7 ttJr,',I1 iii: '<, 1 'rr I " '_Ne~rIYI1OOo/~ ~,E':"" '~(L';D' PAGES 3fll:Reminiscenl II HI' I '~aD~7 R' . 14 Section One C6al Strike in Neb State Hit Sdc HIt ,qf 191 It Likelihood of Interrup1.e'y - ,1_- Pages 1 to 8 SeJ!vic'l Here'-Goat Fa!"- ;~~;~~~:;~~;~=='::='4:"'=±o"=~=:==+:=t--------f~~~t;~~*~~~~;~~;;,~~~~;.;;~::.:::::~::==~:::~:::::::::::::::==~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;;;;:;;;;~."., ~~o~::red - Proposed ~IXTY-FOURT YE WAY E, NE RA -.---.-- NUMBER ONE The Herald has recC'i~'ed a com­ Chica~o. munication from the St. Merlineadd ckT~I~iififi:i~tN 5iouxCity r-anl o~~i~PJsi~;unit~D;an-I~-Chosen--I-L'i1;'ltR-S>iJE~~~TJN'IFreez;Damages .1 It*uI. Minneapolis and Omaha rail· . w~~y headquarlcrs €'xplaimng pas­ - L· t d d W YNE'THIS WEEK T n· 5 'Mr and M s Edwin L, Roches· At W '5t t AND SPREADS LOSS C 0 A sengtT tram reductlon.<; due to the IS e as ea 0 ulve rmoe terofSiouxCty, and Mr,.nd Mrs, ayne a e, rops ver rea 'coal jstrike and dimini.s:hing fuel WAeYro Elllc~~ng..ltrYa'·dsu~:g'~dthamg~add'l· _. _-- Robert F. Cl rke of Cambridge, I I }'ROST descended Friday nigllt sUppllCs. The order which went et B 1 ~ t S. II have recently moved into trallers D V' -M S d I to the overthrow of much Crops and Gardens Suffer iJl~o effect Fnda)·. discontinues Officer~ ~Had, B~en due car mome~ next Salurdaj-'. acca au.lea e er lees r w¢st of Way e college. Work on r. letor orey uccee Stender vegetatlOn and the dls- t~''0 trains and reduce'S the number Since-Action Year A lar~e numbelr of rural young Be Conducted ere n the housing its to be placed on ~ Dr. Ray Bryan Who Goes apPointment of many ambItious From Low Temperatures o trips of ten others. Additional Again$t Japan. persorjs Will proudly accf'pt dl- College Sun ay. t]; S. E. ,Sa ueison lots is '!pro- To Ames" Iowa. gardeners. Exposed beans, to- Last of Week. r ductions are threatened If no lploma~ at that tlmc The fIr!'t g cssmg nIael . Dean C. H. 'Lin- mato and strawberry plants rE'hef from thp :-;trike comes (No L1 ('mdr. T\lf'rlin Pando k. agf'd ~~.g.:hl"~'l',li'lradl(e,"',n"llf",ulr,nl"i~"h (.),~ lah~ll(- d hI, Prof. Ra ond Schremer and were nIpped. Potatoes suffered, Slight damage \Vas done to mo~t trains on the line throli;;h Wa)ne ~H, ~on of RC\, and MIS J, A f-\Id- ,.Y" <11 ,,0 ! Dr. M. H. H nawalt ha\(' charge FrUit blossoms were thmned out ' crops that \\('re up and heavy Ifound'~lon, lh~' lcnt~~h arc JIl\'olvcd. dock of Wakelu.'4Q, fOln,erly of ambltlollS slu- Iof Units,' more than an f'xpert orchardist 1 damagc to carly gardens In this '1:. * +:. \,va) ne, N'ported mlssm :;Hlce dl'nt)v 11 budd a :-t ruct ure of would ad\ lse Numf'rous gar- I arC'<1 as ,1 rc,llll of low temp€ra- As to the loe,d SIIUdllOn, the fnct Apnl Hi. 19..J;), Jfl <lctwn agamst laddlt16 ,d lcar1nlng Contmued p. dens W('r(' CO\('I'ed and sa\ed I tUf( S whIch hIt lhlS terrItory Fri~ that the \Vayne J1(l\\(T pLlnt USl"S th(~ ,1,lp<uH'~(, In southf'ln 'yu"hu, "tudy ,nd ('llr!