2015-16 “Sustainable Holistic Development Among Annual Report The Underserved NMCT's programming approach is its long term commitment to the poor and underprivileged population groups, and a set of long term programmes that are strategically designed and collaboratively implemented with and within communities to achieve deep and long-lasting improvement in the lives of Tribes, HIV/AIDS infected families, Migrant workers, Health & Hygiene among Women and Children and Care for the orphaned Children.

NMCT is a Non Profit organization registered in the year 1988 focussing on long-term commitment with an integrated approach to address the underlying social and economic causes of poverty and also the Health with special focus on HIV/AIDS. NMCT has been implementing various services in 10 districts of Tamilnadu, viz Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Nilgiris, Dindigul, Karur, Namakkal and Trichy.


“Sustainable holistic development among the underserved”


“Capacity building, promotion and support service towards achieving socio-economic empowerment”


Ø To improve the livelihood of the tribe by promoting capacity building and empowerment and supporting for their social development through agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry & other livelihood activities. Ø To empower rural and urban women for developing socially & economically by facilitating them to access all the services. Ø To create awareness among the public and migrant industrial workers on prevention of HIV/AIDS Ø To provide care & support to the families affected and infected by HIV/AIDS Ø To maintain care home and provide basic needs and free education for the children affected by HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable children Ø To provide nutrition education for the children and the community for promotion of health Ø To access services from donors and partners to the needy From the Director’s Desk 02 Board of Trustees 03 Health Opportunity and Positive Environment for PLHIVs 04

Integrated Tribal Development Project 07

TI Migrants 09 Abhaya Students Shelter 11 Shubh Aarambh 13 Silai School 15 Give 16 Wings of NMCT v Vimuktha Federation 17 v ADI Federation 19 v Santhippom Positive Welfare Society 20 Visitors to NMCT 21 NMCT as a Resource Organization 22 Resource Mobilization 24 Events & Celebrations 25 v Pongal v Rojakootam v Deepavali

Workshops & Trainings 27

News and Views 28

Financial Statements 2015 – 2016 29 Credibility Alliance Compliance Note 30

Our Bankers & Auditors 32 Schemes for their Socio Economic Development. I am grateful to Sri. C.S. Vaidyanathan, Sri. Vinod Narashimhan, Dr. Hrishikesh, Dr. P. Krishna moorthy, M/s. Pratap Charitable Trust, M/s. I recall with pleasure our 28 years of dedicated Century Apparels, M/s. Blue Breeze Enterprises, service to improve the socio economic status, Best Corporation Ltd., Lion Majestic Kandasamy sustainable livelihood, Health & Hygiene among and Lion S. Prakash of Tirupur and all other the community, and care and protection for the donors who have contributed generously for the women and children. Our journey has full of cause of the poor and needy. I am also thankful to learning's with plenty of both successes and Lions Clubs International Dist 324 B1 & its challenges. I take pleasure to present before you affiliated Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, M/s. the Annual Report for the year 2015 – 2016. Aswathi Charitable Trust, Apex Millennium Club, I would like to share with you that our Inner Wheel Club, Coimbatore West, Nizhal interventions for providing care and support to Maiyam, Vriksha Charitable Trust, M/s. Mount the HIV / AIDS infected families in 8 blocks of Carmel Blood Donors Association and M/s. Sri under the program “Health Devi Textiles. Opportunity and Positive Environment for I gratefully recall all the supports and participation PLHIVs ( HOPE )”, Integrated Livelihood of District AIDS Prevention and Control Units of Development for Tribals in Karamadai Block, Coimbatore and Tirupur Districts, officials of Awareness on Nutrition food, Health & Hygiene Child Welfare Committee, District Child among women & children and School children, Protection Office, Social Defense, Health, in Anamalai block, Awareness on prevention of Education, Agriculture, Horticulture, Social HIV / AIDS among Industrial Migrants in Welfare Board, Tribal & Adi Dravidar Welfare. Coimbatore & Tirupur Districts, Usha Silai The services rendered by German Volunteers to School programs in 10 Districts and GIVE INDIA the Abhaya Home children were exemplary. I also program continue this year also as well. thank all the Positive Networks, Health Care I express my sincere gratitude to the Funding Personnel, PRI Members, Integrated Child agencies for their financial and technical Development Services, School Teachers and other supports, frequent visits & guidance for the social work Volunteers for their continued successful implementation of our project support. activities. I thank NABARD Chennai, Karl I am grateful to our Advisory Board Members, Kuebel Stiftung Germany, Save The Children Board of Trustees and Stakeholders who have India, Usha International Ltd, New Delhi, GIVE worked in a participatory manner for our INDIA, Mumbai and TANSACS, Chennai for organization development. Our organization their overwhelming support and guidance. staffs have played a crucial role in all the project Community Based Organizations namely interventions. None of our Achievements and Vimuktha Federation, ADI Federation and Accomplishments would have been made Santhippom Positive Welfare Society have possible but for the dedicated hard work and deep played a very vital role in providing sustainable involvement of our staff. My sincere thanks to one supports to their respective beneficiaries. I and all. appreciate very much their involvement and participation in Social Action Programs to bring A.S.Sankaranarayanan out the benefits under various Government Managing Trustee.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 2 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS: Shri. S. Sandilya, Ex Chairman, Eicher Group, New Delhi Shri. C. S.Vaidyanathan, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, New Delhi Shri. P.V.Subramanium, Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant Shri. S. Ramasamy, Senior Professor & Dean, Institute of Stem Cell Biology, Bangalore Board of Trustees

MR. A. S. SANKARANARAYANAN, M.Sc., M. Phil. is the Managing Trustee. He is the Botanist and Former Professor of Ayurvedic Medical College has many accomplishments in Research Activities in “Efficacy of Ayurvedic Medicines” “Ethno biological studies of Primitive Tribes”.

DR. K.K. LAKSHMANAN, M.Sc., P.hd (TRUSTEE) Professor Alenxander Von Humboldt Fellow, Indo-US visiting Professor, established Dept of Botany in Bharathiyar Univversity, Coimbatore and was served as HOD till his retirement. He has numerous credentials in Research Activities and takes special interest and initiatives in promoting Herbal Medicines and Tribal Development.

MR. C. DURAISAMY, B.Sc., HDC, (TRUSTEE) is a retired General Manager of the District Central Co-operative Bank and currently sharing his experience in accounting and auditing and documentation in NMCT. He volunteers as a chairperson of the Abhaya Students Shelter; the Care Home for the HIV affected Children. He is been actively involved in advocacy & linkages for the care of the under privileged

MR. R. KALIKUTTY B.A. (TRUSTEE) is a retired officer of United India Insurance Co. He is an eminent consultant in advocacy and linkages. He is closely associated with the organization theorugh fund raising activities, since 1988. He has been actively supporting organisation's common program with his close association with corporate and Insurance Companies.

