FOR YOUR PeT Tests and Procedures of in the sample. The test within a few days. Theanalysis measuresthe amount available usually is result test the and seconds, few only a takes blood generally Drawing for analysis. patient fromsubmitted the to a and laboratory taken amountof blood is asmall test, For afructosamine Testing Performed? Fructosamine Is How patients. diabetic other tools to and checks) help level monitor monitoring of (which single aseries is curve glucose blood combination in with used be monitoring can Fructosamine cats. blood in level the glucose in not affected by stress, whichcan cause a sharp increase it is because for cats monitoring in level glucose the 2to for level 3weeks. previous glucose the average it helps the determine measured, is fructosamine estimate of the amount of glucose in the blood. When provide accurate toportion bloodit an glucose, can pro in occurs fructosamine blood. Because the in is a protein that binds very strongly to glucose () monitored. is pet Fructosamine adiabetic ways the one is of testing this blood, the and in fructosamine of level the involves checking testing Fructosamine Testing? Fructosamine Is What • • • • Fructosamine Testing 3 weeks. 3 weeks. 2to previous the over level glucose blood average apet’s estimate to used is level fructosamine The analysis. for alaboratory to submitted and taken is blood pet’s a of amount asmall test, afructosamine To perform managed. adequately being is apet’s that ensure veterinarian your help can level fructosamine a pet’s Checking patients. diabetic monitor helps that test ablood is test A fructosamine Fructosamine testing is often the preferred method Vetlearn grants permission to individual veterinary clinics to print and distribute this handout for the purposes of client education. Posting onanexternal website without writtenpermission from Vetlearn isaviolation of copyrightlaws. © 2011Vetstreet Inc. Created and peer-reviewed by Vetlearn. Brought to you by Vetstreet. - well your pet is responding to . to diabetes responding is your pet well of blood level)measurement how to the glucose see or direct testing (such urine as testing additional made. Sometimes, your veterinarian may recommend adjustment or an should be if acceptable is dosage the if determine help your veterinarian will information this insulin, receiving is your pet If managed. well apet’s being if is determine diabetes helps urination, your veterinarian and of drinking appetite consistency, weight gain or loss, and frequencyresults with other information about your pet, such as testing should be done. Combining fructosamine test Your veterinarian discusswill with you how often this (with or without insulin). stabilized being are that patients diabetic of diagnosed patients recently and of level stable diabetic fructosamine the checking from uncontrolled diabetes. glucose high truly and from stress glucose high falsely between way to distinguish agood is level fructosamine the represent cat’s the blood level. Checking glucose true doesn’t that blood reading glucose ahigh in result can glucose in increase stress-related the checked, is level glucose when the stressed is cat diabetic a blood level. If the glucose in increase abnormal an cause may Stress reason. any office for veterinary a when visiting stressed becomeextremely can cats, Pets, especially or blood when taken. the sample is visit office an during occur may that stress by the not is level affected fructosamine the 2 to 3weeks, for level previous glucose the the checks testing this patients. Because blood control glucose diabetic in tool ahelpful for is estimating testing Fructosamine Testing? of Fructosamine Benefits the Are What good, fair, or control.good, poor glucose excellent, has animal the whether indicate results Many veterinarians recommend periodically recommend periodically veterinarians Many