a . ,; ' — ! . ; i l ^ * —* ‘ , . ', — m » * ^“ ^ ' \ W

I THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOLTINAL. VOLUME XXIX LOUJSY^i ij:, KEvriK’KY. EinilAY OCTOBER 14, 1851) ' /M L.MBER 277 \E4)1 S. LOLTSVILLE JOCKAiii- MEDICAL. ~ ~ »Mf«TrT> AVt» FOM4fno »t I'SDEItWEAF- I ( W. 13. STOKES ' — ‘ rursTirE HrN*nFR«-o\, a osboh.-^k, rtOs.^* *4 ! aod I rmpio?td h ACE3X1.XIXBC AlSr’fci F A W. li. Siokro), , oBthUo^rai* *i^”5n***^ ?!.’ Cl r\ 4)RDI\A X C E.s, c. TStiA otMKT. artviM jarvftMoii Aw«%sni. COSH RIK—A higblf ; bullet ItuUfti Ibui uia.l? HvIPORTEE, A..tSJTj DEAX.ee : :sr3^AV IN “y-«H.4ruiidfcr.^urh5?“* to Siilewaik P«Ter*. 1 l« >osife. if ' J_t • t* tf nrf t* a Fk«d 44 or #i* o A MM LOW CO., Reeled pr..F..-«i» will — A 4t- Huailu Pmiorn* iu Pari«>. w ^ - EaTGS «*F Al»^ LRTtSDiO IN THE U>IT 8 . To rtenrhna.l repnrn ihn VILLE #W“V*rHl4i»U4nA MoTitifAf'iirrrrvroM 6 nd It to ihrtrlntrrcst torirmiDB rap wdnwnik ..n the -|ir .»<»i'»NAi. F .r KFria'LAft advehtisei:!) »tock h«f.»n> luAklpethplr a a* « ; iuc or*lttrtfrcbi > *id. .rf T .»4Mh 4 dmlaiu a «iJI atteadoi i a* if ui*Jf lu tpr»<'a . ,«. wtofcly ^ dt^,w\%tom it ,» d lr^;Su'Ji3h^= hnn W hww«,-. *4U4t», ciAoa»*4aig . fmt mmntiK. 4t» (a i 1" do Jinjurty to - 4v t UOMpor Vc«k.,a^ 44441*1 tew' fence „ .Murkei rev-. IV 4o lUmr* A-. 4«, ite te ! Ihn .hlewnlk «. 1 IMPIIKTANT FOK .>IAN. Ka 444M*ti«l 141 rt, <«4-k4lf dir 4kAo« prior*. Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, BU.^LNESS CARDS. tween 1 FOR S.ALE OR REiX r. Main ^ AArwt*rru»ut^ 4l lotat^ob—dl l«a' Am iawr* 'l^rur OIL rnrv# oli Soruu. •4 44 f # oraute: rate wiMe*f«Lai (ril ^h> [>; all bir bolilayg Received this Day, Turt oiiruu fruHi WoubSi. were pa«^ io inaktr*; I Tur Latk LvxrHi.XG iv .Santi BikCAiA- I*.«o 44494*.' |M-r i F*«f i4f v«44 ootctf #1 4«rk frr c4^ nair For Sale LOW A CO.. 41. iwruh nad reiaen Uw inlenu k Ihn Turf (Ml cnn» .ScaM llrud. BlSlXKV A: V0.7 Cheap. Mule «t J* m wt Voartf 44««rti4rr» par ^aofWrlr; aUctIta-rrta 4dv44or. 1 **' WILL BK Oi FEiaj) FOB bALK F.:r,Lilo._Th* «.n.A lUrlor. j iTent, friMn ta WHICH CHEAP ON 4IU40D I •N.'.;:’. y*;* Hilge.'n Cloth r. “-i! Urnea tim.ini = JOTV Ca*k* anA jimi l amiltwrickk «nU 44# «l«4M04l 4# lfm— Mil . ihtTlte’ 4»d Tnrf ( Ml curur TeB. r. 1;^ I IM MANLTAfTfl:r.R.i AND OKALEKS I.V f 4«« of : ,1- >'« #nti|p 44W 44t4>.p4»" 4r HP WHot. UMOtHfl.otrgar or chfitacAl purpJMt. 4 ) e of lit* isventioos (Iwlitfbteil Sep(eii»ler L»th tbu C'.utnente oa B hurr "®on h.n.1*‘***** •. f„u7wu . *5* •-» IHO.MIIT, •I Turf Oil rurrt Sprminu. \V ^ . ikto” daii'or TOBKR 10, IH^«. olu M»*nrtrmt, bi twmn S‘*lh >» 4VK.4 PI'lNIh h w« . method ..f wuUr l.y the ,t«to of ‘^ r.WaK a affuiri in th.t country: “***’'*'' rue. 4#r«rtM44M4te t3( ChofitebA ifT tomkf - 1 Turf Oil curuu BniiMu. e invite ' he nlRi|.le.u ol |e wM^ Brent, NATIONAL HoTF.Lfiril | lAe trnSe teoi. war#. 40# oteir holt KINO. p«Mte »c«d4i4 am# rocA lik*. i Turf Oil curuu •.IAMBS Tu in. llumu und luuvr. no urur. Low An Cor.i ji..1 . u|-iM.: . urh ned rn^.enruy ITU tkn niduveik on •I* Fourth rtfoct. 3F»ATP3i;Xl.S, „— thn emt — FOR B BASTS. — cf N.ath 'trict,'tftet, fruuifrvui ^ MaCsjcial 4o«irp« 4a# caaiiiiuteeateiat, lararW# la r#tto : A|"l.4S3ES._lB, hulf bhl prl,«,,,„ Wuical tu ‘tty .»« ^INDKIER Itree*. •tel aotaaia# 44# MWote# 4» fp^»nfltr pnrawl»tiir m I Turf Oil curuu Snddiu (iulL 3r»AI^JTU ^ 74 biiipa Tn 444to parliaa; **4lp laatnad ai ter diBrki».»n «# ter prime W. U Ctesae: reenrh- - -va*| .. . mar Turf (MI cniv. old Struint. , — rer'UTe..- Ihn — -ennik na tkn a#lur«. Ite b >xpr F. D 'OKFKR.-1Ni*n«alurnile Mr ensC ( d« straw and BtniJois' Board, Sheathing Turf (Ml rnrau Snriird I.r«u. t' old NbU Amm, finni klni, Ko c#mm4akatl<^ vM br lamrtr# aatem aerom|«4te# «b caakreaaki ft . i1 arV.arv. ^(y#«; m VtAOUENLRVtd «« w ChiBant «' Papei and Twine. _ A IA..NU. IWWL^ ter laal 4414 4# ter 4*;tb4r. M U*bt>'»• d»T#i>r Via.Vii»4 Tnrf (Ml riirui f fttipat; StiS Ji.lnU. . ' iir I miift: U IF Mi,pr.*rqu4 1 / tvuj larticular HlrambL.4ta#v«rtbpaMti4 ^er4teforCmiiiMrti9B 4a# «Hi#Hi bb:*bb^F No I s«S« t y^ mUt* U , (111 ' 17’ lo rBU fr>r rwfater tebu #o4ea#oaea Wa«htiOar#aVV44Ui04r44 Turf Oil cure. PolWvil. „ TAYLOIt. y.iuiic muchii ivt lu the d.vini O'y. »f»‘f 'n ‘he <'«ri~:iiterin, the W.\(;4 ;enEK * I4>N«. • raa-n, .ktel Ti^hik Av eltep wee old pnjeiun, or jra dJui It ( rp .if a.«t>‘'hc«s of rases, which HciS. VALUAELB the rat wai thruut hen 1 only uluuibercd borulo- WC 44 # d«A'raate o4#ltb'04l boat. te 4r-te 1 aW: COTTON LAND .H' Tort UP cu.-nu Wind (iull. A. r. 8 I 10TWBLL ..S.1. II. slIorwn.L.SlIorwn.L. r»r‘Mt ifiRj 0 • I'f hii fch'-vp*, T^fe sto» >‘I*ruiiK info full an.l, A# rortm m>at# tr«er%e# aal*' 1a tbr Frralar Bxllrtte '.a bavF aiikv.nsas throat iota if iDma-ed 1 O'. tea Van. anarrta# item; am> .missis-ipi i ior ku r a\i> l.VK xVIIK: viir iwl- '4m> abr pnerr: if l•Hrte# lo ItoUy For uuic bjr n uiKAinif, »'"d lb> st(e kir.K und mni-ocius mV br cLarc*’# n le La#«Ca |«^ l'haii>; Wl I.soN A V- i;.V( IIANOJ, roll Lot ivto lb. tiooseiv, »>K'W hortiliir some STA Rul lOJ. SHOTWEI.l. A- C’C).,(’() IsVlLLB LI I V — hare talked of kamrtioa.la I •’ Jocraai aa#ao4l»4M# . alter trm tbe Er«m. te tter*<‘att*llr iV-ek: ( AP.V w-ii!" ha vl-iai: wh In A TAI.no r, PKOPKRTV. eh was li-d uroued the Ns of tukin* the law int- their own haiidu, indifferent reevrk end liil Iteiteua. aar-f'Hint tbr aborr fncm. MW teas WiaafMiia W. MI'l;l.\OKl: to CRl FF, BRO., "PiTu the tiJvwnlki Teiae; A BXO.. "K uli; rellfi-rcn.il und Iin llien.iulcn tb« r4t «44 mi‘l*i (.it tu thi i>ptl lo all con#C'jueocc.M; tbr i r of ter iVpI'lQTlf’Q . ditv 111 ' fvt. whiUt ollherj SnveaUHi.,., Adrintermrati kept •• aa# ioaraal arr te balm Fattmr; THo. . COKCII, breaUie forth thfir Commission Merchants, Ue*.ain Initn •»*'««*• MBoned kUrknt lhat tbv .1 abarprdaa extra pner. Ite III ’ " Arkwu-mj ia% ai.b tb* ar* arijire to extenuinate ra «x>ttoo Ui'pF*; .... ^ Hart, ^ ilip fur4i;;n«M. ItM I Htv tw te rollp 4lra>- do. uni uU Ururgiutr und Counir,' Hrrchui.t. in the SU'.o 108 ST.,ST.. rucR- meat* fo^ v^tilniLu hid J.t.v I. B.R, AarasTtsiM horaa WmacT iocaPAL.^Fael. ! BROAD NEW YORK. tf.u-rfdM* ritirens wh.. art. here. »nd teaark (lob >*irkm>, ana in—rrina Ck ouUa Hemp #u; »P'» | “«'®' 8(«>ckn<. -idewJk«.t>,e.o..h 44 #1 m dir L *^*»'«*’* i • n Mi.tebl<> Uf.ttpucp hi «n j tf ‘U en. IM bad out K«lful A blloTWELL #t 8D.N, I^brl.W, Ky .ald cuke i etrtm&h'P for* that ifever thoy (lucceaded CM«C la idorr i io tbeir h#I)iAh ‘wien kluyff -ameer ie an# ;or mk- b> te^'.Uhual it* ut.Mh*-^ laud-: tb« 8trin^; th>»rp ciui ruLinii. nfd PreBaa I sdvaucMoti cou«UatucDt«m ttbuvr. P wat soin« C^iai^Drt atneta. i is that, idut and wuru to tm-kPhar. n«l« bhhbb rite a untam hmI br firam to take out UAKSHALL IIAIUKLT 40, T.A.XLH..A.3WT»S W 4 aa# 4ts)f> a# A Jy 1 du gr»d. aari 4#»rrte4rr H- n ti »(^ p«, 1 V, mteMMMstrof j y brforr ter pmr rapirte. Hu nt EKI EKVEsCEXT Ule of ..dewulk nn tE. teMeb* or rtefl rbarpr- tf>l # rar. PEN. T. STl;\\ ART "tT IIAKYbIL «oairaai of rmrtp adr^utermoati OVKUNUS'S Va e«t be «tema4te. I i‘L’(.AU-*< U.’- <-riialiMl. ls.uS.nid. Jo ftiTBh nail fepaTt ;ht vte««ei mrVteaoliflPte ujnh.''* STEWART A BARTER, ORLKANH. uidewnlk 44# 4 0, ur «UI aap cLar#r br ,V }* hurnr ttM. rixHurS |«.i .l)«a.biist «*ao Gleaaoo# “ ma#afof lamteaa > aar at ter pemtlr ratm aa# lo m\*- by I PM ENT. W e *o Viiefcrrnb ”r*’stroat.r*' ^ i*rofitiC€ amt i^rorisioii rteiy m yumi "««'*' «»KK uuay.- r# Spriuf!*. ia OmnAUF. in a m«Mt conru- BM'itt inlyl dir I.IH I'nV U.I.P. KA'. Tbr Tb'Pr Hra.,t atd poitabir foriii, ba« Ubireri'aUy r»j- “o,*" p- ?.' —• wenented AXP!*;IPS: To nrarb nrd mo. H HI NTeco ly ••p— c..t.Vow"r;n 'i.**'oo? a rnpnm f*!- ‘idcw-ilk a. tkn erth-r# tbr I wfth'l^rnt'trm^pT.v i “*.Ltt ^ r.'WP': Tb.- Htfe - mo^ fav«»rabte I ' oL. a anpenor J Victufi rv'cciuiuruda* wiidilDC In eurcluin. woiil.l do w.II to cull on eu ‘iced to an nllurnay. Uiu biu nunuty l.VU’AEi>E.NTEKff tid, (M k JU er.B Kreet, bBwMQ car at I Mai. a.d ^4.Tb«l l*«af1 m*r;1'br 1 ml tionr ( r thr M Mkal aud a HESLEP & MERRILL. w2r Tb. Muviuc liTrflr: K.er*oa»exxo OH! t.n a-of »:hiU.u; I ^irciTiaiijr IT-blk, a* Ui« lOPE; Ertnboth>ii.4T^4ri*4Mi«'0:Th. Forwardiug k roiiimis>Uiii .Merchants, **T**To li.Kar#o# Da-rbt^r; MOST LFKIiriENT ranrk nod Miae. ih, lidnvrva o. Ihn Tbr Ur^-rtr# ifr; AND AOKEfURLK \ ahbitu tuo: ^ » Jlh croji (tiwr, hatweea ki.,. TVe SEH lOSk kCR0SE\E (0. Ib fma, katr Ayh«'or#, 4 ImI lu«4r of M liiirC Bo:il l*ro|iri«*.orN, u4 WaBr OIL tbr Ir «f So-li-xxo .A.i>oi*l©nt: Karfa e.epajiUi Umn# lu c uth. mit Iiack#. a.£fTAliLililUm I'M.) #1 Sk AMI SOLE FliEILIIT AUENTS ** B nrv. end n tieinr entitled lo aperlul iweferenc.' over - •"'* 'vpare the t'»:l t. llAftAN 6t CO.’S. tk» - . vi'ewn'k oa (•*» rnB I cimur ,e| J® Mineral rin# vruter., ^cidllle Pon dera, nii.l ** A I^O(*NCF (bat. ba^tee a ad* ^eat Inijirr rrn telB 'a otlier FOR THE MOBILE i.MI R.ill.KOAD AT For Sale. *•»’»•«> a»B ..d railnr nrelrlen, luUi tpiui il. com|«rliiMand ATCRRRR *T** MMkaC * » ftK- aa44tacla arr iiov ttiah .-(vnirref- dilin atr« eta. p4 nenry. II luny be uaed with lest KENTI LK V LITV. MV nwF.LI ISO IKil SK lo odtf k te tet I'ladr at tV bwt effect In all Saalt #i«. ilartr a;.# rep«Tn iar ma ly llll.loVS ANII Fl IIKII.B IIISBASKK. SILK IIKAO. J E. CALDWELL A CO," IbKIb tkn eid«wa.k no Ibn wneC J. S. ORTH. ACnli:. Loss OF APPEIITE. INTIIOI’VTION'. Decay of Youth.vAllAAa ^'f*b tCrevt, b»iwiea Main acd Maxbak 14EI >UOEl> at vpiiiedle A Clnwtnet , oirard PRICE. Coaimbteoa Mrukaot. ANLi ALL SlMllJklt LO.MPl.UNTS. PK- kll llnu.e, «*"« *» te Xo, 44 tivrt. Pr J* »’ rfrcMu Ir rmUuS tultf WkH Ct-UALLV IXCUlB.N'T TO THE PHILADELPHIA. Jl'.ST PI BLISIIED r.T DK. mrarh nod »u> nlsi I tu*lr of Frt»d4iam’r . TravHi-r* l»udun Tiiu«'-K«" . J. 8 ORTH by Cb^lrr Vico ^ tea aud LautC of Snlf-Abune end uu dinefnl r«pnv» thn ri »k Comiwtea Mrtcbam, N*» 44 M'alljl. KceidraU is Hot Clinmtte. iVraoiuot rijce*. in HttuUtuc 4 ^4MMatid 4Ji*vu Fare. ejnw.innoo; .uemmal lewnlk oa tkn -nut * C J**’*'* ^ t^irtitarr IJaMD*, JoraUd*. aud i’«nral*-roruL** tv«uk.:M.uBduUintdi»*iniof ®* >>*noth Brnet, imCwnBI FISH t#^{(olr a\utl»i»ritr 1 A#«'Ul* for above. iheSeximlorunBin kotk LTlMta .t nad WnL ^’HFTF AND T«t»UT.— Ite half larra!- lAkr Cat Uic* of aud l*tanU'm whl litiJ it a nut (tmata. * Gold and Silver, FaylUh and 8 «L*s uuklii and femalr. i‘ Pap»«4of Whttr Fbb an# Tr.ui rrrrlrad direct fiaui ralualAr addUioB to their Mrd cittr WATCHES. t frt CbmU. Ji'welr.v, m*Mr de.(Vti«. To rewb 84 Blt Mailr. • R^h Th.- eSove aad rep.v ,e the Sl« aad fi r ad by J. h. <»kTli. work h,, reouived the hlfSiut ri’.ewelk on the weet 5 1:= e‘ li it. It ba* hifh favor and ii DiaunmD, Ivarle, aud all the ra^hlonable «tyle«. eunaeodaUc a vide 4» Com. MafcfaaBt, . . 44 Wat! rtrrrt. from . 1 nf .'nveath .vtmel, AWtlAX. l.A«r. N dteiDMl laltat'eo-aTte. errl I. ediac puperuof ihe bniwetn Cbnetaut uidCrund- j «S, rS e, t^verSilver Ware, unMir|Ni«MNluoMir|i««M->l m •trie,vtrie. quality, and tloitl h. raioa eu one . f Ike n.iut * I^Stranxer* viaitiug Pbiiaddiibia eblceT.rynh'i>bedoB W.VJ j*tT»*rlr. kUCF.KIkg^ arc invited to exam- ikiu uub.eet .finch vital htterv-d. ine iheir •**iu-luw and bun.hiin^clf.til. Tie hadh.i'l now ,o "c c' G te hbd« eboim Kpw Orlra&* Sitear A ft AGENT <»K TH E ^7 Uk. to repair: tThimfhe .Lid, iiiriorrrMtiUoteMibIt w for vr.iaitavM ^ T^ar#TVpart th#to# .si-Uwalk.xMtera.'x ESTATE OF THE EATK .Uu rihLtJ##.#i»dltwilib#«viiirib. Uea. and it will be oeat ob tb# »yt “ 7* bai# Puv#*#. NEW MAItBI.K r.STA Franci* Siirifet, in,fiiiy eIock*«.'lockuI'lucuu andanu wateheiwulche.vraicneu forlor brhrm^UatuU •?**r*^***^^t rZ k .^ir V* OraiiBi'#. aad S»»ft C. RrlBcd: IN GOl’T and kllM BUSH M ENT, a\ cf MWi-#i|.|obli4:utioD to purchsai'. tiuiT, %t 4‘iarrudon, l%nniri,, Oct C. Kay j^rt of tbr bbJ Br*>*a- MartioB. mU*yu.g all lotl -mmatory ati ft e I *now#f*r a»# i ITiiC*, iilaiu rigujit*, aud co vuiKDon. Ark^nmr. tlu firpt on r-enpt of two iPacfc Tea; many cate* tbi-tually curing thoM- afHicted. on .Monday (teiup the Tih.»«v) ..j for ^###. tnte* qr aad bf boxrh julya div.M* ot •I mnuvc'lrein.jved mymv familyIUiml>familv tubiut.iint. a mndevt lodging Mr. Fuirbuiro har#iarr; NotemUT urxt: mu,\ nu tl„. Fecoud 4 ^ in eUimvtej the total TejfUVv* th# M tNI»AY of V'n j (teun power at IK# to memi ^ i.iewa:k oB tb# m-rtk te ITS SIO ESS IN CASi:s OF GltAVKL, ,u V uml tAiafn Uus Utok ba«bi*to hrrt .->alad 4 Ml INDlGklS- veo*ber (Iwioy tne 14th) I wiU. Ihcthe Hue dadtt -leinjde,Icmjile, Pan!*,Pariv, at .! u ah' at .;aek-oui'.*it n'lallthe three hundred franc* w»ik in the llritiuh Empire ua c.paU to **'*• Jvl-rs.in ulmet, I* irk #1 te #4 14 tel* TIO>. HKtKlBt’KN, AND Ca.STI VflA th.t of ~ . U-.vrccn E.ghti aad -\ialk #nsmi lait'lr# I'vorkt'lraB# Tub*; tgS-lTove* U UT.driu.l*rk>.onco.:auH oo the *! •»* U" nr.! mi- ni»i, « • «u. to btf a Uodiciiir tbr 5 MONDAY Iti N.ivern. «a rear,year, conuiviingcon^ifliiic nfof a nHun.rvuim, u lied “ lMiO,(io0 huree.*, or« of solciuii --twri#. k.#Pl leXte 4 *-k kn #v Wa-bUiardr; of yreateat utility. room, and a heuiiia] 3 000,lloO bor>e to .er Coiibcioutioii^ Ik'kate uk las i.ter 1 te IS «a 14 k'pF Bi Carb. Suda; *” .7r{\‘Vi''l:;^;i“^ e.ov.inetovn in nc«,.bo.rd,.„uhica cupboard, tu nbich the owner gave the Aaivice totliOM.* ** 7“ --J repavn the l . i.H4« 7«j ho will uidawaJk a iba Bavc.«v|jt, of which rc.ton^d l«.ine ease to -::Ut. « in II angary. AVmiUr or prouaian < v T.. rera,kr .nj M-d eaaAp AFMIKDS THE OBFATkaT R F. I IFF TO u ii tv fT. ^ ^ te Trnoaat X KX T.« DeBcilptioua rmil th.* iir„f or N.ivpimIm- • r our bou>eb'kld. It wa.< Tbere eaaaot b# an effect THOSE AFFLii TED A\ iTii (.iithrH.ifi 'T of Boat Storea, nf f tlio*e Iu9 nd» an alarm, which wan tbu 4 estahlDhed at Nvuhaos«l. witbonl aa adrqnair T(i THi at iitivHtr ktlSrt, tietwcea Tenth aad PILE-i— tlu> AW |N !M|tv.aatl (f TTucciute. In^k^’oriirlu v*rw ot th-i ‘"c’ra* El^aalk ALTINli (enPyuu Uiwiiu, uniireliuiuu ell JH M« STP.FFT owful dvatructM# of htimua Ufc #tr«eu. imtAltn* x.ff>rsriA .ui mi.u4 tk. wn.K.. -n r_.u_ .* r* AUSTEVS, Arents. "• *" end hcatili. by Biarans;» 14 i-iTkJp'Sd'CY liT^ Sli uwy tmdcbcne*. cr premalare exhaiMi.n and To reoirk and - •3 Pearl Sicreef* N. V. |> I4i roFFKK 54 # La;# prime in lioen la^** io rtoro leanvo tha uHiuwaJb mm tk. -«' '»-r'*rB.. aerven, dek«i.y.to.„d *iJ« “•U7v^rk.7’ii.:4:rTn/7l^ IX FACT, IT IS I.NVAMIXVACl’AULEABLE INIX ALI.L.ASMALL *“** ^’"^ by of J.ff,r„.a -Uwi to*‘we«i .Math KER IVrt an# SbtfT>- W’inein It*• iu in *®®.the w**' ^*f aI' l’ondCT?«i?fuiIyPowder, rarrfuliy yutynt opnp in boU ‘".7 , J<» , -«,h la Lamra V* B * ' "‘••“•vs. both Jetikrstn t qr caab* French Braodf. uid; U«.“***_(*’L. k.Tpkk»*p min any elimul*rlimate, andund mere/nifcjvR’ A-nuZirequire* .277water ™“ la mule strseL betwee a Tkniat *nto aadaan N. B EER'IS^'NE b tbr tm#« B^k of tbr Krt ame« ll P“''-p"rc ^.7f„“n" ® 5«N.-';» vi’i:» aidfm At Llarenthtiarenta 1 yBiebcoa 0)d jama.ca Kum; for *aV low by Paired B|«iB it to produce a dell«hUul edfcrvMcenI bever. «*• ma’e.andsierruy.aiidcnanicdi-avtoof.hefid. iM K «iteima» , aiff# a I 4«ii«ar are ooBiteao# a^Mt iMiaf T. mvktix neyc. and ia viuw of the deerfima. tbr Ba^ t-adk-eteorb tor ocbaf oi*a. ocis 4Jm ItEANCAt^MElu. okirh are pneiiced »»J '»T»F- tia ailew Iki : on tha 7-*“^^*-. »“‘>™'(W, It never interfem wlik ,, ;; moth the evo- TTiToT^ TT" np..a lhe nnionunale <>( cuUnit, ‘-"‘‘'T— . ce*kv aud 7 lielf vletianof tochdWevre *7*® MurUt stra*», aiOO ^ODA.—Ite raidcff Lev’* Soda; of Ihe day. ecunu reuUy OB Ike eiMem teuturiuu I ci,k^ a l•l|•etIar urticle, ky.; lOu btUeaa Ninth aad Tcntll p REWARD. ^ t hbU Cream Tarta Uie dii-eeiive ivTorv. e^ridny a heal.hy e “* ‘•“t'ortetion, end l-ir vale low bv several workmen.’* and bavetreleoderv. the DIreetaru of the d viuomav (.lal . .WIL.-*. VE'JE.s. juin to San I runciecu. Troy L’.’"u and B Al'Cli ef Ihe utornwm. TA I.FR A M.AI.TIN. 4 ANDliEU, 4 )\Vft-. fma *e Kentneke l^nriientiurT. on Tnuu- and enwuny an elau-iAiy of niiud end How Rain again tbrea'eneil Hyyeiaic iaatituu bare iaatmrted tbeir Iroa tigna fo b. laid 4ue K.ind, .r ipiriu ebicb aA. fu UatLei Ha*e Anvil*; him. A bill of two thou auendtaa pIit: there not ' •'!“*, *ak weigit. rn'om 141* ynvnde: eowpecuia fair; luuet Ollierwiee be debarred, end without was a frape ii the hame to pvy it. He No. r#gulBU£|r mid#. ^ ' to wart ant'd Bo 1 ;uh> .'da ^oap; N uuieriKiMeetiincniul, 3) do PhiUdk-lph'n; .'t n.e«*n un«ll erer en forekend. ekoee n^t teun. from nraieaeioDul und otbar ren- •.! i..V. J.i 9«» ball bbU Hultilialii>uore w'bicn ha lix dlbe most can f* ea laevar hdl leet. nnder uakie. te #o Grrman Soap; tleni^ of tbr blgbeat lUadinr thronuhoul uore extra; vuine bopti. It waa la m, fra FORD, M«T«ra had an ekiuen • the country, . *, .Maioa ^ te 4« CteS le do; und It alraiuly lucivueluu p.i|.uUnly^r be a writing antoiiiatuD, which < Uvrii r, (j*., i-g. i„ u urrMol y.-urv. • ^ama^c f’ltdetin sbonld answer anv x—ntff l3, ke.%i.l.ie"•’''“•oie, (lira; It wi i u ronriy ll, k enw d ikal ke nil! make far Ilknow. au ke k te d# } awry Tar (^ap; nuranlee efficucy und ruluuHr ebumeter. v'^tuffffff; q-ies'ionv propoaed bv und m i’ 9 j the rprctaiorv. In Ibn ur fcaowB to bav4 a rrtm- f tkst Staia. te 4# loilrc do; foCMhlrbr eoniniead it to tbr Uvuruble notice of an intrlltorni public. , _n_ , ,, . . (oHl 4 OhM.snY*. OUIHN.Wt'E el,.e. Jurt reecivivl ivr rallroud and for vale by He r.vraid edl b |nad (er Ike deHeery of tke CASTEEdAN A TuRBITT. Prepared und auM, vi'bubiinlr und liriuil br ^®,'***^ near rt ai Ike TVI.KK di >”( tie sidewalks oa Pmun-ikiary in Frankfurt, ur kw enadi e- .lollX A TAItB.tXT A LO.. lixn.i.ieTs. MAIITIN. t^Yiii'vr xii-v n 1 , both lidne off **^\*^*- Af* men (uXriiec from ikme streni, BHal ta nay wa wkere I ma fr< Mk. ATCUCSv-Ac #rom CWrmaa: dm-fnl illu,nifl (-••Y fmev Msia to Herk-t vlino*. cidveforedaboltleef I*' M teu do Kmind Wood Hoara; jelSdlyiti. ^ ' < rd .oavd J BU TM, VI?' /llllltl'm ed.and so J-licbte.!delighted was h»ve lived “**and died in the *7*Li.'uDpopv.orlltoLifrlHisand ^ -J, i.ui-mf C owir _.*e . . - “ Ihe dealer thattbat heathe at ocenor.ee 71'^ , J .y'rAn t'ga off — dtf Keeiieref tke Ken4nh.o. 7-.^. 7 iV,!,.an“* ’ knlmacd**" , *1 ugreeilsgree.1 loto it <'!>“>• iierf.'ct Lhartuf Lute, tiAsiLEMAk 1 * JlUlliAl il l_j f I VilJllEl. purihaaepurthaae for five tkeumadtheumod frarev,frarci, half *, »id k •» MOKE fO liu!f :1 d TOKItITT. A~K.AU ^ NEW CAJU’ET. bllf XuNo 1 *s7 '.lu-do- , 8lIliSffHn. Nevi i— nlil111 l»behe^ <®tolo He“c'"'tb.'mli* m »a ‘-met.me poia Uftma. ' ~“ polar starvt.r CUt AH Snfni 3u liair Ihethe inoceyinocr.v down nadusd Ihethe rectimrevt.m ,~7. ibcughii,r,.u«h Ufa. “»•< fio" Vitk* i le Vaia X J. I' wLiie eii delivery.delivrry. Jjy i etieet sfeaB b* Ti bid. Lrwked nad pondered F for vale by Joy was ini» i^~7.i il. , ;T“ Saenr; oil (-0>nr„lnre Osr cbituarj' ToTil FKM.tLFAI KM.tLFA mow (m Bw NEW OKLEIXS .MEUIC.(b .VOTICE. ~V''ictSTLE*u-i-KAV',MAX A TORltITT.Toni. i-rr dtt,; more in the huait of Ihe liitls family.'^ But u — coticci of _ TkeThe M'.nthly Pill. pvapurM br the ™ »«c.’rO,tc. wUb’seaei«ea- F'fSS£VSr.c..™,w. lo^Dtutiu#,JuihoiliiB, »*K»naDew acxietv atolr '^7'! a#ea in:sWble.luraBibi#, aevcrJaiiuignever *“'“«Kd by Ihn L' i» I^UBALL BALPEKT A CO.. 4 .. ovrrr tb#the inv#Ltcr.iaviLtcr. lie Jaiuag „nn,dyr-naedy will i* £-gisMr. 3asd „ , "i 11 \MP AG\i w iM < I , Zt He win hobe ““J Me Main rtrvwL e FRESH i *^*^*'‘ "***at by DxmU to d A# PiiM-i FRESH .- * « loB Td'»; ARRIVAL aar p»rt ^,***7^^*®'.* C«Hi ARRIVAL 111 lo of 1 b*-t tr»nd« I'liHHiiua'in -iTirv and lo' •Dcmged deliver the automaton by a c#tU n tar •msuy. #b ext Jtuiv# coo; \km n rw»#« «.f U #u Mta.d |Piiis«y dkv; ®®*k»acda of lb#a#Ik*### U.li#a 1I, *” I' ts l,ir.;|ag QJ-Ul R-UiS iwwir V offee M .Uure and (9. mV by AT THE J. P- TlKiMPsn.N, diT, »rd ccw he foresaw a thouiard ar« nunnertnurtnrra iolo ^^l»» wUhwuhniih ampwampWam:l« iMti-ucUooaInutnicUaiuiMti-ucU f#rfor tk-r-o- H * olMtaclaa . « w#am -odvraoiLranj»r mlaU^ s-*>».a.» rjnyu ,.n 5 d# Mtdedy do; FFXTl4iXS#OLi:i,V-T») Tilt: PUBLIC— j%. oil v u m Ji '* uoder th# - eavmo.ckciua MAKSMaLL MAlltfJtT * c». -n -rm-m—am ®B N»»,X'»e Tiilourth»( lourth i4tA.. wb'cb hiJ cot iirm of Kvera( Q& McCord, fUncv"..“HX-. •'A (lll.Ll.iJi, Srvdiitexcyean-* trial _Jdl #d bv twenty four t»-tF* TVThr metmr-t r*lUbVrr-li.bteiUbte ILJ* iwW OF X ennnPulonvcnani-ulonv ajric ,m a.al .11 iHsWera aud ivuK'Vfd t!»ote GKD. I F n’ e Vl.V i- rnnr, o •• kkk M*a k«w Matnauaa. t do do. prvjudk** which W. MOKKl.S. Bmc.V ,i»"nby WF ”IU.fnRr>, p.w B. K. .No I tWhy^iunof (V In-itntinn. teuton- end let wke ky S d# ftt. Gvory#Gvorp# do; l>ivp.*iiiiitandtiivpablicMiivrailyhavcafaiiwtauadTtr. MARSHALL & DICKINSON.DICKINSON, _llL* “:i^’-4n"7hrd”i«'jt4U Third . tr. et. ^niff^d*: urron uvd “-•‘-•‘T-v-v-.r- Vih M J. W. T..w«,>, A'L Muki ...a I ' MAB.'tHAU. t Ilf pipe* H*-u»> M<*«Bk A C«. Coynae. HALBERT A OO. roHoKNI g11*>KN LITIliiX4 ITI: X.- easev forfur vale Aptmived L>cL w’ -n TbcTIm- #b<»w liraadkaaiv u«rv #* BMPt.vuchaa Gonorrba*.Chr(kiiicGuuoiTb<»l,Oli2?H!i2l. 79 Fourth strwl,.strppi, belHCfnbplH'ecD Main.Main andanil Market 0 —S8 by SI..1Wm',..DjLogm.nlniil V I I£ - ““ 4.E4).(iWi. Va«.ik> r.nUor,xpw»t. elldl FA( EdOFS (.Iinpcwdar Tvn: cBdte4*i##o»te»«teik..#l.#ijrtefL. or niodW* Htrictmm, Nvurolfi# of tha Bimdder #Dd UrvtUra. W.>V, .MOHR.MOURIS, up.lU-ume. F h‘H^ CKAWFCU rTFO»I>OKD, M.yor. ‘Uui to uU pur, ,.f tV mmatry, »XN> ta. kf i tbv iukrt Altectlou of th« Kidurya, Ittcooticiao# u»d (k ew Btock Tm; ItraBd terwrin Ui-am#tkvt. i hduf* « in be tr. of tb# Uriur, \\’Fe IU VK JU.*nM (h na ruUrvIyruUrelv new 7/fiomIm I>Ul 10IQ cawa flaiMalaiMijam, a -uiwHor art'rV.f* UtkiB for ftefr ! flAA mspk i# and fte mW eoMoK-Son. from » '»»« 1 - tJa (rf WIORATEDPH4iRATED BELLAlAOXNABELLAIX.»NSA injection,loNJECTIOX. PricePric# 541 oreOPi" nfof thfthe larp.rthtrci'rt niaiiiifaitnr.r.nieiiiiraitkirtr-- ’ jul'^'g A. M. to » p. M. *f J.S-rww Ki,,;. hy |a>J MAR.’^HaEL H bOlPSAlC TobftfC# inid 1thk'^*woljtl.01 ^. ^'’iby . VV. M«U4KI-. I*" ketnoea Foa». HAEBELT A CO. ! Af^CDCyi * day. Huiulays, ib armsli*, toirether with our forme- larr** rtuct-. ib',* furvwooic .acd I’lf’etcth xTr##*#. r l-T.VNA ILLISIXSILLI SIX'S '..r'or vulc liy tseMAIN rnubiro?m* toP> ofiiT L"/hu.a* hue tehwtiuliv.* jn, -40—40 drnmvdrniiiv *le by A'lJi^ U4XFft|..iwM>E, D CiMMrjBMrwKtecdlwrBmiE ST„UETWPXX SFXIOND AND THIRD. 7Ia '.iAioTCrpulUTov'^^of patWrua aa auy atiuu o:! DR. 11141 » (IKil..Ml W,W. MOltklS.MOItkIS. fo’e hi-p; be guz«d up-m the |>ol*K— sncollv AXIIBKW ITO.Mt. " i Ur.-tonllvbment Sen ( whie's h* hail mi'll; Wurbm : .*T '•>-"W/ '.,«BcS ../-(V Vref lUU t«#(#B# for m# by AMnonia,,«i,t.ndd.Uy,T«.ivin«.di-.vr,fro« ihe m Vo.k. Puya-ciuBt-i the Troy I they, tco, were tii cbitdrep, * •*<> Hued M»'lvi f-r vak rv LnnjuaJ Iiyrinic In-.«UuaoD, and lymUrW.c, 1 kul ttin aapevr 1 aMnlactoceo. my Mock of .P- I-?- - -- ^.W:l>IXI>!.Mj‘.-3030 ca-'V'-' kcMbrund-.b;>t brand., in >. and ke smiled the falh d torlioee t f tSn aide. HAM FA( Tl BUi Tu i*|n7l FlOtSPFlofsruvrurr winOilriollis.Ollclolllvi.itsillk. — 34 endund b..x...box.-,, forf. “ - «i..va.. ^ bFakke * (i.vLI.AGlI oat-r-eonh -:.lo...' BALX 11. emwee mr er.Ty vnrietv ofayle. ,,nuit..end u ,.,.,4 by [„H)[oil) (iK l. M MoltKiS.MUICKIS. er’u smile. Every Tht-rvUiy hiv wife acd (hildtea U ”T;‘7 !"«•- Jttt.iMia .traet, Utntoa »“« *»“- W . .m ..rcL Tri.y. r*‘* pf^‘. Ml# teoa rt‘B« is part .of,of tlir Id'cniaufultowimc bre-bra- dv.df. to A ruivriorruivriur uu-,rtni.au-jrtni.'ntnt from 3 loto Si feel nldo.wide. apart the -c<» F.fl..nlh r*T ; f. » i- .*•« JiST.^Cd^li WifliuT TS-!iii evening with him, srd every Soedav he IF. VX'S AX'D I IX-iF.Y.- Mi hil . vaii..nv eob.i TL**-*r_ .treete. V paved in cbn tb# -"J"atte X'l hb-. T.,r. ' wUrb uUu# #f the whukwsk- Usdr l» iea,wcUiilly -r|-. Tbu Mixinre ill ooteaempiricelrea -dy.u •cureaU,” “ dined with *' 1 - G ' l!ni;'SJ2arorty Ommntm^mmi Flaww.; itSd.'^tavltod'^ Clll'luill iuOOtlk.iuOOllk. N to do M.r«ti'j.“ "do""'' t!rm Wo.-k ucd eolitary mnrings tilled JL*-'*: ni 4 RKK A i..vu.\(;i **' ‘ vplcndidvp.. „did uv-rtm.av—rtmi upihereit. More than a twelvcciictb eaiced * tTifb^:rA’S7.1S:^."' aA n,nt nttbwith Tiimmlnr'Tilmmlnrv to mutch.match. und r|''1VI.NF._'.uj1viS.-- .•-i;vri..r ar*JcI- for-ulc by UtwerteOniTlMoin: j„. B FdwDdl.^*^*' g t Tl'I', X'l.U: the It lu eoOrvIy Toguautle, not ruoueouu, antomston waa now complete. Houdin thus • “W sp.xUKi; » tl.tl.LAtlliri:. -i Farr takeuuii^ton k>yb* n-P,,!.. und cun bu ouud I i w.il A. IIORIF. B. Taikgr: LilkCllCilkCllm-iiia ii te Third aCeBtew MoiBn lulo bulfhalf bb •s vniiNwi-ft-shi'elt-vhi-ll A’mond-.Vmond- r*Tf. r,oVbefn'e by “.VftT m«ny doalits as tolLe ivci'esa cfmy eo'er- ~~ Eofhr<« rratiVtl'iS from baaio#"*, which baareudrr## lHir|io#t^ -7^ itvarypopon GI->». Mol{Kl.’<. prive, tbe lar both with tb# I'ubik sod medical w solemn moni-ct enixed, when I uhou-d ^ 7^' L'FUU*JL-lifc bkk, m#o. i lM4 Bcnikea; i" .11 Jf I'T:,. •, < ,ia i 'T*^i~'^ /i rT~ v make the first trial of Tide de Aw- Peraoa* a0ct#d are atrooitl rec#oiiB«od«d to five it a . . lNDIilK-J— my wri'tr. I had ipstt the trial,wbeDitaprofupt effect wiueoDvlBca them #f it# efi. S 5> hlids rbolei New Clrlcans ftunar: whcle day in givirg ihe list tocebeeto the autrina- 75 bois I'owili-red, D. GAETANO * Ct>. Aportrvod ft iranulatt*d aud soft 4’. ?i:rar; •on, which sat liefote nis as If anaitirg mv erdur-, V b. M #r cwAf .HuOsm Hi«Bd> PRICE PER ntITTLE $1- SteU 850 SArk** Kio and ,?ava 4'oi|i‘*': Steuiiibuul l>4>i'kiii;; uiiti Kiick, and prcpur.d :o asBwer the (jussti-ma ~- L’'UK\Vo£K.‘<.-RorIu.G, Caudtoaaa rtaes. T. H. 4 R.\ W FORD, Mavoy. 5 «te4 a i »4# Port the 120 iiarlrark*- 4;uu;'uvdar a:td lauk?.! iL I !JJ CAUTIOX.—H#c*'ltrct prsttiDeanicie la ilqBid. Ev- . f black Tta; • 4# 4o M###M«; 4, f',*' ", and 10 l>rst makr |*U!ow 4<) i.askrtf' fta td had oaU to ir-ss the sori-g ia tnler tn P? G(#M; Ary Fretich laU'l ba» tlM* wrmrn aiynature vf LeKov,M. D., ?! Duck; 4M; ecj»,- th-i ‘“ '^’^“*^^“^ ^ 3 Am A At^rw Heavy* and 1 ybt lirar v“.^*DMT\trANo^ an* Paris, it, every I^dtirb label Haveur; lU) kribs Iti. t a*bouA> ftffwla: bag anai'id lesuit. 00 ORDINANCE oo aud has the fac aiiiiUc aia* bi My brart i-eet vinl-mtly', and Aj uatarr 1!*^*Heavy Tvllnl Ihvkiiiir: Eunv S aud S cans Kaidiui-s ef t'ough 1 was alone, I lr-.inli!ed with Ta iiaulimfi«#i)a, smt stoamliffMit pnn>osr« that te rasXs Teuuaot’s l.'sudoo Porter. bad jest *-‘’*““* “•* f New 1/ Is u-ually kept »ti a tirat c'acs 4'a -1 •5 • ^*. 1^ wm.t.u jh Houte, wh ch w<-r#n ba-krt.'* qts. aud pG. ch. f arrv 4.'hami«^c; laid tb# first tb##t cf pap-r before my writ#r, acd La KMcrmdo and wUIwill tellf as k>w as a **A' liitofclldlli* IFUaky: any irtabl i'himm this - dr of .Nrw 25 RUSS bi'Mt laimlv * JiMt rw-eivtHS a rupply of L«Roy'a Miatarv. Per aale I iskrd h:m the t]U*atiop, Who is tbe antbor of vocr 11SHei..roe*1al, | York,lurk. To aal»i*iy (3tMvCa;du.Takaece.ac. FANCY STYLICS. T yonisrlf ul this is to k.\r us a rail aud 23 casVs I uit aud i.'hrrry r.e; 2vr. wUokaale and nHsU by I W leing?' 1 pie-Md the uprirg, "***^ o. F.ILL A\:> < hlamsey, iviiti:r examiacexamiXM; uor stuck. aad tie cloik w. tuoDs. In Mure end lor sir by toxr-* **nrpnu'i *, « rk 1 da) toe's CoU Bew ia csddkev: 74 uatiaii, ivrnone. Vax^uv. / KATMu.ND A TYLER, Foarth atraet, oju I«eovi{lr. li'gia actieg; I J. IL SCHBUFJtni A SON. Do du do io bulf buiee; MARSHALL A DicklNSON'. and i ba ran pr (u^on I la rts; dared hardly hrtatbe throngk fear u^ (S»tx*oot. '' apJPdtf h'jle Aprnt> for L«missi:lr, Ky, — I CHARI.es •**— «* utmeL Thoiane'u sal.' uw f (IrtlurbiK^ M. McCliAW * Wad Jewol of 0| Ur Tvriul ia oaddiee; br T IUeAN'’AGMF'. I the eprrat^m t. Tb# autciuitOD ll wed I TNVITK xtt» ntWn to iry •tock *>f ovw aa# beoatlfi Fav.^^, T~ DoDO Tip-topTi»*-to{>, XaturwiNsUiimi Lswf.Li-of T\X> ^ I budstivet, bitwitru .Vg n and UivdT. I * WotiLS. laJx.T.A \^xx.\jija,of^nOT'T’*a to me, Bi d I could not rtffiln from luilioR oa it id^s# Mol Puuitetton pvu^eiMrtrrroQiids. LA CROIX'S C ax ’ m own son. ddi«» #Bd Fives. #7 s*!-tos; my Butwtenleawtheevetixaoat-mat- jui. lihe hasrco-uti. nrai.i.ed l•^o«I « i( if tke JOHN WAkD. PUIVATK MEDICALICAL TREATISE OK THE I? 1® ITAVAMA tb, l-oMM e.t er ia awa.r or awaora ‘«nti*e gljtce rn the psp.li—when the “'‘'.“"d tamdiiieie .uuiie, Of property frjotiiM; " • arm, at f#’*few -a, a . . Black Dn « ihanon and COTTON AND FLAX, PH VSlOlX>*ilCAL:AL view\ lEW OFof MAUKlAGE.MAUIHAGK. 1 fl/iii MMilv P'cuii. 1.1 M S , 1 . J L-’ N tha «i7city to«• «.ba l«ia CfTI-AR SAWft rtoreandfo^’iwllV “ Rich and v^ccarl tiewr#? Prarl. P'tr.i k tori.,. Ikiacy. 0-1 and M.kNDRlLi$— •i.>,OOU '• ‘*.'0™ n"* • to * torsi cf CVnU, ^'a.tict, D,», (rr,rni.i,(i.-mek..(d Seek-i. BO wii. liable begin move• .lU therefor »irto#*s, Woodroti^ McPaxJfl’a, !{•»#*• liic by" 'ro, and a ... A #ad Clm- 85u Pa#c# ood IHi FIim* IToinPlain and Colorrd Lltl.uciaihi.Lltl.uciai hi. RA\VSO\, TODD, #• CO, LavA, 4 u«l owar <•y)»v.la vart«iy,aad *4 pneoa t? d ,-o.tfi..-at ..f II i«k rad k.Ley ( wh" ( rale and rttajl h>* inv sigia ura 10 a ti.'in a-mooer , H»\V. PrYN.\l«o, hxodwrtnjr, tear# rtcaa# #«er/ tagt^. Ixu'r suk'l ae-l ueiv. -I- and V'elvrt Ve-le A . I iILLI.S S, SEINf, GlLLING.a,lNDIATWINES. W^PEICE ONLYY TWEXTY-FIVET WEXI-Y-FI VE L'fL'fXT.vXT.v _*j I ^ >-L- mi le,- l.uirsvi U‘ P. B. C. C. L^rlTrr;'l!Trf)TwlWen.'se tana; It A( b LUl I,_Xoe. > and 3, l.'r,. and m, ilium, m liblv. — -- ..tareU lo luy eyrH, amt 1 fervtn Iv tha: k»d heavpD •(< J- M. VAiim.\y, pualage oilail DTlPymrie ivl c. « r 1 ; OmkmiKlXBd uUMtd lorf#r « tnu-nt of trrin» a- d 4'ottun 1* u. l* t *r i* c‘» r‘sto.n*to .. AND FLAX SEINE TWl.NE. C te N Uimdr |.''XTI:.\ WIIITI' WIIK.AT FLui'f.-KO bblv extra B' tot aloreZrl '» ^ C.C, ORMSllY'oiC# Main (K. 4)N4>N Uie iofiriuitio*iofiriuitics *4 »» kits; f«r m r ty ilosv. %*, p Handk. reh rf-. G>..ves, •»»*>• **; • H ERFORD, F. B. .%. C knai enauy. *# youth mudaud Aa Him ly in vinrc ai.il uiic he latisfuc'l n I ex;«r:eneee EnrVah, 8 c»»i*. and Amencan lo Guid or Uo-brHIa-. I i 7 Mr by as inverter, butt Ihethe #‘!v*rCam, **’ w ttsturU}*. ^ hd\^\.'•(lN, «k <'i). ;m<VFIJtkvri B AXDAvn SPADES.—«K»Atir« 417 Market .L r'r'ainty I bad (f being able to restore some degree p aud lu let akrtic.us W bgth sexe^ of *11 *ytw, cauring dr- tbe wau.sof all. ccucraliy. Aptrovni Oct, «Hl IfCJ COTTiiN, ^ Aamv'e Skiivr « aad Sin*»; m hEa FLAX. HEMP, an* INDIA TWINES, for ishuf n’:'ro::„«.‘77p.'^2to"o‘''o'^ WTARTAR ( .VXDI.KS-VNDI.KS —-luoiuo b-.xMbnxeu Sur LandlcvL'undicu receivi ‘tat ciusrd my deep feel- 4te MAIN STRPsET. bClIdl W nceiw d amiaud f HH. ‘CRL I.AWtOI.D,1 Wr , iPH M-*-. WTuiftrs. Imklim. aunminc. k'ecklM. ante, eroo ISiewncU vdo do: merli, pmidutio. -*,7, luraaiobytor aule iig Mayor, , hnak. Ifui V.rt.vm- f by ul g-alitcde. After makiig my sutiinatot]laon CXuOOISrS. Ilrtwre. FeulU aad FiUh. and fc ef rrnmty Nenmvw A (.reffTv Skove'v aad Spadin: V* _ ln\\».ON , T( > DD, A CO, oem. dnvenaeien ciial ituay'oatiobs. ibvol#ntary — VV a II. Reerivi'd ."ii"ii lil'RKHAUDT, 417 Merk-ivt,Merk-l-t. r>|ieat my eigcalnre a tkousatd times, re Coo«taotl oebr dtf Fuor door* fj)Pi the corner of Vani aaad ( nttea. eied DrarrMv' Tn'-am. and far sale ky lol) L. UKM SBV. bla'htoya, drfrctivr roe#>ory, I gave it 7 oo ha* d iha lararst aMnri.o< n* io the ctlp Foiuth. w Um. indi. \T niv^ a r r ‘t>> : ‘What ccsUoo,and iawiludr. Re., cnmiiris. \ P It ,i I |,''I.oB#< Mid*ad Till mtr*ait-s \ inx 250 and UhiHratodUlu-tratod with : uc log In obediccce to a clock, wrote, ‘It ii: U 1CIC IX p which wv #rr*rr of KIN ckothi:>sCt 4!.i*artii:cut T B|fWar#a uf ooc hundredhiiodrcd and lhirt>*lUirt>* THE autarribris leave °‘* VV. A H.l>. I t'ltKIIt ItK II ( In lhU I ;.«v« a LA.;GK V.u;l K f V. at-I ) fcHo# -w,v«#y to-.low. | iust recrivi-d tbeir Fall °» (UDT.UDT. 417 Murk,Xliirkitt ,L is two o’oiock •toto» w,W. B.». BmiiNAPBELKNAP * GO . m tbe inorcing.’ Th s was a rryvery ‘raa.ri‘.‘8Ci7;.:r;ni:rr:". town. p eucrAviufi.eucraviiiyi. It is a truthful adviser ^4*'vk of ItooTS snd ^H( ^KS. ao: dttcromc’d Ui uent a cuurtUL'aUuu oi’ ina liba.'^' yal «« Main wrrtrwrt.rrt. j teHI rumi'p-ikir eve-y _ - —I” ‘ini'lv -rarnirg. 1 prefi ed by it, and w-nt tliat t. S.nem4Hd3' NonUcTO ha-B.Se. 13 to 4B. — I lo tbc married and Ukwc cooteuit**#*- en-d '‘‘”i •'»«. ‘-fuujra. Moco. and etr.ishttol^ht r 1 have recc-ited fur > ears pist. Kriuvuitcr- ^ h" !*Aut»»s 4, off»^ In pforc ai.tl lor bt*d. m sa'.-latt.i Is in ctu'c. AM amaee and anmkeie of uieirn j-orne. beff ,aal ty. murnure. who 011 ( 0(1010 : iuw prices luff -a e br o AgaiO'it my txptc’atloo#, n w/rrauu d t'Tcrj- \|% | ETALS.—ETALS.-Bto(*BBm* Tto, Bar.»ac. and I.««dIsnd into Wore eadaad for X iP‘ mcret cajdi. I erjuVid a doubte their . A 11. Ut J. R. l.ni'ERLE hasC’arjf# el L)<# ear low kv (ou) w^aW. a JmelkxUELKNApaap m LUci,. V- oMS^PQdJk of phitkial coodibon. WM. 4*. SWFET A 4*0., Ji'* UKdARDT, 417 Market rt. >la#p 1 hxd r.ot koowo Dr a Ion# time.** Watch-MAk’vr D» ladigo Bliie Yam, wairanted 8 to 20, .__ to,. aod wlio arvcoitsriau* of havinf ha> Nu. 4>f Market 1.11 dD :Ab um^he x.to oa. !-trt>rt. Hoadin viai:s Algista, acd bat a Irid of .kill 1 be, U''AIKBANK’ftAIltflANK'ft te'ALEft.—ft4'AURft.->WcWt arc#rv A|mGA|v#G for tb#tbc «#>«#*# of sar'lcd Uic health, hapiucow «ud : PUarinaretoifcal vew-vw...... m ^ d>u«“* 00\ e prlrilocca Nfw ^I'fk, Fdain, I'jiyL-h Dairy, auikt. with the Marabouts, ur ERH J AND TIDT YARN’. FT IteavIbcav s##cr,«r licmles,licmlcc. warraotodwmirmotorf cortvcCcortcct, to whfdi rrmrv butnan brin# is eti*iucd. Wi:b and i cenjararr, of that c .untrv. KTEI'V\r Saco 4 lieust*; Lot >d«"ff. t O-QOPS, Custom-made Boots Sa mon. sii'l ot w.W. n.K. bpxkxapbPXKN'AP aA <-o4'0. 4.'OBfc«o4oas of a Hnardiuf School Muw. a i olh #c Studeot. and Slioea iamsiu can*; |tv- iUre is hi( atcjun': mVotice to Strangerr. j — — iNTVf.l U3u.}.U'rri»«< MmwlMTtkv. p.‘afh«i‘, t»liKl*^VK^VT10 Miaills, leap. aud l** *r-. Ar,; Jt*'- t»KKl*.VK^VT10:sS ss4 Jote Rs|k, a Y'oua# Marriid Ladp , full of rumaacc and thrllUuf ALL kinds, VS of our owu maniifacturr, j whotc- J*'*”*. “AfUr btving performe-l the tr'ck slIT * <»cnat.n, Coru Sta-ch, Farr.na. « •»*'»•*, (f ring Paper Hangingsa ngings !—AnotherAntrthertber I thit r cb*‘ In lb** rtoerrv lim me a loidad iitol, (he ball WM. U. SWKF.T A CO., formt-by [ pa Fol UTH ^TUEET. Alan’ R#m Ib doBCB-. an 81 to Ite fort. portation ! ! eau/cd by a bad habit in rouih, the clIocU of » Uich are >V. A H. ilURUlJ AKl>’r. ip:(.aiing inside an apple in niy I SITED 43f Maikft struct. haad, I j u.neved STATES 4TD EriOrEVI Gtofi **H J. M. AHMSTKONQ’S. o»d CuU L#pc. I-K to W i»ch diow dl**iticw. ta^Ul•, fofvrttuliwas. aouiciittn* • riorin# lo lb« 4.7 Mai ikct atri'i-t. \1' u'e yff n-awn^veri' 111(0 Ibd mterijr, acd there met .eviral Maraboii'.., #4 la-d ( E BOW oeeaiBg a rrleadid armelmrat cf tbe RTt’H (IX M.\l.\ .iTRKtT. H# d 4iau>B Sortr Y wtwr, la axid • «MV, »eak c>ar, wi'skucjw of iW hmvX aud loacr rxircniU ; t V ch toasi all Paners to be found i# tb* Fastwm mar* I.ADII*X* (lAITf'.r..v. Kill, N,ALi:KS.— VVorn-sli.r-Uiriv I.oxiIim >ne rf whom laid that — l*rtine'ia, I club, .loho IliiU, me he was conloffion of ideas. Um of siviuurv. cllh uirtaiitfaoly, net to he lie- ADKKK Up|.oi4tr the Notio..aI Hotel, krt*. ctnbrarifif all thr iwort bea«tlf«l for Silk, unit l.a.tinu cviT' dt v - tI udetaood'.,u PHARMACOPEAS. r«i of thetbc newDOW dcpidUMtordcpidwc of iMrii-tiun; a'w and Uioink lUaikwed'. ItHut >1. nj«y br cured by tiic author's NEW PAKl# AND LON- ADI. K?; end cet hoti! -niie .iiitllt licfuie the Fall Mm.-' unit 1 ilrvu's. «le by leoTin,. hie toick ie -. Caadh-w toR. f. Trate. hi jne iixi-ivt-d aud IMeAlN all ro'ors; m #« S to c #— ni balls,*r. all oeaBtin. “T-L**' i* , . D4IN TkF.ATMENT. >ll.ky— th. niiiiit o:i‘,mti( lice-ipbiiiL F#fFor aaie,##aale, #a •coal.oraal. *1al w»awufar*uiwrtwufartarcr** irirr*. by lur sa:i' tow, oil oe — hpvm. for the neater rart of the i«st year, devoted “ 1‘LAIN a.ND ITalN'lTD MKRlNOCft; .'i 'Urciuie I d n't1i«ii«v< in your power.’ WHnte and Colored •“ HluaxIIEGAN *A laM5>H:(rTT.pTT. 475475_IUiu_rtr^.^Mam rtreot. oar ttme in WM. L. SVVEI'.T * C(l SAllN-Fai tD Ml.UiNol.«<. Carpet Warps. VISITING THE EUhoi'FAN Ho.‘*PI- ’’<1 Vli — 30 hhd. priiui' “ (Xsbtieh HuntItoul suitanil Hi<»-liliiM* lluuue,llulwe, Suyar iu rb re and fu- i-ato by ! avaltir>^ our»rlrci*of Jjl *A'*A‘ inderc!indaec! Well, thm,tbr if joj cl in't FL.'IS AND 1‘UlNTEii I IF VOI H isa lma«c.Mlk Khlrt# au# Draw* T.CIsS. tlie ku«>wlcdac and riMwarcbc* ^ believe «UUNE#; TO BH ke‘rv7eaaerroll..lktope|wraa(lBaitop .•ri*’*’ Xu,So. 43*4u7 MarketMrtrket rtffcat. " W-M. T. i.ALrL.5.\ A CO. ® i of the aioat akillvl l*^yf4ciAllc i4(e«L ip mvniv (lower,0 Ar#r, 1 ### ^Ktlk. Shaker, atrrc . 4>»tton an4 SmiM'otis In Eurci'c will compelccmpi;l wrtaaqwv. 0»|jii# |i#il te*#c #^ bicaal ilalvardp Tur. aah Mcri^. lirown f> you to beli-ve in la Yara, hart ^ aadf^tuBaad < AatuB 5 laaarilaaaci fthirU aud Drawers.awers. »U^ fromfruai 88-- to ai»dontfcctV>Qtiurnl.st»cbmeQa«4TVi aLR. LKNtllltk, skill." IU>4)Tft ^1'^ KEEN riNR— ; U h .D Tiiriieutiuc io rtore and for SCHEFFER « liittMrA.NS— . FAGAN IDtIXHKTEAU, 4 4 4 AND lliirk Bf*«»G of onr *^!V'vv** tetocte, for aaleat A. D. M ANSFl KLD’ft. EIGOKD, A T IN. and :UKL 1 N 4 IS ^ " China, Glass, or own Miakc; W.W. ( ti ’>#lther'Neither IDin OB#onen.