, I 34c to $80. Fishbach is the former Evelyn io For St. Paul Aid. ! Wendt. Our Coffee .S/wp Serves -----I:;~~~~ St. Pau'l Aid me!iIbers had I ------,•• in this (:olifornlo th('lr annual Mothers'l day guest \Re(d~;~f';. ~~t~;~~('~~~~;:;t~~c.1 :- _ Breakfasts - Dinners - Lunches pilrty at th(' churdh parlort~ Open \\-(,(,1\ Hay.,,: 7:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. I Thursday aftf'rnoon with Mrs;. SU~~~)~~~~~~IS~ln~~y~.a ~~r~~::~[~ Lamb Rollir' LongC' chairman of ,the LESUE Open Saturday::;: "1 :;JO a. rn. to 11 :00 p. Tn. CIIO/'H ' ROAHTS sCf\'iccs at 11 a. m. Sermon, (By Mrs. Grace Buskirk) hostess committee. Mrs. T. J,. C. colorful enough for fes~.ity; _."_~~~n~s Schuldt hmductcr.j de\'otionf';. "Frif't:ldship with God." \\'ednesday, May ];,i. Lutheran Mrs. \\!. fl. ',,"agnerl welcOI!ned The Lutheran Aid ~et Thursday 1 Student association held a -banquet J):ID~~.JoBi~,~~, Red Fre,h Dtessed the guests, and Mrs. f A. :aa~d at Mrs. Herman Baker's. 23c in the church parlors at 6:30 p. m. procticoll enough for presented !l\1rs. S. A. t;.utgen wl10 Mrs. Walter Chinn was a Mon~ gave. the 111C'ssage. Mrr. Clarence Thursday. May 16, choir practice at 7:30 p. m. day caller of Mrs. Geo. Buskirk. ,CH~K~~'~50UP-:-M-.;~~n's~--=-'1'9~ ~~~~~;~S McGmn sang "Wonderful Motlli­ Cpl. Wendell Korth of Louisiana, eve'i}'doy wear•. Bonded to cr 0' Minef" "That Li~tlc Moth¢r Friday. May. 17, church council meeting at 8:30 p. m. is visiting relatives and friends or Mine" and "Motrer Mac~­ here. VEGET B~;;; "~~9+~ A cordial welcome to all. ABLESOUP, C;OCke;-+ ------j--,- ---'- ree." Pat1y and Dic}de Strong l..eRoy Giese enjoyed a group of 'ceent the deep.sloshed top, sang duets. Mrs. Sc;huldt :arld ---P~sb~,'teriap i First Church. boy friends Sunday. They had a PEA3s;~~~'Betty~~:~~r·······uuuu_uuu C ~~n~~aure 'Mrs. WaghC'r presided at the tEl'a ba~:~~eBressler, :9' Inl table. The committer for May Corner of Third and Lincoln Sts.. who is in Porto the slim.hip deloil.ln 23 includ(ls Mit's. Cereon Al1vi~, (Rev. Oliver B. Proett, minister) Rico, has advanced. to corporal in .3 boxeR 4i 2j-lb, 1 $1 25' Mrs. S. E.: Samuelsonj Mrs. Fritz Church school, 10 a. m. Dr. W, the tank corps. AIR BRIGADE, a ~ew tropical pbRK &1iEANS, Uncle willla'lti'" 'l\ ii,4c Can. • . G. IngTam, superintendent. Eldon McGuire of the navy has ~ Carlson an.d !\!Irs. Beh MeYEir.1 1 • • Per can . . ~ *~ Junior church.. 11 a. m. Mrs. returned to the states and will --...:-----~.-.._ ...:: :.:l.~. .._ ** Fred Rickers. director.. visit home folks. Are Honured Her . weave rayon, by Reltex*. Miss Patty,Millike . who will Worship, 11 a. m. The sermon Mr. and Mrs. Will Korth, Mr. With Your Next Delivery Order I be married' June 2 It.o Fred~ie will be by the pastor on "The Min- and Mrs. Fred Tarnow spent Tues­ ~f istry of Love." This· L'i an expla- day evening at Louis Hansen's. Chicoine Jeffersoni S. D., ,.atd , Blue Bunny h'e Cnmm I Miss Bet_t¥ Milliken, Who will e nati n of the Restoration Fund. The picnic planned in District 7 Siies to 18 Our Prompt Delivel'y Sen'ice Offers You ~ married !l'/ay 19 IQ Henry BuU f The \vill be special music. for Friday was postponed on ac- Laurel, 1ere horlore Saturd y W tmfnster Fellowsl)ip, 6:30 count of the snow storm and rain. Tasty 'Delicious Dessert to Please afternoon I when abo t 75 we e p. m Topic "What is Prayer?" Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Kai and Everyone's Taste. guests at misk:::ellan~ us shqow r W extend a cordial invitation Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Steele were given in 'the Meth ist chjlr h to a to woh;hip with us. in Sioux City on business Thurs­ parlors. Ib a mixer d: ntest, M . day, Lester L~tt won a p ize. In a ­ Fl t Trinity Elf. Lutb. Church. The carrier on ROUlte One out of other ganjle, 1I(1rs, qi ford Jbh ' Wayne, Neb., Route 2' Pender, who delivers to r..e.slie pat­ son was i"Vinner. T e honqre 5 (R v. Herbert J. Teske, pastor) rons, has a new 1946 car for his found Ihe" gifts on I bles Whi h Di 'ine services this SundaY'1 use. were decqrated. to re resent 1\ 0 May 19, at 10 a. Ill. Subject of ser­ Mr. ancl Mrs. Robert Johnson of Swan':s huge May] baskets. Pi k and bl e mOf;! "Confessing Christ Before Carroll, were Friday evening visi­ were use and these, iCoIors W re Men Is a Pleasure to Christians." tors of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin John.: Apparel for l\len and "tomen also carri d o~t in thie ice ere Mat. 10:24-33. and cak,t arl!.Cd in ;lhe., servi g o r school is closing a successful sO~r. an~ Mrs. A. W. Dolph Visitedl \,------.,;.---l---+-~:r,:"'-~ , !, d I" I' ~!::!j'ljrllii:V;!;'. ~ ,~i I . I ! I ' I I' ;I\. ,it' .• '.' ·1·.'Jll~,4' . .1 qi~ ~,a::Sd~ ~:ft:r, ~~n n:~:. ~nr~NEBlllASI{A,~:~l,:r, eC,non~~~tu~:~:;;~;nt"oTHURSDAY. MAY~hee~~n'i16, 1946.(. ~:-itS-hi-~-~l~-S-,C~As~~ltclFd~~'-~;:;'~"" ",;-,--,,"H,OSK,'jNS'-NE' I--:---A-'ZTONA' LOCALNEWS 1 spen~ B MEl Uri h "'lin Ulrich Ii me. 'I r: I I I - Gue _Test of Wakefield, IV -I y ,rsr ,_~r\V,n_A. (":-J II I -'-- IYouth f~ll wship Il\rneet ri-' Park Hlll Club. I b Sunday here at Will Test's. ~Iiss Catherine Kirv;an who I - "------·---;-·4---L-.:....-~-~ iitrad tali E t d~y evening. t the ,A bert M ier~ Park Hill club was entE'rtamed dtaff Corr~spondent Sec "Ring Around Elizabeth"i completed her teaching' at Butte, The Har~ld Fallj guc~1~ in the C. J. Per,.. 'I b KI f II h d· ldI Jl'or ~iJ\'er \\'eddi~. 'S sa. .er re.en.wa s. Mr. and Mrs. l:::-arry Armstrong rin horne. ,- ear W Il.yqe. ..'. TIle .. (Ort ug am y. ~ [[ChurCh. Rev. Ezra H. Sohl sboke on Lester Gott ch f Omah t Tb.e ~red. Lorenz farmly vlfHted, ~unq~y t'nner at Gus. Schmldt~. ,"Bf' Ye Faithful." Dr. 'Po Burk- . Ring) Mr and Mrs, ~obcrt Hanson from: Wpdl"ncs~~y ~ast wpeak s~~~1 .------.---- F~U1k ~or('nz Iif,~r.nd A, F m.a:.Il.II~ , t,uryday In the home fhc an Klug famil¥. of Nor- hardt, ,supel1intlendent of. Norfolk observed 1helr 2)lh \\'f'ddmg" annl- Friday at Albert GrC'enwalrl's. Mr. : •••••••••••••••••••••II•••II•••I!•• •••_ ••---;- near Callrol~. ..' [olk, : Mr~. Gerhaltd Gl1lrk a1ld schools ahd presidetit o~ Norfolk - versary on Sunday, May 12, whfn amI' Mrs. Bruno Split1gerber and _ I .The LeWIS J~nkJns fnmll")r of Martl1a w, re afternoon guests., junior college. Will speak! for com- 1MI'. and Mrs. Be> Lund sent relat.lves. spen~ a plpllsant SOCH11 daughters were at Grccnwald'~ : d y a~.(.10~1~~1' 1~},u:l1 htll'sd;ly ~upph l.lt , Llor .FJ.UIS,'. M.l'S.' G\~S ~nd.ersq. n Imcnecment. I .. . " Jakt TueSday.....,i,n Si.~ x C:t . ~v~~~pn~rl~~iv~h;',',~"~~;)'n'·. a•• nll.(_~'..sI"rl,:I·c(,d,) Thursday ow'ning. : . len FliIlks. SL .•.' the for a plea~ant ga,lhering. Mrs. Art, I d;:~y, a rlumber of reJa1 iv-£':" and I: ~. E. Pre.11 vlsltpd. Mrs. M nnje Mr~. E~ther B.enshoof of Nor- The 12 sf'niors, are not lin school L~vene home. Borg was m char.ge o~ a short pro- frlonds -LIIC'd in her home Sunday _ ~(rause Vl'lday e\'(,~JIlg.. folk. ! and Merlin Benshoo~ of this week except for rh~earsaIs, Mr. and A1rs. Andch Jorge son g-r~~. Mrs. Emil Mlller read an I and als" c('lchratNl MolhC'r's day. I: Our highest quality NORCO. feeds Frcn'~ \'iSitor~o( Erlfln~lson , Mr, and Mrs. F 1'('0 t or omafa,. were Sunday dmnrr decQrating and othE'r activities were Sunday Mr. I and orlgmal poem. Robert IThe Waj1ter Splittgcrbcrs and Al- _ insure top production always. ~hl.lrSd.ay commen~e4en. ~rs,. Arm.('~ Mr.ayne, werC', tl nner g.uest ll' ,.the Mrs. Herman Mar.- pertaining to t. Art Mer.ers. and tc Borg gave ff'''lOlllgS. vin Daurns Wf>re among those pres- I- ~~d G~s and~Mrs. ~st ~a. r('~ Iguests at E. C. B< }l1:1C'r s. ten, r., Jhome. Ftank Hazel Ulrich, grniof-. began Mr. Er krr Lorenc Fischer gaVC' a few cnt. All children C'xcepl:. onr I: WE HAVE ALL KINOS OF I Mr..and Mrs. E: O. Bf'l~m~T l'vIart n W.ler~ afternoon Vlsl.tors, .; work this we. Elk at C1mmerci31 ~ere Wedn ~ay eve mg \'IS, ors marks. Mr. and Mr~..Hanson hoi h dau.ghter from .Maryland were '~~e~e E'vel1l~g ~or I- Tuesday ,last reok Su day dmner guests m tHe State bank in Hoskins. Im the Ther Culton home. I responded, The, Vlsltors sprved prl'spnt the occasion. : NORCO PRODUCTS VISItors at Gus SchmIdt s. t Hart St.~at.e home were the Otto Darlene MeierhenrY nd Edna Mr. and rs. CIa en.ce q son lunch. The honor:ed couple rC'cci\'~ - I- ~he A. ~rugge-man.s ;,vere :rv ot1;J~ Ecke ts and Hennan Kochs .pf Krei who took teachers' e.1(amina- Were last esday e ~llng g sts ed many gifts on both occasions. Altona Sorial Clrde. : TOl~.n Kliiest~rs WI~. p('ar~. Bring Us Y.our Produce jers da,Y dinner guesls lfl tho Stn.n,.:on. Ewa.lt of - lions at. Wayne, in.. Aprjil,: passed of Mr.. and Dahlgr~rs. Jeljo e n: Th€' Park Hill. club preRcn.ted 1hcm Altona Social circle met Thurs- • Volk, Jr., home at McLC'an. 'ner. Mr. and Ml's.! Walter Eckert all 'ubjects t Mrs. Paull and lsI{' with a poU('d plant. day with Mrs. GeorgE' Thompson. i: 1 I Mr. and Mr.o;; Marvin FUh*m..,n and th(' Gary Ec~erts and Mi$s S~udf'nt~· of 9th, 1 th, 1ith ~aye attcn cd .Sh~ron II d("s Rohel-t F. Hanson and Mi~s On(' gu('.<;t, Mrs. Etta Siegert of : Cream - ,Egg. - Poultry were Sunday dmllPr gUt>s1s at E~~ Joyce Kodh of OmBiha. gradrs w·th MY" S yh 1 a _ blrthday par y Fnda aftprndn.F.thplFelt '.,"c.l'o. m~.l.lTiC'd May :12, ~)ilgf'. r, W1'(' Sunday (lnnr-r Rl"-. Orr offIcial mg. TIH'irall.rnrl- Paul SlJliltgnlHT, pr.f':"rdellt: Mrs. III day Ia~s week in' the, M.~S' pora and Mrs. Ernrst P\ll~; Mrs. Fran.:k the rol11, ~orfolkPbailY ~e~~1 :f- gu.ests in 1h¢, Marvi~ Victor h. mr. ants, who.werc al.'io prt'~cnt fur thr' AI!wr1 Gn·('!lw;lld. \"IC(' prpsidenl: ill Randolph Creamery ,Brugge 8,"! home near .v~Tmslt1c. ~rarllfn, Mrs. Irt'n~Hmtz and Les- fief' and YMCA. . ~r. and Mfs. HartY~'JOhnSOn and 25th annl\--Crsar:v, \\'CP' :\lr. Imd ;'oIl'S. Gporge' Thompson. <;ecrctary"I : JerI' Mlttel~ta('dt VISited Sat- I lie'. :Mrs., Louisa trate and the Myron D ck and D th clhldren w~re Sun ay su PCl' Mr~. Elmer .Harrison. The ('ouple' t rl'il:-:urnr: Mrs. Valrrius Damme, II Fitch Produce urday nd spent the night .with IBc.'n IBrmlnels, Ed Brumels and Ebing·er \'·s·~ed sch I ;r.~ Y gtllests jn the Joel Da, Igrrll h( mr. spent 1h('ir honpymQon in Mimll'~ song lp~ldrr: Mrs. Earl Ben.nell. : his cousin. Neil I~il1. in :No~folk. Errie~t. Kollath f~ ilies. Myron" is ~ I ~tud~nt o~ N~~f~~ ,Mr. and Mil'S, Ivar' JumPR sota and have lived in and around n('w~ rr-portrr. Th£' club voted to 51 Glenn.Allen, Manager lV~r. and Mrs. Wesley Sohl and Mrs. F~:(>d F.:bl~ er of .Omal1a, high school a~ uoroth is com. V. ayne, wete M@nqlay su \Vakcfield since. Thry have two donatp a sum to th(' cancer fund. I: Phone 193-J W N b Jamce and Jess SohI \Vcre SUr'lday th.(' Herbert Schwi dt famIly. Mr-s. pleting he f' t - t 0 h gU,£'sts of Mr- and .MIrS. C!ar :hilrlr('n, Miss Hclon of Omaha, The f?roup m('pts Thursday, June': ayne, ;. r. dinner guests at Rev. E. H. S(lh],~. Mary Krausf' and children w('re IUnivfst day at the ~.('h(lnl ground!s. ~1r. and Mr,_,. ~l~)(~,rt N(']~()n In Str~tr. .ir., lind Mr. ;lIld Mrs. Chas. Thursdav. _"Iud!'nt" will go 10 (.oncord W('~ln(,."dal BauE.·tmroi, {.cr. Norfolk 1;· ,·isi1 pla('{'s of interest. ~('IRonC"r<,('(! Ily. r~'turned .~': I .._--~- ~ Vi:-.it(;rs ~lllrin~ lhe past week 1~1~ a'~d ],.~~:~Jlt;;':imcr look of , .Hl~lllin~ MaJid Uuh. w~r(' :Ml~" J,.r~11 I.... ralllse, M;rs. P~ul MaskC'll, anqI 1\1r. nnr! 1\'1r:.:. )on IH IP1l1~ Hanrl Club ml't ThurR- :\,11]]('1': r~h~rsday. and Mrs. Ed. Maskpll ancl.: son of Hart in... Ion 1 d(Jy~rlffq.noon \ViOl 1\1rs. C. 1I. Bpl:mer.1' nday. . \'lorp suncb~ nftr-rnoon g;l]P<;t iT; V\'aI\If'.r. ~Vom('n ~l~ad~~ garmenl.<; 1·lo",vrrs Wf'I"(' hrough.t dUrl~g tho Robort, ~latchforG1 home. for (joll<'f ~n the PhlllPPlt1c:-. Gw'sts the pa:st wC'pk by Donna Mile Falr- M d Cl ~ 1 w(>rf~! Mar~ r~: en~r ~n.~ Mtjs. Erwin Ulricll. Mrs. banks, Mary Lee Mann :and vi r·san d.!y < a . R€'up Falk, Jimmie and June. jorie Lorrnz. ('~~ unNel 1~1n(>J g~j"ts 0 11; Lunc ron: was servcd. :~re P~'\"c~i~t dllO.Il,;t~! of ~~(~r: Iln( quh Is Or~anize<1. IF'oIrHH'f'R.esidenl: enl<, Mr. anU ~h<, EI',ek S, Gil!ls ~lld thcil' mo1hcrs mpt Marries at W.311sa sO~r. lind 1rs. V"vi I[1ahlgr, Who E'w'nmg dinnC'r to 1he hOJT1'C' of Mr. Board mpl as per djournm nt. All, embers present. City CJerk naugh, Wayne. f21~f ~ - w('C'k 10 L~slie Phillips !home 1wo V\eek<; and rf'turns t h The' foliowmg wa nt wa~ cancellC'dl by Unf'H'nne<:s Monday at SIOUX you buy. FARMERS ELEVA- Trust Company Lincoln, Box for dinner.' homp thls Tbur~daY 0 ('r N0I ]571 Issue on Glld Age Ass~stance Fund on Apnl IClty bu.t steers and yearlmgs TOR CO., \VAYNE. :;-"''EBR. f28tf 547, Korfiolk. m9t4 Mr. and Mrs.: Carll Thomsep and Mlss l/-!plen Plahn "ho makE'S 2.3 ]945 for $4 00 b~cause of d1ath rounded about stpady WIth a prIcel _ Mrs. Martha Btlumer spent Synday her homa hprf' \\llh !lPr sIster Mrs On mot~on by MIS e-ldt fS'conded h] SWihart, the Count)- Board sprpad of 51:: 50 tfj) $17 50 .... hile FOR strIctly co-operatl',;e fire, ALC()!KJL1CSANO:\,YMQt-;S -A last w('('1\ wlth,Mr'l. Henry Hattlg Julla Lage 'returned Sunday from undntmou"ly apprO\ed the pa ..cnt of alhounty on coyotes and foxes fed he-lfers v.e~e fblly steady at lightning, wind or tornado in- na~ional (j)rganizatiOft o~ prohlem drmkers, as a group lD \YakE'­ ,md family at Bone~l('e], S. D. En- a \o\P( k's sta\ al her honl(' In 10\0\8. as prm Hkd ~n Article 6, Sectl n-6011943 Rp\' Statutes of NC'braska, I$1150 to $16 6:J S~aughtC'r ~ows surance, also on your car or fif'ld and Pender. Strictly hu­ IroutC' homp MOhday last \\·(,rl{ tht,y Nadine LaJ,.;~ \\as .... Ith hpr They scud bour,tYI to bE' One Dollar fdr C'ach 1oyote or fox killed In Wa)-nr aetlw' strong at $,25 to $b 25 truc~ see V..". E. Roggenbach at l str~ng ~4 manitarian. :Ko mo-nf'y invoh:0d. stopped lrJ t he Leo Finn home at \\ ('}e brought tlC're in Rudolph Count, het\}een AprIl },and Of'tJhE'r 1 of each year and to be paid upon IBeef bulls at 25 down, I 5th and NE'braska strf'f't. No. :')07 Creighton. Pldhn of A\oca Ia I1nd :IIlls Lot_1prC'senYfitlOl1l of scalps nd satlsfactor) ~roof 10 \\rlting, and on oath bologna;.; $13;)0 deder;; s:arce stcady odd lots ~----'---.-~----­ write F. O. Bo.lo 5, \VakC'fjeld. sp('~t Nebr. ' f7('ow tor Hobt ftom Fridl:lY to and sister (Jf Mr<; Lagp dnd Missl period SaId! bounty to be paid out of tho ('ount) G('neral Fund I$14 I::> to $1) 50 chOice quotable BABY CHICKS--Bargams In start- Sunday In the Dr. ehas. Irhgram Pldhn I The fo~lowlng cld.lms are en motlpn audltpd and allov.ed and abo\{' $]6 00 Hog~ mO\ed freely pd chiCk.." Most popular brf'eds home' al Norfolk Thp lng-rams Josq)h Df'llorp of Lmcoln was! \\<1rrants otdpr('d dratn on {hip rl'sppdtJ\c funds as hf'rem "hov.n at ('('tlmg pn('es $]4 5(~ for har- Big supply of WhIte Rocks Now bl~ I bl'ought til{' two wbnlC'n to Wayne oJ gw:st of J()(, Lutgpn from FrIda} Warrants a},ulablf' and read)- fa d(ll\prj' Sdlurday Ma)- ]8 1916 1'0\\>; and gJlts dnd $13 7:-J for so.... s IS your chance to get these Sunday and all had dinncl' in the to Sunday Mr Dellere, who IS at-I I f'.ri'n rat Fun": and stags F,it la;:nb<; fully "teady husky startpd chicks Hurry Emil F. Meyer .Ross home. tC'nrlmg th<' unlvf'rslty stavs atl Frank Erxlrbon Sf'r\ll:-'r and mll itgf', Aphl $ Fll R51wilh Jast weC'k s r5 Cl':'nts to $100 First come fll"St served Also bllZ if Mr. and Mr~. Vil'gil Hans IqUOlablC to $1~ 00 ~ed shorn lamb~ 3c. .t-Iybnd broilers $69? Sexed lCanilldat(' For tpr of C-Ouncil ~luffs. spent Sunda~ Island se\~f'ral yP,iI';; ago Mr Del .... K-B Pnntl~g Co SUPf lies 45 45. ~!4 50 _to $16::>0 Slaughter ev,;C's chicks Frpe catalog \\ rite Hill in the Hf'rbeI1 ReL:lter homel. Mr::;. lere \\-'a<; With 1hf' field artl11e~ Wayne II( ~ald Supp1l sand prl 1mg ]5 61 ~;) to ;)0 ~ C('nts hlgher , shoTh. ('\.\ es Hatchery, Lincoln Dnve to HIll I Hansen and c~jldren are staying and hr.lpCrl In .. thf' litwratIOn ·o"'f Klopp Pnn mg Co Su piles, 9651 up t.o $8;:)0. FE'f'ders scarce, quoted Hatchery. West Pomt. m7tf Commissioner until next Sunday when Reuters IManila Jean A. Bo:y:d, Co. Treat., .post~gr 4.00 steady or bette~ than $16.00 for t'lke them back i ~ . The Augu!"tme Co., Supplies .. L .56 chOice weJghty kmds. FOR SALE: Two metal .....agons; First District < " • I L. R Barratt 3rTl\Td ~omc ]as~ Dand J. Hamer, C'. D.' t .. Postage 5.00 Among shIpments from this vi- V\"hitc se ing- machine: unfinish- ~ay S~pplies Mothers dmner and lunch- W.ednes?ay after tra\'£lhng 3,Soq ::vIilburn & Scott Co.. . 68.25 1 clOity were the fOllowing: Earl ed chest of drawers; electric con. g.uests IQ the .Fred Stone. ~r., mIles With', Hugo ~untr~ck of ~en~ Arthur C. Mann, ASSe~ing Stlia~an precinct 201.60 Romberg, steers a.t $16.60; Don irons:: electric coffee maker; Charge for Cards of Thanks is ThE' \nlfaN' of Wayne COUD­ home ~n Laurel were the. C'~lrl V!C- de.r, . t~rellgh. ~11.8SOU.r:' I.r:m1ana Henry Arp,1 Assessing 'ilbur Illrdcinct L 180.90 Beckenhauer, steed at $16.85, garden hose: folding lawn chairs: lOc per line. t:.\' i .. \\ hat WE' aU dt"sire. Vote tor" JI., an~ Frank G~Jffl~h, Jr., M~chlgan. IllmolR. Wl!'consm an Allan Pritdhard, a~sf'~ 109 Gard('ld pr('~mct 182.25 j platform rockers; 2-piece H\'ing 1--'------'------'-"'---- for thl' eandidat.e thnt in your ~amllJ(•." of \\ ayne, the F rp.d.,Stone. Minnesota. Mr..Rarratt is mord LOl~ Rpikofski, ASSistl~g, Co. A..o;gessor, Ali'r. ~2 to May 6 52.00: NOTICE OF SErI'TLEMENT room set; 8.-plE'ce dining room Oard of Thanks, opinion \\ in hest JJrom()tl~ Jr... and RobE'rt ~lQnf' famlll~s and thoroughly conVln:rd t.han .('ven V.lallpr R. I!Iarc1pr. Milfage. pdstagr t; kitchpn scalf'S; kitchen cahi- I ..... ish to thank all who called or thi~ - but hf" 80'11, to ·votf'. M'Ms. AnnndR .Tol"J.nSOJif.LaUre,l. thiJ~ nnrtJwas1, ~f'hrHi-'ka lS a J-.I.nns Tip/gf'rl. Jailor's: t'ps and hoard of 1')I'lsOnl'r . 42.7:1 In the County Court of \~'-ayne nol: hook ('asr; f'nampl ('onk s('ot card"lwhile I '."':1" in thp hos4 an~ ~tow'; It i.. thl' Anlf'rit'un \\·u:\o-. , I T; a Mrs. UlS Fan: and {'h(l]('C'.spot .Mr. Mrs Bunt.. CJtyo.fwayne. Llg-ht.\·c.'-1lf'rand labor elf courthoU<;f' and jail 96.17 County, Nf'hraska. smoking sland..;: vanity plla!. Vic Haase. m]6tlp ~,r. d~d ~,l18I. D~~ ~und:IY child'~ ~- Tb;~- , I GJ mOT(' and rock and .'inn \\'f',re supper McNat1 l-Iardwat·f', .Grr;s "C'rd I ..' 4 .. 55 The Slale of Nebraska, W.ayne drpsser: mId buffpts: fold- - -- of Lilly dTfl\fd lie day by (',ir from gu{'st~ of Mr. HarrnH ~(~/)~~~S~~~~~I;~I6:~' ~t.~~~~"ro; courthbu"e nnd JAil ~~.~g CO~r~t~'il s~'ersons irW'rpste>d In the ~~~;,s~n~~~~~s. w~;~ti ca~:-if:tt;~s ~~:~lo~~:hO