MR. K.J. MOHAMMED ALI B.Sc., (TRUSTEE) is closely associated with the organization for over 2 decades. He is a renowned business man and well wisher for the Abhaya Care Home. He supports the organization for linkages with Business Communities and local administration

MRS. V. NAGARATHINAM (TRUSTEE) is a community leader joined NMCT in the year 2002, continued serving the community for eradiating child labour and is involved in many social actions. She is the President of “Vimuktha Federation” consisting of Self help Group members. She motivated and developed many women entrepreneurs through advocacy and Bank linkages.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 3 Ongoing Projects Health, Opportunity and Positive Environment for PLHIV (Hope )

HOPE project is supported by KKS and BMZ Germany aims at providing healthy and dignified life for the PLHIV (people living with HIV/AIDS) and their families by reduction of Poverty, Discrimination and Human Rights Violation.

There are over 1000 families infected by HIV/AIDS in 8 blocks in Coimbatore District and part of Mettupalayam Municipality and Coimbatore Corporation namely Madukkarai, Thondamuthur, Sarkarsamakulam, Periyanaickanpalayam, Annur, Karamadai, Sulur & Sulthanpet. NMCT HOPE Project undertakes interventions to improve Self-Confidence, Health, Economic status and Social acceptance among 1500 PLHIV's, 950 Family members of PLHIV and 750 Children.

NMCT creates accessibility for enhanced Health care services for improving Quality of Life and it focuses on social protection through improved Quality of Services for humanizing Social acceptability, Care, Rights and Entitlements of 1500 PLHIV's. Emphasis for accessing Education, Skill and Personality Development is ensured to 750 children affected by HIV/AIDS.

Aiming at the sustainable livelihood of PLHIVs, Special SHGs are formed and strengthened as District Level Federation (Santhippom Positive Welfare Society).

Activities: In order to provide enhanced Health Care services, HOPE Project conducted Base Line Survey & Profiling and reached out to 935 PLHIVs, 593 FAAs and 618 CAA/CLHIVs. The PRI members are sensitized to extend their supports in project implementation. Counseling to Self Care Training PLHIVs are carried out in Kuebel Care Centers and during Home visits. The deserving cases are referred to ICTC and Government Hospitals.

Training on Health care, Self care to PLHIVs and their Family Members are periodically conducted by engaging experienced Health Care providers. Health Care Guides are deployed to monitor the Health and Self care of the PLHIVs. Health Care Providers and Personnel are sensitized to provide medical treatment services without any Stigma. For improving their health, trainings on livestock management and developing Kitchen gardens are imparted and also supported with Milch animals.

People Development Groups (Self Help Groups) are formed and linked with bank for their sustainable economic development. The children of PLHIV families are supported for Life skill Education, Career Counseling, linked for institutional supports for Education and financial support for Higher Education.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 4 Sensitization to Health care Personnel Sensitization Meeting to School teachers

Life skill Education Training Career Counseling Training

SHG Leaders Training Government Welfare Scheme Discussion with DAPCU

Milch Animal Support Kitchen Garden Support

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 5

Achievements during 2015-2016

Ø Formed 32 SHG and provided capacity building Trainings. Ø 96 SHG leaders were trained in 4 trainings. Ø 349 PRI members sensitized on project interventions Ø 315 PLHIV family members were trained on positive home care Ø 290 health care personnel sensitized on stigma & discriminations Ø Kitchen Garden training were provided to 227 PLHIV Ø 503 PLHIVs were trained on Self care and hygiene. Ø 127 Children were imparted in Life Skill Education Ø Conducted sensitization meeting to 229 School teachers Ø 64 children were imparted with career counseling.

Direct Support Services 1800 1600 1400 1700 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 62 81 149 413 No. of Support 0 Provided

Education Support Emergency Medical Aid


Ø Improved awareness on Health & Hygiene, self care among the PLHIVs. Ø Reduced stigma & discrimination against PLHIVs. Ø Increased awareness to undergo regular treatment services and avail medical facilities. Ø Increased awareness among Health care providers, Teachers and PRI members.

Ø Increased Self-Confidence, Self Reliance and availing opportunities among the PLHIVs.

Self Confidence regained... I am Priya (Name changed) and was leading a joyful life with my husband and daughter. I and my family members were tested HIV positive. This situation had put me in stress and depression and my health condition became worst day by day. NMCT staffs from HOPE project contacted me and provided counselling and support services which helped me to improve my self-confidence and move with the community and live happily.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 6 Integrated Tribal Development Project

Despite decades of efforts and investments to promote inclusive growth through massive poverty reduction programs, poverty is still concentrated among tribes, who are both geographically and socially excluded from the main stream. Lack of growth in agriculture and horticulture is leading to increased disinterest among the tribal communities especially among the youth resulting in widespread migration to the nearby urban areas. Creating employment and providing better livelihoods for the tribes is clearly the present priority.

With this perspective, the NABARD-TDF project is being implemented since 2011. With the goal of bringing socio-economic development among Support for 750 Tribal families out of around 2000 families in 18 Villages of Orchard farming Tholampalayam and Velliankadu panchayats of Karamadai Block in Coimbatore District.


NMCT with the financial assistance from NABARD Chennai, under the Tribal Development Project supports currently for Horticulture plantation, Soil Conservation, Water Resource Development, Animal Husbandry, Micro Enterprises for Landless, Health and Women Development and Organization of People's Institutions.

The tribes of 12 Villages out of 18 Villages who own their small land holdings of 1-3 Acres are supported for Horticulture plantations such as Amla, Mango and Sappota. They also supported for cultivating inter crops until the Horticulture plants are fully grown. Besides border plants such as Teak, Silver Oak and Casuarinas are also simultaneously cultivated.

Soil Conservation activities such as construction of Soil Bunds, Bolder bunds, Staggered Bunds and Gully Plugs are carried out to conserve the fertility of the soil and also to mobilize the water sources. NMCT also supports them in putting up of new Bore wells, Renovation of Existing Bore wells, Deepening of Wells and construction of water harvesting systems.

NMCT focus on development of Animal Husbandry among tribes as an income generation program. A unit of Sheep or Calves or Milch Animals or Bullocks or Poultry is supported under the Animal Husbandry. Under the other Livelihood activities, the beneficiaries are supported for Vermicompost units, Bee keeping & Honey Extraction, Petty Shops, Carpentry, Masonry and Tailoring. Support for Milch Animals

Capacity Building has been a continuous process. Training programs on agriculture and horticulture, Livestock Management, Entrepreneurship Trainings, Health and Hygiene, Programs for Women Development are conducted periodically. Much emphasis has also been given to Health and Hygiene among Tribal Women and Children. Health Awareness programs, general health camps, Eye camps, Ortho camps, Infertility camps are conducted at periodical intervals.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 7 Tribal Women are trained and supported for putting up Kitchen Gardens, Village Herbal Gardens and also provided with Smokeless Chulas for all the 750 Families. People's Institutions namely Participant Groups, Village Planning Committees, Farmer's clubs and ADI Federation have been organized. These People's Organizations play a vital role in the implementation of the projects and are also actively involved in all the processes including selection of Wadi beneficiaries, assessing grants and Support for Borewells loans, planning for Soil Conservation and Water Development Activities and Animal Husbandry Programs.


