“Investigating the emotional aspect and experience of autonomous vehicles from the perspective of an Industrial Designer.”

Process Book Vol.1 Research I CONTENTS






Hello. VIII IDEATION V.1 TAPE Drawing V1 • IX CONTACT PART 1 1. 2. X MID-TERM VIDEO 2.1. 2.2. XI CONTACT PART 2 2.3. 2.4.

Diderik Severin Astrup Westby - Fall 2016 - Design Core 2 Project Outline “The summer before your degree In addition to this, we were also project is a good opportunity to think asked to create a reflection portfolio. openly about your degree project. Your The aim with this was to aid us in fram- ideas for the degree project should be ing our interest and design language, to II taking shape over the summer, and you ensure we could create a project which are asked to begin initial research and was related to our wants as a design- investigation early, and choose two topic er, to be able to fully focus thorugh the areas capable of sustaining your inter- entire term of the projects duration. ests and energy. There was a alot of emphasis on PRELIMINARY in this portfolio, so I intentionally 4th year: Projects are self-man- tried looking elsewhere to see if there RESEARCH aged. Students choose the topic, deter- were any other opportunities I might mine the criteria for success, and select have found interesting. Also, considering their working methods. They are expect- the limited amount of resources for cars ed to manage their projects and them- at Emily Carr I thought it would be better selves as designers, choosing meth- to have an ID-focused project. odologies that are appropriate to the Areas of Enquiry project and that most effectively support their own performance as designers. • • The working relationship with faculty shifts. Faculty are guides, mentors and 1. Project Outline resources. Students are expected to 2. Reflection Portfolio engage with faculty by preparing infor- 2.1.3 Domains mation and questions for meetings on Independent Housing a regular basis. Students take the lead Alternative Electric Engine on the project, and do not need to be The Future of Smartphones instructed on next steps, methodologies 3.4. Keyper Brand or to maintain their pace of work.” 4. Outcome Over the summer I reserached and came up with 4 different domains: independent housing, alternative electric Summer13.12.1993 2016 engines, future of smartphones, and a brand development project.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 3 Independent Housing 2000s, but often as niche commercial buildings, or project/based residential homes, hence, its a rather new develop- ment which still has a lot of potential to be developed.

Bibliography - Executed Roland Verbeek - CEO Spinn Coffe - Interview in Mallorca, Spain in relation to his personal housing project, using no connected external resources. Fred. Olsen - Chairman of the Fred. Olsen Group - Interview about his developments in sustainable energy, Off-the-grid housing has had in different parts in the world, suited to as well as green forestry and windmill a surge in development in the recent habitat in those areas, hopefully leading developments. years, and I believe there is a lot of room to less limitations in waste and better Miguel Esteve - Architect and for improvement, either by combining resource management. Businessman based in Mallorca, Spain, technologies, applying it in new areas or Having lived in many different who elaborated on local architecture, to support areas that have yet to get a parts of the world, I have been amazed and the application of already existing developed network of services. at how technologies often don’t travel technologies. This type of housing has been across borders. From simple bottle recy- thoroughly developed and tested, but cling systems, to natural resource ex- Bibliography - Planned mostly in places where the resources traction, or well developed public trans- Johan Tandberg - Chicken Egg are very easy to extract, especially in port. Housing matters to everyone of us, arm Entrepreneur - Has developed one warm areas. Houses are developed in and the project has a realistic approach of Africa’s largest Chicken Egg farms selected areas using a wide array of to real world problems at present time. using only local resources in Western systems from many developers, often But will people care? Regardless of what Africa. designed without reference to the local your reasoning for climate change is, or Stefanović, A., Bojić, M., & Gordić, environment where the technology will if you even believe in it, everybody still D. (2014). Achieving net zero energy be used. Relevant research is looking pay bills every month, hence its a direct cost house from old thermally non-insu- at alternative methods to use natural connection. lated house using photovoltaic panels. resources for construction, systems, Fields such as green, natural and Energy and Buildings, 76, 57-63. waste or other habitat-related issues, eco buildings, sustainable living, ze- www.ecohome.net/guide/de- on commercial and residential levels. ro-energy housing etc, have had huge signs-plans Ideally, developing a universal system to improvements from the 1970s on, and www.sustainablehousing.ca further take use of the resources found especially further developed in the early

Fall 2016 - Design Core 4 Alaternative Electric Engine and with the right applications could be interesting for larger commercialized institutions as well.

Once again, everyone who has any means of transportation for personal use, know that bills are many and often, as well as many are concerned with the use of resources. This brings an opportunity to design a means of transportation which is based on a fnite resource world.

Bibliography - Executed Personal Interest

Bibliography - Planned Paal Sollie - Designer and CEO Goldfsh Boats One of the worlds leading personal race boat manufacturer. Erik Goplen - Designer and Creative Director BMW Lave, L. B., & Maclean, H. L. Initially, I wanted to look at bridg- recycling. Transportation in general (2001). An Environmental-Economic ing the gap between today, and future have many similar features in this sense Evaluation of Hybrid Electric and Other fully autonomous commercial transpor- to cars, and electric engines are at this Advanced Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper tation, but have generalized this issue time very well developed, and use much Series. doi:10.4271/2001-01-3738 into looking into other untouched ways less parts then an ordinary combustion www.alternative-energy-news. to incorporate electric engines in new engine. Is there any room for electric info/technology/transportation/elec- ways, from boats, planes, commercial or application in other areas of transporta- tric-cars/ residential etc. tion, without sacrifcing function? www.nasa.gov/centers/arm- Cars are arguably one of the most Personally I love transportation strong/Features/leaptech.html important product designs to influence design, always have and always will, and lifestyle, culture and personal safety to wish to pursue this feld after education, mention some, and is a big source of so id say its directly relevant. It is also pollution from production, to use and a major concern among most people,

Fall 2016 - Design Core 5 Keyper Brand Development The Future of Smartphones

I personally dont believe we will all be sitting with our necks bent over a screen in the future. This project was to consider alternative options for the future use of portable technology. Not considering a “human 2.0”, where body-modifcations are involved.

Interactions - Input A different twist on the project, well as allowing one to step in to a real - Text focusing on setting up a “business”, market. - Controls with a brand, production line, webshop, Although not very critical of a - Physical (Gyro etc) crowdfunding campaign, and continuing project, it would be a steep learning the development of a product I’ve al- curve, handling the real world, and a very Use - Phscial ready made a simple prototype of. strong “functional” portfolio piece. - Screen During an internship in 2015, I - Buttons conducted a research-project on day to Bibliography - Executed - Speaker/Mic day lifestyle, with two criteria - it had to Ian Sandmael - CEO and Creative - Case be applicable to so to say anyone, and Director at WORK - Battery be made out of one material. I ended Polish Metal Fabrication up developed a new “keyring”, which Consultant Daily routine flatpack your keys to ft in a wallet. The Chinese Injection-moulding project is currently in two prototypes facility and testing, but my previous employer emphasized this could be a very edu- Bibliography - Planned cational project for me personally, as Manufacturing Facilities in the US

Fall 2016 - Design Core 6 “Investigating the emotional aspect and experience of autonomous vehicles from the perspective of an Industrial Designer.”

III A big part of me choosing to work with of cars, and I want to share my vision of a -related project is my interest for the future. cars. Regardless of the schools design and not transprot-related expertise, I What aspects are intersting? wanted to fnd a way to use the schools Driving shoouldnt be a waste of time. AUTONOMOUS resource in an effective way, as well as How can one use the space in a car working on a project with a lot of depth, more effectively when it doesnt have to VEHICLES with possbilites to to extensive reser- driven? Why would you rather sit in your ahc. Designing a project which could couch at home, or at your desk that in allow me to bring in industrail design a car? Is your car-driving really serving technowies was crucial. any purpose? Could it be automated? Commitment to Area There are many opportunities that rise Why Auyonomous Vehicles? with the lack of having to control a vehi- of Enquiry. Its a very “hot-topic”, and there is a lot cle, and I want to collect the opportuni- of information to gather and compare. ties and create a concept with it. • • • It is opening a radical change in our use

1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

13.12.199322.09.1016 IV ITERATIVE DESIGN BRIEF

What is my problem space? 1. Inspiration 2. Precedence Root Values ddddd Automobile Enthusiast •••• System Design 3. Primary Research Research Projects Done 1. Emotional Aspect of Vehicles Restomod Project 2. The “feelgood” in old cars Testdrive Autopilot(s) 2.1. The sensation of modern cars 2.2. Simplicaity, Reflectivity, Capability Planned Interviews 2.3. Public Values - Car Industry 2.4. What will happen to the future of cars? • Interior & Concept Design Considering the emotional aspect of a major - Interior Designers (Residential) part of our culture, economy and lifestyle. - Drivers & Passengers “Hot topic” • Commercial, Uber, Cargo What are the possibilites? • Residential, Family, Business How will we Experience Autonomous Vehicles - Plane Industry 22.09.1016 Will our Values Change? • First Class Experience How do Brand Values & Identity Affect Features? Mockup Models - Scaled and Full-Scale

Diderik Severin Astrup Westby - Fall 2016 - Design Core 8 - Material Investigation Exciting 7. Application - Scenarios Intriguing User Questionnaires “Sanding off the edge” Driver - What is the differentiation between your living-room In relation to identity Passenger and your car? Business - What would you do if you had an hour extra every Actions Indirect User / Spectator day? Natural Movements Law Enforcement Record duration of trips In and out Movements Pedestrians Settling In (everytime you get in) BIkers Not doing Anything Street Workers 4. Secondary Research Sleeping Stakeholder & Collaborator Research “Watching” Government -Precedence Local Muncipality --What worked, what didnt Physical Envornment Producers --What is inspiring *See Chpater VII for full list Maintenance -What is the actual problem Air Quality -What are the opportunities Comfort -What are the obstacles Entertainment 8. Production -Identify the Brand, its focus and Priorities Hunger Manufacturing, Methods of Making etc. -Dwell further into Primary Reserach outcomes. Fatigue Mental Fatigue Seating - Legroom. 9. Summary 5. Synthesis Stakeholder & Collaborator Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Social Environment What did I learn. Freudian? Free time Ethical Aspects Communication Materials Outsider Perspectives There is a lot of focus on emotion, rather than the Marketing New “hub” physical form-giving aspect of design. Perhaps Production biased brief, due to my interest in cars, but there is a Legislation Cutural Evinronment lot of room for exploration within the selected domain. Daily Habits Spending our Time Differently Next step is to narrow down a potential opportunity. Driving Time and Uses Cultural Change Ergonomic -Negative? Emotional Support / Design -Positive? Lifestyle Economic Environment Time is Money 6. Design Values Pricepoint Creates Demographic Materials Hand Labour to build Car? Emotionally Attractive Materials Comfort Quality Evocative