'I R{'gl~~/"(~.Srt~/<;~~r(~~\~~~:n~eathsl First ~uartf'r 1946' 11.75 ~:~:~d: of August Behrend, de- T\\'-O IMPROVED DIXO:-J COUN- visits durihg my st~ , , Mrs. Viola Cartf'I'.IWmSide " 1.:!5 You are hf'reby tbotifif'd that on TV FARMS I\"OW OFFERED Ipi tal. Mr_s._G_o_o_r-t-ge=Hh ""''''''...... _ "r dealers j'oin US in l11a-'ing this fra k re t t D. .J.Davis.CarroJl , I .50· Ihc 14IhdayoIMay:1946.Anna FO,R S~LE FIRST TIME -I--cardo". O 0 P. II. Gillcspic.IlJrlington ,.IC.Pdar Co) .25!Behrcnd.,.lilOd he.r I.inal. account KNOWN AS JONAS FARMS. I I wish to thanlieryone who .. "'" " n por I 240 acreS. about 5 mIles northw~st rel)1em§ered me . ·th flowers, . ~~~~~p~~,M~I'~~~I\~;~a(rB~~\ Co) I :~~ ~~~d~eetl;l~~:i~r ~~~;~~~u~lO~e~:r~i~ of Ponca on Aow~ cr:e~. I; mIle! cards and, gifts. and who yisited Carroll. Van valin! Wakefi~.d 'Dixon Co.) .50' nation of the heirs and for a d'S- 10 school and Hlghwa, No. 12'1 me. during my stay in the hospItal. , S',' OF' ].~6 'E. AMERIC'A B d

1 James Shulelt, Bridge work 36.00 braska, on the 31St day of May, granty water system. Sl5 an ( \Ve ..... ish to exlcnd our heartfelt V'':. F. Bonta. Sam£' I 36.00 1946, at 10 o'clock, a. m., wh('n all acre.. Ithanks and appreciation to our NTERNATroNAL Rarvesteriaget­ duction e will mean that and DISK HARROWS is reason- Carhart Lumher Co., ';:ratf'riaIS ~ 12.J71 persons mterested may appear to 160 acres. ab~ut ? miles southwest friends, relatives arid patrons of t.ing back into production with your)ocal alerf;Hnexpectonly ably good. On COMBINES. Wh It' h h th f th ofPonC3. 3,4.mJle north of school. Route- ] for th('lr manv (' er L r. Bridge! Sup. Co" Piling. lumbr'r and supplies 83]27 s 0:-"". cause w y e prayer 0 e and Highwa.y No.9.. ]4R. ncrf'S I, kindn('ss alna sympa~hy during: the all possible speed. Extra shifts a small n r or parts and ma- MOWERS, HA Y RAKES. ONE- i ILago & Pf iJ. Bridge work ..... I 238.20 pC'tJtlOner h~ not granlcd. dId 1 d lS are h Creditors of said estate' ar~ here- please write or phone- World \\"ar 'T\\.'o I,-eteran, diM service parts and machines, it ig , other small units we are hopeful , Gene I Road Fund: GEO. Vol. DERRY, Wayne. Neb. April 30 from a relapse sufferPd af- .~ -_1_~n~ I more accurate to say that it 1 of praJ...ically normal de- I' Cotilmissione Dist. No. I-Erxleben by notified, that l will sit .at the m16t2 Lid' .. , 1 I.J.U1JU f' qL ...A tel' an op~ation or, appen 1C1115. means the beginning ofthe end of No ,hoa . g livery. ' City of W;kyne, Light: at county garage .. 5.58 Gounty Court R"""m in 'Wayne, in it. If illness or bad weather de­ We know you will understand FrClnk Erxlpbcn, Suprlryision a d mileage, April. is.oRO ~~dy, ~~~;t~t ~~ )~l~C~]~~ ~~)-~~J lays you seriously in the Spring, ",V~l'lI::.l.l ", ~ou may be sure h w~y d Fromk Edleben. Frpj ht ad\'anced ...' 57 IIR. t e reasons your ealer can- ILH s G rl L 90.00 on the 31st day of August. ]946. at you know how much it throws notfrUyourordersovern~ght.He n &.:.- ,that every ma- ;7 an.eno->rl1 lflT ---'1 10 o'clock a. m., to receive and you off your schedule. The strike chine will be ship- would like to give you thb kind of :S~r~.n~::~~di~~'~;~~~ ~~~~~ .Shop, Labor and n>pair ~:~~ examine all claims agalnst said ha5 thrown our schedules off bal­ 'I ped to dealers as delivery on machines you would Lar.gemeier Oil Co.. n". oil an repair::: . 32.19 cstate, with a view to their< adjust- a'rtce, too. Th$re ere many BOonasGomlpleted. like to get, but his situ~tion is a Edward Jt'nkins, Sun eying an mileagrr 13.50 ment, and allowance. The time "chores" we must do before new Wedonot~ndwiU difficult one and not oflhis own I Co missione Dist. No. 2- Swihart limited for the presentation of machines reach you. not hold machines off the market. making, He i$ doing t~ best he M. I. 8wiijart. ~xpreg __ ... _...... 1.59 claims against sai(l estate is three - At the start, of ·the Btpe 'we can. TC'd Wint~rstein, Op _rating pa rol. repair work and parts 95.~O months from the 31s.t day of May. I~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii.iiii~ had on hand at all our f tones Mi".;souri Valley Mach. Co., Repairs and lahor 184.49 1946, and the time limited for pay-! ~ Material shortages and branChes~.t 837 ira tom. of No cutting ~ers Socony Vacuum Oi) 0., Diesel fuel ...._ ." ..... 258.59 ment of debts is one year from said I ,. Co Jill kinds-less than ItW days' on quality Meyer & ~ichel H ' misSiOnE'r Dis~. No.. 3---.. Mis.feldt 10~i~::,,,so~~~~'n~9:~dthe seal of The preliminary ::~d~~:~;~~ ~~~tho~t~= S~rv~;e w~';.';d~~~ l~m ~~~,Cl°9~~ty .~~I.B!. chores of getting There is one Falk EloTic rep.,rs,. . Court. this 10th day 01 Wayne Homes for iSale .- ourplantshackin­ on hand h~d 0 e or morelimpor~ tbingyou can be' ~~\~~~~Ti~~~~~·R~:i~l~n:h:~dj_~i.l... .. 2400 (Seal) J. M. CHERRY" II ~~ • to shape for full at~SnOlaU~~ulYt tent pa.rtS 'sing-pri!1cipafiy .. cWer•• I, I Motor Vt'lhic1e Fund: . m16t3 County Judge ~ productionarefin­ radiator cores. Most of the rest .... u'-' Road aintenance Dist. N·o. l~Erx:leben ished. But dis. represen~di' e normal' daily wilt NOT cut 1 Lonnie Henegar, Ope ating patrol 84.00 turbances in other industries and J GW L ew~. H'~ "float=l"b twee the end of the corners ion qual- I B. J. Brahdstetter & on. Repairs .. _.... _. 220 W'ANTS ••• pme . I resUlting material shortages may assembly' e d the sjupping ity in omerro in- Stale.Hawkinson Tre d Service, Tire repair 11:80 Modern 8-room and bath, fJlI base.hent, affect our plans, Light gauge platform. a ally no ~ractors crease prOdUf-n Ln this emer- Coryell Auto Co.. Ga oline ..._. 1.11 I steel sheets, brass and copper, were . :d g tbe'B!trlk& gency. For y arB we have said: Road aintenance Dist. No. '2-Swihart new gas furnace. ~ocation is $.0 Nebrf.skao fra~titmal horse power motors. and many other items. are all TT"~OdU~L~~Y~ . TH:UdFS~~~~~: ~~~~*ill~~!£r t~~2~;:~::r:aor:'Misleldt ~g~ I-~--"-""~"-':';~';-;"m!-.i.;.tr.-..'(J-'.ft-....-r.!~.1.-,.~... -.A..-...~".~;;:,.•...-.:..•-L.j!;.2.,.-,~~..-.- ~~er:;:t:~.d;:~::s~~:~a:J~iIf~~".:I: ~.:e~ds ver~' short. The coal ~ituaf,ion may swa~. ~ :~"'=---- also prove setrous-we.lwpe not. o a,)' we say It-an mean it....., Emil pn, Ope ting scoop __ ._ _. 86.25 C,1 n; as much as eV!er. , Oliver Re chert, Gral{l'm; and repair work ._. 89.25 od I Priee.$870() I: We IknOW you, need new ma.! Looker B ., Labor nd rt"pair -..-- ._._...... 12.55 F~~u~~~:t"b~~~r~Heur~':;;;1 chine~-and ~eed weCiNport them b;w.ly. Brader S rvi¢e Statio • Oil and tire repair ._...... 2.50 I e FOR SALE: Black Poland China ~rYe rr~: ~r::e:J':~t: :~:i~:r ~ ~i~r;,;~ct'i~~~-~-:-- > ,I ::it I' Andy's Tit Service, 're .. 2.50 fall boars, Farmers' Kind. Al­ Both our. dealers p>'od .tion you crenot tally 'want lIIl- I Road Dist. No. 10 hert A. Killion. m9t2p and our branches 1 T A C oUI Henry W sC'l&h, Culv rts, clean roads" .. 70.00 ~011lfJ have' run dry on I on ~. media ely. Waitin3' you lean Harry E. mer, Clea roads, culverts. 63.00 FOR SALE: Real good Polled Harold Griffin I we BL pllrtsandllewma ~RStis ,00II1 ~ te ship- babe S~'hYour~ew eq~.J..mtlent [WillI Weidner Kling. D gline work ,...... 112.50 Shorthorn bUllls. Serviceable Modern 6.room and bath. A fi e lo~ati~n at - pmg a a :p.or w ra. ven so. ve e q ty so .."ti..... y asso-- i Road Dist. No. 11 ages. Ezra Boeckenhauer. m9t2 ;~~e~:.,o':h~bt ~~~ti::~:Ij'~~ ~r:~ ~~+~~~. ~~..ih ~l~~e_,or~~~d:~~~ti~~',:"es.. g:~g 914' Nebraska street. House i in goo~ con-, ~otrmaltheir wlt°willrkin!~si ty .chal~man. ,City, was a week end visitor in the Maty" Uffing, and mo Qer, Mrs. sons were dinner guests Sunday Adolph Carlson of Stromsburg. Rodgers ~ome nea~. Allen: and had day afternoon. -- Wayne CIty shouldII 0 trIbute $250. :ChaS,IPierson ho -e. i Anfa Shearer, and Cly e Shearer of Mrs. Albert Longe and spent Mr. al'"/ct Mrs. Ray Agler, sr., supper With Mr. Fischel'S mother L nmer S\j'anson of F' t III WashillgtOn camp. The Am~rican i • ncer Society ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. BaJd were of ·ioux City, who weI:' also sup- the evening in the Les Brudigam were at Winside Sunday as dinner and other relfit.lves in the R.onald Mi n., who was recen:l~nn~rils: g p.vt. RO. ~e. r.t ~ark. e is statI... o.. ned ~t· represents. he h~'.Ii.e.t in me.dical ,S~. t.urd8 cvenin visitors in the per guests. ' nome. . guC"sts or Mrs. Sadle Longnecker. Hardin.g home. cha ged from service, is a guest Fort LeWIS., Wa,sh.- Mrs. Parke 15 and lay -1$ ershi 'i the field of 'R A. Ni rod home. ,. i ~ , I Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford Nim- A sister, Mrs. Dudley Lockwood Mrs. Fred Utecht and .Mark in he Dick 'Sandahl home. HIS here at the Clatence Sorensen cancer~J as' 0 a~zation and a Mr. a d Mrs. B. W. Frc rickson ' On M[er.," Day. rod and Darwin, Mr. and Mr.rn and ------r fern. It w* not un il 1945, that school pi nie Sunday. ed 1n the LaVl{ enee Ha' son home Lawrenae Carlson home Saturday an.d Ralph were dinner guests of Jowed r:latlve~ who ha~ enjoyed I... v rC'tt \\.er~ thflrc to see him Home from Hastings. any substan ial su1TI as raised for Mr, ;;,tndtMrs. Roy Sund II ~ere Mo~her's day ljl the fall wing: Mr. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hypse Sunday. cooperatJve dwner With Mr~. Su day afternoon and wpre lunch- Bill Ingram, phl1rmacist mate a ~ation-wi ,e att~ek on th,e prob- SiUndaYfisitors in. the Dal, TlOst- andl MI's. Elme . Boecke hauer ,and Mrs. ~udolph Kay a1tended the Mr. and Mrs. Ring and Larry Henry Rubeck. Ml. and Mrs. EmJi can guest s Thp S Jndahls and third class, was home from Has- lemofcane r. A thtalOf$41000,OOO nnan ho 1(' in Lincoln. ~ Bud, Mrs. J .. Mitchell, Mr. a-pd tea given Wednesduy afternoon hy spent the evening at. Emil Lu.nd·s. Lund and Gene Were a. mong the th'~l gu('st spent the e'cnlOg i~ Hn'g.s tp spend the week-end in the was c. ~4Hi.~U.ted i.n 945 and for Mr. a ld Mrs. ~. M. ~. st~fs~n Mrs. John Boe kenhaue and Lyle, the home ,economics cla;;s of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson Igroup. . 'I. the Art Munson homp Dr. W. G.lngram home. the first ti e a large sum was ap- were Su dayevclllng VISlors in MI'. and Mrs. Weldon orfenson Wayne high of which M~rcelline i~ and Shirley were Sunday .dmner, Sund~y dmner gues.Ql:. In the l' and Mrs La\\-IPnce Ring r .p~op.r¥:~d' f r resear h. the Arthur Florine home. ' and family, M s. Helen Andersan, a' member. guc~,t~ of Mrs. Nels Larson. Mr.: Wm. VIctor homp w~~;, Mr. and and Mrs Martin 1I01r'nl)('rg were 1I00qe from Set"l(~e. ~, . The'~ adonal Res~rCh Council Mr. aryd M~s. Jol~~ .Bard~n were Mrs, R. M. ~el , Mr. an Mrs. Lee Florence Suber. cl1nw from, Li~~ and. Mrs.. ~ack Sodprherg and IMrs. Wm. _A. Meyer._ M~. and Mrs. ""t rl~to\'. TlIesridY of l<1st week Pvt. James Allen who had been of Am. ric~-, forem st .scientific M:onctaY~ev.cnll1g VISItors Iln. the at Scott"Field, 111., and who re- organiz~ ti~ which advlscd the John 130 .cken~auer ho~e. i" I ho.me folks. lIer s:st('r. Mrs. te-rnoon '.Wel supper. Vlclor. Af.l?rnOOn VISItors a~d the .Wakefield rlistri('t. \Voman's ~r. Carl~on ~r:'.d ~Re' Jo~n I ~I:-·"IOnR.ry ceived his honorable. discharge at governrpent on its wartime rc- a cl Mrs. VC"rn Att' tljn. Lc'sler Andersen, brou6"ht her Mr. and Mrs. Ivan and SUpp('r gUl'sts werf': the LOUie. I SOCl('ly. Rf'\· P. Pcar- Ft. Leavenworth, arriVed home scarCh'f·8:5 retained . y. the society c.. hild:cn jwert' ~~mgaYI :ve~TIg ~·ISI~ M. r. and ~r~ l~;rhUl Flnrin,e. from Pilger. childrC'n 'visitpd in the Walter Wm., Mart In ami Art Mey~r fam-I son and Miss Map of W group anq Mrs. HOlmh.o.r. one ' This 'cal' the Amelncan Cancer ,G. Alflled Johnson ntulnL]d home d D h I f () I M h \ll ( A I L) t 1\1 d M f t d t t g Lt. and Mrs. Arthur Gulliver arc ~ I 'l,f d ft' .. , h Donald an rot y a 0 a {- eyer omP. Mrs. ay Agler, jr.. an~ Miss I i pn m Pr!. " 0 r. an, rS·19 _ c epar men secretanes :Vlrs. spending the officer's' terminal societ) see $12,000jOOO to press' "C' nc..;clI.1Y. a ('f' Vlsltll1g ~n t e lan~, Marion -a d C~rbl~n Nelson Ralph. and LaITy Ring Wf're in Jean Gu~tafson arran~('d delight-I Lc'onard Linds,:om at ChillIcothe. Ja es Gustafson atlendf'd also leave in the Prof. A. F. Gulliver an ~l~ d.;~t .' ttack Up~)J1 this most I JG'~;~,I.1 ~~~II~;lr~~0~~11~I;rce01t~n~1~d of ci~ah~, Er\\"in Mort¢nso.n and Sioux Oty Tupsday morning. ~he ful 1\-loHkrs' day parties at their!1 :\1..n .. an~ '~7h~ ~Jn(,~~L on May 6 t.o 1\-nrs. Lenne-ncC'. Fis('hl'l' wh(; is:t- horne.· Mr. and'Mrs. F. M. McDer- feal~ ~ls~a \.. $81::: 3"20 . Sandy ~Vl'l"e Saturday ¢,·cning Miss. MarJorie Rloberts were' among lau:r stoP.Pf'~ ov('.r for th0 JunIOr respcctivc schools for Friday ;-d- ::\:1'; an: ..,rs.~ . ,dl ~al'~ba of Chi-I c:radle roll supenntendent o[ the ~il~ ~~ed'i:'the st~~~.ta, i~ th{~S~ att;nldingjAlh~ r~R'cICn'PtlO"nn refrc~h-Ic(-\go. mott of Moville, la., werE' also $5fig. se IUJleheon:glll'sts thl' C. A. Kin- fhncr LC'glon hasf'hall gclme ilt Emerson 1('-rnoon. Programs and ?I,ll'". Zarllb.'l. ivC'd IfR.vors. IVlslteel lWl'l' fre'j'wntly_ chu ch Saturday ·aftprnoQn. Mr~. ovC'r~l'R.S Wc~ncsday Sunrl~y dJ~ntT. L 'C L NEWS M'rs. L<:'-na Penkc were Sunday noon., an.d is at. 1he_ Sunday dinn('r and supper guests I anrl supper I C'. . Bard, who IS !'Jrlmary supC'r- ReceIves \Vings. Mrs, ,.Augu t Nyberg, Mrs. E. R. pwning l.'isitors in the ,Henry -~-·--·-l- ,---~---_.- hPdslrle of- hIS fathC'r m a SIOUX in lIw Rudolph Kay home to cele- I gu('sb Jn the r.. \\ Lundahl home, Jnlehdent. assisted. A number T5 Raymond J. Re ~,Ih.<.;. .;;og, who Is in Lo\'c. a~d Ro ney Love spent Sun- J..cueter.s t~om('.: ',' " . " LOCAl, N¢WS City hospital.t j His condition varjes hrate Mother's day were: Mr. and Ii W('rC': Lundahl of II froril herc attendrd, including- Sappora, the northern island of day ll1 tile H raid Nyberg home at I\lr. and MIS. John SlIfe! of Dal~ ,.1_.. 't( j from·{ay to cay. Mrs. Frank Longe, Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn. 0;, ::".1r. and, !\lrs.. ::Vlrs,. Fred L'te'cht and Mark. Japan.' has earned his wings as a tGn. w{'re entertaincd at dinner ~llss Irn~'l Back \',-cn1 ~ L nC'oJn Mr. and ,1\-1rs. Rudolph Kay and Aug~st K~y and Willie. l'v~r. and I L('st'~r Lundahl Carl Lun- Larry. :'11'.". PaUl. FlschC'r and Paul- T5 Raymond J. Reeg, 37761119, ~rs. Evel n M. I ('tterson of I:hrriSO~ home ' WnY~le friends at the UJillverslty. Sievers home' in Waynr Friday and Mrs. ,Jo!m Kay and sons, dahl and Jonathon of C~rroll.. MISS ~ \:Irs_ KermIt Johnson and AI- 127 AB F,ng. Bn., 'AiPO 468, % p, Ftoa,I;.np'COJ,udntt'h . W~~~~~de ~~"tthurdh:\'~J: (1\II': and Ml'~. Reuben (:;oldberg E,;r,r. go 10 a fou~:alarm" [11.·e.? (,vf'ning while MarcC'l'line was at- Marcel R:ng rpturnC'd Tupsrlay i LunrJ.'--!hl IS remuinmg lndefmitf'ly: It'n, I\'an John~on and Roger .j",.. r-' ,,~~ '-- Sre Rll1g Around Eilzabeth l\lay tending the prom. of last week from visiting a huddyiwith hC'r hrother and family. !Lr>f'. ':\lrs. Eldon B""rclman and . lV1., Francisco. '. daughter, Mi s Grace Petterson. and .raN.~1.ll1 .io!ncd .the 1'Vl.",rtin 16, 0100 Colloge. ~ ;16'1 1 1 sat [1 ~ '~1 U .1\1~r. ~1rs. ~lort('n- H 1 b" t -t th II and Mrs, Ralph Mor"c, Mrs. at Pre.<>10n, Minn., O\'pr the .week- Mr. and \Veldon Jerty, Mrs, Vv:'eldon Mortenson, orne fro~ ... ervjC(\t. Mrs. Julia H~as. Sandra and H~~l~b~~'~\~Il1~l~~~~hlcnr's~aylnry Mr'. ~nct Mrs. Ism'lf'l Hughes LIllian MorsC'. 1\1rs. Magnus \Vest- cnd. Enroute home hC' sa\\. rela-I ~on and chJldrpn. :vIr. and Mrs. C-i .... e DisdJal"g'es. , Mrs, ~Vilsontncl Pe~lrl 01 ~Tl'lgh- John Bo{'tk('nhauer and who had two weeks in :"ie\''',T SALE SALE Rohert Einung and .\Valrton ton. 1\Ii:: anel Ill'S, Herhert h,ll an.d I' ll''i , Rcuh('n Goidbprg and Hil\·r'n, \\-ith tht' fot"nH'r's 8( Jcmian of Riverdale, Md.. both of I'Hhea 01 Peh cr. were Sun~a;.- la.~t at ll'nd('d the cracll'(' roll p.lotlwr who \\"HS ill. rC'tlIrned home PRICE ',Whom were discharged r~cen~ly on \veek guests t Clarence c.on?C'r s. pMtr in Sakm's' church parlors Friday. ThC'y w;el'p aCcompanied PRICE the west ~o.ast.af!er Sl;'. rvmg In the, Mrs.tyA. W. Ros~ and.. ~I;S. \'>~c.l.l)~ SalUI·.da y afternoon. homr by Miss Helen G~r1l'man .of A remarkable value at south Paclflc, arrIved Sunday. The Holst no,to U!el thL rhUl.d,ly :\11' and I\1r~. H..qymond Florine. Umaha. who caIne for It he week~ a very unusual price. Very strong, but thin and latter 'Will vi~lt here a few days Ito .attend th? gr~dUa~~n eXI:'I"CISl'S Gerald and Judy. I'dr, and Mrs. encl. , For this sale only. light in weight. b~fore leavi.ng for his home: J. N. Fn~ay evem Ig ll1 W Ich the fo.~- ~ermit Florine. all of Wayne. w('re Sunday dinnC'r guests in 1hf' Emung met the two boys In Fre- mer ~ granddaughter, Shirley Ro~s, Sl.IndaY 'dinnl'!' .gL.'O. st.S in.. '.il. e ICarl \Vri~ht home' were iVl.t'. and mont. take~ part. Arthur Flonne home. Mrs. Carl Strauh of LOl1etree. la..

