Central Baptist Church of Westerly, 16 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891


Carrying news of God’s work into the Community and World

January 2011 Volume 4 Issue 1

Worship With Us At Central Baptist

Sunday School 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Fellowship Hour 11:30

HOW TO CONTACT US Church Office : e-mail [email protected] White Gift Service - Dec. 12 Lighting of the Advent Candle Telephone : (401) 596-4929 Newsletter: e-mail Celebration of Christmas at Central Baptist [email protected] Pastor : e-mail [email protected] Phone: (401) 315-0868 Christmas Eve Website : Candlelight Service http://www.cbcwesterly.org

Church Meetings January 5 Family Advent Night 5:30 PM Pot Luck Supper 6:45 PM Prayer Gathering December 4 - Christmas Luncheon and Sale 7:00PM Boards of Deacons January 9 11:30AM Congregational vote on new pastor

January 12 Waitresses 7:00 PM Board of Trustees

January 19 6:45 PM Prayer Gathering 7:00 PM Missions meeting

January 23 Business Meeting

January 25 7 :00PM Church Council Entertainers - Nancy Balentine and Judy Hall-Gray Page 2 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

CHURCH STAFF NEWSLETTER TEAM Tiffani Kaminski—Editor Rev. Thomas Hiltsley, Pastor Nancy Balentine Lynn Dowding, Music Director Linda Engler Laurie Miller, Office Manager Marcia Erskine Walter Dugas & Paul Arnold, Custodians Janet Gerbutavitch Church Office Hours Todd Higgins Mon—Thurs 9:00AM—1:00PM Dot Marra Laurie Miller

Friendship Circle All Church Pot Luck Supper January 17 Bring a dish to share Fellowship Hall at 7:00PM Needleworkers

Circle 2 Wednesdays Meetings are held monthly January 5 and 19 On the third Tuesday 9:30 AM at of the month at 9:30 AM Wednesday, January 5 - 5:30 PM Nancy Balentine’s Home In the Church Parlor. Food will be provided for this supper. 35 Spruce Street

This will be your first opportunity to meet our pastoral candidate. Everyone January 15 is the deadline is welcome to attend. For the February Issue of the For the February Issue of the Newsletter Wednesday, February 2 - 5:30 PM Submissions can be Last Name A - F Main Dish emailed to: G - L Dessert Men’s breakfast [email protected] M - S Vegetable Saturday, January 8 or brought to the church T - Z Starch (not bread) 8:00 AM office. Fellowship Hall Chief cooks: Skip Terwilliger OPPORTUNITIES TO MEET OUR Alan Caval All men ages 5 to 105 PROSPECTIVE NEW PASTOR welcome January 5 - 5:30 PM, Wednesday evening Pot Luck supper in Fellowship Hall. No need to bring a dish. Food will be provided this month. 6:45 - Prayer Gathering, Chapel January 6 - 7:00 PM, Thursday Choir Practice January 7 - 7:00 PM, Friday dessert social in Fellowship Hall January 8 - 8:00AM, Saturday Men’s Breakfast January 9 - 10:30AM, Worship service Our search committee has worked long and hard to find the right pastor to lead us in the future. Please take advantage of one or more of these opportunities to meet him and his family and also in- troduce ourselves to them. Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 3 Pastor Tom’s Corner

Brennan Manning has written: “To be Christian, faith has to be new —that is, alive and growing. It cannot be static, finished, settled. When Scripture, prayer, worship, ministry become routine, they are dead.”

Manning includes the following meditation as his invitation to a series of devotional meditations on the love of God. It is an invitation to a new discovery of God’s love and I offer it to you as an invitation to a New Year.

COME Be here, now. And here, at the beginning, we should begin again, don’t you think? All things are new, even this by-now- familiar story. Imagine… You are being pursued by a ferocious tiger. You run as fast as you can but come to the edge of the cliff. Glancing back, you see the tiger about to spring. Fortunately, you also notice a rope hanging over the edge of the cliff. You grab it and scramble down, out of reach of the tiger. A close escape! But now you look down. Five hundred feet below you see jagged rocks. So you look up. You see the tiger, crouched and waiting…and also two hungry mice, already gnawing on the rope. What to do? Nearby, on the face of the cliff, you notice a strawberry. Carefully, you reach out, pluck it, and eat it whole. “Yum!” you exclaim. “That’s the most delicious strawberry I ever tasted in my whole life!” What does this story tell us? Seize the gift of this moment! If you are preoccupied with the rocks below or the tiger above—with your past or your future—you will miss the strawberry that God wants to give you in the present moment. In the readings ahead I ask you to make a serious effort to remain rooted in the moment. Discipline your time, your thoughts, your emotions. Don’t allow anxieties or distractions to crowd out the work of the Spirit in your life. Be here now. Then the God who comes will find you in the present—waiting, listening, and ready to receive His gifts. Reading: Psalm 139 Calm thyself, O my soul, so that the divine can act in thee! Calm thyself, O my soul, so that God is able to repose In thee so that His peace may cover thee! SOREN K IERKEGAARD from The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning BLESSED N EW Y EAR PASTOR T OM


