Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-12-1934 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1934). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1762. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1762 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGHT BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW!!! THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1934 I OGEECHEE LODGE No 213 F & A M Music Club To I Q Every 1st and 31d Tuesday Social ano (tlub==== I � 730 P M Present Program Over Barnes Funeral Home Very Best Material Our Prices BULLOCH Brethren Welcome Announcement IS COUNTY­ MRS R L BRADY Vlbltlllg made that the and BULLOCH COUNTY­ H H HOWELL A F MORRIS Workmanship Are Reasonable THE HEART OF GEORGIA, Editor Statesboro MUSIC Club WIll present THB BHART 0.. GEO.G.... Bcti\1ities W M Sec "WHEIUii NATURB SMILES � the musical program at the Teachers "WHBRB NATURa 8MILBII· OFFICE PHONE 100 after noon TIMES College Sunday at 6 30 BULLOCH ALL ORDERS o clock to which the IS invited CAREFUL PERSONAL A'ITENTION GIVEN mg hIS aunt, MI S Loren DUI den public MIsses MIS was Mrs J G Moore and M,s W SHan R Lee Moor e was a business VIS COo (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBOlIlO EAGLE) viaitors 111 Savannah U VISltOI 111 the net will direct the BRANNEN-THAYER MONUMENT Monday Clt� Sunday itor In Augusta during the week program Miss Jamce Arundel has returned JOHN M Proprietor Mias Carne Clay spent last week Miss Drotu Sharpe of Cuba VISIt THAYER, In om a VISIt to friends III FOR DR AND MRS WELLS ElltalNlalaed 18112 end Sa, annah WIth her parents [, QUItman ed fr'iends In the dui the week 45 West Main St. GA. Phone 439 BuUoc:h Time.. cltl mg STATESBORO, CoDaoUdated J...ua1"J' 17. 1917 a Miss Mallard of On Fllday DI and Mrs State.boro N..... EstabUahed 1901 } Ralph Ramsey has returned (tom Ruth Surlngfleld MI and MIS W E McDougald and evelllng STATESBORO, GA. JULY 12. 1934 VOL Statesboro •• E.tabliahed 1917-Coll8oUdated T!fURSDAY. 44-NO 17 I a in the Wells were honor at a Bacl December 9. tnO few days stay tn Chicago and At "as week end VISltOI cIty MISS Sara Hall motored to Vidalia Guy guests MI Mrs Marvin were VIS lovely dinner at the Jaeckel Hotel at BIRTH ents Mr and Mrs Smith, on lanta and Cox Sunday HalTY ItOIS in the week which Mr and MI s D II Turner were North Main her at MISS Jennie Brannen of Hazlehurst Savannah during MISS Eva Martm, of New Orleans Mr and MI s R H Tyson announce street. honoring Friends of Albert Cobb Judge DeLoach Has mo hosts Roses were as a Ken IS her aunt Mrs F I W,I MI and Mrs Devane Watson used center the birth of a son on 2nd He tractive VISitor, MBs Josephine GEORGIA BmTHS HOLD AT vlsttmg has arrived fOI a VISIt to friends and July INSTITUTE TOBACCO MARKFf DEMOCRATIC HEAD for the to the About five To Give Him Fish Filed hams tored to Savannah Friday day relatives prece pretttiy appointed table WIll be called R H Jr Mrs Tyson nedy of Savannah sIxty Fry Resignation his were to were Punch was serv M,ss Alice Katherine Lanier has S M Dekle of Cordele joined Mr and Mrs Wilbur Cason have Corsages presented the lady was before her MISS Eva guests present marrjage SHOWING DECLINE Bulloch county friends of Albert L TEACHERS COLLEGE OPENS AUGUST 1ST Judge W H Dal.oach, who for the returned from a VISit to friends 111 family 111 a VISit here for the week gueats Cover s were laid for Dr and Nessmlth cd the evemng PRAISES PARirnIl returned from a VISit to I elatives 111 throughout Cobb candidate for congress WIll past SIX years has held the office of Mrs Wells Dr and ... Atlanta end Alabama Mrs H()y Tay FIGURES FOR PRINCIPAL CITIES LOCAL PARENT TEACHER AS PROSPECT FOR GOOD SEASON grve III hIS honor a fish on FrIday and ex COMMENDS CONGRESSMAN FOR left last week lor Mr and Mrs Howell FOR DR AND MRS WELLS fry notary public Off,CIO jusuce of M,sses Carol and Ann Campbell of M,. Herman Bland re Cone Mr DINNER PARTYI OF STATE COVERING 1932 AND SOCIATION TO AT LOCALLY; Mrs Hal Kennon and sons have of this week 13th at BE HOST ",ND HIGHER PRICES the UIS SPIRIT OF CO L Downs were nig-ht July Russ peace for the Statesboro