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7-12-1934 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1934). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1762. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1762

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGHT BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW!!! THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1934 I OGEECHEE LODGE No 213 F & A M Music Club To I Q Every 1st and 31d Tuesday Social ano (tlub==== I � 730 P M Present Program Over Barnes Funeral Home Very Best Material Our Prices BULLOCH Brethren Welcome Announcement IS COUNTY­ MRS R L BRADY Vlbltlllg made that the and BULLOCH COUNTY­ H H HOWELL A F MORRIS Workmanship Are Reasonable THE HEART OF GEORGIA, Editor Statesboro MUSIC Club WIll present THB BHART 0.. GEO.G.... Bcti\1ities W M Sec "WHEIUii NATURB SMILES � the musical program at the Teachers "WHBRB NATURa 8MILBII· OFFICE PHONE 100 after noon TIMES College Sunday at 6 30 BULLOCH ALL ORDERS o clock to which the IS invited CAREFUL PERSONAL A'ITENTION GIVEN mg hIS aunt, MI S Loren DUI den public MIsses MIS was Mrs J G Moore and M,s W SHan R Lee Moor e was a business VIS COo (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBOlIlO EAGLE) viaitors 111 Savannah U VISltOI 111 the net will direct the BRANNEN-THAYER MONUMENT Monday Clt� Sunday itor In Augusta during the week program Miss Jamce Arundel has returned JOHN M Proprietor Mias Carne Clay spent last week Miss Drotu Sharpe of Cuba VISIt THAYER, In om a VISIt to friends III FOR DR AND MRS WELLS ElltalNlalaed 18112 end Sa, annah WIth her parents [, QUItman ed fr'iends In the dui the week 45 West Main St. GA. Phone 439 BuUoc:h Time.. cltl mg STATESBORO, CoDaoUdated J...ua1"J' 17. 1917 a Miss Mallard of On Fllday DI and Mrs State.boro N..... EstabUahed 1901 } Ralph Ramsey has returned (tom Ruth Surlngfleld MI and MIS W E McDougald and evelllng STATESBORO, GA. JULY 12. 1934 VOL Statesboro •• E.tabliahed 1917-Coll8oUdated T!fURSDAY. 44-NO 17 I a in the Wells were honor at a Bacl December 9. tnO few days stay tn Chicago and At "as week end VISltOI cIty MISS Sara Hall motored to Vidalia Guy guests MI Mrs Marvin were VIS lovely dinner at the Jaeckel Hotel at BIRTH ents Mr and Mrs Smith, on lanta and Cox Sunday HalTY ItOIS in the week which Mr and MI s D II Turner were North Main her at MISS Jennie Brannen of Hazlehurst Savannah during MISS Eva Martm, of New Orleans Mr and MI s R H Tyson announce street. honoring Friends of Albert Cobb Judge DeLoach Has mo hosts Roses were as a Ken IS her aunt Mrs F I W,I MI and Mrs Devane Watson used center the birth of a son on 2nd He tractive VISitor, MBs Josephine GEORGIA BmTHS HOLD AT vlsttmg has arrived fOI a VISIt to friends and July INSTITUTE TOBACCO MARKFf DEMOCRATIC HEAD for the to the About five To Give Him Fish Filed hams tored to Savannah Friday day relatives prece pretttiy appointed table WIll be called R H Jr Mrs Tyson nedy of Savannah sIxty Fry Resignation his were to were Punch was serv M,ss Alice Katherine Lanier has S M Dekle of Cordele joined Mr and Mrs Wilbur Cason have Corsages presented the lady was before her MISS Eva guests present marrjage SHOWING DECLINE Bulloch county friends of Albert L TEACHERS COLLEGE OPENS AUGUST 1ST Judge W H Dal.oach, who for the returned from a VISit to friends 111 family 111 a VISit here for the week gueats Cover s were laid for Dr and Nessmlth cd the evemng PRAISES PARirnIl returned from a VISit to I elatives 111 throughout Cobb candidate for congress WIll past SIX years has held the office of Mrs Wells Dr and ... Atlanta end Alabama Mrs H()y Tay FIGURES FOR PRINCIPAL CITIES LOCAL PARENT TEACHER AS PROSPECT FOR GOOD SEASON grve III hIS honor a fish on FrIday and ex COMMENDS CONGRESSMAN FOR left last week lor Mr and Mrs Howell FOR DR AND MRS WELLS fry notary public Off,CIO jusuce of M,sses Carol and Ann Campbell of M,. Herman Bland re Cone Mr DINNER PARTYI OF STATE COVERING 1932 AND SOCIATION TO AT LOCALLY; Mrs Hal Kennon and sons have of this week 13th at BE HOST ",ND HIGHER PRICES the UIS SPIRIT OF CO L Downs were nig-ht July Russ peace for the Statesboro OPERATION Atlanta are their aunt Mrs for Jacksonvtlle Fla to VISIt her and Mrs B H Mr and Mrs MISS Mae MIchael entertained In Mr and Mrs W district, viaiting turned from a VISIt to relatives at Ramsey 1933. ARE GIVEN TEA MONDAY EVENING THROUGHOUT GEORGIA IN Waters tobacco barn five miles south this week m RECOVERY PROGRAM R M Monts Mr hosts at a dinner placed the hands of the H H Cowart siater Woodbllle and Mrs Arthur formally Saturday evening WIth a Saturday evemng of Brooklet Those in charge of ar ordinary hia effective rm Mrs Howell Cone and Mrs Dew Hoke Brunson several Turner Mr and Mrs Remer dinner at the Jaeckel Hotel party at the Jaeckel Hotel hononng July 6 -A decrease On and W,th the date set for Au resignation spent days MISS Nora Bob Smith left Thurs Brady. party Washmgton. Tuesday Wednesday. July opening Congressman Homer C Parker rungements say It will be the largest mediately A successor WIll be se hall the m Hazlehurst WIth Mrs Marvin Her were Dr and Mrs Wells Red radi III -the birth rate in from 1}roover motored to Savannah Mon dur mg week Mr9 PIttman. MISS Kather guests Mrs Marvm PItt Guy Georgia 17 and 18. the Georgia Congress of gust 1st for the tobacco mar received from day for N C to VISIt III Georgia Postmaster General J. HIckory. hand affair of ItS kind ever held that lected by the grand Jury at the for the friends me PIttman MISS Mae MIchael Dr man MISS Katherine Mar ance roses were used on the 219 per 1.000 eatimatad population Parents and Teacher s WIll hold a July day day Solon PIttman. kets mterest IS now on A a letter of for Gray section and the public IS invited centermg that term of superior court A number of Farley thanks hi. Mr and Mrs Frank Wllhams have Mrs Hinton Booth has returned J H Mr and Mrs Turner VIII Pittman Jr MISS Nell table Views of the in 1932 to 207 10 1933 was shown 10 two conference at the South Mrs S F of WhItesIde. Chamblee somely appointed day date III those aid III Cooper, Sylvania There WIll be plenty of eats and free localities where ware appficanta for the have al enuctmg President Roosevelt'. 8 VISit and friends After the and Mr were used as cards The the census bureau statisttcs position returned from a two weeks' 'Stay at from to relatives several the week dinner, which was served and Mrs Robert Donaldson college place today Georgiu Teachers College at College houses WIll spent days during lemonade for all, and women and operate the number recovery program In •• • were Mrs Dr in ready uppeared among White Springs Fla in Atlanta four courses the party attended guests Dr and Wells. There were 60142 births the state boro The in the e ity I That thet e WIll be a short postmasetr of PROM child ell at e especially invited Mr crop­ bemg J T Kmgery who m two past general spoke Mrs Z S Henderson and little son Rev and Mrs J E Parker of a show at the State Theatre PARTY FOR VISITOR and Mrs Carruth. Dr and Mrs Smith. 10 1933 All electet! eaidents offi • Mr and Mrs S L ale newly pr the shortest m the Parker 8 Moore spend Cobb WIll mnke the opening speech posaibly history of elections was a candidate for Congressman fine SPirit or Gene have returned from a VISit to VISited friends In the MISS Betty Smith entertained very Mr and Mrs Goadm Mr and Mrs Deaths of infants under one year cei chairmen of commit Justice Waynesboco, several this week In Savan s, standing tobacco III his relations mg days of hIS campaIgn at that ttme hIS ad Georgm's markets-there of the peace cooperation" With tbe­ relat,ves m Eastman BIRTHDAY DINNER dehghtfully evenmg With Henderson. Mr and Mrs Howell Cone of age totaled 4075 and 3501 sttll tees and mteresteel Parent Teache. cIty Thursday Thursday seems to no Democi atlc nah and Tybee dless scheduled fOI 8 0 be however, the S administration The Dem­ A a belllg clock doubt, Judge DeLoach leslgnntlOn was M,ss PIrtle of New York Mrs W D left lovely blrthtlay dmner was gIven prom party at the home of hel pal and Dr and Mrs A J Mooney bIrths were recotded The late for workers lIIe to attend th,s con Pegg) McGauley Tuesday Mrs Lockhal of ulged for a shol t ocratIC cllleftulI1 said Gelston t. Macon. I It IS also stuted thut lal ge plOspect crop IS largely due to the cOII,htlon of hIS that mcmbers delegatIons health he 1st Mrs Ar deaths of babIes under one I old CIty IS Vlsltmg her aunt MISS Carrie for Reynolds to VISIt her parents Mr Sunday JUly honoring yea felence of the 73, d has arrived fOI a VISit to hel mother flom counties Will attend offset by the nppnrent certamty that been feeble for congl ess could' stand on thut McCorkel s adJoll1mg havmg the past sev for a few and Mrs fifty mnth bIrthday regIstered 67 8 m 1933 and 64 4 m MI s Arthur Watl"ns educatIOnal Clay. days I LIfsey Mrs Cone Ices WIll be bettet than III almost thell record and, he VOiced the Henry III eral months and ulluble to attend opm­ MISS LOUIse of Atlanta WIll and Pete Waters of and John Kelley mnth 1932 secreta I of the Clalk Stanley Watels Rogers' thIrty y NatIOnal Congless Ion that the recol d J D Roach of Fo. t Lauderdale. any pi eVlous yeu! I to tho dutIes the of the recently ad­ occasIOn egulatly of offICe .arrive a VISit hel wei e VISltOlS In bIrthday The took at South WIth alaI ._ ...... _ ... thiS week for to Savannah the city place Carolina. ge negro of Palents and Teachels Mil conduct _------Fla was a bus mess vIsItor In the PROGRESS SEEN IN Th" ClOP YlCld fOI the entll estate JOUI ned congless would go down In. mother the home of Mrs McCorkel s olde.t ranked 10 mfa.. t m Mr. H Clark dUllllg the week populatIOn hIgh the conference whICh WIll be held hiStOi ns an city durmg thc week SPECIALS of GeOi gill 18 estlmnted ns npproxi y epoch mukmg achelve­ Mrs rate Dr Klme 'Iemples has returned to W L Hall left Sunday for Vldaha daughter. John Kelley Rogers at mortaltty WIth a of 784 the adll1mlstlatlOn room 9 MISS Ahce KllthOlme Lame. .s bUlldmg mutoly 30 mtillOn pounds ThOle be THIRTY-TWO BOYS mont her on "the Ulllverslty HospItal. Augusta to whel e he has accepted a posItIon m country home AJ: the noon hour Figuies for Geoigia cltle,::, NUDIST of the college MI spendlllg a few days th,s week III WEDDING IIlg somcthll1g hke thu ty five WlU c Fntloy declal ed that he was well filled \\ele bllths deaths and stIll b rths 10 1933 assume hit; mtel n work un undeJ taklllg pullor baskets spread on a ,. It IS IlccessOlY that each person at confident Hazlehurst WIth f!lends For houses 111 the state It IS appm ent that tllRt Congre�smun Parker,. In Season WEEK'S HAPPENINGS INCLUDE Wllhams IS the Mr and M,s Lee table the yard under the trees At Include the conference and WOI IN THE MARINES George spendmg Balney Kennedy Canning tendmg kmg on when he retulned to Mrs McElveen left Satur sul�s each mlllket will the 74th con­ Harry HEN 1 URNING IN'IO ROOSTER t'le avclage week m WIth h,s who ano of Atlanta the close of the dinner Mrs McCorkel Atlanta 5000 bIrths WIth a rate 0f for a certIficate Ol an attendance Douglas famIly daughter Margaret for Macon to fllends With thel efol e fall below a mllhon g I ess would be Just as 111 day Jom AND MANY OTHER FREAKS pounds YOUN(; MEN FROM BULLOCH helpful .arc relatives there are relatIves here was presented many useful gIfts Mu ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 18 per 1000 estImated populatIOn In Cat d tel at the I atlOn tlesk VISltlllg VISiting whom she w.1I VISIt regIs eglstl The alO fOI bettel the flll thCl anee of the new ChIcago plosllects blight COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS DOING program MIsses VIVIan and Frances 111:1 and Mrs Allen Dexter of Ma SIC was rendered by B.1l Prosser. of 1933 and 195m 1932. 