('hf'd I'XIwr'll'nce I'lionee Somc replantmg will be donf' In Inay c'\f'l1mg ucrordmg to reports oJ! 1('ll'lO\'P" cldngpr of II1tl'I'l'Upted IS now offlC'IRlI y listed LIS c pad, ac~ wlll f;~s lion 1l11elllgt'nt Hl1U LlSl'- the r('i'lsonable assurance that : rerf'l\pd hv County 'Agent \V. R. or curliul('d 'cll'ct r!c;1l "en ICl' Iwrc cordll1g to (\ message coml g to Iht' ful CIt I ,('nsh~p l\lasll'J'lng high H 1').0 more kJilrng freezes \\ III hap- ,I f,qnkr PrpCLpltatlon Thursday- I'orhC'r1 Btug~('I' ~upcnnj('ndcnt Paddod;.s Irom SCCrf'1,lt) of' ttl!' schm,!. then ('olll'gf', mUllJplles as pen thiS )E'Clr Mum crops-ci.lt~ I Rnd totale'd 109 mch('s, , of thl' \\"<I)n(' plan1 "'d~S enough ::--Ja\y J~lnl('S Forrcstal' filCJllllj'" and Insures 1hf' ac- I tie, hog:; and chIckens-arc stlll \<'Ith 11 Thursday and 95, I OllIs In ~t\ll'<lg(' 10 lun dbout tl1l.('C'1 The rpad<.; "Y},Jlll rompl\. hnwnl of more lhmgs 'I 1- -~ lntact Other chIef crops--corn. Fl'lday Trmpf'ratul'f' dropped to months (mc l'<l!' o! 011 came LA ('mel!' Paddoci., bf.:'ttlf TIll' aile \\ho \\1]1 Dlavid CitYland Stanton·Are small gram and hay-arf' madC' 2boul ')'1 nnl uf the lo\\('~t on ce .... TIIUrsd<l?> (lll1t'l" drt' On the WilY· I!la<.; been l'lt('d on til{' offl I,ll n('~ not 11l'!!i.I. kct mbdcrn I ',Winnet in Baseball extra promlsmg by recent rame;. 'cord fo'"'"..' 1"\ - ",. ":;- .;\. ords (II tIll' nC\\y rlepartme It In tbl' oPPOl,tilinltll''i grdders Sunda Afternoon. , \\'hJle \ve deplore the neces"lt) I Tips of m~"t s\\f'ptclO\er plants ,. Tb!e condItion 111 \\'a:n(' tlO\\ ISlstatus 01 n)lssmg JJ1 actl(l!ll a" (Jf ha\(' iadC' a bJg dt1;JlnPc1 I 1 of surrendenng \aluahle gar- 1,~~:('oa~~~~:ls'·f"rlo",.cn,'n""h-eUrlt'Sheo~(>l_o.fl ! (]Ultl' cIJff"l'l'nt 11'0i11 \\11<11 It \\dS Api'll Hi, lQlS The p\;.ml.:~ n \\hl1h an 1m )Ol'tant tht'YI' the first J ion('cr lpagup home dl'ns In an unc;e<J<.;onable frost, ' H- " :~lI;~~L; ;~djl~;~I~1('i;l l~~;~)::n~'i;;~t~. si~/t({ ItT~s~\~:n~l~,'~l:n l~)l~~'O~~)l oi:t:~:'l·:n~' I ~~~~~~'ll:n UI~~'(' ljll('"t i~~~Yhl~I~::~ I 1[;; e:n:l~l a~ f~~(rC~t 1~~~ ~'~~~~'I ~~ ~r~t 1~~,h(~~~c~Ut~h ~~ ~C~Oakn~~)~l II ~lffl~rC~(~~.)