Irish Arch Rebel Surrenders to Free State
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Bank Clearings United Press Leased Wire 3SB ODO.-tfi Covers the Valley like the Sunshine FIVE TWENTY-THIRD YEAR EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1923 PRICE CENTS ONLY 37 SAVED Mourners Follow CAL SURPRISES FROM SHAFT !N Truckloads of Surrenders To Free State POLITICIANS IN UTAH DISASTER Charred Bodies Irish Arch Rebel INITIAL MOVE At Least 137 Trapped 1 \Vlr* Men lly f Lcnsr Wow! Cabots Break Precedent! Talk Takes Lead 1924 Sweep- Mile Under Ground ixKMMIIRF.It, Wvo., Aug. Li.— NEW COALITION stakes By Naming by Cave-In \s dawn flecked Jhe horizon mi- Much With Court When Jews. Would Virginian sleeping thousands in the vicinity DeValera Faints GOVERNMENT IS of Kemnierer divided their atten- to Bay TERRIFIC EXPLOSION tion between the Kemmeivr mine Poach on Name Sacred Back TALKS OF POLICIES No. I and (he Od<l l'VHows Hall, an FIRMLY SEATED Blast And Intense Flame improvised mdrgue for scores of A POEM Regards Immigra ti o n viet inis. German Middle Groups Where the Lowells sp caks oti'y with Cabots, Chars Bodies Beyond From nearly every household in Ai d the Cabots sp cake only with God Question One of Most Recognition Kemmeror some member was Bill Back Anti-Com- Important to Country snatched by the fatal blast. BOSTON, August. 15.—Bos- legally shortening it to* The watchers followed truckloads munist Cabinet thing, the ton’s Back Bay, “tight Utile “Cabot”. Such a WARD !S.v ( lilted I’ieNM eased Wire of charred to the morgue. never By FEED3EICK bodies lawyer protested in court, Corespondent - ir’c” of alrstocvacy, where the United Prers Staff KILMMKKER, WAn;;. 15. Tho-g whose lionn ¦ had not been STRESEMANN BOLD would be pc.mitted in Massa- death remained at the GEORGE MACDONOUGH, conversation of the inhabitants WASHINGTON, Auk. Ir».—lCalvin1r».—lCal- 1 1nli<•; 011 ( sire i iisit exact robbed bv F./ chusetts. Present iT! Knitting Correspond it. vin Coolidge today was running millers (iciii.sle the ex shaft entrance, held in sileni aw. Unit*. 1 Press Staff a is strictly delineated by the The Kabotchink fanriir/ was lv 100 I ill Downs Hecklers; Dc- against the field—republicans and .which rent Mine No, of a: tin-less in °c:'iers eoufiniied their ENNIS, Ireland, August 15. 'social register, if th; poet has born in this country and the ples'l'.i! I de arch, of democrats alike—in the presidential the Deal company ve' slue explorations a mile below the Hanionn Valera, rebel • dares Ruhr Resis- it correctly, is up in a nrs over petition contained all the re- Keinintfcer to sweepstakes in 1 !>:24. te rd,ay. sin face. Ireland, surrenderee! himself tance Continue a war of names that flared in quirements of a new act of cf the Irish Free Shift's Will thought The President’s appointment of Rescue work was aiiamlotieil he- With the first tra’n of the day troops Philadelphia yesterday and arnsmbley courts. They •"> away under P. P.ascom Slemp, ex-Virginia con- 1) arriving -hortly after a. m„ new today and was marched bids fair to spread wherever “Cabot" a pretty fair diminu- tween 2:.‘!0 stiel si. in., today, to lly l nitiul I’reMH Wire as his secretary, left faces joined the watchers at the arrest to a military barracks. the venerated appellations of tive for their name. gressman, no allow exhausted workers time for Chancellor Stresemann’s first ap- doubt in the minds of lend- (desir- mine. Freaking the lung silence, .hi it previous to his arrest De Cabot and such liko to be But when Dr. Hugh Cabot, political l“< p a lid rest and to permit pearance in the reiehstag. where he . are Dixie com- i burst upon every Valera had fainted and fallen to dean of the medical school o# ers tliat a down east ing nwav had gas pockets in the newcomers in won overwhelming vote of eon- : found. Tragedy “played the platform from which he had an r.hou’dered University of Michigan, bination for Coolidge was well un- tunnels. vantage point. fidenee last night after introducing The Cabots liavo the with been addressing a political meet- Bay Phil Cabot, head of the George der way. White <ran, one of the rarest and second fiddle” them. his cabinet and declaring that re- the battle axe of the Back the spell ing. The erstwhile “President, of to Newport, It. X.; Judge With New England and Southern most deadly poisons found, was lo Hut even they fell under sistance to France and Belgium in families and are out make School of the hush Republic" lost caaxeious- immigrants stop juvenile court of delegations sewed up for Coolidgu rated by experienced government of the bushed atmosphere ax they the Ruhr is to