419 deaths un Mary Mr and M.s Juhan of MId ales than that on the StatesbOl 0 of soclIIl legIslatIOn whIch PreSident< BlOoks. SERVICE AT MANY POlN rs Mathews left Saturday for ChIcago con WOl e week end guests of her Statesboro WIth a gUltal and VIolin der one year WIth a rate of 826 m a�! �ie::�� Roosevelt VIlle. are spendlllg the week WIth her UTILITY PAN (Blue i��",,"g��, J�ras8e C�'�:�' :�:�?es h,s �e::�.:;g :re:;��Cktll!I;: mal ket, accol'tling to those who are haB put forward as the goal assIsted In Enamel) 1933 and 693 m 1932 and 291 stIli and other places of mterest mother MI s S J Proctor Many gooti singers hIm followlIlg session the entollment cal d fU11111I8I fot the next two of mother Mrs W B Johnson head us he notes these mlle3tones With conditIOns III thiS sec yeurs hIS admm­ the bIrths WIth a late of 77 In Savunnah Gn July 9 -Until con Mrs Henry Bhtch and httle son of MI and Mrs Clytie M Wllhams. singing of sacred songs 25c each per 1.000 whIch WIll be furlllshetl upon filst ISti atlOn Mrs Calhe Smith Thomas of Par 10-quart size, special the LIon It IS lepOl ted that thele Ule ... along path of plogless gless passed the naval Savannah are her of Savannah the week end WIth 1933 and 8 3 for 1932 leglstratlOn UPPIOpl18tlon vlsltmg parents spent rlS Island S C IS her mOl ethan 2 000 nCI es of tobacco The full text of Mr Farley s letter­ vlsltmg par THREE COURSE DINNER 12-quart size, special 35c each A couple nude as the day they bIll funds to mamtum the Mr and Mra J L Mathews theIr neal Albany 387 bIrths WIth a rate of The Gill Scout on the col ptovldmg pments RegIster ents Mr and camp In Bulloch an to MI Palkel follows Mrs Glady SmIth welC bOlll went a marllage plnnted county At U S Mr and Mrs W S Hanner enter 195 10 1933 and 20 1 10 1932 27 thlough Marme COl pe at ItS normal Mr and Mrs Henry Howell and Mr and Mrs A M Braswell and 14-quart size, special 45c each lege campus "Ill furl1lsh seventy five Democl atlc NatIonal MISS LOUIse Denmark of Savannah at avel age YIeld of 500 pounds thIS WIll CommIttee tamed was a ct!lemony Chicago the mal me COl dId not are the week Frrday evenmg dinner deaths under one year WIth a rate of With flee showel stlength ps daughter. Sara. spendmg chtldlen spent se,elal days durmg persons beds and mean u NutlOnal P,ess spent several days dUllIIg the week 16-quart special 55c each One of the nlllhon pounds In the county BUlldmg party honoring Dr and Mrs H size, 941 In 1933 741 In 1932 and 18 mseparable Jomed have the funds to keep ItS ranko James A at pomts of mterest m FlorIda the week at Tybee WIth fr ends Guy and bath facllttles The guests WIll have Farley ChaIrman WIth her mother, M,s L T Denmark SIamese tWillS was jIn past years the ave.uge YIeld has Wells The dlllner was served In a lequested-and filled '1 he new wlil 5 1934 G P Donaldson of Tifton VISIted Mts GIbson Johnston and chIldren three stIli bIrths WIth rate of 6 5 per 100 to theu own linens and applOpllutlOns Wnshmgton July Mrs Donald of supply pll been fnl abo,e 500 acre FraBlel. Hmesville. I efused-a lIcense in New pounds per m lillie COl Honol uble lIomer C courses and covers were laid Dr WINDSOR In 1933 and m marllage enable the PB to 11I1 the va Parker. h,s parents Mr and Mrs R F Don GIbson Jr and Almaflta left for PRESERVING KETTLE Itve b,rth 4 1932 lows ReservatIOns fot: these accom dutlng IS several th,s week isesldes th,s the Statesbolo mali

. \ _.- �UR�����������v-=�======��===B�UL�'LOC��B�TUK�E=S==A�N=D�ST=A=TES�=B�0�R�O�N�E�W�8=:����;;;;;;�::;;;;;;;;;;T�H;U�RSDAY, MISSIONARY SOCIETY,Y (ADVERTISEMENT) fluenee of the Democrats of this dis­ all the homes and on all the lands �;n;oOnhn���k:n�ndSO�hil�r�n,a��r. ��� The womans' missionary society of trict: an property of .11 the people of the TIM E S One. I believe in the of United for which t C II Br:��;� the Methodist church will have a B U L 0 Statesboro Mrs. Young and daughter, Mr. and ���i�i:�hCO. lit­ principle States, special pri­ the redistribution of the wealth of vilege they are paid a bounty by tho AND Mrs. Wilbur Cason, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Of Brooklet in the State of Georgia, ernry program Monday afternoon at. lIn the among the musses who government itself, country' and Misses Au- At the Close of Business on 4 :30 o'clock. All members are urged .. Cart.lege daughters, the power The luw was intended to NEWS • • urc es produce it, by using taxing' originally THE STATESBORO Ch h June 30, 1934. to be DAY-LONG drey and Lucile Cart.lege and Mrs. present, of the constitution for the limitation stabilize and protect the credit of the Mr. and Mrs. of great fortunes, unreasonably large country, yet we have given these pri­ Supscr iptiou, $1.50 per Year. Wade Beasley; Jimmy ASSETS MUSIC CLUB incomes and excess of the vate bankers the to the Methodist Church Miss Menza Cumming, Mr. and profits power control Olliff, combinations wealth. We TURNER, Editor ulld Owner Loans and discounts $ 807.fiO The Statesboro Music Club will great of money und the credit of the nation, D. B. Mrs. Frank Simmon a and children: CHA'RN G. N. RAINEY, Pastor.) should force those who more to intiute or deflate the at (REV. Cash ill vault and balances meet on possess currency M I'. and Mrs. L. and Tuesday evening, July 17th, matter March Give better self a chunce-go Seligman daugh­ other banks than their just share of the world's will, to use the credit of the govern­ Entered as second-class your with ,853.73 with Miss Nelle Mrs, Gilbert lit States­ Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Clifton and Lee, goods to carry their proportionate ment and of the f'or their own 23, 1905, at the postoffice lo church! ters, people Cone and M I·S. Henderson �a COIl­ Zach burdens of and thus I'C- and we to them.. under the Act of L. Miss Bill and Ted Total nssets . 1.2[1 government, private guin: give boro, Ga., JO:15 a. m. hurch school, J. guest, Wright, $\),66 March 3, 1879. hostesses, at the home of Miss Lee, 1ieve the poor of the inordinate loud huge bounties from the people's t1'088- 'Cress Lewis. LIABILITIES BELCANO COSMETICS Renfroe, generul superintendent. of taxation now down while we allow them to reta in all on Savannah road. An interesting pro­ crushing upon UI'Y 8. rn. and from as 11:30 Morning worship Demand e x c them. the profit. of this indefensible sys­ Bri.ng you freedom worry to youI'! appearance. Give OF THANI{S deposits, cpt is y�r­ CARDS Theme: gram being arranged, It should be evident to think­ tem. by the pastor. United States Government every self n complete. facial right at home-it takes a few moments. The charge for publishing cards preaching very funds and ing man and woman that this princi­ The bunker racket known as the You and obituaries is one cent The Kingdom of God First. deposits, public VISITORS FROM W ASUINGTON may do a thousand nnd one things while Belcano i8 of thanks must into one Federal Reserve IllIslsting other .. be put effect, when System must go. 3"3 a min­ and deposits of banks $9,574.56 ple to word, with 60 cents 8:30 p. m. Evening worship Nature rejuvenate your skin. Before you go out your make­ per of other in- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulledge and �amily like ths Mellons owns nearly The money power of this nation must apply Count your words Theme: Deposits bunks, imum charge. by the pastor. as up, then face the world with a assured that are look­ preaching certified and cash­ hildren, of D. are twice much wealth as is represent­ be turned back to the people, to this happy heart, you and send CASH with copy. No cluding Washington, C., l cd all the now in circula­ was intended your best. From first. Life's mperative-e-"! Ought." ier's checks outstanding .. 2 .::!G her Horace by money government, where it ing your Delcano t.reatment you have a definite such card or obituary will be pub­ visiting father, Waters, furnish music tion a nll of OUl' hundved and the frnmere of the constitution it The choir will ·speciul Undivided .. 58.'11 mong by buildlng-valuu and each treatment adds to this 80 lished without cash in advunce. profits-net and other relatives for a few value fear of an days, million American citi­ should and until this both services. A of TIH.'nl­ twenty-five always remain; is no to for group Mr. lived in this nging �kin longer be dreaded. There is no substitute for Total liabilities $9,GGJ.n Gulledge formerly zen j else this country will be driven government recluirns .f'rorn private bers will be received into the church BELCANO pore-deep, scientffic cOBmetic8. FOUL? ity, but has been in the navy for the into a condition of either' absolute and selfish interdats the right to reg­ FAIR OR hour. at the morning State of socialism or of the the issuance and of the Georgia, past sixteen years, during the past abject slavery ulate coinage Visit Our Soda Fountain-Every Glass Sterilized. 