^rtbsnof tb# oihrr.’0 (liieensware, of tbc Frcnrfc, Isanvh’s Wool as aud othtTceltThrated MHT*. iHrouitb Prauec, July. CJennany, lloUand. iuak<-N Thick brofiAiis, Ha lt'd' . “I"I was at thi«tbii iiiomriitliiouitilt thethi wtule Mavtoe fthirta aud Drawors, FiuUa#, lie iivup .b. ... u i i .i n . length of tbr at MMANbMELirs.ANbFJ ELD*#. ^ *“ * ( '•ekei oie^rt, tond. Keuuaud, and Wales. vMtlny io our rorte Uie priu. fron. .VI ALL AT ...... i 7'* 1 1 mi* by* th* .r.bont. ie’e #Uk. (ja-hmcrc. Wonted, laowb's• Wool, CottonCotta r<>faalelctowto;^5Sh\Y“"vv“vr' t„l‘if AhJtf Be weea pi»wo» aod C')«i llocidtalff In PaiU, Lon loo. Rnn>c, Venire, Vieona, . wd i hiyto. ttiatoek. Kat emie-ar lloao, while, btocA, a. •* ‘ ‘you see this five• franc* Bo. 14 to i*. tnoeord wkSer aud io4c cwlora, a* l>re#def*, Beriin. Ac. ,4^. have tieeii aiui>ly repaid hr ‘ 437 M..kct.,.;3a...ma.f....d.tm:d. ^ « W. hrviWD aud drah. to Pure Preuch irandie*. [iecr?’"'peer?* American Pulpit. IU<’Rl'T<’HER’S, 'CSUPEAN HEKiiS .k.Mi K«!.E,NTiAL O. Lff i«o«Md MAN6FIKt*D' 8e the additional kuuwteds'C- we liave acquued lo U»c IruaU * ee^ j ** F we n tty on hxnil eiuj lor ml. by rwtoiM s>«Hi*toe Sc Ur ' Tw -uc. of ali ^tm and attufarttirene**» tor ca«h at ilraudy, under cu.-toiu Houae aca*. lor aa e luw liv writem.mulm*... A'i’D F-XAVINR Hid VK*Y Pcrfortcrr,PrrfoMcrr Od »-*rtttolrWtoaluwtt.irWto.iuw^ -I”- ’ i*itoi-1 UiUren^m"cf^”t/‘.D--’’*^'’'It 13 eprte COMPLETE AND -••W M*ikcl7 .. which we Cf y oorself. rme. br .l«>a. iU'i *U' r. D. D. 23. A a. (,;k UCiOcac. CI5:NTCll-AT KEMEUIE#KEBtUIES arearc enabled tolo iotrudoceiotrudnee tiWE.S A WtiUD’ft, .1. MONKS, hamto«mf a#a>rtiueut. #4 B.) Kam, naadoliBa. Sc., S . m 4to ‘**1 Isrtmp Wicks. • into ,nnir*.prarticc, and the mhivpnbbe mav rostnet a^ire.l nf il... <*10 am ready,' tb» Aral) Thvraptivp orphan. l->thcr, uie » a"vu a-irt T> oor may awtured of the 04 Market rtreet, above Third. Main rtmT. between dlxth and th'venth. laid, io no iocredulou^ Queen of lYr:dA, by I.AROE Sl'PPLY OF -*. D.I>. MANSFIELD.MANgPir.LP.w DYESTVFI WINDOW A iwaic wm^. asridoity. and at'entioD i; oo.. BEUKE< teiBy paid I — vuico, as be held V L. .4. (Hi. rorx-abao. unt Ms tichtlv-clused firt. I took **V^,*“ t- Second-Timing Watch LeoBetllo eo4 Cioei*. to tbeir cases, which liaa so soccesidally distinrolrti^ as ' ua:> \> i-tiw Tn( HOK SHEETINUiriAe tmtoeV rmud.^rooaived rer*:^wrrteaai- to- MEN*# prime and cutniDon Th ck llro* Id^l^'Ir— Ju-**! received Stuuked and Sp'ri the p',ece at Lead, t^Aiat Cvlor*, ard Mrq P.r luto DooG and I the end if my tiagers, ao iHat te tbe ax The I *ind Abuto’^’m Tjlmcro.'bV’j’h^^ Li'^m!*M. toTC^iAh A VERY fin# ludrprad t ^eroud* -wlv '*a! D m s- MFFrEK A FA C “ '* To « h rh we in- I senibiy might All 4# Timing Wafrh 4 N. r. aud Wl o e kiU, se# i?; tb*a fogoing to throw it wni'*. ^,51^ . ran to had at TnS huward. ' Fni-h J,A/brter ami Salmon in ] *nd 31b -» ,w MediciuM witb full dlrectioiu srat to aoy at tbe .MiraUm^, Alrolud. it* Mac- and IMwer hv l*rnf. M'llrr. WM. KaNI.RI K*.S, LL -ntE PiiPt I.kK a* Main to., brtwoni Third and Foiotk. part of the can», for ^ale by J. T. LANll.kM A Ct>., it dUappeared at tbe word *Pxp^*' 5or*»nG. If A P.kTEXT MEDICINES of — - . - ?; olOjbAw W United fttatca or 4jtouxdae. by laticnG oooimunicatiug ***^ **““ lfto>^1i 7lThudrtii-vt dor cu hw Io|4oio. by letter. Itoalnoaa curroapondeuce rtricU Kjluir!” .'ociuL.'"' , ;'REs:i thrugg-d hi. atouldcrs, Ui if SI ##hu rtrwrt. New V#rk. C Cotton Yam a leaeived per atoamboate Grand Ti^ ly eenAdentiaJ. FKITTS and l*Ri:sEKVt>. -A fu‘I aa^oit- tu aay: ‘You a«e, I Ji'-tii I'luiy. by J. iiawald Jarkaio. a ceata. H4)YS*e Youth:**, 4 and :iilMV Calf and KIpIhM.t#'. I mi'iet of Freoh lol sc * lUOICH A.\D •ad Ncptertc aud tor rtlc by SF^Dr Io.'a Ufltoc la tUU located aa erUblUlwd. nnder Fruita iu cuua, au>o Shaker aud otliet toll1 yyou . .Vtiua 1a> t««n. or ihr ln*inlrt*r afivr Tmth. .V new tup- ELEaANT U‘f*»rr. to wltieh Preeen**#, lur mie by f^rNTiRTEft- tbenaoieof DK.L4CU01X. | waa well Jx^'Kwi'id JNO F. IIOW'AKD, "I aware it was not the.e, hut it waa by P'*rfamw 4-4 au# h-woy nawbury |>£t LAH. br Aosurta J. Evaaa. * M lOiN . ; Al 25 -aw- ^ >s . * 1*. .x i * **" * surt #i An eiprnencod Xnrie and Female Phytotian, preernu to 4)WEN " - - AB lueatoo# au# for aale tow b> I» Mabri. er H>wn H tomfrr A WOOD’S P I A N O ‘ F O K T KE MANUFACTURER?.M A .N L_F A L T L' K “llvMI.Vil & <() . rigSr aUenuoo uf moUirr. her i Ol t, Ihniu ib’y! .l^b«rt^•^d ‘ MARTIN 4S: te SriT a . Market .-tro ^.Uiv?!above 1 hh-dbird. hw^aile^ium y*Vr PENTON, NtKJCo W1CK8. A COm W orM-Uckao wluck Otc Law doa not raacb. "T _!"“">««»'T o‘Tc. die.. -7 Third ,t. Having tncreei't-d our farilitie*, wo are N.kTli.kN UlllTK, ^ ^ _ Being af.-aiil I mig;t break ' year w-.lcb * *riTI(NNE^ rT^3rT»o. gfU'w u*t'>ed 13 tu-Dont fr m 'pn to taelvo ,M. H'ltNlTl P.K DFlLElLNo. -a JUST Miw sii miaex.'. Window, ty Mark LWLK’S at b>’ the blow, I eal.oi it lo !** tJ« lewtb wtowe. Peabody Olotorat- NOVELS— Railway Library— me. it r*iauuar*ia uua p*-rwerk.p*-r week. w«ui**lw«>ii.«l rti i i\o# h-rwKB Maiw ooit RECZnTED BT BXPACSS, — 0 1 ^Rl Here i and I f WeUV rtwrerflally Fourth »^treet# MarkeL Thwold nnruiKir. cyriip 1/ I ^ 7 mu.^'Offbwi t-LALKI-r?. / '-4 bfar ./iu'omi./iuiomi our wbv.trraivwbvilrx'alv r-lailr*-lait it bowe «.tod a; aU Ma»e« .If to .. to iboaed him the wa*ch io my bkid. I and urrha^r* witb ev«rw llff^ At. dohu. I rill *fi_A The Murabout I ykku... int««r* of,^^^ variety AT THE GenOrmau. by Job# Erie# ;tt h iH* t'-r *.f r»Mn A Fur :ture «f Cooke. Al ' we the future tc U-ible tu supply LUAiiMivaa I awd Gh«^r!* of ever 1 -V GTOAK.S; rtvIoaaA fo • LINDSEY FICKLEN,1\ L L ll P“* « »•’ >*". «« Al^ a by the Autto* *.f Vw^lTem h hVimu^'-o™, -«•»• *i( -iitor at .fob# 'I i tiuEnd c^. e-tetoaia -r retail. & hT.'”h.u"r forciir I Hal fax, iirC. HruSr:'!^! .d*lT.mm^nVc^^^I^u“iu»tr‘im -nt . Tte wibi<#ribar, Cliildrcn TeethiuK, J^ Df:E of Man,'b/ Dtiulap: '7 fi(d at iHdinjf the ApivnanD thr nu riGof our 1‘ianoa wr w-mi » fc Eortora and We*«*-ra maawf##. Medioal FAl holDKKUS; Law aud Text liooka. J'te ®**"jL'.«M»oiqfv. by ILckuk; uve frahc pit ce. Tb# ipectators «*-frr tu Uiv fac»,f«r !h# !a-ifi\r y-eu-* Wr*ra, u •uablod in u##r «v«rv irtiei# ui Mi #f NEW MUSIC *tlinl1iTiHDation--wdlaRa>'ALL Produce t'ornmissiou IlorFhanf# were aatomdod w#u%va fiW'VM ‘ND ID*>IFRY; Mm bmU HOUSE, te and iciEiiaut awtoa tto^amrrv^ocinf .Merchants, 1: at tto kiWet MORTON A GRISWOLD. FAJ^ .9 UfrandTnma S mie of awaiujv wUviij.U^d :u tirNT**’. wh iw-ale p\S*, AND 'LRV*NTS* WEAR: “* audaudepaemieiiaemcdic Daimll.tn r Lrctiini* on Mvtai bg iica; /vciniiffn i‘uin"4 of .Ncir 1 ^.rk Ik’-O-n. ai a#rt u# »hdt«d .vih.viPliVIFVIPIIIMMKVIPIIIMIt*. iravu S VI .rtoKnif r*ds.«.^r ...:*kex..» i and MhDll DUF'i'i mayMytoto mo m .M w- •"w- w-tm«omm ' .vih.viPli TtNN.TPW-PENN. 1ho uckoutbrt^irjkelot Mtnibout frcanwl without. a Wurd, M Gn ANOTUEB -- 1 - -ta. -. l,^Kr.IGIITSheights promptlyprumptly forwardedfaroarded to allal iHfintaikointa W‘»>u Amirira. by Baird, at he wal ^pHliu^ OVfr Kill# evil design. sixth.sixth rireela.-treeta. IkVOIl'E to . from “I row ELt^G K*>lt»:s ia .Hdk OF .v_wv- . I.la _-a 11 . , itftll wJlwul.ill ,„ 1. L * *** »NT a#4 W#ok Depend upon It, momera,mumera, five rent to yourwlvc#,youTMlvc#, m Meiui'hv.Meiuphir. u; Muxart Hall. l•^F^c:.)ryiar“F*ic:ury corturofcortur of Four* -et-thenlT*.th M'tiaM»tia «r•tr*-e*a. y _ j:LAkKkrs, b«liev« in Jour power,*' he !4iid; **%iu are a lexl ml SUPER MF.KINoEft at 75 ceato, •nd oiis rumenG In rtorc janl4 laWitf Pl.rL’H.'^. 8. O Henry dk Co., co\*eted by InfumticeIt iiuh**" »• ***^*-^ UIIA4.G, A GO. 5' N all e#ioia CMTFIEU! & SOOT ^ ^ f*wr;’* and Mljricg me two pi^lo^ be held coc- .-*^**_‘ LAN EL S— aad qiiattt ra. Iteixiicvd oihvnrw. TO COUNTRY v ' MERCHANTS. * RELIEF AXD HEALTU TO YOUR INFANTS ll W(*ttld 4UCTI0NKER.- MKRf'HANTB caaled uoiLr bis 1 11*00115 be added, * b# aae eua to diworiba oor rtock to WILL RK5 EKENcyX choo e III"* I \TtT 17 / a. C -rwfff Maia a#d Wailalte#**. L->wwi-la, Ky. W«havc| ut up and aold thU article fur over ten TO Tin: i..\j)iES. fu>L We Will ot>G' mrat*onUitt ## have #a & mNDlRD MUSIC! « gTT* . aohadvan.^ . -aguud^ con^igte# Lou r>Ulc. foh well *«*> uateanp m years, ant <;*# oat. lit roKrii»ij«i« and Tkt t« JS®?*^** * 1I.WE n«iw in»t«*r»a lar^ variety of hand a and »*rte*d >rtEie:iG ier H?^i' FANCY G4M>0S a9<*nift. hareuerer • brcn able to of T) A Martin. *!'*•d*». And at aiirh pricew aa wUJ to a, 'proved He the of hlwhsl we my any w fl TiiAT)K.TIIAT)K. 1I wbU-h i will wll luw. mart eco* rnrvk«a-..at alirtm## eady to attwioi i#«aia#«f }**»^**Iloyh ItivntA Co., do. ca. puffeiiaaer. ffWii other modxine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A num MARTIN AUU NUW 5ri F'»u elrewG ForU mm L#*ir;**^3£ SINGLE INSTANCE, A 4;UkF when V* ! e- .. , ^ ^ tb ua. k.n icri##aattrta«’h<*ry »#•-•;}# rr. ^ 4'iawtoid,4 S f • |*vuip(: Do )* Ac., Tw##r the Never did we know inatance J. A. «#[**>• a. E^Em| , Cartollton.C'artollton. 0 our -ccuudiH'vuud riockrtork ofId ,'Ab«w o#e d*>ur fruui jpte Biort aoCi j REMOVE ufod. an b Ut Bai- Utucly of Mark«-G Jnn $ a snliterfuge, and foacd Eone. All etes wers fixed Du!>• do IIAMiKKKLIDFF.-;llAM»KKK4'inEF.’«; to#., bv that aifftto.r, ON OR ABOUT oue v «ho naed it. 4»n the R. “•M. Hathaway, 1>|.,lve|., owcueburo*.Owcurburo*. pofMlar G«>. iJOd y. i diwatWartr-ii b>' my eon- - JA4 4)NFT AN*> DIMITY ItKKAKFAiT SETS; *‘B#a^ hj HtJ#. Ulditec. i# term# u4 hiahert (^*^u»eod*U9n of iu mayi- ItoOriKVlLJdEIdOl’IriVlLJdE lllEs I fliOOKS i #p»^ ANU FU.ANKI’OKTFU.ANKI**0 ANU 1^ HATS AND CAPS. do; AND CAPS.rt lilKK.VD s the Hme Lit e''via, **Uew«irn Folka Rrtta. etowt^alto«dtocu modli^modtrAi vir.vir- t#«a.tiMii. We ape^apeak iuill Uuathi. ^ mr orcooaui witli tke -AwiUtor te Masuxte" by mleal an# { I.K.X I the ^J|p IsKXIMSTONNCTIIN ANUANII FK.4NKFOHTFli ANK FANS, GLOVES, I A JE MIT-«, Ae. For ibr I'auiiy A. thr Sunday School. gr.omc »«r, I hope all lkii~- 15th of October matter ** what ww po ^ khcw,” after ten yearr* Th«*w good# ari- d'rerl from the mamifarUri*-**. new aud V that hoea nv« nuff St8 n 4f r 1 Pleca*. no thrir -tal-- rax tnr :«'a eft e.a .t experiesre, am» rcKiHaE w ock evittation roE Tita ftvrh, of the mo.-t reo'Ut and d«'rirabit* rtyu^, ait*l tuauii- V. t’Vri.YN tiP.-kY.(lR FLdVVERS TllkIVE IN SUN- me oO-r and • tUa - n''v’‘;cmiARN. GERHART, I - *-< I rat. e lawn it im effkm TO Of WHAT WE IIAIEE PM 1..1EE. lUal- jR i^4y~riaapp e^ HBw farUirfd o. tin- b*>tbt>t matt^raU,matter aU, rmbracetubrar nx a full and cum-cum* to fire at me IQ the pre.-'er ce of ths e wl MA elll.Nr:. 3M4p., 3i»rra ur (eerT moiuaa off M o'clock “U tadaaf hr Wen elm aid. rrLAlLLMEKT Rf BM A 0 ««,i i « (>;*rni iw Fourthin-TM strklt. aut M n-1 o ..tod oeJur arvalida ;*' raort every iurtaoew where Uj*^iilat>t ia »uf|Hilnirfiom pctr^jtiiivntoietc aa-uitiiicbt ol vvrrythiuiMDewrythiui; id our tine. th>' L*.i.d ul M>rter>,»r .'^oTto Aod laoidvEta to C«rt> “t* Paitoiaai W' Um. ^ , p were wito#-903 of vour cballeage.* Miral>oat. Tb# 10.%,, , e xJ'^’ XL^IIL.3FCCZ>^I3S. •e'le iDiii kV - S xart Hail. •. D MLiilite.kN. Wt* iiiV(t»* pun-hawia t" an exaiuinati m of our M. t;jlA*nra. l!-. j p , l-u* tar**. a. J. C. Ptirtber ' SuppUea. i.i.':i;,r;mrr'.^:?7:''-..vI'li-fli-iiiir (lurm'.VFi* tu m* ! a- !uw a** -urh ro'xl** cau U TtoTtoHarvUr*,HarvUr*, or'«*r r> lo# Serve Two Maatora. 172 pp.. *”* *** tb# v"'- ll'llld ciuice .N. O. ffuaw :o Wore Bod Luiicbtl>*»ui;bt iniu any city on. it nr icrmrtcrmi' a «•<«• I cuupaay to b« pre*#nt. By tte 'IJ «|o hw “Bartiac Kfk. '—vi»ar«c; By Wil' s. Hayiu No.69Fonrthst. iniu theilir Uu 'ASHASH or iKbt U|dt||YE T f'iflVl.V* YfV 111 v aiSHIXG’•l^fllxu Ti1 C«\.\t.ElUtatuCff MV.u 1 BlSlVtSSI>1 3 ^'orie#. *5 _ Lt.K m MAKTIN. rhurivhuri time 1 9-Xt Rierolrg lttt*e Lydirttrandothfr 33.Vpp,*2rao. 'jlL" “tvar of TBrv*—• rartto: by Coors* lAidav. tu prumpcprumpC uirn.uien. rUVTULKI'llVTULK *A SMI I 11.ll. we bad breakfisttcl, AQd cn eutering Tb- L' ! I'NDER THE *^i^>***via skb® 4:>54'»5 Ma nu >tti v«va t. Fttely ito Ruuawav. or tto tortuu# Found. e7 pp. the ba 1 we found uon# of tbe gueet# wer# "WILLM*L rvttel, for capii,carli, mv rpiireeoiu-e forkofa'cwkof laneraad1 wikeii riaegtNi. toxrept Fair tirounda, Kac« Uourvv, Itruwna ab#(*Dt. I lM!:u 2li^r* Regular Line of Pocket Sb-ps BetNr««n I #:a.'iv hooda, at “a great ‘"’I"''*''''reduction la pri-1'“' - ’p. i *:u.k born', Fan aud • Rr. it rumldir of .Vrabs came in ' My u • «. t tc » and IW-lleviva . ounuvctii.a at j\l IS'KS' i;kavi;ii IiATS-F.t Wioiiir wear, lo awe!l I bar ey'# Puxa'e. I"EK». 15fta rmdi'r t LiaiiMiucc with uaar-mu*tlir^“’tTm‘I^‘'of'of.. Litt e 24 pp , Livertool and Ncter B aa aanuiral amort moa mt Boom and aioma for I THOUSANUS © OF CASES, Oileaua. fur New t aMt*'; at Frat ail Ou latiart aud mutodiadaWeiii liA au J ail cclora. th* .ajrv, t Iv lucta. ' k^urt fur l^awreucebur/. Harrod-* crawd. The pi-toli were baciltd toff lia&itf i 'W ito La Peuay. Jt'p., md. toiwawa r ^^Mwffood new Moa««rSw dayroaai.od NATIONAL HOTEL, mi; I called I aui.vafli'V iu...Trtmu.inv.andl>»4 Trimtuinfa and Frinyr*.Frinirr.. btiet.tjlatcrt ftylv'*; K-ST.kBLI-HED IN It not only rellevearelkrvea the child from |«in|«in, but Inrig- b«Tr, and D«nville at Midway fur VVivai lvi<; at J'ayne*» MB. te »rtu aa MiW #to4. ^ — _ a, . at. _ . .V*f*^*'* attentioo totu tbethe fiCtfret tbx*tbu* tL«tL# veouvenla werew#ra clear,Ciirwr. lanal i'oraria4'oroeia l1 rvttrhrettrh an*!an«l l.ermar;l.rixiar: T»t:i‘«».''lTokV IVki FOURTH STREET. bowela, cermtta aridity. and w_ ' orat«a the atomacb and Station fur 4teoryfU>wn: aud at loi xiurtun via railruad amt Till- 06 bore aaCnkIWMto 1 amtaatly on hood, thm bfrt qteMtr Vto*to aud GteCte ^ItoOXXisxrlU©, tbe MirhlKyor put in a fair charge t^l .v-a^Joiirin’'* 4 adiimerv, LUck Ga'intletff fur Lidlee ortl.Ab UMI II. b BCy. energy to the whole ayatem. It «u»rv fur hulaiivUk. t of powder, and KrLKi.KTw and givte tone aud m Nk Dmu^UU'. Lan«ai>tvr, rab oirhard. laefext to-t •vk.*ct4*d atolicr»n Jrtr l u rtrw aud ^I'^HE and of Hat# and Gap# I »».• i 1 i, a a### rtook of • Hr.kva »li« '*’^1xS ^ ! Sf2i?. ^ wdi aimort iaatanCy re. Ib-ve ge.iuiTa- 1. hirhmou i, Mt. leriibi:, aud ail int- rior t >to’iu>. hoff e. Ainoog tbe buliete produced te* Mirtoil itmm of ewtef #dweft|#tou. ^ £A everewruffutf« Tl d iu thl# riiy can Le fouud a^ thi# t me aiiue sklrG-st-ei, KPau, and Wlateto* r; 2T' SKi ;<»ND TPA|S’-2:l3I*. atopidi f*^**'® BoWKLS, M .. e at all rUtinn# I cUiie ote wbkh I ofionly put le tbe pi»tcl, H' F O'# — I a*lk-’* ail'’ eh'UlfVT >. vt* rtv’»»: Iv J aud rsHtete# aiy AND cmer uf 1 vnd X%MV>;. y Vv Al. )ItlC’K, ataok. Hew Books at GEiPINGlNTHK ^ ‘ Clarke's. wton tl’*gfed. exoeut Fair GronU'Ir, Pu ul. Race Gouraf. ’**• ptetenag oiu ftiiE. rdl aaltc a'-. argvrgvv.r.rt>;v.r»ei>; ' • th# tte. •we CX>UC, wbtcb WE.' ttou nlsjovered a itb piper. The » HAVING JUsT RETURNED *'Tin, -v?\ » ‘e ,‘*.K i WIND - - - - . p.*t!rr* I.e'. a. FNRY al J#hn Gtetlcman. i>nueu>Oruieby'c,f, nTowuNforu.Kruwurboru*. |{urEu*-r#,l{urku*-r'a, andanu Nurth lU-u#]U*u# ui;ui* ;— — — — Am ''fhff*. -hL br 5 fii W Xl. J. Utti* Cook ^ fvi infwy— l.utiin'* au i halt I’r:#; ft'-m tto tortfi'U esr •#, Wuu >1 cal- airCABRELL, If rpoodUy |>IDI.\y which. not rem* cubuertiag by ftatr** at j mineiu'^ lur rlu-lbyv lie and New VTS.— UidiUK llata. h s tonor was at Sfi*' kiud-: rlaaean# CW n a—AM atteuLou t# llu; L-MCGteST ST* ewwmandr# br latoct lecuived tUu day by' eipiviw 4 A'h maaU'rfi t*ti*e*r;- nc#o *«• *74 Mr Thud lUKik, by M^r. Moaion. odird. ioin dteth. We believe H tbe OE«T and 4‘aaUe; at Midway for Veta«dUe«, and at Payue'a for pari# atyle#, at fttake. We weut through id**i mite t/ad**, awl aMtieular ^fwmtfofa JEFFEBSON STEEET. end ^ the aame movctncDl# t' 4 w> ar*~Ladtoi* a'ld cM'd** ti*»; ^ w.itbep^i# Ihr r-a r-ul azw*#,? -****- Adam bc*de—iRxtb Edition—new »ut)p!y. nCEKOT E».MEI>r IW T8 I ^ woELi' lo tel caai# of lira- A. GRA1G’.<. ll-a l*Jrva r#. buJ hnadtt:.# .m tte with the bccocd piatil, a: d tbe Nlemo moueat ar t'.ibai, I* >ru *i##iinai«#.nate. Ih‘IN-' !*rib!-riblona, Hte , WA^l;uUl-.S. ItoidortUe.Ky. Til** Hattie Uoll-'lltiirtraCe# cniUiEaw. *^^|**/wbettor Itari- THIRD j euataicMtig E#ia*T iMannuEa ift TR.VIN—.AC4:OMMODATION—laave«at4:»W all the famov I aru 2 ****I*i MEN, PoVft, L\l»Ii:S, AND 4'ti I LDHKN, roui JLWEUiY, rived. . ^ liatt e* and Agiw. oU^teuae.ottorcauae. WW#w<^^« wo<>>4 P. M.. Muptiinir at Statl'M >•; ^ AH I aoi fFua PwUuuic. or f *ou nuyimy aU aud rHuruiu*;, wil b'avi- go-w!# t 4 r’- Ultek-,4’ltek-, I JOff attvutiunattvntloQ bI# i^lrdcaJlrd L>U> Ihv'fUja'rbtiu- ru|a'rb rtucErtuck ofuf Good#tiVKHli* Ju»Jij^ Woollvn lu op ‘netl— NubU*.b j«. rUMr-'f**'MMr. SILVER AND Aul#b*#rtopb)'AMt#liito'topby oCol wbr> har a child •uffcring fr n Marttod Woman. I aay to «ver* wutber ^ oHoiuxformeFeiltmd...ui't'Ding fur tte Fall trade at ‘•.'^lemn, J. IL Ll.t « Ml TE. inditeU. it ..cem.fi to everYboJy: to Ihe PL ATEft WAHE HALBEISEH |N>riD»^and Pailadr. by Got-tbe. tot ourth aud kUiH. k olO A. 4TLUG^ S. ' i that he h^a ever offo~#4 for aale, and wh.ch rtuhnict# a FUCHS. ^|'«etatr>n*, l «*r oToEte atand Traluj> arrive Luuiaville who were uncertnm of the i«-ue: lo #f ttoir to FugUnd V'. g;ic Hrt^ b#vrlirta>to*Sr rty’lte #ce nui'ii.cio mix eux «i - JV’mcE# in a# follow ; rir«' Train at l'.:I<> _ . o*>jifth1m •* iL# proferv###«-*«rr».### M *^’*-’* viT»* iKh raru T iu'iu-h di*i artmt'et. many wh’ch a*i* |.ark. m \mm reitt-f Rrti#h Hat#, r.f all ~~ * ttJUtolwb# ftmooth front Ancier t lb ookr to‘.w*-a& •utft'tu# cbiid aud tto Uiat ^ #«T4»nd Tiaiu at 1:23 P. M.: l^i;rani:e Aoc.mmoda' F-xtra F>pe color# aud style#, Madeimo lloudin, C m G -tote your A who hud in vain tosuugbc me to .. uannfai*tiin-d oifle a5*3*4l'X* , give u,. thfi. trick, fur rhe fcareil llio re.ult; anfi tTeCWfi «hVa # ra.aJ'K 1 N*rw f •. .»i,f \r#ata French futkfw tbf mm of tht moa. Woe, I »t that 1### Tailors, J! tuund r WaMal.trd aa rv^tn^cuu d. 1 diroetiob# f<»r ufiAit wi lacw “> the, fur .4 Uiy new lnckfi.fi not fie- ,. *'DU LT. OGLisll, RH.\%1 a n -7 A.r,o.%.... step II aud • xa'nln'- f*r at , . 4 h>N CT imwa w of W. P. AtaisWi ^ KTIS dt villa, an^ *li further n..,nwwr,. cn^r-rr,. itieJt Jeirelry, Livrrpool, Aortirt to. ^ la(im.J, Ite»; CLARKE S. Monart HaB. None gvDUiU#gvDUite ouIcmouUm> U>Ui ,JwW fac rira'le cf CLCURTIS A inf'-rniathmHMiraii to had ai tha l>uin#«>D si.d Itruok a:ru« a. CARPETSJ^ CARPETS! CARPETS! 4*78 IkO^XTST New Voik, Mb n» 1 -te' «« K* tete' art •#••*»* SX’ Pnee #6 eruta. SAMUEL ulLL, Sun’t, ...-aB alS AiAw BJ.TWEEN MAIN AM> MAKKrr. nmioto. urnm^ Myadie*' tMdf rtreart tbe world. ‘*'*'^* |M>-tcd fifteen |»rioe# fruin l*lali‘il wm #<4d throufUoot 1. F. aod le. ll. ^ mjeelf at the ehiek, t'iu4* are. —‘2. -c br DruggUta A A F. K. A Y J x-mjx A Uaw^ ^*M#toiQf mart at.. New Y ork. -No. MERINO VF.ftT8. Pnanpat cAor No. II Cedar without ovifi.ncing the .Ug^ 489! No. 481H. i. IrrSS.t lDUllC611161ltS. WKBAVKTAKCN TH E STG MERINO DRAWF:r«: #pr27d4irw|y •&* Marabout immediately pcized 4>ue of tbe B I. LEMON f’O , fotenif a ntepiil “The B y by 1h>m M. 1 HOSIERY' AND Main atrert, between S«?eoDd ami Tl'.ird. BBMOVAL. JVT-AJLXSJE MEDICAL ing tbe rijrt^nl, took n? mwr, Marahaiit TaiWr, l#«t pistol#, nnd. on my gi\ a delih- ST. U More rvertelyte EMHR HDKRIES AND LAGLti; T\TT\r A 'FT P •JtoAtert Ota, darcaai d. We *»c rrminte rerei### tjj« Uxpr*-?.- at ofl, Ote Fall I Jojli:n" UULL’S • JJ \ cV; V- vJ.j erate aim at inc. The pistol went and the ball U G4»f D WATt IHXFOR LADIES AND GF.N- a midler s teeth. angry a: MAIN STKEE’r, LolTftVILLF:. app'jarvd between my More than ever, t M \rr Watch # of varku© quart;*-. COMPOU.ND OF * ^**’‘“* •‘^** •• teOTte. aa# ^'iwtUga^t# whi^ wr tavn# — IX Foteth rtroot, PECTOR.\L W'Ehvvo^uDt Tk'e'lvcd the hatid-om-'t't .\xo ItiW r . my riv ul Irie-l to aeixo tbe other pii>tol, bull sue- *^*’J'*- ' dc. thr aiu-titiu# #f — TEXT BOOKS!! Me jL MRSi Cl SELLIGER, da I ..n rver i>ji liiu-d in the city. toyHlifr w th tbr iH.>«Jcd rearbiiig it tolore him. ‘You could f., in md » i\i» folluwiux koud# wit i'h wr ffTt r at exc4?edm£ i \t a I. eii Pear* llriitai Srt ; btlvrrwar#: plaUd are WAl-KKK’S -*«- iirict KXCHANCiK. -»*»» Ifcy 7^ imUV . (turn FIUK luw y •? .l » i. tt _ .i M -wa*tete-w«.« tlECIMA TOB.tlXOexwxr-'xxxv. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF I ‘but you eball now ae« that Ite*., -I injur© lue, raid, my of evr»y d.wii'Gou; every et.l. o ff^.s-y iraxlr aa r n. HOIXEIBIW k rT'( 4i«. J18T KrcKIVU>_ .MF.DALLliiN 4'ARP^T^; Ha- to THIRD sTgE>:T, UETWEt^i MAIN AND MARKET Wild Cherry! 1. ffmiUi Siffe, #Mr Iimi Metchkat * Coo»or AXMINS I Eu VELVET cAKlTITS; aim ia utoro daogeri.'iU tbau yours. Look on that JAh. LFMON A M Um r «f TkifO. TeJon. 4, lo*-• '• KjleoRiln IXfiaek- * Tw^Twhk; Kw TAlD.'^rUY do du; -.,,*1 . • fie 'T'HE ftFoALUK PUBLIC APPROBATION HAS BEEN 1“ 4o; I *"/*• J « hIit. STin^i^iis^rs 01 D M.l.L^lI M;U>SEL,S; . . .. , - * PO nnmlrtakably MediclDe tbat the trigger, and on tb# newly» Jb. OAZ-d. t. fixed upon tbia TAl*^^TUY du; I pulled the white- To?ek. fi»: proprietor attentioo of all SlOClt 01 tllC 4 Ku.'-HY'S UUUSSELS CARPETS at there ap|*eared n Urge patch of bluvKl, t teov lltertE. BaTbelMn A Fnchi vel- IW are both 7; fo'D it fo be bia duty to call tbe (O OUT &D01C VOrKS# 75c per yard; wa.-bed wall eiooteg ' te l— n . tere-'te’ wortaten. an# every wav wor* tboM pereooa to it who are #nff«»ring from, or th*eteenod •“ '* T**® isli u^'iN V Aitrr.Ts at 4(. to 7'c rcr vant- 'I?' *?®" W #f pwtSif coni#rnre. an# M r llatoertca on#ateiona* ?= 1 ! Bobt-rtRotv-rt MofrMMucria f"' witb, affbetbyna of tto lung# or throat It^ baa*s ia the ac- MAXWKLI. CO., l:A4i AND!IEMPrAUl*ETS*#;owa;23clMTvard bout went up lo it, dip|uMl liia finger m tbe blood, MtW nc. tepettorteaetetof titet 1 Enow of. & euniaina pUUtitiKTs. la (i>. .MATa.aud muuth, convinced TllGft. M OUVF.R do; principle of the Wild utojry Bark, but ll MAI.S ST-. .\K.\U KIKTII. ST.ViKUous and, raising it to hia himeelf ol With a li aiitilul aonort u«-uto* »-v*tv d##rriptltiu*ot - «r. * al#o. In proper proportiote, other of the «*ort efllcienl pec- th. reality, when ho .(Ni-ircfi thi. ceruinty, hie I A. BarGtor ta.naaod CuiUuu Materials, whirli we r,i|,.r at 4 exrvodiiic tbc *hortert pcM-.bi# eot'ce. jm Tte tort toitea of the MATEPolA Itt eon pouent paTla Superior Old Iiiquora, luw pric*#. c. lil nrniK foil an J hi. benfi wa. Ixiwed ojHin hi. cheet, is IS >' W OPE'.INO A I.APKK STi m K i*Y taNi Y cm r—a v ^^ I MEMGA. VALL t;i» gj A • - FBtNCH WHITE 5.;? Mam atrci t, let. second •iTln.NS, JOHN C.kWElN A CO., S -A. T I .A^ ZiNTPAiNf rt»*»mon »h**re. atid Third Il wn.« erifient that for F C? T% ^ aad lacdtom *“*d pru)M>rt»oM are well known to I'hraiciaiirevrn JUST received at tlieuld I^ri** Ifou#e and for if he wore .nnihil.teJ. a .U/'.i.'iljliTi*!; t lAb Third rt., between Main a .d ! gtmdea 4 'uiintry merchant# invil*-d Market ff || arc lo examine uur • . f , FWM THE Milr' ault uurH«« *>r# br stock aa tto propriftor **»*k#fi oo aue:©i of ttom, and they have in uoantitU'# to oiUjAb moment It# doubterl everything, even the Prophets. and THOMAS p. naMI J. I*. THiiMPSDN, ftKILLE Btxtb #»ei tto univ«-ran* apiwubat.on of tbe faru-ty, who, a# a The sjic. tators ruised their eye. til hexveii, mutter- 94m»E C#.MrA!IT rtfWwts abov© Main. C orIK Xu. 7'i Fourth street. MtOtne»tif •l*l7/Oir Il’rtrff, r*x-oxxolx with Mtobt>'% t'ont i^efpot, FAi^x-iost pone al th^og, prefer ndog th*a prrp**at:on to any pre. NEW AlilllVAL cd prayer., and resnifiofi me n .,ieciM of _ ... or rAkis. * ' Tltff Cci«l I.IQUt»RSw-All of the beat braudf. ofhUowTi<»f UU own auperiMipcf or mak<-,rnakf-, wdlwill OW.T inn*atgreat Irducement*Irducement# to »»-pkl.v,.f*LklNy.PBL •«'riCk--W..4OFYICk.-.W.ri lid. Ol Third .traal.(rate ||MV||W) MW-*4MW’SS S.An’lS.xn'l Proptiffton rt. BOITLED r.rCDF.c«D Vnukorw -*te bwb •criptton wb'ch they have t>re(rtred by a drugg terror. *' t.1 . • - l”? .»>» .*1 Ol F«rFowwto wkteh tke can cash bnycfv, revingrev lag them ff. oa 2*'fo;.itu lO {•#;pa; cvni,cent. .a I rer. •.uHi4 UI». f Mark«.Mark#:. IHU**»U matLeeat. ckaaemcheaean taaa i~.” bea , . j *i .• *». v Unn mbcan b#Bb loiurtloni# «-wwk«oti.mwhm% i%i»^55 juit de.criW. though • th# T . V"*". “•.••••••iae. It 4oee Bet tao Mlla» >• It ran drugg rta aud country atorea Ine trick have » cud- LV-! !UM!*b.\N< Hll iiIMCI>-Hu«(hM > iCto- su#rb .aa#;#• 1tarka%heD..MMark«% bore### «V-e ty. be p.ocved from e,,,Cali ,„jand .* .aminoxamin# thelb# atockand.toeX and teconv.uced.tecuav.ucetL .'... .(• = aad l!a.-^k aed k'a1'.oB everywhere. ST. CIIAKLES RESTAURANT, ou., i. eaiily prepriefi. 1 will giv. n (^riptiuo .. natatea I loyd anf »• p litei FiwB Oeriana, a aB eaiwa aad aADAb W. W. LAI BOT. I' re 't-.u. qwn^^noA • got io readionM tor it over eight. As I>r John BULL'S Principal Office, LouievtUe, Krn- m iH 8T., BErwti:.\ IUI-N and Vi OKi- r if buw pr=T^iii Ku (,B(i Yoruiii«i«ur^Ti'o.\i. 1 took out DUllKEE * x XL* -*V a- hMky. a®ruaag# bi,mfolor« be WJ FOC mi STTRETT, ^ ton*-*owteg rtewed il «##tt#jrs dffad, acd ihua niada a aort tf trough, io A ca b# respOTtfut'y aolkaed. tite mteonww, and #t tto tb# four 4 LUNAR tiarkte an# LICmT aad JeHtemm. ICAL and Pbarmaoeudcal Apparatus In great 2M«iigar-cuifd llan:#; — • > - Mb*i hEFU RubBa — I beef “ .tei^BteKa I CUkAPESf, Ui:>l, ....c 1. aia— upon a bail# ##tT#a|ion#li^oudLirt^^ f j aCoN andAN which-ki-hWOICU I* wiaceuQlocnupUc#J •aA y.uploceuipiec© of wax, takeslaxan rrom ec#or* ofi,t AKU MOSl HKfLLI.VKTuni 1, 1 .,. -rttete »«tetyIottekby 1 iP'ff't; in DRUMS CndtailiM>nciie.dndfae TRu« . ,:.JF.N'KI.N'S4.UU.. 1> Ut>i Iba l>riod ’• x 1 mtf r I V Til VVVrtPI Tt tr Vi>run> v'u 4 t* tel. hr that,loai. 1 ‘*r re bawe nintte If agreed uur ^tu Bate, teTMi DM BHBEWSBl'Ry .\ND eaLdlea. Whin tt w.» melted, I mixed with it UGUI IS rUK WORLI3 F..\CEK1' TH.vr Chemteu,Lnernteu. coi.col. ThirdTnirg aandna Walnut.wainui. 6 doa. Beef fongucf; for mU by SUE. ' .GfiEDNERi koiieei TW Lniy.j' Alff bte two uoIsm>, i re^oettre IIIBIUTT A S4)N. outir.r,‘a^/:'%i^Tl.\®if"so A Vttl. Umpbinck had thn COA-T-i! COA.L!* wfUwill Beto «#Ueete to•• rt<4eBBiBo,i«.re#ih otai •(»#«r iwwctfw oooIeoal rorio;yar##: * Wtitr . aOe. Ibb4 Mow Drj IM bb4 0(«ra »b4and w **li kPivltl- ’TZZ^ZTZrZrTTTTTT'^iT^ rpnis hurue altba pure wkUo lirill'.it SPAkht CALLAOHEE. gNT-Ven^aon. iiruuw, guai a, overe, ka;fa over tht c « die, ar d tb#n rto this LAMP lUh. "E^T T” I ’C3'piT'nC3* f^T fw Ko. I or Iteal ft Oe ortetr mate anfi ter **t# -"-Uava4# -“allfutte#f-H*- UoaotoaUeaBilerteB^iar.rrtaiiding. andanfi tbeitbat all h.i.larntfi JOHN T. — P B u#.wiog r>iH*ki‘ bind* of a *.2f ^ '** ^ ***^ -CXKjrlEtc>l laiatiii. A lo le M rqiut ga. aud murh cheaper than (aa. TUa 7..! I - kwt, reeafre real al a aifilonu |Wi>e, U te anorfi Uiat bull.'-monld. 1 .llow.fi . 11 ,. IB. hBow W'fcite or Onwa keal bteaf ealr wr tka ,mmM-.i;i.« in the H.d oar ti.e «nfi —r — r— .(- ...ji . . . AIiLAOHBR, luL‘rk"’L7il^teL':!r L'(Ut picmteT/bJ^^picn.lun.at lUr la-t Mech.iira' DAVIS te fcriteeBteeIntetetei weft w teJeofa•ale ufany^irtaw, or oUiteHvn ^^ dteiv^^^ cnai— g, T*^***^*^. .“m'-h^ Co.J, tbe ball DPONdlE IPROP. fcboxea 4;ommun#nd 4;erm*n ftoapi furreleby ^ Iho liquid to gel qml# would fasv# Fair inIn LouiiWiUf.l.ouiiwiU.-. Oue SulUi*#duUai'a voithooith ol LaoarLenar «HI(HI givt#.Ir.e ®-?“® «*® 4«r®«ers 7 up In my Rcrtauiaut in un#u'|*aiwib e wyli. r-ra-WT—r-. /v M. anOKC, AffMUarOeOa. and («mBis>ion .Uercliaots, tile ll(Ut A-tliuf lATd (ill; JU i,f Whale Oil, Irt. C Piano* ^ l4#eu full and goUd; but 12 nlioat teo Mcoodt .4 oae: --f ,11 at I.o'w PiIcm! oTOte fMkwrtar Hiiminr Fi.il.1: *14 54 »f ( aadlre. Half a piui nmd iaaOw hoaa«wW 114 Uurua : /"i/'N I f v a t- a (ttcaad.) WILLI A?f8*(;0.. are iBT'ted 'a ca* w anw iwdanad larlff of price., etihar Dry ar • It koura. coeung abuni 53* cente. clTingalight «,uai to 5 X J. 1 J /A | , T and an «. MAYS di UOULkT.S. I.OMhVII.I.E, n.BOEiivrE:i2 | M. aao, in aor - LOMtevirLirKTrKV! oil te IBI W a-a>aaa a iite HALL a CXIKNELL, OT.i^canfi'en I,ui-r not cxyloiuiv. ha. n i fi««. . tr' Tilt. Ufc>. | filALITY Adraaoa. for Nm-embcr. Ffifice IScei AND AI Thb Low Lo-f . tui tela at — ASH made oaon Conatenmenta \7AXltEE NOTIONS rrcenhle aiuifil. aad te not lUhle to nuukc. * r law ,.leoa*"** liBifiaa Laar, New Vaek. Conatemucnl. of ProrteionaPmrUona LamH tnlul.u. t pneec, tor jala hy m rAwFwrDMB ^C Ba»iiW,I»a«»iii«, lU.pe.Tw.oe,Hope, Twioc, ,'. MADUE.VS BOOKS Dll P- S'vK—*! JeaaTindUwJeau.. and Linter to M^Sd I fi.rall pmp .tee. (.'ab aud aee for youiMelf at >o.S ila- CXITTENDF.N * UANTT k- Hawes a co. onr friend. tetea n wti.. . ._. Mam n _ Co , llrittan A v^. aoNic Txnri.K, fourth wreet. 0'~su:e ^e. uritena. and Cuuutr I Weet Third BaVMTUJX,Si«i.U. UM. Otfitf La. And SUndATd Dram. ad. al wr^c. teMtefOl steaawBf ^ Agent tor Fr«>cb'»>lodo.-n It'ghto tor aOa. oa* lyiu wj tl ^ mtamf -ad LBicBaei^'te EO, OCU R E.t TT V . I mny4 iLbtf betwoon Hals and 0«!uL ni i*(«nw»»w . — I I - 4 I !1 1 I 1; — , . - , ‘ ^• I ! — — . 4 S

The mwelpv- North Am DEPOT. I of lb» i. DENTALUri'll«iULl 1.' 11 «-n. C»«Ut».ion . LOUISVILLELUUIdWILLC \^AISTKI). j ^ . ..I f II I II 'If I I \ lla-ir^ W murciling*uti.-tioiM.ii a> i>fc»«a>. in e rn* ' , r 4 Mi c the reduction in the price of gas in that ItTIl A jtPPKIWOS.^W m it a inurprcuaica, p, ,.l,iein a COKNEK OP KOI reaievcj hr. “ irauk r ei » rarmerve9 • rtiKNTlt J. «. ONlUtiOK': aaJ baa a deiioilc mode for tolM, MAN Uaml«i. eUhecaiHlalaf niwe. to ieie |aw me Ms a eteeliwi " le ihe lafaa and n mwiilaea Mi>w idlfMIm MMr TTaa I. 1I and that the present cost in Proprietor. fm A the a-ivc-tiwr Inna iwj-in* •• p- ®r***.*/ cuidadbr S. O. yZc«.. ea^ aorthmai cmer »f Few in aau Maa*rr>ct*. wherevlMTiMb* Vw Wh »a every t iijeacy nity. find from these B F DAWBS, A* itrr ntiiPKimuiuL • niiMr may be changed with Wc * s bled Vi '“!>»*/rupvljr al:»*: 'b-cwib-cw In •»»*waal "f •a fremfrrm !ha 4e*m4a*aa b'h- it, v*aa dWkwi.ujT vd," et ihi* omoe 0 4 l,lA 1 M Tmaa. !b* mewoatmmmnm PwktaePwkti.a TnahTriiak haaiawnrta>aoi .,f>f Ladiw.'Lwllaa.’ rircfltw dea4t>a Traaka aiav. I tb« aup- demanded hy tho meeting ia adsame. ar *|. I pnrpoeta. ITie fugitive foot—$I 221|_and— and it wa*was jjag—>T^. fqt /V ~T e'm «a»**«a<;‘u. a iww alj.a id Uaat Iruuk. waieituaa" that ca lee Wrenal h, a am*« rta«y Jmitwl AH . -ahed u ,w4 ,«,i his ''* um aem ha aaaaiad ^ 4 |WING to “l'mg coaunuadcoatiaiMni bedbad leaiih.sbl 'k. I eUieiah to ax- > Trt-Wei*fclj fT A'q rv I t I -a iT 'f no* ,aM irtikin . a’lcetm.CMiatr,' Iwilr ph: trade, ai .1 ILe r ,wa- to three shilling* 'ivsir pence <>K lITTSKl Kli roM. k'T Till: n Ah Ah Wh • *» ehsn«chr,proTcdpTopcrtTinlh*cit» •“*"' aUve that j,it shwldlie reHuccIreducesl oi At ITV 1 I ' ^•nvchrrproTcdpTopcrtTinihecitaofi.ouirvlIlsfor0fI.ouh.viIl«for ! »a crwma wuwa ' piwaamn of the Afriesu r ll II I'l . ! . pctiea Use ene rear a I ; .1.. ''TJVHi-r ear Urn. ' n.„ farmroofm-ro ro„ siniDv frmo iiai b,b. ewi acre*. iin. P*r»>aaPrrwr wiatuag to parr be* an; I tbv ahoee ar«w!c* will veU la (iee am a rail h<4wfa iwrchadlW atrewhara. dr*ih.*»-* (;• *•»»•m the * II The im. i gC:aa: :fif embdeuubd at. in >Utes ate dedbud „r i^Kiulsle.ut bibj t*cnix'nts.••ents. ItItwasslatCilwa* tlalcil III m Krcalarliullrua io almul u Jim lllml) 1 b**l'hr. and K. pr-teiUd by that is r the rurncr uf Third and Main. tXTR PttI* fX-lb AI.VAM riiev i*a he c,mi|uire.l a* b.ll.iw- with j^wc‘si"*« '"•"•'-"l**r-®-cfa-hlii thn »!,. tail I C'iastituti. n ^ 'mm I II I ml «"'-'»>»a« lecatt^ <* n>«e •• 5U ceeh. iiKiugb ,.1.1 I II |;1 M «..n. m, Third -imr celwreu AWe•! r«lo 2 l‘ IU ( Wanted, rne U.-mrcratic ,, j f, PETER & HANAN, Floor Oilcloths, nt *1 I — ssj*:l,.via. so^. for •• & inlrrptetatn n mu and an •• of the Coaatiiuii<«, |.iver|e«.l. 4*. lid. UKALERii I.N tiens “ COl.LTVJJS, *' platform to auit awry olecti.® pricinct In ti|asgcumuii'Uj&ti» i.fv t » IaOxjisvix^Xsjb, hly., anccMaful in thi grant •trugglo Ccxt yiar, RlUiS,1 (n jV^FS, etc.C^C. fpe-Dtuf even f M „ w, II. or lanky great reduction in the price of gas articie if they al.ct a Presi- Thu*, whiUwhile a ••Ildi* iivstautft.ihePtoutft. bet Ootprcinicr anj'sixlb'*..«ibj 'itxtUM al all irmc* kf«» a »oo I e< aae .jwa maaoeawara frwm Trivlara Kawmckg, Mmaatl, aa but a barrsn victory, Jiffriciiltiirat . Mmplentt nln, 100 pieces aupeiior figured DeLaiiie tl’HFRE oc wPI will gam t ' a. at ia heard j aa iaa,wcllallv «4«,Itylfi, and a conconaid- » Tmaesre l 4cd. V> wuiah llriLUALE AwoWTMora.— Ui reatora a haaiihv aantim'Dt of re. ha*I* hc „ . _ ^ **** fail i.oi kv* I W- rcr«M l.lwr.l. of tha warld. tUt *•»>» at Livenbiol, none whaUver has in tha Bahai our raliaw e upon tha (\mat.tut.on. Pat- eralde change LANKI ^A HODLK>,|S() 1 )I FN iaa | B of all, makmg the public of ’ jJ b valewthhivalewtikb a co.co, ODt«... 6ra» langaagas, ~ their daliea ai electors, will look i iirrcj at Glasgow, and that city, MANVFACTLRERUMANVKACTLRERU Or T. | KKIST.REIS — — faithful to SAVE YOUR MONEY! I FOR SALE OREALKHS IN WOOL ^ I ^invp ? I* «. ». ti- K. DOWNS. H liirR« pe*r r 4*iilHKi* in lln* •iagt tbe heancifhl lowf **_ MARK oppose every indhation of nulliticatioo or sentaimns at the hands of the gas companies. The at i ENT.*. For Rent, remain : ,i— and l*lire-liUM* UH 1 ol' llipse* 4aoo«l« hy LARGE Ihrm-rierf «ToREMOtSK»e»orU^»l , •*7* Thir wanAariag practical nullifiirtioo tilasgow FANCT AND STAPLE ... i ^ ^ * mccaaion. Tbe North bar had ^,^1 used at is connel, and, in elaborate CIrciilnr Varkrt »(r%ri, *Ad #wern i »B^w ^ Lookintf IlireiiiKli our ^aw MIIK \ bviwtaA dix-k "*** p„**mHne (tV'B Vi»*iabe'. E^uae •»/ ^ “ *^**^**^ to obey or carry ont tbe Federal lawi; calculation of the cost CllHNKK OK JOHN AND W4TIK oe ihvEmCayof COJi.MOVrvrww.-iw sTmEET wondered I ia iU rafaaal of manufacture, the quantity Collars, Sets, STREETS. -Vaia 1. *' XTHUT. yj Ujj ^ I>rLY OOOIDS. ei.rrh IS 41»i» oca da H * J. DEPPEN •ulf gaums I in Ifthi. and r iNflN NATI. ORLBAVa •” i the Soatfa had actual nnlllhcstioo of tUi.iMlU tons of coal U Uken to make MHI,(M>0,U ihiu* u«u*Uyuiu*Uy keptkepi M*-vkawM*e M*4i etVf» H DHVDRV I uu muat Iw main- Tlie E.HBll0mEKIES, ETC., TIinr.'-Mrarveribeoikaciibrr.Mlaaladallh*' raade ceucarning Wa am then that the ConatiluUoa f,^ucefactnre ir calculatedchlcnlated at Is. 9d. per I.OIHI feet, and * Larf^est Imporlrd this Sraaoii. IT Leaa I ART irraakt. *|la«v gnetsm have . & •nutbr^ CaM»er «»f Third and < hcaatbat H a r r > 'X i | wiU follow. Tbir T A ^ life, nnlUucation or lece-ah-n = FIKST CLAftiS IIETAIL ' IMISIKTEKS AMI WIIOLi:.SAI.E XxvCjr Al have been cuiicua of him and bir i taiaad, or the selling price should b«,be, it Isis shown, 2s. Vd. per -AT- HEALERS I.N Cm Jri* \V him manv .Klii alajalyiAwi W A. RIUi\Rn^»N . mm L s I,IMRI feet, or about 41 cents. This estimate em- r*DE:n. oxzjjstt. FiiREIh.Y 4.YD DO.MCiTlC afierrhmmi^ lll-JY FOOT IN IIOTT^F^ 30 tot„ BUB. braces the [layment of five per cent, I'll 1 UOUl.'i^ HOUSE!Ilv/UljI-i. ! Country \VI.\E» .4.M> LI4|I MAI.N STEECT. EELoW UGRTm. interest on DRY GOODS Merchants IiT.LOW original I'ORT ok importation. OK«.«ro*v v /avTVMVrTT 1 rCTT £to4),iH>0 dl Prt, belwa*** I hr*4i»nl»nd liray -G. LOvIoV capital, which is still said to he £]S0,IMH1 j^nrl Will S4*ll lit \'€Ty L.OW Prlcrs, Bourbon, Rye, Monongabela A Rectified K1«>>d _ \ « i^i»rn. and baa 7 Koowa^ Cartiajrp Hewap, pUbteo - A 3L’FKLY. FOB AA1.C At LOWSBB B-tJhkt^w^l^^^^ more than the .iUsgowworks.ro now worth.] w.'m' am me m. mcm^ -/i.*-d4. *KF3 Ri.hietevy..b.t.JJ^-- MARK A IHiW.NS.471 MalnwL DlllkEE, HE,Till, & E()„ vin' K mlLth-r PEiI;hS. OF *' “"Pn*' »•“ '•>*«. fICjnai, that a. American lionic.itntion “"'“B** KAKC li\l>IXCanENTS. TOB.ICCO, BOAT .l.ND B.U STOKES; ^**.'^*T***^ 1 !m^“ ^ve. •'•'•j«ct. a strong argument ii nmural.xnl cilU.n el tr .lagrrro rtrveC aver Fiiih elhar braadaaf «s«uuaU«F ITAlliaB berf = ahe.ldgov.ra America, uid a* Main wtre«‘l, L^'twis u Firrt and Bf*cd. 1.0*7 3PoxiX*tlA St. d w ge lacCtau4 «td genO^mwi tewdercM the. ">"*• mtd*«> ..favorf«vor «^s. « ! j* Ikccriymcceriy leveedlever the ccn.lry Ur£ hithi. wnpaon.hcopaou. •C"“« K"R« octll dUiAtwa that Jw.,r,^ .he RESR 'H'ImB etteat him. He uas been la 4 spi4 •!*>* »l»i<‘*-»«•<•»• MILCH COW FOR SALB* w«m eemww-wwR. EXlllUITION HAIX*HAIT* to, . . ManebesUrMtnebesUr and Pan.Peril are lighud , | , „ „ cmihirmcuwl.loa togetherlarrcthcr midaud what .a CO, TOBACCO. DURKEE, HEATH, i-i Lrt #«h w Umm & lwi-t'ii M*im and .Markti, I hi. bm.., ami, Ula bave for i«te a No. I MILUll COW, OE THE rmnaie^deartohim. lie calUd K “ 1*7 workr owned hy those cities, mid“«> c^ urt WK I KUUUT POLTIDR tbe “is P. Chelae ao4 M*41w TIEOINL4 j w.®ld hr left to Dc- wiUi Call by hrr a dt*. aiig 2 d .tf laiBFISVILLF*. KY ! mireralde kkcleto. ^of a partv ewDrug Store. _ I |11;\NN1N A ( MMKR'I, N •W1 wot4», Urg*rth»n»t Liverpowl: 8 , \A» . t\^ failfoal thattiiAi tl®ilrA XO*7 r*o\urtlA St. kE.NTnkV MKlHlMfS' l>STITrTE . , ;»«mcy. W. ckunot dirgilim the n14 Main,..,n ci4. mta‘t«e<‘U Kimt and Second. i»N fert *Imi roM. ' a O 1 HANK Ol'tLNLl) TIIK Nl»UTIIKAST ’n.\ K»oFi\u iM) tiiTri:Ri.\(i. ImmA# tW ret-ti4 •’Trtr • 01. tier - — dAatl G CIO-xAJRS. *i, »• i » I M*oche*l*r, 4i. tViuiandllH‘uiAn«l ftet,oral>outfIftfct. Of alnjul 41 (IT ihhi. il.Iuc. • J r»>riivr of bb'liUi a>-d Ji‘tf*'rifwc Aa J Y onWr aiol F 8 . CLEAVER’S So. MAIN ST.. IIETWEK.N erdrie tiled la a. lewee. Kertww wmrfeim eml* - the -irfepremiU. canOa.t" Lclwcen N,.rtl^m Tm I 'i N P S, and KaNi'Y atKl «*u(«b at rk in a »hop rmrri<-«l on by a lailor. ^44’A4y citiaaB PRIXK .MKilAL iiONKV SOAP. .li n o» ffpriRm at>d edk- of LouGTllle « 7 *it (l*atriit) pn«=44*wl<>f I. lluLdE. * rPa K' H. . g. 1**^1 T n ilir y«ar round. on«* winb. . a. A 1 .. a;-, .A , Icubiclcety bdU 2,04^ IH I lUoDf < f cu blc fe«t . work and Any cuo* airiaua J'lvi^rlLUou- aUl l»e prompUy nd« d TNii Murhjn»T», wt* aie to 4 «•/ Srrwi*.i M®C'» I lulo nacAMiiwnacaaaiiy »fbf arrMttngarraating thatIhnt * ’ only ir.*ouin**, p-ttHwalnr a fiMtantt Creamv Ijith* uuw K*'pwrnl do tbe Applyly la Kaye, prea deaf, curn *r and | *•!• h*«k** n*»*Jn*MJ I pafr?|»tMO« tbatbe . «idi a piaotplaot will addniHa.IdniH i*.,l* tlirunehtiir..neh ib.p..rt.tbi'piMit. 'I'llE , W». ffiaaefrim* mt barberU«£enBXUvrerinx u- ei •* i., #. . . . ^ h.c to Mtset jJ # ... at^all^^uo^ ' ‘ biUdelphu tbe city workswork. furnishedfurnixhcU for con- •bcir 'tra*ta,Mr t« D. MePbaiMin, Ar.uair, at iW Lt- everywhereorefTwherr imi. the wide tbe dominatio.ilominatioi of ?m.v. 04 .dd^: .ad they will l, rilic.i„u ( her face Ua« ovor him ' g,,., Cem i,it beb, docedoc. through oLviir.^rMh^ *o, Kail, on Foortb •trvrt, brtwi Ma ket and J«-Brr ' • II d.w k4TKBces Hait« C«HiKBBcaU • wrcl4’.be...le....nw? Urn. he net aing. the Hepublicn or Hcmocra.ic partj? P.EtVAUK OK f.ll'NTKKFKITS. _o«t7jllmU ANr_RE'9^STC WAH^ m | lii»trti Atid llAUt}uck (vAS woikx-«.»• srtTBftnT X T «8 <>>mpaniM SCHRODT & LAVAL, Ilf ~“-o < u'fbniUHl Miiitk WindMir. Willlaiii Kt'iidrit'k. l-.*|.,ou i it F. P. IOmwo Gly iVruatleav, C«’iit«‘r -The rweciwr viee» ef m menr ' course net. The Kapubiirink insikt on “tighlicg Wtwn q H. & C. H. WTHOMAN, ^ I’O.MBs: aed Ram mother-. kmeeV ouidi •A (juADtitv of whichwfaicb note, MAN!’FA< TFRKRS of A'.cobt*!, i *ml f-tMioc, HUd StibliemocrAUwouIdLotUAyepeA<.ewould cot have peace ifilif it * fi»r 'rtt'ib niid GiifiH.t.i Ih* }i«d «»t *ti tbv n-Dpoctn- ett Ibd’ t*aUu i>a44 ' of thv TOBACCO FACTOBA a «a,” and the DemocraU r;i ir simhu, »nd d.-m .r.i,, d Ho.itbonnud dvr tbt; pubUc. au(H itioiw wiii ii LEAF , , , . ... . f ; o M.?. UN Monday, s«kiD4«, i * u> bomelembo»t)e« = prohtbly quit, »»flKientrnflicient < mR have bomi lamy bwt a * to metrair. tbe ewre«Atiaggregate to w,>t .Wt. «.T..ud nueet. bk* tlfUK nml fatscy 4 o lu tbti I'uiU-d ^Ute«. -*g> the kr>< hkldi r, la* mi!r« heraly R cmrU *•" pulitical t4mLo..ym»i.ln Wh .kM, «f hif un my m, «ix ' ' ” L..uwvUle. Ky. ManufieClo y In 1 oiidoii. troni I ott •'villv, ar tk» Ua drtuwa tara- bar. H. hiMheid. 1 . : : tiiO millioo. for tbe •b"''whole city. (' heat th« oHW tirtKlt* Nuft .il aud 3J Ilev xFitH, New York. .urming the fear, of the Wbf> lKi>ot !?lifll, like, eixt Wad of &rxt eiAN* I wiry <«>««. X131 0^ MERt HA!ITS g,p0^g. „P„. . Ivory. and Gold I'oubs. GK.NERAL 0 ^^ dJiuium .1. r Ajrynt^ part - the bght-playmc of bwrU ami b^xe. American ohmrve., it will sink, oli UoYhTuN. Wa^'ioa. aiid Dalrv rurnilur**; Ibsnwa, Mn v*, ••<»«% mekiug uppealing lo tbe friend, of the Coniditu. PATENT ^ j SW-rp; ail klmG cf Farm liui»irtavata, tAiwciac, Ac.; L 4>m. KTottcwM OAA Yox*Is.. from lov«g loevmi kmewing lb. tdry whieperiuge •'*'? “** " •" tki* country i. Cat**, 4ke. SaaDee dtett U„ m the Xorth The South may not Uk. to make 6 SILKSM W ll .tNTKU, iircii iiRENT A ro. 4 IA tbe dav fo loaioc ( wi^l oMvr Aiy farm te tbe biebwt . — •hove bia droumi; U bad merry race, wkh brook. Ji'proportion.tely Urge as compared wiih English BROADCAST SEED SOWER! a til at WhoU>*ta1e r>nthinr JIoit«e in tb« Gt>* of i ’ but they have obeyed tbe Northern y INTOTIOEI. bidder, la »be r. or Id pareeie, lu mit yurchei re, Hf Ate* T. L. CKITTENOE!..CIUTTS!4DK!4. B. U. CElTTEIIDEa thing, lovmi him end ta lewd calculation, .ubmitted B Ni'w kurk;n^*Wly Id'lo e that day. It G «i«i4ra>vLW« ^f divl* tm awg b.U.rfi.e-411 “ P™'"'* to ePK.I IMI:NS For Sowing Wheat, Oata. Hemp, Bar- ^ liomocracy jx.t a. a child ibet. a utore nod foi imbR* by Ttfone-vee, aud ha«c a larye a«'i«u\lutaure in oue or btith MIOdE IHULTIELL OK Intti for 4t*nrr« card**- all wt?li aur number of ktU tw or | CRITTENDEN & CO., thiag. umd all-rfm why » •« *' "® ‘"**™*‘ IIVGII (n. thi**: Stutea,Still*., aud be cu;iiieti*utcoaipeb'Ut buMuoMbiiaiueat luma iu everyaivory ley, Grass Seed, Ac. .11 “* “*»““«• “ P"** RRENT A of .ud a. man . , ,, fitte out eU W Um* bieh way. Refer lu l**aar Kve^vit, l»«o. .h, „,rie. hi. f.rnl. under bU arm, tbat t Atlilrfi^, -tjkt-Djr l•|^^ -«'«ry fipwtwl, Ublkdiment. rateoWd , rtorefo,, they have mad. cmcamions of urdi- ainl Lou«vule, Ky. . Uck n AiAwi whieper tboo.these loving wort;? fumiibrnl at Im. than fifty n*f«»rvnc«in, box ••IttZK” Ft»-t»iLe**, York. O. NICHOLAS. tae.heea midsad C^onBitatioual 8“ ““7 ^ MZEmCFLAJ^TTeK, j uUdU ^ “‘“•“'I All the great Wm MANLFACT4HJY, VALI ABLE FARM FOR SALE. TO A CHILD. ““ work, con wall dTKKKT, gamantiea, and mad* the protection of tb. law at oc« JVlf No **5 Fidiirtb *tieet. I W'lLL wit ay Farm eontainiac ibrr-*