Pastor Tom and Deirdre are Grandparents. Their first grandchild, Eliana Howell, was born on December 10. Blessings on this new little one and her family. Page 4 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

Across The Boards

The Board of Deacons

1 Corinthians 3:11-15 (New International Version) 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames. As we come into the New Year, many people make resolutions to change something about themselves or their circumstance, but those changes are often only in the mind or on paper. Few people make any real lasting change. Paul is showing us, I believe, in the above scripture that everything we do, all the time, all year, everyday, has an impact on our relationship with God. Our actions build on our founda- tional relationship with Jesus Christ. Since we are human we will have some mislaid stones, probably a lot of misplaced straw that won't stand up to the fire test, But overall do we strive to live like Christ, loving the unlovable, being kind to one another - yes, even when someone has hurt our feelings. Do we put our critical thoughts and actions aside in order to show the love of Christ, who told us to share it with the world. A new year usually means a new beginning. Put aside the past and look forward to a wonderful future by letting God nurture you and show you how to share the love of His son with all. Yup, even the ones who aren't your favorites. Happy New Year and may God bless you richly with his gifts. For the Board of Deacons, Kathy Caval

The Board of Missions

As I write this article- we have just celebrated a Wonderful White Gift Service. The outpouring of gifts for our church family and com- munity friends was tremendous! The Christian Ed Board played a huge part in the service. They arranged the manger setting, got the cos- tumes ready and assembled our youth to take part in the service. A Big Thank You to all who participated - by being in the service and by bringing forth the gifts. After the service the Mission Board sorted out the gifts and then delivered them. What a Wonderful Blessing we all experienced.

We also want to thank our church family for your contributions to the Retired Ministers/Missionaries Offering. Many of our older ABC pastors and missionaries really depend on this offering.

Looking ahead to January and the New Year the Mission Board will continue in our endeavor to make the missions our church supports more meaningful to our church family. In January we are looking forward to having Pastor Joshua McClure from Pleasant Street Baptist Church speak during one of our worship services about Eziekiel Ministries. He will explain what this special mission ministry is about.

We Wish Each One A Blessed New Year. Kay Perrone Chairperson of Missions

The Board of Trustees

Happy New Year from your Board of Trustees! The old year has passed, and the new year appears bright with promise. As of this writing, our Stewardship Campaign has netted more than $135,000. This amount coupled with additional anticipated pledges allows for the Trustees to work on decreasing the budget deficit. We will have our Business Meeting on Sunday, Janu- ary 23 and at this time will unveil our 2011 spending plan along with a proposal for repairing our sanctuary windows. The results of our anticipated fire upgrades to our church home mandated by recent fire inspections will also be explained.

We are soon to confirm a new pastor. With his arrival we are anticipating being able to expand our Christian ministries and experience. New growth and outreach to the community should be thrilling to all of us! Lets keep the church and each other in prayer as we work to achieve these goals.

Yours In Christ, George H. Champlin, Jr. Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 5

The Board of Christian Education

New Adult Sunday School Classes Starting on January 9 thru February 13 Locations To Be Announced • When the Game is over, it all goes back in the box. In the six video sessions John Ortberg will show us how to: • Live passionately and boldly • Learn how to be active players in the game that pleases God • Find your true mission and offer your best • Fill each square on the board with what matters most • Seek the richness of being instead of the richness of having. You can’t beat the house. We’re playing our game of life on a giant board called a calendar. Time will always run out, so it’s a good thing to live a life that delights your Creator. When everything goes back in the box, you’ll have made what is temporary a servant to what is eternal, and you’ll leave this life knowing you’ve achieved the only victory that matters. Leader Meredith Eckel Study guides will be provided.