8:30 p. Ill. Wednesday, mid-week County of Bulloch, ss: masses. people's money, we shnll continue to is more 01' less inclination to three ycars been stationcd at There F. W. cashier of the having Two. the and unlimited service. I, Hughes, HON. I favor frce suffer from the dread hOI'1'OI'S of pan­ the attitude of the two Ma­ where he holds rank as ALBERT L. COBB sneer at above-named bank, do clemnly swear Washington, coinage of silver on a ratio of gold ics, bankruptcy and ruin in this land. in the guber­ the above statement is true to a warrant officer. 1. restore the sil­ The con newspapers present that 16 to This would Six. Cotton toduy should be bring­ Co/lege Church ... Pharmacy belief. natorial contest because of the fact Presbyterian the best of my knowledge and vel' metal to its rightful place 8S pri­ ing not less than 2fi cents pel' pound. for 1". W. HUGHES, ashier. Y. W. A. mary money, would wrest from the Ten yeurs ago the price of cotton wns that both, being owned by one organ­ Our young people's confcrence HON. ALBERT COBB Subscribed and sworn to before me to our cents who On June the big bankers the power control 30 pel' pound, and nobody Roosevelt has shown a for den flowers are not the same Savannah is being held Monday evening, 25th, sympathy gave charm to the room ization, supporting presbytery 7th of 1934. the ten this day July, money system, would provide for recalls conditions of years ago the common man that is without Bluff. A fine McLemore Y. W. A. held a very in which her five tables were candidute. this week at Yellow MIKELL Lucy were placed. LEE ROY convenience of the nation's business will contend that our f'a rrners parallel preaident within the back at the GIVES PLATFORM by any 'Lucretia Vanderbilt Those who are discreet, merely of young people will come Nota ry Pu biic. delightful moonlight picnic and commerce nn medium of then too Inflation of the powder was her­ body (Seal) ample prosperous. memory of any man now living, and when new vision and en­ teel was enjoyed, and would the use of Idle gift to the honor guests. A raise their eyebrows they speak Saturday with bridge. Swimming circulating money, bring currency, through gold ] will never be found obstructing any pansy­ were taken and a OUTLINES PRINCIPLES UPON back to OUr la­ the remoultizntion of silver, bowl for of this situation, and those who are thusiasm for the kingdom, pictures general prosperity furmers, reserve, measure which ,] believe will aid in high score went to Miss Car­ borers and the cash soldiers' all. WHICH HE OFFEItS AS CANDI­ and the people generally. pnyment of the the restoration of the masses of rie Lee less careful openly insinuate duplicity Rev. Hal R. Boswell, former pastor, KODAK FINISHING good time was enjoyed by Davis, and linen handkerchiefs. DATE FOR CONGllESS. Three. The so-called soldiers' bo­ bonus will bring to OU)' fnrmers in America to their rightful place of chief W. T. Anderson. beloved in hath communities, States­ On the evening of July 2nd the for cut went to Mrs. Roy Beaver. The to the owner, 8-HOUR SERVICE nus should be paid, paid in cash, and the South a living price for their financial independence and personal evan­ was held at hostess served a salad course and To thus accuse t118t independent boro and Metter, will conduct egular weekly meeting paid now. products; to Iabor a living wage for - Albert L. Savannah liberty. Kermit who Cobb, lawyer, fruit drink. fearless is an unkindness services in Mctter beginning PRESTIGE PLUS! the home of Mra. Carr, By solemn act of congress it has its toil; to business, trade, commerce, Twelve. I will make no and editor, gelistic SANDERS STUDIO this week announces the platform promise decreed that veterans the the a reasonable and ... man mak­ dont have to to us the life story of Thomas been the of railroads, profit the that I do not which reflects against the Monday, JUly 23rd, and continuing 12 SOUTH MAIN STREET 'fou brought upon which he seeks the nomination during campaign World War are entitled to this ad­ return invested and to excuses when a upon capital, intend and expect to be able to ful­ MISS TAYLOR HOTESS the accusation. Not being cap­ through Sunday, July 29th. malre Jefferson Bourne, native Georgian for congress from the first congres­ ing justed. pay. It is the written law. It the people us 11 wholc will once come after "THEY at in to Homer fill my election. Miss Sara entertained very­ it is services on next will USE our tele­ .stopping this who was u missionary to Africa. After sional district opposition Taylor able of independence oneself, Out' Sunday is just as binding against the gov­ the pence, happiness and prosperity These and other issues will be phone more than we de HOTl!L_ C. incumbent. a num­ to an­ * his refreshments were 'Served. Parker, for. delightfully Tuesday evening to be sure, to accord include and evening worship, ernment as nny banker's Liberty we have so long hoped discuased me the difficult, morning ourselves. Send them the Mr. Cobb was born and reared in fully .by during fed­ thc ber of the young set with a prom par­ me sure of credit for in­ a. m. 8 :30 school at bill. Monday evening, the Y. bond, and must be paid. If the Seven. In first congressional in of dis­ other a full 11 :30 and p. m.; Maybe that will con­ YOURE "THERE· July 9th, Emanuel on a farm near campaign every county the, county, the vince Kermit eral government would issue new cur­ district we have thousands of and now down ty at the home of her parents on Zet­ the insinuation 10:15 a. rn. them that they need W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Adrian. later on in trict, I respectfully lay dependence. Hence, ./Iccommodations that He worked farms which a of Allen rency, backed by the idle' gold hoard­ most fertile hinds in America, a terower avenue. their own Auto to and cookies the telephone I" as the of IIfias Treutien Bulloch and at my opponents friendly challenge Punch that there is 'something foul in Come with us. Please and Service Carr, guests Virginia and counties, cultivate Satisfy- ed in the treasury, and exchange it we have never been able to to meet me in the district recent­ work in Screven While anywhere were served. the two in which A. E. Pastor. Mathis. Miss Mathis, who has public county. a attitude of papers SPENCER, STATESBORO TELEPHONE that ,JiJI.s with the veterans for their adjusted because we, as community, a county, a discussion of the issues ellery Rl!quimnent­ in Screven Mr. Cobb for joint . . from Y. W, A. en­ working county Editor Anderson to be the .£oaziion that Places ly returned the service certificates, it would materi­ 01' BS a district, have been financially or that happens COMPANY Parts Co. !Iou­ studied law under the instruction of above referred to, any others TEA FOR VISITORS back national unable to institute and maintain the stockholder. and ampment at Ridgecrest, N. C., gave ally assist, in bringing come before our chief S. D. A, CHURCH Rates the late E. K. (Kinch) Overstreet and may people. The state executive board of the "KearCVeryfhin;9' and prosperity. The adjust­ necessary system of drainage of OUI' which since its incep­ can..IlHord- a very interesting account of life and Horace A'. of recovery 'the thing tJu:zt.lln,Yone .. Judge Boykin, Sylvania, so so Parent-Teachers Association of Geor­ Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Burke left Jobbers and ed service certificates are obligations low lands. The job is big, and the Macon activities at Ridgecrest, distributing later lhe office of C. WATERMELON CUTTING tion has made Telegraph entering Judge the but do not circu­ to the of this sec­ will be entertained with tea on Evan­ of government, important people gia a, been for Savannah recently to join ouvenirs to each of the members L. Cowart, of Glennville, Tattnall Miss Betty McLemore entertained an outstanding newspaper has Distributors late; whereas, currency, if exchanged tion, that I favor the federal govern­ the lawn of Mrs. Alfred Dorman's. J. R. Perkins and party enroute county. After his admission to the of the of Other gelist present. Games were enjoyed after fOI' these would be no ment appropr-iating the necessary about fiftten couples high its spirit independence. bar he at Millen in certificates, home, afternoon from 6:30 A II are to practiced part­ Monday to Orlando, Fla. delegates which refreshments were served. more of an obligation against the funds to turn into profitable produc­ school set at a watermelon cutting editors before Bill Anderson have set with the late James A. Dixon. to 7:30 o'clock. The Wom­ nership acres our Statesboro a now in se sion at Genuine Service Parts governmcnt, would bear no interest, tivity these thousands of 0/ at in this but youth's congress Y. W. A. girls who have not turned to Savannah and prom party Tuesday evening a high standard respect, moving January, 1927, the an's Club and P.