Fall 2016 - Design Core 9 Diderik Severin Astrup Westby - Fall 2016 - Design Core Timeline of Autonomous Car Developments V PRECEDENCE 1.1 Past & SPECULATION #4

1939 World Fair - Futurama Norman Bel Geddes sponsoered by GM to showcase the autoindustry of the future, What has been done before, and #1 USA. what is going to happen? Horse and Buggy Houdina Radio Control - Achen Motor - Phantom Auto 18th Century - 20th Century Linrrican Wonder 1926 Transport people and goods 1925 Copy of the Linrrican Wonder,

••••• Cars Autonomous Radio-controlled #3 USA. driverless car, USA. 1. 1. Timeline #2 2. 1.1 Past 1700 1800 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 2.1. 1.2 Present 2.2. 1.3 Future 2.3. 2. Speculation 2.4. 3. Analysis #1 #2 #3 4. Conclusion Cars Volkswagen Beetle Benz Patent Motorwagen Ford Model T 1938 - 2003 1879 - 1886 1908 - 1927 29.09.2016 Worlds longest running and First commerical First mass produced car, most manufactured car, self-propelled vehicle, aimed at the middle class, Germany. Germany USA. 10 1.1 Past

University of Illinois Road Research Laboratory (RRL) Mid 1970s Citroen DS19, 1960 Developing intelligent automatic Magnetic Cable Controlled, logic for autonomous cars. Great Britain. USA. #13 #9

Central Power and Light Co. Bendix Corporation 1956 1960-70s Ad for Electrically driven future, Developed and tested driverless cars USA. #6 which were pwoered and controlled by buried cables. Aeormobile 35B #12 GM Firebird ‘III‘ USA. 1959 1961 Concept presented at the Electronically controlled high- Century 21 exposition, in 1962. way, with 1500mph Hovercrafts RCA Labs Featured automatic guidance USA. 1953 systems and “no hold” steering. #10 Miniature car that was guided USA. Ohio State University and controlled by wires that were #8 1966 laid in a pattern on a RCA Labs Launched a project to develop laboratory floor, 1958 driverless cars activiated by USA. Full-size prototype on 400ft of devices in the higthway, #5 public highway, USA. USA. #7 #11

1950 1960 1970

#4 #5 #6 #7 #8

Citroen DS Volvo BMC Mini Porsche 911 Toyota Corolla 1955 - 1975 1959 1959 - 1968 1964 - Present 1966 - Present Ahead of its time in terms First 3-point seatbelt, Space-effcient design Iconic, reliable and fast One of the best selling of comfort development. Sweden. influenced the future, and luxurious. cars of all time. France. Great Britain. Germany. Japan.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 11 1.1 Past

Eureka Prometheus Project 1987-95 Was funded 749.000.000 Euro’s from Eureka member states, to develop the Promotheus Project. Germany. #14


VaMP & Vita-2 1994 Twin robot vehicles drove on trafcated highway. Demonstrated #15 NAHSC* passsing, convoy and free lane 1991-97 driving, National Automated Highway Sys- Germany. tem Consortium. Autonomous Land Vehicle (ALV) The creation of the NAHSC, and 1987 Carnegie Mellon Uni testing of 20 automated vehicles on Lucas Industires DARPA-funded project, frst vehicle 1989 the highway. $90 Million Funded. 1994 to use , and Developed neural steering network, #17 USA. Developed parts for a semi-auto- autonomous robotic control for basis of contemporary control #19 mated project.. offroad. strategies, Great Britain. USA. USA. #16

1980 1985 1990 1994

#9 #10

Mercedes S-Classe Dodge Caravan 1981 1983 - Present First Airbag SRS, First car of its type, Germany. space-effcient mini-. USA.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 12 1.1 Past

Grand Challenge - “No Hands Across America” 2004, March 1995 #23 DARPA offered $1 million prize to 98.2% Controlled cross country trip. any team which could create an Driver only used pedals, Adaptive (ACC) autonomous car capable of fnishing #20 USA. 1998 a 150-mile course in the Mojave Toyota introduces ACC, Desert. No success, ParkShuttle Japan #26 USA Early 2000s Driverless road transport system, Netherlands #21 #25 #28

2nd Grand Challenge Mercedes S-Class 2005, October 1995 5 Vehicles completed, 95% Automated, long-distance trip USA using saccadic computer vision Germany. Lancia Thema Demo I, II & III BMW 1996 2001 2005 94% automatic ARGO-project con- Navigating diffcult off-road terrain. BMW started testing driverless #27 sisted of modifed car, designed to System integration between the #22 systems, follow white lane marks. cars, developed for military, Germany Italy. #24 US

1995 1997 2000 2003 2005


Toyota Prius 1997 - Present First mass-produced . Japan.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 13 1.1 Past

#35 #33

Leonie Audi TTS 2010 2010 Komatsu Autonomous Haulage First car licensed for autonomous Raced Pike`s Peak close to race System driving on the streets and highways, speeds, 2008, December Germany USA World’s frst commercial autono- mous mining haulage system, Australia #31

#34 & MadeInGermany 2011 VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Freie Universität Berlin developed 2nd Grand Challenge Challenge two autonomous cars to drive in the 2007, November 2010 innercity traffc of Berlin, Urban Edition, with gps locations Funded by EU CORDIS-program, Germany #36 and tasks, the VIAC is the longest test run (15.900km) of 4 autonomous cars, USA #30 Italy, China

“Foresight” #37 2006, January Google RFID-tagged driverless cars imple- 2009 mented in 2056, Started development of self-driving EN-V Great Britain cars in secret. 2011 USA GMs electric urban vehicle, #29 #32 USA

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Fall 2016 - Design Core 14 1.2 Present

Mercedes S-Class 2013, august Almost produciton ready model Lexus RX450h & Google developed, 2012, May Germany Tested in city environments in #43 Nevada, #40 USA

Ford Infntiy Q50, 2012 VisLab Ford starts conducting extensive 2013 2013, July 12th Uses cameras, radar and other tech- research into driverless systems, Robotic vehicle succesfully navi- USA nology to deliver various lane-keep- #39 gates roundabouts, traffc lights, and ing, collision avoidance and cruise other common hazards, control features, Italy Japan #46 #42 Mercedes S-Class 2013 2014 Mercedes S-Class has options for autonomous steering, lane keep- Temporary Auto Pilot ing, acceleration/braking, parking, 2012 accident avoidance, and driver Toyota fatigue detection, in both city traffc Volkswagen began testing 2013, January TAP-system, Nissan Leaf and highway scenarios, #38 A partially self-driving car, Germany Germany Japan 2013, August #41 Nissan ready for driverless cars in #45 2020. Granted licence plate, Japan #44

2012 2013


Tesla Model S 2012 - Present Worlds fastest production car, and most selling electric car. USA.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 15 1.2 Present #49 #54

Tesla Model S 2014, October Volvo XC90 Drive Me Level 3 AutoPilot Release, capable of lane 2015, February control with autonomous steering, Release the cars in Gothenburg braking and speed limit adjustment using Nvidias Drive PX 2 supercom- based on signals image recognition, puter, USA Sweden

#48 #53


Google Self-driving Car Volvo S60 Drive Me 2014, May 27th 2015, February Enveiled plans to relase 100 Cars First car considered Level 3, Delphi Automotive built from scratch, Sweden 2015, April USA First automated car across North America, #50 USA #47 Tesla Model S #51 Tesla 2015, March LUTZ Pathfnder 2015, October Commonly introduce AutoPilot too 2015, February, Version 7 AutoPilot released, level all applicable cars with a software UK Government announced it would 2/3, 2014, January upgrade., oversee public trials of the LUTZ USA First self-drive vehicle available for USA commercial sale, Pathfnder #52 France Great Britain

2014 2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Ford F-Series 1940 - Present First Aluminium Car. USA.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 16 1.2 Present

Tesla Volvo XC90 Drive Me Level 3 2016, January 9 2016, April nuTonomy, Summon feautre featured in update Release the cars to everyday users, 2016, August 7.1, China First self-driving taxi service, USA #56 #57 Singapore #58

2016 2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Fall 2016 - Design Core 17 1.3 Future

Mercedes-Benz F 015 BMW NEXT 100 Concept 2016 2016 How do we use cars in 100 years? How do we use cars in 100 years? Germany. Germany.

2018 2116

Fall 2016 - Design Core 18 Ultimately for the sake of my project, the Speculation technology is not in the main focus. Eventually, there will be a system which will allow you under some #Results: What did i learn from this? circumstances to sit the wrong way in a car and get your destination in one piece, its simply a question of There is a lot of developments being made, but it has when. My project is appropriate in this sense, as every not been “hyped” up in the media untill this summer, contribution helps. No-one has the answer, and there or arguably when Tesla released their autopilot feature is no right or wrong way. One day we might not even in 2015. Developments, speculations and enginnering have cars, who knows, but diving into the unknown has been heavily reserached under the radar espe- can beneft many of us. cially since the 80s, and many break-throughs have been made. At this point it seems it is available to the public any time soon, altough it doenst seem very realistc. All the bigger developers are tring to get on the media hype, to be the frst with autopilot, cliaming things are not true in regards to their technologies etc. The most advanced car you can get today is a mere 2 SAE. Meaning to intelligence is really there, it is simply reading of scripts of code and following it promptly. Smaller independent developers are working with AI, but have yet to gain proper traction, as resources are limited. The transition period entering autonomous cars is awkward, because a car will demand your at- tention untill such a high level of comprehension, that untill that point, it is a false security and borderline gimmicky. Yes, in theory the statistics say its much safer, better, more advanced, smart than us, but the data is so limited. Train systems are often autono- mous to some extent, and are also prone to accidents. California has put new regulations on autonmous car testing due to a few accidents, making it vert for man- ufactiurers to add features and fully test the software. Users has become the main source for infor- mation for the developers, which is a good and a bad thing. The cars are coded to drive the way we think we drive. But in reality we dont really drive according to the books, which makes a diffcult situation - a car designed to measure perfect driving, tested by people who dont drive perfectly. A lot of data is being wasted. Yet the bigger companies have great goals of when to release their version of the autonomous cars, the soonest commercial one with backing is 2021. Smaller car companies are aiming for 2040, but re- gardless, someones got to take the frst hits and deal with all the childrenss yndromes. Late 2020s is when most technologies are estimated to be available. A mere 10 years from now.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 19 Analysis

#Results: what did i learn from this?

