Letter Written by George, Earl of Leicester, from Guy's Cliffe, Warwick

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Letter Written by George, Earl of Leicester, from Guy's Cliffe, Warwick Document of the Month January 2020 Letter written by George, Earl of Leicester, from Guy’s Cliffe, Warwick (CR1517/1) Happy New Year! Our first Document of the Month in 2020 is an interesting document from 1784 which contains a letter from the Earl of Leicester along with a sketched section of his family tree and coat of arms. The letter is written by George (Townshend) Earl of Leicester, from Guy’s Cliffe in Warwickshire, to an associate seeking advice on how best to approach making a claim to the Earldom of Derby. He outlays evidence of his own lineage from Sir Francis Walsingham and his belief that there are no other legitimate heirs to the Earldom of Derby. He goes on to ask for their opinion on employing a Mr Birch, solicitor, to help with his endeavour. Leicester also provides additional information he has received, regarding his coat of arms, in support of his claim. The response to the Earl of Leicester is written on the reverse of this letter and the recipient agrees he does have a case but may meet resistance from peers in the House of Lords and suggests it would be advisable to employ Mr Birch.1 (Full transcript – Appendix I). 1 Warwickshire County Record Office. Letter written by George, Earl of Leicester, from Guys Cliffe, Warwick, regarding his claim to the Earldom of Derby. Document reference: CR1517/1. 1 Document of the Month January 2020 2 Document of the Month January 2020 3 Document of the Month January 2020 4 Document of the Month January 2020 5 Document of the Month January 2020 Pedigree and Arms The sketched family tree is interesting as it states (in a line) from Lady Dorothy and Sir Henry Shirley, knight: “the heir of this marriage is The Earl of Leicester”; however, it does not show how he is related to them. There are in fact several generations between George (Townshend) the Earl of Leicester and Sir Henry Shirley to whom he is related via his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Compton Shirley.2 (Full transcript – Appendix II) Some of the quarters of the coat of arms have been described to identify various branches of the family. Namely, “Ferrars of Chartley” inherited from his mother Lady Charlotte Compton via her mother Elizabeth Shirley, Baroness Ferrars of Chartley2; “Ferrars of Groby & Tamworth”; “Thos. Plantaganet, Duke of Gloucester”; “Ellerker” and “Mainwaring” both of which were in connection to Leicester’s wife Charlotte Eaton Mainwaring-Ellerker.2 (Full transcript – Appendix III) 2 Burke’s Peerage and Baronetage. (1833) Townshend, Marquess. Vol. II. 4th ed. London: Published for Henry Colburn. pp. 550- 551. 6 Document of the Month January 2020 7 Document of the Month January 2020 George Townshend, Earl of Leicester (1753-1811) George Townshend was born on 18 April 1753, the son of George Townshend, first marquess and Charlotte Compton, Baroness Ferrers and Compton.3 He was educated at Eton College and then St. Johns College, Cambridge and served in the army, reaching the rank of Captain in the King’s light dragoons.3 He was summoned to parliament on 25 April 17744 and was subsequently made a Privy Councillor in 1782; nominated Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners 1782-1783 and 1783-1790; Master of the Mint 1790-94; Joint Postmaster-General 1794-99; Lord Steward of the Household 1799-1802 and High Steward of Tamworth 1807-11.5 He was created Earl of Leicester on 18 May 1784 (the Earldom of Leicester having been extinct since 1759)3 and, as we can see from his letter, by October 1784 was actively pursuing a claim to the Earldom of Derby. Leicester was an antiquary with a keen interest in heraldry and archaeology and was made President of the Society of Antiquaries, he became a Trustee of the British Museum 1787-1811 and Fellow of the Royal Society in 1781.4 He remained President of the Society of Antiquaries until his death on 27 July 1811.3 3 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Townshend, George, second Marquess Townshend (1753-1811). https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e- 27625?rskey=Ov7s10&result=2 : accessed 18 December 2019. 4 The English Peerage. (1790) Townshend, Earl of Leicester. Vol. I. London: Printed by T. Spilsbury and Son. p. 482. https://books.google.co.uk : accessed 18 December 2019. 5 Cracrofts Peerage. George [Townshend], 17th Baron of Ferrers of Chartley and 8th Baron Compton later 1st Earl of Leicester later 2nd Marquess Townshend, PC. http://www.cracroftspeerage.co.uk/online/content/townshend1787.htm : accessed 18 December 2019. 