Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-10-14

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-10-14

a . ,; ' — ! . ; i l ^ * —* ‘ , . ', — m » * ^“ ^ ' \ W I THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOLTINAL. VOLUME XXIX LOUJSY^i ij:, KEvriK’KY. EinilAY OCTOBER 14, 1851) ' /M L.MBER 277 \E4)1 S. LOLTSVILLE JOCKAiii- MEDICAL. ~ ~ »Mf«TrT> AVt» FOM4fno »t I'SDEItWEAF- I ( W. 13. STOKES ' — ‘ rursTirE HrN*nFR«-o\, a osboh.-^k, rtOs.^* *4 ! aod I rmpio?td h ACE3X1.XIXBC AlSr’fci F A W. li. Siokro), , oBthUo^rai* *i^”5n***^ ?!.’ Cl r\ 4)RDI\A X C E.s, c. TStiA otMKT. artviM jarvftMoii Aw«%sni. COSH RIK—A higblf ; bullet ItuUfti Ibui uia.l? HvIPORTEE, A..tSJTj DEAX.ee : :sr3^AV IN “y-«H.4ruiidfcr.^urh5?“* to Siilewaik P«Ter*. 1 l« >osife. if ' J_t • t* tf nrf t* a Fk«d 44 or #i* o A MM LOW CO., Reeled pr..F..-«i» will — A 4t- Hu<n H. I U rwetun.! m ih« COACH under.. ., A SADDl.ERY ^B(Ml 1 w«klf ts, v ««s BC ••• 4 ymt or UM onli 4 HARDWARE, ^ IJ •cSnrk Ji. on Tnewlaj, OcU I ‘he D[POT. OliI-fNiallisbrd !>ail<ilpry IVarriiousr, I'll d”* hdlnwins »ork. nn; #n*«r»orr $*44/^. iClOIKlNDn .h»'*”-blelV^i|r??A.kn-«- ' ‘h»«J*»nikne the north ^^ ^•“** nlk n-iue; *(de «4t ^ HMiii 4Tf i^rmMr ia 44^r^«ft. NO. 4:i5 M.\IN STliEKT, UHTWEEN FIFTH .AND 013 '“,''****'•» ..f Unrket -treet, helweea Kirhth nad Vinih .<?1\TH, ' l^nriTAOw hr r^oa. i« giil ni * loiww^at ' tMES Low A «reew. oarrM. ; phc-**, 4ml c«juM cot istth me it the distarcf CO.. «n4 MilsVein vf..t. f •*«»«• Am a ^^'!h , . ..T. H !«lorr ^>u Pmiorn* iu Pari«>. w ^ - EaTGS «*F Al»^ LRTtSDiO IN THE U>IT 8 . To rtenrhna.l repnrn ihn VILLE #W“V*rHl4i»U4nA MoTitifAf'iirrrrvroM 6 nd It to ihrtrlntrrcst torirmiDB rap wdnwnik ..n the -|ir .»<»i'»NAi. F .r KFria'LAft advehtisei:!) »tock h«f.»n> luAklpethplr a a* « ; iuc or*lttrtfrcbi > *id. .rf T .»4Mh 4 dmlaiu a «iJI atteadoi i a* if ui*Jf lu tpr»<'a . ,«. wtofcly ^ dt^,w\%tom it ,» d lr^;Su'Ji3h^= hnn W hww«,-. *4U4t», ciAoa»*4aig . fmt mmntiK. 4t» (a i 1" do Jinjurty to - 4v t UOMpor Vc«k.,a^ 44441*1 tew' fence „ .Murkei rev-. IV 4o lUmr* A-. 4«, ite te ! Ihn .hlewnlk «. 1 IMPIIKTANT FOK .>IAN. Ka 444M*ti«l 141 rt, <«4-k4lf dir 4kAo« prior*. Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, BU.^LNESS CARDS. tween 1 FOR S.ALE OR REiX r. Main ^ AArwt*rru»ut^ 4l lotat^ob—dl l«a' Am iawr* 'l^rur OIL rnrv# oli Soruu. •4 44 f # oraute: rate wiMe*f«Lai (ril ^h> [>; all bir bolilayg Received this Day, Turt oiiruu fruHi WoubSi. were pa«^ io inaktr*; I Tur Latk LvxrHi.XG iv .Santi BikCAiA- I*.«o 44494*.' |M-r i F*«f i4f v«44 ootctf #1 4«rk frr c4^ nair For Sale LOW A CO.. 41. iwruh nad reiaen Uw inlenu k Ihn Turf (Ml cnn» .ScaM llrud. BlSlXKV A: V0.7 Cheap. Mule «t J* m wt Voartf 44««rti4rr» par ^aofWrlr; aUctIta-rrta 4dv44or. 1 **' WILL BK Oi FEiaj) FOB bALK F.:r,Lilo._Th* «.n.A lUrlor. j iTent, friMn ta WHICH CHEAP ON 4IU40D I •N.'