AlMuhandes of Engineers and Architects املهندسMonthly Publication of the National Arab American Association


From the President’s Desk...

Dear AAAEA Members, the work they are doing to have

Summer is almost over. Schools and colleges several educational are either already started or about to start. It is seminars presented CONTACT time for all chapters to start looking into their at the upcoming student chapters and to get their student National AAAEA: members involved with the association Conference. business and activities as well as promoting the Our National By-Laws Ad-Hoc Committee has received several recommendations to amend [email protected] different chapter’s scholarship programs among student members. our national by-laws. These comments are being reviewed and will be presented at the As for the national board, the month of August has been very active. I had a meeting with the National Conference for discussion and voting. Our National Career Committee has been very Tri-State board members in New Jersey which lasted for several hours discussing different active all year long sending email things. We talked about what national is doing announcements to our members about job opportunities. If you know of any job PUBLICATION for chapters and what the chapters’ obligations are. We discussed past, present and the vision opportunity, please email them to COMMITTEE: for the future of our organization. It was a good [email protected] so we can share meeting and I hope that every chapter’s them with our members nationwide. Your best candidate for the job, might be someone all the  Ayman Alamy involvement with the different national committees increase so every chapter has way across the country from where you are. (Chair) representations in all committees. This is the Our National Publication Committee, chaired best way for any chapter to stay informed by Mr. Ayman Alamy, has also been working  Bilal Almasri about what each committee is doing and that very hard preparing several publications related to the national conference as well as (Co-Chair) everyone’s voice is heard. Our National Conference Committee, chaired handling requests from all chapters. The  Maha Alsadi by Mr. Bilal Almasri, has been very active as committee is also the one that produces this logistics and details about the upcoming newsletter with information about our  Reema Albahri national conference in November are being chapters and the different activities they are running. It is always good to see what every  Saed Elahmad finalized. This National Conference will feature, for the first time, several educational seminars chapter is doing for their members and to learn covering topics of interest to most of the from each other success stories. If you have attendees, if not all of them. Thank you Bilal any comments about this newsletter and its ALMUHANDES E - MAIL and the National Conference Committee content, please email them to [email protected] [email protected] members for the work that you are doing. Speaking of educational seminars, the National Please read the remaining part of this

Education Committee has recorded two newsletter as it includes a lot of information    presentations, “Introduction to PE Exam” and regarding social and educational networking “Introduction to EIT/FE Exam”. These events hosted in your areas. presentations are going to be on our national website and will be available to our members. Together, we can go further! Thank you Dr. Soliman Khudeira, our National Education Committee Chairman, and his Rabih Najib committee for preparing these videos and for VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 2 In This Issue

SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 President Message From the President Desk … 1 2 Content In This Issue 2 3 Publications Advertise with AlMuhandes Today 3 4 Appeal APPEAL FROM ALMUHANDES 4 5 Picnic AAAEA-WI Summer Picnic Flyer 5 6 Archive AlMuhandes Archive: 2013 & 2014 6 Board of Directors 7 Building an Institution by Working in Committees 7 Message 8 Picnic AAAEA- Picnics 2014 Flyer 8 9 Networking AAAEA-TriState Chapter Dinner Gala 9 10 Scholarship AAAEA-TriState Scholarship 9 11 Letter to the Editor Letter to the Editor 10 12 Interview Interview of the month with Osama Elshami 11 13 Outreach AAAEA is going to Boston, and Columbus 14 The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century 14 Technical 15 Dr. 15 Membership What's in it for me? AAAEA 22 16 Conference 2014 AAAEA National Conference 23 17 Education AAAEA Online EIT/EE Review Course 24 18 Information AlMuhandes Information 25 19 Note AAAEA -National Career Center Needs Your Help 26 20 Note Note from AAAEA -National Career Center 26 21 Picnic AAAEA- Capital Area flyer 27 Arab Poetry Connection - Part 3 22 Heritage 28 أبو الطيب المتنبي, عرب ّي الشخصية وال ّطباع 23 Networking AAAEA-IL 2014 Annual Meeting 31 24 Publications National AAAEA Identity Brochure 2014 32 25 Picture of the Month The Crescent Moon Tower- 33

AlMuhandes upcoming deadlines 2014 ARTICLES DEADLINE DATE PUBLICATION DATE Thursday, September 25, 2014 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Thursday, October 23, 2014 Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Thursday, December 25, 2014 Tuesday, December 30, 2014


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 AlMuhandes is posted monthly at the National AAAEA website and emailed to over 2000 members & Friends


ARTICLES STORIES PICTURES EVENTS IDEAS ANNOUCEMENTS This is your publication , and it is PRESS RELEASES as good as you contribute to it. Email your contributions to: INFORMATION [email protected] ENGINEERING We reserve the right not to pub- NEW CORNERS lish any material sent to us.