-T. A. are to be at­ would circulate, and buy food and fertile lands, and thus bl'ing to sponsoring Orlando, which is expected n for lived his the home of her MI'. and Mrs. none have been above that maintain­ their towels the Georgia Baptist where he has and practiced parents, clothing and pay wages. people of this diatrict and section mil­ this tea and all members of both or­ tended some people. For All Cars. since. He married Miss O. L. on South Main all the of his by 1,800 young Orphanage are urged to carry them profession on this has lions of dollars Mcl.emore, ed by him during years My position question annually. ganizations are invited to call be­ These Seventh Adventist young Rebie Newton, of Screven county, and street. Those who chide him for Day o Miss Menza Cumming as quickly as undergone no change, nor will J after Eight. The Savannah rrver and its ownership. LOOK AT they have three children. tween' these hours. people come from all over the great West Broad and Sts, One towel is from my election to congress deem it nee­ harbor is of great importance to the his inability to pick the winning side, Perry posaible, requested Mr. Cobb made the race for con­ im­ YOUR OWN essary to make explanation of people of the entire dist!'ict, and I FISH FRY CARD OF THANKS Southland. Questions of major each and solid white can Parker public but reflect upon their own attitude to­ girl, only gress in 1932, oppoaing Mr. fa­ my vote on this issue. I will not promise to work to increase the We cannot thank each one in to folk will be dis­ Peterson. lost the norni- a fiah was per­ ward it about portance young c1othes-tha GA_ be used. and Mr. He Monoay evening fry statesmanship. Winaing t's SAVANNAH, change my position on any issue fol' cilities of the gl'eut port of Savannah. son, but wish to take this opportunity­ cussed the PAINTS oil • • nation at that time to Mr. Parker by at the still by young people. Nine. that· as far as given McD-ougald-Outland the last thing that Bill Anderson what everybody else the sake of political expediency. I believe to express our appreciation for every Pierson will at lhe FOR VISITOR fewer than 200 votes, but ran ahead at­ Robert H. speak Foul'. The compensation practicable, all government should honoring Mr. and Mrs. George Pra­ deed of kindness or word of seems concerned about. It was is doing_ disability sympathy. eve­ nearer home Portal S. D. A. chapel Tuesday LARGE CAN PAINT, , .10c Monday night Miss Carrie Lee of 'Spanish-American and World War be decentralized. The ther, of Concord, N. C. Among those whether it reached our knowledge or tributed to one man in other years to ��te�r'H:�!e�sO�e�b��,l'a�ndt����?l� vetel'ans should be Testored. we OUI' the bet­ in our at 8 17th. He will What do THEY think? aniels cntertained with a waffle sup- fully bring government, were Mr. and Mrs. Bea­ not, the death and funeral of declared that he would "rather ning o'clock, July DOn lor, of Forest Counci] No. 16, present Roy have City Full and complete justice should al­ ter will our government serve the mother and grandmother. be in of the services in the We Are Stin QUART CAN PAINT .',50c per in honor of Miss Julia Smith, the Junior O"der United American Me­ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McDou­ be If we charge Delivering men ver, be right than president." They'll think better ways be accordcd to the patriotic people. J. C. QUATTLEBAUM Statesboro Adventist church Wednes­ ·house of Miss Pauline Lanier. chanics, Acacia Lodge of Masons, Sa­ Miss Alice to Bill guest and women wlio respond to the call Ten. The right of our laboring gald, Mary McDougald, AND FAMILY. undertook hastily analyze of you if you will That rich and o'clock. All good milk to your CAN VARNISH STAIN ,50c were laid for Miss Miss vannah; Roya) Arcanum, Elks, he day evening, JUly 18, 8 QUART Covers Smith, of their country in times ot] war, and people to bargain collectively, to bet­ Milton Hendrix, Miss Carrie Lee Dn­ Anderson we should declare that let us other fraternal orders. He is also a keep your that render their ure welcome to attend. door every morning at a very Laniel', Menza Cumming, Miss Dan- return with disabilities ter their working conditions, Nirgil Donaldson, Mrs. Harry would 1i1'ather be wTong than to win." member of the Baptist church. 'vis, clothes clean and CAN ENAMEL """'" .75c them unfit to themaelves and hours of labor and I'ate of should cost, QUART Glenn Reppard DeLoach, provide pay, Mr. and Mrs. Norton SAN D E R s' Not that he is low Let us have your cis, Bland, His in full follows: McElveen, always wrong, though pressed. platform their families with the necessities of never he abl'idged. ] pledge myself Eastern Star Jot Johnson and Billy Simmons. Mrs. Mitchell of Concord, N. C., Mr. and he frequently is; but whatever he is, Chapter order for MILK and CREAM. To the People of the First Congres- life for the remainder of their days. to strive unceasingly for the cause PHOTOGR-A HS All Colors-Satisfaction Guaranteed. assisted her in en- He Daniels daughter sional District of Five. The of the of the men and women Mra. Carey Martin, Mr. and Mrs. there is never any doubt about it. Honors Grand Matron We guarantee satisfaction, Georgia: present set-up laboTing every­ TELL THE STORY \Vhen ,] announced candidacy Federal Reserve is like unto and never to take nny position Bland Ilnd Prince Preston. ia not a straddler nor a trimmer, ·eTtaining, my System where, Grady THACKSTON'S Tuesday night Miss Smith was and qualified in t.he race for congress the National Banking System that which I believe to be inimical to their ... neither does ne run away from a As an expression of appreciation of W. AMOS AKINS & SON SANDERS STUI)IO last I stateu that at the was broken Andl'ew Jackson in best welfare. DRY CLEANERS JOHNSON HARDWARE COMPANY honor at a party spl'ing, prop­ up by SlUDGE FOR VISITORS to him­ one of their Miss hene AT­ guest swimming :fight. If he is willing fight. number, er time I would to the a his There is no under Eleven. While I do not ask the Pauline give public day. authority the Phone Phone 3923 STATESBORO. GEORGIA given by her hostess, Miss M,·s. Grady Bland enterlained very self, then it is but natural that he den, who was recently elevaled to 18 Statesboro, Ga, statement o� the platform upon the constitution given to congress to people of this district to elect me to GRIST MILL Lanier. The guestB enjoyed a swim bankers the do afternoon with should be willing to accord the same position of grandy worthy matron oi which I would seek the support of the fnrrn out to private peo­ congress to the bidding of any delightfully Tuesday I have recently modernized my­ __ -_ = I 1. at lhe pool. Dancing was enjoyed of this district. Believ­ ple's sovereign right to control the man or set of men, as I will not be at the hotel honoring mill the installation of elec­ of people great Rushing grist by right to those who are associated the Order of the Eastern Star bridge that the arc entitled to issuance and of the II. it will trict Am to do later. The guests were then served ing people coinage people's rubber-stamp congres3man, M l'S. Dedrick of Bainbridge, power. prepared your with him in even a most intimate Georgia, members of Blue Ray Chap­ Davis, know v'iews upon the major issues money. Yet, under the Federal Re­ be my desire to co.operate with the and in a satisfac­ a buffet on the lawn of Miss my Preston of New grinding promptly E. celebrated with an supper Mra, Waters, York, sense. From personal acquaintance ter O. S. open confronting the people of this nation, serve System, its twelve banks, own­ president in every mcasure that tory manner. I Fifteen were Lanier's horne. couples na- and Mrs, Paul Carpenter, of Fort Lnu- with Bill Anderson of the Telegraph ail' supper Tuesday evening. The oc· I now state, in part, the platform up- ed by private intereBts, issue their promises aid to his program of I invited, Miss Laniel' was assisted in n on we a near Money-Savers' on which I ask the support and in­ own currency, blanket mortgage tional recovery. I believe .that of the casion was held in shady � and Charlie Bayne News, spot 1 M_r_._,_d_e_r_da_l_e,,-'_F_I_a_._A_v_a_r_i_et_:y_of_·_lo_v_e_ly;_g_a_,_·-___;---,=...::.==:.:.:.__::;== _ entertaining by her mother. are sure that there is no sham about Dorman's swimming pool at early THE WHOLE COUNTRY M iss Ann Deal entertained infor� their support of their respective can­ dusk, and fifty; OJ' more persons were GOODYEAR mally for Miss Smith on Wednesday didates for governor. If their battle present. Inviten as '3peciai guests were TRUCk Millen afternoon. is a sham, the pity is that there officers and members of the Sidney Laniel' was hosl lo about might not be a better display of the chapter, more than fifteen of whom TIRE a chicken Luns­ twelve couples enjoying fry same vigor upon the part of the little were present, led by Dr. Guy at Lotts Creek Thursday night. Out­ critics who, themselves unable or ford, who is grand worthy patron of of-town gueats were Miss Julia Smith, afraid to speak openly, are sniping at the Eastern Star and grand master of Green Cove Springs, Fla,; Miss Olivia the two Macon newspapers because Georgia of the F. & A. M. Fort affair the Tatum, Metter; George Mathis, they are not supporting the same Following the open air ,Tremendous welcome-hu�e Fla. candidate for l.f it is a of lhe chapter was Lauderdale, governor.. ":gular meeting eales-follow announcement crime that these two editors are un­ held and all the Millen visitors at­ of sensational new Goodyear able to agree, how much greater the tended. ... tire-keeps us and on crime that the little fellow who is not factory rWantAd� ULLEDGE chain-owned should be unable to de­ ROGERS-G jump-Users say "43% more \ Cordi,,1 interest attaches to the on­ cide which one of the candidates he non-skid mllea�e" under. ONE CENT A WORD PER ISSUE nouncement of the marriage of Miss prefers! states it. Nora Virginia Rogers, daughter of , NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN CElIITS A I WHO OWNS THE RAILROADS? Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rogers, of Monroe, , �ENTY-FIVE WE� N. C., to T. Dwight Gulledge, of Co­ GOODYEAR a recent the Lansing In editorial, S. which look at 3 lumbia, C., place RENT-Vacuum cleaner. Call (Michigan) Stote Journal answers SPEEDWAY FOR o'clock Sunday, July 1st, in Trinity J. A. BRUNSON, phone 169-L. the old question of "Who Owns the Methodist Episcopal church, Buford Buill with (7junltp) Railroad-a ?" township, N. C., with the Rev. J. N. Supe,twlat FOR RENT-Three con n e c tin g The do. Cord .. , people of the bri'de, officiating. Look What You Gel-No rooms; immediate posses·Bion. A'p. Snow, pastor E.tra Coet: 43% More Mil.. of r..1 Cenler lrac· own them in two ways: First Times Office. (12aprtf) They non-.kld , .• Flatter Wider , _ The bride is a young woman of oafety Tread, More Center lion; ply stocks loullh direct ownership of Traction more non-skid •. , Heavier second­ through a of (160/0 blocko) Toullher ·FOR SALE-Light one-horse, much' charm. She is graduate Ihi< k Iread .. of •. , . the butcher Tread (avera�e 1 lb more , Cord in condition. R. and bonds the banker, rubber) Supertwlll. hand good by Prospect high school, Monroe, N. C., full oversize wagon, Body (IUPP01'tS heevler tread oafely) Vine street. (J2julltp) and the candlestick maker. 