The WdBthMT ATwragc iMfly Nat PraM R«a FCncaat af V. B. Weatete For Ui» WMk Bodad s Auguat 1, 1964 Okwdy, waraMT toaIgMii. Ala.18 ehaaea o t she wen. Iww MM* ii^ 1 3 , 7 0 8 SUghMy waneer toasavreWo llaittitar ot tha Audit aaar 80, Buraan of Oiroulattoa HmnthmaUr-^A City o f ViUago Chmrm

MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1964 VOL. LXXXm, NO. 259 (SIXTBBN PAOE8) Events In State Legislature Begins Miishaps Claim 3 During Weekend rm By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | J Fire, water and traffic Redistrict Session claimed three lives in Con­ necticut over the weekend. In addition, a Hartford man was kiUed in a highway acci­ Speech Made dent in Maine and a Westport auxiliary policeman died of in­ juries suffered a week ago. By Dempsey In Stamford, Mrs. 'V iolet (Jlanfagllone, a 48 - year - old widow, died Sunday in a fire At Opening that swept her six-room house. A t Cedar Lake in Bristol, HARTFORD (AP) — Donald Cyr, 29, tried to re- trteve a'water ski Sunday, fell Gov. John N. Dempsey to­ out of hlfl boat and drowned. day urged the General As­ Cyr, a Bristol resident and fa­ sembly to reapportion itself ther of four, did not know how with “ statesmanship, ord«r to swim. In Milford, a Stolen car and dispatch." swerved across the Conn. Tpke. He said the job would not .Tha Defense Department in Washington relfe6^ this Saturday and smashed head-on be an easy one and Indicated into a ^e truck. The driver of that he expected It would take Navy Destro^r U.S.S. Maddox, which was attacked by PT boats off North the car, Clyde Davis Jr., 24, of several weeks. Viet Nam yesUrday. (AP Photofax.) Bridgeport, was killed. The Governor told the legis­ A ■ The truck driver, 49-ysar-old lators that It Is "our duty to Howard B. Boulton of Milford, accomplish this transition as Response Underscores U.S. Policy suffered a broken hip and an- our own free act and deed, kle. through the deliberate exerclsa A t KUot, Maine, Joseph Da­ of the legislaUve and executive vila of Hartford was killed Sun­ authority entrusted to you and day night when a car veered to me by the people of Con­ Destroyer Routs o ff Rt. 286 and struck a tree. necticut.” The driver, Leo K. Hart, 30, "We do not want this job o f Somersworth, N. H., who done for us,” he said. "W e was also kUled, had tried to must do it ourselves — fur pass a car driven by his broth­ Ourselves end for our feUow Viet PT Assault er, Jerry O. Hart of Kittery, citizens who have given us Maine, police said, but collided this kuthority In the full confi­ with the other car and then dence that we will use it in WASHINGTON (A P )— A tough response by U.S. swerved off the road. whatever manner the publie Navy guns to a North Vietnamese PT boat attack hM In Westport, Aldo Santinl. g ^ requires.” spoken louder than words of American determination to 47, died Saturday of injuries The Governor delivered the suffered July 28. Santinl was speech, which lasted about 10 curb the Communists in Southeast Asia, officials said on the Westport police launch minutes, at the openhm o f h ^>ecial session of the General today. uppeured to c lu i the Incident trying to help pull a sailboat off a sandbar when a winch Assemibly to realign the State This was in the thinking of long with other instances in Washington strategists as they came loose and struck him on Senate and House. w h l^ U.S. air or ground forces Dempsey said: ‘T oday "ws weighed whether to write Hanoi in South Viet Nam and Laos the head. a formal diplomatic note com­ begin several weeks of Intense have fired back when fired on. and sustained effort. IxMig plaining of Sunday’ s assault on Authorltes said the destroyer, To Support Barry the U.S. destroyer Maddox. hours o f hard work are ahead. like other U.S. forces helping STAMFORD (AP)—"There's I respectfully invite the lead­ According to the Navy, the the South Vietnamese campaign Maddox was on patrol in inter­ plenty of room under the big ers ot both houses and both po­ Republican tent for everyone," litical parties to meet with me national waters about SO miles (See Pago Btaven) off the North Vietnamese coast GOP senatorial nomlntee John in my office ss soon today's when throe unmarked PT boats Lodge said at a Republican business permits so that we Attack on Maddox took may get on with the Jeb.” , place in Gulf of Tonkin opened fire with lrtT>edOS8 knd Club duthu! yaaterdsy- 37-mlUimeter cannon. Congreeiinan Ahner W. Sl- The special session rsceeaed some 30 ’ miles off The Maddox prompUy coun­ V ie t r C b ir ^ bal, vrtio also underscored the Gov. Dempsey speaks as General Assembly opens special session on r^ istn ct- I immediately after the govem- North Viet Nam coast. tered with its own guns and need for vihlty in the i>arty, said ing. (Herald photo by PmtQ.), ; I oTg imssd i until 4 p.m., when it (AP Photofiut.) •eaUed in four Jeto from the air­ he'tf^'suM ^ the TOP ticket is ela ted that the s

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igAwr.Hiy TOft in ^ lN G HBBAIJ)^ M A N C H PT ^ OONN^ MOITOAY, AUGUST 1,

Uvad far too long and wtpto^tor too much, and It would b t difS* SKemwbld on Events Events eult to feel axritod about a Affiw! FaJse*Sseik poam from Ua latar yean. Bdt Democrats Plan T h a ‘Barbery tiea* la_a TALK ONLT IF TOP ,O f f In Nation In World pletoly unknown work from Ua OfpBOVll THE SnUBNOE Senior AU Stars Capture Harvest Dance Fit BeatUifuttj! greataat yaara.” By ALBRED SBOBINWOU) \ ■ WAY Natioaal MeaTs LISBON, Porti«al (AP) — An Bolton Democrate wlU hold WABHmOTON (AP) — ABan JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - - Team Obamploa W. Dulles said Sunday that as a Tha afatth wade oC ptoygrouhd sleetrle toeomottva plowed into State Litde League Title their third annual harvest ball A m SH ^enua Mseovory^ •Cmskkm Crip*^ m Jt I HEABD IT” Tha Nethertanda haa iwopened AB of iw taDc too much. We loo se denturru toehold result M President JMm F. Ken­ aettvitiaa oonductod by tha rac- toe rear at • paaaengar train the dobir far a majbr flow of October 24 at the-Roeemount nedy’s assassination Amaricana teU people what tiiey already 'been gnqphlcally pointed out to nation department has bean aaar - Santaram earto today. Dutch gooda and aervioea to Bi- Comlqg from behind wRto Restaurant on Rl. 86. hy John Gruher abould demand that Uielr ]»reei- Railway offlciala said 86 per- donesla by ektendlag |27,6M,000 know or, pafhapa, what they three runs In the seventh (final) figures prepared by the Hous­ Alter ym n at. meerch.------.. —m a------im sc4-1. o t af mbs onto dents be fully protected from flnlahed. Again it rained on would prefer to find out for . South Windaor’a Senior ing Division of tho State Pub­ William Androlevich, chair­ sntoliaiJrrto^eiwBM lfa^jMjw fSeteethtetoniontoSl aone were hurt. to amtort eradtta for 1966. bMiaaily. Cuemom crowds. Wednesday evsnlng, waahlng It was tha third mlahap to Dutch ForeMm Mlniater Jo- tbemselvee. NaturaUy, I’m re­ Little League All-Stan adgad lic Works Dept. man tor the tMrd year, aaid he way to aMksf& Dulles, former head of the Wlndsted, 6-6, Saturday at the The town, according to the planned to inVlte Democrats fri(y—«op looMoeM, AtepteA coutoure ef moo'^ out the special event, wMch sight days on tbe privately Luna annoimoad tha agraa ferring to bridge players at the tag, relieve eore epote videc beantiM — . i .. -rr—- Central Intelligence Agency and owned Portuguese Railway Co. high school field to capture the division, increased its peroent- from the 18 towns in the Tol­ —wUkaui a member of the Warren Oom- waa a dog ahow. mart upon hia departure Sun­ bridge taMe, ance these obe^ aga of housing — unit growth meew. old-fiMdoaed peUee, pcwdeia Tha toumamant ec the week Baghty-nlne ptoaona we Tatiana wouiSn’t ba trua of otto. ■tats champlonsMp of this new land County Democratic Aheo- Mid pedet It’i COMOOX Oair---eine»- Don Otovannl, win mUston investigating Kennedy’s day after a week’s vlatt to mdo- faster than any other town in ' H m W W Pt IMM e t '‘OpuB-^ranfinc waa a Roly-Poly Conteat, and kiUed in the derailment of a neaia. RMationa betwean tbe hassball activity. elation. ioc new eoft, pliable plaatfc AM scarcely believe his eyas and death, said that a president crowdsd pasaanger oar near The locate automati^y Hartford Cknmty bebween 1661 To Soe Game bride fake teeth miu la e deabct e Oarmany'* laa4inc P«rt- should be surrounded by Secret tha follow^ winnera: Netberlanda and BtdonaalA A and December at 1668. mrid, throogh eootnlng euctlon— odlcal dadtcatad to opara and when he encounters these Bowera, Bob Rivara; Varplanok, Oporto July 26. One person was Nolther Side vulnerable gained a berth in the New Eng­ Boye 11 to 16 years old in s. me artists k t the Met.” Service men and should ride to hurt in a similar accident near former DntMi colony, were i land Tournament wMch opens Housing unite totaled 8,890 the baseball program will go to fit propeily nnra. CumoN Our a WUat, oontaina a acathtnc artt- an armored car during puMlc Lola Steely, Bobby Welbh, Ruth stored tost year after a long Opening lead -— (Jueen in______DeoemMr 1068, representing agate. Rank k, yon <------itali,r..—, teuA ^ ' ThU is all too true. As Mr. Chatel; Nathan Halt, Sheryl Outmaraesjunday. Hearta. AH tbss Friday at Providence, RJ. Yankee SUdlum Sept 12 to see •at Miythtaf wiumt dkMafort or raUan worn d eon m ala by Herat Koacler titled, Koegler points out, the Met has appearances. dilute ovar former Dutch New South Windsor led Saturday’s an increase of 39 per cent over New York play MhmesoU. aniberreniiieatl oatr $100 ea conbr— Fairfield, Cheryl Brookshear, CK&ea, now Weet trian. Weet opened the QUM U the 2,638 total reported by the Oat new CoamoN Obit todiASM ••m»a Met — K Slnger’B CSrcua?” become a platform for vocal ex-' There should also be as little Oierie ClanfagHone; also, in th# MOSCOW (AP) — MongoUa beerte, and South won with tha ____ rtU d otto aofrump to title game, played before a Boys who wish to go ehouid get CiMHioN Oair k eaw to SM toctfcxi gntramaad or moMp oocK. In view ot the Met'a worldwide advance notice aa possible at has condemned Red China’s po- Luna aald ha and Indonesian crowd at about 1,000, until tha UB. Census Bureau In I960. In touch with thedr managera. teg to Mix or meaeure! Simply hibltlonism. He doesn’t inquire younger age 6-10 at Nathan Foreign Minister Subandrlo had aca. TMs falsecard fOMod no­ ■bow a "■iwtwium qpsotog Md. Second in the county was taputation, the editor* of the as to the reason. But Siegfried where a president U going to be Hale, winners were Carol Kny- Utical war against tbe Soviet body. Bast knsw that Ms part- If West kept ^ of hia dla- top at the seventh when Wlnsted In baseball Friday W h ite Apwdwref Bhcaslna presented It with a when he leaves tiie WMte Union and strongly urged an raaehed "a meetli« of minds” took a 64 lead. Stmebury, with an faiereaee of Glam defeated Fiano Realty MelcMnger in his article about bel, Chris Brookshear, Michael on a variety of iterae to be at- n e ^ would have Iwl t ^ t o ^ b monda, tha dafsodara would get 24.6 per cent note indttcatln( that they thought Salzburg has the answer; it ap­ House, Dulles said. Falco, Stephanie Knybel; Green, early meeting of the world’s ona mad# and tour dtamonds. Stove Caaavant opened the 9-7. Burr Tomlinson and Sam Dulles was interviewed on a potted to Indonesia. hia salt wera beaded Herr Kbegler was somewhat plies to the Met and other Jean Brown, DelAy Sousa; Communist parties to discuss West frit aura that South would U W sst thought bsfoca he home seventh with a and Maaeheetor Eventag HeraM Bastaiaehe pitched for the win­ aegattve in Ms remarks and MetropoUtan Broadcasting Co. Buckley, Ellen Nasslff, Jim tbe Moacow-^king struggle. after an out, Ron DeKkmti fol- ners; Donald Roser and Bob world-famous opera houses as radio -television program, refuse the find trick if be had ■poke, ba would work out the South Windsor oorreepoadeut. oddly at variance with accepted well as to Salzburg. In bis turn, Tomko; Charter Oak, Michele Pravda, the Soriet Commun­ only on# heart trick. Batura'of tha South hand and lowad suit. Thaas two worked a Joan Cohan (eabetitato) tale- Henry pltchc''- trr Fiano. evaluation of this company; ‘Opinion in the Capital.” Bucclno; Waddell, Cindy Wm - ist party newspaper, puhUahed South lod out the SCO of ohihe aaa tha importanea of keoplng douMe steal and pinch-Mtter Briefs Herr Melchlngcr says: Referring to Prudent John­ the Mongolian attack, wMch Chapt^ to Hear phoae 644-12S2. Bevartheleas they felt he was a "Salzburg haa become a maaa dych, Deniae Reopell. Robert- and lad a spade to dummy’s all of tha diamonda. ■wu a John McCormick drew a walk to Suean and Linda Tomaazew- m wan-grmmded, critical observer son, Dulles said he waa not aa ton, Donna Kodes, Kathy Bry­ waa made in a letter June 12 to to return the Jack at bridga playar most ttdiik be- load, the bases. Jim Juknls ■ki of South Rd. are on the Ran­ etui presented his article for die* attraction because it was for- much concerned about Jobn- the Chinese Comunlst party. Talk Wednesday grounded to third and whan the RMrly an artistic event. Saltz- ant, Marolyn Oourtright . Bast playad low, sM tore ho speaks. ger Andy ahow today. aBaBMn. ' son's practice of Inviting groups Inter - playground aoftbaB It was the sharpest ann-CM- South foBowad with a low club Dally Haesfisu ‘ infielder firqd home Icm: a force $17,000 Sought The aelectmen will meet to­ u 8o I’m going to discuss it, burg will no longer be a mass of tourists for walks around tha nese statement ever made hy Beta Pbl eampua ebaptor of a out, the throw drew the catcher scored o followtt WftddftU 6| P artasr epeaa wUh 1 MT (16 night a t 7 In the town offices. and perhaps you will discuss my attraction when H is no longer WMte House grounds because to take the fineeee. Bowen 8 ; Roberteon 7, Buck- the Mongolians. FU Delta Kappa, an liitsniar Weet had n o more ehibe and to IS pelnto), and Ma next off the i ^ t e and a ecored, In Crash Suit The public building commission dIseuBsion, which Is getting an artistic event.’’ He oomplains ‘they’re spontaneous, and not The statement accused tha the baeee remaining filled. WORLD GREEN of a lowering of standards due ley 6; Charter Oak 8, Veralanck tu ia i meu’a aducatiotial ae- tberafore had tbe opportunity player paeaes. Tou held: will meet tonight at 8 In the con­ things rather diluted, but in any announced.” 2; Valley 11, Charter Oak 6; Chineae of seeking to spUt the to do some talUng. He prompt- l^adeo, 7-6A; ■earta, M-16-9- An attempted bunt raaultod ference room of the town of­ event parhape some good will to an influx a t masa-tourism, world Communist movement aociatioB, WiU hoM a aummor in tha second out but plnch-hlt- A Stonington man, on behalf eome it Oddly enough, the WASHINGTON (AP) — Six Waddell 11, Buckley 1; Ver^ meeting Wodneaday at 12:W Iv etonaled with the seven of 2; Dtomonda, K-7-6 6; Chiba, A at himself and hie two minor fices. at and a eonaequsnt change In the planck 2, Weet Side 0. The and take over leaderaMp from ___ londs to let Bast know that What do you oagrT ter Larry Garner and leadoffer same issue of the same maga* character of the mMic. Republican senators, beaded by the Soviet party. p.m. at Um Hooaetonle Room Mike SulUvan drew walks that ■one, is suing four local reei- Bine has another article by a New Yoric’s Jacob K. Javlts, atandingB to date are Southern there was dlamand strength to Answer: Bid two bsarts. dente tor $17,000 in an action Manchester Evening HeraM As hi oorreot^ points out, League. Verplanck 6-2; Charter to the Oommona BaDdlng at the the West hand. Gams ia very unllkriy unless forced In tbe tying and winning ariring from a Westerly, R.I., Bolton xirreapondeat, Olame- STAMPS ditterant author, titled "Sals- the puMIc did not change Um plan to offer a health cars pro­ CALCUTTA, India (AP) — runs. wril Young, telephone 648-898L burg —A Tragedy?” In wMch posal for peraons over M when Oak 4-8; VaUey 8-8; Weat Side New violence in northeast Na- University of Oonneetteut A perfect sxampls of talking partner has 18 points and a car accident last August. Senior Scout Eric Ellison, 14, enters data on condition of •* 5 urtlatle stJidarda a t SaUbuig; 2-8; Nathan Hale 1-4. Northeni’ In a pubUc talk at 1:16 p.m. too much. West had used up fins fit tor hearts. Maks the RicMe Griswold, who faced The defendants are Mrs. Dora atreet elgn at (Jheatnut and Church Sts., as Highway De­ Via worid-Camous Austrian fes­ the managamsnt changed them he Senate Finance Committee giUand has chiled hopes for a only one batter, (and etnick him tival fitM a going-over. I m l^it, taken up Uu; Houae-paaaed So­ Lnague, WaddeU 6-1; Bowera truce between tbe Indian army Dr. Aim Isaacs, eKoeutiva sae- the aetUng trick Just to give hia minimum response and aatUe C. Jorgensen, owner of one of partment Superintendent Ernest J. Tureck and Scout­ FINAL INSULT n to eonfostn with a ehangad pub­ 6-1; Robertaon 2-4; Green 2-4; retary of tha National Aaaocia- partner unnscessary informa- tor a part acora unlaaa partner out) was the winning pitcher. the care Involved In the head-on master Carl Gustafson look on. (Herald photo by Oflara.) ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — Bur­ bi my turn, vrrlte a place titled lic. U m Met suffers from tbe cial Security bUl — probably and rebel tribesmen waging Dennis Qitigley worked the first Scouts Check '’Bayrauth — A OaUstroi^e?” Tuesday. Buckley 1-6. guerrilla war tor independence. tion of CHfted Chlldroa. wIB tloa. can make a further move. crash; Brian G. HemiCton, a mi­ glars who stole a service eta- same eort at audience and the meak on "Tiie CHfted CUCd in Only Ibree Dtomonda six and two-thirds frames, nor who was driving the car; tion safe containing about $800 tbougdi I don’t Intend to do so. Tbe proposal would provide Thle week all playgrounda Three persons were reported Litchfield, last year’s state July 30, police said. Hiey re­ Iftifortunately, there is much same sort of managerial thlnk- up to W daya of hospitalisation wlU hold elections. A marshmal­ the Public SchoM.” Declarer continued with an­ For Sheinwold’a 66 page book­ and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ported the break Saturday had no hauling problem. They hdT- Now let ua not decry the killed Saturday and six others The talk wU) be held in Room let, "A Pocket G u i d'o to champ, donated a trophy to the Hugh R. Hamilton of 648 Vernon Street Signs Sweaters Taken also took the etation’e pickup to crtttelse adversley in opera and up to 100 days of nursing low roast will be held on Tues­ injured aln a rebel attack on the other club finesse, capturing winning team while individual night. everywhere, and those houses puhUe. If there were no public day evening and the special 217 in the Ocfmmons Building. the queen with the king. ’Then Bridge,” send 60 cents to St. truck to carry the aafeaway. home care-flnanc^ under So­ Naga capital of Kohima, site of Dr. Isaacs, currently directing awards for both teams were do­ In House Break Police are etlll inveetigatlng wtth the greatest reputations are there would be an opera, no rou- cial Seciuity. It also calla for ovent a t the week on Wednes­ Indian Peace Commission head­ be led the ten of spades for a Bridge Book, M anchester' Eve. The plaintiffe, Georae T. How­ About 20 membere of Boy alc, no drama, no baBet, nor a r­ a workshop for educators at Herald, Box 8818, Grand Central nated by Savitt Jewelers. ard Jr., George T. Howard in recent house breaks at the also Qioae with some of the low-cost private insurance plana day will be a pet ttiow. quarters. Indian troops returned' finesse. This In only the tMrd year of Scout Troop 126 of Emanuel homes of Francis Buckley at greatest faults. Included In the tistic produetlOBB of any aort to cover some other m ^cal The recreation department WUlhnantlc State Teachers Col­ Bast could take tbe queen of Station, New York 17, N.Y. and Winiam J. Hewatd, have at Police are Investigating a — 0 « f m t b Y* fire aa mortar shells fell near lege, win answer quettiens af­ the Senior iJttle League —for tached Mrs. Jorgenaen’a riiare Lutheran Church are on the 622 N. Main St., and John M are La Soala and the Wiener on a acale to which wa have costs. announces that the foBowing the commission headquarters spades but could then get only Copyright 1684, tMrd house break reported to BYancovltch at 44 Perkins St. grown acouatomed. ter the hour’s presentation. Oenenl Featarea Ootp, hoys 18 to 16 — and only the of the property at 38 W. Gard­ last eteges of a town wide sur­ gtaats-<4>era so far as I am Besidos Javlts, sponsors In- boys and glxis have been and In a school compound. three diamond tricks. Tliat second year South Windsor has them during the last three Both families last week were OPEM aoneanied. Definitely Paris and cluda Thomas H. Kucbel, Clif­ ended the defense, since South ner St., which she owns Jointly vey of mora than 1,200 street MORSE WevsrtfaeUss ta g tostltatbto owanled Red O oes OerUfleatee EARTH COLLAPSE participated. The New England with her husband. days. vacationing when the breaks Oovant Qaiden rimuld be num- with prstonthms to vrosM fama ford P. Case, Kenneth B. Keat­ after having passed the requir­ OXFORD, England (AP) — A could easily get fpur clubs, MAURER ENDS TRIP B l^ . occurred. The Francovltch WID m CARLTCNVILLB. South Afri­ PARIS (AP) — Romanian champion will paiticipate in the The writ, filed Friday In the Someone took two girl’s COLLEGE barad biara, too. has a primary doty to uphold ing, Margaret Chase Smith, and ed tesU. CBobe HoUow: (Begin­ literary detective at Oxford Unl- ca (AP) — ’Ihree bouses disap­ three spgdss, and two hearts The survey, being conducted home was ransacked and $6 in John Sherman as long as the defenders could Premier Ion Gbeorgbe Maurer, Atlantic Coast Tournament at town clerk’s office, alleg^es that sweaters, one blue and the oth­ MSrr Koeglsr trandianUy ob- tbs hittMst la arltotlc stand' Coopar. ner's A) WiUlam A. Sacherek, veraitj^haa turned up an unpub­ peared early today in a giant Princeton, N.Y. with the na­ Brian Hamilton was driving the as a titiop project in coopera­ er gray, both valued at $5, cash was stolen, police said. sw I IS and oorasnsuta on a pacu- lished poem attributed to tbe not take five tricks first. the first cMef of a Communist tion with the Town Highway SAT. ards. Unfortmatsly most a t Instiuotor, HMly Franklin, earth collapse near this gold satellite government to visit tional title to be decided later Jorgensen car wlti: a granted from a cellar clothesline during HaiMg ^ ^ which Z tham ars dedloatod to tbe prop- WASHINGTON (AP) — Mrs. Richard Sirlokland, Robin Dem- 19th century English romantic mining town 46 miles southwest Bteat didn’t need to be told authority to do so, and reckless­ Department, te about 86 per 172 TO 174 ^ Lyndon B. Johnson beads west France, returned boms today this month at Loutevllle, Ky. a break Into the home of Rob­ oaoea; yuan have to put up csttton that tt la tbabr duty to ko, Roger and Ann Granger, poet WlUiam Wordsworth.

