Population Statistics, Rajasthan
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CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 RAJASTHAN POPULATION STATISTICS DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, RAJASTHAN JAIPUR \ PREFACE OUR READBRS may recall that soon after the 1971 Census was taken, we had issued a paper by the middle of April, 1971 presenting some of the basic particulars about our people in Rajasthan. We released the figures, even though they were only crude totals having been built up through a rapid relay of counts from a massive fleet of census workers spread throughout the length and breadth of tbe State. Four months later. by the middle of August, we again published a supplement to the said paper seeking to release some details and the additional information which became available to us by that time. The tabulation of census data is a gruelling and a time consuming process, and although quite a long time has passed since we took the Census, the tabulation for it stilI goes OD. Our anxiety to satisfy the demands of our readers. however, has again impelled us to bring out whatever information we have been able to cull out from the massive information now being processed. The figures used JO this book have been built as a consequence of the regular tabulation and are, thererore, final. A number of simple tables have been provided in tbis pocket book which give an idea about some of the demographic aspects of the State as a whole and at the district, tehsil and town levels. A couple of tables on India and various states have also been provided to assist the reader in having an all India comparative picture. These tables are preceded by a note which introduces the subject matter of this pocket book and gives the necessary background material. The bringing out of this booklet on the eve of the tbirteenth SenIOr Officers Conference, is owed entirely to the kind encouragement and guidance provided by Sbri S. L. Khurana, Chief Secretary to the Government of Rajastban. All credit for compiling this booklet and for seeing it through the press goes to Dr. U. B. Matbur, Deputy Director, Shri S. R. Luhadia, Assistant Director and otber colleagues, listed overleaf, in this Directorate. Shri Patni of tbe Jubilee Block Works took special pains to ensure neat and timely printing. V. S. Verma Jaipur Director, 11th December, 1972. Census Operations, Rajasthan COLLEAGUES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PUBLICATION In Layout: Shri R. C. Dhargava In Processing : Shri S. P. Kashyap Shri R. N. Verma In Typing : Shri Tej Dhan Madaan Shn L. R. ChandDaoi Ip Art Work: Dr. R. K. Tyagi Sbri M. L. Kumawat Shri D. L. Verma Shri M. P. Parikh la Printing : Shri M. M. Goyal Shri Moti Singh Shri Hassan Mobd. Shri Dilip SlOgh Chandrawat FIGURES AT A GLANCE (CeDSUIl971 Rajasthan) • Population Total 25,765.806 Males 13,484,383 Females 12,281,423 342,214 sq. kID. • Area • Growth Rate 1961·71 27.83 per cent • Density of Population 75 persons per sq. kin • Sex-ratio 911 females per 1000 male. • Percent82e of Literates Total 19.07 to total population Males 28.74 Females 8.46 • Literates in Urban population 43.47 per cent • Literates in Rural po,ulation 13.85 per cent • Number of Urban centres 157 • Proportion of Urban population to total 17.63 per cent • Number of Viii ages Inhabited 33,305 Uninhabited 2,490 • Proportion of Rural population to total 82.37 per cent • Broad Age composition Age-groups % to total 0-14 44.17 15-59 50.30 60+ 5.51 A.N.s. 0.01 • Percentage of Workers Total 31.24 to total population Males 52.09 Females 8.34 • Scheduled castes to total population 15.82 per cent • Scbecluled tribes to total population 12.13 per cent • Literacy amongst &cbeduled castes 9.14per cent • Literacy amongst scheduled tribes 6.47 per cent • Number of Occupied Residential Houses 4,326,680 • Number of Households 4,503,898 • Average number of perlcJIIII per household 5.72 • Average number of persons per room 2.55 CONTENTS Pages PREFACE INTRODUcrORY NOTE (i) - (viii). 