30 I R. BUTLER, and for the three years has been 3}i past route Second is indirect MAN WANTED for Rawleigh way through connected t.he Larkwood with Hosiery We've never seen the equal of it-the families. Write immediately. Life insurance companies, way $4.40 of 800 ownership. mills at Charlotte, N. C. GAG-7l-SA, . car owners have flocked RAWLEIGH CO., Dept. universities and en­ in, looked, listened, savings banks, The H man of many Tenn. (12juI2tp) bridegroom, new 4040-21 Memphis, dowed institutions of all kinds are bou�ht G-3's these last ten weeks-and splendid qualities, is a graduate of FOR RENT-Newly furnished apart- the holders of railroad it's the same we hear, What's among largest thc Statesboro, Ga., high chools and everywhere $4.95 ment, private bath, hot water, ga­ issues. As a consequence, every per· who G-3's months reasonable rent. MRS. J. A. is an accomplishe(i pianist. He is more, people got before rage; Other ... Main 80n who possesses an insurance policY, al In propor­ McDOUGALD, 121 South street, connected with J. Drake Edens, lnc., the public it's better announcement, report tIon e.pertly mounted oa 259. (J2juI2tc) a bank account, or is sending a child phone Columbia. than claimed! cite to wheelo They mileage records ,'"- house, in to school has a very real interest in FOR SALE-Eight-room Immcdintely after the ceremony better than the ��:l:; �':,"J!:: excell.nt neighbor­ the welfare of the rails. In the words prove they're getting 43% ��;t::�oi;:�:� good condilion, Mr. ami Mrs. left for Terms, Gulledge points more hood close in; priced right. of the State much non-skid mileage averaged by Good­ Journal, "Pretty of interest in the Carolinas and 5 pe;' cent cash, balance like rent. If of the best of American test fleet. no tires until don't miss all helpful- year's Buy you let us you plan to buy a home, Georgia. ZET­ ness and altruism is tied with the show you this wonderful new Goodyear AII­ this opportunity. Ste JOSIAH railroads." SUNDAY VISITORS TO TYBEE TEROWER, phone 390. (21jun2tc) Weather which gives 110 much more safety At the moment, the outlook for the Among t.hose motoring to Tybee and service without costing you a cent extra! FOR CONGRESS railroads is more encouraging than in Sun'Jny were Mr. and Mrs. Walter the years-it looks as if they woulo be Groover and children; Mr. and Mros. Sure, we have Goodyears at ALL Price3! In the belief that I understand able to meet their fixed this Cliff and Sara 13-PLATE needs and problems of our charges Bradley daughter, Because are the farme!�, help to build most of the high priced cars you look at today. the Goodyears largest selling and the average busmess 1n But most Jines are stili a Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Morri.:; Jabprel's year. long Alice; be­ DETROITERScars made in this country. They know more Ford V-8 featurcs you'll see. you more for your terests of the entire district, and from an anti tires, get money n9 way earning operating profit and SOil) Bernard; lViI', Mrs. Grady what 1I0es Into them". and what It,ele The only V-8 en:1.lne In a car under $1500 t Ii lieving that I c�uld s�tisfactorily would the of W. D. C. ]-1. :w you pay, con­ can that resumption III the owners to out of them. • •• .•• clear-vis­ permit Bland, McGauley, Snipes, ma,tJ�� _!1a BATTERY serve my f{'now Citizens expect I',et torquc-tube dri'/e improved ant] divi· Mr. r. ancl I have normal buying, employment Mullins) ivlitchell, Mr. gress of the United StateB,. That's why Detroit's preference meana Ion ventilation,., dual down-draft carbilTe­ cand1date to dends. are faced with Mrs. Julian Mr, nnd Mrs. for and am a They inequit- Brooks, qualified IIOmethlnll to car buyers in evcry other city tlon ... Bafety IIlaos, and Bteel welded bodies. the of the First Con­ made Johnson and represent people new own able competition, 'Possible by Harry daughler, Helen; $4.50 the In America. Put thlo Ford V-8 to your tests, IN-AND-OUT FILLING STATION gression

FOR • • PROVIDE MARKETS Under Power In Deed Sale 8e<:unty ADMINISTRATRIX 8 SALE NOTICE OF SALE Notice to FARMERS HIS PURPOSE Centraetora and Materialmen •• Nobody's Business •• SLATS'DIARY By RaNI Farauba The board of county commlsslon81'll GEE McGEE of (By NO WALK CAMEL Bulloch county Georgia will re FOR ce THIS ve sealed bids at Its office In the court house In Statesboro FLAT ROCK NEWS about Georgia at 11 a clock a m on AUlr11st 1 1984 n lawn I arty was hell by the moon for the build ng and equ pplng of a benme of rehober n honnor of the county owned h08pital to be located sunbeams the front yard of the A PROBABLE STRIKE IN BUT A WALK-OVER FOR GULF! n or near the c ty of Statesboro Sa d hasp tal to be for the pasture last fr day n ght and a goor! FLAT .ROCK paid by county to the contractors and t looks I ke a str ke s ma t me Wa3 had by all a n ce cracker genneral ter almen on their agreement to ae n flat rock there 3 a furr n coarse was served w th punch brewing cept as pay for all work skill labor zer from russ a ever organ gett ng and mater al and all other expenses the rem a ns of Jerry t nker baddy who s at work for a sallery to Refund ng Cert ficates of the State H ssued to was expected to be sh pped to flat j ne h s un on by the name of red ghway Department Bul loch county and be ng ser e. A Band rock for a funeral d d not arrive on var ns!< he works verry qu et C and mak ng a totel of ,37 127 70 or 80 much thereof as may be necea both of the men who works n the sary to make full payment for the c tty garrage walked out yesterday ent re contract No dlacount on said cert pm when the mannager sneezed n ficates greater than that allowed by law w II be tted The con the prese ce the help of the cash perm tract shall be eompletetl In 120 work & carry stoar nclud the truck ng ng days dr ver and the other are ask clerk ng Plans and spec ficatlons of said fo sho ter hours 0 e I ay 2 months bu Id ng may be had at the office of the comm ss oners of va at on w th pay and everth ng county Bulloch county they use tl emselves below cost The board of county comm s.loners shall have the r ght to reject any and all b ds A8 ev dence of good faIth each bid must be accompan ed by cash or cer fi. j check n the 8Um of '760 00 Th s June 28 1934 R J KENNEDY J W SMITH S J FOSS County Comm ss oners

Power In Secu r ty Deed

GEORGIA-Bulloch County Under author ty of the powers of sale nnd covenants conta ned n that NEWGULF GAS ce a dee I to secu e debt g ven by Dav I A Tanner to S J Proctor WInS agam m "Power Test" on October 3 1930 recorded n book 91 page 314 ass gned to EI sabeth Are Donaldson Proctor recorded n all gasol Des .1 kel Here s proof that the, book 111 w ",.." page 462 the unders gned II on the 16th day of July 1984 WIth I In a long lena of power t.... on lough b.illa the legal hour. of sale before the from New court house door of Bu loch county England to Georgaa Gulf baa been p t a sell at c to the ted 32 other Georg publ outcry agauut guolin.. Reoults?-GNlf hal h ghcst b dder for cash the two fol .. on mo e teJts ,han lire 32 other gasol tin comb "edl o y ng descr bed tracts of land as de scr n sa d deed to secure as D ve a bed debt a Gulf Sill on F 11 up w h h. Good the p operty of the sa d Dav d A Gulf-aDd sec f a you don have I vel or mo orl Tanner to w t C .... ou F ".,. N NQ co P ••UROH lOA o e tract of s xty two (62) acres n the 1209th d str t Bulloch coun ty Georg a bounded north by lands of J T Proctor east by lands of more G W B rd south by ands of Dav d There's power in THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE A Tanner (tract descr bed below) an I west by lands of BROil If and InnIs of J B Brannen ae cord ng to plat accorded n book 79 page 312 Th. tract to be sold subject to a pr or deed to se cu e debt n favor of the Atlanta We Are Still Jo nt Stock Land Bank for one Selling • thousand dollars reco ded n book 79 pages 311 812 and 313 STANDARD Also another tract of s xty s x NOTICE (66) acres n the 1209th d str ct Bu loch county Georg a bounded POULTRY MASH STATE OF GEORGIA no th by above descr bed tract BLACK·DRAUGHT COUNTY OF BULLOCH east by above deser bed tract and Pu suant to the autho n lands of G W B rd south by land. f "8nch a GoodLuaUve 8.yo NQ1'B8 ty vested of J E Webb and vest lands the unde s gned under and by v tue by Writing from her home In Fes- B I to re of the e. set out anrl conta ned of R 0 ff accord ng plat FEED.S tus Mo Mrs .Anna. LaPlante po says co dcd n book 325 This n a ce ta n dee I to sec e d bt n ade 45 puge I am a. nurse and I rec practical t act be to a or R F Dona dson on a about he to sold subject p ommend to some of my patiente by 1st of deed to secu e debt n favo of The At Lowest that Black for day May 1924 to the unde Prices. they take Draugh� L Ie Insurance s The Atlanta nt Stock Lan Volunteer State It Is such a. laxative I took gned Jo good Co for an mute balance Bank of and eco on approx It for headache and a Atlanta ded the constipation of three hund cd do a s deed re 2nd of 1924 n deed book dull feeling that I had so much. A day May Cash Prtces Paid co dcd n book 64 page 232 Ref HIghest few doses of Black Dra.ught�and 73 pages 104 5 6 Bul och county erence to recorded deeds and plat. I felt just fine ecords there w be sold before the for ChIckens and above be ng n the off ce of the Eggs Bee...... ,. �J. .... fro. court house doo of sa d Bu loch clerk of Bulloch or court county on tl e second Tuesday n Au super a:-: ��:� �:e:.t .BI� Sa d sale w 11 be made for the We �:��tt 14 1934 at c out pur SpecIalIze In�Feeds and Seeds tlJe mD ... of pack...., " an .... gust August pub of enforc payment of the n eYerJ' ,ear cry w th n the legal hours of sa e pose ng debtedness descr bed n aforesa d se (10 a m to 4 pm) all of the fol Sale Under Power n Deed cur deed the whole of wh ch n Security low og descr bed property to w t ty default accord to the terms of RACKLEY FEED & SEED COMPANY GEORGIA-Bu loch County All that certa n tract or lot of ng sa d deed and for the purpose of Under authonty of the powers of land s tuate Iy ng and be ng n the SlATESBORO GEORGIA , the of th s sale and conveyance canto ned n that 1523rd G 111 d stn t Bulloch coun pay ng expenses proceed and all taxes d aga nst 80. d certa n secur ty deed g ven by F W ty Georg a bounded north by lot ng unpa two tract. of land Akerman to J 0 Ak ns on October 3 No twenty four (24) of the survey A deed w 11 be executed the un 1925 recordell n book 77 page 33 n of the land. of Ihe Bulloch Land by ders gned to the