| Volume XL1I. jfr/*0.*'”1™ vS,Yi”r*i,tTEAIt- ( ELLSWORTH, MAINE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1896. !S Nuwkkh 5. xttibrrttscnmUs. LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Washington county railroad will run Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report through part of this property and near the M;\V AIM KlUIMlMIMs Mils Wi t h to mills. The property was bought •• - for the timber; the mills will not be op- Statement-Granite State Fire Ins Co. erated the INSURANCE. statement—Boston Marine Ins Co. by purchasers. Kxec notice—K-t Susan F Hinckley. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Admr notice—Kst Maria K Stubbs. many Statement—U S Branch Commercial Union ert M. Campbell express deep sympathy Assurance Co. for them in the loss of their little son, Ha1<*s Low as Lowost. C. C. A W Cushman A Son—Wall paper. BURRILL & SON, K G Smith -Confectionery. Thomas Victor, w ho died Saturday, aged Owen llyrn—Clothing. fifteen mooths. Cnrri'*ipondonce Solicited. Ellsworth Loan and Buildlmr Association— ELLSAVORTII 'Ml' Beal estate Rev. JL. D. Cochrane is president of a I)r XV L West—Horse clipping. ABSOLUTELY PURE literary and Shakespeare club at Bar Har- \ PARTIAL LIST OF % bor. Ellsworth’s loss is Bar Harbor’s J. R. Long, of East Bluehill, was in the Blauquefort Commanrlery. A. O. IT. W. Installation. gain. Mr. Cochrane is missed from Ells- city Monday. The temple degree was conferred by Ellsworth lodge, A. O. V. A'., installed Insurance Also dealers In First class worth’s literature club. Companies Mias lassie Stover spent Sunday with Blanquefort commandery last Monday officers Tuesday evening. Past Grand at this Dr. Lewis Hodgkins is in Boston. He | Represented Agency friends in Bangor. evening upon four candidates. Master Workman Parker Spofford offici- left Ellsworth last to attend a Thursday After the a & London & S. K. ceremony turkey supper ated, assisted by Harvey \' Smith, of Liverpool Globe, Investment Hinckley and wife, of Bluehill, of the Dartmouth alumni. meeting college was served in the ball. Eminent as master were in the banquet Bucksport, past workman, and of , city Monday. ! His Miss Minnie accom- England. sister, Hodgkins, Commander John B. Redman presided. S. D. Wiggin as grand guide. Insurance Co., of Hart- < Judge E. E. Chase and w ife, of Bluehill, him for a visit in Boston. Phcenix panied The occasion was rendered memorable by The officers installed were as follows: Securities, were in the ford. * city Tuesday. A was born to Dr. and Mrs. several after-dinner notable Frank daughter speeches, I E. Gray, P. M. W.; P. H. Stratton, SUCH AS Hon. A. M. of was in Charles 8. Friends in was Hanover Insurance Co., of Spear, Gardiner, Bragdon Saturday. among which that of County Cleric ; M. W.; Herbert II. Holt, foreman; A. W, the J city to-day (Wednesday). this city extend congratulations to the John F. Knowltou, who was one of the Packard, overseer; John F. New York. ( I Knowlton, United States Bonds, State of C. E. was and wishes for a long and candidates whom tl"- was PL F. Insurance Littlefield, esq., of Rockland, parents, happy upon degree I recorder; Robinson, financier; New Hampshire Co., < life for little Miss Elizabeth Maine in Ellsworth last week on court business. Margaret conferred. Lewis Friend, receiver; John A. Lord, of New < Bonds, City Bonds, Hampshire. Miss Bragdon. Among the visitors were E. Webster guide; Frank S. Lord, I. John * Lizzie Lord, of Orland, is visiting I W.; Insurance Co., of Hart- Water Works Bonds, and of Southwest Parker O. W. JEts.\ her aunt, Mrs. Samuel L. Lord, in this Rev. 8. E. Brewer, of West Trenton, French, Harbor, I Coughlin, O. F. of After the ford. Railroad Bonds, of ascer- city. conducted services at the Methodist Spofford, bellow*, Bueksport, installation an oyster supper | j W. H. Davis, John Suminsbv. D. D. Drew', 1 last even- was followed a social of Insurance of New church Thursday and Friday Bar enjoyed, by time, Home Co., < tained and Esoteric lodge will work the third de- ] of Harbor. l which and strength legality. ings. A pleasing feature of the service speech-making singing, prin- York. < gree on three candidates this (Thursday; | cipally the latter, were the features. of customers collect- was the Mr. who ac- Lack of exercise has a < Coupons singing by Brewer, physical tenden- The musical programme me nded Imperial Insurance Co., of evening. to make school children I solos, himself on the autoharp. cy short-sighted. duets, trios, quartettes and choruses. ed free. Mr. and companied I Mrs. L. A. Leach and son, L. A. ---rr England. The Daughters will a sup- I in" Leach, of Bar were in Ells- King’s give American Insurance to loan on jr., Harbor, German ] Money mortgages, per at the banquet hall in the new Odd worth Tuesday. don’t know how Co., of New York. I collateral, and com- Fellows building this (Thursday) even- Perhaps you approved Donald M. Stuart is confined to the Co. ok North Amer- < mercial ing at 6 o’clock. The reputation of the Insurance paper. house with a sprained ankle sustained by we are on King’s Daughters’ suppers is sufficient in- Ready oj ICA, of a fall on the ice. Philadelphia. J ducement for all to tronize and p them, ** Union Insurance Co. Dr. F. E. was in Ellsworth last to (Marine), ( Nye in so doing aid a worthy cause. Everything relating prescriptions J a witness in the Grindall vs. of Bangor. I Thursday, Acadia worked Chapter, Royal Arch, it will not be amiss to and < Let us know what Hagerthy horse case. So Travelers Life Accident I the royal arch degree on three candidates J of Hartford, Quite a number of Ellsworth people After the work an Insurance Co you want. | Tuesday evening. attention to the j vveui iu i>«ngor mst iu aneuu £all your £ Penn Mutual Life Insurance naiuraay I excellent turkey supper was served. This ] the matinee of Rice’s“1492.” performance was followed by speech-making, Past Co., of ( i Philadelphia. Hon. Parker Spofford and wife and O. High Priest John B. Redman officiating 0 Reliable, • • F. Fellows are 1 and of as in his inimitable wife, Bucksport, toastmaster style. <' 4 the | ntelligent, Get our Terms before Insuring Elsewhere. guests of Clerk of Courts John F. An adjourned meeting of Nicolin club Knowlton. was held at the club-house on Tuesday P service we or for insurance at our expense. Prompt give # Telegraph telephone Several new cases have been built for evening, to act on several proposed the books recently added to the city li- amendments to the by-laws. All the mat- P T° anything of the kind placed # brary, a list of which is printed in The ters before the meeting were disposed of, c. C. 1UTRKILL *S? SON, American this week. the to meet at the and meeting adjourned P | n our hands. PARCH ER, # ELLSWORTH,.M.4ISE. Riverview Rebekah lodge, of Bucksport, club-house on Feb. 11, to act on an J has been commissioned by the grand amendment proposed at this meeting. P of DRUGGIST, I Outside prescriptions, master to institute the new Rebekah It is reported that Edward Green, a sea- EllswOrth.S a 5 fear but that we WEEK OF JAN. 20. lodge in Ellsworth. man of this city, is very ill in hospital Never Officers of in Fernapdina, Florida. Mr. Green has Ellsworth council, Royal Ar- 4 Chall please you on been in health for sometime. He anything usually f canum, were installed last Friday evening poor f) kept in a drug' store. I £ Rons by Deputy Supreme Regent Charles P. has sailed in coasters from this port for a 10,000 of Last off Ingersoll, of Camden. number years. fall, thinking shore voyages might benefit his health he FEARS FOR CAPT. BRAGDON. Walter Orcutt caught his hand in a ma- Hancock Tannery lim ned. with Capt. Fred Hodgkins as chine at the Union shoe factory last Wed- shipped Hancock tannery, in township 39, was cook on board the schooner “Carrie E. There Seems Little Doubt that the burned nesday, crushing one finger so badly that Monday night. i‘ue lire was Look” “J. F. is lost. amputation was necessary. Coolidge” probably the work of an incendiary. E if of F. E. Cole Co.,, was in Fears that have been felt tor the Twice within the tables con- The Unity club will meet at the Unita- 'Cole, safety past y- the and Sat urday on business. of Jesse of North La- nected with the tani have been rian vestry parlor this (Wednesday) after- city Friday Capt. Bragdon, He brought with him a small order and of the schooner “J. F. burned, a number of hors. lost in Wall noon, Jan. 29. Supper at o'clock, to raoine, Coolidge,” t.eing the is now running, but noton are into the conviction that each fire. which the public is invited. factory deepening full time. Mr. Cole thinks the shoe busi- the schooner is lost. About one hundred hands are employed F. K. Shaw, of Camden, formerly of ness is gradually strengthening, though There is, however, room for hope that at the tannery, and quite a settlement has Gouldsboro, and laU*r of this city, has re- there is no immediate prospect of the Capt. Bragdon and crew may have been grown up about it. It is t only i.iustry turned home after spending some days much-desired “boom” which it was rescued, though from reports now re- there, and its loss is a sore m,-fortune to among his many friends here. hoped would follow the prolonged de- ceived there seems little doubt that the the little community. A call has been issued for a preliminary pression. schooner has been wrecked. The loss is not known. It is reported meeting for the of a Re- Paper, organization On afternoon, Jan. 31, the la- This report which comes from Grand that the buildings were insnn d. Friday bekah lodge. The will be held meeting dies of the Congregational mission socie- Turk, Turks Island, Jan. 16, states that at Odd Fellows hall Albion Nutter Not Found, Saturday evening. was about fifteen miles ty of the parish are invited to meet with there picked up j The report that Albion Nutter, of Lygonia lodge, F. and A. M., will give a Mrs. A. Phillips. The object of southeast of that place a board bearing George who left home Dec. RECEIVED. at Hancock Centre, 19, had been JUST party hall, Wednesday, this meeting, as well as of the one pre- the name “J. F. Coolidge;” also parts of found alive and at March to which ! well West Eden, You can travel a way and 4, invitations will be viously held, is to obtain funds to help what seemed to be the deck-house, long 'proves unfounded. No tidings of his issued. There will be an entertainment. the Armenian sufferers. Each lady is re- batches, planking, etc., of a vessel. you won't find a more complete ! whereabouts have been learned. The Woman's relief circle met to bring 10 cents, and come pre- The “Coolidge” sailed from Point-a- of Blank corps quested Mrs. of Centre, sister line Books, Stationery, 30 for Fortune to load Alphonso Farrell, with Mrs. W. B. Campbell last Friday pared to sew. A four o’clock tea will Pitre Nov. Island, I Office and | of young Nutter, visited West Edea, but Books, Supplies Mag- afternoon. The circle meetings of the with salt for Baltimore. As reports are found no trace of the absent Hia fill counters and not received from Fortune | boy. azines than my corps, held every other week, are very Asa F. a former resident of regularly Haynes, friends have relinquished all hope, and Remember that the book pleasant social events. died in Island, it was thought likely Capt. Brag- shelves. El It worth, Charlestown, Mass., little doubt remains that he loot his life A. w. CUSHMAN & SON, don had been detained either sales Mrs. E. L. Allen who was to have Jan. there, by that had the largest for the given Tuesday, 21, aged fifty-eight years. by skating into one of the treacherous air unfavorable weather, or to make a lecture at the The remains were here for inter- up was the "Bonnie Brier Unitarian church parlors brought holes in Long pond. past year cargo of salt. last Tuesday, was obliged to cancel the ment at Woodbine cemetery Friday. Mr. j 1 have it for he did not reach Bush.” only 2,cts. of the late It now appears that No. 1 Franklin M Kll-wortli- engagement owing to illness. Announce- Haynes was a veteran war, Miss that the run from Gush—Oh, captain, were you ever ment of the made later. as a volunteer in the place. Ordinarily date will be serving Eighth boarded a Point-a-Pitre to Fortune Island should by pirate? Captain Storms— Maine He was a member of Frederick A. Coombs. uc ^curnu tupic mr » nt* regiment. ! Yes. He me 11 a f< r a hall Eipwurtu more than three or four charged f day B. Stearns No. 149, G. not take days. for Major George post, room on the league prayer meetings February is crew has been fourth lloor. Mr. moved There is a chance that the “Christ’s of Souls”. The A. K.,of Charlestown. Haynes CHASE. Ways Winning some of the small CHEVY Massachusetts about taken off and landed at for next from Ellsworth to subject Tuesday evening is “By no are re- -een islands from which reports Children for Have you Personal Work.” B. T. Sowle, leader. twenty years ago. Cry ceived, or perhaps taken to some more Taffy, Feb. 2, is “Christian Endeavor Pitcher’s Castona. Bangor lvewis was Mnr- Sunday, Gray arrested by City dis, ant It is that such may THE NEW GAME? societies port. hoped shal Day.” In common with many Holmes Thursday for intoxication pro e the case. Moat popular game on tin* market. all over the world, the Christian En- Sttsbcrtiscmrnts. and reckless driving about the streets of Capt. Bragdon spent the summer at his deavor society of the Baptist church will Peanut Taffy, Price, 50 and ?5 cents. the city. In the municipal court Fri- home in Lamoine. He has a large fam- use the exercise “Thy Kingdom Come,” day Judge Dutton imposed a tine of *15 ily of children. His eldest son has made issued by the United society of Christian and costs. several trips with him, but on his last California, Endeavor. Those who are familiar with ) WHIST PLAYERS SSflBBSSBff* On account of the illness of Prof. trip decided to remain at home. The former programmes will be for prepared was in Ropes, who was to have supplied the pul- crew of the “Coolidge” shipped Children’s Party and limitation Cards. an interesting service, in view of the and Messina pit of the Congregational church Sun- New York. It is not known whether any Large assortment; popular price-. claim that of all the exercises issued this Maybe you’ll get tlirumh r day, Prof. Beckwifch of the Bangor theo- of the men are from this section. Capt. is the best. The time will be 7 o’clock, cold snap without logical seminary preached both morning Bragdon is a member jf Ellsworth lodge, JOHN A. HALE. Sunday evening. and evening. A. O. 1. W. I HAVE HOME The name of the firm in scroll ULSTER ORANGES, gilded A FATAL MISTAKE. Knitting Factory at East Surry. letters ornaments the window of the W. ODD SIZES A knitting factory is soon to he estab- OR AN R. Parker clothing company store. The A Green Lake < Ikii• Pn Hips was summoned from Ellsworth 3Statisfmmts. club. Tickets, 15 cents. BRiC-A-BRAC otherwise. but it was too late. The child was dead THEY CCME! Jan. at ’C WHY DO w n Dr. reached Green Lake, Thursday, 30. Congregational I need that -tock of ">» "" «*' Phillips hardly pay my I tl "ildRSE C LIPPI XG. ! 'um ert and icon lect -.:re. .' an < m *>•••!. church- stcrop! t wort e al in an hour aucr t .ng k WATCH vs gold and Ulw, and ••The Riviera, from Marseilles THE CNLY<»0LC MEDAL I have ample facilities f «r Subjpct: r latent 12i's and can -uil 1 to Genoa. 15 cents. JEWELRY, pattern, ... it l(. ,i_ (if i' Mabel—You of fiance as a Tickets, (lipping lloi'M-s I8Y I’OWKIi, spoke your i and CLOCKS, o u his col- Jan. at new Odd Fellows y _ _ | graduate, but did not mention Thursday, 30, «w*p*wui nfforil. an excellent opportunltt for choice «Sc CO, ami respectfully solicit- patronage. VGU s X,- XjOXRXJ i lege. Amy—He is a graduate of the hall—Supper by King’s Daughters, CURES OTHERS,WILL CURE Howe & I »• 1,111 »*>op near 25 cents. . Dr. W. L. WEST, Eilswox’tli, Me. ! Kvcley institute. Tickets, K. F. HO HI NSON. Hancock house. i CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. WINDS TODAY. tl). <£. gc tlicr with (rod.—I. Cor. When.-.' the sal cins fl-w, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS, w It Is Rest. And the light to ance Union, under the of Hi, C-’iJ. tC‘hri*tian Endeavor day.) dimpled spread leadernhip MAINE FOR 1893. From tin* .country' of the dead. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, and is the demand f r This topic is a very appropriate one president, Why Miss Louisa Titcomb, for the fifteenth of the ori- Ah. it is » wild. 4 members. Today there Of their triumph, when th- y bound TERESTING FACTS GLEANED FROM THE REPORTS. | family soap? the tree and from the meeting at Augusta, addressed are 41,000 societies, with a membership Through ground! by Lad3* Because housekeepers, r.. r Somerset, as well as the of 2,000,000. Snch a marvel ms growth is Henry hearing Great within me my soul, From the of the state registrar of vital statistics for the year before the was report 1893, jus it for years, and can only be accounted for by acknowl- Great to journey to its goal. judiciary committee, using of the dead; this It *ssued, some interesting facts are gleaned. edging the hand of God to have been in To the country managed by society. may be in- paring it with others,koi i, For the eorm 1 tips are ml. to know that teresting they have The total number of deaths 11,134; an increase of births ove 1 the origin and of this great already births, 13,908; • propagation And a rich in strife waf is the best and most u passion begun active for the movement. Vet God used the hands of Drives me toward the home of life. preparations legisla- deaths of 2,774. In Hancock county there were 739 births to 491 deaths, a gain of 245 ture of 1807. Petitions I its never \ men to carry forward His work. It has asking for the next to tlie in to shown in thi ; ical; quality Oh, to keep the spring with them greatest gain proportion population by any county ballot for are in cir- been a divine human movement. The Who have flushed the cornel stem, municipal women, State. culation at this date. There are ban il of God and the band of man were Who imagine at its source early In twenty-five towns in Hancock county the births exceeded the deaths, in sevei All the delicious course, franchise in boil) in it. In this movement, as year’s superintendents every towns the deaths exceeded and in two towns were There were great and birth*, they equal. Then express by wind light and local in in all similar ones, God and man woik- county, superintendents three more deaths t.tan birth* in the of Ellsworth. There were 106 twin birth 1 Something of their rapture’s height! city I numerous localities. arc ed together as colaborers. —Micnacl Field in Boston Budget. Meetings being in the State, eight o( which are credited to Hancock county. Lewiston comes to tie held to which the as Men mils' always be “laborers togeth- opponents, well as front with triplets. with if their work is success- LOADING 1)11 K. the friends of the movement, are invited. er God” The death rate ptr 1,000 in the State was 16.81. Hancock county’s death rate wh1 If and education will secure the ful. This is the fact that Paul empha- agitation 13.35, next to the lowest of in the State. An That Once Flourished In Per- any county Industry measure are hound to succeed. sizes in the topical reference. It is a fact the3* Aroostook was the banner with a birth rate of 32.47 and a death rati fection In a Tennessee Town. county, that the most successful Christian work- of 12.72. The birth rate is so far ahead of sister that there can hardh A noticed in a window a only counties, reporter shop ( ers have always admitted and empha- KITTKKY TO AltlHOl. be called a the next nearest with a rate 22.64. pair of dice. They were innocent looking second, being Washington liancocl sized. testifies more to Nothing strongly little white bones, and he had quite forgot- county’s birth rate was 19.97. Aroostook is also well up in the matter of marriages eminent Christian character of Rev. One Week's Winnow of New s, tbe ten them when the proprietor remarked, lugs with a rate of 11.92, second only to Knox, 20.20. Francis E. Clark, D. the co- loaded.” Novelty and Nonsense. D., special “Them’s The total number of marriages in the State was 5,795. There were 311 marriages ii in this move- loaded?” The seventh annual concert and ball of laborer used by God great What's Hancock county, rate 16.68. than the fact that he has the dice.” t he Maine Central relief association is to be ment, always ‘•Why, The youngest bride in the State was fourteen at w hich fourteen brides the The years, age is the standard the hand of Godin the move- “Oh,” reporter ejaculated. pro- held at Portland, on Friday evening, Feb. family soap. recognized are rejKirted. The youngest groom was sixteen years of age. The oldest groom ii prietor picked up the dice, and throwing 14. ment and has emphasized that fact. In the State was the oldest bride them on the counter said, “Come seven,” eighty-eight, seventy-eight. Hancock’s oldest groon we should all emulate the this respect Warren a retired of was and oldest bride and sure enough seven came. Someone Brown, merchant, aged seventy sixty. The oldest couple was, groom sixty-four of the gTeat and the example apostle else pitched them, and live turned up, but Eastport, died Wednesda.y, Jan. 22, aged bride sixty. The youngest couple, groom eighteen, bride fifteen. Forty-four of thi 'Indapo leader of this wonderful young people's before he could make another five to He was a veteran of the the Made a well gain 1 seventy-two. grooms and forty-five of brides were married for the second time, six groomi movement. If we are successful in onr his that fatal seven showed its face Mexican war. Man of point and two brides for the third time, two grooms for the fourth time, and one bridi labors, we should attribute it to God, again, and so it went, the five and the two lie.'* Stephen Lake, aged sixty-six, a wealthy scored her fifth marriage. for it is not by might nor by power that making the seven three out of live shots. real estate owner of died During the year 627 divorces were decreed a rate of one divorce to ten mar the Lord’s work is done, but His “There an* only two men in the city Waterville, every by solemnized the Hancock has 27 divorces who can or will load dice,” the proprietor Tuesday, Jan. 21. He had been in busi- riages during year. county to its credit (oi Spirit. Paul may plant, Apollos may INDAPO ness in Houlton for many years before discredit). Till SR1AT Water, but God alone can the in- explained. give loose on the below shows the REMEDY “Before Jones turned gam- moving to Farmington, about ten years The table births, deaths and marriages in Hancock county bj HINDOO crease. “Not unto us, not unto ns, but pmopcrm the above blers one could get $5 and for loading a tow ns, with rates 1,000, 1892 and 1893, for of ago. per purpose comparison. The rates art NMILTl l« M 1» \ VM. Cures' a unto Thee, O Lord, be honor and if was difficult pair of dice, and the job y<»u based on the of 1890. Nervous IB teases. Falling Memory, It is said that in the Penobscot lum- poplation hnilV should be our motto in all the could even more than that, but now Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly -_ glory.” got HANCOCK COUNTY VITAL STATISTICS. •Ions, etc caused by past uh gt*ea vigor and tire district feet of were ■accesses of life. $3 is a very good price, and there is less to bering 50,000,000 logs to shrunken organs, and quu-kiv but surely restores Births. Is—t Masala—** In old or young. Easily carried in vest do than there once was at at distances of from three to seven Marriages. Deaths. Although God is the principal and any price. yarded pocket. Price g 1.041 a package. M& h>r p.VOO * Itli » “These were loaded for a regular gam- miles from waters, and the lack gsaranlre to eure or ■—y reloaded. l'on't necessary worker, still man's work is driving Rrlllftip an imitation^ but Insist on having INI»AI*0, If a shot will never hss not t we •Iso and The bling house, and crack of snow has been a very serious drawback Towns. g V 2? V g i your druggist g It. will send it prepaid. necessary important. k I; a £ y UrlesUlMedltaUck, 4klea**. sr—r recognize the iron. To do the job right re- 5 .gx 5* Praps., Ilk, agents. and the must be to operations. g SOLD S. D. planting watering t 7 by Wiggin, Apothecary, Main Str—t, quires a good ileal of skill and pains, ou Amherst. 18.06 294B 5 .. 4 10.66 19.6* done in order that of I ELLSWORTH. ME., and other Leading Drug* by the blessing in or Under the head of “Amusements,” the 5 bore the eye and pour your mercury Aurora. 28.57 28.57 2 2 .... 22 8; n*t» the increase mav come. We should God beat in your lead. If you use mercury, it Kennebec Journal recently printed the Bluehlll. 40 20.22 22 72 11 7 29 14.64 18.ll Belief In Mix Hour*. not think because God is the important must be in the form of quicksilver. Mer- following interesting announcement: “A Brooklln. 24 22.94 22.94 4 5 21 20 07 15.21 j Distressing Kidney ami Bladder ilieease* ro- one in work that we can be cury is probably tlie best, though a tiny arrived at the residence of Brookevllle...25 19.08 17.55 6 12 16 1221 12 2! spiritual bouncing boy llevcd In six hours by the "Nfw Gkfat South lead shot will .answer the of the careless and indiffereut. purpose W. H. Fisher, Sunday morning. Mother Bucksport. 51 17.45 14 72 31 27 54 18.48 17.81 AlFKICAN KlhNFT CURE." This new reineily dice. You then take a bit of 20 Tbe fact that we are “laborers to- ordinary ivory, and Castlue. 20.26 20.26 6 11 10 10.13 24 child are doing nicely.” In In the and it in the countersink the .. relieving pain bladder, with God’’ should increase our fitting plug Craul>erry Isles. 5 15.15 33.33 3 2 6.06 9 01 gether Governor Cleaves has Charles Eromptnest*Idneys, back and every part of the urinary eye. If the loader understands his busi- appointed Dedham. 8 21.85 19.12 1 4 4 in zeal and earnestness. What an honor to 10.92 27A passage* male or female. It relieves reten- is no who can W. of for the tion ness, there professional de- Hayes, Foxcxoft, attorney Deer Isle.109 38.02 26.-8 32 27 52 15.19 16.(T of water and pain In passing It almost be a colaborer with God ! It means suc- tect the fraud. Not to make the of in of Miles immediately. If you want quick relief and weight county Piscataquis, place Eastbrook. 7 28.45 44 71 2 2 .. _ *20A cure, this Is your Sold S. D. cess, for God never fails. It means fel- can tore and leave hollow remedy. by Wig suspicious you W. McIntosh, resigned. Mr. McIntosh's Eden. 55 28.26 23.12 43 15 34 17.47 if,.9; gin, Druggist, Ellsworth Me. lowship and with the that side of the die for which it is loaded. partnership King resignation was caused by his having left Ellsworth. 66 13.73 18.73 38 50 69 14.36 16.41 of Kings ami Lord of Lords. It means “Sometimes there is big money in the Franklin. 36 28 48 the State, he being now settled in San 22.94 14 11 7 5.53 10.2t and business. About a year ago, when dice encouragement, reward, happiness Francisco. Gouldaboro 36 21.06 19.30 11 17 26 15.21 26 9] were the with of the green usefulness. Let ns strive then, stimulat- rage gentlemen Hancock.20 16 80 20.16 3 4 14 11.76 lit* cloth, a of local gamblers sent all the A Maine mother was her little NfW party hearing at 8 ed by the successes of the past, to go Isle Haul. 38-83 29.12 2 .. 2 9.71 19.4] way to Colorado for an expert to come and child the Lord’s forward in the future, still in repeat prayer recently. I-amuine. 6 8.26 19.28 5 2 9 12.40 11.01 trusting do their little trick. He came, and in one As the child hesitated a bit over the ex- 4 14.76 [ Mariavllle. 11.07 in snch a that colabor- 2 4 4 14.76 25 8! God, way though he aud his crowd did one for night game Desert.17 12.54 19.18 10 ers with pression, “Forgive us our trespasses,” Mount 9 Jo 7J8 1033 God we shall be workmen who $3,000. The next day ho returned to the she long enough to ask, “Do Orland. 26 18.70 15.82 9 14 17 12.23 2».M E». E. C. ▼•ST'S tfXBVE AtfS BBAIS TS2ATKXKT need not be ashamed. Black Hills. That man was once a noted interrupted la sold nodor ... 4 positive written hr dear, what Otis.... 16.69 12.55 1 2 5 20.92 8.3* guarantee, Bible Headings.—Gen. v, 29; II gambler in this city. It was atom this you understand, ‘trespass’ authorised agents only, to cure Weak Memory*; Penobscot. 26 19-80 12.18 y 10 18 13.71 11.4:3 L*os*of Brain ami Nerve Chron. xxxi, 20, 21;Neh. vi, 15, 16; Ps. time that Chief Adkins, after having means?” “O yes,” replied the little one: power. Ix*t Manhood; Sedgwick. 21 20.75 10.*; 7 7 18 17.79 17.75 (^Ui knees. Night I O'*-. -; Evil Dreams; Iju'k of made a raid on some notorious dive, “It means off the grass!” (onfiderre; M-von- XC, 16, 17; Prov. xvi, 8; Isa. xxvi, 12; placed keep Sullivan. 26 18.85 25AH 13 12 I^itude; all Drains: 13 9 42 16.67 ./o-aof Power of on exhibition a pair of loaded dice cut in the (renerat ivh Organs in either Zech. iv, 6; Math, xxviii, 18-20; Acts The Hon. A. W. Paine, of Penobscot Surry. 17 19.26 39 41 13 15 8 8.11 caimed halves. 12.17 hy over-exertion, Youthful Errors, or 40 19 64 ******* of xiv, 2-4; I Ccr. xv, 10, 58; II Cor. iii, county, has attended every term of the Tremont. 15.71 20 19 22 10.80 7.8t Tohncco. Opium or Liquor. “Speaking of the price of dice, $5 or#$*^ .!■ h leads to Gal. Trenton. 