Opening the Book of Romans This class will study the letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to Christians living in Rome. Romans is seen as the key document in the New Testa- ment by many theologians. Martin Luther referred to this letter as the ‘chief part of the New Testament and the purest gospel.’ This brief seven-lesson study will be an introduction to the Book of Romans and will study the themes of Righteousness, Freedom in God’s Grace and Living in Community. Leader Gary Engler

Library News New Additions To The Library January, 2011

Christian Living Right Thinking In A World Gone Wrong – John MacArthur The author writes to refute the powerful influence of secular thinking and the constant barrage of unbiblical worldviews that confront Christians today. Using the Bible as the foundation, MacArthur provides clarity and discernment for Christians confronted with issues involving Entertain- ment, Morality and Ethics, Politics and Activism, and Tragedy and Suffering.

Reference Zondervan Handbook of Christian Beliefs - Alister McGrath & J. I. Packer, Editors This book is a comprehensive survey of Christian beliefs, exploring their origins, their development, and their relevance for us today. Topics include Faith, God, Jesus, Salvation, The Church, and the Christian Hope. The book is a “sweeping manifesto of the Christian faith that will deepen the knowledge and understanding of every reader.”

Religion The End of Reason: A Response To The New Atheists – Ravi Zacharias Zacharias writes in response to the “new atheism” that has risen in America, particularly the views of Sam Harris, author of Letter To A Chris- tian Nation . Ravi Zacharias’ powerful message is “that true morality and all goodness flow from God,” giving the reader the assurance of the hope of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus.

Media – DVD (Family) Saving Sarah Cain Sarah Cain is a busy, big-city, career women brought to Amish country for the funeral of her sister. Her priorities are changed when she discov- ers she is the legal guardian to five Amish nieces and nephews. Based on the story by best-selling novelist, Beverly Lewis. Page 6 Central Baptist Church of Westerly Rewards of Perseverance by John Macomber

The first decade of the 21 st Century is now history. For Central Baptist it was a time of trial and testing. We were called upon again and again to seek the will of God, to recognize it when confronted by it and to act in accor- dance with His will. We are reminded of the words in James, Chapter 1: Verses 2–4 and verse 12 , “consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith de- velops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete. Not lacking any- thing. Blessed is the man who preservers under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” We can look forward in this New Year, and beyond, secure in the knowledge that these promises of God will come to fruition in His time, as we grow in our relationship with Him.

I read recently, during my morning devotions, about the shipwreck that occurred during the Apostle Paul’s journey to Rome (Found in Acts 27:13-44). He was on the way from Jerusalem to Rome and sailed into a fierce storm which threatened to destroy the ship. The sailors aboard ship feared for their lives and decided to abandon the ship. Paul said to his companions, “unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” This ship called Central Baptist sailed through some stormy waters during the decade just ending and some abandoned the ship. The loyalty and devotion of all its remaining members will be required as we move into the 2 nd decade of this cen- tury eagerly awaiting the arrival of new Pastoral leadership. We must “stay with the ship” and can then look for- ward to God’s saving grace sustaining us.



RADIO STATIONS FM AM 92.3 WPRO 1590 WARV 93.3 WSNE 630 WPRO 94.1 WHJY 790 WSKO 95.5 WBRU 920 WHJJ December 19 One Incredible Moment - Christmas Cantata 98.1 WCTK 1110 WPMZ 99.7 WSKO 1180 WCNX Treasurer’s Report As of November 30 100.3 WKKB 1240 WOON Total 2010 Plan: Income $ 214,335.00 Income $ 180,912.76 101.5 WWBB 1290 WRNI Expenses 242,907.00 Expense -214,190.56 102.7 JAZZ 1540 WADK Expected deficit $ ( 28,572.00) Net $ (- 33,277.80) 105.1 WWLI 1590 WARV Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 7

In The Spotlight By Nancy Balentine

Roy Springer "The best thing about my job is also the worst thing," was Roy Springer's first reaction to a question about his work. Knowing that Roy works for Cross-Sound Ferry sailing from New London to Block Island in summer and to Long Island the rest of the year, my guess that his response was weather-related was cor- rect. Some of his days are spent in sublime conditions; others are dreary and menacing. Roy has an Able Bodied Seaman and Lifeboatman Certificate and a Merchant Marine Certificate. He has done most of the jobs on the boat, recently as first mate. He works four long days in summer (6 am to 9 or 11 pm) and three days the rest of the year. Roy also works on special projects for Cherenzia and Associates, a surveying, civil engineering, and environmental permitting company.