purchaser at saId the off ce of the clerk of Belloch su and Development Company and sale convey t tle to sa d two per or court and transferred by J 0 lands of T F Lee east and north ng tracts of land to the two • Ak ns to the Sea Island Bonk on De east by lands of DH Bennett subject pr or deeds above deser bed n pur V,J/ue ember 22 192 the unders gned Sea south by lots numbers twenty seven Sale UDlier Power in 8e<:urity Deed Big suance to sa d deed to secure debt Island Bank present ho der the eof (27) twenty s x (26) and twenty GEORGIA-BlIlloch above descr bed IN HOUSE w 11 on the first Tuesday n August two (22) of the sa d survey pub c County PAINT Th s June 19 1934 d nne p ates 1934 w th n he legal hours of sale road be ng the d v d ng I ne west Under and VIrtue of the authori pe ap To th Voters of Bulloch County by MRS ELIZABETH DONALDSONi 19 • before the court house door n States and southwest lands of J E tv eonta ned n that secur tleed from supper plates resto at on to ts as e In to an demand by I ty emp ayes the response apparent PROCTOR Transferee bora Bulloch Georg a se at M kell and lands of T J M kell Rufus R to dated 19 b eakiast pates of fellow c t zens men and women county Floyd Berry Floyd suIt of an ag eement egot ated at my All es B H RAMSEY Attorney at Law quaht consIdered th s IS publ c outcry to the h ghest b dder and north" est by lands of S H Apr I 11 1932 recorded n records 3 heads of cabbage I Dnnounce my cand dacy for one of Wash ngton Th s w I be nc eased for cash the follow ng descnbell prop Nesm th conta n 33663 acres I clerk court Bulloch (21Jun4tc) Bulloch n the far a much ng supenor county 4 pounds of s county representatives by better than eggshe by $15 000 pe month add tonal on pamt erty conveyed n sa d secur ty deed more a less and be ng Iota num deed book 98 pages 96 7 w II be sold Sale Under Power n Se<:unty Deed general assembly of Georg a subject 6 fry ng pans 1 has ever before bers twenty three and twenty I the unders canst tuted January 1935 and by another $30 the rules of the Democrat c white been made to sell (23) hy gned duly 19 kn ves and fork five (25) of the survey of the sa d ladm nIBtrator estate Berry Floyd GEORGIA-Bulloch County 000 per month on Apr I 1 1930 It pnmary at thiS low It covers Bulloch s 19 7 1934 pnce gen Land and Development before the eourt house door Bulloch Under author ty of the powe of spoons w 11 be called on to mate ThIS May pay approx Company as appears by reference county Georg a at publ c outcry to sa e and conveyance conta nell n that 6 quarts of coffee grounds A M (ALBERT) DEAL erously wears good brushes y $24000 per month as the result of to a plat of the same made by F B the highest bidder for cash between ce ta n secur ty deed g ven by J B To the Voters of Bulloch 2 coffee pots County n pens on leg Blat on enacted by the nicely and looks well Our Guar Groover surveyor lIIay July tbe legal hours of sa e on tbe first Lee to Sea Is and Bank on Apnl 22 I hereby announce my cand for 7 cakes of daey 1912 wh ch sa d pat s recorded 0 1934 the fa low 1922 e orded n book 66 452 soap last congress Tuesday Augusl I page the off.lce of ve from Bul representat antee of lausfactlon n at record No 1 14 15 n he off ce lerk of Bulloch 19 d sh rags goel With p pages ng descr bed realty of the These ncreaBCS aggregate more loch n the next a3 county general of the records of the clerk of Bu acres of and more or less or court he under. Sea 19 m Ik bottles Fifty super gned than a m 11 on dollars a of to the rulea every gallon year that the sembly GeorgIa subject loch super or court s tuste n the 1340th G M d str ct Island Bank w 11 on the first Tues 3 m ce of the state Democrat c pr mary which Central w 11 have to payout m add The prope ty above de cnbed be Bulloch connty Georg a bounded day n August 1934 w th n the legal 7 eces of I wdl be held on September 12 1984 p ght bread t on to Mr ng that conveyed by and descr bed n as follow! North by lands of hours of sale befo e he court house present expenaes saya I will apprecJate the of the 3 pa rs cuff button. support the deed to secure debt aforesa d MarVIn Brown east b� lands of door n Bulloch county GeorgJa sell Pollard of Bulloch w. C. AKINS. SON people county at c to b dder � razor blades Add e Fleteher south by lands of publ outcry the h gbest Respectfully D B Warnell and west by estate for cash the property conveyed n 7 cups and saucers PRINCE H PRESTON JR. STATESBORO. GEORGIA lands of Redd ng DWlmark known sa d tleed as property of the estate 6 fish heads To the Voters of Bulloch Gounty a8 the J m Newman place of he sa d J B Lee now deceased 8 empty sard ne cans I am announcmg myself as a candl Default hav ng been made n the descnbed as follows date tor one of the as n land 2 gallons very old water places repre payment of the ndebtedness therem That certa tract of lYIng a ntatlve 10 the general assembly .ecured and be ng n the eastern part of Bulloch FOR LEAVE TO from county subject to the YOU Th s Ju y 9 1934 he c ty of Sta esboro Buloch I ant CAN'T STOP A HAIL STORM BUT SE)LL much of a !GEORGIA-Bulloch County housekeeper Democratic pr mary to be held Sep­ MRS SUSAN FLOYD county Geo g a conta n ng e ght- ether She found 12th I to H nton Booth adm mstrator of the 3 p 110wa n the tember hope meet the peo­ • C L P'YRVIS een ac ea more or less bounded as estate s tt room 9 • face to face opportun offers n e no th lands known as of J W W 11 am Jr deceased ng g nger ale bottles n I' ty YOU CAN INSURE YOUR Adm strators Esta Berry Floyd by formerly th s C R 0 P S ha v ed between date and the electlol> u the S T Chance estate east ng appl for leave to sell cer the par 0 16 towels 3 bath 6 (12 4te) by rugs sol c t the ta n lands to and support of the voters Lee street and ands of Bank of belong ng sa d estate changes of under lathes and 9 wash at the nO' beat efforts D not ce s g ven that sa d polls pledg my S atesboro (formerly J Lee) heteby ap on rags the bath room floor to 10 AGAINST fa the best HAIL sou h lands Bank of States on w 11 Only thfully reprus"nt of 'PI cat be heard at my off ce DAMAGE by 9 I ght bu bs had burnt tereste of the f elected bora J Frank on the first Monday n August 1934 out dur ng county (former y D Lee) her Respe tfully rnn ons J 0 Jobnston Th. July 10 1934 absence but the electr c fan got (former J E W P IVEY S L and Remer Proctor McCROAN Ord nary broke somehow or other (We have y Moore) $5 00 per Hundred on Tobacco The certo n lo0x240 foot lot to 7 beds but I sept n 6 of them For Leave Sen lands and Stoeks only fron ng on Savannah a enue re Bul wh e she was GEORGIA och County away the other one easell from a d secunty deed on M ss Dorothy Brannen adm n stra stayed made up ) $3 00 per Hundred on Cotton o tober 19 1929 and conve, ed to tr x of the estate of Cec W Bran Frank S rumons s excepted from nen deceased haVIng app ed for th s sale The ba ance of the househo d goods leave to sell certa n lands and cor Sa d sale to be made for the pur we e scattered about on stocks the d fferent the 10 porate belong ng to sa d es NO INSPECTION FEE pose of enforc ng payment of Roo s and on the tate not ce s hereby g ven that sa d beds The water debtedness de cnbed n and secured cat on w I was runn now lIppl 11 be eard at my off ce ng n the upsta rs bath by the aforesa d secUlJty deed on the first n oom lie of Monday August 1934 (Just I ke she left t) and the past due and expin.e tAUs pro Th s July 10 1934 ceed nIT A deed wl1l be executed �o te ephone Tece ver was down The J E McCROAN Ord nary STATESBORO the purchase at 8a d sale convey ng grass n the yard was h INSURANCE AGENCY knee gh the A s ficant feature TAKE of tl e VI ednes gn of Mr Pol title III f" sunple ADVANTAdE cat had d sappeared thad ra ned a TIIla day afternoon holiday and see lard s statement s hIB assert on that H. D BRANNEN Mgr ght smart n the bed "l'1El ���D BAn, RUSTIN 212 Hdl street for photo company room on January 1 1934 there Wa3 but one color and she got PHONE 79 JONES OLLIFF graphs ng enlarg ng copy everyth ng cleaned up ra lroad n the Un ted States STATESBoRO, GA. I paYln&, of Allen I A work and kodak fin sh ng (21Junlp) and stra ghtened out n (3may3te) les. than a d Vldends upon. te common stock (7J ,"6te) AND STATESBORO NElVtI TIlURSDAY, JULY 12, 1934 'CIGHT DIJLl.OCH TIMES

OGEECHEE LODGE No 213 W I L Hall of Vldaha, lpent Su­ HUI LOCH F & A M COUNTY­ I II day here with hIS mother Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday THE HEART OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNT\_ � M Mr and Mrs E A Smith were bus I � 730 P Social ano �lub==== I Very Best Material Our Prices WHE� NATURB SMILES' THB HEART OF GBORC,IA, !II Barnes Funeral Home ness VISItOrs In Savannah Saturday Over BULLOCH "WHERE NATURB SMIL_. V,&,tlng Brethren Welcome Waters of Savannah IS Reasonable TIMES Stanley and Are la MRS R L BRADY A F MORRIS WorkmanshIp H H HOWELL viait.ing hia slater Mrs E A Smith Editor Bcti"ities W M Sec F W Darby spent several days dur (STATESBORO PHONE NEWS-STATESBOlItO EAGLE) R OFFICE PHONE 100 mg the week In Atlanta on buainess 253 Mrs Joe TIllman and children are CAREFUL PERSONAL IIATl'ENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS MISS Margaret W,lhams has re spentllng the week at Tybee Bulloch Time. Mr and Mrs Walter Johnson spent turned from a week s stay at Tybee Conlohdated J.... 17 1917 J R Vansant and children Mrs A B Green has returned from BRANNEN-THAYER MONUMENT CO. State.boro New.E.tabl�II�,�lte�dI11�8112�1}���:::=�������======E.tabllshed 1901 uary MISS Sara Hall has as her ed to afternoon last week end at Tybee guest Stateaboro FJstabUlhed STATESBORO, GA, THURSDAY JULY 19, 1934 Tybee Fraday a VISIt to relatives m Albany JOHN M THAYER Proprietor Eaele 1917-Con80hdated December 9 1»20 viaitor In VOL 44-NO 18 Mrs Rountree visited Miss Sara Hall "as a Miss Brightie Blue of Union Springs Mr and Dave MISS Ollie Smith has returned from Phone 439 dur the week Ala 45 West MaIO St STATESBORO, GA In Pembroke ng hlends MIlledgevIlle Sunday a VISit to relatives In Savannah Bean motored Mrs Bulloch Mrs H P Womack mo MI and Mrs G E Mr and Lanme Simmons spent County Girls Mr and Mrs G A Scr'iews spent last week GEORGIA CllOO Wives of Doctors afternoon to Tybee Sunday afternoon several days dur ng the week In At TAXPAYERS