aad Ml*. Leuta Luda at the C alum hia wta’a oottaga ob m taka, Cavendon-Pitcher ■Tbe Oewdraya kava juat re> Daly'Converse Ferguson-Hahn Deadline Near turaad from ipMidtaft twa yaaif W J l a d i 6 T o n i ^ iB Item aaa. The marriage of MIm Phyllia The marriage of Mlee Lor­ Mr. aad Mra. Beatt raine Ann Pitcher of Manches­ For Scholarship gaar 'driMriB- af Ruth Converse of Bolton to f t ib y ter and Alfred William Cavedon ama, N.T„ ara -ffnadlhg $>»• John Francis Daly Jr. of Man­ AppUoaata far tha annual |60 Television Jr. of WapRlng was eolemnlzed waaka Witk bar p a r a i^ Mr. chester took place Saturday P T A Bobolanhlp Award muat tad Mra. Jamaa Tauag o f R t Saturday morning at S t James’ IT. Fatraquin; known far hu morning at St. Bridget’e in Nam auhmit thalr namaa to the eom- Church. axoaltaBt voira, w ill ba gOaat Church. ‘ The bride Is the daughter of mlttaa no la te than Aug. 21. aololat at the Cofigragattoaal ___Oet A Seem The bride Is the daughter of ^ *ivri Tfim Mr. and Mra. Napoleon A. Pitch­ A candidate miuit be a oltlsaa Church at 10 a.m. w afililft Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Con-' o f tlio U A .; a raaidant o f Colum­ aervloea during his vtait. TiwaUw PUuiMaee er, 76 Scarborough Rd. The W40) WeaeaDfafie (< verse Jr., Clark Rd., Bolton.! bridegroom Is the son of Mr. bia for at laaat four yean; a Mr. aad Mra. Jaasa Oraer of q) xateraaUMal Haas D »«U W ayM t u •« «< Wayn* Sr. ^ graduate of any. high school Woodland Terraco, have his soa Duny Themee The bridegroom Is the eon of | and Mrs. Alfred W. Cavedon CSufc MotmTi **• aroaS St Ha w m bom Ju^ daalgnatad and approved by tha aad wtte. Captain and M n. Jea- OriffHh Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly, 82 Sr., 9 Ridge Rd.. Wapplng. ^^r^eadSta The Rev. Joseph H. McCann rS'??* - ii tk liaadieaur Kameaial HoumtaL Rla maUHiaj fn ^ board of education aa a tuition as Greer of Truex Air Form Peter Oubb Oliver Rd. I an ICr. aad Mrs. C. wTciarlc, ••. Lockwoodlockwood S f t t HiaHli BChool for the education of Baas, Madison, WioooaalB, as 0) mSuerBriaktav I The Deteettvee The Rev. Stanley T. HaetUlo of S t James’ Church performed arc Mr. aad > b «. Joaaph Moraay, *1 Columbia olilldran. Ha muat gueata. ■SM ^ m^^Weet of St. Bridgret’s Church per­ the single ring ceremony and oao aiatar, Kathlaon AUea, 11 months. maintain an average of a t laaat formed the double ring cere­ celebrated the nuptial Mass. • * • • • to par oant throughout aaeond- Maafikaater Bvoalag Harald KtUer ( 0) mony. Bouquets of white gladi­ Bouquets of white gladioli and HMioaa BaUMriM, daugbtar o< Mlcbaal X. and Celaiabla aomopeadeat Vlr- tatereet JS oli and chrysanthemums deco­ pompons decorated the altar. ary aohoollng; poaabaa ({uaUtioa Mewa Sperla m b Bart Maroo, U Vamon Ava., RoolnrlUa. Sba was and oharactarlatlcs deemed da- glata M. Oarioea, — DOUBLE rated the altar. Mrs. Rairmond Given In marriage by her fa­ laer 228-2224. wftftUMr ther, the bride wore a floor- July Id at Maadhaatar Mamorlal Hoapltal. Har matar- airabla to our way of Ufa. (30) Mkll Ordfr IC ^ tt Murphy of Manchester was or­ ■5*B«i5toei*U ara Mr. aad Mn. Oaoiva Bart, VmoA ^SoBigM ( 0) ganist. length gown of white imported AppUeatlona muai. oa aub- French silk mois-de-sole and ■ o r patamal fraadmoUiar la Mrs. UUaaDatli M M ^ -R o c k - 7(18 (IS) taSiiner^HtlbHahu The bride, given In marriage mittod no later than Aug. 81 of W ^eSrta Otaik Chantilly lace, designed with a yfBa. baa ooa brotbar, Michael A. Jr., IB months. U :» (S) Movie by her father, wore a full- each achool year; applioants Tickets Available portrait neckline, lace appliques muat auhmit evidence of ac- t* of Rile; length sheath gown of • nylon I ^ l e r Cbilallaa Iinalaa daughter of Hobart A. aad Oar- (iS) ^*Ten> Tell thettlr^th (O STAMPS and a fitted bodice, elbow-length net over white satin, fashioned eaptanca to an aocraditad In- For Omar Cruise sleeves, a bell-shaped front toate jJ Nlrtiolaon Taylor, 4B Ashworth St. Bha was bora aUtution having a plan of atudy BRE SATtrMDAr^ TV FUR COMPLaTB LUTDia with a bateau neckline, long M y 14 at Hartford Btoapital. Har mataraal graadparrata net sleeves with lace applique, skirt with lace appliques and in the Raid of education; »p- panels, and a pleated carriage am Mr. aad Mn. J. Norman mcholaoa, Waot H artfo^ Her Reservationa 'ara still being lace appliqued bodice, an)l plications must be sent to the a back with a candy box bow, ter­ aatatul graadparoBts are Mr. aad Mrs. Oaorga It Taylor, taken for the Omar Shrine Club cathedral train with lace ap­ Soholanhlp Committee in care Block Island Cruise scheduled minating in a flowing chapel IriiotaBoeSt , , , , , at the principal, George Patroe, EVERY plique down the center. Her Radio train. Her elbow-length bouf­ Sunday. Sept. It. They can ba fingertip veil was attached to Porter School, Columbia. fant veil of Imported silk was j«d l IdTBB, daughter of Walter Jr. aad Bai^ made by mail at 18 Btasell St., ( T t e M t a g tacN d ai only ihoaa naw a l 1 2 a t a white beaded pillbox hat, and The name of the recommend­ attached to a shell headpiece of Upton lalkawlca, ITO Oak St Bha was bora J t^ 1» at checks made payable to the mury atfetr ehoit nawaanala). she carried a white Bible with ed candidate w ill be aubmlttad mlante taagth. Soma orange blossoms. She carried a Memorial H iM U L Har mataraal grjuidpannU Omar Shrine Club. a white orchid. a n Mr. and M n . ItaaortU pton B r^ 4 « to the October PTA meeting. The chartered ship will sail ffBBf^uaa cascade bouquet of white roses tamal gnadparanta an Mr. a ^ Mrs. Waitar Irikawwa, AppUcatlone may be picked up from Point Judith, RJ., at 2:80 I Jobs BBtte ’ fiS Mrs. Peter Beckwith of He­ and stephanotis. at the larlnclpal'a office any a.m. and return to Point Judith |:48 T^ea Btar Itetra bron, sister of the bride, was iVir. and Mrs. George Robert ■aatHartnrr , , , . . time during the week, Monday 7:08 Oeavorsatioa Pioco matron of honor. She wore a at 4:80 p.m. An old-faehloned . 7:iu Nows Cavedon of Manchester, broth­ OaMhy. Aadrmr Marttn. son of Martin T. and 1 1 ^ Lou through Friday, clambake will be served from ■:W Fred Swaasoa Show ^ 7:4$ SIna Along street-length gown of ballerina er and siflter-in-law of the 8:80 Newe, Sporta aad Weether ■;i0 Popo Cmcort pink peau de sole, designed W M rim Daaahy, 14« Chaatnut B t Ha waa bora July 1 « at Baeeball Newa arrival to departure at Ballard's 10;()B Nlghlbeat bridegroom, served as best man th a Oardlnala have ended the Inn at Old Harbor, Block Is­ 7:00 BdwsrdT. Moraea with an A-llne skirt and white and matron of honor, respec­ lltllte r i HoMtaL Hie mataraal graadparanU an Mr. and 7:18 Bd I^ e e Shew 11:00 New* lace jacket with three-quarters- S m David MOTriaon, Tollaad. Hia paternal grandpaia^a baseball aeaaon In flm t place land. 1 m n on 11:16 SpbrU^lTnal tively. h N Mr. and MTa Marttai J. Daaahy, A C^an Dr. Ha Bus transportation, at an ad WMF—Utl 11:80 Art Jotawm Shjg^ length sleeves. She had a The matron of honor wore a 17 for the aecond conseoutive year. FOR YOUR matching pillbox hat with a jS u one brother, Thomas Martin Charlaa 4H;aBdoaaals- diUonal cost, will be provided 8:00 News floor-length gown of Imported The team was managed by Elmil circular face veil, and carried from Manchester to Point Judith 8:90 Radio Oroater Hartfofd French silk organza over nlle Mr. Kim Loutea, TH. , , , , * Malak and Tha Rev. Oaorga 8:45 Lowell Thomas . 13:00 Gerry Gordon ____ a summer straw basket of pink and return for those who do not OUTDOOR BARBEOUE! gfreen taffeta, deslgrned with a Bvans. :00 Now* sweetheart roses and white car­ Chamberlain photo SmyUk Maura Thanaa, daughter of Dr. Ivor Patrlok and want to drive. Reservations for :30 Public AKelri ^ bateau neckline; fitted bodice Tha Red Lags, managed by 8:00 The World Tonight nations. MRS. R O N A L D R. FER GUSON ^Thaoraan Field Bmyth, dl Dale Rd. Bhe was bora Bdward M erritt and John Oro buses w ill be on first come first ?8:16 Life Line RANGt with imported Swiss embroider­ at Manehaatar Memorial Hoi^ltal. Her serve, and must be made by 8:30 Broadway Overture MOTTS "TENDBl-TRIM" Miss Edith Toomey of Bol­ man were aecond; tha White \ M ‘ Miss Sandra E. Hahn of#waistlines and green velveteen ed appliques, elbow -length JatTarakfr. and Mn. H. A. Field, Wisconsin Drils VWa. Sox, with Frita Maeht and Mat­ Aug. 28. Inquiries should be 9:10 Best of Broadway ton was bridesmaid, and Miss sleeves, nile g;reen ribbon sash Her natariml grandparanta are Mr. and Mrs. H i ^ Smytl^ made with the enUse reserva­ 10:16 Mu»lc to Relax By Ellen Converse of Bolton, sis­ RookvUle and Ronald R. Fergu­ sashes with matching appliques. thew Bach aa managers, third 13:16 Sign Off FUEL OIL They wore garlands of spring­ and candy box bow at the waist­ one brother, Colin Patrick, 1; and tions, or with Harold E. Tur- ter of tha bride, was Junior son of West Hartford were low linen suit with black pat­ and tha Yankees, managers, er! as headpieces and each line, and a bell-shaped skirt. dress with a lace bodice, short thraa alatera, Keara, B, Treat, 4. ^ ^ M e g a n , S. klngton, Omar president, at The bridesmaid. Their pink gowns ent leather accessories and a Leonard German and Nathan Merft Cemforf WftarlRQ GASOLINE Loring photo united In marriage at the First carried a single long stem yel­ She wore a bow headdress and jacket and fitted skirt, and Roeen, fourth. Herald or 15 Berkley St.; Rue- CHUCK and hats were s ty M to match carried a colonial bouquet of matching accessories. white orchid. ' I Lutheran Church, Rockville, Wm—Braoa David, son of Richard Isaac and S a ^ n i eell Prentice, 18 Lynch Dr., or MRS. JOHN FRANCIS DALY JR. the matron of honor’s, and they low rose. The fiower girl car­ The teams wound up the sea- Saturday morning, ried a basket of daisies. dusty pink roees and elegance A reception for 150 guests Mrs. Cavedon is a reception­ Roatya Walae Horowlta, M Haael Bt., W ^ ln g. aon with an all star team de­ Thomas Ferguson, 78 Forest St. FALSE TEETH carried similar fiower baskets. was held at the Wethersfield ist-secretary with the Roman Mrs. Olive Toomey of Bolton TTie bride la a daughter of Donald Ferguson of West carnations. July It at M t Blnal Hoapltal. Hia mi^rnal grandparents feating the Lebanmi Red Sox 2-0 and the Herald, who are co- Her* u a ploatant way to overoomo BANTLV OIL Mrs. Fttcher wore a pink silk Country Club. For a trip by Catholic Archdiocese of Hart­ fashioned the attendants’ Mr. and M ra William R. Hahn Hartford, brother of the bride­ ST mt! iid Mra. larari J%r.lm, last week. Jimmy Cross pitched chairman. looao Plata discomfort. ! C'.lMI’ W^l . INC. plane to Aruba In the Nether­ ford, and Mr. Cavedon la ♦Ice an Improved powder, mtlBkled on gowns. of 23 Grant St. The bridegroom groom, served as best man. sheath, and matching acces­ aal graadparanta ara Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Horowlta, waat the whole game and William upper end lower plates holds then is a son of Mrs. Robert Martin sories. The bridegroom’s mother lands Antilles and South Amer- president of Aldon Spinning TMM...... Robinson and Charles Pepin al­ BRIDOB DEADLINE nimer so tbet they feel more oo^ !;, i; \ i\ M i.’iM: I STEAK W ilson-Campbell William. McGrath of Bast Ushers were Gary Gatzen of Mills Corp., Talcottvllle. of West Hartford and the late wore a mist grraen Italian silk lea, Mrs. Cavedon wore a yel­ HARTFORD (AP) — Govl Hartford, cousin oC the bride­ Newington and Farrell R. Hahn ternated catching. ! I I.. Mlltiull !' Lafayette Ferguson. of Rockville, brother of the Patata. Dairdra Lyn, daughter of WllHam Jo*<^ ^ Ed Goellne, chairman of the John Dempsey lays a new groom, served as best man. The double, ring ceremony arty Raya Luclous Patera, • Crown Bt, Hartford. bridge linking New Haven and » ss«rs. IK liiicl. \ i!li Ushers were Peter Beckwith Of bride. • J J Rec CouncU’a baseball program, Tarni today et aav mniB eouater. I waa performed by ttie Rev. W il­ Mrs. Hahn wore a draped silk S^MSSlmtar. Sh..wa.^born »iiLHartf^^Ho^lW . had warm praise for the West Haven should be complet­ Hebron, brother-in-law of the liam Balkan, pastor of the ■i ed by Sept. 6. The old Kimber­ bride; Lawrence A. Converse sheath of periwinkle Mue, and ^______a n umpires and Walter Deptula and First Lutheran Church. Palms Wedding Biardi-XiyHara his grounds committee. He said ley Ave. bridge was suddenly rn of Bolton, brother of the A white accessories. The ssr. anu ------Hartfoca. Slia has the field was in axcallant condi­ closed July 24 when the State bride; and Edward Shea of the cb^roh. ^ Oeco^ted | bridegroom wore brother, Christopher Udwarf, ^ Manchester. a powder blue silk sheath with tion for the whole season. Urn- Highway Department said It The bride, given In marriage matching accessories. Davis - Keeney >ires were Emil Sadlon, John wu no loiter safe. The rioslng Mrs. Converse wore' a light ■' Ohawroa. Bobln EUBabatii. daughUr k by her father, ■wore a full- A fter a reception at the Urn, John Knapp, John Smith, necessitatra the rerouting of CAR LEASING LEAN OROUND OHUOK i. 69^ blue crepe sheath with white length gown of white sUk or­ Haney C. Roaa Cameron, - ElUo Belli, Donrid Nelson, Al­ traffic and brought complaints accessories, and a corsage of Polish American Citizens Club, yma. Mia waa bora July 10 at Bt Francis H o^lW . Her ma- ganza and Brussels lace, fash­ Rockville, the couple left on a exander German, Joseph Pelle­ from businessmen whose estab­ A U MAXIS AND MODELS pink sweetheart roses and car­ ioned with a bateau neckline, tsraal grandparanU are Mr. and tier, Joe Pietrokoweki, James LONDON BROIL 0HUGKl..9S< nations. The mother of the motor trip north. Mrs. Ferguson f^TH arM U iraal grandparanta an l^ . and Mn. Donald R. lishments are located near the elbow length sleeves, a natural wore a floral print silk sheath Robinson and Chrles Bates. For Hm foett and Rgurftt brldeg;room wore a pale tur­ bodice appliqued with a gar­ bridge. with matching beige acces­ '^Danana, waot Hartford^ , , • • quoise lace suit with beige ac­ land pattern, and a column To Consider Budget sories. They will Uve at 35 The board of education meets CALL cessories, and a corsage of yel­ sheath skirt with matching ap­ Oanuir. BSaaltr*- Ann, daughter o f Jamaa C. and Judith low sweetheart roses. Miriam Dr., Vernon, after Aug. Bandlay Oarvay, 4 Devonshire Dr., Darien. Bha bom tonight at the school to act on pliques above the hemline, an the proposed budget for next A reception for 100 guests obi and a removable full court 17. July • at Oraanwlch Hospital. Her maternal gwid^renta CHILD'S MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc was held at the Rosemount Res­ A graduate of Rockville High . A n Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Handley, 27 Robert Rd. Bhe has one year, tentatively set at $821,- train. Her shoulder leng^th 189.00 In July. 801-816 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER—648-5186 taurant, Bolton. For a trip by bouffant veil of silk Illusion School and Central Connecti­ ulstar, M argant Mary, 8%^ , , * The WUUmantic board of edu­ HEALTH plane to Bennuda, .Mra. Daly was^ atfaritra to 2 erown o f or­ cut State College, Mrs. Ferifu- Sale Prices son is a Grade 2 teacher at —— «-«- s Marla, daughter of Capt James Richard and cation has set a ffaura of $828 wore a dark blue sheath dress ganza petals. She carried a sin­ per tuition pupil. Thie la an In- SAND Effective with white accessories. The cou­ gle long stemmed white rose. Skinner Road School, Vernon. Anna Doria Duval Kemble. 102 Nike Orole. She was Mr. Ferguson, a graduate of July 18 at Manchester Memorial Hoapltal. Her matamal craara of $81 par pupil over 1983- Tues. andina vWed.V we a ple will live at Brandy St., Bol- Mrs. Donald Welti of Rock­ M. The tuition rate Is computed W. H. ENGLAND ville wravite juatron of honor. Hall High School la West Hart­ cnuidparenU a n Mr. and M n. Roger Duval. Shlriey, Mass, ford and the University of ^r^item al grandparents an Mr. and Mn. F. Mlshle^ by dividing the operating cost LUMBER C O . Ot>en N iilits by the estimated number of high of ScSSjot Hanson of Elllh^ttn and Miss Hartford, Is employed as an South Band, Ind. She has one brother, Joseph James, IS ‘At the Oreen" 642-6201 Mon. thru Sat. auditor at the Federal Milk months; and ooa alstor. Dawn M ^ a , B. school pupils and adding ten la employed In the tracing de­ Patricia Aborn of Bast Hart­ per cent. This figure, however tiU 9 partment at Pratt and Whitney ford. Miss Darlene Stavens of Market Administrator, Hart­ TWO GREAT DANGERS StaioB Sue, daughter of Clyde IDhnar and Carol ta only an estimate until the end Division, United Aircraft Corp., Rockville was the flower grlrl. ford. Ann Mrilen Patten, Sunset Ter., Vernon. She was bom July of the school year. Laat year, E____ w t______Hartford.______Mr. Daly,^ a 1961 All the attendants wore aisle- tuition towns prid $694 per pupil B TO YOUR EYES graduate of Manchester High length dresses of white linen, A brass-buttoned, white nylon 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand- raincoat serves a double pur­ jitu uju Mr. and- Mrs. Theodoram— V* P. Malian, North Coven*Coven- but as the actual cost la baaed Seafood Department School, Is employed In the meat fashioned with shell necklines, Merton on the average dally member- There arg many causes of bUndnaes, from eoa- department of First National cap sleeves with yellow and pose. It makes an Ideal topcoat fiy. Har patamal grandparents ara Mr. and Mn. Merton genltal defects to accidents. But, two different for cool summer evenings. PattaB, 000 HnHaid St. She has one brother, Gregory K., 8, ship, the cost was actually Stores Inc., East Hartford. 'green rose appliques, natural Mrs. Loren Alton Davto $556.62 per pupil. The tuition' degeneraUve and progressive dteeasao are a great aad oaa stator, la rila D., 4. towns w ill receive a rebate of i danger to persona over 40. Senile cataracts cause FRESH • • • • s about 18% aad Glaucoma about 14% of all Ebnanuel Lutheran Church BBctaa, Margmrat Maty, daughter of Albert L and Fran- $88.40 per pupil. Columbia's waa the scene of the marriage aaa W oldk Raelna, Phoanlx St. She was bom July 23 at share will be $8,407 which le blindness. of Mrs. Karen Louis Keeney Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother credited on the first tuition bill. But cataracts can be safely removed and glau­ SWORDFISH Jones-Sharp of Manchester to Loren Alton la M n . Katarina Wojclk, Danielson. She has three brothen, An enumerator w ill be ap­ coma can be controlled, providing the diagnosis Davis of Wapplng, Saturday James, 18, Steven, 10, Peter, 0; and one sister, Janice, 7. pointed at tonight’s meeting and of either le made and treatment begun in Its evening. • • • • • oil bids Will be opened. Super­ early stages. The only sure way to g u i^ against St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The bride is the daughter of intendent Myron Collette will these two dangers is to have your eyes examined S T E A K S Mr. and Mrs. G. Iver Carlson Btahs/ JoBBifer Louias, daughter o f Thomas Robert and was the scene of the wedding JuUa Agnaa Spenoar Blake, Southgate Apts., SB South St., report on state grants and |;lve by a Doctor every two years after tae age of 40. of 50 Haynes St. The bride­ RodcyIDe. Hie was bom July 24 at Manchester Memorial his annual report. It takee an expert to diagnose them. O F T H E Saturday evening of Miss Mel- groom is the son of Mr. and Hospital. Her matamal grandparents ara Mr. and Mra. Personals • i|b vina Mildred Sharp and John Mrs. Lioren W. Davis of Dun- Captain and Mrs. Sherman SEA! more. Pa. John V. Spencer Sr., Saugus, Mass. Her paternal grand­ COIN OPEBAXEL Charles Jones, both of Man­ mother Is Sen. Mary Blake, Brooklyn. L I., N. T. Cowdrey of Fort Monroe, Va., YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you The Rev. Melvin T. Peterson • • • • • ara visiting her parents, Atty. WASH-^-DRY CLEAN 'need a mMlclne. Pick up your preecrlption If chester. of Emanuel Lutheran Church 11 SIAPLE ST. ■hopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly The bride Is the daughter of performed the double ring ABthasy, Paige, daughter of John P. Jr. and Dorothy Bell Aeroee From First Natioial| Anthony, 82 Wedgswood Dr. She was bom July 22 at Man- without extra charge. A great many pec^le en- SAVE 20e C v«r Nat'l. Irand Mr. and Mrs. BMwin Sharp, 8 ceremony. Mrs. Stephen ^^ a rl Store Parking Lot truet us with their prescriptions. May we com­ was organist. Ronald J. Eln'ck- ehastar Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are OPEN 7 LAVS Ridgewood St. The bridegroom Mr. and MTa Norman Ball, Manahawkln, N. J. Her paternal pound yours? is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ son, a cousin of the bride, was 18-IJ>. Wash— 26e soloist. Bouquets of white car­ ndparanta are Mr. and M n. John Anthony Sr., Utica, 8-Lb. Dry Glean— 12.00 GERI ANN fred Jones, 117 Deepwood Dr. T. She has two brothen, David, 11, Blair, «; and one The Rev. Eugene C. Dixon, nations decorated the altar. 6 U m. 21.26 Given in marriage by her fa­ rstater, Kim, 10. chaplain of St. Mark’s Chapel, Free Mothproofing ther, the bride wore a yellow • • • • • W HITE BftEAD Phoio reflex photo University of Connecticut, per­ B stesBd, Ltatai CbitaeiiBS, daughter of Laurence M. and chiffon street-length dress, de­ m io n i MRS. BRUCE ALLEN WILSON formed the double ring cere­ signed with scooped neckline, Louisa Joan Sullivan Redmond, 81 Hammond St, Rockville. MRS. MYLES E. BIARDI Prescription Pharmacy mony. Sidney MacAlpine of short sleeves, cummenbund She waa bom July 21 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Miss Roberta Frances ^mp-<|>wlth Venlse lace, a bell-shaped Manchester was organist and Her paternal grandparents ara Mr. and Mn. Bverett C. Red- 901 Main Strect^43-5321 20 OZ. midriff and floating panels bell of Manchester and Bruce skirt similarly embroidered and Franklin Lawrence of Manches­ over the skirt. A matching Miss Carol A. O’Hara o f f The bridesmaid’^ gown*, of mol- all their washing needs at G a N o n Ju R train attached to the back waist alencon lace and termilnating in r Travel ServiM ^ by’s breath. land states. a chapel train. Her bouffant umbus Home. For a wedding one time. Bruce Nourie of North Provi- line with a rose. She wore a Mrs. Davis Is a graduate of trip, Mra. Blardl= wore » g fa * •V. ft • ft • • three-tiered green nylon picture veil o f Imported s ilk ' Ultieion suit with white accesaoriea fmd Mom can do tha family r 906 BIAIN STREET ^ denoe, R. I., served as best Manchester High School, and Is was arranged frmn a crown of (aaifc, Kenneth Bruce, son of Bruce R. and Sharon A. man. 'John Hedlund of Man- hat .and carried a cascade bou' a secretary at Pra^t and WGjlt' a pink' and w drose co n i^ e. waah. Sis can do the dlehes ^ 643-2165 ^ quet of white roses edged with orange Uossonts trimmed with Haekstt Clark, Ross Ave., Coventry. He waa bom July 22 No more "Blue Mondays” at the same time Junior ohester, and J. James Lawton ney, division of United Aircraft The couple will live at 6 O ^ - VM m o« MNur mcft MIT TFe DdliTar of Windsor, brother-in-law of blue.' split crystal* and pearls. She mancho Dr., Blast Ha*tford,saf- in your life if you use our takes-hia bath, and you en­ M T IT 1M TIAR... Alft TW SAVE r Aathoriaed agent in Man- Corp., East Hartford. Mr. Da- carried a cascade bouquet of joy a riiower. the bridegroom, were ushers. Bridesnfialds were Miss Judy 'vls Is a graduate of ' Central ter Aug. 14. 