7 13.25 18 93 1 1 Mi-ery. Con*uinptioo, Insanity 5, C; vi, 1; vi, 9, 10; Phil, ii, court at for 7 13 25 7.57 ■ is letting them off light. In some cities supreme Bangor fifty-nine 1 Death. By mail, fl a box. six for 4 12 38 $:,■ with 13. Verona. 22.29 1 .. 3 9.28 vritten guarantee to ur« or 12-16; iv, where the dice are loaded in a professional years, with the exception of one wyiter, 15.47 refund money. Waltham. 6 24.79 33.05 3 * Sample rau-kag". containii g hve not to order, but for when illness him at home. He was 3 12 40 37.13 day*’ treatment way, regular sale, kept with full instruction**. -• cents. One Long Island PI. 5 37.87 37.87 2 1 1 7.57 I bam pie Another Indorsement. dice that without the lead are worth about on hand at the opening of the court last I «Bly sold to each is-rsoii by mail, 80 cents with lead will cost No. 7 PI. •••• 95.23 .. .. 1 20.00 31 74 The latest denomination to make you $18. But, with a case for trial. He has H. I). WICCIIN Ellsworth. Me. week, No. 33 PI. 4 35.71 53.57 1 after all. that isn't much, for the man 1 5 44 T4 17.83 j of ex- Christian Endeavor its official young argued cases at every term court, Swan's Island PI 4 6.32 9.49 who handles them right is soon ‘in.’ “— 3 10 0 9.49 g.30 people’s society is the African M. E. cept the one when he was ill. Knoxville Journal. Total. 739 19.97 20.21* 311 307 Zion chnrch. The board of at 41*4 13 33 15.57 USE MISS bishops its Col. E. C. Farrington, inspector general BEECHER’S conference in St. Louis A Surprise. unauimously of rifle practice, has made his annual re- and a resolution the Y. P. MAINE SHIPPING. jlctospaptrs. HAIR passed indorsing Andrew I). White says that when he port. The w hole number of officers and C. E. and Christian 8. making Endeavor was in Berlin the Chinese minister, at a men in the of twenty-two companies Hut few Vessels Huflt During WHISKER DYE. the denominational young so- diplomatic reception, presented his prin- Very people’s National guards in the State, is 1,116men, It contains no -ulphuror lead Wa-liiug Is secretaries to the other ministers. tlie Year 1895. She ® £'wn. The board also recommended that cipal not AKTl K a ciety. as against 1,149 men in 1894. The number required living In other dvc-. Christian Endeavor societies be Among the secretaries was a tall, fine The year 1895 was a disappointing time W hole-ale druggists who have handled all organ- of is first class The First of American the various looking man, evidently a European, sharpshooters sixty-six; for the shipbuilders of Maine, the entire Newspapers. dye- pronounce It the la-t -In ized in every church throughout the A. preparation e\er brought to their notice. dressed in a court costume and cov- marksmen, sixty-eight; second class, 408; M. E. Zion connection. superb output of new tonnage from all the yards CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. fie.arge-t bottle and best dve in the market ered with lace. As his Chinese ool- third and not S«*ld bv all gold class, 245; practicing qual- in the State less than was built in druggi-t-. W*hole-ale agents, being Deo. ( (.omlwlu league introduced him to Mr. White in ified, no 197. a Co., Boston, Ma— 134; having practice, the district of Waldoboro in 1890. C ook. Everett A The Lighthonae of Life. the single The American Pennell. Portland. Me German conversation was continued Constitution, the John W. Perkins The jury in the case of Joseph Boothby, The cause of the gr€>at decline can be told A Co.. Portland. Me. An earnest Christian mate, now a in that language, when suddenly this American Idea, the of Wells, administrator of the estate of in two words—low freights. American Spirit. Floating Christian Endeavorer, says splendidly dressed ijersonage said in Eng- I do not see wo Addie L. Boothby, against the Boston and The of new vessels These first, last, and Golden Rule, whose ship was stranded lish: "Mr. White, why aggregate tonnage all the time, should be talking in German. I come Maine railroad, in the supreme court, for the was 13,079.37, divided Piles! •everal months ago on the southernmost year among forever. Piles! Piles! from Waterloo, in western New York, and in a verdict of |3,000 for the the districts as follows: l»r William*' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind island of the formed a brought Japanese group, Bleeding, Ulcerated and itching Pile*, it absor* » the I was educatedf at the University of Mrs. was thrown out with a schoolteacher plaintiff. Boothby Bangor. 64.34 turnon*, allay* the itching at once, aits u* a « oultice, friendship Japanese under Dr. Ander- instant Rochester, your friend, of her at in give* relief, hr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint- and carriage Wells, May, 1894, Bath. 9,887 81 ment 1* t«»r commended to him the study of the son.” Mr. White said that had the man mail. a prepared lily Pile* and Itching of the pri- the horse from Belfast. 21.20 Daily, by $6 year vate parts, and nothing else Every b«>x Is Bible, him with a He the it not through taking fright guaranteed. presenting copy. dropped through ceiling would Sold bv druggist*. »ent bv mail, for Wv. and $! <<.» per steam from a loco- Caetine. 51.61 and box. has recently heard from his Japanese have seemed more surprising, and that it escaping passenger Daily Sunday, by mail. $8 a year Williams mu; c«., ho/*, < lewund, o. motive. She received which Frenchman’s Bay. 310.72 Sold bv S. I>. Wljrgtn. friend in a where he of the was hard to believe that the pretty little injuries letter, says Keuuebuuk. 183 4b “It is the village of Waterloo, or even Rochester, caused her death five days later. Bible, lighthouseof my life. Mathias. 1,36H.62 with all the added power of its noble uni- The state board of health has sent to 63 should have been able to Passumaquuddy. 24 The Sun Removing the Brier*. versity, develop Sunday a circular letter Portland. 160.19 a creature so gorgeous. It turned out that physicians prepared We, who are so careful to remove the the after from the nririmr t.hp nf riinhthpria anti-torin Waldoboro... 901.57 man, beiDg graduated is the briers from our for fear Wiscaeset 105.20 greatest Sunday in pathway they vjuioiij' ui awucswr, uitu poutj tu cuiuit ill every case of diphtheria, not alone to Newspaper should inflict a as wound, yet, strange with certain missionaries, had then been j cure an existing condition, but to prevent 13,079.37 the world. it may seem, give no to the taken into the Chinese service and had the occurrence of more serious trouble. thought The vessels built or on the stocks in to be a Price 5c. a many wonnds we inflict in other hearts proved thoroughly intelligent, The circular describes also the methods copy. By mail. $2 a year the Frenchman's are as patriotic man, faithful in his duties to this, Bay district, by collecting and piercing them with of the anti-toxin, and states that China as well as to the United States. using follows: AdtlreMM THE SEN, New York. thorns ns our _CAVEATS, the that meet in daily in- the of anti-toxin is now supply ample, Sch. ’•Henrietta A. 188.11 TRADE marks, tercourse with each other.—Catholic Whitney,” Ellsworth, OESICN PATCNT8, One American Habit Praised. and, so far as can be determined, is of "Hattie Luring,” Steuben, 46.61 Carts. •• Professional Universe. 7 25 : COPVRICHTS. o*. J. proper quality, but it is a matter of regret "Alcyon,” Gouldaboro, an,l fee Well, it is thought, might we follow the "Lula W. Ellsworth, 70.75 *.rAnT°.rn,atl°a Handbook writ.* to Eppes,” MbNN et CO., :<61 XkoapwaY, Nrw Youjc. set us our American cousins that the price remains at so higli a figure. II. Greater Than Faith. example by DR GREELY, Otile*t bureau f.»r securing patents In America. 310.72 patent taken out ipI, n r«* 1 Every »•> I night t* f in the naming of our ships-of-war. The famous bed case Love is than faith because the Bangor’s folding the public by a Ui-ticc give n fr. e ol<.huxac iu tno greater result of of the new of the There are indications that 1896 will DENTIST. many ships which has been in for some end is than the means. litigation greater What is United States navy the names of a revival—at least an receiving has been decided bring something the nse of faith? It is to of American time, just by the law having connect towns, it is observed, has improvement upon the business of 1895- Graduate of the Dental Jncnfifie court. Over two years ago Frank White Philadelphia College, JttiMflm the soul with God. And what is the nse been that the inhabitants of those towns claae Largest circulation o* any '-icntlflc paper In tho but it is not that the wooden of ’75. v likely ship- world. n truif.l. » ore the liveliest interest in was so injured by the collapse of the Nplendlihv mf. of connected with God? is taking the maa nhouM \\ v being It to building industry will ever regain its lwithout h. bed in that he became a ^-Office in Giles’ vear; $l/<0 six inoiin, -. Y» become like for “God is low. ”— ships, their officers and crews and in all question cripple. Block. Ellswohth. ir*---.. Gud, former extent. There are several new FCBUSBCU*. at. I Ur iblwuy, N. v Cwy. their doings. In some cases tbo towns The bed was in the home of his sister-in- Henry Drummond. vessels now in havo so far us process of construction, gone to present the ships law, Mrs. Agnes White, who sued for E. BUNKER. .JR.. their names with handsome serv- and many builders have received con- JOHN Christian Endeavor Notes. bearing $5,000 the tirm of whom she bought the ices of plate for the officers’ mess. Our tracts for large schooners to be ready in ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wallflowers are an arctic bed. The full court’s decision is that the growth. naval authorities, it is strongly felt, might early summer. who was not is not They cannot flourish in Christian En- do worse than to stimulate the interest of dealer, manufacturer, OFFICES AT deavor some of our liable; that the had as n Patents, atmosphere. great inland towns in the purchaser good BAR HARBOR AND Caveat*, ami Trade Choice Selections. BLUEHILL, ME Stark* obtained and n I’a their names on chance as the seller to see defect in tent l;u*lne*a condueted f,.r for one to and navy by bestowing ships, any Moderate Fee*. Something every do, The to Bur Harbor offices 7 and S Our olbce I* S instead as opportunities do, Mt. Desert B oek opiiu.lte I'ntent oftlee We of, sometimes is the case, fixing construction, but that neither, unless nave not too much for any one to do, is a come at God’s Bluehill office open Saturdays. no sub agencies, all business hence good 6uch as no They behest. direct, upon carry particular interest skilled in mechanics, would be to can transact patent buslnes- in less time and at social committee maxim. likely And she who never squanders one, or meaning.—United Service Gazette. LESS COST than those remote from Wash discover the danger, which would not be Is she who lives the best All the young peoples’ societies of H. \V. HAYNES, lngtor. apparent until the bed was sufficiently ])U Send model,, drawing, or photo, with desertp Richmond have united for the A Haunted Mine. "Not to enjoy 1 ifV( but to employ life tlon. Vie purpose loaded to disturb the centre of advise, it patentable or not, free of gravity. ought to be our aim and aspiration.”-- I charge Our fee not of distributing good literature to the South Wales has a haunted coal mine. DEN TIST. I tint (ill patent Is secured. A book, “How to obtain This is the Morfa Macduff. Patent*," with refer city institutions, hospitals, barbershops, ghostly place colliery, en,*e" to actual clients In or Maine's Forests. "Some men are very entertaining for a ♦•'Sundolor for the Pulolfi.. Extrac- j your state, county, railway stations, .etc. and it has been infested with restless spir- ; town, sent free. Address The lir^t interview, but after that they are its for about a week. They are extent of the woods of Maine is a tion of Teeth. The of the Lutheran supposed exhausted and run out; on a second in- yonng people to be six in to matter on which few number, and be the ghosts people have any we shall find them flat and church in Illinois are terview very .’.OFFICE OVER A. II. SOURIS STOKE.,’. 0. k SNOW & CO.. sending out their of some miners who were 1 killed in an ex- very cicar idea. There are at the present monotonous; like hand organs, we have Opposite Patent Office. Washington, 1>. C own to Africa, Mr. Will M. missionary plosion. make their known heard all their tunes.”— Colton. ___ They presence time some 13,568,000 acres of forest in the __ Beck of O. and all over un- EIjXj&WOFITH Lancaster, by “wailing knocking the State of Maine. These “Absence of is not rest, figures may not occupation Adapted to any business derground Those A mind vacant is a mind distressed.” vmuu 11 r* The first of Christian workings.” diversions, much the quite STEAM or professiont fuied, with Floating society it is convey to ordinary mind, but —Cote ! LAUNDRY said, they vary by the “singing of per. 1 Endeavor in Oregon has been the one AM) HATH ROOMS. organized dirges and the roll of muffied drums.” fact that could take the states of Contract and in Portland and is now prospering. Rhode Connecticut and throughout. Requires the least Island, Delaware read what ‘NO PAY, NO W ASH EE.” Ol'dtfM1B Not a few w ho Mr. Robert j possible to enter data Many of the seamen have returned wear- and in writing “Danger,” says the cornfed hide them away the forests of and refer to any philosopher, of Holland, Va., has to say below, A1 -duds of worK done at 1 uk(*HP(lSb quickly Christian Endeavor Rowls, luundry short no 'ail un name and ami ing pins. “seems to exorcise a never ending fasci- Maine ought to give some idea of the im- tlce. Goods called for and delivered. save time w ill remember their own experience un- ; I money. *1,000 used and recorded. All kinds '-f Sectional unions of Christian Endeav- nation jover the minds of men. It leads mense size of the Maine woods. H. It. ESTEY A. 1 der circumstances: “Last winter I CO., labor-saving records on hand or made to order to like or are for India. some attempt the conquest of hitherto The t End \\ ALTER \V ULOIK.L, Publisher, being agitated Owing assessed valuation of his forest is me in a low state I Bridge, Ellsworth, Me. Inaccessible haa ia grippe which left 6 Barclay St New York. *o the of a national mountains and leads others to diversity languages, $35,250,000, but there is no doubt that I tried numerous commit Jour- 1 of health. remedies, union is not advisable just now. matrimony.”—Indianapolis much of the magnificent water of youm% nal. power none of which did me any good, until I ~(r't LADIES ; ** n*». One St. Louis is me fctaie is cue to the chVcs. cn :n* r ! r. society furnishing was induced to try a bottle oi Chamber- Piiiiner Vniiiy, Strive to do thou forests (Scrapbooks to hospitals and jails through thy duty; then shalt around the headwater* anti Iain's The first bottle of undersigned nerebv gives notice U-il 1” Cough Remedy. Steel e fpHKA. has know what is in thee. sources of her Pilk contracted w lih the < U\ of Ellsworth.pt its good literature committee. These are mighty rivers. me that I was enabled to Pennyroyal' | the so far relieved 1 of it V 1 !1 support *he r» e ensuing ear, j ly j poor during at- the homes of the members The value of Maine’s forests is n / r PitPNPr»°1 I*‘ N( v K,'»”£1 RiI a,nd and has made prep.ued thing attend to my work, and the second bot- J L._ »nd reliable euro j ample provision for their support. that cannot and 1 e f- ! He therefore and consist of be estimated, the above \ Vn Price, $1.00; Mint forbids all person* from furnishing helpful clippings from ro- I Children for a cure.” For sale at 25 and 50 S Cry value is based on the tle effected xna.i. Cjt iiuinosold snppBeMo any Pauper on hlsaccount rt without simply lumber and ouly by 1 h,(1 ligious papers A. Parcher. written order, he will f«»r no so Pitcher’s Castorio land. cents per bottle by Ueorge D M lUCEV, Ellsworth, Me. pav goods | burnished. Uabuy a. Junes. 9 Kant NEWS. Mayo sang “Picking Cherries.” A. C. West Trenton. brook. Absent-Minded. SWjntfgenuntg. COUNTV Paters and A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. who has been .Vw» nre other Mrs. R. S. Lord sang a duet, Guy Butler, danger- The “absent-mindedest” for additional bounty pages. couple surely “Reuben and Rachel.” All united in L. Murch Jan. 2. ously ill, is convalescent. sing- has been discovered by the Machias Re- ing “Marching Through .” The Mrs. J. of Southwest Harbor, is O. B. Pettengill and wife, of Thk American has subscribers at 106 Brown, Hancock, down in sum made publican, Washington county. of $20 was realized, and the corps Mrs. David B. Alley. a short visit to relatives here re- Quickens in Hancock visiting the 116 post-offices county; returns They were riding in an open wagon the of grateful thanks to the singers, to The Gift circle, King’s Daughters, will cently. all the other papers in the county com- the select committee who entered so other when overtook a The meet with Mrs. Mary E. Homer next Miss Ella Billings closed her school at day they lady Appetite do not reach so The Amer- fully into the of fun, and to Mrs. in the same bined many. spirit Tuesday afternoon. Franklin after a term of ten weeks, and acquaintance walking di- Makes the Will Greene, who gave the copy of the will ican is not the only paper printed in Mrs. Estella who has been spend the winter at home. rection. They invited her to ride, and invitation. Marshall, On and has never claimed to visiting relatives here for several weeks, Thursday evening last the East- but one seat to his the Weak Hancock county, Jan. 27. Spec. having wagon, Strong. left for her home in Hudson, N. H., last brook dramatic club, be, but it is the only paper that can prop- I recently organized, accommodating husband sat upon the week. a drama entitled IN presented “The Only erly be called a COUNTY paper; mil the MEMORIAM. lap of his spouse to make room in the Daughter,” followed a farce. George W. Clay, Blueliill, died Jan. 13, Several parties were here from Eden by laughable seat for the extra passenger, who rode rest are merely local papers. The circula- The entertainment the 1890. this week buying hay. There were more pleased large three miles and alighted with many tion of The American, barring the Rnr audience After In tlie sudden removal death of our buyers than hay, consequently it made a present. the entertain- thanks. summer is by Harbor Record's list, ment a box was AYIR’S larger late brother in George W. Clay, hay panic. supper served. The the seat would have BH THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL than that all the other Christ, Ordinarily empty of papers printed proceeds will toward the of a we as a church and Sunday school are The sociable at Mrs. A. P. McFarland’s, go purchase been resumed by tlie original occupant, in Hancock county. hearse. deeply conscious of having sustained a for the benefit of the Christian Endeavor but this case was an exception. The spell ••Sarsaparilla Jan. 24. B. loss. of absent-mindedness was well the Penobscot. great sewing circle, was well patronized. All upon Has Cured Therefore we wish to record our high an time. twain, and continued in the same A series of religious meetings are in report enjoyable When a a small they Brother papering room, apart- under appreciation of our departed position, totally oblivious to passing Others progress Rev. Mr. Bailey, ami Lay Missionary Rice, who evidently be- ment can be made to appear large by be- has been a member of our while the its have a Clay, who events, wagon settled upon several manifested desire to lead a lieves in Christian Endeavor work, has ing covered with a paper of subdued church and Sunday school for some beam ends and noisily bumped the star- And Will Cure You. better life. Mr. Builey is a young divine, organized three societies in this town, all color without any particular design. For the of this board end of the axle-tree reason of the talented and and seems thirty years. greater part of which by earnest, to be seem to be doing good work. The offensive small Pectoral for he has a of rooms newly concentrated Ayer's Cherry Coughs. liked the He is a period occupied prominent The “Christian Harvest’’ at Trenton has weight. by people. doing good it is be removed in our church and painted may, said, by rode several miles in this work. position Sunday doubled its since its They position, membership organ- therein for a school held simply placing night, a and doubtless would have ridden thus to work, having responsible ization last The Oak Point so- A brisk little snow storm on August. bucket of water with some in it. Friday offices in each organization and having hay the end of their journey had the road not To Restore Perfume in Flowers. night, attended with considerable ciety received five active members last wind, filled them with credit to all con- When property is insured “while” in a led them in the of a school- It is claimed that the of great and a interest is vicinity perfume left our roads in not much better con- Sunday night, great certain cerned, owing to the high order of his building, the insured cannot re- house, where the hilarious demonstra- flowers disappears as soon as the starch for It manifested. The West Trenton society, dition sleighing. looks at this cover in case is natural abilities And mental endowments. it destroyed at another tions of the scholars, who were pointing in the petals is exhausted; and it may, it as it be organized at a very recent date, is pro- writing though might followed in his contributions to the place. in the direction of the is be the __ restored Liberal is carriage, brought said, by placing flower with rain. Our woodsmen are gressing finely. Wilson Gilbert presi- sighing cause of he was liberal in thought them to their senses, when the good wife in a solution of sugar, when the for- Christ, and Mrs. Salome secre- for a little more of the “beautiful snow.” dent, Hopkins, K lj LS W O KTII 31A K K ETS. and wise in in all things pertain- exclaimed, Bucknam, I believe mation of starch and the emission of fra- counsel, tary. “Why, On presentation of the case J. M. to the advancement of the kingdom Wednesday, 1890. are laughing at us!” grnnoe will be nt once resumed. by ing Jan. 25. Roy. January 27, they Hutchins, a bill to pension Herbert VV. of Christ at home and abroad. MAISK LAW REGARDING WRIGHT* AND MEASURES. Went A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh 60 and Leach, of the “Jeannette” has a leader in Israel Sullivan. pounds, atiucrtisnncnts. expedition, Not only fallen, a bushel of urks Island salt shall weigh 70 pounds. Ellis of is in towTn. The standard a has been introduced in Congress by Con- but a strong man as well in our com- Stanstield, Bluehill, weight of bushel of potatoes, in good order and fit for shipping, Is 60 pounds. Milliken. Mr. Leach is a native esteem gressman munity, a man held in highest by Hugh Havey is seriously ill W’ith Hie standard weight of a bushel of beans In good or- der and 111 for is 62 Of of Penobscot, where his relatives his fellow townsmen and fellow citizens shipping, pounds. wheat, beets, reside, pneumonia. ruta haga turnips and peas, Go pounds; of corn, 66 but now his 62 of carrots, tur- resides in Brockton, Mass. generally, as evidenced by serving Miss Josie of West pounds;of onions, pounds; English Strout, Harrington, nips, rye. and Indian meal, 50 pounds; of barley and He likes Maine and to re- as and also as better, expects at one time selectman, rep- was in town last week. buckwheat, 48 pounds; of oats 32 pounds, or even meas- visiting ure as turn to bis native State at no distant day. resentative in the State legislature. by agreement. Colcord & Emery have suspended work He won national notoriety by his heroic As a young man he served his country Country Produce. on their quarry for a short time. Keans, service in saving Lieut. Danenhower’s and the cause of humanity as a soldier in A of business men from this Improved Yellow Eye, per bush.2.50 boat crew. the civil war. As a foreman in the party Pea, hand picked, per bu.2.00 Jan. 24. H. place are building a substantial camp at quarrying department of the White j Pea*: Tunk he endeared himself to pond. memorial, resolutions. granite company j men under ms nia Mrs. Charles Stewart, who has been a Butter. Whereas, The great Kuler of events the cnarge, ny equa- sufferer for a from a has again entered our ranks and re- nimity of temper and fair dealing. great long time large Creamery per ft*.30 Dairy .22 a25 moved our esteemed comrade, Edwin A. | Possessed of a kindly disposition, a abscess, is very low. of Penobscot, therefore, Cheese. Sprague, manner, a clear head, a cool judg- Jan. 27. G. Resolved, That in this bereavement we genial Best factory (new) per ft*.1"» ment, a firm will and a warm Christian Best dairy (new).ir> Winter llurhor. Dutch (Imported).l.lo loyal to the cause he fought for, a true heart, George VV. Clay was a man among W. W. Sumner is an addition and faithful and a foe of all in- j having Eggs. friend, men: Christian, citizen, patriot, he was justice and oppression. built to his house. Kggs are lower, and the market slow. one whose like we shall not soon look Resolved, That we Fresh deeply sympathize Mrs. Clarence Pendleton, who has been laid, per doz.1.'* with the bereaved family of our comrade, upon again. Hay. is out and God grant that they may realize that While we our we in very ill, again. deplore loss, rejoice Best loose, per ton.In u 1J their loss is hi* gain. his for we feel assured that he has A whist party was given by Robert Baled. WalO Resolved, '['hat a copy of these resolu- gain, and wife Straw. tions he sent to t lie Ellh worth Ameri- gone from the midst of earth’s activities Milliken Wednesday evening. Loose.. can and the Bucksport Clipper for to those of heaven to be with Christ. B. E. Tracy and Deputy Sheriff W. B. Ilal«l.lbsli publication, and a copy be sent to his In the meantime we are not unmindful Harrington are in Ellsworth attending Vegetables. widow, and he placed on the record of the relatives left behind to Beets, per bu 6' book of James A. Our Meld post, ami the sorrowing court. Potatoes, bu .50 Cabbage, .08 Turnips, nor bu .50 halt he in for mourn, and we wish to tender our warm- draped mourning thirty Joseph Gerrish, who has been quite ill, Onions, native, .03 Celery, bunch, .25 days. est sympathies and deepest regrets in Onions, pk .3o Comrade enlisted in Company is able to be out again. Dr. A. E. Small Squashes, per lb .ii3 Sprague this hour of their while we Parsnips, .03 30th Maine and bereavement, attended him. E, regiment Volunteers, Cranberries, qt .lo served with the in Gen. thank God that they and we sorrow not regiment Mr. Hanson, who has been out of town Groceries. Banks’ Bed river expedition, and then as those “which have no hope.” Coffee per lb Klee, per lb .OGSUO enlisted in the navy and served to the on a vacation for the past few weeks, re- R. P. Gkindle, Supt. of Baptist S. S. Bio, .25(6)30 Pickles, per gal close Of the war. Me came from Swan’s .40%.00 turned Friday. Mocha, .40 Olives, per qt .35%.75 Java. .37 Island to Penobscot about fifteen years Resolutions. Vinegar -per gal— M kmorial Dr. Small has an office and Tea—per lb— Pure ago, and commenced the practice of opened drug cider, .25 our Japan, Cracked wheat, .05 medicine. strict attention to Whereas, It has pleased Heavenly store in Masonic in rooms 40%.60 By giving block, formerly Oolong, .25%.60 Oat lb .05 Father to remove by death our late chap- meal, per his profession, and t>y his honesty and i B. F. Sumner. Sugar--per lb— Quaker rolled oats .05 lain and W. there- occupied by nature, be buiJt up a large comrade, George Clay, Granulated, .ft) Buckwheat, .05 sympathetic be Coffee—A A B. .C5 least that can be said of fore it school is Graham, .04 practice. The Dancing progressing finely .o5 Resolved, James A. Garfield post, Yellow, C. Kye meal, .04 him is, that those who knew him best By under the management of Wood. Molasses--per gal— Salt— that we bow in humble submission to the Joseph loved him most. About attend. Havana, .40 Dairy, per hag .05%25 I. B. divine dispensation, in this our mutual twenty couples Porto Kico, .50 Liverpool, pr cwt 1.00 Goodwin,] bereavement. Jan. 25. Spec. Syrup .60 Turks Island, pr cwt 1.00 I*. If. Staples, Com. j Maple Syrup, 25(6)30 That we bear testi- pqt Oil—per gal— C. K. Brilk.ks, ) Resolved, willing j Linseed, .60(61.65 his as a comrade mony to high standing Sullivan. Kerosene, per gal .14 of theG. A. to his Astral oil, Itluelilll. R.; many benefactions; “Nell,” W. O. Emery’s family horse, .16 to his grand manliness; to tiis sterling in- lumber and Building Materials. Clarence Snowman was in Ellsworth and has been a familiar object about the tegrity; to his Christian character; Lumber—per M— Clapboards—per M— Thursday. we commend his life as a worthy example streets for the past twenty-three years, Hemlock. 8(2)10 Extra Spruce. 24(6,26 MISTER! YOU VE Hemlock boards 7.(6) 12 Spruce, No. 1, 17 ad8 to the young men in this town to emu- a she was M. and wife were in when, five-year-old, pur- Spruce 16 Clear George Pillabury late. 12% Pine, 35(6.60 chased from Mr. Taylor by Cyrus Emery. Spruce floor, 16(8)20 Extra Pine, 35%60 Ellsworth Tuesday. Resolved, That these resolutions be Pine, .12(8)35 Laths—per M-- all these “Nell” has behaved upon the records of the post, and During years Matched pine, 15%16 Spruce. 