Somalia WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) CLUSTER MINUTES FOR REGIONAL WASH CLUSTER MEETING Soma AGENDA Date: 19/05/2016 Time: 10:00: am-12:00pm Venue: Ministry of Health Chair: Abdullahinur Kassim Kindly confirm attendance for security access to: Sadia Hussein (
[email protected]) and cc:
[email protected] Standing items (for every meeting) 1. Introductions (5 min) 2. Review and endorsement of the last cluster meeting minutes and follow up on the action points (10 min) (give updates on the previous action points. NB: all updates should be captured in the meeting minutes) 3. Updates on AWD/cholera and ongoing response in the region 4. Updates on floods in the region and its impact in the affected areas and humanitarian response so far. 5. Ongoing/Planned response by partners (who is doing what, where and when- 4W matrix). 6. WASH gaps and current response. Can they be filled by agencies present in meeting with existing funds? 7. Elections of the District Lead Agencies (DLAs)/ District Focal Points (DFPs)MoHBanadir WASH Coordinator presentation on Regional WASH coordination. 8. Any other challenge or constraint affecting all agencies? Agree action 9. A.O.B File Name: Draft Agenda Banadir/Lower Shabelle meeting, 19th May, 2016 Somalia REGIONAL WASH CLUSTER MINUTES OF THE MEETING – BANADIR AND L/SHABELLE Date: 19/05/2016 Time: 10.00 am-12:00pm Venue: Ministry of Health Chair: AbdullahinurKassim Agenda Summary of discussion Action point Focal Time line point/Agency Introduction The meeting was chaired by Kassim, the WASH cluster regional focal point. It was opened with prayers. The chairman, welcomed the partners and gave them chance of introduction in general.