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ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 7 AAAEA, Sustainability, Inclusiveness, and Credibility

Over the last 18 years, different chapters of AAAEA were formed starting with Chicago in 1996, followed by Texas, Michigan, and Wisconsin in 2003- 2004. The balance of the chapters was established after that. It has been noticed that chapters with standing programs earn their credibility and as a result attracted more members and become stronger. Members like to know that certain events will take place at certain time of the year and they will expect it. Also members do not like events with short notices with poor planning. These kinds of events reflect on the credibility of the chapter poorly. So for chapters who are struggling with membership retention and expansion, please consider planning your activities in advance and make them standing events where member would expect them and plan on attending them which will result in strengthen the association. Programs established by the association and recurring events are essential for the association to gain its credibility. Inclusiveness is an approach where you involve your members and not only the board. We need to make sure that no one is ignored, disrespected, or marginalized in conducting our business. It should be the opposite; the good leadership reaches out, appreciates, and values the contribution of all. This will create a positive environment and attracts others to be involved which will result in strengthen the association. The more members we include in our business, the better ideas we will get, the load will be distributed, and will create a knowledgeable team of volunteers will contribute to your sustainability. The inclusive approach to our work is part of our culture. The openness and reach out to everyone who may be able to contribute gives the members the feeling of ownership in this association. We must stay away from the exclusive approach. It will limit the opportunities and the potential of the association to sustain itself. We are not an exclusive organization, we are an inclusive association. For any association to continue its existence, it must be sustainable. The pioneers in any organization will not live forever. Their energy will not be the same forever, and their circumstances cannot stay the same. These pioneers must attract potential leaders, train them via working in committees and support them leading the association prior to their semi-retirement from the organization. It must be noted that my experience has not been an easy one due to the fact its volunteer work. Some of the trained young leaders have limited their commitment due to career or family reasons and we should expect that. As a result, the sustainability duration will have to be extended to build a reserve of potential young leaders to have enough depth and reserve to sustain the association. Furthermore, I am very concerned about some chapters who were unable to attract fresh blood to join the leadership in the last 10 years. These chapters must take a serious look and examine their ability to survive. One last note, even the relatively successful chapters related to sustainability should capitalize more on the student chapters, activate them, keep them involved, and reach to all scholarship recipients to be involved.

Together we can go further.

Bilal Almasri

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 8 Chicago Picnics 2014 Picnic #3: Saturday Sep 6 10:00 to 8:00 pm Cost: Free Organizer: Issam Rayyan Phone: 312-409-8560 Email: [email protected] Venue: Ty Warner Park

Address: Ty Warner Park, Westmont, IL, 60559 Google Map The Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects of Illinois (AAAEA-IL), invites you to our 2014 1st summer picnic to celebrate the beginning of the warm summer of Illinois. The Picnic includes Fun and games for children and adults!! It provides families quality time to enjoy their time among their friends and colleagues and simply to make new friends. There are water games for children (water park is $4 for non- residents). We suggest that families bring extra clothes and towels so they enjoy the water park. Bring your favorite dish and Share with friends! Grilled burgers and hot dogs will be provided!



AAAEA - Tri-State Area is pleased to accept application for 2014 Scholarship program.

Application deadline is October 15, 2014.

Please click to download a copy of the application below

2014 Scholarship Application Booklet

TriState AAAEA Scholarship Committee


August 1, 2014

I commend you! This Newsletter is becoming so in- strumental and motivational to introducing AAAEA to new mem- bers and friends. It does an excellent job in showcasing the skills and tal- ents of the American-Arab Engineers and Architects and also signifies our role, as a professional organiza- tion, in shaping up the future of engi- neering and architectural design in the world. Just imagine, in a few more years, with a few more State and University Chapters, an annual meet- ing of AAAEA could bring together over thousand members and friends to celebrate our progress, impact and contribution to engineering and sciences. The past and new leadership of AAAEA is commendable for taking AAAEA to the next level. Mr. Bilal Almasri has and continue to do an outstanding job, and has demonstrated that he is a great mentor and an exceptional "role model" leader for our young and senior members. He has set the bar very high, that only better things will come to the AAAEA members and friends under the leadership of Dr. Rabih Najib. I want to specifically say "thank you to the Publication Committee Officers/members" for doing a superb job in working tirelessly to keep up the pace of this very rich monthly Newsletter. Mr. Ay- man Alamy is an amazing artist and our Newsletter couldn't be presented any better. I commend you!

Ziad A. Sabra, Ph.D., P.E., PTOE | Principal Sabra, Wang & Associates, Inc. ———————————————————————————————————— Send all your feedback, comments, ideas to [email protected] We reserve the right to not publish the materials sent.

ALMUHANDES P A G E 11 Interview of the Month By Maha Alsadi

 Please introduce yourself: education, background and family.

My name is Osama Elshami. I hold a Bachelors of Science degree and a Masters degree in Civil Engineering from Youngstown State University and Florida Atlantic University, respectively. I also have my Professional Engineering (PE) license and Certified Floodplain Management license (CFM) in the state of Florida. I originally came to the U.S. at the age of 17 as an international student and ended up staying here as a result of the opportunities available here. During my time at college, I met my wife, Lisa. We have been blessed with three children: twins - Akram and Layla, who are now five years old, and one year later with Dahlia. I have been with the City of Coconut Creek for 15 years. It is located in South Florida at the north end of Broward

County, at the county line between Broward and Palm Beach

County. I started there 15 years ago as an entry-level Engineer, and currently holding the role of Director of the Utilities and Engineering Department/City Engineer - in charge of the Water and Wastewater Systems, as well as Streets, Storm water, and Traffic. We are one of the regulatory agencies, as well as the maintenance authority of said systems.

 When did your involvement with AAAEA start and how?

My involvement with AAAEA started 10 years ago. I was invited by one of my peers but was an unsuccessful first attempt,

unfortunately. Following that, two years ago, I was contacted by Osama Elshami Osama


Interview of the Month– Continue Osama Osama Elshami another peer as an effort to re-initiate the organization. After witnessing an unsuccessful first attempt, I decided to be on the board to assist in bringing success to the organization. It has been a challenge due to the geography of South Florida, where so many people are scattered throughout different cities; there are no big cities per se.

