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Downloaded from IP address:, on 02 Oct 2021 at 21:27:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES Under the Editorship of G. S. GRAHAM-SMITH, M.D., F.R.S., AND J. E. PURVIS, M.A. NEW VOLUME Canned Foods in Relation to Health. (Milroy Lectures, 1923.) By WILLIAM G. SAVAGE, B.SC, M.D. (Lond.), D.P.H. With 6 text-figures, 19 tables, and 1 chart. Demy 8vo. 8s. 6d. net.

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Downloaded from IP address:, on 02 Oct 2021 at 21:27:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at SECOND EDITION including A NEW CHAPTER SEWAGE PURIFICATION & DISPOSAL By G. BERTRAM KERSHAW, M.InstX.E. Demy 8vo With 59 illustrations 18s. net CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES When this book was first written in 1915, the activated sludge process of sewage treatment was in its infancy, and only the work of Dr Fowler was available. Since then much work has been done in connection with this process by various experimenters, both at home and abroad, and to bring the second edition up to date, a fresh chapter has been added, dealing with this method of treatment, together with other subjects—e.g. sludge digestion. Fetter Lane CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS London, E.C. 4

Subscription in India and abroad Rupees 16 per annum. Post free. Payable in advance THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Edited by THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL, INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE, THE PUBLIC HEALTH COM- MISSIONER WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, and THE DIRECTOR, CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, in collaboration with LEADING AUTHORITIES ON TROPICAL MEDICINE. The Indian Journal of Medical Research is published quarterly. Each number contains about 200 pages and is illustrated with Plates in Colour and Half-tone and with Diagrams and Charts, and is the only medium publishing the results of the best medical research work being carried on by leading scientific medical men in India and the East. THACKER, SPINK & CO. (P.O. BOX 54) CALCUTTA PAPWORTH ADMINISTRATIVE & ECONOMIC PROBLEMS IN TUBERCULOSIS

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HIS volume, which has been written as the result of experience gained at Tthe Village Settlement for Consumptives at Papworth, , contains papers on Further Experiences in Colony Treatment and After- Care, Village Settlements for the Consumptive, and The Dispensary, The Sanatorium, and The Tuberculosis Officer.


Downloaded from IP address:, on 02 Oct 2021 at 21:27:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Subscription in India and abroad Rupees 16 per annum. Post free. Payable in advance THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Edited by THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL, INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE, THE PUBLIC HEALTH COM- MISSIONER WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, and THE DIRECTOR, CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, in collaboration with LEADING AUTHORITIES ON TROPICAL MEDICINE. The Indian Journal of Medical Research is published quarterly. Each number contains about 200 pages and is illustrated with Plates in Colour and Half-tone and with Diagrams and Charts, and is the only medium publishing the results of the best medical research work being carried on by leading scientific medical men in India and the East.


The Cambridge Public Health Series


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Downloaded from IP address:, on 02 Oct 2021 at 21:27:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at CONTENTS (All rights reserved) F1OI WILSON, W. JAMES and BLAIR, E. MAUD MCV. Correlation of the Sulphite Reduction Test with other Tests in the Bacteriological Examination of Water. (With Plate I) Ill HICKLING, R. A. The Significance of Haemic Plasma Cells in various Infective Conditions 120 BEATTIE, J. MARTIN and LEWIS, F. C. The Electric Current (apart from the Heat Generated). A Bateriologieal Agent in the Steriliza- tion of Milk and other Fluids. (With 2 Text-figures) . . . 123 ELTON, C. S. Plague and the Regulation of Numbers in Wild Mammals. (With 4 Text-figures) 138 Hiscox, E. R. and STARLING, URSULA. The Use of the Fermentation- U.-ductaseTest for the Grading of Milk 164 MACKIE, T. J. Non-Specific Stimulation of a Natural Antibody . . 176 HILL, A. B. A Physiological and Economic Study of the Diets of Workers in Rural Areas as compared with those of Workers Resi- dent in Urban Districts. (With 8 Charts) 189

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