There is a lot of developments being made, but it has not been “hyped” up in the media untill this summer, or arguably when Tesla released their autopilot feature in 2015. Developments, speculations and enginnering has been heavily reserached under the radar especially since the 80s, and many break- throughs have been made. At this point it seems it is available to the public any time soon, altough it doenst seem very realistc. All the bigger developers are tring to get on the media hype, to be the frst with autopilot, cliaming things are not true in regards to their technologies etc. The most advanced car you can get today is a mere 2 SAE. Meaning to intelli- gence is really there, it is simply reading of scripts of code and following it promptly. Smaller independent developers are working with AI, but have yet to gain proper traction, as resources are limited. The tran- sition period entering autonomous cars is awkward, because a car will demand your attention untill such a high level of comprehension, that untill that point, it is a false security and borderline gimmicky. Yes, in theory the statistics say its much safer, better, more Fig. 1 - Autonomous Car Developements (From Timeline) advanced, smart than us, but the data is so limited. Train systems are often autonomous to some extent, and are also prone to accidents. California has put vA mere 10 years from now. new regulations on autonmous car testing due to a Ultimately for the sake of my project, the Conclusion few accidents, making it vert for manufactiurers to technology is not in the main focus. Eventually, there add features and fully test the software. will be a system which will allow you under some A major part of the project is setting a time- Users has become the main source for infor- circumstances to sit the wrong way in a car and get frame for the project, which will help defne the users mation for the developers, which is a good and a bad your destination in one piece, its simply a question of interest in cars within a specifc time period. From thing. The cars are coded to drive the way we think when. My project is appropriate in this sense, as every the data collected, it seems reasonable to estimate we drive. But in reality we dont really drive according contribution helps. No-one has the answer, and there a potential product realization around 2027, being to the books, which makes a diffcult situation - a is no right or wrong way. One day we might not even restricted mostly by technilogical advancedments. car designed to measure perfect driving, tested by have cars, who knows, but diving into the unknown people who dont drive perfectly. A lot of data is being can beneft many of us. wasted. Yet the bigger companies have great goals of when to release their version of the autonomous cars, the soonest commercial one with backing is 2021. Smaller car companies are aiming for 2040, but re- gardless, someones got to take the frst hits and deal with all the childrenss yndromes. Late 2020s is when most technologies are estimated to be available.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 20 Index of Signifcant Cars

#1 Benz Patent Motorwagen, 1879 - 1886 #7 Porsche 911, 1964 - Present #13 Ford F-Series - 1940-Present First commerical self-propelled vehicle, Germany Iconic, reliable and fast and luxurious. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_F-Series#- -https://www.daimler.com/company/tradition/ Germany. First_generation_.281948.E2.80.931952.29 company-history/1885-1886.html -http://inspirationseek.com/porsche-911-clas- -http://www.cheatsheet.com/automobiles/ford- sic-1964-photo-gallery/ f-150-americas-favorite-truck.html/?a=viewall -http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/ #2 Ford Model T, 1908 - 1927 news/industry-news/ford-truck-named-vehicle- First mass produced car, aimed at the middle class, #8 Toyota Corolla, 1966 - Present of-year-for-impact-on-canadian-marketplace/arti- USA. One of the best selling cars of all time. cle22292441/ -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Model_T Japan. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Corolla

#3 Volkswagen Beetle, 1938 - 2003 Worlds longest running and most manufactured car, #9 Mercedes S-Class, 1981 Germany. First standard Airbag -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Bee- SRS active vs passive tle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbag

#4 Citroen DS, 1955 - 1975 #10 Dodge Caravan, 1983 - Present Ahead of its time in terms of comfort development. First car of its type, space-effcient mini-van. France. USA. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citro%C3%ABn_ -http://www.allpar.com/model/m/original-min- DS ivans.html -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZcqA- WPtgOo #11 Toyota Prius, 1997 - Present First mass-produced electric vehicle. #5 Volvo 122S Seat Belt Japan. -http://driving.ca/volvo/auto-news/news/a- -http://www.topgear.com/car-reviews/toyota/ not-so-brief-history-of-the-seatbelt prius -http://jalopnik.com/volvo-gave-away-their- most-important-invention-to-save-1069825878 -https://www.arnoldclark.com/newsroom/265- #12 Tesla Model S, 2012 - Present why-volvo-gave-away-the-patent-for-their-most-im- Worlds fastest production car, and most selling portant-invention electric car. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seat_belt USA. -https://www.tesla.com/models -http://jalopnik.com/they-drove-a-tesla-from- #6 BMC Mini, 1959 - 1968 la-to-new-york-in-a-record-58-h-1699782187 Space-effcient design influenced the future, -https://www.tesla.com/no_NO/customer-sto- Great Britain. ries/cross-country-trip?redirect=no -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini

Fall 2016 - Design Core 21 -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Pro- Firebird#Firebird_III Index of Signifcant metheus_Project -http://www.techinsider.io/gm-1956-self-driv- Autonomous Vehicle ing-car-video-2015-10 #6 Central Power and Light Co., 1956 Developments Ad for Electrically driven future, USA. #10 Aeromobile 35B, 1961 -Inspired by the efforts, the electric utility com- Electronically controlled highway, with 1500mph #1 Da Vinci Car, 18xx pany, Central Power and Light Company, launched Hovercrafts, USA. Coded selfdriving car, an advertorial that was posted on many leading - In the early 1960s, the Bureau of Public Roads Italy newspapers throughout 1956 and 1957 and predict- considered the construction of an experimental elec- -http://auto.howstuffworks.com/da-vinci-car1. ed automated driving: ELECTRICITY MAY BE THE tronically controlled highway. Four states - Ohio, Mas- htm DRIVER. One day your car may speed along an electric sachusetts, New York and California - were bidding super-highway, its speed and steering automatical- for the construction.[29] In August 1961, Popular Sci- ly controlled by electronic devices embedded in the ence reported on the Aeromobile 35B, an air-cushion #1 Horse and Buggy 18th Century - 20th Century road. Highways will be made safe – by electricity! No vehicle (ACV) that was invented by William Bertelsen Transport people and goods traffc jams ... no collisions ... no driver fatigue[ and was envisioned to revolutionize the transporta- -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_and_buggy tion system, with personal self-driving hovering cars that could speed up to 1,500MPH. #7 RCA Labs, 1958 -ahttp://www.popsci.com/military-avia- #2 Houdina Radio Control - Linrrican Wonder, 1925 Full-size prototype on 400ft of public highway, tion-%26-space/article/2008-07/making-and-un- Radio-controlled driverless car, USA. USA. making-american-hovercraft

#3 Achen Motor - Phantom Auto, 1926 #8 Road Research Laboratory (RRL) Citroen DS19, #11 Ohio State University Copy of the Linrrican Wonder, USA. 1960. Magnetic Cable Controlled, Great Britain. 1966 -Achen Motor, a distributor of cars in Milwau- -During the 1960s, the United Kingdom’s Trans- Launched a project to develop kee and surrounding territory, used Francis’ invention port and Road Research Laboratory tested a driver- driverless cars activiated by under the name “Phantom Auto” and demonstrated it less Citroen DS that interacted with magnetic cables devices in the higthway, in December 1926 that were embedded in the road. It went through a test USA. track at 80 miles per hour (130 km/h) without devia- In 1960, Ohio State University’s Communication and #4 Electric Eye - 1936 tion of speed or direction in any weather conditions, Control Systems Laboratory launched a project to PhotoDetectors and in a far more effective way than by human control. develop driverless cars which were activated by elec- Research continued in the ‘70s with cruise control de- tronic devices imbedded in the roadway. Head of the vices activated by signals in the cabling beneath the project, Dr. Robert L. Cosgriff, claimed in 1966 that the #4 1939 World Fair - Futurama tracks. According to cost beneft analyses that were system could be ready for installation on a public road Norman Bel Geddes sponsoered by GM to showcase made, adoption of system on the British motorways in 15 years.[28] the autoindustry of the future, USA. would be repaid by end of the century, increase the -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurama_(New_ road capacity by at least 50% and prevent around 40% York_World%27s_Fair) of the accidents. Funding for these experiments was #12 Bendix Corporation -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Bel_ withdrawn by the mid-1970s.[30][31][32] 1960-70s Geddes Developed and tested driverless cars which were pwoered and controlled by buried cables. #9 GM Firebird ‘III‘, 1959 USA. #5 RCA Labs, 1953 Concept presented at the Century 21 exposition, in Also during the 1960s and the 1970s, Bendix Corpo- Miniature car that was guided and controlled by wires 1962. Featured automatic guidance systems and “no ration developed and tested driverless cars that were that were laid in a pattern on a laboratory floor, hold” steering. USA. powered and controlled by buried cables, with way- USA. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_ side communicators relaying computer messages