2.00 DROPPED VOUR Merrill I*. Hinckley and Frank P. Mer- spread M— lb a be sent to his also to The herself as a Shingles—per Nails—per .02(6).04 copy family, respectable, well-brought-up Cedar, Extra, 3.25 Cask 1.60 rill were in Ellsworth Thursday. Elm American for Cement—per worth publication, horse should, and never showed the one, 2.10 Lime—per Cask 1.05(811.10 an after- and the hall be in mourning for No. 1, 1.40 Brick—per M 7.otkadl Mrs. George A. Bodge gave j draped j smallest vicious trait of character. thirty days. She Scoots, .9(%l.o0 White Lead—pr lb .06%.08 noon tea to a of ladies Wednesday, Spruce, 1%1.25 party j s. B. Wescott, was a horse of high intellectual order, ) Provisions. W. I. Partridge, who has been confined I G. W. Butler, Com. too, and many stories of wonderful S. A. steak. Beef, lb. 121-2(5)-25 Tripe, per lb .08 home a bad is out ! Marks, ) to his with cold, again. achievements are told of her. Last .week, Fresh Pork, .12%.14 Honeycomb tripe, lb .10 Uiiuml hog, .05%.06 1-2 Hams, per lb .12 Thomas Cole and of are ! when “Nell” was about to celebrate her wife, Surry, Hancock. Veal, per 10 .08% 20 Mutton, per ib. ,06%.lo visiting friends here and at South Blue- Leman of Hancock, is twenty-eighth birthday, she was stand- Roasts, .">■%.14 L imb, per lb .u8%15 Abbott, formerly Beef. Corned, pr lb .06%.08 Poultry—per lb— hill. seriously ill of typhoid fever at ing quietly in front of the stable door, Tongue, .16 Fowl, .16 reported Salt Pork, lb .(!) .18(6).20 when she took it into her head to run per Chickens, The Onwentsia literary club meets at the hospital in Waltham, Mass. Lard,per lb 1J Turkeys, .2Ka>22 Ax she did. But it was a fatal Pigs' Feet, per lb .11 Geese, .168.18 Rattle Stover’s of Jan. 22. Spec. away—and Miss Ethel May Wednesday Pork sausage, .12 Ducks, .16%.18 In over a runaway. jumping barbed wire Bologna .10 PLUG this week. Fernald is Mrs. J. Cooked lb .16 Miss Janet visiting fence that came in her way she received ham, Mrs. Ada Eittlerield left for Fall River, Fish. H. Winchester. that necessitated her chlo- for injuries being lb Mass., Friday, to visit her daughter Mrs. O. W. Foss several in Salt—per Mackerel, large, apiece A GREAT BIG PIECE FOR spent days roformed. Dry Cod, ,[email protected] .25%.30 the winter. Finnan Bar Harbor last week. Jan. 24. Spec. Pollock, .(5%.06 Haddie, .lo Mackerel. .15 Tongues and sounds, .10 Satur- Mias May Ober left for Boston has been received of the death of Herring, per doz .24 Halibut tins, .12 News Kant Lanioinr. visit her Mrs. F. A. Merrill, Fresh—per lb Halibut heads, 15 IQ CENTS-■ to sister, day Gideon Madison, only child of Mr. and Cod, .05 Smoked doz .25 Mrs. Caro Smith is quite ill with sciatic bloaters, for the winter. Mrs. W. E. Foss, of Bar Harbor. Much Haddock, .04 Smokedalewives,string. 12 rheumatism. Halibut, .14%.16 Corned flsh per lb .05 iniiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiwiiiuMiiiiiuimuiiiminnnnniniinmiiwniiiiiiiiuiiinnniiiiiiiiiiimiwmiB Miss Lena Grindle left Wednesday for sympathy is expressed for them by many Salmon, 28 (6).So Lobsters, lb .15 Tho pippIp with Mrs \V ^ Pickerel, .10 Clams, qt .20 a two months’ visit to friends in Sargent- friends here. Smelts.2 lbs, .25 Clams, pk .25 Bennett last and Portland. Wednesday. Oysters, qt .3'%.40 ville, Castine There will be a business meeting of the Mrs. Mary J. Dealsle and little grand- Fuel. The club will meet in wane s Christian Endeavor society at the parson- republican Natalie have arrived home o« make daughter Hard, 3.00(3.600 Broken, 6.00 bail evening ol this week. AH age Wednesday evening. Important busi- Dry Friday from Boston where have been visit- Dry Soft, 2.00(33.60 Stove, 6 .CO and they are cordially invited to attend. ness will come before the meeting, Roundings, per load Egg, 6.00 :| ing relatives and friends. a [email protected] Nut, 6.0U both active and associate members are re- They report The young people gave a surprise party time. Blacksmith's, 6.00 to be very pleasant Gntiii and to Miss Edna Littlefield Wednesday even- quested present. Flour, Feed. Harry Springer, who has been teach- Flour—per bbl— Shorts, a W. W. Stetson will lecture in the hall per bag ing, and enjoyed pleasant evening. Straights, 4.00(5)4.50 Mixed feed, [email protected] dou£himtf in is at home at it at an date. As booh ing Franklin, present, St. Louis roller, Winter wheat, l.oo I • I who has been at the corner early E Sift 1 quart flour, 1 salt spoonful Mlt, 1 ialtapoon* Johnson Grindle, visiting but will soon leave to teach in the [email protected] Spring wheat, .'JJ A ^ g date fixed notice will be ■ ful ground nutmeg or cinnamon, 2 rounding tea* Mrs. W. re- as the is given. Patents, Middlings, per bag his daughter. Ueorge Clay, western of the State. gpoonfula baking powder, together. Beat 2 eggs; it is part Winter wheat, 4.75 [email protected] Blllj^ The lecture will be free, and hoped add 1 1 2 melted turned home to Sargentville Thursday. Jan. 25. H. Spring wheat, 5.00 cap sugar, cup milk, teaspoonfuls of this Com meal bu .45 — _ fotcolrne. Stir theee into the flour, roll and cut all will avail themselves oppor- per g *W On Mrs. H. P. Hinck- Corn, full weight pr bu .60 MI into shape. Have kettle full of C'ottolene—at s§ Thursday evening hear our State of Nurtli I.mnoiH**. tunity to supervisor Barley, per bu .76 just the r;ght beat—and fry the doughnuts in it for and Mrs. John W. Kane gave an Q ley schools. Mrs. Mary J. Berry is stopping with Oats, prbu .35 ▼ M 2 minutes. and neektie party iu Kanes ball. Hides and Tallow. apron town closed after Mrs. Adeline Coggins, who is quite ill. en- Schools in Friday last, For Cottolene must be but don’t let it It was a social success and very much Hides—per lb-- Tallow—per lb— | frying, hot, terms of ten weeks each. The corner Mrs. Della Berry, who has been visit- Ox .041-4 Rough, .02 I by the large number present. Cow, .04 Tried, .04 hot to smoke or it will burn. To find if joyed a teacher of her in re- get enough school, taught by A. L. Long, ing daughter Meriden, Conn., Calfskins, green .25(3.50 3W3.60 it is hot throw into it a of water, large experience, has the following re- turned home last Wednesday. Pelts, § enough, single drop j One of the most pleasant events ot the Lamb skins. .25(3-50 in Pupils attendance, forty-eight; A number of Edith Richardson’s Seed 8. 1 When at ust the the water will week was the “Povertie Partie” given by port: j right heat, pop. average attendance, forty-two. Those schoolmates her a little We the spring on seeds. \ Genuine has trsde msrks—‘‘<7o«olene** and eteer'e head in cotton-plant wreath—on svery tin. the Woman’s relief corps on Friday gave surprise par- quote prices not absent or tardy: Howard Crabtree, ty on Saturday evening, each a Herds Grass per bu 2.75 Clover, per lb I THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. CHICAGO. 224 State Street, BOSTON. PORTLAND, ME. A large number was present, bringing Red lb .18 .13 evening. Gertrude Clif- Top, per Red, ^..i.iiii'iiiHiiniiiiiiiiuiiummiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiimiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii costumes Leroy Crabtree, Crabtree, small token of esteem, it being the even- Lawn seed, lb, .18 Alsike, .15 and many and varied were the ford Foss, Lervien Foss, Ivory Fosb, Arno ing before her birthday. An Fresh Fruit. worn. Mrs. Belle Hinckley was dressed enjoyable Bessie Ches- doz .10(3.20 and Foss, Chester Foss, Stratton, time was reported. Lemons, prdoz .30(3-35 Apples, in a quaint gown with shoulder cape Oranges, prdoz .30(a) 35 Apples, bbl 3.00(5)4.00 ter Stratton, Carl Stratton, Jennie Strat- Jan. 27. V. California .40 kerchief which to her oranges, Grapes, white belonged Herbert Bananas, .30 Malaga, .20 a ton. Ralph Wooster, Young, FINE wore FURNITURE.—-^ Mrs. R. 8. Lord Great Poutl. Dried Fruit. grandmother. Howard Young, Clarence Young, Ernest ROSTER’S bonnet and an old-fashioned dress S. B. Giles has returned to his home in Pigs, .12(3-W Tamarinds, .10 poke Absent one-half day only: .10 Mrs. Thomas Grieves, Young. Waltham. Dates, Currants, .08(312 in with small sleeves; Bartlett. Ab- Raisins, .08<3-15 Apples, choice string .OS The of my ambition business is to Bertha Crabtree, Wallace •* height satisfy trimmed with pop-corn; Prunes, .10(3.14 choice sliced .12 a cotton gown Lola Lillian Frank has moved into the the desires and varied tastes of all who Mr. and sent one day only: Crabtree, Nuts. may give Grieves, an ancient suit. w’oods on 39. Mr. Gleason Foss. Township lb Foss, Daniel Foss, Almonds, per lb .20 Filberts, per .15 me their were masked and Bold pop- lb .16 lb 20 patronage.. Mrs. Grieves Mrs. George who has been Pecans, per Kng.Walnuts.pr .15(3 for the benefit school at Mt. Desert Ferry will Williams, Brazils, per lb .15 corn t he evening High In order to come as near as to during ill so long, is now very low. possible doing this, wore a swal- commence Monday, Feb. 3, under the of the corps. A. C. Peters Fred Colson and wife 1 have in stock the and the and com- and a won- tuition of W. P. Clark. have returned, Aljfacrtiannmta. plain luxurious, low-tail coat, knee-breeches A. Jan. 27. after a month’s visit in binations of both. Whether want suit or derful dicky and tie. Mrs. M. E. Mayo Wesley. you single and sang a very appropriate Itav. Mrs. Jackson has been spending a part will find assortment was organist, Morgan's pieces, you my large, and my Times.” Miss Alice Black was in Sullivan re- of the w'eek with her sisters in Aurora song entitled “Hard Oscar II. > • • > > • ■ • and Amherst. My Head! prices right. cently. xjgste.0 Is the weak, lan- are well aware that at work for visitors in town this week were JOW KTSIljRft Many merchants Herbert Candage is George Among guid cry o( th< Don't to friends and Judson Austin and J. fail inspect my Upholstery Department. their customers are their best Candage. Cook, of Ellsworth; Iron with the A. K. llaslam and fJBCTIMsuHerer take in supplying them Hunter" arrived from M. K. Haslam, of headache pleasure Schooner “Gold MAIN STREET, ELLSWOBTH. As an instance Waltham; Mrs. of IHflH^^aS^nlJsick 1{. best goods obtainable. Rockland Jan. IS. Coombs, Franklin; Hood's Pills curl FOSTER. & Cameron, promi- Rev. D. B. Smith, of W. 11. we mention Perry Cousins is MariavUle; this condition Capt. S. Whitcomb yarding of of Flushing, Michigan. Dunham, Amherst; Mrs. H. Mosher and ac nent druggists timber for repairs on the “Gold Hunter.” promptly, The only Bafe-Bure and have no hesitation in and Levi Scott, of East Eddington. H. P. 3MCCXsl]IC““Ji]“*£sS They say: “Wo agroeably that it reliable Female FILL Jan. of ,rIT.Y, “ry recommending Chamberlain’s Cough 20.__Kit. Colson, Wesley. is like the pleas- as it is the best South Hancock. Jan. 26. Floss u:. ant from darkness to Remedy to our customers, change daylight. and Helen Webster, of this place, is The of utter exhaustion and Ina- we have ever sold, Miss feeling PENNYROYAL PILLSiHtJSSS: medicine off aud PENNYROYAL and take no other. cough with friends in A little more bility to work is dr’veu the dlgea- i Ask for DR. MOTT’S PILLS For sale at the winter sturdy resistance ami a 6 boxes satisfaction.” spending tive organs are toned, strengthened and Send for circular. Price $1.00 per box* for $.>.00. always gives little less bottle by George A. Waltham, Mass. lazy good nature would im- regulated. Hood's Pills are purely vege- "UR. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio. 25and 50 cents per Spec. the American. Jan. 22. prove table, safe, reliable. 25c. at all druggists. For sale by Woodward Bros., of Ellsworth, Mo. Parc her. Notes. atjbrrtiBnntntg. to the clerk within six days after the Senator bodge's Speech. The Venezuelan Question. Church American. The clear of The contribution at the Congregational 3Thc vOllswortl) events, and failure to report is a Senator Lodge’s speech on the following very explanation the difficulty between this country and church next Sunday morning will be for C^Why pay rent, misdemeanor punishable by a fine for Monroe doctrine is of that order of j A LOi M AMD POLITICAL JOURNAL 1 out of the Vene- the board of missions. AUyfjy utterances if Great Britain, growing foreign when PCBLISHKD each offense. which, sufficiently nu- U WW Iw by taking zuelan boundary question, is from the There will be a meeting of the teachers E\ ERY THURSDAY MORNING are the greatest of- merous, will make war impossible. shares in the Ellsworth Physicians Philadelphia Erening Telegraph: and officers of the Congregational Sunday Loan AT fenders in the matter of births; min- When Europe understands that the KI.I.SWORTH. MAINE, “Our position, as revealed by the Presi- school at the close of the prayer meeting, and building Association I isters are not as as the Monroe doctrine means to us what dent’s message and the BY THE always prompt accompanying this (Wednesday) evening, in the vestry. is this: In a o u can ,,.x, .w .. > i undertakers of- “the balance of does to , correspondence, just long- W A 11 A borrow « T'NT.Y PUBLISHING CO law requires, while power” it, will be observed y pending controversy between England Christian Endeavor Day V. W. Roi i.ibs, Editoran«l fend least. In towns the then Europe will its hands off Manager. I the many keep and Venezuela respecting boundaries, the by special services by the Christian En- money | UUll enough to are so American soil as America its latter country complains that the former gi*Wrintlnn >*ri«***—$1.50 a year; 7.5 rent* for I physicians becoming regardless keeps deavor societies of the Baptist church, build? The cost of this invest- hands off or has taken possession of territory to six 1 ■ nil ST cent* for three months, it of the law that must soon be European. Servility Feb. at 7 o’clock. steps of which she has no title, territory belong- Sunday evening, 2, paid stricti. in advance All arrearages are | timidity tone in this crisis en ment will be but little, if or the value of may ; to Venezuela succession to services as usual at 10 30. Sub- any, c ... taken to enforce it. ing through Morning h. 'l ili.- rate of $2 per year courage European powers to such acts the rights of Spain. sermon: “God’s Man’s Will.” A.ic -, g lia; •*— Are reasonable, and will the will become of as can be ject of Will, more than A lAf El arc | registrar's reports aggression resisted only "Without in the you t»e made kn-.wn on forming judgment application. force of arms. Plain At the Congregational church seriously impaired. by speech may case, we have represented to I-ord Salis- Sunday now for I serve as a pay- U «V 'nK Ru-im munications should l»eaddressed warning that will be bury's government that, in view of morning the pastor will preach on “The orders made to The fcOandaiiin.i payable Senator Frye on Turkey. heeded. The needs of the time are Venezuela’s statements, we desire to have Divine The serv- refit, and in time (about 12 t K .'t Pl'BLISHIM# Ells Forgiveness.” people's years) I1.CMIM >TY Co., in construction hii impartial inquiry made in order that M i: no. The resolution in relation to the plain speech, activity in will be in of Worth, it be shown to our satisfaction, ice the evening charge ! will own home free and of coast defenses, energy in rehabili- may first, you your Armenian from whether Venexuela’s cla'm to the terri- the ladies. A Miss Johnson, outrages, reported tation of our merchant marine and in paper by tory in question is valid, and, second, if be also clear For II A SS F the committee on relations, our war recently from Turkey, will rea.l; partic- foreign enlargement of navy, and a of Vene- A Reoubdean State Convention 1 the*territory belongs right to taken in the Senate return to such a measure of two letter* from ladies now residing in of All’ BE HELD IN ! was up Friday protective zuela, whet her Great Britain has wrong- ulars, inquire nUlvICl tariffs as shall make the I’nitod States invaded and taken there- that country. All are invited. f('ilv Mall, Portland, and passed after interesting discus- fully possession H \V. Cushman, or of of for of. That is our case, and the whole of it. Scc’y, any sion. The last clause of the resolu- thoroughly independent Europe its of "If, as Lord .Salisbury asserts, the Hi. 18%. supply manufactured goods. Commissioners of Maine. of the directors Shares, $[ per Thursdayv April tion declares that will ground belonged to the British crown County o'clock A. M. Congress sup- Chicago Inter Ocean. At Eleven before the republic of Venezuela came The annual convention of the county month. \V. port the President of the United States A. King, President. for the pt.! ( ••-* "f selecting six candidates for into existence, that settles the dispute. commissioners of Maine was held in Ban- j el -blent and Vice-President ot in the most vigorous action he may <'Ol’NTY GOSSIP. All Great Britain has to do is to show a *• gor last All counties but th- C and four delegates at large clear title, and that will end the matter Wednesday. | Insurance Statements. am .r a n ate- t attend the National Re take for the and security protection so far as we are concerned. To refuse to Washington, Knox. Lincoln and Oxford riu -it: * tior, t.. lie heal at St Louis, News and Votes of Interest of llan- of American citizens in and *»how such title, and to to full \l Ti: -day, June Hi. 1>%, and traits Turkey, attempt pooh- were represented. Hancock county’s that rock County Towns. our for enlightenment, w ill Insurance act; u other business may properly to obtain redress for injuries com- pooh request board Commissioners Aiken, Richardson Orient Co., Come before it. Never was snow shovelled w ith better not end it. Neither can it be ended by OF HARTFORD, CONN. T will l»e a* fol- mitted the or and Hinckley were present. rej*r»-entation upon persons property to impose upon our govern- Jn low- Each ( itv. Town and Plantation will t*e grace. undertaking Incorporated of such citizens. ment the dictum that trie Monroe doc- Many matters of importance were dis- Commenced buelneea In 18*2. ic ( eutiti'b u ikiaU-. and for each *c\ent and of trine is obsolete no validity In this cussed the commissioners. President. ti\ -t .. the candidate The resolution called forth forcible Green's a by Charles B. Whiting, Republican landing bas high school pa- case. for Govern- ISM, an additional delegate, Commissioner Aiken was appointed a Secretary, James V Tatnteh. : votes ot from several but tbe Rockhound "The one still remains a; forty in excess speeches members, per Messenger. simple question 1 member of a committee to A**t. Howard W Cook. aevent th, \. •:. an additional delegate to be answered, ‘Is Great investigate Secretary, among them all the of Senator namely: j Yacancie- in the delegation of any City, speech Britain the soil of Venezuela?’ the laws to and also to Capital paid up In ca*h, $500,ooo. franklin's record for 1S93 of invading relating forestry Toon "i 1 ..I .ltd.u ran be tilled a re- of Maine, with Ameri- thirty-six SS R only by Frye, ringing That is the one underlying issue. If Great the assessment and A ETS I>ECE M BE 31, 1895. iil< 11 in .iiity .:i wliich the vacancy exist* and but seven deaths report concerning 1 births will be a bard Britain is within her own boundaries, estate the com- --• can delivered with Ileal owned The ■nsinittoe will l>e in se--irvd, $ S* the re.-r;ni r.-onof the hall .it nine o'clock, only pany, 48,219 sionate which thrilled his us. If Loans on bond an l mortgage on tin- .ruing "t the convention, for the pur eloquence perfectIv satisfactory to she is towns. (flrwtllen*;, 193.414 30 po-e rer.-iving the credential* «>t delegate- hearers on the floor and in the tresj>assingon Venezuela’s boundaries,she The next of the commis- Three children of James H. Steel, of convention j Stock* and bond* owmsl tho Del.'gate- id-rt be eligible t<> participate must stop it and withdraw. What we by alike, stood but In Seal have died of sioners will be held at Houlton, company, market value. 1.596. i55 14 in Hr onventioi:. mu-t be elected -uI>-< .|un.t galleries boldly. Harbor, scarlet fever want and what we must have is satisfac- Oct.) 1 T n* secured collateral*. 6,9S*nno to the date of the all for this convention, 1896. by the course of his remarks he said: within two weeks. tory information on this Her Bri- 21, La-:> in the and delegate-, under thi- call, should not be | point. company’* principal tannic majesty’s government refuses to office and In bank. 118,761 ]« eleeted j. th. state nvention t<- He hereafter ! The good ■ of the United states have t>te The South I>eer Isle \V. C. T. I', teaches the to obtain this Maine Postmasters. I mere*! due and accrual. 13,21101 called for the purpose of nominating a canoi- permit inquiry necessary i plants,! in Turkey over ?k.,pn."00 for a single Such Premium* In due course of col- dab for ivernur. that there is a time when information. being the case. Presi- The have been forbearance following postmasters 265,511 9* AH .c t ot \la witliout regard to pa-t purpose. I,, improve amt better the condition of dent Cleveland sends his message to Con- lection, ceases to be a virtue. in Maine: i. Terence*. who ar> in -\ tm-athy the of lliat have erected to in view the appointed po'oim people country. They gress suggest that, of of all the admitted a*- with in -i I'timeni* expres-ed in the call of H. M. Cumberland C. Aggregate as tine as there are in the world. vital importance of the matter to this Raymond, Mills; -••i* of the at their a* the .-.m National committee foi the colleges They Eden is the banner town of the company Kepu county a be have v nation, commission appointed to ob- C. Fort Fairfield: G. L. tual value, $2,242,203 4 RcpiT !i .: National Convention, are cordially been maintained American money. Harvey, Swett, for 1S93 in the matter of marriages, with tain the information we must have, to j invite.! .i re with the Republican- of the have educated thousands and ll u ml rod of A. L. L. T. They Portland; Stephenson, Togus; Net amount of losses and Stitt. r ng delegates to thi- Convention. a total of for the No the end that we may order our course in unpaid thousands of or Armenians, who are forty-three -year. S. I*.; !; gbiican state "inmittee. Turks, accordance with the facts. Witham. North Madison: L. Parth. claim-. $190,9 Adamless Eden this. Amount to re In- subject to Turkey. It he.- been a work of pprtninlv Irtrilra libr> prtmniAn required safely Shapleigh. sure all risks, '.#92.691 4 lit K' Huyh, Secretary. wonderful 1 a work which lias had outstanding >enetioence, sense. The safety of our republic and L. who has been nomi- All other demand- the Au_ ;t Maine, Jan. 1M“. Sorrento's pretty little church, which George Swett, agaln-t marvelous success, and yet it Is stopped alien the welfare of our people we believe to be viz commission*, etc., 45,466 31 ha* been rescued from the nated post master of Portland, is an ex- company, Intel, toil:,. that \i,.i rival, C.MOtal now i- decay by dependent on the inviolability of the Workers, is the of the in- embodied in the marshal, and was the assistant under Total amount of liabilities, ex- Presidential Electors Must all be held It ran nut do an ounce of work. At Willing pride principles Monroe doc- city up. stock and net $1,22®.-365 2 the Western Hancock court. Republican.- America ran interfere in Turkey. 1 am in municipal ; privilege.” has two Pri’-niontial electors at large. correspond- school at Castine steadily increased favor of these resolutions a- an of The appointment will give general satis- The New York Times bEO. H. bHAN'T. ing to tin two Tinted State- senator-, were expression says: for four the number Agent, years, present being ME. nominated in tto State convention, and the re our opinion upon the awful tragedies there; faction. “The substance of the case as submitted ELLSWORTH, while t here w ere in mai' •. >r-. v■ the mem- 166, only seventy-six ing corresponding but if 1 had had my way, after the powers of by the President may be bYiefiy stated. i»er- of the Pidled State- Hou-e of Represcn The that the the winter of l*t#). <>f the whole have waited now a solid report schooner “Sea Pig- In the between Great Britain and number, lati *wo re nominated by the several congre* Europe year, looking dispute eon” was towed is Venezuela, which has existed in various are in the and slot P-tri. t uventions. each other in the face w ith suspicion- eyes and into Bermuda now forty-eight entering class, Granite State Fire Insurance Co„ The i«a*.-aire ot the Australian ballot law en stages of acuteness for more than half a »F PORTSMOUTH. V II neither one daring to make a move lest the contradicted by the owners. The “Sea twelve are graduates of the school who. tire., changed the procedure. I nder the law. century, Great Britain, from the a starting course 1 ni'oiporate«l in 18>5. ."ii- are oilier -hall receive Itenefit—I say. if 1 hail lies at the bottom of have returned to take the advanced all- a portion of our election Pigeon” probably boundary of the unquestioned territory Commencetl business in 1985. py-u-m. an-', this ballot act that can- had my I would have Congress memorial- The term require* way, the ocean. of her colony of British Guiana, had at recently established. spring President. tidal e- vote*) for the voter* through Frank TiM'. by ize Ku-sta and say to her "Take Armenia successive claimed a different and March out in.- vvi.. -late must be in nomina- periods begins 10. A. F Howaki* placed 1 extent of Secretary, the «. no Into your possession. Protect the lives of these The town of gradually greater territory. tion nvention representing les.-a .Franklin, the county of Capital paid in cash, #260,000. 'on-tiiue;.*, y than the whole State. Hence, ali Christians there. Ami the United States of “The dispute having reached a critical up Hancock and the State of Maine loses one KM the«-a. dates of a for Presidential elec- the President communicated to the Hanking. ASSETS DEt HER 31, 1*G. partv America will stand behind you with all of its stage tor- must be nominated in State Convention, of its most upright, most loved and most British government, in July last, a state- Rea! estate owned by the company. and 1 have therefore included in the call six power." 0l _ citizens in the death of Post- ment of what the United States regarded Established 1ss7. unincumbered, v $8,T00 electors. T H. Manley. respected Loins on no mi and Chairman. as their just and essential policy in the mortgage (first The master Edward DeBeck. liens 47,49 County Attorneyship. This is in effect that no Euro- premises. Stocks and l»onds owned by the JANUARY 1896. of the Hancock pean power can be allowed, the for- (V THURSDAY, 30, Aspiring attorneys There promises to be an interesting by company, market value, 269.Ml cible extension of its territory on this FIRST Loans secured by collaterals, 4.0U0 0 county bar are beginning to warm up for the office of tight county attorney continent, or by other means, to extend Cash In the company's principal to the race for the 1 8’. county attorney- this spring. Three candidates have al- its system over, or to oppress or control, office and In bank. 32,580 Cheap Newspapers. Interest due and accrued, the destiny of any American NATIONAL RANK 2,63631 The which has no ship. ready declared themselves as in the held independent in due course of collet-- newspaper uniform state. Premiums OF KEEN WORTH. <5 rate and t« satis- E. S. Clark, of Bar the tor the nomination, aud it is lion, 50,601 for advertising space, Harbor, pres- republican “The question in the present case is: said are fied to take what it can get for it, is a ent incumbent, has held the office for “there others.*’ ‘What is the boundary of British terri- Aggregate «.f all the admitted as- Whatever it can and be CAPITAL STOCK. S50.000. set* of the at their ac cheap advertising medium, and the ad- the two terms, and has tory?' fairly fully company | regulation “Chatwold,” Editor Pulitzer’s much- shown to be the United States will respect tual value, #415,839 if. vertiser need expect nothing but cheap 1 filled it with eminent satisfaction. He altered palace at Bar Harbor, is in the it, but it should not be determined arbi- Does a general National Hank business. LIABILITIES r» EC EMBER 31, 1895. results. — Lawrenceburg (Ind.i Press. (treat Britain alone. It can has not yet fully made up his mind hands of another architect—a member of trarily by only Net amount of unpaid losses and j and be determined claims. $ 20,326 05 honorably decisively Hanking hours from 9 a. m. to 1p.m. whether or not he will seek a re-nom- the firm which built the Boston public by arbitration, which the United States Amount required to safely re in- Maine's Vital Statistics. ination. library. If Mr. Pulitzer knows what he had urged on Great Britain for many sure all outstanding ri-k-. 156,473 id One of the most com- The President of the offered Customers. All other demands agaln-t the com ridiculously wants, be w ill get it. years. requested Kvery facility viz. 61 for the office who have > be pany, commissions, etc-, 9,658 State documents which comes Aspirants British government to informed plete whether arbitration will be solicited. publicly announced their intention of adopted. Correspondence Total amount of liabilities, except to our is the of the Brooksville people are not at desk, report regis- pleased “The British government has, with an -Ps’k and net surplus, $185,458 6o the nomination are 1 ANDREW 1*. WlSWKLL, President. capital seeking Henry the w hich has been made in the statement of ( 0 trar of vital statistics for the change elaborate its case and with a. K. I’icr apital actually paid up in cash, 200,000 year Whiting, President. 