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EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGQNIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1916. PAGE FIVE Motion Picture Mews Uii.it tlx- - Picture Tbeatan Have to Tt'll You. li punatE TODAY. llo-M- A Art Ai oid, Wilbur, Hclenc .n. ALT OMH 'TV Mult Jeir mill ;ube MiU'r fUZLJO.& wv rv a featured. mI M mI rw r 1 roqnmt The l'antlme today is showing a biij wwum. n r. i - - K.x-a- program o! hhort length sub-J- 'i Im. consisting of a two att picture entitled, "Sandy, Reformer,'! with Today Only Art Acord and Helens HoMson. This CRANE WILBUR IN is a delightful drama of the tow pfiji country' and In It Art Acord, our own ltound-l'- p Hero, Is nan at his bent. The widely known and popular ac- tor, Crane VVUhur, will also be seen "The Haunted in a two act drama of the Ureat White Way, entitle! "The Haunted Symphony." Kube Miller apprars in a side- SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' Symphony" splitting comedy, Tain lean Extrac-tion,- " and Hud Fisher's comic cur-too- n creations of "Mult & Jeff in Dis- HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE 2 Act 2 guise," Is a scream. A Drama of the Great White Way. Adults, 10c; children, !c HARRY RICHMAN TllK DSSTttOYEBS." "SANDY, REFORMER" Staged bjr Itall'li luce, Featuring Comedy and Songs. 2 Acts. Art Acord and Helen Rosson. Iax: Stewart, sister of A Delightful Drama of the Cow Country. .nia Stewart. THE SPANISH TROUBADOURS Synopsis Through the north 5 People 5. Boy Violinist, Spanish Dances, Soprano wood came a dog sled over the snow Solos, Ensemble Singing and Instrumental Numbers. Rube Miller in "PAINLESS EXTRACTOR" and Into the w.nter loneliness of Ft A laughable comedy from the Vogue Studio. .Mcl'herson comes the beautitul Jo Jephuie McCloud on .eomo strange DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS quest away from ci ilizatlon. She is MUTT AND JEFF IN DISGUISE made a guest at the home of Pull-li- p Bud Fisher's Comic Cartoon Creations. Curtis of the Huyal Northwest MARGUERITE CLARK Mounted Police bj bis mother, but keeps her counsel about her mission. AdulU 10c COME EARLY. Crane Wilbur Children 5c In relating some of his adventures, IN 1'hihp, who has fallen in love with Josephine, tells of being ambushed and wounded by an outlaw He AND would have lost his lift it' the outlaw "SILKS SATINS" by her-- j had not been slain a strange AKCUEKITECLtfttu... mil-lik- e character, known as I'elcr IN MOTION PICTURES. Ftitnouj 9 Plover l CHAPLIN FAKIRS! clod, who came up suddenly. At the name of I'eter Uod, the woman who FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM COMPANY. being has come to Ft. Mcl'herson, becomes Ancient films are agitated tells him find grave, MR. and lhat to dug out of the FARMER this man is the purpose of her brav-- I LAST TIME TONIGHT JOLLY ENTERTAINERS. duped and retitled to be ing ihe rigors of a northern winter sold to exhibitors as para- TAKE A LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS j and she wmhes to to him at once. sites on the fame of Curtis advises against this or. j account of the deep snow on the Charles Chaplin. trails, but goes to Peter Uod with a message from visitor. Ar- "THE LATEST CHAP- Saturday written the For In riving at the hut the woods he LIN" is a deceit and a sees a flag hung out as a signal of fraud when used in con- And See Why it Pays You to Pay Cash at a pestilence within. Hut 1'hilip,, after nection with any other Cash Store. a struggle with himself, enters and Mutual ministers to the hermit. The latter films than the tells Philip of his put, as he thinks Evaporated Peaches, 25 lb. box Sli.00 Chaplin specials, released j he will die. It seems that he is a vie-- j in United only time of a conspiracy. He was a civic the States Beat Iowa Corn 3 for 25r ; case $2.00 by the Mutual Film Cor- leader in the states with a beautiful poration. Standard Tomatoes 10 can; case $2.10 wile and the respect of the commu- nity, kawier, his friend, a politician, ap- ; Charlie Chaplin is Pineapples, best grade can 20c case becomes involved in a crooked muni pearing in no other new White Beans, pound 10c cipal deal and is eposed by 1'hil.p in pictures than the two-ree- l the course of his official duly. This comedies now being Mex. Red and Lima Beans, 3 lbs. for 25c Is the beginning of his downfall. I.iw-le- r secures the aid of Corale, a vam- made for the Mutual Film Hominy No. cans, 2 3 for 25C; case $2.75 pire woman, and has her Introduced ' 5 Corporation. to the man and wile as an authoress Rice, good grade, 4 pounds . 