 What are your plans for AAAEA- South Florida for the next year?

As the president of the South Florida Chapter, I am working with the other board members to send a survey to existing members and prospective ones to give us ideas on how to attract more members and to keep current members interested and involved.

 How can we deal with the membership continued Challenge?

That is the million-dollar question. We have been brainstorming and as I mentioned before, we are in the process of sending a survey that will hopefully help guide us. It is very easy to give up, but we are trying to motivate the existing members and prospective ones, into not just thinking about themselves alone, meaning "what is in it for them now", but to think about the future generations and create this core group/association that will help the future engineers - especially from a networking standpoint.

 Why did you choose engineering as a profession?

My father was an Engineer and my mother is a Medical Doctor. It was one or the other. I was fascinated by both but gravitated

ALMUHANDES P A G E 13 Interview of the Month– Continue

more towards Engineering and I am truly glad I did; I really enjoy my job.

 What is the best professional lesson you have learned during your career?

That lesson would have to be in regards to integrity and public welfare. I deal on a daily basis with the public and I make sure that the public remains safe. There is always pressure from all areas - political and so on, but one’s reputation lasts forever. I learned that it is very crucial that you always do the right thing and in turn, you will be fine in the long run, even if it affects your job temporarily.

 What do you think of AlMuhandes?

It is a great tool, from outreach to networking. Every time that I feel like we are not doing well in South Florida, I grab a copy of

AlMuhandes and take a look at the success stories from other chapters around the country, which give me a push to not give up. As I said, it is easy to give up, but we all came to the U.S. to succeed and most people from our descent are successful. This not only applies to Engineers, but also other professions and business men/women. Everyone can become successful as an individual but what is crucial is for us to all work together and empower one another successfully as a group and a community.

Osama Elshami Osama


AAAEA is going to Boston, and Columbus You can help by providing contact information of engineers who may be relatives, colleagues, or friends. Forward to Bilal Almasri National Outreach Chair [email protected]


The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century Dr. Fazlur Rahman Khan

By Dr. Soliman Khudeira, SE, PE loved singing Tagore’s poetic songs in Bengali with family and friends. Khan was also a philosopher, visionary, educator and humanist. Dr. Fazlur Rahman Khan (1929 – 1982) was a Structural Systems Bangladeshi-American structural engineer, who initiated innovative structural systems that form the Before Khan introduced his new types of structural basis of tall building design today. systems, most buildings were designed utilizing the Introduction Rigid Frame concept (Figure 1).

Dr. Khan is considered the Father of tubular designs for high-rise buildings. Khan became an icon in both and . His most famous buildings are the and the (formerly Sears Tower) which was the world's tallest building for several decades (from 1974 to 1996). Khan also helped in initiating the widespread usage of computers in structural engineering. His "” structural system concept (using all the exterior wall perimeter structure of a building to simulate a thin-walled tube) revolutionized tall building design. Most buildings over 40-story constructed since the 1960s now use a tube design derived from Khan's structural engineering principles. Before the 1960s, the structural systems could not efficiently provide lateral support to buildings over 40 stories. were simply too costly by modern development standards. A tower reaching as high as the could no Figure 1. Rigid frame longer be justified in economic terms. He was a general partner in Skidmore Owings & His innovations led to considerable improvement in Merrill (SOM), the only engineer holding that high structural efficiency, thereby making the position at the time. He died of a heart attack on construction of tall buildings economically feasible. March 27, 982 while on a trip in , Saudi Below are the six structural systems that Khan Arabia, at age 52. introduced and implemented in various buildings.

Khan was an aficionado of classical music, especially Bach and Brahms. For enjoyment, he

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 16 The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued 1. Framed-Tube Structural System other framing systems. They not only make the buildings structurally stronger and more efficient, The framed tube structures is one of the most they significantly reduce the usage of materials significant modern developments in high-rise while simultaneously allowing buildings to reach structural form. The framed-tube structure has its even greater heights. columns closely spaced (7 to 13 ft.) around the perimeter of the building (rather than spaced throughout the floor plan) and stiff spandrel beams connect these perimeter columns at every floor. This structural system was initiated in 1964 in the construction of the Chestnut-DeWitt Apartments in Chicago (Figure 2), a 43-story reinforced concrete tower. Because of its great relative strength and stiffness, the tubular form immediately became a standard in high-rise design.

Figure 2. The "framed-tube" structural system was Figure 3. Framed-tube first used for Chestnut-DeWitt Building. The World Trade Center's Twin Towers used a framed tube design. The many columns of the The idea is to create a tube that will act like a framed tube can be seen around the exterior of this continuous perforated chimney or stack (Figure 3). horizontal cross section. The towers had a core for The gravity loading is shared between the tube and services in the center. The design was not tube-in- interior columns. The Tube structures are very stiff tube since the core had 47 columns spaced and have numerous significant advantages over relatively evenly, rather than around the edge of the core. ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 17

The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued 2. Shear Wall-Frame Interaction 3. Braced Frame Tube (Trussed Structural System Tube) Structural System

The shear wall-frame interaction is another Further improvements of the tubular system was innovative system developed by Khan in 1962 made by cross bracing the frame with X-bracing (Figure 4) over many stories (Figure 6).