7 family finish laundry OME nMUMOUMK TIM ...W IvarywlMra, fftot i.dMater for aU Alrlipee,* Foster, Misa Benita Rojas, Mrs. white rosebuds. Plus Deposit ^Railroads and Steamehlp Mrs. Campbell wore a pdnk High School, Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Blardi, a graduate of r. Mass. Don’t delay—phone us to­ Donald McCormick, and Miss Mias Ruth O’Hara of Bolton Hartford Regional Technical aervice. You will appre­ silk .raantung dress and match­ Keystone Junior College, La. was her sister’s honor attend­ day. Find out how easy it is ing Ita^ The bridegroom’s moth­ Denise Stevenson, cousin of the School, is employed by MSglo Holder, Robert Jeffrey, son of Ronald Waalay and Garnet bride, all of Manchester. Their Plume, .Pa., and ant. She wore a floor-length ciate our promptness and to switch to a Mobilheat- TRY US AND SHE er wore a dress of French blue Naofllff photo M irror Beauty Salon -of Bftm- Rm Reutaahn Holdet, J.44 Maple St. Ha waa bora July 24 flred water heater. gowns were similar to the ma. State University. He is an ex gown of white slBc organza economical rates, too. GET GREEN STAMPS TOOl ■Ilk riiantung. Both wore eor- MRS k JOHN CHARLES JONES perlmental engineer at Pratt Chester. ‘ A graduate .of at Manehestar Memorial Hoapltal. His mataraal. grandpar^ Iron of honor’s, but in blue chit over mint green taffeta, fash­ cheater aohools, Mr. , Bfardl aata ara Mr. and Mrs. Robert Routsahn, Pittsburgh, Pa. *Average family of four. ■agee at white orchids. fon, with blue picture hats, and and Whitney, division of United ioned with a scooped neckline, a ‘ ‘ A re c ^ io n for 125 guests served with the U.8.' Armyffor T«e paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mn. Clifford Holder, they carried cascade bouquets blue and carried "a basket of nylon dress, a white linen coat, Aircraft Corp., East Hartford satin bands and back stream­ was hrid at Tobacco Valley Inn, three years as a good will am­ In ria, Pa. NEW SYSTEM of white roses edged in green the same roses. white hat, black patent leather er* at the waistline, and a bell- bassador. He Is emidoyed by WE GIVE SirfC Windsor. For a plane trip to Allan Ridyard of 20 Northfield Scott______Wlttman______of Manchester, accessories, and a white orchid. BACK AT THE WHEEL shaped skirt. Her circufarivell Bermuda, Mrs. Wilson wore a SIOUX FALLS, 8.D. (A P ) — was attached to a matching Pratt and Whltnm Division ■dwards, Btaven Walter, son of Alfred B. Jr. and Barbara LAUNDRY GREEN STAMPS St. served ap his brother’s best a c o u ^ of the bride, was ring- The couple will live at 148 BlS' United Aircraft Corp., 'ftsst Leavitt Dt^ards, 172 Mountain Rd. He waa bom July 21 at 587 MIDDLE TPKL EAST FREE!! white and yellow dress wlUi man. Ushers were Joseph R. bearer. sell St. after Aug. 16. Just 64 years after Ed Draeger floral heai^ieice, and itae car­ Hartford. * .JCaachastar Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents AND DRY CLEANING matching' yellow accessories. Caniposeo, William Viot, and Mrs, Sharp wore a ,tan chif- Mrs, Jones, a 1962 graduate sold a shiny, new four-cylinder ried a single .long stemmed tad Ntor thft Grttn Hudson car, the 76-year-old man, rose. * an Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Leavitt, Natick, Mass. His A New Roll Of The couple will live at Provi­ Thomas. Becker, all of Man- fon sheath with aqua acces- of Manchester High School, la Ufa HOUR SBBvim gramtoarents ara Mr. and Mra. Alfred IMwards Sr., ON HARRISON ST. (44) employed at Travelers Insur- still -an automobile ealeeman, Mis* Patricia O’Hara and I MORIARTY MANCHESTER dence, R.I., after Aug. 10, chester, and Kenneth Sharp of gories and a corsage of aqua GENEVA, Swltserlahd (AP) Statiek, Mass. Ha has one brother, William, 12; and one sis- Off East C rate St. A 1969 graduate of Mailcbes- Glastonbury. gardenias. The mother of the anra Co., Hartford. A 1960 drove it again; Mias Kathleen O’Hdra, both of OPEN NIGHTS Kodoh Film ■ Bolton and sisters o f the bride^ -*-A tetaPhrae sjuwertng aer^ tar,Naaey, 10. ^ ^ Opponito the Cenietery tar High Sriibpl and a 1962 Miss lih d a DUblel r i Bast bridegroom wore a sbeaul at graduate of Man^estar High In 1910 Draeger sold the car m School, Mr. Jones wss gradu­ to Art Warner In Hudson, S.D., an'd 'Mrs. Richard Modre of vice provided lor an rtedento BROTHERS W ltti Enoh B ril Developed graduate of Bay Path Junior Hertford, cousin of the bride, blue silk ori^msa with white ef tiiis city enables aaywABlfcd. • Pamtla Helen, daughter of Augustine L. and For Pickup and Delivery accessories and a corsSge of ated tills year from the univer­ and taught the new owner how Manchester, were bridesmaids. (B u ck and W Uto aad College, Mrs. Wilson is employ­ was flower girl. She wore a Miss Cynthia Lamb o f Andover, ing a doctor or a pharnMiilat Doratby Hblan Norman lannacone, 76 Davis Ava., Rockville. CaU 648-778S ' Color Printo) ed as a Rgal secretary. M r: floor-length gown of green chif­ pink gardenias. sity of Cmmeetlout He Is a to drive it. He and the car were ,Bha waa b o n July 22 at Manehaatar Memorial Hoapltal. Har member of the Manchester Pip* recently reunited when It waa Mae*., was 'Jimior bridesmaid, after office hours ,to 643-513S "W f Sav4 Yoh Moway" Wilson, a graduate of Wll^ra- fon ' over ta ^ ta , d e sired with A ceoepUon fo r 200 guests on his tolepbon* fa “ BUitantal graadpanats an Mr. aad Mrs. Horace Norman, Rnusohee att 209 N orik Mata was held at the Garden Grove. Band pnd fa emplojred aa a re- brought ta Slotm Falls by Cart and Miss Patty Shaughne**y AT THE PARKADI— W in MNWU TPKI. bam Ac^emy, is a student at a round neckline, cap elpeves, of 'N orth ChelmsfdrtI, Maas., •Sw— . pboM fliL— jraUMMtown, N;_J._Hw patar^ftandparwiU an jfc and M. rad 821 Hartford Rd. UGGETTS For a plane trip to Bermuda. ■earrii ehsmist at Heijftleln and Ed Rau. wljo purclulsed tt Bryant Oritoint Fmvldrace, and s blue sasb. 8 ^ had a from Warner, was ftoww ftri. asraoab raaBbbfaNMRtl?'' •*^>|bB,‘ A«guatlBa N. Xannaeoaa. Wlutamrtflwa. 301-318 CftHlor Sf. ATTBEFABKADB Moral of wUta Mara adied fa ItM. iooM- wore s mtaS gr«w IM . Hwtford. MB State. Lentta Xteetby. M aMBtha R>. I. , I ri. ' I ' .. I ' \ r ■ ■ Y T,^'.;y f : -■t-


from 4 to 8 yaara old. Fraoi BO 10 or mors hooks la she* Ana Janroi'dtl of 83 Clyde Rd. waa third, having read 8B to 70 childran uaually attend iha. R ^ k v i l l e ’^ V ^ n a o n U «9 R6Btrieti6ilB ttibbons Givien program which dosed to books, and liaura Bania of SB 45-minuta programs given by cerambtoas and a party for the Miss Jaesenian- L a w iin ^ M - ^ Book Reading 64 chIM M who partlotpatad. Essex Bt. was tourth, having IX' read 19. perintiBdent of tha town OhUdrwya Ubarian Mrs. Rosa­ Doctors Hear Beefs ' '>:■ Urn Cbm Of Bobby Keimody Sch^lMoard to Receive watwadwrlBwoLthla okfni- Blxtaen rtoboh awards wars mond CunsT said apaolal attan- J The last to. a series o f six sumr tog . A ffiom d cuatomari of tantlonrwas givan to the tour mer story hours wUl take place praawtad FrMay to childran la C H IC A G O -^ A U state madi- ^Hfhat ^»eii one say .of the tortured ms the" tewa water, aopply that ;tl|js >*baUoa readta« program top raagara. Thay ware M ary to the junior rOom at M ary Cha­ MC0IU1W# ttaa ;ipar^ haa o k psa rf year are being contacted by Hymlirala of endurance la the renewal of I t kids are displaying a greater maturity mail. w v w w Tills remains, for all the different than the parents. the "inner man" day by day. T o Form Olab 'r . CUT mm SSSSmJSSSSs It Is also the case that some Little Dr. Barclay once observed: "The A couple’s club at St. Ber­ mSTAMTCOFRI id o f language and feeling wo may 7Bln MOnmiUlA-TMMIj 4. ^ a n , ______League teams and organizations have years which take away physical nard’s Qiurch will hold an or­ TEABAGS lirect to It h sort of counterpart to thf ( beauty irtiould add spiritual ganizational meeting tonight at SANDWICH BAGS UIIIMAU cLAprs-irmAiinm gotten out of hand because the leagues CUT m m t kind of thing we resist and de- involved have not had the guts to crack beauty.” Another has stated 8:16. The club plans to hold c a n 't p u t M w)ian it threatens in the Carib- down on poor sportsmanship, over- that though a woman cannot al­ social activities such as dances IS In 49’ b a b y FOOD 1 0 , - 9 3 ‘ . Russia has just as much legal zealous coaching, and misbehavior by ways be beautiful at nineteen and suppers during the year. she most certainly can be at PLASTIC BAGS iS w H A D r'^ ^ 'i2T49* rrmomcmmTiuiimmT t to answer a Cuban invitation to the parents. But In Middletown, at least, A n y profits from club activi­ CUT m m we believe that the leagues on the whole ninety. ties w ill be turned over ’ to a price tag on sleep vide men and arms as we have to be 100 ft.' have been well-handled, and when a de- :(k Let ua grow In spiritual eharities of the church. The « wi«l'’^72to27> AJAX DETERGENT Vietnam. viaUan from expected standards has Rev. Raoul Pronovast is chap­ m CAmMATIOM—DnTAMT graces and in our knowledge o f The deep, sound sleep that relaxes and miHMSTB—PLASTIC rnoscN WRAP But we are not operating in any come to light those In charge have Jsfue Christ as the Apostle Pe­ lain o f toe club. *Mlss Rockville’ eme of what is right legally. We judge tried to correct the situation. ter urges all Christians to do. rests you completely is priceless. You Miss Donna Yacavone, 23, of D R Y N IL r by what we hope is the true mor- Probably the proof of the success of (tod Peter 3:18). really need it for your health and well­ TINYTATERS * sfAmiscu—imooN < n i m m m ' U ttle League is the fact that those ' Hast Hartford was named mnMCTi—rmom ty involved, and we judge them, in.any Maj. E. Walter lAmie, "i/U n Rockvme” Saturday at being, so the bedding you choose to ob­ youngsters who play in It wouldn’t give The Salvation A m y . tain it is not an expense, but rather a by the standards of national pride up for a minute, absenteeism Is much the annual Elks Carnival In SHREDDED WHEAT " * 3 ^ , national powsr. smaller than In the leagues which cater Rockville. She was presented good investment. Holman-Baker’s bench- FRENCH FRIES mSTMTCOnn hr A wmmmB cumnts w ith a 6100 savings bond and »ns.PAUu-nMMam Wo intend to have no one intervening to an older age, and In the general made Musco-Pedic and Verto-Reat Bed­ instances In which coaches and parents Today in History a fur donated by Chester Fur­ ding can give you this sleep at a sensi­ the Caribbean. Wo insist on interven* treat the games with perspective, the riers of Rockville. DRY TREND Runners-ups w ere Miss D i­ ble p rice. . . even if you're tjtHibled with ONION RINGS in the Oulf of Tonkin. Uttle Leaguers learn team play, sports­ By The Associated Press mu»nui mmm—cmini manship. and a bettor brand of baseball anne THiomas, 24, of W est Hart- back disorders. For the moment, we have taken one Today is Monday, August 8, than could be hgd on the old» sand lot. Ibrd and Miss Nancy Weber, m U K T U m a y blow against our intervention in the 216th day o f 1964. H iere u j p I p t m h i i Whlls Joey Jay’s warning serves a fO, o f Am y Tjsne. EJlllngton. LIGHT TUNA 3 ‘* 8 9 - thaaat Aaia without going so far as are 150 days left In the year. Arrests See, and try this fabulous real purpose for the very reason that /.// 9 siiB'«r“^4 7 ' label it aggression. But the next direct U ttle League could become what he A Tdlland youth waa arrested bedding at Watkins to­ Today’s .Highlight to History yesterday after he took a mo-^ Sa g nnnw If 39' SM nW TIIiliHT;U.I erUch trios to interfere with our says It Is, wo don’t think that his view THURSDAYS morrow. Mattresses are * 9 1 ‘ la wholly valid. From the standpoint of On this date in 1923, Calvin totcycle without the owner’s t COFFEE auMw itgrvsntton there will probably be label- $99.50; matching box physical safety, umpiring, coaching, w d Coolldge succeeded to the presi­ nermiaaion, police said. FRIDAYS an aitfresslfin and made the occasion general responsibility, the controlled dency" following the death of Russell F. Johndrow, 19, was springs $89.50. ; S. We fieillto Cto ^ i lor another direct degree of.pur own conditions of Little League ball far ex­ President Warren G. Harding. arrested by Rockville PatroK Jack Relchenbach and military participation there, and all the ceed the pick-up game. The dangers of Coolldge was sworn in by his atraas eidst. but the answers lie la father, a justice of toe Bsnsd over to Vernon police. M ANCH Iflllt FAMCADI, ...... • . . • . .1 . 1. . .•i'; 5 t t m m U s e i brinkmanship wjH tovs trying to cure the probleois where ^ 72w/ the laiBUy heno to ~ ^ S S i o s said Johndrow toOs too Itfotr RiH aatmCMtkw. aiwr and fwm they eidet, and not la abandtmiu Uttle iom/ a Mmi M A imsmT/* ▼L Lai^a _MID0UDT0WN Pfaun iBcddag bank np. 1 I-■X. I . / ;

;■ ,‘;YT

-f ■ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1964 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, »K)W AY, AUGXJSt \ 1964 y : yyiii-ii-aiBir»nr;.i North End that am rsquimd Hartford, followed by a requiem SistersFace 'onighi for the school wing. Two of the high Mass at lO at S t Thomas Bonds Build Killer Mouse 'Viets Ouii^e properties need not be cleared' the Apostle Church. Burial will Legislature Begins News Tidbits until later m the project, how­ be in Fairvlew Cemetery, West Rising A)n Four North End Tracts ever. Hartford. Churches in Loses Fiuy from tho AP Wirto , U.S> Plaues The North End urban renew­ jifim CM* Frienda may , call at the fu- al jpirofram was impravod at a iMral home frOm 2 to 9 p.m. ’niore will he a piubUc hear taowinhle a quonim of the townwids mfsfendiim In May. XMdo CMK 70, of U Parkor A two-hour riot breaka out In Ili^dwiBiz iTJjM ibed Post lU dlod Skturday at Itanchaa- today. Memorial contributions The Suburhs Redistrict Session In Lab Test ’O^nlglit before the Manchee- agency members tor the July Early aoquialtkm of the prop­ m ay be made to the Connecticut Kansaa a ty , Kan., at the opment Agency erties rsquirsd for the school or Memorial’ Hoopttal after a of a mln’o r ' traffic aoddent B y O A L B O T U >ng lUaaaa. Ho waa tlio fatkM Cancer Society. (Oenttanni fren Page Oaa) (HflA) on the pTOpoeed pur- ^[iprovod by the town di­ By MIKB OOOBOUIV By PHIL KEIF early yesterday morning and n e w T u r k (AF)—When you I f the school Is to be built If four aona, all of whom wan firaoi Page Om ) ebaee o f four North End poop* rectors late last ytar. * SAL/r LAKE CITY. Utah five poUoeoMn I M a N e g r o i d look at show baaineai n al ek»«, under tbs favorable terms the ntataadbif athlotea at Matt Salvatore Ohmcl FORT WORTH. Tax. (AP) — Hospital Notes Pathet Lad. Unarmed. U.t. e f ^ neodod for an addition to town has been offered by con- •ration throughout Connecti­ (AP)—The northern grasehop- are Injured . . , Former Preel- you wonder why it iM’t called iheater R l n School, playing on Salvatore Oanci, 49, of 26 "Hiank you," wrota tha minis­ Navy jeta have also been flying the-Robertaon BdbooL trahtor Jack' R. Hunter, two ot dent Harry S, Truman to pre­ “ dough huainem-" ■h«rr»wirmAip boaobaU and baa> Diane Dr„ Vernon died yester­ ter, "For taking us out of tha cut. . . per mouse la s born killer If reconnalsesnce miseiona in cen­ TEe hearing, aet for 8 at the the four properties must he I n c it e d la tiia' governor’a el­ VWMag hears are 9 la ■ p.m. sented a framed cam ot It takea money as wen aa, tal­ W E ’VE C o r r a l l e d utbaUtoaina. day at Manchester Memorial begging huaiaasa.. In afl areas eotoafllsg alaternlty there ever was one, but he can tral Laos at Souvanna Phou- cleared and ready for the start Wedding lattar la a prisad poaaaa- ate Resolution No. ent. It cost* about aa much Bentley School audUoritun, 57 Mr, Cola waa employed at Hospital. A resident of Vernon u tion waa tha qwclal session whera fiiey are 2 ta 4 p.m. ma’s request and armed Amer­ of construction by Aug. 18. Blon of A. B. Odbartaoa, wboaa last April which revised the live and let Uve without the aid day by Sen. Clalrborne Peu. money now to davalop a new Honister S t, la required by the Pratt and Whitney IMvialan o f for the past two years, he lived and 6:N to t p-m. and private ican fightera escort them. Federal Urban Rsnawal Ad­ Bids for the school project THE "WORLD’S b ig g e s t germ of an idea a dacada ago sUU’s congressional districts. ot a tranquOlMr. D-RX, that nllowa former night club act aa tt doea to buy a The Vlstnamsae protest did tTntted Aircraft Oorp. for many in Hartford d u ii^ his first 47 rooms iriMre m y a n 16 a.m. ministration (9VRA) before were taken June 18, stipulating Johnston • Goodnow years. He was a mechanic at the turned Into a bustling Invaat- "Tlila tradition ot awvtoeand And psychiatrist Lincoln D. presidento to speak on the S ^ three-bedroom honae In tha au- not dsserthe the planes, saytflg Announcement Is made of the faara before hla retirement He to 6 p.m. VlsHan anI raaoest- land can be purchased under that the town would award the BEEF BURGER, Buy iraa a member of South Metho* Russell Pontiac Co., West Hart­ ment business. respensIMllty,’* Dempacy said, Clark thiidu the same la true ate floor . . . Several white burba. It coats as much aa It did only that thM wars U.S. flghtsr- marriage o f Miss Evelyn R. ed net to smoke p i ^ t s * suths—part of a demonstra- to put on a Broadway drama the urban reOewal program. contract within SO days; only list Church. ford and an Army veteran of His idea also buUt hundreds gf ’’callB us now to a new and rooms. Me more tnaa two tor people. bombsra But It said Prince Johnston of 21 Bigelow St to on against a Congress of Ra­ •nly a ganaratlofijago. The four tiaots needed for after the bid opening did It ap­ RIGHT HERE. AT THE He loavea hla wife, Florence •Wortd War H. churchss for booming suburbia. ohallengli^ U A: tha funds- visiton at oae lime per pa­ Dr. Clark Is director of the S gouvaima’s neutralist faoUoa In pear unlikely that the town Harry D. Goodnow of New E. I^rttle Oole; four aona, Ran- He leaves his wife, Rosemary The problem simply was this: mantel ravialon of a system ot Behavlorial Sciences Laboi^to-' cial EquaUty picket line of Ne­ For example, let us take fiie Laos “ must bimr heairy remon- the schiiKS are to be bought by Canaan, Conn., on Saturday at tient groes and whites In HlcksviUe, case of Claire and Merna Barry, might not make the deadline. lan O. Oole of Manchester, BoutlUler Clanci; a son Robert Persona moving to Uia now rii- reprasentetlon throu^ which ry of the Uidversity of Utah Col­ siblUty’' tor permitting the unit­ the MRA in order that the cost Aa a result, the town asked Center Congregational Church. N.Y.—hurl rocks and other mls- currently on the nation’s aupper Ituasell B. Cole of WUton, Alan of Vernon; and two sisters, Mrs. burbs are burdened with mort­ you and your predeoeaaors have Petleirts Today: 208 lege of Medicine. The killer ed States to use lU territory to of the lu d may be credited to­ and was granted by Hunter a Mr. and Mrs. Goodnow will gages, car payments, tha need ■elee at police last night. club cir^t. ward the town’s share ot the a. Cole o f BrlarcUffe Manor, John LaBella and Mra. Edward wen served the peopte of Con­ ADMITTED SATURDAY: mouse Is one of his research attack North Viot Nam. SO-diw extension of the dsad- he at home to their friends at 4 to put up at least a decent front. The two singint eisten earn a fcrthcoming North End urban NT. T., and Mervln Ward Cole Aprea, both of Wethersfield. necticut” George F. Jones Jr., 113 N. speclsdifiee. The broadcast said that the Uns for construction start. Norholt Dr., New Canaan, after These people do not have $2,- four-figure aalaiy tor a etngle M Virginia Beach, Va.; and The D'Esopo Funeral Chapel, "Wa must create a leglalaUve Elm St.; Harold Lane, Glaston­ Freud to the contrary. Dr. raid took place at noon Satur reiMwal project. The town dl- According to MRA director Sept 1. Bight grandchildren. 2SS Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, 000 or 28,000 each to contribute structure which, with the he^ Clark saya mice and men don’t night’s engagement But they in a Nortii Viet Nam area I rectors have appropriated 860,- bury; Daniel Dormer, 369 Por­ 12tli Greuit estimate they win spend upward Rybexyk, the residents of the vomeral aervlces will be held is'In charge of arrangements. toward builclliig a church. of divine providence, win serve ter St.; Frank Diana, 191 Oak necessarily have some inborn, about 60 miles northsaat of tho 000 to the lO tA -fo r the four two propertlea Immediately ef­ Tons of Keys Lost tomorrow afternoon at 3 Services will be held tomorrow But Culbertson knew their the people of Connecticut even botUed-up form of fury that has of 235,000 to prepare a new rou­ Communlat-hsld Plalno doa p r o p o s e . St.; Miss Maureen O’Brien, ble tor an opening here Aug. 17 fected will be ready to go about B'clock at the Watkln»-Weat‘ at 10 a.m. at the chapel with credit was good. better." Hartford; Bercey R. King, to iM expressed, Court Cases Jarrea in Laos. the hearing waa originally Aug. 10, leaving about a week NEW YORK — The American Puneral Home, 142 E. Center the Rev. Robert D. Samuelson Basically, says Culbertson, TIm killer mouse, in its natu­ Where does the mciMy go? The Vietnamese aaid that one achediSsd for July 16, but was public carries in its purses and The governor noted that Con­ Marlborc^h; Arthur Duprey, “ Well, we have to have epe- to prepare the property for 5t, with burial In Bast Ceme- officiating. Burial will be In Ce­ We've given respectability to ral environment. Is the most villager was wounded and prop­ put off until today when MRA pockets about 12.6 million necticut through its Fundamen­ Andover. ____ cbil material, since we’re ptan- school construction. toty. Frienda may call thla dar Hill Cemetery. church oDllgatlons." ADMITTED 'YESTERDAY: predatory of all mice. It kills for MANCHESTER SESSION erty damage was heavy. I p o u ^ of keys — and loses 8 tal Ordcm of 1688, had the first nbig to uae 11 new songa," Said sxecative director Edward Ryh- The hearing tonight concerns ivenlng ^ m 7 to 9 p.m. Calling hours will be held to­ Church members, possibly Mrs. EUsabeth Barcomb, RFD the apparent sake of killing and Sheldon D. Haas, 28, of 'Ver­ On Saturday North Nam only the four properties in the tons of them each week. written constitution known to Cburo. “ We also need a vocal found that ne eouM not BOEm Memorial contributions may meeting in someone’s home or non, was sentenced to 16 days day from 7 to 9 p.m. history that created a govern­ 2; Ann Marie Cafro, Birch Mt. not for food. accused U.S. and South inM- IM made to South Methodist In a school, agree to a bond pro­ Rd.; Bf the deceased, 146 Mark sition,” says Culbertson, a spry, —whether Ihe legislature does It ^^j,. Wapplng; Edward Tyrol, to send him to jail for the six cess waa a steady struggle. S tores Franco, Henry Baranowskl, grasps the stranger with front months. Informed Haas that The girls have been singltaig soldiers were Injured and two rwaln Dr., Hartford. The Rev. Robert Chapman, Fred Falcon 70-year-old Baptist layman. ®*‘ **®1- , „ I Andover; Audio Ourpenter, 36 and roar legs, and places its Vietnamese killed when a bomb CLOSED MONDAY ■ a e ^ y ^ t e r n a fiv e mention- Birch St.; Mrs. Henrietta Nea- he la in danger, 6t' going to professionally since Claire was (Uhert A. Thompson will offici­ and Frank Lister acted "W e just ride herd from the mo­ mouth at the biwe of the skull," rtiattored a bar in Saigon Satur-1 ate, snd burial will take place ment we sign up a church until ed by the court would be an elec- deau, 63 BitxJclyn St., Rock- jail for that 'period- "Your 8 and Merna 6. Money waa bearers. even takliig a few gentle nips,” making a nuisance'of yourself day night Two of tho Ameri­ In the family plot In Horthwood the last bond is paid for.” tion at large of the 330 state yllle; George Dickey. LoehrRd., scarce In their early days. rowceenitotlvea and senators. ' Rockville; Monica Sue Mueller, Dr. Clark said. around this court,’*' • the judgr They lived bi a email apart­ cans were reported In critical I Cemetery. Most savings and loan saso- "After two or three replUfions n e aspecial p session is the third 87 Bigelow St.; Mrs. Marilyn condition. Police arrested five | BViends may call at the James ciatlons Ignored churches' fi­ 8&id. ment ih the Bnuix and the fami­ for the 1968 General Aasembly. j Manealey, East Hartford; Paul- of this performance within the Joseph Corsinl, 36, of Staf- ly couldn’t afford to buy a pi­ Vietnamese. . - __ -t,«-Wsdnezortionment af- ton. and the animals rtuure the same John A. Baidak under the Influence of liquor. cause It cost too much to move gUng churches. ter Dempney objected to the ADMITTED TODAY: Kay- nesfi^ area." The case stemmed from a mo­ John Alfred Baidak, 54, of “Now they’re bidding for But if It is excited or threa­ it. original recommendation. mond Horton, l5 Peterson Rd., tor vehicle accident on Rt. 90 In The Barry glrbi had it trim- Reid Warns FreshCWCKlHPartrf St, Ellington, died Satur- church loans," Culbertson said. tened, it will attack. If the W W II, Korea Mansfield. Several other road died downstairs tor 28. Cteb-c at Veterans Hospital, New- Culbertson said thyee factors Dempsey told the legislators Vernon; Lillian Smith, 13 quarters art too dose. It will at­ violations were noDed I p , the proved equiOly thrifty in lerning Democrats of itt. He was bom June 1, today that he was confident Green Manor Rd.: Ronald D. tack. If It haa had experience in (Continued from Page One) contributed to the widespread to play the Instrument A friend 910 in^nbree Rivera, Masa, the demand for new churches: that "you and I together can do Lamie, 661 Main St. fittin g . It will attack. C&S6* of Mra Catherin Krwczyk what we must do to put our own BIRTHS SATURDAY: A William Blazensky, 19* Cov­ was paying 75 cents for piano Complacency! The population explosion, in­ In fact the more experience entry, who pleaded g;unty to Main S t, Ellington, and the by three PT boats. Attacking legislature in constitutional or­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Har- and expoeure to fighting, that it lessons. Claire paid the g m 25 bMts launched three torpedoes flux of people from rural areM breaking and entering with cents a lesson to pass the infor­ Andrew Saldalc. to cities and muabroomlng der. leth Manning, 816 Hartford Rd.; has, the more aggressive H will Aaron Reid, chalrmbn of the and used 37mm gunfire." "My fun confidence In . 