4th Quarter 2018 Social Weather Survey SWS MEDIA RELEASE 15 January 2019, page 1 of 17

52 Malingap St., Sikatuna Village, Tel: 924-4456, 924-4465 Website: www.sws.org.ph Fax: 920-2181

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Survey: Net satisfaction ratings "Moderate" +27 for Vice-President Robredo, “Very Good” +61 for Senate President Sotto, "Poor" -21 for Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo, and "Moderate" +11 for Chief Justice Bersamin

Social Weather Stations

The Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Survey, conducted from December 16-19, 2018, found 53% satisfied and 26% dissatisfied with the performance of Vice-President , 72% satisfied and 11% dissatisfied with Senate President Vicente “Tito” Sotto III, 28% satisfied and 49% dissatisfied with Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and 36% satisfied and 25% dissatisfied with Chief Justice Lucas Bersamin [Tables 1 and 2]. The resulting net satisfaction ratings (% satisfied minus % dissatisfied) were a moderate +27 for Vice-Pres. Robredo, a very good +61 for Senate President Sotto, a poor -21 for Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo, and a moderate +11 first rating for Chief Justice Bersamin. [SWS terminology for Net Satisfaction Ratings: +70 and above, "excellent"; +50 to +69, "very good"; +30 to +49, "good"; +10 to +29, "moderate", +9 to -9, "neutral"; -10 to -29, "poor"; -30 to -49, "bad"; -50 to -69, "very bad"; -70 and below, "execrable". SWS considers the movement from one classification to another as either an "upgrade" or "downgrade".] Vice-President Robredo declines to "Moderate" +27 Vice-President Robredo's net satisfaction rating fell from good to moderate, down by 7 points from +34 in September 2018 to +27 in December 2018 [Chart 1, Tables 3 and 4]. The 7-point decline in the overall net satisfaction rating of Vice-Pres. Robredo was due to decreases of 15 points in Balance , 7 points in Metro , and 3 points in , combined with a 9-point increase in the . Vice-Pres. Robredo's net satisfaction rating fell from good to moderate in Balance Luzon, down by 15 points from +35 in September to +20 in December.

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It stayed moderate in , although down by 7 points from +23 in September to +16 in December. It stayed good in Mindanao, although down by 3 points from +34 in September to +31 in December. However, it stayed good in the Visayas, up by 9 points from +39 in September to +48 in December. Rural net satisfaction with Vice-Pres. Robredo stayed very good, although down by 2 points from +38 in September to +36 in December. Urban net satisfaction stayed moderate, although down by 14 points from +28 in September to +14 in December. Compared to September 2018, Vice-Pres. Robredo’s net satisfaction rating declined in all socio-demographics except among the 18-24 year olds. It fell from good to moderate in class D, or the masa, down by 7 points from +33 in September to +26 in December. It stayed good in class E, although down by 2 points from +48 in September to +46 in December. It stayed neutral in class ABC, although down by 2 points from +2 in September to net zero in December. By sex, it fell from good to moderate among men, down by 6 points from +30 in September to +24 in December. It stayed good among women, although down by 8 points from +38 in September to +30 in December. By age group, net satisfaction with Vice-Pres. Robredo fell from good to moderate among those 25 year olds and above: it fell by 11 points from +34 to +23 among 35-44 year olds, by 9 points from +34 to +25 among those 55 and above, by 8 points from +35 to +27 among 45-54 year olds, and by 5 points from +34 to +29 among 25-34 year olds. However, it stayed very good among 18-24 year olds, up by 3 points from +33 in September to +36 in December. By educational level, net satisfaction with Vice-Pres. Robredo fell from very good to good among non-elementary graduates, down by 14 points from +51 in September to +37 in December. It fell from good to moderate among high school graduates, down by 7 points from +30 in September to +23 in December.