Ill > Apart 4'rticted there, at well a* tere, aie thus aDcnmltercd IV for the i-ropnetori of the tOiie Ijek Hprinirv. and are I T.YkE XOTU E, MEKS. bumlred and dfteea ;iai airteii ol land, idtn* KB LOaiSVlLZ^S, KT. O while frem me, Ui* to*Ur mo-m, feeblefaei la AIa. ADan IBTAQIinfant 'a• etreo^to.atreneth icIf iceIte &outnSouth cenern- I e^ iwieired to 6li orders for the Water m harre'- or botFa-. ||H| aird Fta IW kank of Um AUtW river, ooe aad wlM, uaproU.ebly speni cApilal, * UKOOKS' STATION, L.A N. R. R.. Ix<^)UISVILIxE llfvaaw vaeur aad vaia which mn*t be i I*** i'arrvjH enwa- lie etill iil g h rknt a u. ! ticoe to D-mc)iy P|||y|Uri| der» UiU owe of the aoa doDirahW Farm* in the Stake. TW* a child. Whmvl wee earn 14- «>vt»r wholly abandoni»>»""»<>»< pci»‘ rior ai lic e, for «le lo» warn all {•vmQK wha acaindt •hontior ou tlit'ir Ili lill enttn* tract U carlo M. twe baadred aer%« are aaoer raM- * BatRiw thentm*0 aream>*.eiarvaiiv«.eeamrvativos at tbeth. North whowheie^ir.dmire are *•"“7 d,<1. “dand B• »tro06Strong pUat sg*'"!against hF T v^AUiuuIrllfl feOt'|?af ILW lU'GlI HRENT A CO. iarro*. llunU-ri* 'ifivrardixiz ttib uoltre «’iU be prooctMliftd vatioa. oae baadmd well «et la rlmathr. There W akrt> a hetterdw bHore,bHcre. P"cbaae hy that city of tbe company st for tr***vaiw. PRIVATB MBDICAL DISPBUSARTK-^ WWhwwk ermere. thattkai mad the beUrtd. „ cooperate with tbe growiog South and the Imond- works gaiufti a large < rrchard of the cHeiecat varhrtlM* of y vuag .\yvle aad ll f 11. a^i it J/er tAe rtbt/ at tht mttrai4’4mmd eewrw- tha. kiwkiwtkrrmr.the rme, W. M. Brixika. K. N. Brooks. Pw^rh Treee. The huildiag*Idlaxe e mpr>m|>r*rt4M Uueethree DwelbagDweUias tViUti iuavtamOp* Broand thst the public srs Cr A-Zjiyi'Tj*:e '•**? pioatmn, wAs* that potting down p.rty acd nartiisn ! Bniok-. u IL-uer# fine Farm, oiber uut-euiMteeauuwauildiaea. ka D. L T. J. McC>)rmk-k. a and otWr t***. "fST jf chOd Jey eym yearmr moramimoraiaf door—door- ^nteteed •ewfee/'amrtwla leort OObeeyrheppr . y entitled to the esrliest poiiihle relesse from bur- m oil HKKNT A CO. 11. B. N rth. >t. u. llanWm. Further mforota Ua may,r bn. ja-*. M. hbaukUn. A. G. Mnna, LuawTiUe, Ky. . or •9pifnm0 pkff mmam mhm Saceii.ion-si.d **«“» nnw'***? invnrred, and that such Inrdens G. M. 8baukUn. Win. tliaLe. ODderviyned propdMierf iinldiKbirir, by the 1-Vh of likNaY KAMCY, Jb.. EyamrrWc, lad. w • m fiaemfidge mmd —»ei tkmandthofsnstici.uiafSontbem fim er cmanlome k^/rifnd ufaciut'Fra pric«;e. J A. kowlau'l. 8tei>heu SaiD.'or». a IkvCKiuWr, a work to be thu» t*uUUrd, aud wbic h EvanevUle, lod., Oct. 1^. as d^wi hem m Mmtrtma Wr> Fcha-chMrra ten FOB. try ••><>“1^ “»» n*^« • J*rfetual chsrgs for the I The eitabiishtog a party of tbs ConslituGon. Thu it llVail BRKNT A CO. si. * latly. S r ll.Yeuawiue. will W devutrd to tbuiutereot tf LouMvUle Mer.bauG aud ^ fintlTH KING DUIWH'S or uc«. '*'* Tbud. \V. ley. eliibn B. Miaimen. Adoring mrootfoaiMfiKUnt plain stateaieat of caitling facta, ^aln'*- ’8 H M-iniiUcturerx. ea warn ._ - « . tbs and ws are '^|I:N CLOTHING; si f. Sanders. J. try Wil*on. auik -a book of 9IM pmr*^a, double euhimn*, elrar \Ir **Am ta tbe yraiMifioa i hnoe tfiegl * Tb« ! ^ • »e*rW dvtuble the bi^beeC price p»id THE CROGHM HOUSE, " .I»in<» FrrrU. arrauyt'd the {* 4 |>er> of the od, bo«md to ic4|uire bow tbi i coope: Ation : H. K. .i of th»* Cottiltfr. ACRKjI PER IlOYR. Attany, Bneoa, S CUtTHlNO; 3UWS FROM FOl'RTu EIGHT if a wbllr tMi lovely devori j^biledelphiz, per lOW cubic feel (<2 25 lJUV Thv maiu feaiur**it of the work will c*>n-Ut of— Ac., «he*o I had the yHH O AM, Borm. i cab be Uooo lo the orgAbizAtioc Csf tbe ueK*. llt>use iui4 , and other Property J. >V. C.\M PBLLL. .J. 0.(*A.M I'UKLL. .Fil II . SFLED. let. A lull ai»d dnfin'tedetin'te aeeooniaeeoont of each tranehI ranch cff f Com-Com* mnn ef wlawdag amay ytrm aa4 Dtmmp vAfw Ud vaiA oad wttd. HILDREX’8 CUtTlIING; * * aiuouutaiu**uul of «ai»italca;»ital I eematlCc ayarattnae in 1^ Repcoj^tAtiTe.*, mod to the coneervAtives of •* VLf airir>aiairic*ai vvurnuilurvuit iulu tb« city,cily, nhoaiuKnhoalmt Uie HDRSE-PDWER MACHINE jWiaerr a^ Ijonaofl, Sio' J.J w. t^AiUZ'CriLiAjCAMPRET.Ie aA Cd THE <3 XI. S Xa . ^ I tiainsACted F *f teeea vilbtA beorto iuvi-i>tfd,luvi-i.ti-d, baii«lr!w ’ay aAermo<>a tbe dbth af Octuber Caagress we look actma of all p.r- Paris, “ I 2» AI HO, Mauufactimtni of in Uk* emirefUiire cilj'. at tbe iiaoal valkina ON Tbur« LeTteMId: aext,onthe yremi m, at 4 o’clock, tbe fellowiair : iaWodmeeh obhgatioLt, tetdiog to bring the country Mscchsster, “ 1 t*9 lamynna m , . , J X tv back ^HIKT8: will at aacti**m: ... ' ° rKTlKE A.M) IlIKKOK PfiA.MES tinu* eurexed lu the bmueli of bu>*ii«** to whtrh tbe er> rtJWf • fit of thner who are o> nafni II. was a ; ht plaved marblaa aad hida and . , lil.urnw “ 1 ->l '• Cciiiti:ation. wiaaguw, i .i The Cn>ghan lluttee. on the comer of Jeflhnnn any ef *boee r~i afrr vhieb r wadat aiy ayeelal yraef , agaui under tbs shelter of Ibe ||OSlKHY; or XV..T ..«c.iirti..H. t gamsa, Liverpool, “ . V .eater 4treeta. with let frontlnz feet oa Jetfirraon kali tsok with Tiam, th.'Ogh Tiam woa all tha ^ _ . _ 91 f the city, rlioa lug her 1 already lieen •old m vai^to* i-a* G of the count y •ioer U Tnwe wm rea they hnw cunGartod dwwaan Ifid to alley; the two FIRST STKKKT, IiLTWKlN MAIN AND M.AUKF.T, .tiv.ntetie* n* e Gomuierdel .iiit MauufactuhazM.uuf.c;uriex i*Jul(edul aud theif find Int oduct on tat>outrat-'ut DDmonth*montha dnc**;. and the acdruunln* back fwt a kM da.atd wake hnmodiat e aygUcaGoa, aa. hy my imyrwwA alwsrsfoaad him at last. Ia hit yoath then rtadsrs of n.wi>;.aperi in this city cansid It is obvious tbst wt might improve tb. condition M.UVKS; «i im fiowe. rwes aad gfTbe pe.l eeut al liiaikil mtliira.i«liafa. ttoult«>n whichch th«theyth«->'>- have e«rr«evert where iriven,i$iven,civen, af-af. aoM treatmaai, i am ana hied In ew MmH rwaM enma in n lam : linealceoe'wl | ^ ^ 1 rt-wTT I iiN-TT T XT' l.'-V- . ... f«*toa Jc*-ra.ii..iid nioBiMb«cklu.fcrti..a tev*dG-^ and geelle, aad he had a heart ot oar gss supply, aud redne* the vary heavy bills 3 1 IvY. 4th. It wilt niutaiu a IvprtGt-meuN of »ach aod rrery fu-ilth*-.l ciiu*-tp-~>f which CUB be

aftea, it stamed, had asas, for PreNdeot Pir*ident oar Urge cities pxy for it, withoat deviiiag any new I lullowinz tiic ar,icle ahich refere *.u them. iWnd bnmiwtnw Md kirtliBmkmy —tho^ tUy . erat was sgainat Taylor std The rrcat ft variety aud viiceifor Fal! aod Wintef,)ue4 Ina dhmnm. mminwl Mknwm. wktab Imfii m tb mnn will fliid thiw onr of the be.e me- Siiperseilf Entirely ihe r»nnftu .Method iM tkoogh Hops htors Lova't dsiicioas b lamsm . oftaa : piUiBare becsnm tbry hrofcs np certeiii fi!ibnt’.cricg gs. to burn; hut if any means whatever can lie tm up**tity J. M. AKMdThUSGe fie. that we cau tuiuonttlie l>eet a»d cbeaiH>t work, ttmt Advprfiwrrw illtiiMw f.*,r ndvcrlUluic pvrr oUeird tbein ol4 on Main *t,, op;oK te ihe Nat oual. can Iwprocu.id weat «>f the ni.uinU^iM. 4 •owing G;w'n wud (imiw S**cd by bnfid. I bm>dUu with inl«*rwH^ wimI lino— tW -nx mufUW note with iy,tiiWr tnpunonwc by hwmr. wnd bnwn w«nm< la hie wag, yet Despair has thtd st timm slew eapsditioBS agtiart OaLs. lit coald hardly find ployed to light at at half the ratee we cow pay for lu** *be wliniilr reawouw— \A c will i¥*ud tmr Fr oe IJet by ni'*!! to all per*one who ThH ackn<>wl<*ls.*>l *iii**itertv of tb.*w Marhlaes over •aU*foe-oe. |wr ••nal nsarity, art BaaottetOr m Bwuk. k^ mrnm wnd mtoniiAc mwdn «f trentina Ibm mav want wo:k In f nr l.ne We a*** alr*> K<*l*ated to arnd accuU4|*aay theU>e rwrefuUycarefully peieea-dispe apoa thair dseh aad fragrance; of hie worde ttroeg enough to expreee bis deteetatiC'O i-f this icdi*|>eouhls uecetiity, let us have light upon SHIRTS—CHEAP FOR CASH 1-t. Tba» advertl-entenU will wccuUspxoy • hw- wlrewdy WTored ff»r Uk*.b w pomttou wiiiong KR. A««nL wbicb nwvwr fedw of likminflAwting w ymabyninb wad mdlonlfiitiml momm off w trk prei^red read/ lor gi.d4Ufat low pritw. prei«;e.f Plat i**ical articiea. MIDDLAAGKDwndOfoli MK.N, nbw, by '• ^ wbols heart it fWI; tbay i>, and have light cheap. F.K40N8 in want of a »et of fine MuiUo 8hi:tn with r aeogt ef leee the world's tht coedcct of tbusa high ftnctkinarie. in that mat- ol3 dim :;d. The wutk will be diatributellet Inin everrevery directluudireel teu aud The .Most Indi-peortble of Lab* Saviog OHIO RIVER FARM FOR SALE. finlornee m tbdr yamma*, Wr« proiannd w dwbUiiy in wA a'eo,a'i*o. fine I P LIimmiLiiM'ii IkMHittseButHittsa aud i oi an> at dl"*1" I'*'’|f r doaeu: of will pre.-eD'***! for referetic**. INTFNDlNGtnrvmwvetnllM Mwto of Texw# rwnrw of tbeftr ymra. own eanenh Dr. Goom vilb tW falfeyw ead ciimhiog forever to the fur enfoicing the osulrmlity All coosomert gas respond lo tbe wUh of great baurain j mg^i ore raees rooted there | ur. He ehamd them kancy Maraeilice bhirte, cau buy them at a | | AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTa MANfiFIKLU. *,.i«.mbepaUi.h.d. wmnrwooe of bwina wgwin romoind «w tboi •mto «f k enl^ A. D. STOCK. chwrgL-4 wwrrwntrd to to porftwt •wtkfwction I PhiUdel^ibu l^ouifyilU, IIACE-HOUSK g wnd b*fiod oar ccaUmporary. In w« . KS^Tbev w*e they tnd tbay nmmr k «f Mvnr Mzy«. Tb*t roAtb'i ffnnb Uw of D<18, which be etigniktiznd m ’*ao old and wkkb would bwrw wKiaywd mmmm |ar~|>er«iui* explicit loforicwilon, will I I1AVF. for <^nle n tho . ugh bred COLT, Uirec de«m.u to mve th«-ir couf Lo l«a« time tbwo way fwno laipieoMwl yet « I KAK.— —» that bn van an eptemmna I nbould bwiiikutcd ^^^9 oar lu'Wt aa cheap az it can bn affjrdnd, with K^ALL AND w«N tlk NDKKW AjmmA ia bit rmtu cUmftlnfn Uv** that Lav« bmn to ^\.-y-y(>wr* old^a rich rhei^iiiit, got by tileocM* dniu plewi*e •ddivi'fi o Ko 4a. .*wllA>KS« lutrodnc^. dii* LouUvilU*. fianTUey wresofaetwot’wlly boUt wod with ordlonry cnr« mfeiboir wbflity to onmr Win tte mm* tan, BtacT a iMUa paaa, witb daw oa lU dead apoa tbe ftatute bockz. HeoTateodad tbe ooiaparatively limited conaumptlon; bat Mr. M^‘umMcd'iim do dodu do;du; V I *?vu>. b)' iiiipurted Trwiibv; giwud dwiu Tu'iviit, UeKwell.Ac.,wadwbtsiH » worm ia efewred fend, mlM fiMMtise* , remain lui|>t> flwni ' — — will >iitAu»wu> yew •. Bae*,w»«ai4 a**lF at te Dr Gatee. ehe aiH r iwsea Ca*ntiu*r«‘ fine rt« nud do; by ted Coiitrmct; great grwud Di'uiumd, > 1 he tract, rempriilwi MSaerea bee lie eerve lathe , mm of the Sb in raagiag ieto sanshins. witassms . Hera that the itopping of the expaditions was accoesti- Courtesy, the Pras dent Gas Company, has " tbe dum of LitUf Turt.e, Occidvign. Acc. ThU* fiuei:ultit A WrTh«;^c MaebiiMW are fer T AuievO*# by of Uerter nutahle Ssr aU eh^l— le pertasS , li^ m4 heopFlira. wings tU shaker dT®**do d““'*do do; ^ p K I V/ inert .uaUtr tUuher. The . . uf fwir aize Hud perfectly •ouud. iTiceone tboUMiiid dul- ^Cj Iv Ca Y FKTKK A mVHANAN. wad cord. wood wUI doabir ear the ,rice I a-k for the la all mm» whwh he e-rte»lekea h» pi ne sOi M a l wtete wbisptr is ths rsador that ws do cf rights. Ils in- sterted fur the Ktst to look into tha nsw txperi- MeriuuMcriuo du do du;do; NURSERY AGENCY.t . is sDs IVata 1st as tatiowsl and a viuUtieo mec's lu in FITKIN, >VlwkD. A LU. Isonibtfwool d«i du; inr»—wo wppruved wcceptwuce, paewblc bank twelve Diiintha. ilre-t, N*taeu(;o*tou nettiiett do ^ ^ o j *..^1 1i ftf. tcipwl Niuw*;itja toin ibie v^-v». taw Gotew* ^rimt*^Mo4\ e^ ^aMm rm Arrual olSdaulS di GniMGnu* liII •.a, Ky. Markit. bwir»*ut«»r the principwl Nirrnykn ibw 4 tt.'eotrwlenirwl IbiooA,llliaoji, wndwad Mnwoori,ori, Kiv«f Tumidka. It to wDworpwAMNl wwy Iwd4 the Dv ^ Canb*D Flnonel do do; I Kantuekv.Kcotiickv. SSimlhemmihrrti wud Mamori, by tkooe best kaowa; Uom the reader has “to go where th*v pleased sed upon his ratura ws hope to have some defioite ststo- viw; ill’l'K. TkALKLH. la *jf owe. •ama.- a a^ wndr^vto iS d'lfea, baafimaniy illiutfalig Aasaymoas trists tbemmivas— nl [oUl ‘’m.vNSKIEI.D'S.MANSFIELD’S. cliiity, UKM?*llY HUBBS A cwn ba ni %*ly» hr wdsliowilna StwU fer fwrtllUy wad will bw suld ^ymaats muuke skkh. »ud w. c buuukj#. foanh caA -haUaca ia oaa. two, wad tbiaa ysan wUb 1»- auamrwm wad aaarwyfem ly r r tfea ssw ); meat of the rmalt of his invsstigstioos. Copartnciahip, w. sp.vrrow, p ^ witbiawit-iiB ynhis hoar.;baar.; hisbin poamapossas wars nanqma])aasqasl ; ss tbsy pUseed,*’ atd tbat to resitt them ia tbe ex- «•* ^ fe w fewSc hwaKb wad itowasa. m Hw) • aaa* af brth marm «f • • . M&.- lor Bwle w Iwfs*' w rurtmeot Fruit Tree^. etc w< II AKKU knit half How. temb wuol Merino, a* d broeu w-mw.... 4 > a . .1 .1 s 1 . 0. I , *wnrtod*iufe**” ^ G*‘ncrwl Acmt. 84 Loum. Me. nuders-rm-d have li s day a-oc at.-d th.*iiim^^ 5-27: d-aram# i iwwwtr 'I’llK cumi.r..in* all o' th.* mo.i apyrjvrt varieties a. w iu cuiU- ==: I refer to Cal. 1. A. Atehtooa, w larary wt Iww. Uato- TiwwWws aa wU RGdTBKoATfi «EA80K.SEASOK. orcis. rf that right wa, a gr^ abase of power and « -«»» 1'“*' stylrul THE ; 1 tusvllu-ruudvr the HAW I.KY, BILLING.*, fiiilKl to an*l Wo. rru clinuilr a^>«w. wad 4awim4 d»Mlto^F •aHmry kai It. ashixv.LRE, Ky., OcL 18o9. VNSKIK.I.ir’f.. vauon. au*l th. SoutluTn rUla, ay., tor further uwrtkofen, bw my wcawl la 1 8. “ M |.un*ortof f^ HOUSftHtt\joamtt. b^t the eommirtir & llAI.DWIN.for th.- nmuHiar*urti«Bt.-aBi. uaiuod Irw. I pl.uU -um»twl wwwka^ Aa., mito Iwtog^waa Thes-I..«m.th.h..*«i.bto..cna the bm»wi m bine. .aatetolersUscutrage. -K« h.althy aud currertly an wake safe of tba wbuva Uad. i TW U wnm. i otat..u.ary nrtuw.l.iTHthrt with Saw Mills « r boat and aud «,nt out. ack-d in lbs best maun, r, f- r dC94G9 S^>nthS*>ath side Market, between L. GIST, IhwT -v^v wad yrm •wwwl ware, «WS la way edfi wm " WTTTTAt WTT tfFa Tr«*s l Cheap Millinstv,Millinery, MATTH KW to - WILLIAM WILKES, *^ onrtb to ran-Uamd mr. ravanoe cottar was mstroctad pursna a body • ..f nery. at ll»* "'d stand uf 4 From of a 4 * jI every d^.|| tM.u M«h Haw- al l • ntaJe. Auliiiim is the FUn K Tl-N KNTH. I / i , ,k *Km tv \ rj cKm „„hJ. ,ale charfi*. h Fourth tlrsets.straeti. (jttUUmen: M it Iruathat tbe Uirectors of tba I TbiiDlThird‘ and . . 0 . , i„.,wxw*srt. = ley* BUiuss.cortwr of Kehu. aud Water rtwl. to «nit fer (..'fwaafe flpetaf’f blylW baort nnev. imi«rtcr most faveraute ti-ne ter trails, Uniio*. In |lau'iI>« an . TOTUKLADi£g>Da. C. X. Lw Mmlling m of filibwstarsfilibwstors aedard aaizeaeixe them npooupon tba water, ha ^ “7 .. . , . Loaisvilla atd Nashville UiilroadKiilroad Company—alacU i proprietor this asUblWiment thankihte frienda | TaTaa c»ll »ml buy te*.U i.r whuhsale. aud they dad the Md!a.n«ed totDewliwtwfwirimli wl w fwlr w.ivwuw>1vwuce - lowtwl r.M* la his estahllshmeut—just me the -fu ui .-w-h«*W'h or Hoiiitil iiurrhwi>**re. a Pulnfer Fuii, medium «lx-*. All ordvre )»romp:!y filM. Tbrrcm’aooB’w’aO^l! eUaf clectioMarieg tapica tir.’Vghoat tba Preai- lioc? It it trn« tbat tbyy or aoT cf them arer aa- wodwnd upon ho^ f li«ilfi*>«er, i.': New York Fi|>yin, lo; Fih»r Ih*d, 15 K> I* ol4 *<”*dlmAvklni VWM.M. WWlI l.hh*.LKK**, im MmnMwin #t.rt. white-) el ow #iH-rklt*d. jeiiiTw CArr, a whit’ J. CO.. °l« »- tt. & !(•; o. cAMPBEETe GrtMfuiufi*. 5; K u|in« 8;’iUui4b4*rr, ortvh Uu<*« 5; tertuiaed tbe trrad^nmt thought of displ.t iag him ' *L“* | deatial campaign of 1KS2. _— din on the uo»e, wnd wb4»ut L**> monthfuld. A lioi>v, B*; J«’un*?'*nc, 'Ji': Nurtiicru rpy, 15; Ihmumit-, IS. TXIE MANUKA. TURER3 OE o'era’ar Mr:hWr:b riWKi , WhrWbr wbtorarwh-srer ua Aadow'sAwdow'e ia vialatioo of those icstruc joa*? 1', sirs, voa caa, k*l'GAR.—l’GAlL—UOkhdKLiulibd* N. C. KuzwrKujar lain rtoroiitore audwnd torfur *ate byI lib.r«l frwwid will lx* )>wii for hu ivturo to *. .. Ite— rt—m. .. ik. ....did.i. rt tbsik. Lwuintruc* of Uvea, •uiuW, •u.( evi r.*r«v*u- tui ii Dludon «rt »» ”* oadKWe of ANU’W UrcllANAN A CU.. Wwli »Uvft. d3 WithWitb twFracy lfea»Mtrt T.T* mB..mBw, „ , Mctsrsly tops tbe f. ots will warrant y.m S 'Y Mu-rh-wd A Lc.’-, oU wH*Uc4 U.»n to d D. BuNDi UANT \ ' - ' " gectry tkosHsht srd hsd s right ol4 CorucrCorner MWwwtiiuKlouasiuui;iou aodwnd acondSrtond its.its, vdle, IDocfl IIVrAiN? afiarhiMes TaroAMeeadk-wiheavtacmlrth.Awm aad k*m ibe fiylac mirth, filibusters. Those in doing, give s negsiivo ro poaeo to tbsss itqui _fli? S»*«*J »ud .Vcricult orwl W#icluubc, * uuL Ky. eonrtt te te th, teaate Valuable FamUy of Segroe. for Ssle. oellU dluiUAw lin grate datekuete jr. any p— y , wun thing tbeir own ris*, on still extinguish a bijxt iodigoation * hbd* L.,uUUu.LouUiau.rciiuvdiiusarrefined ttusar in f GAS, <^feap |o think that they } /'ANDYANDY — Vy i«lc H* 1I II.WK forI •ah* w ver* vwlunhU* feiuily of F**r- tbaa lights with rtXirn tl.tconnten»^^^^ Diorc wud for by jR b HAVE ;n.4 Clil^ ISTS* TOOLS, I ^‘coMutelLa teuy*^te ksM grate * a. te. oSp,te.M UbheMrfrtthMFr...hetTbfeSw f«r yra.-beey way doring his administration. They pretty «>.u vants. wre •ok' for wry feu will nut Oi- XrtlOECT! oli ANU'WAND’W BUCHANANBVCIIANANBl’ClIANANolviik. a. *A CO.CO, J» TmnG. Thv>Thej uM Maiuhal'u Sale. ^in te 1 «» rttea. t Wurtar Ir-ite d p. turt. h- — he— rar— bolder IB Ihu jactijo cf the 8 twta. Hut, air, socb • ^ _ TWmwMdneftnmtkcMwr-TV* awMtowr ftam tbe May; .... -i .l i w i- ^ Ti behe ruldruid totu so out ul the c r> «>r csiuulv Artdviu M'inroe, Ac., ’ Mg Third aad MarkM Envate Thirt tbcmMlref wrescbedly I B. r# -«# rt rtn—. .b—m triad it, hot fovod **‘**P' .-:«.*^11 ; i n^^bery lo a coefidiDg coa«tilaeocy, wnd woefa in- 8r<;AKS.-3i4»3i4t bb'rbb'ii wjwmrtedwjirt>rt**d uumbui#uuiiibuie wt JNO. WHITMAN. fr ibrIbe hsavaa-fiivaa «k>wk] — kFINHDKFINHD srUAKS.— B. wxnifiH In L’hwnc^’r/—No. !*,U44. rtreet. Lao—ilia. By. O a*WT hMTwn riTM |j BLTWKENl.LTVIIKTWKEN1 Kg.N MUN^l.M UN AND MXMVRKKT.M.VRKKT.1 cooraa toward them was Jwuu*jwuuwJwuuw Cruabedc'ruMiedCru^t-*d wud FuwderrdFuwdered SusarDSuswrD in Dtuiei^tuie audwud***** for^ ^utad»iut'.l ‘ut their man. IIU grwti'udc to such a man aa sJobn L* Utlm*—coble io R I J. B, 8te»wrt, Ac., » eyiurt—UM Doutlkr— maute— artuum. TWTV ram’aroM’i earn— tw-dnyta day; i or*— by AND’W BCCHANAN A CU . Kx.KT. I all hia Icings, merooa in avery Ibougbt, acd LOUISVILLE,LOU18VILLC, —. gji I. H— Mtesid te adteitei te .modaWdupna tbat af Taylor and ri;i{Bore,al±cBgh 4 AgeouAfrnU foffor 8i.t. JwmvVJwduw* 8uzwr Kh^fiorry. ADDITIONAL RECEIPTS. Ik rendered lo tha above cwmh*. the und«*rpizaed or one LIGHT 18 Kfijl'ikKD. tep7 d«tei.rtwsni a OATra, M. Dl. . gallant la ovary deed— hx-Govaraor cf Kaotockv, ReHa waaaWAS a mM.mss, forfar ba aaoracog ofaf JoTJoy aada«d &irroir.SsirroWp | vi •* a 1..-. mmA Uv.* dti4»*iiatf I— «**>^*‘*^ «cd energy than thay. of «E will, on Seturdwy.tk'L S3. HM).wb->u: Ue ihiiir of ll m a— iCr ^ ami Xaskrt/U ftoif I<» 0)FFEE.-W bage prime Fswrtern Uo tofikH. poiiaoiuty,noTtaHilitw cncApneaa,rh^kannskuw hrllllanevDHtuancy, wxLfe dnnde wnd tba aaadsaamia anwa i^^aU |J o’clock A- M.a fell, wt public auction, to the hghartbidd. r, aal^4 aible daadr, aad loviagkvwZTLtmiiw.^actiana, aawt * on: wnd fur swlc by ^ ***^ pfLclamatrona, demaDded tbo tnforca- luoothe, ^ lurtly hfi/cot emwoatad fn lu men of whom ke on the lavmtoec. on w credit u« 31. wud 31 safety, and Simplicity STO CaUSiog It to IT IS NOT TOO MUCH TO SAY 4 4* AND'Wand- w UUCLANANULCT A\AN A CO. lafifi ^worldwaiid'tt bawrtbaart by ibalbs bnaaUfolbaaatafal oanaoaas aodand ^ laia tbsIfea af tba caatralitv Uw of 1818, cilled upon all aaid.wben appealed to by stockboidara at tbo recant — CARPETS. CURTAINS, AND LINEN •omuchw# timv hu u^ wr>’ ti BwitofeMhe di-cu county. Ky.jSvl apart d wtluttrd tujow the aaam keaaUrg oa iba aHar steps ^cf gmat catbsdrals Saul. Ste Mmice for «teewie hrby J h. ORTH, It. .•‘rv.lt. ol which a ulat will be exhibited oa .l.r of f,,* br*t ev deuce of H* (Teat Mperiority ovte* all .t,«,dmutrev.«uecntter.ln.lldirtcticn.wb..ev oOw OLD&YOUisra •''“*** ‘fiwin ‘•‘Wtvtded. OLL& ** YOUNG Coimntotoou .Mtreliwut, 7'" ‘**'’^1!* Birth, rt. lor pur|-wr* of Uluiuin.tion u that the proprlv taougnttooagh bat a uijUlj bar>e uatbs theme,tbeme; tastbs tnnntbaadarosr tram The |>tirchwM*r wUI be rtH|uired to wive buud, with INVIGORATOR!!! or stray filtbnsier eeested likely to he fuard, tal iy No. 44 Wall st..St., betweenbtdwtNrn M«iuMwiu sadwud River.lUver, a erj tegetber its c'oting victory’’—s aontiment oU WwU I tor bet r by «u«ruairrw •Mtfef'aellwn iu mil ruwww organ lalo his soul; tha rain psnrsd iu >rovod •ecuiiiy. bewriuz imprest Irnui dale uukUuukil i>wid,paid, nuJi aud nlrdicrw btwigarll la rrfuud Ihe atleeyulu AFFIRMAFfIRl ITS TRUTH, "ASif." . JeSi. bled like an tbe ilemocrst bmlo't one word lu say ia oou worthy to be dished alotg tbe wire of agss, and 1 riTE & SMALL. ym |.rlinc beretw'xied a.* wddit>uiiwl •ecu ity. ^ Ik,jc. Hamhurc aud Wtst-rn f i lieu wUl tairitag baptism orsr the srsury earth aad he lifted <“* coble to be lost amid ih, scramble for brlr/ po- V/ *etve•erve cheeseLhevss receivedrvoeived timUtu day hyby raiiiuadrwiliuwd audiwud lor *199 W. C. D. WUIF8, M. L. C. C. viz; Thai Prtr.WtwdS Uair SrstDratiTr i r»u|MHiB4«4 EMirely k«n fcfSS, 4^1-^130 of b'm’ It fully acd freely tolerated 190 :Uain Street, ' the sate 9.8. ' wad fee wf .i- *- a -» kt. • sition. Bot tbs reputation Btd high positiou wbicb hyby J. ORTH,OKTII, l.iwc, ILL pTwenre lulalliMir tbw mwih wo IS THS %€9TT H.RGATIVK A.M1> UTKffi —— t— ^ S L. . . e- U . *. U J lerm«o C*irmlMr«t and Pricp with Trail* Vi. ONk OF art T«« tat bymaa of ^ M Three Door# Wt*?d of the BwukIfaiuk of LoutovUle,LouiavUle, M Cm approved in him what it had mors Comm^ivdon Meicliwot. w-itocWIS TUO. MtiiiGAN. { V V hair, if uaed tww or threw tlmr* a wettk, !• any unw- brtbfw pobSw m ocU in the bjudc pmiulawtat I sow *o ^ ^ wwuiitlM fremt otiuUir fruRi turn I MEDICINBS ^ the gsotlernsn who comp^^ Directory ... *s S No. 44 Ww'lw.i It- , betwe<*n Mwiu wnd liivwr. IdOri'^VlMdK, Ferlectly rwatert tbw fnv, eorer tbw bald mother. He was s man, for be loyadi ha KV. lUruiiyhout tV sdwt**, ran br had on wpplicwtion. ; rtnwbtewce. • 4amb ' ' ' S4wa»« rwmoeo Oaw dwm oAoa rwpwwto , hundred articles prooouccsd an atrocity occupy, must preclude tbe ides which these inter- — it Tbwm I nwtnre** own orowmrat, the bwir; mwkw OMfe aoC vitb wU morbid or feod wiwttwr od to w auro wwrw Cwr hccams Aaonymoas, too) art his rt>g»'orios *ly ADIES’ADIE.V ^ •eldad her (who ! aineutsbed predecsssoraprcdecassors. roK^^^oriat im ly uitilustil they shallshwll Lavehave bad soao op- I UNDERWEAR.VNDKKWKAIL X^KTAXAtecl. |^ his two distiacnisbed AndAod now w^sonts from tbo lytoam. myt t y- C’bwiwrw .Horbw — to viodicaU iham^slvas from tbe impl ^ V V the puotic senerallv'uVr:iiV"t.‘i‘.r.‘^^^^^tu the new wud THE WATCH QUESTION. wlrewdy f Wife mtd homo sad 4 .ftertu P®*“ ca trade aud many in every Town in Kentnekr where they h«ve not few tbtir wlwwe w bm^ w prwewmfiro >f Cto^is* chUd-rt * , bMsohrtd ...g. 4 : Bachsusa. i«ig hi.biskSm war- npu.spott tbeloa*Km filibam.*.,utibssta^s,*;(;KmmEmrm ha.hask.m MtnnoS^riSo" lV.2;,v;Dfwwerv, m , #L»m ‘^”:*‘^Vo'rKa taVrYnt TYiri> important wddiUotu* reci uLy made lu our hitb* rto Iwryi* wa ptar tioa. n‘oi Df"r“ been made. Many are o»wkinz a« hizb s&W mouth. thy fiuw of Ms. feetsw- I rm. mMswMiwm MMst ' A SiTOCMIOLDER.oXOLKllULDiLK. ZrphariC**phwr H*«d.U<>od« wndand Nubiwn;Nubian; #km fidv^awrie Iwroi Inw nail owwet » \ *r i1 u.»i.ii1 ^ mm . i»* MmAo oAfi CM fi^moiTir iwroo—magwinr w aw« oww JTj „ a t l•^•fca.I’l.ic*. wud •ur|twi««in^ abtCK of CwrpeU, Curtwini*, wud zenerwl Apply at ruiafi tbw itwmwrh, mwm >d Taylor, Villmura, and tv,nvan boyood ViUmura, 4, hi'drcn’rhi'drwn’i.h,*dr«n'i' wuuieowooleowuulen SacaswndSacraVtSwc«* wnd lloodw;IJoodx; ^ Houae Furnteh'inav embrarlns few w*4fo«4 to dtoefe weli, _ OMrsMbwWIletowwoS- swart ii|«f a»d baart* of tba lavly asd lluntory, G’ovef. Ac. from tba at ; )wd#e: the E4Ut/r$ the LouUtitU **^*’^’* vs. IG\ ITHIES. tbw fUtowlos mad > bis naval cfficars with bu men actually To ^ JoumaL John CiOfwley A 8on’« o d llns'bdi B'lMteM .DIEEIC.W FORE W Ko. 6 .VlasonicaTlaSOUiC Temple.Temple* luwd the4 biwwd* to throw w«S wd tbs ^ wt f i c^ir.a *» MrU^wswurifyiwsswrifyiws tbTbiw^*be ^ AltNOLD A .MILLKK’8 BAZAAR. all SI. Cbwriwa Mw. tba high, by tfareabold and baarthrtma. tfaran^ all ' kvat, Ind., OcL 12, 1S59. Do do Tw|*e»try du, of the Utevt W' 11 f UtOKWBV Gsots, CSo, wKfewriTiww feow‘www wodwit baoltbhnwttb feIs . upoo tt* soil of a foreign c.*untry acd ar- oU Un>i'ot> FFourthourth Street.street. ^ pattern •; Ncwwmber UK wt. wswiw mwchfemy,mwchiMry, fw.ro- , ittcmm «pl dtoAwif W.. 11.11* oFji^tAl1 ILb*1 L* !!•• SeAwfefew tbs chnaCiaa cawCnriaa. Us grew old bwt OrirTi.r.wwit; presuming that some of your read- liewry RrinCon...... A Son • dor A ^ ^A A\ I'm 1 .- .- . _ WMefe-* th« cwwm wf ttetbw Ihe who had goos tbara from tbU cawn- — — J wo«*-Itowr m: Swmw timw bwt mwi rnsr , wwrts’ t^ewwM »*d |T|{r|X 4IR\IMKVTII A:i 0 ' IT A (IRXAWhYTAL TRKhS,TRPF^ &C» I^ardo. Iloom»ui>.& Fwrdodo: SATISFACTORY PROOF ’ iltowwiw w rwd»- grava wiih Iba b l aaao i af bia . *" *"“* >ntero»t in tbe >ncce*« of the Opponi- rUI ^ TIIK ONLY ENTIRELY we were isduifed tw um aomw of yoor Hwir ItMturwCfew, •nctiwf tb« btoteon af Iba m bmuaiit tbwte in ebaiaa a-d if tha Second-Handft^ond-Hand^ond^Hand Pianos. b^ Ex-MinUtt*r wnd .Medwiiuu Velvi fe: a r:fYnn 18 Til 4 egiwta wonderful, w« feUtt uordw4y tw yuo ewlwvrw. wvTrtl T IT TFLL8 i*OR .4 . J a- rt «4_ g wnd lu wwrwm fc.mt.rt hcgirtU.. wimm: ba hid I>m«mb.r u r**- aodVi Buywl. \VUtuD,wodfew.plo*d VelveU; A few ko«m«o»hI1 •eoundhand•ecoad'hwnd FfwooaFfwocaw for *wle te ^fk^t-a t« repurt H. iramocrai aiaapproveu ina aooacioni » 1*1 Vi.j , |aattor7h^ ar tna REiTL^, AND >\ITU01T INTr-KKl ION. THE ^ „ f jj,, ^„l, uj- the election for county officer*, 'aUm our line, oir rtock l* lar*.* .ad reio rai. and of Kuyitoh wnd Auiehewn two wud thm?-ply*; . IU#io«pHce«^ypricea Um,, t»ww4 for mmw timw hod hows perfewlly BIMw— metaebo wiw *oi‘ quaUty-all uarr.i 0*1 t-ue t-i name. H.*- All S^kdee of Icw-pnce*! Wool wud t'uuiu fcwo-ply; TKCE TIME OF DAY. All other wre DluBory. If D.t*- F. FAVLDS A COCO,, r*Uofi to «atod h«^. Tbe wwod, .and. wh^ to brt wwAwr from tbw mia. act, ba did not hint hit d^aapprebation except ia tbe which wa» held in Switierland county on yeaterday. ™'« ; *fi 9S towia etrevL•crevi, b bw i|W>w whwo w tor, srwyeote.. hr tbw that apurbla through meW..ehwmn,.,wrforu. e...rt y.aa wlth «. ur.cy,.t 1,^, wmioal ewUroly cwmw oS ia m w . Ah,ym.bo«i...y gv. if The whole 0,.fKrtition ticket waa ruccec.ful, and wfci,p,r.. Atd no*, th. aUtement. j ^?r*^il^'.n‘'^T;teV Jf Opprtl.Oppowltc tbeIhe Bwok ol01 Kentucky.Kwntucky. r odvtowd mto am yeas XmWor- mfeoowl wmo4 ibw Liewr - (rto^,(rtood, mo1o«wwio* htofoMncKhto Osw dwww febws w SmtS purp*^«e whwle>er thwt it rlwborwtely finwh d, -- — — — — — U lo no U Iwrt rw l o r . tha agaa ra aat hy thia iaviailila # artrtng Jaw *'*' oompoaod entirely of I'iUmore Americana. Tbe haidy tjruamcuul tthrubbery have a very larKv aaaoit- .0 71^“. I wtlve; WO did «o wltfa HtUw bo»w wf •oewem, hot. to of mr- so — Waabiagton ara true, tba 1‘ieaidant bu not w m-kta.y a.aaaa aZZ ^ _ itoM bwfiawo *ax9m$ wtoww | Irt^IN E \ IOLIN 8.— w **?have w Iwrse alckck of tbw wbovw , wp|4*cwt*ou to- very fww *o^b« - OK’Ut. curieuB ghw|»« I'WU’ij^ed da'viree «re wdopted, thwt -|^ featthat of oor frvftv*ndw.ndw. w M|4 . aaada hava btoewmod Hi ( lUwt wnd 7*,? prim wud ^ ^ ^ , etowr to tbw in iimi wad luoratort. How_ many Ol wt price*. i low to r F.V. FAl't DS A CO ., I i Qiw •rtfef ^ jnmructed bia naval efflera to arreat Uw lili- tmrOur priawpricea arewrv a*w* low a*wi> Uiom*tlio«rofof wnr otb«*r rei*)>f>Dirfbl<* D. FAVt movwd ihw dlMMdtoWMW »wntto^. owd ^ww wow wnd fuxuriwoi crop Om dom wlW | xil*t oovi’I «*M*wi»emenfe wod Insoujoui ODlrivwDCv* fur cumpen* w, i .. I. a. ksu YlAiU i>trM*4. ' Nuravry in tht* cuuutry. mwkv w hlM*rwl duimuut to raart.ga Main <>tre^ ww con oow awy that oor boy mffiriaoi to roliawo tM WKit*. to out, wwd , Imigttegea of all ”** Wo P om 3 to 24 feet cut nuit purcbwM’r**: ^ av_ •. .v t.*». a ^ of hair *000 a4wrted ^,*‘ wherever they can l>a found upon water aed ... thetbe lAwko!I’Awkof Kentucky.Kentucky, or lh*t the whole to covered by n oSosrfe:gbibweuwtfetweuw OppowOeOppowite wM prev^ tbw Auditor—Lawrence \\\ 2IT. th12'iUtli^tbuKk* wwotiug tu^pmcteL-e'lugSlj’f*purchase twrsfly for tbcir own um* or (or all *»l4on wrt muuduced, healthy w aewfe wad ww iaxwrfes4 w crop wf bwir wa I Somyb Gordon, lYome-'Fc and fwiuUy Blwnketi!. iixee ^uwtltier; , .T*! ] wud b*« w« fdigotteii haid.^ hut bean tha wf to. ' toodftomrimafiwhdawor. 1 •atiortort Ha Mmo •w r wrxiD. very Buj.erfer -t^; oUmc child. Ww con, tbwrwSorw, wad dw b wby, i„d upon Niearuguua to*I aad aeixe them there : For Keoorder—Horace B. Herrick, Idi. femoiu n»m« wnd by w mw»ive wnd oovUycw«. Hundred- m|ARTIN IT.4US. «>OurOur wwMirtmmtw*M>rto>en4 of thetbe wbovwwbov« woy WV |«rk carefully,ref lie no wba to n^nd.nd withw Mtfrty to wny pwrt artin GlGV1T.4K8. - eoBkOkwad >eur Raotorwtive wa w pwrfee4reS C4> . *a,w._ Ud or to either ol the erd Store* in D. F. FAV* a OalT saw dwww. token urt kiags who but for him bad Iteou dnat have wddmuius wpidymc 8 ‘ t’-m fWni, wsNw Oaaaaaaw offitera of Great Britain to I '*?,• . j..i*JAw^._t.Malart\^n«ate.te.aThi;4.ofiiAb&weuw Main *4 bcL Setuud wnd Third. the uaval mire . •hftu'd t*«‘ to nee wi> m , ^ , . LuU‘*villo. We liwppy fueb perruu* ^^»orFor Commi.a.oner,Cummitfrioner, 3d D.atnct-AuguatuaDistrict Augu^tu^ Welch,T\ elch, X art fcaterl tom. thraurt by him foravm. Thr-gh him Bob. — prefer tick** t>urcba«e (which, ^"TZtTrfroakte“r;’:ra“ t— may j Mviny the w beturetbey /tea ^ „ r~\ , s rtm— M lt>7. whvuwhen wcticwb'r. to wlww%'» begt) wt our Sureerie#, twelve all -ill j Head baa boac crow^ Kmg af y *°™’’*'V** X'tev'ima.Vii^d rti ion*of *oo^ • Novel* now read] the Prraidaat t aa done or if be ahall da tbia thing, ia from Louivvilic, on the l-'rwokfort kwilr»a«— thttera— t I as « fcaia sr Zaagtoad, larsags 4rvU—rWuaa. Wbot psMtMa ie pablic lifs or prtvsls wos A Mubkcwna-^three uf t:oop-Fa beat Bwaturwiivw, wbool tww laoufea w«o, to wwa fe feat ««mdU . a-. 1-1 dsoondwtloo of tli liritiwh i ^^t^re upoa o conduct, era. 7jc. For awle wt ^4 Fourth atiocL teviiw coate^ Ite «te lia witw.;^ tert ttete £7; «rt. r -9 tahw plaaworwfe rto .jSl—liuSS dxryw5^ , Ww fcsM by him? Ab, bsUevs as, bs wos sow s Dissolution,Dissolution. hwa tirraed to It* natural cotur. wad w aat imod w ' css be empowsrtd to «iz» Americso oeiSb week#, to —imteltag tkte tertk swrw««* ! JL Inatrw srowUr to prwfrrYod to tbum fco- m>« a king-,.;, V . bagg.r ulw.y. •Mtneiw wod U riaa m % Ff^eaitoa oi h^^ . uito or woy olJ^ wppliewtfea I j, dowwd by the appheattowof ou\tc Cm doww^ ^wf tww tom <. VavwrS Asww, C'blU | kirtmKggtra- Ua wont new m ragi art lutten lart m «rt l. the burti— of tete hrin mwowfbto will wiwwyt rw- Fwvwr« wad wA Kavwrw -m fow Lacofcco voicaa will ba lifted againat the ^ 1 ^ A'llltfcffi wt old «twud. of vtU buTu«^ tbe >, w coaUouc terU-d fiilly. ItoW Hieb kIwAdaetow, glllwaw tjw- •M now u Cteu KEEPERS whether they make money or coL They do for dmple puryam oi drains or bewumy las CM degrading outrage. C11AKLL8cilAKLta< II. LEW18,LEWI8, F. ?|*ewkniwu »•• hford from In from j..^y AND N EW 8l'l*FLlE8->Oat of tbe tivw or Um 4)NE IIVNDKED TIIOl SAND APPl K TUEF8. wto> peiidenrt?. Miawuii, wnd wur- then about •'twrtiny to tbe lu- feel that cannot tbw bwir. You Imvw permtoaow to refer to me all w^ ' . - ol out undervalue omwmeui, but tbw/ they Ikeplh*. Story of W*uawn’# Life, i|l. **ha begged hia btaod from door to door” ss tbe I 4 d«^wimfewim WM. wW lLKt^Ji.I LK rJi. il A Orty oow fioww feimwdl. wad ibowmaSiwrwwiafea Beatde w tun »wi>rtmeot ut l>\V.\Ki*' and STANDARD duabt of Ha.praormiitepwformtnw j^t—JutwJTfc^Twii^aj^.—art^ia. | dUocuunUT^ oia_d.rBw:« Itritat Novellaia. wi^ their Iwrtwin any te tetefr te ite .o.l wfj There now, itIt waairs« only the other daydwj thattbat tbetbs FKAlt.'<~fe*Se weJLiruwo Tret-*. overvalue TIME. THIS ISTllE MkUMNGUFTUEIR I Laat Hmaual. art aomatimaa Ceaated hit brother Bell’* Evr»*. and Vi laito. AttentloaAttention, Citixen Guards! CiKrie Jane SMrIy fil. ' ’’7 '*“!* ’ Feb. W, lia Thwd'rtitei. "‘^7. . . . a t-..- a ij oJitoT of thc Joumal uodeitook to uhock hi* rcudcra ol UaefeMti, a, IW ! — eeKW...... i Mauarll’a UiuiD IfeUstua* TboasbU. fil. _ It„ baraa from piutei af gmd art jawalrt goblaU. , All wSa aaw arw sl^ks# tbwIs mmmmtmmmm . "*•“* *• hrmoT Tllld (Firtat* , _ paat of„f-,,„i,inai^kind at.. the,u, a, .,rtn.