Roy was born in Key West. He is a middle child with an older sister and younger brother. His mother and father (a 1950 graduate of the Naval Academy) have retired to Ledyard where the family had lived previ- ously while his dad, a submariner, was stationed at the Sub Base. Roy moved every two years to port cities like Mayport, Fl; Norfolk, Va; Monterey,Ca; and Portsmouth NH. He graduated from Jacksonville Beach High School, from Stetson University with a BA degree in geography, and from URI with a Master's degree in Ma- rine Affairs specializing in Coastal Zone Management.

Sports have been very important to Roy and his family of four boys.He has always run to stay in shape and was intent on his boys' having a healthy lifestyle and a good direction in life, so he introduced them to running at the Misquamicut Fun Runs where their success and fun led to school team participation and success. Mathew, the oldest, is a ski instructor at Aspen/Snowmass in Colorado. Daniel and Joshua are twins who graduated from Boston College, and after a cross-country bike ride, Josh found a good job and stayed. Daniel is studying Physical Therapy at URI's graduate program. Andrew, the youngest, a sopho- more at Georgetown, was the cause of my seeking out the sports page of the Westerly Sun early on Sunday mornings to follow the news of Andrew's seemingly endless setting of schoolboy track and cross-country re- cords both state and national. I became a fan of Andrew. Dad still does the Fun Run and follows the boys' athletic efforts.

Roy's many moves as a youngster introduced him to churches of several denominations, but it was at Central Baptist Church of Portsmouth, NH, where, as a third grader, he responded to the call to accept God's gift of salvation and live his life as a Christian. When he was looking for a church in Westerly and called Central Baptist to inquire about Sunday School classes and times, an expert happened to take the call - Gary Engler. That was some twenty years ago and Roy has been part of the church family ever since. He enjoys the fellowship church people provide.

The book Roy is currently reading is "What in the World Is Going On?" by Dr. David Jeremiah. He likes books by Christian authors that "tie it all together" - history, Christianity, and current events. A really great day for Roy would have to include some surfing - and some yard work (to assuage the awesomely guilty pleasure of surfing). He collects newspaper clippings and pictures of the boys to assemble into scrap- books - at times a prodigious effort. Roy's study of the Bible, currently at the Men's Tuesday morning study, Sunday School, and the Avondale study group helps him to keep the balance of work, fellowship, study, and joy that are marks of Christian men.

Page 8 Central Baptist Church of Westerly Just For Kids

By Marcia Erskine Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 9 SMILES AND SO FORTH . Humor, Wisdom, Poetry, Quizzes, and So Forth Symbol Puzzles - What do they say? (Answers below)

SUNDAY SUNDAY STAND SUNDAY i B Is this the year you say YES SUNDAY I when asked to serve ?

One kind word can warm three winter The Season of Epiphany Dennis Bratcher months. Japanese proverb In western Christian tradition, January 6 is cele- months. brated as Epiphany . It goes by other names in various church traditions. In Hispanic and Latin culture, as well as some places in Europe, it is known as Three Kings’ Day. Nervous Young Minister

Epiphany is the climax of the Advent/Christmas Sea- A nervous young minister, new son and the Twelve Days of Christmas , which are usually to the church, told the flock, "For counted from the evening of December 25th until the morn- my text today, I will take the ing of January 6th, which is the Twelfth Day. In following words, 'And they fed five men this older custom of counting the days beginning at sundown, with five thousand loaves of the evening of January 5th is the Twelfth Night . This is an bread and two thousand fishes.’ occasion for feasting in some cultures, including the baking A member of the flock snickered at the of a special * King's Cake as part of the festivities of Epiph- preacher's snafu, raised his hand and said, any. (a King's Cake is part of the observance of Mardi Gras in "That's not much of a trick. I could do that." French Catholic culture of the Southern USA). The minister didn't respond. However, the next Sunday he decided to repeat the text. *(For King’s Cake recipe, This time he did it properly, "And they fed search the internet.) five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fishes." In some church traditions, Smiling, the minister said to the noisy man, only the full days are counted so that "Could you do that, Mr. Gibson?” January 5th is the Eleventh Day of The member of the flock said, "I sure could." Christmas, January 6th is the "How would you do it?" "With all the food I Twelfth, and the evening of January *KING’S CAKE had left over from last Sunday!" 6th is counted as Twelfth Night.

