uniti. loin. rjt fdh<tfyfd% •publtekfu* lip SutbP2itj». From featucrja? July n, to CutfDap July 1-4. *76li . By the King, John Earl of Buckinghamshire- Henry. Arthur Eari of Powis, Comptroller of Our Household ; Charles A PROCLAMATION, Earl of Egremont, Simon Earl Harcourt, Charles Declaring His Majefifs Pleasure touching His Royal Earl Cornwallis,-Constable of Our Tower of Lon­ . Coronation, and tbe Solemnity thereof. don • Philip Earl of Hardwicke, John Earl Dela­ ware John Earl of Egmont, Wills Earl of Hililbo- GEO RG E R. rough, Percy Earl of I'homond, Treasurer of" Our Household ; .Our Right Trusty aad Well-beloved HEREAS We have resolved; by tKe Cousins and Ccunsdiors, Hugh Viscount Falmouth.* Favour and Blessing of Almighty God, Will.a n Viscount Barrington, Ciui-.icellor and Under to celebrate the Solemnity of Oar Treasurer of Our Exchequer ; John Viscount Bate­ Royal Coronation upon Tuesday the j man. John Viscount Ligonier, Master Ge::_r-il of Twenty Second Day of September next, a: Our Our Ordnance ; "Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Palace at Westminster : And forasmuch as by antient Counsellors Philip Yorke, Esq; commonly called Customs and Usages, as also in regard of divers Te-J Lord Viscount Royston ; John Lord Berkeley ef nures of sundry Manors, Lands, and other Heredi­ Stratton, Allen- Lord Bathurst, Samuel Lord Sandys, taments, many of Our loving Subjects do claim, George Lord Anson, First Lord Commissioner of Cor and are bound to do and perform divers several Ser­ Admiralty; William Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice vices on the said Day, and at the Time of the Coro­ of Our Court of King's Bench ; George'Lord Lyt- nation, as, in Times precedent, their Ancestors, and tleton, George Lord Melcombe, Thomas Lord those from whom they claim, have done and per Grantham, William Finch, Esq; Vice Chamber'ain formed at the Coronation of Our famous Progeni­ of Our Household; George Townsliend, Esquire,. tors and Predecessors : We therefore, out of Our Henry Bilson Legge, Esquire, George Grenville, Princely Care for the Preservation of the lawful Esquire, Treasurer of Our Navy ; James Grenville, Rights and Inheritances of Our loving Subjects, Esquire, Cofferer of Our Hjausehold ; William Pitt, whom it may concern, have thought fit to give No­ Esquire, one of Our Principal Secretaries of State; Sir" tice of, and publish Our Resolutions therein'; and John Willes, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Our Court do hereby give Notice of, and publish the same ac­ of Common Pleas; Sir John Rufhout, Baronet, Henry cordingly : And We do hereby further signify, That, Fox, Esquire, Paymaster Ge'neral of Our Forces ; by Our Commiflion under Our Great Seal of Great Sir Thomas Clarke, Knight, Master ofthe Rolls; Britain, We have appointed and authorized Our Charles Townsliend, Esquire, Our Secretary ac .most Dearly-beloved Brother and Counsellor Edward War ; Robert Nugent, Esquire, Welbore 'Ellis* Duke of York ; Our- Dearly-beloved Uncle and Esquire, and Sir Francis Dastiw'ood, Baronet, Counsellor William Duke of Cumberland; the most Treasurer of Our Chamber.; or any Five or more Reverend Father in God, Our Right Trusty and of them, to receive, hear, and determine, the Right** entirely beloved Counsellor Thomas Arch­ Petitions and Claims which sliall be to them ex­ bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and hibited by any of Our loving Subjects in this Eehnis : Metropolitan ; Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved And we (hall appoint'Our said Commissioners, fer Counsellor Robert Lord Henley, Baron of Grainge, j that Purpose, to sit in the Painted Chamber of Cur Our Chancellor of Great Britain ; Our Right Trusty i Palace at Westminster, upon Tuesday the Twenty and Right Well-beloved Cousins and Counsellors John ' First Day of this Instant July, at Ten ofthe Cioclc Earl Granville. President of Our Coancil ; Richard , in the Forenoon cf ths fame Day, and, from Time Earl Temple, Keeper of Our Privy Seal ; Our Right , to Time, to adjourn, ss to them shall seem meet^ Trusty and Right entirely beloved Cousins and for the Execution of Our said Commission, which. Counsellors Wiiliam Duke of Devonshire, Lord We do thus Publish, to ;he Intent that all such Par­ Chamberlain of Oar Household ; Charles Duke of sons, whom it may any ways concern, may know Bohon. Thomas Duke of Leeds, John Duke of Bed­ when and where to give their Attendance fer the ford, John Duke of Rutland, Master dfOur Horse ; Exhibiting of their Petitions and Clains concerning Charles Duke of Queensbury, Peregrine Duke of the Services before-nientiofled to be done and per­ Ancaster, Our Great Chamberlain ; Thomas Holies formed unto Us at Our iaid Coronation : And We Duke of Newcastle, Fiist Lord Commiffioner of Our do hereby signify unto all and every Our Subjects, Treasury ; Lionel Duke of Dorset, Lord Warden whom it may concern, That Our Will and Pleasure of Our Cinque Ports; Our Right Trusty and Well- ( is, and We do hereby siricily charge pi I Person;, beloved Counsellor John Manners, Elq; commonly cf what Rank or Quality soever they be, who called Marquis of Granby, Lieutenant Gereral of either upon Our Letters to them directed, or by Rea­ Our Ordnance ; Our Right Trusty and Right Weil-' son, of their Offices or Tenures, or otherwise, are beloved Cousins and Counsellors William Earl of to do any Service at the said Day or Time of Our Talbot, Lord Steward of Our Household ; Francis Coronation, that they do duly give their Attendance Earl of Huntingdon, Groom ofthe Stole ; Basil Earl! accordingly, in all Respects furnished and appointed as to so great a Solemnity appertaineth, and answer­ of Denbigh, Daniel Earl of Winchelsea ard Not- i able to the Dignities and Places which everyone tingham, Philip Earl of Chesterfield, John Earl of of them respectively holdeth and enjoyeth j and of Sandwich, Anthony Earl osShastesbury, Robert Earl this they, or any of them, are not to fail, as they of HolHc-rnesTe, William Henry Earl of Rochford, will answer the contrary at their Perils^ unless upon George Earl'of Albemarle, William Earl .of Jersey, special Reasons by Ourself, under Our Hand, to be Frr.ncis Earl of Godolphin, George Earl of Choi- | allowed, We shall dispense with any of their Services st.ordchy, Thomas Earl of Kinnoul, Chancellor of or Attendances. Our Dutchy of Lancaster; John Earl ofHyndford, J.-.hn Earl of Lk*'c, one of Our Principal Secretaries of State ; George Dunk Earl of Halifax, Our Lieu­ Given at Our Court at St. James's, the Eight!* tenant General and General Governor of Our King­ Day of July, 1761, in the First Year of Ou* dom of Iril^nd ; James Earl of Waldegrave, Wil­ Reign, - , liam Eail of Bath, Graiu'ille Levifon Eari Gower, G 0 D Save the KING, £ Price Sixpence. J .
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