Gurlitt Collection Documents
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Dcclassitied per Executive Order 12958. Section 3.5 NND Proje<"t Number· NND 775057 By. NND Date 1977 ------~~--------~--~ Gu,TLL tt Co LL . Runllvtrtfn r u R o 1 e R " e 1 " L A " o e u " o w e s T r A L e " . o e o R u " o e T , •• 9 D0SSELDORP 6 .11 . 1950 KUNSTHALLe, ALLeeSTR. - TEL. I !478 He1.·rn von Schmidt &uf ;.1tenstudt \liesbuden Lunuesrr.uueuc ,:>ohr geehrter Herr von ...ic:,nidt auf •.\1 ten.:;tulfft! 7lic ..>ie vie11eici1 t wisse n , sind seit Jahren viele I.unstwerke uus moi ner.- reoitz, Clia in Aschbach bei Danberg uenoh1ogn~rmt wu:~·aen, 1m Col1ectin~ roint . Darf ic!:' ci-r er1auten, 7.U frc.cen, \'•e1che Jch1·1 tte ich zu unt.:l' nellr. en 1 s te, i.lm oie Lunstwe1·ke •.·•ie a~ r in Cleinen l\e!:lit z zu 1tekommen und vure "'S Ilmen et\'.c. nuglich, rnir e1ne gent.ue ~iste der be- • Sf.;. 1a_:nr.hmten i.erke zuzuoenden'? ·::enn -.~ie es ftir l.'ichtig halten, wlirae ich in dieser An....;elegcnhoit einmal nach ',.iesbaden kot• men. Ich ware Ihnen dankbar, v.cnn Sie mir mitte11en kUnnte~, w~nn ic~ Jie antrerfen wUrde . ; :.. t be:Jtem I:ank Ih1· nehr e1·ceuener • ( :Lr . .t• • Gurlitt) ~~per Eltccutive Order 129.58. Section 3. .5 NND ProJCCt Number: NND 7750.57 By NND Date: 1977 Cttt 1 WD Ba.1aa lo. - 1960/1 l Afrloaa •* • • • -196o/4 l 'le aYer' • 1'011, 'folll Ialende • • • - 19f!J/7 1 &S7Ptitn tarraootta tnament • • • 1960/8 1 \laa11-Afrioaa •gio at1oi • • • 96QI9 1 idol tigure • • • 1960/10 1 iYOr.J i dol w • • - 1960/12 1 aatique Yeaaal 1n shape ot a 4uot • • " - 196Q/l) l Mexican .aat • • • -19il4 1 bron sa atatuette troe ladit • • • - 19 16 1 olq bowl • : • -j9 18 1 male 1dol from 1.. Gui ... • • 9 V5 1 Waat-Atrioan mask caee 2 --r1: liE Roues Bo. - 1996 1 bronsa Clpr• of a knMl1ng •o•a b7 Augusta Bodin Qas l WIE House Bo. - 1907/2 1 figure of a a1ttia. female na4a, lngland aboat 1905 • • • l96o/2-.......;_ West-African idol t Caee 4 - WU Bo11ee Ho. -1984/1 1 bronze atddha, Nepal 1 6th oent1U7 \liE • • 1960/1,. -1 bronze lbd ha1 llepal 16th oeDtllJ'7 ~ Case 5 - WI E Bouse No . ~9 6o/1~~ - wooden ol11b t'rom the South-Sea Catt 6 liE House No. -1960/6 - 1 bronu etata.a of Bodh1satYa1 Wepal • • • -.1960/11--'1. o1a7 YB& ~" el fran Peru 1 • • • -i.960/15,..1 ol17 figa.n from Peru • • • -i967/1 -;rl mtdal of ola7, J'renoh tboat 1800 Qa§l 2 1 liB House F.o . -1 ~ 84/2 ......1 ODJiper -.dal with lurtOret Jobau Georg Yon Saobaen • " • - 1984/) l Me1asaa I'OUD4 plat• wltb 4ngoa w....~..,· ·- • • • - 1984/4 l Me1asen roQDd plate with drasoa ~·~~··- • • • -1984/5 l lfeinaa obloq plate • • • -198 ~6 l Ke1aaea plate • • • - 1984/7 -.4 ailYer bowl abont 1815 -r C•!! § ~ WD Houee flo . 1960/20....-t 'bronse heecl of u Afrloan ugro :::a Declassified per Exccuuvc Order 12958. Section 3.5 NNO Projcct Number NND 775057 By: NND Dnte: 1977 -------- p.