Wadi Activities:

· 250 acres have been cultivated for Orchard farming such as Mango, Amla and Sappota. 5719 Mango saplings, 10018 Amla saplings and 2884 Sappota saplings have been distributed to the beneficiaries and are maintained. · 12 Bore wells have been put up and 4 wells have been deepened to provide water sources to the WADI plantations. · 2 Oil Engine motors have been provided to draw water from the river sources. · Organic fertilizers have been distributed for maintaining the crops. · Battery fencing and wire fencing have been provided to protect the plants from animals.

Non – Wadi Activities:

· Beneficiaries are supported for animal husbandry viz 750 Sheeps, 375 Calf, 115 Milch Animals, 54 Bullocks, 675 Hens and 15 Bee Keeping Units. · Supports also provided for other livelihood activities including 15 Petti Shops, 8 Carpentry and 2 Tailoring unit.

Women Development:

· Women tribes are supported for 125 Kitchen gardens, 10 Herbal gardens and 18 Toilets Impacts: Ø Socio - economic development among the Tribes in Thollampalayam and Velliyangadu Panchayats. Ø Tribes cultivate the habit of undertaking Agricultural, Horticultural and Animal husbandry activities and continue to practice using latest scientific technologies. Ø Tribes accustomed to work as groups resulted in organizing Participant groups, Village planning committee and Farmers club. Ø Increased linkage with Government Departments namely Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Health, Social welfare board and Tribal welfare board.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 8 Targeted Interventions Among Migrants

The Targeted Interventions (TI) among the Migrants was implemented from the year 2011 and 2014 in Tirupur District and Coimbatore District respectively. NMCT implements programs under the guidance of NACO (National AIDS Control Organization) with the Technical and Financial support from State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS) Chennai. The TI Migrant project mainly aims at HALT and reverses the HIV epidemic over the 5 years by Integrating Programs for Prevention, Care, Support and Treatment services.

Coimbatore and Tirupur Districts are Industrial Belts having Thousands of Hoseiry Industries, Textiles, Electrical and Engineering Equipment Industries, Brick-Clins, Agriculture and Construction activities. Youth from other states namely Orissa, Assam, Bihar and West Bengal and also from other Districts such as Madurai, Salem and Dharmapuri of Tamil Nadu State migrate mainly to Tirupur and Coimbatore seeking employment as Industrial Laborers, Brick-Clins workers and construction workers. Nearly 90 percent of the Migrant Youth are living alone leaving their families at their own places.

These migrant workers don't have adequate Knowledge on Preventive Strategies and Health care. Owing to their living situations they are at High Risk and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. TANSACS felt the need of Awareness among the Industrial migrants for prevention of HIV/AIDS and NMCT undertake various interventions to arrest the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Activities: GROUP MEETING The project staff regularly visit Industries that employ more number of Migrants and conduct awareness programs on prevention on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). The awareness program enables the project to identify High Risk Migrants, followed by Counseling for Risk reduction, Behavior Change and Condom usage.

HIV and STI camps involving Exhibitions, Street theatre, STI CAMP Congregation Events are conducted at the industrial sites itself for the Migrant workers. The HIV Infection is tested at the Industrial Premises with the support of DAPCU (District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit) and also STI are tested by engaging private doctors during Camps.

The migrants identified as HIV Positive are referred to Government Hospitals for ART Treatment and followed for their regular treatments. They are also referred to Positive Networks to avail the benefits under the social welfare schemes.

Social Marketing of Condoms is facilitated at the outlets nearby the Industries. 4 Drop In Centers (DIC) established at Coimbatore and Tirupur are functioning exclusively for counseling and Hot Spot meetings. With a view to successful implementation of project activities, Advocacy Meetings are conducted with Industrial Management Representatives and other Stakeholders.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 9 Achievements: Impacts: • Increased awareness among industrial Sl. Activities Tirupur Coimbatore workers and migrants on HIV\AIDS No. and also on General Health & 1 HRG registration 10281 10600 Hygiene.

2 No. of counseling 1326 1263 • Increased awareness of Sexually

3 No. of group meeting 1840 1803 Transmitted Infections and 4 STI Tested 4161 4648 willingness to undergo treatments. 5 ICTC Test 3204 2971 • Identification of thousands of HRGs 6 Advocacy meeting 24 25 among industrial migrants, testing 7 Street Theater 24 24 and counselling prevented them from 8 Congregation Event 8 8 acquiring STI, HIV/AIDS. 9 Demand Generation 24 25 • Increased awareness on safe sex Activity practices and self care. 10 Exhibition 36 36 • Linkages with Govt hospitals, Positive Networks and Govt Departments to avail Social Welfare Schemes and Nutrition supports. • 12 PLHIV’s have been identified and referred for ICTC. • Linkages with more industries created through advocacy for undertaking the intervention

A Successful Peer Educator

Mrs.Poongodi is working as a warden for the ladies Hostel attached to J.G Spinning Mills, Annur. The Mill employs mostly female workers in the age group of 18 to 25 years. The TI-Migrant Project has been intervening with the Spinning Mills for spreading awareness on prevention of HIV/AIDS with the support of Poongodi who has close contact with all the female workers as the warden of the hostel.

Poongodi regularly attends the trainings conducted by TI-Migrant Project and learned about HIV/AIDS, STI and Safe Sex practices. At the industry she takes up the task of spreading awareness to the female workers as a Social Service and also provides Counseling to the Workers.

As the warden of the hostel she regularly visits the Migrant female workers in the hostel and creates awareness on HIV/AIDS.

The Management appreciates her initiatives for her involvement for the sake of their employees.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 10 Abhaya Students Shelter

NMCT during its various interventions have identified orphaned, semi-orphaned and other vulnerable girls who lack proper care and protection. With the support of Karl Kuebel Stiftung and Anna Schmidt School Germany has established a Care Home for the Orphan Children and Vulnerable Children namely Abhaya Students Shelter in 2008.

The Abhaya Home functions with the Mission of assisting families in need by providing a safe home like setting for the underprivileged children until they are reunited with their families or acquire independence. The Home is also partially run by donations and contributions by Philanthropic donors.


Presently 26 inmate girls are accommodated in Abhaya Students Shelter of whom 10 girls attending to the Local Government Middle School, 11 Girls are going to Government Higher Secondary School Kanuvai, 3 Girls are educated at Government Polytechnic College and 2 Girls are trained at Government Industrial Training Institute.

Nutrition food, school materials, uniforms and school fees are provided at free of cost to all the children. Some of the girls are linked to Philanthropic donors for pursuing their Higher Education. Supplementary tuitions are arranged to improve their Education standards.

Life skill Education and Skill Building Trainings were organized by inviting experienced resource persons. Abhaya committee meeting, parents meetings and children meetings are conducted regularly. Children are motivated and encouraged to participate in sports and other competitions conducted at their schools and other places.

Every year, Abhaya hosts two volunteers from Germany under the Weltwarts-BBP Program for a period of 6 to 8 months. The volunteers teach English, basic German and other Life skill Education to the children to empower them.


