General Index to the First Volume
GENERAL INDEX TO THE FIRST VOLUME her, ib.—Her puissance in withstanding AM, a town of Toulouse; whence the AI- with Becket, 61.—Threatens that the Danes, ib.—Reported by various his- bigensian heresy had its rise, 101.— with an interdict for disannullingthe mar torians to have re-built the walls of Lei- • Title assumed thence by Sirrion de M&nt-' riage-contract of his son Richard, 81 —I cester, and to have completely repaired fort first earl of Leicester, 102. Ordained a canon prohibiting the'clemv and fortified the town, ib.; 356.—Her Albigensians, heretics of Languedoc; his- from all interference in the practice of munificence, 14.—'Her death and inter- tory of the croisade against them, 101. physic, 2-77.—Grants to the Ahbev of ment, 15.—Poetical effusion in commen- Stseq.; 360. Lira a confirmation of their possessions dation of her virtues, ib. Albini, Nigell de, remunerated for his ser- App. 9. Æthdred, duke of Mercia, marries Æthel- vicesto William the Conqueror, with cer- Alexander IV. pope, (a good m2n,) fcjg fleda daughter of king Alfred, 14.—His tain lordships in Leicestershire and other succession to the papacy, 127; 221 death, ib. counties, -liii.—Was bow-bearer to Wil- His negotiations with the bishop of He- king, levies the tax called Dane- liam Rufus, il.—Rewarded by that mo- reford relative to the kingdom of Sicily geld, xxxv; 15 j 216.—Confers the narch with the forfeited lands of Robert 131 :—with which, by a ring-, heinvesfc bishoprick of Leicester on St. Wilfrid, de Mowbray, ib.—Founds a priory at Prince Edmund Crouchback in due form 12.—Gives his daughter Edgith in mar- Axholme, and assumes the habit of a 221.—Causes a crusade to be preached riage to Edrick Streona, 15.—Formally monk, ib.—His death and burial, ib.
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