25c The only films made rum abroad seeking civic data. They under the new Chaplin Matches, dozen boxes 40c take her up and into society. She escort ner home from $670,00(1 contract re- has her host Macaroni and Spaghetti. 5 lb. box. .. 30c a patty on a pretext of being ill. and leased to date are: un- Kellogg's Corn Flakes, package by a series of schemes gets him THE FLOORWALKER 10c suspectingly Into a trap which is THE FIREMAN Stanfield Small 7 lb. Cheese $1.50 sprung with both of them being ta- THE VAGABOND ken from an obscure lodging house by a I polise. The adventuress has A. M. the ONE story which is accepted by the police and the innocent man is locked up on her charges. LSWler, with a show COSY LONE STAR FILM COR- TODAY CONROYS friendship, gets him out, but the of The PORATION affair is in the newspapers His 71 West St., New 23rd leaves him. Laier he traps Law ler 1 York City. and the supposed authoress in confer- 'HULDA THE SILENT' ence and sees that he has been dup- ed Ordering the woman out ol Drama of love, intrigue and adventure, with Lois Wilson, Harry Carter and Maude l.awler's office he forces the latter to George. prepare a confession and exoneration, Gertrude Selby and Wm. Armstrong in the 60 horse power laugh fest "GABY'S but the politician seizes a revolver, GASOLINE GLIDE," O Komedy feature. ln the snuggle for It, Lawler Is kill- H ed, and, as it transpires, also the ad- H "THE DEVIL DANCERS OF INDIA," as shown in the $25,000 Dorsey Expedition venturess while listening to the strug. m pictures. Tomorrow, gle. caused the man to flee This has to Canada to hide under the adopted Sunday and Monday name of Peter God. This recital followed by a confession of the police llth Chapter of the Iron Claw, "THE SAVING OF DAN CMARA." officer's love for the woman who has come to Inquire about I'eter clod. Hut he becomes heartbroken to learn CHARLIE CHAPLIN SUNDAY from Peter Hood that this woman is in "CHARLIE'S STORMY ROMANCE," a 4 reel Chaplin review. Peter s Wife. The end of the story de- velops into one popular with the At the Pastime Sunday-Monda- I VMM. THE AUDIENCE Douglas Is Here INTO COX I 1 1)1 At I l.auiili Wltfe - anil .Not at Is" the rains Npou of Vw Triangle Picture SHOWING TODAY Starring Douglas laubunk.-- . Once upon a time this old world Pathe Presents Douglas in any of his previous picture you won't have to be was very niueli eoncerned with the If you have ever seen problem of how many angels could told that you'll enjoy his latest TRIANGLE PLAY. You'll know. on the point ot a needle. Sev- eral MatUries later serious minded people were engrossed In an equally ! Martyr discussion aoout Matrimonial whether "A important or not it is wise to keep a secret from an audience. The answer to the lat- ter question has come at last in a film "Flirting With Fate." just releas- A 5 part Gold Rooster play in Pathe Color WITH Triangle program, FATF ed on the and that 1 answer is, "Take the audience into 'lvUKfc'5 LUST LAMB Reel Comedy "MIC your confidence to the limit." The Idea in this film is to make the audience part of the picture, and s the title of his latest picture. New York Critics say it is the best Fairbanks play consequently the plot is talked over so far. If you haven's already decided to come, do so now. with them in a series of amusing sub- ! Bio titles. In fact, these subtitles flash 3 - VaoMe SURF GIRL." 2000 feet of bathing girls and laughter screen very Ms Keystone Comedy "THE upon the the remarks the Spectators ale about to make themselves. When Fairbanks, in the character of Augy Amsworth, an artist who is keeps one R. 3 Bran New Vaudeville Acts 3 down in his luck, getting DUKE LEE AND GIRLS misfortune after another and the au- dience has been shown one more lm-- Exoert Sharostiootina. Cowoirl and Soanish. Sinaina and lining thai lie is not awaic ot. Ihe Daren Numta Gladstone Sisters subtitle reads: Singing, Dancing and Character Change Artists. CHEER i r. AUQT, Tin: WOSUtl PIANO GRAND 5 IS YKT To COMB, SIGNOR CARLO FESSIA, in New Musical Program. and when thai piece of mislortune -- SIGNORE CARLO FESSIA DUKE R. LEE, Mind Reading and Second Sight Expose. rejection l' the girl of hi.-- heart-d- oes Adu,t 20c come lo pass In Augy'a life the Slide Trombone Soloist.