THE LIFE-BOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution
THE LIFE-BOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution. VOL. XXIV.—No. 273.] MAY, 1921. [FRIGB 64. Important Notice. Owing to the continued extraordinarily high cost of all printing, and the need for economy in view of the large capital expenditure with which the Institution is at present faced, THE LIFE-BOAT will not be published in August, and the next issue, therefore, will appear in November. This decision has been taken with less reluctance than would otherwise have been the case in view of the great amount of important and interesting matter appearing in the present issue, which is practically a double number. Annual Meeting. THE Ninety-seventh Annual General j Cameron, Commander Sir Harry Main- Meeting of THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- , waring, Bt., R.N.V.R., Sir Keith Smith, BOAT INSTITUTION was held at the K.B.E., Mr. Harry Hargood, O.B.E., Central Hall, Westminster, on Thurs- Mr. H. P. Hussey, Mr. Andrew T. day, the 28th April, at 3 P.M., His Royal i Taylor, J.P., L.C.C., Mr. R. H. Gillespie, Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., Pre- ; Mr. W. Fortescue Barratt, Hon. Secre- sident of the Institution, in the Chair. tary of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, Among those present were:—The Con- | Mr. F. C. A. Coventry, Mr. Richard sul- General for France, the Consul- I White, Chairman of the General Steam General for Denmark the Consul-General I Navigation Company, Lieut.-Comman- for Spain, the Right Hon. the Earl der A. B. T.
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