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It fell from moderate to neutral among college graduates, down by 6 points from +10 in September to +4 in December. However, it stayed good among elementary graduates, hardly moving from +39 in September to +38 in December. Senate Pres. Sotto stays "Very Good" at +61 Senate Pres. Sotto’s net satisfaction rating stayed very good, up by 6 points from +55 in September 2018 to +61 in December 2018 [Chart 2, Tables 5 and 6]. The 6-point rise in the overall net satisfaction rating of Senate Pres. Sotto was due to increases of 15 points in Metro Manila, 14 points in Mindanao, and 11 points in the Visayas, combined with a 2-point decline in Balance Luzon. Senate Pres. Sotto’s net satisfaction rating stayed very good in Metro Manila, up by 15 points from +52 in September to +67 in December. It rose from good to very good in Mindanao, up by 14 points from +41 in September to +55 in December. It also rose from good to very good in the Visayas, up by 11 points from +49 in September to +60 in December. It stayed very good in Balance Luzon, although down by 2 points from +65 in September to +63 in December. Rural net satisfaction with Senate Pres. Sotto stayed very good, up by 7 points from +54 in September to +61 in December. Urban net satisfaction also stayed very good, up by 6 points from +56 in September to +62 in December. Across socio-demographics, Senate Pres. Sotto’s net satisfaction rating either increased or remained steady from September to December. It stayed very good in class E, up by 8 points from +53 in September to +61 in December. It also stayed very good in class D, up by 6 points from +56 in September to +62 in December. It stayed good in class ABC, up by 6 points from +40 in September to +46 in December. By sex, it stayed very good among men, up by 10 points from +51 in September to +61 in December. It also stayed very good among women, up by 3 points from +58 in September to +61 in December.

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Compared to September 2018, Senate Pres. Sotto’s net satisfaction rating stayed very good in all age groups. It rose by 14 points from +50 to +64 among those 55 years old and above, by 8 points from +58 to +66 among 25-34 year olds, by 3 points from +56 to +59 among 45-54 year olds, and by 2 points from +53 to +55 among 18-24 year olds. It stayed at very good +58 among 35-44 year olds. By educational level, net satisfaction with Senate Pres. Sotto stayed very good among elementary graduates, up by 10 points from +56 in September to +66 in December. It stayed very good among high school graduates, up by 7 points from +57 in September to +64 in December. It also stayed very good among non-elementary graduates, hardly moving from +55 in September to +54 in December. It stayed good among college graduates, up by 5 points from +43 in September to +46 in December. Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo falls to "Poor" -21 Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo’s net satisfaction rating fell from neutral to poor, down by 17 points from -4 in September 2018 to -21 in December 2018 [Chart 3, Tables 7 and 8]. The 17-point decline in the overall net satisfaction rating of Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo was due to decreases in all areas, especially in the Visayas. Net satisfaction with Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo fell from neutral to poor in the Visayas, down by 23 points from +8 in September to -15 in December. It fell from neutral to poor in Mindanao, down by 19 points from -3 in September to -22 in December. It also fell from neutral to poor in Balance Luzon, down by 13 points from -4 in September to -17 in December. It fell from poor to bad in Metro Manila, down by 11 points from -25 in September to -36 in December. Rural net satisfaction with Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo fell from neutral to poor, down by 21 points from +4 in September to -17 in December. Urban net satisfaction fell from poor to bad, down by 10 points from -16 in September to -26 in December.

