Report on the Communist "Peace" Offensive; a Campaign to Disarm
^ 0\/.'/[ lg^-/&i nA-9 0\?)'b^,vV'^\a \ ^^,x m *- ,^^ Given By ANQNYMniKS \ s-v^ REPORT ON THE COMMUNIST 'PEACE OFFENSIVE A Campaign To Disarm and Defeat the United States APRIL 1, 1951 / ()•' Prepared and released by the Committee on Un-American Activities, U. S. House of Representatives Washington, D. C ^OSTO}^ 7 "^^dh Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives eighty-second congress, first session John S. Wood, Georgia, Chairman Francis E. Walter, Pennsylvania Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri Clyde Doyle, California James B. Frazier, Jr., Tennessee Harold H. Velde, Illinois Bernard W. Kearney, New York Donald L. Jackson, California Charles E. Potter, Michigan Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., Counsel Louis J. Russell, Senior Investigator John W. Carrington, Clerk of Committee TABLE OF CONTENTS Communist "Peace" Offensive International Communist "Peace" Movement: Paee Controlling Strategy 1 Cominform Sets the Stage 4 World Congress of Intellectuals 8 Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace, March 25-27, 1949 11 World Congress of Partisans of Peace (First World Peace Congress) April 1949 16 Americans Sponsoring Committee for World Peace Congress 17 American Continental Congress for Peace, September 5-10, 1949 21 Red "Peace" Delegations 24 Stockholm Conference, March 16-19, 1950 29 Speakers at Stockholm 29 Americans at Stockholm 31 Signature Campaign 31 Second World Peace Congress, November 1950 36 The Communists' "Peace" Campaign Within the United States 39 Petition Campaign in U. S. A 40 Peace Information
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