~!f kOo~~~'f~:'~ <lnd Ian Hill! Ikcl'mlwl' of thLl:t \\ hCJ,-;(' ml~"10n wa" a flghl'~~l ... \\(+p !lendS ThIS 1m ohes h;~J'(1 \\'urk ba I park wht the \\laynE' anp Te- for th8t tll(' ('olrl \\ mprf'ly retard ~t'ar. \\'(}d~ I Coal u,,<,d to fUT cng:lnes \\as agcunst soulhf'rn EYUSI1Lll J'l[liHl and ht1d IS tl\(' ;"l',l'C't of I' Ika ah Pionq tf'am3 mcct. I thc 1' ol]wr than kIll It lelc;1 ell:;aJlpl'dlJI1~, and tbl' rr.a:>or\your SO<l \\<is lurc"d 10 lJdJ! qut ISUCCl')f 111 "c!lool dnd In atl) 'ayne PlO, eel' If'ague team was - -----. no (rJrn \\<1" no loss was ~~~.suC~~~~\l:~~~ 1~~l;J, l'f'l~~~ ~~~~~~ tl~:"I;)J~~;~ W:.l~~',ll~~ll'1 a~l~l~ ~f ('rldl'd~{)r ~~ (~~e~h8e t~tmb; ~~l~~~ ~\tYrp~~~d ~nO\(J~(j1 a~:~;a ~~~: III \1;) IjJ('ld _Plact 1"Hl I I ' Plan Promotion I Snc;\:ral of I emergency was dOUbly severe or all'craft fllt' o\'er Kagoch~fnrt HlC; A p) Both te ms played on e\en _ .J damaged. clppendmg upon how account of Intqifering With prc.\paraChU1e \\,1" ObSf'l'ed t9?wnta, t D f d BnccalaulC'ate scn1c('s WIll he tf'lmS ""Ith t f' exceptlOn of the Dr. V1ctor IVIorey of \\aJlmg- H Th· Y s(,\E'r('ly plants wcre froze'tl Chrl"tm,b tl<lde~The mayor Issued an altltudc of 15UO feel but tile C on e erre held Sunday May 19.1 the col ~~gc SJ th inning" \\h9DaVld City ford, Pa, has been sellcted to fill ere IS earl Most potalo('s \\('re froz~n, but a proclanMtlon xpla~mng the off!· other pilots m the dl\ ISf:n \\ eTC' dudJiOI,um ,lt H 11 cloc for Wa n(' f (( f{ rl "IX ru s n t 0 hIts and the dean's posltJOn at V;aync State Rccordmg tl) stufe reports, they c1<li Oldc! <lnd a J....lrg full cooppra· unable to v"Rtch Its d('sc(' t duel,n 10... Stadl·um Her, collo):;e InrI Vv..:'lyne, nl1f'gc 111gh fl\ 'I rrors Tl'Clchers College, su('('('C'dlIlg Dr Tentative Aviation Field Da w1l1 cr1me up agam and Yield a tlon That \\[jS Dc-cembe,. 4 MOl( mtense anI I-aircraft fjf(~ 0 dR (' I I' 1 srhoo] "f'nJor<.; VI' (Y'{J \\' D~nn he box sco e R B h AI Y ('rop, tho <;lZf' c1cpendmg upon how than t\\ enty bus1l4ess ml n present·' no fUl tlwr mfOllllatwn I <IS bl' 'n , of SJOUx elt) \\ 111 dC'll, er the $er- \\ a,n~ ab 1 h po e T~~' st~~nn~r~a10~~a1r~ a;;:~\ e~ Is Scheduled for June by b3dly thl' frost affected them. cd a, Signed petitIOn urgIng morc rec(']\ed In thc na\\ del drtme!t ~tatel Board of EHucatio mrn lolllll( rl 'I~ound twns for a \-I'n Auker, s 4 2 1 1 Dr. 1\1orey'::, apI)Omtmf'nt .:\10nday Chamber Committee. I l\Iost of the plum. apple, peach, fE"\\~ J k~ restrictIOns on tE'sldE'nces and concernIng thE' fate of \Ol sun r I\l\\ II Tlw a C<!l pella chblr, Blnlon,2b 4 2 0 h t t Ch d Ipei:lr ami chE'rrv' treE'S were frozen er 011 the commerCial center m the "In \Iev.

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