continue, led Euro- Jewish taking Cabot of the grim rescue work. •.cy;; during* a stampede occasioned the family of of Boston and P. Cabot, before rivals take the field, repub- te workmen' cn the liOtli level viewed the Their pe;. ii to the con- name one Frederick (•ha*Ter muffled; the appearance of national political observers lican aspirants are ' beginning to today. was their ‘miles by that the change in govern Massachusetts’ o'd and revered member of the Massachusetts guilt. troops in an armored ear, who fired viction bar down to Philadel- fear the Yankee President will This, i« addition to Hip ordinary covered as with input in Germany has merely served lines. liurrlci (Lief stricken relatives busied volleys over the head of the crowd. They sent one- of the fam- phia and lined up in defense make a runaway race for the re- g:i‘."s encountered, has made rescue ije to! strengthen that country’s hand. with Valera had been speaking ily lawyers down to Philadel- of the American name the court publican nomination. work slow and precarious. themselves bravely problems The same re- •bout two addressing a policies of passive the matter wi- As it stands today Coolidge is lo of lie future, unheedful of curious minutes, phia to stop a man by the namo decided to hold Most of the dead appeared in belmif of republican sistance are to be carried out, and way in front, running strong, \ isitors. crowd can- ox Harry H. Kabotchink from de. advisement. out lieen killed without pain. at the same time the internal situ-' — .have Many of those vim came as sight didates up for election to the new and only one democrat is in sight ¦Many gases are said to work in this atjon is slightly improved, more be- seers turned hail Kireann when the troops hove Senator Underwood of Alabama. manner. !t is i'ift believed they tlieir attention to help- cause Gernuyi labor is willing to ing the mone- in sight. The appearance of the However there is much activity be- tiVod more than :t few minutes after afflicted. Calls for give Stresemann a chance than for BARES tary assistance were sent out. Dr- rebel leader, whose followers now MARY MILES MINTER hind tlie scenes. William Or. Me- •dashing to the main shafts in at aiiv other reason. gent need is of fam- are reduced to a mere handful, had Adoo is as silent as the President tempts to escape. staring scores The general strike fostered by ilies in the face, they been adveitised. DETAILS OF HER LOVE FOR was formerly reputed to be but the Ereirccr- Puzzled but are ac- communists was cancelled because cepting the situation without com- It is not yet known whether fhe forces behind the adopted Califor- engineers report the disaster to estates intend to the workers proved too well disci- nian busy beavers. plamt. / free authorities MURDER VICTIM are as .> HOLLYWOOD fa boon one of tin* most peculiar detain h'ini permanently. plined. Johnson’s Friends Active they ever encountered. The ex plus I’ire Repeated Volleys There was a diminution of the Friends of Senator Hiram John- ion appears to- have taken place on Free State soldiers attempt- bloody rioting which cost upwards By ROBERT A. DONALDSON < (photograph standing beside her own son, while by surprise by the one The taken the IlOth level where every meeting by of 100 lives since “constitution (United Press Staff Correspondent) on his table. movement, not RIDGE ed to disperse the firing ’ sudden Coolidge are 'wort ieg wax killed. On the 2!>‘h ORDERS day. ’ Rushed to Normand Bedroom repeated volleys over the platform. LOS ANGELES. Any. 15— The idle. The senator lumself is in New level rails add enuipuient were in- \ Elsewhere in Europe all eyes were Instinctively, now he was dead, stampede ensued, men and wo- picture of one of movielawUs most York today to discuss the situation fect end on the 27th all miners per- KIDNAPPED GIRL men out of on France, where Premier Poincare she rushed to the home of her rival scrambling wildly to get famous stars, Miles Mihter, with some of his staunchest politi- h .! One answer to the Mary for his affections, brushed past i fearfully burned. victim the way. During the height of the was preparing his star, Mabel cal friends. 10l his bunted from his latest note, it is consider-, ‘onfrontirfg another newspaper men waiting ii\ the cor- tongue COURT excitement De Valera fainted. It British Normand, peMte comedienne, in Other republicans who may figure ; 'dh on others were BEFORE ridor, and went to Mabfl’s bed- this level and was at first reported lie had been her bedroom and demanding face are Senator Borah, Idaho, who el posts. I’lani'S his room, where the petite commedienne inuia.-ialod their wounded.