an~l \ h(~~dh(~:;~~gU~~~~Jl~Ir;'J~~J~ ~~~i J~n~~ (~~~ha~ ~~s. ~r~I.'I~:e;~;~~ Judd and Nancy L6l1lSC of Det rOlt, sC'n rl.110 Janic(' of Ocean~idC'. Cal.. SQUARE BASE ALL METAL ~,\:. \\f'rt111 the.•.. \\'lCd.nCS.d'.'Y.T..\1. r.ustahon'.I.nll.,g.hom('.VI.sltor:; I,n.famil\·.d Mr. an. d .Mrs. Don W.lrig,ht .and OPENING !'Ill. and .\11 s. 1\'~'b B.IOl'klund, :\Jr~. IIClrold \Vynnt 'of SiOUX TUMBLER KITCHEN STOOL Dwamc and Eunlc¢ vi~itcd 111 thc C'l1y, was here Tuesday last week I 0, P. Lund.<.;lrom hqmw In Concord with hPl' aunt, Mrs. C P. Lapham. Reg. Low Price. 6 for 20c Our Reg. Low Pric~, $1 .89 Sunday c\enlng <~ll(i found i\-'1I'.1 SIH' ('arne With twr hrothf'r, Lloyd: Lundsl relll _ IllllCh jrhpl"(n'cd from Halladay, v.:ho \\"('nl on ~() Laun,j llJ.'i I·pc('nt _111n('ss.. I ;llHl Coleridge. Mr. Halli-lday. re­ SALE SALE 1'v1r. and ;\l.rs. f,A.J\.l.n t.iclson. ('ently m..lt of thl.' n..il'.}.' left Thur~;- BA$EBALL fnJ~l and 1)()!1ald ()ak- day for CallfornlH.. I PRICE PRICE 1\lanon !;ld :\lJss Caro- ;\11'<;. (', J. pp(krsen aryd daugh. with 2S( purchase of (lOla ~i' \\."['1'(' ent('l"- JanicL', of ()ceCl.n~ld{'~ Cal.. ar- Light weight; rolled edge sea! . at Sunday mnC'r "In the Fl'Iday to :';JlC'nrl m~''''1 of the ~ 0',. Tumble" will not catch clothing; round :\lan·111 Mortenson h me. _,,'\mmcl' with thr former'!" moth('I·. Limit, 6 to a Customer, Please feet will not scratch floor. Pioneer tlub Mr. and MIX J~)}tlO J\IcCorkin- Mrs. \V. F Wright. !'1~1C'r. I dale, ::".'11;;. Gf'Ol'g(' ,tloon..;lra. ;\1]". :'>,lariC' \V1'igh1, and otllC'r'.relali\'C's and ,\Il"s. \Vilton :\lclqOri{Jnd<::!(' ami l\Irs. F('dl'r~('n \Vas fornlf'1'IY Ncth,1 ,I vs. SO!)S of Laurel, Wl'I'{ -t'nlcrtalOcd at \Vrig-ht of \Vavnr'. ! d!nnpr 10, th(-' lloy ~~WL'ns home in Mr. and l\lr~. Geo. \Berglund I Enwr:ion Dn Mothe s day. I camc from Amrs Friday 110 spend ATIRACTIVE ALL METAL Mr. and Mrs. f,tayIHallgrC'n came' th(' \\'('ek-enrl in the Fr~nk 1'...101" Tekam h Pioneer Club from r.()maha Satur~l~'y ll101'nJnF: home. l\lrs. MorgCl.n.IMr. aml '~lld 1\11,."'<'; AI.1CC l\lad oN Immd camC' Bcrgltmd, Mr~. D. n Strick- COOKIE -JAR FLASHLIGHT ~:.~~LlrddYa\\~~/~;'. rct~I:~~,~ ~ancl and Mi~s Nell spcnt\. SU~day t ~J In 111r> Don Slmp$on home lin SIOUX Our R~g. Low Price, 89c Ou, Reg. Low Price, 79c 1\Ir. and Mrs ~'~~:l~~ :~{:~ ~!~(~~e~rs, elias. ;imp~;on Philip or Wayne, 1\11'. and 1\-11':-'. Carl SAllE An(]el''ion and .\Ii:;" Lcr,ne werc SALlE afternoon .,·isito:'s in til{' H. A. PRICE PRlpi Nimrod hom~' for :lVlother's , f.1 th' t W k f' 2:30 sharp :lTI". Edna I'; 1111 rod Was alsn a dOlt wes a 'e le'1 Beauti~ully decorated and Powerful! 2 cell, chrome plated tor. : I (By Mrs. Lawrence R'ing) a genierous size. Useful lIashlight. Will st.nd rough Mis:s In'nc ,Johnsqn. who has, _ and good looking. , treatme~t. fJ~,~n s~~~ftt~~~.(,~~I'~~'~inhgor~~r 'I~;(~~~ I Wayne Ball Park Dorothy and Junf' Chinn werr> day wvcnini: afler;' accompanying ~H'n' from Sioux City to spend Mrs, Schultz to a h~spital in Oma- Sunday. ha. where she wilj' rccel\'C trcat- iMrs. Charlo1 te Lundahl was a ment. : dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Admitsion,: Gents 60c, Ladies 40c COMBINATION PAD .8 INCH iYncluding Tax Mr$. R. W. Frrdfickson and Mrrs. M~i-j(:C'K~~;;;;~hh Ramscys w('re at AND . ~;1:\'no~l~r~i~:.~ts ,I~~crfl~c ~~~~~d<~~. WinsidE' Sunday visiting in hoth patl'ntal homes. POLISHING CLOTH ~~~~~w~~~! ~====Z==I'I:=I=====~~I~;IIIIIII==~I~~i~~·:~-~~,fi~~~';,~liil~f.'i~I~.~c~I~~"P~'~Cio'ri~i':~~~:~~n~EiU'~~·i~\\~~K(~~ie~~(~·~i~~~lI~~]~.r~f.E;~~~a~7·~ Our Reg, Low Price, 59c : Sunday E'\'ening. I w~ere SAJ~ Mr. and M.rs. C. L.IBard 24( dinner guc"sts Sunday at C. A SAlJE PRICE B~~.S <~~(~~~~.e·MarVin Brudighm PRICE Chestnut icolored a~d d:corated and family visitf'd at RUdolph in the popular diamond pattern. an~ Kay's Sunday evc'"!ing. 4 pads of absorbent cotton in ReJrigeraf::ipn Mot:or, cheese c1pth wrapping. A very May be sed for re,frigeration as Mrs. Elvis Olson and LaVerne ell as oven dooking. : helped Mrs. Jaek Pal'l{ celebrate .ffici~nt polishing pad. her birthday Friday a,fternoon. I Service : Mrs. Rolli(' Longe, ....vas chair­ man of the Mothers' r~'ay tea at 51. Paul's church Thursday afternoon. er 16}Years: Practical Experience ·The 'Elmer Willers Ifamily were dinmer guest's and spe,nt !Sunday in : FAMILY GAL.!PAIL the'Louis Heineman home at Pen- ~ake der. I' RobF (GATING 'Every Repaired A numb'cr from the community SHOE SHINE KIT attended the Robt. F. Hanson sil­ Our ~eg. Low r.rice, $3.69 B~tflle veri wedding celeb"ration Saturday Our Reg. Low Price, 59c Freez rs. • Coolers - W.alk-inli cve!ning. , tIce Cr am Cabinets Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horrell SALE $1"98 an1 Ted of Wayne. visited in the PRICE EITel' Willers home Wednesday SALE :s. IR CONDITIONING ENGINEERI~G evening. _ PRICE This ~onded roof coatin~}s, :Xr. and Mrs. Elvis Olson. Paul groun' and conipounded JUst Excep~ ~ ~IJ;~ita~~~~~ra~it~le~r~~t~~~~ fo~ like h gh grade-paints. Phon1 Wayne 368 At this price, why not one. t on.lly high grade. each rtlem~~_r of, the family. Oll~~ ~~;;.~~s of tl1'e Lapor'te cl~'b attended the regu~ar meeting ,in the, Otto Lutt hom~ in 'Wayne w~neSdaY afternoon. 1 rs.' Wm, Victor art£f Mrs. Dick , I Sa dab! assisted with 'serVing the Any item in this ad offered in a ",nj&irotid constltullOn ofi the gOIng 10 fly 10 commcrjccment px- house hunters by ladH'rtism* a; SiX- £' Ornler eSI ent w('C'k '\\hen he qualtfled for the on uct unera U d' P 30 under auspIces of the G A. R slud('nt Icouncil \'as lcad IThe creiSE'S at the school from y,hlch room hOUse rentlfree The catch Of W M· stat(' t~ack meet by placmg fnst S " S d se In asture. and Amf'ncan LegIon POl't Re, w (ouneJ! \\1]) IC'cognlzE orgaltllza- shc \'<1S gr,iduatcd 71 yC'al's ago Mr Dlos!('ha~a~lockof25ddUCkS aYllfl: arnes m the ",hot put ('t('d Ill~ ~slq.nds the audlt()\lum Facull\ Cinn: school I GI C H,lrdman reUr ()mIJclrtn,( nt for glmcs Boy SCOllt Ca"!p Art ..... ork for the we('k v. as mak- Goes to pa"tunng brome grass dunng the I Alumni 1 \\ayne college ",Ill mCll)hlr~ hUS-IFrc~port board \-\Ith, trJ{Jr Tf'X, CII,) recordcr andlhult he ,\\Jthdlf"\'. hIS hdnds 1n a Planned In May mg cards for Mothers day Wzth IRed Cross spnng months \-\('r(> dcmonstratcdihold theIr a l nual reunIOn June 20, hands <1l1d \\ 1\ {'t; \\ pre gu('~ts As t ud e of the local corpOl ate court, hU! ry SOlJll' pI anksl l'l, m (~fificpr " ' Sunshine- cluh hR.d a program of, I b) a. pasturp tnal conducted by 193(; I 1guests lITJ\f'd Ih",} stepped I~"as hurr:\-iTlg to the city hall to be Scott s ah"c'n('c, hdd d0posIited a The I,ist \\cek of May has been hook reports Each chlid gave a \\- II S~ett of St LoUls, fo~:. :\ F Schroedpr of Hoskm:,:>, at the I \\ md aCfompanYIng the ram through 1,h(' !Hi.!:cS of d huge book S\\.-; n In and dro\ c t hI ough a 11\ C OIJp{),.um 10 1he (OmpanIhent r:served at The Cedars, camp ncar rt"'port of a book he had read the crly of ,"V. Clyne saJ!cd ~IJrrl _I suggt.'q Ion of the \\ nlpr An old' h('~e May 9, was espeCtal1y strong to "PI' ".stol;' Dook Bdll and a sto SIgnal As ludg(' IllS fIrst CelS( ~ 1'rpmon1, fnr, boy scout~ of thiS pasl t\'.o y,e-eks from Sealtlf' for til(' Ihlil~pme flcld of brome grass \'hlch had I\l,l: st of 10Wn A shedtwas blown I falr~ In sJl\ (I IIh 1hc 1<11 ge curtain f I I d I Thr" Jllor 10 \\ ,-hhlngt on Ifbund ar('a Rnys mdY go In groups on as Bat ball soccer and kitten ball Islands to assisl \'. ith t h(' r('or",am· bpen In paslupe for a number of do\\ n at thc Ray Perd e farm, and v. asIa ,010 it lair He p cae C' gUi t) ,. d did t h ( " f h Ph IR de' . d 'bl ' f th L. jUne.C'Qrncr 01 Ihe loom \'d~ candv I I Oul ho\\ Ihl' I(\rr on tht lcd itlbx In lO 1\1 ua s an \\It I or \\It ou ha\e bf'('n played durrng recess zatlOn 0 t (' Ilppme f? ross \pars was chosen for thp- expt'n-Ia \\1Tl 0\\ .... a" own ut 0 e land ,md \\ I" c!t(or,t1rod \\llh lar.g~ 10 unnmg lhrou,gh t,le stop ~Ign a tcmpOldr) nd\,} lJutldmgj \\Qltked IC',HlC'rs Lloyd Shf'phNd of t<;or- non and Jon Ronnfeldt bro~ght Mr S\\ett, \l,ho had "('ned as ~1f'nt B\ means of an f?Jectnc P Kf'f'nc,) resldC'nce llimS('lI~ "h~ch lollqx)lh Mld <;f Ick ("and) In an-, and paid fJn{' 1t IJrudlH'( d 22 llrt' lrucks s, LOUi" chapler wIll ach Is(' PhilIp.- (iJffprent posllions, thf' flcld \'.as gash on hiS rv:ad when struck by a threE' lwal s d_n(l lIlt' bl(' bad wolf lngn n I\) oJ fll t r, Clnd a huddlc la~t \'.cpk \\ hC'n dl"tnct court of I All d h hId pme RC'd Cross ofUICials on the or· dl\ Idpd so tha t be('f cat tip from an' bnck m the \'.md stonn May 9, had pl~n('~ mQ~~~jL'~~n\~~~I~~/~~~:\ ~~ t~'l~l~n h~nor tna~~ en~~~~~r~,rsd~a\ere~~_1 adJomln~ stl~chcsl \Valt charaZtcrs, the I:: :)1 Sl'()\, I'm:..:; llr ('nlPn, h(' ('xplamed \\ as held :11 the ,tramlng In ganlzallOn of thell!' fund campaIgn pasture could graze Ihe Ifl\ p taken m the wound. d\\arfs Donald Duck and otners,1 g thi:l-t 'I Just \\anlld to s('e ho\\ 1t school afler supper at th( college b gk 11 d y k scheduled for next fall Swett pr€'· SLlbdl\'ISIOW Pari of the field \\as H \\, Burnham, \\ho completed \\l'rf' In oni:' corner Llttle BO}'I\\:a s:ruck ~y a tram an~.W 10.1;- \\orked, Ishc'lter \\aynes 1\\0 troops, Hart-I ram'es S, is use for the wor \lOusly served as dIrector of fund compJetC'lY~ dE'ferrC'd \'.rule twolthe Cf'n.."us Ifor Sh('rITlan precinct Blue and other nurselY rh}'mes ~~1 ~a~~z~I~,~S~~a~\~~lr~:r t~\f~~,~ I - I mgt on, Randolph, Laurel and Allen r ~~~~r~o~y,~~~~~onn C~~:i~tlOo~ ~~= raiSing for the Bcxar county Red otllPr aI'f'as ",ere pastur('d from and the to\~n ')of Sholes, found 118 \'.CI (' Plct U[ ('d In the other corner" "p ]\;j.!on <;tocklngs \\ er(' uspd as II \\ rre rcprespntcd Hartington, I p , g Cross chapter at San AntoTllO, Ma\ ') till May 11 and frdm May 2 farms and t:l:-L people ill the pre- Soft llghlS \\ erc used, and Ia\'. n ~,ee b:\- trammcn she r('marked i ba,;t In 1hf' arm) s rpcrult 109 t'cim- IRandolph, Laurel and Wa~rTle troop nc wllh wax crayons, df>slgnmg, Tex, and as aSSistant to the dlrec- unt"Jl ~iav j25 cmct and 92 m Sholes. chaIrs and porch swmgs \,ere ,PI ase call m:.- family 10 Ontano I ~i n In nHvbnnp~;""; J Thousands I:r---;o 174 parnpd a\\Clrds ri1zor·hlade curTlng, \\aler color· tor of fund ralsmg m the mIdwe<:t- " . I Robert Stone of near Laurel, b 1 11 ' Don OlJver s or- andl tell them I left the ga!i stOH Pf g '. 1 b u t t CIRud(' Harder became a star 109 and pastmg and glUIng em area He was \llso as aSSistant The dIfferpnt parts of the f eld sustained se'\ere burns to his face, ~h~~~ PI ~~()~~f-:;OUX Cit), furnished bUrrilng I" • ~ ~oz~~(:~I\I~~mCI~ ~,l~~~I~I:g °a ('('r~J~ I<;cout and h(' also earned awards 10 St'('.on~ Grade News. regIonal dIrector 10 mldv,estern ~:~ra(' \'.hh~~e~:~ :~r~t:~~ at-r::l~ e~es and left arm May 12, 1930, QJlhlC Snpnomllrc glll~ had chargp, flCtate \\{)J I h A. p,lIr of ny lon~ al a IcookIng S\\ lmmmg, carpentry, In Nebraska settmgs, all colored area chapter sen lduced Yleld$ to 400 pounds and .... as;.throv. n, over hIm. 00' alhumt; dnd la\ ors were rat- '! ., - PP} persons most I) y,on1t'n appeared IWayne Samuel~on becamp second prts€, for mothers of Wayne Chamber of Commerce a h t I] M 2~ d d \\ ayne cdllege placed hIghest m ties.'and ".,hlstl('5 of ;) pre-\\ al shirts' had to borrow II the ... I01P \\lth certlfwRte'i' , The cI.ass sCOUls '"nayn(' SISamue sam ,---mce J anuary pUpiIsave h been re\\ years ago, I ea\')'In: grazmgt 100 i day FJ re uceth the f1rs t atnua]mnta tIOn m (er- ~tore poul~ • GI\ (' f:xamination", one recentl) The laundry lost SiX dona It'd the hoslel \ ' pal ONI ;:I mc-Ilt badge [n path fmd- k('p-pmg book reports on books, t Yll:: SOt s. rom d is collegiate tack and ffleld meet at rxammatlons an:' I)('wg gl\ en a f rtmght ilgO A thlf'f Jlmmlf?d Ilng and ('harles Good rn fIreman- Charles Lmdahl has read 18 books exbPIcntence I w~u se~~ Ina "IS~ V\'avne. May 10. takmg 61 pomts, I _. Marry at S rvice g I thl~ \\ t'drlf'sda) ,lOd Thursda,} All oP nhhls auto and t>\\ Ippd Idhern'st "Mc- wC'st tlm,r' tllir s llsed to go IShIp The ho)s lldong to Prof. A. or 347 pages, Larry Berres, 12 • B e 0 bgraze ,ulnn"] the spnn Grat'e Tulnm of Canoll, under~ , I \\ I1 ( n(' hdd Ju;:,t Il'Cel\C lunl l' , , • k ' Grazlng e,}ond 1> H\ e normal t t f rltll" t;;tl\dged from \vet\n{' I'ollcg(' alumm aSSOCIa_lran :) hooks or 147 pages, Larry The bride 1\ore po\'.der blue 1\1 A s0"ct \'~t ~bo~ M~~ 7, li , to Supt S T BCilipr ,md Fnn F A·I co dHlOn oj the pUlblJshpr the Ian old farlT'hou ( IIon ~et'ts for noon luncheon Frl- Sweigard, 1 book or 43 pages I SUit With \\'hltr accessorfes and a Spring bnngs weddmgs gradua. \\..r k at ld'" r:> ay enze near Qandr('j h \\ ill hi' al Ihf' school each In'J um is of/ezed fOJ suk '' - Ida., I\ld) 21 a t IhI' ('oll('ge cafetc~ nindf':rgartf'n Sotes. corsage of \\ hitC' gardemas and tIO~S, showers Are you piannmg a ~ :o~ wal- born Ma "10 1930 to ~d;:n fOJ:a\,"('('kor,t\\o.;,t" ad Penny rescued hy 1\\0 Polen \'ho s.lId Ithey der, \IC(' prqslclt-'nt, John A LeWIS, Woodf'n Farmer·'. The cou~l(' \'.ent to thp seaSide f'llquPt!e and novel arrangements sponsored hy KIwanIS club of ans\\('~cd Sop!lom{)r,,, dl'cnultcd t (' 31t III hI self lhc ad lh llf an he.ud fp( hie Ildrk'i and <;H\' fUllS ITlid('n. and PatricIa Sloan, Stan- Pupils planted plant.s m flower for fJ. week s tnp after \\-hlCh they IYour lihrarlan \\Jil be only too Sh do HI\' a tmlum for haccal.ilina1e and \\1 !hO r after It a~peared He ,~mhlcd s\1-oopmg dO\\n on Ll. 'dark oh e('t' ton trf' Thursday In the HE Rad ckcr 'Crelhn, 51 ney, Nebr,; Lola Hed- who Werf' at the funeral are Don Why not see far away lands With had the fmgprs of onC'der frow Ashland, wenl the OPE~S FOR MARIN SEVENB'ASEBALL burn, Cahf.. and Mrs Ira Knnball l" hIS o\'.n story of hiS eXl?enences ha\e prev ted farmrrs from get- WIll, l1ilhC' Rob('rts the class IPro~ bad," mused Examiner Ross Dc\yd-: ot hf'r t\\o m('n acclaimed I A,:T S marme corps r~.crUltmg BATS ARE GIVEN of , are the 'two who could \~Ith the man-eatmg tIgers of tmg mto he flelds~" Prof. anq phecy I Plano ,.Solos will be played ney, welghlng hiS declSlOn At thiS I These thr()-(' m('n \\pre chose~ on offlu, IocatC'd In room 30~n thd, not come Among othe1jS gomg Kumaon "In the Kumaon" hillS, 1\1rs JG W. LeWIS left for Fort by Chp.re Houdersheldt and 'Fom- ,1UnctUle. Mr Guraro started to: thp lJ<1SI<; of 1hei1' f1ctlVltles and post 9fflc:-, buildmg In No folk, IS Dalf'. ~derson, who p1tches far from here wpre Mr and Mrs Har- \\hlch he In the HImalayas In the Dodge, la i to attend funeral ser" . m:y BaUH', and vocal numhers:,WIll parl

