The Congressional Award Public Law 96-114

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The Congressional Award Public Law 96-114 The Congressional Award Public Law 96-114 Contact: Mark Stevans FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [email protected] P: (202) 226 – 0130 Congress & Community Leaders honor 30 recipients of the Congressional Award in Boise, Idaho. Boise, Idaho (August 11, 2014) – Senator Mike Crapo and Senator Jim Risch & Congressman Raul Labrador (pictured Right) joined state and community leaders in honoring 30 recipients of the Congressional Award in Boise, Idaho. This event highlighted Congress’s highest honor for youth and recognized individuals that have dedicated hundreds of hours of service in their communities. State Treasurer was also in attendance to recognize this year’s medalists. Mr. Jason Sears, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Idaho, delivered the keynote address, which highlighted the importance of incorporating service into all aspects of life, including business. No stranger to serving others, Mr. Sears’ career has demonstrated his commitment to community engagement; Mr. Sears Micron's Mike Reynoldson joins Congressman Raul Labrador, Senator previously served as a communications and technology Mike Crapo & Senator Jim Risch join Idaho’s Congressional Award volunteer with the US Peace Corps in Namibia and held Medalists on the steps of the State Capitol. director level positions at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Ada County. This year’s title sponsor for the event was Idaho’s own Micron Technology, Inc. Micron, which employs thousands of Idahoans has been a supporter of the Congressional Award for many years. Mr. Mike Reynoldson, who spoke on behalf of Micron applauded the company’s support of Congress’ only charity which to date has recognized over 780 of Idaho’s youth for over 250,000 hours of service. Throughout the year, Congressional Award Medalists are honored at local ceremonies and medal presentations by Members of Congress at the district and state levels, as well as at a national ceremony held each June in Washington, D.C. Since its inception in 1979, the Congressional Award has recognized thousands of young Americans committed to serving their country and improving themselves, representing over 3.5 million hours of public service. For more information including a full list of Medalists, please contact Mark Stevans (above) or visit the Congressional Award website at The Congressional Award, a public-private partnership, established by Congress in 1979 under Public Law 96-114, is a non- competitive program open to young people ages 14-23, regardless of mental or physical challenges, or socioeconomic status. The Congressional Award Foundation teaches participants to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character, and foster community service, personal development and citizenship. The only other medal awarded by the United States Congress is the Medal of Honor. ### .
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