Cheneys Transfer Electric Company to Conn. Power Co
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■S'-:' ■v-.v- ->v>i N£!T PRESS RUN / dVERAGB PAILT aRCULATION THE WEATHER for the month of Juls*, 1 9 28 Fereeaet by U. S. Weather Barean, New Haven 5,125 Showers tonight or Saturday; cooler Saturday afternoon and Member of the Andtt bnrenn of ________ ^rcalntlbne_______ C oR » night. VOL. NO. 267. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) VLn., MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1928. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS EXPECT GREAT Slayer Runs To Chair FEAR ANOTHER Uncle Sam’s New Money-Maker CHENEYS TRANSFER THRONGS FOR To Be Killed Quicker STORM ON WAY ^ ELECTRIC COMPANY Ossining, N. Y., Aug. 10.— Prison^ Kalinowski alone admitted his TOWA^SOIITH guards at Sing Sing prison reveal guilt, the other two denying to the ed today that Alexander Kalinow- end that they were murderers. Kal inowski, in a fit of rage because he TO CONN. POWER CO. ski, 49, one of three murderers didn’t like the food rations at Arrangements Made to Han Florida Checks Up Damage; •<S) executed in the death house late Auburn prison, where he was a last night, was so anxious to “ get prisoner, stabbed to death the prin dle Crowd of 150,000 it over with” that he eagerly ran cipal keeper there, James Durnin. Four Deaths, 100 Home Merger of Local Light and from his cell down the corridor Appel was accused of having GOLDEN BEARS When Hoover Makes His which leads to the electric chair. robbed and slain Police Lieutenant less and Millions in Prop The guards had to restrain him ahd Charles Kemmer during an at Power Distributors With march him to the “ iitUe green door” tempted holdup of a restaurant in BEAT ENGLAND Acceptance Speech. in an orderly manner. Glendale, N. Y. erty Loss Caused hy Gales The other two men e.\ecuted were Appel had tried to save the life Big State Concern Sought Daniel Graham, 26, and George of Graham, the third man put to Stanford University, Cal';, Aug. Appel, 26. All three were cheerful death last night "confessing” sev West Palm Beach, Fla., Aug. 10 AT mipics In Public Utilities Petition eral weeks ago to the killing of 10.— On the eve of his notification at the end. Although they prayed, ■—While the storm-stricken Florida they were smiling as they went in Judson Pratt, a paymaster, in New as the Republican nominee for York. City, for whose murder cities counted their damage and to the death chamber, and Appel Chaney Brothers today an President, Herbert Hoover today commented with a laugh, while the Graham was convicted. The “ con swept' away the debris caused California Rowers World nounced their intention to affect a .quietly observed his 54th birthday guards were strapping him in, fession” was later proved to be by the hurricane three days ago, “ Well, I’ll be a baked apple soon.” false. transfer of their interests in the at his h9me here, surrounded by residents anxiously watched today Champions in One of Manchester Electric Company to his family and a small group of for signs of another disturbance re An important currency event is pictured here, Benjamin F. Harris, friends. KIDDIES STEAL ported to be headed this way. left, is the central figure in it, for to him go^s the honor of printing the the Connecticut Power Company. The anniversary presented a LITCHFIELD GETS The new storm of considerable first of the new small-size dollar bills that Unc.le Sam is Issuing. You Greatest and Fastest Permission for the merger of these climax to a saga of American op BOOZE TO SELL intensity and accompanied by gales, see him here as he brought the first sheet of the new paper money for two utilities companies was re was reported moving north west the inspection of Alvin W. Hall, Director of the Bureau of Engraving at portunity. The man, who came to quested in a petition entered with from the West Indies at the rate of Washington. These bills will be retained by the Bureau as specimens Races Ever Witnessed. California three decades ago as a U. S. SENATORSHIP Hi-Jack the Hi-Jackers in 18 . miles an hour. At that rate, It while others gradually will replace the larger ones now in circulation. ’ the Connecticut Public Utilities penniless youth seeking a job, sat Somerville— Used Also as may not strike before tomorrow or ■ ------------------------ ^-------------------- -------- ---------------—__ (_____ ' Commission today. If the transfer in his luxurious home, surrounded Carriers. the next day and some hope was Sloten, Holland, Aug. 10— Cali is approved by the commission It by affluent friends, waiting to be felt that it may veer in another di SIAMESE TWINS fornia University, representing the will be affected through the ex rection. AL STOPS CHEERS notified that he had won the great All Three G. 0 . P. Candi Somerville, Mass., Aug. 10. United States as ably as ever a crew change of 11,500 shares of Con .