District Census Handbook, Barmer, Rajasthan

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District Census Handbook, Barmer, Rajasthan CENSUS, 1951 RA~ASTHAN AND AJMER DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BARMER PART .--aENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CE"8US TABLES By Pt. YAMUNA l",AL l)ASHORA, B.A.., LL.B., Superintendent of Census Operations, Rajasthan and Ajmer. JODHPUR: PREFACE The Censua Qeportl!!! in olden times were printed one f~ the whole-1?ro~ of :aa.j~ putana. and another for Ajmer-Merwam. Some of the Principatl states 1l<'R ~d ifi.·:tt~1IlIl pnbliehed their o~ repOI'M. Tltis iiiltref the State- Ctmsus Repot'f,s ~ been ptmt~ in the following volumes:- 1. Part I A .. Report. 2. Part I--B Subsidiary Tables and District Inde'X of NOl'f-Agricaltm:wl OccnpatiollH. ~. Part I-C Appendices. 4. Part Ii-A Ceneral Population Tahle8, HOl1sehMcd and ..Ag& Sample- Ta:~leIJ, Social and Cultural Tables, Table E Summary Figu_r~!2: by ~dmini8tm.tive Units~ and Local 'KA' Infirmities. - - 5. Part II-B .. "Economic Tables. They contain statistics down to the district level. The idea of p'l'eparing the Dil§triet CensllS' Handbook separately f~ ~B:ch diStrict was put forward by Shri R. A. Gopalaswami. 1. (i. S.,. Registrar General. India, and -ex-officio CeD8U8' ('ort1llli9s:km.8"l' m I~ as' part of a plan iaten.ded to se't'MI11"e aft ei'lt!otPve m~thod of preserving the census records prepared for areas below th~ distriet" level, He proposed that all the district census tables and census abstracts prepared during the process of Borting and compilatkm- sho'l{'ki be bound toget:her in ru 'Siwgle me.n:m;u!~:ri1>t v@i:ume, called the' DmtJri~ Census Handbook,. aRm snggested to the State G-O'Vermn~Iilt;s- ths,'t the Handbook (with or withou4; the addition of other useful information relating to the district) should be printed a.nd· pub­ lished at their own cost in the same manner as the village statistics in the past. In accept­ ing, this suggestion~ the Government of Rajasthan decided to print and publish the more important portion of statistical data relating to the district and to preserve the rest of the recoflts' in a man-lmcript volume for any future use, to which they may be put. This Handbook contains five General Population Tables of A Series, three Economic Tables of B Series fi e Household and Age Tables of C Series, seven Social and Cultural Tables of D 5=:eries, one table r'~ giving summary for the district and tehsils, a local table 'KA' showing infirmities by a e groups and an Tndex of X on-agricultural Occupations. Each table contains an explanatory note necessary for the proper understanding of the figures. The numbers given to the tables in this Handboo correspond to those given in 8tate Census Reports. Village 1 irectories were published for the first time in 1~31 by a few States of Raj­ }Jutana. The example was followed by all the States in . 941. They contained for each village the population figures by religion and also I'- orne other useful information. They were bound in a volume one for each Dtate. rrhis time the Village Directories are also incorporeted in this Handbook under the name of "'Primary C'ensus Abstract and Village Directory" which show thE' basi~ population figures Reparatel:v for each vilJage or town-ward classified by livelihood claqses instead of religion and also son:!e information of general nature. Opportunity has been taken to put in a short introductory note detailing the salient points connected with the distri('t~ such as the physical features, climate,. rainfall. irrigation and drainage facilities, roads and other communications, agriculture education, industries and other matters of general interest. The information contained in the introductory note iR based on the material furnished by ~ollectors of districts and Departments of