Fall 2016 - Design Core 22 -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA ization, the program was cancelled in the late 1990s #13 University of Illinois, Mid 1970s -http://www.darpa.mil due to tightening research budgets at USDOT. Overall Developing intelligent automatic logic for autono- funding for the program was in the range of $90 mous cars, USA. #16 million.[35] -Preliminary research into the intelligent Carnegie Mellon Uni automated logic needed for autonomous cars was 1989 conducted at the Coordinated Science Laboratory of Developed neural steering network, basis of contem- #18 the University of Illinois in the early to mid 1970s porary control strategies, VaMP & Vita-2 USA. 1994 By 1989, Carnegie Mellon University had pioneered Twin robot vehicles drove on trafcated highway. #14 Eureka Prometheus Project Eureka Prometheus the use of neural networks to steer and otherwise Demonstrated passsing, convoy and free lane driving, Project control autonomous vehicles,[34] forming the basis of Germany. 1987-95 contemporary control strategies. In 1994, the twin robot vehicles VaMP and Vita-2 of Was funded 749.000.000 Euro’s from Eureka member -http://repository.cmu.edu/cgi/viewcontent. Daimler-Benz and of UniBwM drove states, to develop the Promotheus Project. cgi?article=2874&context=compsci more than 620 miles (1,000 km) on a Paris three-lane Germany. highway in standard heavy traffc at speeds up to 81 miles per hour (130 km/h), albeit semi-autonomous- -http://www.autoevolution.com/ #17 ly with human interventions. They demonstrated news/a-short-history-of-mercedes-benz-autono- NAHSC* autonomous driving in free lanes, convoy driving, and mous-driving-technology-68148.html 1991-97 lane changes with autonomous passing of other cars. http://www.autofocus.ca/how-to/technology-guide/ National Automated Highway System Concsortium. [citation needed] robocars-driverless-cars-are-here The creation of the NAHSC, and testing of 20 auto- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Prometheus_ mated vehicles on the highway. $90 Million Funded. Project USA. #19 In 1991, the United States Congress passed the ISTEA Lucas Industires Transportation Authorization bill, which instructed 1994 #15 USDOT to “demonstrate an automated vehicle and Developed parts for a semi-automated project.. ALV highway system by 1997.” The Federal Highway Great Britain. 1987 Administration took on this task, frst with a series of That same year, Lucas Industries developed parts for Offroad map and sensor autonomous system. Precursor Systems Analsyes and then by establish- a semi-autonomous car in a project that was funded Funded by DARPA (military) ing the National Automated Highway System Con- by Jaguar Cars, Lucas, and the UK Department of USA. sortium (NAHSC). This cost-shared project was led Trade and Industry.[36] In the same decade, the DARPA-funded Autonomous by FHWA and General Motors, with Caltrans, Delco, Land Vehicle (ALV) project in the United States made Parsons Brinkerhoff, Bechtel, UC-Berkeley, Carnegie use of new technologies developed by the University Mellon University, and Lockheed Martin as additional #20 of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon University, the Environ- partners. Extensive systems engineering work and Navlab - “No Hands Across America” mental Research Institute of Michigan, Martin Mari- research culminated in Demo ‘97 on I-15 in San Diego, 1995 etta and SRI International. The ALV project achieved California, in which about 20 automated vehicles, 98.2 Controlled cross country trip. Driver only used the frst road-following demonstration that used lidar, including cars, , and trucks, were demonstrated pedals, computer vision and autonomous robotic control to to thousands of onlookers, attracting extensive media USA. direct a robotic vehicle at speeds of up to 19 miles per coverage. The demonstrations involved close-head- In 1995, Carnegie Mellon University’s Navlab project hour (31 km/h). In 1987, HRL Laboratories (formerly way platooning intended to operate in segregated completed a 3,100 miles (5,000 km) cross-country Hughes Research Labs) demonstrated the frst off- traffc, as well as “free agent” vehicles intended to journey, of which 98.2% was autonomously controlled, road map and sensor-based autonomous navigation operate in mixed traffc. Other carmakers were invited dubbed “No Hands Across America”.[37] This car, on the ALV. The vehicle traveled over 2,000 feet (610 to demonstrate their systems, such that Toyota and however, was semi-autonomous by nature: it used m) at 1.9 miles per hour (3.1 km/h) on complex terrain Honda also participated. While the subsequent aim neural networks to control the , but with steep slopes, ravines, large rocks, and vegetation. was to produce a system design to aid commercial- throttle and were human-controlled, chiefly for

Fall 2016 - Design Core 23 safety reasons. z59N20w -http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/park- shut.htm #21 #23 -https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/ParkShuttle Mercedes S-Class (ACC) -http://www.2getthere.eu 1995 1998 95% Automated, long-distance trip using saccadic Toyota introduces ACC, #26 computer vision Japan Grand Challenge Germany. In 1998, Willie Jones [46] states that many automak- 2004, March Also in 1995, Dickmanns’ re-engineered autonomous ers consider autonomous technology as part of their DARPA offered $1 million prize to any team which S-Class Mercedes-Benz undertook a 990 miles (1,590 research yearly. He notes “In May 1998, Toyota be- could create an autonomous car capable of fnishing km) journey from in Bavaria, Germany to came the frst to introduce an Adaptive Cruise Control a 150-mile course in the Mojave Desert. No success, Copenhagen, Denmark and back, using saccadic com- (ACC) system on a production vehicle when it unveiled USA puter vision and transputers to react in real time. The a laser-based system for its Progres compact luxury In the frst Grand Challenge held in March 2004, DAR- robot achieved speeds exceeding 109 miles per hour , which it sold in Japan”.[47] PA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) (175 km/h) on the German Autobahn, with a mean offered a $1 million prize to any team of robotic engi- time between human interventions of 5.6 miles (9.0 neers which could create an autonomous car capable km), or 95% autonomous driving. It drove in traffc, ex- #24 of fnishing a 150-mile course in the Mojave Desert. ecuting manoeuvres to pass other cars. Despite being Demo I, II & III No team was successful in completing the course.[41] a research system without emphasis on long distance 2001 reliability, it drove up to 98 miles (158 km) without Navigating diffcult off-road terrain. human intervention.[citation needed] System integration between the cars, developed for #27 military, BMW US 2005 #22 The US Government funded three military efforts BMW started testing driverless systems, Lancia Thema known as Demo I (US Army), Demo II (DARPA), and Germany 1996 Demo III (US Army). Demo III (2001)[40] demonstrated BMW has been testing driverless systems since 94% automatic ARGO-project consisted of modifed the ability of unmanned ground vehicles to navigate around 2005. car, designed to follow white lane marks. miles of diffcult off-road terrain, avoiding obstacles Italy. such as rocks and trees. James Albus at the National In 1996, (now Professor) of the Uni- Institute of Standards and Technology provided the #28 versity of Parma launched the ARGO Project, which Real-Time Control System which is a hierarchical 2nd Grand Challenge worked on enabling a modifed Lancia Thema to control system. Not only were individual vehicles con- 2005, October follow the normal (painted) lane marks in an unmod- trolled (e.g. throttle, steering, and ), but groups of 5 Vehicles completed, ifed highway.[38] The culmination of the project was vehicles had their movements automatically coordi- USA a journey of 1,200 miles (1,900 km) over six days on nated in response to high level goals. In October 2005, the second DARPA Grand Chal- the motorways of northern Italy dubbed Mille Miglia lenge was again held in a desert environment. GPS in Automatico (“One thousand automatic miles”), with points were placed and obstacle types were located an average speed of 56 miles per hour (90 km/h).[39] #25 in advance.[42] This year, fve vehicles completed the The car operated in fully automatic mode for 94% of ParkShuttle course. its journey, with the longest automatic stretch being Early 2000s -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2AcMn- 34 miles (55 km). The vehicle had only two black- Driverless road transport system, fzpNg and-white low-cost video cameras on board and Netherlands used stereoscopic vision algorithms to understand its The ParkShuttle, a driverless public road transport environment. system, became operational[clarifcation needed] in the Netherlands in the early 2000s.[43] -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYKW-

Fall 2016 - Design Core 24 #29 the frst autonomous driving on public streets in Ger- “Foresight” many with the research vehicle Leonie. It was the frst 2006, January #32 car licensed for autonomous driving on the streets RFID-tagged driverless cars implemented in 2056, Google and highways in Germany. Great Britain 2009 January 2006, the United Kingdom’s ‘Foresight’ Started development of self-driving cars in secret. think-tank revealed a report which predicts RFID- USA #36 tagged driverless cars on UK’s roads by 2056 and the Google began developing its self-driving cars in 2009, Spirit of Berlin & MadeInGermany Royal Academy of Engineering claimed that driverless but did so privately, avoiding public announcement of 2011 trucks could be on Britain’s motorways by 2019.[44] the program until a later time.[49] Freie Universität Berlin developed two autonomous [45] cars to drive in the innercity traffc of Berlin, http://www.zdnet.com/article/rfd-tagged- #33 Germany driverless-cars-on-roads-by-2056/ Audi TTS In 2011, the Freie Universität Berlin developed two au- 2010 tonomous cars to drive in the innercity traffc of Berlin Raced Pike`s Peak close to race speeds, in Germany. Led by the AutoNOMOS group, the two #30 USA vehicles Spirit of Berlin and MadeInGermany handled 2nd Grand Challenge 2010, Audi sent a driverless Audi TTS to the top of intercity traffc, traffc lights and roundabouts between 2007, November Pike’s Peak at close to race speeds. International Congress Centrum and Brandenburg Urban Edition, with gps locations and tasks, Gate. It was fnanced by the German Federal Ministry USA of Education and Research. In November 2007, DARPA again sponsored Grand #34 Challenge III, but this time the Challenge was held VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge in an urban environment. In this race, a 2007 Chevy 2010 #37 Tahoe autonomous car from Carnegie Mellon Univer- Funded by EU CORDIS-program, the VIAC is the lon- EN-V sity earned the 1st place. Prize competitions as DAR- gest test run (15.900km) of 4 autonomous cars, 2011 PA Grand Challenges gave students and researchers Italy, China GMs electric urban vehicle, an opportunity to research a project on autonomous In 2010, Italy’s VisLab from the University of Parma, USA cars to reduce the burden of transportation problems led by Professor Alberto Broggi, ran the VisLab Inter- In 2011, GM created the EN-V (short for Electric such as traffc congestion and traffc accidents that continental Autonomous Challenge (VIAC), a 9,900- Networked Vehicle), an autonomous electric urban increasingly exist on many urban residents.[42] mile (15,900 km) test run which marked the frst inter- vehicle. continental land journey completed by autonomous vehicles. Four driverless electric successfully #31 completed the 100-day journey, leaving Parma, Italy, #38 Komatsu Autonomous Haulage System on 20 July 2010, and arriving at the Shanghai Expo in Temporary Auto Pilot 2008, December China on 28 October. The research project is co-fund- 2012 World’s frst commercial autonomous mining haulage ed by the European Union CORDIS program. Volkswagen began testing TAP-system, system, http://viac.vislab.it Germany Australia In 2012, Volkswagen began testing a “Temporary Auto Autonomous vehicles have also been used in mining. Pilot” (TAP) system that will allow a car to drive itself In December 2008, Rio Tinto Alcan began testing the #35 at speeds of up to 80 miles per hour (130 km/h) on Komatsu Autonomous Haulage System – the world’s Leonie the highway. frst commercial autonomous mining haulage system 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIMLUI- – in the Pilbara iron ore mine in Western Australia. Rio First car licensed for autonomous driving on the 6WPoU Tinto has reported benefts in health, safety, and pro- streets and highways, ductivity. In November 2011, Rio Tinto signed a deal to Germany greatly expand its fleet of driverless trucks.[48] In 2010, the Institute of Control Engineering of the Technische Universität Braunschweig demonstrated