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Compared to September 2018, Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo’s net satisfaction rating fell in all socio-demographics, except among class ABC. It fell from neutral to poor in class D, down by 18 points from -4 in September to -22 in December. It also fell from neutral to poor in class E, down by 15 points from -3 in September to -18 in December. It stayed poor in class ABC, although up by 6 points from +40 in September to +46 in December. Net satisfaction with Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo fell from neutral to poor among men, down by 19 points from -3 in September to -22 in December. It also fell from neutral to poor among women, down by 13 points from -6 in September to -19 in December. Speaker Macapagal-Arroyo’s net satisfaction rating fell from neutral to poor in all age groups and educational levels, with the sharpest declines among 55 years old and above and among non-elementary graduates. Chief Justice Bersamin’s first rating a "Moderate" +11 Chief Justice Bersamin’s overall net satisfaction rating was a moderate +11 [Chart 4, Tables 9 and 10]. By area, net satisfaction with Chief Justice Bersamin was highest in Balance Luzon at moderate +17, followed by the Visayas at moderate +12, Metro Manila at neutral +9, and Mindanao at neutral +3. It was at moderate +19 in urban areas, compared to neutral +6 in rural areas. By class, Chief Justice Bersamin’s net satisfaction rating was highest in class ABC at good +39, followed by class E at moderate +12, and class D at neutral +9. It was moderate among both men and women, at +12 and +10, respectively. By age group, it was highest among 18-24 year olds at moderate +24, followed by 55 year olds and above at moderate +12, 25-34 year olds at moderate +10, 45-54 year olds at neutral +9, and 35-44 year olds at neutral +7. Net satisfaction with Chief Justice Bersamin tend to be higher among those with more years of formal schooling: it was highest among college graduates at moderate +15, followed by high

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school graduates at moderate +11, elementary graduates at moderate +11, and non-elementary graduates at neutral +7.

Survey background The December 2018 Social Weather Survey was conducted from December 16-19, 2018 using face-to-face interviews of 1,440 adults (18 years old and above) nationwide: 360 each in Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, Visayas, and Mindanao (sampling error margins of ±2.6% for national percentages, and ±5% each for Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, Visayas, and Mindanao). The area estimates were weighted by Philippine Statistics Authority medium-population projections for 2018 to obtain the national estimates. The quarterly Social Weather Surveys on public satisfaction with the Vice-President, Senate President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court are not commissioned. They are done on SWS's own initiative and released as a public service. The survey questions on public satisfaction with the next top government officials are as follows: “Maaari po bang pakisabi ninyo kung gaano kayo nasisiyahan o hindi nasisiyahan sa pagganap ng tungkulin ni [NAME] bilang [POSITION]. Kayo ba ay lubos na nasisiyahan, medyo nasisiyahan, hindi tiyak kung nasisiyahan o hindi, medyo hindi nasisiyahan, lubos na hindi nasisiyahan, o wala pa kayong narinig o nabasa kahit na kailan tungkol kay [NAME]?” [“Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the performance of [NAME] as [POSITION]. Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, or you have not ever heard or read anything about [NAME]?”].  Leni Robredo, Bise-Presidente ng Pilipinas (Vice-President of the )  Vicente ''Tito'' Sotto III, Pangulo ng Senado (Senate President)  Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Ispiker ng Kapulungan ng mga Kinatawan (Speaker of the House of Representatives)  Lucas Bersamin, Punong Mahistrado ng Korte Suprema (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) SWS employs its own staff for questionnaire design, sampling, fieldwork, data-processing, and analysis, and does not outsource any of its survey operations. This report was prepared by Leo S. Laroza. #

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Sep17 Dec17 Mar18 Jun18 Sep18 Dec18 LENI Satisfied 62% 63% 57% 54% 57% 53% ROBREDO Undecided 16 15 19 22 20 20 Vice- Dissatisfied 21 21 23 22 23 26 President Net* +41 +42 +34 +32 +34 +27

VICENTE Satisfied 67 68 72 SOTTO III Undecided 20 18 16 Senate Dissatisfied 12 13 11 President Net* +54 +55 +61

* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey


Sep18 Dec18 GLORIA Satisfied 34% 28% MACAPAGAL Undecided 27 22 - ARROYO House Dissatisfied 38 49 Speaker Net* -4 -21

Dec18 Satisfied 36 LUCAS Undecided 30 BERSAMIN Chief Justice Dissatisfied 25 Net* +11

* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded.