Government. In addition to the above, some figures of general interest and arreview of popu1ation figure.;:; have also been irC'orporateo. The scheduled date for the publication of the Handbooks as prescribed by the Regis­ trar General. India was "Not later than March 1952" but practical experience showed its pUblication l)y that time an inlpracticability. Even tho compilation of the tables together with its final touch could not be cOlupleted by that tim.e. Then came the question of printing which proved to be a huge task. There 25 districts in Rajasthan and 1 in Ajmer. The total num hAr of printed pages turned out to he nearly 9 7 000. The Government Presses were already over-bw:dened with the printing work of othel' depa.rtments ~nd lil the printing pf ('ensus Publications priority was given to Central Government Publications i. e. the State Census Reports. The rebult was that tIll March, 1954, for 14 out of 26 districts the P. C. A. and Village Directory could not be printed especially because the press had no stock of small type which was essential for their printlIlg. It was, therefore. decided to publish thp Handbooks In two volumes Fart I, consists of Introduction, h brief review of population figures and; 1. General Population Tables (A-I to A· V), 2. Economic Tables (B-1 to B-1II), 3. H( usehold and AGe (Sample) Tables (C-I to C-V). 4. Social and Cultural Tables (D-I to D-VII), 5. E-Summary figures by Administrative Cnjts, 6. Local Table 'KA' Infirmities, and 7. District rndex of Non-Agricultural Occupations. Part II. contains only Prirr'.ary Census Abstract and Village Lirectory. ~ The Handbooks of the Ajrr1er. Sirohi and Jhalawar Dis~ricts are however being published in one volume, because they have been completed by this time. While every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of figures and Yillage names, certain mista ... es n.ight have crept in. I shall be grateful jf they are bro' ght to Dly notice. Y. L. Dashora LIST OF CONTEN'l'S 8. ~Yo. Particulars Pagell I. Introdu.ction I-X 2. R~view of Population Figures 1-7 :~. Scheme of Census Ta.bles 8 L Definitions and Key to Symbols 9-10 .~. District Cenqus Datg, at a. Gla.nce, 1951 11-13 6. A.-General Population Tables- A- I. Area, Houses and Population 16 A- II. Variation in Population during Fifty Years 15 A-III. Town~ a.nd Villages Cla.ssified by Population 16-1'1 A-IV. Towns Classified by Population with variA.t.ion since 1901 .. 18 A - V. Town,;; arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes .. 19 ~, . B - Economic Tables- Explana.tory Note::; 20-23 B- I. Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 24-25 B- II. Secondary meaDs of Livelihood 26"-35 B -III. Employers, Employees and Indepandellt Wqfkers in Industries and Servioes by Divisions and Sub-divisions •• 36-58 o -Household and. Age (Sample) Tables- C- 1. Household (Size and Composition}­ C- II. Livelihood Classes by Age Groups .. 6O-IS! C-III. Age and Civil Condition • 62-63 C ~ JV. Age and Literacy 64-65 c -- V. Single Year Age Returns 64-{Ig u. D-Socia' and Oultul'al Tables- D- I. (i) Mother Tongue 7() (ii) Bilingualism 71. D- II. Religion 72 D -III. Soheduled Castes a.nd Scheduled Trihes 72 D - IV. Migrants 73 D- V. (ii) Displaced persons by LivelihoOd Classes 74 D-VI. Non-Indian Nationals '15 D-VII. Educational Standards 78-77 10. E -Summuy Figures by Admini.strative units 78-80 I L LocwI Table (~) Infirmities 81-83 12. DieiJric1; Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations 85-93 u: BARMER DIST.RICT INTRODUCTION Physical Aspects 1. This dish iet comprises of four tehsils grouped into 2 sub~division s of (1) Barmer and (2) Bfl,iotra. The first includes the tehsils of Bal'mer and. (a) Position, Area and Shea, the second, the te_hsils of Pachpadra. and Siwana. It is ~ituat­ Boundaries. ed in the south-west of Rajasthan, between north ]v.,Htude 70°.5' alJd 72°.5' and east longibldA 25°.4' aDd 2Ho.2'. It jp bounded on the north by Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts, on the east by Jodhpur, Pali and Jalore di~tricts_. on the s::mth by Jalore di.strict and on the west by Pgki<;than (Sindh). The total area of thf' district is 9,734 square miles, accol'ding to the StTryeyor General of India. 