Initial Document Template
AGENDA PART A ITEM Report of: Development Manager Date of Committee: 6th December 2007 Site address : Leggatts Campus, Leggatts Way Ref. no.: 07/01268/FULM Description of development: Redevelopment of site, comprising 248 dwellings (172 2- bed flats, 17 3-bed houses and 59 4-bed houses) a neighbourhood centre, public open space and associated parking and landscaping Applicant: George Wimpey North Thames Ward: Leggatts Date received: 25.9.07 13 week date (major): 25.12.07 ________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY The proposal includes the redevelopment of the former Leggatts Campus site, comprising 248 dwellings (172 2-bed flats, 17 3-bed houses and 59 4-bed houses) a neighbourhood centre, public open space, a Locally Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) and associated parking and landscaping. The existing buildings on the site are to be demolished to make way for the new scheme. The proposal was advertised in the Watford Observer, signs placed around the site and neighbour letters sent out to all adjoining occupiers. The application was also referred to statutory, internal and external consultees, with a majority of the responses containing G 1 objections or concerns. There remain outstanding concerns in relation to highways, arboriculture, archaeology, urban design, crime prevention, drainage, noise, playing fields, flooding and ecology. In general, the proposed layout of the site is not considered to address the draft planning brief for the site, and neither does it follow sound planning principles with regards to the relationship between buildings, spaces and movement. The proposed tenure of units in the division between affordable housing and open market is unacceptable and does not comply with either Council or national policies.
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