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100 C. AQUINO RAMOS ESTRADA ARROYO B. AQUINO DUTERTE + 90 80 + 70 60 + 50 40 Estrada Robredo + 30 +27 20 Binay + 10 Laurel De Castro 0 Guingona -10 Arroyo -20

* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded. Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

Table 3 NET SATISFACTION RATINGS* OF VICE-PRESIDENTS, PHILIPPINES (page 1 of 2) NET* NET* NET* NET* LAUREL ESTRADA (cont.) GUINGONA DE CASTRO OCT 86 +44 DEC 95 +41 MAR 01 +19 OCT 06 +32 OCT 87 - 5 APR 96 +46 JUL 01 + 8 DEC 06 +32 MAY 90 - 3 JUN 96 +55 SEP 01 + 8 FEB 07 +36 NOV 90 - 3 SEP 96 +53 NOV 01 +12 JUN 07 +30 JUL 91 + 5 DEC 96 +47 MAR 02 +11 SEP 07 +38 NOV 91 - 5 APR 97 +54 MAY 02 - 4 DEC 07 +41 FEB 92 + 4 JUN 97 +58 SEP 02 +17 MAR 08 +47 APR 92 -10 SEP 97 +44 NOV 02 +13 JUN 08 +37 ESTRADA DEC 97 +52 MAR 03 +16 SEP 08 +34 SEP 92 +78 FEB 98 +38 JUN 03 +15 DEC 08 +39 DEC 92 +70 MAR 98 +41 SEP 03 +16 FEB 09 +36 MAY 93 +78 ARROYO NOV 03 +13 JUN 09 +44 JUL 93 +87 SEP 98 +73 JUN 04 + 2 SEP 09 +32 SEP 93 +75 NOV 98 +81 DE CASTRO DEC 09 +23 DEC 93 +77 MAR 99 +81 AUG 04 +39 MAR 10 +14 APR 94 +82 JUN 99 +79 DEC 04 +31 JUN 10 +23 AUG 94 +75 OCT 99 +72 MAR 05 +19 BINAY SEP 94 +75 DEC 99 +60 MAY 05 +22 SEP 10 +58 NOV 94 +73 MAR 00 +70 SEP 05 +39 NOV 10 +57 MAR 95 +62 APR 00 +68 DEC 05 +34 MAR 11 +74 JUN 95 +47 SEP 00 +63 MAR 06 +29 JUN 11 +69 OCT 95 +46 DEC 00 - 4 JUN 06 +31 SEP 11 +63

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NET SATISFACTION RATINGS* OF VICE-PRESIDENTS, PHILIPPINES (page 2 of 2) NET* NET* BINAY ROBREDO DEC 11 +70 SEP 16 +49 MAR 12 +70 DEC 16 +37 MAY 12 +70 MAR 17 +26 AUG 12 +76 JUN 17 +36 DEC 12 +70 SEP 17 +41 MAR 13 +62 DEC 17 +42 JUN 13 +76 MAR 18 +34 SEP 13 +69 JUN 18 +32 DEC 13 +62 SEP 18 +34 MAR 14 +73 DEC 18 +27 JUN 14 +67 SEP 14 +52 DEC 14 +44 MAR 15 +31 JUN 15 +42 SEP 15 +33 DEC 15 +24 APR 16 +25 JUN 16 +22

* Net ratings = % Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied. (Survey Data: Social Weather Stations surveys.)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey


Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18

Total PH 54% 57% 53% 22% 20% 20% 22% 23% 26% +32 +34 +27

NCR 48 52 49 18 18 17 33 29 33 +14 +23 +16 Bal. Luzon 53 56 48 25 21 22 20 21 29 +33 +35 +20 Visayas 68 60 65 14 19 18 18 20 17 +50 +39 +48 Mindanao 49 57 55 27 19 18 24 23 25 +26 +34 +31

Urban 53 53 47 20 20 18 25 26 33 +29 +28 +14 Rural 55 59 57 24 20 21 20 21 21 +35 +38 +36

ABC 36 41 40 34 20 20 26 39 40 +10 +2 +0 D 53 56 52 23 21 20 23 23 27 +29 +33 +26 E 71 65 63 13 17 19 16 17 17 +55 +48 +46