3rour a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Criihlnal Intent, had his case mation on to her. Democratio Town Committee, breast Be also leaves two brothers, suburbia. be. the doctor said. continued to Aug. 24 for a pre- and Lawrence, both of "The Maddox answered with ability to do thla Job hsa recent­ bert Fales, East Hartford. For years the slsten sang for has called upon Democrats In Success of the A. B. Culbert­ But if it doesn’t learn about sentence investigation on that and one sister, Mra 6-lnch gunfire. Shortly thereaft­ ly hem termed by some to be BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A killing, or ian’t frightened, it peanute on local radio atatlons town to remain active on he-| l e g er four F8 (Crusader jet fight­ son A Ct aU at aerve In the House, and said he ing Japanese aoon," said Mer­ of each even month, and to a v a resident of Hartford for that Ume, but they paid them, 21 Washington Bt, Vernon; not some undercover nool of dri'vlng in one df fiyo weekend 41, skipper of the ship. wss certain that aR the mem­ William Cowee, South Windsor; boiling lava just waiting to na. “ We make a point of being each member of the town com­ ypars until moving to 100 cents on the dollar." bers felt the same 'way about motor vehicle accidents. Jtv/o Sharp learned of the attack Earl Rancourt, Coventry; Rob­ erupt, he said. able to sing bi the language of mittee to donate 22 per year to Hester 17 years ago. She while flying back to his Pearl Culbertson does rwt hesitate i t persons were taken to Manches­ ert Bostrom, 106 Dartmouth ter Memorial Hospital fo r’troat- any country we travel In.” help finance committee aetlvl-| fas a charter member of the Harbor headquarters from his to crack down on a church fail­ "How we must bow to the or­ In addition to starring on Rd.; Mrs. Emma Von Hone, 48 ment of minor lnjurle.s, and ex­ ties. idles of LaSalette of Hartford first inspection .trip to Viet ing to meet its bond payments. der ot the court and do our most of the top U.S. televiaion Madison St.; Charles Lucas, 94 Committees formed to cover id St. Francis of Assisi Nam. "Any time a church doesn’t best to reapportion it pursuant Annual Report tensive ■vehicular damage vas shows, they have been featured Walker St.; Mrs. Joan Dombek, finance, campaign, publicity, hundi. South Windsor. He said it was the first time a meet its obUgations, It ought to to that order,” Patterson said. reported. on West German television in 57 La.wrenc6 St., Rockville; BYank Zajac, 38, of 54 Union new and absentee voters, head­ [Mrs. Finn leaves two daugh- U.S. warship had been fired on be Vforeclosed," he said. "We "Let ug address ourselves to Munich, toured the Soviet Imion quarters plans, refreshments, Miss Sandra Smith, 607 Wood- Report of Work St., has posted a 2500 bond on a ^rs, Mrs. CTlfford H. Fisher. in the Viet Nam area. have reposaeaqed churches, and that task In such a manner with Ed Sullivan, mads scores etc., have already been report­ CAMTALOUPES charge of operating a motor ve­ "Thla Incident," he atdd, so far We’ve sold all of them but that this qweial session will bridge St.; Guy Anderson, 38 of recordings. ed In this column. 1th whom she made her home, Autumn St.; Mrs. Christina Filed by CRC hicle while under the influence id ' Mrs. PYances Creel of "may well be a change In the one. It’s up for sale now." become one qf our finest hours." Each sister is married to a To End Dottes The first day of the special McGee, Lowell, Mass.; Mrs. of liquor. He is free while await­ (artford; two sisters, Mrs. present military situation and Culbertson said Baptists and successful businessman. f!h»ru« Oervase has oomplst- aeaaloa was to be devoted chief­ Emma Walters, 32 Sterling PI.; The 1963-64 Charter Revi­ ing appearance In Circuit dourt ide Malloy of Hartford may heighten the seriousness of Methodists as a rule hava built Both now remember with gra­ ed hla term of office as prin­ CALIFORNIA ly to organisational matters. Richard Griffith, 216 Wood- sion Commission (CRC), early 12, Manchester, on Aug. 1^. id Mm. William McCue of the present crisis in Viet Nam. the largest churches financed titude the sacrifices of their cipal of the Hebron elementary When Dempeey had request­ bridge St.; Fred Kreyssig, Ell- in its deliberations, waa asked Police said that Zajac, driv­ l^indac^ Locks; two brothers, But I do not know whether this through his company and the parents. B^ool. He resigned, to accept ed permission to speak before lington; Mrs. Sadye Miller, 486 to study a proposed basic ing south on Princeton St. Sat­ J. Kriley of Rockville will be temporary or not,” he two are among the top religious “ We had a happy home,” aaid the princlpalshlp of the Camp to the session Patterson said W. Middle Tpke.; Carl Shen- change In the council-manager urday afternoon at about 4:16, Xjftboratory #chool At OttitrAl Serve with ad John T. Kelley of Windsor; told a news conference on land­ groups when it comes to pajdng Claire. "We learned what It was last nigbt that Republicans n l^ , 28 Perkins S t; Mrs. form of government, hut reject­ reportedly took his eyes off the Connecticut State College, .grandchildren and several ing. the bills. to earn a dollar—to have to "If they shoot at ua we "Actually,” he said, "esta­ "would not refuse to extend the Anna Chellberg, 140 School S t; ed It aa being unfeasible tor the road m d crashed into a utility Sept. 1. Ray Gardiner, the new Old Hundred leces and nephews. governor that courtesy.’’ , struggle for what you got. Many going to shoot back at any blished denominatiotui are good Wilbur Markham, 32 Trumbull town of Manchester. pole, snapping the pole in half. principal, will assume his poet FOR I The fhneral will take place cliildren know nothing of this, time,” he declared. “ Retaliation investments. The legislature, according to St.; Hans Ackerman, 82 Con­ The CRC, working bi three Stanley Bilski, 54, of 52 North and I think that they mlas aome- on Aug. 15. Ice Cream morning at 9:15 at St., a passenger in the car, w.-'s by the destroyer and naval air­ “ Fringe groups would be the the time table set by the fed­ way Rd.; Mrs. Marlon Perkins, subcommittees, studied the up­ thuig in life as a result Some­ P uxled Over Plcdare ke John F. Tierney Funeral taken to the hospital with a kiAt craft did not represent any slowest. An independent church, eral court, has until Sept. 10 to 22 Lllley St.; John Saenkos, 7 dating of many charter , sections times I feel children can be The Hebron Congregational |ome, 219 W. Center St. fcilow- finish Its work. In addition to injury. X-rayed sind sent home. change in U.S. policy.” which is not en cored but built Coolldge St.; Mrs. Kathryn Bar­ so as to conform with State oversheltered.’’ Women’s Fellowship, at last by a solemn requiem Mass redlatricting the Senate and re­ The Zajac car hrui extensive 77m Maddox, whose home arotmd the preacher, possibly is ry, 16 Linnmore Dr.; Mrs. Statutes, particularly In the report was still undecided aa to Meal snd Produce Prices Effsetivs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10 at St Francis of Assisi port is Long Beach, Calif., less dependable." apportioning the House, it must Grace Cra'wford, North Attle­ right front damage and was what picture to use on the cov­ lurch. Burial will be In St. set up a constitutional conven­ area of planning and zoning, towed away. * ' joined the 7th Fleet last March - Projecta he haa helped fi­ boro, Mass.; Secondo Ralterl, clarifications of the manager’s er page of tile annual Commun­ Bs' Cemetery. tion that would draw up amend- Miss Carolyn Surowlec of 31 Racial Disorder 28. She la 376 feet long and car­ nance range from leas than RFD 1, Bolton; Mrs. Linda responsibilities as distinguished ity Calendar, now being In pro- Calling hours are being held menta to the 146-year-old state McCann Dr. was examined and I ries six 6-inch guns and six 3- 2100,000 to a million, and aver­ Griggs and son, EHlington; Mrs. from the powers and duties of oeaa of canvassing. ky from 7 to 9. const! tufion. treated for a back strain at In Jersey City Mrs. Ruth Porter, chairman, inch guns. Her crew is about 14 age around 2300,000. Frances Fecteau and daughter, the board of directors, and the SPECIAL LOW PRICES! officers Bind 260 men. ’The election of the 1965 Gen­ the hospital after a two-car In addition to churches, Cul­ 17 Davis Ave., Rockville; Mrs. subject of a mandatory review crash yesterday at 4 :30 p.m. says that results to date have Reginald H. Boyle During the Korean War the eral Aasembly la set by the con­ (Continued from Page One) ITS THE RANCH-HAND Sl» ‘BID D’ bertson has helped in financing Lucille Montano and daughter, of the general manager’s per­ on W. Middle Tpke., just east been encouraging. Being con­ Reginald Hugh Boyle, 38, bro­ Maddox absorbed 720 rounds of hospitals, nurses homes and stitution for the Tuesday follow­ sidered aa a front page picture, Wapplng; Mrs. Mary Lavoie and formance at specified Intervals. of Exit 92 of the Wilbur Cross 1/1 ther of Mrs. Gretchen Trott of major caliber fire from Com­ small colleges. ing the first Monday In Novem­ largest in New Jersey, has however, is the (rtd Burrows daughter, East Hartford; Mrs. Revisions were ultimately Highway. Marshmallow 2 ^ “ 39* Manchester, died Saturday at munist shore batteries. The Investors, including the ber—that’s Nov. 3. Elvelyn Biddle and daughter, about a 17 per cent Negro popu­ Hill schoolhouss, which goes Republican State Chairman recommended which delineated The accident t>ccurred, police Newington Veterans Hospltail. ship's biography said this was church members who bought RFD 2, Bolton; Mrs. Dorothy lation. vhack to the 18th century, exact A. Searle Pinney queafioned last the powers of the manager to said, when Elaine StoK ot Services will be held tomorrow believed a record for that war. bonds, received nearly 24 ntll- lannacone and dai^;hter, 70 date unknown. It is still owned week v^ether the legislature be administrative, and the pow­ North Haven, driving in a RnrHirI'10AETED BONANZA BUN AC TEXAS PICKLE necessity." tutional" plan for reapportion- White and aon, 129 Brookfield grass fire at Adelaide Rd. and urday at about. 11:30 a.m. at center la also a patient at the Ibe V. P. Quish FuiMral Home, Maniifaofiulng TYmpaalrs lyalker St., just north of E. The governor’s office sab) the "Y O r OAUMN ir REOSKINONION it R E Q A P P L E R iN G / Ing the House. 3L; Mra Annette Rodrigue Porter St. No property damage decision to withdraw the Newington Veterans HoqiltaL I2& Main St., followed by a re- KEEPS TIGHT COURT Allied Thermal 4S 62 waa reported and the cause was (jenter St., aod another at 3 CHOPPED OK LEAF 2 21 < ★ CRISP SBEEN LETTUCE AND A ' TIm first two bills introduced and daughter, 112 Walker SL; iem Mass at St. Bridget’s Arrow, Hart, Heg. 58% 62% Guardsmen "was mads after He la a veteran at World War S p iia m h NEWARK, N.J. (AP)—When f- in the legislature were dropped Mrs. Nancy Iteynolda and aon, undetermined, a fire apokeeman o’clock the same day it'hen a n . urch at 11. Burial will take Barden ...... 11% 13% said. hit-run, two-vehicle accident seven consecutive days of law " Y o r HEAPING HANDFUL OF SARARXSA OHIRi K Judge William A. Ccmsodlne Into the clerk’s office by Rep. 44S Center S t; Mra Ruth Dev­ and order bi Rochester, and place in St. James' Cemetery. Bristol Brass • • 8% 9% was investigated by police at calls for order in his Bkssex Philip D- Doran, D-Berlln. in* and aon, Hebron; M ra with the concurrence of local Maachestor Bvealng HsraU Lem oiM Kle oA iom 4 ^ 4 9 « SYiends may call this evening County ^rourtroom, he also C o le c o ...... e a , 10% Phyllla Marxen and daughter, LX. MATHEWS RITES Main and Wells St. (Tom 7 to 9. OuiUiam-Bush . • * s% 4% TbeM blUa Incorporated a reiq>- and county autborUlss.” Habsoa eorrespondsat. Miss So- means orderly appearance. portlonment plan for the House Wkpping. WEST HAVEN (AP)— Fu­ ssa PMdletoo. teL 8 2 8 -2 4 5 4 . When a fUty-ish woman wear­ N. B. Machine , s • 29 32 Rockefeller acted “after re­ advocated by Doran, and also neral servlcee will be held viewing the steps bsbig taken Domenie D’Abato ing yellow slacks appeared as a North «md Judd • s 18 20 Animals in Legend "CDMeAS you APE" COlVFOU' j yf^'j^y\ -^ ■ r- ' .■ ;w

p a g e K IJffV E IIAKGH18TBR UV^aHNO HCIIALD, MANCIIBSTBR, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1964 DAILY CROSSWORD PU36ZLB MAJOR HOOPLB S p M lo f 7 6 Response Underscores U.S. Policy » r asftpif* iDNatUiBt !w?wwf55fw 40Atwm ^SXCJp«: I MP/*«yiS A R » > -^ ■ SlMW— — . iewtr.) Destroyer Routs Alirrme •BrtuA gnm l 4lka)a«tk ISAAMr 448angi for OOi UBMtk,___ ^ IpO'^T LIFT AMWD, M Arian boBadaq '«rAMeMma Hcxcefn TO CUP A nnte aalbar Viet P T Assault IIBaytMiaaaiy 5 ^ a t > b a ’ batOa igw»w ■»»>■<. JJ. /AaSiT^ tTOaologiefaada SaPaaala aba^^ ( myptian sxcaw- ISQurdipm Stlaeraata (CoDttaaed from Pare O m ) are good chuma who go on liber­ BUUUS BUNNY MMetUonad ty together, the Navy aaya UNew wrkCtty (varj aoNocia kattaaft SlNoiieoBi eOlM M^ISedgudaa lOrealia* againat Hanol-aupporte4 fuar- C a^. John J. Herrick, 44, of ^U6S/P0RKy/] weeiM' (6b.) DOWN UBlbUcal SlVlaate rlllaa, needed no apacUl piermla- Garden OroVe, Calif., and SSWaaiy ^ kiaiilaai Cmdr. Herbert L. Ogler Jr., 41, WAKE IrasTHoiss aSKxdaiDidha a( 1 Padlock part sion from Weahlngton to fire 'ttJROKTfc, ' ^ MAlao 38——m of Bt. Peteraburg. Fla., were AM'STAU^ back when attacked. And they » W i n d ^ dlaaabcD'^ both aboard the U.S. destroyer imtntflMOl «K3anaala«r voiced hope that the vtgbr of the Maddox when It was attacked tn aBHMMbDldlOd ------■ Maddox' reapbnae would help tntemaUonal waters, 30 miles n>iMT>Ti) R prcxoci npnrer «IP M io (m show the Re(to the United Rtaiaa off the North Vietnamese coast. SOStvtfle BBurtly 4SPatalaa.%y 96 Kiln (or meant what It aaya Jn Ita public The Navy says they probaWv Swift's Premium «2SSrtafcbaBi M : hopa asaguMi todlaa declaratlona of Ita commitment »*g«" ;gaiS. oca SIttebad shared a decision to return the iiralavaneiaa CRamanoa there. fire that damaged and drove «>.f OA — j 7NatatiwMM«aa 80Wbal»Meirik Coincident With the newa of I the maurading PT boats. Team ­ Genuine Spring tonal the naval enrarement, R «dlo \ mr aocdamatfu ing up is nothing new to Her­ sl^sss Hanoi broadcast a North Vlet- rick. commodore of the 7th r r r K r r r* ITIT r.eme.'>e .o ;:''- " ' irfeet's Destroyer- DivIMon . -y, 18 aaUon that four U.S. fighter- y,g Maddox is fla^ g' -hip, ir hoitiberri flew in from Laos and > and - Ogler,* . the ship’s skipper.----- • nutfWM^' V2 attacked a village inside the Both graduated from the U.S. WHiwt. («■ North Vietnamese borirdef. m •••. VA N». Off. [T“ Naval Academy at Annapjll.-, Washington authorliies>rltles said Md., Herrick in 1844 and Ogler a they knew of no such action. year later. They returned to the BY V. T. HAMLIN Some suggested that the Com- academy 10 years ago to teach, *ALLY OOP ■TltlHIU I munists broadcast the charge to a.K ■ e ■ on a re- I divert attention from the attack — ' visit tc Tokyo. ESGHBkP------' on1 uiethe Maddox.Msaaox. xheThe two are »a ».iy men, antand i TORE TH* UGHTNINe I Congressional reaction was on news they made was ap OkMBUPWITH A the cautious side, running large- piauded at home, LAMB VM9RP UKE THAT? ly to praise of the Navy with no - it was exciting. How yov BY DICK TURNER immediate demands for retalia- gay? Goose pimples,” explained tory offensive action against French-born Christlane Mel- North Viet Nam. lame Ogler, the mother of i^iaiteiiipos W ed 48 lea rs But two Republicans saw in o gler’s three children. She got the incident evidence to support y,* middle of the night Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M a i ------■ ■ "... ~ I their charges of administration tgigphone tempo of 160 Cooper Hill St. tour-piece group of which two | CHOP SALE! I mlsmansgement in Southeast ^ were honored yerterday by their grandsons, Robert Maltempo six children with a surprise and r-Gregory------Merovonlch, a r e , i Senate Republican Leader part.’ m honor of their 48th members. r 'E verett M. Dirksen of Illinois 8‘ - Pel«<'«'>urg, Fla., with a. wedding anniversary, held at Mr. Maltempo, until his re­ I said the affair ooints up the "Good for him!" the home of their son and tirement 10 years ago, was em­ Herrick's wlfe^ Geraldine. v r need for "a new hard look” at t-.’.ughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ployed at Terry Steam Turbine, S H O U L D E R ••a ?r 1 U.S. policy there. WAS driving home from church Samuel Maltempo of 231 Wells Hartford. Mrs. Maltempo is with their four children when am«M««,iitiJt.a»aaN».a£OPL£HAVSl-Bef=OflEIKUNO r SOMETH/HG— THE Detorfont IT ANOVeDINTO ) ITO UTJ HEKE*S y LIGHTS WENT OFF ASAtH C O .,iN C . DEVELOPS THE HOUSE? < WHAT HAPPENED! A A FEW MINUTES! 78‘ i r a 5 9 ‘ . TMATTOA , FLETCHER CLASS CO ■ OF m a n c h e s i x r ] I AND FLOSSIE I Get an MFC WERE NOT Traveloan THE ONLY *When You Think of Ghu», , PEOPLE ■ 849-4SH «2t MAIN ITREET—MANCHE8TBR T i f f Br n Im A]ax Ntnvy Pity INTERESTED Think of Fletcher** WWWig wont take I IN THE OLD Feed Wrap Lmmdry ieterfont WHEELER you places... but PLACE! NOW AT OUR AT YOUR SERVICE an MFC Travoloan ^ l « - » w 36; . 85' NEW LOCATION wiN! So take that • MR. GEORGE JOHNSON vacation now. Borrow 54 McKEE STREET confklenny-repi^f BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS • MR. ROBERT STARKEL senslbiy. BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES MR. ABERNATHY CLOS^ THURSDAY EVENINGS • MR. HECTOR RIVARD DURING JULY and AUGUST I'D LIKE TD FEED NOW THAT Y BUT AH CAIN'T ^HAW'HAW; YD B en w mp Is $!••• tiAps SKEDADDLE cL/erLAnni C. YET. OUGHTTA BE ON TH' • MR. ALFRED J. SPAIN WISH THERE WAS bo YOU HAVEANYTHIN0 m a n ; TH E T'6 w h u t YOU SOMETHING YOU'VE HAD LARGER QUARTERS and MORE PARKINO ■” Taka up ta 24 monClM ta i I AIN'T TOLD VO», TV...YO'RE EVEN \ DOUBLE STAMPS SOAAETHINSI FOR A SICK TR E E ? AH c A l l BATIN'*... SPECIAL, CAPPV... A MEAL. 1 KINDA STIRRED UP BUT VO BE BREAK* KNOW YOU'LL FUNNIER'N A HOUN' AREA TO GIVE YOU BETTER SERVIOR AioMnoiSMOeoaemiJ!*< *■ »! ■> ING THE LAW.' a WANT TO BE PAWG CHASIN' A IS iiumiueMn inniitMy taet«lm«iW « W-T* eeA. MAH APPETITE FO' RABBIT...ON ic e ; SET- A LITTLE PEE-8ERT, ON YOUR AUTO GLASS INSTALLED TO ASSIST YOU IN ANY WELL WAY, BH, CARPS CAPPV? GLASS FURNITURE TOPS SECURITY TRANSACTION WEDNESDAY MIRRORS (Firoplaem mmI Do w ) AT YOUR NEARBY SIOnSHOP PICTURE f r a m in g (aRtypoo) T E L M 3-1105 \ in Hartford, Esit Hartford, W ait Hartford, WINDOW oinI PLATE GLASS \ M ANCHim il tHOPPICie PAM UM Middlotiawn, I • CONTRACTORS: WE *22® 382 Middle Tumpika WaM DBMPSIET-TCOELBR * 00., INO. Manehoftar and Naw Britain. MEDICINE CAilNETS and SHOVVER DOORS 2nd Howr>-PH6NEt 643-9534 * BScSiATBS GLADLX GIVEN NEW TORE arrOOK SatCHANflUi When Yon Think Of Glaa#, Think Of ffla M w nRmio«~M,U.H4 6 ii ' i’.' 4 ■ .t ; j •’.. ,