Figure 4. Shear wall-frame interaction

The system is used to design the 38-story, reinforced concrete Brunswick Building in Chicago (Figure 5). Khan used shear wall- frame interaction to resist lateral forces. The loads in the closely spaced perimeter columns are transferred through the transfer beam to the widely spaced columns at ground level.

Figure 6. Trussed tube

The concept of installing X-bracing on all sides of the building was developed by Mikio Sasaki, as part of a Master of Architecture thesis at the Illinois Institute of Chicago (IIT) in Chicago. Khan was one of the advisor's to Sasaki. Sasaki states "the diagonally braced structure was my own idea, yet without the mentoring of Khan; the idea would not Figure 5. Brunswick Building, Chicago have developed."


The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued This arrangement was first used in Chicago's John 4. Tube-in-Tube Structural System Hancock Building in 1969 (Figure 7), which has trussed diagonals on all sides. This type of framed tube consist of an outer-framed tube and an inner tube used for elevators and stairs (Figure 9). The inner tube may consist of braced frames. The outer and inner tubes act jointly in resisting both gravity and lateral loading. However, the outer tube usually plays a dominant role because of its much greater structural depth.

Figure 7. The John Hancock Center, Chicago The trussed tube is similar to the simple tube but with comparatively fewer and farther-spaced exterior columns. The bracings are introduced along the exterior walls to compensate for the fewer columns by tying them together. Other notable examples incorporating steel bracing is the Bank of China (Figure 8).

Figure 9. Tube-in-tube One Shell Plaza building was the first instance of tube-in-tube structure (Figure 10). The inner tube and outer tube work together to resist gravity loads and lateral loads and to provide additional rigidity to the structure to prevent significant Figure 8. The Bank of China, Hong Kong


The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued bundled tube structure meant that buildings no longer need be boxlike in appearance: they could become a sculpture (Figure 12).

Figure 10. One Shell Plaza, Houston deflections at the top. With this form, the 50-story One Shell Plaza is able to be taller and lighter than a traditionally designed framed tube building, while still maintaining the stiffness of a much shorter building. 5. Bundled Tube Structural System

The bundled tube system is an assemblage of individual tubes resulting in multiple cells. The increase in stiffness is apparent. The system allows for the greatest height and the most floor area. This structural form was used in the Sears Tower which was completed in 1973 (Figure 11) in Chicago.

Figure 12. Bundled tube

The Sears Tower plan consists of 9 squares, placed in a three-by-three grid arrangement. Each square has 5 columns per side spaced 15 feet on centers, with adjacent squares sharing columns. As the columns rise up the building, each square in the plan forms a tube, which can be seen on the exterior of the building. These tubes are independently Figure 11. Sears/Willis Tower, Chicago strong but are further strengthened by the Instead of one tube, a building consists of several interactions between each other through truss tubes tied together to resist the lateral forces. The


The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued connections. Several large trussed levels act as the These trusses serve an additional purpose beyond main horizontal connectors in the buildings. These stiffening the tube structure against winds. Due to trussed levels, which also contain the mechanical the drop offs, the gravity loading on the system is systems for the building, appear as black horizontal not evenly distributed along the height of the bands on the façade (Figure 13). building. These trusses take the gravity loads from above and redistribute them evenly onto the tubes below. This is particularly important for the uppermost section of the tower, due to its asymmetry about the central axis of the building. Because the section is offset, its weight causes columns on one side of the building to experience a greater load than those on the other side. The presence of the belt trusses help to mitigate these effects of differential settlement, which cause the building to tilt. 6. Other Structural Systems - Tensile Structural Materials

For the immense roof of the Hajj Terminal of the new airport in Jeddah, (intended to shelter 80,000 pilgrims at a time, waiting up to 36 hours), Khan searched for a coherent scheme that both was efficient and honored the spirit of the Hajj pilgrimage (Figure 14)

Figure 13. Sears/Willis Tower, Chicago The closely spaced interior and exterior columns Figure 14. The Hajj Terminal, Saudi Arabia are tied at each floor with deep spandrel beams. At The fabric roof structure that developed melds a the truss levels, these tubes are tied together. These traditional concept (the tent) with sophisticated ties resulted in a stiffer structure, as the building technology. The design for the Hajj Terminal acts as a unified system of stiffened tubes. The advanced the state-of-the-art of tensile structures interaction between the individual tubes and the belt and facilitated the use of fabric as a structural trusses at mechanical levels allows the building to material in a range of projects. Construction of the attain its extreme height. terminal was completed in 1981.


The Greatest Structural Engineer of the 20th Century– Continued What They Say About Khan "When thinking design, I put myself in the place of a whole building, feeling every part. In my mind I "He was the consummate team leader. You never visualize the stresses and twisting a building worked for Khan, you always worked with him as undergoes." an equal." Summary "His enthusiasm for whatever the task at hand or the project was contagious. His philosophy was that Khan introduced significant changes in building there was always something new and interesting design, which ushered a renaissance in about any task or project, and that it was up to us to construction. He encouraged implementation of find and pursue the issue." computer technology in structural engineering. He "I believe his ability to see the opportunities that changed the way Architects and Structural each situation presents was a major factor in Khan's Engineers interact in the design of a project. He ability to think beyond the norm, and create and introduced pioneering and creative structural innovate as he did." systems which include: framed tube, shear wall- "He was concerned, foremost, with people and how frame interaction, trussed tube, tube-in-tube, and engineering affected them. He wanted his structures bundled tube. to be part of a culture and society that strove to benefit its people." References "He was always probing and challenging the norm. He always did this in a collaborative way, Billington D. (1983). The Towers and the Bridges, incorporating the entire team in the process. As a Basic Books Publishers, N.Y. result, you always felt a part of the process, and when the task or project was complete, all who ASCE. (2002). 150 Years of Engineering participated felt some sense of ownership in the Excellence, ASCE, Illinois Section. result." Khan's Most Memorable Sayings Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat,, Chicago, Illinois. "Only when architectural design is grounded in structural realities, thus celebrating architecture's Sasaki, M. 1964. "A Tall Office Building." nature as a constructive art, rooted in the earth, can Unpublished Mater of Architecture Thesis, Illinois the resulting aesthetics have a transcendental value Institute of Technology, Chicago. and quality."