„rof Doug.yn.....'... 1 i Lecdi'^iao/ Lula Muntew. fil. . .-. « doemne EVENING at o’laock in Kaiiaue Drew for DiUl- •«- fovav. ** aouaa withwirh a waterr tuatthat kuvahava atotenrtoUn fi 7J« oHjAb F. A. CRI MP. Wai-LiMvoa. H. . T—. i, laH. i “• *®®d* — I rbat ilavery ia tbe creature of locat law, which, by order. ». '• 1* wwlwr Ib iSw o»watb tolsb^ tbw laelcartoteWS H Uy s. LKAIK, . rt»- »Kra au# m^ m* • ^ Fsop. Woww—Dewr 8 ir; UyUw tb# wdvtewmxiwu- of wfiiead••-teW wf errwaUy trim tha peat, art ywa wiU taa tht namu i »1«urity of foreleu Watchw-tetbey aim. It. tbe fev«*,fever, aomwaome Ua«Uae 1 4 May, wad awwrifaewrif af kinga, thair makan. aa wall aa Otwaya acd Mr. CUy held tbia awful hareay; and that ia not all: > 1 r tot-*toi'yit.y 1 bad m Improved Couuty Beat for Sale ellV Sn SUvr pTWfWtoMS. throiteh the mbrtita.foa rt mrah.a-1 wteora every bwir la my bead ewiaw owl. Nov my bwir Law au ma DM. SA-NFORD, th. migatmr aama. brrtkar. of I Itteyrucoui.cvdhyI*hy>cri.a. the Urt remedy for Cox- at Ui«.terv of KLETcIiEK BENNETT. a« S4i Broadway, Nww Yoc^ Chmurt-a. - I gFKEUOFFER for -awlc1. ny rraidm^e.re*ide&ce. rt.urtrt•ituwti'dll IS * rtra^hte2r“t“a'2« Kw. cfesotiy bold )L Tbif true, wad tbe editor uf ! Sc evwT cwitwln JU'llTmeat of the eye wud iuiperfect Bkill of tbw *iree*, wbeie »trmuf*r* wnd ruixen* wrw fe- fwel ntbrn We-raa. u ^immibwinimtbUmila* irum tbi* city, tbe Luui*vUl«Luui»riJl« wud ed per *teambowt Grand Tu*k wud fur Mtle by KUMITIWK, Si’SOYOLA, CusuMC RuEVMATiBM, , Main gympwthy tbia 1 to cwtanioaicwlw to 1 by all SwM.mw. by g— L^^Mm ' ou ^ Drmi^ma mwTvwd ^ exwmia** our waMmmeat * Utotbw JfMiraolJtMirsal sow affinorsffirmr iL— /aow,/aow. ifrmot.rut.ifcoun.rot. sheibyvil!esb«*ibyvil!c turnpike, uewrlynearly uppuwWuppu*w the ^Hbii JNtL F. HOWARD. dtocuveed band, tu produce wu article thwt *111111 nut only louk like w 3 >'ed to call wod wbu are alBlftod w* 1 bavw bwwa wowld ladacw tow to pvw RAYMlf iU A TKUOL ruid Skiver L*ver Watebe*, fine Jewelry, wud puWtoc acknowfedgmeat of the bu uw fi t 1 have rwowivwd i rtMa, Tbasgb somolsss be was art ooboosrod by fwme. ..*_ • > Fwu-Fair GruuuiwGruunia. ’ibc’Ibe piwoeplace cuutwiuecuntaiu* wtuutabout Mw*n at , tetwei*n Third wod Fourth. feto Xa. T4 Fwa/tb Leas Xw. • i.I. . at..L .j*. 4g* at..1 v« 4 futl.u-The value .f thi, rvm. dy dv.raidr uyon If Wauh hut p.rfor« th. duty of a Wmeb. rtomlna i. - th *«-, rt fee '1 ww, sad"*<1 "kutwost u mort,morw, the wdiWreditor ofuf the JoumalJonrnwl is •oo*, Ft»rk’, Fiicber*. Gobtou, 4'«Pf, Wood'* Hwir Rwetorwfivw. e- ..#1 **f oer».acre*. The boun*Imuin* teato w modeniude un rutUi.e,cottage, ountam#ountwiuir -U-i k »wla eese , U Ik. rmwaoT Nra. k>w> to tbroufh le* tb*tbe h»wa*tk»weet j^to.pj^ea. •*•** *^H***”—‘K Kmga af Smg—have T b«v» e twohu*ecirteriir,rta-*“ Disuolutiou of Cepartuersbip. purity, and lo order to aecure our cmtouierv w pure wrtlcie, •tich w degrew of fiebb wa »uffick*nt, wnd « bicb, lwu»t »ud n*«i*tn-«a^ fw*biunwbto *t> andwnd atwt Yoniw,Yooia, rwwpertfaUy,rmpertfully, n.v„never denieddratted IL The nointpoint we.. makemak, againat Dour-Doug- ! r“’’*“^f*‘.Y“,“‘** *a dA»jSbjAb FLETtFLLTl HER A4k BKNNr^TT._BENNlnTT. | h rewcb ofol muyWU/ clwMojorn fein ^A. R.K. JACOBS. anorrirt tboir chitdiea eftoetimot lo hb; Ifcty have n««—ry aiu* Af 6"“ »• “* *- N«foundlaadNifwft undiAtid loto .itpcriatend thetba* iwh [ , , ... . r ' qMIE |«rtc. rrtil|. hc-rio'orc rxlrtiaa bvtwran M. O. Da- ^ tbat be ssweru ibis doctriae m»»r. oNdtf4x1 O. GRAY. ResloraUvwBestorwtivw le pot te bottles ofoi threw *fews,dwww, vimvte .... .llasu when fuller GRA\. cummuuity. IH)NE v-v** t;' rbw b wp , FIFTH aWE.M E HOTEL — - te - te— — M. vie and .Iwuif* Mather, under the name wud atyie of mwnufwi'tiire of our oU, wud we uwwKdk.NT it rcSE. See tbw AND TUAT TtlEi llAiE 1 v* Itoom, intb roeol Cocst, from tbsir fags , ^ ^ EjteN.x^Xoxldhr50m . - to Bw^iua.^odnufciUfewsBwUkrtdfrr**“** _ ltd fOM'V, few tfnwH bihMf MorwpfeLBSd^ riFTll iavnHigation baa eaubltebed ita I thwt the Iwbel hw* the ewylc wud motlwr, wud the •igUAtiirc THIS, AND ARE DClNG IT, the> coufidently wppewl r. ON AVENUK. lod p-- NEW BOOKSBOOKS!I NEW BOOKS !1 th— new—Ud te rtw I regulated "twitowito torfor oneOBU dollar per WttJ^^m^hotUw; few mwd fem boUw wt iwss over the curk of cwch Lottie, w* there to w erowt deal of the thuuewud* wburn daily coiuius wod suing U extra >»«>«TWcUieea, after the people of the South have ^LMoST A lIEkolNF. By tbe author of Chwriw UW»rU.. ot Brwmlwwr, Ofpwwtte Mw4 gf Abasymwss takas tbw of •wvy Mated, wt twentyRktjr per ewatewst morw fete proportmapropoftma fewa few tmaU, fwtBibfwtBfe ; bar# rimu K. K. CO.J cheap, inferior oil palmed off fur g^^kutne, to the great fe* by Wwlthwui >VAlcbe«. to *wy. lu ever>' ry*tem, evea the Awmjw, unaninwitj JOHN KITT8 A CO. 8. eiagular prutkaunced it Cwlal tu tbeir I Sbekapware ’ *|*1 fe* KvrtorvKectorv of Murclwnd.orMoreland, l>uiy. KICK, failure fwr two dollar* per bottle; few large boMwbuldw WHWwri,w(|wwri, forty per aad Miltoa asd oCbwts of tbw srntr or MyIfy Duty. \ Jury of I’WttontA. fevt, thwre will be UntN rfection, wnd lo*lwucei of IVILLK, &YJ I ^ORK IfetJtiiuoeY’i Loycuf FuiitkaJ Econuoiy. • it morw iaih proporttos, bottle.hotllw. ' **nkiititiitiona] righu, and ahilrt boldly prufueeing d**uUb *• occur fe the Wwllhwm manufacture, but fe w »y*. BE.\VTIFl'LBE.\VTIFL'L •eUrtion•election of richrick Jewelry can bw«eenbwveen a went wwadod nttad*nttads lor #2 aw sad maavafthwi ha hsmanww iiHwraacwi of ta^Aok for 1 Irgcniwn. Clark, A Co.**, and take no other, . Sylvia'* World, or Crim*« Wb.ch the Law Does not JOll.N KJTT8 * C4L*S, ^ RewehKeweu KiTOTIOE. tem wh'ch proluccM \Nwtcbe* wbicb ere IDENTICAL A O. J. WOOD * GO.. IToprtetera. SIX Broedvay, New = to eodurweeckdurwe thelaw Drwdl>rod Soutt»outt decuion,decision, which exprersl/exprersly I w* ••-.mhave bi*en.. cured with. tbe geuu'Le w u*cd AL'Gl'Sr Idd*. —rm baew b^m Mwwditwd to btm ^ — many— bo bwvu ol Jib Main MreeU jq gg OPENED ^ ... York liu Ite iin«t New Yerk Wir, Railtex kit.htteh Counael* and Enrowrw^menu for rwther than SlMIL.kK, the proportion of *uch muit be rv> ' ' ^thenlen wiUiuutwitlioui any beneliLbenefit. Hw aaag auar soact. bat did tbw fracimaew of hia «p«diatto iL Sach u tho uffenoe of Douglas. Let Vmilhful*cfellJuu*^*^ 0 ^oVn-cHving^^iv^*/bt \i tlic ^LTubrilfe ilS’ aad Fancy SOraron h«nd at duct’d to a mluimum. 4 FULL .lock of Italn ** TV JOHN hITTS * LIX «, M. Mo-m - -i«l*bor of Ih. Demoraut defend I. if ho th.uk. >1*.\I And aold ky all (ood Dnioxiou ead Fancy Coeda Deal the ra teal—. telMMfM, art te.g.U-te.howth.,raU.«w i^7:j7tril2JS::S:r‘Tu!!lr,'i^l'*'l5rHr. Ueman. S.r’JiSt*" “"itV I tseKUL^SEFVL IN EVEKY FAMILY.—F NT, GREASE- Having achieved UiU decisive victory—a v'etory with w ol ihb Mala rtrrc | ir,-TTi-'^ ko— — Inrti Jl-lodte.. Ily Th.«. oil duHth G. u. r,l Tirk. I Aaiut. Y>rt«ite.*c.. ari rriimv.d i era marfi iwntral in ite chy. art very a— art raev eiaufi te ite •mvrt iu Iteumv? ThnoH. Unra i—i, .te ; it dvfenriUc. Moor,. Hurt rated. i. lar from lAhteodAwoowte ' fcWM - - - rraran for it-llic America Watch Company - ^ • a«‘i Life Ol Hannibal Dy Th jiuwa Atxoid — Ac.,.:7ra25c cwumI i*q|uwi tu new e '.2U»t'dc1t: - Il»d».n Xirar art Boetue Koilrvrt Da*rta I D D Jewelry _ te. u. . rtl — iTA^C^ fibw bmawlF deads of lift Oar caigbbor Teotsrea iccidwoUllj tw that life Thutua* k- r«Mor or iwfeir. by UEGEMAN A i'A .'8 LONCEN- Iwiag dtowppofeted a( the fre^ueut wnd naitcnipalou* eppo- Ntw lin|>ortation$ of Fine The eatir* omaer—ua, of Hw rrti kfc kmaul — ite 4ai!f were daow bj him; I deor of a. Ueewet. By Ifeury Hurt uuimwn. NOTICE. D A D te E< D I I I I D C O Jv v ...... TIUTEDLVTED BENZINE, ouly *JAc«c« ut* pur bottle.lM»ttle. the iwiptrten rlv^iunco, ra—lef owanraairt.e orteipa—eaa. art rartrahite " *it ouU meet* from many fe fc. ua rhod hte band te hfe i bold. doctrine all. MANUFACTURES. t uaighhur. Atemg DongU* U» at W« have within 8TR-tYKD,ou Tuewlwy evening. 11th in- HOME on 1 -Hke Hotel wufM. ths "jilrkwood llL(rEMANllE(rEMAN A CO.. DruggwLllruggtoL . . . x .... . eort o—facteU, he— te the .nd the Korripi (juaiterly Itevte.e, , 3H.VCM ^ ^ g U i fdant. retddi'nce etrevt, oi.po.fili.n wa, to have bran cipc-ted. aud Iba occarton of llAfi jrST i L have , made arrantcmcnle with Mr. itetearli- - (tom luy be. P I on EigbUi oluilUdilAwld«iA w’l IM.JIMII.Kudl»il, t' t*, &1I, Kud !ii,|li.telw.>.75** liitokdwwy, N. YY. OlK mi:. VOnT KE-VV .. xH tbe te—raternialaaaeeirtartrtdcnntertehee bora bairaa highway h* Jou'—yod, art ha it waa, a tha laat few duya abuwn re|—Udiy that ba dura hold fLAliKE'fi. Moxart ~ ,9 lan« ,,vvf L — jm iweeu Grskffiuoaud WalLUt.w bay 4'OW; rtpfat ~ * tami,.a( ou Note K.i,r .nd Euv.'lui •*mr r 9 Ut (Ilf; whiU' mwik betwiV'W b«T buin* auitful aamilau nt uf WaU-haa,^V raountelD*pte oaua tbetteoioi.rcerrcor of FiAhFUtb aadand Maio, far Uwthe omlartvacaclartve guad tiamantea, that turwed from hia cooraa with it. *’a now recaw tha acd cbalUcga our e. J and b ra praeoanwa — been teteu dor— raeearuatea te the Importer,' Ira a and it, h!(thly prufiuble ebaraeirr. lo tb.' tiiK'te ofOf teo k iafi * "It Cl.AKKirs, Moaart rub( hip l.M.r nibbed otf. lor tlu* recovery ol Mwtd ( ow, 1 mp»uy bw* no rewerru to be dtorwtirfied with tbe rwoTy mauufactuii d by ourralvu. laudof wh whK* paritcu'orperitcu-or brnaebbreach Mr. HnwuIlrowu ba. broubreu wmp—,u>, .oded to KtadaoralVm. dnhdMteu daekte kafeb w.te ratert | y C~C. TF. Hatcher,Hatch maaBrataBeet mon«raUHicv t^^^than a natalol aoraualUBl «fof teteuktetenk Admirer.Adteirrr. I Firm of Sparke (iwlUgher, \Vwi| iirert. Ihr cit . a— I iiual lu auyjuiu t_te — foundalku la rraf. A it ncelvra. rtno. il i. obll«od. by the n,ual any n.cX the AUMtteduaraelw puaaadastha athar aida. Who would not, to ba ! l> -uglaa'a apaach at Cotumliua laat meuth: \ amount of paUuamic , iMa Myte rt pmu— and t^ wte draira te aaaoluy I, wparnled I No. }9iIX. GravkrGravin’ rtxoet.•(reel. New oilcan*.III Iran., La. ^ *—te art ara by a teyra M raraani. moblte ..... 77, JT; . ... , . . AT PUBLIC SALE order*, to tucrewre iU («>re^, wnd pew- muUipiicwtiou of Unh‘>y wr do out wewoont ot thetho fwrilUyfweility wi •w—r*ao many wartanagjavula that aUbaarfe What Irtcomaa of Ihia nan U dirc-raand dcc-jica m, HAVE YOU READ fweturerv, wn#. LlliERAL Adrauc.. made o. Hrxpnty ^eii bw duplfewtud,dupliewtud, nl*,ht w* well wi dwy; but il to ucit content tbwl wt our owuev^wbltohment. We f»cB*na•*t« fur Sale to work by duce Kmuma U SMT fartwar srwar, ta bs swibw sf so msfh rsod tbe my —siwvw—Texwa, Mto f 'Ui new**** *enterprise **wt EA.''TfaJlN IIOI SES, I few teiirow>> w. w VetfStewl Btetwwy to Bwwrly umpte oouatitulion of tha aud Loatetena Irta.1. Hoartt aud field wny portion of the &>niniunity *liuiild be niidUnl w* to the AS CllE.kP AS mS — . , j United Slala.? It it deoiad Lv **i^(14*‘tH’4 llARR18*fiARR18*fi G.kLLKUT...... H GALLKUT- i ewovey gwi* from fee suite iko wpsor tluw«K u4 , w te much teauty, ha auxaal— ? Ah, te U glwd to hwve wll «il—r*periw^thw Udlwi— ~ — r*.*wl uiviit of Wwtchtti. rufurtuuutoly the re to no wr- wnd would be ^ , Ertrycktidwkuhatttrr rttii m’F TO VKKOi'tNTVTLANTiVs^ THE FOUXDERY, lu wpew w plwa wniek wdawteof BO powrfMBu o^soctewBln fcaownfcmawn and lovrt bjr - LoSly, apwrteB*, wwd wBtte woB* wefTwem. tenwtei B by aU thetha waridwarld art bo to*tea laarrumtw•wer^m^Bf kmmmWOart Oat(MOf acavtjir8LA> KItY i,lift tiikTIIK .4 urranKKATI'KICkx * V FOtlMEKI.YFOttMF.KI.Y OWNED uvBY .1X0.INo tide Inla common II*uae which people aooer.llya.UtUemtoerally oi Uttleundor-under. V. mm | iudwud .>-I"r.Owner* oiOl LU-.-Tlraul^^7>iavu^.— iiwviug Qjwde ewtouwITe wltem- rtprt. M.'.MI'K- in nIfllm rtte^ ^ 1 ^ ^ *»"" llOLEfi-kLl. AND *1~ — is of wUkI bsndfwd feet wpwB eBoB wg ikw ill Ibe city of lA'iiiiittou. will l-i* nfil'r-. n ft tK pfWBi^ or localLOCAL law,LAW, S.XIHTWP.XIHTK OPLYOWLY WliVKk i1 ttoM auaud4 wrroinmudwUou*wrroinmodwUou* uuon old atwud,•twud, I TKV. iSixA a Wauh.Watch, aodand a man', aaaa'ch-inakerch-inaker bla hi,hia onlyouly 1^ Wi(*Kk llIK L>kL>K AL my wwui Uow ,’aud.'and a,a. J •uwte*. give dgkt wtr te fee btobmt fiKeeoteswtey AMONYMriUI.AMOKYM«>Vfi ptvpon-d Thos.A UOSuUwBfl Keeffe, wBd *-*• Mvpa*>d totoruwir,feiumodwUor-’oiuu.ud.te frum two toI thrwe LAW *ANOnr»awANi'Tirsw ASDaxl. kwTABUwHEtituTABlJ.lllu. IT;IT: AXKA!«D KXIfiTfiKXIeiT5 I for jiida.ueut.aeut. So lour,Ion*. Ibervfon-.thervfon-, aa imporu.dimpotted Han. valkadwalkod C—fecsottaautra. Vrro-ra Itete. aarth.rara, Si“Li'd^^“m. MOm;av;^^^^^ ^n liauoe fotimlv Third rtirat. uaor Market te ... — — wportmcni. bu udrcd •Uvtv, foT mfe Ott coiuiu»**k>n. IcAUwtoowecum- uXLY»*i-rdAWt r •»IXfw *A aranStatxStatw UXt/XDKKiiwiawu1 .XK riixTIIK-riiv cawaLAHWt A 4ft-m fitx teteaafi. . ramad riUKaoK;rilFHaof ; andaod I ifE,i^.x. TIm bulidtiig to biidt in the uio*t WwteUe* yield w rich profit to tbe importer, feu iompwny niod*te tbe owner* with good board wnd cnmfortAble KAAVfioN. TODD. 4 CO. *ufetwntiwl CouuMiarionomtiuartou mUerrhmul^•?lr>rrA«M/y tkokstueb cuutiiiL* aw a Territory iw w State w i;hui tLe BOWtaU room#, on ie%*waabie term*. Tbo*e bating buainetw in my mwiiiier, wild w I’Ol Nl)KR\ litHi.M *;jiiy tlm*e exiM’Cl* w good duwl of decryi«*g wud dtopwrig^ment, wtoe uu bbl, Italtimorr r-> I>J‘0'\7'OltlOS of that Bo*' would do well to owli and eee for tbem*elve* fe-ftkce EFINI'.I) sriiAK.— 11 Cruahrd|fewtbyniii«tylv.‘t.audt«t-nti.oivhtfftHliiyli.wi-lllii.bt- HEW ORLEANS,ORldZLAlfS, LA.X^Am iag claaww of tbw coostitution, wiav^JiY of Uiu lirwd, wnd toint pr*b«. laiiditiy rtraiacr, Supi-rnr anew, aalt* I fewkiug R from aud Kri for od andwild vvutilwU^.wiidvrutilatrd . aud aw finishingFlMfilllNG Sllol*Sllnl* forty hettoot (XIaT IK UtKIT.iK, 1*’.^ ‘ “« . hwve beoB iw iwIty for fewwwwwra MAT A 1 TlIKKAMK 1 WibWvewieBre*, oB' drtoned Aa I.X A ..,, ,1 TOl>D, sixt) -tbruh* fiwt, two *tonr* high. to grwiifird be wbh* taJAwy, bowuvrr, OF THE _ dualrt. A food rtork ol Nrator, lorral. will bo roarlanUy l"*‘- UAWSON, S CO. | bj I'hv huddiiig fn»nt# The Company to thwt cnliuii Vila l-aua THirao...' j DVANCES MADE ON CO.NdlONM ENTS T >T (rtii uf iwmfete, trwewliwB.fB*ter*. w«d ftowtef. Hran LAUa THUtkiiE. koptou Wwt.fritrjnl wud tike lotexieud* through to MviuhlnH-t, I knew hte gravr but -oyra: baulX' uruuafi ol Fmld riand,. Mo.:liaBira, lluuai . . tliTw are buudnd- iutbctrwde w hiMu »upr« m*! fetonvt to L wbowby ruwufekww ibo Joamwlw oi fee Awy, wad p— j a«i ' frontiug fee awuie \m RawhwBS**, aeirauu, raanwtrera... ntiugontbuon about oneoue hundredbuadrt’d andwnd twubU’-livet« eiiD*-live . horn, if, aa oor no'gbbor aavt, * Nar«';Narraa, llair UroMn. 4c. ... . „ _ , i. ^ i i u wbfidtoledtole for tek^*er*e wad tewto. Ifooglai duoa notam pt; not in iiuiHiftwtiou, or io wu old #toA'k ou buud, wbw hwve ANDKBWANDREW BUCHANANBUClXANAN 4 CaCOi I wil fee ruBVrwtowce* mmmmma.•weiteriwl o SKABO^f. ' New I itlraua. Sept. *' fe*’L^ “ “ **’ lain. f. F. HATUIEI’a“•'Tt.HEIL •} «.f a ,a .W a„. .a . .. . • ^ WM*.Bum* bw*be* bwewbeeB wdded te fewtlte wmiiyWMki oMms fmiBtes fe* doctnua that .u’dtei’*"' ••'^'.,ti,ek a smith. Iuu th«‘the FuuudcryFuuudery wn* four Blarkcniitir*Blarkcmitii'* Fnrv*v. with nfiliubwl wuUpwtlkiu* to Ameriewu yoUUTUSTHEST, hold Um “alaverj tbo aud.ua- withww no an Wwte* ; who, fe> lli u crcalura cf I ro. 1 b.tei.i^t^boSel, w^t tB*re w.taiw—t* w »b ,•(.tew iiBBwwited wBb wM ol 4>t& Mwtn Kirwct. tiroUnkte lut of BlwcE-^ukith'* T«h>'b; w I'upti'w of URriiURFti STORE FOR SlI.E.SILX!. ' lwige*iwe, t Iteort Mm art loon Mm: Brrt la tea local Uw,” thia extract ,ith4r ian’t "*»“»«. vouu r.llmr dirtribuli them, tu tbe Motsrt llalL MTt* ««( feewrawtey. autboutic ur it wndl‘'rc.iueffw Crwtie of the wn b* *t c»u*t< m torra,t on, cwimoie2 .m 5olT rwto- Next luometilcalInometrical PIctuiePictuie ' of Jeruualem,Jerunalem, { a . assimeue hats, from lo ran tn' imd oi d\N o'd wnd w(»ll (‘•Iwbltoted Wboiv le firug BNllmd wBd HteserwTBte. wf few I if tiu'y wen* not firicr w* ruauJ wui b«inurt, wud cb(*wp ing anywny dvvirt'ddevirt'd wrivht.weight. (((gathert<(gether with Flw*k*. 1 wiltw, wud w retumiog bwnk*l doctrine. nie, in .atkiw, • fea 1 djaoo t expraoe the We ebell be happy a ap. D Ki ffiOE# wuk •luck wad li»tute» «tori and wumH te app .iatuMB *, wrw yrovidwd tet few imb W gamtewnd fewnd, hi*. ND\Ii tb**tbd’ *wrr(-drarred plarraplwTdW .urruuudioxpurrouudfeg the Holy City, wc l*K.kTllEK A SMITH, ’>' *uife-r(•uife-r r»» wan Ah. fen M, nort H very or lotlut »iof Fwtte'n*Fwtte'O* of•»( every dr*cii»tiou.dr*cii|>ti(Mi. Belong.Belougw ^,4 other—with whom Wwitbani Wwtclie* may be ap«*a her, beg* toi they toa> Mwtn atrcct. any M trouwew be^wrd Tbert' w w good rua wf nutorn, «b fe • i'«J. to w bite. \ wp>M(wrrd intn ajwie.twBritro-t Uiuds*. *up|il>'a I ^ I bear from our neighbor oo either !:*•,**; Ji'i'wfd time,, aA arwUrw of Uiia |i..gtot^kcFln*hi.lg^b»pUH.^utofeu(olluwiugMwchfec^^^^^ \W Of frtertoMp knon; itey, oomo,| M or both Wof tbeee.ora. . tl'W *lu* bw* now uu Uwnd uBW ol Uie mo*^ rrvwt mewMire, br wiui^rred wteu^'r. .\4- fwrBilBre wwwty wrSiwte oi om te few wrtwbUfe> 4raa— I beautifulUHwuium Map liw«ju«-eoeo rtwvt^.reoe-ved. ThieTbt* work to cum* I via: j,, jy ^ -(a. a ii- m« fa : ^ ^ if- te rxpre. mwnateiWBWWd Iwt ra Am Iter baited ' pmete at hie carucat convenictoe. mendedmrtidt^ to Bux **I^M,*^ LowBv ifei Puriufficc. wiJ (tewtitf aieat hw* bwra 4 b Awngaite wad Mm. k aoo— tbeUm! favorablefwvwrwbb* noiicnot>c«- ufclerrymta.ofrierrymti tliuae I will cuuclu*i\e teal wud TO lOltOU Slid M OOlfll !R&nurUtlUr€rS« 1 Lathe with 3C f(H^ «hcwr*,5 ft Sin. *wiug, cw|>wblv of turn- I Wwtoliu* wbMu the ol Utoe-kea ping* port of »Uk wod worsted “ “ ‘ vara io • j ^ *7 • I for *tt«fc—a-^te acon*i \' ebowtel the ether day th.t 3 do sa. S da 1ft 11 do, bicvin «-W. ,h. Drad Scott v.Vni:.‘HV.“LJirutitid‘i>2rani"aL^^ No. M NGUTH E'HONT utkket. yeaer,! raironmp.. The public ,U. hrar iu m,ad that 1 do b fr. S do 1 ft. 4 du, S ft'ul iU Aud lo. Harr— I A BLOODLLSbBLOODLESS VVlllOKl!10 — I Tb—rti Ite lort ' dweasiuB dMteW the pouer er|H’tuiil {Tuwrwnty constantly in view; for, b' attended to. i.ooo.oooIfSMWeteOO B.,e. a.ie .f js.'nrjriss-wsvts.'ysis'ss tte otK’ loume wnd wiU le found an ti fevwluabte wui ill Cotton and Woolen Mocliiiu-ry. llyo Wanv. Oil., Ar.; 1 Drill l*reM. tugether with tfMi)*, betiche*. vto**. 4t‘. * ' tbi*tbi, bTby citxtioBWcitataoua from thetbe dwctwioQdecMkiti itwelf-*raDroewd "aaced iniu l•vturlllxId'cturing onuu Um*tbe HolyHuly Land,laud, or impartimpart- *• P^ugiiie pirttke boweaor they may ch.n«e baudi. wbeteaer and wlieuever I Iteelf-a-nrovad Sold* for feVoufff Fwtent wll»c Tbe liwn thirtv t«ui inch cylin- i'iirrv-in ;ra weuueou itII wUo Air*‘ut J. Me Eye wnd iiicbe* wud avr-VF 4-j AT> i pI* ..„d F|ig|Uh SCllOOl AAOXY. Xj. ~F! AT>^S S.?;aiCIS“»«a I ga lurtriieiiuo leiw rtfiioul RuardiUS 5 i. . .. V g- 1. J- fe*lri»niuuu*cbuulitete*t*u»lb«unmu cboul —wte-vn;*uc oeuw tbethe iHibknliHibirttluibjrvt tolo whi^wbicbwkicb iit Jur,der, with f TPlini dllU tllRHXS i. V e- -J the moat aupenor llwru(*w» nuw lo u»w: wl*o 1 w boiler fe«t lung lucbe* ,u Glwap lleddb*— double Hued SJ wud 4J tbiy an. luuad lauliy. tbe Compaua I, l.iiuid 10 make I - - ruech of encceoMul < '“T** . beyond tbe du|ia!e. Acd refer. ,11«li audand «9eam; itit. *,>o,Itury. IttlItci FourthKuurth .treet. null-— irk Pkl A A-rm I ve *t^ Agent fur Gum lk‘!tiur, Fwvkiur, llu«r, 4r. jj'te dbmi* diameter. ^ ^ j I * w.W. HH.. - called ou our neigblior of tba Democrat to rMBJKSixo BCHfl KLEY. — ^ | PI i eVi to i ASTER > our Ww'cb DOW extonplrely b>- pernAariun tu fee I Ort—aa k .1 mo4e. C.U'TlON— eoQuh^- for th' re-i’cciiv* brmuebu*. refer MAGNETICIvIssUllteL I IU IPLASTER,L/«W kill — 'ibepeeef. Here ie the uuawer tbat be luakee to Vf;l-^LTLT KlBIhlNSKllilaiNS ——•irartoon.teewrtvoo* blockblwtdi Mik*tlk VviretVelvet Uib*fob- AL.SO. AT THE SAME TIME, \ felted by fortigu mwDutweturer*, w« have to Inform fi.lluwioic leiurn— lavwtewbtelavwteablw Reaiwdyka*Newiwdy hw* : WT’I* * teiae. Oteiiu-d width.. GrllOOKlUKS. tbw seu i_ t_ l_ a ^I'lllS'|^lllS*Bora»ua*(|uwaV . M. MefwduUl. ** oo opinioo II I nr venuinfnfao, Ht.r*cc for tbtofeto extrwwrdhevtrwwrdK wry *bobi*boc«w»?** to *im»ly*iau ly te Uwtr w *ctnwi trB*btrafe —» • d EM I.E H Ea D DUES.SI>i._lu conoona new ii^n. • gommm ».- IB ow’d!”""* ““‘e rtyk. ne toted uet M the IU—< ke— 4S ^VWO tbkt d#(.t*teC OD tbw power of W T«rri(o* !**•* luceived wud lor *wle by numbernumli.roiiiK«a>cii..ua«*aianyourir«rtuf tbe Watch, wud tognutl by our Trew*«“rr, _ . wndwad \wlue% aloe olof tbwttw arnete.wrtiete. No wb«awe buy*b«y« tfeife M.^NETlCM.^NLTIC \| A Rj I*TTT flu I ILL f I V«m.ara». rial LwgiwlktBXw. It irws point I IIUlTinUIIWI* w UlWlS.'HAYOONlin UUIllWIMJ OV 1^1^0AT)WA^' PLASTKKwIfeuBibecoBUBg F» frtowd. It parforw w*l f Ma b irai rt a rut JOHN M. ROBINsos TMMAS AXl VUXfeXXVs fVra took te— ted— bwforw tbw 4 c'' UuBblNUuBblN8,orbyuurprwl«:ra«.r..AFI'LETO>8.orbyuurpredraraa,r..AF,-LETO.N.TKACV. I it* <»WB rwooiiim Bitw. * ^Admlulng tu. M.diral llail. fionUm; on llroadiray 70or that G orutuMMl. and ewirie* with ^.2;-.''r2l^^U w Cowt, wBd w mit* !cr*p U nut wufe«jrity wgwiiut tbw kl llOI.ESALE .- 1 «i piece* B.mi«»r lx- ^4 CO. tb»tb- first PiPiufiufe*n>r». Trulr thto w w Vtofory—geaweful wbW ••»—hut genwr^ toow of ike deciwion. i 1 tea wkwBt leWUK^, w*ported &ilo,n, ju*i rf«( bcrrieil TiaM, ..r Sali . One third of Ihe imrrliau. roomy in Worms! fifBBmwr*B rwBfiote a ’ m.ura, joM reeeiicd wod for *w'r No.t*>4MAlNV. a.i'uaiv a-r I»KTWla TWa!• KNFN SLt^lNDfiiiUN ii ANDavii THllbU,Tiiii.i. , Worms!" W* *** yi>u Ufeto piwriwr wa> wbare. If IHPOmRSrv«rfiK. A5» VIOLISILI DEIUW Wkwre fiwB fe* wtBfi, at", br bT., Uwnii, ur an wppniViHl notewl4 ninuthr; uuc-third in one ROBBINSkOBltlNS 4A AFFLETON.\FI* dtoeorerrd. IfyimIf pul Fwia to B eeeape from uBufgniuebt which oor Dtigbbor ten - JOHN M. i^rerliwrier will •lick*ite4 feers uuttl fea Pwut hm Roill.vsov a co I.orii-VII.EE. KV.. jrar,.udllH=b,l.um lntwo,ra.A -W-X > lb«e,tkwre, fee rwa I ^ r A/f C!f * GenerriGonerwl A»eni..Agent*. l-fi Itro.d.ajltroadww>. New York. lUBgLu tba Fate WWW*, vOiCnfely rtUteau.w.r. It i. u II \\ tobad, Tbe1^ FiwriwrFiwriar wuiguuUaa* w$d PAIN I coof—loo rf overthrow. Ktore w Iwge wud wellaelec JOSKl ASSON, \V V^iVAVXi^* ] AS In wud to wmve ed *tock .* . JpUVri EII Ifi LOUISVILLE AMDAND FRANKFORTFRANKrOH-T I olSdtd* Aguntlor the owner. The following geutlemen, wniong mwD3' uUien', wtteit feu CASvirr KXIuTwhravlhie APPLIED. l *eilwtsell wt lowuKtlowi-tet wh. *d ^ i end. our noighter IIM 1 of Giuoerkw,Gifkoerhw, whiehwliirh be wilwi marketmwrkri rwUarwU*« *ewrt*n “to •» band a fe(P«* "****^*® i. . Stuntpa*,fitUfUroa Thu. . Uteet .iteoipi riiHF. »e**«'n Rbeuraatwa,RteurawitoxB, L.tluaiiaw.'Lwa*aoa**.a n— Mrakarao,Wcwkaaaa, Datettly . to iracue T^HE “*V7* i DubOMy, , CLOVES, _ani, u* abort tI.A>ttUville Jouruwl copy t'll day of swlu wod rent account I tbeee Wwicbe* w* time krupum —AND- for rwsh ur tu |»rompt |•w>*lug curio cm uu Uiuu .cun* lupuriorlty of * Wai^tBuearNeiiraiftB,ravuiMoraa Seuralflu, Dyrar—a. Coa^Court* wadart CoZ!Coidn fc**»*7 »t aquatter-ravereigaty tu tbli; i.flice I thull uet waete tirae apeu Ben from the stoting in p(U‘i (»f 1 — /-rj-i'/ltf lUH OhtarW. I .« \ I^LTABLL Webb’i ; LL •WWe hiu of W.a> fit* ar»a.„ JL, a . Dr. J. Mwriou Sims. Faol Morphy, Dr. Ji IIN Rt Painenouaudaud AebraufAche* of onr^rtaven^ad onwra IMMi^ATELYIMMEDIATkLY K&Kc! 1 fiSOSS, *B» New urivwu* Sugar wnd Molwiwt**; towrt*n>e*lyf«'n>e*H alfeealike pVwpwulpA-wraul andwad tfewtimleffiwtawl furfurfeeevil.fee evil. . iv-vfD aHh w littia satleaca, FL CT tiecteion. OT FitFp’ to a LlFVPLD.and.an PERMA^h.\Ti v i p«ay article the Cramter. It te u hlirhrad, -d f the Drad Soon When will he gin! Mi'aM/ifort Guv. Hwmliu, N. P. WiUi*, him. 1 Riu. lowgtiwyrw. wnd Jwvw * ottco; Irarab-**t(Ufltou‘lydltfiou'ly iiiLritiagC^iN^ LOUISVILLE GYMNASIUM, Thera•nieretonua net4 feelb. 4t UKED.URED. by fee magical imT^aw M tkw UAQSVtU: the f.» «»f N*. 4-43 .MAaaBT -iTKBBT. Mlcrprue? leuwl, Puwilt'red, w’dd Criudfod ugwr: Cyrua W. Field, J. H. WardweU, thf lUtNllriUk'. It w prtlsAfed in m 4 aiidy Drop*, pi h«TEK. he te—tuuattet. Bat te van ’t tte aatfcoref the I ^ Thera ilB MM ~SE^«p TBaan^ Vi'giuiw. Miiiwuuri. wud Kenturky Tuuweeu; l»*'aleo w th aviditr by t btl^en of all . •»It I l>r. Camp, and willwi.il* art ebrarw*ebrayrat ra—dy lu wxl—. It* son, (»i>fu daily Irum g till 6 , aud truui T till lu o'clurk, Adam W. S|hb*, Rev. aMmitoTi. aftfatee of »l»*o«ver (tcrmwu, l*w lu, 8«>ap*; . Wurme ^ “Knuoky.” Art he dttte’t kn— the he te TV '» and Fam;ly drat uy. and e,i- vrawol-o^ualiy to Itenrenx n—.iteiteJSirttlS^ TP-FaTa^PUIA, ^ . I*. A A TI V /v a -x^ M. For im'mbtrfeip dckei* aud all hifunuatiou, uppl> Star I'wndk**: WlllUm H. Cary, r.ltoba Robbins, u*e, w hi^e wt tn* i^me ti ‘Oa It a lU in uu aud Mould rw tied ^ OttW iu tUm fiM*blw infaaK It* imw to »tet , ’ ^1>- tbe *** ?* waw*rtK •»A ahW ef ‘•Ifmaratla damdU.” «• ^ ! to duvutors. F.. FLLToN. Sec’y. .>*" *? mnhmn Art he aerer hrt >^7f l^A^Il^ROADaS! lai|iurwl wod Guup«>wder Tew.'t; 'r^'rA.^fitefoPto.irtvtiieht-witiiufInjwrwtt. U.e hraltl. ufth.-tht' child. wbbuv. | G«D. G. 1*. MorrK Jame* Crn k'ut, ^ ot tbiM* ranromte -A rt Cotton Ywrn* aud llaltiuf aod by IT. HI Ll.ot -- teyfaov. fiuld wbuUeaiw all Olay harai oil i. I _ w-i •ee v J C. Van Pxlt, H. G. CUWLIaNG, V. Prea’t. Frank lae»Ue, J F. Cleveland, oouT' IL aad ^biuto ha,w^aaa M wte y v-,, , w tj v oc* u *ax <^A coffeeporteat ef the New York Courier Mau’llw, rottun wwd llwmp <'urdage: Trat. Ourth of Mom, and by Druxrtu wberally *2^ ora —X H. PREISSUER S ex- ! I-aJ^or 4ixo. J. Vail. on j .a-.'';rb:t‘i:rtrt^ Tugvfewr with Nwils. Window Itlass. Markerw*, p. C. So- prof. A. I’belp*, l>r. .\btl Steven*, the country. ai ddiwrtu Wm Dttmixlmut FARMERfi aud ' turprlee that m~ moauBtantuuu—i exteuexiito in Iiouierilfe O- F. HAlKelX, PLANTERS rtouto alwa*. k. —aii... TN'P’TN.X'T' A. T . TN "P* •pfN»T»- 'grae—>*•“" — to I raa usotter ’ •“T*’" tbe “dj* da, crwwm Tartar. lvp|N?r, 8p>cw, Nutmegs, Ifodrurdw, J- -fVJ-r Jra».CAX-'V-» A _ Than b nli^ which wtea a^‘« art r.I?b‘J^rrracb Lea. Itwuks, ilou. 8. 8 . Kwndal', with lh« m ran will K. k I'LToN. Dinctor*. Hun. N. P. MAGNETIC PLASTER. It * I ..u » v’cll-ck F M iiuckt'U, V\wfebu*vs. ol Ja*. W. SimuntoD, art rate ef Cngi— over Tecrixiiloe. L4)VFR HEED —S3 bbl* piimc Cl'ivar Seed jiitd r*- peofile ebould iuquira why Abram . ilealtt, •m ^ml ratbor ba bad not a C rrivvd wud for *^e by Ih*. Jame* O. Noja*, 8 *’^t“*i?-rar.tebittote,tePut up iu oir.lirtl ito Darns**^X^»XS» »wdratete -Hediciwe*,.vaw— luci , kwxte J Blue-Oraua KartEach boxbaa *Uwniraat.mok, MxBora!to lamadUt Daataarat. Farm for Sale UEO. B. BLOAT A CO.’tt oDdi l*eler Cooper, ” CRITTENDEN 4 Wall *t. Floy. —rae erectod lo bia moaaorv than why he had 4 0., Rev. JamvM prira 5 T#llel rtl. on eaey term,. ///raaa.ail'nowVX BhJitS 9 box, with full WBd plwia 'Perf*wery, irtkiM, - ra^i 313 aerie of .^ra- lIuD. F. J. Ottwrsou, WUpoo G. UudI, fiuWSSiWMa • Th.lr.tec-KU.t geuiu. cf Hranilton wiU prora TTJVITXJlVr fiwufe BdBWf Mwrkoi. >»*B FoewfewBd ffekalw. Bii'kley, lUu. II. 11. Vau Djek, - •he iqiapUo turuidke. There^. Hon. J. W. IslUBl'limSTS.];) Innator art PToprirt.;r, ut Walker mwri dfcrte i-pratehMile i. the rraerd. of htetory, while In CKI T I ENDEN 4 4 0 ., Wall U. 4. New Yurt i auirble ““•-hau c oared and tL. Roe, Hon. Frank TufeUL MOREIIEAD-S ” tL .. . bokui^irell I" aSEWINC; MACHINEaS! l*Tof. A. C. I MAGNETIC PLa5tMu2i ^ tilue-arom. It a welt \eVo*r. Third art/ 4 teraLi J^n watered, vith a laree Drara^ and Daotea la Geauiaa Mertteug, .vorywSrto^ 11te!^ihhB. ‘ Pricea $50, $60, and $65. ol’i d:bhw4wlaiu3m \ V WalnutiU y J CARD WRITING. ill* — dAwlxia boception cau* the WEDPI^^. and chc^u, *it bte trae,»aa, brtbat Mtart bonboa I *W*Wa taw su hoy ether day taken frontfroni a * “ Hmm chrtfa. goodgart tat# *WW« '“'S'" Gor. fallan ““leratened at LouWviiie.^^^ rate •* ha*. Tea hava acrteia l y chaagrt oa thte uead hunk that hod en him. We don’t know oiadAwim* THE ADAMS EXPRESS CARDS AND KNVKLOPnaf oRitFteite _ ' brand just received Pt?r steamer shenwugo aud COMPANY; ***^"^ wrv siuwt wud Co.*a New Elip; r fur Blind. (Olficu ado MILLO^ — t Deaf Maiu 10001, Luiuaville) ARNOU> * kMally *®*®* fellow’i Icuki FRANK & ahaagrt art thoroaghlv, may have 1~7 ticwl Lock SUtob wnd AKTKU, q—nlMa, fact T afa.ra«»a v Im Harowt art Jltoraira proved sliutile Mwrbine, In ** 11 dlO &k> Main •trvei. tea r—tto krawu— a liefiera, bat, wbeo we aaw him. he wim uamjniv- SCOTLAND. yaar chaage hae Mtlmuathatufawteeraaa. I— I OFFER for •yeed, •mipllelty, or wdwptw. wa DR McLBOD, OF SAPOi\IFIEK, lyV tete D. Ira WILY-Pra. purpfwtMi of THE EMINENT AND, .1K1LI.VU, OPERATOR ON nerty eundydaxired. Uou to tbe Fwmi- I ' a daobt y— woald ba vniy glad ta toha rtaikar *“ rt“ j eceive AND forw.vrd daily by railroad iw'*Me 1^ ly Sewing, we rbwilenge tli« * 0 . 1 uewr Traiaa, in rliatwi of ra I raw—e—i. ! brt, peitto R — w— Til DICKSON *k on. MOWN rter aar exuBpte . aMghhaf, art heepb- Saieetelm ainat really world to produce wnytbuig to e,-, Mm. be an admirer m!-!] ,, CONCENT RATED POTASH. AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATE4 Fiutekt of kiodw, art Vi luaten, FisU$* TackBp nhin ni — ara, — eiaaec Inrt ne bright n ehteld ••to imnrovrmenu or, oU Pocka—, M—ar. lBp«rten *r Lam »* I cf Ia 1«M wc wen baratd ia rt oun. *ffigy, end ^ oU new and ramfortoh'. tw* Mora ihan Doubla the Strength of Orditery PoIm.1.. KXPKB»N I.KATEMt WBOLK8ALB AND KKTAIL^ aa agly art graa aa aWaadnr. Wa cnat thiak wlaf hx. gcte raid hraraif l.uraral X cte (M ia MM, effigy. Jteiii.Yd.S^for'iJSt^ • ud nccertuUy applied to niain but a Miort t.mc, to ati.i.d tlic u.atiijrat of hb. j/-ra- At » P M. tor Cuelnaatl art the Eon woor^M^ ; , , , ..... „ tho above dfo n- limw -uh lu... ra- ij ^ Nu, to Th'rd —wra. X- Ihera i.a younx art llirivinxoribard on the olora Souinr Marhiau. thuf mak- A I’l-E I.WANT and comfortable family roomcan be hod iaUtieo HU uncqiial.cd imcrara iacur np tom^ort At 11 A. M. i»auw. and tow- * (— rtitor of the ovwry convenlonee for forminx Ilia them of more prociol by applicatioli to Ma>. LKi:, well known in mort iuiportaul c tow, and hi» "*,5** vver diwcov. Terra Haute: I M^Thc N. U. t-totCMBun favi he m a now porpo^. and .' “ credulou*. rred for the 4>i» pound wUl . . ... 1 wrttl alMatoo rau all i Sixth rt between Green wnd convince the mu*t in mwke teretre or lif. I I . „ . . .L7 . . *mi kU my Muck,Moek, con—iriiirw of Horora ntUity and real proctlcaJ Wwlnui. timuQiwl* we *ulKcieut to wi ii a m s ^ If fer VtewoBBe*, EvmBwvIMWa CwfiM "iwaat for bte liviag ia Mate hiiuled. t(»eo (Blfoii* gu(^ Soft 8uwp, or oiBW ozpaeto to thte world.” Ho(., *ouu w* bto *t* to poBBd* HwrtI i Ua row., Sh^. and all of which 1 raRSTteS^Tto worth, w* wppUed to fe« pur* L wi| wu(l exwwiiue Uu*m. CwH Sown w • ---o .. - ".^---0 bnrral Ouua, fl urriiiu, thu uhoiteirttet cullo apea the nit the nnraaaw: oUu. all lb, po*M of 8ewtng, tnwn 1 WISH to tuy or rent w dwelling huuae of IHufnew*. Dixainwww. uuztinil. rAxaeuw. auo -lo'ra lu ora -m™- — — mrawinw ly tor foakfort art Lextogtou; WB ^ ay , farmlnx utnull* Fwmily At i A, M- art P- N- have to iwcet wotac in tba next. of the la i*rftctly lolulfi* and live 3M nd t Wwa’iSP 4/ lea Bodrt which ore la un, wuytliing ever produred. ^•T muduiate cwpwcity in the ivnlnU i>ott;oo of few 4:wtMrb.tlotarrh. andwO’ ral oSi-iMivc Dtacharpra Irom tbo Earn, • ftora impurit cn. art fialwm Raihuad. Si— and the frowriax crop ua the 11 . yet HewdHead AI 11 Dooa by Nww Alboay I Wetthwa people to dteretd eattoa. That’a aa iart- Bv~4wWtt wod lilijc^ty. S- rwmorad. Bp’k *-n In •moll lw|* »d put up In X ri cf »» d«w"T*wa, .aw uwurr arteto a— pioor If the purchaier wfabeo. exwmlBc for your*Rlv(9*. CHARLES TUCEEK. Moudi.Moutli, or Nowtniw entirely 1, 4, aad aura — LJU. ol3jAb« \\ all *r«ct,*1 boi modo a diwcovery of a modiciiie that a^Manolacteicd at the "uii/JrTUd (alaa to tha .Vrathtoa watort to Hhaaeat thaa- gWWaay rhyaan thiak they an potieaaed by eudfrtxm C. B. RUSSELL. wwrrwBted wnd muri^wetioo guwrwnttod.s OrDr MoL^McLeod bow CHALLENGE CUEk AA-dONEftArara. of the t-atarart, wnd ro—ra WORES, Bruoklj u, art «.d by .1. wripti...., all wf-btak tour irt te ou— ww to paa— •** wm irove^w^bworytfon ; fLoBtevRIe Jonrual easy tri-weekly fort moatluaDd Hr.ira^.A';i,^ knifo, w. a art, rt ef tha ifara, whaa it te rtly tha racm. 3 nerfoct vLdou to tbo Eye without the luo uf tbo E E. DFEKEE A CO,, LD MEN'S HATS-Alwoi woa hurt at Mai eu—0— t*vu yaa ate — to forward aooiiBt to th* oflhw]-I«ciapfoN (ifo.) Jan3l ^ BtVTtat. deodtf dJmtoiwSm ocUdAwly 181 8. e. DLaEE. Agiuit. Jirt” tterl itr—, Nuw York. O oM A. CRAIG'S. I . M G- T F O w I . - V » »‘ O , " - h . . - ,