New England Finest Team in Olympic History But Winds Up with Victory Golf Cham p Country Quh Ready to Reoresent United States a doubleheader before the Mets^Davls later homered for L o s ^ leadoff double and singled TslFW” YOUTC VAP^-;__A lt0 ’0*ll> who replaced Ron Her-« borne the final run in a two-run iNr.w lunn. yj\r/ T b«i on the mound. W ith R o te r-' won 4-2. Angeles. h o i e 5 m >n e Impressive second Inning. Billy Oowaa bom- Dark and the big book of to Clemente up, Dark ordered A1 Oalamarl turned in his CARM-REDB— elred fo r the Cubs. baseball strategy have play­ O'Dell to issue an Intentional OIANTS-PIRATEA— first hols-iB*ena Saturday Prssaurs putts on two LOS ALTOS HILLS. walk and Clemente trotted to. The Giants' scored the The Cardinals,built a 4-6 lead Calif. (A P ) — Te«n-age ed Russian Rouliette four OOLTS-METB— whan hs aead tba ISS^ard No. successive holes were the first with the potential winning clincher in the eighth against in the first tiiree against 8 hols. H s usad a No. 7 iron for swimmera proved with rec­ times this season. run. Bob Friend, 9-11, when Jose starter Jim Maloney with Curt The Colts slugged 19 hits in keys to Ronnie (Red) The book has four holes. tha olaasioa ths fifth o f ths ord - shattering perform­ Jerry Lynch made Dark look’ Pagan led off by beating out a Flood hitting a homer, but John­ the opener, winiUng it in the •esson at ManchMlar and ths Smith’s impressive 4 end 3 The San Francisco manager son connected with a man on in ances in the AAU Cham­ like a genius by looking at a hit between third and short. ninth when Joe Gaines and Walt first on ttis nsw No. 8. conquest of the New Eng­ went against ohe o f baseball's the fourth and eighth innings, Bond doubled for the tying run pionships that America will called third strike. Two outs later, Snider rapped pisariiig with hint wart Mario land Amateur Golf Cham­ cardinal commandments— thou The Victory moved the Giants his winning single. both off . ^ and Carroll Hardy followed with send its finest swimming team BoooalotU, Joa Calamari and pionship last Saturday at Fal­ shall not Intentionally put the back to within 1V4 games of the clincher by hitting his first in history to the Olympics this The Giants had scored in the St. LoUis then broke throujgh Mae Jonah. mouth, Maina winning run on base — for the the leading fifth on a double by Del Cran­ for the winner in its half of homer of the season. fall. fourth time this season Sunday The 22Tyaar-old University of , who ran dall and a single by pitcher the eighth on two walks, sand­ Gaines collected four hits for 'me coaches, normally re- and remained undefeated as the gEUECTED IS — SUNDAY student from Manches­ i'l '■ afoul of Maury Wills. Wills Bob Hendley but the Pirates tied wiched around Julian Javipr’a the gam e and Bond, who also X scived, are looking forward in Giants edged Pittsburgh 2-1 (OiM-hatt handleap) ter defeated 1981 champion stroked a double and single, it in the seventh when Dick double, and a sacrifice fly by had a homer, and Hardy three eager anticipation, after watch­ Sunday. stole two bases and started two marnm X — Tom Prior 48-8- Dick Chapman of West Hyan- Schofield walked, moved up on Carl Warwick. each. But the key blows came nls Port, Maaa., in the 36-hole ing the youngsters in four days The situation came about In doubleplays as the Dodgers 40, B rv Kannsdjr 4S-1-40, Dave a sacrifice and scored on Manny Kmie Broglio, 5-9, won his too late for starter Dick Farrell, final at the Portland Country of outdoor competition at Foot­ the bottom of the ninth after belted the PhilUes 6-1. MaoKay 40-4-41. Mota's single. second straight for the Cubs and who left in the eighth after fall- Club. hill collej.e. Duke Snider's tie-breaking sin­ St. Louis kept third-place C3SS8 B — Jarty Beaulieu ' * • • ended Chicagos' five-game los­ ihg for the 11th time to win his Smith said Ms first crucial •’Tbrrlfic, Just amaUng,” said gle gave the Giants the lead In Cincinnati 4V4 games o ff the 44-4-40, Bill Kenney 46-6-40. ing streak by keeping eight Mil­ 11th game. putt came on the 25th hole. U.S. Men's Olympic (Joach Dr. the eighth. Here's what hap­ pact by beating the Reds 5-4 DODOERS-PH1L8— Class C — John Chanda 61- HP* waukee hits well scattered. The Mets came back to take Leading one-up he missed the Jem ei Counsilman after watch­ despite a pair of two-run hom­ The Dodgers snapped a 1-1 tie 9-42, Ray Warrsn 60-7-48 (on pened: • * • the nightcap when Charlie Smith green with his tee shot. Chap­ ing America’s corps break nine Bob Bailey singled for the ers by Deron Johnson, the Chi­ in the fourth when a single by draw). world records, 16 American cago Cubs whipped Milwaukee Willie Davis, Ron Falrly's tri­ OUBS-BRAVES— snapped a 2-2 tie in the seventh Low groas — Wrv Kannady, man hit the green and putted 36 Pirates with one out and moved feet to the e ^ e of the cup. But marks and 24 meet standard.^ 5-1 and Houston outslugged ple and a single by Nate Oliver Joe Amalfitano triggeredt r ^ e n a with a leadoff homer off Don Jim Horvath 72. to second on an Infield out. Smith chippeu on and sank a during the meet which ended New York 9-7 In the opener of produced two runs. Tommy two-run first for thee & b s with Larsen. Pro Swoops — low gross, Irv Dark then waved in Billy curling six footer to keep his ! Sunda,'. Kennedy, Jim Horvath 72; low narrow lead. . Additionally, three official is . i nets, W ally Olson 74-4-70, W ar­ Smith blrdied Uie next hole world marks wti* bettered in ren Butler. 80-10-70. with a 20-toot putt to beat Chap­ events wtiers lover times are Password $$$ Blind bogey — Henry Rook' man’s par and go two-up. Tha pending. well 84. CounacUcut youth went on to Peter Deiand of University of SALEM, N.H. (AP) — McDowell Nets Win, win the next two holes. Southern CaHfomla, who’ll mv BEST IS — SATURDAY The password at Rocking­ Patting Difference coach the women, expreaeed the ham Park is 988. (Foil handloap) After I I holes the match was one note of doubt during the Clase A — Vie Daiey 82-4-58, The track enjoyed a rec­ AMERICAN LEAGUE all even. Smith’s sharp putting meet. i W. L. Pet. GB Bill Moran 82-4-68. on the final 18, where he bad " A lot of people are swim­ ord Saturday handle of 81.- eSasB B — Mac Jonah 66-10- 590.8.S2 on a 10-race card. New York ...... 68 38 .624 — eight one-putt greens, spelled ming awfully weU awfully ear­ Seolded and Praised 66, Joa Novak 66-10-66, Dan the difference. ly,” he said. ”We may be up The crowd of 21,518 was the Baltimore ...... 65 40 .619 — Ready 66-10-66. BAUER CHASED— At top left, Baltimore Manager Hank Bauer (42) argues biggest of the meeting. Chicago ...... 64 40 .615 V, Chapman said it was his last too far. I only hope v/e can hold Brown, who needs a few hlts.^homer by Boog Powell, and the Class C — Ray Thompson with Umpire John Rice over a ball hit by Brooks Robinson that Bauer claimed The dally average handle NEW YORK (AP) — Los Angelea ...66 S3 .514 11 crack at the course. "N o one toug)i until the Olympics in To­ didn’t get one. The young In- A ’s had 13, Including solo horn gg-i?."' •’- .J...-- - . at the track now is 8947,- Boeton ...... 52 54 .481 IS'/j can know how badly I wanted to kyo.” should have been a . Top right, back in dugout, Bauer gets madder as Sometimes you can’t win fielder, hampered by a leg in­ ers by Berto Campaneris, Jim 252 compared to 8826,898 at Minnesota ...... 50 55 .476 16 Z/>w groee— Stan HiUnsldTl. win,’’ the 5S-ycar-old grandfa­ The posiiibllity that swimmers he thinks about it. Lower picture Umpire Larry Napp restraining Bauer from even when you do. fection, is batting .223. Gentile sind Manny Jimenex and ther said. He plans to play next might be at an early peak, the same stage last year. Ed Charles’ two-run shot. Detroit ...... 61 57 .472 16i/] Rice at right. Coach comes up to help calm Bauer. Bauer got the Clalrbome Farm’s Scythe Ask Sam McDowell and The league-leading New York aevelan d ...... 47 68 .448 18 Hilinski 71, Vic Daley. Jim Hor­ in the U.8. Amateur Tourna­ ' with the Olympic Trials in New • • * ment, which he won in 1940. thumb at Kansas City. (AP Photofax.) ______(86.40, 88.80. 83) despite an Larry Brown, key figures Yankees blanked Minnesota 2- Kansas aty ...... 40 66 .381 26 vath 73; low nets. Bill Moran /ork not until Aug. 29-Sept. 3, extremely heavy Impost of in the ’ 0 behind ’s three- WHITE SOXrSENATORS— Washington ....41 09 .873 Mi/, 72-4-68, Hogan Zamaltis 89-20- Smith said he will play in the didn’t v.orry Counsilman. hitter and second place Balti­ Jim Landis' two-nin single in Rhode Islud 0 d m and the Con- 127 pounds, won the fea­ doubleheader sweep over Yesterday’s Results 69, Bill Anderson 75-6-69, Har­ , ” I ’ve talked with the coaches, more shook o ff Kansas City 8- the sixth paced the White Sox’ ry Paton 90-21-69, Frank L4- necUcut Open. Tben it’s back to and none of them were pointing tured Keene Handicap by Chicago t-S, Washington l-l MURRAY ROSE SHARON STOUDEik Basketball’s Hall of Fame half a length over Tune- Detroit Sunday. 7 to stay five percentage points second game victory after bloop Cleveland 6-2, Detroit 1-1, (Snd pinski 78-9-69, Dan Ready 79- the Houston for his senior year. their swimmers for this meet. Swept In 1:11 8/5 for six McDowell pitched a brilliant behind the Yanks. The CSiicago singles by Bill Skowron and Ger. 10-69. Smith is a member of that 11 really can’t wait to see what four-hitter in the 6-1 opener, ry McNertney drove in the first 11) school’s crack golf squad, h e furlongs. White Sox won two from New York 2, Minnesota 6 Blind Bogey — John Mon­ ' they’ll do. in New York,” said Donna Ds Vsrons, the 17- her elders in the 1 ,100-meter PLAY GOLF but got scolded by Manager Inducts Seven New Members The victory waa the sev­ Washington 2-1 and 3-1, climb­ game runs Baltimore 8, Kansas City t ger, Henry Rockwell, Ray says ha hopes eventually to try I the University e f Indiana year-old Olympic veteran from freestyle on Thursday. Birdie Tebbetta and wound up, ing to within one half game of Joel Horlen, Don Mossl and the pro game. enth In 16 starts for the 4- Los Angeles 2, Boston 1 Thompeon, Merle Anderson, all coach. Santa Clara, failed to better a The 18-year-old from the city NOW OPEN in a Cleveland hospital. Brown Ed Fisher checked the Senators Btggeset WlB BUCKLED8E C. C. year-old brown gelding this the top, and the Los Angeles Today’s Games 81S. I Standout performers in an world mark but played havoc of Commerce in Loe Angeles broke up a 2-1, 11-innlng night­ on four hits in the opener. Mossi The localocaT shotmaksr.shotmaksr, a SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)^!>ed to the ,11st of 53 others 8at- year. , Angels defeated Boston 2-1. Washington (Kreutzer 8-2) at with the American and meet County passed the 500-meter cap with a pinch hit that * • • relieved again in the eighth inn­ product of the caddy ranks, outstanding field of competi- Jet. Route 85 and 94 — Basketball’s ^all of Fame urday at Springfield College Clevelaod (Donovan 6-7), N W O M E N ’S D IV IS IO N tors were Callfmmlans Don itandards. mark in 6 :47.8 and then finished RED ROOK waan’t. INDIANS-’nGERB— ing of the nightcap and saved said it was tbs "Biggest win” HEBRON, CONN. has seven new members today Two other coache.s, Ken Loef- Baltimore (Pappae 9-8) at Los Sweepstake*—Thursday SchoUander of Santa Clara and Altogether, the bettered in 11:30.5. both were world rec­ ' McDowell suffered stomach the victory for Ray Herbert. of his sparkling carter, which representing, a wide variety of fler and Harold (Bud) Foster McDowell, who had lost five Angeles (Belinsky 9-6), N Low nets, Helen Ayers 94-19 Sharon Stosider of C ity of American and meet records in ords although gals before had cramps before and during the Don Lock hit his 19th homer for started at Manchester High OOUNTRY OLUB Ladies’ Day Tuesday contributions to the sport. also were voted into member­ straight, struck out seven and Only Games Scheduled. — 75. Florence Barre 92-14— 78, the 200 and 400-meter individual tried' swimming only ths 800 first game but didn’t tell Teb- Washington in the first game. School. Prior to winning the Commerce. Nat Holman and Honey Rus­ ship. held the Tigers to four singles medley and was on the Santa and hadn’t done it as rapidly. Full Time Professional betts. The 21-year-old southpaw * • * Eileen Plodzik 106-28— 78; low New Englands, Smith annexed SchoUander, 18, won the The three others were John for his fourth victory. NATIONAL LEAGUE Clara team that bettered U.S. Patty probably won’t make f H O U S sell, a pair of former profes­ NA'nONAL LEAGUE appeared to tire In the late in­ gross, Helen Noel 89; low putts, the Connecticut State Amateur meet’s outstanding performer Fot Information and Bunn, official rules interpreter Woodie Held backed up Mc­ ANGELS-RED SOX— W. L. Pet. G J. and meet marks in ths 800 me­ the 1064 Olympica becaua* only sionals who went on to excel as Bond (15), Hardy (1). Colts; nings and the manager, assum­ Helen Noel, Rika Horvath 29. Championship and next added Overtime Winner at Ellington trophy by sweeping the 100, StaHing Time Tel. 228-9488 and form er Stanford coach; Ned Dowell with four hits, Including Bob Rodgers singled home the Philadelphia 60 42 .688 — ters and 400 meters freestyle the 100 and 400 freeatyles are coaches, head the list of in­ Elliott (8), Kranep^ (5), Smith ing McDqwell was not in top the Feeding HUls, Mass., Vet­ 200 and 400-meter freestyle Slottr St., Manehoilar Irish, New York basketball ex­ a leadoff homer in the first inn Angles' deciding nm in the ninth San Francisco 60 46 .571 1>/| Olympic women's events and ductees whose names were add- (IS), Mots; T. Davis (7), Dodg­ shape, told him so afterward. Odd or Even— Saturday erans’ Tournament. While a Tom Schiller, left, finally defeated Jack Garvy, 2 events, setting world’s records relays. ecutive and William Jones of Ing, and Joe Azeue had three off Red Sox relief ace Dick Ra- Cinoinnatt ...6 7 48 .648 i'/j she finished only seventh In tha ers; Cowan (15); Johnson 2 (14), But, after McDowell entered Low neta, Peg Chanda 46-12 schoolboy here, Smith hslped and 1, for the Ellington Ridge Club Golf Chani- in the 200 snd 400-meter free­ Tiny Patty Carette provided f Take UaioB B t to ToUaud Munich, Germany, co-founder of datz, who was making his 66th Plttsbnrgh ..54 46 .540 5 400 as Mias Ramenofsky shgt' Reds; Flood (4), Cardinals. .. the hospital for observation, hits. Manchester High notch two style events, setting world’s the keynote for the ewlmming Tpka., tara right au Slater S t the International Basketball • • • appearance. Rodgers’ hit follow­ Milwaukee ..54 49 .624 O'/j —33, Evelyn Lorentzen 42-7— pionship Saturday after the pair finished in a tie tered ths world mark with her AMERICAN LEAGUE Tebbetts was the sorriest fel­ State Championships. records in the 200 and 400 at convention with two world rec­ Federation. YANKS-TWINS— ed a walk to Jim Fregosl and a St. LouU ....64 60 .619 7 35. Edna Hilinski 41-6— 35; low after the first 36 holes the previous Sunday. The 4:41.7. Powell. (28), Orlolee;. Cam- low in Municipal Stadium. A t 22, Smith it one of ths 1;57.6 and 4:12.7. ords in oos raes as ah* trounced Holman coached for 36 sea­ single by Joe Adcock. Fred Los Angeles .61 61 .500 9 gross, Helen Noel 40; low putts, panerls (S), JImeaes (12), Gen­ Tebbetts had company, how­ Bouton, working in 94-degree youngest players sver to win men are shown swapping scorecards prior to Sat­ Mias Stouder, only 16, also sons at City College of New Newman pitched the distance Chicago ...... 40 68 .480 11 Helen Noel 26, Helen Ayers, Lll tile (18), Charles (IS), -Ath- ever, when Brown’s bases-load- heat, tossed his second straight ths New England* and the first urday’s 18 extra holes. (Herald Photo by Pinto.) waa a triple winner. She took York and his great 1949-50 team for the Angels, permitting five Houstmi ...... 46 62 .426 17 Patton 81. leUcs; Lock (19), Senators; ed hit in the 11th of the sec­ shutout and ran his season rec­ to play out of the Manchester made history by capturing both hits and improving his record New York ...34 78 .818 28'/j 100-meter freaityle and the 100 Lopes (8), Yankees; Held (14), ond game went into the record ord to 12-8. Jimmie Hall, who Country Club. the National Collegiate and Na­ to 9-4. Yesterday’s Results Selected 16—Sunday and 200-metor butterfly aiveats, Indians. book as a force play. doubled In the seventh, was the GOLFERS! tional Invitation Tournament Houston 9-2, New York 7-4. Low nets, Barbara Boyce 74- During uie lunch break,' EoStCm Nct Cham D resting the world’s standard in "OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP!" Chico Salmon led o ff the in­ only Twin to reach second base. titles. Loe Angeles 6, Philadelphia 1. Smithmth was busy doctoring a O i. tha 200 with a 2:26.4. ning by reaching base on Dick .Hector Lopez drove In l)oth l8-r68.. Cora Anderedh 90-20— TRADE WELL AT MORIARTY MOTHEM Pros — Amotours — DufFors Loeffler coached at Geneva, At the start of tbe baseball St. Loots 6, Clnoinnati 4. nos6’ bkMd ifotA vef,' he d im ’t Others who battered rec­ M cAuliffe's errir. One out lat­ Yankee runs with a ground out 60; low gross Edna Milinskl 72; Yale, Denvej, LaSalle and Tex­ season Henry Aaron of Milwau­ BASEBALL HEROES Chicago 6, Milwaukee 1. have any ill effects during the ognized world marks ware 16- "VOLUME AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR lUSINESS kee had a career average of er, Billy Moran's single and a and his eighth homer. low putts Lucille Prior 28, Hel­ afternoon play which was wlt- as A & M in a career spanning • * • San Francisco 2, Pittobnrgh year-old Dick Roth of Atherton, 24 years. Russell spent 20 years .320. for. 10 seasons as compared walk to Tito Francona loaded en Noel, Cora Anderson 30. neased by more than 1.000 xolf- Calif., with 4:48.6 in the 400- ORIOLESA’s— PITCHING — Jim Bouton, 1. Wimbledon Crown the bases. Brown, batting for at Seton Hall and Foster starred to the 13-year average of .315 second Today’s Gamea Ing buffs, many from this area. meter individual medley, and pitcher, Lujs Tiant, hit a loop- Doubles by Jackie Brandt and Yankees, hurled his at Wisconsin before spending owned, by Willie Mays of San Loe Angeles (Koufax (15-6) Ellington Ridge Marilyn Ramenotoky, IT, of SALES ARE SKYROCKETING er to short right that dropped Norm Siebem in the eighth' 2-0 victory over Minnesota, 35 years there as coach. Francisco. broke a 7-7 deadlock at Kansas BATTING — Duke Snider, at PMladelpria (Bennett 9-3). Phoenix, Aril., with 4:41.T in the in. But A1 Kaline’s throw to WOMEN’S OHAMFR City after the Athletics had tied i Giants, stroked a tle^breaking N. ■ 400-raeter fresstyls. W s'rs HarfforfI County's Load­ second beat Francona. who had Objective of Ashe Also besting existing world’s San Francisco (Marlchal 16- hesitated on the basepath. the score with four runs in the | single in the eighth inning, giv- n ig h t results In the Women’s ing V e I u m a Mareury-Comat 6) at Pittsburgh (Inw 9-8), N. standards was ths 400-moter Salmon scored the winning fourth. The Orioles cracked 161 Ing San Ffanclsco a 2-1 vlo- Club Championship Tourna­ Only Games Scheduled. HUNTING women’s freestyle relay team Daalor for May and Juna, 1964. run on the weird play but hits, including a three-run tory over Pittsburgh. ment were; First—Connie Kelly def. Jane Rossito; second, Gaby SOUTH ORANGR, N. J. (A P )— Arthur Ashe Jr., rap­ from the Santa Clara, Calif., Tardiff def. Lois Bantly; fourth, idly coming to the fore in United States tennis, has set Swim Club. TH/S WEEK ONLY I f ' ' a n d ' ^ Each one of those record bids TOP DOLLAR Gloria Meurant def. Enes his sights on winning the Wimbledon championship, Garrett Starter waa in an Olympic event. PAID FOR Warmlngton. i The 21-year-old Negro from^ Australian Murray Rose cast In Sunday Game FISHING Richmond, Va., a student at prestige. It’s the same thing a big shadow On Am erica’s CLEAN USED CRIER’S TOURNEY — U C LA, won the Bkustem Graas with Wimbledon. I f you’re the hopes at Tokyo when he cams CARS TAKEN SATURDAY Court Championships Sunday Wimbledon champ thsy think SPECIAL With Boston Pats BAROMETER AIDS back on the last day et competi­ Men — Pete Nakfenls 78-8— by defeating Clark Oraebner of you are the best.” tion to reglator a world record- IN TRADE FISHERMEN Beachwood, Ohio, 4-6, 8-6, 6-4, 67, Frank Sheldon 83-15 — 68, Ashe competed at Wimble­ breaking 17:01.8 in the 1,500- YOUR CHOICE ANDOVER, Mass. (A P ) — J. Research shows that fishing 6-3. He is the first male of his Jack Hunter 77-9 — 68, Les meter men’s fresstyls. D. Garrett, the hard-running la average when the barometer race to win a major grass court don in 1963 and this year, but these Baum 79-11—68; ladies —Gaby each time was eliminated be­ WIN rookie from Grambling, will is 29.90 inches (see level) and tournament. Althea'Gibson, the Tardiff 88-30—58, Marge Allen fore the quarterfinals. In win­ 1984 .start Sunday in the Boston P a ­ above this it is generally good Female Athlete of the Year In You Con luy A triots’ 88-23 — 65, Nellie Johnson 86- and below it poor. 1967 and 1958, was ths’ first ning here as fifth seed, he M e r a ir y great scored two upsets. He put out ' League exhibition against Hous­ 20— 65. USE MOTOR TO FEND FISH Negro to do so. Irond Now Comet 2-Dr. Dennis Ralston in the quarter­ EACH ton at Boston College. Kickers — Gene Kelly 89- Ask an experienced fishing Ashe, who first hit the Hardtop I Garrett, who has Impressed 10— 79, Jack Kearney 91-12— guide his recipe fo r flUlng a headlines in 1961 by winning finals and Gene Scott, the de­ services fending champion, in the semi­ niastratcd I in early scrimmages, will open 79, Frank Sheldon 90-16— 74. fish stringer and he’ll likely ad­ the National Interscholastic I as the second set back with mit that fishing success is Championship, w a s ranked finals. Larry Garron, the team’s most PRO-MEMBER — SUNDAY usually dependent on finding 28th nationally that year. He In the women's play, Billie 64 COMET 100 Jean M offitt, Long Beach, I valuable player. Low pro — Bob Kay 70, Wally them first. Fish, like 'peoiile, was No. 10 in 1962 and moved '20r 2-DOOR SEDAN Garrett's elevation too the Clchon 71, Larry McCue 71. move around a lot. They move up to sixth in 1963 as well as Calif., top seed, swept the hon­ ors. She beat Nancy Richey, BUMMER BABRETBAIX AUTO I starting unit, combined with a Low nets (team) — Stan with the seasons, with the mi­ becoming the first Negro to be Price includes standard transmiBBion, tendon injury suffered by Art Staszowskl, Mike Ovian, Mark gration o f bait firti and with named to the Davis Cup Dallas, for the first time in Jualor Btaudinge 1 Graham, may force Coach Mike Kravitz, Lee Charendoff 58; fluctuaUng water levels. Find­ squad. four tries, for the singles W. L. Pet. heater, defroster, air cleaner, dual crown, 7-6, 3-6, 8-6. CASH ' Holovak to experiment with Ron Bob Bodington, Roy Conyers. ing them, therefore, is mainly ”I’d like to win Wimbledon,” Eagle Junior* ...... 8 0 1.000 SEAT BELTS Later she teamed with Mrs. signal lights, wheel discs. Federal ' Burton as a flanker back. Stan Loucks, Tom Ferguson 59; a matter of experimentation Ashe said after he defeated Men. Heat A Plumb 4 2 .667 Karen Hantze Susman, San An­ /iU COLORS Holovak indicated he may W ally Cichon, Harry Elch, and keeping on the move. I f Graebner. ’Tm California Indian Juniora ...... 3 4 .429 I label list price $2178. ______tonio, to beat Miss Richey and move Burton outside because he Merrill Rublnow, Bob Bock- one cove doesn’t produce a State champ now. I’d rather be Weat Siders ...... 2 4 .333 I A must for safer ckrvihg. Extra strong mounts and Mrs. Clark Oraebner for the wants to keep his second unit weg 60; Pete Dunn, Charley strike after a couple of caats, Pennsylvania State champion North Endera ...... 0 6 .000 steel clasp. Heavy^d^ nylon weave in full ^ange doubles crown, 4-6, 6-8, 6-4. running backs, Tom Neumann Conlln, Bem le Waldman, BiU don’t waste too much time. because the tourney has more for a first-hole of colors A« U. S. cars. Start the outboard and move Senior itandlnga and Jim Crawford operating to­ Peck 61; Frank Sarro, Ruben Delivered In gether. Gill, Paul Anderson. Bernie to another spot, and another W. L. Pet. until fish are discovered. Then Manchester ONLY EACH-FREE INSTALLATION Still to be decided before the Menschell, 61; Joe Sullivan, Spruce St. Market ...4 0 1.000 Hole-in-One at Houston game is the starting of­ Sher Ferguson, Jack Goldberg, start fishing in earnest. Eaglea ...... 4 0 1.000 ‘1995 fensive right tackle. Newcomers Bob Rayburn 61. ENGINE TRANSPORTING Kel Nagle Nemesis Indiana ...... 2 .500 SAVE ON THIS REAUTHFUL IRAND NEW Bob Dental of Miami and Jay Closest to pin on No. 7 — When transporting an out­ Moriarty Brother! ....2 .500 Donovan of Boston College have Stan Staszowskl, IS feet, 2 board in an auto, inflate an old Walnut Barbara ...... 2 .600 1964 MERCURY been alternating there. Inches. inner tube, tie it together in Mclntoah Boat ...... 1 .260 DELCO SUPER-RIDE .250 GOLF CITY Closeat to pin on No. 4 (for several places, then ley the mo- For Arnold Palmer Julers ...... 1 members) — Pete Naktenls, 18 j tor on It It won’t shift and will McGehan’a S•*e * ..0 .000 1190 West Middle Tpke., Manchester feet, 8 Inches. provide a fine euahionad ride. MONTEREY 4-DOOR SEDAN Bob Fuller Wins MONTREAL (A P)— Arnold Palmer keeps chasing SHOCK ABSORBERS with Rrooiaway WIhaIo w . .. THOMPSON, (AP) — Peter old Kel Nagle, but he can’t catch him. DIRECTIONS: Take Center Street to the East For a smoother, easier ride on every surface. Sachs of W al^am , Mass., not In fact, Arnie is losing ground. Hartford-Manchester town line. FuMy guaranteed. ah u . S. car*. only outdistanted suppoeedly 13th Inning Proves Lucky Nagle, a 43-year-o)d Australian with powderpuff « faster cars Sunday in the fea­ drivea and pinpoint Irona. ftraf- OMIY EACH-FREE INSTALLATION ture race at the Thompeon For Charleston in Eastern outraced Palm er in the 1960 fj^ing birdies on the aecond, HERE’S HOW IT WORKS Raceway—he set a new race BrlUah Open when he beat golf- gj^th holea, he overtook Equippe.. with Multi-Drive Auto­ D IFFERENCE OF O PINIO N— Joe Pepitone, Yankee first baseman, bends record of 71.79 mph in his Class Ing’a maater by one atroke. the- leaders and began setting i matic Transmission, Power Steer­ F modified Brabham. Class win­ down (le ft) and then thrusts his stomach at Plate Umpire Sam Carrigan B y ASSO O IA’TED PRESS ^amaport Meta, 8-3. The Sox had He outran him again Sunday, his own pace. j ing, Pushbutton Radio, Heater, Pay $2.00 for an 18-hole round of PAR- ners included Formula Jr— Bob an 8-0 lead before the Meta tal­ The ISth inning proved lucky alaahing four atrokea off the Palm er missed seven putts of ■ Defroster, Signals, Front Seat' (right) as they differ on called strike in game with Twins. Carrigan tossed Fuller, Manchester, Conn., L o ­ tor the CUiarleaton Indians Sun­ lied their three rune bi the 7,090-yard Pinegrove course’a 3 golf at GOLF CITY, 7 p.m. to I 1:30 FRONT END BAUNCE tus, 69-.2S mph. . four feet or less but climbed j Pepitone out even before the heated argument. (AP Photofax.)