“Think logically and find the relationships which Dr. Fazlur exist in every system, because it will help you understand nature itself, making living more Rahman meaningful and exciting." "The technical man must not be lost in his own Khan technology; he must be able to appreciate life, and life is art, drama, music, and most importantly, people." "For architectural design to reach its highest levels, it had to be solidly grounded in structural realities."


Monthly Networking Meetings – You are not alone! Dozens of professionals attend our collaborative events designed to network, learn, and grow alongside other professionals. Members Only Discount – Exclusive savings on all your local professional networking and professional development costs, lightening the load on your company and your wallet. Job Opportunities – Don’t be left out! Exclusive job opportunities in the USA and the Middle East are sent regularly to all of our members providing them with new career opportunities. Monthly AlMuhandes Newsletter – Are you wasting your valuable time searching for information? Our monthly AlMuhandes newsletter is full of information about the community and the professional events/opportunities. Continuing Education Programs – Are you paying too much to earn PDH certificates? Are you missing out on essential knowledge for professionals? Gain confidence in your abilities by keeping yourself knowledgeable and relevant as a professional while also getting members-only free or reduced cost PDH certificates. Scholarship Program – Do you need help to continue your college education? Our scholarship program is growing and we have so far awarded over $140,000 of scholarship money to students all over the .


I have the pleasure to be asked by the national executive board to serve as the Chair of the 2014 national con- ference committee. Along with my colleagues Hiyam Wakeem, Rabih Najib, Ayman Alamy, and Basem Mualem as members of this committee.

This year, the national conference is the ninth national conference to be held and the forth since declaring our national organization on 11/11/11. The conference will be held in Orange, CA starting Friday 11/14/14 and will conclude on Sunday 11/16/14. This is the first time a national conference is being held in the State of California since AAAEA-CA inception in 2008.

I would like to express my appreciation to our colleagues in California for hosting the 2014 national confer- ence, and we are looking forward to having a successful national conference. All the logistics are in place including lodging, transportation, activities in conjunction with the conference, and the initial program.

This year the national conference will provide us with the opportunity to review the reports from the board, discuss plans for the future and enforce our tradition of inclusiveness and democratic process of transferring power. It will also include some educational segments, in addition to other association business items.

The delegates and observers will have the opportunity to attend the annual AAAEA-CA gala on Saturday No- vember 15, 2014. Our colleagues there are working very hard to attract the who’s who in the industry and a huge crowd will be attracted as a result.

On Friday night, our local colleagues have planned a Middle Eastern dinner at one of the best restaurants in the area. This outing will provide an opportunity for colleagues to get to know each other and establish rela- tions, in addition to networking while having fun and enjoying the evening. Prior to saying goodbye on Sunday, our local colleagues have arranged a trip to the Gerald Desmond Bridge in Long Beach, CA. The Gerald Desmond Bridge is a vital link in the nation's trade system and a major commuter corridor. But the bridge, which was built in the 1960s, was not designed to handle today's traffic volumes and is deteriorating.

A nearly $1 billion replacement project will ensure the safety of commuters and truck drivers and protect Southern California's important role as a major trading hub. This construction is expected to last five years and generate, on average, 4,000 jobs per year.

I would like to conclude by thanking our national executive board for their trust and express my appreciation to our colleagues in California for hosting the 2014 national conference.

Bilal Almasri 2014 National Conference Committee Chair

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 24 AAAEA Online EIT/FE Review Course Are you planning to take the EIT Exam? AAAEA-Chicago offers online EIT/FE Preparation Videos. The videos were previously recorded at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) campus. The lectures taught by highly knowledgeable professionals and experts in their fields. The classes are designed to help you prepare for the EIT/FE Exam and concentrate on in depth reviews and problem solving of each of the topics listed below. The videos are streamed online and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Study, learn, and review at your own pace around your own schedule. The EIT (or FE) Exam is offered twice a year – in April and October. Registration for the EIT exam is done through NCEES. Please referrer to for exam dates and registration methods.