39 of West Sullivan, John E. mail route from Penobscot to an extended discussion of the Henkv W. Cashier. Surplus beyond capita', 30.381 1893. We com- Boynton, Sargent- principles Cushman, say "ridiculously I advanced and the policy avowed by the Bunker, jr.. of Bar Harbor, and B. E. ville, which discontinues the route from DIRECTORS: amount --f liabilities In plete," because it seems to us that a i I'uited States, declined to submit to arbi- Aggregate of Winter Harbor. Brooksville to and efforts A I* w is well. s. K eluding net surplus, $415,839 99 Tracy, Sargentville, tration, and equally, of course, denies the Whiting, of the facts and Geo. 1* Im tton, E H. ukkely. (SKO. >1. (iHANT, Ellsworth. large proportion are made to have the act of the United States to it.” Agt., All these gentlemen are respected being repealed. right require L. a. Emery, Lewis Friend. 4 H. HOOI KK, 4 astine. therein contained are of no Agt., figures members of their The Following is the text of the so-called W. II. LAWRENCE. Agt.. Sorrento. profession. South Deer Isle w hite ribboners, at a MAIM STREET. ME. whatever, and only serve Monroe doctrine as it is to be found in ELLSWORTH, importance contest for the nomination is to ST A T E M ENT OF THE likely recent meeting, discussed the vital ques- to impair the "practical utility” of President Monroe’s message to Congress be spirited, but good-natured, and tion: “What games may church mem- the report by increasing its bulk and in 1823: Boston Marine the interests of the county will be safe bers join in, and where shall the line be Insnrance Co., delaying its issuance. “We owe it, therefore, to candor and to Hancock Comity Savinns Bank, of boston, mass. in the hands of the successful con- drawn?” With reference to dominoes, the amicable relations existing between The is under an act Incorporated In 1873. report printed authors, was the United States and those ELLSWORTH, ME. testant. whoever he may be. checkers, etc., opinion powers [the Commenced business in 1874. of the In 1891. In allied powers of to declare that legislature, passed divided, but kissing games at parties Europe] we should consider any attempt on their Comiu/nred Uii'iiiie** May 1, 1873. 1894. the first was E. F. of is were unanimously tabooed. that Secretary. Tii«>mas L. Lokp. August, report Mayor Hanson, Eelfast, Why part to extend their system to any por- returns for the distinction—“at tion of this as Capital paid up in cash, $1.000,000 00. issued, giving year announced as a candidate for the parties”? hemisphere dangerous to Deposits In this bank are by law exempt frwin our own and With ASSETS DECEMBER 1SH5. 1892. This a and peace safety. the exist- [ taxation. .11, month, nearly year democratic nomination for governor. Real estate owned the com The little village of Sunset, on Deer Isle, ing colonies ur dependencies of any Eu- by a we receive the for pany, unincuiniiemi, $ 31,740 7s half later, report He is boomed by the Lewiston is of its citizens. It is the ropean power we have not interfered, ! JAMES F. DAVIS, President. being proud aged Loan- on bond and mortgage hiiu buhii iiui juirrirrc; uui wild me guv- the year 1893. At this rate we may Sun. As a boomer of Mi. home of three Eliza CHARLES C. (lint Hen*'. 1,069,340 On sarsaparilla aged people—Mrs. ernments who have declared their inde- BCRRILL. Treasurer. for the Stock* and !*ond- owned by the expect to receive the report Hanson has been a success, Small, eighty-seven; Deacon Hall Powers, and maintained and whose 0' roaring pendence it, 1 rompauy, market value. 1.132,019 draw interest from the fir*t present year some time in the sum- and has had the cordial support of all hrw Kfllnmn K^ll*>ru ninotv. independence we have on great consider- Deposits day of Loan* secured l»v collaterals. 31,950 0 ation and on acknow- March, -Tune, September and I>ecember. Cash In the within half a mile of just principles company’s principal mer of 1900. Maine of five—living each office and in bank, 217,114 2.' | newspapers, regardless poli- ! ledged, we could not view any interposi- while at South Deer a Intere-t due and accrued. 9.994 55. We bv no means undervalue a re- tics As a candidate for crovernor other, Isle, only tion for the of them or BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1 purpose oppressing Premiums in due course of collet* mile away, lives Nathaniel Robbins, bale controlling in other manner their port of the vital statistics of the State. there not be such any -Tames F. Davis, John F. Whitcomb, tiou, 346,792 41 might unanimity. ! and who will celebrate his destiny, by any European power, in I hearty, ninety- any A. F. Burnham, N. b. Coo ill On the contrary, the value of a report, other than as the manifestation of I doe, of all the admitted a* sixth the thirteenth of next light Aggregate The free bill has been killed— \ birthday an Charles C. Burrill. -ets of the at their ac- such as the law directs shall be ship unfriendly disposition toward the company ! March. Mr. Robbins is the oldest citizen tual value. 9!* we be excused for “killed United States.” $2,928,840 “returns of may saying 1 LIABILITIES DECEMBER 31, 1896. printed annually, giving of Deer Isle. Bank hours daily, from 9 a. m. to 12 in. committee on Net amount of losses and in such form as dead"—in the Senate Business Notices. unpaid the preceding year claims, $224,349 0t> It is of note will render them of practical utility,” commerce. worthy that, ! The Armenian outrages strike pretty Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin Amount required to safely re In- sure all rl-ks, 07 this was as an near home. Rev. S. A. are weakened, and If neglected, baldness Is sure out-tandlng 347,691 cannot be overestimated. But by though recognized Apraharnian, All other demands against the to follow. Hall’s Hair Renewer Is the l*estpre. words administration measure, the bill re- pastor of the Congregational church at CLOSING OUT SALE! company, viz commls-ions, etc what manner of reasoning the j ventatlve. Green’s learns that a j _ ! ceived not a solitary vote even from | Landing, sister, Total amount of utility" can be construed I liabilities, except “practical with husband and five capital stock and next 07 : the democratic members of the sub- children, is in -urplu*, $572,0$0 to mean a of such overwhelm- Having decided to sell out my entire stock and Capital in OP report utter destitution, while another sister, aciuully paid up cash, 1,000,00$ useless is committee which considered it. close up the Variety Store, I shall sell any. Surplus beyond capital, 1,256,900 92 ing magnitude and det&ii, sixteen of cannot be only years age, thing and everything AT COST, or less. I our Aggregate amount of liabilities beyond comprehension. heard from, and he has no means of We have an extra > The hearing on the petition for the When Baby was sick, we gave her Cast aria. large stock on hand, and including net -urplus, $2,328,8409* Of what moment is it to be told that I what her be if can show the of Graves, the murderer of the knowing f^te may she is When she was a she cried for Casio ria. you j pardon Child, 1. 8. BRANCH of eighty-three deaths by drowning, still living. Mr. Apraharnian is power- ! game wardens in Washington county When she became Miss, she clung to Casloria. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. which occurred during the year 1893, less to help them; he sends money, but in 1886, comes up at Augusta this When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Fines! (limited', of a sail j cannot be sure they will receive it. The Line of Goods OF LONDON, ENGLAND. “one was from capsizing week. In of the monster Holiday spite peti- of all out to him. 28, 1*61. one the of a boat, tion for this man's there is sympathy goes IN THE CITY. Incorporated Sept. boat, by upsetting pardon, Commenced business Oct. 1, 1861. the rest little chance that the and "In Jan. 1971 and one while driving logs: ; governor Hancock county’s representative in the Skate*, Sleds, Toys, Games, Lamps, Plush aud U.8. 1, council will it. 1 Charles not ?” By searching through grant first legislature of I’tah, Dr. A. S. Con- Celluloid Goods, Glass Ware, Crockery. Sewall, Manager. specified j I m. foster' Asst. Manager, A. H. Wkay. of is the we may find how many of don, formerly Penobscot, winning Justin Capital in cash. report The legislature of Kentucky is still ! CARPENTER AND BUILDER. paid up the deaths were due to compliments as a leader in the house. ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1935. by poisoning with the senatorial con- Real \ struggling More than one bill in the line of Call and See before c.-tate owned by the corn Such of de- ! petty Purchasing. oil wormseed. absurdity test. Hunter, the republican candi- I draw plans, make estimates, take contracts panv, unincumbered, $870,395 95 perquisites to members, he has killed by a for all classes of buildings. First-class work Loan* on bond* ami tail would be laughable were it not date, leads but a majority mortgage- I Blackburn, ! few words of satire. The Salt I^ake manshlp guaranteed. (first liens), for the seriousness of the is necessary to elect. Stock- abd bonds owned by the subject. Tribune calls him the “wit of the house.” Special attention given to Sanitary Work. company, market value, 1,029,657 50 The amount of work necessary to Holt's Store. Loans The Northern Leader, of Fort Fair- He has written a Miltonic description of Variety secured by collaterals, such an of facts and Water St. Ellsworth, Me. Ca.-h In the company’s principal compile array that “lake of fire,” to be the office and in field, shines in its new dress,and ( supposed bauk, 535,922 07 is and the | fairly Xotirra. Interest due and figures great, registrar with its news future abode of a prominent disciple of ILcgal accrued, 23,212 49 sparkling, crisp | BHantrt. Premiums in due course of collec must be for his thor- Benedict Arnold—the of complimented ! columns, | impersonation ri^HE subscriber gives public no- Mon, 418,497 30 hereby j All There are facts of I’tah which has wanted at once in Castine, Blue- X tice to all concerned, that he has been other asset-. 29,355 90 oughness. many 1 | treachery—a politician, The new senator from hill and Penobscot, to sell room paper duly appointed, and has taken upon him- : republican a sensation in the state. AGENTS vital interest contained in the report, produced and curtains from books. An self the trust of executor of the last w ill Aggregate of all the admitted a* is L. a j sample easy and Maryland George Wellington, to make some the dull testament of Susan F. late of set* of the compauv at their nc but it is a mistake to hide them amid j way money during Hinckley, Ells- and sound write to Caki.e A worth. in the of tual value. 1*. strong protectionist money State of Ohio, City of Toleim>. months. For particulars county Hancock, deceased, $3,506,031 of dealers in wall bond as the la LIABILITIES DECEMBER 1910. such a conglomerate mass sense- man. Lucas County. **'• j Joses, wholesale and retail pa- by giving directs; he there- | 31. and Main Me. fore requests all who are Net amount of lo*ses and Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the pers curtains, st., Belfast, person indebted unpaid less statistics. to said deceased's estate, to make imme- claim*, $ 1” senior partner of the firm of F. J. cheney »v i--- 290,296 Woman, I diate and those who have Amount required to re-in- The collection of vital statistics is A I>eteriuined Co., doing business in the Cl tv of payment, any safely Toledo, demands thereon to exhibit the same for sure all risk-, 45 knorked down a and held him and State aforesaid, and that paid Arm JFor Salt. set- outstanding 1.947,196 the recently burglar County tlement. John F. Whitcomb. All other demands against the of the utmost value, and registrar until the arrival <1 assistance. Dr. Pierce** will the sum of ONE HUNDRED DoL- j pay January 8. a. d. 1896. company, viz.: commissions,etc., 129,645 77 best he Golden Medical Di-c very Is a medicine that LA RS for each and every case of Catarrh that express pung.new. has, no doubt, done the 1 check* the frightful Inroad* of Scrofula, and, If cannot be cured the use of Ham.’* « o *rkh to Georoe A. Parcuer, Ells- subscriber by 1JUNG-Double-runnerApply rpilE hereby gives public notice Total amount <>f liabilities, is seri- taken In arrest- the march of I CURE. FRANK j. Me. to all except could. He handicapped very time, Pulmonary CHENEY. worth. X concerned, that he has been stock ami net 1 I duly capital surplus. $2,369,128 41 Consumption. Tt -ires indigestion and dy«- Sworn to before me and sub-ori1 ip r-v app^intM ‘»nd has taken the indifference J np^n himself th-• Cf-pita! actually paid u. in a b. ailments. > ously. hovveyer, by | pepeda. clm-nlc diarrhea and similar j presence, this nth day of December, a. D i&$.’ AND BOlI.EK— Upright horse trust of an administrator of the estate of —- 8urplu- beyond capital, 7' Thi-* wonderful medicine ha* als-o great A. W. GLEAS«»\ and and on Maria it. late of 1,138,902 or wilful neglect of many of those gained IjlNGINELi power engine boiler, portable Stubbs, Bucksport, in the celebrity In curiug fever and ague, chills and SEAL .Votary Public. trucks. Suitable for any nurp'-e, in doors or county of Hancock,deceased, oy bonds 1 giving Aggregate amount of liabilitie- whose it is to make to ! fever, dumb ague, and like disease*. | j out, where Is needed. .Just the as the law directs; he therefore duty reports j light power requests all includlng next -urplu-, $3,506,031 i,: Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken interna Mr. and thing for wood sawing. In perfect repair, and persons who are indebted to said and clerks. 1 deceased’s the town city A-:hr.:a ■“ured treatment. acts on the Mood and muu- will lie sold Owner lias further use estate, to make immediate 1 by rewly-di*covered 1 directly irfaces cheap. payment,and those for free and <>f the svstem. Send for testimonial- : .. it. be seen at For who have demands thereon to 0. The law requires that every birth, Address, pamphlet, testimonial* for May Hopkins' foundry. any exhibit the W. TAPLEY, refii. Id*! i,-.;r Medical A*-»o- F. d. CHUNK\ a 1 addres- P. O. llux same for settlement. A aron B Agent, CD., do, O. particulars*, price, Ac., 4ei, Stubbs ELLSWORTH, ME. and death, shall be N. V 7V. 1 Me. 8. a. d. 1896. marriage reported J ciati-'D, Luffak, *i“Sold by Druggists, Ellsworth, January Manning block. WOMEN'S CLUBS. practical philanthropy is accomplished. Drummey for the plaintiff; A. W. King XbforrttBrmrntB. They maintain a fine reading-room, open JANUARY TERM. and O. F. Fellows for the defendants. $l)c King’s Daughters. to the public free of DISPOSAL OF CASES. expense, every day Is ELLSWORTH A CITY OF CLUBS and [This department conducted by the Hand evening. They have endeavored to SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF Other cases on the special assigned list In Hand circle of the King’n Daughters of Ells- as worth. at Boom* 12 and 18 CAMPBELL^TRUE —THE WOMEN’S PART. raise the literary and musical taste of the HANCOCK COUNTY. published last week have been Headquarters Man- disposed ning Block, Main street, Ellsworth.] general public by first-class lectures and of as follows: concerts. INTERESTING SKETCHES OF CLUBS AND 1776. vs. There are ladies’ whist clubs PROCEEDINGS OF THE PAST WEEK- Treworgy Treworgy, King for galore, Deft, defaulted The King’s Daughters will serve supper THEIR WORK THE GRAVE with the usual appetizing attachments. VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF IN GRIN- _piff. 17-9. Oaksmith vs. Baird. Fellows for at the Odd Fellows’ hall, Thursday even- MEAT MARKET. AND THE GAY. VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. DALL-HAGERTHY HORSE CASE P'ff.; Littlefield, of Rockland, for deft. ing January 30, at 6 o’clock. Tickets 25 this sketch of worn- Referred to Hon. A. P. Perhaps imperfect —OTHER CASES TRIED. Wiswell, report cents. to be made at this term. _ I Written for The American by a member of en’s clubs should not be closed without a 1733. several clubs.] reference to the Brown vs. Abbott. Fellows for Village improvement so- A the Justice—L. A. Cunningham for deft. Defi. CAR-FENDER. Having' bought stock, fixtures and ciety, an organization of women, whose Presiding Emery. plff.; de- Clerk -John F. Knowlton. faulted. accounts owned Our little city, nestling among t he hills, | H°le purpose is the improving of our own formerly by Campbell town Sheriff—William Fenueliy. 1801. Winter Harbor vs. Rock The Invention & and has been called a of clubs. She physically, intellectually and mor- port, Tracy Ingenious of S. H. Ro- True, leased their store, we are city Crier—James T. Cushman. and of Rock- »iiy. Deasy forplffs.; Littlefield, of Bar Harbor. to furnish all has her share of secret | Sheriffs—David J. Blue- land, for dlck, prepared who wish with certainly organi- as we look back over the Deputy Allen, deft., continued. Although Serenus II. of Bar bas as are W. B. Winter Harbor. 1918. Stanley vs. for Kodick, Harbor, goods usually found at a first-class zations, there several of the years since they first started, we can see hill; Harrington, Higgins. Deasy C. Portland. pl’ff. Neither been a on a meat-market. masonic order, and those signalized much they have accomplished, they Stenographer—J. Clay, party. granted patent car-fender, by Messenger—Albert N. Cushman, Ells- I 1737. Tillock vs. Devereux. Fellows for usually are handicapped in their earnest which promises to become universally We own our own our the mystic letters I. O. O. A. O. U. worth. ff; Warren for def t. slaughter-house; F., W., not a lack of pl Continued. efforts, only by funds, but on all electric roads as a stock is and A. (). O. Ac. 1847. vs. Bliss. adopted life mostly native, inspected F., Ac., also because it is so difficult to deter- | Smallidge Foster & THURSDAY. Wood for tor Haver. It is an on the before In recent issues of The American mine just what is the city’s duty, the in- pl ff; Deasy def’t. Non- improvement slaughtering, consequently W8 The traverse came into court suit. fenders now in use. can it sketches have been dividual’s duty, and within just what line jurors j guarantee healthy and sound. given of jolly,cheery 1856. vs. Buck. the society may work; but their inten- Thursday morning. The jury as finally I Bucksport Cunningham The most feature about the with its club-house in the for Buck for def’t. striking Orders for Nicolin, “forest tions are most excellent, principles high, plff; Neither Slaughtering may ha impaneled is as follows: | party. life saver is that the instant an object primeval,” on a most picturesque spot and in the near future we hope to see left at the Store. TRAVERSE JURORS. ; 1766. Darke vs. Clark for strikes the ear the fender beside the some of the barriers and all Salisbury. front, shuts off sparkling water, where the removed, Nehemlfth II. foreman.Ellsworth Foster A W ood lor a Iltggins, pl’ff; def’t. Def’t. the electric attention to busi- followers good citizens willing to “lend hand.” current and the motor-man By giving prompt of Isaac Walton may indulge Albert M. Carter.Bluebill defaulted. 1942. can get to work at his brake at once. The ness, and making our their love for the piscatorial art nearly Isaiah II. Connor .Orland Salisbury vs. Darke. Foster «.t Wood for fender does not in front of the car all the LIST OF NEW BOOKS pl’ff; Clark for def’i. project year round, and of the more digni- K. A. Dodge.Brooksville Neither party. like those now in use, but its front runs Prices as Low as fied Abenaquis, with its club- Alfred L. Fernald.Franklin Possible, stately THE TRIAL LIST. Hush with the Recently Added to the Ellsworth George Graham. Sullivan front of the car platform. house, magnificent reading-room, finely The follow We to continue the business Public Fred L. ing cases still remain on the The apparatus is concealed hope rela- billiard-room and Library. Hadley.Eden life-saving equipped banquet hall, trial list in the order tions with all who have THEOLOGY AND RELIGION. Calvin Leach.Penobscot named: beneath and immediately in front of the patronized and now it is that suggested something .1. the old stand in the with as Darkness and Farrar. Henry Mllllken.Surry 1767. Holbrook vs. Sheavlin. wheels, and consists of a cradle past, many of the women’s would Dawn, Clark; arrange- clubs prove of The B. 1 more new ones as see Christ of To-day, Dr Gordon. William Mitchell.Ellsworth )easy. ment which is released the moment of the fit to give us a interest. Outlines of Social Theology, T DeVVitt M. Moon.Hancock 4837. Wood vs. Finsoii. Hale & trial. George Hamlin; contact of an object with the fender. The THE LITERARY CLUBS. Hyde. Leonard M. Orcutt.Gouldsboro Fellows. Landmarks of Law- 161. vs. cradle, dropping, glides smoothly along ALL OLD ACCOUNTS MUST BE SET- Of literary clubs one naturally speaks Literary , SUPERNUMERARIES. Nickerson, equity, Kingsley. rence Hutton. Peters. on a roller first of Deasy; which, in its fall, descends TLED AT ONCE. the Woman’s club, open to all The GeorgeS. Parker.Mt. Desert Parables and Their Home: I. The 1104. Saunders vs. Saunders. King, War- the rails. No women of class /.. upon object struck by the every and age. It was Parable by the l^ake, VV 11 Thomson, M Whitcomb Richardson.Trcmont ren ; Hale & Hamlin. 1). car can pass to the wheels. organized Jan 6, 1891, for the purpose of Harvey W. Smith.Buck sport 1775. Curtis vs. Brown. King; Redman. Idea of John Fiske. 1643. Giles vs. Mace. An too small to strike as as mutual and Its work God, The well-known and well-tried horse King; Peters. object high THE CAMPBELL & TRUE MARKET. help improvement. Life of Dean 1783. Christ, Farrar. Mace vs. Giles. Peters; King. the front of the platform, as a is educational and vs. person practical, progressive; God in His World, Alden. case, Grindall Hagerthy, occupied the East End Union River The term w ill run well into lying on the track, is picked up by the Bridge. parliamentary usages are strictly ob- Essays and Addresses, Phillips Brooks. court Thursday. probably next week. cradle which becomes released by an ar- served. BIOGRAPHY. This action was brought by Norris L. rangement, of simple which It owes its organization and continued Jas G Blaine, Gail Hamilton. of Dr. A. C. construction, Grindall, Penobscot, against When arc Geo Wm Curtis, Eliott Norton. Village Improvement Society. hangs from the fender proper, and which you in need of any- existence largely to the personal efforts of Hagerthy, of Ellsworth, for alleged fraud- Life and Letters of J G Whittier, S T The reception given by the ladies of is intended to touch all objects lower than in I>r. Abby M. Fulton, who served as its Pickard. ulent representation in sale of the roan thing the Village Improvement society at the fender itself. president for the first four years. Many Life and Letters of Matthew Arnold. trotting stallion, Sultan. the new Odd Fellows hall last Thurs- »r able papers on topics tending to the POETRY AND DRAMA. In January, 1891, Mr. Grindall, through DRUGS day evening, was the prettiest so- Found I>ea«l in Bed. physical, mental anil moral elevation of Armazindy, nn old Sweetheart of Mine, an agent, bought of Dr. Hagerthy his in- J Whitcomb cial event of this season. Dancing and Dr. G. of women have been written and generally Kiley. terest in the horse. Plaintiff alleged that George Richardson, Dedham, Poems of William Watson. whist were The attendance was was found dead in discussed. a enjoyed. bed last Wednesday PATENT MEDICINES Whittier’s defendant gave verbal guarantee of j Poems, complete. large, but the roomy hall i Death was due Full of the national and in- the and a provided ample morning. to heart reports Shorter English Poems, selected and title to horse, promise of writ- You can find it at room for all to participate in dancing. | disease. ternational suffrage and temper- arranged by Henry Morley. ten guarantee. When horse was delivered Ixive of Field. in* party was a most one. I Dr. Richardson whs hi the ance conventions are Songs Childhood, Eugene Mr. urinaan received a wuicn lie congenial sixtieth year always given Echoes from paper the Sabine Farm, Eugene Monaghan’s orchestra of four pieces fur- i of his age. WOODWARD BROS. serious attention. One of the interesting claims was represented to him as a guar- Field. nished music. features is the giving of current events n i.u nt’ iiuuk m >> I’MitTii erse, r.ugene tce t it le, but which several months later Field. The handsome hall was the subject of A the Full lines of at each meeting. Recently the import- he discovered to be merely a release of large portion of following births, Second Book of Verse, Eugene Field. much favorable comment. This was the! Hiii worth oi visuing me pumic senoois, With chattel mortgage. This he did not learn marriages and deaths are printed for the Trumpet and Drum, Eugene first public reception given at the hall. HOT WATER BOTTLES, and trying to co-operate with the Field. until he was summoned to defend an time in The American. will Refreshments were served in the ban first They teachers has been taken up. Legends and Lyrics, A Procter. act'on of trover brought by Waterville RUBBER GOODS, Christina Rosetti’s Poems. quet room below the hall, after which appear nest week, or the week after, in The Nineteenth century club, organ- parties who claimed to own the horse. TRAVELS. dancing was resumed and continued our The American is ized under the rules and constitution of The case was tried in the Kennebec su- contemporaries. SYRINGES. From the Black Sea, through Persia and until midnight. State federation, is composed of ladies, preme court, and resulted in verdict for the only paper printed in the county India, Edwin Lord Weeks. The of the affair were: Grindall patronesses We the number of members being limited to Across Asia on a plaintiff, Mr. being compelled which systematically collects the vital make a of Bicycle. Mesdaines J. 1). Hopkins, A. W. Cush- specialty Phy- twenty-five. The first two seasons they Pony Tracks, Frederick Remington. to pay damages, besides the cost of de- sicians’ and man, Henry Whiting, S. I). Wiggin, O. statistics of the county; the others sys- family Prescrip- devoted their attention to the history of HISTORY. fending the suit. W. Tapley, C. H. Drummey, F. A. Coombs, tematically steal them. tions. We carry the finest line France. Hero Tales from American History, The present case was brought to secure Theo Roosevelt and H C George A. Phillips, W. A. Alexander, of PERFUMES and TOILET In this connection they have read aloud Lodge. damages for cost of defending tlie suit at ISOU’N. Painter’s History of Education. Miss Isabel Hall. in the class: “France in and in The ARTICLES in the the Nineteenth Daughters of the Revolution. Augustu paying damages. city. About |50 was realized from the affair, ALLEN -At Deer Isle, Jan 20, to Mr and Mrs two case has twice before been tried in the Century,” by Mrs. Latimer, vols., in Africa in the XIX a Europe Century, which will be devoted to Frank G Allen, son. E W I , vols, COl'GIILIN—At Ellsworth, Jan 20, to Mrand Boston Store. Brand’s are Opposite Clothing upon the government, statesmen, authors Popular Antiquities, John out until midnight. Arrangements completed for the Mrs Michael Coughlin, jr, a (laughter. Brand and Sir H Ellis. and schools of France. The case has excited general interest formal dedication of the Odd Fellows’ EATON—At Latnoine, Jan is, to Mr and Mrs The Story of the Indian, George B Frank W Eaton, a son. Unilroabs anti Current events are given at each session. Grinned. because of the fact that both parties to building next Tuesday evening. Grand Stfnmboats. HOWARD—At Bluehill, Jan 20, to Mr and the suit and the horse are well known Master Adams will be This work is divided into three depart- Makers of Modern Rome, Mrs Oli- present. Mrs Herman II Howard, a daughter. ments foreign, domestic, literary and phant. in the county, while the many points of The dedication exercises, as announced LEACH—At Penobscot, Jan 25, to Mrand Mrs Maine Central Following the Greek Cross, T W Hyde. Pearl Leach, a son. Railroad. dramatic news. This winter the club is law involved awakened the interest of last week, will take place in the after- Memoirs of the Tenth Army Corps. MUItCH—At West Jan to Mr and in the Nineteenth noon. To this an invitation will be ex- Trenton, 2, studying “England Life in the Tuileries, under the Second attorneys. Mrs Fred L Murch, a son. Local Time Table—Nov. 4, 1895. A L Bicknett. E. E. Chase for tended to all Odd Fellows of this district. Century,” a book full of interest and in- Empire, Judge appeared plain- PHILBROOK—At Mariaville, Jan 10, to Mrand BAR HARBOR TO BANGOR. In the there will be a Mrs David A Phllbrook, a struction, by Mrs. Latimer, also taking NATURAL SCIENCES, ETC. tiff and John A. Peters, jr., for defend- evening reception, daughter. a. m. p. m. p. M. ROSS—At Jan BAR HARBOR. 10 30 3 30 the of the and Edward Knobel. ant. for which invitations will be issued to Long Island, 19, to Mr and Mrs principal authors period. Evergreens Ferns, Frank W Sorrento. Baldwin’s and Ross, a daughter. 