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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 339 221 FL 019 872 AUTHOR Fisiak, Jacek, Ed. TITLE Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Volume Twenty-Five. The Polish-English Contrastive Project. INSTITUTION Adam Mickiewicz Univ. in PJznan (Poland). REPORT NO ISBN-83-232-0198-6; ISSN-0137-2459 PUB DATE 90 NOTE 217p. PUB TYPE Collected Works - General (020) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Bulgarian; *Contrastive Linguistics; Danish; English; Feminism; Form Classes (Languages); German; *Grammar; Language Research; Linguistic Theory; Nouns; Oral Language; *Phonology; Polish; Pronunciation; Second Language Learning; Second Languages; *Syntax; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Verbs; Vowels; Writing Processes; Written Language ABSTRACT Papers in this volume on contrastive linguistics include the following: "Auxiliaries in English and Danish" (Niels Davidsen-Nielsen); "On Tongue Twisters" (Wlodzimierz Sobkowiak); "On Derivational and Phrasal Adverbials of Manner" (James L. Wyatt); "Sct4mbling and the Polish Word Order. An Alternative Hypothesis" (Przemyslaw Tajsner); "Verbs of Sensory Cognition: A Contrastive Analysis of a Lexicai Field in the Lexicon of Polish and English" (Roman Kopytko); "Phonostylistics and Second Language Acquisition" (Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk); "A Contrastive Analysis of Object Control in English and German" (Christian Mair); "The Lexical Fields 'Broad/Thick' Analysed and Compared With Their German Counterparts 'Breit/Weit/Dick' (Bernhard Diensberg and Annette Dell); "On the Contrastive Phonology of the S':ressed Vowels in English and Bulgarian" (Andrei Danchev); "Aspiration in English and Polish: An Overview" (Piotr Ruszkiewicz); "The Complements of Perception verbs in English and Polish" (Roman Kopytko); "Some Reflections on Ideas and Results of Feminist LinguistLcs" (A. I. Dorodnykh and A. P. Martyniuk); "On the Analysis of Modal Meanings in Spoken German of Native Speakers and Polish Learners" (Leszek Skibniewski); and "On Case Marking in Polish" (Ewa Willim). (MSE) *****************************Vc****************************X************ Reproductions supplied t)}7 EDRS are the best t*lat can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** :tA ; . PAPERS AN 1ES CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS tt7:g,1- c,1 VOLUME TWENTY FIVE : r. :4,7 Editor: JACEK PIK= a Amittent to the editor: KRYSTYNA DROIDZIALSZELEST : U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATiON "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Office ot Etlucattonal Rimearch and ImPiOvement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDU ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Th.s clocurnen,nal been reproduced feCenfed from the person s or,ginaling or orgsnizahon Mmor changes have ferfrOd,XliOn qualifybeen made to improve Points of view Of TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES opmons Stated in MsdOCu- men? 60 Mt neCeS411rity/41Dresent official INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." OERI Position or poky POZNAS 1000 ADAM =MEW= UNIVERSITY, POZNAS VORTIICONIING PNif inrol .1 brief falsifirationist boll; erintia.itire miebilinguistics 1,V. Brunot (( itlahrid.2.p): The hirul., romeh grinkr ennenni John R. (1)ort naiad): His Mr EntIlish Prtfrel Tense and current velyeanre impliralarrm Paid R. StPviits (CIL NO: rewhinq Freill'h lii Npaiiish sprakeriq: mune typical patterns iif cen? celi Laiceulsial (Aiirliir4): The Prissier nail iity in Danish awl iierman Midamilmai .\\\ (Irbi(L): Eynimlriirr and translatability Enylish rind .4robir Liazu Mph) Dwashpr and Janet Aildersohlisich (Amcs): Universals in iiderlau- wimp" the ram learncrs NInriynylikI k hiirk( iv); SHrial rtlalinns and sex slerentypinyIIIlanguage Mart ytlyak (1Iindiuv): emitrustire .sturly rif male uml _female nernpalional term,: in English and h'iissiall Jaerk sil.\\ (Poznaft): The English pulatalizaiinn ralein ec mil lanynage nevi isition iyad Vaywi. Has!:rin (Irhid): Crilbicatirms: the missing link in rorabulary aegnisithin (liming:it EFL learncrs Prinripirs! fiir a einitrasiire phinnibletics: the Hebrew teicon.vinienhil 'C( ') rniii system, a ram. I litVrolova (Kharkov): English li'llssiannominal sentenres-e.11/reNsires:coff- in/41.re analysis 1,41tItHuili YartmihnIntundi (Shiriu): frinmarnrk .1-nr ti polaynyiral rtiui taistiPr gruminar rif Pesian and Enylish:Jrnin sentence in iliscriarse It 1:111.11V Villl . 