.;:’. y*;* Hilge.'n Cloth r. “-i! Urnea tim.ini = JOTV Ca*k* anA jimi l amiltwrickk «nU 44# «l«4M04l 4# lfm— Mil . ihtTlte’ 4»d Tnrf ( Ml curur TeB. r. 1;^ I IM MANLTAfTfl:r.R.i AND OKALEKS I.V f 4«« of : ,1- >'« #nti|p 44W 44t4>.p4»" 4r HP WHot. UMOtHfl.otrgar or chfitacAl purpJMt. 4 ) e of lit* isventioos (Iwlitfbteil Sep(eii»ler L»th tbu C'.utnente oa B hurr "®on h.n.1*‘***** •. f„u7wu . *5* •-» IHO.MIIT, •I Turf Oil rurrt Sprminu. \V ^ . ikto” daii'or TOBKR 10, IH^«. olu M»*nrtrmt, bi twmn S‘*lh >» <V eninhA .«« •• Ninth AreeC, i oArwrdiiao. 44t poUialM# br ter poor. iuTriA^nih. the lo,i: mnkee* ( leSTlTu^. *Ls''.‘Mir« ef III*. froB nitoa le Wntan* NEM W, KOOK, 4!\I> 4VK.4 PI'lNIh h w« . method ..f wuUr l.y the ,t«to of ‘^ r.WaK a affuiri in th.t country: “***’'*'' rue. 4#r«rtM44M4te t3( ChofitebA ifT tomkf - 1 Turf Oil curuu BniiMu. e invite ' he nlRi|.le.u ol |e wM^ Brent, NATIONAL HoTF.Lfiril | lAe trnSe teoi. war#. 40# oteir holt KINO. p«Mte »c«d4i4 am# rocA lik*. i Turf Oil curuu •.IAMBS Tu in. llumu und luuvr. no urur. Low An Cor.i ji..1 . u|-iM.: . urh ned rn^.enruy ITU tkn niduveik on •I* Fourth rtfoct. 3F»ATP3i;Xl.S, „— thn emt — FOR B BASTS. — cf N.ath 'trict,'tftet, fruuifrvui ^ MaCsjcial 4o«irp« 4a# caaiiiiuteeateiat, lararW# la r#tto : A|"l.4S3ES._lB, hulf bhl prl,«,,,„ Wuical tu ‘tty .»« ^INDKIER Itree*. •tel aotaaia# 44# MWote# 4» fp^»nfltr pnrawl»tiir m I Turf Oil curuu Snddiu (iulL 3r»AI^JTU ^ 74 biiipa Tn 444to parliaa; **4lp laatnad ai ter diBrki».»n «# ter prime W. U Ctesae: reenrh- - -va*| .. mar Turf (MI cniv. old Struint. , — rer'UTe..- Ihn — -ennik na tkn a#lur«. Ite b >xpr F. D 'OKFKR.-1Ni*n«alurnile Mr ensC ( d« straw and BtniJois' Board, Sheathing Turf (Ml rnrau Snriird I.r«u. t' old NbU Amm, finni klni, Ko c#mm4akatl<^ vM br lamrtr# aatem aerom|«4te# «b caakreaaki ft . i1 arV.arv. ^(y#«; m VtAOUENLRVtd «« w ChiBant «' Papei and Twine. _ A IA..NU. IWWL^ ter laal 4414 4# ter 4*;tb4r. M U*bt>'»• d»T#i>r Via.Vii»4 Tnrf (Ml riirui f fttipat; StiS Ji.lnU. ' iir I miift: U IF Mi,pr.*rqu4 1 / tvuj larticular HlrambL.4ta#v«rtbpaMti4 ^er4teforCmiiiMrti9B 4a# «Hi#Hi bb:*bb^F No I s«S« t y^ mUt* U , (111 ' 17’ lo <fird»*UiorloMotry »«“». H' not Tun curru SwouBor. P I.? TT* hi. Itgu, nxd the uiwilhni; call curried to miciety in Reneml. ti 14 oVuVn!:..?i"^^'ii.A7 tti» mau far 44*9 pvaoaaaitor. mcIt rbanrecoarMn## a 7k74 bb • i«biab're Ha i.lormallI, lormall mrkr; No.G A U utriiT the Krer nee theih; me KlI.IiY STREET,1 X , .d ..