Metallurgical Abstracts (General and Non-Ferrous)
METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS (GENERAL AND NON-FERROUS) Volume 2 1935 Part 13 I —PROPERTIES OF METALS (Continued from pp. 553-568.) Refined Aluminium. Robert GaDeau (Metallurgist (Suppt. to Engineer), 1936, 11, 94-96).—Summary of a paper presenteD to the Congrès Inter nationale Des Mines, De la Métallurgie, et De la Géologie Appliquée, Paris. See Met. Abs., this vol., pp. 365 anD 497.—R. G. _ On the Softening and Recrystallization of Pure Aluminium. ------ (A lu minium, 1935, 17, 575-576).—A review of recent work of Calvet anD his collaborators ; see Met. Abs., this vol., pp. 453, 454. A. R. P. *Some Optical Observations on the Protective Films on Aluminium in Nitric, Chromic, and Sulphuric Acids. L. TronstaD anD T. HbverstaD (Trans. Faraday Soc., 1934, 30, 362-366).—The optical properties of natural films on aluminium were measureD in various solutions anD their change with time of immersion observeD. Little change occurs in such films in chromic aciD solutions with or without chloriDe ; the films are not protective in concentrateD sulphuric aciD, anD in concentrateD nitric aciD the protective films are alternately DissolveD anD re-formeD. The mean thickness of natural films on aluminium is 100 p. or more than 10 times as thick as those on iron.—A. R. P. *Light from [Burning] Aluminium and Aluminium-Magnésium [Alloy], J. A. M. van Liempt anD J. A. De VrienD (Bee. trav. chim., 1935, 54, 239-244). „ . —S. G. ’"Investigations Relating to Electrophotophoresis Exhibited by Antimony Gisela Isser anD AlfreD Lustig (Z . Physik, 1935, 94, 760-769).—UnchargeD submicroscopic particles subjecteD to an electric fielD in an intense beam of light are founD to move either in the Direction of, or against, the fielD.
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