2. The district is a part of the Thar Desert of which it has been said, "there al'e more spears than speargrass head~ and blade.;;: of stpe 1 grow better (b) Configuratio)J.. than blades of corn". The- dis'trict generally is sterile, sandy and inhospitable. The salient featuree of the country are the Eland hills, which in some placf's rise to an altitude of three to foul' hundred feet, the northern and wpstern p'Jrtions form part of thfl desQrt stretching to SilJdh and JaisalwFr. The coun­ try heTe resembles all undllla ting sea of ~and; an occasional o£,sis is met with~ but water is exceedingly scarce. Thel'e is a small off-shoot of the Are-valli('s ir. the east; the highest beiug Chha,pan-ka-Pabar D('ar Sivvana (3~129 feet). the tehsilf. of Barmer (commonly known as Mallani) and Shea are a draary W?J~te covered with sa:nd hills of an shapes and sizE'S. 3. The only river in the district is the Luni which ('ntprs the district in tehsil Siwana. aDd passing tbrougL -Pachpadra and Bp,rmer Tensil pursues, its (C) Rivers. tortuous cnurse of about 80 w.jles~ tin it; pas<;es into Jalore District and thence to the Rann of Cutch. In heavv floods, which occur however, very rarely, to whioh 10081 :r;ame Rel is given, the crops of wheat, gram and barley~ ROWD on the thus saturated soil Hre abundant after th,., ,'ains, genel'f'.lly spf'aki:ng, the wa1er found.
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    JOINT PROCEEDING SECOND INDO-PAK LOCUST OFFICERS BORDER MEETING 2018 YEAR 2018 / NO. 2 Period : 01-31 July, 2018 LOCUST SITUATION INDIA : Distant, cross country and LOCUST SITUATION PAKISTAN : The routine fortnightly special border surveys on locust in the Scheduled Desert Areas locust surveys were carried out in the summer-monsoon breeding areas of Nara and Tharparkar deserts in Sindh, (SDA) of India were conducted by 11 Locust Circle Offices Cholistan desert in Punjab and overlapping area of Uthal in (Jaisalmer, Barmer, Bikaner, Suratgarh, Churu, Nagaur, Phalodi, Balochistan during the reporting period. A total number of 403 Jodhpur, Jalore, Palanpur and Bhuj) in their respective localities were surveyed. No gregarious locust activity was jurisdiction and surveyed 282 localities. Based on the survey found in Pakistan .However, isolated mature solitarious adults data/observations, India remained free from gregarious as well were seen at four localities southeast of Bahawalpur (285832N-711738E) in Cholistan Desert with a density of 12 as solitary desert locust activities. adults/ hectare on 24-07-2018. Locust survey : 01-31 July, 2018 Low density solitary adults INDIA PAKISTAN Rajasthan Gujarat Desert Locust Desert Locust Present L = Present Absent N = Absent Low density solitary desert locust adult were seen at four localities southeast of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) near Indo-Pak border during the survey whereas India remain free from any locust activities. ECOLOGY AND WEATHER: Rainfall estimates (11-20 July 2018) shows moderate to heavy rainfall in the SDA of India and light to heavy in locust potential breeding areas in Pakistan. Greenness estimates of 2nd decade of July, 2018 indicate fresh vegetation patches in the areas of Bikaner, Nagaur, Churu, Suratgarh, Barmer, Jaisalmer and Bhuj of India and Surface vegetation was observed green/ greening in Bahawalpur, Rahimyar Khan and Mirpur Khas areas of Pakistan except Sukkur area where it was observed dry during the survey.
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