•iJotOOOtOOO Damage. — Hi-jacking the. hi-jackers TO BE DIVIDED could do, won the Olympic eight- necticut Power Company stock at a est gift In the keeping of a great was the new game played to The hurricane which swept the oared championship today, beating par value of $25.00 for 4,000 shares political party. dates This Year, Come day by youngsters of the east coast from West Palm Beach OF CHICAGO CROWD Holyoke Girls Now in New of Manchester Electric Company north to Titusville and then turn- England in the finals by a half- The stage is set for the notifica “ Brickbottom-Gold Coast” sec York Hospital Ready for the stock at a par value of $100.00. tion ceremony in Stanford Sta tion, the district placed under northwest and hurled itself into the length after a great struggle. From That County, Operation. The Manchester Electric Company dium. Arrangements have been semi-martial law by state Gulf of Mexico was believed today The Golden Bears thus preserved shares are all owned by Cheney made to handle a crowd up to 150,- troopers, acting on orders of to have caused four deaths, about Says He Came for Funeral of the precedent set by collegiate fore Brothers. 000 people, although the Hoover District Attorney Robert T. 100 homeles.s and damage in pri New York, Aug. 10.— This transfer has been under con America’s only living Simanese bears, the Naval Academy winning managers will be satisfied with .a Hartford, Conn., Aug. 10.— If Bushnell, pending the outcome vate property, crops and public the title at Antwerp in 1920 and sideration for some time. The host of 7 5,000 visitors. The exer the Republican party in Connecti of padlock proceedings in the utilities exceeding $5,000,000. twins, Margaret and Mary Manchester Electric Company has courts. Friend and Did Not Want Yale at Paris in 1924.. Incidentally, cises will begin at 2 o’clock with a cut is successful at the polls in the Reports of deaths were brought to Gibbs, aged 17. Holyoke, their victory followed closely upon been purchasing its entire power band concert and at 3:30 Senator Despite the presence of the the local Red Cross here by R. H. Mass., are to undergo an November elections, a Litchfield that of Paul Costello and Charles requirements from the Hartford George H. Moses of New Hamp troopers liquor continued to Hull, a fruit grower of Jupiter. Ow to Talk. operation soon in Weit Park Electric Light Company which is a man 'will go to Washington as flow in. the district, children Mcllaine, Penn A. C., Philadelphia, shire, will tell Hoover formally ing to the damage caused by the hospital. New York, so that in another major championship, the part of the Connecticut Power how the Kansas City convention United States Senator from Con being used in the illicit traffic. hurricane and torrential rains, he they may be freed of the Company. The merger, therefore, One group of youngsters stole Quaker City pair easily defeating named him the Republican nomi necticut, according to those who said it was Impossible for him to Chicago, Aug. 10.— Governor A1 physical bond that joins them Canada in the double sculls. It was simply means that the Hartford nee. 200 bootleg pints from a side confirm the report. ,at the base of the spine. This Electric Light Company will deal admit their political forecasting is Smith, Democratic nominee for Costello’s third Olympic title in 40 jMlnute Speech walk cache and began selling Refuge© Camp. was admitted today by Dr. directly with Manchester consumers accurate. Such forecasters see one it. this event. Hoov,pr will accept the nomina Hull has turned his huge orchard president, made it plain today to Francis P. Weston, New. York of light and power rather than At the same time the rum However, two American entries tion in a 7,100 word speech, in of the Litchfield county men as the near JupRer into a refugee camp throngs who greeted hiui'on his ar surgeon. suffered defeat during the day, Ken through the agency of Cheney ■which he will lay down the Repub Republican candidate for Senator. kings of “ Brickbottom,” their where about 100 people gathered Brothers. ' * supremacy challenged, have rival here, that he came west en ,Dr. Weston said the twins Myers, Philadelphia, losing the lican Issues of the coining cam The three are Robbins B. Stoeckel, when their homes were destroyed were in the hospital after he single sculls title to Bob Pearce, No Immediate Change paign. He will begin speaking managed by “ under cover” or washed away by the storm and tirely on a mission of sorrow.