______day as they busted out with five fourth. par T1 and won the $50',000 Cana­ right back into the big money Belts. 8:00 x 14 Tubeless tires. •,p.m., a ^ night o f the week, starting Delivered In Manchester runs in the extra frame to Lefty John Boyle (7-8) got dian Open golf championship with an amazing finish. | Federal I^bel List Price $3393.10. Mon., Aug. 3. ALIGNMENT break up a 8-8 tie and gain an the win for the Sox and Ray with a 72-hole total of 277. Pal­ He knocked in a 18-footer on 1 8-3 Eastern League victory Apple, who left with an injured mer, despite his patented finish, the 18th for a birdie, launched Above car carries a t4-nionth or 24,000-uiile Ford M otor* warranty Factory trained experts and newest equipment Sweetest of Vietories Scored by Angles over the York W hite Rosea. hand after the firat inning, took was to shots behind this time at a, second shot to within three the loaa, hia aecond against Register at the GOLF CITY Pro Shop assure precision alignment for longer tire wear. The Indians bunched five hits 279. feet of the pin on 17 and dropped together and took advantage of three defeata. “ Thla fellow has got in my it for another bird, and almost To vialt our showroom at your and tee off for the first hole in the eas,er handling. NOW 0 « L Y V t . K two York errors in the fourth Tonight’a Schedule way before,’’ Palmer told a pre­ scored another on the 18th but convenience and ea* how nicely A U a i C f K aM Willlamaport at Springfield, You're Invited we can flu your new car needa, •presence of an authorized attendant. AN U S. car*. Over Red Sox and Relief Pitcher Radatz oxtra inning to give Frank sentation ceremony that award­ missed a seven-foot putt. Smith his third win in five de­ 8 p.m. ed Nagle $7,600 for his first Palmer, whose first tourna­ whether you plan an Inveet- North American tournament vic­ ment of $2,000 or $7,000, or anywhere In between. Over 100 Brand New C a « in Stock . LOS ANGELES (AP) — ydatz dates back to a month<^and handed Radatz Ws fifth<^ scoring. He drove in the An­ cisions. Carlos Medrano, York’s ment victory was the 1955 Cana­ loss. gels first run with a fielder’s tory and Arnie $4,000 for his dian Open, wound up with a one- for Immediate Delivery. High Trades, low price*! W* N ^ Your Ueed ^ Now. If you icore a first-hole Hole-in-One, For Bill Rigney p d his ago at Fenway Park when Bos­ third hurler, took the loss, his SPEEDY ROOKIES ALL WORK ALL WORK ton’s ace reliever surrendered Righthander Fred Newman, choice, booted a potential dou­ sixth sotback in 16 decisiona. fourth second-place finish this under 70 to edge Floyd for sec­ KU remember; For over 30 years w* have built up a reputation for the quaUty of «wr pro- YOU WIN $ 100 CASH from GOLF CITY. avenging Angels it must the control expert from Brook­ ble play grounder to let in Bos­ F A IR FIE LD , Conn. (N E A )— year. ond. Floyd, with 280, earned , duct and service. W e’d ilk* to add your name to the Met of our satisfied customer*. back-to-back home nins to Joe The league leading Spring- One thing is certain about some • have been the sweetest of Adcock and Lou Clinton, then line, Mass., pegged a heady ton’s run, then scored the win­ field Glanta, with a four-run "This is unusual for me,” Na- $3,300 and Dan Sikes Jr. picked Come in...soon! DONE BY FULLY five hitter for the Angels pick­ ning run on Dodgers’ single. of the'New York Giants’ rookie up $2,900 tor^ fourth at 281. Herald Champ victories. flattened Bob Rogers with his third inning, aewed up a 5-1 backs — they’re fast. Okalaho- 8le Mid "Ilm usually short off The $100 Jackpot increases $5.00 every next pitch. ing up his ninth win against four ■The Red Sox now two games the tees but fairly straight. I "We’ve been'waiting for the victory over the Elmira Pion­ m a’s Jo* Don Looney, the top Powerful Rudy Heck Ironically a comparable cast losses below .500, open a three game ^ night until someone wins. EXPERTS GUARANTEED Red Sox," the dour Los An­ eer*. draft choice, can run the 100- play a steady game. But thla la copped the annual Her­ of characters participated yes­ Dave Morebesd opened for series with the muscular Min­ a long course. It’e not made for Kelley Triumphf • geles manager was saying be­ Boston and yielded 10 singles nesota Twins at MlnneapoUa to­ In that frame, the Glanta hit yard dash in 9.7. Clarence ald Open Golf Tourna­ terday as the Angels reached niD. fore the Boston series. ‘ ‘.We've morrow night. southpaw ITowie Blethers for Childs of Florida ARM haa been MORIARTY BROTHERS MANCHESTER BRANCH Radatz for a pair of ninth in­ bMore departing tor Radatz in Hear mprt about GOLF CITY and its been waiUng for Radatz." two singles, two doubles and a Umed in 9.5, but the beat —Nagle . ------turned in ecoree of 78 NEW LONDON (AP) — ment last Saturday by ning singles and a 2-1 victory the seventh. ' >. iJumj. CouUneatal o Mercury MoutarJk # Motoor # Oomat * WlBja Jwepj of ail la Homer Jones of T ex a s; and 71 for the flrat two rounds. Teacher Johnny Kelley haa won outlasting a field of 12 ARNOLD PALMER PUTTING COURSE on He waited seven innings F ri­ over Boston. Boston managed Just 18 hits— trlplo. "Buy With OouBduie* From HartfMd ohaty’s O l^ t lin o ^ ^ o r e ^ Dealeri* day before Radatz caipe on to 11 singles and two doubles— SWeeps Drawing M att Oayeski went ail the Southern. He haa done a 9.81 but biased home on the second a 12-mlle race before what was at the Manchester HARTFORD GENERAL First it was Adcock bounc­ and also holds a 200-meter win half with round* of 88 Satur- 301-315------['.— CENTER ST.-~643-W35— 643-5135 QPEN EVENINGS mow down the Angela as the ing a clutch two-out single up in the Rnal two games with the way to record hia 13th win practically a honietown gather­ Country Club. Heck, a rugged right hander recorded Ang^s; while the Red Sox stUG Bishop, from Berlin, Conn., againat five defeata. Stethera la over Bob Hayes, the top eprlntes day and Sunday the middle that sent fleet Jim "T h ey’re my best finishing ing. Kelley, the veteran from compositor, scored an his 18th save. lead tire league in hitting they first drew notice at Riverside now 6-6 on the seaaon, in the United States. 11 WCCC Golden Sound Radio TIRE CO. Fregosl scurrying from first to rounds ever," said Nagle. nearby Groton took 37 minute* 81. Runner-up was Co- LEASING PLANS AVAILABLE FOR ALL M0DIL8 He waited seven innings yes­ third.ira. appekr mired in a minor bat­ when he captured a 30-lap fea­ The Reading Red Sox atgrted IS saconds to nsfotlato the ture back in April. I t waa his Shotshella will not lose power Nagle went into the final Publiihar Walt Fargu- terday and It was a different Then it was Rodgers rifting ting slump. fast with three runs in the first course over Nsw Leedee^ and 129 A M 106.9 PM 155 CENTER STREET— TEL. 649-2828 Arsgosl, ills tormsar I M Sm flrat try in ths "gOO" a o n ^ U - between seasons tt kept In round one ftroke behind Pal' story, . a single to ztsht that seorad Inning and were never threaten­ mer, BiU OoUias and lU y F l ^ d . W a ta rfo ri streeta. aoa with an U. R ^ s v ’a 4e#*r* hi beat. H»- Fragosltagosl with ma utantna m b tam&M, flglind IB lA lbs tlofii ed as they toppled the Willl- n o in a l atoriega. 4 ;V. r ■ '.'.t "

T.?' •S(l^'->>.' ''^V' ■■>■!■ ■ i


RooBii W ltboot Boaid 89 Avartmenti— FlBtE— BoafaneaB Locattona Hoosm For Sale 72 Honoes Far Sate 72 Houbob Far Sate 72 Hoo For Sate 72 Hoobsb For Sate 72| Wantod— Raal Satoto 77 1 6 THERE 0U6RTA BE A LAW Br PAGALY and SHORTEN DonUs Or NfiCMiiC Tsnamsiits 68 )For Rent M WANTED—Boston or vicinity— THE THOMPSON Boura, Cot­ OOMOntD RD - BBVBN ROOM oMot tanaa. 4 MAlfCHBBTBR — eentral, bus MANCHESTER — 7 room SpUt FOtm ROOMS, bath, and en­ A A BISSELL STREET ■— 4 tnom ranch, targe Itvteg reern. $■ bedroom s, 0 batba. tat TSiciBL line. Excellent 2-family of level home ideally situated on a closed heated porch, oil hot authentic Oolonial or pre-war, Joseph Haseh of BIS Bush tage Street. cantraUy fJBagIt—Excellent loea- HlU Rd. did a doubts taks aafaBiiu. fkm aulr\. __ ANDMOMASOirr ^ ploaaanUy___f u r ^ ^ tenement, second floor, |io. ai riinhig room, caatoat Itttok Uaiton B. Robattaoa. Raaltoe, Two heating mtems. weD abaded lot, 2-car garage, water host, lOQxlOO lot in 30 acres, $36,000000,000. Mar­ intmark 1 ior doeter’B offloe or this morning wbsn^he looked M lOMlI n M U N M U A L S e o o a e o l ratme, parittng. CaK 049-2858 0490299, 90. Pitoad to aell at |l6,600. kltobait with buUt-tes, Uvug Oovm try. 740-7006. lon Edlund Real Estate, 044- baanty parlor. 410 Mate ttSUeet out and saw two huboaps itapL #oikinaaaldp' guam» ONEOftMe e iM T P llC E f to r overnight and permanent OompieMly renovated and tandaoaped yard. Uartoa Hayea Agency, .048-4808, room frith fireplace, dining (H14, 3890610. 010000-7 ROOM Oolcolal. Uv- MAlfOHBBniR—6 room Cape, miming from his car. taod. M Aumma t t 004010. O A W I ^ C O I M guest rates. ______FOUR ROOM duplex, heat, hot ^ parking. J. D. Realty, 640- Robertaoo. Raailor. eU 066B room, 8 bedrooms, large water, Inquire 90 Maple S t af­ ing room, fireplace, formal closets. TUro tiled bathrocnui shed dormer, 0 partly finiahed, And maybe the thief did a COUXCnONBM 0100. 2-omt garage, open staircase, COMFORTABLE room for gen­ ter 0 p.m. dinteg room, 0 bedrooms, sun VACANT RANCH . . . and a 38x34 heated family double take, too, because the TMeiMHOlt flrepCace, paneled wall. Gates- ADVERTISING Oorapaay — RooHiit. aidlag, al* tleman, aaparate entrance, pondi, natural woodwoek, On the west ride of Town room. Custom built 1661. Wo(- other two hubcape had been 2ND FLOOR SPACE Hiuiloy Apmey, 440-0000, 649- tannouB. addHIoM aad ra- coum v- parking. Oat 049-255^______OOTTAGB SrilBBT — Four rage, shade troea, c« (High Street) a five room varton Agency, Realtor, 649- 7 Miles Out! 0176. Events stolen Saturday night CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS modeltat a t an tjrpaa Bteal- rooms, first floor, furnace, $60. Suitable for offices, dlatribu- tooated In Manchmtei ranch with full basement. 28l8. Hasoh reported the first lout wmiunaiiahip. 0O 0O0. brick Ag«itcy, 649-8464. Brick and frafiie, firei^ace, 8 AJtf. to 5 PJW. tloo M>aca, beai^ parlor or NEW ON THE MARKET—6 theft to police yesterday and Apartments—Flats— b u b e r ehop. Hun traffic $103. Monthly nice corner lot. Excellent MANCHESTER — New 8 room said he looked out his win­ BRICK RMfCB - ba ta a t at raised ranch, S-car garage, room Cape in excellent loca­ Tenements 63 count WUl buUd to eult condition throughout WIU In State dow Saturday night and saw Roofins and Chtaniicys 16-A FIVE ROOM apartment, M Patker and Stephans, ownefa qualify for FRA minimum bullt-ins, 1)4 baths, % acre M , tion, situated on nice lot of COPY CLOSING TM E FOR 11.ASSIF1ED ADVT. needs. Reasonable leaae. 60x120. Ideal for children at a youth numlng down the 4V6 ROOMS, Ford Street, fu^ Foster St. Pays All! are ttansfarred, Uvtag out o t down. 'SelMng for only $17,- tremendous value. Hayes Agen­ MOMDAT Tlmi flM D A l tliM A.M.—8ATDRDAI 0 AJM. Roorma - ipoeiaiWBg m - 18 Town and want thta sooUs $10,000. J. D. Realty, 6480129. (Oewtinned from Page One) street He thought nothing of nace, automatic hot water and 649-1647 900 and trades wlU be con­ cy, 643-4808. paliliid roota c t all Idada. mam Assume mortgage end 0100. ranch home Sold. Reauutul lo­ It until he fotmd the hubcaps stove. Phone 048-4751. sidered. T. J. Cnxficett, ’lYie robbers, armed with i roatM, guttor work, chtaaBoya OFFICE space and etora apace monthly pays everythtegt Ex­ cation, has three bedrooms, I pi miming yesterday. ’Die caps, PLEASE READ YOUR AD GLASTONBURY Realtor, 448-1677. Lots For: Shotgun,73 two pistols and a base- cloaMd. ropalrad. AhnatBum SIX ROOM duplex, near echoola for rent, Mate S t, near Cen­ cellent young 0 room C a ^ with living room with a asperate rec room, 3 full baths, modem ______J from a a 1957 c u , are valued C h ilia d at "WMit Ada” a n takca over Um pboM oa a aiding. 00 yeara’ oxporlaBeo. and Main Street. Oat 048-4041 ter. 049-5229, 90S. 4 finished on big beautifully dining en, kitchen with a kitchen inchidee disiXMal, . 0- at 010 each. COLONUL VILLAGE NEW USraNG—Porter Street NICBLT IX)CATBD M va^eaea. Tke advertlaar alwald read hla ad the riB ST Pree eetlmatea. OaD Howloy. Y i P - Hf^ fiorr after 8:80 to 9:30 p.m. landscaped country lot In aeenlc breakfast room. One ear g#' car garage, large lot Call tM lot on black top road. Over everyone of their m on^, ^ 'This morning he told police area. 6 room Cape, plus rec DAT IT AFFBABS aad RKPOKT BRROB8 In time (or the MS-SS81, 644-8SS0. ALL ‘THE UHUSOM. GARDEN APARTMENTS SIX ROOMS tor offices, store, area Just minutes from Man rage. We Uried the house at for new reduced price. Warren 100’ 'rontage, 2M’ deep. Bel- «»* Pl^yer ‘" , « 'e leg of the second theft. The po­ aaat teerttook A e Herald la reapoaalbie (or oaly ONE taieor* GOIKW BUT t h r e e r o o m apartmenU, all and apartment. 476 Main cheater. Mew mortgage avail $21,000. but they want action room, 2-car garage, deep tree E. Howland, MLS Realtor, 640- llore A g e ^ , 643-6121. 'w»ke another man’s Jaw. lice u e inclined to suspect ^ iiriDriI laaerUoa (or aay adverttaemeat and then only RAT’S ROOWNa 0 0 .—Shingle uttliUea and air condltianing. Street, Manchester. 6490229, able with VA — no money down, and will listen to your offer. shaded, private lot, $17,900. 1106. roofs, gutters, built-up roots, yJHEN ITOOME6 ______T-__ ------I To top it all off, seven of the the two crimes are connected. ta tke oxteat o( a "make (ood” laaertloa. Brrora which do not For appointment call Mr. Minutes from Hartford shopping 90. or PHA $460. down! T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. laaaaa the value o( the adverUoraneat will aot be corrected by roof and chimney repalra, Ray ID THE Plain areas. 1677. s^cH. -i riJ*! “ iS: Jackaon, 048-8820, Ray Haga- Peterman, 848-2408, or Mr. LOW .MAlNTEI^ANCE—6 room Union, Conn., 200 x 200. 684- pants hack on quickly enough "Make ■ood* maertloa. Pontlcelli. 649-9044. 000 OTHER LEmNOS the trees in a beautiful wooded now, 049-2214, Ot* EVERyOAV Spacious 1-2 bedrooms and du­ Houses For Rent 65 SIX ROOM Amaldl built Garri ranch, S bedrooms, enclosed neighborhood. Just off Route 7027. I were arrested on gambling Aerial Performer k l N O - LOOKING tor anything In real plex apartments. son Oolonial, formal dbiins porch, covered rear patio, very 16. House hM 3 bedrooms. 1)4 charges. estate rentals — apartments, COVENTRY LAKE — 4 room room, king rise master bed nice yard, attached g;arage, baths, large rec room, patio, Killed in Plunge d i a l 643-2711 Luxurious garden setting. ^ Samuel M. WTLLY8 8TREHJT — 040 tootl *"!2 Radlo-TT Repair homes, multiple dwellings, call ear ’round house, lake priv room, large landscaped lot price reduced to $16,600. War­ large lot, $18,400. Phllbrick frontage, lusvSzz 648-7444.______put their trousers on the card Soges, one diUd, $80 a month. with ritade trees, Ansaldi ren B. How’iand, MLS Realtor, Agency, 649-8464. Services 18 J. D. Realty, 643-5129. (Ccntlnaed from Page Om ) Swimming Pool and play area. 643-1686. Lavitt Agency HeiAta area, $00,600. Warren 848-1108. BOL’TON — ONE ACRE, level, away. CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ WE HAVE customers waiting E. Howland, MLS Realtor, 648 PRICE REDUCED on 6 room nice location. Also, acreage. Police identified the Injured Many wonderful built-in i^ l i- HILLSIDE AVBINUE, Vernou — ' Cokmial, immediate occupan­ on a high wire and two died and ice, available aD hours. Satla- for the rental of your apart­ ances and conveniences. 648-31M Realtors 070-6307 1108. Phone 640-0689. | nten as Morgan Davto, 46, of Tnibla Raatbiat Oar Advartitar? facttoa guaraatead. OHI 049- ment or home. J. D. Realty, VERNON — Five Room Ranoli, Vernon drone — Pkwy. Exit 60 4-yeaiSold 6 room ranch with cy, St. James Parish, $450 another was paralyzed tor life. RocheUe, N.Y., who suf- Three injured lived to perform ISU, 6430129. All moderately priced. $125 a month. ’Tel. 876-6180. Open 7 Days A week MANCHESTER - 014,000. 1 garage te one-year-old condi­ down. Char-Bon Real Estate, BOUTON-BtwineBB ” "***_ * ^ fared a leg wound, and Calvin room brick Oape, fireplace, tion, shaded yard, built-in kitch' 643-0683. again. M -HM r Aatwariag Sarvita FOR RENT—4 room heated n e a r HARTFORD and East garage, excellent condltton, en, attractive dining room, R^to^^d*44^^ ^ Stamford, who Why "Captain Eddie” feU was Moving—Tmckinf- apartment, near Park Street. CALL GLASTONBURY Hartford—0-room ranch with BOWERS SCBOOL-0 room (OH trees, near bus, shopping, paneled living room with fire­ OFF SILVER Lane Busline — A a matter of conjecture hours beautifully appointed 6)4 room Storagu 20 Help Wanted— Female 36 Dogs— mrds— Pete 41 Household Goods 61 Call 6430118 between 8:80 a.m.- large finished rec itxmi, 0160 riled dormer Ohpe, 4 or 0 bed­ school. Carlton W. Ratentes, place, oil hot water heat, 3 R.Wtor, |1«!^ ^ afterward among eye witnesses. 4:30 p.m. " 638-7181 a month. J. D. Realty Co., rooms, 1 ^ baths, garage, f i t Realtor, 640-6182. bedrooms, new listing. Wolver- Cape on l(X)x200 lot, attached Fna la Harald Raaiart garage, kitchen with built-ins, Herbert M. Boldt, a veteran MANCHESTER Dallvarv. Light TWO HOURS weekly is all It OOLDBN RETRIEVER pup­ EXCELLENT CONDITION — 6- 643-5129. 900. PhUbtlek Agsoey. 441 ton Agency, Realtor, 640-2818. robbed of 0600, police Detroit News reporter, said a plece Paul McCobb walnut bed­ THREE ROOM heated apart 8464. SO. WINDSOR — 6)4 room lovely dining area, 8 large bed­ trucking and package deUvory. takes to run a shopping club pies, 10 weeks old, AKC reg­ Wantsd— Rsal B sta ta 771 aald. But Detective Oapt. Rob­ strap apparently broke as Knlp- ■I Maewaitlaa aai oae o( our elaaaifled advcrttaemautat No room set, plus boKspring and ment, unfurnished, Main FIVE ROOM Cape Cod, 1 bed­ SpCit Level with garage on a $23,900—JUST LISTED, a three rooms, walk-in closets, main­ twor at EM tela koua HetedT Simple euD tho> Refrlgeratora, washers and for few friends. Tou get $25 in istered champion bloodline. ert Hunt eald he suspected the ■chleld started a spin, toot-te- 0 name brands free In 10 weeks. Call 049-0100. mattress. Must be sold. My Street, available August 1st., rooms, garage, parking, stove, SPAOIonB 0 room oldar Ob- shaded 100x200 kit, aluminum family. Two three-roomers on tenance free aluminum siding. C AIL RUSSELL B. ANTHONY, stove moving specialty. Foldlag working couple. Call between FIVE ROOM FLAT. Call 049- refrigerator. 043-0688 after 4 lonlal, modeen kttriw, one floor, a five-roomer on sec­ Wolverton Agency, Realtor, Broker, to sell your property 1 ^ loop and face down from a hori­ ehalra for rant #494701 Send for catalog and details. loss, your gain. Just $360. Also, combinations, rec room, utility EDWARDS FREE to good home—^part good as new, never used, 86” 40, 648-6441. 4820. p.m. baths, 0 bedrooma, 0-ear ga- room, 3 large bedrooms, luge ond. Good Income. Excellent 649-2813. in Manchester, or vicinity. 742- „ , . u zontal bar 86 feet up his 100-foot, Alice Williams,, Popular Club thin and swaying polo. He was Plain, Department K808. Lyn- gcriden retriever, one year old sofa, many other accessories. , alumteum eomhteatlnns, living room, 1)4 baths. Baiy financing available. T. J. 6421. Courteous mrvlce always. | KiU$ H oldup Inan ANSWERING SERVICE FOUR ROOM apartment, auto­ THRBE ROOM apartment, FOR LEASE — CohimMa Lake L40 wooded 017,900. Crockett, Realtor. 648-1677. MANCHESTER — For the low performing at the close of De­ Painting— Papering 21 brook, New Tork. female. Call 049-104$ after 6:80. Call 043-7490 or come to 98 stove, refrigerator, heat, hot X commuting to Hartford. Wol- NEW HAVEN (AP) — A Curtiman Drive, Monday, Au- matic gas heat, on bus line, Section, in lovely old Colonial Phllbrtok Agency. 0400464. verton Agency, Realtor, 640- price of $18,600 one will find package store owner who killed troit’s police field day. 449-DBOO ^ 875-251V water, close to Main St., $86. home. Front entrance, 6 rooms EIGHt r o o m raised ranch, many attractive features in PAINTTNO, EXTERIOR and In- WAITREkSS WANTED for Tues­ gihk 8, 70 p.m. working couple with no chil­ 2818. J Y7 .*1. .*1 a would-be holdup man Satur- Suddenly,” Boldt said, “ Ha dren. 649-4S19. Call after 6, 643-4806, on entire second floor, heated, FICrURBSqUB setting—T room two years old, large living this 8 bedroom home. Large leave yew MMtOk ToaH bear (rom our adverttoer ha Jl( tertor, paperhanging, wall­ day, Wednesday and Saturday, Articles For iiale 46 L P C C i d X O lit flS day night and wounded hlmmX fell free of the loop. As he fell I BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ’TOWN your own thermoetat. New Pro­ brick ranch, family room, IH room with fireplace, modem maple cabinet kitchen with a wHhont dhiK aS evenlnr at the tdephoae. paper removed, dry wall work. hours 8 p.m. - 1 a.m., good THREE ROOM apartment, sec­ MANCHESTER—6 room duplex, in the scuffle, said today he his kept tuniteg In the Reasonable rates. Bank flnane- wages, good conditions. Inquire SCRISENED loam for the best TAKE TOUR TIME PATING! vincial kitchen includes stove, baths, double garage, wooded BLUE CHIP kitchen with built-ins, family spacious d I n e 11 ef Walk-out j same direction he’d been spin­ ond floor, stove, refrigerator, 8 large bedrooms, central heat­ room, .4 or 6 bedrooms, 2-zone would return to hto store Ing arranged. Fully Insured. Charcoal Broiler, 060 E. Mid­ In lawns, delivered from our 1, 2 or 8 TEARS TO PAT refr^erator, and stabiCess steel lot, Manchester. OazltoB W. basement. Desirable reslden-! ^ a s e e W a a - r f ning (on the pole). It sort of heat and hot water, electricity ing, one car garage, 2 chil­ Hutchtes. Realtor. 6400132. hot water heat, garage, $24,9(». tlal section near schools. H. S. F U> 11 U> W I L ■ soon as he eould vndk. Free e.stlmatea. 