Fall 2016 - Design Core 25 #39 human control, successfully navigating roundabouts, prefecture’s Governor, Yuji Kuroiwa, rode in the car Ford traffc lights, pedestrian crossings and other common during the test.[66][67] 2012 hazards.[59] Ford starts conducting extensive research into -http://horizon2020projects.com/sc-transport/ driverless systems, driverless-car-in-frst-ever-road-test/ #45 USA Mercedes S-Class Ford has conducted extensive research into driverless 2013 systems and vehicular communication systems. #43 2014 Mercedes S-Class has options for autonomous -https://gigaom.com/2012/04/09/ford-is-ready- Mercedes S-Class steering, lane keeping, acceleration/braking, parking, for-the-autonomous-car-are-drivers/ 2013, august accident avoidance, and driver fatigue detection, in Almost produciton ready model developed, both city traffc and highway scenarios, Germany Germany #40 In August 2013, Daimler R&D with Karlsruhe Institute Available in 2013, the 2014 Mercedes S-Class has Lexus RX450h & Google of Technology/FZI, made a Mercedes-Benz S-class options for autonomous steering, lane keeping, 2012, May vehicle with close-to-production stereo cameraS[60] acceleration/braking, parking, accident avoidance, Tested in city environments in Nevada, and radars drive completely autonomously for about and driver fatigue detection, in both city traffc and USA 100 km from Mannheim to Pforzheim, Germany, fol- highway speeds of up to 124 miles (200 km) per hour. Lexus RX450h retroftted as a Google driverless car lowing the historic Bertha Benz Memorial Route.[61] [68][69][70][71] On May 1, 2012, a 22 km (14 mi) driving test was [62] administered to a Google self-driving car by Nevada motor vehicle examiners in a test route in the city of #46 Las Vegas, Nevada. The autonomous car passed the #44 Infntiy Q50, test, but was not tested at roundabouts, no-signal Nissan Leaf 2013 railroad crossings, or school zones. 2013, August Uses cameras, radar and other technology to deliver Nissan ready for driverless cars in 2020. various lane-keeping, collision avoidance and cruise Granted licence plate, control features, #41 Japan Japan Toyota In August 2013 Nissan announced its plans to launch Released in 2013, the 2014 Infniti Q50 uses cam- 2013, January several driverless cars by 2020. The company is eras, radar and other technology to deliver various A partially self-driving car, building in Japan a dedicated autonomous driving lane-keeping, collision avoidance and cruise control Japan proving ground, to be completed in 2014. Nissan features. One reviewer remarked, “With the Q50 man- In January 2013, Toyota demonstrated a partially installed its autonomous car technology in a Nissan aging its own speed and adjusting course, I could sit self-driving car with numerous sensors and commu- Leaf electric car for demonstration purposes. The car back and simply watch, even on mildly curving high- nication systems. was demonstrated at Nissan 360 test drive event held ways, for three or more miles at a stretch,” adding that -http://www.bbc.com/news/technolo- in California in August 2013.[63][64] In September he wasn’t touching the steering wheel or pedals.[72] gy-20910769 2013, the Leaf ftted the prototype Advanced Driv- er Assistance System was granted a license plate that allows to drive it on Japanese public roads. The #47 #42 testing car will be used by Nissan engineers to eval- Navia VisLab uate how its in-house autonomous driving software 2014, January 2013, July 12th performs in the real world. Time spent on public roads First self-drive vehicle available for commercial sale, Robotic vehicle succesfully navigates roundabouts, will help refne the car’s software for fully automated France traffc lights, and other common hazards, driving.[65] The autonomous Leaf was demonstrat- In January 2014, Induct Technology’s Navia shuttle Italy ed on public roads for the frst time at a media event became the frst self-driving vehicle to be available for In 2013, on July 12, VisLab conducted another pio- held in Japan in November 2013. The Leaf drove on commercial sale.[74] Limited to 12.5 miles per hour neering test of autonomous vehicles, during which the Sagami Expressway in Kanagawa prefecture, near (20.1 km/h), the open-air electric vehicle resembles a robotic vehicle drove in downtown Parma with no Tokyo. Nissan vice chairman Toshiyuki Shiga and the a golf cart and seats up to eight people. It is intended

Fall 2016 - Design Core 26 to shuttle people around “pedestrianized city centers, large industrial sites, airports, theme parks, university #50 #52 campuses or hospital complexes.”[75] LUTZ Pathfnder Tesla -http://www.induct-technology.com 2015, February, 2015, October -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navia_(vehicle) UK Government announced it would oversee public Version 7 AutoPilot released, level 2/3, trials of the LUTZ Pathfnder USA Great Britain In mid October 2015 Tesla Motors rolled out version #48 In February 2015, the UK Government announced it 7 of their software in the U.S. that included Autopilot Google Self-driving Car would oversee public trials of the LUTZ Pathfnder capability.[82] Tesla’s autonomous driving features 2014, May 27th driverless pod in Milton Keynes.[79] are ahead of production cars, and can be classifed Enveiled plans to relase 100 Cars built from scratch, as is somewhere between level 2 and level 3 under USA the NHTSA fve levels of vehicle automation. At this On May 27, 2014, Google[76] announced plans to #51 levels the car can act autonomously but requires the unveil 100 autonomous car prototypes built from Tesla Model S full attention of the driver, who must be prepared to scratch inside Google’s secret X lab, as manifesta- 2015, March take control at a moment’s notice.[84][85][86] Autopi- tions of years of work that began by modifying exist- Commonly introduce AutoPilot too all applicable cars lot should be used only on limited-access highways, ing vehicles, along with, “in the next couple of years” with a software upgrade., and sometimes it will fail to detect lane markings and according to Google in the above blog post, a pilot USA disengage itself. In urban driving the system will not program similar to that which was used for the Cr-48 March 2015 Tesla Motors announced that it will in- read traffc signals or obey stop signs. The system Chromebook back in 2010. troduce its Autopilot technology by mid 2015 through also does not detect pedestrians or cyclists.[80] -https://www.google.com/selfdrivingcar/ a software update for the cars equipped with the systems that allow autonomous driving.[78] Some industry experts have raised questions about the legal #53 #49 status of autonomous driving in the U.S. and whether Volvo S60 Drive Me Tesla Model S Model S owner would violate current state regulations 2015, February 2014, October when using the autopilot function. The few states that First car considered Level 3, AutoPilot Release, capable of lane control with auton- have passed laws allowing autonomous cars on the Sweden omous steering, braking and speed limit adjustment road limit their use for testing purposes, not the use The Volvo S60 Drive Me autonomous test vehicle is based on signals image recognition, by the general public. Also, there are questions about considered Level 3 autonomous driving.[81] USA the liability for autonomous cars in case there is a Frontal sensors in the Volvo S60 test vehicle In October 2014 Tesla Motors announced its frst mistake.[78] A Tesla spokesman said there is “nothing version of AutoPilot. Model S cars equipped with this in our autopilot system that is in conflict with current system are capable of lane control with autonomous regulations.” “We are not getting rid of the pilot. This #54 steering, braking and speed limit adjustment based on is about releasing the driver from tedious tasks so Volvo XC90 Drive Me Level 3 signals image recognition. The system also provide they can focus and provide better input.” Google’s 2015, February autonomous parking and is able to receive software director of self-driving cars at the company said he Release the cars in Gothenburg using Nvidias Drive updates to improve skills over time.[77] As of March does not think there is a regulatory block as far as the PX 2 supercomputer, 2015, Tesla has been testing the autopilot system self-driving vehicle met crash-test and other safety Sweden on the highway between San Francisco and Seattle standards. A spokesman for the National Highway In February 2015 Volvo Cars announced its plans to with a driver but letting the car to drive the car almost Traffc Safety Administration (NHTSA) said that “any lease 100 XC90 SUVs ftted with Drive Me Level 3 unassisted.[78] Tesla Model S Autopilot system is autonomous vehicle would need to meet applicable automation technology to residents of Gothenburg suitable only on limited-access highways not for federal motor vehicle safety standards” and the NHT- in 2017.[81][87] The Drive Me XC90s will be equipped urban driving. Among other limitations, Autopilot can SA “will have the appropriate policies and regulations with Nvidia’s Drive PX 2 supercomputer, and will be not detect pedestrians or cyclists.[80] in place to ensure the safety of this type of vehicles.” driven autonomously in certain weather conditions [78] and on one road that loops around the city. As part of Volvo’s Drive Me project, the 100 cars in the Sweden test will have an interface called IntelliSafe Auto Pilot,

Fall 2016 - Design Core 27 a feature that will let drivers activate and deactivate Research, which will conduct a thorough analysis to the autonomous mode through specially-designed examine how the car behaves in everyday situations Index of Signifcant paddles on the steering wheel. The interface was as well as understanding how other road users and developed to oversee how drivers will transfer control the car’s occupants respond to autonomous driving Future Autonomous to a car’s autonomous driving mode in future cars. decisions made by the car.[91] Volvo considers autonomous driving systems as the Vehicle Concepts tool that will help it meet the company’s goal to have no one seriously injured or killed in a new Volvo by the #58 #https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/mer- year 2020.[88] nuTonomy, cedes-benz/innovation/research-vehicle-f-015-luxu- 2016, August ry-in-motion/ First self-driving taxi service, #55 Singapore Delphi Automotive In August 2016 Singapore launched the frst self-driv- http://www.next100.bmw/en/index.html 2015, April ing taxi service, provided by nuTonomy.[96] First automated car across North America, USA In April 2015, a car designed by Delphi Automotive became the frst automated vehicle to complete a coast-to-coast journey across North America. It trav- eled from San Francisco to New York, under computer control for 99% of that distance.[90]

https://www.google.com/selfdrivingcar/ #56 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_self-driving_car Tesla 2016, January 9 Summon feautre featured in update 7.1, USA January 9, 2016, Tesla rolled out version 7.1 as an over-the-air update, adding a new “summon” feature that allows cars to self-park at parking locations without the driver in the car.[83]