ASKED CLUBSTERS MEET loret! to Savannah Monday with her stater Mr, J T WhItaker Attend Tifton Meet from MUCH DO YOU KNOW? SUMMER SCHOOL Savannah IS I Mrs Lev Maltm has returned lanta on bus mess AFTERNOON TEA HOW Invited to Charles Robison of MISS Newell DeLoach of Savannah Meeting Wa a of several weeks In Hot Springs MISS Marlon Roach of Claxton was Hester on Ann some time WIth Harold stay Henri M,sa Newton entertained TO ELEer Groover and II{ mme Sue Zet DISCUSS HOSPITAL :spendmg was end of MISS e 0n QUEENS the week guest ask d HERE NEXT to WEEK The s have re (Answers ---t-q Woman to the Mr and Mrs Ohn Smith the attractrve week end guest of M,ss the lawn at the aft terower two Bulloch 4 H Club Auxlhary ANNUAL k.ers etta Moore college Tuesday I county FIrst DIstract le\l)ns ADOPT NOVEL PLAN TO RAISE MedIcal WIll BANQUEl' a week s at AT MEETING WILL Society W B Moore of Savannah IS turned from stay Tybee Carrae Edna Flanders ernoon from 5 30 to 6 30 honoring garls attended a 4 H Club short MONDAY TEACRERS COLLEGE TO BE Mrs Mrs Donald Frasier of Hinesville 1 August �a��42 hold their mid summer In mother FUNDS TO REPREENT STATE BE meetmg FINAL Brooks Mlss VIOla and her MISS Ruth Lamer IS Mrs ar course at CALLED UPON TO MAKE GA SOCIAL OCCASION a few days at the Perry Mary viaitmg Marvin PIttman who has 2 James K Polk the Abraham Baldwm Col rRERINO PLACE FOR BOYS Savannah at the DeSoto Hotel on A'F espending I IS vtstttng her parents Mr and MIS IN the CHICAGO KNOWN Savannah during her aunt Mrs Arthur Mooney In lived from to make her 3 Nat Turner a negro preacher at Tifton 12 14 THEIR IMINDS AND GIRLS OF 4 H CLUB Wednesday 25th The COLLEGE INCLUDBS MANY �otel A B MIchIgan lege July All of the July meeting Green were met at the WIll for a few 4 The slaves last from 11 to 1 Mrs J E DISTINGUISHED GUESTS MISS MarJollc Durden Sylvania days home and Mrs Howell Cone who counties m South GeorgIa carryang Mr and Mrs WIlson E Joyner have line an armed mob and Atlanta July 17 -GeorgIa clties A of Bulloch WIll Penland of MI s Marvin Cox have as Mrs MItchell of boundary by meetmg taxpayers of Bulloch clubsters hold their Waycross president of last week with her aunt Mrs Mr and Mr and Conrad leave m the near futui e fOI Savan on the extension program were ",pent returned from a week s at Jack not allowed to settle repre the state atay were are the Idea of of annual club at suxlllary WIll be present The final SOCIal event their his mother Mrs Cox of Atlanta are his Mr nah taking up Century sented A county IS called for next county camp the of the IUIa­ Dan McCormIck guest VIsItIng parents to make her home 5 24 1814 program of mtereat to Monday and an sonville Beach August South ia Teachers grve mterestang address mer school at and Mrs MItchell Peach Balls WIth en Georg College July Teachers College wu MISS Evelyn Robertson was a week Waynesboro Morgan 6 In 1800 Progress great 4 H Club girls was carried out WIth At the close of the meetmg lunch MISS Sara Mooney has returned 23 to 27 DI M S PIttman the of Mrs J W has returned Mlss Ehzabetli Sorrier sev 7 Umted States vs Judge Peters president WIll be served m the banquet Tuesday evenIng at -end vtsitor at Tybee as the guest Hodges spent STITCH AND CHATTER CLUB thuaiasm WIley L Moore chairman members of the state extenaion de sentiments WIth to the DeSoto veranda from Tennessee where she [oined regard of the announced which a to her son and his fam in 1809 college here dining room and the afternoon approxImately four hundred Mrs K A Huggms from VISit eral days during the week Swams the partment leadang the discuaaions during friends on a house The Stitch and Chattel club met of Geoend WIth lelatlves I ent. MI al d M,s R M Monts YOUR PATRONAGE ALWAYS APPRECIATED dally hamleta and cross dehghtful enteltaanment artnnged start It the S Henderson motoled to Sllvannah Monda) for the WIth they Wlll be the of roacls as to pay college campus the d,rected the mUSIcal � al Ewell Alexandel of guests well as cltaes and especmlly held nt IMI lind MIS Jesse � els of Lou MI d MIS PROM FOR VISITORS large gartien party day the GeolgIF of M,s Alfred DOlman s plogram and herself rendered anstru .Jsv lie s lent la:,t week v th M n Id SU\ annah spent With hot pal Centuly Progress county seats Sunday MISS Jan ce Arundel was the chal m 0 and M sAL Clafton spent commiSSIOn With all d Second We thllnk the Statesbolo mental and vocal solos whIle Mrs B MIS L L Hull SI and MI and MIS ents MI and M,s G W Clalk expenses pn At thIS stage of the game a vote Screw Worm Menace Prominent Citizen Illg hostess Thul even at the MethodIst chulch fOI the use of thell sevel al days last week at Adel lind sday. ng United 5c �tJ $5 Store for Week 23 29 L Sm th gave a of M S MItchell of GeorgIa September IS a vote couple beautIful :Eugene Barnhardt MI and NOI ton home of MIs J E honOl and the comforts wete Donehoo ang L Calls for Action Passes to Reward many vocal solos accompun cd home by MISS B II C MARTIN, Manager they WIll go to ChIcago on the Geor Govel nor 1\11 and MIS Clulence Chance and Co ICOld N C me VISltlllg hiS pal Talmadge s supporters �����d��um hel v stoIa M,sses Jane Ellen Sm th H ASSIstant The W, ght GRADY SIMMONS, Manager gla Century of offICIal traan wele ThIrd speakang proglam of the eve Ma on a 1(1 MIS MItchell Progress JubIlant over the succ..s Sllllon L Nevds 72 Our sancere thanks to the hem w1th the that met I of msplred newly m­ fathel Hena y BI unson and h s slstel a 1d Augusta labormg charge Pine tar thmned tS recommentled fOt every esponslblhty progress attended greater effort we pledge our contm I stalled as head of the MIS Geolge RIley and two sons ceremony by Rufus Dawes n swapPing personahtles are and Teachera Cel- Mrs Dan McColnllck lit I a 1d MIS L nton G Banks and AN AMAZING REDUCTION IN they th,s practIce good cltazenshlp love and devotIon closed the ma left fOI thell home 111 Newalk preSIdent of the of fall e lege speech k WI th a MISS Webb of Dawson and MI and MIS Eills De Sunday Century Progreas ng to advance construct ve Issues AllImals HuedIS SUI vlved by h,s WIdow Mrs S,xth To MIS mg Inez eh lellen and affected WIth the pest have Guy Wells for her b N a the raef statcment of hIS at J aftel VISIt to hel n other ExpOSItIon governor and other Governor th,s week be NOt a Nevils four soliCItude for our comfort dehght hiS �1lss Pauhne Pall sh of Pavo \\ ho Loach II d chlld .. n motOted to rybee WOMEN'S SHOES Talmadge to have the worms removed wtth daughters Mrs B A contact WIth the MI.::. W B Johnson offlcanls receptIOn at the beautl gills an arduOliS wtth J Calhoun of Ga Seventh To those who so k instItutIon and ex .are students at the sun mel school at Sunday ufteilloon campaign small tweezers and then the wound Baxley M,. Joe ndly iul state cooperated m the tl of press.." a hope that he M,s John W Ba I had as her GeorgIa exh,b,t WIll follow many speeches scheduled In h,s ad Edwards and Mrs Nell ansportatlon mIght have a the Teachels allege e e dill el MI and MIS Flank Duke have e paanted WIth benzol to kIll the Infec Thaggard of' to the The Peach and gale.ts Stateaboro newspaper cont'lnuatlon of the co guesta last week M,ss Blanche Wood cent on all Queen her Court dress at LOUISVIlle he snaled mto Claxton an d M ISS ena operatIon of MI and MI s Ded tUl ned to thell home n nftel At this reductIon of 20 per t,on and of the worm An L Lee N eVl I S for :gueots Sunday Wadley eggs np splendId publICIty gIven thIS con w h IC 1I as cock of Athlnta and WIll be the the week at h brought the to Ita M,s John R guests during Judge PIttman although not mentIOn 01 Statesboro SIX sons W G Nevlla ference and to college rack" atelS I VISIt to 1 el slstel MIS A J Shel Women's White and Shoes thiS placatIon of tar IS then necessary to each person who has Jomel Sport bralhant SOCIal functIOns an present excellent condltaon and chlldlen of Sylvallla many Ing hIS name and bl anded the whole Felton NeVIls Sam NeVIls and Eu so contr buted to the sue 1111 and M,s Henay Blltch of Sa ton and hel famIly prevent the fly from agaan bloWlng glaclously a cess of The feature of the Mr and Mrs J K Wh,taker of footwear will go like wild­ cludang moonhght boat trIp and mas. of hIS aa false gene NeVIls of Statesboro the conventl n closmg evenml' "annah spent sevelal dayo dUI ng the MIS S W LeWIS J m high grade charges the wound and Dr Homestead Fla and Vel dance on Lake The MRS HARRY CREAMER was the presentatIon of the M,sses Jane MIchIgan receptIons governor charged hIS opposItIon R L NeVIl. of Savannah two SIS prize week WIth hel palents lit ancl M,s HallY Cone left Sunday for Macon fire. taken from our regu- Benzol may be procured In bottles MRS W F SESSIONS Every pair at some the awarded to th e s tu en n a and MYltlce Wh,take, of BlOok of Important exhIbIts WIth an effort to abohsh the telS Mrs SallIe Bowen of annually d t ,;J L Mathews whIle emoute f,om a to JO n the JacksonvIlle dlstl ct FOld county at cost at Donehoo s ServIce Stataon States- MRS H V SCARBOROUGH stock of late • group wh ch makes the let wei e V1SItOI s III the city lar high quality Spring mIdway partIes slghtseeang tours umt system ane! consohdate bOlO and Mr. Dasher of hIghest num vacatIOn tl p to the mountallls of dealms n a trip to Ch cago Fllday many on North Maan street D,cy Sa CommIttee a ber of POtnts Mrs M H Glisson and sons Ken and whIrl of gay actIvItIes count es vannah and durmg the summer NOt th Calolana Walter Brown spent several days and Summer Shoes. four brothers W R The wmner at each school The praze a minIature ftlr neth and Beverly have returned to GeorgIa ball IS Judge P,ttman an an add ess two NeVIls P L NeVIls and T Jlfr and MIS 0 S Robel tson and last week m Moreland and was ac P.