Video Topics: Instructor Mechanics of Materials I Dr. Khudeira, PE, SE

Mechanics of Materials II Dr. Khudeira, PE, SE Mathematics I Dr. Shuaibi Mathematics II Dr. Shuaibi Thermodynamics Mr. Ashraf Al Hayek

Probability & Statistics Dr. Shuaibi Chemistry Dr. Aheda Saber Statics Mr. Grainawi, PE, SE

Engineering Economics Mr. Bou-Saab, PE Computer Science & Mr. Baha Al-Abed Electrical Engineering Dr. Elqaq, PE Dynamics- I Dr. Mahamid, PE

Dynamics- II Dr. Mahamid, PE Fluid Mech. Dr. Mahmoud Issa, PE Price: Members: $100 Non-Members: $200

For More Information Email: [email protected]

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 25 AlMuhandes Information  National AAAEA (NAAAEA) is the publishing organization of AlMuhandes; NAAAEA is a non-profit organization working to help its members as well as the community as a whole.  AlMuhandes is downloadable FREE through direct email to all AAAEA members & friends, and available on the NAAAEA Web site; any content in the AlMuhandes newsletters is used for informative or educational purposes only.  AlMuhandes is published on the last Tuesday of every month.  All news and articles must be e-mailed to [email protected] by the Thursday prior to the publishing day.  All chapters must update their e-mail list in order to ensure the distribution of AlMuhandes to all their members.  Rules for sending articles, pictures, etc.: 1. Articles should be sent in their original format in any Microsoft Office software instead of PDF. 2. Pictures should be sent in any original picture format, and not placed in a PDF. 3. Announcements and email letters of any kind should be sent using Microsoft Word format instead of the e-mail itself. 4. Forwarding e-mails from “Constant Contact” should be done using the Constant Contact “forward” button at the bottom of the email instead of your e-mail “forward” button. 5. We reserve the right not to publish any material sent.  Any questions, concerns or feedback regarding AlMuhandes should be emailed to [email protected]

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 26 AAAEA -National Career Center Needs Your Help

Dear Member,

As you know, networking is a very essential component to succed in any career. Engineering is not an exception. Over the last 18 years and since inception, our great association was a great networking structure for hundreds of colleagues in improving their career status over these years. Some landed new jobs, some landed better jobs, and some business owners were provided the opportunity to get in the market and advance.

In order for our Career Committee to expand its capabilities, and in turn, increase our members access to top jobs, we are looking to members like you to volunteer as a committee member on our National Career Committee for AAAEA. We currently have no member from (CA, TriState, FL, WI, MI, IN, Capital) in our committee, and feel that your local chapter stands to gain from your participation.

Let us keep the momentum and build on the success of the past to serve each other better. To see how you can volunteer, please email Hosam Salman [email protected]

Thank you, AAAEA-National Career Committee AAAEA -National Career Center Our AAAEA Members, Please share with us any careers, job fairs, scholarships, internships, opportunities either within the USA or the Middle East. We would like to share it with our members. Please email the Career Committee at: [email protected] Thank you very much. Hosam Salman

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 27 Save the Date! Saturday, September 13, 2014

End of Summer Picnic Dear AAAEA Friend,

The planning of our End of Summer picnic is going on now. Additional information about the picnic, how to register, cost, sponsorship, and activities should come your way soon. At this time, we are asking that you save the date of September 13, 2014.

The picnic will be in Virginia at the Lake Fairfax Park 1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston, VA, 20190.

Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects - Capital Area


Abu at-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi is one of the greatest Arab poets in the entire Arab history. He wrote many poems exemplifying his pride of being an Arab; he is an icon of Arab Nationalism. In the next few issues of Almuhandes, we will explore different aspects of Alutanabi’s life and poetry. This series is a contribution to Almuhandes from a dedicated Arab د. شوقي قسيس. American writer; Dr. Shawqi Kassis

د. شوقي قسيس

أبو الطيب المتنبي, عرب ّي الشخصية وال ّطباع  عاش حياته عرب ّياً خالصاً بكل ما في كلمة ”عربي“ من إيجابيات وسلبيات. إ ّنها جيناته  مته ّور وارتجالي وسريع الغضب  متعا ٍل ومتعجرف ومتكبر  عديم االستراتيجية. يقول ويفعل ما يؤمن به فقط، ال يحسب عاقبة ما يقول أو يفعل، وال يمدح إنساناً ال يح ُّبه.  عاطفي وصاد ٌق ك ّل ال ّصدق في عواط ِفه  صريح ومخلص حتى النخاع  لذا فشل في تحقيق أهدافه. وفي النهاية قتله كبرياؤه واعتداده بنفسه  أمثلة على ذلك من أشعاره وأقواله وأفعاله خالل جميع مراحل حياته

عرب ّي الشخصية وال ّطباع أهداه السجان وهو في السجن وجبة دجاج شهية، فأراد أن يشكره، لك ّنه لم يستطع، فقال: ُ َغ ْي َر ا ْق ِتدا ٍر َرضي ُت ِب َّر َك بي َوا ْلجو ُع ُي ْرضي األسو َد ِبا ْل ِج َي ِف  حال وصوله إلى مجلس سيف الدولة بدأ بإنشاد: َ َ َ َوفا ُؤ ُكما َكال َّر ْب ِع أ ْشجاه ُ طا ِس ُم ْه ِبأ ْن ُت ْس ِعدا َوال َّد ْم ُع أ ْشفاهُ سا ِج ُم ْه لك ّن اللغوي الشهير، ابن خالويه، قاطعه: ”كان علي َك أن تقول َشجاهُ ال أشجاه“، فأجابه بازدراء وتعجرف: أسك ْت! ليس هذا من علمك  مدح متك ّسباً، و َمن لم يفعل ذلك من الشعراء؟ إ ّنه ما يعتاشون منه