Ix** M I R1\F.K ANl» STKAMBOAT MATTKRS. F..I 1 »AT, «)CT.I 4 . «* lirvritL Cor*' il.— he two Board* mot la«t Iah-isusa I>ntLiiGENi e. Tha >V«at Halt n — | Al f'TIO.N SAI.ES. *"''** re-elaote.1 M. il. llolmo* Houge Sugar 1‘lacUr of SiUraav la<,t baa lb« f.o. ' Al\lUaSEMEl^TS. ThaTb* rirarrietr U Millrtill fallinif.fAlliiyf. I.ut«r*DioKIsUt«v«Qiof tberatber* werewcr« BY TEI.EC.'RAPn. Cotruni s, 0., Oet. IX OF TRAINS. ""orkbouse hecjer. The vote lowing: RIVER NEWS. UEP4KTIMIE S Atetfcrt II ierbaeiecbM water ia tbe raaal by thetbe markmark, aloud—Holine. 1.!, By E- & V\A. Levi. The Rei'uUiean majority will be I7.PM at least RAIIiROAD. We notke at the railroad laodinK largo ^u.nti- LOUI SVIIsIsF. TEIi. From tile OB tbe .dtate ticket. iI CaawulIIl.Ctswcllll. THEA Evpijirfc Seoele 26 JBrrBRSOHVII.lX The weatherwaatber Bulletin. RepublKaat..avo—irwap t««and iw!• .. ooaUeuetooatieuet warmwarai and thtrethere are Kmetome "t ‘'nc Atif. « .lEfKKItAONVlLLK t- " T?!* Hemorrats; House Republicaas LEAVr Udkatioeaorlediratietit of raia.rtia. Tbe two Board* adopUd a roaoloUon unanimous- I.ORTON *. TKI’ MIMilirit I.twtree. ^----^‘^‘‘-^Hnrub.ie.asaTli.U-m.er.U.M sad 4* Deaweratt. i. MrlS^rKVr:;VerP%^^ .T, • |l,*\N,roVlMca“^V" A"lha\* m Tr^ ^ •'*evt'nth «t. *nH.V.t,.0PT.TrrrF7^WA.iHrN„T.. i'»i,c«rn^ Mmaat La ] Oa^t* O'. O’Rtty I? requesung Hon. John L. toCt. .B)HsV f New OanaA.**.OataA.'m. •• Idead b.»ow P —Tbit gentlemta, who h fa. Halm not to resign the past hare been nearly frtigbud »i:n i li.: great 'Zvt Ps'f? I6th. St T. 0|:T»»\ .. Stxi.r H.h.k, Oel.Oct. U.IX ». Mfc w lu TM , OjtoUr 13 tiu mboik :::v.v.v.;:::.::;' *t**'**k'Pftetntehip EmpireEuepire City, fromfboee ilartat « Wabash Iifcad. Mat Va. moo* aiaoag rirer Brooidenoy of the »*»pl«' The ttetmahipeteamship • Jm Usraaa tbetba a kiuiul at i ai Railroad. maa at tbe proprietor of a wharf- Looitrille and Nashville Kail Citv o'o* Washinct..fiWashinct.Ifi uI. L ^ JI** a toau >n^ Salem ‘“*1 -> I*"~ »m»td,»m»«-l.’’ with»i‘l> a qoarterofquarter •• Sha Uft IJvrrpoDiLiverpi^Dl ‘"*1 • of a" miUioamiliioa J.a M'-atami atnE-. a-ei.i a- N«w AUmmt lK»t and atoambaat ro*'! From “>•the Iberrille .Stniirel.Stntirel of Saturd. lastla»t yr-vre HariK-'. on Wrd«,^7fh^^Wcd«*^y wr couft I rompletion f'*’ vr»- aiJia^V- agent at F.rantril e, bat l>ean of tbe Memphis branch , 0i hneV.bh/Mao*.SnHV.uio;ir«; . .>II>s|.:.«i tiiiKjEMiKi u. ^ in apeoU. i.EAvr: probaMy t.rin«. London betw... . airo mid Vc:.gi.». , f,; . in ti.|'ity fur nmd* r-wd. We are extract 'h«the foUowiuKfollowioR paragraphparagrspba: I' aIvl“VthV*/hbvti^^^ .• a.- • ... . . ^a^ . dayt. YtaUidsy glad to be able I.. l UTII Sugar* had tlighfyalight I a«»«»a«i ('npt O Riley mike this ai.- aoN^.iharVemNinilhenH « WEKK ok tiik KE-ENC AGKME.NT. CMpkrraph totjuatnitowo,I® »Ju«»nitow“o,"»h y improred laia tba HaraBa rtlle. II ai' "kU.; »h tb will Lo^Vlto eVs day UtTl ™ rreaeu. ant rilat Idaadt. it ^ bri.W :i» beabat— ara iof"™*'*informed 'h*'that two lendland sil ls* hivehsve o. «i*,1.. ^ “"ket. TbureThere : parchasnt tba bull atd cabin f the Narbrill* n.uincciuem. i.ovem ir lielni We 1 ilknwtir:t: k.irar: t^unlbatr^co.«dt,y^helnliant'un that rtteired t,r < wmwat also aa improreamatuapr.ni.amat ia freights.freight*. mt . . . tor has labored the In lL.n ,» »,..bio. A Al. «4| ijOtOS t§»‘ r J a«sidu- I it^V.b';^^^' t,„io cuirtd iielow thu town, OB tha oppoaiie ('alt «i'i, .• ild-il risi-HH r \v*F..t,., ii\T ' «»*ly *n4 -ucFesifully ; ; fT’ piXfl \rrt v rM le srw ai bakv «•<« ti sno. il will plarad at in furtherance of the h- * New **’ * I Na Y..BK, auutf at U • ''•'•i, ^ ^ ^ | | of^',hVri«r."lb* river. 0«Ose nearn“alr ttcthe up^MlTe'ofSheuprer lire of the G.rt-G.'i'-i f *• y'.J.f^VI,J_t.VI, Anctlon.ri..Aiirtiori't r r I I » <*>.lo‘«r M. r?«ps* r. M i^| rl\|l)AV \ p \ \ Ar tk» i .to . DbT »K: f.raarviUe lot ’>"* railral. an.t "N Fiilli.VY' 1KVENLVG,s I Ij tT 1 .1 U Th*Thst.ityt.ity if WasliagicnWasl R ‘Pahlicaa-pablicaa .State toareallontonrenllon I Tha boil fciy he wa« the .MiGavcc).MiGivcc) pUce. ab.ab..ut *.'0 laglrn %lsA at .. . « i» P. W u originator of the win (from ut Hitoae a.-a a half , UeUi airircltirire.1 A jf Ijrm * Tjv*^ B>^ 3 OQ Herj-y Co.rtc^ with 1I irar heldh.o^ et Tojwk* 7 &d p.. .l d.lrsto•I*'*'* •" 'hetbe 2t»h,-"''h, tbe 12th, « fell ***^*‘ticket was nomi Eapow »' ami : a'ruog, l.I' ciricirritd awayAway ractivid ^** *" “^' . hi.'s*.. aad Inebl-Ma- Si^ kMA.U.A. K. roomy, atd iu Mrmphi* hrao"h road, acre•ere ng,ny, cArmd 1s me tbiriribirtr or forcefony yard*yard% I F-; to Omralp « tirat-rau luodition. which is now un'ler con- U< TOllFU* lllli lw\U ^l«.n.l.,.nj*,Bsl.,«n by nate.ioat* t o l^vae. urrouEUUHLU iiiu,I llU, ir>5«, tslszraph.tslezraph. ^ hc^eil byh.P CbarUeCbarlet K.4,ii»«nK.d>in*na for tior>m'4',lh>r.rTi-.r, I of th^thal'vee. Tb#The other, io frost of tb^the stcre of audand L**ui*toaI.a»iiigton Railroad. 0«r friaed siructmn. SPECI.\TiSPE('I.\Ti Ol.’’ ^,'1 u :hi|ieri IsOtrtawilULrf>aimrill« of SAT V ir. i Henry the clerk the SATsEF ,n '*. »rrr Uadmui, ^ OF I « !it;0. .Meatrt. TbiryThTrv Hrt*., ia more serious, "’‘I* he ai led for Thj tleamer North TJritoa, * MeMrt l«ing about L. the Filth Ttir.e in tii’.* from i^aebtc, • ^ PMI»u^«r TKla ila 1*1 CX’vA.M 1 j ii 1 rttr the drao a. acd th* f'anw.r If I ear4" ^“‘a" Prytoaa, ceme Ihroagh by rail f.om N-w The following claims t;»y Jaa-.u, orb. £" were allowed A H..I twotwo'avreearm long, lakicK down u portion of the levee. ^fC0lld Hblld I' •'“‘'•'a, In from New 1 h:ive arrived ^^*”*”**' Cob- UwRcajr r, 1 -‘ itml. . ... t{fsIS P, Ja ;| NffW UUd Five Acte, out. * i foot. r‘i Ml »f rr Tr%wtrill t ^ UFIlilUrB Ulld of th« jKii'alar rentioiTwa fha**'"*'^'* SL LasU'A. AihhbiNIeiel la- TnJaTrala %xai Atf*«* P. M. Or'eaoe laat night. u* a New Or- bum, for comrelliog JU.sari. Thirv t'j iiiive tbeir store ami I Tbe political news ie not important. ^Roblnaon, who ie aleo tbe Ausiaa He bnught sewer on lieargra** $2,UV3 04: R. A M. Farppis The London *>““•* ”'u* «'?hty Timss, loan erticle relative to tbe San CmetitMiow. was LooiPTilieLouiawilla and MaabwiUaMaab^illa Railroad. 1 Uas* papar of Meodar, atd was detained 24 boors Pfeiffer, same,•»*, cj.ioos3 I4u on XsIlsDOKlix.svTj*ult Sw'FrT'R A-^ t Juan di” 64 mlterialmaterial andana work hundred''‘’I* yard* bat k, to 4^ JrC Y ! Hcnhy. f Lanca-fa-r „r one make for a 11, ,i„ the isimtd .quts *o, < r Him „y, u alT....toA aii . N«i*>ar ExpiM >•., *aia.MsmA.H .. Ik. C I- * k » . k S AICTI4>.\. origi^Jia X V Uc» tmea. ^ ^***- Spaakmg or tbe Peytone, w* hod court :',. AT ••• P*»ce 10 giiiaeaer, bon*c t44 23; same to J. E. .«haw $6tMi: road end leree. »udeciiy a'ruinption Uetemi,^, Meapbia Lwhif -.I. < ia r«B»M Ckiw* w . . «*2^2.M A . M AI).U»TM> To end tb^t KsitlAsd | the STAGE RY would '*• ' '• ‘ “' 1«VsMieii'eA.raiwiaoaalskaatAOn; put " ereniog in regard to Lei ae from information .terireil from a eumlwr id i ur ..rr,..ali«ud Furei JOXXOfil, a stop to such c'olicr*. A report is aomewhal Umber w - ku*•''*'•j f- p.rc.tVin.iyriy of ,e,u.len,iur.-niovm*fr,.mth..I^rj;, thS'ilmia'tad beet and inoet experienced rugsr planters, we are . ... rosiwrc»if.-/. .fc/rf. WuaoLAWB Ra<« CiH-B«A-A'* fituiii ot ».ryIool, 11 cifwa/y, »•“' <>»» to light N,arir all the mechiBsrT for the Perton* i* u.i ‘’VV.compU,’’ ••R».vo!t io 2M— this moraiag **It U** •* * *••• The Uimuion at e.rly hour, !h*t ..the pre,ent will ludlR,’* ic Ac t The tHtiinated «««btleM ?*rr*“*'* waw. Ua». Council adjoume.1 an jwrfeilly.l^ crop fall i i>r Mill aalraol cotton towtlty are S,UUU balaa, eottraly 1-^wjr eh j aofountUd. •igbl antriae lor tU puree eTbffl#, free for all aga^ board «d arrIU.d. H.7 cabi. i. aearlv Lm t l!.‘i the fehort - baats. attractad tbe largaet altendanc ! P‘»'< «fqd. tKV^ UY hr%g Fv i .* W ^ cot ooeotle aicfleeitgle plantar io iLii p«rii«b aibo can UoifC taicid. IVbeat tbamaatiaC' IV «*»d deretml to tba ImUaec.nU till a vMrie*tv id u«*» i'liibitun*, vie; I steady, t orn declioing. ’Tba *{,* *J$bhU viMky. J a « Ni.tr -A4**4^- >4ri»v4»0>1«-I)V4»0 «.», ptu- r,. Vnv VM i*, ik?*;.,'/;"''*' JrPahlleaa n«a .i M*di-r.tt 4^4-e 4* m. 0od Mr. Tr*bue 1 oft rate crop. .Vl:kliu*’aiiv S la- and Te a-lVtr^ \ Mi4>n market clown* tlull. > •Tetc, 1 .Sugar is heavy. na* acoammadate all wfae ware cmat, and the aiem. a. W. Car- ‘easun imiM f.-. and othi rarti. If’. •ubmitUd a sabstituU for tbe aame. Tbe potato crop, if thta rt"m-nt tha- »>*Gw,u Jefferaon. atieets, all ufof ' MfliNHIL- advertired to leave tbU mndtreads oaOQ Main, elefTeraons and Walnut atia^ta, loohloon diimal ied^d,indeed, andao«l whata bat weW4 areara goinggoio^ to dod«i niirkoi.k, va., Oct. i.T. of•' iW sHivth Uis faror- sveaieg for New Orlaeee. j . 1 ^ < op Viicy R Ward's Gjedwool was largely ; *lo Lot kaow. The for yoRatablM w« i^Cerk is nud I *t*am»bip ^esapAle.— which are to conooct on K'lthttenlb atreot wilh a rirg nilK.UTERS REPRESENTED. <2a*ker Citv was towed into -Nor- 'ohn II. Ka.Tnp.. Hr n.rti. heavily backad. P*' Tbe fin# packet Ksatneky, Capt. K„uii A. i; UeW-u» fto, aad poaia mid ia which he was niuch for «l»r as all of the .Ire.ms in tLo h Ik yee.erday. 8. taps. Sbufrid, ha. ' iimfr: — railroad to the Ohio river at Portland, and elm tor G. llKNkY t 4 I, (a erriv.d in the ^ EH rvn;i iiii.u k b* PITH II, j Limb, ie tha maiUiett for Uemphia today. M*. ranches bava dry, or are so i III. A Wag «,n the Walers. afl,r- city. Tba eatriee were as foltowt: ... a . . aUKoaled that W‘»er f >r wlmevec xti.l „ ^ „ .X AiM*Uni,4i..f« va^fld mo Leirr«» tit ibii' I lUlatTnii^ RtN puTt4 •• HuIilfQ Hoiia ) railroads oq tirat from Ibe river to tbe . , Jop* eficAtoe at tha aUwet, cannot drick it. V* Tb^ i T**— Irv. vW l-*h Ifta’^r RI S R A A'exaader'f S y. b. f. Isadora by Lcaiag- deA. Rhs has every ap- p w By S. G. M not KK (Ihc H...r-t.'d r r fTw*0h£ or pNJRR Cf oitUy ek" •ontbern Unite of tbe city, on Fourth street, frem Tbe Ibtltodfiiix (ra/^tle of Friday last nwf: Heuryury & CoCo. wife and | ..oc- engio* }« t m, dam by Pieayaa*—weight 87 lb*. ** [* H*INn*|* I V ^4 A" r • oat city, and on It ia coacludid t n all h.i.ds that the eug ir crop M.-;Ti>ONKns.4i Ktii i.iiiiiHTVAI.Ir \ .si.r.Mtt A »P. fro Main to tha sonibero liiuita of ih* . Alt.KMUtKFTkm iiikft .u ... _HAaa.vMW HI I Tbejne KeauicfcyKentiichv .cci..^ T* *^^i .k k is^ . _ IiaNa' -VarNU. Haora * 4 v. b. p. Maraago by Soraieiga. armed last aigbt, aad through id this p.riih will fall short tullr 1 KKKT ANIl TlIrtI r II \LLAhllLLAbli romB-.'iily cwllftl o ilattoN . • d ler. G. i .k . . t *i . .a v k . ii. ons third of that .HTKliKTa^TKlIFT‘ “LILH-||LIL1»IU 1 1 l7 ^rem to tha Nashiille dspot or INII I ul's. ,vr rTIllN. tha politaneia M™*'. Mam .(• Ai Tor XSastport, dam by Boetm—weight 104. of Mr. Ward I**y»«. o=* of har i,,., ,,ar. The aland is very indilf-renf, un.l in TnncumbUi. and Floreoc*. thelb* thecily,city, with*with a turnoateveryturnoat every ’ >N. u. clarka, Kuthern limiteof the ciniei|ueoi«cjn*ei|ueoie of the lon.tIon.’ cunticuiilconticui.l dnugbt,dn ugbt thecaiethecai-e 'I *'a. '“Thag,.*.pssi 3. ho. -J:* Harper X Mcflratb'e I e. e. F.idaratr by M'eg- we have a wwmorardom O V Vik .nr ^'l ''^ih y Ib'iNii; *.. u,..'. sheab« * city directs, slso railroadirailroad* is fully six weikSweiLs in arreirs.erreirs. TLe I}J- wawas in lat :;•! '''u-tli«t*i>n an I three bluks;hill and,*nd, if thethecily tiae.t of w.-'n^iH 'I', . law*, io la. rufc- (inct’eaL*cane «nli .Mirllci.^.iir * r min., ,, -cl end . f ibc Tk. T.ii I .1 -Ik- . f— r-i—- . k5; we ihliidirr'illir^^jltliluitl Eotl* *'V 1'aa.et 'IVmX'.-rkii lFsaC*Xa. lone.looj. TtJ.Tl J,tf *.! ar, d. by 14 ar^ rave—weight OU. The Telegraph m the ma.lbo*. for Cinc.aaM. nvilTr' -^**0.,min., g. in Hie par;.h are out h'- |f.i df J*' '4 130 mile., ' >el ee.n thom gro.neroeu th^ '™"' I'p. lour l uiHiur Ia>»t« from the liratratpi.intpoint. ‘*r 8»«3> » "w- ^to lb* Water Woiks, Cave HiU, and Oakland. Tbe.^he upon the ""on Wm>'Woo’.iRti. L'm II irt^- i' Av s'ciinlre.eiroer..IX" r.;»ir.-.l the Lira•"I*' • r r. t, in-i • n*fl. l',"k''k^ I""* ihst ih- far-.y wharf ^7' plantation* ..1, .—I of W.nN nrs-1. 2»ii f*^froutf-efroul by smjJ.SI do*dl* liouod , u.h pik-e _ d..uvd the aaMlraius'iru dam “•y* .• plaoUtions of bcuddvtscuddr J^rkiai*,1 irkins, t<» m l Wagner, by l-Uii. <7|I without John Ca^licn'* t y. c. c. by ....,a . , .. .A .A L _k_^4. .a — JA Kmi aadMad M-m- pJ m a, 3 f4.i> r r.*v,if neUiegncticicg imr Ss *-f rac. and di-rU.cd corthweeternnorthweetern dirtc Ify. Aliw* thr«e «1 -ifAblf t»id '* gnal* nf thai il.. ..f kArffru' 1 V.._l Portland rmlruad **I. “to »»Vfake a. dmc I on luliwrd Mt.vt-t *1 ,at>at R. EF. Milei.Milai, ' rnihodaux!roil,oda“’ ^ '**‘7* ••“V," una, ">l‘>uughalthough Hbeibe "'V’"*;'' ludem-nt aid m-r-, and bad i.-uhtnr Giencee M. IG»dli*hy Lfiniiit wa,wa* -ili Adil.»t?. stdW tun from Eighteenth street. and even these era 5^/ hit tit. . ai;i!*..hi?.» appHtmtlyapparel neiireni " '1' Ibe noli'lr MH. pronounced . u >h k ti..n uf inferior to those i'«»u, but "'Uu accountafcuunt oi^h,of ilif Xlcm..|.cyiiiclftitftipy of tlif f ,r bjtb.4b. Um RonMIraa. of gen- »• pn»hiog t yesterday, very of wi-Riiirr St>'Rstir’ll,'Uiy • |i Ikiiittiil’it* )\.'«‘ * J, T* m. G eek Siav# by Gkwcje, atfioai tbe wharf cam* ark *.* a» r...,or 4 y. X was j'uci(«.u.' I ssahuve. At p. For Cturo, rropoaals fur ubta aiug tbs right to build aud former Jf*»rs. iw/ir. will"ill r«;Uie illails ikiu"uii“a.Ik-iuou .lil;... M. tha schoonerler King FUher, -hwhw.r HlcknwiH. and Bffemphin. Y . FUher.of i7.nlmo'.;'iv''.Xn^* near ! JlsVii-T- v''k ..f NX. 1. dam liy Margrav* sreigbt 101. capuzing. 8!m was imnediaUly bnngfat ia '' U'-Corilfr k.,t., the name of whose aw- Ai-l l*8N«i«40rae»i — *•» seat to the Mayer, shall ult. sayi; Ti-riuI'-ouII , 4irL.frnram captain ii unknown, -hoi use the roads to be who tbinl ca-h, bkhiucesure iula oneuue aud t.utail yearsyears, lltmlrimiiir bore ebore acd har freight transferred to ecolber boat. ?)^ "'*cili\*n7are°vr^Lw^*“» pat '* it for lI'.I'.'.'.I'.'.'.'.'.'.WirilimrA »*»7 Vii*y X Ward's I y. b. c. fssatwead by Lexing. water—man wiih iuiereat and a lien. •' eubmitsubmit themtbam to the General Gouacil,CouBcil anaand ibeythav “J ! »-T% awJ mii lar-n and beast are .urtering for tbe want Sr^BT Her i-biniBcys takea dowa last evening, and of it. .Most of 8. G. uEXKvHEXK6' A roGO , i'.Xii:.'oil "'i ikea; tin, dam by Glencoe - we ight fn. were .iV' libll;;:' a a _.-x -a’X* . *h- ItoUi at t -*ri rk p. . AucUouc r,. Harry Wlihud. Sharpors. ,«««;_• ill the k.T- y Xto n r wH%Vf I , the Ftir Irciyai ->r tARRMh- «|rv«t .«• — 1 ttur-l flit Mau. onv I.i . >ir Spencer. -iM»y *' ; ; ; ; ;; v-..iu.v;"B;c'kmeu.'xiV;^^^ <-f For Cairo, Memphtat, and New Oileana. xTKG * I ’*'' ‘I wurr-.llrg-ot < AT AlVTloN^ * “’“liu'fut, llurr CAuo’s ||ourtif«i>, r, Vn* K*bo*v. ffoui tl J-^swWNRwr -tarm^^ I la’a l»Hv ‘I ’ V"** >rk, iKnrN' ’Y'l* VM.'-'^ •" RI.4S'>1, nua-elia*** Mirht, houiarkeoiM*!keo|M*rat lliddi - |«krRe i.m a 11 . Mra. (iriiTroo T ’hi I ’ •if. I*it a l*a» 7.. ^mirably for 48 hours. During this da'-. IBn o-Mnt al.o'ckirap w yaiit larre and •*u|fibly Vil’arn. UmTu'JI^ •he pusitirely, ^ letuirXaaty, acd lad the a baler* j*«*rd*y. anaii»;fd Dwt ldiic lltMirif. Mtiuiritl d•! TLf I'uktuwQ f. ..Ill |.•r,laBd. araaad back atre'ek ii lege to buy the prcseul Puitlsud railroad, Mil* evnuor. eh. the val- R*t Wft 4* til* of First ftfkvt, i i-ttot^vu Wa uiitaud Lht*. t- r.iclr.,.:! *-.a.,c a,.,.'. :ih..rl r •.. Imtrrrkamyt . “ baaatifal graap, Cawiptiairs coR laadieg a lial*. Tic —This fine steamer is advertised - i»ul. T h»- main biiilfliiiK ha- larRN' La duiiLIf {tarsurit, Mt BA ustien of tba same to I e tixid .HIIAMaBll ItA' AN. Gcals* » Wall a. by one commissioner [Tehnauleiwc i.urmHuiudeuee of<»* thetue au«l ?al; X.N. o.O. Crescent]Crfureot.] diuioa biii|t, pautry. Cltina c Wt, 7 t>r SY.\0i>SlS OK and pcaferriog tbe aawM iwlaliva poePiM I* tbe to leave fur Memphis this evening. The Inter- SCE.YEKY, ISCIUE-NTS, &c. •«- appointed by each party, and in case they should Mi.mtiti.ax, Mexico,'Xlco l>fd r»»ouui, Imth routu, kitflit'ii, war'll riHim. ami iwivaut*- For Cairo and Memphia. , Ojt.O't- . 4,4 1869loviafIk'tO ,,| largf. airy, aud wfii '''8c rtcean, .lea.-itr-iHcii boma stretch aw tbe ffrat aula. Go>4 wawd then abut rbaage will take frmght from the city* barf foot airanrM w.th b*a^4 aud fid . st^*. iw-sereer 4Bamar DOC agiae, an umpire appointed by the commL*. A courier has just IV rviss . u.-i - arrived who reports that Iketke ««»*' j*"» P-inp lH»oiu;LouULir niillini'. 'IhfoultT - iH' JEt’.A IXrKKt ltsai,l. iiiL.n*i.T ffcaf of Fourth street ' at tbe Portland ac- abmX, paaaiBg audar tbs striag for tbe mil* a rates. Her t*® v a rtud..., a larvi- itUhli- and s *mt siooars is tj fix the valualioa. In cast the Port- t*®*/,*!*, defeat*,•feaUi, onecue at•» l-eonJaeoD ud-uo- tbe .S It. of iieTrgU Sj? »»d“ L«mi 4**, fi»ai Slid w«»ird M‘ivautr>* I'lGmN, aud In* day, 141k Imc., Ni l*bgthlength ahead.bead of«l Kidsrwr.Esdaretr. wh* bad ale pamadaiea d comm.ulatioo.n.iuiuodatioos for passengers are second to no boetUiet ilskvse iieaci . I* 3 I STREET IN NEW YORK. djwn ard ti«k us in tow, being sixty - ^ 4 e'd p ,„j juilroad obtain, -J®' '*It Lo'i-h> ILiTtan; jdry a.lit in tlif ard, ’ * “"•*milai ’iS.n7-T.rG^a“L“ V“ Company the great or U > and Hn-UMii- least of ^ »" •CXHl NR| v'tli A WAIK i ruH Tiis WATKIbS -THE |•l8>It Cap. Ilenrf. C-upbaT'. milry. Or the IV of her eta... She baa large sUtorooms aud k l»i|H-. and immi's Ciluducliutf tlw water thioligh XEWSBOV. rj-«wirai urJtRl, a»4 parahaoeiuiv comp«,y, the ,oad i. to be ,4aced me’i, me'be.VJt7^ y orkaulaeomulRa.— aid eftor «“no‘ Lrd fighliuiffhtiii'’ B“‘ h'>'‘diue. (Glut... 1AltU lraa.i.e.4* - L/ * df • J) U» a 3U“ fuot alli*.’: W4ll”- ''"leraiicn bi> free condition. with cofsiderabl. low t.v T. t> so Ar aar Gen r...m..in,tU'ry.w.ihi” I I The eteim r Eiiabu.-g reported ?*?.“ h;"***. casiahl., -• F*or bchsaX. »:.dar*ercmte««d the heat ga'.UnUy, and The latter » V D below from ^ sail taitatui se tha — Sl I*ouis. The Interchange brought to this port for reship- followrd up bis victory to Intkto; Slot wli."i.. Mr. Trabue'e eobeUtote providii for atre-t rail- .'ll’®."; ilowi; tt'asjoe. Her dates ere to the r^™.i ii.si-OeKuyk, ^AlL U 1 Ui IV '28th u!t., and have to —uaiwo ofloialliIK H»aH) k-T'"' p^woeer .iaaawH at wteniag. bwt ^“^1“"=*' fi»-ThsiP4tH: dfaiyU»e»4,,.l,L-Irablfp'••-Inibic L.11L Ollul [>110. our pnaeil Ire aaa time gave pramiue Used .«nt nearlv Htm bales cotton—tbe largest shii.mcnt roadj ’’'7 “ P‘«* of artillery froi p ivaieivaier.-i.lfiKr.-ul,„. been anticipated. r““J on"" Marketnrarkai and*uj jener*00Jsff.raoa etretli.atTM-t* Withwith which i. u*i S . ‘’^V'V't«* ^ 4. R'-aolrci amr.- Which Ujblado, but be mad. a "".r''*'",'‘"Jmilu'city;i.cui.i,allyl.M:at.d.auiliu.now Iw iiRtl III Uu’ city; b cvistially locatt-dl, auU iu f i-v- That tl'sKiub adk>nra to .b«v. .n-t diet aiul the hamt leewth j c .k i i aucceeaful entry into meet at Meltw, — >uT.rn.,mim. p,.n. a woed was be Wim bv a kk. wer made from this port_ by any boat. S.n J-"'- ^ P^Vhly the premnt Portland railroad ‘*‘'“** ' '• .hall connect, for a "bich is cjn.idered a veryVeat ^ "*« T^H'bb- cit, “ “ **" » •4- » ..d a foddX.. a wallII VTTk!with ad- ‘'''r^Tllc^ he,-.itivi.,a. .MrsMrs.u .Ghr.t,Ghr6t,, k . ton.em.con.em- fmm whif.' hairm Uadma -a. up the is The Intorrtmnge eommanded by Capt. J. M. road on Third 1 Utfin traYf'iny. Rud ha«* For l.-Mch or pa laa. apoly and on Fourth .GeeU, the two l*ing dfLTtiiiufd U> dirpoM* of lu-r 0 . * tKwrd .,r lo sue. md. by ^T>T^rsm /\W^ rw m *M .-ithn.,, . ,hol« soaled geuHmnan and a caref.l ounamitod bv a road „.«*"• ‘ * ‘® ‘ M >^I!II4AI» * I «... A«ema ‘7 at thuir toulbern termini aud of USUI aide, CaapbaU a IhtU behind, acd Hareogo ander ' P»«v Gonserralives at Cordova, but or on in, ARREST OFWA. CAPITOLA.WA-SA. A .A VA-IAXi ’ was leatrii-wtoixu* West oBiiwr.ofirwr. a . . i with one whml, and will W'JI. For V ^ ftirtaiaiUrAir 0 iinaiUr road^on two other croas atreota.btr**tR. Tb«Th* and drivaalii ra*t back.iia^vk probably gat here „ WM. STAPP,stapP Pmtdial.Prratdiat Claikatnlle and NaahwUte a TzeM.- cash, bilsoce nl,3, 8TiiIt\ OF HKI! on Sunday next. P- H. Wist, See’y pro. tern. Hgl^ to mra di^ whU. Brom X Trigg. A audSyears, with inter- LIFE—TEURIIII.E »L'FPEItlXG8 jni-i_ Tk« Az^ aud ifkng0»0rLBi We. toa„learn from U»the New Albany CesUlla, of St lii'u, um LedgerLmlger that Capt. ffrantffTAnt to be given to the higbaet biddbidder. tbe UlrsmoD army, and <*K THE PociK • A lengthy P*“- with hie oKPH.VN. •’'•n'ng tb* prize fightori, , JlT? H Gah* *3. :^,g,gpr ^ ... . . lleenaa end *" Mor- wtff • Martin**"*'" will*'*’ *'•? •’I''*®®''' Old Ilurricine Ad'i,.Li pyr ar.d 'ftmir _. . J. M.** **Vuk* command of the di-cneeioadi.-ctt**ioa was had thetha matter, 'he city hor-Couutirfiit BUI. rissev, came very f''®™ l*r. mmr*» , . Kentncky on and tbe ordi. oil dtd ne«r having a rough Livingsioae’e The* firm *1^ “ ‘’’AuciomH-r and tumbl* expedi- Capt. — ^ Rove inia thelh« Court ***• *’**'b. It ippoars '* .”*•'''•1 by the Canada.' aad Lamb will *“vehave charge of the Pacific. nance andsod tbe eubaUtuUaubstitnU were finally reforred back to attack V.ra‘*Croi and Aaimated Tableau. that they came in |I®° A letlar from tb« mil* of tlte^Lat was fieasia S«7 tha firm mils *^^oweV^r*’tomVl»v**th^" hi „ „ ^*®®t®'''‘ M By C. contact at tbe After eutnpaaion, F'.rfreJaht-jrpaasjseapr'v ' C. Spencer. Ilouae, where lleenan off red Mr. Kirk, ststea iL.. , -.b i .r* ^ mime committee “•*mid orderad l«to he p.bli,bed. l.hojfc the aanuad in Lhlii. asd the haat ia S:4«H' C»iCtXiTarr.r Cor.T-Crf.auwdCorar — Crfaaiaaf rrr«-Oct.Trrm- Oct. IS.-IS — PEItEMITtlhlfs^Ar^^ to liet .Morrissey fij-w that hr could whip him any **” ‘® * bike elevated oanaiiWrablv ^"^hs-AD 4 t WAV Mr.d n» *m.l *k .4 4IS..W. .1 1S .. *b«avewlMtrfil thfik 7 > pe* Ig.-.; \J - !.'• I__A. 7 ^ APAIITMEXTAllTMEXT ATIinriHCAXEllALL.AT llritlHCAXE n^ej 'h»» they should go over icto the the Zambesi. .Mr. Kirk adds: On the eaeoafi haat Matt Davu lapped (swodwood Cja'thC.sm'th vs Roark.Ruark. Nolle proM^ui.proerqui. Da.l>a. Skaton’sSzaTox'a Fisek'iXE CotCut'xrarSTBv KkKEsiUENrs.—M'a Tb a ia jaal what bo wao*a, for HALL. n*''2 “'‘I “During our For EvanavUle and Bcwluu- Orasin fhoa hia iui^rt^t f .\^T -•k.*hichtookusthre..foy.,doingal^rt,^m^^ CoM'thCsm'th TOTS rpwie am the half mile stretch aad pnsaed bias, as did Dooohoe,Dooabae, otooliofMaaliog moiiojnioosy from NocctNancy o^oinagain oolloall ottentiunattention to the odrertiacmeDtadrertii fur tbe J-f will b« free from \N TIURsii o tb« P«k and “J* | nY ANI» Fitinw ort were about engaging IB a pi-chad » >l»y. "• met soma ^ I HH-x, : :v«z “iI'km Asy.ilis i'nN,lKTH.m«H.A.w,.w^ mrioua people, bat were Liadora aad Maraago: aad, thoagh he straggled Hiaes. Notgailly. ikle »fof tbi.thif delightful *^*^^^*» **^«**‘ fri«sds iaterf*red gl»'l to find mil friendly. suburban reaidenc.re The 1 era C?r.hu.‘v.rnz inus to cut TIIF .*Tokv*.if thti'^FKAl* LllAMuEK M«i 1 rvtumed thu auickW W HIoff all Her lizik country it- pr.v.rtedit. Il failed. nags *11 Majwr'a cane aeeagned to tbe Ihtk.,, , ' wm rumored .W town that lh«y « I e.tpectcd the I>i>ctor hack berd Io oufin foeitiow, be Tke John nod m 1# ia to take piece on the 24th inrt. iharcts, without which she is nolbicg. riid.Nti. r fr^T^Tau »“ '=®* .'>« T'«<* I'lE »-• V-n. ®n ku first trip witiT, -il* v'lai..^w. kept ptoMy wall togother exeapt the Grook SUva, "cognized ia 4800. Gen. Marin passed throoph thia place in the I i'i ^wV.htrh — let *f*y»' '* *"“’'* ffW*Mrs. Ed. of Ssptamlitr Tore, Oct. 1.3. I**® «®^»fe '• h»v* Com’t*MB’lh ^Tt StrumNortoa alia*alias lagla*. KacogaizaLc* of Hibbit has bought three fine pic- on bis war to Vera Ciuz from Wash- ‘J- left in a eountry For Paducah, CTarkawille. srho firup^dropped behind aad was shatriiat ont®g 'bat tbe h-*' .-rYv Doth these M.nisUrs as as *-at*d is the dispatch , watar ia so low at MPEST. K.e*. amJtIr. It awarded ia fiiOO. CoatiBBad far plaiaUff P«oy- to aad tur* Jnarez that bis oaly ill tke Herald, that Eig'and P'»«» "here tbe river snresdato followod alea* an hi* shaalder by LiadeiO' asrf a eafely now is in the imne Hq« Lihf fimuiMt. iho pictu: ha* demandel an ex- an exeaesiv* width, f sritaawas racagaizad. diute retilicAtioD fmm*’*. 'F/ie Mlf'irapft of pUnAUoQ from ^ ^ Vavae* hxs^ J ... of the treatv. And thor* U m frimel oar Gorerameot with refsr*pnc« to pmn*c« eouM oot b« taken up nt once, For ftwek> w yA8M< o> Wmit”or le^th bthiad by Mareego, Goodwood foar to five The WouKiioL-aa . 0 crtland this *wy v ' but ill C4«'th TS DanaU doubt he *111a seed*ace- d* to the demand. oalv • Yoanear. staaliag iawelrv from ...h i- i. i _ T The «r '’•i' 1 ^04101. *' Wt UOeiAwLlo rordlMAfl fnr g*Kmme*m fa\» m •msle..^ .* .. r_ .e length* ia the rear. The firm aail* was mad* ia ebanra for a foilur. at present JoiToylar. Jar, na^ ii^ "T? i, .in , he return if Ti^Tu.'^C .VC; *m be open to- ^ * *'"T I :Jm, hast Tohicloj. It if too l0t€ 10 tbt 060800 Id McL*ne to ^ eru Cfoz, fur thia dn*' nminl'n,*. and will be the eaeoad ia L62 'v. aad tbe ia S:42Vk. . emm McAd* (joreromm* will on eihibtUon moiuioK »iid evfu- aad cat* aeaigaad for the lith. There it another amiz* U, bat the holes which '‘ip'umfixing immedialely. LetJiianz The ha r4i an of the fovoriu lookad depraeaed, aad aboacd ia it mig'Lt Tl't.r, , a „ i . .. ^ »e®d 'be paper* alraaJv mgued to L iadictamuiadictaent paadiag agaiam him for ataahniataahny a . a-v ,«rt ru a. iuviu-d as whaa they ssreal u an,d. l> ' .'u C.IP’! the maac taw he did act aad »n«n lb* I . S. mail wa* about Te. welch.watch. to leave Suckil ms cash. C. G sPFXi Tl: ii- **“ '®!‘^ ‘b««“*•' atamed Caggod oat. U* was evideatly ant of otdar 1 ArTbeATTb* pomp onOQ FortlandPortland 7" it*' would nu®®' AmUom-ir. Cjas'th Tf— James1 O'Neil,n v..T staaliag aa iroa chaiak.i. Avenue.Avenue, CDKoait*eppoait* tU f®' '4®'®V>m*”*®*.’’ I"'"" . . be 0llo0ed to go forw0rd until \ ^ . Gen. Hernend^z m I » cluck yeetorda, Kl. tLtf A l O.. .wmnts. aad was takea to hit stable aad withdrasrn. Csmater}, has liean out . • morning. Arthur - Capt. Verdict of repair fora long time. Mexican clficer, fienb* in k .k Gumin bom McGUL goilty aad on* year. had finished his diapa'chea. ’I'he At Ih* third off srith heat Eadoretr started a leap re Kathaa Gallagher, 7"; **” consequently unloaded, end the ““NALO. Cem'th stabbing Pat Me M-i. iwTT V ir ; 1 i. .1 . msile •ETNA w^rio l^Nrefj N. II. oo Neturdey oightp Or* tl* INSURANCE I deteioed. CO., propjBitionp dediniog in the at ahaad dowa the faaak track followed by I moat po«itiv6 terms to to this city For Oweusboicx Qot. Jar, aaabU to agree and di.cbargtd. on tb0AT» Vision kd 10 bis tur0 £v;^vil]e. A HeDdersom Farrar forcibly abdnc'ed hit danghtar, I bave jud seen parties Curr about G yeait who have returned from —OF— j Tn- -iceuaf Ovlit4iai.skl -i-utv .* Vc*r«Mt, fhto W. Cojlinned. Owa re- rf *ge, from her moiber mouniaia*, aud they report IbaUhe^old THE PLANTATION AGAIN. ^^*?**!*“'*-*Tf°' ‘"f.i**^^**"*, !? with whom the child was dig rink. g0i0, Lui4ef» fulling hekind. Cumpkoll mader I glogs^ Hnrr rare In prfs»0t cemdiUoo of *ul !».- Xr at-... aad all M cogninaoe 10 $kOU. beve torLed out 0 ftilure, 0Ld all tbe HARTFORD, * Kasc Maiah Korkr; lb# iiueatiooq 0cd it nmeies iZ luin^r CONN. Wt Usm fpom rw iiwi.we- «. .x . ,^CTi™tiai,;K,n«.ii sar.irJ.v.iXlilh * l>lanut on Mi-1,.dies aud Dance by Wool an.t .. iaHanS tke rtriag ike kret aiile 0 ncek ekeed, at tke ^ P*“^*P**-’^ f®®«otber ouerter. Pomp- *•4 ‘ otoea K. SI.. eeiMfiS..:.. from ead | Oa'U ! WbUc eed Lyoae, peetiec cooeterfeit I i.mmm a«u.gawg.,^ li 1 • ®*T* tak4-d a Laud. l^rtMito. divorced. Mr. h.rrarv wz* -x Incur p orated isi9. C«i' •'ion. ' a znned with z piztol All the property Morjing tothel.uiMzcz i« or ct a ForIr-,,hi.,r *ii;i^.W-«i*;;L7 eeaseJ^imn Ca.4>bmiCaa«J-ll paemd hm. Marengolil and not g.Uty. Tehu- mmmy. Lyeu Nolle pjosequi at I* - .‘I?®"*''' Tll'Vj... < t IMTOLA This (urn in affoDi ia am ,,4 „ , carriage. Sine* the divarc* he ha. ‘o'^PT® Co«p.n/ which *w J? seized i'n the districi 1059 - $2,030,423 80. K>-.-uccof regarded as very serious by Old M-smur 0»i«iinr66 10 =‘' U (lUl,. our:r Governm.m.Goveromwnt, ' U«eu • family.'7- Nuoe>i“»4 » Matt Davie than made a apirilad dash, briagiag Wh.t*. andsod thetb# reauUresult. whetheVwhether it"bel>s neai.Miaxa *k ^ . “‘i?!** “ *. .it ramdmlrazided ini. Na*Na. York. A raw.rd uf *4001. offsrtd 1'““'!^"^ A Storm Itrcwiiir; Hiirriranr IliirdaOiit V'« Lo»s ,*ia U.oi,. In ®f *tds ^".'mul^ stover i a|.il..la .»»G entirely upoi the tenacity Marengo to dec front, asid Matt Davie’s rsder gave Tha caaat *m for Friday are Alex. Gilmore, Jr., *h‘Kr'e?mpo^^^^ i As oiiisli.-sai.il Siibdiiei the Old L'on- ^ith f„ ,,,, ,rreit * s®"-e REGI •"*« rluliuherI'luuuher inIII Him111. whichwnicli GreetGreat '*iniii.iuve twelve L-VR Tl E8|iA\ . Tilt R8l>Ak. “>• 1-®“*“ weLt a. Karts-nat Wii.zV\'iiiiiitaw uSil. Dl.aG Ik .11 MaiHmii. aad ,) sus Enruiiiitfr with Black Donaiil.ROBalll. Margaretargaret Schwab, alias Margaret II ildebrandt, rub- facu»how arUai Two men were ebot dexhlsst night Rvxr tw mhm>ra. tknlar at regards lb* atoauier Charoka* in giving Black DonaldDoaald isIS I'mipilatirdI rti'ipilatird inio tbv Abyss.Abyss, “f "i« Interior has approved lai»4uka« Tiller. We have already given an t» a aciVfirtf, exiuiiifiid it to ilu- -A* tbe election vseteidiv in tbe and there have oa yaiw*gy. tAo the vwiea af tbsinc account of the |>Mtiuuat;eof «U who ai'ure. Twentieth tVard lafik ml Bymy w mlm m Aaaoaeiua,Asaociatiaa, aUau Ih*in* aaiMbanimats iiMts til** "iih.*’< ih. “® 'f*®*®ijt^ from femiahin* j . valui' ut Ck* taiuly 14* i^u!'* Gild,iffud, be is danhcldanhoft the G-meral ^ „ “ntiming her.her Mtmra.Maaeri G.C Duvall XuX robbery i [Prom Uu* Ariaonian, iudfiiiusty. G P>to pIitm!”pitTen!** the hallot->jut wee (luos^d aud no letarn was Lud Office to and her arrest. About «6 in money and SoptcniU r 15Uj.) Tne subsi-ills-r which had BBS wen a heat were mach to haiins uk.'U iliarre ul tlie I. -ui-iHle litte of rMad cC C. ^7.ho.ru largely In the *•”** «h*t naturallZi-d laud* ia f e -gagml carpal, curiam, »Fatal®tal AksuayAksiiav in U-.*.x_2,,1i-ds were found in her,KW.es.ion She — ^R. .1. TAHIaEAU! were alincet entirely *® “*• the Of XBfioTfer e beckan, and tbe raee was -/‘^**** dH«**»oudbiiuMou ioto dsprdF|>r cUu*lieu- DtherconiiMiui..iher coinisiuiei. excluded. Notwithetaudin^ *?“{!“« and aleo dry gmdi bunaam, had a faU share la lb* a/o4Nau0.->O4Aksus.-—"Jj ">•tbethe o'k'Roiubtnight of tbe lOthlOtb iaat.ioat. a0 ailbcnitvdiffii-ultyaiffii-nliv ’T'"'.",'' ?2 VkdkJ “‘IS,™* admitted-dniittad the robbery.*..1.1.... ii.ii i inl,, . . «•'»• the rafoiniers le-weea I4att Dari* and Maraagc, Geodweed hav- Bail in f6lM) to answer at aroee.roe. between C^lCol. LlentineP.lentice . -m*-. Try toven wards, an/ — of the boat. IfobiceonIfobineon .*od‘S,L‘lfand Col. If r«®l£'n t he aggregate an area of thetoe cnmmalcriminal court. A. Johnaou,Joboton,Joboaon, whichwbica reeuUedresulted end .*rior tag bat I wkbdrawo as we atattd. Tha aew aapi- ^ Committed.CouiuiUcd. ioto thetbe deethdeath of thetbe let-lut- of iliellie IlMitlenIImIiIcii IIoum*. ***” ^-^^duiatea are iiefaa*e < THETIIESTOUM;STOUM; flPt JP .AND.ANIJ HERIIEK 1-ONV.ININV. ment in the i- oident af tLe New Lime." up,tt:^®Vxl"mir.^;La“£rw;^^^^ charac'er of tha c*w Cauccil. fn th* ot ynatordsy by abouta ut Till: "ard the reft *'“** of -» hocked hi* Adame Kxpram. at- 1«, rubbingrobbing Tin: IIAL'.VTL'U rmera endor ed th* Tumdo); , ^k">-Tr. by friend*, aad Kiatucty eras rtady to P®»»" Oar Thomas F. Irwin of $60$64) and a ted.led. FrimFriiu i*ilh* tesl^onytestimony eTidtodTin’elicited IIAL'iUTClF WINDOW!W INDOW! Amerii-»n .ars kv in tL"ex*miniuthe examinx R.'h Eire aV^touU'N'irira ton K>ks o-i.-ito^ — T4- 1MV« '*®J *>im *1 a reformer. The frieads 'fB*™" » "ell an'.heaticatod tar •Iz.i iw.f*n .1^ aka har pile an Clay's lievia. friend Howell, of tbe JeffertoarUl* Keilroad silverSilver watch. Irwin was drunk,drunkp 004] "®® ** gatherg4'l>4r tbe following particniaii:particalari: ccti»i-i4 iii with Mj|vt*ucy and ri*ai3Yiiab)e protit THE.sfo i,>ni- Loom: th.- PWn Go d Kin.-; the ruro -r that Thom** Matt At the dram and Leonard said VW.in-* ihsthe Ii uRiifwotuiitiwn Of r.rirai arc t^reatly 'f***®'* t’M. Horn a*ulS'ld tlD*tii»* iHddeaMidden Hand the I)ii4.*nb«*I>if4.*iib«* aijCJur'.i^cd ard hope to hw gone to Coau K ca aa an ax«*et Pur-'-UKL^ iL'.^;’ deUvered »f">« met., at a in ’ top they atartod, Marengo leadi^ a laagU the “malbae Lme, the 8l Lmi* peperi. be was a watchman. The, took Irwin into house tbit Ca;*Ca;*'"" MfUiH'.rvIiofifi-,.;MfUiiiurpliujfi’ti; achieve *a a ,.rivy W..oi In Tnmbh*Tnmbl.* I- «-- a compleu (riuuiph in P^Maeoi l\,r frcfi«ht •- Ayam:A^-am: t tbe .S*a e election. .Mora, and will make an » tfurt to oc ptar^ apply n V«r ! r ca;h: { msm uf Uru l>a> ; ihe « Jia(>4‘l in U)i* ru.cvt* fi mil*, ‘ •>'“> »•"> S. LnNti ,y 4 aad thea cemmeaead where they P®''®'’*' l‘*»>3k' o®' tti. ki* Irish l;K<> . .V^nta, a aaperb liraMi; at rubbed hiui. “*“Beul t.f‘ ^ Leuiianl >"in mane of ’t-r’^c ''‘ibilb'- FaIih- T» ent-.ib V, *r.I, rjuntrym.o ia regainiag laprem* otr c .iaena.i«n‘e“ir‘erewere present, i K.fo‘lvi.’-rt-lYH’Kt; Ihi* a gantlaman fram Tannat.ee wet ewiadltd ^ p«s«t7»nd"mo.!g*tbtmand among them ^*5 kinin -'r* i.^Vro'iwrTK.m, VllUm (iuArdinQ aud >*.ji^\aail t-sa ovll diiw*»ni b.-b>- N.n:>i>u; >a F«»ic*’dF'.i.cd kave only 3S7 in' jirity, while P>"«T. Uu >cbtms way Ibit be utterly thrae-quriw pnst *a the tacond mil* they »®JofJer..meand uf Jerome in .frUH).irRM) to answer at the Gol.Cid. UibioHJiRibinso-i andaad C >1. Johnson.Johoson. At thetbe over iiemia a liscou'ii. Marrintr;MeriiK.'.'; c»imYCap iu rk”*? ‘H* sb.rtiro, as of #1 6T0 at Cincinnati oa Taacdsv' bv tba criminalcnuiinal gams C ,l.>1. they ^ ®« , <• •«dsy, by the - burher rUiry;ri...-y; Ilit »„n'iwon't do—,l.i_)im.)uu had 1U,I«) iii.jority at the last election '•®»4»®meet availed itself . of - - . " . for his offer to like .'ie- Regular Isppml, and m, came daw. tbe imek Jobeai n had '*7"b*en »a ®c msiderible•""'Irrabl. loser,lo^er, sedac J on . l LouiawiUe. Memphis, and Whit* etmtoh to the - court. Odtnmitiedc..mmitted. ao = Ciu'tcan't comeeoiue U; tbi-tbi* 4. h okvu 6Iivor. mexscaa oau| gam*. ibokiu But litUe luure than half a P^tokee to .Mr. D mitry, which will -a- countcvttctofof uausuallyuauiuallj fne.dlyfrierdly reUtimareUtiine that won't voU was aflhrd him ih* River Passenger .. . existingexistiog b<-b«. IVht; Packet. g.to,W.to w^wbaa Maeacge'aMaswrea'.•~®«»4 ridm trektra* ki_aWki.*^ u- tirsn 11„ L' 1. 1 • ih . X polieil. * ’ ««k Mmeffhufoalhim *4 hit foat ^ MMalkeralker McKenzie,McKenxiCp SI^KCvlAl* ll^FlIMll'IPFSI Iraicc.ion of a dtpii.iuatic — who residesresideti in Portland,rortland, was twaintwetu him andacd Co'. 11 ibineon,)bioaoo, V character. ^ U he hadhid bsenbeen borrow. _ Timely Arilval w.fh whip and apiu, and h* made a tembieteritbie dadida-k ^ • 'bviI* attenUon to U* adverturment of ~ of Hetbert and Wool; PiiiL.tnu.riHA, October 13. I.XTKRl'iitNLK TV" foundfuund about 2 o’clocko*clock this uiorniog i®ft,ccnicent derabderab’ee mciiuy frJinfr Jm bfa m. momiox io the sleepingslocpinr ‘ vv r f «!•>« VILLAINY r-iiLCi.; W(»LF !• • ia4 *ii itoiB'VBix-Uiaxc MCta a dm the ttrhsgatriag a le^tk ng to lowf. niU-^miLi ud iHdNird.raof every tm, m HHKKl-s ‘ LoTlIIXt;. it sta'ed on g.'XKl authority that Col. length aad neckeach ahaad. The a lUa* Gram Farm for mla. rfto.nidhrVp Km^-k-set. rzto ai-mWmfi * I a CooUcu ^ *®«. »®duod makingmakioff a further de-da. Forner, of ‘^ *^ room of Mr. Senslmch on° MarketsMarket street, .^****^> • •**»* • a* 4 .«*•«» F. Mw, * between the Press, (O.MMKRCl — — ui*td forfy^ uuyeuio>r6 iQ(*06TfmcocT, b6be W0*was ff‘'iu»*h:bt dorautf»*meut of tbi* I.vi-r u coufirmetljaun has received a nulice from bis ail AL. froi f ^ TMM0t00090Tenaaaataaat 0ku0t0deafroatad, aad K6Sl0ckTKentncky fotkMlforked i.«i » » *% MtcmptorilTperemptorily rt-re- over, — -frc rl4»yd*****^“ and Preslon,Preston, vi.er that l*resirlent for frpl-'** !*avit r an*- ' **^*^*^^*-^ PHINC'IPAIs doubtlessdoul>tle#8 forfi»r tbe purpose|>ur|Kj«j of fused; upon which heha ^cimebecime txa-permted,exa*(>era(ed loUrtoUte-nu of tiie luuA ubr-tiuato t>p«,arv Ituchara-i interili instit;.t!ni; a aa‘i^T*Tjo-L*Ufi*aJ, ap- fkllowirrfollc'wirg it HOTELS uodand 0t-at- DAILY **"' 1 Tk0Tha tktthe enmwsummery af theiIm race;rmcm- The rinnlnlion; .wtor> of ilir llidd n llouae; proari-utionproocc-utiim for libel 1/ oa hoard vf ;• nsOM ROUX 10 robbery. Scosbaefa to get over tbe table be failtd, •«bilu.-d by a cuu « of llollGway*. IML. Sold mj Mault n egiioethimegiinet him inrn account of thefbe TO o'l-UK K LAST XIUHT. ooUared McKencie and handed upon >*• J*. LvfNG \.>nta. V8ar4 Wtrfs Gs-Xwead llla. k IsinaM t * If llunr; ,, « I 4 wiihfitawn Iadc. C*pib»la rUaiD for terrific editorial arikleart ii-le oo Bruler'ck't “* ' N«w Yo_X oUds m death, in Fur-t'or- Tbs euney market eat of dewm ie llwverx McGraih'. BeSeemr I t IiwmS him over to Officer Rust. $:«KI ^^1!“ ^“7. him; old lliniciuiv’A iri— »lTf»; I’ap'i* Detf* r.«octed am .my ^ Beilin for si* inU CFv's Press cf Monday last. violently at Col. Uol»iu«ot it I*. ‘ k. A AlaxaaSer’s Uafiara EXCHANGE IIOTEI- ; waa eviUvotty a'med natH«n Sarr th*.’ outlaw; Tbo I* ’T-oc-aL Itortera Lzibrnir: w -erter. A f t fie uou Tvr- . iTl M J AUii *®“®*^*» <® of which aent rible tioQ Iolo the tmketL'riikst All kagU'dKngla'd finiekwlnaiefca.1 For Eaatooit, Tuscrembia. and Florences E Uwr« % 10s A Worth. BeHn lllr K D WntUWMIUbw. IfadieoD, Ind he waa to the at his baad, but mi«aeduii«aed acd struck b in on thetbe (iTl>r. llOSrKrXKK'S UllTKllS bave recaiv- Cund of lUarli iKion'd. Cap'e Mian theth* first in-ia- lower. Tin- bank riUh i, * ptm aad oi tb# broktr.' rS-* >4pi^tatM ! . AIMwi0*9 tir ' fur h hi’nrue Tlit* tranrlif i>o.«-m0c^ *traai4W i6 A tWiaufid II C M . led Uurrlan luipU'nK’Dtt. T emahe W It l^atalo-eti kr workhouse. shoulder.ahoulder. Co^uael Kobiaacn,Kobisacn, in reUm,return, threw a vl U»4; * artuc-id I’uci'niiuoss fr4>m iht* prcAS aud iM-opL* *’ iii.|ibm-. '‘.'4llrl> ‘*’ sn- H. rAX rtiN \ Je^« Wen— eta S * 4 rakfi ea-. A A llaaw. Chdeufwe, Mtae J J Qelan. nut a DU »P of lU MAN irijp.ii*’ S wkVeU do«,‘"l2 rlw »"»• Jt5* v. J. tai-t Hxaxaaai, •tool across - ttse e tbe table, which struck Colocel Juba- tL»ouj:Luutthc L*Uk'U. Asa valuable P»B> for tin* of ki'lMicttfist Tbe dour market pavv^ a- oiMaa«l lor a!l uirri.«r*ti44fotr T C m Menea i. .. t j , , J llfiTMT S*rtU0l4] Cun* TUv kub^wr. ••IlfAvvii Ml- - yui) c’»atinai • Trry 'iturt mb - -f * lawi^ 'v.«2j;Tssaf,vW ’ .mofii iia UiiK kiMRrt THatt’* W...M Llttlr « T '**^’day, Um ‘*‘*;4tS UwU. or A Waowar cAi dMawaa^ M tWalkar J Fui*r. — » kDol’ktdmeswxmttu himutua down.tAvwu. HeiAc alaoai80 nysivpda, rFlatul4*uw,ia(ui4*ucv, C4»i>.4ti|atu>ti.i;4»i>.4U|>aiAoti. audauu i^'UitraliK’Uttral mvih**vi>imvgim >no.** St- weou-y LranJ., ^ 4 r'ctucg W a %r t> 1. r- ai_ ... sw. . iM.I. -«y *W i-hlo. *1 ,4 So and *4 75 for rtirer- P. n wharf. A»V.fca04.S:AfHe MiwWalkrr belonging to Mr. Buckner from the mailboat Tele- a'ruik*iiuik at him with . , &44H. MrvJ W F a chair reveral timestimet inio tbe dibd.-b Utylitr it cahaut.-.Heut tob*- i*i.;.r.»ach4 EveryKv4*ry Kiverc'mtioaes to rfCSils slowly with aboat tj*j dim aad Mud A Walker sm.r.wch. d. day mn. wir co-kv of LAST SCENE—THE ROADSIDE. eatra; oity mdl# #4 7&tA& aa. acc^rdioa to qoal. Far unahtlinokl or ssortwr.paotapr. afw*raeetT o»»»» hoardhoanJ .r w> AN the foar heats were wall eaatoatod, aad we Bail aaeh in to p«f « ii auppo^ did not hit him, ai he feet to Cairo. AI tba upper ttresmt are N. S. L--Ni. anewer at the circuit was *u ar<*at eifL-ct arc di oulcb*d ihrourU our low and Uy. itasrlpUof ^ «m iiUii . Ae-ata. imblic jouruaU. TI«j How. Th.» | Ftferan l tho ioi»uU. wh-taiprctt/ hMvy; priM tt4 and whita .aix • "all KATIOKAL HOTEL, Tlw^'v i# m>*UioK»sual Fajoy^w*-! FuKAFItiaT. llFr uw- tiuir *• ''““‘‘7. .1" -uwot. cvnrt. Committed. to Ihv whicli tbe atU cU-d - «ob«nu. « u-rfe ai".V,-%. m .'’ of Tm* t «na TZa S« -k,td y LB Mania. IT Albany .tu-i'.'d Cura, friaafia ky km galtoat twariag, anfi nmtt the alaml- G H“2SixH hadferd. khStoThhelby RoUnaon going immediately to toe house* B^th PrTu~ir!^“nd '^iito^^ A i?r\ ” *li' and irt.iccj.barHat Ti- -i-i-tilifi huw. ueM-draniki ^1 r •• F W lieWTi—a, cUy were uuermed at the ^ IH'PF''' \riTN ' _ filj. imm - - W.J.Uwers?!, John Grant FI, and Mike Con- -“uT.r&Thr.Mlime of thi. d.IlK u!ty. It wai with It Mil.*.-*, »— ?> ’ ^rcon: revolvers. Reported for the LooinvlUe t lavi UZMI. a. frx'jrjsstoa i c S2Jr*'Broolu ' "'•* ’ ^dTc* “f t..djtndy. Nhou JoamA]. 8u*are<'Bliaae.MUTa. . WC that thiathis svas *.X •'umsn . ,hou'dd a wU. of se hhfia at Ta aafi 30 aaX tha ihtiX la taro atfrer*. la I. tl hopeJhoped wa4 tbe eodeud cf thetbe slfoir;alfAir, atet l.sKtLiuit ^ ASRlfjMwfilleaw Sk the otove af>.| Ul la -MeirtiaM bh* a apuitod aai- U WsUmt jJ i>M0.ntrumb. rity , '•‘’•'“‘“ff. T* PT44fib. oi' Cia cumuK'Ud it to ell c of ~~~~ LhJ>at:i,<, boih to hm-s «ur\ ini s.-evci (ooul of lb* markoi. oafizl hkfi. in ;aadla^- >>a tlus day. Uia iaia laeL. ol Mrd Heblltadl Ky ftrthat nigbt;night; but Col. J^beson,J.:hc80u, lir.dio}lir.dioz lis beadhead S,-Kct moan ! Lonf.c«uft-r.-< ouou. 4w'cIorX m*L ba: ratkar light f«r sack ??v*- '-tiY sharp work. Matt willill G-bi* ut*c«*a«aryary to <*•! FLliTIlE.'t BY' I'l'aat ' P. M., fmm wharf G'w*?47i^Kv g’GFi^'xHto^ IH^rntmcd ot Di/emdamt^* CoeU.-^pAt Scully and cot by tbe atool, determiced u.c— conviocv*fonvinc.- Ihethe Keptacept col of iuiU hwUUiybwaJtby THE CIIY OF WASUINGToN. ;«,;>*£. 8inoll szlm of kf. kkia — at 4jr. to bave satiTfactirn Di-if-el Fp»«a . .mw v«» w. Rsilla.s. * !• t V- " I "ww.. EAdyvOle isuilCIS. Tt» Mil’ rf li^^t drautal)r 0fty Davis wa* srifiawtly hsifi as ia th* Ihwd hast to Mi-Odre. eslrw biiiiaeir .•ffivu.