The Billboard 1918-10-19: Vol 30 Iss 42
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nVTIOC TO RCADKR: WTicb jtm *»■<«»» iMdtac ♦!«<« auifMlBr ■ le Maop <B this noUca, mail tho nacutno, uul It «U1 bo blanfa In Vol. XXX, No. 42 no « «■ ' tte hoTHli erf our lolcUrrs or talkm clmtinod to prorotKl ovor-opoo- No October 19,1918 iHCe, iDC «>»*■*. No arfdrm.—A. & BL'RLJESO.N. rcotmooler General Published weekly at Cincinnati, O. Subscription, $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mail matter, June 4, 18S7, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3. 1879. THE PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER’S GUIDE, MENTORAKD FRIEND THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 26 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 74 PER CENT READING MATTER imm EXPLODE SOME TNT. WAKE 'EM UP What if the loan should fail? Of course such a thing is unthinkable, but at this writing two-thirds of the time to be devoted to the drive has elapsed and but a third of the subscriptions secured. So the showing is very disappointing. Each day since the beginning of the campai^ the average of the takings for the remaining days necessary for the loan’s success has increased until now it is so huge that it seems insurmountable. There is no mistaking what this means. Either the loan will not be taken or the larger part, the great bulk of it in fact, will be taken en bloc—an undigested mass—on the last day of the drive by the banks. That would mean that the loan had failed. No other interpretation could be put upon it. The people of this country, in that event, would not have taken it. After they had been begged, urged and pleaded with as never before! The great opportunity had been pointed out to them so clearly, so repeatedly and so'vividly that they must have realized every one of its glowing possibilities. Just a little added economy and self-sacrifice had been asked of them, and they reniged and weakened. There are more than thirty million bank depositors and the deposits average over $700 each, so they had the money andi still held back. Are we a nation of swankers? Are we a nation of quitters? If the loan fails and early on October 20 the cables begin transmitting the news to our boys over there, what then? What will our Allies think? And the Huns! Consider the wild, delirious joy that will sweep the land of the baby-killers, nurse-slayers and hospital and church destroyers! ' The loan must not fail. It must be oversubscribed. Go at them harder, oh, ye valiant boosters. Shame them! Whip them with scornful, biting invective! Every person who can, yet does not, subscribe to this loan is a dog—a disloyal, soulless cur! Make them understand it. Sting them with the knowledge—the smug, complacent canaille! Touch off some verbal TNT. among them. Compel them to realize the situation. America must not now be discredited among the nations. Do not mince words. Fling it at them. The loan should have been oversubscribed on the first day of the drive. They could easily have accom¬ plished it. This is your warrant for the rough stuph and it is ample. lllllillllt util 11 lilt 1111 ill ■ 11 Xlie Billboard OCTOBER Id, 191t WANTED AT LIBERTY FOR NEW For wlntpr'* rniatmant Troup* or locate. State top Ecktiaif s«‘"‘"'‘Sliows Want salar;. Theatre, danra orrheatra or road ihow. H*.* army dlacharie Addraa. VERNE DeVOE, aa p«t swing to join on wire. Also good plant, show with com¬ route Yankee Robtnaon CIrcua. or JIO W. Sth Are.. PALACE MUSEUM plete outfit. Concessions come on, except cook house. This Conlrana. Teui. Freaks, curiosities, fortune tellers, ap¬ show stays out all winter. Wire all to AT LIBERTY FOR GIRL ACT OR A.| TABLOID propriate shows of all kinds. Will book _C. F. ECKHART, Carrier MiUs, lU. a pood freak show on percentage. 20- CAMPBELL & MURRAY “niat rlamy Jurenlle toan. Oent, ate SO; B ft., t; ln-1 managers or managers of mu¬ Juranlle. .tralsht or comedy; prrfer •tralAL l^y. ate SO; 0 ft., 0; touhretle or chorus. Good rolrri; seum subjects get in touch with wardrobe and ability; tinainc and danclnf ipeclalila; F. H. KELLS, Manager, talar)' your limit. Ticket., .•othini hut flrtt-cliM Wanted Four More Real Camp Dancers shoHm. CAMPBELL AND MURRAY, 3047 Flnt Art.. North Adams, • Massachusetts Long season. Work ever>’ night. Must stand strict discipline. You keep all tips. Sa.. MlnntaKlIa. Mlanetota. WAN! LADY AND GENT TD WORK Write, wire or come. HARRY BILLICK, Caruthersville, Mo. WANTED FOR WILLIAM KIBBLE’S WANTED. ORIENTAL DANCER UNCLE TOM’S CABIN COMPANY SMALL ANIMALS AND DIRDS Strom Comet, for Band and Orrbettra: alto Mu.1- Will consider learner. Write or call Also Freaks or Acts suitable for first-class Pit Show. All winter work riant to doul>le ataice. either Mark, or llarrli and St. Clair. Wire lowrat ttlary. I*ty own hntrla. Roula PROF. PAMAHASIKA, Hudquartert, 2S22-2IZ4 N. to right parties. Week 13th, Henderson, Texas; week 20th, Monroe, Connerartlle. Oct. 17. ID. 10; Franklin, SI; Colurabuit. SS; Seymour, 33; Hodfnrd. 