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[email protected] California Thursday October 23, 2014 P.O.b Box 4160, Downey,owling CA 90241 • Online: www.californiabowlingnews.com • Email:
[email protected] n ews• Offi ce: (562) 807-3600 Fax: (562) 807-2288 “ACTION” JACKSON TO TAKE ON CHRIS BARNES IN WINNER-TAKE-ALL DUEL AT WSOB VI LAS VEGAS — JT “Ac- tion” Jackson, who earned his nickname by bowling “action” with his comedian friends in Los Angeles, has challenged 17-time PBA Tour champion Chris Barnes of Double Oak, Texas, to a one-game, All-In Showdown match that will be webcast live on PBA’s Xtra Frame online bowling channel on Friday, Oct. 24, from South Point Bowling Center in Las Vegas. Jackson, a 37-year-old left- hander, has won one PBA Re- gional title and has cashed only once in 34 PBA Tour events, FATHER, SON RECORD 300’s, 800’s but he has no fear of taking on him if the PBA was going to stakes action bowling before vated a successful career as a one of the PBA’s most accom- do an ‘all-in showdown’ like he even began his PBA career, comedian and actor, including SAME NIGHT AT WINNETKA BOWL plished players in a one-game they did a couple of years ago. quickly accepted the challenge. featured roles in Kingsford WINNETKA — Establish- Scott bowled 245, 257 and match on the challenging PBA No one had mentioned any- He’s the only PBA player who Charcoal, CDW computer and ing probable Southern Califor- 300 for 802.