* *^'”^*'* ^ielui.uirbaK-abutU.puirha-i* a buiUc audte«4tialleU,aud te imiUfled. Nothin* rtportod in enfle*. taataaS Char.Chas. OlwUOhst. Me armed with bia revolver acd proceeded „ ^ Nzw Yokk, Oct. 13. bo***^u oa*1 drawiuj %*«!>' # Igh'. dcKo- Ua'iL .1 ...... W K A f. LeBaaea M A Va^Aa X f. Grm ee H^duUlIir-fiuld by UruKs’AUDruc*.rta and iK’aler*iK-oler. S* ••*»*« hhl For frrWL* «r «h^y a«i - aeatett tha foarth aa h attorn, bat Falter • a . _ towards tba bou-e of Col. U^bioaoo. pvoeraUy,*uneraUy. erery-every. reck. .Y noufi finaanfi tar hocoa to fin pgg M*ar 1 p ta Manage wa* to* Mrs Fai-r X f. NM orleaaei >ri*am J L lim^ratt, Wasororfi . „ I'tioo re-icb- A dispatch fro m Zurich sure that Prince Napo. OiamiaatdfiMMBrrup for children te«*thiaf,teethin*. which mratlyzrratly fa'*iUtate«fa-ilitatee tbetha «r. a, toM «'>va: r at»>L .« mtarnj-dtata Ifirciaatoo I perm ef fiJhO, fra. fm all agm, ia wkicfc J. M. Uw- ewtioued.continued. Denouement of Joy and A di-petch from Pari* tpeikt of tb* ac-.ivitv •' Mi4eH10i». do Happiness. die- ' ’1’=* - *e. tU^iaai,ai4e*e*eeA k (^aak. looe^mowo od B{K>c Kf®'*" ®f leetbtucleelhty* by tofu-nin*sofu-ninir the fiums,rum., reduduaredudu* all in- payment of oosU at thia term. Cal. UobinM>nRobinron sakedetked him to leiveleiv* and wait uatiluntil plty«d bv tha French in fitting >»le« of 1- hhd» fr.uu ‘i:.r raMe'e Thema* Kicholaa, J. M. Clay’s llaaaver, ‘‘(r-'.'Thffa. *« LLl«.u*fi.ArM4Louafi. x rilfi ont Ihe extodUion lob*e«_3 at fijfits 33, 1 at (4 M aad P. M., wliaH. 4. •l»0'‘“»tion—wUJtlsnim^tion-wUl alUyallay alloil pain ia K mniNsai.. roorDing;ng; hebe saidesid be waswaa bis f; ieod,lend, i»in and U wiretiure to ivauUton-*ulate Uia PltlGItii iiF ai^I.-«.'«ION-.I)rwM sgaiattngalust »« Hvenhter yart*».^.pyty -,d boa.-d fie I. B Gorti., ('ORII brtl'dinri bh r amianil always hadbad Circle a-d Pnrnaetia China.Chin*. It would be ready to leave about <4 «,*». *“tatfiSvkSfiiviS Ac 5S «lat ** lu«*luus tu.to. 44*1at er.e: onA i Js*. McCey’s Bird ** eeni-iil ^ M fitia; ;i, and 1 Caufrm. R X. AUxandm's 8 a, koweij.koweli. llepeafi It, motbera.ltmithers.it >Sc: Tier sSe rhirt 'Tiur l,4; Private 1- L«»M. .k * *" Kerto* 4> rK^kfoS*L Fraakfon PkXSsTLVAXU Elkctiox. omcy's Press of b«en; that habe waawas the aggressor, and tbaIbe blow be Depend nponupon eUiclvewilifi'e rsAtrart to your-yoar- iIozm 4i5; the middle 0*of November.Nov.mbar *1.r a. r — '« ured_ll.i«B. .!o: Lolurid Gallery fi- ' * * “ Free-fiort, i Iu... kiu. a...— C. c-a _iv...na r.iu.f ...A h..i>h i-r.-. r.—.- iSc. -n.. c a-_. . a,- .. .7'.. . •’•C*i ®®^ • '*’agcm cMt, owaad by Bnat 4 Tiiggt, * ^ w.ya. ““X't*® ®(“ »“»- ®®'7 ‘3 "turn for tne he had wnesana re« c The Dictator of Mod«ca has ItontwC Gniitoi W#dne«Uy eayr; "In Philadeh.hia William B. ordered 30.000 mini# \m ky dc€;!uutnct Attorney, UfllQZ iinici- oiwutroiuSA n**|. . > A . oada sams largnoge, be told bim be would be obliged to aprW dwvLy M. to S P. M , where reate A ilMpatch rtceivtd from Naples Ttta daut aad aia^40kTat lOMtanaer fftaataow yam oMa, siagls dash ef *e* aeilt, fer * P M«y«r.SoothBt**ehliB says that tbe l«ir imw cotton at ll)ee. which there B H Fb-M, BaUit eo eon to ucun-d for any night duriii* ihi- week. :.,'i 5'‘”NT«tOMKl;\ . and Cbaiie# D. Knight, OFpoiition randidate fur ifjere bim, and brggt-d him to leave, if not be Kiog badhad left fur the RomanHoujon territories .Van maa, « a tar, for Ibelb* .Sale^.-iele- 7& bsa> obotrtuu -t-mvto anfirsaaoiex Th* ownars aad padignm *" » baf> s'at «iit 7$.ts •III j>*r a0nv^ «tta Uitrrtavnltata j-'O# >a wiU b* Gel OAi^wJ! thr w*^*'wieU Gii ,‘»® friends, AAC.CARD TO THE LADIS8 porpote of having . intorvisw with th. Pops. Prothonotary of the Court of Common aiwae,aiwPleas, are ®f MOZ-AtoUT "FT AT.T, Th* sc L«.. Usnm.ra, of rroterd., of a»m:r mid tbr Ito h lata., at o'etark KM., foaad ia aar advertieiag co aa, C A Orahsm. Haven ' who did *11 ihit wzt Bible to quiet DR. J. DCPONCO’B »— ..n Um Tha e.tiag . tlm : m . , fo *ud get LQmlonHntuv Market, Sfg>t » The funds ekovdyis. artv.l.f-k,«,>. j , elected by large majontie*. In the second — vxTto^-*^’«chaaai*vAxaaaci. 1‘a^agvr- ’ and I Uk.ttv Fnd-> u artn..^ dome tomofTow with foar H Nemweikar, him to bed; but in abont fifteen roinutee be return- ier>lay wiihuiit any m-ivetaent of iinteirtancv: utaaer wo* *« ... aud Utaht ttasta wd| mile haata fm a mm of aaaatr J Land' GoldenCnlden Pi rills Money ‘‘ coaacet wU.. p W ' Mka PerioilicaJ for Fensles. r.te pso“ tu-ht that it‘‘ is•• thoaahttooszht tsr M.^urs-n.' .-y k* • ed repealed all Mr. fred. miller, in m Kl. drmand. "" swisaiawleai to a»Hysppir •<*» *be'bo air Warlvy Fourth Senatorial districts <^rge K. Smith and ^air, and be had said before, ic Manager. * * inks for it frtafat ly - l.fififi The easekhoMart “ F««Few rtovk.eh«*rks oraor. praoeet^,prvseated, l!i.-wtli.«ta or . n .r I r ta • af tbe Coarm wUI mart ^ llacre Cotton Ra’ktt. Sept. *9._Sew (Vleons tree ,! andtod f«wfow f-.rf..r cRm2^«StoiL Ftoher. Phttafi j a or- it jJTjjTIrAI*Gn.r Ala same inIn eorrceliof Iirefrul^tiesIir^rrularitiec aadand rfmoelnfrfmovlnc ibstrucUensIbstrucUcns ef dluatre I'Cbf iSr; prioes coeirr, smallwiiidl »uma,*ums, S»w«Suiu« howwahou*ta aaysay that tke Ii.\.s|IAM * bl :1.\N George Connell, OpjKisition candidates, ' bot uti teUufi* QDcbaotfwl’ demand f^rfur \M!e, St th* Uaaaxthis * .re .bo Gsk araaieg at ' >11 I oney *•is lee* 8 a'clack. T, " Herd^x B Given tiBie darteg Col. K. toro* lire, staliog be would kill Montbly Turm, from whaU-Ter cauw, and ^wayi v!tl*'*ofthe ww-k ^ve town today aad time* eaoUieeaaliie «p.ep. el-* » -ir««L MII fTT?'wC lAaarn.Laafirn. myekr Thom...Thoms,. uUcs. outmiiiread-*’ufbun. arJotl Kxch.a** " W KrkV elactad. Of the seventeen LegUUtire districts of him os li^bt iS^crrSM^VenfiTtucceiuful a* a Frevemlve, odvaueim.'. Exch.mte on ito-the Em.tEo-i Hi. n.>4n..« la1. »M in-mt,b-,I demoad.fisnoafi. Th*Tb* "'Bkerwin, ® QRAKin flPCDA MIPUTl rJbCiian^feaciiaius J Ut Irt.1. Aro uothl ' Kook.Houk, .StoleStoxte .. - II SK i»Ub Of otw, but htTC bccD uf*d bp —, X ox* - 1 Hank, itonkIsaok of 8LSt. Louis,Luuis. pov-Doe- For Cairo, Memohln, N«,Th* Parodi Traap* appamtoaight ia Doai- T at. -a au i'\ -a- V A 1 a . ths t> n andaud and Nnw Orleana. Wc3^L CampheUev It the city tba Opposition unAniU Tbe Ians Pays, a semi-oflicial wbiybl> ••th«rs,. ther., ffOiii B Bk tovtncrtuo. hare earned about twelve, Doctor Io bii newjpaper, an- vsare -^11 uartn* it a>!> again * Kactitefer payms «»-• • a* Advaremg towards tbe door or window uf manr yeari both in France urtnA NIbnIi suloaMncuoioaMn aadoafi ooS-iOvrauas*%der» __ Th- -I-raet a -oe.r *’ '^*** zmti's eaperi ’’ “ * d***^-'*'-fiberieU.IXe, Aui*-rKa, uDDarall«lcd .frem worn Ihririheir ->»B•»wn i** open. La Favonta, Sigaora HarrodsbIlarrodsk •nd wHb sucecos In every ca*e; and nooccts the arrival of the .\aericsn Minbter at braachbranch paper i-mant-d.)in>«iot«'d. It Hot "iN, . - Alaime CHooSkVc BeUeGJTV* and the DemocraU abont five. The retume from ho^ W Itobinson " >- fTSl to BG IUl--- »---r J^h. betbe is urged by many Utousaod Udics retldias in this city »• 'bs branches of Ih. “ * '** ** part of Looaon di Gazaua, I 0®? n Ibs^ulblbs duuth which OALT tbe as wai os other ritiiu, who have usid tbam,tli*'®. . to makenikke thsthe sto prem. G itos arllins rale. :3«h BCaHOl'gEsF interior indiente tbe election of the Upposition T\ 3*i ^ f --ra: us.' .z M. plied: “i ™ ‘it publicpiiblitit Asea 1 eibu. and wa* accompaBied l*y tbe tiisnibers of the • ** lam a gentlemso^^boot m* : acd con- j4ll*i4lls fur the alUi*UtlooalUivUtioo uf tboMtbota rjffkrlosrufftrlmt fretsfretn any p**iH w . -r m pwrUaaJ. i* fall of spiaadid masie aad affiecUve 1 J- ' V MOTHnl^CJ I "OlOnVO^A/1 — sitaatioas. ?? WWOlUj..G lUya. Ky r , UTefuUriUes whatever, as well «#• preventive to those X CtAUm O VvlvUl legaiiidt. Tbay were oct alluwed to see anythiDg M BDImtbfora.ee dLUll BaLTtnoaz.BaLTDtoaa, OsL U.It. Shriglia Udle* whuw health will not i>eriuit -*i Stgam is th* Feraaado; Sigam Gwoac as- MtoGmmkiS!u?£3isMita Garidbam. Wbauha*wdtay an locreata of family. of tke country, and while awaiting :ui interv;ew f, ;'''*?iLGSH.OfiYBl'ili vn.vn. gT.i-' : WoJm. M Monia, pbUa Flour -I-odr.rt-odr;....IlowardIlaward ,v*nM^ K o Freaeb. Mm Tbe couu>oaitk>u of these pUU is mads kuuwn to every IVIlllil sasavaas taaaMa^a***aa tOMtMrvet M-aji»‘ai I5to.Itto. WWhoatboat firm:firm; eamm th* fine baritoa* eharaeter Mia J FL^. NaMivilU U.U0II > r.\TF-i of King Alphoaeo jJ iiH HtaM. Ola L-. bu-hvia St fit tolal 45 for w bias. Cora firm at *1X41 L\R V.NITK.D g.\||. p.vi BET X I, aad Sigam Barilli, th* Grand laqatoitar Balta- l"4 L(*«rrv«a. K O '•-ns. provMoas rtaafiy: boeoa tore lo\c; amai perk For Cairo and Mnmpllia. J Id Isaneaster city, where Mr. Buchanan baa been Walker tbrougbout bii N caraguao career, and aar. TU iN OPfRi COMPiNTi” La 76o4«li:; prims fill to. WhWky firm .1 ite for Uhln. SaperMr af th* <>rfim af Sg Jaaem of Compoa- * '• H Austria and PieJuioat ar* about making warlike IT^ to'^ *XENT! kS^ Wu‘ f; S|ieiidiDg days, tbe tbe positioopost. 100 of A^aistaatA-stSiant AdjutantAdjutsot Gvnersl.General, He yet debilitating some Demoeratic ticket was de- eomiuou complaint kuown as Leucorrb I preparatioDS, and that tbe .54. jg^^UjJwiff laere for an--, oml lawra-.r-lw:a ;..rm *' **“ - Comprisinc in i's French army of occupn- Niw VOBX.Voax. Oc«.Oil. II- .Jl. *« tollx La Feverito paeaemm all - , 1 . • A -a. was a0 mao of doeboe abilities, and was, we l»elieire,l»eli< a or Whites, iflceetperbcx. orsauioation a ronsc.d!ation the maiodie exeel- (' Laafims’^L^a ce. ^1 J of ** ‘ g, ®’*sT' fsetod by several hundred majonty-an occurrence ** eboat to receive reioforcemeoU. Fk>urhafd*cUn«d3tol0c;MlMS,'UUbbK;dtate44 ^ * i-ck H. M-. lewyer profession.priifessioo. WILSON A STARRlRDs — a .... a Ca Uhoeef Doaaetti', A G <;artar, ^yby Uslis ha*has lived in CaliCalifornia ^ 10... ^ a* X n a ... « »9 fium PoniM moetiaepirad etyk.aadihoald 4o TU. J'^^u^Vx/ Thf .'DSt Brilliftnt .Mll'^ical Tbe renewal of hoetiUties is apprehended by many. 4 Wheat ho# aitoO a decUnina Wnduacy. Com waree For frvlaki ur paam** opytr ordir* ) Mr*ohSC;a.Huabta A • for several year, past, where be has many friends. To CflcbrUifS Beam foil to attrad a erpwdad Ilr GUbwptr aud binyaot; UA51IAM * bit. IIASA.S. nlo, aadieaex The S A 1l Ark show cards, circulars, aud plUs it proprlcforn* 41 G rvfuwd fur mixed. Pork fteady. L*rd \f ia that ancient Gibraltar of Democracy.'* pric4w. OF THE Puil.\dku*hia, 13. " H T paocau, Fareite. ee DAT. OcL trook- Paroditroi^iaaJlitsdepartaMatf ** J/ore CoMnterJeitrrs .trres/cJ.^We noticed, a day Sold also by Cary air Talbot, 4&i .Market ctivct; Thoiuos firm. Whb>ky flna at 'JVC. — ^ iseompleta,aiid kk Uri^rteTS J H fomSK?'6c«k44or, Tte great cricket match was lini.brd this after. M Y W'. DECISIONS OF THE COURT OF APPEALS. or two since, the arrest of oeveral counterfeiters J- StaUm,corn« Sevvntb and ^tsick* loaor and dull, cbirofo and R>)ck Diood 40\; Fof Cairo, McmplUa, Vicksbazg, aod K..r.iv.a ®°‘’® '® f*tot of th* AH England EItvsn, tn t^ir Naw .'Ih lUltt* id .iN.wbnrg, on theOuio, .hPv. ‘ u Central Micbiffaa doalAtara U;*.1; .New VMTCI> STATES HOTELHOTEL. FBAxaruaT, Oct. 13, ludS. this city among atcond innings, with tk* lots of S wickalz. Tba York t en- Or)e3U10 wo-ddo^dittoanyctt,^ J r Cbaw, M them oamuel Ligget and Saiuuel Cudd. CbMtuut; VaudvrcMpt ISiiwiddte. trrt!otrol su ,;a«aiD.to'.;C*»to.t:to;VirglnUg.H\;St-RrodiDC»'g; Coatoa Virslnla <*• M^A HarSlac. Orattaiburf CAraes itactMen. Tte A comer of Lafayt-tt* t7M; :*4M; Th- am. r rtramro iLe^S’S'^iir^ KrMa tin, chi Fcsaion; J. Johnaon. J'-ifersouvule: Scribner J Stnran, SfeutwBvilU Herald annouucss tbs arrest in zddi- X Ma- souris'siMto:w>uriii*fm^; Galen*Galena and Chicago '4; Nik, ’ t- Ktaror Chkoao 74; Uicb CsatrolCemtrol Kise>.i_ . will Mata*, ca Saaders v* Hank of K«*otuckj% Warren; aArmod. ri^.\*‘'inr“g^,7Xh"rh‘.- Mkk coaaoa il^tofokl f.T :,aro TttBATaa.— w C hi It F Halt Unbounded Eutlmsiasni. Tat baaefit af the Mims* •• RPhST’^tteo. Ballitt eo EricErie Goagaa- *fi Adam*** FatavU. Fayetir; ammifd. ttto; ji.S;Ji.to; Aoe.So* l^oadIjoad GranteGrant. I4>t; FaaaatePoaoma RoiirMdaiima il ^ Hh mMo*a. city twelve Ecglisb aide scured I4H; P s“s?‘ihii£o\^isuu^niuV:f.i2’pS{.r;^ 6d rues, ard tbe ten ' 'J*d“ F f Staitb. lad J. ' * “ «tocb MoetnoUio *• SimiMojo, Faytaie; rererwul. Urael vsiid (Josticef J ‘^fi"'vof P. M . irom heim.ad*.l.mmghth.t.«.fU.ir eagaga- W tbe Peace), Tbomas Ma by mail. Atnericaue 82 runs. to.to:*'''*• tmctAcKoctfic Mail74;l>afos-.(lateiMoil T4; Oolo S'# (islw} IsfoSUebigooled; Mlchl aQ Sliibi^rtlnklag Ibeeilvwbart J4 W '^i&.’llfiWrbb. Iftd Joknatonr ** Johoatooc. Ia>u Cbv; reveroad. Kored Eoglacd sent in Hay- < fi. Ark for Dr. Dupouco'i ’ , • JII Oven, p)e, acd Vincent Suttle. Tbev were all committed N. Ooldsn Pills. BoetnatUis I lik FnndSo,Fuadftv, MlcWganMicblfaa &*is'j *. FurfnWriUor itaMwa api-I :>a Ktard k» ma«. ia aaaeaBoed fm this aveaiag. Thay prodaot w F Didtj! Barrro “eo Cook's aSio'r ts Toby's adni'r. Green; aftkriusd. miU.lIFKIU.ITPHIIIIT blEVE\I.\G,FVFVIV4'b.YI.YI*, 1HIUBLUOCTOBBRIW'TARPn Hlh.14111, »o«.a and Carpenter. Haywood caught out, with "C e# jJ UWlla>a,h a« toj.il at Steubenville. Uoueber sport, a bsatd of :»1* AUKK * tiALL-UaiKi^ S^ oanaaa. .“i?® DOtbing to score. Cxrpcuter, wilh Catfyo, Lockyrr CiwciMaaTi,CiwoiMaATi, OoSotoOeSekerr U.li* M. ihaHidiM Bead Cer tha fifth time, ihd aathitg ®O “U Giel^iW.dayUfiO, 4u inordinateioordie.1. dimanaioo. whirl, h. Ii.. oo .ft., rf. ®‘®*'' IfllG or. In „ ©I'di L dimsntions, which b* ties np, after tts ttomm^DtJ^ *00 g«t a piUef ia A so^d dewumd f*r wheat at foil rmse*. Tinsley vs Jobaaon, Caldwell: petitieD for rebeariuir lijiulty ratitertaan uuan Coill|llilllFnlIir}' lICIIFliC to snl Grundy, succetd^ covering tbe tie with 29 ao4 all oA’rrd i* caald he etfend which wchM draw Style groomsmen tie up horses' tails la tity. >^hat omi of lakinc four batter. It has overruled. muddy pills « hen one wlQ an runs before 5 o'clock. Cirpenter was ..dmimbly *aken at gl <<1 li for |Ti«*red at.d wMt*. rornda'tai For Cairo and Momphi#. ~ v* weather. Thooe mtJ sre supposed to have been oMdly riTfiATt il i rv /\ r 1 %r X ar *iari\ anractod awm •Z.fiM to the Tbaator aa the fear Tru«teta of OwcBpbofO Webb, DavlM*; rehearicur I ^*7 DfUctay, when tbe ball was cearly (bcforeU.and immal; orw dull; huldta* o-k Mr. bat Tita &L' and Ota«rmr:vri n:

' l MARRIED coanectsd with Sutc'ilf & Co previously ar- *w«™wwmamw^^™m« cKl^ Al AlkOLINA ALAIMO* ^-VM. ]• HIH: Akl», H boai taafiCta. aighU b has , • •’crtba ring. buyer* not offering ov«r 47>r. ttat* in better ilemaad and • .in2lJ> . baea acted, which is snbp. -T'l* - ? i Bapr*c*«Uat*d ia „l® i^kr ewiaty, imaes.ro Ki ararr vs Triplett, Loo C'br; Dure* Taaum re. rested and now ly ten3 sf ntrrardiarc MTlSOa toc^U Wbi’UWb.’U w’llW’ll to pr»**4*iit***l,I'UnI fur the ftrit ’ m 0«*el-r b* U, P^ time In tbWeily,tbWclty, Yokib, Oct. -! ’.f. Kkw 13, P. M. i.. t|;i* hUber, prime rommm&dKd m arrival 44i*45c. Harley an . at 4-- 70 'to-k P. Ih* drama'ic aaaals af aar city. liuQiU'ttlK>Qix«'tt’99 iA()t‘ra, M, W* are piaaaed "‘® L'ui uiaiidGiaiui 0(K‘ra, in IFourour Acta, . . . 'laurkre. ilte'b. X (to. vs Rice at *L Loo Ghy; oflldaTit .ruSi ^"'c:s;‘7,‘cuS woodlawn race cuiiRSE! , ...... ^ Fur freiBbt ur imwde apisiy >>a kMoru r ta The stock market is heavy totUy, though a/ a cboosed; prime *prtns and fall Rye Arm at 7 >«• ta kauw that •»'» ** *' and wamifls or4«r. land. We uader^tand that spurious S|>e4)ie M'.»* ;:i; vAi' ths hex eheet eviacm th* certaiaty af "f Fraokiw eeaatyT'iffm*^ I ia < M>.,Afvasi^ WoyfoiM-r v« MuimwII, Franklin; continued. il Ut T *V V-'n.^ a general remark, priceif do nut yield materially fn»m 77c. Urge (juBDtities was foond about tbe premit-Of of £ri T,! 4 1^1^ i f M<*tai*r *t al vw Wuodruu. Kaui; c«>nUnu*d. | dss mwoa* far totoafi. Justice yeterday’s report. There was an improved feeUug For Mound City, Cairo, A Memphin direct. tola.fi WvBD'i. This makes too ouw ia iail I k.:;r.mfi.ykaswa. Ste fiar, lluoao V* IPark. Knox; continued. on LLAaV TFAVOR.:V V V/1\IITA!1 1 N.w Yoaz. OeL U. I' M age af the pahlac eoaU hot he heetowad ca two Wnh»TU> theafbtsofttow,kt,m Oa v» Frankfurt, in the Railr.aa hondi. bUte stocks are steady. V‘ drsaiaUka Frankfuit Under Franklin; Cottoaverr fiull; ,al« i* hale. Pioer firm: 11 jas bbl. , safi otootfoa, . ta J*- H I hi; A KI L I fTiav^"*** mm* worthy yoacg ladim than tha foir fieseefiinfifritefi llara|«Cfio vt at vt Morrid H al, Franklin; UEGILAK I'ALL Is59. The money market i. without change; if any- at>uva -t*-! Iwiwficie. ihiaelithsBsii wsaimt.asarost for MKKl’I.NG, Whsat h«i*,; 4. ... hu-bris -IJ: .b.w *l G-.-sI to. Wave for mUri^ >;.•!. , . rt- .>0 . f„ awap. Ha'llayer v« Hlkn'* h*ir-, Knox; i.N W1II|1I.K I'A.<1..N ON(IN WHICH« HlCll OCCA.l>CCA?*lON,ION. thing, call loans are efle. ted wiih greater facility 'IsUk, Wc lek U 4 »*-iuek IvM. riea «r Um nifht. DsperlaDeiiarti forlaad.for land# ktraofiheyand dd-kor all kinds of lumber, ilreaaea and andrasi FIFTH IiAh'-Frida)-. iict. i<— F'rrt Kso-. Pnrw cvni btt.-y.nt; I3.irtu bushrL. a-lfi; whii. ood yolfow *1. theths eeaaosesan ria> re A Co TS A* la ita>n rt al. Fayrtt*; fitoo For fiMtshl vr faetafeotawly ua toari r te ‘ ““ *ndand on nuhermthcr sMi«re*sj«r temis. TheIhe pr.nei|.alpr.m-i|.albtt.-in«ssbu-iness dome Vf Clay *t al. Fayt-tt*: were arru^. ^ fw.,ub-.iw.,ub-. Itork heavy at *15 -s'lito-sli to for nmas, «ie«« N. IU firaaas the od, amah, d-vi, hlindz, aumldings, boxas, Xc., call inninni n at ITlfn S. LlA.Nu * Ax*«ta. h . ninmnni n ATirn saa y, fl, .bo** ' is within per rant:cent; dlrc.uiilsdhctuiils as*1 before, CONriivar Nawcentb wa* tried at New Alhacy M JA A A AA V*r nnf,,,,™.,.for prime. whbk,WhiX, firm at I-He. SugarS« firm. SpLit. olS >> -s U oU fitruta. That frisafi oafi at Alexander, IJlis, X Co.'a planing miU, saah, V lm U A A A M ,mb.„4 ^ Thb Kibbt PaaaBmiuaN Ciiua<'U, Diriavii.LE «. Mm.hr .'nisrs.I. M L. naira', b c. Tho-. N'icho- ynsterdnf fjr ntealiag a coat, aad oanvkted to tba lUlf-raoici is. Mary jslr For Cairo Memphis, and Orleaiw nebs aafi vorfis o( love, daitviils, tom* Stork! havs^ ^airanr-i. close 1 ps nitenl i Msulut dull, and beye.i awd atavta.ir.'nt ary for fionr yaarv, tad $6, «td diMran- Tb* aalfisaiut pom, Ttoflnr paawtrr •~WfT ik i >*r ol pantofi! 1''“'®"' fronting th* river; eiiL-r. b. At the occuDii Uuard nearly all stocks further 'le- call Rev. or at J. M. GUy c ll.uuver. 4 var- old. be Y,i 4Vl»’bral*’d ^rauud-d a rtduciLn ta PirlVK. t:. T. I rTLOo. tawlrr. cbiaad waeki zicc*. made oat a for the Tho*. A. I The Prima Dunum; for aigbt ynan. M-.*uolm by ob ue^^ cUneU, the market vlofing heavy ami dull at tbe re- •* 1 eaaa luml-r yard, oomar of | , pear marriaas-mora, Heyt, ef Coroliaa, to sacceed Ur. taD Walnut and Preston New oaLaaaa, AecnsI U, P. V. AtadMw Smlh W. L Slg. SBKIGLI.A, duotiun. Money ii wiikuut any new feature; ratev .* *. Dsw^ t-ur. meat, meiefi aafi' •D.®'*, or leav. yonr order, fWi'Huf5t^liHufCsn:oncotoa to-day,to-di fo,VrttWlta; 4yMr. C. C. Sgaacar's anrt ian tal* af ponfienfi at tab war.room.on I 1 . . gy IS market «|awt Flour ail paiat- Brock.nridgsa.tbeirpz.tor. The mioisUr. in tbM easy, f he supply more plenty at 64 - >• -n call Aaram “I Thr tjuiuout Tenur: very For rrr...?*t ^r pa»-4i;- \p.:! >n bayard .*r to wU-'-Uve-. r- ijutet al.i ii 4R:o;->a- ' iv' uteady; — booite- •t*^*'* naarly oppoait* the Galt llouaa, l,Ania- ‘ 4u pork mam 41a Lard ia i®l®. OB Mtraao atraat, naar tbs earner of Tbird, balocg to ibair raspretive preabyterias, and ''( (7 for first clu-ss paper. .Sterling ezebange w uH HA."H tM « U: 1^ M A.NAN. \4,*rar% » WoU «• lar chnrcb aad **;**^lj. . . tt'g. How aw.p It sssmto rs* GNONC, borjiJu llttc. Fioiybtfiuf c«»ttun to Livarpwwl, to- waofirfofi; Southern’^ ^ is cotiaaad tbit aterai^ at lOa’eiack, at ^^,*^7- jaal tf *'e.‘is^daiu i|uiet and Doiuluai. The Michigan earn- For Red Riwer duect. aad half canoet b* removed to a Bsw field witaot tair COD- Vti^oi'.' dam. °lSe»^VSiite, 'lilos'^and The FamMUd Baritnu®'; CixciNWATi, Oet. U, P. M. Hat asoa that frieefi aaaia retarw, ingd fur tbe lir.-uo. T'i* ' iffoat itroi'Kht pta-en.’er WeoM* past < o'doek U tb* afteraaoa. Aboat eas half af ia this city, hsiag Flour ir wttboat ia on- hwc. saot. Tha chureh advisad that BDBINBB8 NOTICES. J."K"“Vfov eoUr. llrent and Sig. BARllxI, dnuvr, cluTkfa pnc«. Wheat ^ s. I|.HNS't i>, la foiwi aafi laatat* A Tr gg's a c , l.e Wsyuer, dam JTT' Jb - tbs pictaraa aa exMLitiou by UxTHfoot. .Dree^'Uur,Drvta— lUut*, Gn-sn«iri*vn au,!tiuil WASHIMiruN, Oct. 13. chansivl in prwr but »»t active Id •riuond. hrwrom lf?r. Ttll uv LTir at- ditai in;*rrfur^?-T“.: wsr* aold yaatarday, aad, T* kim wb* for ths (troag appoaitioo would he mods to Mr. Hoyt's rs- — !*!. "’f’r?’'- Whits,White. WILIs Al PEAi: IN THE waafiater rmra. T<.VMh -SfCMud '““^^•.'A-erda---. tte el 4 v -i-i-t k f.Jft, -.6. DAY i:uv. Swui’lk-uiics for Two-Vwir »ar •Hiie at 46c and at fair 0ui>tatJ<*n ef luarkrt to Iba A.tx t*iksB M • ‘ . ta rns af ear cily ateatcars, w* as« Thoagh half s man apprcaehss hi. No Bclioc }et bean by tbe Admiaiitra- F«»r frvtebt ..1 04 -T; ifeiufvt :*r '-tj bread le ataaBasr. nt'w srtraLfed. msval to L^uisvills, appointed Curran Pop., one of -rX\7"ri!:;vAAliii*. d.':r,;r“iedm-dli i»i 4.ii*« 'ni^^!;milr. 4K<0 Kn- , t at 4Sc. BaH«-jr mod rjo ooebauxisl. 1’!:). v: hararlers. ' Get* ar« -teody ettt Vt- \|> Jk rn.. ,\a— tg, aay that Ibty ">';*• »®®™ ">« trancF, *|>0 atld.d by Club. titm in respt»Qte to any ccinmuaHStioa ahch may vnet oi' at i a vsiisly law pricer, tbeir slderi, aud Ksv. W. W. Hill, editor of tb* y**" vital powers Ttor 't rrisf is piwvteioito enio . amU* aafi fop ts dr® at. >™""^Si7e fo'fifi Vb? suG-’'*''* bave rtcentlj been received from tbe Uriusu Gov- Whisky 4mr, with te-av/mtexat Sc. **8'» t® I»i'; I MMOfJLSK VJiL cJHtdetiag tbsir real ***. W* stimulsnU if various kinds are nsad r,F. Ferug©*Seruggi. t’uU’CPcui.-ti. r.p. r. by Wokti'T,Watrn. r. .u.uV'ell.- bofs tb* tale hoort'. half Praaby'eriaa Herald, to procaed to South CaroHaa fo-.b-by C'fkvt of 4 barttclrra. I h'lsten'M4-rv uuwii' to pv»I at last quvU- Mr Biabbazola aafi mavb; erament uo tbe .Sjn JuAQ ditliouUiee. h evince aww nrDew CatmodUna at a at mnmti WkwArart. Kaeterw teatea. viB batter *® Ih* (tll-llCiN*. b* attended today, aad that tba picUrat Forsva*. fisar aialrv, Faaap Ptolt— case South *'™®i:"“*® naturally failing system, such *s D^nora di Guzman Sten4>ra <*. Alaimo. extraorUioaTy meetieg of Um Cabinet wai ti^ns forboa'in; no luii’ilvT fur bmws perk -vtr $i* 'mz. For Clccicxatl. aad argae ta befor* th* CaroliD* Prss- ’'j”kuJ. KuftM‘11.«.11 Putterii„,|,r enter*mters c. f. by ViViuc.-utfi'iit Ni-lis.iUmNidte, dam bfby An F'Ti.audo Sir. <5. Shrigl'O. Wtate*. fioar moot, today. All the mrmlwrs were pr»ent except Lxchonae with a irorcity of : "* viR c fBuad at laaat half Ibair Fonar-rrmsta.' ‘"'" called ufUrdat ivSc. S. ‘ " nal vala*. bytery to, which Mr. Hoyt and hi. ch«rcl| b*. AlpliuiiiK) XI. K U|f *>f < •'‘tl e Ai0. Goottc. r-jy ““ ford .-ote:. f. , B. -7 '.N.ArTu' 7.i’‘ ri"*'' ‘'a b. Zulicz by Alb,....,".«md...i ,.ai.a.a a S cTiUry Ca.^9, wbo waa absent on accuuut of pby- curreiwr. a ‘be supply of the true “T*’ T** paIta ta«a'ta-a- . s.i^Sirt-r or uf St. Jamei*, C'ou- :IoR. .. v aoaa. J.J. P. loogtd. Tbe editor of tbe Herald, in 0 letter to bis ^*'«P »P aUeugthening ele- iteukh by ui. im.h. ^eR0|K -l inrro. VA Btea wb* callt bjateitr H. Jabnaea was s c *l iodispoaitioD. ftteamrr* will Wave tm ton ’ •'‘fo "®“. l-I 'b® J’ernviaa Sirup, whkh otf.r. a ’ Tkmtfou ar.-.arc. oHb.rortteor u.ol the Ste. Ncitlan. "*• written from Knoxville, Ten*., thua apeak. l:<>4lu Ga- ^ Kids reatoas for tedvlng Uruwnsvilte, Tex.is, with- above port dmilv at iJ fo-«k, M. atamted at -to, .. .0. fioza. P»P«r. c’^A. d“-r-m b?'Vfoda^^Vii Tbe New Urlaaa* an batarday eight, o -N»^l.Vai having Ju*'S. "^'»*iiuzoliimt I .Ss xua Zai-nZapiKci For tteaabi »r pew^to#' i ,.3 beard or to to Uff. dto. ®^ f®*' “»•'»! rtady for f ayb- A Wuiyau-ite 1‘uteri-uU-r b. f. Ella D. by Vaudal,6 aiiJaL daiua'a. I as statml olliceri, of th* miseicn of Mr. Pop* and immediate ah- I Janis s- troops, are, by ths army the him- %j$ -iMeEfH (. \MPICN gatecd a nartbiaar I BOOKS AaraL cLoefc aa tbe SCHOOL dark of h.«!ief ta Lizai* aorptioe. «treme unbealthiDess uf the port, and tba OAe et I to# wbortbe^leete ocllldl'j "a: k;«w'i;Tha'd.-t:ntcisc.{irfia-d- enteis c. f. byb> Ia*oun-telaceomi.te dot*dxta * •M>l >» Tol:Tnl: stpSic ANGEI.oANtiKI.o ToRRIANI.TORI TbuW sweeS. self; I Ever-Ewr. VNI> ba psa-ng* for hinivtf aad a watnaa srfc* fntoby G'cocuc. SI aGL MaNAGKK G. iNE. iaat ihrro was co recessily lor thvir presecce as a AtiOtU, Afar si-ttdiof s Blrht In Columbis, my friend tir Pass For New OrleasA. **•—4 as bis ^id^ScetaT'-'^es advertiocmentofadvertiscuient Sandfurd's Liver Invi- I J Campte lli-nteri c. f. by Wa?n*T. daoi Fanoy Camp. means of proteclicn; aad, besiilos, tbeir service* I*: wide. Tb* fair naew fisnad at Jf at- to tha Ursenrillr ehurrh, where tbe I >T Y Tk. e- w aed n..eittar.al K aamamoat boas* the —«« S O a rsWfiewee “K— T Al to k- aondn-Uw lit’il T atammm' Jas w n,t, by l*M’i ci»c. , ! CTIAMIKCTIANtlF OF OPFUOI*FU%% KVERYLTLRV NIGHT.NlGllT. were urgently teedsd tlsewbere ia Texas. Hut af bad ikie eltr, re the ISte iwi at 4(4 J' -a-j. 7 wT?^' Presni-tsry of 8->sUi Garulina war in n-ofion, to |•rart-ruts gator in onothur oolumn. „ . .5 . . .. iTT^ .. Wi.i.DFoED. Mosu towiaTwtoer tapnte. •— W. It. Wood enter# «. f. Ite 1 Hranduulirmoduu by HuebHugb 1.. AT WHoLiavLE. WiLLlK, is tkeCrtk -—-.Uznet tbs roll to the Firrt Pre- byterisn Cbarcb of Irtuiavllle, T T~"r aloce tkeir wilb«lrawal, ia aidilioD to Ibo recent ic* ^to|k_^£ar«ai IrtiTf- for abero sad tas-rwi serW year sf bka*e Freticli, dam Ik’UtbyrrauK.l bybv Frank.Fraiik' *k kiu. f4r*TJu* Maua^vr haa ihf honor to inform the public • „ i ,, \i i ,..1:**: tK. rra.i;tonm - - . - for tbe nostoral ssrrioje of the Rev. TIk>s. A. Hoyt. TL* ladiaus havm >B Sawrda).. ta ush iato.. at ie'sfock «rlb* Rafiablken* boasenet Gowaty, ua J Ji»TJlgy Klti'xivxi)Kra kivsia i;tlir EKxi‘itKs.s.—G. B, Tobb, cor- char pc lor vakiou bytoeMtXukJ b.ic4lUi, the bavs fjL bave earriad UW* by ahaat Hfi.. paters pte.se espy. Prosbyter, bod In sesrion two days wben we RAGE T<» COMMUMMKSVEKSVE AT 3 O'CLOCKO’CLOCK rr. MM. that the pric** of H*lnr##:oo will be 41. No extra MAXWEIaI. & CO., froBi i*urtUoiL Imsu re«-Ued j " . . ! SOS cti the settlomoots of tos ' rcMTved -.at-. bod at P. FaulO. Co.'# luu-te committed many cxce uer ofOf ' Tu U’ D. & tafiorBatfoa asajerity, aad abtaiaad _ tbdwr.tbfwr. ThcffiHiafv wtac about 4xty mriiibcmmriiibcrv i»rcaeat.|»r(-aeat. Tb#The UBrketMarket 0Odand Kourtbrourtl atreets, has just received |>^( ar# will Irav*-!t'av*‘-ttvs- ih«’lh«’Ih.. lMH>tIh’isutik.ito.t (urfs.pih..ih«- Kacsiw-4...i’«..r-.Couriv- atk IM,iw F-r turtber siwlr fo a teajarity tf 23 to frontier, but t.yth. lime it is btlievtol piow "ft.f thoirtb«ir tuertinfitairtinr wa#wo# iain thetbe counter, in a church i,. - . 3. aitdait«l ^>>4 o'c ock 1*. aud xuum-uxuuui at tbutn,...uur,. Riotirande D. kKNVii-rT SOW, or .* P. M. Cuurru ttttti ! A OBITUAR7. oxarosa*yiimm •a« handsomehandxAmNKmn.irtraanam uut 1 ,w-mK,rro,K-nto;u'c'ock. l-erfornumr. to _ i't>k.NKK oF FIFTH. ;***** ^*®*> *Vws priventiag oaar a ccotury old of the assortment of black ei'k I eomnir^ protect our MAR THK at lU-IIAR tll * ta raalactien of ‘ Some »ecnta I Kwr,^arr ov«r th*t troops hare been seat Ihilher to A iH.\NA.N, tosakk._ * mtwf laasaaorTot to tke TTi h to D v< i piv.-fo-ly. ol^ I ailed ate* of Ai^rwae K'-volut^n bad been rwtM Mr to Mantillas, cew ar^Paa-i ue^r Gai>l>rrrrr.-rvcdf..rl.duv.rcHr^id fur I ettentwa of b bet star Pagh. U '•J’- B",-- wkirti sesarrofi oa his |iiawati.ie^ style, velvet and cloth Cloaks, rich citizens. Invite tbe Pannsylvania ta Ikdiw witafw tbr chuich Wana*. Tbe orctant i* Ibe fourth hoew m ' * NllTICE T«* TR.\r F4.KK-* »>D :uniFPKK-’fi aa m , . . ^ vuid’L'vklCK:> OFfiiv* ADMIst.^Iov.&ti\ii m 11 Treainr>’ Department has been olHcially ad- p^’. Titaita tesrt.fi T IJ LM T PITT IT I? V The OF FHF.U;ilT'tt. ^ vt’t’k, Iu rot7Ji-»\2X7ir .srjsslirJ^^ admittiutf guarter stri’bh 1 11 Fj HIvC#/!! 1 Iv'll ItCi urJer of RFAiVLAR .ttATl and TIIK (IKEfVT PICTURE vi ’cd by tbe Secretary of S*a*e that by aa Country iyierriiiints* RHAV K\->K.>t.ER FAt KET « Uiga nppaartioB nsajority axcared 'Jtoi mriyehoty evont. i. fiu. to How. Mr. Dirk-on. P'^‘®‘*<* *>'n®®«». Shawls, new styls, rich lace, illn- Public .-(laiul... ,lu iw te tatbe I ‘'"•T* whose lie burM in tbs Annb. OF SpauLh (foverninenl vesteU tb. Lnit-.d Fiom IrtjiiiawiliA to Calio^ IlUuoiaL SE* a.ltt'Unu*fo^ 17 TO THEIR EXTE.N.ttIVK STl -t K OK f®r evening, &c. W* cor {Vmnoo foam IV'otsr;. »Ke r"'*"** KOOKS A.'kU S’l’ATIO.liEUV. Ths fia* aa>I I'lakt-firaa.ki r*—swisr - fos •? tak After banoaimfia- ...tue* .tfie’eSK-k. [Kiitjve. •‘••bd y*** the ome oioro •*u "i**L****L^ J# oruund wbicb fntema cuoron. gooda in tu9 line, to examine»™‘®e ®|shis Kocknucz beforeueiore mak-m.z- ou th«* Giuuud-. >T, wbh wbsfowT Baiubrr at aooraoaaa aafi leu m frarhl wiU imsoiag enanteclsit **• *-'••• riemeatery tostrfi ta. .ny oib,, before tbe II.it. burtn— body. Tb. • ... . LADII^l'i ADMITTKD„TT, FKKK «»F CHARGH BVBY (OBItCttll.,(UBRi:<>GI0, A.1. 1520. 7.'; llfot loev k* uB koard at tal kww. Tk* Jshw Tsaw-kiae >®g Uietr purch****, and we feel in girr;; ri : whom we tad l» safe saying they ilio. ---- com* -ek. was* nnlver- SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, will Inaro .bovr, wtelkwr A* bo. a reria. lua* llom#, omergad '“!!r*** DAV-Satiirduy,Satiirduv, (k-t.4»ct. 16—15 — FFr#trot Kin-.Rtrc. l.tt iii-t'r lvaaiatnivaianyin Uwclowof 1-4I. »a« favorite 04>t only with ’ SIXTH Pm,Pur^* '|(|l NTING, the fpotieg with vsossls hi# own Atbck but with mini#. »“••»*.,111 iw. folly#^11.. / . *u . n o. .. on the same Irfo sr not. ro^id f-g their trouble. Store suuth- I,,...., Frr* for all; Four .Mile H.at- 1 lin.-e. <,.eritt.eu ol ta .such-ut Mutter, ever «en in -d Leeek, ale* Boeased Le “d P«P'e OiroogiStotb* whole Pn»- "8“'“ diitZ artor •• kearfi or to to ...u.n»v. Pu-.e-. *fo'; *-25 Ettlraii-e. tlfo e-.uutr)', of ta I ttllsd S*'". « Jl4r«iiifl()P*s |!agurrrr#l}rr#, .. A»-fo. will bo addl’d t > ibc* I’ufm'; all other dues to tba L ct'.ad Slates, A L0.80 paesiBg eoaaterfoit mooey. hlrh I'uur ^ lor ax ao.' aa %' IB i ir 'm sax liif ht money, and T. ISIKOW 0.1w L \ ll|U 1 1 lO.^w FOtUTII al5d3e> hi. JStT.il tr-ort. r mors to u..ke a R-e. the vsKrtles. Sptci.h vssrols, MAl.-l ST.. BETWEK A mTU. Ct.«t.'BUMvG(a.U(..-«uthrisX Bru.h.ra hav. a* ros kcU Mbs-.,. Wm. G. fr-Ok. *1 r. II. KVAIITV GALI.FI:Y.54I .M*’n rt, LottievilU!, ha_„,,r zrriving is the port! of tbs L'jicsd S;*'e- «rua E., I. •a member *-* ^ ^ •MdefoetJC^' TOStlT - —* •*- Presbuery to c.us- them to opened une tf tbe largest acd bsst assurtmsnts of TillTHl'R^DAY’rtIfiDAY'fi RACKS. smbrac.-d in tho P rcte^ him. RESI LT.T OF « from Cuba or Tofto K^cc, not hsing IIAURIS’S (EVLLERY. leeioyWte tk They hoard • u* u I'oT M°‘t M P ef ta PfeiledelitaB ker,r, waawe* aeeiArn'allraeeideaaUy abalebet w«»« eftfiT-tJtoStT;oTK-lfciLirL bo‘h of ib# Cummla4uaen» oa- 1 ..me # i • . . * ». i M elegant Silkssilks ovaryevery mitered•ed G.G-ti. Mooiv'aMooiy'sMoon*'# b. c. Maivoro,Marpogo, 4 speciallyapecially provided tor by wbrnb. ee*^ 11 • of a plautcr, to toiuyto oUy ax5'ai*^M5iifelbl^li^***^^^ood cooauterabte of deacriptioodeetriptioo to be bud tnin tbe T. H Hunt T. 4 IV-Adailtteu«elir~Adtuiitat*ee :*ft:•§ coDU^ChlkliuaccDtA^chlkliun 10io cents.tcute. rtgalatioe, are . «rti . ri hod hu iC ^ l«*o4rtb. Tlw tetter# betw^a foreguiDg tkrwBgk Yi-ars* -‘Ul, br SoAvrvign, dam by ItueUin 7 y ta tad ami iBeUaUyaUBCly kliw,kllW, .bilewbii. gBU-g.u- Moa. tol on |jf“.«-w»apv n r ckftf ft'i ci-gte oft dtf lKi2, Juoe, 1NT*4. »?!l*»''>/.5'>“reb ta*Sbfo2"-eroTrod7.bu-': West. Ibey are no*"®* rmotiving -wkstem of July, ard uf r.; oetcrrr of a a tin. stock tfx* vsl- J. M. Clay fntert’d b h. Mali Havi#, 3 year# old, by of . — teuder attochiucnt, on #id.\ Y, j*vpi. :anh, at tbe . - « .»ai^ to ovarlv ; of tk* anreaafiar Britaak soato•oaol iaSlaSts sadaaefisa f i **4 h»to t»uIrtoVTil'e,mi'e, tte-rthey wotofiwo«|d vlsUlug the ar* jjihl. iirAfi,» Usued MiAteo J af ta at York- n ; amt.ood. white om-p— mokeoiake o.» further K"*** o he noVdrtbTrr^toorri . KS. w to f'T r- tt u.;:;".'. SL oteweftheer viftwM TT V^’ soa- cIukiic be tu rued liimeelfaod .Ht.MIMi HAM*. towBkT. p.,.4. aaMkoc eU t^od addrrwedaddrr###d tb#tbfi* Comtuiwion. lovittoltocMliovitod to Call uponuBoo thUtbis housebouie zndacd exaimoe.xztnin. theirtbeir subjec. ^dr^t is aa WbXmb1,^ tefioff them to sec to It that thr baadi tne pr«> icus weux wU FE'WS IN ST. JOHN'S . , , . , . . - Ae oh Wiliam IhiKbt’t eulrrcd li-ent Inica'te.* *' *4 ^yrar# urday,irday, fromfrotn i*!• u»t*> uU AA. .M. au'lau>l irom J tuto 6& p.P. M. tiuo from tbu amouBl CBTTRCw” ita *-^0^000 mmtrn amt “,*«« .. l<^*r whuiu hi* eburch'^odI hod loved sosn muHt.murh. and eavccave up stocks.atocks. Inla stapleStaple gooili andaod domastice of any char-ebar- '* |,-\J4ILlrj> wiafimfii^ old, bj \Vasoer,v* ^am*liaiSf(w^dam HarrtiKit. f!. 0 Ti'mii*Tirtiii* pvrpt*r tiiiortiT,iiiiartcr, 010, half M)*ablcpej'able iu advance. IWw.» m. Jrto-s tkssri.s.tom.aksi»l.wi awtaakm !^. *4(15 777 , a * 1 tellal^J^al t.foUrrb r!’- .•*. A»cbta»ii # #. hk’ eea>-*T\Ti. >iateil bw o^pIvIm tour, bMicry, smbroideries, linen goeds, ic., their C. I>. wbli'W rutcrid m. Para- i«®nirvr train will l-avr Izoulfviile for L*‘Xiogtuii lUr. WASTEEL. ELECTION. akaeto, Kourtb, to- MINNESOTA iat af meamkato tosroirta^ ..fi forim. yiT22y::rfiL..lSL'T.”'2 *“8.“;:^^ on Siiadey luoruior at a u'rlork. 2S® twssn Market told Jefferson street*. Corner of Seventh and Green. Ciiu'zoo, Oct. 13 f -«ck hkTo;Sta“!duXt *.17 dtf r»^rh»* #l>ckhi>i4ler# uf Woodlawn Kac^ C« urpr will ta .tocfoi attoatfo. Houm* Uii# wt-nins at s Hoto^ member# nf Pn*#hr tmr>’ pteow mr«’t at tb** 4fi«lt u'clojk. cunnty— Beeker, Usm., tiovarntr, 28