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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PUBLIC SATISFACTION WITH VICE-PRES. LENI ROBREDO: JUN 2018 TO DEC 2018 (page 2 of 2) Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Total PH 54% 57% 53% 22% 20% 20% 22% 23% 26% +32 +34 +27

Men 51 54 51 25 21 21 23 24 27 +28 +30 +24 Women 58 59 55 19 19 19 22 21 25 +36 +38 +30

18-24 51 55 57 28 21 22 21 23 21 +30 +33 +36 25-34 52 56 55 23 22 19 23 22 26 +30 +34 +29 35-44 57 56 51 20 22 19 22 22 28 +35 +34 +23 45-54 52 58 53 21 18 20 27 23 26 +26 +35 +27 55 + 56 58 53 22 18 19 20 24 27 +36 +34 +25

Some Elem 60 66 55 25 18 24 13 15 19 +47 +51 +37 Some HS 58 59 60 24 20 16 17 20 22 +41 +39 +38 Some Voc/Coll 51 55 51 20 20 21 28 25 27 +23 +30 +23 Coll. Grad 53 41 43 21 26 16 26 32 39 +26 +10 + 4

*% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied correctly rounded. Ignores Don’t Know and Refused to Answer responses. Question. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are in the performance of LENI ROBREDO as Vice-President of the Philippines. Are you very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied? Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey


C. AQUINO RAMOS ESTRADA ARROYO B. AQUINO DUTERTE + 70 Gonzales Sotto Gonzales 60Salonga +61 Angara Maceda Fernan Enrile + 50 Drilon Drilon Ople 40 Villar K. Pimentel + 30 Gonzales Drilon

20 N. Pimentel + 10



* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded. Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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NET* NET* NET* NET* SALONGA GONZALES (cont.) DRILON DRILON (cont.) MAY 90 +56 APR 96 +37 JUL 00 +48 MAR 05 +23 NOV 90 +47 JUN 96 +36 SEP 00 +47 JUN 06 +25 JUL 91 +39 SEP 96 +43 N. PIMENTEL VILLAR NOV 91 +32 MACEDA DEC 00 +22 OCT 06 +42 GONZALES DEC 96 +41 DRILON DEC 06 +39 FEB 92 +28 APR 97 +47 SEP 01 +30 MAR 07 +52 SEP 92 +61 JUN 97 +49 NOV 01 +39 JUN 07 +51 DEC 92 +59 SEP 97 +40 APR 02 +25 SEP 07 +47 ANGARA GONZALES MAY 02 +23 DEC 07 +59 MAY 93 +53 FEB 98 +31 SEP 02 +35 MAR 08 +53 JUL 93 +52 MAR 98 +50 NOV 92 +36 JUN 08 +52 SEP 93 +51 JUL 98 +48 MAR 93 +43 SEP 08 +43 DEC 93 +55 FERNAN JUN 93 +31 ENRILE APR 94 +54 SEP 98 +48 SEP 93 +33 DEC 08 +5 AUG 94 +47 NOV 98 +55 NOV 93 +28 FEB 09 +8 NOV 94 +45 MAR 99 +57 JUN 04 +32 JUN 09 +23 DEC 94 +48 JUN 99 +49 AUG 04 +28 SEP 09 +14 MAR 95 +36 DEC 04 +18 DEC 09 +19 OPLE JUN 95 +44 FEB 05 + 2 MAR 10 +19 OCT 99 +42 MAR 05 + 8 JUN 10 +41 GONZALES DEC 99 +28 SEP 05 +22 SEP 10 +39 OCT 95 +37 MAR 00 +33 DEC 95 +35 DEC 05 +24 NOV 10 +34 Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey NET SATISFACTION RATINGS* OF SENATE PRESIDENTS, PHILIPPINES (page 2 of 2) NET* NET* ENRILE (cont.) DRILON (cont.) MAR 11 +43 JUN 15 +29 JUN 11 +39 SEP 15 +42 SEP 11 +35 DEC 15 + 7 DEC 11 +36 APR 16 +38 MAR 12 +56 JUN 16 +36 MAY 12 +48 AUG 12 +65 K. PIMENTEL DEC 12 +47 SEP 16 +37 MAR 13 +30 DEC 16 +30 MAR 17 +29 JUN 13 +38 JUN 17 +33 DRILON SEP 17 +46 SEP 13 +37 DEC 17 +49 DEC 13 +25 MAR 18 +41 MAR 14 +17 JUN 14 +20 SOTTO SEP 14 +36 JUN 18 +54 DEC 14 +28 SEP 18 +55 MAR 15 +35 DEC 18 +61