عرب ّي الشخصية وال ّطباع  لك ّنه رف َض أن يمدح َمن يراه غي َر مستحق لدرره:  ألقاضي واألديب، أل ّصاحب اب َن ع ّباد، فعاق َبه بإنشا ِء رسال ٍة في عيوب شعره  في البداية رفض أن يمدح أألدي َب الكبي َر اب َن العميد وزي َر عضد ال ّدولة، فنقم عليه وأخم َل ذك َره في مؤلفاته  إسح َق ب َن َك ْي َغ َلغ، فعاق َبه بأن قط َع ال ّطري َق عليه وهو سائ ٌر في إحدى رحالته الكثير ِة، فهجاهُ في قصيد ِته الشهير ِة، "لِهوى النفوس"  ألمهلِبي وزي َر مع ّز الدولة، فعاق َبه بأن أغرى به جماع ًة من شعراء بغداد الما ِجنين، ح ّتى نالوا من ِعر ِضه وتباروا في هجائه. وأطلقوا عليه لقب المتنبي، وعلى والده لقب عبدان ال ّس ّقاء

صد ُق ح ّبه وإخال ُصه لسيف الدولة  أح ّب سي َف الدولة بصد ٍق وأخ َل َص له طو َل حيا ِته. ح ّتى وهو عند مناف ِسه، كافور.  لم يقل فيه بيتاً واحداً من الهجاء )أخالف البرقوقي(، ذكره كثيراً في أشعاره وهو في مصر، وذلك بأبيات فيها عاطفة وحب وال تخلو من عتاب رقيق. وهذه أمثلة قليلة: َ َ  َو َل ْو أ َّن ما بي ِم ْن َحبي ٍب ُم َق َّن ٍع َعذ ْر ُت، ول ِك ْن ِم ْن حبي ٍب ُم َع َّم ِم َرمى وا َّتقى َر ْميي َو ِم ْن دو ِن ما ا َّتقى َهو ًى كا ِس ٌر َك ّفي َو َق ْوسي َوأَ ْس ُهمي َ َ  ِفرا ٌق َو َم ْن فا َر ْق ُت َغ ْي ُر ُمذ َّم ِم َوأ ٌّم َو َم ْن َي َّم ْم ُت َخ ْي ُر ُم َي َّم ِم  أَ ِق َّل ا ْش ِتياقاً أَ ُّيها ا ْل َق ْل ُب ُر َّبما َرأَ ْي ُت َك ُت ْصفي ال ُو َّد َم ْن لَ ْي َس صا ِفيا  َح َب ْب ُت َك َق ْلبي َق ْب َل ُح ِّب َك َم ْن َنأى َو َق ْد كا َن َغ ّدارا ً َف ُك ْن أَ ْن َت وا ِفيا  فا َر ْق ُت ُك ْم فإذا ما كا َن ِع ْن َد ُك ُم َق ْب َل ا ْل ِفرا ِق أذ ًى َب ْع َد ا ْل ِفرا ِق َي ُد إذا َت َذ َّك ْر ُت ما َب ِيني َو َب ْي َن ُك ُم أَعا َن َق ْلبي َعلى ال َّش ْو ِق الّذي أَ ِج ُد

أخلص إلى سيف الدولة وأح ّبه إلى آ ِخر يوم في حياته وهو في العراق، من ”ما لَنا ُكلُّنا َج ٍو يا رسول“: َن ْح ُن أَ ْدرى َو َق ْد َسأَ ْلنا بِ َن ْج ٍد أَ َطوي ٌل َطريقُنا أَ ْم َيطو ُل ُكلَّما َر َّح َب ْت ِبنا ال َّر ْو ُض قُ ْلنا َح َل ٌب َق ْص ُدنا َوأَ ْن ِت ال َّسبي ُل في ِك َم ْرعى ِجيا ِدنا َوا ْل َمطايا َوإ َل ْيها َوجيفُنا َوال َّذمي ُل َل ْي َس إالّ َك يا َعلِ ُّي ُهما ٌم َس ْيفُ ُه دو َن ِع ْر ِض ِه َم ْسلو ُل َل ْس ُت أَ ْرضى بِأَ ْن َتكو َن َجوادا ً َو َزماني ِبأَ ْن أَرا َك َبخي ُل إ ْن َت َب َّو ْأ ُت َغ ْي َر ُد ْنيا َي دارا ً َوأَتاني َن ْي ٌل َفأَ ْن َت ا ْل ُمني ُل ويوجه إهانة جارحة إلى كافور: ِم ْن َعبيدي إ ْن ِع ْش َت لي أَ ْل ُف كافو ٍر َولي ِم ْن َندا َك ري ٌف َوني ُل