4 00 A sketch is aud se- Elementary Psychology The returned a sealed verdict friends outside of the lodge. A short en- Sullivan. 4 biographical given jury SWAZEY—At Seal Cove, Jan 20, to Mr and 30 Education. Mt. Desert Ferrv. 11 20 12 45 5 0® lections from their works read. which was opened Friday morning. The tertainment will precede the dancing. Mrs William D Swazey, a daughter. Frail Children of Air (Butterflies), Sara Waukeag, Sul. Fv. til 25 tl‘2 55 f5 06 YOUNG—At WRESTLING WITH SHAKESPEARE. II Schulder. verdict was for plaintiff, with damages Monaghan’s orchestra of six pieces will Gouldsboro, Jan 21, to Mr and Hancock. fll 28 1 00 5 10 Mrs Lewis E a and T II Young, daughter. Franklin Road. fll 36 1 15 5 20 The Shakespeare class, organized June, Evolution Ethics, Huxley. fixed at |400, with interest and costs. furnish music. Following is the pro- Mountains of California, John Muir. ELLSWORTH. 1148 1 40 6 35 1882. by ladies of the I’nitarian society, Motion for new trial has been tiled. gramme of entertainment: MARRIED. Ellsworth Falls. fll 521 1 50 t540 Birds of Northeastern America, Chap- Nicolin. +12 04: 10' A. H. of Bar Selection.Orchestra *2 *5 58 has met every Monday afternoon of the man. Lynam, Harbor, passed Greeu Lake. B L A NC11A R D-M OO R E- A t El 1 s worth, Jan 112 12 f2 30 f6 08 Domesticated Prof. Shaler. a successful examination for admis- Address.Grand Master Adams 25, “study season” of each successive year. Animals, by Rev Edward A Mason, Mrs Ida L Blanch- Lake House. tl2 20 t2 4o! f6 18 A of Alden. Solo.Mrs. E. J. Walsh ard to Willis A Egery’s Mill. tl2 23 t2 50 f6 22 It is as it cannot boast Study Death, sion to the bar, and on Thursday was Moore, both of Ellsworth. utterly informal, Mental Evolution of Romones. Holden .. fl2 26 3 00 6 35 Man, Plano solo.. Miss Marlon Rartlett GRINDLK —AUSTIN—At Jan a officer. One of its chief admitted. The examining committee Brooksville, 20, Penobscot Junction.. 12 46 3 351 6 45 of single Animals, Romones. Rev F W Miss Allura W Reading.Miss Genevieve West by Snell, Grimlle to Bangor, Ex. St. 12 55 3 50 ! 6 55 charms is the freedom to the consisted of John B. Redman, P. James E both of Brooksville. interrupt SOCIOLOGY. George Selection.Orchestra Austin, BANGOR, M.C. 1 00 3 55! 70® and ask or discuss Dutton and Arno W. King. Mr. Lynam GREEN-BARTER—At Deer Isle, Jan 15, P. M A. M. reader questions, any Common Sense Applied to the Woman Duet.E. F. Redman, Hastings by L Collins, esq, Miss Anna M Green, of Deer Portland. 5 35 1 1 40 or abstruse All Putnam M D. has been reading law in the office of John specially strong passage. Question, Mary Jacobi, Reading.iuiss West Isle, to Charles A Barter, of Isle au Haut. Boston. 9 20 5 5i we Pass, Julian A. He will leave for Bar Har- the have been studied, many of People Ralph. Peters, jr. E. F. Robinson KENNEDY—GILKKKT-At Jan plays in J K f Ellsworth, 25. Money Politics, Upton. where in a he O. W. Tapley Rev Edward A Mrs Annie Ken- BANGOR TO them over and over again. bor Saturday, few’ weeks Ouaiteitc.Oiuirtpttp J by Mason, BAR HARBOR. American Political Ideas, J Fiske. j A Cunningham nedy, oi Eden, to Henry Gilbert, of Trenton. This winter is devoted to the historical expects to open an office. A. W. P. M. ]A. M. LITERATURE, FICTION AND ADVENTURE. [ King SCOTT-POWERS-At Deer Isle, Jan 22, bv Boston. 7 00 9 00 In the case of Edward B. Mears vs. Selection.Orchestra plays. In this connection the history of Phantoms of the Foot Bridge. Rev H B Hart, Miss Lucy Scott to Warren T Powers, both of Deer Isle. Portland. from King John to Henry VIII. The Mystery of Cloomber, A Conan George B. Wheeler, heard before Judge 1100.jP’lw England Lecture. A. M. A. M. p. M. on motion for removal Stereoptlcon It X VGOP c. Kr> » nxl has been takeu up. The members in Doyle. Emery Tuesday, a of the Bret Harte. The fifth in the course of imkdT In Hollow’ Hills, of case to the United States circuit stereopticon Bangor, Ex. St. 6 55 7 15 5 05 turn the on the play court, prepare questions A Singular Life, E S Phelps. lectures at the church Penobscot Junction. 7 02 7 30 5 13 motion was overruled. Congregational CAMPBELL—At Ellsworth, Jan 25, Thomas and of the As each An Errant Mrs B Harrison. Holden. 7 25 8 05 5 33 history period. play Wooing. will be this Victor, son of Mrand Mrs Robert M. FRIDAY. given (Thursday) evening. Camp- Egery’a Mill. f7 28 t8 10 f5 36 is character and When all the Wooas are Green, S Weir bell, aged 1 year, 4 months, 8 days, completed, analysis “The from Marseilles Lake Home. f7 32 15 15 39 Mitchell, M D. The suit of Walter B. of Subject: Riviera, nrni’/ L' * » l-,. ..i-11_ oj are Gould, Bangor, Green Lake. fT 42 8 35 f* 48 quotations given. and Social G W Curtis. to Genoa.” The lecture will be ward 59 Literary Essays, Daniel of oc- interest- DeBeck, aged years, 7 months, *21 Nicolin f7 52 |8 50 5 58 Occasionally the class has changed from of E O White. against Hurley, Ellsworth, The Coming Theodora, ing to all lovers of beautiful scenery. The days. Ellsworth Falls. 8 05 9 15 f610 and read Thomas cupied the day. A. W. Weatherbee, of ELLSWORTH. 8 10 930 Shakespeare Schiller’s plays, Jude, the Obscure, Hardy. ! EATON—At Deer Isle, Jan 19, Mrs Belle Eaton, 615 lecture will carry the tourist through the Franklin Road. 8 24 9 Dante’s “Divina Com- Tales of the Maine Coast, N Brooks. nangor, ior pianuui, r. l,. iUuhuii, ior aged 19 years. 56 6 29 Goethe’s “Faust,” Haucock. 8 32 10 10 ^6 87 amazing wmrrmgt-, mcicuuu. section made famous as the seashore re- | HOWARD—At Deer Isle, Jan 20, Richard defendant. W'aukeag, Sul. Fy. 18 35 4# i Books, 2 vols., R Kipling. sort of the wealth and fashion of all Howard, aged 70 years. Jungle Action was for fraud- Mt. Desert 8 40 10 25 6 45 and Emerson. But after a short sea- of F K Stock- brought alleged Ferry. ing Adventures Capt Horn, towns visited will be MITCHELL—At Penobscot, Jan 37, S N Sullivan. 9 00 11 50 ulent concealment of owned Europe. Anpong 57 3 son given to one of these it always returns ! ton. property by Mitchell, aged years, months, 26 days. Sorrento. 9 20 12 25 and other Italian Stories, Miss a debtor of the Marseilles, Toulon, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, RICHARDSON—At Jan BAR HARBOR. 10 00 1 00 7 8« with increased love and enthusiasm tc Dorothy plaintiff. Dedham, 22, George G Woolson. Monte and Genoa—all more or less Richardson, M 57 6 13 a. M. I*. M. P. M. The was out until 10 o’clock at Carlo, D, aged years, months, the immortal bard of Avon. War- jury I The Golden House, Chas Dudley familiar to readers. days. and a night, returned verdict for plaintiff, ROWE—At Aurora. Jan 24, Edna twin tStop on signal or notice to Conductor. SACKED HISTORY. ! ner. The musical will S, 1 The Ralstons, Marion Crawford. with fixed at The case following programme daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry A Rowe, aged There is a class of damages |685.74. twenty-five young the lecture: 5 months, 16 days. These trains connect at with Little Book of Profitable Tales, Eugene will probably be appealed. precede Bangor, through ladies connected with the Congrega- ! Field. TOMPKINS—At Bangor, Jan 24, Isaiah W trains on Main Line to and from Portland, Bos- SATURDAY. Marseilles Hymn—French air, ton and St. John. under the ol Mountain F B Sten- Tompkins, of Ellsworth, aged 19 years, 7 tional church, guidance I Rocky Saints, are to tickets M. of vs. Organ. months, 20 days. Passengers requested procure that hat house. Gertrude Blair, Bucksport, before the and their Sabbath school teacher, | Galaxy of Song.Prendeville entering train, especially Ells- ! Life's Rudyard Kipling. James E. of Fellows worth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth. met for several and Handicap, Buckley, Bangor. regularly years past of the H Rider Haggard. Orchestra and organ. Heart W'orld, for Hamlin for tried Stibcrt tsnnmts. Tickets for All Points South and West art and literature ol L Stevenson. plantiff, defendant; Must We studied history, Wrong Box, Robert Soprano solo—“Why Say ‘Good-by?’ on sale at the M. C. R. R. Saturday. Verdict for plaintiff. ticket office, different periods. Their leader has taker Island Voyage, Marchesi Ellsworth, C. F. GREENE, Agent. Silverado Squatters, Court adjourned till Monday, at 10 Miss Hastings. great pains to secure reference books and N. II. PAYSON TUCKER, Travels with a Donkey, o’clock. HIGGINS, and much work has beer: Selected, Vice Pres, and Gen’l Manager. pictures, good Footnote to History, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Orchestra and organ. F. E. BOOTH BY, GeuH Pass, and Ticket Ag’t. The season is de- Fleming Jenkin, accomplished. present The case of Katie A. Ekstrom vs. Cyrus Christiac Merry Men, During the concert ten selected views Marble voted to the study of “Early J. and all Mon- Dealer, Virginibus Puerisque, Hall, others, occupied day of will be shown. Art,” and the “Bible in Literature.” statuary WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Prince Otto, day and Tuesday, and Wednesday fore- Pranklin ELLSWORTH. The is of a few St., Title club composed Dynamiter, noon. to the Judge Emery’s charge jury in do who hare hit a mosi Treasure Island, Wife—What the world you want young ladies, upon Robert occupied two,hours, and was an able, Island Nights' Entertainment, with a trombone? You know that the manner of an immense BLOEHILL & unique getting L Stevenson. clear and impartial review of the case. ELLSWORTH mir man next door has driven us nearly wild amount of fun out of an instructive en Familiar Studies of Men and Books, The jury went out at 11.30 o’clock, NEW RESTAURANT STEAMBOAT COMPANY. his on that awful in- iertainment. meet one evening f Robert L Stevenson. by performance They L htev- and are still out as The American goes —AM)- Memoirs and portraits, Robert strument. Hubby—Calm yourself, my week, and exercise their ingenuity ir to press. dear. That’s the one I’ve bought. for and theii preparing representation, New Arabian Nights, Robert L Steven- This was an action of trover brought to All Night Lunch Room. keen in stand wits guessing, the titles of son. recover goods and apparatus of quarry MISCELLANEOUS. If wTe could trace Dyspepsia to its source, Ex-City Marshal Donovan to announce ard hooks and noted characters in his a small begs of equipment, including building, our Inventions, Researches and Writings it would lead back to kitchens. In that he has leased the building recently occu- tory and fiction. A feast for the stomact two sleds, a sleigh, a quantity of paving Steamer Nikola Tesla. fact, the secret of good health is good cook- pied by Lewis A. Joy, and has fitted It up as a Juliette, as well as brain is | O. A. Ckockett, Capt. always provided. andForest, Parker Gillmore. blocks and other goods enumerated to first-class restaurant and lunch Prairie If well cooked, foods are partially room. On and after Some of o in the Nineteenth ing. Monday, Nov. 18, 1895, steamer the “spontaneous” poetry Russia in Turkey the value of several thousand dollars. A new feature for Ellsworth is an ALL- digested ; if poorly cooked, they are less will leave Ellsworth at 5: 30 a. m. (Btage to this club rivals anything we have ye The Mrs. of NIGHT LUNCH ROOM—the one In the Surry), Surry at 6:30 a. m., GW Curtis. plaintiff, Ekstrom, Pretty than in their raw state. If only every Monday Essays, digestible you and for Bluehlll, South Bluehili, seen of the new poet-laureate of Eng Revocation ol tha Marsh, formerly Mrs. Robinson, con- city. Thursday, Huguenots and the area victim of faulty cooking; that is, Brooklin, Sedgwick, Deer isle, Sargentviile, land. 2 vols, i rot H M Rand. ducted a house at Somes Sound Little Deer Dark Harbor, in Edict ot Nantes, boarding suffer from the rational isle, arriving THE KING’S DAUGHTERS. for Vouug 1 eople. you Dyspepsia, Rockland about 5 m., in Reason to connect Rowland Robinson quarries, formerly operated by John J. 1 -hall keep a full stock of p. ■ men a cure must be looked for in an with steamers for Boston direct. The while in no sens* Lowell's Camp. 2 Dan artificially King’s Daughters, 1 Sam whom, alleges, she assisted RETURNING. t amp. Carr, plaintiff and a food which will at a for so mucl Folks. 3 Cncle’I.isha’s digested food, BREAD, PASTRY and Will leave Rockland and literary club, yet standing Lliz Custer. Mr. Carr made every Wednesday, Tenting on the Plains, financially. Subsequently the same time aid the of other on arrival of steamer froni Bos- that is and in thi: Howland. digestion Saturday, helpful elevating Practical Hints for Teachers, an Mrs. Ekstrom claims ton, about 6.30 a. m., making the above land- assignment. foods. Such a rests — DOUGHNUTS are w of as w < A J C Hare. preparation virtually ings, in Ellsworth same after- community, orthy mention, Days Near Paris, title to the articles named in the writ, arriving early the tired organs, restor- noon. Tickets sold on board. checked are of of women Walks Near Paris, digestive thereby all cooked on the Baggage speaking organizations Brown- some to Mr. Carr's premises. and Religion of by purchase prior them to their natural through. Under their careful mucl The Philosophy ing strength. supervision failure, and some from the assignee. -Also- O. A. t'HOCKETT, Manager, Rockland. Profs. The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by American l Diversities, The defendants in the suit are G. W. HIGGINS, Agent, Ellsworth. l"fonr Matthews. present the Shakers of Mount is For a in the chest a of flan stoan and Lebanon, just Tobacco and pain piece Norton, Deadly, now the under the name Cigars, for Children. operating quarry such a and a 10 cent nel Chamberlain’s Paii World's Fair Book | preparation, single dampened with Beaant. of the Standard They Westminster. Walter granite company. bottle will convince of its value. If Bluehill Ale, Languid Lester Ileer’d wka’ happened Balm and bound on over the sent of tb j you Ginger Pater s Greek Studies. claim title to the goods in under to Honkers? Mathew question your doesn’t keep he will be Heavy Musing and another on the back betweei 1 Dean l arrar. druggist it, Canned Goods and Pickles. pain, Gathering Clouds, a bill of sale from Mr. Carr’s So. assignee. to it t his \v holesale house. Languid Lester—He foun' a bottle the relief Brook Farm. J T Codman. glad get hrough shoulders, w ill afford prompt was a of ! Whist (modern;, C D 1 Ham- There large array witnesses, dat wuz ha ffull of somethin7 dat look This is valuable in cases w her Scientific especially the plaintiff presenting twelve, tin de- LAXOL is the best medicine for ehil- like whiskey, an’ he drinks it an7 it turn’d the is caused a cold and there is Russian J. II. pain by Volume-. Through fendants nine. Two dren. Doctors recommend it in place of DONOVAN, out to be medicine fer dat tired “‘lientv White Cross, The attorneys repre-ent | feelin7|an7 toward For sa! Snows. A Knight of the | tendency pneumonia. I each party II. E. Hamlin and Charles H. Castor Oil. NV\t Woodward Bros’., Ellitworthi now de poor feller is looking fer work. by George A. Farther. Tiger of Mysore 3t)t>rrtisnncnts. PROBATE COl'RT. Pond mother—My darling, it is bed- Itgal jECottcfs. Itflal Cotters. ILcgnl Votict*. time. All the little chickens hmve gone Session held at Ells- genera! and direction on the thence on tiie same course said hi* or their nor Kegulur January to bed. Little philosopher—Yes, mamma, westerly southerly uing along by grantees, any grantee for Matters. arc of a circle of a radius of 20 feet, the centre southerly line one hundred and seventy-nine violation thereof by hi* subsequent grantee, nor worth—Insolvency and so has the old hen. ■ f which Is said centre bolt, to a bolt at a point (i79 feet and nine (9) inches to an iron bolt at a nn\ ow ner or tenant, present ur future, for the MERITEDJEWARD. I Following is a summary of the business In -..id circle which tears north (T7 degrees wes* corner on the general southerly boundary of act* of «iranger* done without said owner’* or front said centre Indt, thence south 20 degrees said land about to l»o to Kmm» L. tenant** consent; that SALES OP LTDIA E. PI5KHAJPS transacted at the January term of the conveyer! provided, however, if atibrrttsnnmtis. »» minutes west Sr* feet to a bolt hereinafter re- Wesson; running thence still along said Wes- any part of the land hereinbefore specifically VEGETABLE COMPOCm probate and insolvency courts, held at ferretl to as bolt A) (tearing north 42 degrees son land south .3 degrees .V* minutes east thirty desrfilled and to l»e conveyed, shall ever i>e wc-t from and b>S feet dl-tant from the said four (34 feut and -lx (fi) inches to an iron bolt used for a *talde or for any other than Ellsworth on Wednesday. Jan. 15: If it don't cure you, cash the check. purpose point of beginning; thence south 4.1 degrees at another corner on the general southerly a private family residence and the u*e* then to Cneqnalled in the History of Medicine. Wills admitted to probate. Clermont we-t 31 feet to a bolt at the easterly side of a boundary of said Wesson land; continuing properly appertaining or for anything that ledge; thence south 4.* degrees west 90 feet to a thence on the same course but along land owned would in law or l»o deemed a nui-nm Faithfulness Livingston, Clermont, Columbia county, equity e, Honesty, Excellence, AN EMINENT bolt. thence south St» tegrees 30 minutes west 34 in common l»v said minor with Loren f. Kim then and from thenceforth the foregoing re .-trie' Rewarded. N. Y.f deceased; Edmund Quincy, Boston, PHYSICIAN fe. t t.< .i lio t. thence south 2* degrees we-t 37 ball ct als thirty three <3.3 feet and six (»•) tlon* Included In the clause* (c and pi.all Fitly feet to a l>olt; thence south 21 degrees so min inches to an Iron"bolt; running thence north hr cea*e and become null and void. Suffolk county. Mass., deceased; Abbie utes west 34 feet to a Indt; thence south 20 degrees ten (10) minute* east one hundred and All *aid estat* and premises, however, t l>o TO C'l R LEDT HATtfUI.] You can consult him on to fCIAL M. Blaisdell, Santa Clara county, Cal., de- all dis- degree- minutes west 39 feet to a l-olt; thence -ixty three (bit feet loan iron holt on the -aid conveyed expressly subject to all tin r. -trie -outn 17 degrees west .V* feet to a bolt; thence shore of said harbor at or near high water tlon* named. Imposed or created under and X the of medicine hi! ceased. eases free of charge. by history -...uih 14 degrees west 4-S feet 0 inches to a bolt. mark continuing thence on the same course to virtue of a certain deed from t la re nee \. Kim- for th. detuu 1 for one particular remedy Wills presented for probate, Sarah D. them south 0 degree- we-t 71 feet t a bolt low outer mark, and running thence, always ; ball, guardian of Albert l\ McBride and « lar hen Inafter n*fcrred to as bolt them e south the line of low water ence F to female diseases A. B); j following mark, generally McBride, l.oren F Kimball, dated Sellers, Deer Isle; Edwin Sprague, If want to ♦» ;to that you really get well, this -egrees minutes west 23 feet to a bolt at or nortln rly to the pointer place of beginning the j Septemlier 15, a. d I* 1, and recorded in said equalled Penobscot. near the northerly side of the private road upon dl-lance from the said la-t mentioned iron holt of Doe*I*. In vol. and attained is your Registry 255, page .'Vd, by opportunity. the right of wa\ granted by Loren E Kimball to the first hereinbefore mentioned boundary also expressly to all the restriction- to Administration granted on estates of | subject Lydia K. et al- t<» Ihtniel C (•liman, running from the line, to wit, the northerly line of the lot of land be imt»or»ed and made binding upon I c preini-e*, Pinkhams James McLeod, Verona; Maria R. Stubbs, la"d of -aid Itantol (illman to the right of herein de»crll>cd as to be conveyed, l>olng fifty- Including the lot of land herein In* fort! *qa*e|fic- who i or to way of Emma I. Wesson herein liefore men nine (5P) feet and nine 9j inches, said distance described. and t«» be as set Everybody taking, about 1 ally conveyeti forth V egetable Bucksport. ..I. wldeli -aid (lilmati right of i- measured in a line at riglit to the In the of *ald Clarence A 1 way living angles petition Kimball, take that wonderful Dr. Swan's described the Compound Guardian appointed unto Eben B. Car- remedy. speeitlcally In deed to *»hl Ihinlel said northerly line); containing one quarter of guardian a* aforesaid, for license to *e I other ( (.ilman from Loren E Kimball et nls, re an acre of land, exclu-lvc of land below land of at and never ter, minor heir of Eben B. Carter, Ells- ! Nerve and Blood Ton ic, for all Nervou-. high said minor filet I the January term, eord.din tie- ll.gl-try •.f I>.ed- for llam-oek water mark, with all the a. d of said and in the his- together appurten- istsi, probate court, marked j worth, deceased. | Stomach, .and Blood Disorders can con- county, Maine, in bonk 2*4. page 222; thence ances thereto petition \”. of a following said side of -aid with and a- to -aid lot tory Inventories returned in estates of Phebe sider themselves undi: the ways northerly Together appurtenant Your petitioner say* that -aid minor I* seized t.i'n of w e >- bat to a l-olt at >1 land hereinl»efore descrllnM and and Mm. person.d right ay .-terly particularly I possessed of nil the estate, right-. » i.v| W. or near -aid side ; "thence north 13 dc to be ami to of the same, and to Pinlthams Holmes, Abigail Staples, Castine; care of Dr. Swan, and ear. consult him. northerly conveyed every part lege* en-ement-. for which license sell is gree- minute- we-t It* feet to a bolt; which i- a riglit of way for all purposes of a way. to la* asked in the foregoing petition, and that it Lewis Moore. Cranberry Isles; Franklin 1 wonderful cither personally or y mail, free f ea-terly from and l*'-1* feet from -aid bolt It. used in common bv the grantee, id* heir- ami would In* for *aid minor’s Iteneiit t«» -ell the A. Nickerson, Mt. John I). Whit- thence In a general northeasterly dbeetlon by assigns, said minor, til heirs and assigns, and same a* for In said and to Compound Desert; It is to our interest to have prayed petition place charge. course- parallel to and always feet distant all other per-ons lawfully entitled thereto, their the at Interest for tin* benefit *»f has the taker, insane person, Franklin. proceed* -aid you well. We know this troin the courses hereinbefore mentioned trout heir* and as*lgn-, over a* -trip of land herein minor. demand get remedy bolt \ to bob. to Orders of notice returned in estates of It, the point of beginning op- after bounded and de*cril»ed, and thence over Dated this fith day of January, a d Is*.*’ will cure So confident .are we that bolt A a- aforesaid. so much of he Gilman of wav hervlnaf for it been Lorana Hill, Goulds Joshua Wat- you. posite Expressly subject, right Clarence A. Kimiiai.i., guardian. boro; however, to the following restrictions vnol con ter mentioned a* Me- between the of -*• so great as it will that we attach .a bank check to junction STATE OF MAINE. H son. Sedgwick; Franklin A. Nickerson, dllions -ubsequent), to wit said -trip of land with -aid Gilman right of it is ss.—At a court of held at today. bottle. If it don't cure (a That no part of the wild lot of land way ami the Wesson right of way hereinafter Hancock, probate Mt. Desert; Edgar N. Cole, Brookiin; every you. Ellsworth on From hereinbefore particularly described shall ever mentioned, and thence over so much of the -aid the second Wednesday of the check .and be a a. d. l«l*fi. Learn on S. Orcutt, Franklin. cash got your money back. used f'*r -table or for any other ! Wesson right of way a- may be necessary to January, Maine to purpose On the than a private family residence ami the uses reach each of the public ways to which -aid petition aforesaid, Ordered: That License to sell real estate granted in Mr. Libbv i well with this notice be a California, pleased thereto appertaining, or fot anything Wesson riglit of way b ad-, wfilch said Wesson given by publishing copy of said properly with this from the Gulf to the St. Lawrence, come j estates of Amanda Myrick, Goii!dsbo;ro; Read what he : that would In law or eok of cause, if any. why the prayer of said petition cure those j Holmes, Registry plans and does positively painful worse until March. The doctor with uch covenants as be to nuinl*cr 19. said of land above should not be granted. Such notice to be Petitions to sell real estate in 1894. may necessary 2, page -trip tiled secure tlie-e -aid restrictions in favor of the given before said court. Ailments of Women. was no for mentioned Iteing bounded and descrilH'd as fol- said there hope her. still O. I*. estates of Phebe W. Holmes, Castine; otic umlivbhs] eighty* fourth part of the -trip of low* Beginning at a point fixed by two bear Ct-NNIN'OHAM. Judge. It will cure th- worst forms of female her to Dr. Swan’s land ion feet in w idth hereinafter and and distances the bolt at the Attest: — Cha*. P. Dork, Register. Andrew H. Swan’s he wanted try taking described, ing- from -aid all ovarian inflam- Taylor, Island; Mary every part thereof southwest corner of the land hereinbefore A true copy. Attest: —A,’has. P. Dorr, Kegi-ti-r. complaints, troubles, Vitalized Nerve and Blood Tonic. 1 J. Ellsworth; Albert K. The restrictions and in descrilied and to be a* mation and ulceration, falling and dis- Gray, McBride, foregoing specified specitloailv conveyed PETITION “i". eluded In the foregoing clauses a) ami (b) I follow*, vl/. s,»utli 31 degree* we-t 15 tcet and of tile ami Mount Desert, minor. obtained .a bottle and she took that and T<» the placements wMtnh, consequent -hall run with and be binding upon the said lot j 4 Indies, and thence south Rl degree* we-t 32 Honorable Judge of Probate for the of State of Maine weakness, an I is peculiarly Accounts settled in estates of Birtram four more, and has never had .a sign of .a of land hereinbefore particularly described and f feet, which point «>f beginning 1* marked by an county Hancock, spinal ! A KIMIIAI.I.. of Mount 1 to th- of life. every part thereof, and upon all future tenant- iron bolt; from -alii point of beginning running adapt- change B. Belt**, Edwin L. Milliken. Leander lit since. It has worked wonders with / Hancock State <>f ami owners thereof, and -hall run with and be ; north Rl degree- ea*t 32 feet to an iron boll; CtLAfiKMJKDc*crt, county, Maine, time it will cure of Albert K minor heir of Every Milliken, Sterling H. Ellsworth; am well appurtenant to, and be for the benefit of the said thence norm 31 degree- cast 15 feel and 4 inches guardian McBride, Haynes, her. .and I pleased with it.’’ Hannah A. Backache. one undivided eighty fourth part of -aid -trip to the -aid bolt at -aid southwest corner of the McBride, late of said Mount Desert, Mark Saunders, Orland; Moses G. Buck. of 1(X) ami a-k- this Lewis 1*. Libby, Cumberland Mills, Me. land feet in width hereinafter deacrilMM, ; land hereinbefore specifically descrllaal ami to deceased, respectfully petition* It has cured mor- cases of leueorrhcea Donald Nicholson. and every part thereof, and --f all future owner- be thence the line of honorable court for ifcen**- to sell, convey ami Bucksport. will all conveyed along wc-torly Pr. Swan answer inquiries regarding and tenai.ts but -hall not run with or said land 3 we-t 31 grant (at public, or private -ale) certain right-, removing th- cause, than any remedy Accounts for thereof, north degree- 50 minute- by presented settlement in your case free of charge. feet t> the ami easement* held said minor, as ever is and inches to iron boh in said line privilege* by the wo- i i has known; it almost With bottle is a bank chc< k our to estates of L. John every guar- the right* of wav hereinbefore where the most line of -aid land follow*, wit Mary Folsom, Arthur. specified; upon southerly T .,..11 ...-- ...1__ such cases. It dissolves and a n? re that this w.. *r a fei t and s inches distant from the -aid bolt at The right of acre-- from -aid lot and every for local application. Correspondence Warrant to county inventory. appraisers issued. -table or for other than a the part thereof to a certain of ■ a. KIM of any purpose private -outliwe.-t corner of the land hcrelnlx-fore right way Is f .- solicited the E. Pink- HAM., Mount partlru by Lydia tiled and and the uses thereto lari .t de-crtbed in the deed from Loren K Kim the Petition granted that execu- Desert. Hancock county. State of Maine, family re-ideuce, properly -t>«‘* itlcally de-cribed and to In* conveyed; Ram M-It -ine Co., Mass., and CaLAKKMK nr for that would In tln-nc* ball et al-to Ktnma I.. We-son. recorded in the Lynn, tors of will "f of Mbert K McHrhb*. minor heir of appertaiidng, anything troin -aid point in a general westerly Henry Grafton Dulanv. law or Ik* of l>ee«ls for llanc«* had in sell the Pinkham's remedies. The Loudoun county Virginia, deceased, be deceased, respectfully petiliot and j.sk- this foregoing re-trletion* radlu- of 2" feet, the centre <>f which l- -aid page in t he-e thice different At the western gists honorable court for license to sell and eluded elau-es (a and (b) shall cease centre bolt, to a hod at a point in said circle fours*!