· Three girls have passed their 10th standard exams in first class and mainstreamed at Polytechnic college and ITI. · Manjuladevi, Abhaya student participated in the state level volleyball competition. · Two children represented in the KKID program and they were shared their experiences in english · The students after successful completion of Polytechnic college and Nursing Trainings are placed in Pricol Industries and KMCH Hospital for their Employment. · Marriages have been arranged for two girls after their employment and reunited with their family.


Bethammal's family background is extremely meagre. Her parents are both illiterate. During her childhood the family moved around to sell handicrafts made by her father, so their living place was just a tent. For the children's education they later settled in Coimbatore and established themselves a small thatched hut. Bethammal dropped out of school before she had completed her 5th standard and was about to work as a child labour in the construction field.

The NMCT identified her and admitted in Abhaya in 2008 and it gave her the chance to continue her studies. Abhaya home took care for higher studies upto completing the Nursing course. Now she is the Warden and Nurse taking care of the Abhaya home and children.


NMCT is hosting the Weltwarts BBP volunteers program to the Abhaya Students Shelter for mutual learning. During August 2015 to March 2016 Ms. Hannah and Ms. Paula were hosted by NMCT for volunteering at the Abhaya Students Shelter.

The volunteers during their stay at the Abhaya Home were actively involved in teaching English with focus on basic grammer, practical use of the English language and fun. They accompanied the Abhaya chidlren for cycling, walking, running, playing. The volunteers built special skills among the children like handicrafts, paintings, greeting cards making, and also taught Life skill Education promoting better conduct, behaviour with their inmates & school mates and obedience.

Ms. Hannah and Ms. Paula made home visits to the beneficiaries of project interventions and documented case studies. Their book entitled ''A colourful NGO“ is a master piece detailing the concepts of all our project interventions with excellent case studies, which is a milestone in the volunteer activities.

Ms. Hannah and Ms. Paula have also documented the history of the 24 Abhaya chidlren as a title ''24 children 24 lives“ and also documented the sucess stories of former Abhaya girls. They have also made out a movie for NMCT Theme song.

On their part as mutual learners they knew about the structure of NGO and community based organisation, thier assistance to the beneficiaries. They learned about the Living conditions and problems of the target group of every project, India's culture and social issues.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 12 Shubh Aarambh

NMCT in partnership with Save the Children India and Magic Bus with the financial support of Mondelez International have formed a consortium namely Shubh Aarambh to improve the feeding practices, Health seeking behavior and community based health, Nutrition and Childhood Development services to strengthen future resilience of Targeted population by improving Health, Nutrition and Development status of Children in Project Location.

The Project interventions provide Childhood Development services to the Children in Anamalai Block of Taluk from July 2014 onwards. The project works on 3 pillars namely Health and Nutrition Education, Active Play and Kitchen Garden.

Activities: Under the Health and Nutrition, Education Component the project works for increased awareness, Knowledge and practice within communities and Children on healthy Life style and Nutrition. The Active Play component takes care of COOKING DEMO regular play/sports and helping the Children and youth to stay active INTERFACE WORKSHOP FOR FLWS and fit. Development and maintenance of Household kitchen Garden and community & institution kitchen Garden provide access to fresh vegetables spinaches and fruits to the community and children.

The project has a good rapport and supported Government departments especially Health Department and Integrated Child Development office for improving the health status of the community. BREAST FEEDING WEEK Health and Nutrition Education sessions are effectively conducted in Mothers Groups on correct feeding practices. Lalitha and Babu Manual training are SESSION ON CHILD RIGHTS conducted to the Children and Adolescent Groups making them internalizing their needs and rights. Sensitization programs and Street plays at village levels are conducted on Health, Nutrition and WASH. Cooking demo on preparation of low cost recipe was ACTIVE PLAY SESSION conducted in the villages.

Active Play sessions are conducted regularly in community. School Level sports event were conducted and Community Level Sports Events were conducted for the Children and their Parents. Project level athletic meet was conducted. Parents sessions are conducted fo r i nc ulcatin g the need of sports for their children.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 13 To access Fresh Vegetables and Fruits from House Holds kitchen Gardens and community kitchen gardens training for Staff, Mothers and adolescent were provided with resource person from Horticulture department. Nearly there are 64 Community Kitchen garden and the yield are been provided to the Schools and ICDS centers for the mid day meal program and for the ANC /PNC.


· 210 Discussion Leaders are equipped on the concept of Lalitha and Babu Manual · 122 mothers trained on RMNCH+A, IYCF, counselling & entitlements are underway organising mothers for group meeting and orienting on Health & Hygiene. · Through a good rapport developed and through imparting the magnitude of active play to the PRI 10 Safe Play Space have been developed and maintained · With the support of PRI and contribution of the mothers 64 Community kitchen garden have been established · 5287 children got benefited out of the fruit day campaign conducted at 46 places in the target villages · 9200 mothers were sensitized on the importance of fruits & vegetables during the Mothers day celebration in all the 33 villages with the theme “Healthy Women Healthy World” · De-worming day was celebrated in collaboration with health department, 6922 children in schools and community received Albandazole tablets. · CHNWs played major role in Pulse Polio campaign along with the health department and 1704 children were immunized · A drawing competition has been conducted to felicitate the children at 19 schools in the theme of “Personal and Environmental Hygiene. 657 children participated in total and have been honored with Dictionary for their participation. · 22 Community level sports event and 23 School level sports event were conducted. Impacts: · Good rapport with the Education, Health and ICDS Departments · Good support imparted by the PRI members for implementing project activities · Improved health status of the children and mothers through healthy food habits · Improved Health and Hygiene practice among children · Community Kitchen garden are maintained by the mothers group · Drop out school children mainstreamed to school

Story of a small seed: Saralapathi is a Tribal village at Vettaikaranputhur Panchayat. Most of the people in the village are engaged in agriculture for their livelihood. The children are perusing their education in the Government Middle School which is located in their village itself. Awareness on the importance of Fresh Fruits and vegetables were shared among the Children and Teachers by Shubh Aarambh project of NMCT. Balamurugan, a student perusing his 8th Std voluntarily took responsibility in the formation of the Garden. He is effectively taking care of the garden and the yield from the garden are used in the mid day meal. Balamurugan expresses that it is his duty to take care of the garden and he is happy in maintaining.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 14 Silai School

NMCT is partnering with Usha International New Delhi for implementation of SILAI School project since 2013. The project aims at empowering the women and young girls in Tailoring and allied activities to develop them as independent entrepreneurs to improve their Socio Economic status. The project is implemented in 10 districts of Tamilnadu namely Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode, Dindugul, Karur, Namakkal, Nilgris, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri and Trichy.


In each of the above districts NMCT selects 15 most needy women and girls together with USHA INTERNATIONAL and provide intensive training in Tailoring, Embroidery and Garment making. After the intensive training the participants get relevant orientation on working with the sewing machines and also servicing the machines.

Gradually they become trainers in their own villages or areas and train the other women and girls in Tailoring under the concept “Satellite SILAI Schools”. Guided by USHA trainers, NMCT project coordinator and trained SILAI school teachers, they are effectively conducting training at “Satellite SILAI Schools”. USHA provides certificates to the trainees after the successful completion of trainings which helps them in getting employment opportunities in Hosiery Industries and also start their own Entrepreneurship units.