* Net ratings = % Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied. (Survey Data: Social Weather Stations surveys.)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Total PH 67% 68% 72% 20% 18% 16% 12% 13% 11% +54 +55 +61

NCR 75 69 79 12 14 9 12 17 12 +63 +52 +67 Bal. Luzon 69 75 74 21 16 14 9 9 11 +59 +65 +63 Visayas 98 64 70 16 19 19 15 16 11 +53 +49 +60 Mindanao 55 57 66 27 26 21 17 16 11 +38 +41 +55

Urban 72 70 74 15 15 13 12 14 13 +59 +56 +62 Rural 62 66 71 25 21 18 12 12 10 +49 +54 +61

ABC 71 62 66 20 17 15 6 22 19 +65 +40 +46 D 66 69 73 20 18 15 13 13 11 +53 +56 +62 E 69 66 71 18 20 20 12 13 10 +57 +53 +61

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey PUBLIC SATISFACTION WITH SENATE PRESIDENT VICENTE ''TITO'' SOTTO III: JUN 2018 TO DEC 2018 (page 2 of 2) Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Total PH 67% 68% 72% 20% 18% 16% 12% 13% 11% +54 +55 +61

Men 63 66 72 22 19 17 15 14 10 +48 +51 +61 Women 70 70 73 18 17 15 10 12 12 +60 +58 +61

18-24 65 67 69 22 18 17 13 13 14 +51 +53 +55 25-34 66 70 76 20 17 14 13 12 9 +53 +58 +66 35-44 65 69 70 21 19 17 13 12 12 +52 +58 +58 45-54 70 69 72 18 17 15 10 13 12 +60 +56 +59 55 + 66 65 73 19 19 16 13 15 10 +53 +50 +64

Some Elem 60 67 66 23 22 21 15 11 12 +45 +55 +54 Some HS 69 69 74 20 17 17 10 13 8 +59 +56 +66 Some Voc/Coll 68 70 75 19 16 13 12 13 11 +56 +57 +64 Coll. Grad 61 58 65 22 26 18 17 15 16 +44 +43 +48

*% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied correctly rounded. Ignores Don’t Know and Refused to Answer responses. Question. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are in the performance of VICENTE ‘‘TITO’’ SOTTO III as Senate President. Are you very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied? Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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+ 50 De Venecia Villar 40 + 30 Mitra Belmonte 20 Alvarez De Venecia + 10 0 Nograles -10 Fuentebella Arroyo -20 -21 -30

* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded. Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