Mot ers' day cards were made The picture, 'Children of MexI· THe yearly piCniC was WeQnes-1 To School Meeting. I \ colleges '. worthy grand matron at the 1946 tales of courage and darmg, Man- The Paxto h~e at CQnaha, is be- in art ~. co," recalled phases of Mexican day noon at ~he big park. I Alii NE'braska Schoolmaster~' club' \ Grand chapter sessIOn 10 Omaha EaterS Of Kumaan WllJ become an mg enlar ed by an additional Bah ICarhart had highest grade Indian hfbtWhich formed a unit of mothers werp inVIted" I met at Lincoln last Thursdfiy and lected to Office. May 14-16. Mrs, Shumway IS a adventure. t hundred head of ;a~~~t·tl~ shi~ 10 EnglSh test. iJ study last fall Mothers' day! glftsl were rttade Wayne was represented by Il>r, and Dr. N, J, PIckett of Norfolk, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry We also have four new myster- IW from Da. PUPI s were guests of 7th grade :Mrs. Jack Lennart viSited Mon· and taken home Fnday I Mrs J T A?dersOn, Prof arM Mrs, was rec e:ted pre$Ideqt of the Giese of Wayne. les, I Hate Blondes by Kaufman, kota CIty, ealizing Qver $20,000... at a d nce Friday. day. , . Kindergarten Notes. 0, n.. Bra,", TI, A. V, Teed~L. F, state ass latlOn ~f ch,lropodists at Dig Another Grave by Don Camer- A vern of copper oue just 30 feet iHh Grade Items. ThIrd graders had theIr annual Myla L1;1eders treated all t ice Good, Prof and Mrs c, H. ndahll the meet ng held In Lmcoln, Three Are Baptized.. TIl L ttle Man Who Wasn't from the urface h¥ beell discov.. The laRS wrote letters to James piCr1i~ at the city park Tuesday, crean: bats and suckers for her and Dr, and Mrs, Ray Bry t· , Three tnfants were baptized ~~re ~y ~ordon and ne Corpse ered 10 ox countY.•• A co~t Suthe and who wa!1 ill with pneu- Fnday 3rd and 4th graden 6th bIrthday May 10, Mrs, ,J, ;> ~ U ergoes Operation. Sunday at Grace church by Rev, on the Hearth by Lang, house, w er workS and eannmg mama. I heard recordings made by the 4th Lueder,s and MISS Jeanette Hey Open Office in Wes . Joyce, daughter qf Dr. and Mrs. Walter Brackensick. Darrell Lee ~actory w make Yprk boom this Chatles Price treated all to ice grade DaYs last year. were VISitors, Dr. L,. F. Perry, f~rm rly o~ W, G. I gram, undEfrwent an oper- Meyer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer T ld spnng.. '. Many farlners through.. cream Ibars Friday on his birthday, From Second Grade. The klOdergarten class e ter- Wayne, IS assocI?-ted ~n Lon~ atlOn f r appendIcits last ~1Urs- Meyer, has as sponsors Geo. Ber- Engagement 0 out the's ate are complaining of Motbers' day cards were made, Gayle ITheo Bathke of the 1st tamed at a party Monday ter- Beach dental offIce WIth I Dr" IX day at local hOSP~tal" She IS do- reRos , eJr'rT'earryndvR"cetgIor'n,asonMoeyefMr·r. Fanodr By Young Fo.lks the unfav rable weather for spring y In g 25.000work~ "Once Upon the TIme," lr meeting. .hall near. PJerae, ' ~ • ~nd Iyla~'k Benshoo~ • I Scouts of ItrooP Two met at the Mr. Mrs. ..8! high. school' last \Vednesday and and, Wilbur of \Vm:.a.de;. and Mr, welcomed u new troop leader Mrs. and Mrs. 1\'0 Fr{'dp~'ICks of Ran~ Roy Coryell, The nqw plan' ~f pa- dolph? were Motl)er s day guesl~ § tl'ois has' proved successful. One in the Mrs. Anna _Carlson homt'o IlJ group clear~ $13. 'l/'his patrol hadI Mr. an~ Mrs. H., S. ~ Landberg of : a picnic at the cab~n Friday. with Scottsbluff,. came S~tur:day to ! each- girl bringing Ia prospective spend ,u~tll Monday With M~. F flcout as guest Karo) Lou Kay and Landberg s motHer, Mrs. Emmi'l 'Rosalyn Ellis ~re fiIlst class scouts Und~erg, tfnd brothers, Swan and .I ·th MHD Add· Charlle Land,berg. I A Stand,,'d '01 Qual;ly othe.. a.e compa.ed by' ~~ cs;~~:o~lMa~s·Ei~Ung: N~~~~ . Rob~rt Burnham of Wayne, vis­ I It~d fl'~ends M~rJ­ Burnham and BOb.b1e Ellis earned here a week ago I , t~ the leather badge. The Shed House day. ¥r. Burnham had been dlS,­ I' Annies led by Jac_queline Andersen c~arged _ re~ently from the naVly ]c1land ~ 72x84 Bradley- 72x84 and Ja~!s Derry, cleared $16. Mrs. ~;;~rye;~~~ViJ~~Ia7.Jai~onths, nearly I These IUIXUl'ious Iceland blankets are ada with This is one of the most popular blanketR that the ~i~fs~1~~~t~~~~i;ei~~r~i~~~~1~~= Mr. and Mrs. Ott, Peters. MIl'· cure autographs anCI photographs. a~d Mrs. Elmc-: :ro lannsen and I the fin~st wool 'in it soft brushed fi lish. The Fal'ibo Mills make. You will like the beautiful Pi~ies, ~~~~a~c~~a:o~<;ftc~iO~;·~~~, M~~: I '. h' . f I dl' {,o]OI'~ of hlue, green, cedar and rust. Of course Pin,e Tree iled by Chere oaCkgrO,Ulld IS \V lte wlth our lOr fer stnpes I p\'cry IJlankct is pure \voul and Bradley weighR ! ~:~:~he~~;~~~~~~i~re~a~~orr~ and Mrs. Paul. Obst and Lloyd of • of blue,i grepll, red and gold. B(~aut fully fin- ;j l/~ pounds. You will E.'njoy the exira warmth working on the. ~ooking and dra- n?rth. of Randolph, wen' Sund'ilY I Pcte~rs i~hed I~ordt~r ~ matics' badges. 'rhe girls plan to dmnel' guesls III the LylC' I' with all eogeH whi -stitched, and \vpar for many, many years $1 95 t>urn~1 oney by caring for children homC'. $~O.95 nnd elping with household taHI

fUf! 'fagolen. Motor Oil.gives. It: I' ASK :PS FOR FREE ESTIMATE ON STEEL OR ALUMINUM VENETiAN BLINDS I •. ~~,::e:.,U\'e~:~a~:c:~:~~~;~o~:n:~~fi:~! I .', ... B1!1sKnit Shorts af'j, !-ag~cl!4otQrdIU today. :' Sanfori~ed Work Shirts : /: : I'. , Anoth€r sfuipment of these-hard to get. ' :'" Again we lire! able to offergood qual- boy's brie~s arrived today_ Fine qual- 5' : I' ity SanfOri~ed', dhambray ~ork shirts ity cotton Iyarn with full elastic web- : ·:1 I:," . .' All sizes 11'1 '12 to 17. bing tops. Size small" . 37C =• = 1 4'133 mediqm arld large. , : i II I tJ) • _ - SOrry, jo phone or mail order,S. : I ~ =~ • Liml-t2.S 0 I, n,..,.L phone or mail orders.. • •••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·,...... r..t········.·····~········~··il ., ~. I I ~; , II" , 1- I' 'II I, ~ 'I, I *. / NEBRAS~A. I, THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1946.' I'AGEITHREE I (j ~ meyer of Blair, had morning and While there Miss Hinnerichs visit- home the pa't week tn. see Mrs. I' W, k f'• D 'H Id evening services Sunday and will cd Mrs. Frank James. Anna JuhliD;-JwNe Joann Powers, " a e Ie ePi'ayne'!' era have servicesr'May 19 and 26. The Hcrmal'lo Geewes were Mrs. E. F. S ields. Mr. and Mrs.' I . ,,' 'Choili'Thursday at 8:30. Chris- among those who called in the A. L..Irelart . Mrs. Ida Robinson I ~ ~ISS tian Endeavor at 6:30 Sunday eve- Wm. Brudigam home Wednesday and Je\vell,: r. and ·Mrs. GeorgeJuh~ / I "BY ning. I last week to help Harold celebrate Juhlin of H tingtor1, Harold " i ' I Mission Co\-'cnant Church. hjs 9th birthday. . lin of N,ev.. sUe, Mrs. I Emily EI~ "':1' Y , I' ~ 'Ic~' I' I DeM~rs, I I~a. 1.1.· Bla~ (R~E '1 G t f ~a:-\.. t) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brudlgam son of Sml~ Center, :Kan., Mrs, J':, :F ",;' R °d .• t d' ;. SOl,erVlce~,' dwin ~ahndMrs, Fry and John~er Hanson and Mrs. Lydia U~lltyr:'1 us a son, orth~ 'Clnd children and Mr and Sun~Mrs RohC'rt Smit Mrs.~C. Albin Carlson "I,"""r..,0'r,mer e'S. ent 0'ere Y ~ ,n '" "~ M, rs. Maude °ISIOUX City.. attended grand chapter of OES Co :outh serv..lcc Thurs~at John G£>ewc were last' week and Rev. T. '. Schuldt. /1 ,. 1 " I __, m Omaha Tuesday Wednesday Presbytenan church thiS d· , 'fl d "11 1' ' ,~?~t., --- I '.' d Th~~~Y'war'e ' d y at 7:30. ,il} d crnoonGe~we's.an supper guests •rh-- ", P , s ° Te 'a's ~- Social M ' I7 or I I Davil Hold Proln lion' anMrs. ]eft for Grand fSenior young people wdl meet al IaJ Herman . Ret, rns Home. , \V~' m~~i J <). 'i, .asse In x will ...ay, ay , , • ,- 1 E. b' R'ct M' h Th d t tt d 8 15. Hostesses in charge arc Mrs. Mr...and Mrs. Wal.ter nress]f>r, V"e,tor IIaasc, 'who had under-/ IJj . I ~ , with r\/rC, L. ard. .:' I. • 1 ! xerclS S Here a a~~t~~naIlc~isSio~~~/~e~tfnge~f Marvin Felt, Mrs. Milton Gustaf- sr., vI~~te? at Roy Plcrson's Sun~ gone an opcr~tion in a Sioux CItY"" j: th~a Kul.is:::~h~~t;;~~~~ ~er~~ ,T~re ~on, ~.y l~g l~"t ,~r. a~d ;.JI)O~t ',I';, ,. ''Funeral Services Are Held :Wh Lo.-.g _all Carrl''', . I the Presbyterian Church. She wiH Mrs:.. Arthur Felt and Mrs. .e Sehn.. week. ho:--pltal, a week ago, re- , HI 'p e at ~dr 'kefield F'I f E· h 1 G· be gone ten days 'Reynold Anderson. Parents are rs. ,1r ~y prague \l~lt('d at home \\-cdndday last week. I r ~ ' " Por John Olson Sunday Joe g, en. ass, 1 .1'" a ass 0 ,Ig tY".,ne Iven M d M ·.w Kl' d given a special invitation to attend PIerson s Wednesday evening last :__ I Ai' Chapel Here SodaJ. Hom, e~lne5day. Dip'omas at Plrogram son ~f ~"attle r~~eek~\~eree:1oHt~~ the program. week., • I Birthday Dinnl'-'_r. D~Vis" ,g~d H T.ho~lies w~o b~rthdaJ.' . Bri riub. . C. Len ~assc 65 years aIhetlcf Kai entertained a nt d mp]";ca~ions which set WakefIeld audItOrium WIth Supt. Saturday to attend funeral rites Mrs. Holm~Glad will SlOg. Joe Corbit. s, ::\Ir<;. ;'>jnnal S[la~lr, SClndra ~ j after bemg III huhng healt~ Cor groUI of neighbors and friends on ~en~.S~I~edc n ~i~", d ath. ,'te~'lC Hayne, of l?akota" c.oun1 t. for their nephew, Ralph Wen- Confl,rmatlon class n1l'ds Sutur~ 'I Mr. and :\1rs. GJlmore,?ahs ts. cha ,gP Ja, C'S K on17: accom- ~ M 'I' P"~' A d JI~lm1e and Paul, returned Friday scr\.lces. ~ ;';(In \V('t"(, 1;1"'1 w('('k art('J"~ I Elmer Flc0"lwood. AnC'rican Legion Auxiliary hlld paniC,_d'hY 1\.. ISS We a Gr'eC'n, sang ~o.n", y,aJd('~ d cn~q~n,. ,r yce e\('nmg- to ImpenClI, Nebr.,.afler noon anrlllln('hr'on af Ru~ John Olson, son of 01a Olson and a tca Monday at lhe Legion hall. "The Lonl's Pl'~~·(,." Paill)('arelrs U~\(ns an u reY"l e\ens. bplng here for funeral services for P. f . II ('h~irmHn. w('r~ Fr~¢n!' ~'The d ~roees~ I )l 1 :\1()~~L~~-'-~f(- 1 Hannah JOf).son, was born in Sl"ane, Miss Edna Dahlgren was E,'iC ckmn, Byron program incl.udj9 : C. Lpn Davis. Mary Peterson re- Northeast Wayne r ..., hrrC' to ' son.al"DOl'l~ FrednC1 ,~(~'U~';'J~'~'''~JI~'e~I~LI~r;r,~'~~~IC~"~I~ill~,,;n~,~~~~;~~~~~~~ IMar~h, 1881. when th~y n~ade their ho~pital.m Lincoln. Samuelson' upt. R. C. Crawley; PUlllO solo, The L(mus R1ngs mo\'cd from I!.....,... --" Echt('nk,~mp; home in Lyons, Ncb.• NI11€' years I - Charles' t'n'u'd D')\'i" son of ori'ildine "The norlh of town Tuesday last \\,('('k lmar ll,,'(bold visited Sunday I. m:o\"l~d a'nd~M:'rlh4 n\.. later the family to a farm JoB.,' Bidd('1"!'i Meet. Jos','ah 1 '.J,"n·e 'D8V"0, BUIlders," G\vendo]ynIRa!ln; piano. ,".10 th('ir property forrn.erly occu.- ,-- <- r' northwest of \Vak cf·Ield, W here JO~y ~idner~ met Thursriay ('V('- w.\s born 1\ ',re!"08 1R81 'jt S(1~'~ \1~lC,A IJ eflneIIp- and Jolln,S e h ulIz'" p1e,d IJy 1.e hSac k eT'.';on~. '!iv.rs. ErYlI I with \\'ilbur IIeithold. !1 they t'esided Cor a humber' of.years. ning at Mac's cafe with 1'...11''-;. Vl'l'- m~;ur 111 Ele Cjin1'J to \V~lkefield Piano solo, Ruth Cal~~; duct, Ca!l Erlck.'i,)n of Fremont, came Thurs- The Edward Bakl'rs spent Sun- Sin.cE: then' he ha~)i\.ed'in d.l·fferent ner ishcr hostess. Prizes wpnt to . hi· . , t hlf I' t ~nd Duane :Bokcmper; presenta~ dRY l'Vf'nmg to visit at Rmg's for day afternoon last we('k at ,]ohn I i-" parts of the U itedl, States and Mrs, Lo~ McCaw. Mr:". Emil Mill(T WIt 1lS par; n SI1\-<,"[n, 1~ t~s I \\-'0 t~on of diplomas, I-larry \V('ndel; a f('w Bakpr's. I ,.. d in Canada. In 1 34, he moved to anc.1 ~.lq._ Bert SiH'llingtoll. Mrs. ~·.cal·s oId. ~nf ,~a, IC~H e 1er~ piano solo, Clinton C<;irr; hl'nedic- lasl \o\'('ck dinner (lnd Mr. and ::\-Tr<;. ,John Sic\"l'rs vi'i- Ede~urg, Tex., '(',here he had rc- F r H tit F'day Sl.n.c.c,.e,xc.C't,' ".r:!'.evcn )cars ~pen tion, Rev. Wiberg;! rccessional, sUppC'!' guests in the Floyd Park itC._d a1,_ \Vrn. vahlkamI..'.s sund3Y . ,.'Ia,e ·124. I z en cr ams II 'at LlIld a lI~'lrrrngIOn, \\-ash., Tl\oris Fredrickson ar,d .'1"",,. M,"x llensehke J,ome la~t wf'ck. 1':1 sided SlOce. iV y after hi~ g adW~io [T'Om Wakie- -'-t' . ,•., . D('ceased 1eaves' a b 1'0th(lr, f1('ld high s hool m,lH99. H(' was wpn' :\11', and Mrs. Wm. Baldwin The I;aul Lp;;sm<1ns \. l.'iitc(\ Sun~ t ' 1 Swain ,Salon of Ott,lwa, I-{an~, on~ Miss·tnary Sodl"ty. um1C'd in m rnA 'e to Alma Kuek- Gra~. of Council1 Bluffs, Ia.. Mr. and day evening last. week in thf' Juhn "",.',' "O""('~", ~ h."rty: nate sister, '1H rs. SS\van 0 derbC'rg 0 I '1,'H,~.,·,·ona,'"~" J '--- I,f Pres,'b",lr'J :1'- ku of \V1Sll r, A!ugt.·t '2. 1911. To "lr'1\ ,~. Gporgl'_ ,,','el,hoffr> ,~,Er'ne,t E,. Ronnfcldl home. \Vakefield, a numbcr of nephews ian llUt1c!l met ruesday at 2~30 this union 'cn' 'I , or three dauglh- Henschke, Mr. and Mrs. Fnmk The Ben Holme's spent Sunday :>:~ b "d'I, an meccs anda 1lOS Iff'0 ncnds. ,vith Mrs. Ella patterso,n. IVlrs. ter'h '" I 1 At Lo'cal 'School Hen.'ichke and Eldor,- and Mr. and afternohn, last week in the Art , alt r Carlson was flcnltio wi t Mrs. Fred Meine. Weier.sheusf'r hom(', ,--- 1t~adql'. spn~g p ~(',;- I 191H. 1\'11'. Di' vj~ became a Th A I h I" I R4' F Ii Rl'ports of the C' n( rcw Jo nsons w('re Sun- GoO( UIlS a. bytf'ujal mf'ptin.L:" at Vi-I]C'ntmc wr'rf' 1', ural mail (', rrielr a, d scrVC'd, fa.ith- dClY lasl \\'(,C'k dinne!' ;lnr! supper I . Rainfall in \\'akl'f]cld 1<1:-\\ week ,"1\"l'l"j. Roll (',ill was on Bible fuJly for ha\'mg retired Dr. U. E. Bradford of Lincoln CJIJltilES guests at \\'arren Au<;jin'::;_ I :..!1 Y''';r'',

