Extensions of Remarks 10509

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Extensions of Remarks 10509 May 9, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10509 MENT REPORT.-The Secretary shall set forth available to the United States Geological -Page 274, line 1, strike "(b) (1)" and in in each report to the Congress under the Survey, the Bureau of Mines, or any other lieu thereof insert "(c) (2)". Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970 a agency or instrumentality of the United Page 333, lines 14 and 15, strike "after the summary of the pertinent information States. date of enactment of this Act". (other than proprietary or other confidential (Additional technical amendments to -Page 275, line 8, change "28" to "27" and information) relating to minerals which is Udall-Anderson substitute (H.R. 3651) .) change "33" to "34". EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A NONFUEL MINERAL POLICY: WE Of course, the usual antagonists are lined These Americans descend from .Japa­ CAN NO LONGER WAIT up on each side of this policy debate. But, nese, Chinese, Korean, and Filipino an­ as Nevada Congressman J. D. Santini points cestors, as well as from Hawaii and t'iher out in our p . 57 feature, their arguments Pacific Islands such as Samoa, Fiji, and HON. JIM SANTINI go by one another like ships in the night with nothing happening-until the lid blows Tahiti. In southern California, where OF NEVADA off. we have the greatest concentration of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But, how do you get the public excited Asian and Pacific Americans anywhere Wednesday, May 9, 1979 about metal shortages? in the Nation, their valuable involvemept Even Congressman Santini's well-meant in the growth and prosperity of our local • Mr. SANTINI. Mr. Speaker, a com­ "Mines and Mining Subcommittee on En­ communities is very evident. monsense editorial, appearing in the vironmental Regulation and Enforcement" goes by the mind in a blur. And the Presi­ All through this week, they will be April 23 edition of the periodical Iron joined by other Americans across the Age, makes some plain observations of dent's "Interagency non-fuel minerals pol­ icy study," formed at Rep. Santini's urging country in celebration of the important a policy vacuum existing in this coun­ does!1't do much better. role Asian and Pacific Americans have try today every bit as critical as that What we're talking about, folks, is future played in the modern development of this which we call our energy policy. We sim­ metals supplies! The stuff you make things country, one which still continues to this ply cannot wait until we reach a similar out of! Who relates to non-fuel minerals, day. state with nonfuel minerals. We simply or, all these agencies, committees and sub­ cannot afford to wait. No industrial na­ committees, for heaven's sake! There is much to be enjoyed and tion can do without adequate mineral Of course, our industry hardly needs a lec­ learned by participating in the events supplies any more than it can do with­ ture on the importance of metals to our na­ that mark this as Asian/ Pacific Heritage out adequate energy supplies. The need tional well-being. But it may need a little Week. It is an opportunity too great to of a Federal policy on nonfuel minerals shaking up. So, here's a bit of history from pass up. I am sure that anyone who does Congressman Santini. take the time to do so will become con­ cannot be put off year after year after On the day Normandy was invaded, Hitler year. I believe that the national pas­ vinced as I have, that the Asian/Pacific stopped chewing the rug long enough to American community has a history of time of being unconcerned with nonfuel sweep the German General Staff off the com­ minerals must be turned around. munications channels and voice an hys­ many accomplishments and a future of I urge my colleagues to also consider terical plea for someone to get him some immense potential.• the hard truth in the following edi­ tungsten! Will some future U.S. president have to torial as it relates to the massive with­ take to the tube? THE DAVIS-BACON ACT SHOULD drawals of mineral lands sponsored in So, if you think we need a realistic energy BE REPEALED H.R.39: policy but are not all that excited about, or IF You SUPPORT AN ENERGY POLICY aware of, the need for a realistic metals pol­ To say the least, the recent nuclear plant icy, then you've got another think coming. HON. ELDON RUDD breakdown at Three Mile Island re-focussed I hope?e OF ARIZONA national attention on the need for a realis­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tic, clearly-defined energy policy. Coincidentally, the accident occurred short­ ASIAN / PACIFIC AMERICAN Wednesday, May 9, 1979 ly before President Carter was due to go on HERITAGE WEEK • Mr. RUDD. Mr. Speaker, my home the airwaves with his latest plan for coming State of Arizona