-T. A. B District Club Conference Bay plane went to the theIr home m Bradenton Fla after to be chosen by votes of the tIcket later demed that Merry Makers Jamlly Mr and 1I1rs E S LeWIS and compallled hom by Mrs B,own who days flatly he had of Savannah and several grand holders The are To The Hornets were second a VISIt to hel mother M,s W C De STRAPS PUMPS TIES OXFORDS quahficatlons to be advocated .uch proposals m Closed Yesterday ch Idren Meet Tomorrow gIven place famIly Eaal Andelson and MI and \\as thele her any pub VlSltlllg parents and the PIrates third Loach I charm personahty and popularaty hc or utterance and Mrs J A Roper and of Port MIS Allen Lamer and private counter famIly daughters The two days sessIOn of the dIS The Bay D,.tr,ct Commumty Club MISS Lena Blocoff of JacksonvIlle Each wanner among other thangs IS ed WIth the assertIon th.t Statesboro Boy at Wentworth were vIsItors m Rose Dhu Miriam and Mal tha Evelyn and her Talmadge WIll hold ltS be tract PTA conference wh,ch began July meetang at Esla Fla who has been several to presented WIth two beautIful afraId of defeat was clutch First S C for the FOUl th mother Mrs J A Akms are VISIt spendmg loommg Open Boll With an executIve committee Military Academy school Fflday afternoon to as the oi MISS b paars of sheer SIlk hose-one paIr at straws to avert the catas meetmg aclordang M,ss V,rg,naa Stubbs of Lanaer MIS W C at Lamer days guest Dorothy mg IIlg Harvey MEN'S SMART Monday mght and c;_ontmued WIth an West Poant N OtIS Owens commulllty leader S At Times Darby left to return to for the ChIcago ball and one paIr trophc Y July 16 -WIlham Office -was honor guest at a chIcken fl, Mr and Mrs John Overstreet and Wednesday H actIve program through P BI ett son Morgan member of the board of her home for the street-by the Arche, Governor also demed that Wednesday of J H Brett States gIven '" num I ttle Patracla of Savan Talmadge The fi rst -Wednesday evenmg by daughter came to a close late In the afternoon regents of the UnIverSIty System open cotton boll of the Mrs T V Bracewell SPORT OXFORDS HOSIery MIlls of Columbus he had boro Gn who was sworn In as a ber of her fraendo were and chIldren any politIcal plans for the Plesent nah were week end guests of her and the for theIr WIll d,scuss the posslblhtles of the season was brought to of anti Herbert Th,s parade of the future but saId delegate. departed cadet at the U S Mlhtary Academy Miss Menza Math," Mr and Evelyn have returned to GeorgIa that i1 he were re Cummmg GeOlge parents Mrs Audrey Mar homes More than the.e are fice Tuesday by C E Anderson of AND Peaches one fifty representa here on 1 has been project people undertakang theIr home an after a WHITES should be of the out elected he would be content to retIre JUly aSSIgned to Vlrglnaa Stubbs Fred MathIS Lucy t n here Wnghtsvllle He tlves were m attendance Includlllg the F,fth Judge J E McCroan Bulloch ordl RegIster stated that thIS s..mple VISIt to her brother C H '3tandmg events of the entare World s to h,s farm after two more de Company by Major General "Mae Deal DeLoach Hazel Mr and Mrs A J Shelton and Snapes years of was Reppard delegates from most of the Southeast D nary WIll also meet WIth the club staple from a 20 acre field and famIly FaIr Chaarman Moore statetl and votang hIS tIme to and W Connor supermtendent The Deal and BIll Brannen Lllhan huntmg fishmg planted an daughter accompanaed by Georgia counties DS well as some At the June the organ za March whIch IS III good Mr and are very espe­ every cIty and an the state IS ThIS otal stJength of Brett s class IS 374 meetang theIr Mr Mrs Lee Robertson and wearable, county brought down the radlcule of guests and Mrs Frank from other tlon d,scussctl the of m cond,tIOn Mr Ander mVlted parts of the state The FOI the next SIX weeks posslblhtles InCIdentally of Beaufort S C were to hold a ball and select a PIttman who Brett and Duke of daughter Judge suggested that son Watlley motored to Tybee dIscussed at the conventIOn troducang stem potatoes m the agrees WIth other Bulloch now. You Peach Let s show the problems hiS classmates Will receive 8n mten bIg county guests durang the week of Mr cially right Queen world the governor would be able to hve a Sunaay afternoon covered a had an mand farmers that the present IS WIde range all beanng slve course of mstructlOn In communaty They grow crop 11'0- Mrs Lannae S,mmons and that GeorgIa does thangs m a bIg hfe of eas, from now on whIle the vanOllS MI�s Irene Arden left suffiCient ang to be short Wednesday can't on a upon tOPICS relatang to educataonal both IIlg acreage to warrant co extremely Mrs Fret! Lanaer go wrong way farmers he pretended to befrIend con mlhtal), subjects mclutllllg drIlls for Rome and othe. m North places subjects and co operatIOn of parents and lectures operatIve selhng so as to reach the Mrs D M and chIldren Any group m the state can gIve a tmued to labor for a Early m August the west on busaness In connec Chapman meager hvmg GeorgIa and teachers m theIr vocatIon mal kets that demand thIS product HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? Catherme Arleen D buy like this. Well made ball and select Ii queen Full de WhIle these two class WIll be absorbed anto the corps taon WIth the Eastern ElOIse and B swapped thrusts Star She WIll Th,s was conSIdered a proJect that and taIls may be obta ned from Russell Gllll8m was of caclets and w1ll partIcIpate an the be several Arnold Woods of Ft Lauderdale waging a vigorous cam answers to away weeks SOLDIER BOYS could not on the (For these questions look ..n OFF are they go wlong If Fla were the of Mr shoes of leathers R Wh,tm dl ector of the fOI votes on h s ImpleSSlve parades wi ch held on Edw n spend day guests Qualify Georgan pa gn drappmg wet page 5) Brady and Albert GI een left potatoes faaled to market as well as and Mrs J T Wh,takel of Brooklet Century of Progresa CommIssIon platfol m He .Rld Governor Tal FOR ENCAMPMENT d11lly for Atlanta to a 1 What was the Trent affaIr? Monday spend few they thought they should It was at 15 cent off from 223 Palmer Atlanta IS In the m ddle of August the new Wednesday per BUlldmg matlge deaf dumb and blmd on 2 When and where was the days before gomg on to M,SSOUll to out that feed would be first Bulloch county s mIl tary boy" cadets WIll take a brought hog Mrs Verdle HIllIard Mrs Waldo the subject of allowang the people to five day practIce shot of the War Between the States? Jom Allen III a VISIt to hiS a lesort to fall on Emory members of the NatIonal Guards left mal ch back WIth the 3 In and two Com e Burnsed Presents vote on tlon and through the footh lls of the what battle dId Getleral A S brother W Iham Wallace Floyd chIldren Waldo Jr and regular price. prohlb that Judge for the annual summel en potato Johnston lose h,s hie? Lee retul ned from P,ttman hasn t the to Sunday CatskIlls southwest of West POint Ronald Varn of Savannah V,rganla Monday Freak Watermelon courage say 4 What pent campment at Fort Moultne whel e DUI the march campaIgn an the War Be a .::.tay of severaJ weeks WIth rela early for your size. yes or no on the question ng they WIll hve In last week end III the and was tween the States has been conSIdered city WIll two weeks n tra n t,ves an are a they spend shelter tents and cat from Hold Examination Enterprase Ala B F Burnsed farmer from the They Just couple of rolhng one of the greatest feats an the an accompan ed home by MIS Valll anti A _ ng speCIal lIlVltatlon has been kItchens dlstr rabb,ts he sa d nals of the 1 Mr and Mrs Paul Chatfield and Bay ct brough to the TImes sage For mlhtary hIstory? two chIldren Rose and Ronald to their Collegeboro The given friends here to VISit The academIC year Will open 5 What were the names of the Jr and M,ss LOUIse three chIldren of M,ama Fla Mrs offIce Tuesday a freak watermelon Talmadge Issue was the one Scp Boss gran Hughes them and observe theIr work wh Ie first armored used 111 a war" pa say on WhICh the race tember 1st Class room work WIll A nnouncement IS ShIPS Mr and Mrs J H James Campbell and chIldren of At dIfferent from ever seen IS being run and made by the CIvil Watson M,ss anythmg an 6 Where was John Paul Jones the He dlgestun work 010 engaged target practIce start at a m It over mto Saturday 8 00 and WIll extend service commtSSlon an Jewell "atson and lanta and Mra MorrIS of LOUISVIlle before The melon was shaped hke spIlls the other races that examIna the American naval Carson and Roy a great hero, bettah an' he lOde mornIng and party IS bemg organ untIl 3 m WIth an hour s mtenms a Stone In hIS Lou s"lle p taon WIll be held at Statesboro on a buned? Pool and thear mother Mrs ChIldress Ky are spendmg the week as guests Mountaan and marked I ke a Talmadge speech gestun doan surrah he Ized under the auspIces of the States slOn fOI lunch and Rattlesnake appealed to all vote.. on of Dralls compulsory date to be anounced later. for 7 Where and when was the first formed a to of Mr and Mrs H H Cowart WIth golden moon behalf post no more w'en he party motorlllg Savan boro Chamber of Commerce for Inc. Jud W,lho,t that mtramural athletICS WIll take up an master at declarataon of mdependence m the whIch he and J B Damel h,s The nah and Tybee for the Fourth M,ss Melrose who re shaped spots explamed ap Collegeb9ro salary ., etes at de Kennedy PUI pose It IS to an colontes FINE, on planned leave other hour the afternoon For the for that I the moon and pomtees the publIc service com POSItIon IS gIven as Mrs J L Womack and her httle celved her A B from the Una epresented stars I $1200 8 When was the JAKE of degree Statesboro about 5 0 clock acadennc work the class WIll present flag The miSSion Saturday be d,vld per year or admISSIon grandson Lee Adams who have been of North Carohna at "WHERE STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE PREDOMINATE" dlscolorataons he saId were char ApphcatlOns the Umted States adopted' verslty Chapel mormng and return that late cd Into sectIOns of from ten acterastac of all The race for commiSSIOner of evemng to four to the exammatlon whIch wlIl be 9 What was the 1840 slo­ Mr and Mrs H P Womack HIll N C an June VISIted fnends an the melons on the agrl campaIgn 'VIsIting ,; to the TEA POT GRILL Interest Any peraon deslrang joan party teen cadets and each man will be re held at VIne each one ItS own gammg Statesboro are to be can? returned to the" home In Oxford and Charlotte before haVIng d,splay rapIdly reqUired Monday comIng STATESBORO, GEORG� �1S IS to m touch WIth Where were requested get qUlred to recIte m each on file 10 the headquarten Statesboro, Ga M,am, Fla of mOons and stara subject every by August 3rd Blanks may they havmg been called home for the remaander of the sum (Contlllued on page 5) Prince H n tonous whIskey cal Preston, secretary day tie had at the Statesboro nng there because of Illness I mer f postofflce �'1��e