Local Plan Transport Assessment Appendices

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Local Plan Transport Assessment Appendices www.bexley.gov.uk Appendix A - Local Plan Transport Assessment Bibliography Title Author Year 2050 Vision Thames Estuary 2050 Growth 2018 Commission A time of unprecedented change in the transport system Government Office for Science 2019 Bexley Core Strategy London Borough of Bexley 2012 Bexley Growth Strategy London Borough of Bexley 2017 Circular 02/2013: The Strategic Road Network and the Department for Transport 2013 Delivery of Sustainable Development Future transport; How is London responding to London Assembly 2018 technological innovation? Gallions Reach and Belvedere river crossings – Transport for London 2016 Consultation report and response to key issues raised Local Implementation Plan: Final Draft LIP London Borough of Bexley 2019 London Borough of Bexley: Local Plan Transport Steer 2020 Assessment – Quantitative Analysis, Part of Reg 19 draft Local Plan evidence Base (2021) Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) Mayor of London 2018 Mayor’s Transport Strategy: Supporting Evidence – Mayor of London & Transport for 2017 Challenges and Opportunities for London’s Transport London Network to 2041 Parking supply and demand in London David Leibling 2014 Planning for Air Quality Environmental Protection UK and the 2017 Institute of Air Quality Management Rail Network Enhancements Pipeline - A New Approach Department for Transport 2018 for Rail Enhancements Residential Parking in new Developments Transport for London 2012 Road Investment Strategy Department for Transport 2020 South East Route: Kent Area Route Study – Advice for Network Rail 2018 Funders Strategic Case for Metroisation in south and south east Transport for London 2019 London Strategic Transport Modelling – Part of the London Plan Mayor of London & Transport for 2017 evidence base London LPTA – Appendix A Bibliography Title Author Year Thamesmead and Abbey Wood OAPF Adopted Version Mayor of London 2020 The London Plan - Intend to Publish Version Greater London Authority 2019 TOD and Affordable Housing Institute for Transportation & 2018 Development Policy Transport evidence bases in plan making and decision Ministry of Housing, Communities & 2015 taking Local Government Transport Now and in the Future London Assembly 2020 Transport Strategy Scrutiny Sub-Group: Final Report London Borough of Bexley 2016 and Recommendations Unitary Development Plan London Borough of Bexley 2004 Young People's Travel - What's Changed and Why? UWE Bristol & University of Oxford 2018 Review and Analysis 2 www.bexley.gov.uk LPTA Appendix B: Site Capacities and Trip Generation March 2020 List Vehicle Trips k Total Site IDSite Location Potential Unit Numbers Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Total Trips AM Peak Arr Total Trips AM Peak Dep Total Trips AM Peak Total Total Trips PM Peak Arr Total Trips PM Peak Dep Total Trips PM Pea BH002 CCG Offices, 211 26 51 77 42 24 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 51 77 42 24 66 Erith Rd, Bheath BH003 Bus Garage, 173 19 37 55 30 18 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 37 55 30 18 47 Bexleyheath BH004 Army Reserve 114 14 28 41 22 13 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 28 41 22 13 36 Centre, B’heath BH010 EDF Site, 385 41 81 123 66 39 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 81 123 66 39 105 Bexleheath BH012 Builders Yard, 46 5 10 15 8 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 8 5 13 Rowan Rd BH013 BT Exchange, 75 7 14 20 11 7 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 20 11 7 18 Bexleyheath BH014 ASDA Crook 43 4 8 12 6 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 12 6 4 10 Log BH015 Avenue Rd Car 73 9 18 27 14 8 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 18 27 14 8 23 Park, B’heath BH016 Buildbase, 83 10 20 30 16 10 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 16 10 26 Bexleyheath BX001 Bexley High St 30 4 7 11 6 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 11 6 3 9 Car Park BX002 BT Exchange, 122 15 29 44 24 14 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 29 44 24 14 38 Bexley CR004 G’hound Stad, 274 38 74 112 61 36 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 74 112 61 36 96 Crayford LPTA – Appendix B Site Capacity and Trip Generation k Total Site IDSite Location Potential Unit Numbers Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Total Trips AM Peak Arr Total Trips AM Peak Dep Total Trips AM Peak Total Total Trips PM Peak Arr Total Trips PM Peak Dep Total Trips PM Pea CR005 Electrobase, 287 40 78 118 64 37 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 78 118 64 37 101 Crayford CR007 Cray R/ Maiden 26 4 9 13 7 