slip .»h OF /oss "orli -dr., g. —Tba LIST nn AinERTISEKS Ka\jraItOADW. MISCEi.lsAXEOl S. rf ^ El)r(ATI()!^L^ JNTAV VOnK. I i.s oc; Brs*’iI>'i:S.S |{.\ILKOAi>sS. { 0{ »S\ lU.i: (JoiacT, wbi-ea lots i« rajerted “ u _ CARDS. was in the voyage fioni Leghorn t.i w II'HEKVILLI’R FAST TIME I “f MESDAMF.8 IHECAnAT fc TO WBW YORK! S ta’Aat: A O-N.^isr-Kr — l-^r •<»•• li«» p*«i • bad 00 boerd a vary valuaWa c- . V A KiwilBY, *<»• iJ*viLi.c ^-*10 .'•.laHvician i CJ . buva rwxc y SCHOCE, FRO.'l f|«ml>iics cora'nntly rm hand and f^r «ale (Srit I AS. AI Al'ClI^VAV art, babegiog to our citizens who BOARDING AND DAY CINCIXS.UI VI.V tOLi::il!r.S. F \L'- aeaogs m Lew la .4. I ta>.vra*n« I.i« i--* j. uj;i»vio* aoioac tb* mam- !:( 4i ciPEiJL Agsou for M«nufart*jrar^ It ' vi^Ud IbJy. Tba psinflage. 'f*"'- LOUISYILLUOURNAL. roK VOI Sti L.UIIKS. O D.iS mmy la tha FaoSasa csBaa. teriag la toa FALL oaA A-% D LEW 4 aO.li mBAlSff H l>«r«^tbc (i«c>Baaaa in Nr« Y(i% city, VomtHission I hi'- *^‘ **®* 8t„ FhiUda. Sept. bHn'chants , aljAgs. sas*?i Ito. 1,809 Lf-gaa Square, Vine u rrLK jiiAjii l/ot tSTii Lt, 5, tW turaiatiaa af • Hoafd et»Lc* projiofa* tb» f->n«Blioti a ha Allway Ln n og lladanw- ITw.-at, In Xrw Volk, .h.- intrnd*. m I we *ak*» plewpiipe In rha* wt fiml »u* «-l h*r nioev ”'<-«ii''‘»iiis -.f n.mm. Brst ti«4liiy ikuiiiaff. niece. Madame D'HrrriHy, opeotOR : L* aoy we liaveever nsed. coBgregalioa in lb« sf asb conoectiDO with Nr 18.V.) l»enor Powder ihvt aB.XT. »i*tury ItjlcgaUt from tick Moarf tba Ciart Af| OCTOBER, 1859. adeirh’a. an ln«ittutioo on pitc'aely the same j'iaa 1S.V.) ARTHL RCAMl'Bi:i f, SEW ARRANGI In phi It- w-.nM odvi*. to' fr'.aAsaaA u. io the case of isopbrni ab-fre mefitinnetl. }*nperi*ie^ent f*r fmftb * Smys»r. to,,-', j—raVv va Iba BritiiL Bcari • infun «• the one S>at«a. Ittia buiy. lifca rta nriacipsi •“J*to‘*"“MllIi sfcan tof.ua .... 1 I'ciud will '>04 rereire r ji. i-h-. , — Jury- « capilal IriM, may be The PrinrifaU answer aMdirat and JO chee-f«nr ree.im- tiftinntttM I concur aboee and forwanl Jawib was whathm^ ibs A the c**rdUllr in tN at af Kapraaaatftiva^. wtU look to atd tre • btow«nlfte f s»^t 4nRy at LeitanMn I: wa* scaled that anch a 4*^) mesl a tj ihe public. .1 I). . urr* I f>y»f»n the i..\cu'*ivF.i.Y a. > a e.l M«m I5th. dl-n tb. . and L^iitad on AN tASir.nx iiorrf: I u 4 *4 &i .j ..r «4 4 aad acting fir th* vlH we : p nr Hr Beating t'Jgatker “.V lb. .In.i*a, with tlm ax- Ilf'siTe Saiu«ul G. A C<^ ttrect. Nt. I eons'de'* ti e a*‘CTf» Fowd^r i*i»prl »r t«» inr hseo * , icun^f Mmu | toJier renter Sag i a- ri -t.4. .i*»a wwww I I 1' 4-h. hom riNt innati to II. I'gSRIT. C. . Mttn IwtVvfo Hd acd ver br« o able to obtain. »e4 r *. 1. | IWaIxx I it Tka C*aiti*tncy- of Iba pti-iner and Oil ctaa*»I. Is not UMFST GROVE tl AIlEWY. I R‘)M St., » a fAg— arrtr r / i \v iii8o4 at 1 ' . A M. abao ac,**),>& ri^oitaa piaaa ase»u' lintTOX in t-uiiri- NEW YGPK naat Nathan tietw«x*B Main and Maik-' :.4S 1 l.KK u. :l ! 4*h ^rert. NhW r. » I »Hcn* I Nt.«n.l»ga lenvea 7 >• P. . at VV'e take plea- 'ire in ree .nuiieadmc your Indian .1 RKTwrrv fui Wwa«innd a: M llCfi law. PHI I .ADI- 1 GI VSGr.W Th »i. • . rt.i .v\f» affair, only, Uaa arrur ia PH lA 1- h. KAI.IT\|i>l:t ii. WMn. da> . » :i* fifth i. w ^ to «a M j. t., s 1 . ** at Ibt aSait, arlll aUaad oUr Affrirutfurml Itt* f‘lr.nrnt» tal K’rl'* P«-»ad*-r piai if u I suf* ri r t> snr websce the -ww.c fisurt ak L-c *. a< ? tA p. M. j ( isifiiu.itg, I' KIH N I'.L K* », W'da'-tsolff 41*12 MKKli h--, . ^ '( « oc 4 14 itfc.i, it : L*ban w Exy fern b ewe 4na.T .tay «*toeeni«4) ila o*a f-riTJ a i; miteff uVL*’ ever r bctnCTtry r'.'iDlj a.d-fr -^c. T’*i-aea*- cjagragatioa Ui allaad to i»a«hav, \V . Main looetial Gr*ve threm fnvin tKe city, on the nardn , Iirs. 1869 FuALlil,. a‘A. U.- roetosM^ Nww 5t*> Miwa Ikua after a ihori tich (ti«L i;e«prrifii>!; v->*r-. I I R*)M GI 1869 . Ni dvote Junemow a*J ilic^nt. r.k Matti Sept. 11. ' I \s<;ow H * , M7 i:oad, was reoNn**d uo Moodar. li. by Mr. W. f^lDl ’Xl'. RFSTI IXE-i.-V, I. un- > tba laatgra- I >-*l*a s»*lall r*ffsiiar .«rlu .. idkIj; aSVa Naa ^ •UTf*. H V KNKA -TcK. V HuiUNInUa. or 1 **^* P M lart laaatin,, aat bald ia IVtrr Hiirhanan. 4-4 Main tance acenmmodatf-d wilhpt-vod h'lardina at a luode- I and aci SSaedat a A can N t. (H^ar'w. 14 •astlssasl at , Srw \ ,rh. :Xa*bvttte ‘ II Evwr rices tba year IHt:'. thi* aerrn A n-w f.-.bir.- S.,,| i-rui;.rtr /XLH.VRV T\VU)R, ten T'vri- . Imb *n. orTh.lT,.4ir mmd !tivsibw,ax Aeos- m 4at»..a U'ae.'* L w-eeflo PaMw rrpraaaat Od. U-ui Mamujactur.ft. rate nrif>-. U Stmi:onrr.. JKosl ci #;.i. t’fe«r.Bg • day«e«ng^..ai'••1 i_, - . ff*=.,.p.wg •* congTagatioaa af Ibat city waia ffooksrners, iw7 d tf . hr i iVund wiL^ au aiaon«Ut*ce vravr tlasaarff FUlbalis.. I.MtavMtr. ^ .,Aspkmrtlor*aks Iba ^ bar .>11 Cl wbaa iric aaaidao lidy bvad asid alrpt ts a chamber Tuitkoo. —SN«iioo af 3*> w«Hka m nil the Fnrll*-b hrancN- I.ITTI.K ( >11 It AII.ItttAII OM.A , • .l.in'to . pr- l efty ro- te I pr*ir;*»* n-. a, Cti««b--iito.Mn. and fiNr 35a4 ebMsipMi* sys. Tiir.ii: < w Anc'ent ard a*o4em laoruare at i*r«>feaa»r*s fTK-f :*nN K f r>-\i>\-mai>i. I which all iichl i- rigblly axclcd-d 435 currii. «* ad by Ibair dtleyaia,. fmm «sva wfast Mb snd «h. AI 6 A. M-, 8.:!0 p»''%*'e fr ill e,tii**r t tLe ab«ire pU- .w to Naw Yf*rk. II1 ^•wbyfiffft•fibyfiffft egieiMai — r* L4b P.f. M s A. .M., an, I 1I.:10 |>, 1 INGIN,. t„,ivfii-lv -ff-a-o". fi>r In protracte.i til- M. ovonedaw>oncd l->rl»>r ib-itoe *-a-.". on-1 invito • dednrtioo abaeocaexceN cur of rOIVIlEB AM) SAFETI ITsi:. and 1 elopNn##? otgaslunaa .N.'afiowfa. «"d /’rrimfiVwl Dralrrt. Principal. W *; 3real variar) ui *1* Ir- yast raport fr.nn tba /tuolj. llrrs, ^1- IkSKUV . ThaMTTI.F .'IIAqi b V... 0 , 1 ^ u«w recrie««. A oeM. , K\IIK<>\D>-lh- et*t ptMtnn, Maee . nr%- now No M Juoctsam Exhai -TU ix in TAt.k. . ad. < rumi . V. Bleeping Cara are i fi f K .« WH'iauto-d and wJl de- 1 aaa.sl®e„ lia, p 'n-ff atadby ;>w addnai io tba E «U*h atTf'C't. N't J'ftr'iNun and Markol. p N decludly 17 Hrwa«l«Anv, N. .1 1 aras.laiia tH>-l4a tvSTstanJx ,tt iMo.-a sons oaly, is carioutly aet in follow iag I»AVsd'r«»n X V. s_sMa-r>as>lAaT oaoi aa l os >-w vMll down tba Throiirh Tickets lo all livs' cii at any {lolbt ifi tNeitrf t*e i,! ctpciiffe. Item •’ c<»K"C«*o" A.. W »trr4t. Nt. .Ii-fl-raon and Markft, .NKW l ASTIaK, KV. Eastern t itiej: .cad copVt af tba »-« W Gunter order* f *tm the cuuutry f.-r I’t»wU**i aud Saf«t»' Fuse *' *«l.*hA»usl walk .VOOMS kv lIU- 4 fit . fjS"*.!''' paaaaga froan Count Goarulliooar's accjunt of his . Main laM. lA and 4th. >ni UrilTF.M IlffAan i A C" Fr Cinrinna'i T a I 'diimbua, I a!|sir(\Vh.- li;ia- ...a, a_ a Coah f iSTharA. nr.l pmmi*t*vfi'h*d. DVVI^A SHFKD, 8uarasa.r, . TL.7' 'J*: . a-asaatt. t aiaa. vid *tnH. tet. f* ffsTaon and Mnrket. ' _i!P _ te Ltetil,*. Ijsnraaihal. -a C«. ' ltrao(boal tba Mffdden. K . Propririnra Hnltim-r-' and l-hio Radi -a-l: via I ' imprisoamaol: M. sr.MNFRa Priorlpnl and '.il.m-bci., SI ub rivdll.- aiig- iHb fdt Main -Utri t. r k A \ s ro irrat ion. «te»tov^torfa.to-to. 4c Wk-lcb A Cw.s Main Ktiwet. Nt. and Tth. or (n.fin-- l-i.labii z an-l p uoHlvani. Rail, ...b via J. II. MClIKOEUEK A feat t .|||I 11 *U«.( durgaoo ten l-v-land, Dunkirk lliiffal - * IIKM.S. Fiftaea yaare I axitbd in a liovU niad hAoaa. TWFNTY-FOI RTII S«^SSlON «»F ft MONTHS -r and .Saw V- rk ’•r-r-*' •"> t«ar- a^HF and hrio--r N,-a Voik.l Tm .Aliilftrs, i’niducr .llcrrintitts, ae«l af Kenicrky, Jefferaww I wunly. dkaleim l>»a»lSta, F-zrr*. compunloc: the first Monday in .nlral R»ilr-aJ. m . Zi M,r»«s-L,.r.. , 4 (Sr- Oovarciaant baa aciiertakaii again rquara. linring aix Tears I bad s .'^aro'l L.. M«rktd rtreat, Ntweau 34 and ilb. 1 of thia School wiU N opeaed on m Tba P— could rightly brta«^u 3d SeittemNr. (train A JfTATFMF.NT during ni.ie 1 was a^uoa. I never o«yn A Wood* MarkH* and . „ . . . FARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Ik-alm. if/.vij.v .f.via of joiaiii* Iba Black Sea with tba Caa- Thia S4chool Is fnrni-hed by Il4 Tnwtee< and PrioHpa* Rerioetine tN AfUnw af the AM5;»ICAX RXPBFff AjefroKM, tba paejaet aiy cspiivi- i^wrvi, \\ . i . A i o ^ Markt't, NcwantU .ad and 4tb. diatingnub tba face uf him who ebarad solid and or* w th erery oe«>diul apidiance for lu)j >aw a. ltote • t Kemucky, enrPled “An Act ( -xi* g, , , . From rior-iil-ali to l*rt>dure. «t we ralutsd our l>avtA. Main *tfvrt. in all deiiartTcnU. nneice led m N\-w >oik. IOhI n, Pbiladali-hio. CkMiUtry llaviog had lung **X|>enerer tf-** b-*. IoX(ie« Cum:44ui«-a." «lt Ll>l l^lATRLE bafina aad abandoDad, bat tbara ara at ince«eintty together: liradr A CU Ai'orpe uf Awdstant* j ceroiug Apyro*ed. KY ,gtMteiard year wt talked lUlLiiio'e. VVashm^on. BistT^lu, All e.*. \V. 'o rtfw-t. tw«>«* and td. Iht* Pri«ct|*at. «hi> Liuukirk, PtUsbiirf, bf Nl- an>n el ttat N cau give MpFfRs itt to aii •. ! p«rtlr> . Al Main b< Ut S*'h*»*il. or South, will aU go a, ever acd oiar T. ^ any North Wbei'hng. 'UK Fu'iiifje ff -aid iVm|«ii> ie uiautfed and ite .T,. -.Voariac proapacU af iu raalUatiaa. paat lives, our jive foraiar ener- Ch veUod. Ac. w!i ma> eaj| !i»y 'I Eatabliab d 1837. ai-nm toot. motosJJ? to atraog at., aiAd Water. iiiidiv ded tiiueaud j racy Ilunt, ThtM. 11. A L'o y Wall kadwi^o Main blmselt devotes bis |sersoiial and pr-.|it*r(T e?T,< s ••-vne.l « -arn !-a^«r.tii*r .» laaMat to 1 and are by vtoffea Tm*»ee-, Wh 4b,t«««s -« ),<• tfw?-. » »a conimunKaUd Mch Ilf alii ai t A- S4'*i.t for tbe pit; =c ,»f bu. iu^ Gf^ln and lOMr artieiM uia'D- | again. The eaxt’year iries t » tiM' diia* ptiue, inetrurtion. comfort, prosn-iw, ttwin fsxaasf a ftw dart abet a wild Bankfrt. FaKtsontfors al ilio Soiiili SVext. wh <«e fu'l nania^o aud I rope.- p‘-ue if re-^rure are ae luL wMI be eKaasrd ex^i^.* f'ehebt A maa ia Hilwaakea a« Ibo hie ptiptN. ami |*T' «liire in the counik * r tUteAtiu, o1*t rd, sWxi.l, ( ARY & TAI 1 JOT, aw4 bw Acd tai moral, aud happiueiw of W other o#r tbottijht* and k.a-,4i/: Il'ii.y WeM*., »f .Virora; J. ’.n Hui'e-fidJ. f -. to,;.. liraitt. at fall 1 Fff)*’t*e. anl adicioi**' c.*un-i<‘- ; *oMs«* wsa to ca: wiibia tba citr S'ratchM laagtb a; we urJf A Wairen, 4T1 Main invit«w eute and ruardiano. haeinr Who wiffb Cot iK»rt ard -dfe*, Ir'.Dkfurt; l>r*. f iU; V-:k were tiai;uniiBg viftit Sebtted and to de< de iit'oii ite m»t rlainm to {tat* H W. G«u*and D. i:. ( a:.^*> thU rviubie LIT I LF. » Ci city; Wililanj Ltrinwritoh. 4 MAUKKT r*TU5:i.T. .SK.V1: FGL KTH. iioly waa aaaiiy tbraa fiat. It waa rarr Uak aad of or so, we would Mr/. >Vm.. .IrfVnion NHamcD Tad and 4tb. MIAMI U M UP ih eU iLl MHCet lull. (Je *r»erown. and if loiv o^on; all lu tie feurth at tbr m'arvsl a month rouaae aud Cf-nfideiAoe Nfure duo diug where U> pmee ias9. xaao. Aildrew State <*f New V Ilk. au l llatuLL n .-iieiBrer, cf Ittuominir* f* ••.pk*’* PCKK and rrliAM' poor, altboagb {oMaarad of groat auacla, acd wa* eseb olbir if it wets iiot-ibla Ctothino amd Furnishing Good§. them. FOK TllKOlCH TICKKIS, WILII't HODGK^. W uur lip* to ask t n. io the State «>f llliuit - T!.«' )tosr>i>.uff in'iTeurd ( t*. ahtrb 11 1 opea j>'»» dtf ie tcet-.wn. Ky. aa DUI a* d Hi MICA) S. «e tN dooMleaa dnren froat ita aaual hauata by tba pangs 1 unhr.gat a.rwtf, TKIIMS Foi: TFN MtiNTIIK. all ( -•( the world want oe si gar nod wban .Vrnifftronr. .1. M.. <**'fn»r4th and Main and infortraiinn at <’mcinn*tl. ph-aec ap; ly a* the (••fftui 4 ue trust are iN 9U>« kNlda'.r.- aid (*omi*any, wN itta uitwtt *1 1*11 \ .''D- IaV.S.S a*--d ulh* 'rufinw c*i4i.!i>}er.* t^ Ircltidine li*cidenul Ti* TiE rGXVMLl IMt «*f 4t:iand Maiurtrr»*l*. Tuttbrn. every ket Giiict> > IE>TR\L >ltr-tUkrA MAodi'^'ts's*, c«»run and FUurii^h So. I ptiruet l!.»n*e, o< rtipr *•! ct si‘- fitauj '*ay L> ol ab..‘Ri pW-ik- r of kuagor. wa formed a portion if nisski d. The liflh we Hoard Third ao«l day. aud it ie i«ip*r.^:Mr Iu iiat we tan all wh<> mav f.o w u., wJh (Id ir .Mus e aud all nrnaiiH'uU s. an wed a* Vin •; VVa:u>Jt St. to. *( C'I'I luck*- ehaire. etciiidinr Ho*. . »rtic«.* ruiithewAt i-. rn*"* -'f KTOTIOS. an accurate ffU*em*-nt oeing to Ibo fi* racy Curinin G'nt»da. * of At naaatiag in Paris the other day of the sba.a tilani. Tba eixlb ta was Iskan awsv— I nev- Carj»ei$, 0*1 I'lfth*. and a were 50 or #l»t3 fu. Imawdwsy N’ t .|.i*< IGtesis aud Statificery, and l-rGi.t, iiMptndto fie e)>«miirl| tuse. gud at :>nnecti.ip with ph T. HAukins. • f Ibe Purtsh of rt'M. Ntw-f-n al 4th. wtera, loiS :i ulioe irlil'-r^y. But I waa A Small. Miaiu t A S* S. SlM.NI-.i;. Pnneii«l. the rjfreteru iBej nt. fAi**. SU'ert. I i.t ittauiiia, »» Laidefs of tba proposed Italian railway by tba .** m arkoaw aur*!* dtt Ff"Ul .Mary's, ta# )xaitui-r in cttuiii'endiin.j, Mamhall l>icktnr«tA»te«| i« |5e b»iaitM>e4 Mgsald glad wbas he w. ( sf tba P STRADER, i » ‘ plon. it was riatad tba*. apoa tba ooBpIctiua yarietirg. lrau*a«Ung a G"UeikJ '<.r«iini-e»- as U.e eum than Ibe |wlr, vaca-.t fare. ( IV\0\, SHKRRILL, CO., Ig 1»( . ut'ViiiA. U* ii«eraiiieil. i JjtAI I. cau L>. >*ia ( t.NKlLVL A o . iHg* th v-and <1 Hart. V .Vt Oy that Ntwr*-n and .»»dfvriM*ii. H. TICKET ;l NT. pri puatd taai.al n-'dar tba Siiuploa, tba Alp*, iiaaa s ear or two after iiiT c.-in| anion Irft 111 *) the AnmM A MilNr, 4 h. MaikH MISC'FLLAM'.tH a .Ml>MI. .V Mcll VAIM . N. \ i.k, 4lh. la**»*u Marktrl and slcllfrri.m. M And we. tN ? iNrHers, the Tru-'e«*: ahec;,- n%nie*l, do p-uceid.tg I Aserhaity N. V N ^ WlioLI.-.V;.!: DKAU.K.'i IN T ; i'#pw«fs'» of »aiw ba passtd doiw was openrd: wbarca April 3. H. A PI .MU^MI. tk ( 4). <^r U an , liwad to tonnarlr took Iwalra boars to 11001 will daogaoa NEW ALBANY AND SoAXEM , X l.crvb)' agrre th-«t pra ;rTi.-,| aww ammmt tm , K R. lerisl M .ycty, i'timA’a hi yon rt’7uad". , iAa«,ii a- St ad ix tta ieK>n .iid C -niitany. NOTIONS^ VARiETtSS^ the of Iba llbaaa to o. wiiit»a« vallay • OUustrart. . , THREE alar will paas fixaa Ibt that your wile died a year ago.'' I baa tfa d.ar i'kina and la wl -if we Nre bereainU* «uh* AM* THROUGH *14 nUri't. ‘Tired will lia they imt i.'a »Hla)‘ A llupkiU4. Mam o ir hA;.d** ibis 14tbd.iyef N rallay d't larola, and tba Lika of Gcaava »ai that, and I beard no mori : bid licng FOR ST. LOriS, Cill'MiiO, DKiROIT, Ll-av 1 i nttfNr. VV II , 412 Main JIWELIlYAiWAn ffTemkur, ^ ^ great agony U|mii niy mind, acd l.ft luc alone and Jffluraon Anal nil PoIbIm \t ewi huJ r-A-HTOY Pasaenger Traina tbit 4ti« *d . Nt MarkH Nwrlkwest. G-0<3X>S, Magguwa. .lad'frvr. A. < n . C HKNUY I.S, oaly four bi.iire from tba lago 4 Weba>ereoid"ed K large WEI h* •mgasTs jo*f> with IL a Ateidn fut 4dr taken ii. SoM l-iover SccmIo JEW Mall Y .\M« U %T( w. E.VLGO, R to— w Urn I'amw IS. .... Pkowarx, - M-rkH. ''i"-*"-* at., and Tin: (JRfLVT - (iroUi I «'ri:t#ndan. :id b-t Main WKSTCKN .WG NmI:T 1 I W EiiTKKN * d- - Itot ttos nano.. for A '• .*•• < T<- r to- ||uh-l. - « iiPK* - idaca at Pana t,' tart a new cortriraaoa public whic malt t'nr a vWr 1 ¥ h. Tkn.u^ Trmia i m oil vs I'lc* .w PtoSteto— Cahkio.— t ie often tba good fortnn-: of a KriluTk'.sl S .Sdffl.N* slA-fWnron and M»ikrt rilloitT 1.1 'i: hOl Ti:. hi II I '***ay. (h*-rH«*re W A. I I VI, fJJiGX. . Stew y.rri, l Bjr the actioa of tba dioMi, and lo knd e and ineit* nitr f'v 'MSs UtiTi.,.,. a, I «Vo.4.ii,Wir^ I ticnawa fmai ' r»<»n and Maiki-t •a I.DI l-A II.IOw. K*.bL, .1 0 -*! »».bcl J.ll JC)?»N.h |'' *.\ KV. holdnr.-s, lo cenfer is.’iD r Al.la AUU WiiVMK'sT IS.;» a:4«l cusbinieratv aU and v*(a-:-i')'* uur ato ir lalVl.N*.hT(.Xt ti— f'ian:totef *wSI,to. f w and k, rudM a atruog beat. It ooasisia of nisB, by an act of aagzcity aL’ib to low—.mw-4'S.e i* S—oo^ alTiag tnam u :i ‘ Chrmists and A i»otiucarU4t. eov\p\c*r ALK.X. H .LI.WD, zrr- :y...rd f"f ,iri'J I a. ni£url TWkJ IiAllaV TK.\IN'< T*> hT. ! i»i ci.Ntl VNAl I. .u b» .r»> ',Umz ruwS,. giorao made af acnantbas, a kiad af illaaiaBb aa aa iuporUnt and lasting bane lit 00 Li- country. SuLscrHel aad ewivn Iwlfn- GEORGE >. BLACK, •tep*— ••* F»« . Davfvi S r., e»rn«‘r 4th and slt'flrTaon atrt'h H. and CHL .\Gm. to iu« Ui • Itth day of Ne* Uan tertM;(to m Ptoitetotr—w of material tiuiog iu.o aton HIRSCUBUHL & DOLFINGER. \cniNr. 1 ':^. wilh' lit rtonzf .t cor. -r .-uialiurw.ro. minaral. a beimat tba aama chsrsc'ar aod alfi-ct of t' a loccnptios aran A. ScUa. iT«r, Maikft ^ r*^uNl. I Uydand Pr K. Wheelbarrows. MontguMERV giAh.s,* tba I K. Sucdi wrrs *r .i. COT’FOX 1 NREdal iM’iGlH * D's*. dll AC FOR -i-Aii.# OOZ' azu mitre <»» 3d and Watnut -trwf'a. K Jt»*.*oi|i'r Trtiiiff dbf Cemmi^ sKoer for Kests No. 5 all st, ottmtoto u. neh IralB: Wuo4n>r. aaath'r >d wito gauze, acd a ibiald oae u irbktu Til'- r. & , n»r W Huvii ucdtc IMti:TSMt)l TII No. 1 fo Bale hr O will hiise Nlw A*bauy a- :*tlK wi> AMI* exacutiao if tba idea of Secretary Irt*. t, b*»twf t-n 4th aad Fth. mUUi — tori Foot Ttei-iw TUE EX- other gar- and |»n*i fd'T. Ill ui> , Markfl bagtb and HU oantimatraa broad, l>'e>dM 4UU PITKIN. W!Aia>. A C O., > ' 7«h Walnot « rwAa. M. ( »nc\t;o 'Mt ADAMB EKPRM3 company; Pk> Kl N IiAILY Moil ami S > • l..u- Aaza.z- ratiun io ictroducing 'laibott, IL L. * fo.e corner cf and sm-et. n.,'^3 A ?*T. i.oris*( Fxi'i;i:<< abora BMOtMoad asatariala. Three Piasidaot Eiarca's admicist agy M ain tifuerdl r«uffliN:»Miii .MerdiMis rteoa ' TroSa. onaM.' '.root r,.r > n onto aily f!'t Su* Ktiirliiug -n***. Ml .-w Y-.rk . .‘»l. I,» iiU S 14 TT oe K siTLt Uf * Cemmt. Slip . ttr .rat wara a-.abladto csrry at 3.4s*> «*aj{** al 7.1- AMEmCAN HOlsE, .osmI Faa Liu... o_.cs lu* to.isca.nu4 vtato- maa havii g pot oo el caamls into tbit coontry ned testing tbair valoa in A M., Ch .V. Jl., aod CiuciuLati •L b-:--'U Lt.-nty, r*rrr \ b -twem 7t ’ and Mh aTreti. ) >KU OKI.K5NH, |a%, taetoa. for tbrra witbout Ml Uarrv . I'., M«in at l*Uf IV .M. lico lara at a wbita beat m aata , Nntalaud ( hirurs:iral Instruments. A HT-VTi-MC sTre |i ti-rtS kff..'r.i r.f the Fa- servica. Wa have hara’o'ore bad ccas- 1*. ( liOSTON gsr^yp* eisi tba public 13.50 M. IIH A(JO ^T. Tvffi’nen ma-T- t-> ('nrriagt Manu/acturera. AND Ia«»ris F..X- prer ia>m)«a')y, tfii. ie }iH*:tiau‘ TRAIIffS biiac oitiigad to lot g? their bald. S raa waeaf- u> an •n ot ihe i c.l^. TAKFS THIS opPonTl'M- prifs iDai V eievi-l Ssf*:i'.:n> •). J:*'AeMuK* 'bA hext subject, I it 1. :.d. OHN SPIIIM4KK S*. I.t>u tbe larg aud arranged IlCki'llnlhe tiirr t*l Kcnt'sck ilrmti, T (»fi. AND* U-* ( c... - . iDterastieg ut l» , A M-.rsii eet, and .Vct i to remark on this WN’cI'T, Mam H ( ' rouceru.ug 5 c Us IW from Ic ab aaaazjt as bra ta IB arga caal iron cauldron, ttou Itorr. Haitfbt. A the ihiIiHc iu seueral. 3.4’» .V| 'iil* § mtetoza wn> tarwrirdi eat a s tr and ^ t*t» to-WBte. J tr to iufofui b o t sai *1 Kr. |fl«* . <»k. Sutur- *1 New ea^y I aoleri. >*n'l 1 7’ deeUrl'ig -aid TI.IW S KFWKfr^ K-l StoUf,J I-. Main Nl*ff«*n l#i frOd U' 0 I, ('''mia- '* “"I' ‘-to''* I'-i- Ilia 01 1 A. ff., waari'g nctica afresh by tbt tub- the Medical F*»aternlty m |*;irticMiar. that heh«sr«- f*a> Miylii*' (h‘i* trwiu niU’".<.ly .oil L'- acd I'ootiniially kept np, while a breamn, boaa brought to cur and .MiuiuH. nturuiuc at'-vt-^frv # if liav It CfU- u »;r t • bu fc- ItgtriMjfs Oila. Faints. litffsbtip .1* ffe Iri.n s».e. f. » eiweeii |*ii -t.o and u.ort)iu«f<. U M p M. A ff. lire Orugtt luovsui f.um M‘>nda> of arti'-le- e. ‘I j iff 1 -Ik •, ,**ffjc. the doniile helmet abort awr-'.ioned, etooX (|i»i'> eoii*'fbi*'3ce f'»r tite E.f->rt afro*a)r:i olr.xNr cr A Co . iv Parket. next Gunh N rxrept Sunday ). Ih'tii iii r, c tiiOf With III tiain traveiliu*-: pkblis 1 he sieei rj< rr>«i; :c ar.* large ai.d well IIEOAX it KaSCX>TT, fird in I . ratsry as U'sr, wh'cb we aCtiTi*. wb-M4- lu'l uajMei -..a pr .i-m t iai~s t P V .ml la uali to . t . oaii; r ai li s line i>re- cf rcff*dunee are » A. ff thee roea at liaMa alieaa hia boad, ba Main rtr*ft keei** a f«md au • sir*. li tbocgb Ilarrvd: 6 . A. M; M.-w .vHirguk- Teutilatcu, the suit a u( r in- w< er aug>d and c '.nn 4T% , ^ 4 .* fi:lMw*. 4 ir: Main ! p-s-s..rzati .trSi k.'l, litre, t, 'tween ntdMh. short I*. p. J»„ toot PSiJa- half. koKi Tr.ioH, tjil . Usv lHj9. K«)Un**'>n. U .k A r .M Jn b t«red ts> lAAauutacture Uiem tu otder at ooLce aud at at M.. Ij.ui-villr-ar j*. Tratr.s pl-ti'lf fuiT.i'lir 1 f‘ rfn. ..I'i V and larife traTeiliiig p.'rth’ff a*.|a to kaap bi> post for a minata ard a Xa- M- m h w\f VVm. It Diunjt re. Neffi V ork. \. mi^»ktj:i:.-* niiALi.ih'^ J p ff .!*«w :»i .Haiufftreet. Y. and in T'jzk la P. ff..aaJ Uaisli-oru os «4« Oepurtmect I Snt'ctm^ A 11 icbfw, lair pricfs St. t uiiU at G.3u A. .M. aud 3 ibi p. M.. arriviuc at au’J U;e b lU-'e wlU tu ie* k> pt a^ a (ir*t via*' Ho I other lattare to ite 4 •. -• I other exparimants ware triad, which deawo* Sia: In the tVl< a'd >ffi.ftT*, I I.: iv'i bia. I'a. saaroaa A Starldrd, 4-3 Main ct.w* t. H^Iievairs dofc in e»'od style. septdO d' ra uuiffviili' at C.Ju nnii - WU«oit 1 A. M- |V M, tel m every res|*«*rt. i-hV\ 14 Ul> hi, iTtpr-tT e f*h Flinch Ptolr G:a«*e; >(« .laUz lata to tsy toytbieg 00 the enb VI. wmahef. ):ajf1 ';t re lit* fa-sttnas EngmviBr- I Train, '-tm-a P>.ila4. Iiii. tbt matariala uaad. have naglrc'ad of Md A I ud New Ymri atrscad tba ewicais of Wilder, , 44- .Mam atr^wt. Only one Chang tut Ca,-, t- St. H-iais.U. ll5H. au 4 dly K Louie, Cineinnati, or JaU. 7, (ic.a-toe is- L-3Prf, French and .Vti.ir;can • Tw-> (sail. Traiaa Siting them, as wa do, every \V. {:.ue. l I’h Wt: .# labuM, to>— a N-w V. k ob4 tow—a Jact of tba camels. Chicago. Vat-'Cto s *#j' t*ree*«n of the barrt ing propeaeitios />T|r Gnoda ( Wkf.UaaU>. J a:si*--M. u, S| .-iL-r. ! pe’nting: Soaiab'idr, apeakiog .A.'t Oost! .A-t Oost!! l, Mase. | — 4 -• tettoTufttoalaiW _ parfo'Oiiog with patiecce tie moat >' ba dav ia camp <*• brtwa«>ti dUi and 7tb. Cliipp Syo l er, lit. U.’t: ert, (.'oon, Pboiucmpb.c .Vpparmi -ssand .M i'*. of tba Vackaot. aa»r: “If a big BKirtar could Low, damradt . Main atrtet, BaKi;a;;e Checked 1'lirou;;ii. SET.KGT J)Ul’<;S. r WF: roVTKMPl.ATF MAKING A « IIANGF. IN oeaiad lo ba oovallias, Johu- <>u I.<)tor*t*i. . New Yu-fif, toi'laoBM labora, tbay bava 1*1 UK Ml I'ICIN : •; N. V, HDN.V FIDE care'rocte-1 wbh'i woald throw aa imaMnat bomb iititil Gooda. Clotha, drr. A our hu.-iiies*. we will sell from nuw the fiist dav AU Trsl*)s conn**rt do- ly witli aU iVctoerrT Trains John id’ gNiu, pbiUde )4iia. Manefaetiireivof Gilt acd ara now only admired for tia r ustfcloess. pfW on K \KI. ( !!• MiCxI.y; Pa. Werk all %« *• braacbmL pawasgare, from St Lamit uf Januar> at cost lor csitli, vie: Gen'ff’ and lk>>s* Cloth* the ohi*i I.ur.’ff TIf aball, rantaiainc Rfiaac :»f. 4: .M' jUaUI’iJ .Haur a 1. au4 wait i.xdehLMely for H. K^ude;*, New|«>rl. I:, | ha< KKTH e.Y-'«TW.VKI» may N eVatiMd at «|| utrert, Ntween 34 and iMIliOsoi lUC.M .M*r».\Tl\Tl D rstN*r a nat?* r*»f •-.? any ef . Mata p.^dr w th ti. t toil iV’TaU . A- Co ! ara emptoyad cocs'antly in the lavarest C a IViclia ds. :?;*d mg oartain- Tbay inc. Gum KmAk aud Gutt O. A .M. t; aiiii ahtetj tUey are ilfiay • »li'*»e impwtant NOr ad N. to H.iitot ugt r9 KcliabD C'.um -.'Juu# ef way of t« regritor IJae -f w»* axplaaion, packing Jrff.Tam and Market GF:oUGF: HI.ANrliAKH A at il ichdl, to ur \KM.\( I riCAL i hoUei 4 ”fei4i 1 (."Oiii *ttv‘. eo:id to nu;i«' in tb * u-if lin. aioerv *i»^e MNNtow fr that fonrtaac w<*aid l*a killed by tba (ptirhrta IJroi , 4(b bevweeu ni r d; fr^,jn day to da I *n *f ba-iiz-^ wh ek of from «(t. Louis or t lucianati aciivratiofi tbem Siirii of the Gulden Hand. ' esmp toanotbrr. My ainirt. Ntween b and FIN* I* HI I and t a htmi H 1* iu .< e*lf* t> n>> wul enable w* t«> mannfaetttr' Gi l W>*- ^ ticket -J W F-jiTW 4 MI UV; .f •Lj vmU Shall L-ne’ from oca Mark A l»uwua. Mam ge ao airurate state* 1 k wvr*r dwwr e- MIN ticiau f.ir arau by the “Expraea Bomb •39 ftuuUiwest comer of Main aod Recoud street-*. S#^i’a«tocUis re ami itaeesce L k*-u to and part W^j-j^r^usauapsa Bu... iii. Jell, .Market, from any I owing ••-v I tl-*a aC’ Bolusm*. iacroaaaa avarv dav. From all I bad raad of th Mider. John A*, 4tbfftrAW*. betw»*cu and KLKGaVXl TmI. Kl- AHTICI ?; neoL hi th. .ru, .v of »t»«(i chaogre. at New V <:*k I 4 a, au-i wanaut tt m •!« sxw. Nu k w, lie at pnmiom, aarfa paeaanear of the 1 ity aod the ( at * Frue of Charg •. ' w«aild a. iDCe a j , Market and J»tT'^n. .\t .1 i N 1 N > s, ChetnM.ri, anii):»ot . f eapha? I,. . 1, ij,r ganee ami puntv- *f d-^git. de SMUiad to preeant .Mart.u A Ivuton. 4ib, Nlwren K Tbr e-: ; d rf «ld k-oc' ^f finMi. and dn.a- I dreaded tba'difti'-ultics which Both THKot'oK TEAtKO touiw-et rli>4. . *tba Matkrt and J«dt. Iv at (ircen^a-tl*' VVa'niil (*Oiu).ff»ty bihty fully being anxk 11 fic tba ebanoa lo prurt himsalf Uobioffon.J. M. 4«'n..4*h, between sJO ro*n*Tu.* 1 bird au«l *tre<*(a In U*« statu f Kentucky U, a« caaily as the e*tual to any pewdnowd iz Mm t mled stolew reie aa wiUi the (Rkie fiauTe aatl Kichitiou*l low as by any otter Roteai tbemmivaa in tiraading tnam. Market. l.n U tet for »ui'i A »u bt* as* er*ait e '<’ti ihi dtf lacky bitcootb.' lAbby G. , comer 4tb aod !. a^and d .liar III G vN A ijh orr. mn;-t lie taught lo Tern* Hauteaii-l St. loouie. nod ILa-t ft»r 1; dianafolia. At An*l wr. ti'M *ii(.-ci'i c s U»c mai*ag:'. ASK Fsia TIttoaT* BY Books tsU 09 that iba young DmUw*s. »10Q and u bb's Haul Saiiterne. Olficu tbe LooidvUle aud Nashville ala.:,.-' named, de FITTXWaa. oae tiam cur, ^ AFTKaaNK lAfayetie w:i]i the I'- Icd * aud W'e.ttr'n ItnUaay. Aud The of kiMoi Gaztia Bays that tba mmzr at ' hereby aeiee that i>r ^e-ff **n^ til'.>n TK'- -omiA.«k>a Tba rack by dipping Iba Rjgtr in warm biiltar and put- ^ s34 V ZVMJNK A »N. any sntNrig* -fsb, Wwrtura eoaarasfaa oJito atrewt.beiwesn Walnut. A.NT1H»N with lh« Mi'.»i'r«ii ti.tra ’ GAS 6’b (iriHO and S- Kailr .ad i* * AND Fittc Fulton, f«r led aud *1 WATER. A T .-d sret-t '‘«i'i •Tteaiila * denied of contamplalad mar- UAILKO.tn 1 G.>II*ANY Cufufau) m »a d e- *n(y 4*aU be dc’eaied tallrwwl lo tkirars r nt ani aftarwards a the calf; Ihut it must lo ilt asabn sTim ting It in them u'hof trrwedl.te St ’i,*. .\1 .. nt M ihU-ao Litb* wi.h th** Mhli *1 as gi»'>d l>ag\urreotyi-ist HateriaU. 4» Madeira RUeiry iO'*. a' taken ^rrlce U|m>u sasd Comiiauy kud uur- batwaae E. Iwia Booth aad Mias Mary ADFIKA.— casts and U WM. RAMSAY A CO . riage Mr. wet nnivd ibroiub a long aod deli- \| ia'au evotrui Hat,r(tntl f *r titiicAtfO and sU fmint!* Wert aud tc*\ e*a CIRECT LIIVE Idaokeiad aod jri rfti XVN ONKt^ SON. BETWEEN THE EAST wadding KearU, V. Ik, Main ptreet, beiaren 3d and Sd. ANTH ONY S'lrthw -t. .\le*' n*r iM'tnsit sC7 s5 iterlia is ia curulstiaa, and that tba ’ %oJ «!l ptiitirff F-aet. Main , Wtwew* fiwvenik and Fkstk, !fitrmre again cate iafani'T. Em. that, if tbii were tree, it In w tne^ri wbrirf# f we Nvr- Neffwiiito siibtecrib- sms bw- AND THE Hcfan A Main idreet, betwt'cu 4ib and Mb. 1*-’ **U;*er Cilice, GREAT NORTHWEST. * fob .Maiu stnrer, L(?l'!S- b*w tN Louisvi .e Hutet, w II take plice rery aburtly. would be ao ute trying to breed them in this coun- oKT W INE.—40 casks P-irt Win Tto Vaguarrratgpista. I’kotogr^ipkers, d-c. VlLLi:, Ky„ when THl:*>rt.H IHKKTS aud fur* au-ateiaw ->f iradwi to ito itiitoU BH4aa t P r> ANTHUNV 7aAN<»NF. A RON. RF. p etei’*r*l tofw'nKh aad pot npa'I kind* ««f Pipe* psu. time to devote to such i-ar- to'-r*. *r 104 oJ? Tbata ia suwe tali o' aacabliafaiag a newspaper try, where men bava 00 ther inf rfialioocau b*- ob’-atu* d. AUj ai Tickut Otttte, W Jzar m.: or ?vrr-. fa . ' *- Uarri- Hall. Maio ctm-t, Ntween 4tb and 3th. MM H. U*NSM>)RE, V foe Gas. Water, and Steniw. Ilae wa Nad ao memwi. FrrifhS. r-lkif an- ba n*ad as usual, and 00 A lafiuunriile Hotel. wsto .toaaite* * tiu ana.Sv.u..r.>.IS??^.,^-»^ • beard af tba i>iast Eiatara, not oaly for tba potsa, I diiartad tbim 10 ri FI S h. KINSI.5.V, ( Nn.klHjr* and (.us s. a McGU> A St haiiif, 44i* MaJu aULWi. FuUrwa A . Puaipefor -**' Trains are by LouisriUe toy 'S -u *r-i.-M oil I th, if ruu Time. H. M SIHiEoaKKR, W.-»ks and « 5*te thst J^r- T-avartaw Pstote. < passangare, bet slao as s maa ns dropping cmlvas to desist from tbair use, but « 4-3 .Matu p*re^t. JAd. M THOMPSON, u- wUtn.-t rreeie in ^ *nter. ta caicmact f cBsir , V H. K \V PAkllBS ItJrsimAuFbS'lnd ftnet, between 4th Mb, do; RICKER. GKg. CA.'*3, CIa.\PP >!•»• .xh: Ad Itomps aad FaiseD. and fii- fa am eaimmatii'sGag inetaatli oa bar arrival all tba news not to assist naturs by any warm-huttsr prvc,-si. It Web/tef A Htofbe*. Malu aod lSt» |teM!ki U prime Java (Vt. 4ih. Diftftolutlan. Walwr .%epa*atw tAjir mdramtOru. h. New Albany. D.V.*. d|f ( ^ SUp *a (Au Hnmim for sole JOliNST.N 1.1 VIXG.STON, John PlNGII.VM. and N:.-!« -e rrp«i *d aad eirao*'*i to euunl new. stale that iba femsLea, within Kx/wawa Cum/Htnira. In store and by F-r Ff-iwtot ;antrarv -r: -risiupwia aba brir,gH. gives ms pleasure lo ro)*m»tfMT-li«)» he*» tof'»re c\'-?'r:'* b» tween the toK- kiadff wf JtiBriMNG Hniw airaSr iwu JACK A HKOTIIKR. dwwv and all work war- a44r-a to Kx)>eewi f atreet. 4t' mtoz ito r-l wsaa A«-av cl sto abort time of each other, ard near iLa rauimit cf Adamt* A r*o„ Cu.. Lt MaLi I ;b«T4, under til** fi lit t.f lUH' iU, t,*'*kl. A Todd, fiTAX** •»V Pr.' •xaTLTAMlA: tom!« > i slled tba Magenta, u o4 Ko. 51A Main ft.. Ntwttea Third aod Fourth. '• ' I* A 1 i of tba liaa, lo mro.l, 3th dtb. :xKW i^ouTJb: fr TS.WAET. Pik-tossra; Anif-ricau i Xitrcffw Co., Main Ntween and egpiri-i* Uitii its aiu-itat ia a tnow-sioric, dropped tliair 'Uy b>' *m. lu It reiu«mi'4*rwd, tbai. on this e'eveotta r -w a ^ the largast raaeal in Ika iptaiTa Nevada, dav of April. Twytea C-x. teoa to ta Hlla. »s srbiob is lake siatl nlaud. aod To : H. P INarcaaOa Jtmmam. A, ItW.soN. *o.*.re Tt*e eAUi«* I.* ai** Fnffrmcrr. •m e VV. p e ideut el .Jl,, . 1 alocks at calves, end without iuuk as*istance than wouM IN ; J. J. Jtoui.i. a, U|4wr,i>.; B. tba Praiieb nary, bu liean pat upja toa H VV. t .Mi|), HVDILvrUC ce>ient M,N«i;-. Itora. Adams Kxpreae ('«>ta|*atiy. ani niade oelb that the fnrero- • Smith Ja«. K., <1 Third Hreei. V, OBLE.WS, 7 —U». to: r.m-tov 4 Crn„ur. Pnrvawutk, rccdsrtd to so macy cowr; ih-r arc now ME.MPIlISk the SOH II. Is , Pa44Da4 bava Iman rft do K.'fifjed Whitt- do; k JsV.MEi Ti'DD. itig t'mw eii: -iguod b) Lim i« true nFjrr Breat. aecomi4:g to tN b«t F THK qt'Ai.iTY, cue.vp at wiikle- 1,0 .. l iffra totTSlte. * Ito.: H. w. lowwa 4 ( csaatol as tbrif as it is pus-»ule to yocesive, ail Ibe old Fursand Fur Ocoda. In store aud for sole by «.f tui kU' *ri;edge a.«d ieiief. O e.VLE KKT.VIL y EzsI. ts ; Aihrra ri llltotort. - • beta bold In Wotarford to S'P ciaaats. - t' — A pwblic Biaaiiag kts nth and 7th. o. JjH: K a ItROT HFaU. i U Vain at. G. X Iiaiag em|iiuyed on tba road. t'rai/. A., Main etrMrt.bet. Copartrierfttiip. W. CA.sfi, preddeot. disiM. MaaWn. I^: Wm BSaetom. l-mtetolw. potitenn gereminoet for a tree pardoa lo tbo politi- I > Kr^F MAN tEI ii'Kiter . U FACTU O. L- Ssroa— N. Bayoud doubt, tbay are as eestly bred a. cjWf Famryduoda. Kmbraidrrua. and Trimminga. £0 bf cht-sCs superk>r Gunpowd4>r Tea: 4 ate. laJ.. W. —a— j '~|''IIF. uuib'r-iynt'd have th's dav fu rb*d aeo)>artner«bin ' *' cal exile, Mr. T. E. Mesurbsr. CiTT or PiTTan.&to. vi-u.ityof AFegbeAy.) AM D 4UL1S BY ** -te—- to. IjoiK ffu.: 4tli atrvH, ,1Hf. .1 Itsi l*4»xes Hipenor P. Ttw* ia and 15lts each; Tlolxrty .itoia IA HalS ^les: at least that has been lay experience AlT'vU A MUItWy Nt. Market and G. ZXoxajrs I under lb*- stvi.- ..f RAW.-^ N, TuDD, iK, aud "•* aad A ..f Peimsv Ix'auia, No-h.il -. plorrwri >fvv ) Tru 11 lax ffcamriM. r «— lAsrto Is the lowo of M.igoary, arsr Mnllioaboca, o I h-irn^-ld Kiivt, 4 'b ii*re«H, bet M«rkftant JeiL Iu store aod lur sn'e by Will roiit'iin.* the W!u» **»ii?e (itucery a d (•»rim!-slon Hu- ALBOP. BEACH, * «<*.. with them. 1 sinoerely trust the raiximmcDdatiuns 4 ^ «. o '.Ki^ 'w »i J«‘lT o4 HROTIIF.n.BlHMainst. Be It lemeni'ere ! tNt on tb** *l**\t«r,th dav of April, A l| 3l> -Om N-w In.lUna. H to a«rX*.7in^J3j nsmrd .Nuiirh has given birth to liar GerUart. N. \ 4tb NS Marktt and JACK A s'.u s at ;1>uie 514 Ma'u i*Leet. ubMT. juiu. r wnmoe Mtry Ktr M ! uli s, in yoor message for tba im|airtatioD uf < bt't. D 1 ^* U-ti le u.e, Ch. McCla c Ha . j<, a ( ••muiiert^er Yrtoeki -toiaia to otiptainad liart'^ K. . 4tb nslrvat. Mai and Jeff. m ’ UAnchfue^, k«t A. RVW.SgN. roads a: •linereut ^ Ms twaaty-bftb cbiid. €'ixri:\\ATi, i.orisviLLi:, auu tbe fi»afe*if pi-nnsylT'iula f -r tN ^’ffteol' Keotueky.du- t-uinv »n the W-wC mure uf thnaa useful animals will lie favorably ra- Kuhi. Mrr. H.. 4th atreel, Nt. MatkKandJ*ff. JAMI S 'i(»DD. No. 2 .MlSONIf TE.hPLE NoTX ly au'hi*«*so FarNItIwa A decree has liaaB paldiabed alwlishicg aiarary Gu$ds. PiniuU. ret. 1 , i-y. r. wkhhntgn, mmtnj far iriw Pr oeived and aatad uu 1;T Congrass. Xo one who bos Fishing TackU, and ciiit'KioTo .nr.TiFiifri. t-i k ,a*.d under ih*- Gw- tb.ur-.f x- »ucb te Uike sekuowi- Trauaa t taU— mt Lit fiom tba taUad Java frooi re. t. Maiket. edgmosits of de-*.l«, to be once need them but wuotil |aclap them, fur all such HUk-oo A M h Ma.n and Copartoership. ^ , a el or rfe.^rdt>d tfiwe-a, MiLLiNERY AND FANCY STORE. HTO*k“"^ l*eiffon«lly (*v *. Orlffitb. sloaeffb. 5th are*t beC Mam aod Market. ICU do Keiiiorky du. N*rit Itramls; came W. t aa*'. who, be-incduly sw**mac *•“ - » *ri aoato prtiB pnrpaisas ns I have argsped them on, u. .Lm times 20 TiOTJT^S 1\* E h iVi* fo»'oie*1 a iartD*-«h'p lo prartlee *aw in aU the Il ,,i la* 5o do Vira uia do, do; oordii.g U* law *a>-th t tbe lore-;omg sta'.enient eons traTibng :a AmsaerbaMr.—M'a iaarri that aoma tiaM in M.ercfa lM*mistie Fruits, Cwndiea, tC r. V wlUdn MRS. M. .J. tlorm UMtwuf. Forr^gn and V ( t*:i t*- t*f the C ty of Luu^viiii-, tb.- Icdeiai Couii, RRYANT hurras la mule*. t • h4-t of his the rama number cf Id store and fur so e !>/ h true tbe kucwie Ige ani be!v*jt,and as socb «i( iaai aa cM gentbiusa, lastdii-g fur maay trari in Mara*>t a-.d Malt and (“our; >*f Apiri-a',-. W LD rewpectfallf Infurm Nr jam. Ptsrle.AAff,!!. ZA NU otf JJCK A HUOTllFIIwkl^ Malnrt. sworn an J ubeirtl-e*! teiore n r. FREIOHTS WESTWAKD. u;A*os*te <‘onrt Hfuise M frirods aod rhe 1 nattw ta gam*r- ^IBiB Itara, waa eitliag ia ba bi use, a few frcni an At a later date, wilting from San Francucu Giwt»D«>, V. I>. ACw. *rr et NCstbaod ^th. OtTireon Fiitli st-cet, iN tci»t»u.ou» at-iTcif CfAfl' 4^Pp It* 1 b4va bareante lOt my tNi rbe has f^thii n^t f-et«bm af an >tuii1i ttaae ha>*«'. M'S Main i4^«t llVMIi T »N PDPE, now opened and is '^4 eaa N fcrwai4 cptn window, vbM a dove fltw in and aligtalad oa McMuileu A: / a nAtad :>nl ai1x* d u*y olIlciAl seai !N day and td from Pbi Jw*p* m. MounUin, Hr. Itaala say.*: St. Louis to ir, S>) <*. r. I \ w^Vd-vily rewrivlHetN laie** styles U New Vert. Hoea a, or BnMmmsm fitpt. dtf J. HAKRI. ‘ Locks, Memphis. Z i/ ear above wrUtua. ar$?(ointuQ the ha sfacnldar. Ha k>p: his mat, liat caikd bis Firrmnd Awnr/ar-Proo/ 2ic/ea, Bank S Vaults 1 ~r (i-e.ds to bto-r baa. TNaktaJ P»r pwwi pal- Ea!lruad4 vf ohm. Keatuefiy Indiaaa ( I bava lately triad criactozlly the comparstive H. Me 'Ll RE IIAV fi. *. dsogfalir, who war ia aa adjoiniog rtna, to coma HarbCv An£tt*tu« C.« 3d alieet, bet. Jeff, and Market. Copartnership. ruiM alM aiikettsaretffwwo; ef tN swias. C* uimLiafr OOT for Ken'otky io Peans/lvanla. B^aostolvaae «*m tm. -A a.s__p valtM if males and csmtls at pm k animals. Tb tdTi »rOert leA at tb- ^*.rw or kar realdcaet ia Bortiaad graarrli >| i|Biiklr. Casas ia, aad. pciatirg to tba lird. Jf tnAe. and Lite Ina. Co.'sand Agents. She Cair«'. an*! there ^pIlK rn Ic’s’enud lu»v*‘ thi* duv a*to-'C“i.*tcd th«*rc«- 'v.'s will prun.pUy experiment laavea tba palm with tba camels. Il.itb renrhiug athS) M*. arrive at M-ai* N a*taad«d to. I it 1 al C*o.. rtreet, I tu;.'**iisfr und*-** th.- .*t. •’ uf N. ?*. (••oRK.v to, tor it told bar to taka ff and pat U hi a cage acd Atw*v>d. I*. H. See. Commeir In# Main phis at 4:30 1*. M. same dxy, via bilu " Tl'* above and f*-*ag'*.ng statement > f tN pAckai;*M deliterwd «*ukar la eity ar Pnrllaml. to ut Iba M aud U sxd ^ tN traina tba order surt same ume j'lii I'Ufte uf 'tiPuiT r«-ti< «al eu itiii-nsioii biidi *iw, ^ racaiviag II. 1/ent, Sec . M«in, Nl 3d and 4lh. tUk a **x* taka good care uf it as Icrg aa it Uvad. Sba gen- Antf’nean lor. Co., Memphfrri and Glit MemphUand IsOnbeUle t': ]*»•' * •“ *• »ad liiriSi. alr Kited tba bhd eff aod raged ft as directad, bar Mem* I liuUstt rtrfKt*. M''. H. li ( lilTu d. No 31 luu-'.h i4ri-«-t, b»'l»****»i Valu *%% J n. 5 and * b enge with su*nii. A lli'e. Spe , r.>r. Main and nullitt. rivt r eteautt-r-. and LKer. ready V* ( llAfi. M. iMla ef Glasgow, Ky, aatnatimae an bcur and twenty minntee aliesd any diuiale, fur sa.v ty Uie TllKlaTuN, and lor oan. Fire io«. (jaj Main HulUtt. alteud u uuy iUa*dce*x eot.ii.'4* d tuulirra e apr'S dtf Jeff-'x* Msmkenrs a.dffbk paseaaigaeki^ TWe is rearly over— I sbaH die in two waaks." lie A., t>at l , yuT A NOCK, Wit KR, A CO. Clerk f n Cou nty, Ky. Nia wammoftaMem .-i. if mnla train; the mulct carrshg s buidca of Muir, Mam. Ni.rd BasKailP Cliepkrd N. riMlUFo, |hey ff^ h* ;** u.le (. oa waa than ia atdinary health, bnt. strange to lay, the .Iidfetaoo Itw. Co.* Wu. , aod 34- Tiiroiii;h. ^aay caa rw^ wiik euafidemM em - OTTER iVfiUtQ & ATuLEN, pou'.ds, the rsinals {urked with four Kt-nuedy, Tbor. S. A Bru., Maioat’ceL bet. 4tb and 5th. TI'HR WATFK KKT,**.— *st «*t A Glore. two bnrdrsd VV'Atill AND HU I*aasecgrrs f»»r ( ha died that day Iwa works. Tbs bird is yat in i'a New irbanj ha*?e a ch* ice of Iw i miito*: Tii.\N sPOl :tATIC >x. aiicruiri la i;az4 llord, laOuU Use Marine Inr <>., \S m. rintuu. See., 44t Maio. 35 doKcu Nw. 1 l^ue aud Ctreu Tubs; R D.VRLiNti, * m aar rider, aroisd itb bis rule, ra- Via raUr«>ad to Memphif « pesaklatN Warn hundred, baeidas a n and -teauer t*» New »rlr;»iis. Carr«*.!t«-!. cage, and paiwadm. 0/ tba family, who regard is Isiftib^-ille lu«. 1N>.. W’m. inatNrr* t er . Main, Nl. I and di> a33 dtf uf Ky. Yoiic aud Erie, by iN PWawsytvnai* Kailr oj ore m 4 35 do No. 3 do do; Do do O') aud su.'iu:er New Little Miami, C. C. u A lima* as fevoiakfa Totver, and ammnnilijii, and bis bedding laid over to Vicksburg aud WHOLESALE are -• JoUn. r*met. b*-t. 3d and sd. Siiu aMsirted coto'od Hiickets: 4JKOCEUS ae cNrfed by aay e«Nr Nftr-ad with lea'.ingsaf paiul.sr sadnaaa. Mmr. Mam du railroad tr> New Orleans. 8c and Shore —|-ti Dissolution of Copartuersbip. C , Lake Roada. gy*11e parti Hsor to tbo po^ to sit OB. Kw W’ra., Main atnad. NH 3d aod 3d. 5(1 caw*- Iwassaboat'd Juuii<-r Hncket-*; awa a*ark t ‘Tksrrt '"wia Fxwwa. K K** Sali/brn’i! ' S. C lEoIckasoo. r**i'*fure • X toilag iiud*‘r ) uioQ. ni 4A» Mainatrt^L Jnst rt'ceivid aud for lale Iu« bv CLCtfE CgN.NFoCTIgNS AXD XO DELA\iC ^I^IIE pamuT'Mp h* In- s:y!e of fi Agert-* for tN above rrltthle I.l;-es we are /Iwing MeFoNam m tN Worn » rdrrag wn sdefrom The young ara great |«ts ia camp, but very ml-- M . [ iN bstwK •trret, k iVfit'iD tV Ul»»r»* w-is dt* "lTe*| liy mit'nal c n-vnt 'ii \ tUioLgh rtriCipts f r .all k.n*- 1 PruJttee do e> U Ie disvct iNm to be slilpu'a V. n im Soil', i.>4 Main arfot* o«» SiK'K, \VH K:«. A CO. [ and Mer- fuKBbiiion 4i by tN foa'a. nures iniu every bag, |iut, 4 THROUGH TICKETS Fsrwarding Mrrcluils, efaievuu.- |K>king tbair Llh’* *• h dav uf la*l K*Pi'-r psrty i* au*h**rlz“d to (ii.(ndtite> kuing t* a.l |**dnt' .-a-i ( P«?-iSee Mlaadin iw iNtr * .VirginS/ — W.i*h'nktaf*i lori. CO.* W'lu. Uurff, Nr*t M^ioMreet, bet, Jut ( ii-ciuoaU at as low g en iproea-4 frr^m tN BaA RmraL.—Tbt Boinney latellignicer *.; fil.TTH Ff>r lii*' ili«-ffsul i^Miki will fuiiud STkEET. NE.VK VIAIN, ) aad paa about the camp tic.-. Tbair great aim in id aod id. iFINKIi ^^GAK—P4hh's 1/altiiuore H. Cn-h.f^ .'ale at tlu* otficeof llliu^t wkJ aad 4 taoi. iwieswM la eatt oa tfir Mwac* of