- Coll~ction G u r l_!_!_tl_HAmb_u~r~g~·-------------- wl:. t:o . Painter and t.'lUb.ject claeel1'i.o. --------------------------- / '1 92o LieoerUJaun waggon in the ~andbill a P . ~9~u L~ebermann Two riders on tne beach P. ;< 1930/1 Dutch 17th c . Netscber? Two children making soapbubbles . P. ,. ,.., 932/1 Gurli. tt. Lou is Cattaro (Dalmatie) P . ~ 932/2 German 18t h cent . ~lower St illife P. 19}2/3 Gurlit t, Louis ~~ountai n Landacape P . ""' 19.:)2/4 Gurl1 tt, I ouis Forest Landscape P . , 932/5 Gurlitt , Louis View o! Helicon and Parnuaa P . ; 19~2/6 Gurl1tt , Louis Plain of Tbeben P . - 9~2/7 Putz . lor~rait cf a girl P . 932/8 Gurlitt, Louis l'yramide of Ceetiua P. 19j2/9 Dix , Otto. ~elf-Portrait P. ~9}2/10 Pascin. Two women and a man P . ~1 932/1, Nolde . $easbore P. ,...- 1 9~2/ 1 2 Dix . Heaa ot a girl P . ~934/1 George Michel. Landscape P. ~,., 934/2 " " Stormy Sky P . ,. 1934/3 George L.iche l Lanuaca e with ... ill ....- 1934/4 Georbe Michel . .Landsca-pe P • ..<') 934/5 It II Landscape 1 . /19.H/b II " LanQsca p~ with two windmills P. ~1936 Courbet . The father p . 1 937 Cals . tiealandacape .r . ~1 937/1 Rayski? ~en playing at C3rda P . , 19~7/2 German about 1840 Portrait of a Lady P • .,937//4 Gurlitt, Louis . Clouds P. 1937 5 " " View on Garuasee P . /~9~7/6 We isgeroer Painter and three 1uaes P. 1 9~7/7 French 18th cePt . Senave? Peasant fa. ily in a cabin P. 1937/8 Dupre , Victor . Landscupe P. } 9~7/9 KrUger . Hauptmann v . Blumenthal Dr . 1937/10 Gurlitt, Louis ~ulde near nurzen P . /~37/11 Guardi . Entrance to a Nonastery P . :1937/12 Gurlitt, Louis Palermo and Monto lellegrino P • ./937/14 Dietrich 1170 Italian Peasants arounu a fireplace Dr . y, 937/1. Engl. 18th cent. Landscape wi tn wino.mill P . ~937/16 Courbet . Lanascape with roc~a.E . 939/1 Gurlitt , Louie Study of Clouds P. I Abbrevia~ions P ::: ra.i .ting • nr. = Dr ewing Declassified per Executive Order 12958. Section 1 5 NND Project Number: NND 775057 By: NND Dnte· 1977 - 2 - W~ ~o . Pai nter and Subject Classitic . ~ar atrande . Italian dan ce p , Schlichter Portrait of a man P. 'l'home, nane Schwarzwald-Landscape P . A95,/1 Beckmann, Max. In the bar. P. /' ~ 951/2 Degas. Ed. Nude woman WBtihing herself ., 951/3 Degas , Ed. !wo Nudes. 'I 951/4 Redon, Odilon Bunch of ·~lowers ~951/5 Schrimpf , Georg. Farmyard ~951/6 Franken, ?ranz :aarriage at Cana P. 1 951/7 Jtyle of B. Spranger. Nereus. P. ,-1~5 1 /B Keirimax . Landscape P. 'lY57/1 iiildebrand t , E. Rio de Janeiro P. ,., 957/2 Rombouts , ~ . Landscape P. /957/5 •rreu, Katharine ~tillife with fruit P. ,957/4 Treu, Katharine ~tillife with fruit F • • X957/5 Fragonard Anne ana the Holy Family P. ~1957/6 Ziem. Marine P . Huijau.:~, Jan v . Stillife P. ~§~J~~ French. Two Ladies in a room P. ,....., 974/3 Ruiadael attrib. to Landscape l • Jr974/7 Roos. Landscape with animals.P. , 1977/2 G . H.