Is the Demand
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YOUNG AND ADULT WORKERS! ATTEND LIEBKNECHT MASS MEET TODAY AT MANHATTANLYCEUM The Communist Party of China Not Only Lives, , But Is Victoriously Advancing! That in Three FINAL CITY j Kwangsi Districts It Has Led the Proletariat ! to Power Means That Tomorrow It Will j Rally the Chinese Masses to Seize Power EDITION Every where. Hail Soviet China! Uailn HJnrkcr Entered na aceond-clnaa matter at the fast Office at New York. N. V., under the net o f March 3. IST». m mall, Publlfthed dally except Sunday by The Comprodafly Publishimt SUBSCRIPTION KATES: In New York by IBJKI per yeur. Vol. VI, No. 288 Company, Inc., 28-28 Union Square, New York City, N. V. NFW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 Outside New .York, by mall fH.OO per year. Price 3 Cent Organize for Mass Action DAY OF VICTORY USSR Sailors French Bosses DICTATORSHIP OF Against Unemployment FOR INDUSTRIAL in Boston Show WORK OR WAGES Back Czarist PROLETARIAT IK The economic crisis continues to take its toll of the working class. the Hay to Live War Maneuver In less than half a year army of over six milion workers a vast was PARIS, Feb. 6.—“General” Ivan hailed into the maw of starvation. As the economic paralysis in- NEEDLE UNION BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 6.—’“Clean CENTER OF CHIN. THE Miller, white-guard succes- IS | day by shaven, jovial, DEMAND czarist creases day, new thousands are being added the number excellent musicians to disap- of unemployed. Everywhere the crisis is hammering the inescapable and excellent sailors,” is the grudg- sor to A. P. Koutepoff, who ing peared with money of the czarist truth into the minds of the workers that capitalism lives at the expense Dozens of Battles Won : praise given by the capitalist 3 Kwang-si District press Chattanooga Employed and Jobless Alike Hail organization in Paris, is instigating of the working class. To the workers, the crisis has only one mean- Against Thugs; Many to 60 seamen from the Soviet by ing: Unemployment! Hunger! Desperation! | Union who are now waiting in Bos- T.U.U.L., Form Council to Demand Relief further anti-Soviet scurrilous arti- Controlled the j ton for the repairs to be made on cles in the capitalist press here. crisis spread, unemployment Bosses Yield Communist Party As the continues to will multiply. two of the 25 ships recently bought Several wild, hair-brained stories spite cheap In of the “optimism” about an early recovery, peddled both from the U. S. Shipping Board by Newark Organizing Unemployed Council; Feb. were handed out to the press by by the capitalists and their agents in the A. F. of L. for the con- Rally the Soviet Government, they czarist agents concerning the mur- A New Wave Is sumption Toilers to Union before Risin: of the masses, the capitalists have a sharp sense for what man them and take them over the 26 Demonstration to Widen and Continue Fight der and burial of Koutepoff. Dili- j before them. They understand very well that unemployment is the ocean. gent search by the Paris police, who supreme of capitalism which is unable to 3,500 Cheer For Rank Kuomintang- Terror I problem’’ American it solve. The capitalist press comments in CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Feb. 6.—The southern District are acting with the enemies of the A. C. Forbes, of Forbes financial publisher magazine of New York, amazement on the fact that the Headquarters Union Unity League was opened Soviet Union, proved these tales Being Shattered expressed the hopes and fears of the financial oligarchy when he and File Committee of the Trade sailors receive the same pay as the false. j predicted that the 1930 would be satisfactory for but here with a number of unemployed workers attending. It was year business Yesterday was a day of failure officers, and that most of this pay Meanwhile the “French imperialists (Wireless By Inprecorr) not for employment. To this capitalist unemployment is the see They ideologist, for the company union International is untouched as yet, for they are wonderful to the militancy of the jobless workers. are leaning toward a break with the SHANGHAI, Feb. 6.