~~rlf::~:!~~71:~~;~i,,;~\~~:~;S,~y ~lOl~ers i)~~i;~1i:~:':;'~:;)'l;~i~~~ii~,; ;'i:.~::I~~~~i;~ IsC;:s?~:x~;~::~sa:~r cdr.;~ ~~~ ~~~;r~~y;':~r~~~nn ~~~~ I,

Li~~I-~--~l~,-,t. Ft;~ls,,;~,rl;l~tli,Il('~~,I~.lhJ~('t \V,.l'~neSlaY, y('ar~, in life Davis united Dr. H. E. Bradford, di!'ector of Eng-. St. ,John's Luth. Church. M~7~:y.~;;~·?;~g li'-Ji:tit~·;rdk. visited I Lions 111l'1 Tu('sd:1Y tu ~~:,ln.W(~~~.s.\\~;\~:c ~:f~;lS~l\I\\~~~ h~ with ('1 urch Chnst, Lat.er ~l~htv~~att~~n~lni~~I~s~~~i~;~~g::~~~ s\;~(~~'y~~~~~tl ;~~'~;~:~~I~~~<; at ~;~~n~l"i~~:Yn(~~~;-eS\;~~~h~I~~rnighti regular business. \"ilOltQr. After regular busi css he and hi"tfamiIV'C(lnw into thc ka, will dclivcr the commencement lO:l~. Sprvicr's at 11. Church Mr. ann l\Irs. Sinv)l1 Lf'ssm

.~:=::::::~::::::::::::::~~~~::::::::::::::::::::~:g:c,::'n:,= ------~ :~:1':'S:.j'r;IC:'r:\\:,o:0t:F':r:":z,:e:r.~M~r_s. . .tl1(']on, rL'.sponsc;Smith, pianoElaineselectIOn;~)ahlgre,n,Clar~ nee FIsher. Charles Van Valm, !Net] Sandalll and Robert I3ichel, 1;C'!"H'('senting the Ink SP(lt,.'i, "Oh, ~'1y Darling C!enwntin0" and "Di- E~ i,~'/:~ v~;~~~~, ~~l<:;l~(~~' ~~~~('~~~~~~'~ CAATiCONT Y S "na Turner, spoke on "It's Your n )l't'''. m"; Hob Biclwl, l;epr('senting larry .Tame,"', played a selectioT"}; I Cap,ac:it,!~Well ~I , ~ITrl WHlte~1 lI.arge perCle' H' Y I t Wri,edl, repn'sf'nling 10/lOcl1('lI, gave "Spollights of thq h"'l1ing"; Clarisl' And('rson. Judy G:-J,rland. sang '\Slar Dust" and'i TIRE PUMP$ . "It's a Grand Night for Singing." The solid base makes it !Junior mothc'rs prepared and serv­ easy to keep this pump ed' lhe dinner, whieh was followed ON" THE GROUND. Gen­ 98~ by a prom. Mr. Wriedt and ),1rs. erous 18 inch hose. AA-460B LW']la Peck arc ,iunior sponsors I anti Mrs. Florencc Van and Supt. Given! Sponge Pok WlfJhIpollsh! I Royal Crawley art' sc'nior sponsors. Master Kare N ·ton~ . Bn,s Tonsil OIH'H'!LUon. SEE US TODAY- Y('rnon V;1o had tonsils removed Mosler Kara clnans an it Wa:xClI and pollnhes! Producell beauti­ B6TH Foil Friday, May 3, in a Wayne hos­ KEEP YOUR CAR: SERVICED AND

ful lustra to your aulo's flnish. 1 pital. He retu1'l1ed home lhe next Gel a large absorbent Spongo day. HELP TO KEEP YOUR CAR SAFE­ Pak ~lIh every can., 59c "'iIl Give AddN:~ss. TILL YOU GET bELIVERY OF District .Judge F. H. Pollock of Save on Ci "Handy Joe" , , S'tanton, ~'ill give the Memorial YOUR NEW CHEVROLET day addrc.l;s here. Portable Air Chev1b'e~ '3' Comp:resssof WAKEFIELD LOCALS Today, when y lu need skilled For cleaning pur- PedbJ ' Thp Hubert Eatons visitC'd Sun­ p''''", p,.,,",O t.cnke, pum,Ping up !1.t day last week at Lloyd Buge]­ service most, it J:yS to come to hrC3 •.• brlngs com~ 1 5 «» any~ Roplace it h 0 .•~, I man's. pressed air worn 4 br 1::0 and C The Fr,ed Lchmans were Moth­ Service Headquarters to have the ~~:ro~f ~~:r~ any -478 " dutch p 1I n~w PI er's day,.:'guests at Henry Echten­ "'Handy Joo" 121/, fl. $198 ,al,r~t ~'464A work done. Add nionths and miles • , 1o, '0\•. Air H~~!=~QVl! Duty. AA-478A k'amp's."· yo~r Tht: _W~lter Carlsons were sup­ to the life of car-and help I J par guests Sunday in tho Carl 10 keep your car s6fe-"hy having Bark home, The Roy Wiggains family had our skilled mech~nics give it a dinner Mothers' day in :,the Mrs. thorough service check-up at regu­ Eyelyn Wiggains home. lar intervals. The~ do top-notch • I ofir~~a~:~S~p~~~ ~~o~V~~~r;~~~ ··a,·!! I work, using quality tools, quality. Perfed Fitfl~g Precision until SundaY at V. Ii. R. Han· c:ramp,Oa Typo I son's. . parts, quality mJterials. See us ,Auto Ho...... ' rs. Will ,zurCher of Sioux C,ity, for repairs or adj stments today ~ ~~;;to~~~r:~·M~~~eJ.~nJ~~a~~ ~ •• members of merica's finest A.fBorg's. ' automotive serVic organi~ation. Mrs. ,G. W. Henton)W~I1',t to Ran­ D. ~:~~R~'57'D/ s s City, Mo., Friday tq be with h r brothe~. George C?fer, and .' , ' i·,,:, f~mily a w~ek. ." * IDr. G. W:Henton and!:Jr. W. L, I MOines' Byers atterded a state dental au Pting. in 'Omaha fro~·· Monday Jewe''ler I ~:.:::::. +_,I.~P~h:o:D:e:,:1~5:2~,"",:~_,;;,_"!,!,, -+_,,:,,,,;,,---"'l"+--"""':~~~~~~7 u Mrs.til Wedm}sdayJ. tH. Montgomthis we k.ry, Mrs;11_4... __ 1'. . \·1 I, / 1 , ,. , '., / 1;HURSDAY, MAY 16. 1946. ••••••m•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••;;;;••••••••••~ •••• •••••~.;~~~~••••••;c.: lted m the J ames ~fletgen home- = I • II I • "'t,.. F"'ldayMr andlIight.'Mrs Orli~ Nelson of •_I "" I • : ~ ~ near Carroll, VIsited with Mr. NeI.. • ' It; STORE HOURS: .. son's mother, Mrs. Mary Nelson, ANNUAt. 'lAY AWAY ! -, ~eek Days I I ~. ,a ~~~~ ;;:n~c~r1::~;i~ and baby of -I ~- W/ Fremont, and Mrs. George Noel-le ~7'; 8:30 to 5:30 of Carroll, visited)n the J. L. and J' .. / V"' ,', . /t, c.t/ Maggie Davis home ,Tuesday. Saturdays 7 ~r. _lfnd Mrs~ Lcs~er Bodenstedt ~ an~ldren and ,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marsh werl/! Sunday din~ 8 :30 to 10:00 frQOP '5 plans '8 court of awards ner guests in the v.: G. McFadden NKET SALE for its members and their mothers hoine. ' and friends Thursday at 4:10 in Mr. and Mrs. Roley Isom at~ the .willow bowl if the weather t.ended [I' card party in honor of is good or in the college high uudi- Mrs. 150m's [at.her, Joseph Sill1a~ .. tOI,'iwn if-the weather doesn't per- cek, sr., on his 77th birthday in a Every Blanket 100% Virgin Wool mit an outdoor meeting. hall near Pierce. S (Tw h Mr. and Mr!>. Mark Benshoof hig}~O~~flO~l.tr:rwe~n~s~ta~t ,~n~ nnd Wpbul" of ~ Win!>i.df',. an.d' Mr. m welcomed a new troop leader, Mrs. and Ml~. 1vo F 1'('d(':'Jd~s 01 Ran- m Hoy Coryell. The [lew plan ot' pa- ~lolph, wt>)'c Molher s day guests ~ troIs has proved successfuL One m t.he Mrs. Anna Carlson home. I!J group cleared $13. This patrol hadj Mr., and MI'1O: H. S. ~~an~lI;erg of ~ u ~ic..nic. at. th~ cabin .1....l'idUy., With.. Scol tsbluif,. came ,.8atu,l.ddY to ea-eh giFl bringing a prospective spend u~tll Monday '~Jth M~. FA IBO scout as guest Karol Lou Kay and Landberg s mother, MIS. Emma 'Rosalyn Ellis ~re first class scouts 'Land~erg) ttnd brothers, Swan and in charge with "l,VIrs. H. D. Addison CharlIe Landberg. . A Standard of Qualit others are compared by as sponsor. Mary Einung, Nellie . Rob~rt Burnham of Wayne, VIS­ :Burnham a':ld aobbie E~lffi earned lted frIends here a week ago Mo.~...... the leather badge. The Shed House day. Mr. Burnham had been dlS­ .. Annies led by Jacqueline Andersen charged recently from 1he navy •.. and Ja~is Derry, cleared $16. Mrs. after serv.ing 27 ?'l0nths, nearly Iceland -72x84 Bradley- 72x84 .. Coryell is new sponsor. A neW 110b- two years m Hawau. These luxurious Iceland blankets are made with •.. by'!'is contacting celebrities to se- Mr. and Mrs. Ott Peters, Mr. Thi" i" olle of the mo"t popular blanket, that the .. . cure autographs and photographs. a~d Mrs. Eh!1er Johannsen and the finest wool in a ,oft brushed finish. The Faribo Mills make. You will like the heautiful .. Pine Tree Pixies, led by Chere Rlchar~ of Fost{'r,. Mr. a~d Mrs. .. ~tripl's co!()t':-i of blue, green, cedar and rust. Of course Boudersheldt, is sponsored by Mrs. Paul Schrad of SIOUX CIty, Mr. background is 'i-vhite with four border • l'\'(~ry .. Leonard. Strong. This, patrol is and Mrs. Paul Oust and Lloyd of of blue, J1reen, red and gold. Beautifully fin­ blanket j:-; pure ,vool and Bradley weighs .. working on the cooking and dra- n?rth of Randolph" were Sunday 51 ~ pounds. You will enjo.y thp extra warmth .. matics badges. The girls plan to dmner guests III the Lyle Peters ished botder with all edges whip-stitched. "~ and \\,('al' for many, many yean; t:' 95 .. earn r,noney by 'Caring for children home. ] 00 (;, vil1gin wonl, $1 .. an.d ~elPing with household taskf'l. ;t!'tC'r ~'(J\j flu.v a Fariho Bradley. tJ- The roop held u MotHers' day tea weighR 4 V•. pOll.ntIs. fast Sunday at the Leland Ellis hOlne-. Brownie scout troop III met Northwood - 72x90 May 6 when girls worked a cross­ Rancho - '72x90 word, puzzle. They planned a pic­ Ftlriho proudly presents their famous ::\orth­ nic to be,held at the scout cabin. hlankt~t I, wt,jghs Bird charts were made in prcpara~ Thi.", 100"; \'irgin \vool blanket has the extra, \\'(!od of J no virgin wool and tion fo~ a bird l1ike. Eight girls C'. E. Ross of Laur01, district long fibre eonstl-ruction for longer \vear. XoLiee !) })()uJl{h. You will like the extra long 72xno will fly up to the girl sco,uts in a commander, visited Wayne Lf'gion ~izl' and t hf' CO';JfS of 'l>l'ue, yello\v, gr€l'n, cedar cel'('mony to' be .held in the willow Lhf~ hig N,iz(' of 72x90 a.nd wpighs fiv(' J)()unt!s. post at r('gulai meeting this Wt'd~ and l'O;':p \vill add luxury and comfoli to yrltlf bowl Thursday, May 16. Girls are nesday, May If). ' The8P blanketH icurnc with a white ]jackgrollnd Joyce Ingram, Mary Jo Lindahl, wardrobe thi~ winter. He sure you sec this V-I<: day dante sponsorf'd by the sthpe~ Shirl~y Kingsto~, 'Ruth Mae post last Wet~(,sdaY drew a large and assoi·ted of blue, {'xtra value while \r€ have Beeks, Dawn Bt:Mkley. Jeanette crowd. The po t has not yet. figur- ted,' green or gold. McPherran. Gale Thielman and E'd how much as cleared. • :"Uwk Oll hand. -- Sale Starts Thursclay -_ N aney McGinn. • l,urson's Ki(~k-,oft Breakfast. • Employees of Larson'~ depart~ • ment store' wiII meet at th(' Hotel • PLUS R GULAR SHOLES Morrison Thursl}ay for a "kick-off •III by breakfast" of Ull' annual lay-away "III SMALL PAYMENTS Mrs. Martin Madsen wool blanket sale. At- this meeting • ~ Ithere will' be complet(' details and !. • • Iplans of this sale explained to the • Lester and· Oliver Hinkle were entire sales force. Special prizes • I' Wayne business visitors Thursday. are being offered to the sales peo~ • Mrs. Orpha Mat'Un of Chicago, pie for 1his event and it is tlxpect­ •

  • Caauw(' who sak, jr., were Friday visitors in the teaches in ColC'ridge, was ho1'ffe 500 Yards Fast ColoI' Joe Hinkle home. for the week-end. l(JO Pail'S Men'::; Broadcloth Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peters 'visited Mrs. Harry Fisher spent the in the H~rry Nelson home near weekend in the Don Cunningham Carroll, a week ago Sunday. home at SiouX; City. I:!I Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madsen Rev. Walter Brack(lnsick was in II Prints and spent ,~unday afternoon in the Oma~a last Thursday. attending a = Everett Robins home in Harting- distnet pubJicily mCf'tmg. " ton. Mr. and Mr." .•rim McE3chrn of = Mr. Mrs. Louie Rohde, Buzz Lincoln, were Friday, night guests • Pajamas and and Bud were Sunday dinner of thE' form('t"!-\ mo~h('r, .Mrs. A. : Seersucker ~~:~ in the Lloyd McFadden ~~;a~~l~'~;t~nroute 1? lhOlt ranch: Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Kuhl and Mr. and Mrs. Gf'o. Bern's, jr., : r ~;~~I~re~r~pe~~h~~n~~1h~frt,er~~~ ~;;.r~I~~~~~i~;· ~~~d~~f'~Uc~~~yvr~~ a •.. An~~. ~~~lMrS~' Wm. Broer and \ ~e:ee:<;s~~~jl~:omer, and 1he Claire : yd "g $2.98 .. • J6st 500' yards H guaranteed fast col· • •a ored printed percale and a"orted • a vVe've been waiting- for a long time for this • a ·lstYles of seersucker will be offered a for sellimg Friday morning. We sug- shipment of fast colorl'd hrnadcl(Jth men's • 'lgest earl.IY shopping as stocks arc.litn­ . pajamas. We have tht' complt'te l'