1988. Keent structure (John 'Al. l)ollprty) THE POLISH-ENGLISH CONTRASTIVE PROJECT PAPERS AND STUDIES IN CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS VOLUME TWENTY FIVE Editor: Jacek Fisiak Assistant to the editor: Krystyna DroldziaiSzelest Advisory Board Chairman: Nils Erik Enkvist (Abo) ViceChairman: Gerhard Nickel (Stuttgart) Members Enrico Arcaini (Rome) Stig Johansson (Oslo) W.D. Bald (Aachcn) Andre Jolly (Paris) Rolf Berndt (Rostock) Dieter Kastovsky (Vienna) Leiv Egil Breivik (Tromso) Wolfgang Kahlwein (Trier) Broder Carstersen (Paderborn) Liam Mac Mathuna (Dublin) Dumitru Chi loran (Bucharest) Lewis Mukattash (Amman) Liszlo Dezso (Budapest) Kali Sajavaara (Jyväskylä) Robert di Pietro (Washington) Michael Sharwood Smith (Utrecht) Stig Eliatson (Uppsala) John J. Staczek (Washington, D.C.) LK. Engels (Leuven) Roland Sussex (Melbourne) Rudolf Filipovie (Zagreb) Jan Svartvix (Lund) Thomas Fraser (Lille) Shivcndra Kishore Verma (Hyderabad) Udo Fries (Zurich) Werner Winter (Kiel) POZNAN 1990 ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAN Proofreading: Andrzej Pietrzak Technical layout: Michat Lyssowski ISBN 83-232-0198-6 ISSN 0137-2459 WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. A1MMA MICKJEWICZA W POZNANIU Wydanie I. Nakiad 1400+100 ep. Ark. vo.d. 1625. Act. druk. 13.75 Papier offset. IL 111. 806 70x100. Oddano do skladania w marcu 1990 r. Druk ukoncz000 w lutym 1991 r. Zam. nr 2211174. DRUKARNIA UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA POZNAN, FREDRY 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Auxiliaries in English and Danish 5 Niels DavidsenNielsen (Copenhagen): 23 Wlodzimierz Sobkowiak (Poznan):On tongue twisters adverbials of manner 37 James L Wyatt (Tallahassee):On derivational and phrasal alternative hypothesis .. 43 Przemyslaw Tajsner (Poznan):Scrambling and the Polish word order. An of sensory cognition: A contrastive analysisof a lexical field in the Roma., Kopytko (Poznan): Verbs 59 lip:icon of Polish and English acquisition 71 Katarzyna Dziuba;skaKolaczyk (Poznan):Phonostylinics and second language English and German Christian Mair (Innsbruck): Acontrastive analysls of object control in Dell (Wuppertal): The lexicalfields BROADITHICK Bernhard Diensberg (Bonn) and Annette 103 analysed and compared with their Gemwncountmarts BREITIWElTIDICK the contrastive phonology of thestressed vowels in English and Andrei Danchev (Sofia): CM 131 Bulgarian 147 Piotr Ruszkiewicz (Opole): Aspirationin English and Polish: an overview and Polish 163 Roman Kopytko (Poznan): Thecomplements of perception verbs in English Martyniuk (Kharkov): Some reflections onideas and results of feminist A. I. Dorodnykh and A. P. 177 linguistics the ana6rsis of modal meanings inspoken German of native spea- Heiner Terborg (West Berlin): On 183 kers and Polish learners language learners in their Leszek Skibniewski (Poznan): Thewriting processes of advanced foreign prot9cols 193 native and foreign languages: evidencefrom thinking aloud and behaviour 203 Ewa Willim (Cracow): On casemarking in rllish f; AUXILIARIES IN ENGLISH AND DANISH* NIELS DAVIDSEN-NIELSEN The Copenhagen School of Economics, Business Administration and ModernLanguages Introduction Although some linguists question their existence, auxiliaries arerecognized in mot' descriptions of modern English and Danish. According to one fairly typical recent description of English (Vestergaard 1985),the class of auxiliaries comprises have, do, be and the modals can/could,may/might, shall/should, will/would, must, but in addition to these `central' auxiliaries there are assumed to be a numberof `marginal' auxiliaries, such as seem to, be going to, ought to, used to, dare, need, have (got) to.In Danish it is customary to recognize as auxiliaries have `have', va,re `be', blive `become' and themodals kunne matte 'may, must', ville skulle turde 'dare', gide 'be bothered to', burde `ought to' (see Hansen 1967). Auxiliaries are separatedfrom lexical verbs by a combination of morphological, syntactic, andsemantic criteria. However, this separation is by no means straightforward, asreflected by the fact that grammarians often find it necessary to operate with'marginal' and/or `semi-auxiliaries' in addition to auxiliaries proper. Adistinction has been drawn between auxiliaries and catenatives, i.e. lexical verbslike keep, promise, get, etc., which resemble auxiliaries in combining withnon-finite verb forms (Twaddell (1965:22), Huddleston (1984:142)). In order todistinguish auxiliaries from catenatives in English, grammarians operate with the so-called NICE-properties: in negative, interrogative, and emphatic sentences, andwith respect to `verbum vicarium', auxiliaries differ from otherverbs in requiring no do-support. Furthermore, most auxiliariesin English (the modals) differ I am gratefultoCarlBache, Joan Bybee,PeterHarder, FrankPalmer, Ebbe Spang-Hanssen, Torben Vestergaard, Carl Vikner, and Sten Vikner for helpful comments onthis paper. 7 6 N. Davidsen-Nielsen morphologically from lexical verbs in beingdefective, and semantically the auxiliaries dider from the majority oflexical verbs in expressing only general temporal. aspectual, modal,or diathetic meanings. (Such meaningsare not expressed by catenatives liketry, remember, enjoy, forget.)In spite of the many criteria which have been proposed, the separationof auxiliaries from lexical verbs is