4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 13 7 4 11 Ln C’ford ER005 West St/Francis 42 6 11 17 9 5 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 11 17 9 5 15 Rd, Erith ER006 Erith Western 594 73 144 216 117 69 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 144 216 117 69 186 Gateway ER012 Erith Riverside 254 39 77 116 62 37 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 77 116 62 37 99 East ER015 Hainault House, 82 11 22 34 18 11 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 22 34 18 11 29 Erith ER020 DYNES, Erith 29 4 8 12 6 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 12 6 4 10 Road SID002 Travis Perkins, 48 5 10 15 8 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 8 5 13 Sidcup SID005 Old Farm Park, 80 9 17 25 14 8 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 25 14 8 22 Sidcup SID006 Marlowe 236 25 50 75 41 24 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 50 75 41 24 65 House, Sidcup TA003 Wolvercote Rd, 1,211 185 366 551 298 176 474 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 366 551 298 176 474 Thamesmead New001 74 Crayford 33 5 9 14 7 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 14 7 4 12 Road, Crayford New002 Erith Quarry 523 80 158 238 129 76 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 158 238 129 76 204 Phase 1 New003 Linpac Site, 217 37 72 109 59 35 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 72 109 59 35 93 Slade Green New004 Ballast Wharf, 54 7 15 22 12 7 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 15 22 12 7 19 Erith 2 LPTA – Appendix B Site Capacity and Trip Generation k Total Site IDSite Location Potential Unit Numbers Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Total Trips AM Peak Arr Total Trips AM Peak Dep Total Trips AM Peak Total Total Trips PM Peak Arr Total Trips PM Peak Dep Total Trips PM Pea New005 Southmere 533 57 113 170 92 54 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 113 170 92 54 146 Village, T’mead New006 Erith Quarry 517 87 172 259 140 82 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 172 259 140 82 222 Phase 2 New007 Binsey Walk, 329 45 89 135 73 43 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 89 135 73 43 116 Thamesmead New008 Coraline Walk, 549 50 99 150 81 48 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 99 150 81 48 129 Thamesmead New009 London Rd, 64 9 17 26 14 8 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 26 14 8 23 Crayford New010 North End 41 6 11 17 9 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 11 17 9 5 14 Road, Slade Green New011 Morrisons 68 8 16 25 13 8 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 16 25 13 8 21 (part), Erith New012 Longlands 51 5 11 16 9 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 16 9 5 14 Road, Sidcup BV001 ASDA/B&Q 526 64 127 191 104 61 165 56 40 95 56 95 151 120 167 286 160 156 316 Belvedere BV002 Family Centre, 99 12 24 36 19 11 31 11 8 18 11 18 29 23 32 54 30 29 60 Belvedere BV003 Station and NR 69 8 17 25 14 8 22 7 5 13 7 13 20 15 22 38 21 21 42 land, Belvedere BV004 21 Picardy St, 132 16 32 48 26 15 41 14 10 24 14 24 38 30 42 72 40 39 79 Belvedere TA001 500 Abbey Rd, 43 5 9 14 7 4 12 5 3 8 5 8 12 10 12 22 12 12 24 Abbey Wood TA002 Felixstowe Rd 85 9 18 27 15 9 23 9 7 16 9 16 25 18 25 43 24 25 48 Car Park 3 LPTA – Appendix B Site Capacity and Trip Generation k Total Site IDSite Location Potential Unit Numbers Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Residential Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips AM Peak Total Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Arr Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Dep Commercial Land Use Trips PM Peak Total Total Trips AM Peak Arr Total Trips AM Peak Dep Total Trips AM Peak Total Total Trips PM Peak Arr Total Trips PM Peak Dep Total Trips PM Pea ER007 Riverside 195 24 47 71 38 23 61 21 15 35 21 35 56 45 62 106 59 58 117 shopping centre ER008 Pier Rd West/ 225 28 54 82 44 26 70 24 17 41 24 41 65 52 71 123 68 67 135 Erithhouse ER011 Morrisons, 450 55 109 164 89 52 141 48 34 82 48 82 129 103 143 246 137 134 270 Erith BH005 Cinema/Bingo, 123 11 22 34 18 11 29 11 8 18 11 18 29 22 30 52 29 29 58 Bexleyheath BH006 Former Civic 389 36 70 106 57 34 91 26 19 45 26 45 71 62 89 151 83 79 162 Offices, B’heath BH009 Oaklands Road 60 7 14 22 12 7 19 5 4 9 5 9 14 12 18 31 17 16 33 Car Park Bheath CR003 Sainsburys 581 71 140 211 114 67 182 61 44 105 61 105 167 132 184 316 175 172 349 Crayford SID001 Coop Food 44 5 9 14 8 4 12 5 4 9 5 9 15 10 13 23 13 13 27 Store, Sidcup SID004 Lamorbey 22 2 5 7 4 2 6 3 2 5 3 5 8 5 7 12 7 7 14 Baths, Sidcup BV007 SGN holders, 291 36 70 106 57 34 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 70 106
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