34; Kioomlntton. 33; all Fairhill St., Philadelphia, Pa. La. Address JOHN FRANCES, care Tom W. Allen Shows. Indiana. Addrre. C. K. ACKERMAN, Mantaer. AT LIBERTY FOR COMEDY SCENERY General Ru.ltie.., ('hararter., Sperialtiet. All etMn- Diamond Dyo. OU or Water Oolora tlal.. Harm my SInaina. Need UrkeL JACK SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO. WANTED FDD HARRY X. MAIN SHOWS 111 RKE. 239 W. 9th SL. ClnclnnaU. Ohio. Cabaret Dancers for real circuit of Fairs and the best towns in Georgia. FIRST CLASS CORNETIST AT LIBERTY VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS Concessions of all kinds. Address Bartow, Georgia, week October 14th. Eiperleneed In all llnM. Good location only. Aas Rcautlful rolors, any site. Ilrntal. and eaay tt-mifi. 38. Addreaa CORNETIST, care Billboard. Cln'U. o. BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. 245 West Forty-sixth Street, - New York City. 935 Market Street. • - San Fraacitco, Cal. JOLLY BERT STEVENS AT LIBERTY on amount WANT TO PLACE of epidemic of Rpanlih tnfluenaa. Cbanaa for weak. Up In acta. Black. Tramp. Jew, Kid. Beeantrl''., \JUA|UTprN I’artner. to op«i Store Show; food Rube. Stnclnc and Talkina RpecialUea. WIra; tail I wi./ I.«oiurer or Mind Reader; also Six Ringtail Monkeys (all males) until late spring with reliable parties all. 3fed ehnw. Trenton. N. J., cor. Cummlnga At*. irteaks and Attrartlons. Answer quick. FRANK or Zoo. Write or wire, prepaid, at once to LYNN SMITH, and Cheatnut Are. WOKDE.N'. 618 So. Main St.. Bridgeport. Conn. Care Billboard, Cincinnati, O. WANTED-MAN that understands drlring and taking ear* of Reo Acrobats, Tumblers, Leipers, Bar Performers, MUSICIANS WANTED Auto Trui'k and to talk on door of War Trophy Ex¬ Naw regiment Good opportunity for Mttslelaat on hibition. ExhlblUon going to California. Wages, BIG ACTS Wire Walkers, Bicycle, Animal Acts, Etc. all tnatruraenu. Writ* or wire at one* to F. HXRS. F30.00 per week. Address M. W. GOLUEN, Palace Band Leader, 309tb Engineer*. Camp Sheridan. Ala. Hotel. Ciiu-lnnatl. Ohio. PRACTICE AT OBUPP’8 BIG WHITE OTMNASIU3f. We can acvommodtto any eorl of Act Special arrange- menU for ladle*. Ship your apparatus. No extra charge for .forage. Dues. 31.50 weekly. Including uae of WANTED -For B. A O., Solo narinot, low pitch. showers. We hare plenty of i>a^, Mso piano. I.arge tlc'or space. 20 ft. height Coaduetad by BILLY GRUPP, Pay, 340.00 month and roaintrnanco. Muat bo good WANTED -MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE former Mlddlewa»«ht Boxer. 352-254 Wmt Il6th St.. NEW YORK CITY. Phone. Mominttida 2733. Join on wire. BANDNUSTER SOLDIERS* HOME r.f ail kinds, romedians. Prima Donnas. Snubretfes. Johnson City, Tennessee. t'horue Girls, Singing and Dan-ing Specialty Team. Can place good people at all times with our "Tabs '* break in Vaudeville Acta. Wire or write at onie. POSITION WANTED COU.I.NS AMT’SBMK.Vr CO., Superlia Theatre. WANTED FOR HKO BROS.’ SHOW Exeellent A. F. of M. Vlollnlat and Leader. Picture (;rand Rapids. Michigan or Vauderllle. Large library. Address VIOLINIST. Musicians and porformere. Show will lay off in East St. Louis until influenza epi¬ 600 Baxter Are.. Louisrllle, Kentucky. BLACKFACE COMEDIAN demic is over, then tour South for long season. Address It’ n o player, up in acta, good singer. Out of draft E. H. JONES, care of .\morican Annex, St. Louis, Mo. MUSICIANS WANTED two picture houae er- Itellable, reliable managers only need answer. chMtraa ' Writ* or wire BUD GEISS. SIS E. Beards¬ .-Il.VEK KING. 1506* O’Boar Are.. St. Lc.iils, Mo. At Liberty for Stock or First-Class Rep. ley Are., Elkhart, Indiana. JACK E. REIDY I IRENE BLAUVELT CIDER PRESS FOR SALE CHEWING GUM (Hydraulic.) Perfect ron.lltlon, $135.00; coat $400.00, Juvenile Leads. Light Comedy. I Ingenue Leading Woman. .41x0 Pcprum machine, with motor, $40.00. Muat sail at Get aur Price*. Wa make all klada. Quldc studies; tharoughly reliable. Tup aalaty; we aro vortl) It Joint onb'. Join at once. Addreaa once NATIONAL ORANGEADE CO., Ill Watt UStk HELMET GUM SHOP. • • Cincinnati. OhI* JACK REIOY, Bex S. Hamlla, Kaatai. Straat. New Yark City. CENTRAL ENGRAVING COMPANY! THEATRICAL DESIGNERS AND ENGRAVERS r I'’ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO STOCK, REP., TAB., DRAMATIC, CIRCUS, CARNIVAL, ^ PARK, FAIR AND CELEBRATION ENGRAVING | HALF-TONES AND ZINC ETCHINGS FOR ALL < BRANCHES OF THE AMUSEMENT BUSINESS - Write for our 1919 catalog of stock letter heads of more than 100 designs in colors, suitable for any act or l amusement enterprise. Special rates to the profession. Get our price and we will get your business and give you the best of service.