An Account of the Island of Jersey; Containing a Compendium of Its
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TA 2S<WUU o^^^tA^/ L&rWt? AN ACCOUNT OP THE ISLAND Or JERSEY; CONTAINING A COMPENDIUM OF ITS ECCLESIASTICAL, CIVIL, and MILITARY, HISTORY: A STATEMENT OP ITS POLITY, LAWS, PRIVILEGES, COMMERCE, POPULATION, and PRODUCE ; A SURVP.T OP THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ANTIQUITIES, AND NATURAL HISTORT: TOGETHER WITH SOME DETAIL RESPECTING THE MANNERS & CUSTOMS of the INHABITANTS. CmbtHiB^tn toiti) scacral tjtgtf? fim^tn Cnsrairings > AND A CORRECT MA» OF THE ISLAND, From a recent Survey, made exyrettlgfor thU W*rk. BtW. PLEES; Many Years Resident in Jersey. SOCTHAM PTON I MINTED BY T. BAKER, AVB SOLD BY I » FLBTCRER » •OLD ALSO IN LONDON, BV LONGMAN, HURST, REES, OlME, AND DROWN, PATERNOSTER ROW ; l>WR 1. HATCHARD, PtCCADIIXT > AN* RT ALL TBS ROOSUELLXRt IN JERSRT. 1817, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation DA £70 Cfcft. TO THEIR EXCELLENCIES GENERAL GEORGE DON, LuU Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in ChUf, of the I.landf AND LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR TOMKYNS H1LGROVE TURNER, The present Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief; THIS ACCOUNT OF THE ISLAND OF JERSEY IS, BY THEIR PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. Jersey, March, 1816. PREFACE. At a time when regions, distantly situated, and un- connected with Great Britain, either by political or commercial affinity, are thought worthy of appearing in print, it seems natural to hope, that an island, in the vicinity of England, so long and so peculiarly at- tached to it as Jersey, will be considered as entitled to still greater attention.
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