—Communis “supreme problem challenging America’s industrial, financial and busi- ! Ladies’ Garment Workers leaders of given $5 a day living allowance. are completely behind the T.U.U.L. demand of “Work or | Soviet Union in furtherance of the forces have established the dictator- ness statesmen. Unemployment, involving political and other agita- The Soviet government plans | the fake strike, and a day of vic- has es- Wages.” ; | war against the U.S.S.R. be- ship of the proletariat in three dis tion, threatens to be the bete noir (black bear) of America’s future.” Boston, j torious clashes with the I. L. G. W. tablished a headquarters in Great numbers of penniless Fought Unemploy- | ing devised at the race-for-arma- tricts of Kwangsi province, Bossc Capitalism opened a bank account, and began i for ! ment meet in London. Premier creates, but it cannot solve unemployment. In their ! thugs for the Needle Trades Work- workers walk the streets abso- Naning and Linchow. attempt to make up lost profits, the capitalists will cut production ! ers’ Industrial Union. It was a from the beginning to take extreme jAndre Tardieu is keeping in close The lutely starving, and sleep on ment Relief! peasants are supporting the costs still further, and introduce still more drastic reductions of man ; day of dozens of shop strikes won care of the health and comfort of i I touch with developments, he an- Communists who have expropriate: the sailors. power with more inhuman, life wrecking speedup. The process of by the N.T.W.I.U. It was a day of the bare floor of the concrete j nounced, and the semi-official the rich and are distributing lane driving workers out of industry by the thousands is being hastened i enormous street demonstrations It demanded from the lodging basement ox the City Hall. newspaper, Le Temps, openly de- amongst the poor peasants. enormously by the present crisis. Last year American railroads ; which the police unable sup- house real spring cots instead mands a break with the Workers’ the were to This meeting today was a Coun- Letters from Woochow bear the employed 9,000 less than in 1928. This is only an ! press, for the Industrial Union. It of the regulation U. S. government Republic. i workers example cil of the Unemployed, and you j stamp of official Communist of what happening •in every industry. day lying by capitalist already The officers live censor- is was a of the cots ther/:. should have heard the pitiful stories Mass meetings are being called by ship. press fight pickets,” with them, and regular meetings, in * • * The capitalists know the American working class. They are pre- about “Reds of tramping the streets and roads the czarist and Kerensky groups to “big I. L. G. W. strike,” etc., when which the seamen decide on all pol- further hatred against the So- paring for sharp struggles on a mass scale. The immediate future I looking for jobs that are not to be incite All reports China give signs there pickets at all only icies and actions are held. viet Union. Active is given from will see an increase of the scope and depth of mass resentment. The were no found because of the speed-up hav- support of a new rising gangs of hired I, L. G. W. gorrillas The seamen astonished the head these elements the revolutionary wave. militant resistance of the unemployed which is already showing itslf ing put some on the street while a by capitalist The Pan-Pacific quotes trying to stop the Industrial Union (Continued on Page Three.) newspapers. Red Aid the in various industrial cities will reach out over the entire country and few are driven crazy by the slave- “North China Daily distribution of leaflets, or force the News” corre- embrace millions of workers. The class struggle is sharpening with driving bosses. spondent Kiangsi company union into shops which in a South city to crisis tempo. The new machinery, although ! the Industrial Union has already too, which the effect that Commiinist In this situation only the Communist Party and the -revolutionary easier, as propaganda being j won for union conditions, and which should have made life it pubiorenews is severely re- Trade Union Unity League are mobilizing the unemployed masses 2000 INANGELES has done in the Soviet Union, only pressed it was the workers defended, victoriously nevertheless growing together with the employed in a struggle against starvation forced on I makes it worse in every single case, against the in this damnable rapidly. workers by capitalism. response of the unemployed has con- capitalist the The thugs of the I. L. G. W. system of speed-up and In a town near the correspondent’s vinced the capitalist class that an attack against the Communist Party The workers DEMONSTRATION stretch-out. and their TERROR REIGN city, “six people were arrested ftv is a vital necessity for them. Every means be used Conspiracy in Albany. possible will to families are actually starving. inciting the rise, to split unity of interests between employed and' unemployed. Every workers to de- the At the end of the day, President In every industry here in Chat- J mand higher wages,” etc. While in weapon of repression will be used against the Communist Party to of the was J Sehlesinger 1.L.G.W.. Defend Filipino Toilers tanooga, each worker is doing two [Wall St. Tool Pushes | the city itself a city-wide search deprive the ralicalized masses of effective leadership.