أخلص إلى سيف الدولة وأح ّبه إلى آ ِخر يوم في حياته وهو في العراق: َ َ َ ِف ِه ْم ُت ا ْل ِكتا َب أ َب َّر ا ْل ُك ُتب َف َس ْمعاً أل ْم ِر أمي ِر ا ْل َع َر ْب َو َط ْوعاً َل ُه َوا ْب ِتهاجاً ِب ِه َوإ ْن َق َّص َر ا ْل ِف ْع ُل َع ّما َو َج ْب َوما ال َقني َب َل ٌد َب ْع َد ُك ْم َوال ا ْع َت ْض ُت َع ْن َر ِّب ُن ْعما َي َر ْب َوما ِق ْس ُت ُك َّل ُملو ِك ا ْل ِبال ِد َف َد ْع ِذ ْك َر َب ْع ٍض ِب َم ْن في َح َل ْب َو َل ْو ُك ْن ُت َس َّم ْي ُت ُه ْم بِا ْس ِم ِه َلكا َن ا ْل َحدي َد َوكانوا ا ْل َخ َش ْب صدق عاطفته نحو خولة، أخت سيف الدولة  ألمرجح أ ّن خولة هي األنثى الوحيدة التي أح ّبها المتنبي بك ّل جوارحه رثاء أم سيف الدولة: ُن ِع ُّد ا ْل َم ْش َرفِ ّي َة َوا ْل َعوالي َو َت ْق ُتلُنا ا ْل َمنو ُن ِبال ِقتا ِل ُ َ َ ً َ ْ رثاء خولة: يا أ ْخ َت َخ ْي ِر أ ٍخ يا بِ ْن َت َخ ْي ِر أ ِب ِكناية ِب ِهما َع ْن أط َه ِر ال َّن َس ِب  يصرف عشرة أبيات في الحكم. يخاطب روح خولة مباشرة ومن البداية  ضمير الغائب. ضمير المتكلم )المفجوع(: َي ُم ُّر ِب َق ْب ِر ِك ا ْلعافي َف َي ْبكي َو ُي ْش ِغلُ ُه ال ُبكا ُء َع ِن ال ُّسؤا ِل َطوى ال َجزير َة َح ّتى جا َءني َخ َب ٌر َف ِز ْع ُت ِب ِه ْبآمالي إلى ا ْل َك ِذ ِب َ ً َف َل ّما َل ْم َي َد ْع لي ِص ْدقُ ُه أ َمال َش َر ْق ُت ِبال َّد ْم ِع َح ّتى كا َد َي ْش َر ُق بي صدق عاطفته نحو خولة، أخت سيف الدولة  رثاء... واجب اجتماعي ومواساة. تفجع: َو َل ْو أَ َّن ال ِّنسا َء َك َم ْن َف َق ْدنا َلفُ ِّض َل ِت ال ِّنسا ُء َعلى ال ِّرجا ِل َ ْ أ َس ْي َف ال َّد ْول ِة ا ْس َت ْن ِج ْد ِب َص ْب ٍر َو َم ْن ِب ِمث ِل َص ْب ِر َك لِ ْل ِجبا ِل أَرى ا ْل ِعرا َق َطوي َل اللَّ ْي ِل ُم ْذ ُن ِع َي ْت َف َك ْي َف َل ْي ُل َفتى ا ْلفِ ْتيا ِن في َح َل ِب َي ُظ ُّن أَ َّن فُؤادي َغ ْي َر ُم ْل َت ِه ٍب َوأَ َّن َد ْم َع ُجفوني َغ ْي َر ُم ْن َس ِك ِب  يذكر اسمها ويصرح بأ ّنه يحبها: ْ َك أ َ َّن ) َف ْع َل َة ( َل ْم َت ْمل َم َوا ِك ُب َها ِد َيا َر َب ْك ٍر َولم َت ْخ َل ْع ولم َت َه ِب َوال َذ َك ْر ُت َجميالً ِم ْن َصنا ِئ ِعها إالّ َب َك ْي ُت َوال ُو ٌّد ِبال َس َب ِب إ ْن َت ُك ْن َت ْغلِ ُب ا ْل َغ ْلبا ُء ُع ْن ُص َرها إ َّن في ا ْل َخ ْم ِر َم ْعن ًى َل ْي َس في ا ْل ِع َن ِب



Mark your Calendars & Save The Date!!

AAAEA-IL 2014 Annual Meeting

Location: Drury Lane, Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Date: Thursday October 9, 2014 Time: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.

AAAEA-IL Scholarship, Distinguished Speakers, Awards

More details on this event are forthcoming in future Event Newsletters.

Please Stay Tuned!!

ALMUHANDES VOLUME VIII ISSUE P A G E 32 National AAAEA Identity Brochure 2014

Click to download your PDF copy

ALMUHANDES Picture of the Month

The Crescent Moon Tower- Dubai: America based design company Transparent House has presented this exclusive design for the structure. The Crescent Moon Tower is supposed to be erected in Za'abeel Park in Dubai. This Tall Emblem Structure will be a unique structure in the world. - The Crescent Moon Tower is an architectural design project submitted to the 11th ThyssenKrup Elevator Architecture Award by Transparence House, a California-based firm . This idea was developed and rendered because of the challenge to design a tall emblem structure for Za’abeel Park, a park that is located in the north-east of the Dubai World Trade Centre. This unbelievable building is designed not only to symbolize the Dubai as part of the Islamic world, but also shows the technology and economic development in Dubai. This Crescent Moon Tower boasts a 33-storey down-turned half moon on the banks of the Caspian Sea. It is designed to accommodate a children’s library, a conference facility, a restaurant, multiple cafes, and an open-air observation platform. Though it was just a proposal, there’s a big possibility that it will be built immediately. It is said to be completed by the year 2015 along with its sister project called the Full Moon Hotel – resembling the Death Star from Star Wars which was been proposed. It can accommodate a 220-hectare site that was formerly a storage hub for the industry. This place now has been cleaned up and prepared for offices, hotels, homes and services for 50,000 Baku residents and 48,000 workers.

AAAEA Mission Statement

AAAEA is a professional Arab American association dedicated to help, strengthen, empower and inspire its members for excellence. AAAEA promotes and advocates the Arab American Engineers, Architects and Computer Science professionals in North America, by providing career and educational enhancement programs, technical exchange, fellowship, and community service. AAAEA is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious Professional Association. Membership is open to corporations, academic, professional institutions, and qualified individuals.