8 Document of the Month January 2020 Transcriptions Appendix I Guy’s Cliffe October 4th 1784 Dear Sir, I have lately received from Mr. Astle a Copy of the original Creation of my Ancestor Willm De Ferrars to the Earldom of Derby in 1st of King Johns, the original Charter being yet among the Carta Antique in his Custody in the Tower; it is exactly word for word as given in Seldens, and to be sure is the completest proof of the Earldom of Derby’s having been enjoyd by my Ancestry in fee. The Dectien? de Kenilworth will sufficiently prove that Robert de Ferrars did not lose his Dignity by Parliamentary Attainder and the resolutions of the House in the Cases of the Barony of Grey of Ruthyn, temp[us]. Car[olus]: 1. & Viscounty of Purbeck Temp[us]. Car[olus]: 2d, declare that Honors? cannot be Cast by the surrender or Aberation of the party. All these points are so very much in favor of my Claim that I am resolved to push it without loss of time. Many Circumstances also makes the present as I think as good a time as can be for the asserting of my pretentions. Had I claimed the title of Earl of Derby when only Baron de Ferrars, and been allow’d it, I must have been call’d by that title, which would have been in-convenient, as two Earls of Derby would have makd? as much confusion to society as the two Socia’s in the play; but now that I have acquired a title of the same rank & degree as that I claim, should my claim be establishd, I may still be calld in the world Earl of Leicester, tho it is my most modern title, as the Earl Brooke & Warwick is constantly calld Earl of Warwick. Besides the title claim is that of Earl of the County of Derby, whereas that enjoyd by the Stanley family (as My Lord Derby himself lately acknowledged to me) is taken from the town and Waponlake Of Derby in Lancashire, in which their capital seat and principal Property lies; and which is commonly calld West-Derby in distinction from the County town of Derby, as the City of Chester is called West-Chester to distinguish it from Chester le Street in Durham. I should be glad to have your Opinion, whether I should not do well to employ Mr Birch as my Solicitor in this Business, as he has managed so many Claims of this nature so successfully for his Clients. Enclosed I send you a short pedigree of my descent from Sir Fra[nci]s Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth’s Minister, for the following reason. Lady Mary Coke, a Lady much versed in Genealogy, told me lately that the Hobarts, Earle of Bucks was descended from Sir Philip Sydney thro the heir of Sir John Maynard, the great lawyer, and that Lady Suffolk, aunt to the present Earl frequently used to boast of this Descent. I express my surprise at this, because I had always under-stood that Elizabeth Countess of Rutland, the only dau[ghter] & heir of Sir Ph[ilip] Sydney by the dau[ghter] & heir of Sir Fra[nci]s Walsingham, died SP. She certainly had no issue by the Earl of Rutland; & I never could find that she married again or had issue. Under the article of Sydney Earl of Leic[ester] in Collins,I can not find any mention of her second marriage with any body. And yet one could hardly suppose that the Hobart family should pride themselves on an imaginary descent from this Hero, and unless this Elizabeth his only legitimate Child left issue, they could only have be descended from him spuriously. As I wish much to have this part cleard up, you will much oblige me by resolving me about it, at your leisure. I hope you have not forgot [?] 9 Document of the Month January 2020 Earl of Leicester at Wakefield 15th October 1784 Some time since gave me some hopes of seeing you here this autumn in your way to or from Yorkshire. I do not propose being in town before the end of december. Lady Leicester desires her Compliments to you, believe me to be Dear Sir, with much regard Your very faithful & obligd humble Lord. Leicester. Response: 28th October 1784 My Lord, I had the favour of your L[ordshi]p’s letter with your remarks upon your claim to the earldom of Derby, and the pedigree and am clearly of opinion from y[ou]r L[ordshi]p’s statement of the case that the Title was in fee, and ought to descend to your L[ordshi]p; but as the success of a claim of this sort in a great measure depends upon interest in the House of Lords, your L[ordshi]p shou’d consider well how you stand in that respect, for I s[houl]d imagine many Peers of that degree will oppose you, on the contrary your L[ordshi]p is well with The King and Ministry, and I s[houl]d imagine f[ro]m Family connection, must of course have the interest of one powerful man in the cabinet.
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