949-9008, Jo­ dle l ^ e . screening plant Andover Co­ “ SUPER DELUXE” sink. Handsome new bath with OFFERING reminded me of a top slowing Business Services lumbia. Gwprge H. Oriffing, furnished, adults only, no pets. dren welcome, $106. monthly. two marble top sinks. Dining Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. Grady, Broker, 648-8009. T have to go beiidc. It’s my Annoi seph P. Lewis. I ROOMS OF FURNITUftE Call 076-7362. CUSTOM BUIDr f bedroom ; r t f a bread and butUr,’’ said Ctoorge down. As he feU farther and Offered 13 Inc., 742-7880. ALL 100% GUARANTEED Inquire 126 Spruce St. room. ’Two fireplaces, one in aalas and aorv raneb, 3 baths, large living Hera to a home anyone can REPAPERED and repainted 6- KING SIZE SPLIT — Huge M J l l l l S l l Jri. 1’C# 1/cf Field, 57, of WoodmoQt, who farther, the circle got wider.” MJK3TKOLXJX IN8IDB AND OUTSIDB paint­ Help Han ted— Male 36 ONLT $444 16x16 living room, one in 16x16 well enjoy with a great deal loa, banded representative. Al- STEPS, SIDEWALKS. stoua ing. Tou name your own prlca. FROM WALL to wall, no soil VERNON master bedroom. Generous room, fireplace, Utwen with room Colonial, clpse to all kitchen, fireplace, 1)4 baths, fought off tlw second robbery Rudy Klanaeck Jr., IB, said it $14.00 Delivera butit-lns, mdahed rec room of pride. If you appreciate a schools and transportation. recreation room, garage, cel­ hod Amrtl, 110 Bryan Dr„ walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ 649-7808, 870-8401. PLUMBING and heating men. at all, on carpets cleaned with $14.00 Month t'umished Apartments 63-A closets In all rooms, plus attlc. attempt at hto store ta two appeared to him “ Oaptain Fid­ races, hatchways, dry wells. Blue Lustre. Rent electric wlQi fizwiace and bar, at­ quality-built house and good Firepltujed living room, formal lar, shade, only $18,500. Carl­ (Oontinned from Page One) dle” was twirling by hto teeth Kancbester, 044-0141, experienced, for new Installa- — TOU GET — Porch. Garage. Your privilege, neighborhood this 7 room years. All concrete repairs. Reaiwn- EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ Uona. OaK Andover 742-0290 af­ iAiampooer $1. The Sherwin- You Can Afford barn with stalls, grazing tor tached 3-car garage, targe dining room, full attic and ton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649- Field was te aattofaotory from a strap when either the 10-PIECE BEDROOM TWO ROOMS, utilities, free wooded lot tor maxnnum pri­ Cape with 8 or 4 bedrooms, 5182. tal nabbed to 14 lor Mm two P 0U m >-Black and light tan able. 043-0801. ing Wallpaper hooka. Paper- ter 8 p.m. Williams Co. parking, adults, business block. horses. Complete privacy. Ref­ cellar, 2-car garage. Immedi­ oondltton at Ckraoe-New Haven strap brMce or be lost his grip. puppy, male. Call I.erlenced, own LOAM SALE! Dark, rich stone Luxury Living! oy, 649-8464. tached garage phis many in a good residential neighbor­ MANCHESTER-BOL’TON - An­ Police were bomtoarded with - Plus — 649-8191. other extras is worth seeing saldi Acres. Large 7 room Colo­ a man identified as Detroit police said equipment and electric. Repaired, over­ anteed. Leo Pelletier, 049-0820. tools, references. Call 843-0449 free loam, regular $14 only, __ hood. Excellent value. Ask for calls from Hasttaga residenU an nf 294 brought In from Knipschleld’s f o u n d —Black dog, female. REFRIGERATOR CENTER BAIL OoContal-at today. Priced at $28,800 for nial, 2 fireplaces, bulU-iiu, 2)41 hauled, rented. Adding ma­ If no answer, 848-9043. or 848-0278. $12.50. Fill, gravel, sand, atone.' ELECTRIC Elegant new 4 room apartments Resort Property Bill Belfiore. Belfiora Agency, complaining of ahattered performing pole disclosed a Call Lee Fracchia, Dog Ward­ 648-9604. TV "SET ’™" AND * COMB. RANGE ONE ROOM, heated, furnished James Patlrii.ratisn. Potterruner Streetc your approval! Call Carl baths, 2 -cu garage, acre lot chines rented and repaired. in lovely suburban neighbor­ For Rent 67 643-6121. broken rope loop. en, 940-0094. Pickup and delivery service. INTEIRIOR and exterior paint PLUMBERS AND HELPERS Free storage until wanted. Free apartment, bedroom set, gas area. 8 y ea n old. 6 large Bnseer. with trees. Immediate occupan­ PICNIC Tables, several styles, delivery. Free set up by our ow n, hood within warningwalking uisiancedistance inof range, refrigerator, kitchen Knlpschleld went through a Vale Typewriter Service. 049- Ing, wallraper removed, fully for new construction work. Call COLUMBIA LAKE — SmaU rooms, 1)4 batiia, huge reoraa- rs MANCHESTER-BOLTON — 7 cy. Charies Lesperance, 649- extra sturdy construction, 0 rrfiable men. high schwl, bus. shopping and set. Free gas, electricity. Low 7620. flawleaa performance before 16,- 4980. Insured. Rene Belanger, 048- 289-0011 after 7. waterfront cottages lor rent. Uoo room with flrepiaee, bum- room raised Ranch, 2-car ga Stetfoid, wa# dragged from the f foot. $12.80 up; 8 'oot, $16.60 Phon* for Appointment I minutes from Parkway. Equip- rent. Adult. Apply Apartment Ins, breeseway anil attaobed JARVIS REALTY CO. Personals 3 0612 or 044-0004. ped with GE refrigerator, Call 643-2598, 6490929. rage, 3 fireplaces, large family back of her huaband’s motorcy- Givena yunp^ wt 000 In the afternoon. TOU ARB A-1! Truck la A-1! CARPENTERS. Apply at El­ up: delivered. W. Zlnker, Pin-, Samuel Albert, Htfd. CH 7-0380 4, 10 Depot Square. S-car garage. $36,900- Phfl- 648-1131 — Eves. 643-0068 room, laundry room, buUt-lns, MANCHESTER — bnmaculate built-in GE oven, range one owner 4 bedroom 7 room ole and pummeled by a gang of |kto.b«<* t e u aUey, M d a J ^ e While young Klanaeck, son ot #ANT0JD RIDE from Broad Cellars, attica, trash, small lington Ridge Country Club, El­ ney Street, Ellington. 075-7148. | See It Day or Night CAPE-COD, Dennlsport. 2 and 8 brick Agency, 640-Md4. hot water oil heat, 2 half baths garbage disposer. Rent Includes single, oonveident, quiet resi­ Mods whoconsldered the Staf- throat arte said, ‘Give me an Associated Press teltaype op­ and W. Middle Tpke. to Lewl.s trucking done A-1 right! Call Electrical ftervirea 22 lington, Conn. If you have no means of trans­ NEWLY DECORATED, fully bedroom cottages. Rockville MANCHESTER RANCH - 2 and one full bath, on acre lot BRACE TOURSELF for a thrill heat and hot water, free park­ furnished 6 room half duplex, MANCHESTER — Year-old cus­ dential area. B rooms first floor, forda’ leather iitotorcycle gear m RN OR LPN, 11-7, full or LAKEWOOD dR C L B —Want a 649-2818. tember 1st. Assumable 4)4% Karl Wallenda, organiser and at 200-8221 or 049-0056. changed, estlmatea given. Man­ only, full-time preferred, part- pairing. Prompt service. Op to Trees - Brook - Large Yard for variance to build a four- Francisco last month, was na­ part-time. Vernon Haven, 878- Finish As You S o ! home with quitiity through­ G.I. mortgage. Call owner, 644- ed that all of the 48 pensioners. patriarch of the famed Mreus chester Reflni.shlng Co., 643- ■ time 1-5:30, top salary. Call $90 on your old watch In trade. Near Route 6 and 44 family residence on an under­ tional coordinator of volimtoer Office and Store out? Look over our split level ASSUMPTION PARISH - Im troupe, who was among those 9283. ' 2077. Manchester, 643-2128, or apply Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray. 20 minutes to Hartford size lot was refused. 0610. ? ‘“ f pensioner ^ acUvlUes for Gov. VmUam Equipment 54 Wauklng distance to schools up in the Lakewood Circle mediate occupancy. 7 room Co­ Jrart Karl eince has reorganlaed 8905 CHEVROLET 2-door Hard­ in person 9-12 a.m. Tots ’n 737 Main Street, State Theater Case No. 516—W. G. Glenney lonial, fireplace, park-like RARE OPPORTUNITY to pur­ included in the town s g ^ P Scranton of Pennsylvania ta the top, very good condition, $225. Teens, 966 Main Street. Building. Company, owner of Message area. 8 rooms, 2)4 batiis, etc. insurance program, with the latter’s bid for the presidential the troupe and once again to SECRETARY, '.aw office, Man- BOBTAIL stainless steel soda Priced in the mid thirties grounds, on bus line. Char-Bon chase new 8 room Colonla!! in After 6 p.m., 649-9291. Building— rontracting 14 $125. Center Inc., 14 Haynes St., cost to be paid by the town. nomination. He was Ptaney*s perform!^ on the high che.ster. Write Box BB. Herald. fountains. $66 up. Also, large and we think it worth it. T. J. Real Estate, 643-0683. Manchester's most elegant Hartford, Conn. The cost at present would be special assistant before assum- Knlperiiield was under con­ QUALITY CARPENTRY- assortment restaurant equip­ Crockett, Reactor. 648-1577. neighborhood. 2-car garage, 1962 CHEVROLET Impala white Garden— ^Farm—Dairy Make appointment to look knd Bayer and Phelon, attor­ NEW COLONIALS - We have $3,741 per year for $1,000 poll- I uig the post with the Scranton tract to George (Crash) Duni- eport coupe, red Interior, V01 Rooms, dormers. porehes, FRIENDLY ICE CREAM ment. Fontaine’s Used Res­ large wooded lot. Many, many Products 50 at apartment neys. 63 East Center St„ Man­ MANCHESTER—On Harlan St Just listed two four bedroom ries, or 04,680 for $1,260 poll-1 forces. gan of New Britain, a promoter standard shift. Can be seen at | basements refinlshed. cab­ SHOP taurant Equipment, 473 Wind­ unusual features. Low forties. of aerial acts. Dunigan to in Eu­ A NEW CAR THIS FALL? chester, Conn. Request for a 6 room Cape Cod with breeze- colonials with suI the extras up cies. He also numaged the oam- 78 Wa.shington Street. 649-1.369. j inets, built-lna, formica, tile. sor St., Hartford. 649-3266 - 643-4312 Call now. Warren E. Howland, rope at present YOURS EASILY AN ACRE of blueberries, choice variance to build a radio sta­ way and garage, tree shaded on Grandview Street. One home MLS Realtor, 648-1108. The ooRinUttes, in a letter to pslgns of William A. Purtell No Job too small. William 172 Union St., Rockville cultivated varieties and pick­ An acquaintance said Knlp- 1967 FORD, V-8, automatic, 2 THREE ROOM apartment, first tion with towers In a residential lot, dining room, large living has two and a half baths, the General Manager Richard Mar-1 for the U.B. Senate in 19^, Robbins csuT>entry service. Now accepting applications for ings, 30c pint. Dooley, Watrous other 1)4. Two car garages, Bchield used New Britain as a tone Mue. good condition, with extra $$ earned selling Wanted— ^To Buy 58 floor, stove, refrigerator, heat, zone was tabled. room with fireplace, 3 bed- VERNON — Spk and span tin, stresses "the obvious need 1 and of BdwteH. May Jr. for 649-3446. I fall and wdnter part-time posi­ Road, Bolton. 649-3096. walk-out basements, family business address but lived there offer. 049-2683. AVON tions evenings and weekends, all utilities furnished, $90. The effective date of these de­ rooma, 1)4 baths, all tor 817, ranch. 5)4 rooms, garage, com­ to the families of the 48 pen-1 Congress In 1966. WE BUY, BELL or trade an­ room, etc. Has to be seen to binations. Tongren Agency, 648- only during practice seeslons at ADDITIONS — Retaining walls,' m»le and female, over 18. CORN for freezing, lower prices monthly. Call 649-4555, even­ cisions is Aug. 3. 1964. 400. Wolverton Agency. Real sloners, during their golden 1962 VOLKSWAGEN bus, ex­ tique and used turnltura, china, be appreciated. Call, we have 6321, 8760879. 105TH BIRTHDAY Dunlgan’s home. He wee report­ cement floors, garages, bath­ Cosmetics near home In spare for large quantities. 21 Angel ings ______Signed tor. 649-2818. years, at a time when regular cellent condition, low mileage. rooms tiled, remodeling Roof­ time. Big commission.s, no ex­ glass, silver, picture frames the key T. J. Crockett, Real­ BBSTHEL (A P ) •— Grandma ed to be from Indiana. 875-9910 Street. Bolton Zoning tor, 643-1677. rates are prohibitive, and their Call 0490924. ing. Call 6490291. perience required. Pleasant, and old coins, old dolls and ROCKVILLE—Five room apart­ Board of Appeals MANCHESCTER—7 room ranch, Muller, 106 today, observed her guns, hobby collections, attic ment, children allowed, stove, health status makes them in­ dignified work. (Phone 289-4922). FRESH SWEET CORN for Julius Strong, 8 bedrooms, living room, fire VERNON — Near Circle. Oom- .MOVING TO FLORIDA birthday ta Danbury Hospital. contents or whole estates. Fur­ hot water heater, $55, Call af­ place, dining room, large pine eligible for coverage.” Mrs. Emma K. Muller, who to sale; also eggs. Natsisky Chairman mercla'. zone 6 room ranch, The recommendation win ba Trailers— Special Serrices 15 Farm, Inc., 122 Newmarker niture Repair Service Talcott- ter 6, 643-4386. paneled family room, attached called "Grandma,” took a fall Situations Wanted— vllle. Conn. Tel. 643-7449. Byron H. Shinn, plu.s large building. Tongren Green Manor Ranch — discussed by the board of direc­ SOLD MEDUIION Mobile Homes 6-A p a r t -t i m e and full-Ume fab- Road, Vernon-So. Windsor line, Secretary garage, $17,600. PhUbrick te her home te Bethel lost Female 38 Agency, 643-6321, 876-6879. tors at a msetliig tomorrow I'ic. .sale.s girls wanted. Apply' off Dart Hill Rd. next to Ver­ Dated Aug. 1, 1964 at Bolton. Agency, 649-8464. 61/^ rooms, Thursday. She was taken to the 10 FOOT HT-LO aluminum WANTED TO BUT—Antiques night. PAGE PUBLICITY to Manager, Pilgrim Mills. CLEANING by the hour. House­ non Hills. 644-0304. and good used furniture. Vll- Conn. NEW LISTING — Four room boapital tor treatment a t her RANCHES camper, used 7 days, com­ Hartford Road. Manchester. LEGAL SPLIT LEVEL—8 rooms, mod­ Cape, full basement, tile bath, two extra large bedrooms, Injuries. pletely equipped. McBride’s work. Matron for schools; also, ,age Peddler Auction House, ern kitchen with built-ins, Open daily 10 a.m .-9 p.m., • cleaning offices. Call after Route 83, Ellington. 876-8711, wall to wall carpeting in liv­ plus den or extra bedroom, Hospital spokesmen say that Sport Spot, 639 Center St. 649- Specializing ki promoting NOTICE large bedrooms, dining room, ing room, oil heat, excellent large living room with fire­ Doctor to Open Mrs. Muller to In satisfactory products and services to the Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 4:30, 643-7026. Household Go4)ds 51 Bob Flucklger, and Son. The oltfanato te modeap 8747. h u ^ family room 31x38 with condlUon throughout, city wa­ place and dining area, waK- oondltton. public. Experienced In news CLERK, general office w ork ,' LARGE SHIPMENT apartment REPUBLICAN CAUCUS fireplaes, 3 full baths, 2-car ga­ ter, city aewer-, $12,8(X>. Charles to-wall carpet ta hall, living Uving. Total electric heat. CAMPING TRAILER, New media of all types. Septic Tanks Greek Practice must be experienced typist, WILL DO IRONING in my size stoves, $25. Fontaine's Rooms Without Board 59 Republican electors of ” the rage. excellent neighborhood, Lesperance, 649-7620. room and dining area, near lig h ts te an dosets. Itadlt- Horizon, two months old, com- Town of Andover are hereby AND 001,900. n C brick Agency, 649 Buckley School, o.ttached lete, ready for road. $500. good potential with growing home Call 643-6368. Restaurant Equipment. 473 tes. Formica ooantere. TUe concern, all benefits. Apply Windsor St., Hartford. 8270771. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete notified that there will be a 8464. SUNKEN FAMILY room with garage. Call owner, 648- Dr. and Mrs. George E. Va- Church to Fill 46 HUllard Street. 643-9758. P.O. BOX 653 baths. Extra tesniatloa, • r Allied Printing Services, 579 light housekeeping facilities. caucus at the Town Hall on Au­ Plugged Sewers fireplace, 6)4 room ranch, 1)4 4017. sakas sailed last week from MANCHESTER W. Middle Tpke. * LOOKING for housework by the Centrally located. Mrs. Dor- ^gust__ 11, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. for baths, bullt-ins, garage, cov­ New York City aboard the B.B. Associate Post e r'4 large bedrooms. AhnaU day. Call 643-2069. ASSORTMENT ot good used sey, 14 Arch Street, Manches-' the purpose -of selecting party- Machine Gleaned Tenion ered patio, captivating view. Olympia tor Hiessalonlk^ num sldtag, toot Attracffve Auto Driving School 7-A Greece, where they will take up WANTED—Middle age woman, ranges 643-6668. ter. I endorsed candidates for the mu- Carlton W. Hutchins. 6490182. COVENTRY lakefront — $18,- UL APPROVED lightning rode, \ companion to elderly active Septic ’Tanka, Dry WeiUs, REASONABLE RANCH permanent residence and the The Rev. Richard W. Dupee wooded lets. Le a r n t o d r iv e — special '! nlcipal offices to be voted on at 900. Attractive neighborhood, awnings, roofing, siding, gut­ woman. Cooking, light house­ Dors—B irds— Pets 41 EVERYTHING In sterilized re­ FRONT ROOM, centrally locat­ Sewer Lines Instnlied—€el- MANCHBSTER^In the Buck doctor will enter into private has accepted a call from South attention to nervous and el-1 the November 3, 1964 election, fully furnished, clean, 5-room ters, combination windows In­ hold duties, live in, moderate conditioned u.sed furniture ana ed, half block from Main, and to transact such other busi­ inr Waterprooang Done. ley School area. Big, immacu practice. Mrs. Vasakas is the Methodist Church to servs as deriy. Classroom for teen­ DACHSHUND. AKC registered, Ell riiaped, 6 rooms with 8 year 'round home, garage, sured warranty Free e.stl-1 .salary, bu.sline, near Post Of­ appliances, high quality -low parking, 89 Birch St. 649-7129. ness- as may properly come be­ late 7 room Ranch, featuring former Joan B. Swanson, associate miniater. He will * All these features ta agers. Pickup service. Day or puppy shots, champion blood price.s. I.,eBlanc Furniture, 196 bedrooms, 2 partlaCly com­ atone fireplace, large screened- preach at all church services mates, budget accounts. Bea-1 fice. Immediate opening. Call fore said caucus. McKIHNEY BROS. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, kitch­ daimhter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl brand new home Just ml evening lessons. Reasonable' lines' 643-9482 South Street, Rockville. 878- ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, pleted rooms in barament, in porch, shade trees, ameaito next Sunday, and will assume rates. Manchester Driving con Lightning Protection. 643' 64.3-8016 after 7 p.m. Signed ixAt-tes, fire alarm system, en with large dining area, E. R. Swanson of Williams Rd., ntes from Blaachester 8315. 2174. Open 9-8. private entrance, shower, park­ Sewerage Disj^osal Co. As welcoip* 68 a compliment buUt-tes, fully finiahed and drive. Must sell. Lawrence F. his duties beginning Sept. 7. Academy, 742-7249. GROOMING and boarding, will Clarence W. Custer, near new Skiimer Rd. Bolton. Tbs couple were mar­ « Liberal ing gentleman only. Apply 196 118 Peari S t — 640-0006 to the slim young figure — the heated rec room, 2-car garage, Fiano, Realtor, 643-2756. He replaces ths Itev. Roy collect and deliver. H. C. Spruce Street. ______Town Chairman smart shift shown here with a School. Only $18,900. Call 8. Charles Nicholson, 742-6364. ried in Juiu 1668. ACT NOW — 100’ frontage, built 1969. Dr. Vasakas graduated from HoUto, who laf^ the local LEAVE YOUR pre-school child, Chase. Harmony Hill Kennels, double breetsted effect. Sew with Complete this lovsly quit Ctalk 040-6806,^875-2800. Motorcyclcfr—Bicyclefl 11 cellent buy at $22,900. Wolver­ the University of Hiessalonlks dhurch te JuiM for a pastorate ages 3-8, with us while you Bolton. 643-6427. ANYONE LOOKING without the collar. you go along! Hie trick to to fold INVESTMENT PROPERTY—$ DEMONSTRATE TOYS or ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2818. School of Medicine te Greece te Maine. work or relax worry-free. No. 8846 with Patt-O-Rama to a s(]uare, add a print center, family in good condition, fine The Rev. Mr. Dupee comes to BOARDING, dogs only. Lady INVITATION embroider a daisy! It’s fun to BARROWS & WALLACE and came to the U.8. on a Ful- BICYCLE, boy’s 28” , good con­ Hours to meet your require­ Work now 'til December full orj Buster Kennels, R. P. Cobb 218 for 6 rooms of INVITATION fa sizes 10, 12, 14. 16, 18, 20. Manchester Parkade, MANCHESTER — 6 room Co- location, excellent returns on ments. Licensed child care Investment. Owner 649-0629. bright grant. He ^ n t one | Manches^ 8-BBOBOOH dition. Call 649-0163 after 6 p.m. part-time. Experience unneces-, Hillstown Rd., Manchester. Fine China Bust 81 to 40. Size 12, 82 bust. do, too 1 Manchester 649-6306 ionia'i in AA area with breeze­ year of rotating Internship at'ton (R.I.) htethodist C h u n ^ .service. Happy Hours Nursery Pattern No. 6074-N has com RANCH n s j N sary. Excellent commissions. i 649-8496. T O B ID T O BID With -sleeves and collar, 4 yards way and 2-car garage, 23 foot Outeev. Maas., two years of having served previously at & Day Care Center, 188 Silver No Investment. No collecting. | Pattern, Cut plete directions. CUSTOM RANCH—8 bedrooms, Quteey, Mass., two yeara furniture, don’t hesitate any Sealed bids will be received at ’ Sealed bids will be received at 35-lnch. living room with fireplace, other churches te Maasaebua- 4-BEDBOOM Hunnesa Senrlccs Lane,’ E. Hartford. Conn. 528- No delivering. Write or Call col­ To order, send 80c in coins to: To order, send S6c in coins to: 2 baths, large UVing room, residency te general surgery at I H longer. For quick sale, the Office of the General Mana­ it the Office of the General and Colored CONCORD ROAD - $30,000 formal dining room, large fam­ ths Lawrence and Memorial atts. He studied at Boaton Uhl- BAKCB SIMM Offered 13 0976. lect SANTA’S PARTIES. INC. CHIHUAHUA pupa, AKC, toy please call 640-1828. between Sue Burnett, The Manchester Anne Cabot, The Manchester ily kitchen, 8 generous slzed^ fireplace, dlzteg room, rec ger, 41 Center Street, Manches­ Manager, 41 Center Street, room ranch. Finished base­ Hospital, Hew London, and two -verslty, to married and has one Avon, Conn., OR3-3466. After 6, breed. 742-6369. 12 noon-1 p.m., or 80:80 Manchester, Connecticut, until Glassware Kvaning Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Evening H e^d, U00 AVE. OF ment, 1)4 baths, real deep lot bedrooma, 1)4 baths, shaded room, attairiied 3-oar garags, riitid. Hto wife to ths form sr E aWNMOWBR Sharpening; ter, Connecticut, until August years a t nsidaney te luology In ra- ORS-9829. p.m. August 7, 1964 at 11:00 a.m. for AMERICAS, NEW YORK. N.T. AMERfOAS, NEW YORK. N.T. with Menlc area, etc. Terrific yard. Owner transferred. Wol­ beujtiful view, $K1,000. iniH- Bylvta Oovon, danghter o f Mr. pairs, sales, rotor bli 11, 1964 at 11:00 a.m. for the Yale 8es, the sale of Coca Cola Vending 00086. 16068. buy. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, verton Agency, Realtor, 640- brlcfc Agency, Realton, 649- and Mrs. Warren iL Oovdll sharpened; Mcycle sales, serv­ pedigreed and registered, $76. One (1) ’Tractor Rotavator. ANTIQUES reowtly completed hto final t t Eltanrib MMia SALESLADIES, full-time (mly, For lst0lau mailing add 10c For Ist-class mailing add 10c #48-1677. 3818. 8464. ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, DION CONSTRUenON—Roof­ i l d ’ foniiB and specifications Machines. ' year a t urology resldenoy at Bast Hartford. women's and junior miss or 649-6767. BABY CARRIAGE and Cosco - • •• * Bidforme Are available at the VICTORIAN MARBLE lor each pattern. Print Name, for each pattern. Print Name, 149 W. Middle Turnpike, 649 ing, aiding, alterations, ceil­ I , . , . wu are available at the Controllers TOP STANDS, PEWTER, Address with Zone and Pattern SO. WINDSOR—Coloniaii ranch, MANCHESTER—24x48 ranch, 8 General Hospital, Cincinnati. AfiMt} children’s appa,fel In our new POODLES MINIATURE silver, Jumping chair $12. for bmh., Man- Controller’s Office, 66 Center Address with Zone, Style No. VERNON—Ranch 6 rooms. 0 9096. ings.- gutters and aluminum OLD JEWEUiy, EARLY Number. AA zone. Six large roomqon bedrooms, ceramic bath with His wife Is a 1057 honor gradu­ To obtain a needed small expansion. Top salary. Apply . male*. female, reristered, Also baby walker, new, $8. 648- Connecticut. Street, Manchester, Connecticut. and Size. bedrooms, family size kitch amount at colored paint tor an BM BUddto Tflte. Ea^ ■ windows. 643-4382, 643-0898. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. New—’64 Fall-Winter Album! en, partial rec room in ba acre lot one-half mile from doubla vanity, fintohed rec ate of Manchester High School RBPAZR8 on aU ni|d(es at ra in person 9-12 a.m.. Tots ’n pedigreed, reasonable. 649-6767. 7791. Town o f Manchester, Town of Manchester, Bend another 60c today tor and a . 1061 graduate of Oon- j gnwrgency tguctei^^ atir T0L0AS-09M Teens, Casual Villager Shops, Connecticut R. M. REID aad Bon your copy of the new fall A Articles; Custom CoUectfon; ment, lot 00x160 with tre new school, wooded area to room, 2 fir q ^ B a , dayligitt (rlcerators, washers, ranges iroW ELL SIDING and r o v ­ Connecticut 640-7170 hasemant, near naottmit OoDaga lor Woman, food e c d o i^ te n aad drysrs. AUl oil burners 956 Main Street, Manchester, UNIVERSAL electric range, Richard Martin, wtetar ’64 issue of our patten regidu ieaturea: ttems to 064,000. W S b tU k Aganogr, 04B- raar. ICadaltea Smith, Roaltar, ing-finest quality aluminum Richard Martin, I M to F a PteAi fW.0$K New London. pen oBtote tea 1 alaened and aatvibad. AU work riding and instaUatlon. 046- or call for appointment 040- BOXOR 00aDFfaDRD very renaonablt. CaH after 4, General Manager keek Bataa FkaUco. kulwl Oalr Wta|a acff. 040-O014. Oenaral Manager 0100010. UT9. 0100. , • r ior Md4. (9ri| T430M0. ' . 7 < f 1 v-7 / ■ ' r I . ■ ■^.: ' . i- ■■' > ' ■ x' *rs“ # • I. .