Impacts · 930 women and adolescent girls trained in Tailoring, Embroidery and Garment making. · Around 300 Women and Girls engage themselves as trainers and also started their own entrepreneurships. · Increase in family income and family employment opportunities for a sustainable livelihood, to the tune of Rs. 7000 per month on an average. · Increase in the family status and dignity.

USHA SILAI SCHOOL - A Successful Entrepreneur

Ms. Valli a member of Vimuktha Federation is running an Usha Satellite Silai School at Kavundampalayam. She under took the training provided by NMCT through the Silai School project and started the Silai School and trained more than 30 young girls and mothers. She has now become a successful entrepreneur and started her own business engaging the Silai School trained girls and earns a

net monthly income of Rs.25000, she also plans to expand her business as a separate unit in future.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 15 Give India

Since 2009, Give India an online donation platform creates a credible link between people willing to donate for the cause of the poor.

NMCT receives donations in two options namely Monthly Donation Option (MDO) and Yearly Donation Option (D.O). Under the MDO around 500 PLHIVs are registered and supported with nutrition food packet on monthly basis. Under the D.O option the deserted/widow women are supported with Nutrition supplements, Toiletries and for Treatment expenses. Children infected by HIV/AIDS are also supported for Nutrition Packets, Toiletries and treatment expenses and also supported for Higher Education.


The most-needy PLHIVs from Coimbatore and Pollachi areas are selected and Nutrition food supplements are distributed to around 300 PLHIVs every month under the MDO option at the Project Office as well as at the KCC centers.

The deserted/widowed women are supported for Nutrition Food Supplements, Toiletries, Saree, bed sheets and traveling expenses for attending to Hospitals for ART treatment.

The children infected by HIV/AIDS also supported Nutrition Food Supplements, Toiletries, zincovit Health Tonic and traveling expenses for attending to Hospitals for ART treatment.


Ø Delivery of Nutrition Supports to PLHIVs under Monthly Donation Options – 2671 Ø Support to Widow/Deserted Women – 84 Ø Support to Children living with HIV/AIDS – 62

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 16 Wings of NMCT


Vimuktha Federation is a consortium of Self Help Groups formed during the project intervention “Rescue of Child Labours & Mainstreaming to Education” from 2004 to 2007. Vimuktha Federation has formed as many as 85 Self Help Groups for the parents of Child Labour Children to provide Income Generation Activities which has subsequently developed and integrated as Vimuktha Federation.

Capacity Building on leadership, Funds management, training on Entrepreneurship activities, Savings and Credits, Accounting procedures are imparted to SHG members as a continuous process. Vimuktha Federation also arranges linkages between self help groups and banks to avail credit facilities. SHGs after gaining experience and expertise form Joint Liability Groups to avail enhanced credit up to Rs.1,00,000 to 2,00,000 per group to expand their trade or business.


Vimuktha plays an active role in Capacity Building and providing International Women’s Day linkages to Self Help Groups and Joint Liability Groups with Banks to avail Credit Facilities. Vimuktha Assistance for flower sales federation arranges Loans for conducting small business enterprises such as snack shops, catering, aricanut plates, jewellery making, petty shops, tailoring, Saree business, mud pot making, fruit and vegetable vending etc.

Apart from credit facilities is actively involved in social action Environment Day Celebration programs such as Health camps, Eye camps, Blood donation camps in rural areas. Vimuktha creates better linkages with the Government departments and the Public and support the poor in getting their Ration cards, Old age pension, Community certificates, Land pattas, and financial assistance to pregnant women. Vimuktha also facilitates linkage with Usha International for Women Empowerment in Tailoring and allied activities. Awareness program on Environment Protection was undertaken from NEAC (National Environment Awareness Campaign) for 2 days in partnership with PEACE Trust.


· 70 SHGs have been maintained with 1080 members. · 125 Joint Liability Groups have been formed with 625 members. · Trainings were provided to the members on Economic development linkages with ASETI. · 200 members participated in the Eye camp conducted and among them 14 members had free eye surgery. · 364 members in dental health camp and 50 members in breast cancer screening got benefited.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 17 · Support for the poor and needy in getting Ration cards, Community certificates, Land pattas and Govt. Financial assistance for pregnant women. · Economic development among Women and Girls through linkage with SILAI school activities. · Awareness on Child Rights and training on drawing, savings were provided to Children in the forum


· Bank linkages for SHGs developed to undertake micro credit activities. · Nearly 700 members have engaged in entrepreneurship activities · Support to poor families for house development and improvement. · The beneficiaries of Vimuktha have developed Socially and Economically · The poor and the needy are receiving social benefits from the Government · The children in the forum are actively participating in the competitions held in various places and gained much knowledge on their rights. · All the members are covered under “Aam Adhmi Jeevan Mangal, Jeevan Madhur Insurance Scheme” and PMJBY Life Insurance Scheme

Support for Mud Pot Making

Support for a Petty Shop

A Cook Became a Caterer:

Sarojini was working as a labour in a steel rolling company and her husband was a head cook working with a hospital mess both were earning a meagre monthly salary. They faced financial difficulties to meet the ends and they borrowed huge amounts to spend for their sons education. It landed in heavy commitments and difficulties to repay the monthly dues borrowed from a private money lender.

Sarojini and her husband got to know about the SHG Network in Kavundampalayam and the interventions of Vimuktha Federation in their area. With the financial support of Vimuktha Federation they started their own catering business, worked hard day & night to develop the business. Now they have achieved an incredible development and could provide good education to their children. One son has completed the degree in Catering & Hotel Management and another is studying in an Engineering College.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 18 Adi Federation

NMCT is working for the development of the tribes since 1998 to improve their Standard of Living. Also the protection of environment in which these communities live has played a major role.

During the implementation of various livelihood interventions for the tribes NMCT organized them in Self Help Groups and gave them different Capacity Building Trainings through which the beneficiaries have empowered to help themselves. The strategy included to motivate the tribes to protect their culture and environment as well as to develop kitchen gardens and herbal gardens to achieve better health.

The Self Help Groups later developed into ADI Federation. ADI aims to ensure and expose the rights for ADIVASI communities by intervening with the Govt. Departments. On the one hand they work for the tribal people to have access to all the Govt. welfare schemes and on the other hand they work for ensuring the Forest Rights Act.


ADI Federation monitors the network of Self Help Groups and thus reaches out to every rural community in their target area. ADI works for creating linkages with Banks to avail small loans for their members for the agriculture purpose. ADI Federation also organizes Income Generation Programs such as processing of Non-Timber products, Animal Husbandry to help tribes to improve their economic status.

ADI Federation involved actively in Social Action programs and avail Government Schemes. It supports the community in obtaining Community Certificate, Birth Certificate, Income Certificate, Ration Card and Marriage Assistance. In coordination and participation with other agencies it also supported for House repair, Toilet construction, Drinking water and Electricity connections.