has especially felt the to grips with the energy problem. adverse impacts of inflation in its rural But this time he did get national atten­ HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON communities and Indian reservations. tion instead of the usual stifled yawns and OF CALIFORNIA hopes of the country that the regular TV Certainly, one of the greatest contrib­ programming would resume soon. So now, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uting factors increasing inflation is the maybe we will come up with an energy pol­ Wednesday, May 9, 1979 Government's unwarranted imposition of icy that makes sense. higher closed-shop construction wages. Running quietly side-by-side with energy, e Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. The Davis-Bacon Act requirement though, is another policy vacuum that is Speaker, through a joint resolution ap­ that the prevailing union wage be paid every bit as critical to the country. proved by the Congress last year, this for federally assisted housing projects What I am talking about is the need for week in May has been declared Asian/ has directly caused the inordinate rise a realistic metals mining policy that will Pacific Heritage Week. I bring this to work toward the best interests of the coun­ in the cost of public housing construc­ try in the years ahead. the attention of this body because of my tion in Arizona and throughout the Now, there's nothing I can foresee that sincere belief that the contributions Nation. wm dramatize the metals policy issue like made to our country by the over 2 mil­ I find it particularly appropriate that the nuclear failure did for the energy pol­ lion Asian/ Pacific Americans of this our colleagues in the Senate Select Com­ icy-thank goodness. But that doesn't make Nation deserve special recognition and mittee on Indian Affairs are this week the need any less important. appreciation. considering the impact of the Davis­ No industrial nation can do without ade­ This week also marks the anniversaries Bacon Act on publicly financed housing quate metals supplies any more than it can of two important events in American do without adequate energy supplies. programs on Indian reservations, many history. On May 7, 1843, the first .Tapa­ of which lie in Arizona's Fourth Con­ Right now, though, the mining of cop­ per, lead, zinc and other metals is ham­ nese entered the United States, and gressional District which I represent. pered by costly, e...::cessive environmental rea­ May 10, 1869, was the day when the first The artificially inflated costs of Davis­ ulations that threaten to drastically redu~e transcontinental railroad, largely built Bacon result in less actual construction metals supplies and increase our depende.nce by Chinese laborers, was completed. for hospitals, schools, and other facili­ on outside sources. These are but two of the many events in ties, which are badly needed in many Would you believe, for example, we may our Nation's history which we should Indian communities. see no zinc smelters operating in this coun­ try by 1985? consider this week in honoring Ameri­ The Senate committee has prepared a cans of Asian/ Pacific heritage. concise report on Indian housing which • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 10510 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 9, 1979 The Act was intended to address such situ­ clearly delineates the inftationary i~­ INAPPROP!UATE RESERVATION RATES In the case of reservation area rates, ap­ ations by allowing the establishment o! pact of Davis-Bacon and serves as addi­ apprenticeship and training programs ln tional evidence that this antiquated parently the Department of Labor has sim­ plistically taken the rate established for the which a nonskilled worker could work on a legislation should be repealed. nearest metropolitan area and increased it Davis-Bacon governed project at a lower This position was recently confirmed by an amount sufficient to transport a work­ apprenticeship wage in order to gain the by a General Accounting Office study, er from the metropolitan area to the reserva­ the experience and training necessary to resulting in the GAO's recommendation tion and back each work day. By virtue of qualify the worker for master craftsman that Congress repeal the Davis-Bacon their nonspecificity, reservat ion Davis-Bac.jn rates. rates are prohibitively high. Yet, the Department of Labor's Bureau o! Act. Apprenticeship and Training (BAT) which I am pleased to have joined my col­ The few contractors located near an IHA generally have lower wage rates than the administers these programs has not taken league from Minnesota, ToM HAGEDORN, Davis-Bacon rates. The requirement of Davis­ any initiative to adapt them to the reserva­ and 74 other colleagues in cosponsoring Bacon rates often causes such potential con­ tion and make them work.
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