General Index to the First Volume
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GENERAL INDEX TO THE FIRST VOLUME her, ib.—Her puissance in withstanding AM, a town of Toulouse; whence the AI- with Becket, 61.—Threatens that the Danes, ib.—Reported by various his- bigensian heresy had its rise, 101.— with an interdict for disannullingthe mar torians to have re-built the walls of Lei- • Title assumed thence by Sirrion de M&nt-' riage-contract of his son Richard, 81 —I cester, and to have completely repaired fort first earl of Leicester, 102. Ordained a canon prohibiting the'clemv and fortified the town, ib.; 356.—Her Albigensians, heretics of Languedoc; his- from all interference in the practice of munificence, 14.—'Her death and inter- tory of the croisade against them, 101. physic, 2-77.—Grants to the Ahbev of ment, 15.—Poetical effusion in commen- Stseq.; 360. Lira a confirmation of their possessions dation of her virtues, ib. Albini, Nigell de, remunerated for his ser- App. 9. Æthdred, duke of Mercia, marries Æthel- vicesto William the Conqueror, with cer- Alexander IV. pope, (a good m2n,) fcjg fleda daughter of king Alfred, 14.—His tain lordships in Leicestershire and other succession to the papacy, 127; 221 death, ib. counties, -liii.—Was bow-bearer to Wil- His negotiations with the bishop of He- king, levies the tax called Dane- liam Rufus, il.—Rewarded by that mo- reford relative to the kingdom of Sicily geld, xxxv; 15 j 216.—Confers the narch with the forfeited lands of Robert 131 :—with which, by a ring-, heinvesfc bishoprick of Leicester on St. Wilfrid, de Mowbray, ib.—Founds a priory at Prince Edmund Crouchback in due form 12.—Gives his daughter Edgith in mar- Axholme, and assumes the habit of a 221.—Causes a crusade to be preached riage to Edrick Streona, 15.—Formally monk, ib.—His death and burial, ib. ia England against prince Manfroi and ' abdicates his throne, ib.—His death, 16. Albini, William de, ancestor to the earls of his associates of Nocera, 132.—CraTes Agenois, the castle of, in Gnienne, captured Arundel, fiii. pecuniary aid from king Henry the Third by Henry de Lancaster earl of Derby, , William de, earl of Arundel, seat 133.—Worsted in Italy, 136.—Forbids 22S. on an embassy to the pope relative to the the princes of Germany to elect Conradin Ag'mconrt, battle of, 3/1. affair of archbishop Becket, 49. to the imperial title, 137-—Threatens Agnes, sister of Ranulph de Blundeville earl -, William de, earl of Arundel, mar- king Henry with deposition and ana- of Chester, marries William earl of Fer- ries Mabel, the second daughter of Hugh thema, 144.—Re-instates Attielmar in rers, 519. — Her manors and other earl of Chester; his death, 213. the see of Winchester, contrary to the im- possessions^ ib.—Her death and issue, • , William de, son of the above earl* portunities of the English barons, 167.— i6. j (IS.) his death, 219. Absolves king Henry from Ms oath to Agreement, deed of, betwixt Robert le , Hugh de, brother of the last-men- comply with the provisions of Oxford, Bossu earl of Leicester and Ranulph de tioned; earl of Arundel j his manors, 168.—Issues his bulb, enjoining the ba- Gernoniis earl of Chester; illustrative of &e. 219. rons to return to their allegiance, 169. the times of anarchy under king Stephen, Alb'miaco, Isabella de, her debt to Aaron His death, 173.—Pounded the order of 26, C27; 358: App 19', 13. the Jew, of York, and her method of Friers-Eremites of St. Augustine, 300. Agriculture, the imperfect state of, in disbursing the same, App. SS.». His grant to Leicester-abbey, App. 6g. antient times, a cause of the scanty po- Albion, cliffs of, etymological observations - ' tlce Great, cawsed his soldiers to pulation, xlviii. respecting-, I. n. slave their half ; why, 2S3. Agrippa, according to Dio, first intro- Albion the Great, his invasion of Britain SecertiSj restored the law of An- duced at Rome the indecent practice of deemed a fietion, 1. toninus (abrogated by Heliogabalus) men and women bathing together, 9. n. j Æ'csto-'-priary, Warwickshire1, donations against trie promiscuous baths of the 356. to, and charter of confirmation of the . Romans, 3561 Aid; an honourable contribution of a vas- foundation of the same, by Robert le III. king: of Scotland, excites a sal to his lord: One levied upon the Bossu, earl of Leicester, 48 -t App. 17.— conspiracy in the Northern parts of Eng- English, for the marriage of Isabel, The foundation-charter of the said pri- land against the earf of Lekftster, 199. daughter of king John, to the emperor ory, App. 16 r—and confirmatory char- Alfcmse, king of Castile,- commissioners Frederick, [xlix.] n.