ADI Federation has been actively involved in social action programs and supported the tribals in availing the various government welfare schemes. In this process 40 Community Certificates, 10 Birth Certificates, 40 Income Certificate, 5 Ration Cards and 2 Marriage Assistance have been obtained for the tribes. It also supported for construction of 10 Toilets, 5 Drinking water connections, 10 Electricity connections and 3 House repair for their beneficiaries.


· NMCT NABARD beneficiaries organized as a group for their sustainable development · Supports NABARD activities with parallel participation · Social Action programs bring Socio-Economic development among the Tribes · Linkages with Banks and Income Generation Programs on Non Timber Forest products promoted economic growth

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 19 Santhippom Positive Welfare Society

NMCT undertook a major project namely Care and Support for HIV/AIDS affected and HIV prevention (CaSP) from 2011-2014 in four blocks of . During the course of implementation of the CaSP project, the Santhippom Positive Welfare Society (SPWS) was initiated and registered with the objective of providing continuous and sustainable care to the HIV/AIDS affected families. Board Meeting Santhippom Positive Welfare Society (SPWS) is managed by its PLHIV beneficiary members under the guidance and support of NMCT. Currently 320 beneficiaries are enrolled as members. They have elected themselves the Executive Board to manage its affairs, monitoring aiming at the sustainable support for the PLHIV family. SPWS works for the improvement of the life of the PLHIVs and their families on Educational, Psychological, Physical and Economic level. Activities: SPWS works to improve the health of the PLHIVs by mobilizing BLF Meeting local contributions. Further Special Self Help Groups are established to promote Deepavali Program savings and credit habits among the PLHIV familys. SPWS has so far formed 20 Special SHGS and also promote linkages with banks to avail loans for Income Generation Programs for improving their Social and Economic development.

SPWS also supports education of children with the support of NMCT and conducts Career Counseling guidance and Life Skill Education training to the children of PLHIV family. SPWS regularly conduct Social benefit entitlement meetings, advocacy with stakeholders and Govt. departments for availing the Govt. schemes for the PLHIVs. SPWS is also actively involved in Health camps, Eye camps exclusively for PLHIVs and refer the needy for treatments at hospitals. Achievements: Santhippom Positive Welfare Society developed linkages with various Government Departments. By virtue of this it has supported its beneficiaries in getting Ø Andiyodaya Anna Yojana for 106 PLHIV Ø Free Land Patta for 18 PLHIV Ø Ulavar Pathukapu Thittam for 25 PLHIV Ø Education Linkages for 119 children Ø Emergency Support for 1PLHIV Ø Nutrition food linkages for 185 PLHIV Ø Give India online support linkages for 19 CLHIV & 2 PLHIV Mrs. Sumathi Secretary receives Women Exemplar Award from Pollachi Sub - Collector Ms. Gayathri Krishnan,IAS

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 20 Visitors to NMCT Projects

Mr. Ralf Tepel, Executive Director, KKS Germany Dr. T.K. Nathan, Executive Director, KKF & KKID Ms. Cynthia Dittmar, KKS Germany Dr. D. Dhanikachalam, Joint Director, TSU Head, TANSACS Ms. Manuela & Boehringer Team, Germany PMJF Lion G. Suresh Kumar, District Governor PMJF Lion P. Arumugam Mani, Past District Governor Ms. P. Jeyalakshmi, Coordinator, KKF Mr. Mathew P Thomas, KKF Ms. Susan - Mondelez, CSR Manager Mr. Dilip Mishra, Finance manager, Save the Children Mr. Dileesh Varghese, KM Coordinator, Save the Children Mr. Sumitha Kirti, Senior Manager - Save the Children Ms. Genevieve, Canadian Volunteer Mrs. Dr. Madhuri Ravindrakumar, Consultant Researcher, Coimbatore, Head CSIM Mr. Ramapandiyan, Director, TNP+ Mr. D. Gopalakrishnan, DPM, DAPCU, Coimbatore Mr. D. Sivakumar, DS, DAPCU, Coimbatore

Mr. Ralf Tepel at Abhaya Ms. Cynthia Dittmar & Mr. Mathew P Thomas Visit

Team from Boehringer, Germany Ms. Manuela with Boehringer Team, Germany

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 21 NMCT as Resource Organization


NMCT is committed in the development of professional social workers for the socio economic development of the underprivileged communities. Social work students from Colleges affiliated to various Universities in Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka are provided field placement trainings in our NGO for over a decade.

The placement / field visit training is an innovative program that blends the students with real professionalism. The program was designed with the goal to provide students with the opportunity to apply theories in practical situations for problem Students from solving with individual groups and Cauveri College, Trichy communities.

During the field work training students are provided with exclusive Internship Education to training on topics such as proposal writing, NGO management, reports MSW Students and documentation, fund raising, counselling, corporate social responsibilities, participatory rural appraisal and community mobilization involving experienced project staff and external resource persons.

Certificate course on Social Entrepreneurship outlet program were provided to 16 trainees with the collaboration of CSIM (Centre for Director issues training Completion Certificate Social Initiative Management). WOMEN PROTECTION - ANTI SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMMITTEE:

The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India have laid certain guidelines and norms prescribing Laws and Procedures with regard to Sexual Harassment at Workplace. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 casts the responsibility on the appropriate government to monitor its implementation.

As per the provisions of the above Acts, all employers or persons in-charge of the workplace whether in Public or Private Sector should take appropriate steps to prevent Sexual Harassment and follow the steps to prohibit the Sexual Harassments. Accordingly the Acts provided for formation of Anti Sexual Harassment committees in Workplace and it should involve a third party preferably a NGO who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment and awareness of the rights of female employees.

As a third party NMCT participates as a member in the Anti sexual harassment Committee in 75 industries in Coimbatore & Tirupur Districts.

NMCT undertook the following activities: Ø Participate in the Anti Sexual Harassment Committee of at least once in two months. Ø Develop strategies and modules on Prevention of Sexual Harassment against women and girls in work place. Ø Conducting awareness programs on Prevention of Sexual Harassment against women and girls in the workplace.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 22 Ø Share the topics covered, feedback report and recommendations. Ø Support on follow up of recommendations. Ø Shall issue a certificate for conducting the Awareness program.


Name of the Company Best Corporation (Hotline Grievance System)

RBR Garments (P) Ltd, Tirupur Loocust Incorp Apparel Export Pvt Ltd, Tirupur

Sreeja Hosieries Pvt Ltd, Avinashi, Vellalore, Tirupur & Mettupalayam Wellknit Industries, Nambiyampalayam & Annuparpalayam Wellknit Fashion Retail Pvt Ltd, Sulur Shahi Exports Pvt. Ltd, Tirupur


Best Corporation (P) Ltd (BCPL), one of the pioneers in the manufacturing of knitted Garments at Tirupur Collaborate with NMCT in implementation of the Hotline Grievance System.

The purpose of the Hotline Grievance System is to:

Ø Identify the employee grievance and redressing the grievances Ø Encouraging the employees of BCPL to give voice against the grievance faced by them. Ø Increasing the involvement and enhance the trustworthiness about the BCPL Ø Establishing a good rapport between the employee and the employer in the BCPL. Ø Reduce incidents of dissatisfaction among employees and reduce labour turnover rate of BCPL.