~. Picture Hto GorkiH P. 1977/1 Teniers" Landscape with skittles players P. 1 977/5 Unknown . Motner ana Child Dr. 1977/4 H Kassandra Dr. , 977/') Schmidt Rotlu.!I ~ountainv illage P . 1977/6 a.n.w. Adoration of a Goaesa.P. , 977/7 Bofer, Carl Halfnude Dr . , 977/tj H " :r oung woman, halfnuae Dr . 1977/9 Kollwitz , Kate. Pieta Dr. • 1977/10 .Uaun . Egyptian Scene Dr. 1977/11 I.ehmbruck , lilhelm. Nude Dr . 1977/12 Drt 18. !fandgrenade rroop Dr . 1977/13 Schlemmer . Group of wo~en .P . 1977/14 Unknown . Landscape with windmill .t'. 1977/15 Griseel, Otto Hippodrom in ~t . Pauli P . 1977/16 Unknown Portrait or a woman P . 1977/17 Grissel, Otto Lady with a vail P. , 977/18 Unknown. Lady at the loge P. 1977/19 Hans :. aid. House and Trees P . 1977/20 M. R. ~ortrait of a little boy p , 1977/21 Lachnit , w. Portrait of a boy.P . 1977/22 Vall, Carl. Portrait of a lll8l'l Sprengmeieter Hautsch Dr. 1977/23 Vocke, C. Peaeantwoman P. 1977/24 Lenck, F . GBhsweineteia lrranken p. Declassified per Executive Order 12958, Section 3.5 NND Project Number NND 77'i057 By· NND Date 1977 - 3 Painter and JubJeot - -----Claeeitio. --- - - - ·-------- ,\977f-~5 Maohe, August Southern Pare Dr . 1977/26 W. L. and woman looking out of windo·1. P . 1977/27 MUll ~r, Otto Nude in bushes Dr. , 977/28 C.R . Floweratillife P. , 977/29 Ueckel, Erion Landscape with lake P. , 977/~0 Scholz, Werner . Two old people Dr. , 977/31 Gotsch. Seashoreecene P. , 977/32 " Girl on chair P. 197 7/:n Scholz, Werner . Kneelinb nunn. Dr . 1977/34 Lenk . Landscape in rain ~. 1977/35 Jinter, N. Fishe r men with boats Dr . 1977/36 Grosz , George . Streascene P. , 977/37 Muller, ?elix. Loverscene P. 1977/~8 Kretschmar . ~treetecene P. 1977/}9 Frees. Mothyr w'th child P. 1977/40 Macke , Augu!lt Lady in carriage . 1977/ 41 Peohatein, Max Portrait of a man Dr . 1977/42 Bolin. Town of MUnster Dr . 1977/43 Pechstein, Max. Pishervilla~~. 1977/44 ~Uller~ Otto. Nude Dr. 1971/45 SchlUchter, R. ~ackview of houoes ~ . 1977/46 Grosz, George . Two women and a man walking Dr. 1977/47 Heckel, Erich Man blowing rlute P. 1977/48 Beckmann. 3cene on beach l'. 1977/49 " . .\ oodcutter P. 1977/50 Hartmann, G. Interior P. 1977/,1 Groosmann , Rudolf .Yoman with ca"t Dr . 1977/52 Schmidt Rottluff Scenery on lakeshore P . 1977/53 Soh.nidt Rottluff . Stillife P • • 1977/54 " " Lake with reedgraes l • , 977//55 Rolfs, Chr. Yellow flowers P. 1977 56 " " .Yhite f lowers P . 1977/58 P. A. Landscape with dunes and people working on field P. 1977/59 Rodin. Atlas P. _.l$77/60 .l int erha.l t e r Port rait of a Lady Br . ~977/61 China,1 8tb c. Landocape P. ,..1'2004/ 1 Macke, Auguet •.7 oman i n the Zoo P. ~20C4/2 Trouillebert. Lanoscape P. Gurlitt, Louie. Chryeo P . ~gg~~~ Cbagall, Marc. Fabulous Scene P. l' ~ • ....e2004/5 German 20th c . Woman' s head P.-- 1A 2004/6 Gurlitt, Louis . Near Theben P .' ;.-!004/ 7 " " Danish Landscape.P.