—Demanded by king- ters by several kings, 17, IB. sent to him by king Edward the Third Henry the Third for recovery of the Alderman (eaiderman), the antient styfe of England for adjusting certain diffe- Arvglo-gallican provinces: refused, 110, of an Earl; his dignity and office ex- rences betwixt their subjects, 227. III.: and see p. 128.—Might be de- plained ; was antiently the prefect of Alfred, king-, his survey, and division- of manded by the sovereign from persons a county, and his office hereditary, 154. England rnto coanties, hwndreds, aud owing him service of barony, 197.—Was- » j 173. ». tithings, considered, xxxiii & n.; & 3.— not, like service, demandable by right of Leicester j who the first, 9T> His grant to the bishop of Darhain, from a tenant, but a gratuity from him 359.—His official style, 410; 420.— xxxvi.—Why Ms Domesday-book was to bis lord, 213.—Granted, under the Twelve aldermen appointed to govern not preserved, xfix.—Gives his daHghter name of subsidy, to king Henry the the town, on its heing divided into a ÆtheMeda in marriage to duke /Ethel- Third on several occasions, 214.—The like number of wards, 380.—Each, JQ red, 14.—Places iise kingdom of Mercia escuage, or assessment upon milrtaiy fiefs, his- respective ward, ordered to peram- Under the government of that dake, ib.— called aft aid, 215.—Being gratuitous, it bulate the streets for inspection of their Restores la Engfaad the trial by jury of was- deemed honourable, ib.—Might but state of repair, 439; 445,446. twelve men, 22. ».—Dirided England seldom, and on wrgent occasions, be de- Aldermanries* or hundred:*; England df- into bailiwicks, 337>—Held his parlia- manded by a lord, and then so as not to vided into, by Mag; Alfred, 13J7.IL ments twice a year, 158. n.—Corrected oppress the giver, ib.—Levied under dif- Aldermen (qwati elder men, merjores nttttij; the abuses of skiie-reeves aad their sub- ferent denominations, as hidage,, earu- who so styled, 135. n. ordinate feaffifis, 174, a. cage, and escuage; instances, 216,217, of London, antlentry styled ba- Alfrie, or Alfrid, ktogj tlie period of his 218.: and see those words. rons, 154. at.—Held their aldermanries accession to the crown, sad es his death, Aigle, in Sussex, the honour of, granted of the king in ceepite, ib. App. <Z. by king Henry the Third to Peter of Atdredin, oc Aldred, a bishop as Leicester, Algar, son of duke Æffiie, is craeHy cte- Savoy, earl of Richmond, 176. deposed, 13 j 356. 'prived of his sight, 15. 1 1 Aigle-blanchex Peter j see Peter, bishop of Aliwine, a olshtjp ©fLeicesfer, 355. > carl of LEICE.ST.EX, IS . Hereford Ale, the prices of, as established by order j earl of lÆ!CESTEK,si>Bof the above, AigniUon in Guienne, besieged by Jofift of the common-hall at Leicester in the a gallant warrior against the Danes, 16, duke of Normandy, 228.—Captured by- mayoralty of Richard Gyflot, 375.—Far- —Slain at Kesteven, £6. Henry de Lancaster earl of Derby, ib. ther regulations in the drawing, mea- —— succeeds his father Leofrfe as earl d Aileston, xB. sure, and sale of it, enacted by the cor- LEICESTER, 17.—Banished iiy king Ed- Ailmesthorpe, Leicestershire j itsantient fee poration, 384 s 388, aS9, 390. & seqq. ward: the Confessor, iS.—J'ofes Griffiii and-tenure, cxiii. Ale-taster (The) of Leicester, his official prince of Wales* and ravages Hereford, Alba, remarks on that word, App. 102. n. oath, 3T7.—His duty exemplified, 384 j j:fi.—Reconciled to" the Mixg, tot again, Albari (St.) date of the translation of his 389, 390; kc. fc. rebefs, ik—His death, and inleisaeat, ib. body from his sepulchre to the church, Aleby,value at theConqtteror's surveyjXxxviiL —His issue, ib. 12.—Was the pretomartyr of England, Alexander, Dfehop of Lincoln, (and lord Alger* a monk of Clnny, notice of Mas and 72.—His shrine visited by king Henry chancellor,) had the manor sailed the Ms writings, App. 103. a. the Third, 161.; and by the earl of Lei- Bishop's- Fee, in the suburb of Leices- Ægodsmitne, App. 74. cester, 164. ter, confirmed; to Mra by papal bull, Algyva, ar Æwwa, tteprircd hj her tmefe* Albany, Maglan duke of, married Gonorell 17; 567.—Taken prisoner by the earl of king Edwartf the; Elder, of ter saeees- daughter of king Leir, 2. Leieester, 25.—Granted jienaisskia to. sroo to the kingdom of B'lereia, 15. Albemarle, besieged and won by Philip Robert le Bosso, earl of Leicester, to liamr, queen tot Heary: the SecQfit?* es- count of^Flanders, 71. found the abbey of St. Mary De Pvativ, eltes hei- soo Henry to rebrf against the — the earl of, besieged in Roches- 26j 254; 357: AppAh n.; 53.—Founded ikig his father, fig.—Disposes iær «5£&er ter castle by the earl of Leieester, 187.