Distinctive Area and Landscape Standing Advisory Committee Surf Coast Statement of Planning Policy and Proposed Planning Controls Expert Witness Statement Mark Trengove March 4 2021 Surf Coast DAL Expert Witness Statement Mark Trengove March 2021 1 Mark Trengove, of Mark Trengove Ecological Services 2200 Geelong–Ballan Rd Anakie PO Box 1502 Geelong 3220
[email protected] ph 0428 298087 Mark Trengove, of Mark Trengove Ecological Services, has extensive expertise in terrestrial ecology and related legislation and policies in Victoria. His qualifications and experience are summarized in Appendix 1. Instructions I have been engaged by the Surf Coast Energy Group to prepare an expert evidence statement to present at the Planning Panel hearing in relation to their concerns. My instructions are to: “Provide expert evidence for presentation to the C395 Planning Panel based on your area of expertise. Your evidence should focus on the species and vegetation communities of high conservation value, the threats to these values, and the impact of residential subdivision in the Spring Creek and Breamlea Karaaf Wetlands areas.” As part of my submission, I have undertaken the following actions: • Inspected Spring Creek on February 12 2021. • Inspected Karaaf wetlands and the Sands at Torquay north on February 19 2021. • Undertaken a review of the relevant literature. I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and no matters of significance which I regard as relevant have to my knowledge been withheld from the Panel. Summary of the Surf Coast Energy Group’s Position with respect to the ecological impacts of residential development on the Spring Creek Valley The Spring Creek valley study area, an area of approximately 240 ha located west of Duffield Road, contains one of the world’s most important stands of Bellarine Yellow Gums, a species listed on the Victorian Fauna and Flora Guarantee Act with a global range of occurrence mostly between Torquay and Ocean Grove.