1. STATE TABLES " 1.1 Growth of population in Rajasthan (1901-1971) 3 1.2 Percentage variation of population in Rajasthan (1901-1971) 4 1.3 Progress'or literacy in Rajasthan (1901-1971) 5 1.4 Population by religious communities in Rajasthan (1941-1971) 6 1.5 Speakers of principal languages & dialects in Rajasthan , , (1961 & 1971) 7 1.6 Population of SCheduled castes in Rajasthan (I96J & 1971) 8 1.7 Population ofscheduled tribes in Rajasthan (1961 & 1971) 9 1 8 Villages & towns classified by population in Rajasthan, I 'Y11 10 1.9 Population by broad age-groups in Rajasthan, 1971 11 1.10 Distribution of population by industrial categories of workers & non-workers, 1971 12 2- DISTRICT TABLES 2.1 Ranking of districts by population & area IS 2.2 Population in districts, 1971 ,16 2.3 Percentage variation in population in districts (1951-61 & 1961-71) P 24 Rural & urban composition of population in districts (1961 & 1971) 18 2.5 Percentage variation in rural and urban population in distcicts '19 2.6 Sex-ratio in districts (19614; 1971) 20 2.7 Density of popula tion in districts (1951-1971) " ·21 2.8 Percentage of literates in districts in totalareas (1961 & 1971) 22 2.9 Percentage of literates in districts in rural areas (1961 & 197M 23 2.10 Percentage of literates in districts in urban areaS (1961 & 19 24 Pales 2.11 Proportionate strensth of religious communities in districts, 1971 25 2.12 Population of religious communities in districts, 1971 26-27 l.U Speakers o(principallanguages and dialects in districts, 197J 28-29 1 14 Population ofscheduled castes in districts in total areas (1961 & 1971) 30 1 15 Population of scheduled castes in districts iu rural areas (1961 & 1971) 31 2.16 Population of scheduled castes in distric.ts in urban areas (1961 & 1971) 32 Z 17 Population of scheduled tribes in districts in total areas (1961 & 1971) 33 2.18 Population of scheduled tribes in districts in rural areas (1961 & 1971) 34 2.19 Population of scheduled tribes in districts in urban areas (1961 & 1971) 35 2.20 Scheduled castes & scheduled tribes by sex in districts, 1971 36 2.21 Percentage distribution of population by workers & non- workers in districts in total areas, 1971 37 2.22 Percentage distribution of population by workers & non- workers in districts in rural areas, 1971 38 2.23 Percentage distribution of population by workers & non- workers in districts in ur~n areas, 1971 39 2 24 Percentage distribution of male workers by industrial categories in districts in total areas, 1971 4O·4J 2 25 Percentage distribution of male workers by industrial categories in districts in rural areas, 1971 42-43 2.26 Percentage distribution of male workers by industrial categories in districts in urban areas, 1971 44-45 2 27 Percentage distribution offemale workers by industrial categories in districts in tOtal areas, 197J 46-47 ! 28 flercentage distribution of female workers by industria J categories in districts in rural areas, 1971 48-49 Pascs 2.29 Percentage distribution offemale workers by industrial catclorics in districts in urban areas, 1971 SO-:U 2.30 Houses and households in districts in totalarcas, 1971 52 2.31 HOUles and households in districts in rural areas, 1971 S3 2.32 Houses and households in districts in urban areas, 1971 54 3. ALL INDIA TABLES 3.1 Trends in population in India, 1901-1971 57 3.2 Population, sox-ratio. density and growth rate in states, 1971 58 3.3 LiteracY ratca in states, 1971 59 3.4 proportionate strength of religious communities. in states, 1911 60 3.5 Population ofschedulcdcastes &. scheduled tribes. 1971 61 3.6 Population by workers &. non-workers in states, 1971 62 3.1 Percentage of workers in primary. SCCdDdaryand tertiary 8CctOrS. 1971 63 APPBNDIX- Population by scx.literacy andschedulcd caste/tribe population in tcbails aDd towns, 1971 64-81 STATB MAPS- Betwcea GROWTH OF POPULAnON. 1961-1". pales 1 Z &. 13 SEX-RATIO. 1971 LlTBRACY. 1971 WORKERS BY PRIMAR'Y. SECONDARY &. TERTIARY ACl1VlTY ~ t RAJASTHAN ADMINISTRATIVE MILES 20 2040 '0 80 100 50 50 100 150KMS. BOUNDARIES! INTERNATIONAL_'_STATE-'-'-I DISTRICT _._._._._ TEHSIL ............... STAT! Hq.eDISTRICT Hq.®TEHSILHq.' IIdPORTANT ROAD DISTANCES (~pp )(~MS) IMPORTAHTROACOISTANCES(APP)(KIdS') I. JII'~Q·(of'~flHElHI I) JAIPUR-IJUER·iOlA t m I. JIIPUA·llWU·06lHI 14 J,lJPUR'TONHOTA 2-15 II KOTA.JHllAWAR I. JIIP~R ·~lW'A 4. JIIPUA-IJMEA Ii. JAIPUR'OUDU'NAGIUR 175 5 J~PUH!!W~R'UDIIPUR U JAlPUR·SUJANGARH·NIGiUR 1I1 , J,lIPUR·CHITTlURG.iRH-UOIIPUA II JAIPUR ·R.iTANGARH '81~IHER II JAIPUR·RllINGiRH·GiNGiNili.i)t«1 I. UDIIPUR'DUNGARPUA JO GINGiNI.GAII·6IKANEA I DUWGAAPUR'IIN5WARI II almER·mAUR 10 UD.lIPUR·ULI·~OUHTm 22 NI.GIdIR·JODHPUR II JlI'UR·IJM!.R·MOUNTI!U SOl 23 JAiPUR ·I~AI!.ITPUR 12 JAIPUHJMEHODHPUR l'IHARATPUA·DEEG·mIR INTRODUCTORY NOTE In this booklet. which is a sort of a Fact Book on population of Rajasthan, several small tables have been presented. They have been appropriately grouped : a batch of ten opening tables relates to the State as a whole, a set of thltty-two tables which follow refersto the districts of the State, and flDallya group of seven tables presents a comparative picture of Rajasthan alongwith some demographic characteristics of other states. Towards the end, an appendix shows the population in the various tehsils and towns by sex and literacy and population of scheduled castes and scheduled tClbeS. A set of four maps which illustrate this booklet shows the growth of population, sex ratio.