OPERATION Atlanta are their aunt Mrs for Jacksonvtlle Fla to VISIt her and Mrs B H Mr and Mrs MISS Mae MIchael entertained In Mr and Mrs W district, viaiting turned from a VISIt to relatives at Ramsey 1933. ARE GIVEN TEA MONDAY EVENING THROUGHOUT GEORGIA IN Waters tobacco barn five miles south this week m RECOVERY PROGRAM R M Monts Mr hosts at a dinner placed the hands of the H H Cowart siater Woodbllle and Mrs Arthur formally Saturday evening WIth a Saturday evemng of Brooklet Those in charge of ar ordinary hia effective rm Mrs Howell Cone and Mrs Dew Hoke Brunson several Turner Mr and Mrs Remer dinner at the Jaeckel Hotel party at the Jaeckel Hotel hononng July 6 -A decrease On and W,th the date set for Au resignation spent days MISS Nora Bob Smith left Thurs Brady. party Washmgton. Tuesday Wednesday. July opening Congressman Homer C Parker rungements say It will be the largest mediately A successor WIll be se hall the m Hazlehurst WIth Mrs Marvin Her were Dr and Mrs Wells Red radi III -the birth rate in from 1}roover motored to Savannah Mon dur mg week Mr9 PIttman. MISS Kather guests Mrs Marvm PItt Guy Georgia 17 and 18. the Georgia Congress of gust 1st for the tobacco mar received from day for N C to VISIt III Georgia Postmaster General J. HIckory. hand affair of ItS kind ever held that lected by the grand Jury at the for the friends me PIttman MISS Mae MIchael Dr man MISS Katherine Mar ance roses were used on the 219 per 1.000 eatimatad population Parents and Teacher s WIll hold a July day day Solon PIttman. kets mterest IS now on A a letter of for Gray section and the public IS invited centermg that term of superior court A number of Farley thanks hi. Mr and Mrs Frank Wllhams have Mrs Hinton Booth has returned J H Mr and Mrs Turner VIII Pittman Jr MISS Nell table Views of the in 1932 to 207 10 1933 was shown 10 two conference at the South Mrs S F of WhItesIde. Chamblee somely appointed day date III those aid III Cooper, Sylvania There WIll be plenty of eats and free localities where ware appficanta for the have al enuctmg President Roosevelt'. 8 VISit and friends After the and Mr were used as cards The the census bureau statisttcs position returned from a two weeks' 'Stay at from to relatives several the week dinner, which was served and Mrs Robert Donaldson college place today Georgiu Teachers College at College houses WIll spent days during lemonade for all, and women and operate the number recovery program In •• • were Mrs Dr in ready uppeared among White Springs Fla in Atlanta four courses the party attended guests Dr and Wells. There were 60142 births the state boro The in the e ity I That thet e WIll be a short postmasetr of PROM child ell at e especially invited Mr crop­ bemg J T Kmgery who m two past general spoke Mrs Z S Henderson and little son Rev and Mrs J E Parker of a show at the State Theatre PARTY FOR VISITOR and Mrs Carruth. Dr and Mrs Smith. 10 1933 All electet! eaidents offi • Mr and Mrs S L ale newly pr the shortest m the Parker 8 Moore spend Cobb WIll mnke the opening speech posaibly history of elections was a candidate for Congressman fine SPirit or Gene have returned from a VISit to VISited friends In the MISS Betty Smith entertained very Mr and Mrs Goadm Mr and Mrs Deaths of infants under one year cei chairmen of commit Justice Waynesboco, several this week In Savan s, standing tobacco III his relations mg days of hIS campaIgn at that ttme hIS ad Georgm's markets-there of the peace cooperation" With tbe­ relat,ves m Eastman BIRTHDAY DINNER dehghtfully evenmg With Henderson. Mr and Mrs Howell Cone of age totaled 4075 and 3501 sttll tees and mteresteel Parent Teache. cIty Thursday Thursday seems to no Democi atlc nah and Tybee dless scheduled fOI 8 0 be however, the S administration The Dem­ A a belllg clock doubt, Judge DeLoach leslgnntlOn was M,ss PIrtle of New York Mrs W D left lovely blrthtlay dmner was gIven prom party at the home of hel pal and Dr and Mrs A J Mooney bIrths were recotded The late for workers lIIe to attend th,s con Pegg) McGauley Tuesday Mrs Lockhal of ulged for a shol t ocratIC cllleftulI1 said Gelston t.
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