#57 Volvo XC90 Drive Me Level 3 2016, April Release the cars to everyday users, China In April 2016 Volvo announced plans to deploy 100 XC90 self-driving cars to test them in everyday driving conditions in China in 2017.[88] Also in April 2016, the carmaker announced plans to begin a trial in London in 2017 with 100 Volvo XC90 plug-in hybrids ftted with Drive Me technology. The XC90s will be leased to everyday users, and the self-driving cars will log each and every journey, passing on that data to Thatcham

Fall 2016 - Design Core 28 Index of Other Companies Index of Accidents with Index of Safety-Related Developing Autonomous Autonomous Vehicles Technologies

#1 Tesla, 2016 Technologies. -https://www.ft.com/content/013d6f46-3f12-11e6-9f2c- 36b487ebd80a #1 MobilEye -http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-ju- ly-5-2016-1.3664782/death-of-tesla-driver-tests-future-of-driver- -http://inhabitat.com/volvo-to-deathproof-its- #2 Comma.ai less-car-1.3664803 cars-by-2020/ -http://fortune.com/2016/07/03/teslas-fatal-crash-implica- http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2015-george- tions/ -http://inhabitat.com/volvo-introduc- hotz-self-driving-car/ es-the-worlds-frst-pedestrian-airbag-equipped-car/ #2 Google, 2016 -http://www.thetorquereport.com/2013/04/vol- -http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/google-driverless-car-in- #3Nvidia volved-worst-8917388 vo_launches_worlds_frst_ex.html http://www.nvidia.ca/object/drive-px.html -https://www.wired.com/2016/02/googles-selfdriving-car- -http://www.autofocus.ca/how-to/technolo- may-caused-frst-crash/ gy-guide/feature-fail-car-safety-that-never-caught- #4Google on Tesla 2016, May 7th First fatal accident with autnomous driving. The frst known fatal accident involving a vehicle being driven by itself took place in Williston, Florida on 7 May 2016 while a Tesla Model S electric car was engaged in Autopilot mode. The driver was killed in a crash with a large 18-wheel tractor-trailer. On 28 June 2016 the National Highway Traffc Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened a formal investigation into the accident working with the Florida https://www.crunchbase. Highway Patrol. According to the NHTSA, preliminary reports indicate the crash occurred when the tractor-trailer made a left turn in front of com/organization/zoox#/ the Tesla at an intersection on a non-controlled access highway, and the car failed to apply the brakes. The car continued to travel after passing under the truck’s trailer.[92][93][94] The NHTSA’s preliminary entity evaluation was opened to examine the design and performance of any automated driving systems in use at the time of the crash, which involves a population of an estimated 25,000 Model S cars.[95]

Google Self-driving car 2015, July Google annoucnes accidents with self-driving cars, USA In July 2015, Google announced that the test vehicles in its driverless car project had been involved in 14 minor accidents since the proj- ect’s inception in 2009. Chris Urmson, the project leader, said that all of the accidents were caused by humans driving other cars, and that 11 of the mishaps were rear-end collisions. “Our self-driving cars are being hit surprisingly often by other drivers who are distracted and not paying attention to the road. That’s a big motivator for us.” Over the six years of the project’s existence the test vehicles had logged

nearly 2 million miles on the road.[89]

Fall 2016 - Design Core 29 Concept Precedence Miscellaneous Links watch?v=eUp6vo0XXScWhat worl -https://www.wired.com/2016/02/googles- BMW BIKE self-driving-car-may-caused-frst-crash/http:// readwrite.com/2016/09/26/improved-car-entertain- 1. A-Pillar Belt ment-ease-hesitation-autonomous-vehicles-tl4/ https://www.google.ca/ -https://www.wired.com/2016/02/googles-self- search?q=P-Eco+vehicle&oq=P-Eco+ve- driving-car-may-caused-frst-crash/ Automation -https://www.google.ca/search?q=frst+au- hicle&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.178j0j1&- Effortless Belt tonomous+car&oq=frst+autonomous+car&aqs=- sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 chrome..69i57.3104j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.ca/ No options -https://www.google.ca/search?q=autono- Obtrusive mous+car+concepts&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X- search?q=Metromorph%2C+it+is+a+con- &ved=0ahUKEwi_vKDLmq7PAhVU_WMKHc0fAKUQ_ cept+car+designed+by+Roman+Misti- AUICCgB&biw=1877&bih=776#imgrc=XlG1LVMy2S- uk&oq=Metromorph%2C+it+is+a+con- 9gYM%3A 2. 4 Wheel steering -https://www.google.ca/search?q=most+- cept+car+designed+by+Roman+Misti- sold+cars+in+the+world&oq=most+sold+- uk&aqs=chrome..69i57.280j0j1&sourceid=- cars+in+the+world&aqs=chrome..69i57.2834j0j1&- chrome&ie=UTF-8 3. Symmetrical Design sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oDaHR- http://biomecar.weebly.com/ 4. Advanced Sound System bIDH8 http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/ Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, Continental Auto- the-future-of-car-tech-a-10-year-timeline/ motive Systems, Autoliv Inc., Bosch, Nissan, Toyota, 5. Folding Seats for Space Audi, Volvo, Vislab from University of Parma, Oxford http://auto.howstufworks.com/ University and Google.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] In under-the-hood/trends-innovations/5-fu- July 2013, Vislab demonstrated BRAiVE, a vehicle that ture-car-technologies.htm 6. Gamifcation of Driving moved autonomously on a mixed traffc route open to http://arstechnica.com/fea- public traffc.[14] http://www.recode. tures/2012/02/gamifcation-green- net/2016/5/16/11635628/self-driving-autono- mous-cars-timeline tech-makes-energy-use-a-gameand- -http://www.computerhistory.org/atchm/ we-all-win/ where-to-a-history-of-autonomous-vehicles/ Enjoy the ride, rahter than being -http://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/robotcars.html effcient. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Dick- manns -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autono- mous_car -http://www.lockheedmartin.ca/us/ 100years/stories/alv.html -https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=1cRoaPLvQx0 -https://www.youtube.com/

Fall 2016 - Design Core 30 Diderik Severin Astrup Westby - Fall 2016 - Design Core What is my problem 4. Questions to ask oneself: space? What makes a car a car? What are the basic components? Driving in the City vs Highway. 1. Getting Started -Safety -Needs Unlocking VI -Duration Opening the door Entering the Car Can top speed be 100kmh? No need for Starting the car more speed if you get more time! USING Putting on seatbelt Time is money Choosing direction Speed=/=time AUTONOMOUS Choosing entertainment Different speeds on short and long trips? VEHICLES Technology Dulls the Senses 2. Examples of Autonomous Transport - Connection between the pas- sengers and the fact of driving a car West Coast Express - vUse technology to enhance the Langley - Vancouver Train senses? Revisit them? What factors are crucial? Experience Driver 5. How will we feel in an autonmous car? •••••• Airplane Boat 1. 1. Problem Space We need to adapt to technology that is 2. 1.1 Getting Started given to us. Often technology develops quicker than we can adapt. What can be 2.1. 1.2 Examples 3. Physical Environment 2.2. 1.3 Physical Environment done to ease that transition? Or what can be done to continue to have people 2.3. 1.4 Questions to ask. Air Quality feel comfortable in a self-driving car? 2.4. 1.5 How will we feel in an auton- Comfort Siri omous car? Entertainment 2. SAE Levels Hunger Fatigue Mental Fatigue 5.10.2016 Seating - Legroom.

31 What are the levels of autonomous driving?

Just to exemplify, Teslas system is a level 2. We are rather far away from touch and go automous traffc without human interaction. NHTSA (National Highway Traffc Safety Administration) started adopting SAE (Society of Auto- motive Engineers) levels in September 2016, hence that is the most recently updated charts for autonomous traffc. The chief developer for autonomous transportation at Audi says level 5 is al- most myhtical. Level 4 can be achieved, as you can alter the environment (your car can take you anywhere in a perfect- ly marked city), where level 5 needs to use common sense just like a human to understanding its environment.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 32 Table X1 - Users

17-25 26-35 36-55 56-65 66-75 76 -> Age 0-16

Type Passenger Social/ Settling Adults, Families Small Families Retirement Elderly Transportation Roadtrips

Needs Entertainment Social Work Grocery Shop- Leisure Driving Visitng Friends Passenger? Education Work Longer Travels ping Work and Family Travel Small family Errands Smaller Errands Afer School Stuf

Physical Safety “Hangout” Storage space. Safery Safety. Less space, bet- Easy Access Easy Access Good Seats Durable Milage. ter milage, less Rest Efcient Image. image. Comfortable Entertainment

Q&A? University Amount Baby? Age and Baby? Kids move retirement age Age? Married? out?

Fall 2016 - Design Core 33 Table X2 - Trips

Short Medium Long Extreme Type Micro

Time :0-:4 :5-:30 :30-1:15 1:16-4:00 4:00 +

Descirption Alternative to Walking Short Trip Daily Pendling Weekend Trip Travel Couriers Short Dist. Goods Long Dist. Goods

Factors Annoyance Several Stops Bringing stuf with Bring people and stuf More than 1 person? you. with you. Fatigue. Tired. Danger for him/her others.


