iijij-j/ 'JkuiJi iJ r\i U/ii^ 11 J i. > l ' BIHAR THROUGH FIGURES 2007 NUEPA DC 1)14645 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS, BIHAR, PATNA. Educational^ T > °cumentation CenVv® PREFACE ^^Sihar Ufirough Jigures ”is a Bienniat-puBCicaiion of tHe Oirector- atL ^Ihovgfi com^^d TegtiCarCy, its puBCication could not Be BrougHt Be- tzuienl995-2001.9{oTve.veT, it fias nozv Bun reviezvedand "^ifiarnfirough !T^ures-2007' is tfdrd piBtication after the re- organisation of t f e State ■ of Bifiar in tfie year 2000, In tfiis issue, Basic data reCated to various aspects o f State's T^onomy and otfter suBjects, CH^ (Demo^rapfty, ^^£ri- cuhire, ^ucation etc Have Bun compiled. Ifiope, tfiis puBCication zuoidd Be isefuC to ^earcfi etc, TCanners and informed Citizens, I am jratefu£ to various Central and State government (Dcpart- metts concerned and otlier Institutions for tfieir vcdued co-operation in pro'/idinj the data for Brin£in£ out tfds puBCication, nJie ^Bfication Unit cf the directorate of ^Economics andStatis tics and *Evafuation, *Bihar deserves appreciationfor coCCectin£ data from varous sources and compi[in£ them to Brin£ out this puBCication. Suggestions, if any, for further improvement of the puBOcationj are most zveCcome. ^ ^m esfizuar Singh Principal Secretary, Department of Planning & Development, Bihar, Patna ACKNOWLEDSEMENT sifter re-organisation of*Bifiar, ^ihar HJhrougfi ^igure-2007"is Tfdrd Biennial-puBCication. ^Ifie present issue contains Basic data reCating to various aspects of the state ^s ^Economy and otfur reCated suBjects I hope tfas puBCication ivouCd Be usefuC to !l(gsearcfi luork^rs, ^Can- 'ntrs'and Otfervigiiant citizens,....................................................... ^ecfinicaCguidance e7(tended By T>r.
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