Table 7 NET SATISFACTION RATINGS* OF SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, PHILIPPINES (page 1 of 2) NET* NET* NET* NET* MITRA DE VENECIA (cont.) DE VENECIA DE VENECIA (cont.) FEB 90 +33 SEP 96 +24 SEP 01 +16 JUN 07 - 1 NOV 90 +26 NOV 96 +24 NOV 01 +19 SEP 07 - 4 JUN 91 +13 MAR 97 +41 MAR 02 +15 DEC 07 + 1 OCT 91 +20 JUN 97 +46 MAY 02 + 9 NOGRALES FEB 92 +25 AUG 97 +34 SEP 02 +23 MAR 08 -12 DE VENECIA NOV 97 +43 NOV 02 +22 JUN 08 -15 SEP 92 +39 FEB 98 +25 MAR 03 +18 SEP 08 -12 NOV 92 +39 MAR 98 +28 JUN 03 + 9 DEC 08 -17 MAY 93 +40 VILLAR SEP 03 + 9 FEB 09 -22 JUL 93 +42 SEP 98 +22 NOV 03 + 7 JUN 09 -15 SEP 93 +41 NOV 98 +31 JUN 04 +15 SEP 09 -20 DEC 93 +41 MAR 99 +33 AUG 04 +14 DEC 09 -20 MAR 94 +33 JUN 99 +38 DEC 04 + 5 MAR 10 -19 AUG 94 +23 OCT 99 +31 MAR 05 - 8 JUN 10 -10 MAY 05 - 2 NOV 94 +26 DEC 99 +18 BELMONTE SEP 05 0 DEC 94 +27 MAR 00 +26 SEP 10 +9 DEC 05 0 MAR 95 +13 JUL 00 +42 NOV 10 +7 MAR 06 - 1 JUN 95 +20 SEP 00 +39 MAR 11 +17 JUN 06 + 9 SEP 95 +15 FUENTEBELLA JUN 11 +15 OCT 06 + 4 DEC 95 +24 DEC 00 - 4 SEP 11 + 9 DEC 06 + 2 APR 96 +23 DEC 11 + 8 MAR 07 + 5 JUN 96 +27 MAR 12 +18 Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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NET* NET* BELMONTE (cont.) ALVAREZ MAY 12 + 8 SEP 16 +22 AUG 12 +20 DEC 16 +10 DEC 12 +15 MAR 17 +12 MAR 13 +11 JUN 17 +16 JUN 13 +16 SEP 17 + 8 SEP 13 +18 DEC 17 +14 DEC 13 +16 MAR 18 + 1 MAR 14 - 1 JUN 18 + 8 JUN 14 + 2 SEP 14 +13 MACAPAGAL-ARROYO DEC 14 +11 SEP 18 -4 MAR 15 +12 DEC 18 -21 JUN 15 + 9 SEP 15 + 5 JUN 16 +18

* Net ratings = % Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied. (Survey Data: Social Weather Stations surveys.)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey


Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Total PH 34% 28% 27% 22% 38% 49% -4 -21

NCR 25 21 24 19 49 58 -25 -36 Bal. Luzon 34 30 26 22 38 47 -4 -17 Visayas 41 32 25 20 32 47 +8 -15 Mindanao 34 25 30 27 36 47 -3 -22

Urban 29 25 25 22 45 52 -16 -26 Rural 38 30 28 22 33 47 +4 -17

ABC 22 33 40 24 38 43 -16 -10 D 35 28 25 21 39 50 -4 -22 E 32 25 32 31 35 43 -3 -18

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PUBLIC SATISFACTION WITH SPEAKER GLORIA MACAPAGAL- ARROYO: SEP 2018 AND DEC 2018 (page 2 of 2) Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Total PH 34% 28% 27% 22% 38% 49% -4 -21 Men 35 28 27 22 37 50 -3 -22 Women 33 29 26 22 39 48 -6 -19

18-24 36 30 25 23 38 47 -2 -17 25-34 32 26 29 27 39 47 -7 -20 35-44 35 32 27 24 37 43 -2 -12 45-54 34 27 26 21 39 51 -5 -24 55 + 34 27 25 19 39 53 -5 -26

Some Elem 38 24 28 25 34 50 +5 -26 Some HS 36 30 26 20 37 49 -2 -19 Some Voc/Coll 32 28 26 23 41 48 -9 -20 Coll. Grad 31 29 30 22 38 49 -7 -19

*% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied correctly rounded. Ignores Dont Know and Refused to Answer responses. Question. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are in the performance of GLORIA MACAPAGAL- ARROYO as Speaker of the House of Representative. Are you very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied? Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey


70 C. AQUINO RAMOS ESTRADA ARROYO B. AQUINO DUTERTE 60 Teehankee + 50 Fernan Narvasa 40 Davide Carpio + 30 Carpio Panganiban 20 Bersamin + 10 Puno +11 0 Sereno -10 -20 De Castro -30 -40 Corona -50

* Net figures (% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied) correctly rounded. Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