"Winter is the time of promise because there is so Answers to Symbol Puzzles

little to do - or because you can now and then understand I - belong I - Sundays of month A permit yourself the luxury of thinking so." - Stanley Crawford

Trouble is not a sign of inadequacy, When life is too hard to stupidity or inferiority, but rather an inescapable part of life--proof that you are a card-carrying stand …. KNEEL member of the human race. Ann Landers Page 10 Central Baptist Church of Westerly


From Harvest Homes We would like to thank the church for their continued support in all ar- We are taking this moment to thank you, and all our volunteers and eas that we need. It is recognized donors, for being a manifestation in our lives of the ever fulfilling prom- and appreciated very much. ise. Your willingness to shine the light of hope has made it possible for 43 families here in South County and 71 more families around the We would also like to wish world to go home. You have made it possible for numerous children everyone a very Merry Christmas and new born babies to not be rejected at the door, but to be welcomed and a healthy new year. into a world full of hope and promise. Thank you. The Teachers of Central Nursery School Deedra Durocher, President Board of Directors Lou Raymond, Executive Director

Central Baptist Church of Westerly has been receiving one cent for every internet search using Goodsearch. So far we have earned $ 173.64. The opportunity to earn much more is there. If you have a computer, please look at the instructions below as to how you can help us raise more. If half of the people receiving this newsletter searched twice a day using Goodsearch, we would increase our funds by more than 1730%. No mistake - One thousand seven hundred and thirty percent!

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Those in Nursing Homes 7 Georgette DeBernardo and Assisted Living 8 Kent Greene Lisa Ann West Virginia Champlin - Westerly Health Center 9 Jean Smith Jane Lawson - Westerly Health Center 12 Carlee Miller Prayer Requests Jessie Mearns - Watch Hill Manor 13 Shirley Lance Fern Queen - Golden Years Assisted Living Pat DelPadre 14 Lynn Dowding Lois Terranova - Westerly Health Center Dr. Michael Conway 16 Arnold Hall Betty Eckel - The Elms Lois Terranova Edward Lowe Virginia Higgins - Westerly Health Center Tiffy Janney 24 Irene DeBernardo Mark - Evelyn’s grandson 27 Laura Dowding 28 Adrienne Hall-Thomsen Sympathy is extended Those in the Military Richard Webb to the family of: Captain Kevin Lowther, II 30 Marissa Bertsch Maj. Eric Larkin Max Bertsch Beverly McCormack Jonathan Goodwin Douglas Lowe FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Our Shut Ins Lt. Commander Roy Wilson 2 Corey Prachniak

Elita Giorno Greg McAvoy 6 Richard DeBernardo, Jr. Cheryl Hunt Jeff McAvoy 8 Brandon Greene

Diana Steadman Kenneth Sampler 9 Doris Simmons Ruth Brayman Jonathan Macomber 11 Caylan Holland

January 2011

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COMMUNION SUNDAY 7:30AM Men’s Bible Study 9:30AM Needleworkers 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 4:00PM Bd. of Christian Ed 8:00AM Men’s Breakfast 9:00AM Sunday School (Balentine Home) 10:30AM Worship 5:30PM Church Pot Luck 11:30 Fellowship Hour 6:45PM Prayer Gathering 7:00PM Board Meetings

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00AM Sunday School 7:30AM Men’s Bible Study 7:00PM Trustee Meeting 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 6 - 8PM Truth Trackers 10:30AM Worship 11:30 Fellowship Hour Congregational Meeting

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9:00AM Sunday School 7:00PMFriendship Circle 7:30AM Men’s Bible Study 9:30AM Needleworkers 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 10:30AM Worship 9:30AM Circle 2 (Balentine Home) 11:30 Fellowship Hour 6:45PM Prayer Gathering 7:00 PM Missions mtg.


23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:00AM Sunday School 7:30AM Men’s Bible Study 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 6 - 8PM Truth Trackers 10:30AM Worship 7:00PM Church Council WARM meal 11:30 Fellowship Hour Business Meeting

30 31 9:00AM Sunday School 10:30AM Worship 11:30 Fellowship Hour Central Baptist Church 16 Elm Street NONPROFIT ORG. Westerly, RI 02891 US POSTAGE PAID WESTERLY, RI Phone [401] 596-4929 PERMIT # 67 FAX [401]596-4244 [email protected]

Return Service Requested

We join together to nurture Christ-centered faith, foster Christ-like maturity, and share Christ’s ministry within our Family, community and world.

Avondale Bible Fellowship

The Spring Session will resume in February. We believe your that your life will be encouraged and challenged as you study and apply the truths of scripture. Plan to join us.