■'• ■ ^ 'Ti^;; ■ ^;vc__ i"7T'»Tt^ *f\ .' # Av«rag« Daily Nat Praaa Rob ■J : Tha Weatha T r; '*''““r:ri;^!'( |i ’'''■'■ X VI1 IIONDAT, AtTCtTBf I; IM i T ot the WMk BtuM breeeet at V. B. WamB EhththiB; Ifp August 1, 1964 13,708 Cleer, eMBy teeight, Wediwdey eouqr, Ug U fM e Review. WBA, wlU ■ s. Member at the Audit r lEumtttg H^raUi meet tomorrow ai| ^ at 8 at Bmeea at Gbeuletloa ■Mglriljr ebeve Sa. -'!»ilSoir.TftWB- Odd Fdlowa Han lor a badnesa A C it y o / VMagm Chm rm - 4 ■■; '•-‘^ :■' - ■ ■ meetlag. ___r W ATtt win m««t _____»t the Ita n u The VFW wni held a meeting TDL.L] e . e f t i [,NO. 260 (IIGHTBEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1964 (UieMttlea AdTHtWug m Pege M) PRICE gEVBN CKM11I k dti a d l«d g «^ W«l(hin(-ln at the poet home tomorrow 16eld from 7 to 8, foUoWed night at g ^ a bmiiMM meettaiK. Hose and Ladder Co. 1, Town R ecord (!!oId XitUo MiM SoftbaU ooachea Fire Department, wUl hold its •nd Msiatanta will meet tomor* monthly meeting tomorrow at Navy Beefed Up Off Viet, row night at S at the home of 8 p.m. at the firehouse, Hart­ WINDSOR LOWS (AP) —Temperatures dipped to a the prudent, Mra. George Mlt- ford Rd. and Pine S t K ? / t y e Varioty... MORE Selection and Solving,;/ far-from-aumraerlike 49 de- aey, 85 8. Alton St. greea in Connecticut today, Timetable Adopted ail—wii^ Lincoln Tajdor, Given Shoot~to~Kill Order a record low for the date. daughter of Mr. and M n. Allan Public Records ’The new record was reach­ i . Tiorlor of M Henry 8t.. waa ed at 5:26 a.m. at the U.S. aamed recently to Uie dean’s Warrantee Deede U$« Your WASHTNRTON TAPA __<8’the U.8. deztroyer Maddox by^ettack Sunday, which left one of Weather Bureau. The previ­ list at Pembroke College in Paul B. McNamara to Al- three North Vietnamese torpedo the three Red boats burning, ous low for Aug. I was 51 in the wake of President degrees in 1956. Brown University, Providence. freda Godbout, property at 40 Houso & Halo Charf^a boate. was an accident, a mlsjudgment Durkin St. Johnson’s order beefing up In advance of the departure of or a deliberate provocation. Thomas W. Lawrence, son of Alfreda Godbout to Paul B. U.S. naval forces o ff Com­ the four vessels, shore leave If similar Red assaults are Reapportioning Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Law­ McNamara, Mary Elisabeth munist North Viet Nam, waa canceled for officers and launched, bolstered American naval units In the Gulf of Tonkin rence of 316 Bdison Rd., has be­ McNamara and. Katherina A. the giant U.S. aircraft car­ crew, and the ships apparently Events gun basic training at the Naval Reilly, property at 40 Durkin SAVE ON FAMOUS were placed on alert. were prepared to carry out Training Center, Great Lakes, St. • rier Constellation and three Besides the Constellation, President Johnson’s orders to K. I. R. Stlch Associates Inc. to other American warships they Included the guided miasile destroy any attacking force. Miriam I. Kellsey, property at set Sail from Hong Kong to­ frigate Grldley, and the destroy­ The President announced to In State Legislature The Army-Navy Auxiliary newsmen Monday his ahoot-to- 99 Pond Lane. “LADY PEPPERELL” SHEETS and CASES day. ers Preston and Fechteler. wfil sponsor a card party to­ Kenneth G. Bensen and Doris kill orders to the Navy. Pre­ A U.S. spokeaman in Hong Meanwhile, U.S. officials here viously orders had been for the night at 8 at the clubhouse. J. Bensen to Kenneth G. Skin­ House and Hale has the right size sheet for just about any size bed . . . regular flat styles Reconvenes Kong said the four ships left ac­ were watching to see if the Sun­ naval units to defend them- Aide Says Spray ner and Shirley A. Skinner, cording to schedule. He declined day attack was an isolated inci­ Thomas P. Massaro, seaman or fitted sheets, that have elastic completeley around both ends— easiest to put on— no lifting selvu but not necessarily to pnH>erty at 80 Arnott Rd. to give their destination or to dent or part of a hazardous new destroy the attacker. On Thursday USN, is a crew member of the Robert M. Housekeeper and ■ay if the move w u connected Communist strategy. Curbs Invasion destroyer USS Ault operating or tugging— slips over fourth comer with one finger. Cool muslins, or crisp percales all in In Simday’s clash, tha Navy Mary Elisabeth Housekeeper to with J o h n s o ^ announcement ’They said it was difficult to disclosed Monday, the destroyer with the Sixth Fleet in the Med­ Donald E. and Anne H.' Vallerte, that followed Sunday’s attack on determine whether the sudden Of Army Worms HARTFORD (AP) — iterranean. He is the son of Dr. beautiful sparkling white. Add subtle color to your room mix or match them with other Maddox scored a direct hit on property at 39 Clyde Rd. one of the PT boats vdth a five- Connecticut’s (General As­ and Mrs. Joseph Massaro of 52 George R. Green and Patricia Hlllcrest Rd. Pepperell solid color or printed sheets and cases. See them now! • inch gim. ’The Communist craft HARTFORD (AP) — A sembly, summoned to a spe­ L. Green to George A. McKen- later was strafed by aircraft cial session to reapportion xie and Velma A. McKenxie, state official says an inten­ Sunset Council, Degree of from tha carrier U.S.8. ’Ticon- itself, will follow a time­ property at 100 Delmont St. deroga and left burning in the sive spraying program has Pocahontas, will meet tonight FINE MUSLINS ...... TYPE 131 LUXURY PERCALES...... TYPE 186 Federal Ei es table taking it at least past at 7:80 at the home of the Poca- Earl A. Carron Jr. and Vic­ water. The Maddox was not checked an invasion of de­ hantas, Mrs. Bessie Farris, 9 toria M. Carron to Thomas J. damaged and no American sail­ structive army worms. the middle of August to a o Durkin St., for a business meet­ Crockett, property at 172 High ors were hurt. Bralnard T. Peck, a consult­ complish the task. 72 X 108, twin fitted U.S. Defense and State De­ ing. St. 72 X 108, twin fitted ant to the State Pesticides Con­ The mechanics for the ses­ Homer F. Larabee and Mar­ SAY Assured of Raises partment officials believe the trol Board, said spraying will sion were worked out by legis­ An open house will be held cella R. Larabee to Philip J. bottom ...... bottom ...... PT boat sank. A reconnaissance continue this week. lative leaders yesterday, ths at 233 Center St. Wednesday Perkowekl and Bernadette M. flight over the area, in Interna­ “We now have the uisects un­ first day of the special sessioa evening at 7 for friends of Ma Perkowski, property at 51 "CH A RG E IT WASHING’TON (AP^ — Prac-^because they will receive three tional waters SO miles off North der control and should have called by Gov. John N. DemF* X 81 X 108, double fitted bottom.. 2.67 Viet Nam, found no trace of the and Mrs. Joseph Reale of Cono- White St. 81 108, double fitted bottom. . 2.07 ttcally all of Uncle Sam’s em­ or four increases In their first 11 them completely checked by the sey. ga Park, Calif. Calvin J. Carlni and Cather­ months of service due to promo­ craft. end of the week," he said. Dempsey told the sessioa ployes — from Congress mem­ ine J. Oarini to Eugene W. Rey­ 90 X 108 ...... 2.37 90X 108 ...... 2.97 PLEASE" tions. Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp, top Airplanes, helicopters, ground that the General Assembly dora U.S. military commander in the William K. Winnie, son of nolds and Carol A. Reynolds, bers to postmen and servicemen ’The pay bill agreed on by Sen­ equipment and. In one case, a not want the reapportlonment Mrs. Grace Donnelly of 35 Ken­ Cases 45 X 38 ...... 2/1.37 — are assured, of fatter pay ate and House conferees would Pacific, said today, “ The laat fire engine were used to spray Job "done for us” by ths courts. property at 331 Bush Hill Rd. Cases 42 X 38 ...... 2/.84 time we saw it, it was in flames. wood Dr., was promoted recent­ Lee 8. Putnam and Rita M. riiecks. be retroactive to the first pay crops. Peck said. Then, after the leaders adopted period after July 1 for all but don’t know If It sank but the The army worms did more the timetable, the session was ly to signalman third class, Putnam to Joseph P. Lawler Congress approved Monday, the members of Congress and chances Kre pretty good it did.” damage to silage corn than any recessed until Thursday. USN, aboard the command ship and Mary A. Lawler, property and President Johnson Is ex­ high-level congressional em­ He said there were no North other crop. Peck said, although A sign of resistance from USS Northampton operating at 202 Autumn S t pected to sign quickly, a $207 ployes. They must wait until Vietnamese casualties “ that we some .Tweet com and hay was small towns ' to a reapportlop- eut of Norfolk, Va. WiUtam Edward Burke and Martex - TOWEL SAVINGS Rilllion pay raise for the mili­ ’DACRON RED UBEL know of, but there is no way of Jeanne F. Burke to Gordon E. next January for their raisas. also devoured. ment plan that' meets the re­ BED tary. ’The President has strongly telling.” “Overall, the total destruction Stevens and Doris M. Stevens, And Senate and House confer- quirements of federal court b^ backed this measure, contend­ The State Department des­ was minor," he said. "However, property at 20 Harlan St aes reached agreement on a came evident on the session’s Popular “LUXOR” Ensembles ing it is essential to retain key cribed the engagement as an there were a lew individual Executor’s Deed $856 million increase for the 1.7 opening day. , PILLOWS personnel In government. “unprovoked arack” and said it farmers who were hit hard." The cenirt has ruled thal The Connecticut Bank and 100% combed cotton terry. Made of extra long loop, double thread cotton million classified civil service The bill carries these annual was sending a protest to the LECLERC Trust Co., executors of the es­ and postal workers, and top ’The worst outbreaks were .in Connecticut’s legislature must with no-pucker textured borders. White, pink, shadow green, torquoise, Increases: Communist North Vietnamese Litchfield, Middlesex, New Lon­ tate of Allan R. Coe, to AUan Regular 4.99 jumbo government officials, Congress be realigned on the basis at FUNERAL HOME Hikes for the vice president government. don and Windham counties. R. Coe Jr. and Joan- A. Coe, cord welting, large 21 antique gold, beige or cocoa. Mix or match with other Martex fldralS or members and federal Judges. more or less equal populatithe owner at the oar was DavM discharged at Haddam Nsek VACATION TIME To Jarvis Realty Co., altera­ BLANKET LAY-A-WAY newly enlisted men because from a nuclear power plSJ^ tflk terson, R-Old l(ym e,' emerged Face T ow el. . . .35 Bley are In training status and Rockville Police Chief George Liswis Ash, 21, wtto from a two-hour RepuWeas tions to interior of store at 283 ’Trapp was responsible for the addresses RFD $, th i Connecticut Y in- B^Bay Prison In Jersey Rioting lUSlNESS CLOSED W. Middle Tpke., $2,900. Rse Atomic Power Co. The wa­ caucus and observed that very capture early this afternoon of a Manchester, and Avoco, PaV few of the GOP lawmakers To Anderson-Shea Post VFW, CHATHAM Manchester youth who alleged­ ter Is to be part of the plant’s additions to clubhouse at 608 E. Gorilla Caught, Tran> also recalled that Arii cooling system. GHAMPAONOLE, Franee would favor changing the ap­ UNTIL SEPT. 1st ly held up Cherrone’s Package had said he was staying with a (A P )—The first of nine miners JERSEY CITY. N.J. (AP) —< man police department on stan- portionment of ths House, If Center St, $200. Store, 622 E. Middle Tpke., Just Dr. Franklin M. Foote, state To D. A. Moran for J. C. Ford, “WOOLSHIRE” DOMESTICS BASEMENT friend in Vernon. Manchester health commissioner, said yes­ trapped since July 27 in n lime­ Bands of young Negroes, hur­ dy alert but said help from the they had a choice. Nurses Hangover two hours before. police, contacted by telephone, stone mine was brought safely state would not be needed. dOP State Chairman A. alterations to dwelling at 817 terday that state officials who ling gasoline bombs, bricks and Center S t, $585. About 10:40 a.m. today Man­ asked Trapp to check out the were directed by Gov. John to the surface today. An aide to Gov. Richard J. Searle Plnney, asked how ths 80 x 90...100'’/o WOOL suspect. surged To Nutmeg Homes Inc. for CHICAaO (AP) — Sinbad the chester police had received a call Dempsey to study the plan had A metal rescue capsule rose bottles at policemen, Hughes said early today that legislators reacted to the spe­ KEN MORRISON Joseph O’Brien, new porch 8t BLANKET A n n a nursed a hangover to­ that a young man armed with a Rockville Police Lt. Emilio met and “ talked over-the gen­ slowly to the surface from a through Jersey City streets the governor was ready to send cial sessioa, said: “There were 60 Croft Dr., $800. day, Just like anyone else not pistol had held up the package Pellegrini and Sgt. Raymond G. eral problem." depth about 250 feet where the again Monday night in a riot reinforcements to the city if of­ all kinds of reactions." Plnney said the general m - ’To Conyers Construction Co. Regular 15.99 . . . twin WINDOW SAVINGS used to being out on the town. store and fled In a red, 1957 Dunham were dispatched to The officials, said Foote, miners have waited to be freed.! that left two Negroes shot and ficials requested it. ELECTRICIAN CAPE CODDERS aotioa was, “We’ll try to the for Glazon Corp., temporary or full beds. Luxurious One of the largest gorillas in Ford convertible. find Ash. Arriving at Aril’s “ agreed to intensify our study They were trapped by a fall of persons inured, Whelan said the situation in sheds on Parker St., $5,000. captivity, the 6-foot, 500-pound They broadcast an alarm to friend’s home shortly after in determining what the effects Police arrested seven Negroes Jersey City, aefoss the Hudson deep nap, fin ish ^ with rock and rescue teams worked (See Page ISgM) Sinbad slipped out of his cage surrounding towns, which was 12:50 p.m., they found him Just of discharging heated water will day and night... to’ free them._____ disorderly persons charges, River from New York City, was wide nylon binding. Monday and romped through 20 picked up at police headquar­ leaving by the front door. His ' 'Tm I—.. : bringing to 20 the number of ar- one of “ hooliganism versus law Ruffled beauties . . . Crisp cotton be and other problems relating The first man out was Pierre j^^oke Mothproof, decorator minutes of freedom, his first ters In Rockville. car matched the description of to the construction of the atomic and order." The city has 275,000 broadcloth . . . Machine washable and since coming to Lincoln Park the get-away vehicle, and he Connus, a 2S-year-oId bachelor. residents, 17 per cent of whom Rockville Police Chief Trapp power plant. out Sunday night colors. pre-shrunk. All drip-dry. Gives win­ Zoo in 1948 as an infant. was carrying a 22-callber pistol Early today, the hit-and-run, are Negroes. recalled upon hearing the de­ “ We should complete our re­ CHAMPAGNOLE. France dows a new lift . . . as tiers and val­ Sinbad confined his wander­ and about $100 in cash—sm port by early fall,” he said. bands retreated from the The two Negroes who were ings to the inner corridor of the scription of the car that the amount approximately equal to (AP) — Nine miners trapped Bulletins ance, topper and tiers, tier-on-tier or Foote met with William 8. streets, but more than 100 po­ shot and a white man dragged ANNUAL U N IFO RM SALE monkey house, but alarmed zoo owner of a slmiliar vehicle had that stolen from the packsige deep in a collapsed limestone licemen still patrolled a wide from his truck and stabbed by Ciriled from A P Wires create your own treatment. In crisp officials evacuated 75 persons been issued a written warning store. Wise, director of the State Wa­ mine for eight days were only ter Resources Commission; area of the predominantly Ne­ Negroes were the only persons white, pink, yellow or beige. from the building and called for on the night of July 30 for driv­ Ash was taken to Rockville hours from freedom today as a gro section In the southern part kept at Jersey City Medical George 8. Russell of the State giant drill punched a rescue 12.97 ing with a defective taillight. of the city. Center. All three were In good Department of Agriculture, (See Page Thre*) A check of the files revealed (See Page Eight) shaft through to their tiny sub­ Windows in a score of stores condition. Committee Votes ® Conservation and Natural Re­ terranean chamber. Two patrolmen, including one 25 7 Regular 1.99 sources; Eugene S. Loughlln, were smashed and some busi­ Mine officials said the 23-lnch nesses looted in the latest out­ who suffered a fractured ankle, FAMOUS BRAND NAME LUXLRAY SUPER SIZE chairman of the State Public diameter drill ground through were among the 16 injured who Measure to Slow LADY PEPPERELL Utilities Commission; and Theo­ break. 24", 30", 36" the final shell of rock shortly At a midnight press confer­ were treated and released. UNIFORMS dore B. Bampton, director of the before 1 p.m. without causing The Negroes were identified Reapportioning R«gular 6.99 . . . medi­ Regular 4.99... Warm ence more than three hours aft­ rock to fall on the men. er the riot began. Mayor Thom­ as Louis Mitchell, 19, and John um weight synthetic blanket for full or twin s ■ ’y (See Page Eight) Rescue workers at Mt. Rivel as J. Whelan said he believed Dudley, 21. Mitchell waa wound­ WASHINOTON (AP)—nM blankets of Acrllan size. Nylon binding, Regular 1.00 Valance...... 72 ed In the neck and shoulder and and rayon that provide rushed forward as the drill sud­ the violence had “ passed Its Senate Judiciary Oommlttee * washable. Choice of denly dropped several yards. It peak.” gave speedy 10-2 approval Warmth without popular colors. 45" length...... 2.12 (See Page Ten) weight. Attractive col­ had been inching slowly down­ But he reiterated his warning: today to a bill nnder whldi “ We will use all the force and ■tatra could stave oft for twa ors. ward in final stages of the res­ 54" length...... 2.42 News Tidbits cue. effort to avoid collapsing power at our disposal to see that years or more oourt-ordiMred the ceiling of the mine chamber. law and order is maintained.” legislative reapporttonmeat. (2 for 10.50) (2 for 7.50) from the AP Wires 63" length...... 2.62 Immediately after the break­ He said he was prepared to sit Views Vary Sen. Everett M. Dlrksea, R - through, rescue workers began down with civil rights leaders ni., had asked for the aotlo|l “ anytime, anywhere” but the aa a preHnrinary to a move to A small deposit and regular payments hold your selection until October 1st. 72" length...... 2.82 setting up a hoisting rig to be Ex-Chancellor Konrad Ade­ used to bring the men to the first problem was maintaining On Causes attach the measure to sonto nauer scolds West German pa­ order. major legislation eertaln tg pers for attacks on Sen. Barry (See Page Eight) He continued the entire 900- reach President Johnson’s Goldwatcr, saying, “It Is not Of Disorder desk. Sen. Kenneto B. H eal­ MORGAN JONES “INSULAIRE” BLANKET our business." ing, R-N. T., reported the vote FLANNEL BACK TABLE CLOTHS i The United States and the JERSEY