    Comfortable Long Sleeve • • I • I~ •g • ~ MEN'S' SL CKS Men's Sport Shirts • I: • ~ • Blues, Tans, Maize ·, Aren't yOU ig'lad you waited Now we have a complete i showing of: men's Rinck;.; fro one of Ame-rica':q leading ~ pant manufacturer!'!. Colon~ of brown, hlue, tan, gray, ai checks. You will find that any of these trouserg have to :1 from 60 j1, to 100 ~,1'J \vool c mtenL Others are suitable :i for cool Hummer wear and aue of rayon and some of II 20 ')(' to 30 ~:i, wool. Sizes 28 t 42. .':1 You can beat the ~hirt shortage l5y buring one of these sport shirts;. Come with long sleeves and convertible ;1 collars. A big range of color~ of blue, tan, brown, iJ!1 maize, etc. Sizes, small, medium, large and extra large. ..III $4.95 $8.95 I t>t.,ote<:.,Ii,'0,.n is a&Vital. to carmotors as it is t? huma~'ttyeg.; Bud!l'et Btsement Budget Basement AmlD6 one~c:oUld'wantbetter, or more-ihoroug ;Jro-' • .tettlblI than Fortified Tagolene Motor Oil give, It ASK '.US j.;OR FREE ESTIMATE ON STEEL OR ALUMINUM VENETIAN ~L1NDS standlHJPlIft\ier everyservice condition you can thi~k of. IJet us d'tam yoUf'.ttallkcase and fill it with Fo~tifi~ Boy's Knit Shorts !..ili?!!l!~M~tor IStnfQriJe~1 Oil today. Wark Shirt; ~'.ll'a·.,! Another shipment.of these, hard toq~1UI.get we arel, ab e to offe", good qua)- boy's briefs arrived today. Fin.e ~I jt!S- s nforized chambray. wbrk shirts. ity cotton yarn WIth full elashc \\leb- langemeier CO. h~/I llizes 141j~ to '17. bing tops. SIze small, 37C I I I $133 medium and large. ~ SorrY~J;to _: ,I I l' . orde~s.I ~ phone or mail orders. :' 1 Limf~I, 2. sorrYjno phone or mall i . • "' 11. ~~j~;14~,,,,lJ!T····:I I I, n...n······"'"";····J ..t··,r··-·-r·_····;I • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, I "·· .. L,JJ~I ~~""111'!::!1 'I ~ , , e I;IE~~ HERALD, \VAYNE, NEBRA,S THUItSDAY,MAY 18, 1948. PAGE TIm 't" .111 ,bb,,===="~=:-===="I=""'=~~=t~F==F;'::::""':;:.;;;~_~=t;.l ';;'::;;;:~~;"':;';;\~~~:p' =="",,=,*,"====:~= ..r='==~==~~;::,p"

    ", :'~I":W::,:1 meyer 01 Blair, liad'~." morning' and While there Miss Hinneriohs visil" home the past week 10 ;ee Mrs. a-.' f -Ie ! evening#:rviccs llmday and wlll ed Mrs. Frank James. IAnna Juhlin w re Joann Powers, k-'e'. I-d--', H 'Id haw~ I' sen'lees May 19 and 26. The Herman Geewcs \vere Mrs. E.' F. Shi Ids, Mr. and Mrs. . Choir Th, urSday", h 8:30. Chris- nm,oog those who called, in the IA. L. Ireland, rs," Ida Robinson era Han Endeavor at 6~30 Sunday eve· Wm. Brudigam home Wednesday and Jewell. jMr and Mrs. George '-f-*---'--~------'-:---o----+-;--~-7-,--:-t----T-;------,----+--;---tI-~------ning, ! IR.st week to help Harold celebrate Juhllin of Harti gton, Hanold Juh- "~ M' I Co,ve~an- t Ch,u~.h hIS 9th birthday, lin of New('ast e. Mrs. Emily El- I I' ll I I ISS on, Mr. find Mr;;.' Frank Brudigam son of Smith enter. Kan.• Mrs. ~ ",I" I' I· • Edwin DeMers, Ml'Sj Ira, Fry and!John anson and Mrs. Lydia Bla- ;. Henry P"tz of I observed ;\1HY,1 4 when dmner Su day'" at 2:-30 at H~'pse funeral Bridge club met Wedne.;day ~Ith Promotion exercises for Dixon in thi!,Olto Sahs home, speak Fnday eve-tllng at 8. Rcv, Lusk, \\ yo.. Mrs. HO,mer ScacC' and I guests af her Hom(' were .Mr. and ho Ol<.'on, agc'd -,'1 "ears Mrs. Byron Busby at Mal'S cafe, his home in:~ake ield aftcr surfcr~' '81 18' d' " M d M eKe " el~JOhn ~ ~s pas~L'd oJ ~~~~'i ~~rfC'~il' h ~OfI:t'k Ma~' 4hear~1 H ha~1i county s rura ttl gra ers were MrS. Herbert Johnson and Mr!O. Holm-Glad represents,~f the Co\'('- Thursda~:~• r. an .. , . .orbit were: i\Trs. H. \V, P('tfrspn. LoUIS Peler- an oq: day, who away in IFor Blrthdsy. - m held' Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at Leon.,flttd, Olson went to Omaha nant B,lble sc,hool that c,ountry. cnl,ng " upper gues.is at 'I, sen and Mrs, :i\ iirie Kelson, of PlI- a ospital in !lOU. s'~on, T('x., May 8, Mrs, Detlcf Kai -entC'rt,ained, J" h' hi Wakefield aUditoriu~ with Supt. Saturday to attend funeral rites Mrs, Holm-Glad will slOg. JO(' Corbit s. .\Irs. An a Spahr. Sandra ~. ~f ,er I\JOg m. fading health for group of neighbor~ and friends I on ~e~~S~,~~dcim~i..~ ~~lf7th~ W Ie I se Merle Hayne of D~kota c.ounty, for tl/1eir nephew, Ralph Wen- ConfirmatIOn c1as.." mCl't." Satur- Mr, and :\11'." Gllmorc Sahs find' and the \ '. C. Pl'lcr:-;cn fam- ,SO, e t~f" He IS a broth€',r ()f Mrs, her birthday Monday last week. Sen'lccs '4'cre lbeld Ftiday lat 2 giving the address: on "Clrcum- strand~ 35, who passed away day at 2 p. m: of ('arn)l!, vi<:il('rl Fri- I .:.. llT:,w>n !:l"1 \\['{'k • ~rica Bu~hy, A~ ~~~i,J3,~~'· ~~;a;;~~b::rgr~i:~ei c~~~~: ~~1:. A With his parents i.n help buy a pi,ana for tlw \'etcrans' Albert: dC'rsan ahd AI. r· a ('i.('nus Rings mOH'd from (By Staff Correspondent) CUI'sL..; Jtl t hp Ibrry )Jc;'Till;:;,r. r , arch, 19S1, wfwn they marlO th('lr hospital in LIl1('oln. SamuC'lson. 'I ,======;;;;;;==:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==, ;h me im LYo,:,,~.' I\'cb..!',nnp y('ar~ 1 Ch IL n' \ D YIS ';'0t! of Geraldine :EchlC'nkamp; "The norlh of town Tue.sday ·last wf'('k i, , ; I later the famlly mo\'('cl to a farm JolI~' BiddN'S M~t't. .10iSja~r :~dl c.~~~t a' (:Ja~'c "~J'hs, ,~~~~~c~~'~'n:!~:n:~l(~c~~h~~~~f::~intu 11 pir property formerly oecu- ,p;l~,arj- H('i}tt~l~ ~·\e;Jted Sunday HOM ETO'W N 'N EWS ,I nt rythr\~~~dtO(lorOl.r'~~~~e('l~;Of ~:'~:~:,,,~," Jolly Bidd~'l's met Thul'."rlay e\'('- wa~ born MarCh ,1RSl, at Se}Ji piano solo. ~uth Cat\r; dud. Carl ~i~'l~~:~~ho~' ~!~~.~'~~~~~a~~';'~~~~ wl~he ~d~:rd ~~~:'~~ sp('nt Sun.! e-,~ h£ Jling ~t 1,lbC," Ciil~' \-\'11:11 MI'S, ,V(,l',- mou!'I,' Ill. IIC'. carf',' to Wi:lIU::fi(,l~,' B k d d f II J h ~,~~~ t~rnl~~ 'l0~!:~~d ~~~IJ;er~'1~ ~f;/l~)~or ho,te'\I,I;r';~~~,~~~,tll"'~ ~:~;I;/"~,sa~~~~s I~ ~rn he I:~~~ ;:~~o~ro~,r:~'I~inat~;]:;;P~;~~~~'~a~~~,~~yt:o,,';:~ a~i~~::S::: B:~~'~::~~~I~S ~;:'h~C:i:\':~S ~iSn, iry ,Canada, In ":1934. he mmw! 0 a,nd Mrs. B,l,rt, ,., ,.M."., ~l,'n('{>" (,)(.C('I)1 tdI', S.' H~f1 year:-; S"I,lon~ , TC' t F i Ed~ eGburg, T ex.,'where he. }ra d .- F.rJ(' H ltz cn c.rtdll1S tlda:" at Lind and Haltrmglun, \\,ash, Do",',tion, "rc'd",'ckson.Rev. V':ibcrg; re('esl.-iional. suprwr'"Iguest>; in the Floydk hi'Park ited at k\\'m. \'ahlkarnp's Sunday siCle since. May 24. af1('r, hie; grad~attilJn [rom Wakc • r • and lNlrs. Max l cnsch e ome as Wf'(' " 'D!eceased lell\'es a ~)rothf'r. " ...- flcld thigh $choOI J lH99. Hf' wa I wen' JUr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Baldwirt The Paul Lessmans visited Sun- Siwain Salon of , Kan., on(' MISSlo~aty So(,If'~Y., . unitf'd in marrlag to Almil !~uck- Th· I G "d! of Counc-ill Bluffs. la" Mr. and day cvcning last wcok in the' John sister, Mrs, Swan Sodt'rberg of . Mi:'iSI~~ilry S(~(,I('ty ~L~ ~t"t'~h~'~:'l",; Ikl./. of. \\'i~n('r, i:.;\u, u~t :!, 1911. T? Irly, rei oalle 1\11':-;. GE"org(' Eickhoff. Ernest F:. Ronnfe]dt hom('. .. Wa~,·.f~' 'ld, a number o.r 1CPhew:-; ian chulc!l m{ t TUbdi-l) at -". this union 'wcrl!-'bc rn thr('(' daugl1- II Hpnscnkc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank The Be'1.IIo!m0s spent Sunday J f d 'th MElla PaltE"rson Mr<.; J Li Heoscbke and Eldo'r, and Mr. and afternoon J~::;t \H>ek in the Art . and' ni ces and a 110st 0 r en s, ~~!alt£'r r~arL"on wa", 'dc\:otion;~i Iere;. ALt ocaISCnOOI Mr.,-, Fred Mi'ine, \\'('iershpus('r hom!" Good Rains Fall, leadl'l', Reports of the' ,.c;pnng f'rc,,- ' In ']91S, l\11~, C\\'j,c; "a The' Andre'w Jnhnsons were .sun-

    to~f,~~i'll\~nin~I~~C]'('id anclI2::~E,'::;;:~;';ti~~t~'~:<,n::,7' ;;~,';~ ;;~:'~,~:,'~~';;:~':~~j;~~\:~:,~~,~~~i';2 Dr'I~;;·~::d;':;:r::~~:~oln rJlTTR(]:IJ;~ ~~f;:::~}~~;;e~:~~~lE:~n'~~:i:r• .19 (;( an inch fell , I' Class Next Tuesday., cd in the CharJr>s Piers'ln homC' .94 of an inch Fl'iday. I"nr Park Hill C1uh. llu,C;lne.;,s illl \Y;~kl'!i('jd fur Monday ('\'('ning last w(,f'k. ; Park 1!lIl cluh owt Dr. H. E. Bradford, director 01 ~t. ,Jllhn's Luth. Chutrh. 11iss ,\'i\-i8n Heithnld Yisit('d I Lion' m('I,"i~;~p~~e,';L ", conduct ~:~,ln "'~~< "i'r~c ~1(:~~5~~\'"US a ~;)~nl,~~a,'~~n~IOI~~~,~~~i(~; P:~~~~~,\ ~~~';';i~;~~\~;;, at ~;~~n;~~~'D~~':;CS'~~~~h~'I~~rnighlI regular businl':-;s. \ISltOL After f('gular hUSlhL'!'S ka, will dc]i\'('r 1he commencemenl at 11. Chwi'ch Mr. ann "\ir,". Simon LC'ssman !Ow['lin2;, 1<:1, c\it'S di,d R('(l ('1'0<:. .... Sf'\\ nl('ml)('r~hlp o[ til(' address for 30 W(~k('fl('ld high Saturday at 1:30 p. m. wpr'e SundCl\-' afHTnofln );1:;1 wcck L'uncheon was sl'r\'fd (hUlrh of \\'sts at E~nC',q Rrarnmrr's. lJah!grf'n WIll cntl'rtcun 1)(([ 1<.;('(1 If'dl\(hhl<.; \\lflf' h\10 :May:n" IllS address IS ('n- Rev, Rnn ~1r.c;, Paul ::'\el."nn ,Ind f1c~day. June 1:2. ddughtr 1<'; MIS I dg('nc Palm('t- "The Magic Touch." Re\ fami]\' of ('oncord, yj"itr'ct \\'('dnes- - --I ton of SIOUX CJt\ and Mrs Frarl- Roh('rt Kruse' of Endj~h 51. .John'.' day ~\'('ning la,<:t w(,l'k at \'lrgil ue; p{ If'lson of l~nrJlrJdl On(151" LUlhcTan church af \Vakeficld, \\'11 1 KardC'll's !t t 1\11"'- ]\1:- lIlt Ilpd\ J<; of J\uhurtl speak for ('.'(('r('IO-('~ Mrs. Ida Rohinshn C1nrl .1r'\\'('11 thtl(' grandrthJldll n Jarn('~ Sunday, l'vlay HL suhrct 1> m, Di\'Jn{' \HJrship at 11. 'and the Harry Bll'ckn('rs visit('rl ,Inc! 1\1an Ip( t( rson manly "ThE' 1'li,:2;lwst Va!uC', The' WomC'n's MissionHry society at S, J. Hale's SUlluilY aftC'rnoon nf'phh':S 8ncl nie~'s and a ho."-l (11 Sturlt'nts in the gradualinlg class will meet on Thursday, May ~3. last week frJPnck A d<-lugh~{'r. Mrs arC' Wilma Albrl'kt$on, Eunicl' Mr. and Mrs. H!erman SIE'ube, rie Holt. flrE'("erl('~ him in Bjorklund. B('Hy C6nne.:r. ~1axinc Pl'f'-ShytRtian ('huteh. sr.. were Sundav la~t wcek dinner V('I.~a F.or,,-~ J I'll meet you at the MEYER OIL CO. , .. I'm pase;in" 3'1\'<:IY In UFtohcr,~1' fi\'(' years Ea,ton, FndrJ('k~on.E,k,man,' lIelctJ (Rc\. Cha.s. RabC'ITberg, paslor) guests in the Alberit Steube home . 0 deliverin~ I h('rg, DoriS !Lf'R,o:-,- Su'day 'iC't100! at 10. Morning at Concord, going to have them start fuel oil to TIK1S(' from ou1 of-lo\\'n who at- Gj(':-;('. Leola Grimm. Jpyce Gustaf- WOTS Ip at 11. \\'cstminster Fcl- Miss Ruby Hinnetichs and Leroy fun('ri-l~ Mr~. my farm' ... they're dependable. !('ndud the, rill'S w('r(' son. Monty GuslafsoQ. :Helcn HO,lm, JIJV,'Sl"P:d G. Meyer were last 11\o\'(>C'k Tuesday Anna D<--]\ JS and Mr'. and Mn;;, .r~rr:es Hyp~e: Adc1ln. Johns~n, : Co mundy youth sC'rvice this callers in the Dearl 1\1eyer home the original ::-J' ~ Howard B()eck('n~aul'r of Wmsid~. Ne\B J~rg('nson, IRkhantl. K<-Il, 1'hur'_day at 7:30 at Presbyterian in Emerson, aI,n.d,nM[r,.~,.,.J.L_O~lllnndS;lel[.,'ranodf lind unsurpassed 2-4D '~'I. ~\ ',Morn', Mllal,:,-. Donald Karlbe'rg. JC'lrroJd I{lmbcll, churl' . Mrs. Anna Meye!r and children <:l,' 1> ri,., GI('~n L\~ndahl, ROnnlC Mc('nght. Wh' t-SO-F\Tr society meets this of Wakefield, '\'i~i1:ed SundRy af- Harry Schulz of ,'\:ayO(', I{C\'. and DaVid N('lson., Lyle PElrk, Tf'd Thur d'w 'lf1(:rnoon at the church. ternoon last w('ek in the Otto WEED KILLER _ "~-, ~ , Mrs. F. 1.. P('I('r~()n o! Arapaho(', Sandahl. Phvllis Schlml's. Joyce I ,'~ . Hinncrichs home. IErwJn Schulz of Sed,-,;('wlCk. C{)l~l.. SheJlJnglon. LCl' ~1;luff['r, ,ir,., Dor· ('I . 'ti - ChuN,'h. OUo Hinnerichs rand 1\-liss Ruby FOR CROP AND PASTURE WEEDS. At last you can kill I \1r.". Ft'ank Mr. and Mrs. 1nlhy Sundell. ,Jame; Van Valin and 'I IriS an Hinnf'richs returned Friday last y bindweed out of a field of ripeni'ng corn without killing the corn, or Elolr'r 1\11', and Mr."".' Eal'l ,I;l,n'ict' \\'cnrklJ. i SUllrla . ~('h()ol Rnd Blhle' C'las~('s wel'k from Excelsior Springs, Mo" I mustard out of wheat without killing the wheat., Sprayed on pasture. Mr. ;-lOd Mrs, Pe\('r HaO,'l, v.-'akr[I.('ld h.iglJ scihool jUniOr,' 1 Ht ~ ~)rr;,~,U~,](,J,n, ,~, n~\ ~~~~~~~ wh1(e,,:re~ll1he~;':..' ~h."adiJ...!t."a:kl<'e"n,-~trrEP'Cla,"m~pl'.ntt;;'~. I~~~_~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~...... ~ "pn Rudy K,ll of honof('o e;('nmrs ;-lnd [;'I('u[ty mC'm- ~(1!"?a.,Ip '~ __ . __ .~\._ ....:...~..---.::..~_ .. ± .... ;~:~~~: klr: ~~;tarh~s~~ ~:f~eu~o~~e~il:~~~N~.k~l~~~~~ :r;:;: ~;;!Jl: honeysuckle, burdock, bitter weed, borse tail, poison ivy, and \VISnf'r, Mr!'. bel'S and hu;',lJands and Wj\'[':-, Fl'l-I--ll------::\1rs 1\111\('[',1\11'. flmd Iday ['\'pnmg In Ow schoo! audllur- i many others. ~\l!'. One gallon 'of Weedone costs $10 and makes enough spray for 1\'L-ll'''hal!

    ~I:;~\'e;!,()~\.!','. Dale 1\lt'"" p~~~::, I Boh l\~;~.~'~n():,{~;~~! Griess Rexall Store Glen Stt'pllenson, Mrs. Ha- GrC'(':r' Car· I ~"""I _ _ "'..."'__"'___"' _"'_ _~.~..:...~~~~_~;~"oodI FraZier. Mr.'- I

    ;;OAST=TO=CoAST i.,OW.PRICIED CAR NEErDS , large Capacity-Well Made, Heavy

    TIRE PUMPS, The solid bose makes it' 98 ~~y T;~E kG~bu~~. p~:: c erous 18 inch hose. AA.460D

    Given! Sponge Pak With Polish!