*, namely: Vegetable Comooand in three forma. excused from filing or settling any convey, and become boundary o! -aid lot, also land of at public or private -ale, the real estate of said void. which hear- north »>7 degrees we-t from -aid by crossing Kinma I. We--on on the which land Is — Pills, and Lozenges. accounts in the probate court for Han- minor, hereinafter described, l<< writ And also, for license as a part of said sale centre bolt, thence south 2" degree- thirt\ min- north, Liquid, in In relation ton of land luo feet in width ute- we-t 3d leet to a bolt hereinafter desert lied tin* aforesaid deed to cock Maine. One eighty-fourth part in common and un- strip k referred particularly county, the bo lines ot nima L. We-son and al-o bv nv er and divided of a <• rtain lot or parcel «»t land situ- along southerly ndary of the lot to ,i- bolt A bearing north 42 degree* west from pa--lng a certain other of Petition filed and granted that residu- ated at Northea.-t in tin- lownof Mount land hereinbefore specifically described, and to and in 1»«-t di-tant from the -aid of be- upon right way on the south Harbor, point which lead- colby the -outh thereof said 1(0 f«*ot to Ik* mca-ured thence south 43 west 31 feet to into tlie (■liman right <>f WHy, so- trustees under last will and testament l>es4*rt, of Hancoek, '-late of Maine, ginning. degrees ary county at from tin* said southerly a at the called, and l- hereinafter de-cribed, The bounded aud described a-follows, to wit lt«- right angles lines, bolt easterly side "f a ledge, tlience particularly SHOPPING AND of Grafton from each and and to in- 42» ami thence over-aid (.liman of Henry Dulany. Loudoun ginning at a point at low water mark on tin* every point thereof, soutli degree- we-t !#> feet to a bolt; thence westerly right clude the said lot about to Ik* to W II- 1 -outh 3*3 3o way to the riglrt of way flr-t hendnnbove' men- be we-tern side of the harbor, known a- North, a-t conveyed degrees minute* wc-t 34 feet to a county, Virginia, deceased, excused ft. lionet I. a- de.-crliaai In said recorded deed to INFORMATION Harbor, at the southeast corner of the lot of Haiti Huntington a* aforesaid, nut not to in bolt, thence south 2S degree* west 37 fwt to a Kmrna L. Wesson. from tiling or settling any account in the land now owned Kmma I.. Wesson, said dude land lying to the west of a line drawn at holt; thence south 21 degree* 30 ml mite* west 34 by — the said lines in a Nr»nid Also the right to convev and BUREAU, court for \ now bearing north ft* degrees cast from an right angles’with southerly feet to a bolt, tlience -outh 20 degree* 3o min- sell, probate Hancock county, Maine. point <>f a- to the said lot iron bolt on tne shore at or m ar water southerly direction, from the western end the utes we-t 3j feet to a Itolt, thence -*>11111 17 de- grant, appurtenant of land 355 & 357 Boylston Street, high al»out to Ik- Loren K. Kr -util mark in the line of said land of southerly line of the -aid lot hereinbefore grees we.-t :* feel to a holt, thenpe south 14 de- onveyed oy et COURT OF southerly als to Kmrna L. BOSTON. MASS. INSOLVENCY. Ktntna L Wesson, and running thence south 9*.* specifically described w here it meet* the said gree* we-t 4h feet and inch*’- to a lioll, thenee Wesson, and also a- appurte- nant to paid oilier lot of land hen* to fop First account of Arno W. west, along the line of said private road), to Impose upon ami bind south •• degr«*es we-t 71 feet to a bolt (hereinaf con King, assig- degree- southerly Loren K. Kimball lain) of Kmma 1. Wesson the said through covenant binding upon said minor, ter referred to h* bolt It thence south Pi de- veyed by et al- to -aid Kmrna nee southerly of estate of Ezra D. of Tre- hi* heir* ami or otherwise one un L We-son, and descrlbetl In the Lurvey, line being described in the deed to said Kmma assign*, grees 3u minutes we-t it f«*t to a l»olt at or near particularly deed nsmpied a- ami a- A CARD. mont, insolvent debtor, filed and notice L Wesson of her said land a- running south 9,9 divided eighty fourth part of said -trip oJLJand the northerly side of the private road upon the aforv-ald, appurtenant Pm fe«’t in width with the restric- to every part of salt! two lots, a of wav ordered on same. degrees 30 minutes west .to the said iron bolt following right of way granted by Loren K Klmnall et right As wo have had a large number of our friends to wit lor all purposes of a to Ik* used in com on the shore at or near high water mark; and tions, a!- to Daniel 0. Dll man, running from tin* land way, and outride of Boston Appointment of second meeting of moil the his customers frequently ask thence on the -ame cour-e (c). That neither the said Albert K. McBride, of -aid Daniel (J. DU man to the Wesson right of by grantee, heir- ami a—Igns, -aid creditors tiled and in cases of continuing along minor. Id- heirs us to bu> good*. get sample*, advise and give approved said southerly line of -aid land of Kmma K. nor hi* heirs, shall or will sell, convey or way hereinbefore meutloned, which said (til ami assigns, and all other per and detailed in Frank A. of one Soli- entitled general information, regard to Wood, Ed^n, insolvent Wesson, three hundred ami sixty three (863) tran-ferany portion of or intere-t in said* man right of way 1- »|H*eliically described In lawfully thereto, over a-trip of Gown-, oats, Garments, and and undivided fourth <*f -aid <>f land land hereinafter Itounded ami described, ami Wraps, Materials, debtor, Charles W. Jordan, of Eden, feet to an iron bolt at the southw. -t corner of eighty part -trip the dee«i to-aid Daniel t'. Dllman, record**! in it has been for them to thence over so much <»f the Hitman whore impossible come insolvent debtor. the said iand of Kmma L. Wesson; and contin- of 100 feet in width, except subject to the fol -aid 1 tegl-try of Deed*, in hook 2-4, page 222. rlglit of way to Boston, and who^e the nature of such low restriction* a* restrictions n t as con- hereinafter mentioned n- lies Ik*tween the pur- Fletcher T. Wood, of uing thence on the. same cour-e six (*•; feet to ing thence always following said northerly side of junc- Gouldsboro, ap- tion ol -aid ol chase- and enquiries require*! good taste, ditions viz that no of the -aid Dllman 3* a -trip land with -aid Human in case of an iron bolt at or near the easterly .-ide of the subsequent', part right of way easterly feet t«* and pointed assignee Cornelius S. so of and the knowledge of styles, and, while road to the -aid land of land sold, conveyed or transferred shall ever bolt at or near said side; thence north rlglit way right of way de*crllK*d In judgment, Johnston, of Eden, insolvent private leading up northerly llie offering to pay us well for such trouble, we debtor. be used for a stable <>r f<*r other r> 3o minutes we-t bi feet to a twit which aforesaid deed from l.orvn K Kimball et Kmma L. Wesson ; and runnir g thence in a gen- any purpose 1 degree.- coul l ii»-t undertake the to Kinma L and over responsibility without eral southwesterly direction along tm -aid east- than a private family residence and the u-e* is easterly from, and 1*J;, feet from -aid bolt II; Wesson, thence -aid last detriment to our established business as Dress- or mentioned of erly side of the -aid privat- road to an iron thereto properly appertaining, lor any thing thence in a general northeasterly direction by right way the said -trip of land makers, with the facilities which we had then. ■S&brrtisnnmts. that would at law or in be a bounded ami de-4 rilied a- fo Jow- bolt at or near the said easterly side of -aid equity deemed eourse* parallel to and alway * lt>S feet di-tant lorlng such additional facil- pri- nuisance. at a ti\«-«l two Having recently acquired vate r- ad said lust-mcntiom*d iron 1 >■ -It bearing from the courses hereinbefore mentioned from ItegUuiUig point t»y l**arings ities as x0 tnake'it practical to under That in deed which he. the said ami distance- from tin* bolt at the southwest perfectly south 2s degrees 3o minutes west frnn., ami be- (dj. any boll A to bolt It, to the point of lieginning oj»po. take such business in with our Albert K. or hi* heirs or corner «»t cerutin mini about t«» Ik* conjunction ing one hundred and forty-seven (H7 feetdl*- McBride, a-*ign*. site iiolt A a- aforesaid; subject, conveyt-l by IDres and Tailoring, we are now at shall of expressly l.orcn K Kimball et al- to William enmking tant in a -traight line from the .-aid other iron give any portion of or Interest in said however, to the following re-triction* ;uot con U Hunt -* tv ice to do such as re i ns vl/ your shopping you Imlt lien in before mention, d, as being al-o at or one undivided eighty fourth part of said strip dilions subsequent;, to wit Ulgtoil, follows, South ;| UegrtM-s West in of land of 10 in IA feet and 4 inches and thence f land h.-re * iK gtntung running north »d ea-t 5- feet READY-MADE GARMENTS. tioned course), two hundred an lorty- a private family residence and tiie u*c* thereto degree- inbefore descrllied and t<* an lr-• n bolt, and ttienc«- north U < a-t eight ,24-9 ft-et to an iron bolt in the specideally every part properly appertaining, or for anything that degree- thereof. 1A feet ami 4 niche- to tiie -aid FURS, TRIMMINGS. MILLINERY, The American Protective Tariff w< -ter’.y line of a certain lot of 'and .mout Would In law orequit* be deemed a nui-ance Imd at -aid League The ‘■"rn.-r >•! -aid to conveyed by Koren K. Kimball el a I-to foregoing restrictions included in these 14»> 1 hat Iti any «ieed Which tile pureha-er of Huntington land, thence along CARPETS AND RU6S, the w.--i4-ri\ Iii»«*..f -am is a national William It. Huntington; and running thence clause- ve, and d shall run with ami be bind said lot oI land liereinoclore arly de- Huntington lami nortli organization advocating 1 parileu 5 Vi north .‘5 .V) minute- west tour lug upon the -aid one undivided serilHtl and to l*e hi- heir* or degree- minutes west U leet ♦; im he- to the UPHOLSTERY GOODS, '• degrees thirty 34) eighty-fourth Conveyed, a--lcn*, to American Labor and of said of Protection feel and -lx 6) inches to an iron bolt at the part strip land of 100 feel in width shall give ot any portion of or interest in sahl most FURNITURE. WALL PAPER, northwest corner of -dd lot of land about to be and every part thereof, and upon all future land, sliall l*e duly inserted these .-aid ie-liie southerly line of the laud about to t.e roil as its constitu- owners and tenants and -hall run with bv Loren E Ktmnail et Industry" explained by convey cd to said William li. Huntington ; and thereof, tioiis together with -ueh covenant- a- may Ik* v*;jed als to Emma I. BRIC-A-BRAG, PICTURES, and he to and for the of the Wesson meets said running thence north ft* degrees east parallel to appurtenant benefit necessary to a* cure these said re-trillions in line, thence along said tion, as follows : lot of land hereinbefore descrilM.il line south 89 6 aiul other works of art. said lir-t herelidiefon -mentioned course and specifically favor of the one undivided eighty-fourth part southerly degrees west ;r; feet ami and <*f all future owners of the ineties; thence -outh 3 on east cannot at along the northerly line of said lot about to l»e every part thereof, -u ip of land loo feel in w nlili hereinafter degrees minutes In fact, anything which you get your this be to and with The object of League shall Detect to William It one and tenants thereof, hut shall not run with or de»eribed and parallel ihe *uid we-terlv line of -aid local shops' and requires expert judgment. conveyed Huntington hun- every part theieof. American lao^r • tariff on impart*, which •hell Ik? appurtenant to or for the lienetlt of of Huntington laud 11 teet, inure or to a We do not for but by dred "and seventy nine (179,’ feet and nine (9) any less, point | charge getting samples, secure Am»r.-an industrial •Jo feet ■'deauatety pi oduct* inches I*, au iron bolt at or near high water the light* of way herelnliefore specified; upon eluded in tiie clauses ,a) an 1 -hall dt-tant fn»m a ln«lt, which Inilt i- to l>c charge five per cent, on ail purchases. Remit- foregoing (l») the arm net the competition of labor." thence on the express agreement ami how- with centre of a turn wav nr which bolt tance must all or can foreign mark; and continuing the-amecourse under-tandlng. run and be binding U|*on the said lot of loop, accompany orders, goods ever, that neither the said Albert K. iM-ar- norm *2 .to if to low water mark, and running thence, McBride, land hereii»l*ef.»rv particularly desert Inal and to ■ degrees minutes we-t from beaend C- O. D. desired, except those known always •** the line of low water nor Ids litir*. executors or administrators, shall be convened and and l- 20 feet inches distant from the said bolt to us. are no or following mark, generally every part thereof, and upon There personal private he Ualne for at the southwest corner northerly to the p int or place of begin- personally any violation thereof aa future tenant* and owners thereof, mid shall of said Huntington hi* or their nor land, thenee from THE COLBY SHOPPING AND in connection w th the ning (the distance from the said In-t men- by grantees, any grantee for run witii and l»e appurtenant to and l>e for the said point In a general profits organiza- violation Ihereot hv id* nor and d tinned iron bolt to tin- lir-t hereinbefore- subsequent grantee, bcnellt or tiie said one undhided eighty fourth Westerly southerly ruction on tin- arc ot a circle a INFORMATION BUREAU. tion and it is sustained i mentioned lioundary line, to wit, the north- any owner or tenant, present or future. lor the Part of *aid *trip of land KW feet In width hi re ut radius V>r 20 teet, the centre of by membership*. act-of done which i- -aid centre i erly line of the lot herein deserll»ed. being strangers without said owner's or inafter de-.rii**d, and every part thereof, anil ; bolt to a bolt at a point In tenant's that If said circle which I '-nnVibutions and the d'stribution of it* j Lluetv two (92) feet and three v;l inches, consent, provided, however, of all future owner* ami tenant* thereof, nut bear* north 07 degrees west ! in a line part of the land hercinl>efore from said centre holt thenee -aid distance being measured at light any specifically shall not run with or la* appurtenant to or for south 2o degrees described and to i»e shall ever be 30 minute- we-t 30 a puDiications. ancles to the said northerly line containing conveyed, tiie iK'nelit oi any of tiie rights of way herein- fe, m boll hereinafter re useo*e before specified ; upon the exprens under-land- A) la-arlng norm 4J degrees with a residence and the uses thereto we-t from and feet FIRST : Corre«pcrd®nce s sclieitad regarding high water mark; together all the appur private family ing and agreement, however, that neither tiie 16** distant from the -aid WANTED—To take orders on the road during or for ot and Off eta tenances hereto. properly appertaining, anything that purchaser of the lot o! land herelnliefore I point l>,ginning, thence south 43 the coming and summer. Membership Correspondent*. par degrees spring Unequalled with and as to -aid lot would in law or equity 1*? deemed a nuisance, de-erioed and to l>e west 31 feet to a bolt ut the side of a chance for and men. SECOND We reed and welcome Together appurtenant tleuiarly conveyed, nor hi* easterly beginners experienced contribution*. then and from thenceforth the restric- thence south 4-‘> « of land herelnl>efore particularly de-criln*d ami foregoing la ir*, executor*or -hall Ik; ledge degree- west 90 feet to a W© want your help and are willing to pay **ther small or large, to Our causa admtni.«irator*, per to of the a of for tions Included In the clauses (c> and (d) shall sonaliv liable for boit. thence south 3*.* 30 we-t 34 T every part same, right way all any violation thereof hi* degree- minutes liberally for it. M RD a by j We publish large tin® of documents of a way, to lie used in common cease and l>ecotne null and void. or their nor feet to a boll, thence south 2> west 37 Do not fail to write at once for full Information. purposes by grantees, any grantee for violation degrees all phases of tha Tariff question. Com- All said estate and to Ik* teet to a bolt thence ng the grantee, his heir-ami as.-igns, said minor, premises, however, thereof by Id* *uh*equeut grantee*, nor any ! south 21 degrees 3»l mill WHITING NURSERY set will be mailed to address for 50 cants. CO., any his heirs and assigns, and all other per-on- law- conveyed expn ssly subject to all the restric- owner or tenant, present or future, for the acts utes we-t .14 teet to a holt. thence' south 20 de tions or 30 minutes 497 Blue Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. rOJRTH Send postal card request for free fully entitled there.o, their heir- ami a-sitriis, named, Imposed created underand by of stranger* done without said owner’* or grec* west 39 feet to a bolt; thence virtue of a certain deed from A. south 17 copy of the 4m«fi:s" Econnmiet over the land over which a right d wa> now Clarence Kim- tenant’s consent; provided, however, that If degrees we-t V* feet to a bolt; thenee c ,r ball, guardian of Albert K. Me Brine and s4.uth 14 Jdd—v, W- b Wnwaman General Secretary. exists as appurtenant to *ahl land of hinmii b- any part of said strip of land 100 feet in width degrees west 4* feeta inches to a bolt; : lar» nee E. to Loren K. dated them e *i Tok Am eric ax V-r We«* 2'^ New York* Wesson as described in the deed by which -aid McBride, Kimball, hereinafter described after the same has been south degrees west 71 teet to a bolt land of Kmma L. Wesson was a d. 1891, and reconied in the referred to heretofore con .September lA, sold) shall ever be u*ed fora .-table or for any (hereinafter a* bolt It ; thence to reference of Deeds for Hancock Maine, south In 30 veyed her, !>elng particularly made Registry county, purpose other than a private family residence ! degrees minute- west 23 teet to u in vol. 354. bolt at to the plan of said right of way recorded’ in the ‘255, page and the uses thereto properly appertaining, or or near the northerly side or the private of Your that said minor is seized j road the Registry Deeds for Hancock county, Maine, petitioner says for anything that would in law or be upon right of way granted Loren and of equity j E. by book of plans numl»er 2, page 1'.'; the private possessed all the estate, rights and priv- deemed a nuisance, then, and from thenceforth Kimball el als to Daniel (J. Gilman, whieh road hereinliefore mentioned, the ea-terlv side ilege-. and easements, for which license to sell the foregoing restrictions Included in the fore -aid Gilman right of wav 1* de BIG INVESTMENT 1- a-ked in the specifically and that it In of which is the westerly boundary of the lot of foregoing petition, going clauses [aj and shall cease and be- scriUM the deed to said Daniel C. Gilman, re would Ik* for [b) j land hereinbefore described, being upon said said minor’s benefit to sell the come void. corded in said Registry of Deeds, book 284, of to said of same as fur in said and to thence right way (access right way to in? prayed petition, And also, for license, as a part of said sale, in j page 222, always following said north the at interest for the benefit of side of had from said lot of land hereinbefore de- place proceeds relation to a of land loo feet In width to erly said Gilman rigid of wav ca-t > said minor. -trip IN HEAL ESTATE. scribed and from every part thereof, n three the south, southwest and west of the lot of land ! feet to a bolt ut or near said northerly side; Dated this nth of a. d. 1S96 1 tiience north different courses, namely at the said western day January, here In be fore particularly described and to l*e la degrees 3d minutes west 16 feet A. 1 boundary of said lot, also by crossing -:ii ! land CLARENCE KimRaLL, guardian. conveyed, and along the southerly boundary to a bolt; which is easterly from and 16>, feet of Kmma L. Wesson, and also from -aid bolt by tie- other STATE OF MAINE. line thereof, and along -o much of the westerly ! If, thenee in a general north- right of way on the south hereinafter line thereof as i* to easterly direction course* to de-cubed). H vncock. 89.—At a court of held at tiie south of tiie most by parallel and ! Together also with and as appurtenant to the probate line of iIn* always 16^ feet distant from the Think of it. Ellsworth, on the secohd Wednesday of Jan- southerly -aid land about to lie con- courses hen* Just or In lot land hereinlieTore deM.Ttl»ed Loren K. before meutloiud, from bolt to $5.00. particularly a. d. veyed by Kimball et als to Knmm L. A boit 11, to Only 1896. and of the same, and as uary, the of every part appurten- , On the petition aforesaid. Ordered, That Wesson, to impose upon and bind (through point beginning opposite bolt A a. afore ant also to said land of Kmma L. Wes-on here- covenant said. notice be a of said binding upon said minor, his heirs inbefore referred to and of the given by publishing copy and All every part same, j petition, with this order thereon, three weeks assigns, or otherwise) one undivided expressly subject, however, to such another right of way, for all purpose- of a of said restrictions as Ik? successively in the Ellsworth American, a eighty-fourth part strip of land lOu feet may Impo-ed upon tin* land way, to be used in common by the grantee, his in width with the to over which the and newspaper printed in Ellsworth, that all per- following restrictions, wit: foregoing rights, privileges heirs and assigns, said minor, his heirs and as- That neither the easements are to be sons interested may attend on the second (c) -aid Albert K. McBride, granted, in ami bv the signs, and all other persons lawfully entitled nor hi- shall or will deed* to be made and under l*c Wednesday of February next, at a court of heirs, sell, convey or trans- given licenses'u» thereto, their heirs anil assigns, over "a of fer or granted the -trip probate to be holden in Bucksport, and show any portion of interest In said one un- upon petitions of Clarence A. Kim land hereinafter bounded and described, and divided fourth of said of land uf said minor, marked •*A” and cause, if any, the of said eighty part strip i»m KU^'Ran thence over so much of the Gilman of why prayer petition of 100 feet in tiled in this light should not be Such notice to be width, except subject to the fol- ,11 court at this January term, a. way hereinafter mentioned, as lie- between the grantee!. ***** which deed* WINTER given before said court. lowing restrictions (a- restrictions not as condi- (*. an* to be duly recorded in HARBOR, MAINE, junctlonof of land with said Gilman tions the of said-trip O. P. CUNNINGHAM, Judge. subsequent), viz. that no part of the land Registry Deeds for liaiicock county, of and the of of L. so also right way right way Kmma Attest:—Chas. P. Dorr, sold, conveyed or transferred shall ever be Maine, expressly subject to all title of Are now a limited number of house lots at a low so that it will meet Wesson hereinbefore mentioned, and Register. Kmma L. Wesson offering fabulously price, thence A true Attest:— Chas. P. used for a -table or for any purpose other than in ami to the premises to be over said of copy, Dorr, Register. tbc of right way of Kmma I.. Wesson a private family residence and the uses thereto conveyed as hereinbefore set forth. purse everybody. hereinbefore mentioned; the said (.trip of laud properly appertaining,- or for that Your petitioner says that said minor is seized bounded and descrb»ed as PETITION “B”. anything ami being follow would at law or In equity be deemed* nuisance. possessed of all the estate, right-, privl- at a fixed WAIT. THINK FOR A MOMENT. ONLY $5.00 Beginning point by two bearings To the Honorable Judge of Probate for the (d) That in any deed which the said leges and easements, for which license to -ell Is and he, distances from the bolt at the soutnweat county of Hancock, State of Maine. Albert K. McBride, or his heirs or assigns, shall asked in the foregoing jietUion. and that it seashore in one of the most and seashore corner of the said land about to be •r a beautifully situated lot, enterprising go-ahead convc (-d to A KIMBALL, of Mount give of any portion of or interest In sum one un would lie for said minor's benefit to sell the William R. as vl/ -ame as naorts on the Coast of Maine. Iteal estate men say this land Is cheap from $15.00 to $25.00 a lot. Huntington, follow*, South CCLARENCEj Desert, Hancock countv, state of Maine, divided eighty-fourth part of said strip of land prayed for in said petition ami to place 31 degrees west 15 feet and 4 inches; and thence of Albert K. minor heir oi of 100 feet in shall the at is the now guardian McBride, width, l»e duly inserted these proceed* interest tor the bciielit of -aid Don't hesitate as they are selling fast. Come or send at once for a lot. This time, south HI w* st 32 minor. degrees feet, which point of Hannah A. McBride, late of said Mount Desert, said restrictions, together with such covenants In desirable and what makes these lots is Is the opportunity to secure especially great bargains lots; beginning marked by an iron bolt; from said deceased, respectfully petitions and asks this as may be necessary to secure these -aid restric Dated this 6th day of January, a. <1. 1896. point of north frt honorable for to sell and ti*>ns in »o desirable and a big investment at the sam# time is the fact that this land is situated between beginning running degree* court license convey favor of the lot of land hereinbefore Ci-AKfcM k A Kimhall, guardian. east 32 feet to an iron bolt; and thence north 31 (at or private pale) the real estate of sai l de*crlbed and thereof. two lands—the Gouldsboro Land Improvement Company, and the Harvard Laid public specifically every part STATE OF MAINE. companies’ degrees east 15 feet and 4 Inches to the -aid bolt minor, hereinafter described, to wit: The foregoing restrictions included in the in the town of Winter Hi Grindstone Neck. It Is at said corner of said Hancock, s.s.—At a court ->f Company on Schoodic Peninsula, rbor, facing Huntington land, thence One eighty-fourth part In common and undl foregoing clause* ;<• ami :d: shall run with probate held at the line of Ell-worth on tin? second that the Harvard Land intend on land along westerly said land Tided of a certain lot or parcel of laud situated and be binding the -aid one undivided Wednesday ot Janu rumored Company making large improvements adjoining Huntington upon a. d. 1896 north ;} degrees 50 minutes west 33 fc- t »; inches at Northeast Harbor, in the town of Mount fourth of said of land of 100 ary, lots and tbelr sent and estimates for a fine wharf. 11 eighty part strip ! On these booming company; they got building to the Iron bolt in said line at the ''late of feet in the aforesaid. Ordered That point where I>e»err, county of Hancock, Maine, width and every part thereof, and upon | petition Peninsula Land lots will be worth ten times as much as the most line of the notice be given a of -aid such is the case* the Schoodlo Company southerly land hereinbefore bounded and described as follows, to wit Be all tut r.* own. r- a .d t-nents thereof, and -hall I by publishing copy described meet- -aid 11m* on the 1 petition, with thi- order three weens are now for them particularly thence pinning at a point at low water mark run with nnd to* appurtenant to ami for the thereon, they asking 1 In the along -aid southerly line south *;* west western side ot the harbor known a- Northeast i* neiit of tiie lot oi laud -ucce--ively Ellsworth Am. rican. a real on the rise will degree- herein t»e fore specific | Everything goes to show that estate Is and boom for the next three years; 1H feet H in inches; thence -outii ii lie and everv newspaper printed Ell-worth, that ail tr conveyed | son- interested and those who are fortunate enough to hold lots on Schoodic Peninsula will realize a big profit. minutes east and parallel with the-aid u --terlv about to be Loren E Kimball et part th<-rci.f, and of all future owners anil may attend on the second W» 1 conveyed by ot line of said Huntington land 11 f .