Mutliple People in the Car If there are many in the car, they will probably not need the same entertainment if they were alone. Can one use the space effciently and adaptively? Scenario vs User What comes frst? Does the user defne the scenario? Scenarios are more applicable, probably better way to go about defnig features? What World does the Car ft into? What will the users look for in 15 years? What the difference between then and now? Are cars an excectuve item? A non-accesible state? Does a sharing economy help accesbiblity? To what extent? Class differences.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 34 Diderik Severin Astrup Westby - Fall 2016 - Design Core

1. Secondary Research UBER, Cargo What has been tried? Residential What exists? Family, Business What is planned? VII 2.2 Mockups and Testing 1.1 Defne Area of Inquiry Try Cars at Dealers What is the actual problem? Local Vancouver What are the opportunities? Scenarios RESEARCH What are the problems? Materials Investigation Small Scale Lego Test 1.2 Find Arguments for Thesis 3D Printed Model PLAN Why I’m I choosing to do Large Scale Human Test? this exact thing? Wooden Frame What supports this? Record Trip duration Record Speed average 2. Primary Research Interviews 2.3 Questionaires What needs to be done? Mockups and Testing Asking the Right Questions Questionaires ••••••• - What is the differentiation between 2.1 Interviews your living-room and your car? 1. 1. What is going to be done in Car Designers - What would you do if you had an hour 2. what order? Singer extra every day? 2.1. 2. Questionaires. BMW 2.2. 3. People to interview. Porsche 2.3. 4. Stuff to check out. Emails.. 2.4. Interior Designer Bill & Bernt WORK Ergonomics People Teacher? 7.10.2016 Concept Designers? Drivers & Passengers Commercial 35 Questionaires People to Interview Links

X1 Table: Erik Goplen - BMW http://www.techinsider.io/features-in-the-lincoln-navigator- 1. Age concept-from-new-york-auto-show-2016-3/#frst-things- 2. Occupation Nicolas Badminton - Futurist frst-look-at-those-gullwing-doors-1 3. If you could choose anything, what would you do if you Experience Design - Intersting Thinker had a day off? 4. Name 3 things you would bring with you when you leave Ian Wotgovich - Futurist http://www.diseno-art.com/news_con- your house every day. Design Futures - Design Method tent/2014/02/volvo-concept-estate-high-tech- 5. What is your relationship to a car on a weekly basis? Driver Passenger Commercial Other Vjeko Sager - Philisopher & Illustrator high-spec-spacious-and-stylish/ 5.1 If other: Bike Train Walking Other Theu TA 5.2 If other, please specify: [email protected] http://www.2luxury2.com/volvo-lounge-con- ______sole-the-executive-in-car-luxury-taken-to-a- 6. What are the reasons you choose a car? Or why not? 7. What is the difference between sitting in a car, or your new-level/ living room? 8. In your opinion, what features are missing from your car? Stuff to Check Out 9. What features do you especially in your car? http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk- 10. If you got an extra hour every day, how would you use it? Jacque Fresco on-tesla-over-the-air-sofware-update-sum- The Venus Project mon-feature-2016-1 https://www.thevenusproject.com

Elon Musk X2 Table: http://psipunk.com/ford-xplor-concept-–-an- 1. Duration of trip __:__ William Gibson - Cyberspace efort-to-make-traditional-suvs-sof-on-envi- 2. Intention of trip ______ronment/ 3. Stops ___ Movies 4. Buttons pressed ___ Demolition Man (1993) iRobot (2004) Minority Report (2002) Blade Runner (1982)

Books Design Noir - Dunne and Raby (2001) Desk Bound - Kelly Starrett (2016)

Austrian School of Economics Thermo Dynamics Evolution System Design

Fall 2016 - Design Core 36 Concising Ideas. Time to get ideas down on paper. The technical aspect are now understood, but a part of the challenge is fnding intersting ways to take the problems VIII apart, and not any problems, but the right ones. What am I really looking at? Defning the user is crucial. Using a simple form and some volunteers, I got a rough idea of people perception, which I Ideation V.1 furhter dwelved upon in furhter research. Storyboarding, moodboards & photoshop concepts, just quick ways to get some ideas down on paper, visually.

Ideas, ideas, ideas. ••••••••

1. Concising Ideas.


Fall 2016 - Design Core 37 Storyboard - Scenarios (1-way) A = Casual Issues & Opportunities B = Business Specifc & General Needs C = Multiple People Adaptive Between Scenarios Action Potential Problem

A Getting groceries. Everyday routine, unfocused, unsafe driving. Short 5-30 Going to work. Everyday routine, time could be spent better? B Potentially stressful (if late, or pressure at work)

Driving kids to afterschool activities. Everyday routine, might be hard to schedule with work. C Having car serviced. Cumbersome activity, not often, but preventatitve A maintenance could be improved. Medium 30-1.15 Picking up a client at the Airport. More time to interact whilst picking up. Service from B your side, potentially with driver. (now without a driver)

Going to a party with friends. No DUI, a socilixing space? Unsafe regardless? Borrow car from your parents? Cant be crashed by you, but C needs bomb-proof interior. Visiting Family for an Emergency. Pontentially very stressfull driving, mentally not A focused at driving task. Extreme 4:00 + Attending a business-conference in 6 hours away. Time to prepare, possiblitiy to go during week (replace B offce temporarily?)

Driving back from summerhouse, after two weeks Could be stressfull, lots of packing, kids are annoyed, C of vacation with the family (2+2). everybody is going home, aka many cars on the road.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 38 Storyboard - Scenarios (1-way) Age: Reason: A = Casual Issues & Opportunities Gender: Alternative: B = Business Specifc & General Needs Weekly Freq: C = Multiple People Adaptive Between Scenarios Hour pr Day: Action Opportunites Short A Getting groceries. 5-30

B Going to work.

C Driving kids to afterschool activities. Driving someone

Medium A Having car serviced. 30-1.15

B Picking up a client at the Airport. Picking up a friend

C Going to a party with friends.

Extreme A Visiting Family for an Emergency. 4:00 +

B Attending a business-conference in 6 hours away. Facility Visit

Driving back from summerhouse, after two weeks C of vacation with the family (2+2). COming back from roadtrip

Fall 2016 - Design Core 39 Short Trip Scenario, 5-30min Scenario A - Single Person - Getting Groceries

Present Time

1. Make grocery list 2. Fetch wallet, 3. Get in the car 4. Drive to store 5. Park the car 6. Get out of the car 7. Buy Groceries keys, phone etc.

8. Carry groceries 9. Pack groceries in car 10. Get in the car 11. Drive home 12. Park the car 13. Get out of the car 14. Bring groceries in to car


1a. Make grocery 2a. Order groceries 3. Wait for groceries - do 4. Notifed by phone 5. Bring groceries in list something productive when car is close

1b. Smartfridge creates 2a. Confrm order order for you and that you will be available to recieve the food

Fall 2016 - Design Core 40 Short Trip Scenario, 5-30min Scenario B - Business - Going to Work

Present Time

1. Fetch wallet, keys, 2. Get in the car 3. Drive to Work 4. Park the car 5. Get out of the car phone, documents etc.


1. Fetch docs etc. 2. Get in the car 3. Prepare for work, 4. Get out of the car read news, chill etc.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 41 Short Trip Scenario, 5-30min Scenario C - Mutiple People - Driving Kids to Activities

Present Time

1. Get kids ready 2. Fetch wallet, 3. Ensure kids are 4. Get in car 5. Drive to activity 1 6. Find parking 7. Get out of the car keys, phone etc. safe + bring gear

8. Take kid 1 to 9. Get back in car 10. Drive to activity 2 11. Find parking 12. Get out of car 13. Take kid 2 to 14. Get back in car entrance entrance

15. Drive home 16. Park Car 17. Get out of car


1. Get kids ready 2. Set destinations 3. Ensure kids are safe 4. Get notifed when kids arrive, or check in -car cam to see what they are up to.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 42 Medium Trip Scenario, 30min-1:15hr Scenario A - Single Person - Having Car Serviced

Present Time

1. Schedule service 2. Fetch wallet, 3. Get in the car 4. Drive to service 5. Park the car 6. Get out of the car 7. Speak with rep keys, phone etc.

8. Bus, taxi or walk home.


1. Car notifes 2. Confrm 3. Rep notifes you with 4. Notifed by phone about service appointment costs when car is done

Fall 2016 - Design Core 43 Medium Trip Scenario, 30min-1:15hr Scenario B - Business - Picking up Client at Airport

Present Time

1. Fetch wallet, keys, 2. Get in the car 3. Drive to Airport 4. Park the car 5. Get out of the car 6. Walk to terminal 7. Meet client phone, documents etc.

8. Walk to parking 9. Pack luggage in car 10. Get in the car 11. Drive to meeting 12. Park the car 13. Get out of the car 14. Walk to meeting w. luggage

Future or Present Time With Dedicated Driver

1. Fetch docs etc. 2. Get in the car 3. Prepare for meeting 4. Get out of the car 5. Meet client 6. Get in the car 7. Socialize/Work

8. Get out of the car 9. Attend meeting

Fall 2016 - Design Core 44 Medium Trip Scenario, 30min - 1:15hr Scenario C - Mutiple People - Going to a Party

Present Time

1. Fetch wallet, 2. Get in car 3. Pick up friends 4. Drive to party 5. Find parking 6. Get out of car 7. Walk to party. keys etc.


1. Get in car 2. Set destinations 3. Effortlessly pick up 4. Get out of car 7. Walk to party. guests

Fall 2016 - Design Core 45 Extreme Trip Scenario, 4hr + Scenario A - Single Person - Family Emergency

Present Time

1. Fetch wallet, 2. Get in the car 3. Drive to service 4. Get rest. 5. Continiue Driving 6. Park the car 7. Get out of the car keys, phone etc.


1. Get in car. 2. Set destination 3. Call loved ones.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 46 Extreme Trip Scenario, 4hr + Scenario B - Business - Attending Business Conference

Present Time

1. Fetch wallet, keys, 2. Get in the car 3. Drive to conference 4. Have a break 5. Drive to conference 6. Park the car 7. Get changed phone, documents etc.

8.Attend conference. 9. Pack luggage in car 10. Get in the car 11. Drive home.