A Hotline Grievance System is installed at NMCT, through which NMCT undertake the following activities.

Ø Reporting the details of the calls received and recorded daily. Ø Submitting consolidated report in the end of every month with the findings of major issues. Ø Assessing the problem, unit wise in BCPL advise the employer to take special care on the specific units for improvements by addressing the grievances. Ø Identification of problems in Gender wise, Department wise, Factory wise and report.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 23 Resource Mobilization


Rotary Club of Coimbatore Central organized the Joy of Giving program at Rajasthani Sangh Hall on 10 & 11th October 2015, with the objective of Mobilization of Funds for Vulnerable People.

NMCT put up a stall in the Venue with a view to propagate the Activities of NMCT for the poor and needy Children of HIV/AIDS infected families.


NMCT has been implementing various projects for providing Care and Support for the people and children infected & affected by HIV/AIDS since 2002. During the interventions NMCT has identified over 1000 poor and very needy Children who need our support for their Education.

NMCT has organized these children under a forum namely Rojakootam and provide Education support. Join Hands Scheme has been initiated by NMCT which facilitates a constant monthly contribution by a donor for the cause of the children's Education.


Donation boxes have been placed in Hotels, Medical Shops, Grocery Shops and Bakeries appealing for Donations for support of the Orphaned and Under Privileged Children in the Abhaya Student Shelter.


Make-A-wish Foundation India is a Non-Profit Organization affiliated to Make-A-Wish foundation international, a prestigious foundation which has 31 other affiliates worldwide. The foundation is dedicated to granting the most cherished wish of children between the ages of 3 and 18 years, living with life-threatening illnesses, irrespective of their socio-economic status, caste, race or religion. NMCT is collaborating with this foundation since 2008.


Provides Education support for 5 High School students studying in 10th Std and 2 students studying in +2


Continuously supports for education fees for College education for poor students.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 24 Events & Celebrations


The NMCT is working for the integrated livelihood development of Tribes since 1990. Every year NMCT celebrates Pongal Vizha with the Tribal community in recognition of their participation in all our interventions. Mega Pongal Vizha celebrations 2016 with Irula Tribes was conducted in grand a manner on 09.01.2016 at Guliyur Village, DG MJF Lion G. Sureshkumar distributes Pongal Gifts Tholampalayam panchayat.

The Mega Pongal Vizha was organized by NMCT in association with Lions clubs of Coimbatore Kurinji, Pollachi Central, Tirupur Central, Tirupur Greater, Cbe HOPE, Cbe Imayam, Cbe Spincity, Sulur Central, Face Trust, Inner wheel Club of Coimbatore West and APEX Club of Millennium.

The program was graced by Mr. A. K. Selvaraj, Member of Parliament, MJF. Lion. G. Suresh Kumar, District Governor, Lions Club International District 324B1. MJF Lion K. Kalichamy, Second Vice District Governor and other dignitaries of Lions Clubs, Inner Wheel Club and APEX club of Millennium.

New Sarees, Dhotis & T-shirts, Bed sheets were distributed to around 200 Tribal Men and Women. Re- distribution of Goats among the beneficiaries and animal husbandry camp were also conducted by TNVU Training and Research Centre, Tirupur.

Pongal for Tribes Members of Inner Wheel Club Lions Distributes Pongal Dress ROJAKOOTAM DAY:

The 10th Rojakootam Day celebrations was conducted on 31st May 2015 at Sri Purandharadasar Kalaiarangam, R.S.Puram, Coimbatore to provide education support to around 650 children belonging to the HIV/AIDS infected families, tribes and other vulnerable children. PDG MJF Lion P. Arumugam Mani and Lion S. Prakash distribute education support Over 750 poor and underprivileged children of HIV/AIDS infected families, tribes and other vulnerable children have been organized under the roof of Rojakootam Forum and provided education supports. NMCT mobilizes Note Dr. P. Krishnamurthy, Managing Trustee books, Uniforms, School Bags and Education materials and KPK Trust, Karamadai, distribute them to the poor and needy children to continue their education level. Supports for Higher Education

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 25 DEEPAVALI PROGRAM

Every year NMCT organizes Deepavali program with the objective of sharing happiness and joy among the Underprivileged and Vulnerable children.

NMCT in collaboration with Lions Club Tirupur Knit City, Tirupur Sewa Samiti and Youth Indian Trust conducted a grand deepavali celebrations for the Vulnerable Children. The program was conducted on 1st November 2015 at Tirupur Sewa Samiti in the presence of Donors, Well wishers, Lions Dignitaries and Govt. Officials. Around 500 children were provided with new dresses to enjoy their Deepavali.



Every year NMCT conducts staff Get Together and this year's get together was conducted in a grand manner at Kumaragam. All the project staff of NMCT and their family members participated in the get together. Active play team of Shubh Aarambh project conducted various sports events for the Male staff, female staff and children. The day concluded with cultural programs by the project staff and their family children.

The Annual review meeting of the staff was followed on the next day. All the project staff presented their activities from April 2015- December 2015. Best staffs in each of the projects were awarded. The Trustees of the organization were also honored for their meritorious services for the organization development.


NMCT is working with the children of HOPE project, Shubh Aarambh project, NABARD project and as well as with the children of all the Community based organizations namely Vimuktha Federation, ADI Federation and Santhippom Positive Welfare Society.

In order to motivate the children in sports activities and to recognize the hidden talents among the children NMCT conducted the Sports Day on 29.11.2015 involving all the children of the above projects. Various events were conducted by the Project Managers &Staffs and prizes were distributed to the winners. The Sports Event was also mainly focused for the selection of children to participate in the KK Trophy 2016 which was held at KKID, Mangarai, Coimbatore.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 26 Workshops and Trainings

Capacity building to staff is a continuous process in view of the organization development. Accordingly staffs are deputed to various training programs to acquire latest skill and knowledge. The following trainings were conducted during the reporting period

S. No. Date Training / Workshop Venue 01 10.04.2015 FCRA Renewal Clinic Chennai 02 29.04.2015 BBP Workshop KKID Mangarai 03 14.05.2015 Viruthi Training on Producer Company NMCT 05 22.05.2015 Shubh Aarambh Training Mumbai 06 21.05.2015- Drafting of Child Protection Policy KKID, Mangarai 23.05.2015 07 29.05.2015 Shubh Aarambh Training Delhi 08 15.07.2015 Computer System Management Training NMCT 09 06.10.2015- NVC Training for Teachers, Leaders and KKID, Managarai 08.10.2015 Children 10 15.10.2015- Capacity Building Training to Staffs HOPE Office 17.10.2015 11 17.10.2015 SOE Training to CBOs HOPE Office 12 14.11.2015 Major Project Holders Workshop KKID, Mangarai 13 27.11.2015 Finance Management Workshop KKID, Managarai 14 08.12.2015 Cross Learning Training-I Phase NMCT Gopanari, 15 19,20,23,24. NABARD Financial Literacy Training Kavunbdampalayam, 02.2016 Vellakinaru & Pollachi