-t. more 0*r als t<» Emma L. said r.mint- tlmreo*. ut 'hull not run with or he ne-day February next, at a court ul probate All of these lots .are on high and dry laud, overlooking Frenchmans Bay, Mount Desert Island, Wesson, point bearing ap- to to a feet on lie holden in ami show if les-, point twenty distant from bolt, north 89degrees east from an iron b-dt (in- purtenant to or for the benefit «f any of the llucksport, cau-e, Grindstone Neck and Winter Harbor. Ptrfeet title, Warranty Deed with every lot. Apply to the of not which bolt is to l»e centre of a tnrn-wa\ or shore at or near high-water mark, and running right* ot the any, why prayer -aid petition should loop, way hereinbefore specified; upon granted, which bolt bears north s2 degrees ... minutes thence south 89 west the south'i exj re-- agreement and how such notice to be given before -aid j degrees a.eng understanding, court. K. S. or F. R. west from and is 20 feet 8 inches t*e conveyed t.» that neither the -ai.i Albert X. BUNKER, McBride, O. I*. MACTEER, the -aid bolt at the southwest corner of gaid Emma L. Wesson to the said Iron bolt on the nor his heir-, executors or administrators, -hall CUNNINGHAM, Judge. I j Attest:—( has. 1’. WXIsTTEPt HARBOR, TvlAIKTE- Huntington land; thence from said li t in a shore at or near high-water mark; and eeutiu- | he personally liable for any violation thereof Dokk, Register. A true copy, Attest:— Chas. P. Dokk, Register. “in” is to make two or three successive had made a dinner of the keeper, or else gfcbrrttgqjfpitg. ILtflal Wotfcrs. stations by swimming and diving so as to crushed him with his great paws. He Hon. O. P. escape being touched by any player of I he rrppt round t<, Jip upper part of the cell, Jo the Cunningham, Judge of Pro- wictmi ami tor the oounty or Hancock are This and pbate “out” party, who the pursuers. there, looking through the railing, ■and State of Maine. game requires a good deal of finessing he saw the lion and William sleeping EC). H. CAMPBELL, administrator of Jas. S. Dean, (Sen. Grant Post, C'lJf the estate of Mary J. Gray, late of Ells- CONDUCTED BY to mislead in side aide as as two \ talent, you opponent regard by contentedly little worth, in said county of Hancock, deceased, to the direction in which you mean to brothers. Roiulout, X. Y. respectfully represents that the said Mary J. Gray, at the time of her decease, was seized dive. More be able He was so K. W. LORI), OF ELLSWORTH. than this, you must astonished that he uttered a and possessed cf the following described to hold your breath fora hundred seconds loud cry. The lfnn, awakened by the CURED of DYSPEPSIA. real estate, viz.: First—A certain lot or parcel ot land sit- SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. or more, or will have to come to the stared you noise, at the carpenter with an Commander Dean writes: “As Chief U. 1 uated in Hancock, in said county, and a S. Mail 1 hounded and described ns follows, to wit: surface to “blow,” like whale, at some eye of fury, and then placing his paw on Agent of the IT. & I). R. R., good I Beginning at a stake, and stones **»« ih<- m.m|j critical and so lose the health is indispensable. found myself ! position, your game, breast of his keeper, as if to say, side of the road leading from Ellsworth to [Tinier this head we shaft publish each week three selection* of choice reading matter intended however all run down with Dyspepsia. I | as I have lost it a time. “Touch him if Lamoine and running south 49 dt grt-i-» west many you dare,” the heroic doctored and doctored, but I grew worse, to supplement the reading books In the public schools, and thus afford the teachers and scholars a About 110 rods to a stake ami stone; them* Sometimes the native children fix a beast 1 suffer* d and for lay down to sleep again. The misery night day, fully north 41 west 19 rods to u stake and otherwise unattainable. In degrees variety every neighborhood there can be found a sufficient two ease was pronounced in- thence north 49 e -t 11" rocs t» probably long pole so as to project from the bank carpenter was dreadfully alarmed, and, years. My done; degrees of The to curable. I chanced to meet Dr. the road auove mentioned; them miuiIi 11 number of copies American supply at least one class at a and we that over chase Kennedy time, hope deep water; along this they not be could rouse be east on said road to th* first-men- knowing William, about that time, and told him of my con- degrees find the matter of tioned bound ami 1 more teachers may great benefit.] one another to the outermost end, leap- ran out and related what he bad seen. dition and he said, try a hot le of containing acres, nr less; being the same piemises « civ eyed to ing in regular succession into the water. Some people came, and, opening the the said Mary J. Gray by Sarah Sweeney by her deed dated Leaping from high, perpendicular cliffs door of the cell, contrived to awaken May R. 1RRI. and recorded in GRADE V LESSON XI. DR. DAVID KENNEDY’S book 192. page 482, of th Hainan k Registry of people have little to do, and on windy is a the favorite and daring sport with the keeper, who, rubbing his eyes, Deeds. days, when the billows roll in Hecond—A certain lot o- of land sit- LAFAYETTE. heavily men. They choose a place where the quietly looked about him, and par.-. expressed uated in in said < id from whole villages some- Ellsworth, nl> mid-ocean, wnter is not less than fifteen or himself » i*. While we bring our offerings for the twenty j very well satisfied with bis nap. FAVORITE REMEDY bounded aid described »• f wit: r>a times adjourn to the water, and spend an feet in the take it. noon and the south by the Hucksport ro:»i; on the west mighty of our own land, shall we not re- depth nt the foot of cliffs; | He took the lion’s paw, shook it kindly, morning, night, and it entire will by a lot owned by Fred Ougood; on the north afternoon in the daring pastime of then, a to ! cure you. I took the medicine as di- member the chivalrous of other taking rousing run, get fairly and then retired from the cell. the Catholic parsonage lot. *i■<* on the east spirits uninjured but hud no confidence in a as by — ected, cure, land of A. B. now P. shores, who shared with them the hour surf-playine. under way—like Washington Irving’s by Black, occupied by my case had been tried by so many. After Stockbridge, The Hawaiian this upon GRADE III—LESSON XI. containing eighteen Mjuare ods, of weakness Hnd woe? Pile to the clouds practises sport Dutchman, who started to jump over the using it a week I began to feel better, and more or less, together with all the buiblings a surf-board, which he calls he HOW in a short while after was the same the majestic column of glory; let the lips papa nalut mountain—they bound far into the air CHARLEY WRIGHT SAVED that I entirely thereon; being premises conveyed “wave-sliding board.” It is made of firm, cured. That terrible distress, everything to the said Mary J. Gray, undei the name -f of those who can well, hallow each from the edge of the cliff. THREE LIVES. J. Jordan by Amos If. Pettingill by his speak I ate breaking up sour in my throat had Mary is in to the deed dated 26, 1H64, and recorded in where bones of light wood; equal length As the falls from the all and I have not had n Sept. spot the your bold repose; leaper dizzy height About ten o’clock in the of gone moment’s vol. of said swimmer’s about a foot morning 126, page 332, Registry. height, wide, —sometimes a hundred feet measure- discomfort since. there isn’t a but forget not those who, with your by the last of a fire broke To-day That the goods and chattels, lights and oval in day January, 1882, healthier man and is slightly outline, and often convex ment—toward the he bends him- my appetite grand.” credits of said deceased are not sullicient to bold, went out to battle. water, out in a at the corner of Park all the both sides. It is and building pay just debts due from said estate, upon polished self almost as in wanton muscu- Among those men of noble daring, double, row and Reek man street, in the city of and the costs and charges of administration stained black, and with great thereon, by the sum of four hundred and fifty there was a and preserved lar play; but just before striking the New one, young gallant York. dollars, as near as can notr care. Mi ■ your petitioner stranger, who left the blushing vine- water, he partially straightens himself so At the time of the fire the Mi11 u H determine. That it is necessary to sell said The natives choose a where im- ground-floor real estate above described or a hills spot that his whole is curved part thereof, of his delightful France. The peo- body slightly of this was taken for the of to the mense driven in the trade- building up by stores, purpose raising money p.u billows, by forward nt the moment of the dents of said and the costs ple whom he came to succor were not his plunge, and the upper stories were divided into just estate and winds, break the coast. of administration thereon; and your he knew them in melan- furiously ypon and the feet are, a foot in ad- charges people; only the perhaps, many offices. that a sale of a of'said Sometimes a hidden reef or ten or petitioner says portion coral, vance of a line let fall from real estate would the value choly story of their wrongs. He was no perpendicular In this great structure there was but greatly depreciate fifteen feet below the surface, or, more of the residue thereof; wherefore he asks this the head. He strikes the water without one mercenary adventurer, striving for the stairway, and that one was built of issible all the 4 honorable court to to him a license to the black of a cooled grant frequently, slag a it that dull j sell the whoie of the above-described real es- spoil of the vanquished; the palace ac- splash, entering with quick, wood. a of this old al- m since into Indeed, great part lways fresh, tate for the aforesaid, to raise the lava-stream, long disgorged chuck that a smooth makes when purpose knowledged him for its lord, and the pebble building was and so II with which to the the the waves wooden, very dry Always good, necessary money pay just ocean, agitates sufficiently thrown and an debts said estate and the costs and valley yielded him its increase. He was forcibly into water, at that when, on this cold and Tues- against for this and sometimes stormy n. Accept no VS charges of administration thereon, and t h« no nameless perilous sport; with the so calcu- man, staking life for reputa- angle surface, nicely day of January, fire seized costs and of said sale, as is the swimmers in the measured suddenly it, 1 everywhere. expenses provided tion he ranked play lated, that he is to the Yj by statute, and that he may also sell to- ; among nobles, and actually brought numbers of the inmates were cut off from (or booklet, Mrs. MM surges that beat upon the sand-beaches of Pop- gether therewith the reversion of the dower looked unawed upon surface again by the momentum of the and in the flames. noted humorous and of kings. their escape, perished writer.^y courtesy Benj. F. Gray, husband of bays. fall. his curved as I have de- WrLKCO., said that sai l license He was no friendless outcast, seeking With body Yes, many lives were lost on that deceased, therein,and by Each his he may be empowered to sell the same at person, taking swimming he shoots the arc of a fora grave to hide a broken heart; he scribed, through terrible day; but three lives were saved, public or private sale. I board under him, plunges into the surf, was girdled by the companions of his circle under the water, and after two or saved by the wit and Ellsworth, Jan. 8, 1896. and strikes out for the half a quick prompt George R. Campbell, admr deep water, three seconds comes feet childhood; his kinsmen were about him; up, foremost. courage of a mere lad; and it is of this mile or more from the shore. He does not *\uuus, The first see of him is his jugai his wife was before him. Yet from all I thing you toes, lad, and what he did, that I wish to tell Hancock, ss.:—Court of Probate, trouble himself to rise over the January great a. d. 1896. these loved ones he turned away. Like a emerging from the water fifteen or twen- you. term, waves that him STATE OF MAINE. the Thai approach threateningly; feet in front of the where he Upon foregoing petition, ordered, lofty tree that shakes down its green ty place When, in suite nf nil that t bp flrpmpn said notice to all when reach he ducks his head Hancock, ss:—Court of probate, Ellsworth, j petitioner give public per- they him, went under. No athletic feat is more a. d. 1896. sons interested bv a of the glories, to battle with the winter storm, could the was in January term, causing copy peti- j like a and the billow thun- do, building wrapped and this order to be loon, passes and beautiful than this. having been filed for settle- ! tion, thereon, published he tlung aside the trappings of place and daring flames and smoke, till it seemed as if no ment in estates of three weeks* successively in the Ellsworth j dering over him without checking his ACCOUNTS pride to crusade for freedom, in freedom’s human being could still remain in it, Mary L. Folsom, late of Bucksport, deceased. American, a newspaper printed or published course. Arrived at last at the outside of James L. Coombs, executor. in Ellsworth, in said that falls from a have I county, they may holy land. He came; but not in the day great height not, high up at a corner window on the Lovinia Melissa late of appear at a court of for said county, to> the where the waves first to upper Gray, Bucksport.de- j probate reef, begin been described in A ceased. John A. also be held at on the second Wed- of successful rebellion; not when the think, print. singu- story three unfortunate men were seen Harriman, executor, Bucksport, he and extends himself at account of executor. of next, at ten of the o’clock break, turns, lar fortune private nesday February new-risen sun of had burst good having made the writer forth their hands. M. of in the to show if independence full his faces the stretching Hiram Norton, late Eden, deceased. forenoon, cause, any thej length upon board, of this article an in in Elliott N. Luere B. executors. have, the of said should the cloud of time, and careered to its expert leaping To leap down on the cruel Benson, Deasy, why prayer petitioner and throws behind pavement Andrew Peters, late of Ellsworth, deceased. not be granted. shore, quick glances Hawaiian he is able to some place in the heavens. manner, give far below would be instant death. Go John A. Peters, surviving trustee of the estate O. P. CUNNINGHAM, Judge. him, watching for a larger wave than account of them. Until you are thor- back they could not. Already the smoke of William B. Peters under the will of said Attest:—Chas. P. Dorr, Register. usual iu nut* deceased. A true copy, Attest:— Chab. P. Dorr. Register. upon. in the have a hills, ami the tempest was abroad in its oughly practised leap, you and heat and tire were close upon them. John Arthur, late of deceased. Three or four waves but he Bucksport, At a court of holden at pass, lAughs decided inclination to think twice about I). Crane, administrator. probate Ellsworth, anger; when the stood still iu the Despair was in their faces. What could George within and for the of on plow at the smallest of them Fannie A. Grindle, late of Orland, deceased. county Hancock, them, though matter d. 1896. field of and briers cumbered the the before you risk it. You first be done? Mehitable H. administratrix. the second Wednesday of Jan. a. promise, would have dashed a swimmer Pickering, H. foreign dive at the foot of the and Robert S. Leach, late of Penobscot, de- LITTLEFIELD, having pre- garden of beauty; when fathers were cliff, satisfy The firemen quickly brought ladders, sented a certain instrument under and drowned him. At last he sees ceased. Horace Perkins, administrator. JOHN purporting that there is sufficient of to be the last will and testament of Edwin A. dying, and mothers were weeping over yourself depth but these were too short. The very A. Robinson, late of Bucksport, de- a billow7 him. It is Nancy late of Penobscot, in said mighty approaching water. You watch one after another of ceased. William A. Remick, administrator. Sprague, county, them; when the wife was binding up the longest of them would not reach half the deceased, for the of waves. Ordered, That the said accountants give probate: very king your as bound in That notice thereof be given to- gashed bosom of her husband, and the companions, they long distance. At last it seemed as if nothing notice to ail persons inteiested, by causing a Ordered, It comes with its crest in the air, all interested, causing a copy of high curves from the of the copy of this order to be three persons by maiden was the from parabolic edge could be as if these wretched men published this to be three weeks suo- wiping death-damp its and done, weeks successively in the Ellsworth Ameri- order published liquid edge already trembling but it some nerve to throw in the Ellsworth American, the brow of her lover. He can\p when cliff; requires must surely perish. can, a newspaper printed in Ellsworth, in cessively printed in the but it is at Ellsworth, that they may appear at a snapping sunlight; huge, from a said county, that they appear at a probate the brave began to fear the power of yourself deliberately high pieci- But in the great crowd that stood gaz- court to be held at in and and it utters a hollow court,to be holden at on the second probate Bucksport, dark, swift, into mid-air. Bucksport, said on the second of man, and the to doubt the favor of pice ing in dread and on the sight was a Wednesday of February next, at ten of the county, Wednesday pious roar as it down the swimmer. pity next, at ten of the clock in the sweeps upon The solid seems a much more cloek in the forenoon, and show cause, if any February God. It was then that this one the ground colored named Wright, a forenoon, and show if have, joined It draws him backward for an instant boy Charley have, the same should not be al- cause, any they comfortable At they why the said instrument should not be ranks of a revolted place. last, nerving your- bootblack. To this lad came a bright lowed. O. P. CUNNINGHAM, Judge. why people. toward as if to swallow him and allowed as the !u.-,i will it, up; then, run and Attest:—Oh as. P. Dokh, Register. proved, approved, Freedom’s little bade him a self, you leap. Instantly you idea: he acted on he saved these three and testament of said deceased. phalanx him in its it hurls it; A true Attest:—Chas. P. Dokk, snatching up course, have a copy. Register. <). P. CUNNINGHAM. welcome. With them he courted feeling of floating rather than of men from a dreadful death. Judge- grateful him with inconceivable toward the Attest:— Chas. P. Dorr, Register. speed a I as a STATE OF MAIN F.. the battle’s rage; with theirs, his arm falling—such feeling, suppose, Looking up, as all the rest were look- A true copy, Attest: -Chas. P. Dorr. Register. shore. lie lies upon his board on the Hancock, ss.: bird has when from an that was with his blood was rapidly alighting ing, saw something a at lifted; theirs, frout surface of the wave: his head is Charley Wright Airil EREAS Hat lion J. Smith, formerly of At court of probate holden Ellsworth, elavated There is no sense on shed. Fong and doubtful was the con- flight. of set him thinking. lie saw that, fastened ▼ ▼ Orland, said county and state, now within and for the county of Hancock, his heels slant into the of a. d. Is96. down, upward accelerated motion as residing without the State, on the fifth day of the second Wednesday Jan., flict. .V kind heaven smiled on you fall; but you to the roof of the above length foam which half him. building, just March, a. <1. 1890, mortgaged to Richard B. j 1*. KPOFFOitP. named veentoi bashing envelops feel hair blown the and the beaten invaders your upward by a fierce the window where these men was a Gott, of said Orland, now deceased, three- ISLMERin a certain instrument purporting to good cause, A score of his are were, companions dashing current of air. This does eighths of the schooner “Mentora” of said ! be the last will and testament of Sarah D. fled. The were driven from the not, however, rope of wires. He saw that this ran said profane onward with him: become a rope Orlav.d, together with three-eighths of the j Sellers, late of Deer Isle, in roc:,tv, de- madly they in the least embarrass of at her your breathing. across the street to the of a masts, bowsprit, sails, boats, anchors, cables, j ceased, having presented the same for pro- temple liberty, and, pure shrine, of the shout more top telegraph- part billow—they The notion tiiat have “their breath tackles, furniture, and all other necessaries i bate: the with his adored people on t he other side. That said Finn !'. pilgrim-warrior, than the of the wave. pole thereunto a ^pertaining and belonging to said ! Ordered, the Sp.-ff.-rd loudly roaring taken in a 1 commander, knelt ami worshiped. Leav- away” falling from height is And he knew that if this rope could be schooner, to secure payment of four hundred give notice to all persons interested, by The sensation is delicious, exultant, and dollars, which mortgage is recorded a copy of this order to be pub- erroneous. t he of fall fifty j causing there his offering, the incense of an cut at top the pole, it would at lished three weeks successiveinti Ells- ing'*’ almost maddening; it is beyond anything in the custom house Ca.stine. said county | In an instant comes the and in book and whereas worth American, at Ellsworth, that uncorrupted spirit, he at length rose, piunge; right across the window, sothat the three and State, 81, page 95. printed that the rider of horses or of the untamed the conditions of said have been 1 at a court to be held you must enter the water in the mortgage they may appear probate crowned with turned exactly men could reach it. This was the bright is at in said on the second and, benedictions, can feel. broken, now, therefore, notice hereby given | Bucksport, county, velocipede or it will at ten of the his feet toward his right position, hurt you almost idea that came into mind. of my intention to foreclose said mortgage j Wednesday of February next, happy long-deserted But to the can seem Charley’s clock in the and show stranger nothing like the solid earth. If enter it with for breach of its conditions. forenoon, any home. you No time was to be lost. In an instant W. administrator the said instmr nt should more daring and dangerous than surf- Frank Gross, they have, why a you meet its resistance too sud- of the estate of said Richard B. Gott. not be and allowed as th# After fifty years, that one has splash, lie seized a fireman’s wrench that lay on proved, approved nearly To he these a. d. 1896. last will and testament of said deceased. riding. swept along by and be lamed or stunned. January 4, come Can mortal can denly, may the stones near rushed across the O. P. of Probate. again. tongue tell, tremendous waves—to he “made one with by, CUNNINGHAM, Judge The Sam thus lost To tin Honorable Judge of Probate for the Attest:—Chas. P. mortal heart the of that greatest leaper, Patch, street, and to climb the Dorr, Register feel, sublimity nature” so as would be began tall,smooth county of Hancock. P. intimately this, his life. Had he A true copy. Attest:—Chas. Dorr, Register millions in possessed Hawaiian skill UNDERSIGNED, executor of the coming? Exulting* rejoice death to the civilized man. telegraph-pole. r|MIK ordinary and a sober he would • To do was no task the 1_ will of Phebe W. Holmes, late of Cas- STATE OF MAINE. and their head, never have this easy in j it; loud, long, transporting You look to see the swimmer dashed tine, in said county, deceased, lost his while as in wind and the snow, but by hard, fast, respectfully j Hancock, ss.:—Court of Insolvency, ninth like the of position falling, his represents that the goods and chattels, rights shout, mingling many winds, the black and lava from climbing soon reached j day of January, a. d. 18%. against jagged last at Uenessee Falls. Could an is- desperate Charley and credits of said deceased are not sufficient rolls to freedom’s farthest leap the cross-bars. And hard and fast he In the matter of Ezra D. Lurvcy, of Tre- on, undying, which he is now distant not more than to pay her just debts and charges of admin- | lander have him how to come out mont, insolvent debtor. A nation comes taught worked when he got there. istration by the sum of six hundred dollars; mountains. congregated the of hissurf-board. He is is hereby ordered that notice be giwn to length going toes he have been alive In a moment he had twisted the wire- wherefore your petitioner prays your honor around him. Old men bless and foremost, might all persons interested in the settlement him, with the of a racer—there seems no it fell across the window! to grant him a license to sell, at public or IT speed and at the rope off. Down pri- of the first account of Arno W. King. iia- come leaping present day. You, vate sale, and convey the following described children reverence him. The lovely for him—when he dis- A great shout of joy went up from the signee of the above-named insolvent debtor, escape suddenly wiser than come to the real estate of said deceased, to wit: One un- out to look the learned deck he, safely surface, as, one after the three by causing a copy of this order to be pub- upon him; from the wave has lost its crowd, another, divided half of the southwesterly division of appears sight: swim and for another men came down this lished three weeks successively in the Ells- their halls to the rulers of the ashore, prepare strange tire-escape a double tenement dwelling-house, situated greet him; victim. a backward movement of the worth American, a newspaper printed in Ells- By Dr. T. M. Coan. safe to the ground. on the northwesterly side of Court street, in rise do him leap. worth, in said county, that th, y iv.r.. ay-near land up to homage. he retreats into the heart of the For the moment the brave who had said Ca.stine, and one undivided half of the lot hands, — boy full was of land on which the same stands; being the How his heart labors! He views sur- rescued them forgotten. But only court room in in said wave, sinking away from its front nlnrx. ,.f reu iH e >w.. the time probate Bucksport, of for the moment. It was not long before on the second Wediv of Feb- the rusting trophies departed days; whole of her uealh, anti being aii of the real estate of county, ••■biy face, where its propelling power had heard of at eleven o’clock in th*- forenoon, everyone Charley Wright, the to said debts and ruary next, he treads the high places where his breth- THE LION. deceased, satisfy charges and lie heard and if He* resides. and his quick wit and prompt act in tne of administration. Joseph L. Stevens, thereon, object they ren moulder: be bends before the tomb of j cause. O. P. CUNNINGHAM. Judy his as a steamboat- The hour of need. January 7, 1896. Executor. He “backs engine,” Hon is often called the “king of of Insolvency Court, Ham *** k coutny. his words are To this brave lad the American Humane STATE OF MAINE. his “father;” tears,—the man would and his His A true copy, AttestGuam. 1. Doku, say, instantly stops beasts.” height varies from three to 1 Hancock, ss:—Court of Probate, society voted a medal. Even across the January of said court of sad remembrance. But he a. d. 1896 Register speech career at the very moment when you had four and he ia from six to nine sea heard of him and him. term, feet, people praised That a land and a Upon th foregoing pet it ion, ordered: look** round upon ransomed to see him dashed to For leet From far-distant came a ix i.\soLVi:An. expected pieces. long. His coat is ol a yellowish England gold said petitioner give public notice to all per- | London Humane so- \otlcc of Sccoiul Meeting. joyous race; he beholds the blessings an that a shark medal, sent by the sons inte r* sled, by causing a copy of the pe- | instant, you almost fancy brown or taw ny color, and about his neck Statk of Hancock sh Court ot on which were the words: t it ion ami this order to be Maine, these trophies secured, for which these sometimes ciety, stamped thereon, published has seized him—for sharks is a great shaggy mane which gives his Presented to Charles for three weeks successively in the Ellsworth Insolvency. Wright, saving In the case of Frank A. \\'< t. 1 n. in for which that “father” or brethren died, attack the swimmers—but soon he re- head a three Jan. 1882.” American, a newspaper printed published majestic appearance. lives, 31, said said county, insolvent debtor. and his words are the in Ellsworth, in cminty. that they may lived; again tears,— from the seaward side of the All honor to brave Charley Wright! 1 rilHLS is tu notice that pui Hiiani to at appears The strength ol the lion is so great at a court of probate for said give and appear county, A. order of court th'refor, >*-''*»nd meet- eloquence of gratitude joy. wave that now shatters itself the to oe held at Bucksport, on the second Wed- upon that he can easily crush the skulls of soon ing of the creditors of said in. .-at debtor a bid nesday "t February next, at ten of the clock- Spread forth creation like map; His head is turned atmcrtisnncnts. will be held at the court room, iu lava-rock. already animals as the horse or ox with one in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they probate and all in said county, on V In* *!::\. the earth’s dead multitudes revive; of from the and he is blow have, why the prayer of said petitioner Bucksport, shore, again making ol his paw. No one who has not twelfth of a. d. *t eleven should not he granted. day February, the that ever in the the s naim c pageant splendors glittered his way into deep water to mount another seen the teeth of a lion taken (>. P. CUNNING H A M. o’clock forenoon,for }>urp<..-.» lull-grown Judge. in of the revis<>f to the sun, when looked his burning eye Attest:—( has. P. lx.uk. Register. chapter seventy billow'. out ol their sockets can have idea of the State of with amend). •:* thereof any A true copy. Attest:—Chas. P. Dork, Register. Maine, on a like this? Of all the myriads so in and additions thereto. sight Some of the natives become expert their real size; one of them forms a good To the Honorable of Probate for the Attest: Chah. 1*. Dorr, that have come and gone, what cherished this that w ill or even and Judge J sport they kneel, handful, might easily he mistaken countv of Hancock. Register of said court. ininion ever ruled an hour like this? stand upright, upon the surf-board w hile for a small elephant’s tooth. rpm: UN DERSIGNED. Stinson Hooper, ad- blow ,1 ministrator of the estate A. II. Taylor, Aotlce of Assignee of His Appointment. Many have struck the redeeming full a feat is a little in career, which The home of the lion is in the forests Swan s in said de- late of Island, county, At Bucksport, in the county of = •*<•!