Future or Present Time With Dedicated Driver

1. Fetch docs etc. 2. Get in the car 3. Prepare for conference 4. Get out of the car 5. Meet clients 6. Get in the car

Fall 2016 - Design Core 47 Extreme Trip Scenario, 4hr + Scenario C - Mutiple People - Returning from Vacation

Present Time

1. Pack car. 2. Fetch wallet, 3. Get in car 4. Drive to home. 5. Swap drivers. 6. Uncomfortable 7. Wait. keys etc. passenger


1. Get in car 2. Set destinations 3. Sit down and relax

Fall 2016 - Design Core 48 Moodboard - Small Apartment

Fall 2016 - Design Core 49 Moodboard - Future Furniture

Fall 2016 - Design Core 50 Moodboard - Tiny Office

Fall 2016 - Design Core 51 Moodboard - Stylish Interior

Fall 2016 - Design Core 52 Photoshop Prototypes

Fall 2016 - Design Core 53 Continental Autonomous Developers http://www.continental-corporation.com/www/presspor- tal_com_en/themes/press_releases/1_topics/fairs_events/ - Index pr_2016_03_31_building_blocks_automated_driving_en.html Codha Primary http://www.cohdawireless.com

Comma comma.ai Covisint [email protected] https://www.covisint.com/blog/autonomous-vehi- IX cles-what-are-the-security-risks/ Delphi Media Contact: Kristen Kinley Autotalks [email protected] http://www.auto-talks.com/v2x-solution-architected-auton- +1.248.836.0952 (offce) omous-driving-its-america/ Contact Part 1 +1.248.535.3930 (mobile http://www.delphi.com/delphi-drive Cisco http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_us/about/ac79/docs/ Bosch ccer_report_manufacturing.pdf 4009 Miranda Avenue, 2nd Floor Palo Alto, CA 94304 Telephone: +1 650-320-2900 DMV Lobby: +1 650-852-2266 https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/autonomous/ disengagement_report

Ford Research and Innovation Centre 3200 Hillview Avenue, Otto Emails and Phone Calls Palo Alto, CA 94304 [email protected] MobilEye ••••••••• Nvidia http://www.nvidia.ca/object/drive-px.html Zoox 1. Autonomous Developer Index 2. Autonomous Car Comp. Index Cruise 3. Autonomous Developer Contact 4. Autonomous Car Comp. Contact Secondary Uber https://help.uber.com/h/81409131-19fd-4714-99d7-51c8e- a97647c

Lyft 855-865-9553 [email protected]

15.10.2016 QNX http://www.qnx.com/solutions/industries/automotive/driv- er_assistance.html?lang=de

Fall 2016 - Design Core 54 EXT 19 Maria xx Secondary Autonomous Car Company EXT 21 Bjorn 805 340 3082 -- X EXT 24 Bengt Honda advanced design studio - Index Fax: 805-388-1403 Los Angeles Center 1900 Harpers Way Faraday Future Torrance, CA 90501-1528 18455 S Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90248 Designworks BMW https://hondainamerica.com/r-and-d/#facilities Phone - 424.276.7616 2201 Corporate Center Dr Press - [email protected] Newbury Park, CA 91320 General inquiries - [email protected] TEL: +1 805.499.9590 Acura design centre Studio Director: Laura Robin http://world.honda.com/design/designstudio/studio8/index. Tesla Erik Goplen html 3203 Jack Northrop Ave Facebook Honda research and development americas inc Hawthorne, California 90250 Linkedin Honda North America | 1919 Torrance Boulevard | Torrance, Phone +1 310-219-4600 Sandy Simmons EXT 0 CA 90501 | Media Contacts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tesla-Design-Stu- 310) 783-2000 dio/432559433455540 [email protected] Volkswagen audi design centre Corporate Secretary Volkswagen Group of America Five axis Tesla Motors 2772 Donald Douglas Loop N 7612 Woodwind Drive 3500 Deer Creek Road Santa Monica, California 90405 - USA Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Telephone: 310-664-4900 Phone: 714.842.9677 United States Fax: 714.842.9607 Space X - +1 310 363 6000 XXX Email: [email protected] Board Members Toyota Calty Design http://www.fveaxis.net/contact-us/ http://ir.tesla.com/contactboard.cfm 2810 Jamboree Rd Elon Musk Newport Beach, California 92660 Twitter @elonmusk Phone +1 949-759-1701 Chip Foose Design inc Kimbal Musk http://www.chipfoose.com/ws_display.asp?flter=Over- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimbal haulin_Season_6_Impala Brad W. Buss Mercedes -Benz Robyn M. Denholm [email protected] Ira Ehrenpreis Phone: (408) 991-6200 Aria group Antonio J. Gracias 309 N Pastoria Ave http://www.aria-group.com Steve Jurvetson Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Elons Addresses General Motors Design Studio Karma (Fisker) Automotive 954 Somera Road 5350 Biloxi Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601, United States https://www.karmaautomotive.com Los Angeles, CA 90077 Phone:+1 818-752-6613 953 Somera Road Los Angeles, CA 90077 Huyndai desgn and engieneering center 10911 Chalon Road General Motors Design Studio http://www.hyundainews.com/us/en/media/document- Los Angeles, CA 90077 5350 Biloxi Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601, United States text/32873 10930 Chalon Road Phone:+1 818-752-6613 Los Angeles, CA 90077 [email protected] 10947 Chalon Road Nissan design america Los Angeles, CA 90077 Address: 9800 Campus Point Dr, San Diego, CA 92121, United Mazda Design Americas States Volvo monitoring and concpet center http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller/2016/01/04/a- Phone: +1 858-457-4400 Volvo Car Corporation driverless-car-mazda-says-why-take-all-the-fun-out-of- Hours: Closing soon · 9AM–5PM 700 Via Alondra it/#4092059b3473 Camarillo, California 93012 - USA https://www.mazdausa.com/contact-us Telephone: 805-388-0399 Mailing Address Kia design centre EXT 12 Cleeve Mazda North American Operations PO BOX 19734 Irvine, CA EXT 17 Chris 92623 (Please put to attention production team)

Fall 2016 - Design Core 55 X Mid-Term Video

Midterm Presentation ••••••••••

1. Storyboard from video. 2. Revised feature list.


Fall 2016 - Design Core 58 2.2. Sharing is caring. Features The car unlocks and operates with RFID, so you can 4. Enjoy the ride. approve people to drive your car, making it easy to get When designing an electric autonomous car, you are 1. Meet SeDriC, the Self Driving Car! around for you and your family or friends. opening up for a lot of new ways to interpret constru- Driving shouldn’t be a waste of time. Considering citon and layouts. the fact that the car and its functions has remained 2.3. Independent Insurance. 4.1. Doors mostly the same since its inception a bit more than a Who’s responsible in an accident? By tailoring your 4.2. No dashboard century ago, SeDriC utilizes the great opportunitnes insurance to you as a person and not the car, you get 4.3. Seats that arise without the necceisity of a driver oriented exactly what you pay for. 4.4. Motion sickness dashboard, ftting better into we relate to cars in a 4.5 Isolation more modern time. 2.3. CAReSHARE - The future of carsharing. What if your car can pay itself off? Choose to car- 5. It’s still a car, just better. 1.1. SeDriC is selfdriving. share your car for anyone, or pre-approved people so Selfdriving, or Autonomous Cars are cars that have that you can get back on your investment. the ability to navigate on normal roads with little to no human interaction. The classifcation of autonomous 2.3. Car-Service? cars are set by the “Society of Automotive Engineers” The car selfmonitors, and asks for your permission (SAE), where a level 4 Autonomous car can drive itself to go get checked out when youre at work. You only without any controllers for the passengers to interact approve the work when prompted. with. 2.4. Spending more time with the people you care for.

1.2. SeDriC is super effcient. You can more effciently structure your daily routine by not being dependent on the location of your car, 3. Safety being worried about maintenenace, which leaves you The biggest concern of autonomous cars is un- with using while not using your car. doubtetly safety! Assuming working technology, these are additional features. 1.3. SeDric is safe. Emerging technologies allow for reiterations of cars 3.1. Car pedestrian Communication use and construcion, allowing for a safer environment. Displaying the cars recognition of elemnts on roof. Displaying crosswalk radar. Feedback 1.4. SeDriC is sustainable. Pedestrian Airbags Car-sharing means less cars on the roads. Automatic Clearer Direction. High Budget Film. Interesting Preventative Maintenance (APM) means less time and 3.2. Slow down! Topic. Popular Topic. A bit promo video, needs more money spent to keep your car running. Less accidents The element of speeding is greatly reduced with sophistication. Impact of self-driving cars, Society, means better conditioned cars, and less waste of self-driving cars. We still want driving cars to be Environment. Decreasing cons of self driving cars. broken parts. fun, so the glass front and rear increase perception Interior environment, or entertaining system? How of speed, as well as its really scenic to keep things to prototype? What is the problem space? Clear and interesting. nice concepts. Like the Style. How will you go about Factors influence the feeling of speed? achieving the ideals? Physical or rendered? Refne 2. Autonomous Opportunities. Allows for slower cruising speeds your deliverables. Why is it important you? Are you If you could have an extra hour every day, what would What speeds kill? creating an experience? What opportunities do you you do with it? have to differentiate from current or proposed market 3.3. Supporting confdence in self-driving cars offerings? Who is your target market? Add your own 2.1. It will take you anywhere, with or without you. Feeling safe. Optionally actively displaying the cars material. Keep the luxurious atmosphere. What differ- This means grocery shopping, picking someone up, perception of the road on the glass, all around the car. entiates your project from the established automak- driving you and your partner to work and parking does 3.4. ers. Does this mean yours can’t be fun? not require your time or attention.

Fall 2016 - Design Core 59 Letters Mailed Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America Mr. Elon Musk co. Design & Autonomous Driving Department 10911 Chalon Road 309 N Pastoria Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90077 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 United States of America United States of America

10930 Chalon Road co. Design Department Los Angeles, CA 90077 2250 Rutherford Road XI United States of America Carlsbad, CA 92008 United States of America 10947 Chalon Road Los Angeles, CA 90077 co. Research Department Contact Part 2 United States of America 4747 N Channel Avenue Portland, OR 97217 953 Somera Road United States of America Los Angeles, CA 90077 United States of America Nissan Design America co. Design Department 954 Somera Road 9800 Campus Point Drive Los Angeles, CA 90077 San Diego, CA 92121 United States of America United States of America

Faraday Future Tesla Design Studio co. Design Department 3203 Jack Northrop Avenue Pending Responses 18455 S Figueroa Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 Los Angeles, CA 90248 United States of America United States of America • Volvo Monitoring and Concept Centre Five Axis co. Design Department co. Design Department 700 Via Alondra 7612 Woodwind Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 United States of America United States of America Volkswagen Group of America Honda Research and Development Americas co. Volkswagen Audi Design Centre co. Design Department 2772 Donald Douglas Loop N 1919 Torrance Boulevard Santa Monica, California 90405 Torrance, CA 90501 United States of America United States of America

Mazda North American Operations co. Production Team PO BOX 19734 Irvine, CA 92623 26.10.2016

Fall 2016 - Design Core 60