    MasterKare N!u-t9ne ,SEE US TODAY- Master Kare claans ag it WCl:Xe8 and polishes! Produces beauli. ~OTH FOR lul lustra 10 your aula's flni£h, KEEP YOUR CAR SERVICED AND Gel n large absorbent Spongel :Pw-, with ever], can. HELP TO KEEP YOllR CAR SAFE­ ,59c TILL YOU GET qELIVERY OF Save on a "Handy Joe" Portable Air YOUR NEW CHEVROLET Chevrolet '37 to '42 CompresssoA' WAKEFIELD LOCALS Today, when yO~ need skillea For cleaning pUl'_ Peda.l Pads f~\e5~' ~~~~~ u~; ~4' dtl~hfa~~u~~~~tkE(~~nsL~'~~~~('~f~~e~~ service most" it PdYS to come to ilreg , . , bn,ngs com­ so Iho~a24 pressed air o:ny· Replace i Headquarf~rs ~~~r~l i!o~:r~ worn brako and C man's,Th(' Fre(l Lehmans werr Moth- Service to'have the any .478 clutch padg now I ~ ·'Handy.·-Joo" 12,/, It. $198 for sa!elY'1i sake. er's day·gub 'Mrs. if. H, MOr~gOlnery, Mrs, 1..4-...;.:::==;..--1t-.I....;;.;:::;,:..;;:,;:..-:-':'""--~-----!"'"-"":'----~:iI---t-t4F*~"":" " , ! -' ~ • I~ .. , , , "I "!>',.. '~:I '0. ':"_-~a'_".~PRr'·· ·~,~f.!H.\~~.(\:"e~HURr' .1:4~6·LO·CA·L- . '1",1-'- D-e':'-'pa--li-Jt en...._-':W'·,'. I ,a'.,'yn' soa:.Y, MAY l6, ~. .NEW-S------in Baltimore and Philadelphia on erbs, they cle, n,e bowel" cle'ar..,/. r-o- M" M" sight-seeing trlps. Mrs. Hook re· sa,s fr,om sl?ma h, act en sluggIsh ISS mnie Will of Sioux City, ports that brown~outs were in ef- ther and kldnC'ys. MIserable peo. C was here 'for the week-end. fect in the east on ~ccount of the ~lc ,';oon feci dif _r~nl ali over. So· L 1d I L jY DO l;fYB~~.G 42frW~yn~~N~;:;'~h, dentIst phone coal shortage, and Chicago stores IlIon t go on suf ermg! G0t ERB- ~ :f~~~::n~ l1e~~rti Ji~~~e." Ald~~ . t RROlL • • Mr and Mrs Ben Meyer we:: only from 2 to 6 In the all drug ~ ~ ~nd y Hold ·Graduat.·on Robert Jones, Mr. Mrs wen II H Honey, SalarY 1000~5 last ;Vcdnesda vlsitors at Harry . . .OClfIJ.,~.Y I The eve r:, Sup- SalUiday for 1 ;.{('pl"lOr Spnngs, Iballoon after every meal lIe would Safelyl QulcJllYl Ea Uyl ,d~y. ~nd 1 ~Jo(, C 011'· cancelIe,d. Mrs. Earl Fitch ento1'- Griffi~hk Mrs. ,Haase s brolhpr, pll('s and lamps 1860 Mo. wher(' th"y drc spendIng Hlls bloat full o[ gas and SPIt up ,tcldu- Itbout d.II.ngerous en mlcals .arr ~fneSdaylugh school gradu.ated 13 tains this Thursday. The rank a}~iller'I:; d C Zach spent the day \\ U W 2~:~g,;,~,et h 2.8~,v.eC'k ous hqUld!iIc,nbly~~ns~I~~edtch~:;;,n;nf h flo weak"eoillil tre t :~:~ SeOiOrS evenmg at Happy Workers meet thi, Fri. pqrrin called on D Il folks'al Humphrey.~I' II mc J<:leell"c Co, Mrs.w(~f'kE. C. Dute of Lmcoln, spenl IVas hundr~?s l~ .':::;;'"OW ""''''....''' f\Xe.rClscS d 111 the iludltoflum. day with Mrs. Howard Morris week ' :' The T. Roberts and 0 vcr Socony Vacuum Oil ,(!:o., OJ! tlS! and parl of this wC'r·k lISI one, of the bRB~HELPthiS V1Cln- . $24 Ruth,: Owcns, ' valedictorian, reccdv- Mrs. Albert Jenkins assists. . Th" E J ilil h d Koles famll es were- Sunday di n.<'r and ctistilhle .. 1 305.74 hprf' WIth her sister Mrs Elmr'r It. ""ho now pralsc .. I ed the .Nf}brask~ .State TeachYr:s Mr.rry Makers postponed thf'ir, day ~id~el'" i~n(>~1~.a \~ daMSu~- gue.sts in. ~hc ,Cha'$;. Kol,"..': h m.~. Fnjl'banj~s Morf',c ··C·~·.-,···S·UIJ·~ M£'yrr. , ,.. r,::. USI·,t.:Jte'\;h~.ne 'll"cUStoaomkaztehdl'o. amI ctdhl'"' College schol!l:rshlP, the Chilli- meetmg planned last. .F'riday with Ihomt.. I ~ I ,Y orrIs 01 K tO~'~e W., v.lthout gao; or bloalmg, and bow- IG . . Omaha. scholarship. Her average _~ Mrs. tOld Hodner at Stanton a~d daug to!r, Joyce. returned ith icC' __.. 4.73 :;[)enl S\-Inday with Mj;.;s IIarriet ?ls arc regul9 ; urned ,fupsclay of las' w,",'k from a _a.a ---' _. scholar~~lp,_ W]lIC!1 he earn¢'d by Duffdy entertained Catholie Aid '1'1 1) \: I _ .. Mr. anl;1 Mr,s. C. L. Wilco of Pllam: Uil Co., Gas ... .. 6.U8 d w(\rk S VlSlt In the Alb{'rt Baker : • =.11 •••••__: former'~ ~eSl' ~~~s c('>;! . F~uncl: ,~nd R . competitive exammaUons, also'the last Wednesday at the , a e- Ne of WinSide, Laurel, and .Mlss MargUl'r1!t' Library Mrs. Iva Baker hom0s in Den- • NF S· \\e~re f.n~.~y L .~.: scholarships to N.orfolk Junior col- home. c\cmog guests at of estsOrar:ge CIty. la.. Wcr(' \\,p('kI Pnll Curti:; Co .. Two I\t'r. : eH OE ER ~ lege and Grand bland business col- _) ,Joh 1 G WI s., g4 In the Dave Riles !lomf'. 1Mr. Y('ill':; 1. :n'Dlng . ::\irs. T. S. Hook orri\·('d hom.£',. • ~ ~d ri:y~r,s.J~~~r~~tr:eSe;t~:n."II,.,yS1", ";,~ ~~~.,s:~~c~.~:~ h\~('h(l~dfr,~,.~.,·leA,ln,~baopuOtil,,~ thir~lege. Dorothyc~ass,Ann Rethwi.':ch Entertain F..QT. ; ~rs_, r. Mrs. E. t· Pearson and a , ~- ~ Post ..... Ro,',d F<;nd'" . 6.00 I ....~'" ,~ 1=. • I •• in thes~hool was presented EOT members and 'their fami- A Ice Hurlbert were in Sioux WI g M~. ~nd Wil(,ox~,a:f'L "'I th '- .-.. " the church scholarship. H.es, abo Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aus_ICltY T esd.ay. . nlr : j~mcolnMrs, Arnold I-Jansen, LaHul' ]2.00~.11} mor: WIth Lt. aqd Mrs. Quentin I= I • Otber members of the clas, are 1.10, "we guesls al John Finn's Tht' ay Papsfems\~'eck were Summy movmg 10~e,e":lployeel:where Mr. (ti. J. L. ][,'n,'I,,1<.,oo, Uti",)' Whl1more and infan' ,on, Roher' • : Margrrct Black, Robe-rt Bodcn- Sall1l'day L'\·cning. Prizes m. cardsJ{'n~ I eVenre~~ In last guests at For- co:x WIll .' .:'tIl'de Lalli)!" 1.LI) Llewellyn.ton ~awS!lr'~Il\\(.'nl to.\vao;tllng-I= : ~Kenny.?otedt, Darrell French, Mildred wenl ttl Ralph Austin, Hus::ipJ] l\lr ttll'ton~rummornr1s. Fre~ont,Mrs. f pncls Pcrqn Clnd s n of G. W. \\ 1(1.8() I and 0> c. T • • KatllleC'n Loberg, Ruth l;;:ins, ])adenc Pet('nion and John" 1 he rt. family of faml~y.t](.lt.I.,sundaYditnnrr.at.and thf' Gf'o. N !ellc T\10\ f'l! ,tn<1 <.,( c-I JUdll!l and l'hdllp I: .. 'Fpxlcy.ii~~~'h?0;b;:~~CldfOWf'!1 OwC'ns, Loren Sfol- ~,,,,,;:Kay. Qa;I~~:'Tht' wun1l'n plan glll'stAnd'C\\.,S"'!\~Jr,~~:;,~~:~yday ISta.l1to, vlsllcd ~V~~'I~~"dricl"enatl Cc.'0. Jorgen- f,~I;:~~ ~;n(~~;'b ':;,~Inl ~;:~<;;~ IW.11~~i OrJ(kd Ii} I~::':,~"'\I,lh11I,~~ Ill(' hlll jm!!:I} of AT~O-ShL dlso S\UP(l(r! • : Walle'l and Wil· Mr'. I;on'." ".,',.,' ric('"l,..,.,·,I,1 !',onl,', :. "Country Gardens," bv Jo Ann Ahl"l'll of };'orfolk, .\1l'~. Olin'\" day. l' ~ oJ ., Volwiler. Miss .An11al~n£' Ik('kf'r i\I"rs. Ellen Robbins. i\11~s . Mr: fnd Mrs. Ivdr :Morris weI'£' dinn<1r gu£'~t$ ,'11 ,Julius ;Ind .John Cri('!',' \\·('P : playod ti](' proce:-:-ional. and R,>\'. ('pcd Ml'.':. Rohert J~)hn- III \Vm,Sldt, \Vedncsdnty eyening to a1 LRUl'PI. Tlw famdi{",} of .IS nt'\\" llWt:l11{'r,; II!" tlw • F. ,T. Schank gan> lhe im'o("a~ion. Slln and I\Irs. Earl Flteh. I'tlZf's H.ttcntl1, tlw MClhodiSit fellowship Earl Gan·m. Jot' G,U'Yltl ,mr~L An- InCl1[. : Anitadel Fitch played "Clarind l,\ont In Mrs. FHch. }\.II's..Lu. supper, ~. dl'c\\' Fn~nch of Laul'pl, \\"lTe-!.IISO Ti)('l'e • Polka." The choru!' S<1n.~ "!'vIem(}- Tr,iUI\\t'in. Mr". \\'al'(l lil nd MISS fhc' i( lauelf' Ball('y family had t1wrc. Thnt evening 1111' ~'ITY IIll' h(j,lrd : rie.':." Ruth Owens prcsen1ed the Thomas. l\Irs. T. P. Holwr1:'; ('ntlT. Sundhu~~~~~le~~ imK~~<~ad~d M~s. C. ,E. Fredricksen Je,~~n'~o~a~rr;~~~ ~~~~il~ur7P: ~';lS- ~:i~~~:~)~J: lloney and Dr. n. R. TWILIGHTRAC ES _ ~n~f;S~~I~~~~~::Ce~~;n~~ee~ ;~2~~~::: 5 pIS.OiC at eas~Uw park Friday evening lk'cker played t.h<, opening number. calle>d ,!Sunday on Henry Ulrich tings. spent ·1h(' w('ek-pn'd helt, in May -13 to 2S wen' dpsignated • at 6. In nf had w'alhel', the 111'>, Cha,. Wh"nc", gavc 'he weI. ncaril1~ ~rqlmBrlnen. Mr. Ulr;;jf!e ~lin Norfolk, responriPd. Girls' L;ke club stilI JIll a cas4. Hurlbert. Olh('r Sunday rlilllwr Wllyne 11('r.. ld. ~• i:-;latur l'~ 0 70~~'n\h~l) L ne~ds . t I• i"lasell.1JI 1:lst Wf'(']{ Tuesday sang "Symralhy," "Irish Lullaby" Mr.'land Mrs. Oliver Stamm of gUf'o;ts nl Pe-arson's WPJ'(' Cal 111\])"1- TIl(' ('hainnan I'rcomme-nded the ADM IS 51 0N75" }'j' t ur , 111 e - .: Winside by 15-4. Hnd "Lilae Time." Mr<:. T. P. Roh- JI(J~kin.s, . Mrs. and MJ:1s:. Tom ROl;lttS. Mr. and - , Tn h~s honor Mrs. B. C. Owens and ~ra\}('~ serve.d. The June 3 mef't- ~rR. Gdrald Robert. :MrJ and Mrs. Prc~byterian (lhu,rf'll., Garv of Fremont, and Mrs. Otis mg Will be In the Enos Williams Iwan Iiamer and enneth werc Sunday school at 1 and sn'\,irc .. Decker of Wynot. Wf>re week-end home. Sunday: dinner goe ts in the Glenn at 2. C.icsE. at 7:30. t1n . guests in the Geo. Owens home. Je~:kins: home. Lad . ' Aid rncetr nflxl W 1 f's., ., Ow~n OtherM~'8. Sunday guests were Mr. and Hohlin'J{ Olotl\es Dr1n'. The Erwin Witt-IE fllmily of day With Mrs. Owpns Mrs. John Hall and Sammy Lee Women',," club iNonducting a Randolph, had Sund tV supper at Enos Davis and~Mrs. Edwat Ilob- SER~I' and Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elliott of clothing drive for Eurorwan relief. ForJ'est Nettleton's. r. and Mrs. erls hostesses. I' I CE York. Ronald Elliott of New York BoxC's ,u<, in thf' post offi(~e and Fran);;: Lorenz of :R mdolph and ~ and Richard Jonf's. ' sev('J'nl slorf's. All are- asked to the ste.ven Nt:'ttleton' family 'spent. Rt. ]Janl L.ntheran ("hurl,), hnve contriblltion.': in by the Jast thf' evening here. (Rpv.. C. F.. 'F r('drick!'on. pals or) Re<-piv~ Di!wha~e. of this month. The [H(\rman Thurts wflre" Sun~ .Servlces at .1O:,~O. 'rlwnlP ';T!w AN~ Stanley Morris, motor machinist day dirj.rer gUestSI~'.Fred ThUll's ~~I;t~!3YO of Sin. . Sunday [J'hOOl . mate third class, who had bN'n in Itt'enlist... in Anny. noar Wfiyne.H~rty Othe Si! there were ,I.,adle~'.',; '. Shanghai, China. arrived home Geo. Noelle reenlisted in the Mts. Echtenmmp and fam- Aid met ,Wednes(]; I ihl" GENU HE Saturday. lIe had served 18 A.rmy at Norfolk Saturday and left ily of :Belden. Au . 'Thun, Oscar, \\.eok WIth Mr!'. A. C. Sahs hi ~j('ss.

    ~~nt~~n~~'a~7~ n~~~h:;:e r:~~iv~~ ~:dans:7~~~:~;. Omaha to ~cceive Lo~~s~htr~~~:r~'~h~' and Tom- ~e1;l1w.i;('hurch. \- A KITCHEN THAT ITAKES Loui" The Lloyd Morr;s family my Mrs Geo Noell Du I (Rev. F. J, ScJ1"nk. p",(~rl met him in Omaha. Home f~ii05Pital. Bcrl; w 'r~ in the 'W de c~:~~~~ Rev. John ~. Mrrrill of Ge'rnrcl • THE "IRK" OUT OFI WO'K Mrs Henry W~cker, jr, and m~ and D~Vid Owens Ih m t R _ I~, forJ!1er resldelllt, preaCh~~ last !R,' The Arthur: Cooks were at Hen- fant son returned home FrIday dO~~h, the John D;a. is ~Sn~ Ha~~y S n~ay:. ' ry St.al~baum s Friday evening. fr m a Wayne hOS. ltal. sha:mue~son IljiQmes I~ ~holes, and ~w Dlshtrjldot. cRonvdenl~lOhnT of SCS :Why not let .Natural Gas do the FULL JOB In your kit· en? ___ P t e Evan Ham r h M d as e ,\n 6n 0 P uesda and ' ' 81 11•••••••••II ~••IIiJ!ll I·a$t ~¢ek e orne on p.y several went from'hen~ to att nd. ~aR S.. It will lighten kitchen duties, give you morb time for your ~'!. 'I' • t:rh'~..l.J. B f' We(lnefiQayw~thWSCS held a regular m f't ing I : I. ;;tmes . 11 tt'n .famlly .of, Mil'S. ::RoEcoe ,rones family, more hours out of kit.ohen. lnstall knew pos -war = Gold N••••e. I' ed ii :u;l'jf''1''Ver.Falls, ,1 n"spent the a~d Mrs. Beach Hurlbert Thos· ~o~~:~]~a~f~: I~~ e1a~~m~~n~I~~ sse Natural Gas RANGE, for greater cooking pleasure ••• an 1\ ,...,...... I Fis~e tr • .. ,!, T:O KE,P Ii! ,·r , ' t I MfS' 'arion n·d Don 'Fish- .a~.\.rno.',Pr.fiyer R£jI'VICe ~hethIs ThUrsday CAR automatic GAS WATER HEATER for perfect instant hot '. We have a' good .upply of Gold Nugll t Start- _ er' oflhion were Tenk" F' Qn at 2 at home of'Mrs. YOUR water service .•. a Servel GAS REFRIGERAtOR for tro ble- e~_a: G~o:wing Maoh on hand for YOlO r baby ! ~tji ~~:~d Mrs. FIshe:~:tay~~ Dru~~;e. C:hurcr Rchool a 10 ROLLING' i ' free, econ.. omica:l, de~ndable. refOge.ratiQn. A.I.-L 'rI!!.E :'.i 0 Ie • =,j ·Mr. ,~qd ·~rs. ·F. ~E. Beyeler vis-: :i°iihi~~~~i~en!~~~~O;t~1Ufch • :E.i;1i['. _ Buttermilk in tOO-lb. drums. Leave Y ur ord- I ~'~d t"e former's' father. Fred: ',1 r . Natural Gas st\l"vices'in YOW: kit.ehenl . ,_ ' I• • ~yeleit", at Newoastle, Sunday ~ eRING -~.... 'I er no:w for buttermilk by the barrel. Ii ' at relllng Mr. ~M Mrs. F, E:' fj~1-LB()'(\RD'f' "" ' .' - _,. eIi yele , I\enneth oahd Bob, Dhn' C rroll, Ne aska liMO Ell ,1i., We alSo have Pdot brand oyster .h II. anI! _ ~mitb and Mr and,Mrs T ouis Jor T b' f ay 7,194, . " d 1 • ", '. he oard,o trustees VII- :=~ t ...... - m~t i~ bfif all k m s of stock salt.. I '. I :,e, ';;'eer: dmne guests of the Ilage .Of Carroll, regul ses- FOR SERYICE I• Mr wY .. ' sion on above date ,with the llow- .\'I' ". -- =T' s',. m. Prltc Iard, Allan and ing members pres€jnt: Gus '. aul- • :'-:-O:r-" ~, ' : 'I • qm l"ltc?ard, the Leo ard Prit~ sen, C. 3. aarmeie . J. L. He rick- til4& •. ,_,; .: , i ~ ....",~ I, alf, wanson wer Sun ay dinner Trautwein ' ~estSIL lled ~o :..:a ;:'.""', III'I 'BODP':I' ,...,. -, ~~Ohn$Ons.at Lewis ahn., n's. ····The , Meeting'ea order hy Edw. _ ' '" • 'r'w an CIa ence Nel· Trautwein, dhairnJan• . I"e}"")i.i. :' ')'I ', ·I.t~~· ,er~ at Ve o,nd"l Ne,]SOn's Min,ut;'. i,f la,SI\ meetint' read l';~11 , . II N b enmg. I I' and approvet!. , A I ,,~n~18 , rro, e. :: qC Igcallers~intf.,F:~ankRees Tbefqllowingbillswerer d: •••••••••d' Cl .h~ past we.e we~ M.r. and ' GenerallFund: .1.1111...... ;;ri r 'i " I: ;,1 ' H. Mo I ,[ I- " an~, Mrs':~.~dl'·erOld, -rlceeding1 $3.00 ~I":i l~, '!lcl '.1 _' ft, .. ;-' iJ 1 I J j 1 'f: :1.'.'.".'1;j.r'.,,1'.'•. ' ....•1'1.'. '1 11' 'I' I· 'II• J I· , 1.1 I," \ ". , I' THE 'WAYNE RERlu.D, WAYNE, 11: BRASKA~ TH1J~SDAY. AY 16', 19«1. PAGE FIVE -I.~ ·-·,------~I·~'~; Vl~t~ ~ F~ ~;1ts~n~-I~f;~~hl~'~~ ~~a- intere~ted appe~~; ~ent ~f deb;s~s~~;~~r \ L! L ----.----'-.. I. Joses'-;;e-s--, Tast sons Imay rom saId ~own as W, H. Pingrey, deceased, one (~1) . .rrownship Twenty- f~a~~ ~ s~~;r~~:l ~:t:t:~ry pa~ure \1 I BRENNA I iday evening. . I rs ~:ba encc Bed:: r she underwent at tf'flnqon I of he at VlC10r I{n('!"Chc!; Momtb'jHith olh,,',. 1'('1111\(>S m \Vmsldc lllnPI It ld \ 11 Cl- County, ss 10 be comevcd hy qlmt etalm hr0 In and Jd u h er f \C'nlllFj guests Fntz Ahrens df'ceased of the ell'ctors votmg al the last ing described real ('statf', to-wit: FOR ALL I Hamm and Lloyd SRnl": home''' 111(' IT( J m :;'>;orth one half of the near -Randolph . Ihomp,,; .It \ Peterson, praYing hf'reJn Ie; fll{>cl ..... Ith 1h(> Clly clerk :r-.~orthwf'st Quartf'r (J}'1'2 BRANDS , I llY TheArthurOdpgaal'dSVlsltcdmjlas1 \Veclnpsday CcllfO]] Llpp V.ho~: lkC'mp f nmfc( 11 \Va~n( \\''1yne. NcbI' Black Screen Enamel. Durable Ar.Om,{hCi 11 :4;'; a.ln. dlHl S Day Ph. 75 - Night Ph. 460 -high glos,s. Why bother with AI'. Lint:uln 1:2:~10 p.m.1 Mr.... rll'd M(J1o of Oakldnd Ceil rOl!11 II!';cllrlr)('!JllOn,qndlhchf'armgjl-)orp llll \8]ld cl0]rnqurnf g-pnrr:'ll 11X("I~_' __ ~~~_ inferior quality, which re­ Re.turn S('}u~du~f' i --- ~ SPf~l1 \\1111 1of hf' gl\('n III ,111 pf>r<;ons Inler [d g8Inc;t <;alel rr'd] ('st'ltl' 1hp sm1C'1 quires ,frequent applicatio~ p I Lv. Omaha 6:oo .m·1 rslNi III "i-ild maltpr hv puhllshmg 0 hf' ('omcyf'd by qUit (hum dNd DR J T when qne coat of S-W Screen t~:: i~~~~~1' qi.iipp.·~: t - ~Hlf' /-f'4: : Ename~ will do the job. Use it : ::".'.' 1 h W ()h!!~dl\P<; on screen frames! Use it on 8011t \\·est ayllc I ,Inrl fnl'llrls 111 11l( IJ[(I,llcl n \\c{'kly n('v.spaper prmt ,Ipf" fmal and C'ff0Cl1\c unlcs" a GILT, ESPIE ~; ~~; Ar. Wayne l():O;i p.m.! I ~ t th I h bronze tcreens to preventhouse '-Lv. \\layne 10:10 [I.m.; IBS d jF'l'r] JlllP'r I lC'd rn s T SF1~d ~nf'd 'A LI 30 I I (y taff Correspon ent) (1.1\ \(lnlnl~ io v.f'fk" prJOr 10 da'- of hNlrJnC'~ I by legal elf'ctor.s (Of sald 0 t t· t J'~'..:ff:.. ~ ~ paint stlains. 'i r. aure H): ]J.m· 1 ,J p orne rzs d 1\ "1)f r..-IJ JI I( r Inll 1\'\ In Sl"- (S( 3.1) J. M CHERRY. I(It} equal In numbrr 10 30 )(T ccnt I Chart a SAFE course to Debt­ WnynetoSiouxCity I Th" \\'m JT('](>IS wC'rf' Cit \\m It(l IrlSs Ml 1hd ]It'll ImlGt3 Coun1vJudgo (f tlw e]f'ctors \ntmg at hr I,lst COMPLETE VISUAL Lv Wayne R'2(1nm j1rdhlkamps Tllc'>dav C\£'rung ldctl I------IT(iguldr llnInlflpdl ('I('ctl~n h(ld Free Farm Ownership by financ­ '!Lv'. \Va~'IlA •. - 2·::.!O;)·.m·. \\Uk 'nirtiulll\ IlJlllll'r ::"'OTI(E OF PR()B~TE ['llllnm IS fllfd WIth th(' (lh (IClk ANALYSIS ing your farm land with a long­ ~v.\V 1)1!11~rl'\ r.] '\lrs F,rrll OF' \l'I1~L (I '-,lId (Ily on or l)I'fon .Tun£' 3'1 Phone 30S..J for term, low·interest Land Bank ' "rayne to Norfol'k. ,ldayevpnlngJast W(I'kef! Lf'OJor-rlJ] III \1' \fh nhql'\lr! SlIll{]lyj Thl' Sla1e of Nebraska, V. nynp I1916. A d'tm t Loan through the Lv. \\'ayne :1:00 p.m. dm s nc 1I (',nroll Td"1 ~('~1{ \" lin clllln~r qUt'st at Counl} "s LW M(:--JATT, pp In en Lv. Wayne 7:10 p.m. t 1--r At (" t ChId t h M S NATIONAL FARM ~\" "Vayne 10:05 p.m. I MISS HI !c n Gc rll man of Omdh I 111'1' tl01lilf' \\ t I 1\Ir Inrl:\ rf; -1'('<1 C d ~un Y !l0urt I' ell 'I £' Af 1 t d} or ] ] 1 W f'f;t econd Street \\ 1<; I \\(,k I'nd guest dt II(lhtrt Ik101 1\Jll~~ lIlIthl -:\1r lnel l Olln!\ (oUlI oam In <1m or ('<; I Wa~'1le 1\ebr LOAN ASSOCIATION :,~rrowS~ageLines [G{'Ill'mdnslast\\CCk l\fl<:' fm~1 IhlKlmfl lAm salCIcounl Y OfWByne,onthc261h 'VI.,t11f'rS Brf'"sler, ,J , .I.. ~;::::==:!~=:;:;::=:4~~T~h:c~H~r~r~m:,,:n~\~'''~h~'k~,,~mZP~1'~'~1:Hm:~- f~nhdv Ro<:~ (~,t\ t - --- Ilff'If'r ,",1m Inlltllm~1hr '!\Trc;<;YlnFoIssr'nEmma ddVInoftl1eApTlIm,'l1ter1946of thp f'stClfr of (S{ell)('Ielk m9t3 ~-- -~ ------H. B. WARE ~t·-t·rl'tary-Trp.ar 'ncl '1r, Fl"nk M,rg"rrt Mmes drcca'cd l -~~~~-- M t" L Ringer 'i'I thr C 11'1 J,lnl<;~f'n On reudlng and f!lmg thr petl~ I lIl'O'fH E OF PROBi\t'E In • ar FELIX JELINEK I 1lrtln fnml- 110n of Paul R Mlnf's pr last \V~ll and Tesfament I~ At a County Court, hC'ld at ihe except life SpeCial attentlOn to : of Urh~~lll 111 1of said deceasod, may be pro\ed ount) Court Room In Rnd for Fann and Automobile Insurance I \\tlrJ', In tht T Bnll::';-Iand BIIO\\cd as ~hp last Wl1l andlc,llCl County of Wa}np on the 3rdl;:~~~~~~~~~~~ Low, FARM long 1[,1'1' hnnw III 1 (' mrl In Prtp ITp<:.tamf>nf of "Hid MHrgard \11Ors dV of 1\1a). 1946 I; 1'\I'lll11stnlll lhome.1t ThiV df'(o