- lid for their own but like this who that the freedom; who, similar to that of the velocipedists of Asia and Africa, where he is a terror to ceased, respectfully represents goods Slate of Maine, the eleventh of Decem- de- day has bared bosom in cause of and chattels, rights and credits of said a. d. is9.r». man, his the balance their steeds w ithout their man and ber, using beast. He lies con- ceased are not sufficient to his debts I generally pay just f’lMl E undersigned hereby > i. ■. ;>1 their and of administration the sum of strangers? hands. They even change position cealed during the day, hut as darkness charge'- by j X. his appointment as ansi the es- of their twelve hundred dollars; wherefore your peti- | in Others have lived in the love while are in motion. comes on tate of Rufus C. Turner, of Buck-p-.!, upon the board they he prowls about w here ether honor to him a li- tioner prays your grant said county of Hancock, in '.* bt -r., own but who, like this man, has to to at or and people; The greatest skill is necessary keep animals are accustomed to go for food or cense scof. public private sale, who has been declared an ins*..,ei,i upon his convev a lot of land situated in said Swan’s drank his sweetest cup of welcome with at the of in- own petition, by the court of insolvency, fur the surf-board proper angle drink, and springs upon them unawares, as follows: Island, and bounded Beginning said county of Hancock. another? Matchless chief! of glory’s at land and east to clination, and to retain the right position with a roar that sounds like the rumble PAIN- John Sprague running Theodoke H. Smi assignee. Parker Bridges line to a pine tree marked on ! immortal tablets there is one for him, for the front surface of the wave. If of thunder. upon four sides; thence running south to a fir tree i\ i\*oi,vi..\< \ him alone! Oblivion shall never shroud far forward he will marked on four thence running the swimmer gets too The lion sometimes lives to a great age. sides; twenty- .\otic*e uf Se*oud Heeling more or from the foot of the moun- its the flame of lib- the of rods, less, State of Maine, Hancock, < ma of splendor; everlasting be sent heels over head by combing One by the name of died at to a tree Pompey KILLER tain; thence running west birch insolvency. erty shall guard it, that the generations of or and THE HR EAT marked on four sides: thence south- the billows, stopped instantly London, in the year 1760, at the age ol running In the case of Charles W. Jordan, <>i Kder. west to a hackmatack tret- marked on four men may the name recorded there, of surf-board strik- in said county, insolvi nt debtoi repeat hurt by the point the seventy years. If taken when the west to young Family Medicine of the Age. sides; thence running Albion Stanley rIIS is to give notice that an the beloved name of Lafayette. on other corner line marked with two rocks; thence ing the ground. If, the hand, lion can be tamed, and will even show j X order of court therefor,, a second meet- running along a northerly direction to John Charles of the it Taken It Cures 1 ing of the creditors of said irn. nt color, Sprague. he rides too near the top wave, marks of kindness to his Internally, and Herrh k the keeper. Sprague boundary line; will be held at the probate court re on u leave him behind. Diarrhoea, and Pain in the a of George W. '• over him and In a Cramp, above ■> will pass menagerie at there was a premises being part in said ou Wt i. :• •. Ji* Brussels, of the real Bucksport, county, XI. Stomach, Sere Sudden Stanley Goose Pond Mountain lot, *1. a* t> GRADE V—LESSON cell a Throat, Colds, twelfth ila* of Fidiruary, a. »-■■**', never where large called deceased the rever- But accidents happen through lion, Banco, Nx. estate of the (including o’clock in the forenoon, for the purposes Coughs, Nx., sion of the wido a*> dower therein), to SURF-RIDING. the unskilfulness of the swimmers. It used to be kept. The cell happened to he satisfy named iu chapter seventy of tic >- Used It Cures said debts and charges of administration. utes of th. state of wiC 1 otr for the ill need of and the Externally, Maine, The Pacific Islanders are the most ex- would be strange if they should, repair, keeper, whose Dec. 27, lh9r>. Stinson Hoofek. thereof and additions thereto. Cuts, Bruises, Runts, Scalds, STATE OF MAINE. and all is with the sea from name was William, desired a to Sprains,' Attest:—Chas. T. D of all people in swimming in Hawaiian familiar carpenter ‘•s;—Court of pert Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu- Hancock, Probate, January Register '*! *• rt. an Come and mend it. The aquatic games. In all of the tropical his birth, and seems almost amphibi- carpenter came, Rheumatism, Frosted F'ect. term, a. d. 1896. ralgia, •«. but was so afraid ol the foregoing ordered: That Nolle*- of \ HNigitre of lib. \ II t: if-llt. the entire lives ous Most of the native children, the lion, that he Upon petition, groups, nearly population being. !fo er<>r sai«l notice toall per- At Ellsworth, in the county of flaneur k, and not article attained to such unbounded petitioner give public sea when but would go near the cell alone. a on the seashore; the climate is warm, the indeed, are taken into the popular,ty. i/im Obser et sons interested, by causing copy of the pe- State of Maine, the ninth da J. An article of great merit and vlrtno.—Cinn. tition •: ! this order thereon, to be pub- a. d. 1896. three or four old, by their mothers; So William entered the and ti i. days ceil, led the Nonpar lished three weeks successively in the Ells- riTHE undersigned hereby giv* s noth* o? can bear ♦ Smony to the efficacy of the and I have known children who could lion to the ol worth American, a newspaper A his as as *- Sltifotrtisnntnts. upper part it, while the P-tln-Kiil'r. Wo have k«eu its magic effect# in published appointment -» a ! It in ElNwo-'h, in '■aid county that they may late of <■’paries \V. Jc-rd:* •. Y’d-n, n swim before they could walk. \ ou can other part was He •oothiny; the par know to Lea refitting. played food article.—iTrin-ma Impa appear at a court of probate for said county, said county of Hancock, insolvc?.’ **--*. •••. who pass one of their villages, indeed, with the lion for some at A Hj.e.-.’y 'i'u family ahoald be to be he! 1 at Bucksport, on the second Wed- has been declared an ins... -.ir fer hardly time; hut, Iasi, Without it.—Montreal /Va*»#cr»D Ikecham’s constl- n -d,i\ F< bruary next, at ten of the clock own petition, by the court of for pills without a company of youngsters being both he and lion fib Nuthii.g h&a yet the I seeing wearied, the eurpaa? Pain-Killer, ith" (i '■ ’"OP to if inv SO’d countv of tlf*vf'Ortr which U .ww ... .\ 'ni >-i:c sea. the lii n air. Lin. ol said itiouer shoUiO Ukouue J. Staff il :i i' ami Get the pifcj iUJ? asleep, carpenter went on with ., uee.— ye Or in, have. pta.ci pel Cy I1 ■ j jy. It has a’ ru. .3 a mean* f removing ci'inted. have a number of games which and when lie had pain, NO'I 11 I. They work, finished he cab ro medicine li red a •; .lation eqnaj to O. P. t UNNiNGHAM. Judge. the ns Davis' Pi Killer —A >*■! ’'UKr-!'. AS wife, Geor 'R Ft* hi'wic at and they pursue, in and under watir, out for V tiam to me and see it. (A’y> Daily Attest:—( has. P. iniRK, Register. my your druggist’s x^rrry ▼ \ left mv bed and board without any 1 in lie It is A true copy. Auest:— CT?as. P. I>okr, Register. fearlessly as school-children gambol called again and hut no real!? a va’raMe me1*! po—it la used by provocation, therefore I forbi i-.*l -nt again, many Phv>ii .ans.—/i •*,oe *r. 1 v it. is n kind of harboring or trusting her on in., account. the One gol, William answered. The E*■*... in, lye y the genuine go play-ground. poor carpenter M *?'»•?«. m-fie 1 v •*f»» m«v mwib." h Id Alley. of the side that > to everywhere, for Thk • in which the object began grow lest the Inn i4r- bot tit -R.1 Subscribe Amkuican North Me Jan. 1896. Annual aal moro than 0,000,000! xes. frightened, jUli. Ellsworth, 11, COUNTY NEWS. COUNT# NEWS. COl'XTY NEWS. soever a man so wet h, that snail he also Ill our boyhood time walks, in middle Fit DEEK ISLE NEWS. life it and in > additional Can Y. i. »<■<• reap.” nmhlrs, old age it For rum ,'/■»>/< < \ ,%■■«■ it/her pages. County P4,ffrs Illy other puyn. I pnnls in I^h^additwn-, Jan. 2i. EoO, breathless haste to reach ilie goal and '‘••Mill l»«#T | *11* \ ii ror;i. have Soi r'. sewing society wiI! be enterta in 1 Warren, i the child, and a wi It ia bat a to Am. L home fr ri Green's day the l'ii : ime with ton > i I ; t s, i> out n ga in. Lott!" Fora: out one hundred yea s from tiie Pea. Edward of t his place, uii ursday by Mrs. S. 1.. Crosby. aged. I JnHt-ck. 1-arid mg. | time f its first tliHl ( hist School in this is for settlement. part very suddenly onMonday moruingof Herbert Silsby went to Cherry field Sat- place suspended Of the 154 lynching- in the Mr-. Eliza Small \ -• t• < 1 her son, K. S. country the town of Sullivan now known as Sor- week, of heart disease. On after- on the present on account of the illness of j Sunday urday business. wliich are recorded for the seven months he at ne Mr. Johnson. Small. Sat unlay. rento w as w it lumt any plan of worship, noon, the day before his death, teacher, to 38 I red Billings, of Eddington, \\a- ii, September 30, were white men. in the a of .«!>.. >.t the hur. a ns Charles who has teen year lh5i>, bovwu r, meeting tended w ip usual, Mrs. Minnit I.ii lled Id, of Kennel-unk- Hi-kell, staying These statistics are town last week visiting relatives. I encouraging only as c 11 us < a w .- -r-:..e* evtn- ’< f r hi- the .zciis w cal I l, .1 1. and led the pi ay< t ing in the ;t'rt, her mother, Mrs. M. I with Amo- Sellers, ha- ft horn* show an j Elmer Rowe has returned they increasing proportion ol hour from Ell- in resolved to build a church,ami the build- ,ng. lie arose at the lisu’t Monday Warren, who h«.s been ill, but is Mountamville. w bite victims. wort h, where he has been visit quite which now adorns the eastern side of ate breakfast and busied him- ing friends ing j morning, | now somewhat improved in health, A sociable was held at the residence of ..i Mrs. S. C. has been ill Se, } :nl WH-. lie result of their self about t tie lnTis as whs his custom. Crosby for t It Mrs. M. A. Judkins for the l*he account of the receipt t»f the pre- Friday night Hood's lMlls cure i.lver ill*, ItltioiMness. In he water which past week, but is now j efb ; ; and t en- ! After down a ppil of improving. Small. Ilia A setting mum book by 1.. \\ Lord, poet, whs read J»ent fl! of M Enoch illge-llon, lachf. j ...i-.-oil iaaatlvc. All ear. he bad lie of a severe J. T. (iiles ami siling brought, complained daughter Bertha, *. interest Jan. -0. S. liriuigM- .lifrl I j with here. Mr. Lord made h a The doe- It was large undertaking in proportion I pain m the region of the heart. Ellsworth, were in town am. Sunday Miort visit litre some years ago, at the to the means, for the people whoocoupied tor whs summoned, but before he arrived Monday. The first ingredient in conversation i- netting of Hancock district lodge of Children for and were de- truth; I lie next, -• n-« ; the Cry tht at that time, they Mr. DeBeek had passed away. Miss 1 good third, ( Nellie Dorr has gone to Bangor l« it»od 11 niplars. se: much d lor 1 < P> ck was to rn in i'Iif!• *n. humor, and he #otirt h, wit. perseverance Edward work for her Mrs. good Pitcher’s Castoria. cousin, Gertrud* I he \\ C. T. I met with Mrs. L. May in the race of the obstacles encountered. Me., May 29. INJb, in the family of Deacon W oods. Bobbins “How far As the years rolled on, some ot the res- Samuel DeBeek, of the Free Wednesday. Topic: -lotjfrtisfmrnts. Baptist J. A. Rowe and wife are in the woods ought one to suffer w rongs, w ithout re- idents moved away, others were removed church, lit* did business in Clifton till for II. E. Rowe. Mrs. Rowe is cooking sist mg them, as a matter of not by death, Hiid the old church began to ! he moved to West Franklin in 1SS8. In principle; for the crew. to tHke revenge, but to protect society?" show the marks of the “tooth of time." 1S90 he received the appoint n « nt of post- | of w and hi Mrs. Rlbridge Richardson is the Many phases rongs, public pri- At the line l tiat t he town of Sorrento was ! master of the mw y-estabi is tied office guest of her sister. Mrs. Ella Keith. vate, were brought up, and it was the born last winter, it was in a very dilapi- West Franklin, and in Marth TO his Sale general that one ought dated condition. afterward the townsmen made him road visitors to the town opinion though Jannary Among th* Clearing Shortly surveyor. during not to seek a quarre’. yet there is a point ladies organized a society of ^ illing When he was but a youth he received past week were Frank and Hillard Sc hope where patience ceases to be a virtue, and 1T \\ orkers for the purpose of raising funds religious impressions which remained George Giles, Beddiugton; Howard ti wholesome check should be GALLERT’5. with which to repair the church. They with him till his conversion in 18f>6, in Moore, Ellsworth. put upon the met once a at tue house of some and wrong-doer. week, Clifton the birthplace of the body Edna 8., twin of Mr. and Mrs. daughter Uur annual clearing sale is looked forward to all w a The which have been held by customers ith great deal member, and engaged in sewing and tiie of the soul. Soon after A. died of meetings, birthplace Henry Rowe, pneumonia Jan. of interest. announce a each t his We only Clearance Sale once a year,and this during making fancy articles. In the evening a tiis removal to West Franklin a Free evening week, have been very January. 24, aged five months and sixteen days. All odds and all Rev. Mr. and ends surplus of stock accumulated during the year, we 15-cent supper was served. After supper church was organized, and he Jan. 28. interesting. Richards, of the disposeof Baptist this of cost. This sale is a has during sale, regardless usually money-saver to our custom- the Lime was occupied in singing and read- was chosen deacon. In this he Congregational church, assisted Mr. capacity ers, ami those who have waited sale Hurt let t ■«. Island. Belcher. The forfthis will not he disappointed. ing. The movement was a success from served faithfully, and finished tiis course topic Sunday evening was Fred Tibbetts has “Is the Bible True?" the start, and money soon began to flow planning for the prosperity of the returned from and proofs of its Waltham. Mass. truth were into the treasury. church. He was the recognized leader of multiplied. Tuesday evening When the summer visitors arrived W. \ L)ix “The Harvest of Souls" was the theme; has they the church, and as such was \ery much is visiting her sister, Mrs. Every Department Special Bargains. Were informed of the object of the soci- loved. Ralph, at Southwest Harbor. Wednesday. “Knocking*’ the Saviour and of them contributed knocking at t he door of t he heart. and at ety, several As trader and he was kind Mr. Bain has Wo postmaster returned to Northeast recommend all to avail themselves of the uc offer to so that at the close of the last the sinner, who had opportunity quite liberally, and cordial, commanding the respect of Harbor after a short visit to his rejected Him, family. save the that were at the door of heaven on their and secure some of season, society felt they ail who met him; as friend and neigh- knocking only to money purchases, the Willie Dennison has been on a bargains. home hear the “too Inte;’* able to commence the repairs. The build- bor, always ready and willing to lend a Thursday, “What- short visit. All were to see him. was inside and glad ing completely repaired ; Helping naml. lie loved uoa s House ana were a Dr. Phillips, of Southwest as- DRESS GOODS. Out. The floors nicely carpeted, the place where His Honor dwells. He Harbor, 3bucrtisrmnus. House-Keeping Goods. sisted Dr. new and new furniture were by Averill, of Bar Harbor, per 50 of organ pur- loved God's people and their society. He pieces nlMlnen twilled crash, our formed a successful chased, and, in short, it was so thoroughly loved God's word and His work. This operation on Fred u«un! price 12 12c reduced to 7c. Bartlett's throat B. The Whole Line at Reduced Price*. 100 of cotton crash at made it hard to meet him and not respect to-day. The Boston pcs. 90c. per pc., Jan. 28. Journal, 25 be as the same old containing yds. hardly recognized and love him. When such a man dies his The following are a few special bargains Two big bargains in towels—one at church of a before. 81.00 tier 19c., year loss is deeply felt. In his death Franklin weekly year, which we offer during this sale, the lots arc HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. the other Ht J45c. a piece, or at about Sunday, Jan. was the chosen for has lost an the church a small and will go 12, day esteemed citizen, AND quickly half their real value. the re-opening services. It was to beauti- consistent and his The regular lyceum exercises were held faithful, worker, About 10 pc-, of black fancies consisting 16,000 yards of all Winds of sheeting, ful winter daj-, and the church was well a husband and father. Friday afternoon. Music was furnished bleached family devoted The of crepons and rough effects, goods and unbleached, in widths filled. The services were con- Miss Ellsworth American 36 morning A widow and five children survive him, by Hale. Miss Hurley, Miss wo retailed at $1 and $1.50 per yd., of inches to 2 12 yds at prices less than ducted by Miss Treworgy, from John III: to whom the tenderest interest and sym- Knowlton and Monaghan. the our present price l- 59c, the manufacturer* a*k for Among 81.50 per year. 16: “For God so loved the world that He declamations them. pathy of the community go out in this, those of Theodore Higgins, About 12 high novelty dress patterns; Two bargains in gave His only begotten Son, that whoso- their sad hour of affliction. Miss Jordan, Miss Hattie Baffin, Miss .*10 and $12 were our former prices; Turkey red table linen The funeral took on Both f >r at 19c. and ‘39e. The 1* ever believeth on Him should not perish, ceremony place Margaret Hurley, Miss Nealley, Miss Papers $2.00. now *5.99 la“t our reg at the Union church. Rev. ular 50r. grade. but have life.” It was an Wednesday everlasting elo- W. of officiated, Morrison, Miss Mary Joy and Irving 25 pcs of India twills, 46 in. wide, all George Avery, Franklin, White table linens from 35c. to 91.50 quent sermon, and held the close atten- assisted Rev. Mrs. S. V\ Treworgy, of Harnor were well received. The debate: colors—our 75c grade; nowr 49c. by By a special arrangement with the per yd.; reduced from 37 1-2 c. to *. Ellsworth. Mr. from proprie 20 of mixtures $ tion of ail. Music that was highly appre- Avery preached Resolved, That a should have a part pieces fancy reduced boy tors of II Tim. 4: 7—“I have fought a good fight; the Boston Journal, New England's from 62 1-2 ami 75c. to 39c. ciated by the entire congregation was university was discussed I have finished my course; 1 have kept education,” by leading repuhliran newspaper, we are able to Another lot similar, reduced from 50c. to 89c. furnished by a choir composed of Mrs. the faith.” F. H. Lowell and Miss Mullan in the af- furnish the Hamburg Embroideries. Jesse Mitchell, of Bar Harbor, Messrs. B. Jan. 27. G. W. A. firmative, and Willie Whiting and Miss weekly edition of the Journal and Our entire stock of W. Tut A mKKli Hamburg* at Stevens, it. W. Smith and F. Wake- Means in the negative. A committee re- AK for 8*2.00 per year. greatly Sullivan. reduced prices; have marked the field, of Steuben, with Mrs. E. K. Con- ported in favor of the negative. By a F. H. Lord, of Ellsworth, spent Sunday same at four uniform prices, name ners as organist. The rendering of the vote of the school the decision was in the SILKS. in town. 1}'. 5c., 9c., 13 l-3c. and 15c.. or at anthem, “Hear Those Voices affirmative. The was Angel Sing- Recorder read bv THIS OFFER IS OPEN To clear up ->ur fat cy -llks suitable for about half price Mrs. I)r. F. W. Bridgham gave a very was tine. Miss Hattie and If you want ing," exceptionally Mason, ’97, George Mc- wai.-t-. trimming* and dresses, we Hamburg*, <1 ■.;,'t fall to secure “whist" at her home last Friday To new In the afternoon Rev. J. A. Weed de- pleasant Carty, '96. (1 subscribers who pay in offer the-** in two bit-—one at 59©., u.anyou afternoon. livered a sermon, which was an advance. the other at 89c.. or about half price. eloquent The barge ride to Contention cove and to all to to live an ideal Chris- O. H. Durrell of the firm of Brown. appeal try at so party Bellatty’s cottage, long looked f2 To old subscribers who ar- tian life, of creeds and Durrell & Boston, was in tow n last pay regardless dogmas. Co., forward to the class of by '96. was enjoyed and one in ad- KID CLOVES. In the Miss Rev. Mr. week, the guest of Mrs. C. A. Stimson. rearages year evening Treworgy, Most of the un- About Monday evening. class, vance. 2«> doz of Mo-<|uita!r*‘ Sueile* Pierce, of Winter Harbor, ana Rev. Mr. The whist club, of twelve consisting der the chaperonage of Miss Chilcott, and Cloak Department. eight button length-, r..|..rs black, f each Wiley, Steuben, spoke briefly ladies of the w ill meet with Mrs. tan. * village, a few of their friends, made up the party. modes and ate-. fr.»m All In this from the text: “If ye have not the S. V. Berm is on afternoon. good- department, consisting of ■ • 1 2 to 7 1 4 Wednesday The evening was passed very Tin- .,f the Journal i- reduced from ?| Vi, at 99c. pleasantly, j week!;. Mi- .iiid « of Christ are none of His." On $1.00] Ladle-', hiIdren*» Cloak-. Fur and About 10 do/. spirit ye The on the which was to all Mr. hii Illarrlt/. reduced irom work church, voting Bellatty excellent host. THE AM t HU as 1 ..5o Thursday evening Miss 1 reworgy again Cloth ( ape.-, j»t tm dl.-po-al of our customer* at have been commenced last December, has The party returned in the small hours of 59c. preached Lu a fair-sized congregation. their own pi ire Ever;. garment must 1*© -old hook $2..50 gla/i'd 1\. 1-, reduced from fcl. at 79<-. The of are been until now on account of the This was '- people Sorrento to be con- delayed morning. the third of the at -ome rb .luring this -ale. We quote for the successful mariner in gratulated upon being unable to get lumber. Contractor series of parties given by tlie members of the i re-out tin* following price- for the same which t his enterprise has been carried to Stratton, with a crew of men from Ells- the class of '96. The former two were You ran have both for 82.00. completion, and upon having so neat and Tho-o usually -old t ~ marked down attractive a for commences work Miss Tribou and Miss Maude Hosiery and Underwear place worship. May they worth, to-day. given by to 98.99 so the lessons which shall profit by there The which meets in the hall Scott. AT REDUCED Sorosis, These two Those -old I •! ?• to PRICES. be given to them that tlieir homes papers together give morn local, u-ually $lo, marked may <>ur entire lot of be made and every week, was well patronized by young down to 4.99 men’s underwear at happier, their lives become The amount of sickness in county, -tale and national new- than can !*<• ob average reduced price*. nobler and better. and old last Thursday evening. Over one Those sold for human life is ten per annum. tained other combination of usually $12.50 to $15, days by any weekly pa- Three bargain* in ladle**' Jersev vc*t* at hundred were present. After the supper marked down to 7.50 pers. Either is worth the price of the two. ’35, ;»7 1-3 and 49c. sltmrrtisnnrnts. a short but was pre- pleasing programme IT IS A FEARFUL THING in winter. As we have only about .vi of them, the flr-t Our great offer in Addres- with cheek, office order or the wool and fleeced hose sented, consisting of a duet by Miss Wil- po-t will be the best. What is? Shipwreck. So is a racking, pick at 19c.; some worth 55c. son and Mrs. Emery, select readings by money tearing cough; in winter, or any other Mrs. Stimson, Mrs. Bridgham and Miss time. A idea to good have Adamson’s The American Helen Preble, recitation by Ada Farns- (only COUNTV paper), During this sale we will add other Botanic Cough Balsam always in the daily attractions of goods worth, singing by the Maddocks Bros., ELLSWORTH, ME at reduced house. prices. Make up your mind to buy goods of of West Sullivan. The receipts of the cheaper k THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL us than of any other house. evening were |12. mJbrrtiscmcnts. Jan. 27. Si b. ^SARSAPARILLA Waltham. AYER’SMAKES THE WEAK STRONG of and is M. Leah, daughter Mr. Mrs. Lew GALLERT. is ill. | Jordan, quite *********************» a. vjiicb i’huic uui ui xie nuuus ijuur ! ill, but is improving. B. F. Jordan started for the woods with Mackintoshes. a crew of men Thursday. Frank Graves went in the woods Mon-

day to work for B. F. Jordan. i B. V. Grant, of Eden, spent a few days We on with his parents, William Grunt and have hand about wife. * t I" • Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kingman and mackintoshes. ♦ i 25 *- i Rre in { daughter Inez visiting friends » Never Hurry a Meal if Avoidable. '? town. W _ ♦ lioi t«-r Go Without ^ Usually. £ Mrs. Thomas- who has been Grindle, MOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, Regular price, 81*2.00 When the food passes into the esnph- » with her mother, Mrs. Bateman s J staying Cyrus I Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing and atrus is swallowed' the voluntary 7 Syrups, J Dicky, the past few months, returned J part the process ceases. The rest i's J most remedies for children art? composed of opium or morphine? We shall close ♦ in voluntary, you can’t hurry it a mite. ♦ home Thursday. ^op ♦ Hurry before retards now. ♦ Know that opium and an- ? Our E. W. has morphine stupefying narcotic poisons ^ If y>»u have hurried, eaten too much, postmaster, DeBeck, i•f'the wrong kind, a dose of •* L. F.” ^ been at Franklin the called ~^r°u Know the entire ^ past week, that in most a.u:.:hw art? not to sell Me«li< iue >r 'Hitters.' is the only sure druggists permitted narcotic? ^ ^ there the sudden death of his rcI,c1' by father. without labeling them poisons ? « » Edward DeBeck. v * lot at 8/.50 ^np Know that you shoul-i not f 115c. a Mottle. 4 The card club met with Philip Giles permit any medicine to be given your child unless or V * and wife Saturday evening. The fir«t you your physician know of wh.:t it is composed ? were won Calvin and Yon Know prizes by Kingman that Castoria 1 a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of (••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A*. Josie Haslem, the its booby prizes by George ingredients is published with every bottle ? Stanley and Abbie Haslem. Y°u W. 11. PARKER Co.. ! TRUE’S Jan. 27. H. Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. Clothing That it has been in use for and that :Pin Worm Elixir: Franklin Koad. nearly thirty years, more Castoria is now sold than ELLSWORTH. of all other • has been successfully used for worms in • Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hutchins celt- remedies for children combined ? • children and adults for 44 years. Sold every- • • where Price brated their silver 3 3c. ; wedding Monday ^on Know that the Patent Office of the United and of 2* Bonk on thf I>i««*a.«r4 of CMHren—frpo. • Department States, Z I»K. J. t TUI i; A < O Auburn. Mr. • evening. About forty friends assembled other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word Do the Hood’s at the cheerful home of the “bride and Sarsaparilla, Royal Castoria and its formula, and that t- imitate them is a state offense ? groom” on this the twenty-fifth anni- prison Baking Powder, Pears’ or _ versary of their marriage. The guests P° Yon Know that one uf the reasons for granting this government protection was Soap were delightfully entertained, the even- GM. because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Beecham’s Pills ever DRDMMEY, _TH ing being enlivened by music, singing people Do Yon Kd»w that 3d doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 Mine i* the only store in ti c e'ty nnd talk. A toothsome supper was average to see that carries the celebrated servt !. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins were th« cents, or one cent a dose ? stop advertising “ recip: nts of many handsome presents. Do You Know that when j>o- .1 0f this perfect preparation, your children may whether it ? The guests departed with wishes that pays” Magnolia Flour, be kept well, and that you may have ten rest ? time would deal as kindly with Mr. and Not a bit of it. these Mrs. Hutchins in the future as in the j ^Vell, things are worth knowing. They are facts. .$4.-30. past. Jan. 28. K. The far-simile — is on every Resides regular bus of grot- ro-s, //fT South lituehill. I carry full lines of ’■ignatiiro of --wrapper. F. K. Herrick is teaching the hvgl KEEPING < binds. school here. Lamp-. (Vlluloid EVERLASTINGLY Mrs. Katie Johnson hrs g et P *to: Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* Moot-.