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 27 NEWS & VIEWS:

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 28 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2015-16


BALANCE SHEET Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Corpus Fund 595845.00 Fixed Assets As per Schedule 4281730.00

Income & Expenditure Account Investment As per Balance Sheet 7398643.50 Endowment in IOB 100000.00

Deficit/Surplus as per income & Expenditure Account 1068732.50


O/D from Indian Overseas Bank 498182.00 Cash in hand 95201.00 Audiit Fees Payable 57500.00 Cash at Bank 5907933.00 Loan from NABARD 653300.00 Other Creditors 894863.00 Loans Advances & Deposits Loan paid to Beneficiary - Nabard 404901.00 Tax Deducted at Sources 262301.00 Rent Advance 115000.00

TOTAL 11167066.00 TOTAL 11167066.00

RECEIPTS AMOUNT PAYMENT AMOUNT Opening Balance Programme Expenses 29814512.84 Cash 60360.07 Establishment & Administrative cost 1935652.79 Bank 3724476.00 Other 10294331.00 Fixed Assets 594522.00 Self Generated 2872591.00 Indian Sources 21668155.41 Closing Balance International Sources 20316569.25 Cash 95200.57 Bank 5907932.53

TOTAL 48642151.73 TOTAL 48642151.73

EXPENDITURE AMOUNT INCOME AMOUNT Programme Expenses 29814513.00 Self Generated 2873379.00 Establishment & Administrative cost 1993153.00 Indian Sources 9686450.00 Others 1068732.00 International Sources 20316569.00

TOTAL 32876398.00 TOTAL 32876398.00

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 29 Credibility Alliance Compliance Note

Identity – Registration Details:

NMCT is registered under Trust Act, in the Joint Sub – Registrar's office Coimbatore. Registration No: 448 / 1988 dated 13.09.1988

NMCT is registered under Income Tax Act 1961 under the section u/s 12A with the Commissioner of Income tax, Coimbatore.No:66/1988-89 under C.No.14191 (66)/88-89, dated 10.01.1989. All contributions to NMCT are exempt under section 80 (G) of the Income tax Act 1961, as per C.No. 327 (120) / 2008-09/cit-III/CBE dated 06.10.2009 onwards.

NMCT is registered under section 6(11)(a) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation ) Act 1976 (FCRA ). Registration No: 075850096 dated 09.09.1994. Income tax PAN No. AAATN4364N TAN Number CMBN03898G

GOVERNANCE DETAILS OF BOARD MEMBERS AS ON 31st MARCH 2016 Position on Meetings Name Age Sex Occupation Area of Competency attended Board 2015-2016 Managing NGO Management & A.S. Sankaranarayanan 59 M Social Worker 6 Trustee Policy Making

President V. Nagarathinam 65 F Trustee Women Empowerment 6 Vimuktha Federation

Dr. K.K. Lakshmanan 84 M Trustee HOD Tribal Empowerment 6 Bharathiyar & Herbal Medicines University (Retd.)

K.J. Mohammed Ali 71 M Trustee Business Resource Mobilization 6

C. Duraisamy 69 M Trustee General Manager Banking, Accounts 6 Dist.Central Co-op & Audit Bank (Retd.)

R. Kalikutty 69 M Trustee United India Advocacy 6 Insurance Co (Retd)

Notes On Board:

Ø The NMCT board had 6 meetings in the financial year 2015-2016. Minutes of the board meetings are documented and circulated. Ø The board approves programs, budgets, Annual activity reports and audited financial statements. Ø The board ensures the organization's compliance with laws and regulations. Ø No board member is related to another.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 30 Ø No board members were added in the past financial year. Ø Board rotation policy exists but is not yet made applicable.

Accountability And Transparency:

The Managing Trustee who is also the Chief executive of the board receives honorarium and another board member receives honorarium. Further three Board Members receive travel allowance. No remuneration, sitting fees or any other form of compensation has been paid to any other board members. Also no reimbursement was paid to the board members.

Certified that no expenses incurred on account of International travel by the Managing Trustee or any of the board members, or any of the staff & volunteers.

Honorarium paid to the Managing Trustee : Rs.3,69,100.00 Honorarium paid to Board Member : Rs.1,80,000.00 Travelling allowance paid to Board Members : Rs. 73,196.00 Highest Paid And Lowest Paid Staff: Gross Salary Particulars Name of The Staff Designation (Per Month ) Highest paid person in the Mr. B. Keerthivasan Finance Manager organization ( Staff / & Rs.35,500.00 Consultant ) Project Director Lowest paid person in the Mrs. Maragathammal Support Staff Rs.2,500.00 organization ( Staff / Consultant ) Gender Wise Staff Details On 31.03.2016 Gender Full Time Part Time Male 34 23 Female 68 24 Total 102 47

Distribution Of Staff According To Salary Levels Slab of gross salary plus benefit paid to staff (Rs) Male Female Total ≤5000 24 26 50

5000 to 10000 7 13 20

10000 to 25000 21 53 74

≥25000 5 0 5

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 31 Our Bankers: Our Auditors:

Indian Overseas Bank Shri. V. Chandramouli, B.Sc., F.C.A., Ramalinganagar Branch, 339, V.H. Road, N.S.R. Road, Coimbatore – 641 011. S.B. Colony, Coimbatore – 641 011 M/s. Srinivasan Natarajan & Co, Chartered Accountants, Indian Overseas Bank C2 – II Flr, KLR Buildings, Chinnathadagam Branch, 207, Sastri Road, Coimbatore – 641 108. Ramnagar, Coimbatore – 641 009.

Vijaya Bank, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore – 641 011.

ICICI Bank, R.S. Puram Branch, Coimbatore – 641 002.

Canara Bank, Kavundampalayam Branch, Coimbatore – 641 030.

NMCT - Annual Report 2015-16 32 India Support a Child in Abhaya

NATIVE MEDICARE CHARITABLE TRUST Head Office : 5/39, Kalappanaickenpalayam, Somaiyampalayam Post, Coimbatore - 641 108 Phone : 0422 – 2401747 Email: [email protected]

NMCT - KKS - HOPE NMCT - SHUBH AARAMBH NMCT - TANSACS - COIMBATORE 1/30A, Kalaignar Nagar, 5/39, Kalappanaickenpalayam, Somayampalayam (P.O), V.K.R. Real Estate, Anaimalai - 104. Coimbatore - 641 108. Ph : 0422 2401747, 2402735 Ph : 04253 281213 email : [email protected] | [email protected] email : [email protected]

NMCT - NABARD NMCT - TANSACS - TIRUPUR Kurinji Farm, Gopanari, Tholampalayam Post, 266/599, City Complex, Coimbatore - 641 114. P.N.Road, Tirupur - 2. Ph : 0422 2401747 | email : [email protected] email : [email protected]

NMCT - ABHAYA 5/39-A, Kalappanaickenpalayam, Somayampalayam Post, Coimbatore - 641 108. Ph : 0422 2405061 email : [email protected] www.nmctabhaya.org

Racing towards Holistic Development

Sri Sankare : 98422 49359