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NET* NET* NET* NET* TEEHANKEE DAVIDE DAVIDE (cont.) CORONA OCT 86 +52 DEC 99 +18 SEP 05 +13 JUN 10 -18 FERNAN MAR 00 +18 DEC 05 +10 SEP 10 -5 MAY 90 +40 JUL 00 +20 PANGANIBAN NOV 10 -7 NOV 90 +18 SEP 00 +20 MAR 06 - 3 MAR 11 -4 JUL 91 +35 DEC 00 +36 JUN 06 + 2 JUN 11 0 NOV 91 +31 MAR 01 +46 OCT 06 + 4 SEP 11 0 JUL 01 +26 DEC 11 -14 NARVASA DEC 06 + 4 SEP 01 +31 MAR 12 -28 APR 92 +20 PUNO NOV 01 +34 MAY 12 -44 MAY 93 +26 MAR 07 + 1 MAR 02 +22 APR 96 +19 JUN 07 + 3 CARPIO MAY 02 +19 JUN 96 +17 SEP 07 - 5 AUG 12 + 3 SEP 02 +35 SEP 96 +28 DEC 07 - 2 SERENO NOV 02 +32 DEC 96 +21 MAR 08 + 2 DEC 12 +14 MAR 03 +34 APR 97 +26 JUN 08 +3 MAR 13 + 9 JUN 03 +18 JUN 97 +37 SEP 08 - 3 JUN 13 +13 SEP 03 +15 SEP 97 +26 DEC 08 - 4 SEP 13 +17 NOV 03 + 5 DEC 97 +30 FEB 09 +3 DEC 13 +16 JUN 04 +18 APR 98 +35 JUN 09 +4 MAR 14 + 4 AUG 04 +21 SEP 98 +39 SEP 09 +2 JUN 14 + 6 DEC 04 + 8 NOV 98 +36 DEC 09 +1 SEP 14 +10 MAY 05 - 5 MAR 99 +40 MAR 10 0 DEC 14 +11

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey NET SATISFACTION RATINGS* OF CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT, PHILIPPINES (page 2 of 2)

NET* NET* SERENO (cont.) CARPIO MAR 15 +10 JUN 18 +11 JUN 15 +11 SEP 15 + 4 DE CASTRO DEC 15 - 1 SEP 18 +4 APR 16 +13 JUN 16 +17 BERSAMIN SEP 16 +26 DEC 18 +11 DEC 16 +16 MAR 17 +14 JUN 17 +21 SEP 17 + 9 DEC 17 + 6 MAR 18 - 7

* Net ratings = % Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied. (Survey Data: Social Weather Stations surveys.)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey

4th Quarter 2018 Social Weather Survey SWS MEDIA RELEASE 15 January 2019, page 17 of 17


Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net*

Total PH 36% 30% 25% +11

NCR 37 21 28 + 9 Bal. Luzon 39 31 22 +17 Visayas 37 26 25 +12 Mindanao 30 34 27 + 3

Urban 42 29 23 +19 Rural 32 30 26 + 6

ABC 48 23 9 +39 D 35 30 26 + 9 E 39 31 27 +12

Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey PUBLIC SATISFACTION WITH LUCAS BERSAMIN, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT: DEC 2018 (page 2 of 2)

Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Net* Total PH 36% 30% 25% +11

Men 37 30 25 +12 Women 36 29 25 +10

18-24 44 31 20 +24 25-34 37 32 27 +10 35-44 36 25 29 +7 45-54 34 29 24 +9 55 + 35 31 23 +12

Some Elem 31 32 24 +7 Some HS 38 27 27 +11 Some Voc/Coll 36 31 25 +11 Coll. Grad 36 29 21 +15 *% Satisfied minus % Dissatisfied correctly rounded. Ignores Dont Know and Refused to Answer responses. Question. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are in the performance of LUCAS BERSAMIN as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Are you very Satisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied? Fourth Quarter 2018 Social Weather Report December 16-19, 2018 National Survey