•sy.- v'-u^’ar just iworived |H*r sti'am) ua' i an hridf;*- Oliiv* aud .MifNippi. Bit. Iw0 ..is au'l at t!»o o/id aiaud, J. X. pLN ny ox the fatiaiwlag rlw»> hwfur- ' H aud Im C*ucibtiAU, aud \cw I Ctii-firo.N * fiToFT. «h)*.’;aitr«'ad. ^GTICII—The nrdt*rsi/u**d wl I eooilnue the Fe’iJ, eburebaa, jcrvsiling aa aalimiHBiiuini^y wilhoot itiUioi:** dc i^.. cur. »tii and Watex »trei j A prinlac-*. t lu*.urris a* the 1 1 sr llaaley, , my? dtf and omm* ujof discun- M«Mirpht*. Trim. IU S I ,N E^S CAR DS. aver tfca train is {laeked. Wt have entirely *t»i-t, dianortisB of age cr aex, canditian or caiw, ia r ow Falls City Varntsh CcmsHiny. P**ut.iu A (Hun*, Nu. : F -iiMh whes-e he will be ia pfogreas ia ear aisdst. A whole people lindiog tinaad the eombersume Urieutal appuratu- used as please I Lj aaU upon UK fn*-ods sn't eu<4ou,er«. ' J. Sackatedter A Co. Pomatum*. llalrOd, Cha.k Halis. F'leucU x>ats. Toutb- 1«5!)! TU THE F.\R WEST! lliOU! in its place one uf light, useful, J. A. PE.riTUaN, . iiTjni Chair to tba place < f w< rabip w ben aarv ices a saddle, and have J way |dt-kit. 00 GtntUmen's Ftif /liaAifi^ Goods. fur « c by R. F* H.VWF.S Aurust 15, IS’O aul5 dtf ara baM daily atd oigfatlri tba uoapaat aulamnity and simple oonstructiuD. Mooe 1 last rommunieut- Curuerof Fourth acd jtffeiKJo stieets, area gfrOos To w.w. udicuaic, Anoauoof, J M* comer 4tb aod MainKrceta. l ad with tba Itepartmaut we have had no trouble o5 MoEart rialL diaplayad a them ia acd oot af tboaa l•tacaaaf put>- ItsHurliard, GFS. ToPsKV. I.aVWKL.\( P- LEc« IN THE L'NiTbOJ til oae of the Milan hospitals as follows A MpToX, mcr- m Kart and Whaehag, Bo4iw od, a I'Kfi ctiad'’j*.« i on ibo iao nN Fork Gffrdo«*r4c I 'l.. 4lt< Mam rtreeL F**KT RILEY. WE'TON, NEl;R.V-K V CITY. rOi:I* aT-V 1 of r. rrarnrg on W*art, af Bsxt lot us inUr tba llospilzl Usggiure the »>, J. Ii. WALKElt. tN wh cb >4asw t laima «hk Rnik — L’KI. liarofa, Halle M dt v . NoeTH KANSAS, \E* i:>£3 XjjfA. 3EA.XTI3 I'iltri rtro* t. III sreiiATX orsrri; SSMZ Walnut. LottSoStta, toy. A Em with IlrMwAYS — the cccopita Ja-k A ItrotNr. &N Miiu ff'rerr. HKASKA. aud Soiithcm ai*u Western lUWA. M.\iN 8Ti:urr, H IXT. Wiki THH K.'oT, A.\I» patraaps ia world. 1; a spxra iImui am FAS Tl'KkK nf Ollkin.l'' r L TDOiMala for NOMTRWMTte arris. *iuo. 3d street. Nt. AM* letH'-m n M W.. Main LOd Water. leave llanuibal Fafs u* New Y’>rk and BbMton qa« i W altara from tbt W lUon Iscdgar that a daepa*ato foor tiniat the liztot our own Icdepandetce .S juAro, .VSr^ENGER TILVINS daily, nioro.ric M t,ri.,r 4.rcratlon of Hai'tlina., -neli oa S'aoi:ol. foz O.Nk^ m Kf tNn Murrell dr Go , 4*2 Maio ftrett. Jt Tin r* P aod eveuiny. for St. -epti. uimu anlial of the II. I nlumiK. Win'.i, I o|o. Ilrork.t. f r orateo., nay me. in Phitedolpbia. It was furtneily a jial-ry of Iba f Iknrt, to ; Kgbt oecarrad in Head Marsh, Nath cemnty. North trtii, J. S . 44 Wall street. UK(iE r.lPEU HOUSES IN LONDON. aud St. Joaeph Riiltoad Paekets from SL loOuis. .Alton, . l.ar.*»s> - i:3lmu T i-aml V.i-. i-i - . .ry .al-otr tf to 'F^wNna lanvn WNUing dadly. nt 4 itta-r P. omA ^eet bet . Itofco of bpotas, whoso wife wsa tus Allen, dth . Market aod Main. ^ cri-brsted A and i^uiuey. TriUcs ooonect e!orely with or Caaalms, ora day last wo-k, betwcaa Mr. J. \V, Itoilroad Iimcx RuTne and F'-oLh.nf In O'^r own asUbllabrnrut by an .•»». 811'Os o Wol;K-ionv.-!:-r... Runaint lirro. ^ Kawsun. I.'ood, Todd, 514 .Mam fftroet. | ail it • A first (lo-'S Parke's, ruLniug up and down ti.e ’ . -i Bianca Voicooti, aod now exhibits o-d ducal a a. 5ur. .Mimiuii With liw*Ws^of W ORK M EN as.Bl., to . of th. lo|.-< at4 n m 4-ra a.Io—olwar, iNraet c'T's'scct.uns os’- '~j J<*hn. -ket st.. bee. fax, GeoUcUiau. p.ice amda ^r^bi aa ., Ilsailet aod hit dcfs aad ibraa cegroea armsd with SnyArr. M 1st and Brovik river If'ui s*. .los»*ph, {> r Nehra-'ka City, imiteha. enurUy wvw ra>*«kaa. by Uie oae of PATkWTgo nirAis on Cuuii- j b rrei*ar*>d l*. c*ak«' an ( I 1 at ,zhlMt^.a al Iho Wtrk'. *ar“i irraion with fafrr, spleiider, ao far as ouooamst; c bean-y rf us csspal, by. Geu., a«f Maiu-*. U MADDFA'8 bookstorf., ff TU nz, We rtl Bluff*, Atel.UifU, \Ve«t«>u. L<’ ivenaor-h, aiid Kan-ws MAijiiAKitv rxrluavt-ly our own. A -hurt nct)ce in ihebvtt ati4 priOf. lirt to bo ho4 oo opplMotoot. PO* ALL THE Lladaa. regular batje o3 07 'J'li'id fft atuas. con* J. B- WALKER. Tb diaiNanlrw>«ia In Wgakisg.,.^ of Its f.,iicdatiuti, W'ellord; Pa.ker, eui at., Nt Market aod Main. witti tu lonwreuri' We t-blain our i*a^r iu the Flat from tbe Mills resalted ia tba daatb i f oco of tbo dogs Che caalort iu pita. produced almost Di'Ct Sta4cs Lcouiptou. 'ic.riia, lot Best Hse aad M. ''*>4*a awn vuss kilc> Furt i»i‘>tt, (>fwriiwa(Liiate, and MauhatUii. JOHN ROBINSON a CO., ,.****T***tf V gwmm .ra. PMada^ acUrcly by teitaarcLtary dUpod'.ioo, amou ;ts now Ilarduars aitd Cutlery. , .Also, n IN Country. pbrn. Nee ! Y >r%.%nl H> atom nt *rt of accaad, | LBUi>>ille BIrachiuy EMabiiNhinrat, ;N aaal n •Boiming a the sarious sbxiliBg of oca rf kl. iuii N&es ijiyerand R-iidus: at l.. A f Sul Main ft. M. R. wa nlana bf ‘toMom r^aasom 5d KraxU Xii*i>; Tiab^ w tN Korterm cl kata, aid rf d.'Ilsif, scl is U*’;:ciy i'creuicg in va'us. It oruisby, CoUL. oJb Main MUS. W^L OSHOUX, in eon Npawanvitf For mU* low to the* trade. 'illoH IMPORTERS t HAVIMiN. w- .Mauufa* tore ev*.T/ Variety of S-frinoa : & JOHBERS win Wa.fitmgfoti ni Papv.*, L**^al My on nddltlnmni cknroa jf 3,i*l*ECTFL'LLYiuf :r-j3ihe India# tNt g^ou f.r 'D'-lt uvtn hvLTIMoRR waa BBirjBtrd. fit. Josapb iiaUrr*ad to Luxltigt/m and Riahmoud, Mo. thy abvdi. VNO DBtO 1 frikiAj sNe has r. turtted Lorn ll»a wUNwrll a« any the macaa Iwdr of pa'iantt. .I. SJU peundf of Fail inirr * FRENTILITALIA.V,*: l.NDIA SILk.-^, RAILKUAD m pnnsdpj Nnr . bread ara and U Furuhhinr (ioods. 1 *ta m tbS l»nL*rUltJ to fit, 1 . j>> ii|«i ^ From J h hours— L*u' x to KdV* -«rried s’*-^ a of fiiiaw B- imeL'. K)bboas,^fn^ ^a*K K. w F( ^.LEk, •4an*h, ( A — Iron, Steel. ,Vnthi, Ae. of »nd Awfiiras L. M *()|.Ev Gear mi t^^Nt kswnL and an cxeo and twe ruws killed, and 4 tooda.su (txrinrive of p-o'e-siousl nnrie- i kept Paperi, lea. »«!• k left besBt bia family ware eejojing grod bcaUt. Denver C ty Exi*re*s lesves at. Jnreph dail.v for tN Fo#.vri' tioepDs. <'9. Jcrsrs!ry, Watekes.and Flate. Rilk, Cashtnere, Mcio**, and Cottuo ShMt-'and Drawers on ns ia c>c slant acre Inis li cow l.a' one /-ut of GgLD -Ml.N5'fi. Fate frr*ni laOuUxil'e thrmi^. b.tarj Dlaacbini nod Frewing rnrrW iHvinl nt LealriviU* a»e FruNktert mmS aod ba antic- ,. isareliatle o5 MKfi. VVM. USB* >Ryfi. Ttt proportion rf tick ftI44 ThD Express I niaraiag af ar bis arriral ia Jkoataa, wban lairing I olfinstrr. sr., MIk, VVtH*|. Mail we manufacture l‘a;H-rs all l rtdrirk for tba app'onrhing fipnng Letotefflea aae Ilii>riibuh! A Main bet. 3d and 3d. Me-iao, Caabmere, laanibe’ sNker. and aod arc rasionMbk* f. ir iNir Fine of grade.*, Rnle-i R trade will bw Fnaakfert to wbete popnlaiioa is, at tbs best of seasons, Comi*auy con met- Kcudiick, Caotton O tnund Iri* aosumre i* extent and bu bad Ie drooo Ar braakfooi, ba tow Ikertd in Bi . dd sL. Markwt 4c Half Hoeeat MANSFIFal.D'S. vs^tv tN aMat i p a W Nt Ma'n. Alt the Itockets uf (be 11 au>t .'«t J(*stpli Itoilrnad line* RUl- Heads (;wo, four, or more heada to theaheei). Patent YTxdivrovAX*, Tary rx'rsoidiaery, baing gratily sw 1 an be Kitt-. piela of any stock of « : tba John, A Co., Maiu at., Nt. 4*h aud 5tb. Kid. t*s are e!e^4ttt fiteatueiw aud are i-xpresaiy to FANCY DRY (H M>l!S twar gbrwl minor the enrma af a woman lying ia tba bad fr wn Sdk.Oulh, Heaver, and Buck (Pm aed Gaunt- nm euunect Head*‘d Hill Iff'ttion.Ja-. I., acd Common Caps. totN’mdaof lyouieville, lu vhirh porlicwl^v sxoeottve bests of ills sum nar, and ina va-l amnott Main.b*t Sdandld. lets at with this road No extra cliarue for nieaD w« mvi.a i which ba bao jaat lime. Spair-boBad, ba gsxsd MANMIELDS. ur»to!e-rocuii attmtinn Voght A KUuk. 3d sL. bt t. Main A MarkoC while on th«* Packetff of thb Coiupaoy. Itiaok JOHN R. ALLBN, IN of MrrcNcta '.w!*nr this market. >17 dtf inisBia fealiag of j-tnperism, wfaic'-, ttnlike ihal ot E-giand, bs- Silkaod GloyNm I’tubrenarat M5NSFIKLD'.<. Ba><'k p-Ai-ftrs, Ruled and Finish?^ lo fnperior with and triad ta teaognizr the loa- A'wiiVraiito d*s*hug tu arc* r:i;«oy their stock BO almsbocta, bat lives on*, of do' rt wbtn wall, Iron MantUs. Fancy Castings, Ac, may de* StyE'tat a great rodnctloa of pnoee. and Linen and SUk pocket Haudkerebb'ts. bc-nmed ready | K.iVlLKO^VDS. taiae tf tba ourp-a. bat in vai. ba cot thruuidi by WHOLESALE CIUOCEK ; ooald even iwud uu ruing ./aet Jreigkt Kxpreaa train. sick goas iho hospital. WTallaoe, Lkh?ow. 4c Co., eor. 3d and Main st#. for use, at MANsShTl.LD’S. »=« *?•»>•''= USA. ntova bis ayciids: ba fall daprivad of wboa to Bat now, b sides Freight taken at loudest river rates. D^eiers* SUtlioers* 'm^.^mm rztoai w« acUoo, for bow and G^ois finished, if so ordered, sno ' iS-'iiy. this, wa bays at laaai six thousand of tba wounded Lamp and Maekinery (HL Go'dand Ivory Head Canes at M.\NSFIELD*8. Itosst ugers are re«|*eclfully n quesled to OAtuoder this Stewart, Carniidiael Jc Co. f otopwe oa W)..oc long be keew nol. Ha was at laat ttarllad by tba n their o«n style and wrapi*ers. .>taaiped, * IKS . Af sbert, namj and de- —k A. ff . H- yysu, ol at, .loliuo# aUoff lata esmpeiges. fikene. Win., 4c Co., Itn’litt rt.. beC SNviiiyaod Drespiog Caaee at MANSFIELD'S, new, and cheap njute before selecting uthers as il hxa riegiag af the bcii for Lraakfaat, io from tbo Mala and W’nter. «oa^,s for X«« bad to aaiisfy faiauelf what bt bad hub rtllectsd Lamps. Burning Fluid, Coal Oils, Ae. \ ruMfs by TURcl'GH TlCKirrs tu h’L Joeeps by will 5a5 .Maiu *t’eet. Itopor Makerst we exc anye from onr stock rtmovad to th** Upper Rai'ding in < of Fin- i as N«w Block, nrtla: nt Pinr kf “ fi»r wards. Toat in which wt art aboat torotercaevists railroad cau be ttUTba-t d. Twkets for sale at ail the Laam^aabmgt. UnnwXbnrg, sm4 ie tba mi:rar wss rail or ar i:'asiao. lit fuBad Heattie. Goo., 4tb sUwet, Jefftwsun I tbt Nt anl Greon. shed Goods Inr Flat pa|*erM to your advantagii. H a*.rlh Okie -’f Mein rtnt-*, beiw- ea FtH nn 4 Second, DoavUta. %i MMiva> fcr Veti nilun nt Fnyne'e fitoDon fog of two lorg cerrider*, each a:>oat tba la-:g‘l! LADlEfi’, raUroad ofiioua. For further iulonua'i >u aod alt oontracta i'UU.MEU 4>t>' FKONT .k>n WOOD of an RidUe, W. 11 , 4tbstrevt. N't. Jeffr*rruo arid MISSES', LOV.S'. AND CHILDREN'S three doors tba bed aa left it; looked Groen. above Galt 1L~* , wherw CunUnua Ua* rr,^-uwn: ba bad ba sgsio isio tba mir- to N wUl and at Lcii«gh*n via raifc-TiBl nod ttmaa | apply J.ll lujWEN, ror. sow tba t-ad Iraly overage Fcilsileip^ia -quare, ard ab u; nx feat Liguors, H'lAcs. ' bia fanner bufficaas. bS-j *4# .biau ‘imew Ue, ImnvkLn, La near wf, Oavbatff, Ink only rtKaciad. ISurieg y and AleokoL Boots, Shoes, and Cailers, GiMcriil Aguut. fiL Louia. ClfC ATI. umb tV: II fii ert. R^hiui .ftriutig, la height aod in brssd: 0 . Evaryibi; is admirably AKD, cd. Mt a»d all ittieftor v*wmn the day ibought g Monks. Joseph, 3is( Maiu s’re* P. B. OUO-AT. General Tiekct .A*.»eol, ) ,. . ba mccb upoo tbs illuaios, ecd L witbt*ut fir GF «»erv d*werij'Uoti, with and lUnniUL fiKU>.N J train- AM P. M . rtoppiN ai ad ctesr. —doors, eot*, sbeaU, the drewas tf tb - 1- each sidirodi A Lav-«I Sd stpret, Nt Main and W*a*er. 1. T. K. HAk Wald. SupetIutendeuLi WHOLESALE PAPER WAKEIiOCaE, moNn Urmioad Bsxt Biaraiag to bis •• t. rub ayes end feel fWr. V •; I,.adk-e' aod .Misn*# Ibown and FTSON.VLntt^nlsem gtwea :N pnrrknm n»^ mla nf wb^B fioepffd, axarpt Pair Gr iods. F<>* pretty aud chtMp K>d sod Mo* mal4 dl4ni No. 44 BrPKtiAv fiTikXT New A'or P rr-toduee Mto-rHiandiae, nod Maanio,:! jrwd yrtlrlaa ( vmsby'K Rtowmorfugb. Rktokner'st nnd Mortk RbnsN; Essooe, A. M Ron, 5Ui sLeet, i etw*»o Msiu and Water. 1 3V*Lio«*ml advaoma ing. It is mbch c»iar :hsc ia tbs pah air—much loeco Heeled Hoots. th‘ck eud thin sole; a d, ui 1 mode on aanofirnroanU. aauitecuim by atage at Rastnarca lar nod tbalbj viBo bad. Bat, oatwitbstacdiLg tbatc prweau'.i*BS, the « Lumber, Sask, l>oors, fact, evcr> l-'ii>t tl. * .Saw Ae. thing to found iu a 'Ui*s Shoe Sti*rc. 1 Rai'ga.Nraa; Lhos. 5'owtc, art) «r, Saw I'mrtN «t Midway fbr eouter tbso sven ia the bis botal where I am suy N WESTEllN SEEL) W rtkdnctenA Virmtilm. nnd at Pm>-ms's fb wiaaa wa* re-catad with thb addi’icB. that ba Cm., llUKb M,.mri.ay .Nenl*i*>), Oacrgatuwn. Alexander, EHL. A Co., eor. iTiotun A W'alnnt, and Main SAMl’KL I . Ll.i:, * C*'., Town. 4b Un.. thewgbt ractgtaiaed ii-g—ssd yea Me »t coca that taoae ptlian's who AND CHARLES CJUETICr, Hnrw he ia the enrpm amat raeam- Ntwooti Lit aad sd. South ride ef Market. Unyn Ma4ncc A Worn, Wynne. Hninwa, A i s., T!lIKI»TRAl>U.A4)o(*un'k»aTW*»-Lravaant4.«P. M era coavalascent are really erjivicg UtietoUkLoU: 'beiuveivai. ,f, Second dour above Fourth stiecL PIANOS. A.Tbar, Wbilvstde. A C >.. Wm. WighUuan, at nM mtis na . nnd. iwBuning, wWianaa Maaoa to tba (esleras af bis wiA. Hreden, N-. oor. Mam and Wcnael 4 Walnut beL East 3MCex*ol2.Aia.t logtaNfi TFAilox* >L Lo'Ta; finmoel iHT, KlmnsviiW kubar< a: ^ Uoe her a cigar in bis month, and is cfavtirricg DnlaaliJb u«*., r M . , «!*>-pvtog at oil stotkms, and orriwa at Lansm Ia tba coarse of tba aarund day bo roee'vod o lot- wbb and Floyd. I AND U*ALKB IN A'sxandtr Nuvbiin Pttkaharg; McUuIcbann * Odiin*. viNal ajm .V M. bisneigbbor. Accthcrbisa Kr-.ccb paper—vtotbar Musical Instruments, and Muaie, Agricultural Warehouse. tar from his wife, io which she staled that sbo was A,UUU 35>Mia r« Hay; rbUtetelphm: McAndrew 45 Warm. New Y rk; .fobn .K. Trains amva in Lontsailla aa follow*: Print train nl novel. PETEKS, GRAGG, k CO.’S mid a railway In tba many hospitals I lava F'auids, n. P. 4c Co.. street. 5uU bushels pruueOld Oats; in store. t aldwell, K'ukuk Alirad A. <|ailo wall, asd hoped he wos enjoying himself Main Nt 3d and 3d. Keettlf/ bJIttelc Vlothing;^ UntcNll, Muincy, lU : lbtil«y*n M. ww nd tminntTJbF. M., Lacrnadnaa«Mnmodntian saoB, I have never mat ooe which aqua ad ;l Mt'( aiTell, Win., Jeffrretu sUeer, Nt. 3d and 4lb. J. .A. PEXTOX. Boyle. Rock Idnnd. nfvy A. bis fnoaids. As ha was devotedly ij in dS4 dly* M. among ottacbod Tripp 4c Cre*:g. 4sb strvrt. Nt Market tt., between Second and Third, near Second. II Vfi’c itoonis, fw^ DnnviUn, the amnnnt cf the comferta with wfa'c* Che pa'isnta Msrset aud Jeffercon. (i. W. BASHAW, ^JS^TTux^b “nekmi Rnm dsbu^i rN ANDIFoS. (htndie* of ev«*ry var.etr, I to bar, oad always ar.xioos fur bar safety, hr sup- ivu-rs, CTfrgr. A C'J., e«*r. Glh sud — teaiiufartured Orr f i i , ir i r aill (snt«gM*»w-r. are vuramsdal. a a a a Main sireets. I Wol'I.D beg l»*avt^ tu inform my uld |«trons cl4 dtf Cemer of Main and fi>xtb Aa. N apm m g Y m. and Iba by* C aod wa ranb‘«l by tin* subMrriNr e iual to a:iy made ' Uie general that, acd all fnrtbrr iaformottn^ son rw bad at tN paaad that bis morbid fears bad cuajarod op tba 1bE.VLFR la Ladle t Cbaiu and rver Horse.? owert, and imb'toin having received my I UagN tbara io Marble Wurka. Bat anotber view to !« t- kan. I hare iu tbe L'niou, for sale at Ui>- luw«-st price* hy ail select*^! ta LonNoBB, and Hro*, and SAMIKLOILU aboat bis faasiawss a.- cbaarfolly as asoal. tba WTiobea’e Con^rcfoniT. FruiU* er. Ac., liiiliijjo 04 On Merchant Ftirior*. < Vutotiiiy-, I now pre|«r<-ii to fir i*n ficW. I tN't Prmnk. nnd Frank. Lam. bTp. INiwcr am n 4>mi‘Ut* to uitb-r 4 4 haoDSlaU . Bat, aU.-! b -w ioadaqurV t!ie-a com- CobiYnshers II 4ud and urn Mirllets.Grawfieod-, G Lm eVi N.., Ml T bird »*t. ab >ve .Ma m, wt-sl side. T. SHANKS & CO., at short notice, tuuderak' pric* s. nwiTwiag af the third day, afior bad dressed, - W’siker. Fruit Trees. Lime. Omeut. Pla/*ier Paris. and in the bei>t and iatvst ba ba f.rts art to relicva be ui s> ry that t, bare cid:if.,d. 4. D., Maiu street, hot 3d and \\ Ui:«- Sand, Rvaiu, 4Ui rireet, ^'^INL OLaTI-:.—3> b>>x**i< i>ouud'* •aeli) At., Ac., is prepired to furnish everythioi: dsbiraM- his etvle. foaad bim«eif io thought in his 1 into a bu-pilal. 1'ba claan- L 13 3d rCoeU encagt aa eiitt**r), L'ld Poolwmr* VaiUiaa. .|lini[ MIIMI BIIIROID will be ifiatt tu Walt upon a LOUISVILLE, HITE LILAD, Ac.-l,«s» k.v- Whit.* I ead; b former laUruus and iu»ar« KY, riats, bis ebildreo wept be was io tba house if lioaai that reigns ia tba Kesl boapilsl bsKn,;f not I^rinftnj loiter kanKfaeturrra. .4LI >PAXISI1 ClGAl:*5.-M',*aai HaT ,- l.ins.'ed (H‘; Sy~My stock uf Rt*ady made clothing of aM pialitlca is * p: II. tNt N lun* oe (otusd at IN nboaa p’te^a, . ver Mi*-*s.'*«. A. HDRIFa, a'ao very large pn pared t wil on rb*> in^ arconmodotieg terms. Coma beard the earth ramble apoa the c*.lba, be eaw the oecn. 1 ba nuraos srs very few, and the co'a acd B FoaAer. uU do >arnisli«*s, a.-ri«*d; aud cannot tad to give saliftf;actlua, 6RE\T I^WlEnE^'ITH TOSfllfrCl^. aFt Confeefouer, No. 5u Thud tk. one. oome all. aod gtva n-> a emit before tuoking yi’ar pur. WAT?M).N a fiTOl'FFErfi ri RNITCKE WAKE; rale hy wptl5 dim i Sited, and Ibe grata it: bedding c.iare and dirty. But the outer l»u Pout 4: Co., Main ftre*'». t.^wceo In store aod for lUK»Mfi, wbara prepay ad 5a make ta order and wiUfi *** graac aodt eoaaiwd over yat, wre'ebed- 4lh and 5th. ehoskfr* i-lscwhere, a*> we ar*- •Kt*riuioed tc- pleosa. Wa N » I 4M DOW praanrwd to fir* —:igb rew-Rls bg Mat >iTed. so Main strurt. ( surcLiFFi: iiL*(;iiF.fi. by aoaaa ttnaga p* war. be euold see tbroogb tbo ness it alight compared to tbr isci r LAYING VRDS - A would inf rrm our country cuptuiuais uf the rtn^ necom- I I Naia and Unla Minmt knilrand tor fretoN to NwW Fatent P 13 g*i*ss lv*»ry surfaced .Mogul CaMs; WATCHES AND JEWELRY. modnri o* iu oar Immediate oeijrhi orkood. •ianlily name I to IN trade oioo, to repair, fi'iiaint. and rs-'' Hl-Udehkin, IWttmafo. and Bai to n at iowffnt mton. of bit wife Hc'eliooo buabisa boy, bia light yellrw hair ifWtci'fMs and Fer.fumes. a 13 grooad tbo OBUrt form os sbo lay ia her H.AVING opened an eo ir«)v new asv*rtoient old Htiods fi 34 du arsoi led qualities du; PICE.S.—35 bag# pepper; j trim at sNrt nattea. Kram a panrtianl fenwwH pb'ppera by ibm innto ausy aiwara ratp an Nvtng tMg girg gonzily hit •niic'istad Uxymond 4t Tyler. 4ih street. ^ bx' over c: anienac-T, Ntween Mato aud Market. For fwi- 35 >pice; £t*\ of VV.VTi IIES VXD JLWELRA', I w uld re. edge bttBtmasa, it, i><>prwardffx1 witk %ns k dnvntcb. S| iri-ifui|y call the att*-ntion MURRELL & CO., sad bis pale blue syt telling 00 lost tt an bis Froduerand Froeisinn No. 5u Third (kit potinds |*rtme Nutmeps; J ot mv niim**r>us to give safistaetioB to nil canl wttk ksm nnd mer- Nvi.'ig prodm# to *kip to r«*nt Ksyr Ho teokod ia tba facat of thoas ar.iaad him. but broken Brokers. stm-L j *N mny PnrHas any wOl I. uds. aliff* tht* citv 3UU do .Maoi?; and C'tuDtrv merchautff 10 I it a Ubernl |•nut>aags talk, of tbacoootrr t' wbk-bbo biloaga*. But that RtewaH A Harter, 545 Main street. IlkinMifr' fiocon^rt to Marrell, Trigg, A Co,q find R ts iNsr odvontoga to snU N an Mora maktnff ae eat toamed to aotice bim; bt triad to waap. but rAamiraU-»u o( rieli lieautitul sole* l-iO mats Oass^a- an a and ion o! k*mm1s I I Pficaa renanmnbia and tarres fash. mM dly contmr*e ailk wttow llnado. taik, at il e weeps fiVully tellv rw toward n', of tome- /Nsf1 ro*;rira>ilIy have hu k*vp liand I tba toart rafused to S ; bit Tory baart felt as bard 10 bins (fFonod India aud aVfricx Ginuer; *»u —my t.-i-k being Bawn alw«>-a os low as by atNr rwntoa and Mgkl pN Uiirg mere, for it brirs;- be'ora us s oioibar, li-.ils Caweln. |te-i*rec*‘y Ui?w and fr*t*h and “f the Ui*M«t la-.h(fiu«..whtrh II*Ao/cs«i/6 fjirocers du ! as a rack. Eoragod at hit owa want of feeling, be 4 A (>.. (WfrJket**! 3d bet. MarVH an* Vain McMUl.LEN 3 Jauiak-a Giuwr TMT-ni Fxxx*xa1jb1x1 kkroogb tt) .N «bortert p>Miblr U^e. i KAYE I rale zi.s. K,. Forsa!elowhy [sS-j Sl oflrr for at U>e mus- liberal terms I pritlu my -elf det to throw himself npoo the greae mid Iu bmbor and sislars kc-ewa to I im by t: a r simi-.u- c. ebartes), 5th. NL Market aud Mam. TcLIFFE* lirGHIS. Par ImtNr mtartooNn, apply to oemlnad nobp>*u;Km tiu- cxceUeiice uf stvle ao*l t|ualiti of ny u^RKM 11 ItrRRfi— All MOSS and kinds. live pat namev, ard a b- ms Irum Stvue Founders. RK NOW RECEIVING THEIR FALL PUR* fEv.sk cirm, v^n^ tbare till bit baaet tbcald brask. whao he waa call- w^ied this boy gor*ds tiian tlieirexairnifly low ahich t HoLTlNU LT.(»THS-AUaamNn baatmaka. V chases, am«>iu* which a'«*— prioca, Um interest CQMiflSSlOl“’aEBCHi(ITS| r»4 dtf » Mom NaaK was to.-n. Su s(edL-> -lohnum tare, jo WaUaer. ( >i.. srd it snaaki LUbcow 4c corner 3>l and Main 3ilU boxt-ri of city aud country deaN-rs demaii D, ai« • IMPROVED FORTAHLK aoiid I'roBCk ad to coBteioasusaa by a friend, who aatand tbs streeU. ch** ce Teas; aud k>udlv re- , MlLLft-WUk s lib’ff pt*wdeud t r«aiu Tartar*. ba.-t io tba rest 01 tbo rots in this f.vir wzrJ. |«« do s: •jMCrt th* m to b»ok ver mr i>lo«*k befttre making pttrciias'-s burrs and uoda oa known plan. to inform him that broakCsst was raady. 11s ’TBere Xuap. Candle, and Oil Manu/acturers, Raids Ks>. 4SJ belMfeen Fifth aad Siktb s Fre^h liates* in tN WNle- To cf 4c Hruilmr, ' otorted as if awoks from a profoand slaap, tbnugh ComwaM t6j Mam street. 3.<» iHjuidi* Extiai-t Lugw i; Mill Irons ficrewsa oiciaama, S.OUQ )*uiitid- a***oited (itim Drops; gill Jriwly I.SU ISVI I. I.K. KY. MalUag, PlMiar Pwu. nod wbosii rseimeDts were anliv*ed by tba Aujtrisov, 3iMi gtori* wo*mI.I»x bt was atoadieg before tbo mirrer with a hair brash tba Seuing Machines. l5 lia'<*«'tsi hanipsyu*'; .Matches; Mill nrtlclee generally. stamp that itta-ped toward to ijuaD i 1 V to suit pureba-er. Wl have fta a lorga st yon s'mwirg ao auipu ICaks. R. 4tb *>treet. 35 bofff- piPi'a).|.'L‘ Lhtx-K*; #ei:t*ril. Grd« r.< uotrUiVed ta* uiy rare will rerrivc tucb OBM r. casizMZLi.. kr.H T o'kz*. zaa. V. 4'asfroai.L. Nnd eak of ahora named arWIrs. ia bia head. , Ntwee* Marked and Main. - V »l TCLIFFE A IU*GHE«. atieuiion as cannot fail to give cutire satKfactlon. For sola low and tinnlity warranted. JEFFEKNO.WILIaE toud aim, and tba glit’ar cf tb* aye a comumirg 1 p L . 4 b strict, U-twoeu Gre«-u lu smkff FiiU-rts b^maslf. related s»»d Jcller»oD s' fUr eomaosiag fat to Lis friesd M. -NaUoliLtii t:.. 4t‘i rtr.-et. bo d«i aimiinds: A. fiTKlNAl’. IlERisKRT A WRirtllT fever. Teat oaa, girlish, Ssxoci f.r*, in tba next A , Ntsnu Jiff, ant Green, CAMPBELL, McKEE, & CO, -. 4*- p!7 dtf No. 15 Third tt between ilaic. *fver. be bad aaao, acd both oar-dadad that a good numu'-r C*i.. J-'ffers^n rtre t. S5 ls*xrs nt.v. n l. pme; N Main rt., 3nd d»M*r t*el.tw .'.th rt., . and srbst cot, ae ciaarly decoticg apprcsc'i-ig desib, l-lcogs A Ntwseu 4th aud 3th. *0 dn (*en«*.x It I'M.Mu « dly above Ua«-r, 's (.Km bfoskfaa, only was waatiag to ditmpats bis anpleae- Kfcduiboaf Agents and Cowmi^s^on TV «' truu; i M WnFltl. '•‘I Bacl-, eeCo l>ry ds Store. to a m-.rt cbiid, tcsrctiy mire than whose tiunk re- and Furaardimg 3>U dtums Irtffh Mgs; Vonnn ission bllerch an is, aot impeuMiv'Wf. A few days aftarwardt, bows var, M- 'chants. of mains. Teat cry for water, which vrrsslt vuur ear, AT whicb are now iu store, aud tlicy off-r f.*r "ale vi ry i FDR THE H5hST LIGHT (»N Y(rt*R maiaaebtlT ialelligecce that bis |ia4iam A Hurbana**. Wa!i street, Ntaeeo MainA W'atcr nuPoiit's Superior Rifle D-ctiirus. a' c'«-an-i>t raceiTod th< coufCt fren a dying mac, dying in daiirieiii, ^MAIN KfUELT. Powder. A d wheie th* an*l U-et NEW' OKLEA.VS. L.4. whose t artdsr Frsnav. 5s<; Main street. wits bad died aad dan ly, aad tba tzaw comtpondod h*-ni?< al i*ioUaie pr**diiC’- pt* Suuod y n bear from \\'E are Ao-nt- fur these wull known brand* a-d niar* M ag an art tu the U. A. BELL ..WM. MLRUriiCK, ia tbs mirror. Woea bo rotaraad hotao ba dsacrilad | anotbar Lad, acd t'cu tba next Havana “V aiitr;; ths-m »'ti;'er»ur ST.VK PICTl Ri: (i.Vl.f.KRV'.Ni. 4«“.Maia Uiua yiaa ,r« | Wl*- ry Stun*. it his Ttsioa, ard tbay ore tap uedad with tba frets. | c from bnllsla which moftt ffctect bruuds, such a« ocnot be txlTa-. -il trim that Toys. Varisties, and Fancy Goods. f All work warranu-d t«> be put up in dmabie 4tv 1e This is probably eaa af the moat rlaid intteacas of bowel*. Lot whii'i I.A Mill-t OVITA; Blasliiiz in -*i-id:f V. (i.-ilKR. looimU>too ft Forwirdini: .>Ierfhaat<, man's tba wird in his dyi g ( ancon, -Iterrill. A (^ .4!3 Main rt-ot-t. INTIMIDAD; Powder Iron Kfffs, cdsirroveaoo M record. Mr Il'UoamU knows | PAlITa Giir It a-t 55- i;as; ti* aO'1 C’annun P-;wder is -iw i*i:t AT TIIKIR STANI*. »T.. frame thus agitatea. Aid wbeoavtr yen. bcrr*f Murray. It. J.. 4*b str . ifr-i. Maiket ani Maio. u 1 up In OLD MAIN ! IKKV ANTES: Botbmg of modern spiritaeliom or clairvoyaneo, ns Ruc^-, Jitiiui, 4Ui sirewt, bet. ' t'AIIVUl.A; P-iTl.Nl IRON KEii.H. whrh k«'ft* in**>tiirv from lb** ter, think of tba l-attlca of Magects nd Solftriao, Mam aud MarkeL WaSo|M.T'>.\; la(U l.'-tok lloLK, KY. TIPTOP; powdiT. and, fits s.— irity aea n-t II. W. I-ITKIN. Wff. L. P. W1.\KD. a F. .\V»BY moot of bio lifr bao luoo psooad upon s form oed Teas Fin- aud VVat*-*-. make 'bickof tba 'J<).0<>0csacs tcib as tba'c wbom Ibote aad Fancy Grocerus.. IMiLM IDAD. r, K|V(j- lb* III a' pn-fv al.’t tutN \\ -*tleii ^Ol'lIIFU.x' **>dtf s |*rou pHy a:tandad to aod cn.di \ K* i> omoeg forootl. It moT not ba omioo lo otota Ihst and o i;..VN tehanrrw umde «in ru- rt^nnr- •*. i>ji* dAwtf bxttlm pradaoa-1. l.Aaiia’tt A C*>.. 3d st-eel, bet. Market aud Jefferson. nini); ^ “ *" uril< rilia bio frthor, who wot o Soe^ Higbisodor, bod tba For Hole wbuh'sali* aud n-tsdl by IKiTn'kivs'*^ Fobnceo CowuMuaiun. PITKIN, WIARD, & CO., j EHWVKI) SADDLERY gift af ‘'aaeaad " itestno TVonaller. PFYN.\I>g, OFKU K OK sight. — 54- flTV foWDKI! M.\<;A21\E. AKRIVAI.M ATTllF. I'lIINt I I'A Ward, John, Mai.i tir<^t No. 3 Main st , uudt r the Luu’-\ 1 e Hutel. L IIOTFL". '• iu»r^' N'ak. v\ irk*. A t o., 3!2 Mam streeL .llEHIt'Ali liEl’AK’niEM' I.rs to litkin | 477 Main Wbat aaa /' CP TO TWELVE ocuu m TO-l>AV, -NT. 11. street, laimr-cirr Pi<-rT-a»j’— bine Ford Wu^iuau. 11 . 3.'1 Vain Kii«*L WHOUIfi-VLE DEVLtJhfi I.N ff. Immna A. V. I <: OF Cm ' DuPONr & CO.. - tSttu. J.—Ott. Ut.—LoUed S * o . Terra Cotta Works. i aad fur sa^; by T V 1 ?Os 3 s s TB. oae pbatagiuphe JNO. F. mataod G. b Ibis wos FJH lUNOE IlOTFa!.. lUnooa. P., r»Ui rtreei, between (iroen HOWARD, and W'alou*. nt for 0 pfoassdmg m Um part of W'>ni«m.* Ap Mauiifacturers. Fonhc Kare Course and Fair (irouuds. tbo Eadciml ootboritics G H Itarlrr, Na l.vib TVtf fiis Valises. Carpet Lays. Ac. *® * etoorooocopre pielnreo as iade. T T W'ui's cP • W i;.»wwT «KNTI.KMF\ miDBiiTy iiiismiE. ®**®JSf** Icnry, J. 11 , ror 4tb aud Main » reets. A WIIOII.WKNOT if f» iH'Wuiiig. Tfimat) If leuiing. 1,0 0 sL (Jo do: eaot. Tba ptetoraa wara F *' '••I |.;u prednotdte fitb. yju .1 thuir ,tuc ; i..r exhl Coort, and (I’Han . !»., Main.brt. 5tb and aud .Market, 3,‘-“- •ttA-z Jo - or, cin oi near S4. i do do; IMPLEMENTS, tba faa« J O M caldwi ’** lUcF-srin U suppiud TWKNTV-TIIIKU .wK-'SKln. AGRICULTURAL naar^y oad limU of o fciaolr. torsoleby^ '' /US[m J A huW Venetian Blind Manujaetory. C.\J!HNKI: * n\ with (^ve «th'ng ?•(*.. ytosa-y reprosoatod oada |or an mT3i^ Sguriu. Tbo ilarvey. John V., Market, bet. 3d aud 3d. outfit **f Uie nn. pI t|ua Uv and at r*. Iroiawa rwf .-iurcery. KAllONAL HOTEL. Brandy and Cliampa^nr in rv s*.Lab'c |* R. FALMF;:. M. D.. pemMdmg was raa^ by 1 Bonds Machines, Trees, Plants, H, j:aw.ro Lo. fiMl 1 I’rwiiasor uf (Jteiuirtr^ and ^ ITiVa* Ferfuincry, Ae. J. 11, .M. D., tkaani- Aatbsay, of Broadway, who H 8 MIcMmo, UcLry oo Mr itrigh* C.ARKR a-surte«l F'reneh Prandies: e«l |*lir heU'gv. tffuad avidoaea to 1 ft C. M r Jarris M C IVi** im. 4Hf* rs .n\ lAle Mc-hola.-'. a.. . for oalc ia all the atom, and ibot te pabiic J llaiinl Trnnf^rr |»r C P.sx'.er, l-fudenbercrr A Co., 51tf Main street .Main and Maiket. ! ao eouid W Coviuptoa _o« dtf WaU sirnet T. fi. UELL, M D., FruCesteirsf IN Theory and aat ' Fme- W' Merrregor W' A UHUll Wa trs A Fux. Maiu, Nt. i*th and imb btrvcti. Commission bo clams il os iadocaoL Tba ^oesiioa af Merchants, lirt* ol Medicine. abaeacHy W'lti-oD Marbiid, Matn street. n.ui dtf MH'iMva-LK, hy^ W W « ol IDS. TriiwbV eo J II Howe ('icrinneti A 4 2 J. H. COLST«l\ a ."TOI T. I Pn.f(*ss«r fob-telrfc of fSact tufurt Na. I'ninit fi-irvd. 2 |»bii«. .V L. FdWKLU M. U- Medkina. is OB trisi as a asottar Ibe jorr, Dtn Vrun. 1 cn sTo J aad i fliek*. rtf> Lardsiown J C‘>iv. ' m A W. BENSoN. M. D , Froi*sswc ot Anatomy T. I PKOlt.lISLY the J. and uan- W. IL SFAKKE. JiHIN GALLAGUKU. Ibair rardir* will off m this trade to o roniMtisbte VV R VV'snt, T .odr ff .x J^rr.CIAL ATTENTION (.IVE-N TO X^y^ hzn.Iw.|nest ao'l SD--.t — Oeiaftoa M w «i JATI-NT R,VTCIIFT hCT*KWR.~3,QfiO COLSTON & STOTJT. IHIPITVING eral Fhy.- iol . THKEAH grot* ami I •*raA*d>tig iu.od-; »*> scU oosTKiete -t<..k cf Oliilia, t cansignm antA-, A H.itoil e-ty a’- , n»: I *uur, auJ tj. K J ave tnr m*a Inw to chse probibita tba trWMMMwNr \\ h'rkv I Oo— cxtsal. Tbo Federal lav imporUiioa ( . rralVssor ot berews rceeived aod ior na e by r*«i-"n. * ' ware, lost r., Voo-.. & M. HK.MLv*^. M. D .Medical Junapni- I. II«Bi!>ruF btiH r«v.d No. 3 Lama; >*"ho A J I .K- yaboig, Cu’ 1 .Sck-ni***. H iadtGcnt. All tbc*o J.** Ky fsDimisiiion k Forwarding .Merchants, dcuri'e and rsuitorv of aaytbiag obtomia or po-uiwo jA c. OB^MSHY.^ ,.Wb leiniCTu-, \\ aier I " t* battilrr. XoaruliR Lll.-I, I-oil* Oderf. T-.ilet Seu, aod MUM »w do d*> No. 1 do: “ D. W. VANDI.LI . M. D . iTufeiaoref Ciinknl Mediciita PEK.NSfLTLViV iE.MRAL I ULktAb ofc impor-ad, taoot of them froa Eagiaod, end tbay $M .\Il Goods run-dgned “** (HI per coat *>tj atuph) fodn .%i*b: ‘ t-KALxaa IS- to us aud In store insured unless “* ' ““ to* •' 3» eosks LoI'ipviii.k iiorz.i.. I RAGE CFTTI'KS. — lOTi doxeu Meat Cutlm* on Jil Slste and l’otlioUMi^'^1 Aiiatuinv suBKltcto nearly ooo-oigbtb of all tM atorenacepic ^ otherwise ilteti uctc^ «i-l“ 3V N-krtff (r*uao*t >|Gi Kngwna CbM^uot UhnapngBA; Nod and ito* iwh hy It. , Demoo-riimtur .\naii»my. |«3) C. OKMRHY. PURE BOURBON V/HISKY, |i™h;r. aud coisiiuiiier, A. C'CMiK. M. D of «; iavite 1 u,nai snper.or Go'« an l gm groopa tbio eouairy. pictarm pimotd to e,;t ai d „,nilim. 3 mid la Tba ’*.* •'{*« bf») -^a dinra; W. T. rartVv * ( ^VhuB. II. Hunt ( o. W. II. 14* eases and S'orclRu a»4l Domcblic L.it|uors, A CKl TVUL B. I bofrrt tba Couft won aaizvd by Iba Cottom bouaa A. ete bff-nry L >hoiwt 1 A ron. H. D. NewrouibA tiro. to N exha Ganny IMtt _Brady dff Davn -x. •». Ima (Hd Govemntent afbpon 01 iadeoaat, oad Ibo qaaotiua waa raiead ta Flour, Bacoa, Lairi, Bulfrr, Cht-t’se, Ilrictl FruiU, tu., (mt 17 d*.u«] H. Adaiiiri. Isi. tan 5nfo p .lavn Cafte; ' rW.V fr»*e p'eltuilnavri . T-rserf T.rctnre» will be com- lea Ni«a varkms hmmD) Jenns and to WL’st otattilntod iadooancy it a atoreeeee ic pir- I Uaseist J P Twa^. tai awr* 4 p MA>crArrraraa or \V'D(jden \VAhi:-I ; ntenoe*! oa tbe 1» **f K-toNr and i outinue datlv mntii tke Id) do ehi.lea Fning Twine: * M-tv II, X " tora. Tbo oSeiolt objaelcd to lilural axfailiotiora of D A 1, Ind 150 newts pftinted Tub-': hrrt Mondav in Novri-mN*^— 1*., J A T'tfaoy, Tor>iaW 'laiOH S,H 31iaH.I II iN cuoimcucviuvol of tba iua j*kri-H F ( tolong. Foweboog. 4 fionchong Tcnm J W Froaoh. Ga.et»i :>U) Itug b oriory. Uao witaass had thought tbay ware Olcior* VlTaos/a-r. (ioxeo dt* Itii' kets; TwenU'-thlid 1,'erala .*iefvi(*n. Id bnip fiolt < APR largest l.*s» do do rimall Bm-ke»r; Oil ihc Eiiropran Tb>- D»ni* 1 e and Stokes n.a'it «. citr tal, 1 'daltouto. aaurly ao much oe the bollo*; bo —IN • FOI RTU ST.. BF.TWESX MAIN AND RIVER. Plan, If,*.,* nl5 fiPARKE A OALLA G IIEK, WnU rt. m ^^•lork of Children's Fancy Hats and Caps in tN 75 ne^t* c-'vored ltu?t*r Kirk«tn; aad rnlvets.ty t'duice ore o;eQ tu ssuuldBo.toks hioebiUroatotoo I.Ul 1*.VIL1.K, Phj!t.cwiiM and Mid*«ai aitbar. Moot of a^SToty can N found at KV. Si d*.g-u brass.bnund BuckeC; CITY or SLW TOKX. fitudeura. the dootese tovlM that they bod tokao ao point to JAR. B. WOOD'R, Iff CoasUomsota oaJ orders soliciied. mayi dU S) do heavy VVetl do, TN rnivem.ly b -*• Chert: nt rtrvrt, betwraa Kgfath I.O<)KINCtOI.^VSSES. ooacwol 04 Xo. 4i1 Market at., Ntwocn lldrd aud Foaith. 30 do Cfdsr c hurin; and Nl. th. AM lo rreoSp* uf a m-w oad oo tete teoak of Ptor, this Myte of nietarae : that wall i p Udiao, at os For sale Simile Rooni.s 50 I by Cents < nol, goaitemac, [*jj GARDNER A to. per Day. Le»'l«ira K»*«*# for the entire r.iurr-.* filtiV. anti ffaatet OteMO. aysm iaod aad bosgbt tbam, aad that MUdte.'»a. ilcf ry, H t Kp W p x.,r»uu4 Vr.LuTf LAHlFirE- RIHINO IIAT.<:. Ac.-Just rwcoired a tM'F*>r lurticula s, iu>|Ul e of •'* W. F BFNEItIt T. DOtbiag was said by aaybody Mte. I.IVM, IGAi:f>w30.0QO Havana lU-ialias, City Hall Square, comer of to to tbair docarcr or P V Iiuoau. K. ^M^tarfc amorUneut of loadior' Kidiiig aod Misses' Hats Henrr Clay brand* Frakfort Street, J. W. BFNJoN. M. D., ooiaro. Mrod,- CO t iv..:i.c ^ SEWING l.MiOii do do, icd*ato>eT. boTsrtl . li. WfMilVR, MACHINESr C C.n*hd> of the daobrs oaamiced bad J W M l^Vat JAR (Oppnoite City lIsM.) |)^n of the racultv, WAl.Iff J Wheoling, 35.«at do do. Fir. . Pa\PKK. fioto tba baoia McMumy, Vo T D Moiri*s. No«hviilm 451 Market street, ..auiu do* laptJT dtf fitxlh sUcai, near G:c< n. rtlirxd iii Mmi Ymri tost — Exfnu £ V Anyura, do F Madh, Li:LAn«n o4 Hctwcoo Tbiid and F'ouilh. !• .wn» Jioiiirst.c do, VVig-W.i^ do* tor " opocliW., Relec. Oil FlKCEfi, n«rw pnuarns, maatva rj N Kd S«?!*“ti 3 * “"to*'n“T niUI W' N N Monat 4 I, Lb< byriUe.h./ — Emi'iro #35 . !p .util) do d*i. laXDrangr nto"* • totoop aud Lath Ko„m, 4U,UUU W. F. BKN EDICT. do- teth, aiiactod MILIES. Tailors, Caacb-Tnmmrrs, Saddlers, 3.V ti(<)i sl4 Third <4., between Matu smd itmkmL frito Shoe* German No 1 , AVasii*ni.ton di*- A loritT nk U*, who ..-cumew,IlhckiBCB. MAILLARD’S w™ J W Rooter, Toxot T B OpwoU, lo.|Uu4 mr Ha.H q-iility of Foil Hyte Drew ||Q,'UB Half Siauiffh; oay we ara lull. Hats - suk of fmtmm, mj* that Iba eomapoattoM wav Pmith, Va >' F-uyd, Uo and C*o.iiii«r.-> ot In ^t4 >re aud lor sole by GEO. W. MOKKI^ So parlor vitfa F R. ri'RKXC'H, Proprietor. ‘rnmks Si Traveling Ba^s. & F.B 7(1 aad tba II JAM R WOOD. Third tba tmpim W Aoatria Lagi iaiiot ebtefa U G M Nwls. Va H ^e9mao Al, N u stre^ etig dly * C’ONFEtTIOXERY MwffC ti Hask up. Nu. 4ai Main street. '^pHE riXL-fiT NEW Y* UK AXD l iaA „ll filYLEd |*«ia. la tba lottert addraaaod to tbo Eaaotcr Parrell, KO J dv of c < tark. 4o J N Lnofstioui, Vtxieo CONFECTION KEY I of T: unks and Tfavoting Bngs con N tnund at Atotria by ibo Oaeboao. aaboo aoa t to tbo doelan- ioi'Jloabl, eclur. denttisthy. q W H Kssiar. Cte Ml • 5 ^ug.rt. Ky a^lt^ aSd*I?vU Pupslar Trade in Beady-made Clothings CONFECTION LEY ,*K- »«»'y ,fvo E«r oral tiao of xcoUaUtg, tbo Etogaror waa aeqaaiotod wUb U Baferk. Rwao-TlUo Jodfc J wn*rior a f, N O fi - 7,r*fu^. KORTXCS. and O. TOOuA-Xa’SK Mr brwck “iS' r bouM br ealllux at na. E. C41IIFE1TII, af tba Baifftol aa oxtoy, aod At Mmo J Croow«^. do ^1 **• EKT. all tba ewoananu tba OOD. N, 4X1 Main streoL CIIOCOLATE, te»*» »t THIRD STR ^'^^^^A**** K ck Uaven Mws L WUker, do Walnut rtreet, between Fourth and Fifth, A. II. __ •oot advaatataf0 plaa af ottock. Tba Emptror ff* B j J. M. AKI^TRONO, lwAL*C ft CO. ..t CHOCOLATE, T r a- (^Tiofton Mrs LimUs »ri. do TVEW- IMlog? AT 18 PKK.rARKI) 1.0 !• Uir LaSits aaorgatiaally bafora the Freacb ELAnKE-S-UI, Forv„, a Life,, if. a opposite tN National, — TO ALL I>K.StRlP. (rfst InSBfrtfffftls teargad to Odt an Hardm Mr Jimatoi A f, do It tN author of John llallifrs A b> On Main, JI r|*«™lniiiTl:hirU.oannitloo CHOCOLATE, I 5 i 4 " to'* pruftauaii. fr..us a oId. asacrinrtnt^ f tba Itoliaa Fiji nUSatmO. AouUours. ju.rt rmlv«-l«neof tbs InrgrA la Italy, to tba aaaet of I HOartuer, and F*iiiatt«. aud ibrit aad to eotot dj tN Naudfuliy U:u«trm*«^ ADDITIONAL RVPP1> rie Tooth lo a fills ItenliiriL lo Iho l*>ib1u.- run- It I. IV* E Nve AR JI’RT RKoCKIVED an iicain.t n-rally to thtir >n Daba-, “bia oaly taapartan of tba Hi lermphr of Nlf* Taught M* n. ^-J-L-U-rand hrat .l» k, at a rea.-u;\iii- 1 7 H 1 NEW fiCVl f PIAmi) W ,d/irwd tor -b^ tfH* allteo, oad Iba H of tbuse p.iw THE BEST IN THE - laibul** l.ig«, WOBLD. tem.i todhs H <*i* TNOrigUi aod Inoffiration • f tN Bibie intrudaoad. IN growing Paoer G*M»la. Kr r'..*- |'I Aaacriaa difiaiuii ia tbt PtBianU.^ “rha tafaty •<>«»• - 'F a .^*iare Fiano T H E H K .S T I N T li B pell**' and l»**ck'ngll*rs»a af irodey't Lady's IPmk for ixtober C'aiiadn Gray Suits: W 1-orle that shall aiu-uach U *• W O E L II I'abx. an*l ("oiTiastW, pr* exited ' t^adin ' of AaUria,*’ odda tbo Darbooo, “io ia Iba praapti- STATEi* hotel Jack Cirimoey Sweeper. llluMrmted veljmeofsound, anJ. at lh«- swicv^An^favoid THE BEST IN THE TN JoveS^^ IN ungaiolr WORLD. o..a tube tf Try, or Tbe Young ilousibkotiper, * Diploinaiic Overroats; WE CAN BE FOUND AT gpp**araiMo of that tbnf.curneiwd iiuiru- • P-Pfltte.fraut au. Uthor te Ha oarratteaa. If U waka, tt ia loat io Italy, ru do ment. direc For Q lM|,o,uaij to 110,104 ponaduoa I S-SteL. oovlaa.. Capiaiu RusmU's Watcbwuid, our energu*# to tbe prudnetion of surh a de. togatbtr with ito alltet.'* tba do Iho Biual roownoblc teruu. te.. .Notwaol It Wtar* to bar eor- IS Ites Abr. Moaiir-. •Idmtu^ Our toil Is 'I Ap(Jr or atonaa os Foorlii Ovr- II ,i,U W Mai FJieo Uarc«% do STiuAu'WIaS; 8KE.VE & CO.’S LVRD OIL rewarded and wa submit tbw result ”2\T No. U Porte, Ibo poiBoa of tbo Eaporer E W Fiater. Jtff oo F.U'TORY With ut fewrof eoni|H.*titioD. H. MAILLARD, Ha A MUIao eliv Percy Fnmfly, j TN do k»^t>Dr Fianos «fteit a cowuuu- rot Sal*; Stott. na l«— for rsTAKIS Cl.FFKE, ASH 8 PICM IN anew of tNt patronage which wa M« K K uaolrr. Hr M Hlltec, i a.ua..-.: 'RAIX UAG&—10.HV 8 a sale by a few Nva waj^ad for tN V** HHDS. s<.car, fair to fuUi- W CLOTHIXO-all ria«o-to which ba Invite iMrs ready deliver to an/ fc>nu fair: bate vmIHt. I te CA8TLEIU5 M lo la’tuf theatv twentv-five yean. A. II. GALEA CO.« >— BOO* Mfrru.?lteaBi ] tezlte Iba Loffot m A TORBITT. dtf I I'U ;ffV lihda Uv, I'rhuo tu cBoim; br ^ «vpi Hawkins Jyf E«»t CASSAD4Y 4 HOPKI.N4 I CHAELKS r. a tiiornton. dly ld» Twolfih sawel. New York, i •! EACCBFTB I RICUAJUS ATKINSON. M U* Mwa liaiA 1 4 m Foattb