|- p baiwwa .Httiou 4T* 4#vrtiw4D44l. Ha44#i4C 4#v«rtiM4>rBU fr>r rwfater tebu #o4ea#oaea Wa«htiOar#aVV44Ui04r44 Turf Oil cure. PolWvil. „ TAYLOIt. y.iuiic muchii ivt lu the d.vini O'y. »f»‘f 'n ‘he <'«ri~:iiterin, the W.\(;4 ;enEK * I4>N«. • raa-n, .ktel Ti^hik Av eltep wee old pnjeiun, or jra dJui It ( rp .if a.«t><t o*pro*«y s m«i4 t)»H.ti»H. dli#li lor oar Ii %hfk INTOsJKN^AlAs^N AI .A ns aaocAetomfcp forfur a mama 4 4 #m#M iS'iekeM;IStiekrM; Turf oil curuu ('rucked I ecsrivry hr the toy, to l''‘'j>‘'hc«s of rases, which HciS. VALUAELB the rat wai thruut hen 1 only uluuibercd borulo- WC 44 # d«A'raate o4#ltb'04l boat. te 4r-te 1 aW: COTTON LAND .H' Tort UP cu.-nu Wind (iull. A. r. 8 I 10TWBLL ..S.1. II. slIorwn.L.SlIorwn.L. r»r‘Mt ifiRj 0 • I'f hii fch'-vp*, T^fe sto» >‘I*ruiiK info full an.l, A# rortm m>at# tr«er%e# aal*' 1a tbr Frralar Bxllrtte '.a bavF aiikv.nsas throat iota if iDma-ed 1 O'. tea Van. anarrta# item; am> .missis-ipi i ior ku r a\i> l.VK xVIIK: viir iwl- '4m> abr pnerr: if l•Hrte# lo ItoUy For uuic bjr n uiKAinif, »'"d lb> st(e kir.K und mni-ocius mV br cLarc*’# n le La#«Ca |«^ l'haii>; Wl I.soN A V- i;.V( IIANOJ, roll Lot ivto lb. tiooseiv, »>K'W hortiliir some STA Rul lOJ. SHOTWEI.l. A- C’C).,(’() IsVlLLB LI I V — hare talked of kamrtioa.la I •’ Jocraai aa#ao4l»4M# . alter trm tbe Er«m. te tter*<‘att*llr iV-ek: ( AP.V w-ii!" ha vl-iai: wh In A TAI.no r, PKOPKRTV. eh was li-d uroued the Ns of tukin* the law int- their own haiidu, indifferent reevrk end liil Iteiteua. aar-f'Hint tbr aborr fncm. MW teas WiaafMiia W. MI'l;l.\OKl: to CRl FF, BRO., "PiTu the tiJvwnlki Teiae; A BXO.. "K uli; rellfi-rcn.il und Iin llien.iulcn tb« r4t «44 mi‘l*i (.it tu thi i>ptl lo all con#C'jueocc.M; tbr i r of ter iVpI'lQTlf’Q . ditv 111 ' fvt. whiUt ollherj SnveaUHi.,., Adrintermrati kept •• aa# ioaraal arr te balm Fattmr; THo. COKCII, breaUie forth thfir Commission Merchants, Ue*.ain Initn •»*'««*• MBoned kUrknt lhat tbv .1 abarprdaa extra pner. Ite III ’ " Arkwu-mj ia% ai.b tb* ar* arijire to extenuinate ra «x>ttoo Ui'pF*; .... ^ Hart, ^ ilip fur4i;;n«M. ItM I Htv tw te rollp 4lra>- do. uni uU Ururgiutr und Counir,' Hrrchui.t. in the SU'.o 108 ST.,ST.. rucR- meat* fo^ v^tilniLu hid J.t.v I. B.R, AarasTtsiM horaa WmacT iocaPAL.^Fael. ! BROAD NEW YORK. tf.u-rfdM* ritirens wh.. art. here. »nd teaark (lob >*irkm>, ana in—rrina Ck ouUa Hemp #u; »P'» | “«'®' 8(«>ckn<. -idewJk«.t>,e.o..h 44 #1 m dir L *^*»'«*’* i • n Mi.tebl<> Uf.ttpucp hi «n j tf ‘U en. IM bad out K«lful A blloTWELL #t 8D.N, I^brl.W, Ky .ald cuke i etrtm&h'P for* that ifever thoy (lucceaded CM«C la idorr i io tbeir h#I)iAh ‘wien kluyff -ameer ie an# ;or mk- b> te^'.Uhual it* ut.Mh*-^ laud-: tb« 8trin^; th>»rp ciui ruLinii.

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