    ~e _._~' ""',' " "" ~ _,' _~.. .sons in.tpreS1Pd may appi'Hr at !h~1 ~.l!'t \\'Jll and 1.'f'stampnt .Of ,~ald ~I'~ ACOLLEGE, BUSINE$S I aspd i '1!i:...f,~l;S-:Wm.-!!lJ!..~J ('ount y Court Room In \Vaynp. :rnd t , m,ly hi' prU\'ecl and .Illov.'f'd 'I :-;;;;;-~._~-~-~.~_.~- -:.~~;:=~::;;~I ~';TICf: ~ PROR!'T~' ~',:~,:~I~:~r'P'~~,l~jd ,~~,t~~':r;r::~,~'~': l~i~ll~ :t~~i;~,'~l g;p~'a~~~'a~~n,'h~; After ,Dad has tried our famous Nutrena Feeds i ..{", !I i Dr. C. E. Bu>;h OF WILL. and that notice of th(' p('-ndp!lcy of ~E' ex/'cutio[l uf said Ins~rument DENTIST or TRADE SCHOOL one tim;e, he'll w.onder iN'hy .so many other feeds i Th(' S1<11r' II!' ~,'hrfl,sb. v,t:l}TlC "'aid p£'l.ition and th(' hE'nri~g 1h('fe-1 .~y he committed 10 wis M. Phone 424 were rnrde, as none of them can come up to NU~ (~~;llnt\· I~~i 7~ ~~~.~n~~t~~~p~'~~;~~;i~~(;~~'\~'lflg~~LJ<:lt~REEx~~u~~I:; TRENAL You can raise ~our flock with confidence a ('Ollrt, r:f'lc] :11 thl' :Vlay 24. 1946, Office over Mines Jewelry ED:~TlON. Wa~ne assi~ned when you buy feeds hom the SHERRY BROS. Caunty Cnurt' Huom. III and for Icopy of this order in 1he Iat H! o'clock a. ,m., is for Wayne, Nebr. FpR mY prmt-l~earmg ;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::~~; said ('ounty uf Wayne', (In th!' 61h ; Herald, . of \he pendency of (Est 1914) You also receive 565 per month IIf'n l'y tl1(', NOTI<·E 01" PROBA!TE. ~1\ Il!rdldd n,,\v.;papanng Army before October 6, 1946, for 3 W H' I ~ th~ • ..mWBm••m~••S.ED••mm2 lEillllI •••••••••••••••••••••• drC'lsscd dnd thilt tll( (X[CutlOn! You arr> helrl'oy notlfwd 1hat ISl'al) J CHERRY ayne, osplL... ."A years. Get all facts at your U,S. :~ : of <;ald Ins1runwnt )..t' IHC'nr) E Pf'tl'rsf'n has flIed a PE'tl_ 913 Lount~' JUdge Phone 61 '.J~:&.J..,,:\V::'.t/~ Army Recruitingl Station. 1 1 ~. • i' d++HcP.!1"" --- ~ ~ : I ~~~t~?1 n\C~ ~~~"~\~~cl,~.... i ,q u101 ~ I ~;~~r~n Asa~C1~~~;~ ~~l;:;~:d \~~ LEG~~<;;-TICE~ Wayne, Nebr. :I ORDERED I hdl ::'lId} 2.5 1946 11fe mtestate on or about ;the ~4th lNotice IS hereby gIvcn ~hat the I a5tf J. a"c;I~nod :;;;;;~;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ttt • at 10 0 clock m 1" for day of Apn] 1946. and praymg Ity of V\ ayne Nebraska by ordI- i \ Room 225, Post Office Building. j'ioux City, Iowa ~( ~~iF" : heanngo:.ald v.hfnallpcl- thatJohnM Peterscnbeappomted 1 ance duly enacted has I~old to ""...... :;;.;;.;.;;i~iii~::J~i!':::~ ,II ~ admmlst.rator of said estatr. Hear·lfdOIPh Claussen for the Isum of T J ' ...... """"...... " ""r~:! ing will be h8d on said petition be- 1,900.00 ca.-',h. thal part of the Dr. T. . ones, 19...... , III fOl"e me at the roun1y CoUrl Room orthwesl quarlpr of the southwest 0 t till Phy· la : in 'Nl'!Jraska, on the 18th Juartcr of s('ctiun 11HI, towns\lip s eopa C SIC n m day 191(),·a110o.C'lhcka.m. (L.6), north rang(~ (1l, marc par- EyesExamined-GlassesFltted : (S('al) J. M. CHERRY. lJCularly descnbeu as fullov,·.',: Wayne, Nebr. II m2t3 County Judge I Commencing ai a pOint on the past I : 110c of Main StrC'c1 producpd In the -- -~--,-- - _._-

    .. SHERIFF'S SALE. t~ity of Wayml, :230 fect south of 'I : By \'irtu(' of an Order of Sa]c, to rIlE" south,\-'c!'1 ('orner of block (29) Walter Benthack, III mc clirC'ct.ed, issucd by 1l.H' C!prk of n said ("ijy al an iro~ st.ak.-e~ I.hl'nce. • : t.he District COUl't of Wa)!TIp Coun· orll1::iO fpcl on said cast' line of M. D. II ty, NebraskOl, upon a dl'crpe rcn- 'aid Main Strl'et produced, thence : dered therein at the September '<-ls115R foet. thence' south ,50 fept, and m 1945 term thereof, in an action thence we:.;t 1;)8 feet to the place :: pending in said court wherC'in The pf heginning in the City of Wayne C. M. Coe, M. D. II City of Wayne, Nebraska, was in Wayne County. Nebraska, said Physicians & SU1'geons When you need service work done : plaintiff and Mary M. Doring, et city to pay all valid delin'quent WHEN YOURE INVITED ~oneyBack Ell a1., were defendants, I wm, on the fneral taxes against salid real Offi~ at TO A CHICKEN s~e : 3rd day of June, 1946. at 10:00 ",tate, the same to be conv~yed by (;uarantee on any of your machines, us 11 o'clock a. m., at the door of the uit claim deed to said purchaser. Benthack Hospital 01 NNER, ONE WAY TO , MAKE SURE YOU'LL immediately, Th€ busy seasbn is : ~~fi~~e o;o~~~ ~~C:s~ ~~ S~~y~~~~~ ~;~s~a~e ;;~~~~t~~~~:~~~i~:~ti~:' Phone 106 All DiJ~ond products are ENJOY .IT IS TO TAKE u~der . no time toJ:!<:Lv~ a costly delay i ~~~~e;Pf~~t~~S~~lIth~O f~n~~~~h~~~ S:~e~it~.g~~~albj~ ~~~~.e~l~~t~~s ~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I YOUR OWN POULTRY sold a money batl[ guaranree. scribed read estate1 to·wit: Lots cent of the e]('e-lors voting! at the WITH VOU which might 'have been prejverit­ Eleven and T\velve (n & 12), in las1 regular municipal el('ctlon h<>ld Block Three (3). College View therein is filod with the city clerk D-xIWBRICATING ed by advance repairing, Crossl~nd Addition, in the Ci1y' of Wayne, of said ci1y on or before June 3, Wm. A. Wayno County, Nebraska, 10 satis- 1945. IVjOTOR fUEL WAVNE fy the afOl'e"aid decrC'f', the amount L. W. M¢NATT, Plan Ahead to Be ~afel due Ihereon bE'ing $562.40, with D·X ETI[iYL LUBRICATING Republican Candidat~l.fol" lVIaYDr inlf!n-'st, and costs and accruing '~test: MOTOR fUEL costs. alter S. Bressler, Our genuirte IHC parts fit any make Dated at Wayne. Nebr~.ska, this ity Clerk I The DIAM~ND o~:~~et~o~~~~:~.~.ta ': 27 Ilay of April, 1946. .Seall . 'I m9t3 KER..OSEN.. E of farm equipment. Select front our I . , HANS TIETGEN, , ----~--+. Beckenhauer D- MOTOR OIL large stock. ~nd ~runty. m21:5 Sheriff ' LEGAL NOTICE. i Born raifod in \\'ayne I To Grace Pingrey Carpenter, a Service D·X HEA~ DUTY PractipinA" A~torney I I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 'fidow; Jessie' Pingrey "1'0lfe, a OTOR'OIL" \\'orhll,War I' Vfjteran I The State of NebrajSka, Wayne Widow; Gertrude Pingrey ~arpen-I ~~~;;;;:;;;;;:;~;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;~\ • County, s~. :' tler, and A. G. Carpenter. first real Your State Senator Three T~rrns IDIAMONO Cornhu~ker In the matter of tl1e estate of arne unknown, wife and ~Sband; Get Your .supply of Clare*ce Wear, deceaS~d. red Pingrey, a single man Frank T~ACTOR!FUEL Your Support ApprectJ.ted Nebraska Hyblid Seed Corn bYC~.~~:::~, o:h~idIe~i]Jes7.:tea~e:;.~ ~~~~ ~nn~ ~~?~7. ii~~~ i~~~ DIA OND ~EASES I County Court Room in Wayne, in retsinger and Charles . Cret- Hollostone I said County, on the 24tH day of inger, wife and !husban ; Ada • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~aifhel~~~h o~'~~~~!,~46~~~ .~~~, ~~~~~ ~:b':J;~:t::~ Company I I aJa;O Cement Building Tile I h I 10 o'clock a. "m., to receive and ingrey, Thomas and ch31es W, ' - exarhine ,all claims algaihst said homas wife and husba ; H. B· J. ey·.e.. r. '.. '., '.' I'·C:;. ~I .' esta~e, with a view to their adjust' rescoti, first real name u known, OFFICE and PLANT; .M &- 'II;'~ ment, and allowance" T~e' time nd Emma Prescott, husb~nd and limited for the' presfqt~tion of ife; the heirs, devisees, l~gatees, 7 mUes northwest of Wisner I e Phon~308' ~~~~:f:"~S;~':i~; y ~.f. li~~~n~e:':S~~::~~i~d ~i';.d t~~ Wlsn:r~ ~t~~;hO~6 .;..·_··_·~··-7t·_:Wayne; *ebr. : ~. ~,;,; ,.,',i~ lun:t~dh.S.t..d.a.: e..i thr,Ma..:.,y a~o 8214 """'···_··-;r··.. ,"'!. ....t..un.. ..;.e.... for,pa •_ state of WIlson H. pmgrjY, I ,<.•..:,.,:.•.•,c,';.,::; '...-'".),<3";); : .. 'b,J""" ' ,t '., . h'" I ·1, I i

    J\ I •.I BltASKA, AY 16, 1946.

    and the Ellio ts'caJled in the 'Ciint Youth Fel!owship ~WilI be Wednes­ a~ children, who had been Troutman ho e to' see Mr. Trout~ day hext week. here wjith H. B. Craven, left last man, who is Irecovering : from a Morr~s Ivor and the male quar­ Thur5~y fot califor,nia to spend a heart ailmentr tet and ladi\:'s' chorus fro!U Car­ few w eks in the Rev, Wm. WhH­ V~~~~i~n~n~}S~m~i~~d ~~~~ma~nd roll will present a musical program man h me at Whittier and the !iiii': at the church May 21, at 8 o'clock. Wm. ingston home a t Los An"e_ Vance TroutnP.an visited Mrs. Vern The public is invited. A free~wJll les. Th. y plan Ito stop here ag~in li""" q}i' Troutman anti infant daughter in offering will be taken. before returning to the canal zone. Ii a Wayne hospital Saturday morn­ ing. Verna and Vance visited in tf;;:'~ ~~OSPltal. •• the Clint Troutman home from LOCAL NEWS Dr. ~. A. Lutgen has his office Wednesday evening last week until Mrs. Edna Davis Was a Mother's in the IWayne hospital. Phone 61. Sunday afternoon. day evening dinner guest of Mr. Sunday dinner and lllncheon and Mrs. Walden Felber. kev, Mrs. C. T. Dillon Gives guests in the' Mrs. Lena Reichert Dr. C. E. Bush, dent.ist phone home In Norfolk included Mr. and 424, \Vaync Nebr. tf , Baccalaureate Sermon at Mrs. Albert Jotter of Madison, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Reelor, par­ Services Su;'day. and Mrs. Clarence Pospisil and ents of Mrs. Florence llrJ]erh0rg, family of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. arrived home last WednL'sday from Arnold' Obst and family and Mr. San Diego where they had visited and Mrs. Walter Carpenter and two months. Lloycl. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill \Vhjlman Molher's day dinner guests in I he Mr~. Margaret Waller home Wl're Mrs. MiJcl!"cd Conger and Jer­ UNkLE HANk SEZ ry and Don Waller of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Roherl Fish and fam­ '!"HERE. 15 80HE.~INC, ily of Belden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waller and fnmily of Carroll, Mr. BEAUtiFUL'"ABout EVER'!" and !'vII's. Winford Waller and fam­ "fHINc:.-- 1"HA'15, IF You ily of O'Nr'ill. Mr. and Mrs. Rino ARE. LOOKING ,,"OR rr. Alb('rs and chlldren of (Jmaha, and 1\'11'. and Mrs. Leland Waller and family.

    Immanuel Rerormed Church.. (Revi C. H. Ri('desel, pastor,

    Sunday school at 10: 15. Morning 1 worship at 11:15. W. E. Roggenbach A Mother's day program was given last Sunday. Republican Candidate for \\'hether ;your lookin~ for repair sf'_n:ke or a nt'\\" ,JcJhn Deere Trac­ CountyCommissioner tor you'll be more'apt to find what DIS'I'RICT SO. 1 you want at B, J. BRANDSTET­ "·l.iyne County, ~1ehraska TER & SOX. \\'e want to help you J havp )i\"f'd in \"ayhe County keep your farm running smoothly. nt>arl~" 61 :years. I haye alwa.ys ~=~s, :~d ;~~~;~:uU;oss~~~: Your Sup~rt Will Be Appreciated Primary Election Ju {' II, 1946 : ••B.~•••••••••••••••••••B.B••••~ ••••••• ••••••••...... DANCE. .. -AT- .. JVest Randolph Ballroom "Where the Good Band~ Play" Friday, i}!ay 17

    Music by Gene Piper and His Swing Kings .. .. Admission: 62c plus -12c tax ~~~.~~~ ••aa•••••&E.m.B••••~~.~~~.~!~~~

    This is our 6065 Work Shoe Consider this candidate when yOll ,"otl'! at the It'sd primary June 11 Beari Col for Wear

    . K!\'"OW THE ('A:'Il"DIDATES


    B~ PreHy to the Tips of Your Toes ' Back Is MQld~dI No Seam to Rip or Irritate An exceptionally well made plain-toe bluch­ er in Army Russett Retanleather' with leather midsole, cord outsole and heel, leath­ Teom lip Wifh er insole, and soleleather counter. Sizes 7 to 12.

    You'll Vote It Ac~-Hj9h Gain a footh~ld on elegance. Be as young, ~ as chic as yoiur new hat. Shoes can be as for Comfort and ear , flattering to yOUr foot arid ankle as brace­ .:NOW can slllp out, in style with matched yei\i. let8 to your 'l'rist and arm. Mal;e your en­ soo~n s1>IrlS and p~" that are tatl~red toftt and made for Come in for a To/-On. I semble complete. 1,0,Ill; wecit." M,'en of action cllClose DIddes., . "} J1>,~1Jf,I)fA!I!;,•. "':i'•